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Digital Marketing Yearbook 2010
Stay engaged with your customer and flexibly
follow the trends across multiple platforms.
“ “
Edited by Rachel Oliver
asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 1
The ears, eyes
and voice of digital
marketing in Asia
The Asia Digital Marketing Association (ADMA)
is the voice of, and advocate for, the digital
marketing industry in Asia (excluding Japan).
The ADMA is guided by senior executives in the
industry and is charged with gaining consensus
and providing leadership on key industry issues.
The ADMA actively promotes the benefits of
using mobile and the Internet as channels to
communicate with consumers as well as lobbying
and public relations assistance for member
The ADMA is a non-profit organisation with a
membership base representing online publishers/
portals, agencies, research companies, technology/
service companies and marketers/advertisers.
❚❚ Why join the ADMA?
Being a member gives you access:
•	 Unified voice for the industry to promote the use of
digital and the Internet (in the media and with potential
•	 Forum for standards and best practice sharing
•	 Spokespeople to represent members and respond to
•	 Industry contacts and networking opportunities
•	 Sponsorship opportunities to raise awareness of your
•	 Discounted rates for regional events
•	 Notification of relevant speaking opportunities
•	 Professional digital marketing qualifications – discounted
enrolment fees for members
•	 Entry in the online Membership Directory and annual
Asia Pacific Digital Marketing Yearbook
•	 Job matching service to help you find staff
❚❚ How to join the ADMA
Membership fees are set low enough to encourage
universal membership among industry players, and taken
together provide sufficient revenues to underwrite regular
activities. Other activities are funded by sponsorship (cash
and in kind) and by charging admission fees for some
Visit and
complete the online registration form.
Visit for more details.
The ADMA gives heartfelt thanks all our members for their support and contributions:
ADMA Patrons:
ADMA Corporate members:
ad:tech, Admax Network, AGENDA Group Asia, BBE, British Council, comScore, Coremetrics, draftFCB China, Dow Jones Publishing
Company (Asia), Edipresse, Experian Hong Kong, eyeblaster, Financial Times, Google Hong Kong, Hewlett Packard, Johnson & Johnson
Vision Care Asia Pacific, KatalystM, Lucini & Lucini, Mediaplex, MRM Worldwide, NDS Asia Pacific, Nielsen Online, Omnicom Group,
Omniture, PGi, Publicis Modem Singapore, Pulse Mediatech,, Singapore Press Holdings, SingTel Digital Media (inSing), The
Economist, The Hyperfactory, The Rubicon Project, The Upper Storey, TIME & Fortune, Universal McCann, Vocational Training Council,
Wunderman, wwwins Isobar, ZUJI
And all our Individual members.
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asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 3
❚❚ Asia Pacific	 6
❚❚ Australia	 12
❚❚ China	 18
❚❚ Hong Kong	 26
❚❚ India	 30
❚❚ Indonesia	 34
❚❚ Japan	 38
❚❚ Malaysia	 42
❚❚ Singapore	 54
❚❚ South Korea	 58
❚❚ Taiwan	 62
❚❚ Thailand	 66
❚❚ Vietnam	 70
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4 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 5
•	 When it comes to making online purchases, Asians
across the board listen closely to their friends. Nearly
half (48%) of South Korean internet users said they
had bought something in the past because it was
either discussed or recommended by one of their
online friends, as have 38.2% of Malaysians, 40.4% of
Japanese, 42.2% of Vietnamese, 48.4% of Indonesian's
and one third of Filipinos.
•	 Mobile shopping is taking hold of the region, with nearly
eight out of 10 Asian mobile users engaging in some
form of mobile shopping activity in the past year.
• 	 The Koreans are the top shoppers, with 97% of internet
users say they have shopped online.
• 	 Indians spent the least amount of time online of any
Asian nation, at 11 hours per month.
• 	 63% of Singaporeans online watch TV at the same
• 	 Japan leads the pack with mobile social media – more
than 75% of social network users only access the sites
via their mobiles.
• 	 The Filipinos lead the world in SMS, with two billion text
messages sent every day.
•	 Hong Kong people take the instant message crown,
spending twice as much time IM'ing as anyone else in
the region.
•	 More than half the Asia Pacific region's online population
is Chinese, but they are the least prolific users of search
in Asia Pacific.
•	 Australians spend more time on social networking
sitesthan anyone else in the world (seven hours a
month) and 27% of all Australians blog.
Online advertising spending has rebounded, following
recovery from the recession, and continues to grow.
However, there is no consistent pattern across the region.
In 2009, Japan's online ad revenue grew just 1.2% over
2008, but hit a milestone: more money was spent on online
media than on newspaper advertising for the first time. In
China in 2009, 16.69% of all ad spend was online. Contrast
this statistic with the Philippines, where just 1% of total
advertising expenditure is online and SMS reigns supreme.
For reference, Singapore's percentage of online spending
stands at approximately 6%.
Another trend to watch is the balance of paid, owned
and earned media. Paid media such as rich media, display,
search and sponsored content remain the dominant forms
of online marketing expenditure. Companies and brands
continue to trust the control over the media plan and the
content that paid media offers.
Owned media such as corporate websites, brand
websites and microsites have always been an important
component of the online marketing mix. Now increasingly
social media such as Facebook pages and Twitter feeds
are being added to the mix (except in China, where they
are blocked, and marketers use other similar services).
These owned media feeds provide both controlled content
distribution opportunities, as well as platforms for customer
and community interaction.
The dynamics of earned media are different, when
customers become the channel, and brands have no control
of what is said or shared. However, when brands get
positive word of mouth from earned media, it is credible
and powerful. Earned media, and to some extent the social
media aspects of owned media, have more in common with
public relations than traditional advertising.
After we waded through terabytes of statistics on
platform usage, media consumption, and broadband and
mobile penetration in order to compile this Yearbook,
it's easy to see why some marketers lose sight of their
customers and become pre-occupied with the technology.
Our hope at the Asia Digital Marketing Association is that
this Yearbook helps you get beyond facts and figures, and
provides you insights that will make you a better and more
successful marketer.
At the end of the day, there really is no such thing as a
digital strategy, just solid marketing strategies that happen
to use digital channels. No one has a crystal ball into what
devices, applications, web services, and sites tomorrow's
customer will use, so stay engaged with your customer and
flexibly follow the trends across multiple platforms.
David Ketchum is Chairman, Asia Digital Marketing
Association and President of Bite Communications,
Asia Pacific.
igital marketing in Asia Pacific in 2010
offers an almost infinite combination of ways
to engage customers, participate in their
communities, sell them products and services,
and build brands and corporate reputations.
Content can be highly personalised, relevant
and localised deeply to take into account
factors such as language, location, time of
day, past behaviour and stated preferences.
The range of available media is staggering,
value-priced, and offers exceptional
targeting. And this year the true "internet
experience in the palm of your hand" is now
available in many urban centres across the
region, thanks to the spread of smartphones, 3G
networks, and the applications that run on them.
There is a battle of epic proportions going on to
determine which platforms will host the majority of online
users' activities. The days when a portal was a web
user's main access point to the internet are long over,
but it's not yet clear what will take its place. Will the
future be driven by search? Social networking? Mobilility?
A device? An application? A browser? Microblogging?
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, Skype
and Yahoo! are just a few of the international players
experimenting with different mixtures of applications,
content and devices in their quest to be dominant. And
in Asia Pacific, some world-class companies are looking
to meet local needs or expand globally, such as Alibaba,
Rakuten, Livedoor, Orkut, Rediff, Sina, Baidu, Daum, Telstra
and others. Of note: Tencent is now among the top five
sites visited globally.
These developments are exciting and empowering
for marketers, advertisers, and their agencies. The
consolidation of major players in the global internet
industry such as Google's purchase of DoubleClick
and the Microsoft/Yahoo! search deal, offers scale, and
unprecedented reach and frequency for online marketing.
That's matched with localised innovation that is bubbling
up and providing new, highly relevant opportunities for
engagement. The reality is that no one platform is going
to win the markret outright, and whether each competitor
purports to be "open" or not, they all have the potential to
overlap and underlie one another. To quote author David
Weinberger's book title, the internet remains "Small Pieces
Loosely Joined" rather than a monolithic, consistent entity,
despite various companies' attempts. The iPhone (and now
the iPad) and its apps-and-content ecosystem as helped
blaze new trails in mobility, e-commerce and content.
However, there are also plenty of other cutting edge
devices (30% of the world's smartphone market is in Asia
Pacific) and plenty of other platforms driving the trend.
Last year it seemed that social networking – and more
particularly Facebook – might take over as the dominant
"operating system" of the internet. Now it's clear there are
multiple players. For example, people on Windows Mobile
phones access Gmail. Someone is searching Baidu using
a FireFox browser. A teenager is playing a Playfish game
on Facebook. People are transferring money with Alipay. A
YouTube video is streaming through a Yahoo! site. Someone
is Skyping on an Apple laptop, while someone else is IM'ing
on their Nokia. A Chinese teenager just connected with a
friend on RenRen with a email address.
The platform companies continuously refine their
revenue models and try to grab market share, which
is healthy because their platforms interconnect and
produce hundreds of thousands of customer touchpoints
for marketers to engage. How marketers deploy these
platforms and what campaign ideas will be most successful
is far from universal and, as in past years we're seeing
increasing diversity in consumer habits across the region.
Here's a look at some of the trends in Asia Pacific, and
of course there is much more detail in each of the country
sections of this Yearbook.
•	 Internet users in Asia Pacific spent more than
5.6 trillion minutes online in 2009, and bought
US$7 billion in virtual goods.
We're back!
This is the fourth edition of the Asia Digital Marketing Yearbook, compiled by the Asia Digital
Marketing Association (ADMA) with the help of our members and supporters. Thanks to all
our contributors for this year's collection of information, insights and case studies. And, a huge
thank you to the ADMA's tireless director Kay Bayliss, to Yearbook editor Rachel Oliver, and to
designer Garry Tipping who once again made this mammoth project a reality.
The Yearbook is produced by the ADMA as a service to marketing directors, agency
executives and business people who want to know what's happening online in the Asia Pacific
Printed copies of the complete Yearbook are available to full members of the ADMA, so join
today if you are not yet a member at As always, the PDF download
version of the full Yearbook is available free at
2010: Multiple Platforms,
Infinite Choices
6 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 7
The Asia Pacific region is easily home to the biggest
internet audience on earth, with more than 764 million
internet users as of early 2010. To put this in context, the
rest of the world has around 995 million internet users
between them.
It's not only the biggest, it's the fastest growing too. Asia
Pacific now plays home to the fastest growing internet
population in the world. China, India and Japan were
mainly to thank for Asia's 22% increase in usage in the
year up to September 2009, with China taking home
the prize for the fastest-growing country in Asia. China
experienced a 31% surge of internet users in that period,
bringing its own total audience to 220.8 million.
Asia Pacific will also be the main driving force behind the
global adoption of broadband moving forward. By 2013,
the region is expected to be home to 49% of the global
broadband market. There are anticipated to be more than
640 million broadband users worldwide by 2013. There
are currently more than 160 million broadband subscribers
across Asia Pacific.
Four out of the top 10 countries in the world ranked by
home broadband use are from Asia. South Korea tops
the list, with 95% of its homes now having access to
broadband; followed by Singapore (88%) in second place;
with Taiwan and Hong Kong in joint fifth place (81%).
Asia Pacific's Internet Users 2009
Country		Internet 	 Penetration 	 User Growth 	 % of Users
		 Users (m)	 Rate (%)	 2000-2009 (%)	 in Asia
Asia Pacific	 	 764.43	 20.1	 568.8	 100
Australia	 	 17.03	 80.1	 158.1	 –
China	 	 384.00	 28.7	 1,606.7	 50.2
Hong Kong	 	 4.87	 69.2	 113.7  	 0.6
India	 	 81.00	 7.0	 1,520	 10.6
Indonesia	 	 30.00	 12.5	 1,400	 3.9
Japan	 	 95.97	 75.5	 103.9	 12.6
Malaysia	 	 16.90	 65.7	 356.8	 2.2
New Zealand	 3.50	 83.1	 321.7	 –
Philippines	 	 24.00	 24.5	 1,100	 3.1
Singapore	 	 3.37	 72.4	 180.8	 0.4
South Korea	 37.47	 77.3	 96.8	 4.9
Taiwan	 	 15.14	 65.9	 141.9	 2.0
Thailand	 	 16.10	 24.4	 600.0	 2.1
Vietnam	 	 22.77	 25.7	 11,289.9	 3.0
(Source: InternetWorldStats; April 2010)
The Asia Pacific region's internet users spent more than
5.6 trillion minutes online between them in 2009.
On average, internet users across the Asia Pacific region
each spent 1,008.4 minutes online per month in 2009,
lower than the world monthly average of 1,376.7 minutes.
Search is a considerably more popular activity today
amongst the region's internet users than it was a year
ago. In the space of one year (from September 2008 to
September 2009) the number of searches conducted by
Asia Pacific users jumped by 33%.
In September 2009 alone, the region's internet users made
38.6 billion searches, averaging up to 88 searches per user
in that month.
Nearly half of all search activity (44.1%) across the region
in September 2009 took place on Google, representing
17 billion searches.
How Long Asia Pacific Spent Online in 2009
		 2009 Average 	 2009 Total	 2009 Average 	 2009 Average	
		Monthly Unique 	Minutes Spent 	 Monthly Minutes 	 Monthly	
		Visitors ('000)	Online (MM)	 Spent per 	 Visits Per	
				 Visitor	 Visitor
Worldwide	 1,139,370	 18,830,995	 1,376.7	 49.0
Asia Pacific	 	 465,291	 5,641,870	 1,008.4	 40.8
China	 	 211,684	 2,374,432	 858.3	 44.6
Japan	 	 66,176	 887,023	 1,114.5	 42.4
India	 	 34,766	 270,697	 646.9	 23.1
South Korea	 28,606	 618,618	 1,797.8	 59.2
Australia	 	 12,444	 178,922	 1,198.0	 38.5
Taiwan	 	 11,750	 145,324	 1,030.6	 37.7
Malaysia	 	 9,271	 94,742	 851.6	 29.8
Hong Kong	 	 3,896	 65,684	 1,402.5	 43.6
Singapore	 	 2,651	 41,899	 1,315.8	 39.3
New Zealand	 2,543	 28,303	 926.1	 33.6
(Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Asia Pacific Home/Work
Asia Pacific's Online Gaming Usage in 2009
		 2009 Average 	 2009 Average	 2009 Average 	 2009 Average	
		 Monthly 	 Monthly Unique	 Monthly Minutes 	 Monthly	
		 Reach (%)	 Visitors ('000)	 Spent per Visitor	 Visits Per 	
Worldwide	 	 37.5	 426,884	 105.8	 9.1
Asia Pacific	 	 30.9	 143,636	 51.9	 7.1
Singapore	 	 41.2	 1,093	 66.5	 7.2
South Korea	 34.2	 9,777	 138.1	 11.9
New Zealand	 34.1	 869	 86.2	 8.0
Australia	 	 33.9	 4,230	 72.2	 7.7
China	 	 32.4	 68,458	 30.3	 7.4
Hong Kong	 	 29.5	 1,151	 118.5	 7.9
Malaysia	 	 28.3	 2,628	 56.0	 5.3
Taiwan	 	 26.6	 3,133	 24.9	 4.5
Japan	 	 24.4	 16,194	 82.1	 8.6
India	 	 17.6	 6,117	 45.0	 4.1
(Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Asia Pacific Home/Work
Asia Pacific's Social Networking Users
Market 	Total Internet 	 Social Networking 	 % of Internet
	 Users*('000)	 Users ('000)	 Users
China 	 215,460 	 105,379 	 49
Hong Kong 	 3,921 	 2,502 	 64
India 	 35,432 	 22,259 	 63
Indonesia 	 6,014 	 5,074 	 84
Japan 	 67,586 	 24,276 	 36
Malaysia 	 9,400 	 6,344 	 67
Philippines 	 4,526 	 3,924 	 87
Singapore 	 2,696 	 2,085 	 77
South Korea 	 28,978 	 16,632 	 57
Taiwan 	 11,932 	 7,565 	 63
Vietnam 	 5,625 	 2,947 	 52
(Source: comScore Media Metrix Report, August 2009; * Home and Work users, 15+ on personal
Half of the top 20 sites across the Asia Pacific region are
based in China.
On a regional basis, Asia Pacific is now only slightly behind
Europe and the Middle East (EMEA) in the spamming
stakes. In October 2009, nearly one quarter (23%) of all
spam globally orginated from Asia, compared to the 28%
that came from EMEA.
Asian search engines now easily compete with the rest
of the world. Chinese site came third behind
Google and Yahoo! in a ranking of top sites by search
traffic in July 2009. While Google had 76.7 billion searches
that month, giving it 67.5% market share, Yahoo! received
8.9 billion searches (7.8% market share) with Baidu very
close behind with 8 billion searches and 7% market share.
An Asian brand is now in the global top five online
properties ranked by time spent. Tencent joins Microsoft,
Google, Yahoo! and Facebook as the sites internet users
spend their most time on. Globally, internet users spent
893 million minutes on Tencent in September 2009.
The average online user in Asia Pacific receives 170
promotional emails a week, nearly half as much as the
average North American (300 emails a week).
(SOURCE: epsilon international)
Special offers and discounts seem to work well across Asia,
with 58% of Asian (ex Australia) internet users saying they
made online purchases as a result of a coupon or offer
they received in an email.
Asia Pacific's Top 50 Sites of 2009
SITE	 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Google Sites	 277,307
Yahoo! Sites	 225,320
Microsoft Sites	 211,123
TENCENT	 150,396
Baidu	 146,974
SINA	 104,565	 83,956
NetEase	 78,509
Sohu	 77,641
Wikimedia Foundation Sites	 77,374
Xunlei Networking	 70,454
CBS Interactive	 67,693
FACEBOOK	 66,339
Tudou Sites	 56,537
Amazon Sites	 53,115
KuGou	 51,506
Youku	 49,235
Oak Pacific Interactive Sites	 48,418
Apple	 46,398 Sites	 45,974
eBay	 40,479
Rakuten	 39,079
FC2	 38,357
AOL  	 37,328
GMO Internet Group	 36,849
NTT Group	 35,588
56	 35,311
Adobe Sites	 35,030
PPStream	 34,928
Livedoor	 32,834
NHN	 31,497
CyberAgent	 31,059
WordPress	 30,961
Lycos Sites	 30,665
The Mozilla Organisation	 29,560
Nifty	 29,425
Ask Network	 27,656
Phoenix Television	 27,472
Sony Online	 27,260
Recruit Co	 25,738
QIANQIAN	 25,713
Kakaku  	 25,651
PCPOP Sites	 25,459
Xinhua News Agency	 25,028
Fox Interactive Media	 24,732
Chinabyte Technology Co.	 23,536
Sakura Internet	 23,513
TOM.COM 	 23,121
Kingsoft	 22,587
4399	 22,457
(Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Asia Pacific Home/Work
8 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 9
Asia Pacific Online Ad Spend: 2009-2012
Market			 Year (US$ million)
		 2009		 2010	 2011	 2012
Australia	 	 1,597	 1,748	 1,888	 2,002
China	 	 3,271	 4,089	 5,152	 6,594
Hong Kong	 	 138	 146	 157	 169
India	 	 101	 117	 134	 154
Indonesia	 	 0.9	 1.0	 1.4	 1.8
Japan	 	 7,324	 7,910	 8,724	 9,509
Malaysia	 	 26	 34	 41	 48
New Zealand	 214	 251	 343	 349
Singapore	 	 16	 17	 18	 19
South Korea	 1,236	 1,397	 1,536	 1,690
Taiwan	 	 208	 229	 252	 277
Thailand	 	 7	 7	 7	 8
Vietnam	 	 0.8	 0.9	 1.1	 1.3
Asia Pacific	 	 14,142	 15,949	 18,258	 20,827
(Source: ZenithOptimedia, December 2009)
Asia Pacific's Top Social Networks in 2009
Property	 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Total Internet: Total Audience 	 465,291
Social Networking	 254,209
FACEBOOK	 66,339
Baidu Space	 48,212
QQ.COM Alumni	 28,410
Windows Live Profile	 22,792
Orkut	 22,454
Cyworld	 19,377
QQ.COM Mini World	 17,919
KAIXIN001	 16,405
HI5	 15,886
(Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Asia Pacific Home/Work
Asia Pacific's Top 20 Digital Brands of 2009
Rank	 Brand
1	 McDonald's
2	 Nokia
3	 KFC
4	 Coca-Cola
5	 Nike
6	 Sony
7	 Samsung
8	 Adidas
9	 Pizza Hut
10	 Nestle
11	 Pepsi
12	 Canon
13	 Toyota
14	 Heineken
15	 Citibank
16	 Olay
17	 Honda
18	 Philips
19	 Visa
20	 Head & Shoulders
(Source: TNS/Digital Media)
How Asia Pacific Defines Spam vs North America
Definition	 % of APAC 	 % of North America
	 Respondents	 Respondents
Emails that intend to trick me into opening them	 67	 83
Emails of an offensive subject matter	 69	 71
Any email I receive that I did not ask for or subscribe to	 54	 73
Emailers from senders who are unknown to me	 52	 76
All emails that are filtered into the junk mailbox	 42	 45
Any email I receive that I don't want, regardless 
of whether I subscribed	 39	 39
Any email sent to me from a sender who is not 
on my address book or approved sender list	 29	 45
An email from a company I may have given permission to 
send me mail at one time, but that I no longer 
wish to receive	 32	 39
Emails from companies I have a relationship with 
offline, but to whom I never gave permission to contact 
me via email	 28	 34
Emails from a company I have done business with but 
that come too frequently	 23	 31
Any email that tries to sell me a product or service,
even if I know the sender	 27	 26
(Source: Epsilon International)
Why Asians Unsubscribe from Emails
Reason	 % of APAC 	 % of North America
	 Respondents	 Respondents
Irrelevant content	 62	 67
Receive too frequently	 56	 64
Think address being shared/sold	 30	 50
Don't recall signing up	 20	 48
Privacy concerns	 29	 32
(Source: Epsilon International)
Why Asians Open Permission-Based Emails (PBEs)
Type of Subject	 % of APAC 	 % of North America
Line Content	 Respondents	 Respondents
Discount offer	 66	 59
Free product offer	 63	 57
Contains familiar brand name	 60	 50
Breaking info/news	 49	 34
New product announcement	 48	 29
Free shipping offer	 42	 36
Contains recent purchase info	 43	 34
Limited time offer	 48	 31
Contains my name	 37	 16
Other	 5	 7
(Source: Epsilon International)
What Asians do After Opening PBEs
Action	 % of APAC 	 % of North America	
	 Respondents	 Respondents
Click on a website	 87	 69
Enter sweepstakes or promotion	 57	 67
Watch video clip	 63	 46
Purchase online	 62	 46
Purchase offline aT retail store	 58	 48
Sign up for more information	 67	 38
Click on advertised link in newsletter	 62	 34
Play a game	 55	 39
(Source: Epsilon International)
The "virtual goods" industry in Asia is worth US$7 billion,
putting the US$1 billion that is generated in the US
considerably in the shade. Asia's top market, China, was
expected to generate around US$5 billion in virtual goods
transactions in 2009 alone. Other markets leading Asia's
dominance in the virtual goods market include Japan and
South Korea – both playing home to thriving online and
mobile gaming industries.
In a survey of six countries across Asia Pacific, an
overwhelming proportion of the region's online population
(89%) said they had shopped online in the past year. The
Asian countries who show the biggest preference for online
shopping are South Korea (97% of respondents who said
they shopped online), China (94%), Japan (94%) and
Australia (89%).
What are internet users across the region buying online?
Much the same as always, according to one survey which
found the most popular items purchased online over the
past year have been clothes (55%), books (50%) and
music downloads (49%).
And why do the region's internet users shop online
anyway? According to the same survey, the most popular
reasons are the convenience of being able to shop anytime
(80%); to be able to compare prices and get better deals
(79%); to find and compare products (78%); and to hunt
around for bargains (75%).
Money talks, particularly if it's made of plastic. Of the
region's internet users who do shop online, a sizeable 83%
of them said in a survey that they would continue to do so
with the aid of electronic payment cards.
When the region's internet users do shop online they don't
just stick to local retailers. According to one survey, more
than one third (39%) of online users said they had shopped
from overseas websites. The countries which showed the
biggest tendency towards shopping internationally are
China and India.
What Asia Pacific is Doing Online
Key Site Categories 	 (% Reach)
Entertainment 	 71.2
email 	 59.0
Social Networking 	 56.1
News/Information	 55.2
Retail	 54.4
Blogs	 48.5
Technology	 47.6
Community	 47.5
Games	 47.1
Business/Finance 	 39.9
Photos	 34.2
Instant Messaging	 31.8
Sports	 26.3
Education	 23.6
Travel	 22.7
Career Services and …	 20.8
Automotive 	 17.6
Health	 14.8
Government 	 10.1
(Source: comScore World Metrix, August 2009)
Asia Pacific's Top Online Retail Product Categories
RETAIL Subcategory	 (% Reach)
Retail 	 54.4
Comparison Shopping 	 21.4
Books 	 17.8
Computer Hardware 	 11.3
Consumer Electronics 	 11.0
Computer Software 	 9.2
Apparel 	 8.9
Health Care 	 5.1
Mall 	 5.1
Fragrances/Cosmetics 	 3.8
Retail-Music 	 3.5
Retail-Food 	 3.0
Department Stores 	 2.8
Tickets 	 1.9
Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 	 1.7
Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories 	 1.4
Consumer Goods 	 1.4
Sports/Outdoor 	 1.4
Home Furnishings 	 1.3
Toys 	 1.2
(Source: comScore World Metrix; % Reach of Retail Subcategories by Country; August 2009)
Asia Pacific buys more phones than any other region on
earth. Nearly 480 million mobile devices were sold across
Asia in 2009 (compared to less than 200 million in Western
Europe). And this year, the number will surpass half a
billion, according to estimates, with nearly 547 million
expected to be sold across the region.
There are currently around 2.03 billion mobile subscribers
in Asia Pacific. That's expected to increase to 2.53 billion
by the end of 2013, an increase of nearly 25%. China and
India won't be the only countries to drive this growth –
Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam are expected to
display subscriptions booms as well.
Mobile service revenues for the Asia Pacific region are
tipped to hit US$326.37 billion by the end of 2013, an
increase of more than 16% from the end of 2009.
Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market in terms of mobile
multimedia revenue, and is expected to generate US$13.3
billion in 2013, representing a CAGR of 13.8% from 2008.
Music is expected to drive the region's mobile multimedia
market moving forward. Revenue generated from Asia
Pacific's mobile music sector is expected to reach US$6.72
billion by 2013, a significant leap from the US$2.27 billion
generated in 2008.
There were expected to be 1 billion mobile subscribers in
North Asia alone by the end of 2009, with 80% of them
living in China. Those subscribers were anticipated to
generate as much as US$183 billion in revenues for that
By 2014, the number of mobile subscribers in North Asia
should exceed 1.37 billion, reflecting a CAGR of 7.7%
(2008-2014). Mobile revenues meanwhile are expected to
jump to US$229.8 billion by the end of that 2014 – a CAGR
of 5.2% for the same period.
There were expected to be as many as 453.3 million
mobile subscribers in south east Asia by the end of 2009.
Currently just 6% of them – or 22.9 million people – are
3G subscribers.
The south east Asian mobile market is currently valued at
US$32 billion. However, while the number of subscribers
rose at a rate of 18.4% over 2009, the billings rate for that
period rose by a more modest 13.6%. Much of this has
to do with the newest batch of subscribers coming from
emerging markets such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia
and the Philippines, all exhibiting lower ARPUs.
By the end of 2014, south east Asia could have as many as
606 million mobile subscribers, generating around US$36.2
billion in mobile revenues in that year.
Asians continue to lead the world when it comes to the
love of mobile shopping. In a survey, almost eight out of
ten mobile users in Asia Pacific "reported some mobile
shopping activity", while nearly a quarter of them (23%)
made some form of mobile purchase in the month of
December 2009.
While Asia does not currently lead the world in terms
of mobile payments, it is showing strong growth in this
area, with payment transaction values estimated to reach
US$29.8 billion in 2013. Pre-paid top ups are expected
to account for 50% of this amount, followed by money
transfers as the next largest mobile payment category.
By 2012, it is expected that there will be around 123
million mobile payment users in the Asia Pacific region.
10 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 11
The mobile phone is becoming the favoured device
for young Asians to connect to social networking sites
according to one survey. More than 50% of Chinese,
Indian, South Korean and Thai mobile users prefer to use
their handsets over their PCs for this purpose, it estimates.
Around 30% of the global market for smartphones lies in
the Asia Pacific region.
By 2015, there is expected to be around 347 million
smartphone users in Asia Pacific-ex Japan.
With more smartphones on the market, it's predicted
that non-SMS wireless broadband data revenues in Asia-
ex Japan will be boosted from US$1.3 billion in 2009 to
$14.5 billion at the end of 2015. Of this revenue, 17.4% is
expected to be generated by non-SMS data use.
Asia Pacific is surely home to the most prolific texters on
earth. It is estimated that a staggering 1.9 trillion SMS
messages were sent in 2009 alone, a 15.5% increase on
2008. And expectations are already set that mobile users
across Asia will send 2.1 trillion messages to each other in
2010, an increase of 12.7% on 2009.
The Asia Pacific mobile healthcare market could be worth
as much as US$1 billion by 2010.
Asia Pacific's Mobile Shopping Activities
Activity	 (% of respondents)
	 Asia Pacific	 Worldwide
Called to ask someone about a product I might purchase	 51.6	 30.8
Texted to ask someone about a product I might purchase	 37.7	 21.3
Sent a picture of a product I might purchase	 29.3	 16.3
Used mobile phone to access internet to look at product 
reviews or other information	 35.9	 14.3
Used mobile phone to access internet to compare prices 	 34.5	 14.2
Used mobile phone to access internet to get coupons or 
special offers while shopping	 28.0	 8.5
Made an internet purchasedirectly on the mobile phone	 23.0	 6.9
Used mobile phone for at least one of the above
shopping-related activities	 78.0	 51.4
(Source: Emarketer/Motorola January 2010)
Client: Bankee (Philippines), Funtastic (Australia), Wrigley
(India) and Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan)
Agency: Cartoon Network
Campaign: BEN 10 Game Creator
Objective: To open up a desirable platform for marketers
to effectively tap into a pool of a highly engaged audience
of young gamers and content creators.
Strategy: To effectively engage with today's digital
natives, Cartoon Network launched Ben 10 Game Creator
and Ben10 Alien Force MMOG to further enhance its user-
generated content offering. The projects provide a platform
for marketers in search of deeper interaction with their
target audiences. The strategy here was to leverage on
the immense popularity of the free, online gaming platform
that merges the popular animated action franchise with
user-generated content – the first game of its kind.
Details: By allowing BEN 10: Alien Force fans to access
tools and animations needed to easily build their own
action-adventure game around the series, Game Creator
is the online "destination" for young gamers. The highly
interactive element of Game Creator, which gives players
the power to create their own games and pass their
completed creation to their friends, was recognised by
the digital investments from our advertisers. With Ben 10
Game Creator, clients were
provided with four exciting
advertising placements
options: top leader-board,
a 15-second Flash game
pre-loader, sponsor logo
placement and game
page branding – allowing
maximum flexibility for
marketers to spread their
message to key audiences.
Results: Following the
launch in early March
2009 across eight Cartoon
Network Asia sites, the
platform saw the following
- 384,405 games created.
- 70,000 unique users.
- More than 78 million
game plays.
Caroline Chan
General Manager
OMD Hong Kong
Windows Live Messenger:
Ask friends for restaurant
Bing: Read restaurant reviews.
Internet Explorer: Find the
location & check the menu.
MSN: Blog about the food
& atmosphere.
Be part of their inner circle
Caroline is one of millions of professionals who continuously use our products, tools and
services to stay close to the things that matter most, things that are off limits to all but her
most trusted family, friends and associates.
If you want to talk to people like Caroline, talk to us.
12 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 13
How Australians Connect
Connection	 ‘000	 %
Dial up	
Analog	 1,077	 13
ISDN/other	 10	 0
Total dial-up	 1,087	 13
Non dial-up	
DSL	 4,171	 50
Fixed	 160	 2
Mobile	 1,961	 23
Total wireless	 2,121	 25
Satellite	 90	 1
Cable and fibre	 931	 11
ISDN/Other	 20
Combined connections	
Total non dial-up	 7,333	 87
Total all subscribers	 8,420	 100
Less than 256kbps	 1,103	 13
256kbps to less than 512kbps	 1,297	 15
512kbps to less than 1.5Mbps	 1,249	 15
1.5Mbps to less than 8Mbps	 2,529	 30
8Mbps to less than 24Mbps	 1,800	 21
24Mbps or greater	 443	 5
(Source: ABS; June 2009)
When Australians log on at home, it's mainly for personal
reasons, with 96% of home users saying this was the case.
Less than half of them, meanwhile (46%) work online.
Australian internet users spent an average of 57 hours
online at home in 2Q 2009, racking up a total of 3,099
page views per person in that period.
More than a quarter (27%) of Australians blog.
Health clearly matters to online Australians. Nearly three
quarters of them (62%) have looked up health information
on the internet, with 50% of them using that information
to diagnose themselves.
More than one quarter of online Australians (27%) felt that
the internet allowed them to diagnose and treat themselves
without the aid of a doctor.
More Australians are logging on to social media, with more
than 70% of online users visiting social networking sites in
June 2009, an increase of 29% on 2008.
More than 70% of Australian internet users paid a visit to
a social networking site in June 2009, representing nearly
9 million people. Facebook dominated the sector, attracting
more than 6 million visitors, a growth of 95% on 2008.
They may not be the biggest online audience in the world,
but when it comes to social networking, they can certainly
be the most dedicated. Australians spent more time on
social networking sites in December 2009 than anyone else
in the world, racking up nearly 7 hours on social media
sites, more so than their peers in countries such as the US,
UK or Japan.
How Often Australians go Online
	 	Frequency of Connecting to the Internet
	Everyday		 At Least		 At Least		 At Least 		
			 Weekly		 Monthly		Yearly
	 '000	 %	 '000	 %	 '000	 %	 '000	%
15–17	 511	 68	 226	 30	 –	 –	 –	 –
18–24	 1,146	 69	 464	 28	 –	 –	 –	 –
25–34	 1,558	 65	 742	 31	 70	 3	 10	 0
35–44	 1,266	 51	 1,024	 42	 155	 6	 14	 1
45–54	 1,117	 52	 842	 39	 181	 8	 21	 1
55–64	 774	 56	 508	 36	 95	 7	 16	 1
65 or over	 374	 48	 318	 41	 63	 8	 22	 3
Male	 3,431	 59	 1,988	 34	 342	 6	 48	 1
Female	 3,315	 57	 2,137	 37	 281	 5	 40	 1
Personal income	
Less than $40,000	 3,206	 60	 1,875	 35	 277	 5	 29	 1
$40,000–$79,999	 1,845	 56	 1,211	 37	 192	 6	 22	 1
$80,000–$119,999	 559	 60	 322	 34	 46	 5	 7	 1
$120,000 or over	 344	 65	 162	 31	 16	 3	 6	 1
Could not be determined	 792	 54	 556	 38	 92	 6	 23	 2
Employment status	
Employed	 5,002	 58	 3,093	 36	 486	 6	 61	 1
Not employed	 1,744	 59	 1,032	 35	 137	 5	 27	 1
Indigenous status	
Non indigenous	 6,695	 58	 4,089	 36	 610	 5	 88	 1
Indigenous	 51	 51	 36	 36	 13	 13	 0	 0
Bachelor degree or above	 2,031	 68	 846	 28	 94	 3	 16	 1
Advanced diploma or diploma	 805	 59	 458	 34	 83	 6	 16	 1
Certificate	 981	 49	 849	 42	 162	 8	 16	 1
Year 12 or below	 2,813	 56	 1,917	 38	 278	 6	 39	 1
Total	 6,746	 58	 4,125	 36	 624	 5	 88	 1
(Source: ABS; Dec 2009; Selected findings)
A total of AU$1.87 billion was spent on online advertising in
Australia in 2009, a 9.4% increase ($161 million) on 2008.
The increase in online ad spend in 2009 was mainly due
to the 17% growth in search and directories advertising,
which brought in AU$944.25 million in 2009 compared to
$806.5 million in 2008. General display contributed $498
million, with the remaining $429 million coming from
classified advertising.
Search and directories dominated online ad spend taking
up 50.5% of expenditure in 2009; followed by general
display (26.6%); then classified (22.9%).
The biggest spenders on online advertising came from
the finance sector in 2009, taking up 19% of online
ad expenditure. The next top spenders came from the
computers & communication industry category, taking
up 12.72% of online ad spend, closely followed by
motor vehicles, with 12.46% of overall online ad spend.
The category that spent the least? Office and business
equipment, with just 0.21%.
The FMCG sector may not be the biggest online spenders in
Australia, but in the last year they have shown the biggest
increase in online ad expenditure, adding AU$7.1 million to
the amount they spent in 2009 compared to 2008.
While traditional media sectors recorded drops in
advertising spend in the first half of 2009, online actually
managed a 12% increase in ad revenues, generating
AU$892.5 million.
Australia currently has more than 17 million internet users
in the country, representing a penetration rate of 80.1%.
Australia's internet user base grew 158.1% between 2000
and 2009.
Nearly three quarters (72%) of Australian households now
have home internet access. In the last decade, household
access to the web has more than quadrupled.
Broadband access has now reached around two thirds
(62%) of Australian homes – or 5 million households – and
86% of homes with internet access now have broadband
connections. The Australian Capital Territory has the
highest proportion of broadband households (74% of all
homes) of any state in Australia.
Home is the favourite access location for 68% of Australian
internet users that are aged 15 and over.
Nearly all (96%) of home users mainly used the internet at
home for personal and private purposes. Less than half of
them (46%) tend to work online.
Australia's Internet Users 2009
Age	 ‘000
15–17	 853
18–24	 2,063
25–34	 2,945
35–44	 3,063
45–54	 2,936
55–64	 2,409
65 or over	 2,66
Male	 8,345
Female	 8,593
Personal income	
Less than $40,000	 8,962
$40,000–$79,999	 4,158
$80,000–$119,999	 1,050
$120,000 or over	 581
Not determined	 2,187
Employment status	
Employed	 11,008
Not employed	 5,930
Indigenous status	
Non indigenous	 16,747
Indigenous	 190
Bachelor degree or above	 3,410
Advanced diploma or diploma	 1,667
Certificate	 2,867
Year 12 or below	 8,685
State or Territory of usual residence	
New South Wales	 5,560
Victoria	 4,272
Queensland	 3,346
South Australia	 1,277
Western Australia	 1,694
Tasmania	 392
Northern Territory	 125
Australian Capital Territory	 271
(Source: ABS Dec 2009; selected findings)
Uluru (Ayer's Rock) in the Australian Outback
14 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 15
However, despite a 41% increase in the number of online
advertisers and a 19% increase in the number of banner
ads, general display online ad revenues in Australia at end
of Q3 fell by 5% compared to the same quarter in 2008.
The drop in display ad revenue could be down to one
thing: Australians are among the least likely in the world
to actually click on general display ads, according to one
Australians may not like clicking on many online ads, but a
lot of them remember them. One third of internet users are
able to recall the ad when asked and 41% of them can link
the brand to an un-branded ad.
The search advertising market in Australia saw growth rates
of 30% in the year 2008/9 and is projected to grow at a
slower CAGR of 20% until 2014. Online directories revenue
grew by 21% in the same year, slightly lower than the 22%
growth rates seen in 2007/8. The online directories market
is expected to sustain CAGR of 15% between 2010 and
Australia's Top Sites for 2009
	 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Google Sites	 10,547
Microsoft Sites	 9,668
Yahoo! Sites	 5,731
eBay	 4,953
Apple  	 4,185
Telstra	 4,103
Fox Interactive Media	 4,072
Wikimedia Foundation Sites	 3,940
News Interactive	 3,125
(Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Australia Home/Work Locations)
Australia's Top Gaming Sites for 2009
2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Online Gaming	 4,230
WildTangent Network	 950
Nickelodeon Casual Games	 582
MSN Games	 560
EA Online	 383
Disney Games	 362
Spil Games	 269
World of Warcraft (App)	 261
Universal Multiplayer Game Entertainment	 256
AOL Games	 226
(Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Australia Home/Work Locations)
Australia's Top Retail Sites for 2009
2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Retail	 7,201
Amazon Sites	 2,288
Apple Worldwide Sites	 2,100
Coles Group  	 944 Sites	 911
Woolworths 	 828
Ticketek	 490
AmericanGreetings Property	 409
(Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Australia Home/Work Locations)
Australia's Top Entertainment Sites for 2009
2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Entertainment	 9,131
YOUTUBE	 5,749
iTunes Software (App)	 3,537
CBS Interactive	 2,758
Viacom Digital	 1,595
Vevo	 1,347
IMDB	 1,292
Gorilla Nation	 1,229
Break Media Network	 1,123
AOL Music	 965
UGO Entertainment	 944
(Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Australia Home/Work Locations)
Australian General Display Online Ad Spend 2009
Advertiser Industry Category 	 AU$ ('000) 	% of Spend
Finance 	 94,654 	 19.01
Made up of:
- Business Banking 	 4,271 	 0.86
- Credit Cards 	 19,435 	 3.90
- Home Loans 	 27,160 	 5.45
- Superannuation 	 1,724 	 0.35
- Personal Banking 	 21,095 	 4.24
- Wealth Management 	 6,772 	 1.36
- Other 	 14,197 	 2.85
Computers & Communication 	 63,365 	 12.72
Made up of:
- Computer Hardware 	 21,543 	 4.33
- Computer Software 	 5,344 	 1.07
- Telecommunications 	 28,797 	 5.78
- Internet/ISP 	 7,681 	 1.54
Motor Vehicles 	 62,051 	 12.46
Made up of:
- Internet Sites 	 3,197 	 0.64
- Manufacturers 	 51,347 	 10.31
- Dealers 	 1,734 	 0.35
- Other 	 5,773 	 1.16
Travel/Accommodation 	 35,290 	 7.09
Made up of:
- Flights 	 13,098 	 2.63
- Accommodation 	 7,823 	 1.57
- Car Hire 	 1,044 	 0.21
- Holiday Packages/Agents 	 3,933 	 0.79
- Other 	 9,392 	 1.89
Entertainment & Leisure 	 38,882 	 7.81
Made up of:
- Music 	 1,901 	 0.38
- Movies 	 14,045 	 2.82
- Games/Consoles 	 4,439 	 0.89
- Other 	 18,497 	 3.71
Media	 21,465 	 4.31
FMCG 	 26,604 	 5.34
Made up of:
- Food 	 12,786 	 2.57
- Beverages (non-alcoholic) 	 6,365 	 1.28
- Other 	 7,453 	 1.50
Real Estate 	 20,273 	 4.07
Retail 	 17,831 	 3.58
Insurance 	 15,917 	 3.20
Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals 	 22,938 	 4.61
Government 	 20,201 	 4.06
Other 	 25,858 	 5.19
Recruitment 	 7,081 	 1.42
Alcoholic Beverages	 7,968 	 1.60
Education & Learning 	 8,366 	 1.68
Home Products & Services 	 3,459 	 0.69
Community/Public Service 	 4,762 	 0.96
Office & Business Equipment 	 1,035 	 0.21
(Source: IAB/PWC)
How Australians Define Spam
Definition	 % of Australian Respondents
Emails that intend to trick me into opening them	 85
Emailers from senders who are unknown to me	 76
Any email I receive that I did not ask for or subscribe to	 77
Emails of an offensive subject matter	 74
Any email sent to me from a sender who is not on my address
book or approved sender list	 43
All emails that are filtered into the junk mailbox	 46
An email from a company I may have given permission to send me
mail at one time, but that I no longer wish to receive	 35
Any email I receive that I don't want, regardless of whether I subscribed	 38
Emails from companies I have a relationship with offline, but to 
whom I never gave permission to contact me via email	 41
Emails from a company I have done business with but that come too frequently	 31
Any email that tries to sell me a product or service, even if I know the sender	 23
(Source: Epsilon International)
Why Australians Unsubscribe from Emails
Reason	 % of Australian Respondents
Irrelevant content	 72
Receive too frequently	 59
Think address being shared/sold	 40
Don't recall signing up	 38
Privacy concerns	 29
(Source: Epsilon International)
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16 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 17
Why Australians Open Permission-Based Emails
Type of Subject	 % of Australian
Line Content	 Respondents
Free product offer	 68
Discount offer	 62
Contains familiar brand name	 47
New product announcement	 42
Contains recent purchase info	 38
Free shipping offer	 32
Contains my name	 29
time offer	 27
Breaking info/news	 20
Other	 6
(Source: Epsilon International)
Around 8 million internet users shopped online in 2009,
representing 64% of all Australians who accessed the
Australians are big on shopping online. Now, 85% of
online Australians shop for books, DVDs, technology, sports
and travel products mostly over the internet. That equals
around 11.98 million people.
Why do Australians love online shopping so much? It's easy
and can avoid the crowds, that's why: 75% of online users
in a survey said that convenience turned them on to online
shopping; 78% cited the ability to make price comparisons;
and a solid 33% of them said they simply preferred the
opportunity to get away from people and to shop in peace.
More than half (51%) of online shoppers in Australia have
spent more than AU$200 online in the past year, with a
similar proportion of them saying they purchased online at
least once a month.
The more money you have, the more likely you are to
shop. As much as 82% of Australians in the top household
income bracket shopped online in 2009 compared to 42%
in the lowest earning category.
Australia's online gaming market is expected to be worth
AU$2.2 billion by 2013.
Australia's Online Shoppers in 2009
	 Used the internet to purchase 	 Did not use the internet to
goods or services	 purchase goods or services
	 '000	 %	 '000	 %
Age group (years)	
15–17	 303	 38	 500	 62
18–24	 1,176	 63	 701	 37
25–34	 1,970	 75	 673	 25
35–44	 1,774	 68	 850	 32
45–54	 1,493	 65	 802	 35
55–64	 910	 60	 606	 40
65 or over	 366	 45	 453	 55
Male	 4,026	 64	 2,243	 36
Female	 3,966	 63	 2,341	 37
Personal income	
Less than $40,000	 3,210	 54	 2,680	 46
$40,000–$79,999	 2,636	 73	 960	 27
$80,000–$119,999	 773	 79	 210	 21
$120,000 or over	 470	 85	 81	 15
Could not be determined	 902	 58	 652	 42
Employment status	
Employed	 6,484	 69	 2,905	 31
Not employed	 1,508	 47	 1,679	 53
Indigenous status	
Non indigenous	 7,940	 64	 4,516	 36
Indigenous	 51	 43	 68	 57
Level of highest educational attainment
Bachelor degree or above	 2,479	 78	 705	 22
Advanced diploma or diploma	 1,059	 72	 421	 28
Certificate	 1,377	 63	 813	 37
Year 12 or below	 2,951	 53	 2,575	 47
State or Territory of usual residence	
New South Wales	 2,488	 61	 1,594	 39
Victoria	 2,031	 63	 1,198	 37
Queensland	 1,647	 67	 824	 33
South Australia	 570	 63	 335	 37
Western Australia	 829	 64	 458	 36
Tasmania	 183	 68	 85	 32
Northern Territory	 66	 66	 34	 34
Australian Capital Territory	 177	 76	 56	 24
Total	 7,992	 64	 4,584	 36
(Source: ABS Dec 2009; selected findings; Persons 15 and over; Use of the internet to purchase
or order goods or services–for private purposes in the last 12 months–2008–09)
Top Online Retail Subcategories in Australia
Category	 % Reach
Retail 	 57.5
Comparison Shopping 	 18.2
Books 	 21.1
Computer Hardware 	 22.4
Consumer Electronics 	 8.2
Computer Software 	 12.1
Apparel 	 10.9
Health Care 	 2.6
Mall 	 2.4
Fragrances/Cosmetics 	 2.7
Retail-Music 	 4.8
Retail-Food 	 3.6
Department Stores 	 6.3
Tickets 	 7.1
Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 	 5.1
Goods/Accessories 	 3.2
Consumer Goods 	 0.9
Sports/Outdoor 	 4.6
Home Furnishings 	 3.0
Toys 	 2.8
(Source: comScoreWorld Metrix, August 2009)
Annual mobile ad revenues in Australia are expected to
reach AU$232 million by 2013.
SMS can now pretty much be called ubiquitous, with 99%
of Australians now text messaging each other.
More than 25% of all Australians aged 14 and over have
accessed the mobile internet at one point or another.
Australian mobile users are more targeted than their PC
predecessors, according to one survey. Mobile users there
like to get "straight down to business", with the top mobile
activities involving either researching products and services,
(41% of mobile internet users) or looking for the suppliers
of those products and services (36%).
Of Australia's mobile shoppers, 25% have bought a
ringtone; 25% have conducted mobile banking; 19% have
bought something with a credit card; 12% have ordered
a product or service over their phones; and 10% of them
have either bought or sold something on a mobile auction
site, according to one survey.
Other than shop, more than one quarter (27%) of mobile
Australians have downloaded videos via their phones; 25%
have downloaded games; 17% have watched mobile TV
and 12% have used their phone to scan a bar code.
Social networking for Australians isn't just conducted over
the PC – they are getting in on the act with their phones
too, with 40% of mobile Australians using their phone to
access a social networking site. More than one quarter
(27%) of them have read a blog via their mobiles; 12%
have actually written a blog using their phone; and 8%
have used Twitter specifically with their phones.
Young Australians are yet to get on board with mobile
social networking, however. According to one survey of
18-35 year olds who use social media, only 19% of them in
Australia are actually using their phones for this function.
The take-up of 3G services is driving the demand for more
sophisticated mobile services in the country, with 3G and
wireless broadband services posting a 162% increase in
June 2009 from the previous year. Now, wireless broadband
subscribers make up 25% of all internet subscribers in
There were 12.28 million 3G services up and running in
Australia in June 2009, compared with 8.55 million in June
One third of Australians use SMS as a mechanism to alert
people to key events in their lives, such as the birth of a
baby or a promotion at work, according to one study. The
same study found that 44% of Australians send picture
messages while travelling, while 33% did so when buying
houses and at the birth of their children.
How Australians Feel About Mobile Ads
Attitude towards Ads	 	% of Mobile Users
	 Agree	 Disagree	 Don't know
I would accept ads on my mobile phone in 
exchange for free mobile content or 
special offers 	 39 	 50 	 11
I would accept ads on my mobile phone if I
could opt out 	 49 	 42 	 9
I would accept ads if they did not 
impact on the performance of my phone 	 47 	 46 	 8
I would accept ads from companies 
whom I've agreed to accept ads from 	 56 	 37 	 7
I would accept ads from companies with 
whom I have pre-existing relationship 	 36 	 52 	 12
I would accept ads on my mobile phone 	 25 	 60 	 16  
I would accept ads that offered me incentives 	 44 	 45 	 11
I would accept ads linked to my specific interests 	 41 	 48 	 11
I would accept ads for free or 
discounted calls or text Messages	 52 	 39 	 9
(Source: AIMIA)
What Australians do on the Mobile Internet
Activity	 % of Mobile Users Accessing Internet
Internet browsing 	 68%
Accessed news updates	 50%
Accessed weather updates	 48%
Sent or received email	 44%
Accessed sport updates	 32%
Streamed or downloaded music 	 23%
Made VoIP calls	 22%
Streamed or downloaded videos 	 16%
Used Mobile TV 	 11%
None 	 8%
Other 	 6%
(Source: ACMA April 2009)
Client: Lion Nathan
Agency: Holler Sydney
Campaign: Beck's üBERSELEKTOR
Objective: The challenge: bring Beck's positioning of
"Different by choice" to life across its sponsorship of the
Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Sydney Festivals. Take into
consideration that the audience is mostly out and about
and wants to enjoy the best their city has to offer during
each Festival.
Strategy: Rather than just filling online and offline
media placements, Holler devised an additional stream
of digital dialogue and content. Using the moniker of
üBERSELEKTOR, Beck's participated in many of the most
innovative communities online: Tumblr; Vimeo;;
SoundCloud; as well as the social media "standards" such
as Facebook; Flickr; YouTube and Twitter.
Details: Holler created event photos with a photo booth,
animations for VJaying, video art projected onto buildings
and interviewed participating music and video artists. We
offered real-time information from the venues, chatted
with influential punters on Twitter as well as gave away
VIP experiences via Facebook. All content was amplified
through the different Festival organisers and Beck's editorial
and music partners MTV, Modular Records, InTheMix,
FasterLouder and FutureClassic.
Results: - Googling the term "üBERSELEKTOR" led to ten
pages of brand-owned search results.
- A photo library of 3,500 event shots that Beck's holds the
rights to.
- 400 comments and 360 'Likes' on Facebook posts.
- 1,600 'Tweets' full of valuable local and international
18 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 19
How the Chinese Connect
Place of Access	 % of Users
Home	 83.2
Office	 30.2
Internet cafe	 35.1
Access equipment
Desktop	 73.4
Mobile phone	 60.8
Notebook	 30.7
Other	 0.5
(Source: CNNIC March 2010)
Chinese internet users spent on average 14.3 hours online
a month in 2009.
The top three applications for Chinese internet users in
2009 were music (83.5% of users), news (80.1%) and
search (73.3%).
More than two thirds of Chinese respondents in a global
survey (68%) said they had downloaded a song online
without paying for it, 37% of them via a P2P service.
In 2009 the number of online gamers came to 265 million
people, an increase of 41.5% on 2008.
Around 124 million Chinese now use social networks.
Nearly a quarter of a billion (244 million) of China's internet
users now use instant messaging.
Nearly 290 million Chinese internet users listen to music
online, while 222 million watch online video.
User-generated content is gathering pace in China, with
89.7 million Chinese now writing their own blogs and 41.5
million use microblogging services like Twitter.
Chinese living in the country's top 60 cities spend more
than 70% of their leisure time on the internet.
Nearly half (49.7%) of Chinese internet users go online for
news and information.
What Chinese Internet Users did Online in 2009
Activity	 Utilisation 	 Users	 Growth
	 Rate (%)	 ('00,000)	rate YOY (%)
Instant Messaging 	 70.9 	 27,233 	 21.6  
Blog	 57.7 	 22,140 	 36.7
Blog Update 	 37.7 	 14,477	 37.9
Forum/BBS 	 30.5 	 11,701 	 28.6
Social Website 	 45.8 	 17,587 	 –
Email 	 56.8 	 21,797 	 29
Search Engine 	 73.3 	 28,134 	 38.6
Online News 	 80.1 	 30,769 	 31.5
Online Game 	 68.9 	 26,454 	 41.5
Online Video 	 62.6 	 24,044 	 19.0
Online Music 	 83.5 	 32,074 	 28.8
Online Literature 	 42.3 	 16,261 	 –
Online Shopping	 28.1 	 10,800 	 45.9
Travel Booking 	 7.9 	 3,024 	 77.9
Online Payment 	 24.5 	 9,406 	 80.9
Online Banking 	 24.5 	 9,412 	 62.3
Online Trading 	 14.8 	 5,678 	 67.0
(Source: CNNIC March 2010)
China's online advertising revenues reached RMB20.61
billion (US$3.02 billion) in 2009, a 21.2% increase on 2008.
Baidu took home the biggest slice of the online ad pie
(21.3% of revenues), followed next by Google (11.1%),
Sina (7.5%), Tencent QQ (4.9%) and NetEase (1.5%).
China's online advertising market is expected to generate
RMB30.09 billion in 2010 and RMB99.37 billion by 2013.
Online currently accounts for 16.6% of overall ad spend in
China. By 2012, the Chinese internet market is expected to
take up 28.8% of overall ad revenues.
Between January and November 2009, there were an
average number of 3,717 online advertisers in China on a
monthly basis, a 24% increase on 2008.
There may be more online advertisers – but that doesn't
mean they are spending more. Average monthly spend fell
13% year-on-year to RMB194,997 in 2009.
Ask the Chinese what type of advertising they mistrust and
they are likely to cite online ones, with ads in video games
coming out on top (47% of respondents saying they do not
trust). They are joined by ads in virtual worlds (47%) and
closely followed by SMS ads (46%), email ads (38%), pop-
ups (38%) and banner ads (28%).
All is not lost however – 84% of Chinese respondents
to the same survey said that a brand's presence online
"increased their interest in using it to some degree'".
And the Chinese would be more than happy to accept more
online advertising – if they were paid for it. More than 50%
of Chinese respondents in a survey said they would be
willing to accept more ads in exchange for payment.
SNS advertising acceptance levels are a mixed bag. Just
30% of SNS users in China say they will accept any form of
advertising, with 26.6% saying they accept targeted ads.
Nearly a third of SNS users (30.1%) say they have never
clicked on an ad in a social networking site.
The online gaming market in China was worth an estimated
RMB25.8 billion (US$3.7 billion) in 2009.
By 2013, online gaming revenues are projected to bring in
US$9.5 billion a year.
China's search market is now worth more than RMB7.5
billion and is expected to be worth more than RMB12 billion
by the end of 2010.
More than half (50.2%) of Asia Pacific's internet users now
live in China.
At the end of 2009, there were 384 million internet users
in China. China now has a penetration rate of 28.9% – up
from 22.6% in 2008.
The majority of China's internet users – 346 million people –
are now broadband subscribers.
By 2014, China's broadband population is expected to be
more than 551 million-strong. Mobile broadband users are
expected to represent nearly 70% of this group.
The average Chinese internet user visits around 75
websites every month.
In 2009, the average monthly income of internet users in
China was 62% higher than non-internet users.
Nearly two fifths (38.5%) of internet users in China are
aged 30 years or older.
The vast majority (72.2%) of all internet users in China live
in urban areas.
China's Internet Users 2009
	 % of users	
Age 10-19	 31.8
Age 20-29	 28.6
Age 30-39	 21.5
Age 40-49	 10.7
Age 50-59	 4.5
Age 60 and above	 1.9
Male	 54.2
Female	 45.8
Primary school/below	 8.8
Junior middle	 26.8
High school	 40.2
College	 12.2
Master's degree/above	 12.1
Others	 0.8
Unemployed	 9.8
Retirees	 2.1
Agricultural, forestry, husbandry, fishery labourers	 2.8
Freelancers/Self-employed	 13
Industry/service industry workers	 4.4
Migrant workers	 2.4
Professionals	 10.4
Non-managerial white collar	 15
Managerial white collar	 3.1
Party/government/institute employees	 7.5
Students	 28.8
Income (Yuan) per month
Above 8000	 2.9
5001-8000	 2.7
3001-5000	 9.3
2001-3000	 15.4
1501-2000	 13.4
1001-1500	 13.7
501-1000	 14.5
500 or below	 18
No income	 10
Rural	 27.8
Urban	 72.2
(Source: CNNIC March 2010)
The Great Wall of China
20 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 21
China's e-book market is expected to explode in 2010.
E-reader sales stood at around 800,000 units in 2009 and
are anticipated to grow to 3 million this year.
Thanks to more Chinese booking flights, hotel and package
tours online, online travel revenue in China is expected
to reach US$695.8 million in 2010, an increase of 27%
on 2009. By 2013 the revenues are anticipated to reach
US$1.3 billion.
China's online games market generated US$3.57 billion in
revenues in 2009. That number is expected to increase to
US$4.5 billion in 2010 and US$9.2 billion by 2014.
China's online gaming market is being driven by the
success of MMORPG which now accounts for 79% of
the online game market. The market scale of MMORPG
increased by 35.2% year on year to reach RMB20.38 billion
in 2009, while advanced casual games generated RMB3.55
More than one quarter (26% or 87.88 million) of China's
internet users shopped online in the first half of 2009, an
increase of 38.9% on 1H 2008.
More than 85.7% Chinese online users searched for
product information online during the first half of 2009,
53.5% on B2C sites and 32.5% on C2C sites.
For Chinese internet users who shop online, C2C sites such
as Taobao and Paipai are the first choice for 85% of them,
rather than traditional B2C sites such as Amazon.
Nearly half of China's online users (48.7%) have become
aware of online shopping sites via their friends and family.
Top Online Retail Subcategories in China
Category	 % Reach
Retail 	 50.4
Comparison Shopping 	 14.8
Books 	 14.5
Computer Hardware 	 6.5
Consumer Electronics 	 9.9
Computer Software 	 6.1
Apparel 	 7.8
Health Care 	 7.0
Mall 	 3.8
Fragrances/Cosmetics 	 2.0
Retail-Music 	 1.4
Retail-Food 	 0.5
Department Stores 	 1.5
Tickets 	 0.3
Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 	 0.4
Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories 	 1.0
Consumer Goods 	 0.2
Sports/Outdoor 	 0.1
Home FurnishingS 	 0.5
Toys 	 0.1
(Source: comScoreWorld Metrix, August 2009)
There are now an estimated 739 million mobile users in
China, representing a penetration rate of 54.3%.
By the end of 2009, there were 233 million mobile internet
users in China, accounting for 60.8% of all internet users
in the country.
By the end of 2010 there will be more internet users in
China than the entire population of the United States, more
than 300 million people.
By 2013, 41% of all mobile users will be mobile internet
users too.
3G is still in its infancy in China. There are currently just 15
million 3G subscribers in the country.
That being said, the market is growing fast. New mobile
subscriptions (2G and 3G) numbered 9 million every month
in Q4 2009.
Half of all Chinese 3G users access the mobile internet five
times a day at least.
Nearly half (46.5%) of all mobile phone users said they
would use 3G within six months, once it became available
to them.
Chinese mobile users sent 784.04 billion SMS messages to
each other in 2009.
Chinese mobile users send an average of 2.1 billion SMS
messages to each other every day. Of these, 86% come
from China Mobile customers.
Two fifths (40.9%) of China's SNS users expect mobile
usage from their networks.
M-commerce revenues in China were expected to reach
RMB55 million in 2009, a 130% increase on 2008.
In 2009, 10.3% of online shopping transactions were made
by means of mobile payment.
During the first six months of 2009, there were a total of
62.69 million mobile payment transactions made in China,
worth US$2.49 billion in expenditure.
Mobile entertainment is predicted to bring in US$18 billion
by 2013.
Legal mobile music downloads are beginning to take off
in China, with 16% of Chinese saying they have paid for
music applications on their phones. More than one quarter
of them (27%) have paid for a full length mobile music
By the end of 2009 there were an estimated 12.3 million
mobile game players in China.
By 2013, China's online search market should be generating
RMB22.7 billion (US$3.4 billion) a year.
China's online brand advertising market revenue came
to RMB7.97 billion in November 2009, and is expected to
grow by 35% year-on-year in 2010. China's overall online
advertising market is expected to grow by 44% in 2010.
Paid search is expected to grow at a rate of 55% year-on-
year in 2010.
Entertainment has a 63.8% reach in China, the lowest in
the region.
The Chinese are the least prolific searchers in the region,
averaging 61.7 searches per searcher in August 2009, lower
than the regional average (84.5 searches per searcher).
China's Top Portals by Brand Advertising Revenue
Site	 RMB million
Sina	 1,421
Sohu	 1,125
Tencent	 885
Netease	 307
MSN China	 252
Soutun	 240
Youku	 212
Baidu	 129
(Source: iResearch/Credit Suisse estimates)
China's Online Ad Revenues 2009-2012
(RMB million) 	 2009	 2010 	 2011e	 2012
Brand ad  	 	 10,853	 14,595 	 18,918 	 23,271
Search 	 	 10,453 	 16,244 	 24,179 	 31,166
Others  	 	 1,639 	 2,186 	 3,087 	 4,014
Total  	 	 22,946 	 33,025 	 46,184 	 58,451
Breakdown (%)
Brand ad 	 	 47.9 	 44.7 	 41.5 	 40.3
Search  	 	 44.9 	 48.6 	 51.8 	 52.8
Others 	 	 7.2 	 6.7 	 6.8 	 7.0
YoY (%)
Brand ad 	 	 9.3 	 34 	 30 	 23
Search 	 	 61.7 	 56 	 49 	 29
Others 		 -8.8 	 33 	 41 	 30
(Source: Credit Suisse estimates; * gross revenue – advertisers actual spending)
China's Online Brand Ad Market Revenues: 2009/10
	 Brand Ad Revenue 	 Breakdown
	 (RMB million)		 (%) 	YoY (%) 	 yoy (%)
industry	 2009	 2010	 2009	 2010	 2010
IT 	 971 	 1,117 	 11 	 9 	 15
Electronics 	 348 	 400 	 4 	 3 	 15
Food & Beverage 	 495 	 693 	 6 	 6 	 40
Auto 	 1,422 	 1,849 	 16 	 15 	 30
Telecom & Handset 	 398 	 577 	 4 	 5 	 45
Personal Care 	 294 	 440 	 3 	 4 	 50
Internet Service 	 1,753 	 2,629 	 20 	 22 	 50
Real Estate 	 792 	 1,070	 9 	 9 	 35
Finance 	 380 	 532 	 4 	 4 	 40
Others 	 2,090 	 2,765 	 23 	 23 	 32
Total 	 8,942 	 12,072 	 100 	 100 	 35
(Source: iResearch/Credit Suisse estimates)
Trust in Media Channels in China
Media channel	 % who trust the channel completely
Recommendations from friends and family	 57
Independent reviews in publications	 20
Manufacturers / brands websites	 17
Consumer opinion in blogs	 20
TV ads	 12
Newspaper ads	 11
Ads that appear on search engines	 11
Banner ads on websites	 9
Ads in virtual worlds	 6
Ads in video games	 7
Ads via mobile SMS	 8
(Source: TNS/Digital Media)
China's Top 10 Motivating Digital Brands
Rank	 Brand
1	 Lenovo
2	 Nokia
3	 Haier
4	 Nestle
5	 Nike
7	 McDonald's
8	 L'Oreal
9	 Adidas
10	 Wong Lo Kat Herbal Tea
(Source: TNS/Digital Media)
Top 5 Online Advertisers in China in 2009
Advertiser	Online Ad Spend (RMB million)
Jiayuan	 520
VANCL	 510
Lining	 370
Nike	 290
51job	 260
(Source: ChinaInternetWatch/CR-Nielsen)
In 2010, revenues generated from online advertising,
games, shopping and other activities is expected to come
to RMB112.3 billion, a 51% growth on 2009.
China's online shopping market generated RMB250 billion
(US$36.6 billion) in 2009, representing 1.97% of all
domestic retail sales. It is thought that around 100 million
Chinese now shop online.
More than 87 million Chinese online users shopped online
in the first 6 months of 2009.
Of those online shoppers, 32.3% made no more than two
purchase transactions during the first six months of 2009.
However, a similar amount (30.5%) made between five and
ten online shopping transactions in that same period.
More than half (50.4%) of online Chinese have visited an
online retail site.
Chinese online shoppers have a strong preference for C2C
sites, being the first choice for 85% of them. The top site
by far is Taobao, with 76.5% of online shoppers citing it as
their first choice.
Nearly half (48.7%) of online shoppers in China have
become aware of shopping sites through family and friends.
More than 85.7% of Chinese online users searched for
product information online in the first six months of 2009.
Breaking it down, 53.5% visited B2C sites and 32.5%
visited C2C sites to do this.
Comparison shopping is yet to take off in China, with
just 14.8% of online Chinese having visited a comparison
shopping site.
China's virtual goods market was expected to generate
more than US$5 billion in sales in 2009.
22 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 23
24 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 25
China Mobile currently controls around 80% of China's
mobile games market via its Monternet platform.
Mobile internet users in China averaged 248 page views per
user in December 2009, 132.8% more than in December
Smartphones now represent more than 20% of all handset
shipments to China.
A sizeable 77% of Chinese consumers say they cannot live
without their mobile phones.
However, 44% of Chinese say they are already receiving
too many ads on the mobile phones already, according
to the same survey. A similar amount, 42%, say they are
open to more ads – if they can make some money out of it
China has more than 350 million accumulated mobile
instant messenger accounts, and 136.39 million active
Chinese Mobile Internet Users 2009
	 % of users
Under 10	 0.5
Age 10-19	 37.9
Age 20-29	 35.3
Age 30-39	 17.1
Age 40-49	 6.7
Age 50-59	 1.8
Age 60 and above	 0.7
Male	 56
Female	 44
Primary school/below	 8.1
Junior middle	 26.9
High school	 42.4
Associate college	 11.4
College	 10.3
Master's degree/above	 0.9
Others	 0.7
Unemployed	 9.9
Retirees	 0.4
Agricultural, forestry, husbandry, fishery labourers	 3.1
Freelancers/Self-employed	 12.2
Industry/service industry workers	 4.9
Migrant workers	 2.9
Professionals	 9.9
Enterprise non-managerial 	 15.7
Enterprise managerial	 2.8
Government-non managerial	 4.1
Government-managerial	 1
Students	 32.3
Income (Yuan) per month
Above 8000	 2.7
5001-8000	 2.7
3001-5000	 8.4
2001-3000	 14.3
1501-2000	 13
1001-1500	 13.5
501-1000	 16.5
500 or below	 19.5
No income	 9.3
Rural	 30.8
Urban	 69.2
(Source: CNNIC March 2010)
What Chinese Mobile Internet Users do Online
Activity	 % of users
Mobile Phone TV 	 16.5
Mobile Phone Email 	 18.4
Mobile Phone Online Game 	 19.3
Mobile Phone Online Community 	 22.8
Mobile Phone Online Music 	 50.4
Mobile Phone Search 	 55.2
Mobile Phone Reading 	 75.4
Mobile Phone Online Chatting	 77.8
(Source: CNNIC March 2010)
Client: Coca-Cola China
Agency: wwwins Isobar China
Campaign: Coca-Cola Coke with Food Campaign
Objective: The key challenge was to create an association
between Coke and everyday meals, reinforcing how much
"Shuang" (Chinese character representing refreshment and
enjoyment) the consumer can experience at the dining
table when Coke is there to accompany the food.
Strategy: Instead of just showing "behind the scene"
footage of the TVC, we wanted to really place the
consumers "behind the scenes". An additional video of the
TVC was shot solely for the online campaign purpose to
create the unique digital experience.
Details: With the online video template, we created a
unique and exciting experience that allowed consumers be
part of the video for them to "show off" to their friends.
Under the theme of "Having Dinner with Fei-Lun-Hai" we
pushed the boundaries of Real-time Flash 3D Technology
to allow users to upload their face photos, which then were
converted into 3D faces then mapped onto a person who
dined with the Fei-Lun-Hai members in the video. In the
final video, consumers could see themselves dancing and
dining around the table with Fei-Lun-Hai. And with simple
share function, consumers could send the video link their
friends, or even paste the video on their blogs.
Results: The campaign generated the following response:
700,000 3D user-generated interactive videos successfully
generated, the viral effects that were tracked reached
exposure to more than 20 million people.
connecting all sides of the
interactive marketing and
advertising landscape
upcoming events in asia
3 - 4 June 2010
Suntec City International Convention Centre
28 - 29 October 2010
Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa
20 - 21 October 2010
Shanghai International Convention Centre
26 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 27
What Hong Kong's Internet Users Earn
Monthly Household Income	Total 	 % of Users
HK$70,000+ Per month	 218,424	 5.5
HK$70,000-79,999	 48,779	 1.2
HK$60,000-69,999	 96,370	 2.4
HK$50,000-59,999	 192,364	 4.9
HK$40,000-49,999	 518,419	 13.1
HK$35,000-39,999	 191,198	 4.8
HK$30,000-34,999	 311,904	 7.9
HK$25,000-29,999	 338,447	 8.5
HK$20,000-24,999	 595,502	 15
HK$15,000-19,999	 440,105	 11.1
HK$13,000-14,999	 228,786	 5.8
HK$10,000-12,999	 478,324	 12.1
HK$8,000-9,999	 185,600	 4.7
HK$8,000 or less per month	 165,998	 4.2
(Source: Yahoo!/Synovate 2009 HK Media Atlas Q1'09-Q4'09)
There were around 2.5 million social networking users in
Hong Kong as of August 2009.
Over 50% of online Hong Kongers have uploaded a video
to a video sharing site, according to one survey.
Hong Kong internet users spent an average of 156 minutes
a day online in 2009.
Hong Kong internet users spent on average more than 25
hours online a month in 2009.
What do Hong Kong internet users do when they are
online? In August 2009 it was mainly instant messaging
(15.9% share of minutes online), with Hong Kongers
spending twice as long as Asians across the region did on
the activity that month. Entertainment sites took up 11% of
their time (led by YouTube and TVB) and social networking
took up 8% of their time.
Entertainment reach in the city was 72.7% in August 2009.
Just over a third (37%) of Hong Kongers feel they could
not live without the internet.
Why Hong Kongers go Online
Activity	 % of users
For getting information 	 80
Communication by text  	 30.3
Shopping/reservation 	 4.4
Leisure  	 41
Education 	 17.5
Financial activities  	 8.4
Online community  	 1.2  
Downloading/upgrading software  	 5.1
(Source: APIRA)
How Long Hong Kongers Spend Online
Average Time Spent Using Internet 	 ('000)	 % of Users
Less Than 30 Minutes	 412	 7.7
30 Minutes-Less Than 1 Hour	 666	 12.4
1 Hour-Less Than 2 Hours	 924	 17.2
2 Hours-Less Than 3 Hours	 745	 13.9
3 Hours-Less Than 4 Hours	 458	 8.5
4 Hours-Less Than 5 Hours	 257	 4.8
5 Hours-Less Than 6 Hours	 144	 2.7
6 Hours Or More	 517	 9.6
(Source : Nielsen Media Index Hong Kong; Base population: Individuals aged 12 – 64)
What Hong Kongers do Online
Features Used	 ('000)	 % of Users
EMail 	 3,062	 57
Search Goods/Services
Information 	 1,826	 34
Instant messenger 	 1,757	 32.7
Read Newspapers/Magazines 	 1,698	 31.6
Social Networking 	 1,407	 26.2
Play Online Games 	 1,388	 25.8
Settle Payment 	 1,131	 21
Use Online Banking Services 	 1,129	 21
Listen To Songs/Radio Programs 	 1,046	 19.5
Search Financial Information 	 1,007	 18.7
Search/Download Information 	 995	 18.5
Watch User-generated Video Online or Watch 
Professionally Produced Video Online 	 1,124	 20.9
Browse Blog 	 714	 13.1
Download Free Songs/Music or Download Paid Songs/Music 	 754	 14
Use Search Engines 	 682	 12.7
Write Blog 	 662	 12.3
Trade Stock 	 620	 11.5
Download Software 	 609	 11.3
Make Reservation/Book Tickets 	 529	 9.8
Search Job Vacancies 	 494	 9.2
Chat Room 	 441	 8.2
Use Auction Services 	 433	 8.1
Purchase/Order Goods/Services 	 402	 7.5
Download Movies 	 359	 6.7
Download TV Programs 	 255	 4.7
Request Customer Services 	 243	 4.5
Make Friends Online 	 242	 4.5
Download Mobile Phone Ringtone 	 216	 4
Internet Phone 	 209	 3.9
Download Books/Comics 	 184	 3.4
Download Mobile Phone Game/Wallpaper 	 138	 2.6
Netmeeting 	 108	 2
Others 	 511	 9.5
(Source : Nielsen Media Index Hong Kong; Base population: Individuals aged 12-64)
Hong Kong online ad spend came to HK$869 million in
2009, a 17% increase on 2008 (HK$744 million).
Online ad spend in Hong Kong is expected to grow by 13%
in 2010.
By 2012, online ad spend is expected to come to US$169
While Google reigns supreme across much of Asia as the
favoured search engine, in Hong Kong it is Yahoo! that
attracts the majority of searches, it taking 58.9% of Hong
Kongers' search queries.
Hong Kong internet users are pretty loyal to the emarketing
programmes they sign up to, 80% of them saying they
always open and read emails they have subscribed to.
Equally a similar proportion, 70%, delete emails that have
been sent to them by unknown senders – unread.
Hong Kongers love bargains, which may be why 78% of
Hong Kong internet users in a survey said they find emails
offering discounts to be the most persuasive tactics to get
them to purchase what was offered in the emails. Discount
coupons are nearly as persuasive, say 72% of users, while
free gifts (65%) and cash rebates (50%) are also popular.
Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Hong Kong internet users in a
survey said that they forwarded promotional emails on to
their friends and relatives.
There are currently more than 3.9 million active internet
users in Hong Kong, as of August 2009.
Around 81% of Hong Kong homes have broadband.
More than two thirds (69.4%) of Hong Kongers aged 10 or
over accessed the internet in 2009.
Hong Kong internet users on average spend 18 hours a
week online.
There are around 8,825 public WiFi access points in
Hong Kong.
Hong Kong's Internet Users 2009
		 Total Users ('000)	 % of users
Male	 	 1,903.04	 48
Female	 	 2,058.39	 52
15-19	 	 432.68	 10.9
20-24	 	 455.49	 11.5
25-29	 	 511.61	 12.9
30-32	 	 476.65	 12
35-39	 	 478.16	 12.1
40-44	 	 454.08	 11.5
45-49	 	 403.72	 10.2
50-54	 	 271.79	 6.9
55+	 	 226.20	 5.7
Marital Status
Single	 	 2,168.82	 54.7
Married with Children aged 15 or below	 854.44	 21.6
Married without Children	 	 274.09	 6.9
Divorced, Widowed (with 
children aged 15 or below)	 	 13.78	 0.3
Divorced, Widowed (without children)	 6.74	 0.2
Married with all Children aged 16 or above	 607.72	 15.3
Divorced, Widowed (with all children aged 16 or above)	 16.94	 0.4
Attained Education	
No Formal Schooling	 	 6.59	 0.2
Primary School or beloW	 	 197.44	 5
Sec	 	 2,436.78	 61.5
Tert non-degree	 	 421.90	 10.7
tert degree+	 	 880.61	 22.2
Employment Status	
Working Full Time (30 hours above a week)	 2,380.02	 60.1
Working Part Time (Less than 30 hrs a week)	 208.03	 5.3
Retired	 	 89.77	 2.3
Unemployed	 	 178.82	 4.5
Student	 	 814.65	 20.6
Housewife	 	 283.00	 7.1
Refused	 	 7.12	 –
Occupation/Job Position	
PMEB	 	 812.26	 20.5
skilled & unskilled white collar	 	 716.13	 18.1
Services workers & shop sales	 	 261.05	 6.6
Craft & related workers	 	 165.48	 4.2
Plant & machine operators and assemblers	 76.70	 1.9
Elementary occupations	 	 157.70	 4
Place of Access	
At home	 	 3,684.73	 93
In office	 	 1,280.94	 32.3
At school	 	 173.37	 4.4
In Internet cafe	 	 55.72	 1.4
In other places (e.g. library, shopping mall)	 198.41	 5
(Source: Yahoo!/Synovate HK Media Atlas Q1-Q4 2009)
Hong Kong's Two IFC rising above the city
28 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 29
While nearly all Hong Kong internet users (98.3%) had
used some form of e-business service in 2009, 15.9% used
"online purchasing services" for their personal means, an
increase on 2008 (10.3%).
More than half of online Hong Kongers have visited a retail
site (51.3%).
Comparison shopping is gaining some traction in Hong
Kong, with 13.8% reach, as of August 2009.
In 2009, Hong Kong's online shopping adoption rate grew
at a CAGR of 144.8%.
Top Online Retail Subcategories in Hong Kong
Category	 % Reach
Retail	 51.3
Comparison Shopping 	 13.8
Books 	 13.8
Computer Hardware 	 16.9
Consumer Electronics  	 17.1
Computer Software 	 8.6
Apparel  	 7.6
Health Care 	 1.2
Mall 	 1.4
Fragrances/Cosmetics 	 4.7
Retail-Music 	 6.6
Retail-Food 	 1.9
Department Stores 	 0.9
Tickets 	 2.9
Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 	 1.9
Goods/Accessories	 2.2
Consumer Goods 	 0.3
Sports/Outdoor	 0.9
Home Furnishings 	 1.4
Toys	 2.3
(Source: ComsCore World Metrix, August 2009)
Hong Kong's mobile subscriber penetration rate now stands
at 171.6%. Hong Kong, a city of 7 million people, had more
than 12 million mobile subscribers as of November 2009.
Of Hong Kong's mobile population, more than 4.9 million
are 2.5G and 3G subscribers.
As of the beginning of 2010, there were 8,826 public WiFi
spots in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong's mobile data revenue is expected to increase
at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2009 to 2014, increasing from
US$557 million to $916 million.
In 2010, Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year Day both
fell on 14 February, perhaps prompting Hong Kongers to
send more than 28.3 million SMS messages and receive
36.8 million of them – a 54.19% and 42.08% increase
respectively compared to Valentine's Day 2009.
More than half of Hong Kongers (59%) feel they could not
live without their mobile phone.
Nearly half of Hong Kong mobile phone users (49%)
already feel they are receiving too many ads on their
Unlike their peers across the Chinese border, Hong Kongers
are still resistant to the idea of mobile phone advertising –
even if they get paid for it (66% of users saying they are
Client: Anna Sui
Agency: Euro RSCG Hong Kong
Objective: In a crowded market place, the challenge
was to engage Anna Sui's 15-30 year old style-conscious,
digitally-connected consumers and communicate to them
the product's benefits – with the ultimate aim of increasing
traffic to Anna Sui counters.
Strategy: Super Black Mascara exaggerates the eyes, but
how could the brand communicate this in a playful and
flirtatious way online? Euro RSCG Hong Kong tapped into
the global reach of social networks to create an innovative
Facebook application which invited users to virtually
apply the new range of
mascara to their own photos.
The campaign brought the
product experience online, by
literally allowing users to apply
mascara to the eyes of their
online photos.
Details: This fun application
saw users playfully digitally
enhancing their facebook
photos with flirty long lashes,
and posting their glamourised
Running to the tagline "Long
lashes that captivate – be the
Anna Sui Captivating Star", the
campaign ran across a range of
online and offline channels in
Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea,
including a product mini-site, "how to" videos on YouTube,
eDM, SMS and in-store materials.
In order to maximise the viral potential of the application,
users were then invited to pass on the application to
friends in order to receive vouchers and win prizes to drive
traffic to Anna Sui counters.
Results: Within the first month the campaign generated:
- More than 6,000 Facebook users accessed the Super
Black Mascara Facebook application.
- More than 600 people become fans of the application
- More than 500 vouchers were downloaded.
- The brand website saw an increase in visits of over 50%
during the campaign period.
Hong Kong online advertisers numbered 2,239 as of the
first half of 2009, running 7,158 campaigns between
them, a 22% increase on 2008. In total, 11.2 billion ad
impressions were served over that 1H 2009 period.
The most prolific online advertising category in Hong Kong
is not, surprisingly, finance representing HK$65 million
of ad value, followed by computers & electrical (HK$51
million) and education (HK$48 million)
In the first six months of 2009, social networking sites and
other friend-introducing sites increased their estimated ad
value tenfold (1,014%) compared to the first half of 2008.
Hong Kongers are amongst the most ad savvy internet
users out there, showing the highest propensity to avoid
sites with intrusive ads and pop ups – 46% of users, much
higher than the global average (28%).
More than one quarter (27%) of Hong Kongers would be
more recipient to online ads – if they were paid to do so.
More than one quarter (26%) of Hong Kongers are open to
behavioural marketing and the technology that facilitates it
– as long as no data is collected in the process that could
identify them.
Hong Kong's Top 10 Sites of 2009
	 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Yahoo! Sites	 3,184
Microsoft Sites	 2,628
Google Sites	 2,594
Uwants Sites	 1,303
SINA	 1,053
Wikimedia Foundation Sites	 919
Television Broadcasts 	 903
PCCW	 784
(Source: ComScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Hong Kong Home/Work Locations)
Hong Kong's Top 10 Gaming Sites of 2009
	 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Online Gaming	 1,151
Yahoo! Games	 233
Gamania Digital Entertainment	 180
Travian Games	 163
MSN Games 	 112
9YOU	 102
WildTangent Network	 74
Gameflier	 74
(Source: ComScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Hong Kong Home/Work Locations)
Hong Kong's Top 10 Retail Sites of 2009
	 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Retail	 2,033	 469
Apple Worldwide Sites	 459
Amazon Sites	 309
Nissen Group	 119
Hewlett Packard	 116
(Source: ComScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Hong Kong Home/Work Locations)
Hong Kong's Top 10 Entertainment Sites of 2009
	 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000)
Entertainment	 2,828
YOUTUBE	 1,551
TVB	 899
Yahoo! Music	 822
Yahoo! Movies	 550
iTunes Software (App)	 478
Tudou Sites	 438
PPStream	 431
CBS Interactive	 422
Youku	 408
Sony Online	 324
(Source: ComScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Hong Kong Home/Work Locations)
Hong Kong's Fastest Growing Online Ad Categories
Ranking	 Categories			 Growth by Ad Value(%)
1	 Introductions/Social Networking	 1014
2	 Automotive	 	 201
3	 Sundry Service	 	 194
4	 Real Estate		 180
5	 Fashion	 	 172
(Source: The Nielsen Company; 1H 2009)
Hong Kong's Online Ad Spend by Sector 	
Categories	 Market Gross Adspend on Internet (HK$m)
Banking & Investment Services	 527.1
Education & Training	 266.19
Computers & Internet Services	 216.56
Telecommunication, Mobile Phones & Services	 111.54
Entertainment	 106.59
Transportation & Logistics	 101.75
Travel & Tourism Services	 96.58
Cosmetics & Skincare	 75.85
Beauty, Slimming & Fitness	 68.78
Hotels, Resorts & Service Apartments	 58.04
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare	 57.24
Restaurants	 54.01
Mass Media	 51.61
Retail	 48.56
Non-profit Organisation	 45.66
Sports	 41.34
Jewellery, Watches & Luxury Products	 37.55
Camera, Photography & Optical Instruments	 37.1
Toiletries & Household	 35.69
Fashion, Accessories & Eyewear	 34.9
Government	 34.25
Business Services	 33.68
Insurance	 31.72
Beverages	 30.78
Electrical Appliances	 27.03
Automobile & Petroleum	 26.61
Food	 24.4
Toys & Hobbies	 19.23
Property & Real Estate	 11.7
Energy & Mining	 8.66
Wine, Beer, Whisky & Liquor	 6.97
Bridal	 6.8
Construction	 4.51
Books, Gifts & Stationery	 3.62
Industry	 2.4
Pets	 1.68
Miscellaneous	 1.53
Funeral Services	 0.01
Tobacco	 0
Unknown	 0
Total	 2,348.22
(Source: Yahoo!/admanGo; January-December 2009)
Hong Kong's Top 10 Website Brands in 2009
Brand	 Ad impressions ('000)
Total	 23,927,360
Yahoo! HK	 13,631,410
atnext	 2,141,341
2000fun-HP	 2,017,361
HKEPCHardware	 1,860,722
Discuss	 1,153,393
Mingpao	 970,985
The Sun	 712,127
AAStocks	 533,116
MSN Hong kong	 476,805
fotop	 430,098
(Source: Yahoo!/Nielsen AdRelevance – 06/04/2010)
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010
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Adma digital-marketing-yearbook-2010

  • 1. ASIA PACIFIC Digital Marketing Yearbook 2010 Stay engaged with your customer and flexibly follow the trends across multiple platforms. “ “ Edited by Rachel Oliver
  • 2. asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 1 The ears, eyes and voice of digital marketing in Asia The Asia Digital Marketing Association (ADMA) is the voice of, and advocate for, the digital marketing industry in Asia (excluding Japan). The ADMA is guided by senior executives in the industry and is charged with gaining consensus and providing leadership on key industry issues. The ADMA actively promotes the benefits of using mobile and the Internet as channels to communicate with consumers as well as lobbying and public relations assistance for member companies. The ADMA is a non-profit organisation with a membership base representing online publishers/ portals, agencies, research companies, technology/ service companies and marketers/advertisers. ❚❚ Why join the ADMA? Being a member gives you access: • Unified voice for the industry to promote the use of digital and the Internet (in the media and with potential customers) • Forum for standards and best practice sharing • Spokespeople to represent members and respond to criticism • Industry contacts and networking opportunities • Sponsorship opportunities to raise awareness of your brand • Discounted rates for regional events • Notification of relevant speaking opportunities • Professional digital marketing qualifications – discounted enrolment fees for members • Entry in the online Membership Directory and annual Asia Pacific Digital Marketing Yearbook • Job matching service to help you find staff ❚❚ How to join the ADMA Membership fees are set low enough to encourage universal membership among industry players, and taken together provide sufficient revenues to underwrite regular activities. Other activities are funded by sponsorship (cash and in kind) and by charging admission fees for some events. Visit and complete the online registration form. ABOUT THE ASIA DIGITAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION Visit for more details. The ADMA gives heartfelt thanks all our members for their support and contributions: ADMA Patrons: ADMA Corporate members: ad:tech, Admax Network, AGENDA Group Asia, BBE, British Council, comScore, Coremetrics, draftFCB China, Dow Jones Publishing Company (Asia), Edipresse, Experian Hong Kong, eyeblaster, Financial Times, Google Hong Kong, Hewlett Packard, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Asia Pacific, KatalystM, Lucini & Lucini, Mediaplex, MRM Worldwide, NDS Asia Pacific, Nielsen Online, Omnicom Group, Omniture, PGi, Publicis Modem Singapore, Pulse Mediatech,, Singapore Press Holdings, SingTel Digital Media (inSing), The Economist, The Hyperfactory, The Rubicon Project, The Upper Storey, TIME & Fortune, Universal McCann, Vocational Training Council, Wunderman, wwwins Isobar, ZUJI And all our Individual members. ©2010 FORTUNE is a registered trademark of Time Inc. Making tangible. SUCCESS With unrivaled access to the world’s most influential leaders and companies.And the trusted perspective you need to succeed. Welcome to the new Fortune. Re-imagined, refined and re-focused to deliver the insight you need now. In brief and in depth.
  • 3. asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 3 ❚❚ Asia Pacific 6 ❚❚ Australia 12 ❚❚ China 18 ❚❚ Hong Kong 26 ❚❚ India 30 ❚❚ Indonesia 34 ❚❚ Japan 38 ❚❚ Malaysia 42 ❚❚ NEW ZEALAND 46 ❚❚ THE PHILIPPINES 50 ❚❚ Singapore 54 ❚❚ South Korea 58 ❚❚ Taiwan 62 ❚❚ Thailand 66 ❚❚ Vietnam 70 Contents Essential reading Anytime, anywhere THE WORLD'S LEADING BUSINESS NEWS IN PRINT, ONLINE AND ON MOBILE The Wall Street Journal Asia reaches Asia's business elite where they live, work and play by delivering unparalleled news and analysis through a variety of print, online and digital platforms. Online, The Wall Street Journal Digital Network includes an ever-growing network of Asia-specific offerings that target the region's most influential business decision makers including,, and Digital offerings, including WSJ Mobile Reader for BlackBerry and iPhone, also continue to grow as the desire for news on-the-go inspires new technologies, expanded functionality and enhanced delivery from the world's most trusted source for global news and analysis. To find out more about integrated advertising solutions, please contact your Dow Jones sales representative at or call: Hong Kong 852-2831 2504; Singapore 65-6415 4300; Tokyo 81-3 6269 2701.
  • 4. 4 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 5 • When it comes to making online purchases, Asians across the board listen closely to their friends. Nearly half (48%) of South Korean internet users said they had bought something in the past because it was either discussed or recommended by one of their online friends, as have 38.2% of Malaysians, 40.4% of Japanese, 42.2% of Vietnamese, 48.4% of Indonesian's and one third of Filipinos. • Mobile shopping is taking hold of the region, with nearly eight out of 10 Asian mobile users engaging in some form of mobile shopping activity in the past year. • The Koreans are the top shoppers, with 97% of internet users say they have shopped online. • Indians spent the least amount of time online of any Asian nation, at 11 hours per month. • 63% of Singaporeans online watch TV at the same time. • Japan leads the pack with mobile social media – more than 75% of social network users only access the sites via their mobiles. • The Filipinos lead the world in SMS, with two billion text messages sent every day. • Hong Kong people take the instant message crown, spending twice as much time IM'ing as anyone else in the region. • More than half the Asia Pacific region's online population is Chinese, but they are the least prolific users of search in Asia Pacific. • Australians spend more time on social networking sitesthan anyone else in the world (seven hours a month) and 27% of all Australians blog. Online advertising spending has rebounded, following recovery from the recession, and continues to grow. However, there is no consistent pattern across the region. In 2009, Japan's online ad revenue grew just 1.2% over 2008, but hit a milestone: more money was spent on online media than on newspaper advertising for the first time. In China in 2009, 16.69% of all ad spend was online. Contrast this statistic with the Philippines, where just 1% of total advertising expenditure is online and SMS reigns supreme. For reference, Singapore's percentage of online spending stands at approximately 6%. Another trend to watch is the balance of paid, owned and earned media. Paid media such as rich media, display, search and sponsored content remain the dominant forms of online marketing expenditure. Companies and brands continue to trust the control over the media plan and the content that paid media offers. Owned media such as corporate websites, brand websites and microsites have always been an important component of the online marketing mix. Now increasingly social media such as Facebook pages and Twitter feeds are being added to the mix (except in China, where they are blocked, and marketers use other similar services). These owned media feeds provide both controlled content distribution opportunities, as well as platforms for customer and community interaction. The dynamics of earned media are different, when customers become the channel, and brands have no control of what is said or shared. However, when brands get positive word of mouth from earned media, it is credible and powerful. Earned media, and to some extent the social media aspects of owned media, have more in common with public relations than traditional advertising. After we waded through terabytes of statistics on platform usage, media consumption, and broadband and mobile penetration in order to compile this Yearbook, it's easy to see why some marketers lose sight of their customers and become pre-occupied with the technology. Our hope at the Asia Digital Marketing Association is that this Yearbook helps you get beyond facts and figures, and provides you insights that will make you a better and more successful marketer. At the end of the day, there really is no such thing as a digital strategy, just solid marketing strategies that happen to use digital channels. No one has a crystal ball into what devices, applications, web services, and sites tomorrow's customer will use, so stay engaged with your customer and flexibly follow the trends across multiple platforms. David Ketchum is Chairman, Asia Digital Marketing Association and President of Bite Communications, Asia Pacific. D igital marketing in Asia Pacific in 2010 offers an almost infinite combination of ways to engage customers, participate in their communities, sell them products and services, and build brands and corporate reputations. Content can be highly personalised, relevant and localised deeply to take into account factors such as language, location, time of day, past behaviour and stated preferences. The range of available media is staggering, value-priced, and offers exceptional targeting. And this year the true "internet experience in the palm of your hand" is now available in many urban centres across the region, thanks to the spread of smartphones, 3G networks, and the applications that run on them. There is a battle of epic proportions going on to determine which platforms will host the majority of online users' activities. The days when a portal was a web user's main access point to the internet are long over, but it's not yet clear what will take its place. Will the future be driven by search? Social networking? Mobilility? A device? An application? A browser? Microblogging? Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, Skype and Yahoo! are just a few of the international players experimenting with different mixtures of applications, content and devices in their quest to be dominant. And in Asia Pacific, some world-class companies are looking to meet local needs or expand globally, such as Alibaba, Rakuten, Livedoor, Orkut, Rediff, Sina, Baidu, Daum, Telstra and others. Of note: Tencent is now among the top five sites visited globally. These developments are exciting and empowering for marketers, advertisers, and their agencies. The consolidation of major players in the global internet industry such as Google's purchase of DoubleClick and the Microsoft/Yahoo! search deal, offers scale, and unprecedented reach and frequency for online marketing. That's matched with localised innovation that is bubbling up and providing new, highly relevant opportunities for engagement. The reality is that no one platform is going to win the markret outright, and whether each competitor purports to be "open" or not, they all have the potential to overlap and underlie one another. To quote author David Weinberger's book title, the internet remains "Small Pieces Loosely Joined" rather than a monolithic, consistent entity, despite various companies' attempts. The iPhone (and now the iPad) and its apps-and-content ecosystem as helped blaze new trails in mobility, e-commerce and content. However, there are also plenty of other cutting edge devices (30% of the world's smartphone market is in Asia Pacific) and plenty of other platforms driving the trend. Last year it seemed that social networking – and more particularly Facebook – might take over as the dominant "operating system" of the internet. Now it's clear there are multiple players. For example, people on Windows Mobile phones access Gmail. Someone is searching Baidu using a FireFox browser. A teenager is playing a Playfish game on Facebook. People are transferring money with Alipay. A YouTube video is streaming through a Yahoo! site. Someone is Skyping on an Apple laptop, while someone else is IM'ing on their Nokia. A Chinese teenager just connected with a friend on RenRen with a email address. The platform companies continuously refine their revenue models and try to grab market share, which is healthy because their platforms interconnect and produce hundreds of thousands of customer touchpoints for marketers to engage. How marketers deploy these platforms and what campaign ideas will be most successful is far from universal and, as in past years we're seeing increasing diversity in consumer habits across the region. Here's a look at some of the trends in Asia Pacific, and of course there is much more detail in each of the country sections of this Yearbook. • Internet users in Asia Pacific spent more than 5.6 trillion minutes online in 2009, and bought US$7 billion in virtual goods. We're back! This is the fourth edition of the Asia Digital Marketing Yearbook, compiled by the Asia Digital Marketing Association (ADMA) with the help of our members and supporters. Thanks to all our contributors for this year's collection of information, insights and case studies. And, a huge thank you to the ADMA's tireless director Kay Bayliss, to Yearbook editor Rachel Oliver, and to designer Garry Tipping who once again made this mammoth project a reality. The Yearbook is produced by the ADMA as a service to marketing directors, agency executives and business people who want to know what's happening online in the Asia Pacific region. Printed copies of the complete Yearbook are available to full members of the ADMA, so join today if you are not yet a member at As always, the PDF download version of the full Yearbook is available free at 2010: Multiple Platforms, Infinite Choices
  • 5. 6 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 7 ❚❚ DEMOGRAPHICS The Asia Pacific region is easily home to the biggest internet audience on earth, with more than 764 million internet users as of early 2010. To put this in context, the rest of the world has around 995 million internet users between them. (SOURCE: INTERNETWORLDSTATS) It's not only the biggest, it's the fastest growing too. Asia Pacific now plays home to the fastest growing internet population in the world. China, India and Japan were mainly to thank for Asia's 22% increase in usage in the year up to September 2009, with China taking home the prize for the fastest-growing country in Asia. China experienced a 31% surge of internet users in that period, bringing its own total audience to 220.8 million. (SOURCE: COMSCORE/MARKETING-INTERACTIVE) Asia Pacific will also be the main driving force behind the global adoption of broadband moving forward. By 2013, the region is expected to be home to 49% of the global broadband market. There are anticipated to be more than 640 million broadband users worldwide by 2013. There are currently more than 160 million broadband subscribers across Asia Pacific. (SOURCE: INFORMATION WEEK/PARKS ASSOCIATES) Four out of the top 10 countries in the world ranked by home broadband use are from Asia. South Korea tops the list, with 95% of its homes now having access to broadband; followed by Singapore (88%) in second place; with Taiwan and Hong Kong in joint fifth place (81%). (SOURCE: AFP/STRATEGY ANALYTICS) Asia Pacific's Internet Users 2009 Country Internet Penetration User Growth % of Users Users (m) Rate (%) 2000-2009 (%) in Asia Asia Pacific 764.43 20.1 568.8 100 Australia 17.03 80.1 158.1 – China 384.00 28.7 1,606.7 50.2 Hong Kong 4.87 69.2 113.7 0.6 India 81.00 7.0 1,520 10.6 Indonesia 30.00 12.5 1,400 3.9 Japan 95.97 75.5 103.9 12.6 Malaysia 16.90 65.7 356.8 2.2 New Zealand 3.50 83.1 321.7 – Philippines 24.00 24.5 1,100 3.1 Singapore 3.37 72.4 180.8 0.4 South Korea 37.47 77.3 96.8 4.9 Taiwan 15.14 65.9 141.9 2.0 Thailand 16.10 24.4 600.0 2.1 Vietnam 22.77 25.7 11,289.9 3.0 (Source: InternetWorldStats; April 2010) ❚❚ USER BEHAVIOUR The Asia Pacific region's internet users spent more than 5.6 trillion minutes online between them in 2009. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) On average, internet users across the Asia Pacific region each spent 1,008.4 minutes online per month in 2009, lower than the world monthly average of 1,376.7 minutes. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) Search is a considerably more popular activity today amongst the region's internet users than it was a year ago. In the space of one year (from September 2008 to September 2009) the number of searches conducted by Asia Pacific users jumped by 33%. (SOURCE: MEDIA/COMSCORE) In September 2009 alone, the region's internet users made 38.6 billion searches, averaging up to 88 searches per user in that month. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) Nearly half of all search activity (44.1%) across the region in September 2009 took place on Google, representing 17 billion searches. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) How Long Asia Pacific Spent Online in 2009 2009 Average 2009 Total 2009 Average 2009 Average Monthly Unique Minutes Spent Monthly Minutes Monthly Visitors ('000) Online (MM) Spent per Visits Per Visitor Visitor Worldwide 1,139,370 18,830,995 1,376.7 49.0 Asia Pacific 465,291 5,641,870 1,008.4 40.8 China 211,684 2,374,432 858.3 44.6 Japan 66,176 887,023 1,114.5 42.4 India 34,766 270,697 646.9 23.1 South Korea 28,606 618,618 1,797.8 59.2 Australia 12,444 178,922 1,198.0 38.5 Taiwan 11,750 145,324 1,030.6 37.7 Malaysia 9,271 94,742 851.6 29.8 Hong Kong 3,896 65,684 1,402.5 43.6 Singapore 2,651 41,899 1,315.8 39.3 New Zealand 2,543 28,303 926.1 33.6 (Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Asia Pacific Home/Work Locations) Asia Pacific's Online Gaming Usage in 2009 2009 Average 2009 Average 2009 Average 2009 Average Monthly Monthly Unique Monthly Minutes Monthly Reach (%) Visitors ('000) Spent per Visitor Visits Per Visitor Worldwide 37.5 426,884 105.8 9.1 Asia Pacific 30.9 143,636 51.9 7.1 Singapore 41.2 1,093 66.5 7.2 South Korea 34.2 9,777 138.1 11.9 New Zealand 34.1 869 86.2 8.0 Australia 33.9 4,230 72.2 7.7 China 32.4 68,458 30.3 7.4 Hong Kong 29.5 1,151 118.5 7.9 Malaysia 28.3 2,628 56.0 5.3 Taiwan 26.6 3,133 24.9 4.5 Japan 24.4 16,194 82.1 8.6 India 17.6 6,117 45.0 4.1 (Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Asia Pacific Home/Work Locations) Asia Pacific's Social Networking Users Market Total Internet Social Networking % of Internet Users*('000) Users ('000) Users China 215,460 105,379 49 Hong Kong 3,921 2,502 64 India 35,432 22,259 63 Indonesia 6,014 5,074 84 Japan 67,586 24,276 36 Malaysia 9,400 6,344 67 Philippines 4,526 3,924 87 Singapore 2,696 2,085 77 South Korea 28,978 16,632 57 Taiwan 11,932 7,565 63 Vietnam 5,625 2,947 52 (Source: comScore Media Metrix Report, August 2009; * Home and Work users, 15+ on personal computers) ❚❚ ONLINE ADVERTISING Half of the top 20 sites across the Asia Pacific region are based in China. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) On a regional basis, Asia Pacific is now only slightly behind Europe and the Middle East (EMEA) in the spamming stakes. In October 2009, nearly one quarter (23%) of all spam globally orginated from Asia, compared to the 28% that came from EMEA. (SOURCE: SYMANTEC) Asian search engines now easily compete with the rest of the world. Chinese site came third behind Google and Yahoo! in a ranking of top sites by search traffic in July 2009. While Google had 76.7 billion searches that month, giving it 67.5% market share, Yahoo! received 8.9 billion searches (7.8% market share) with Baidu very close behind with 8 billion searches and 7% market share. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) An Asian brand is now in the global top five online properties ranked by time spent. Tencent joins Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! and Facebook as the sites internet users spend their most time on. Globally, internet users spent 893 million minutes on Tencent in September 2009. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) The average online user in Asia Pacific receives 170 promotional emails a week, nearly half as much as the average North American (300 emails a week). (SOURCE: epsilon international) Special offers and discounts seem to work well across Asia, with 58% of Asian (ex Australia) internet users saying they made online purchases as a result of a coupon or offer they received in an email. (SOURCE: EPSILON INTERNATIONAL) Asia Pacific's Top 50 Sites of 2009 SITE 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Google Sites 277,307 Yahoo! Sites 225,320 Microsoft Sites 211,123 TENCENT 150,396 Baidu 146,974 SINA 104,565 83,956 NetEase 78,509 Sohu 77,641 Wikimedia Foundation Sites 77,374 Xunlei Networking 70,454 CBS Interactive 67,693 FACEBOOK 66,339 Tudou Sites 56,537 Amazon Sites 53,115 KuGou 51,506 Youku 49,235 Oak Pacific Interactive Sites 48,418 Apple 46,398 Sites 45,974 eBay 40,479 Rakuten 39,079 FC2 38,357 AOL 37,328 GMO Internet Group 36,849 NTT Group 35,588 56 35,311 Adobe Sites 35,030 PPStream 34,928 Livedoor 32,834 NHN 31,497 CyberAgent 31,059 WordPress 30,961 Lycos Sites 30,665 The Mozilla Organisation 29,560 Nifty 29,425 Ask Network 27,656 Phoenix Television 27,472 Sony Online 27,260 Recruit Co 25,738 QIANQIAN 25,713 Kakaku 25,651 PCPOP Sites 25,459 Xinhua News Agency 25,028 Fox Interactive Media 24,732 Chinabyte Technology Co. 23,536 Sakura Internet 23,513 TOM.COM 23,121 Kingsoft 22,587 4399 22,457 (Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Asia Pacific Home/Work Locations) ASIA PACIFIC
  • 6. 8 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 9 Asia Pacific Online Ad Spend: 2009-2012 Market Year (US$ million) 2009 2010 2011 2012 Australia 1,597 1,748 1,888 2,002 China 3,271 4,089 5,152 6,594 Hong Kong 138 146 157 169 India 101 117 134 154 Indonesia 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.8 Japan 7,324 7,910 8,724 9,509 Malaysia 26 34 41 48 New Zealand 214 251 343 349 Singapore 16 17 18 19 South Korea 1,236 1,397 1,536 1,690 Taiwan 208 229 252 277 Thailand 7 7 7 8 Vietnam 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 Asia Pacific 14,142 15,949 18,258 20,827 (Source: ZenithOptimedia, December 2009) Asia Pacific's Top Social Networks in 2009 Property 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Total Internet: Total Audience 465,291 Social Networking 254,209 FACEBOOK 66,339 Baidu Space 48,212 QQ.COM Alumni 28,410 Windows Live Profile 22,792 Orkut 22,454 Cyworld 19,377 QQ.COM Mini World 17,919 KAIXIN001 16,405 HI5 15,886 FRIENDSTER 15,832 (Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Asia Pacific Home/Work Locations) Asia Pacific's Top 20 Digital Brands of 2009 Rank Brand 1 McDonald's 2 Nokia 3 KFC 4 Coca-Cola 5 Nike 6 Sony 7 Samsung 8 Adidas 9 Pizza Hut 10 Nestle 11 Pepsi 12 Canon 13 Toyota 14 Heineken 15 Citibank 16 Olay 17 Honda 18 Philips 19 Visa 20 Head & Shoulders (Source: TNS/Digital Media) How Asia Pacific Defines Spam vs North America Definition % of APAC % of North America Respondents Respondents Emails that intend to trick me into opening them 67 83 Emails of an offensive subject matter 69 71 Any email I receive that I did not ask for or subscribe to 54 73 Emailers from senders who are unknown to me 52 76 All emails that are filtered into the junk mailbox 42 45 Any email I receive that I don't want, regardless of whether I subscribed 39 39 Any email sent to me from a sender who is not on my address book or approved sender list 29 45 An email from a company I may have given permission to send me mail at one time, but that I no longer wish to receive 32 39 Emails from companies I have a relationship with offline, but to whom I never gave permission to contact me via email 28 34 Emails from a company I have done business with but that come too frequently 23 31 Any email that tries to sell me a product or service, even if I know the sender 27 26 (Source: Epsilon International) Why Asians Unsubscribe from Emails Reason % of APAC % of North America Respondents Respondents Irrelevant content 62 67 Receive too frequently 56 64 Think address being shared/sold 30 50 Don't recall signing up 20 48 Privacy concerns 29 32 (Source: Epsilon International) Why Asians Open Permission-Based Emails (PBEs) Type of Subject % of APAC % of North America Line Content Respondents Respondents Discount offer 66 59 Free product offer 63 57 Contains familiar brand name 60 50 Breaking info/news 49 34 New product announcement 48 29 Free shipping offer 42 36 Contains recent purchase info 43 34 Limited time offer 48 31 Contains my name 37 16 Other 5 7 (Source: Epsilon International) What Asians do After Opening PBEs Action % of APAC % of North America Respondents Respondents Click on a website 87 69 Enter sweepstakes or promotion 57 67 Watch video clip 63 46 Purchase online 62 46 Purchase offline aT retail store 58 48 Sign up for more information 67 38 Click on advertised link in newsletter 62 34 Play a game 55 39 (Source: Epsilon International) ❚❚ E-COMMERCE The "virtual goods" industry in Asia is worth US$7 billion, putting the US$1 billion that is generated in the US considerably in the shade. Asia's top market, China, was expected to generate around US$5 billion in virtual goods transactions in 2009 alone. Other markets leading Asia's dominance in the virtual goods market include Japan and South Korea – both playing home to thriving online and mobile gaming industries. (SOURCE: +8*/VIRTUALGOODSNEWS.COM) In a survey of six countries across Asia Pacific, an overwhelming proportion of the region's online population (89%) said they had shopped online in the past year. The Asian countries who show the biggest preference for online shopping are South Korea (97% of respondents who said they shopped online), China (94%), Japan (94%) and Australia (89%). (SOURCE: VISA ECOMMERCE CONSUMER MONITOR) What are internet users across the region buying online? Much the same as always, according to one survey which found the most popular items purchased online over the past year have been clothes (55%), books (50%) and music downloads (49%). (SOURCE: VISA ECOMMERCE CONSUMER MONITOR) And why do the region's internet users shop online anyway? According to the same survey, the most popular reasons are the convenience of being able to shop anytime (80%); to be able to compare prices and get better deals (79%); to find and compare products (78%); and to hunt around for bargains (75%). (SOURCE: VISA ECOMMERCE CONSUMER MONITOR) Money talks, particularly if it's made of plastic. Of the region's internet users who do shop online, a sizeable 83% of them said in a survey that they would continue to do so with the aid of electronic payment cards. (SOURCE: SINA.COM/VISA) When the region's internet users do shop online they don't just stick to local retailers. According to one survey, more than one third (39%) of online users said they had shopped from overseas websites. The countries which showed the biggest tendency towards shopping internationally are China and India. (SOURCE: VISA ECOMMERCE CONSUMER MONITOR) What Asia Pacific is Doing Online Key Site Categories (% Reach) Entertainment 71.2 email 59.0 Social Networking 56.1 News/Information 55.2 Retail 54.4 Blogs 48.5 Technology 47.6 Community 47.5 Games 47.1 Business/Finance 39.9 Photos 34.2 Instant Messaging 31.8 Sports 26.3 Education 23.6 Travel 22.7 Career Services and … 20.8 Automotive 17.6 Health 14.8 Government 10.1 (Source: comScore World Metrix, August 2009) Asia Pacific's Top Online Retail Product Categories RETAIL Subcategory (% Reach) Retail 54.4 Comparison Shopping 21.4 Books 17.8 Computer Hardware 11.3 Consumer Electronics 11.0 Computer Software 9.2 Apparel 8.9 Health Care 5.1 Mall 5.1 Fragrances/Cosmetics 3.8 Retail-Music 3.5 Retail-Food 3.0 Department Stores 2.8 Tickets 1.9 Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 1.7 Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories 1.4 Consumer Goods 1.4 Sports/Outdoor 1.4 Home Furnishings 1.3 Toys 1.2 (Source: comScore World Metrix; % Reach of Retail Subcategories by Country; August 2009) ❚❚ MOBILE Asia Pacific buys more phones than any other region on earth. Nearly 480 million mobile devices were sold across Asia in 2009 (compared to less than 200 million in Western Europe). And this year, the number will surpass half a billion, according to estimates, with nearly 547 million expected to be sold across the region. (SOURCE: GARTNER) There are currently around 2.03 billion mobile subscribers in Asia Pacific. That's expected to increase to 2.53 billion by the end of 2013, an increase of nearly 25%. China and India won't be the only countries to drive this growth – Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam are expected to display subscriptions booms as well. (SOURCE: TELECOMPAPER/INFORMA TELECOMS & MEDIA) Mobile service revenues for the Asia Pacific region are tipped to hit US$326.37 billion by the end of 2013, an increase of more than 16% from the end of 2009. (SOURCE: TELECOMPAPER/INFORMA TELECOMS & MEDIA) Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market in terms of mobile multimedia revenue, and is expected to generate US$13.3 billion in 2013, representing a CAGR of 13.8% from 2008. (SOURCE: IEMARKETRESEARCH) Music is expected to drive the region's mobile multimedia market moving forward. Revenue generated from Asia Pacific's mobile music sector is expected to reach US$6.72 billion by 2013, a significant leap from the US$2.27 billion generated in 2008. (SOURCE: IEMARKETRESEARCH) There were expected to be 1 billion mobile subscribers in North Asia alone by the end of 2009, with 80% of them living in China. Those subscribers were anticipated to generate as much as US$183 billion in revenues for that year. (SOURCE: NEWSWIRE TODAY/FROST & SULLIVAN) By 2014, the number of mobile subscribers in North Asia should exceed 1.37 billion, reflecting a CAGR of 7.7% (2008-2014). Mobile revenues meanwhile are expected to jump to US$229.8 billion by the end of that 2014 – a CAGR of 5.2% for the same period. (SOURCE: NEWSWIRE TODAY/FROST & SULLIVAN) There were expected to be as many as 453.3 million mobile subscribers in south east Asia by the end of 2009. Currently just 6% of them – or 22.9 million people – are 3G subscribers. (SOURCE: FROST & SULLIVAN/INTELLASIA) The south east Asian mobile market is currently valued at US$32 billion. However, while the number of subscribers rose at a rate of 18.4% over 2009, the billings rate for that period rose by a more modest 13.6%. Much of this has to do with the newest batch of subscribers coming from emerging markets such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, all exhibiting lower ARPUs. (SOURCE: FROST & SULLIVAN/INTELLASIA) By the end of 2014, south east Asia could have as many as 606 million mobile subscribers, generating around US$36.2 billion in mobile revenues in that year. (SOURCE: FROST & SULLIVAN) Asians continue to lead the world when it comes to the love of mobile shopping. In a survey, almost eight out of ten mobile users in Asia Pacific "reported some mobile shopping activity", while nearly a quarter of them (23%) made some form of mobile purchase in the month of December 2009. (SOURCE: MOTOROLA/EMARKETER) While Asia does not currently lead the world in terms of mobile payments, it is showing strong growth in this area, with payment transaction values estimated to reach US$29.8 billion in 2013. Pre-paid top ups are expected to account for 50% of this amount, followed by money transfers as the next largest mobile payment category. (SOURCE: IEMARKETRESEARCH) By 2012, it is expected that there will be around 123 million mobile payment users in the Asia Pacific region. (SOURCE: IEMARKETRESEARCH)
  • 7. 10 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 11 The mobile phone is becoming the favoured device for young Asians to connect to social networking sites according to one survey. More than 50% of Chinese, Indian, South Korean and Thai mobile users prefer to use their handsets over their PCs for this purpose, it estimates. (SOURCE: TELECOMASIA.NET/IDC) Around 30% of the global market for smartphones lies in the Asia Pacific region. (SOURCE: MMA) By 2015, there is expected to be around 347 million smartphone users in Asia Pacific-ex Japan. (SOURCE: CREDIT SUISSE) With more smartphones on the market, it's predicted that non-SMS wireless broadband data revenues in Asia- ex Japan will be boosted from US$1.3 billion in 2009 to $14.5 billion at the end of 2015. Of this revenue, 17.4% is expected to be generated by non-SMS data use. (SOURCE: TELECOMASIA.NET/CREDIT SUISSE) Asia Pacific is surely home to the most prolific texters on earth. It is estimated that a staggering 1.9 trillion SMS messages were sent in 2009 alone, a 15.5% increase on 2008. And expectations are already set that mobile users across Asia will send 2.1 trillion messages to each other in 2010, an increase of 12.7% on 2009. (SOURCE: GARTNER) The Asia Pacific mobile healthcare market could be worth as much as US$1 billion by 2010. (SOURCE: MMA/SOLIDIANCE) Asia Pacific's Mobile Shopping Activities Activity (% of respondents) Asia Pacific Worldwide Called to ask someone about a product I might purchase 51.6 30.8 Texted to ask someone about a product I might purchase 37.7 21.3 Sent a picture of a product I might purchase 29.3 16.3 Used mobile phone to access internet to look at product reviews or other information 35.9 14.3 Used mobile phone to access internet to compare prices 34.5 14.2 Used mobile phone to access internet to get coupons or special offers while shopping 28.0 8.5 Made an internet purchasedirectly on the mobile phone 23.0 6.9 Used mobile phone for at least one of the above shopping-related activities 78.0 51.4 (Source: Emarketer/Motorola January 2010) ❚❚ CASE STUDY Client: Bankee (Philippines), Funtastic (Australia), Wrigley (India) and Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan) Agency: Cartoon Network Campaign: BEN 10 Game Creator Objective: To open up a desirable platform for marketers to effectively tap into a pool of a highly engaged audience of young gamers and content creators. Strategy: To effectively engage with today's digital natives, Cartoon Network launched Ben 10 Game Creator and Ben10 Alien Force MMOG to further enhance its user- generated content offering. The projects provide a platform for marketers in search of deeper interaction with their target audiences. The strategy here was to leverage on the immense popularity of the free, online gaming platform that merges the popular animated action franchise with user-generated content – the first game of its kind. Details: By allowing BEN 10: Alien Force fans to access tools and animations needed to easily build their own action-adventure game around the series, Game Creator is the online "destination" for young gamers. The highly interactive element of Game Creator, which gives players the power to create their own games and pass their completed creation to their friends, was recognised by the digital investments from our advertisers. With Ben 10 Game Creator, clients were provided with four exciting advertising placements options: top leader-board, a 15-second Flash game pre-loader, sponsor logo placement and game page branding – allowing maximum flexibility for marketers to spread their message to key audiences. Results: Following the launch in early March 2009 across eight Cartoon Network Asia sites, the platform saw the following results: - 384,405 games created. - 70,000 unique users. - More than 78 million game plays. Caroline Chan General Manager OMD Hong Kong “Foodie” Windows Live Messenger: Ask friends for restaurant recommendations. Bing: Read restaurant reviews. Internet Explorer: Find the location & check the menu. MSN: Blog about the food & atmosphere. Be part of their inner circle Caroline is one of millions of professionals who continuously use our products, tools and services to stay close to the things that matter most, things that are off limits to all but her most trusted family, friends and associates. If you want to talk to people like Caroline, talk to us. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K
  • 8. 12 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 13 How Australians Connect Connection ‘000 % Dial up Analog 1,077 13 ISDN/other 10 0 Total dial-up 1,087 13 Non dial-up DSL 4,171 50 Wireless Fixed 160 2 Mobile 1,961 23 Total wireless 2,121 25 Satellite 90 1 Cable and fibre 931 11 ISDN/Other 20 Combined connections Total non dial-up 7,333 87 Total all subscribers 8,420 100 Speed Less than 256kbps 1,103 13 Broadband 256kbps to less than 512kbps 1,297 15 512kbps to less than 1.5Mbps 1,249 15 1.5Mbps to less than 8Mbps 2,529 30 8Mbps to less than 24Mbps 1,800 21 24Mbps or greater 443 5 (Source: ABS; June 2009) ❚❚ USER BEHAVIOUR When Australians log on at home, it's mainly for personal reasons, with 96% of home users saying this was the case. Less than half of them, meanwhile (46%) work online. (SOURCE: ABS) Australian internet users spent an average of 57 hours online at home in 2Q 2009, racking up a total of 3,099 page views per person in that period. (SOURCE: ACMA) More than a quarter (27%) of Australians blog. (SOURCE: ACMA) Health clearly matters to online Australians. Nearly three quarters of them (62%) have looked up health information on the internet, with 50% of them using that information to diagnose themselves. (SOURCE: TNS) More than one quarter of online Australians (27%) felt that the internet allowed them to diagnose and treat themselves without the aid of a doctor. (SOURCE: TNS) More Australians are logging on to social media, with more than 70% of online users visiting social networking sites in June 2009, an increase of 29% on 2008. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) More than 70% of Australian internet users paid a visit to a social networking site in June 2009, representing nearly 9 million people. Facebook dominated the sector, attracting more than 6 million visitors, a growth of 95% on 2008. (SOURCE: MARKETINGVOX) They may not be the biggest online audience in the world, but when it comes to social networking, they can certainly be the most dedicated. Australians spent more time on social networking sites in December 2009 than anyone else in the world, racking up nearly 7 hours on social media sites, more so than their peers in countries such as the US, UK or Japan. (SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY) How Often Australians go Online Frequency of Connecting to the Internet Everyday At Least At Least At Least Weekly Monthly Yearly '000 % '000 % '000 % '000 % Age 15–17 511 68 226 30 – – – – 18–24 1,146 69 464 28 – – – – 25–34 1,558 65 742 31 70 3 10 0 35–44 1,266 51 1,024 42 155 6 14 1 45–54 1,117 52 842 39 181 8 21 1 55–64 774 56 508 36 95 7 16 1 65 or over 374 48 318 41 63 8 22 3 Gender Male 3,431 59 1,988 34 342 6 48 1 Female 3,315 57 2,137 37 281 5 40 1 Personal income Less than $40,000 3,206 60 1,875 35 277 5 29 1 $40,000–$79,999 1,845 56 1,211 37 192 6 22 1 $80,000–$119,999 559 60 322 34 46 5 7 1 $120,000 or over 344 65 162 31 16 3 6 1 Could not be determined 792 54 556 38 92 6 23 2 Employment status Employed 5,002 58 3,093 36 486 6 61 1 Not employed 1,744 59 1,032 35 137 5 27 1 Indigenous status Non indigenous 6,695 58 4,089 36 610 5 88 1 Indigenous 51 51 36 36 13 13 0 0 Education Bachelor degree or above 2,031 68 846 28 94 3 16 1 Advanced diploma or diploma 805 59 458 34 83 6 16 1 Certificate 981 49 849 42 162 8 16 1 Year 12 or below 2,813 56 1,917 38 278 6 39 1 Total 6,746 58 4,125 36 624 5 88 1 (Source: ABS; Dec 2009; Selected findings) ❚❚ ONLINE ADVERTISING A total of AU$1.87 billion was spent on online advertising in Australia in 2009, a 9.4% increase ($161 million) on 2008. (SOURCE: IAB/PWC) The increase in online ad spend in 2009 was mainly due to the 17% growth in search and directories advertising, which brought in AU$944.25 million in 2009 compared to $806.5 million in 2008. General display contributed $498 million, with the remaining $429 million coming from classified advertising. (SOURCE: IAB/PWC) Search and directories dominated online ad spend taking up 50.5% of expenditure in 2009; followed by general display (26.6%); then classified (22.9%). (SOURCE: IAB/PWC) The biggest spenders on online advertising came from the finance sector in 2009, taking up 19% of online ad expenditure. The next top spenders came from the computers & communication industry category, taking up 12.72% of online ad spend, closely followed by motor vehicles, with 12.46% of overall online ad spend. The category that spent the least? Office and business equipment, with just 0.21%. (SOURCE: IAB/PWC) The FMCG sector may not be the biggest online spenders in Australia, but in the last year they have shown the biggest increase in online ad expenditure, adding AU$7.1 million to the amount they spent in 2009 compared to 2008. (SOURCE: IAB/PWC) While traditional media sectors recorded drops in advertising spend in the first half of 2009, online actually managed a 12% increase in ad revenues, generating AU$892.5 million. (SOURCE: MARKETING INTERACTIVE/CEASA) ❚❚ DEMOGRAPHICS Australia currently has more than 17 million internet users in the country, representing a penetration rate of 80.1%. (SOURCE: INTERNETWORLDSTATS) Australia's internet user base grew 158.1% between 2000 and 2009. (SOURCE: INTERNETWORLDSTATS) Nearly three quarters (72%) of Australian households now have home internet access. In the last decade, household access to the web has more than quadrupled. (SOURCE: ABS) Broadband access has now reached around two thirds (62%) of Australian homes – or 5 million households – and 86% of homes with internet access now have broadband connections. The Australian Capital Territory has the highest proportion of broadband households (74% of all homes) of any state in Australia. (SOURCE: ABS) Home is the favourite access location for 68% of Australian internet users that are aged 15 and over. (SOURCE: ABS) Nearly all (96%) of home users mainly used the internet at home for personal and private purposes. Less than half of them (46%) tend to work online. (SOURCE: ABS) Australia's Internet Users 2009 Age ‘000 15–17 853 18–24 2,063 25–34 2,945 35–44 3,063 45–54 2,936 55–64 2,409 65 or over 2,66 Gender Male 8,345 Female 8,593 Personal income Less than $40,000 8,962 $40,000–$79,999 4,158 $80,000–$119,999 1,050 $120,000 or over 581 Not determined 2,187 Employment status Employed 11,008 Not employed 5,930 Indigenous status Non indigenous 16,747 Indigenous 190 Education Bachelor degree or above 3,410 Advanced diploma or diploma 1,667 Certificate 2,867 Year 12 or below 8,685 State or Territory of usual residence New South Wales 5,560 Victoria 4,272 Queensland 3,346 South Australia 1,277 Western Australia 1,694 Tasmania 392 Northern Territory 125 Australian Capital Territory 271 (Source: ABS Dec 2009; selected findings) Uluru (Ayer's Rock) in the Australian Outback AUSTRALIA
  • 9. 14 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 15 However, despite a 41% increase in the number of online advertisers and a 19% increase in the number of banner ads, general display online ad revenues in Australia at end of Q3 fell by 5% compared to the same quarter in 2008. (SOURCE: DIGITAL MEDIA/NIELSEN) The drop in display ad revenue could be down to one thing: Australians are among the least likely in the world to actually click on general display ads, according to one survey. (SOURCE: DIGITAL MEDIA/NIELSEN) Australians may not like clicking on many online ads, but a lot of them remember them. One third of internet users are able to recall the ad when asked and 41% of them can link the brand to an un-branded ad. (SOURCE: NIELSEN) The search advertising market in Australia saw growth rates of 30% in the year 2008/9 and is projected to grow at a slower CAGR of 20% until 2014. Online directories revenue grew by 21% in the same year, slightly lower than the 22% growth rates seen in 2007/8. The online directories market is expected to sustain CAGR of 15% between 2010 and 2014. (SOURCE: FROST & SULLIVAN) Australia's Top Sites for 2009 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Google Sites 10,547 Microsoft Sites 9,668 FACEBOOK 6,648 Yahoo! Sites 5,731 eBay 4,953 Apple 4,185 Telstra 4,103 Fox Interactive Media 4,072 Wikimedia Foundation Sites 3,940 News Interactive 3,125 (Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Australia Home/Work Locations) Australia's Top Gaming Sites for 2009 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Online Gaming 4,230 WildTangent Network 950 MINICLIP 803 Nickelodeon Casual Games 582 MSN Games 560 EA Online 383 Disney Games 362 Spil Games 269 World of Warcraft (App) 261 Universal Multiplayer Game Entertainment 256 AOL Games 226 (Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Australia Home/Work Locations) Australia's Top Retail Sites for 2009 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Retail 7,201 Amazon Sites 2,288 Apple Worldwide Sites 2,100 Coles Group 944 Sites 911 Woolworths 828 GETPRICE.COM.AU 515 Ticketek 490 AmericanGreetings Property 409 DEALSDIRECT.COM.AU 381 MYSHOPPING.COM.AU 343 (Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Australia Home/Work Locations) Australia's Top Entertainment Sites for 2009 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Entertainment 9,131 YOUTUBE 5,749 iTunes Software (App) 3,537 CBS Interactive 2,758 Viacom Digital 1,595 Vevo 1,347 IMDB 1,292 Gorilla Nation 1,229 Break Media Network 1,123 AOL Music 965 UGO Entertainment 944 (Source: comScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Australia Home/Work Locations) Australian General Display Online Ad Spend 2009 Advertiser Industry Category AU$ ('000) % of Spend Finance 94,654 19.01 Made up of: - Business Banking 4,271 0.86 - Credit Cards 19,435 3.90 - Home Loans 27,160 5.45 - Superannuation 1,724 0.35 - Personal Banking 21,095 4.24 - Wealth Management 6,772 1.36 - Other 14,197 2.85 Computers & Communication 63,365 12.72 Made up of: - Computer Hardware 21,543 4.33 - Computer Software 5,344 1.07 - Telecommunications 28,797 5.78 - Internet/ISP 7,681 1.54 Motor Vehicles 62,051 12.46 Made up of: - Internet Sites 3,197 0.64 - Manufacturers 51,347 10.31 - Dealers 1,734 0.35 - Other 5,773 1.16 Travel/Accommodation 35,290 7.09 Made up of: - Flights 13,098 2.63 - Accommodation 7,823 1.57 - Car Hire 1,044 0.21 - Holiday Packages/Agents 3,933 0.79 - Other 9,392 1.89 Entertainment & Leisure 38,882 7.81 Made up of: - Music 1,901 0.38 - Movies 14,045 2.82 - Games/Consoles 4,439 0.89 - Other 18,497 3.71 Media 21,465 4.31 FMCG 26,604 5.34 Made up of: - Food 12,786 2.57 - Beverages (non-alcoholic) 6,365 1.28 - Other 7,453 1.50 Real Estate 20,273 4.07 Retail 17,831 3.58 Insurance 15,917 3.20 Health, Beauty, Pharmaceuticals 22,938 4.61 Government 20,201 4.06 Other 25,858 5.19 Recruitment 7,081 1.42 Alcoholic Beverages 7,968 1.60 Education & Learning 8,366 1.68 Home Products & Services 3,459 0.69 Community/Public Service 4,762 0.96 Office & Business Equipment 1,035 0.21 (Source: IAB/PWC) How Australians Define Spam Definition % of Australian Respondents Emails that intend to trick me into opening them 85 Emailers from senders who are unknown to me 76 Any email I receive that I did not ask for or subscribe to 77 Emails of an offensive subject matter 74 Any email sent to me from a sender who is not on my address book or approved sender list 43 All emails that are filtered into the junk mailbox 46 An email from a company I may have given permission to send me mail at one time, but that I no longer wish to receive 35 Any email I receive that I don't want, regardless of whether I subscribed 38 Emails from companies I have a relationship with offline, but to whom I never gave permission to contact me via email 41 Emails from a company I have done business with but that come too frequently 31 Any email that tries to sell me a product or service, even if I know the sender 23 (Source: Epsilon International) Why Australians Unsubscribe from Emails Reason % of Australian Respondents Irrelevant content 72 Receive too frequently 59 Think address being shared/sold 40 Don't recall signing up 38 Privacy concerns 29 (Source: Epsilon International) Become one of the most skilled digital marketing practitioners in the world and have a professional qualification to prove it! For more information, and to request your course prospectus, email to or visit The Institute of Digital Enlightenment In association with:
  • 10. 16 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 17 Why Australians Open Permission-Based Emails Type of Subject % of Australian Line Content Respondents Free product offer 68 Discount offer 62 Contains familiar brand name 47 New product announcement 42 Contains recent purchase info 38 Free shipping offer 32 Contains my name 29 time offer 27 Breaking info/news 20 Other 6 (Source: Epsilon International) ❚❚ E-COMMERCE Around 8 million internet users shopped online in 2009, representing 64% of all Australians who accessed the internet. (SOURCE: ABS) Australians are big on shopping online. Now, 85% of online Australians shop for books, DVDs, technology, sports and travel products mostly over the internet. That equals around 11.98 million people. (SOURCE: GETPRICE.COM.AU/COREDATA) Why do Australians love online shopping so much? It's easy and can avoid the crowds, that's why: 75% of online users in a survey said that convenience turned them on to online shopping; 78% cited the ability to make price comparisons; and a solid 33% of them said they simply preferred the opportunity to get away from people and to shop in peace. (SOURCE: GETPRICE.COM.AU/COREDATA) More than half (51%) of online shoppers in Australia have spent more than AU$200 online in the past year, with a similar proportion of them saying they purchased online at least once a month. (SOURCE: GETPRICE.COM.AU/COREDATA) The more money you have, the more likely you are to shop. As much as 82% of Australians in the top household income bracket shopped online in 2009 compared to 42% in the lowest earning category. (SOURCE: ABS) Australia's online gaming market is expected to be worth AU$2.2 billion by 2013. (SOURCE: B&T/PWC) Australia's Online Shoppers in 2009 Used the internet to purchase Did not use the internet to goods or services purchase goods or services '000 % '000 % Age group (years) 15–17 303 38 500 62 18–24 1,176 63 701 37 25–34 1,970 75 673 25 35–44 1,774 68 850 32 45–54 1,493 65 802 35 55–64 910 60 606 40 65 or over 366 45 453 55 Gender Male 4,026 64 2,243 36 Female 3,966 63 2,341 37 Personal income Less than $40,000 3,210 54 2,680 46 $40,000–$79,999 2,636 73 960 27 $80,000–$119,999 773 79 210 21 $120,000 or over 470 85 81 15 Could not be determined 902 58 652 42 Employment status Employed 6,484 69 2,905 31 Not employed 1,508 47 1,679 53 Indigenous status Non indigenous 7,940 64 4,516 36 Indigenous 51 43 68 57 Level of highest educational attainment Bachelor degree or above 2,479 78 705 22 Advanced diploma or diploma 1,059 72 421 28 Certificate 1,377 63 813 37 Year 12 or below 2,951 53 2,575 47 State or Territory of usual residence New South Wales 2,488 61 1,594 39 Victoria 2,031 63 1,198 37 Queensland 1,647 67 824 33 South Australia 570 63 335 37 Western Australia 829 64 458 36 Tasmania 183 68 85 32 Northern Territory 66 66 34 34 Australian Capital Territory 177 76 56 24 Total 7,992 64 4,584 36 (Source: ABS Dec 2009; selected findings; Persons 15 and over; Use of the internet to purchase or order goods or services–for private purposes in the last 12 months–2008–09) Top Online Retail Subcategories in Australia Category % Reach Retail 57.5 Comparison Shopping 18.2 Books 21.1 Computer Hardware 22.4 Consumer Electronics 8.2 Computer Software 12.1 Apparel 10.9 Health Care 2.6 Mall 2.4 Fragrances/Cosmetics 2.7 Retail-Music 4.8 Retail-Food 3.6 Department Stores 6.3 Tickets 7.1 Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 5.1 Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories 3.2 Consumer Goods 0.9 Sports/Outdoor 4.6 Home Furnishings 3.0 Toys 2.8 (Source: comScoreWorld Metrix, August 2009) ❚❚ MOBILE Annual mobile ad revenues in Australia are expected to reach AU$232 million by 2013. (SOURCE:B&T/PCW) SMS can now pretty much be called ubiquitous, with 99% of Australians now text messaging each other. (SOURCE: DIGITAL MEDIA/MICROSOFT) More than 25% of all Australians aged 14 and over have accessed the mobile internet at one point or another. (SOURCE: SENSIS) Australian mobile users are more targeted than their PC predecessors, according to one survey. Mobile users there like to get "straight down to business", with the top mobile activities involving either researching products and services, (41% of mobile internet users) or looking for the suppliers of those products and services (36%). (SOURCE: SENSIS) Of Australia's mobile shoppers, 25% have bought a ringtone; 25% have conducted mobile banking; 19% have bought something with a credit card; 12% have ordered a product or service over their phones; and 10% of them have either bought or sold something on a mobile auction site, according to one survey. (SOURCE: SENSIS) Other than shop, more than one quarter (27%) of mobile Australians have downloaded videos via their phones; 25% have downloaded games; 17% have watched mobile TV and 12% have used their phone to scan a bar code. (SOURCE: SENSIS) Social networking for Australians isn't just conducted over the PC – they are getting in on the act with their phones too, with 40% of mobile Australians using their phone to access a social networking site. More than one quarter (27%) of them have read a blog via their mobiles; 12% have actually written a blog using their phone; and 8% have used Twitter specifically with their phones. (SOURCE: SENSIS) Young Australians are yet to get on board with mobile social networking, however. According to one survey of 18-35 year olds who use social media, only 19% of them in Australia are actually using their phones for this function. (SOURCE: TELECOMASIA.NET/IDC) The take-up of 3G services is driving the demand for more sophisticated mobile services in the country, with 3G and wireless broadband services posting a 162% increase in June 2009 from the previous year. Now, wireless broadband subscribers make up 25% of all internet subscribers in Australia. (SOURCE: MUMBRELLA/ACMA) There were 12.28 million 3G services up and running in Australia in June 2009, compared with 8.55 million in June 2008. (SOURCE: MUMBRELLA/ACMA) One third of Australians use SMS as a mechanism to alert people to key events in their lives, such as the birth of a baby or a promotion at work, according to one study. The same study found that 44% of Australians send picture messages while travelling, while 33% did so when buying houses and at the birth of their children. (SOURCE: TELECOMPAPER/TELSTRA) How Australians Feel About Mobile Ads Attitude towards Ads % of Mobile Users Agree Disagree Don't know I would accept ads on my mobile phone in exchange for free mobile content or special offers 39 50 11 I would accept ads on my mobile phone if I could opt out 49 42 9 I would accept ads if they did not impact on the performance of my phone 47 46 8 I would accept ads from companies whom I've agreed to accept ads from 56 37 7 I would accept ads from companies with whom I have pre-existing relationship 36 52 12 I would accept ads on my mobile phone 25 60 16 I would accept ads that offered me incentives 44 45 11 I would accept ads linked to my specific interests 41 48 11 I would accept ads for free or discounted calls or text Messages 52 39 9 (Source: AIMIA) What Australians do on the Mobile Internet Activity % of Mobile Users Accessing Internet Internet browsing 68% Accessed news updates 50% Accessed weather updates 48% Sent or received email 44% Accessed sport updates 32% Streamed or downloaded music 23% Made VoIP calls 22% Streamed or downloaded videos 16% Used Mobile TV 11% None 8% Other 6% (Source: ACMA April 2009) ❚❚ CASE STUDY Client: Lion Nathan Agency: Holler Sydney Campaign: Beck's üBERSELEKTOR Objective: The challenge: bring Beck's positioning of "Different by choice" to life across its sponsorship of the Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Sydney Festivals. Take into consideration that the audience is mostly out and about and wants to enjoy the best their city has to offer during each Festival. Strategy: Rather than just filling online and offline media placements, Holler devised an additional stream of digital dialogue and content. Using the moniker of üBERSELEKTOR, Beck's participated in many of the most innovative communities online: Tumblr; Vimeo;; SoundCloud; as well as the social media "standards" such as Facebook; Flickr; YouTube and Twitter. Details: Holler created event photos with a photo booth, animations for VJaying, video art projected onto buildings and interviewed participating music and video artists. We offered real-time information from the venues, chatted with influential punters on Twitter as well as gave away VIP experiences via Facebook. All content was amplified through the different Festival organisers and Beck's editorial and music partners MTV, Modular Records, InTheMix, FasterLouder and FutureClassic. Results: - Googling the term "üBERSELEKTOR" led to ten pages of brand-owned search results. - A photo library of 3,500 event shots that Beck's holds the rights to. - 400 comments and 360 'Likes' on Facebook posts. - 1,600 'Tweets' full of valuable local and international content.
  • 11. 18 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 19 How the Chinese Connect Place of Access % of Users Home 83.2 Office 30.2 Internet cafe 35.1 Access equipment Desktop 73.4 Mobile phone 60.8 Notebook 30.7 Other 0.5 (Source: CNNIC March 2010) ❚❚ USER BEHAVIOUR Chinese internet users spent on average 14.3 hours online a month in 2009. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) The top three applications for Chinese internet users in 2009 were music (83.5% of users), news (80.1%) and search (73.3%). (SOURCE: CNNIC) More than two thirds of Chinese respondents in a global survey (68%) said they had downloaded a song online without paying for it, 37% of them via a P2P service. (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) In 2009 the number of online gamers came to 265 million people, an increase of 41.5% on 2008. (SOURCE: CNNIC) Around 124 million Chinese now use social networks. (SOURCE: WEB2ASIA/CNNIC) Nearly a quarter of a billion (244 million) of China's internet users now use instant messaging. (SOURCE: CNNIC/DIGITAL MEDIA) Nearly 290 million Chinese internet users listen to music online, while 222 million watch online video. (SOURCE: CNNIC/DIGITAL MEDIA) User-generated content is gathering pace in China, with 89.7 million Chinese now writing their own blogs and 41.5 million use microblogging services like Twitter. (SOURCE: TRENDSTREAM/LIGHTSPEED/EMARKETER) Chinese living in the country's top 60 cities spend more than 70% of their leisure time on the internet. (SOURCE: MCKINSEY) Nearly half (49.7%) of Chinese internet users go online for news and information. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) What Chinese Internet Users did Online in 2009 Activity Utilisation Users Growth Rate (%) ('00,000) rate YOY (%) Instant Messaging 70.9 27,233 21.6 Blog 57.7 22,140 36.7 Blog Update 37.7 14,477 37.9 Forum/BBS 30.5 11,701 28.6 Social Website 45.8 17,587 – Email 56.8 21,797 29 Search Engine 73.3 28,134 38.6 Online News 80.1 30,769 31.5 Online Game 68.9 26,454 41.5 Online Video 62.6 24,044 19.0 Online Music 83.5 32,074 28.8 Online Literature 42.3 16,261 – Online Shopping 28.1 10,800 45.9 Travel Booking 7.9 3,024 77.9 Online Payment 24.5 9,406 80.9 Online Banking 24.5 9,412 62.3 Online Trading 14.8 5,678 67.0 (Source: CNNIC March 2010) ❚❚ ONLINE ADVERTISING China's online advertising revenues reached RMB20.61 billion (US$3.02 billion) in 2009, a 21.2% increase on 2008. (SOURCE: DIGITAL MARKETING INNER CIRCLE/IRESEARCH) Baidu took home the biggest slice of the online ad pie (21.3% of revenues), followed next by Google (11.1%), Sina (7.5%), Tencent QQ (4.9%) and NetEase (1.5%). (SOURCE: DIGITAL MARKETING INNER CIRCLE/IRESEARCH) China's online advertising market is expected to generate RMB30.09 billion in 2010 and RMB99.37 billion by 2013. (SOURCE: DIGITAL MARKETING INNER CIRCLE/IRESEARCH) Online currently accounts for 16.6% of overall ad spend in China. By 2012, the Chinese internet market is expected to take up 28.8% of overall ad revenues. (SOURCE: ZENITH/CREDIT SUISSE) Between January and November 2009, there were an average number of 3,717 online advertisers in China on a monthly basis, a 24% increase on 2008. (SOURCE: CREDIT SUISSE) There may be more online advertisers – but that doesn't mean they are spending more. Average monthly spend fell 13% year-on-year to RMB194,997 in 2009. (SOURCE: CREDIT SUISSE) Ask the Chinese what type of advertising they mistrust and they are likely to cite online ones, with ads in video games coming out on top (47% of respondents saying they do not trust). They are joined by ads in virtual worlds (47%) and closely followed by SMS ads (46%), email ads (38%), pop- ups (38%) and banner ads (28%). (SOURCE: TNS/DIGITAL MEDIA) All is not lost however – 84% of Chinese respondents to the same survey said that a brand's presence online "increased their interest in using it to some degree'". (SOURCE: TNS/DIGITAL MEDIA) And the Chinese would be more than happy to accept more online advertising – if they were paid for it. More than 50% of Chinese respondents in a survey said they would be willing to accept more ads in exchange for payment. (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) SNS advertising acceptance levels are a mixed bag. Just 30% of SNS users in China say they will accept any form of advertising, with 26.6% saying they accept targeted ads. (SOURCE: WEB2ASIA/CNNIC) Nearly a third of SNS users (30.1%) say they have never clicked on an ad in a social networking site. (SOURCE: WEB2ASIA/CNNIC) The online gaming market in China was worth an estimated RMB25.8 billion (US$3.7 billion) in 2009. (SOURCE: MOC/XINHUA) By 2013, online gaming revenues are projected to bring in US$9.5 billion a year. (SOURCE: BDA) China's search market is now worth more than RMB7.5 billion and is expected to be worth more than RMB12 billion by the end of 2010. (SOURCE: IRESEARCH/ADCHINA.COM) ❚❚ DEMOGRAPHICS More than half (50.2%) of Asia Pacific's internet users now live in China. (SOURCE: INTERNETWORLDSTATS) At the end of 2009, there were 384 million internet users in China. China now has a penetration rate of 28.9% – up from 22.6% in 2008. (SOURCE: CNNIC) The majority of China's internet users – 346 million people – are now broadband subscribers. (SOURCE: CNNIC) By 2014, China's broadband population is expected to be more than 551 million-strong. Mobile broadband users are expected to represent nearly 70% of this group. (SOURCE: GLOBAL TIMES/OVUM) The average Chinese internet user visits around 75 websites every month. (SOURCE: DCCI/ADCHINA.COM) In 2009, the average monthly income of internet users in China was 62% higher than non-internet users. (SOURCE: CREDIT SUISSE) Nearly two fifths (38.5%) of internet users in China are aged 30 years or older. (SOURCE: CNNIC) The vast majority (72.2%) of all internet users in China live in urban areas. (SOURCE: CNNIC) China's Internet Users 2009 % of users Age Age 10-19 31.8 Age 20-29 28.6 Age 30-39 21.5 Age 40-49 10.7 Age 50-59 4.5 Age 60 and above 1.9 Gender Male 54.2 Female 45.8 Education Primary school/below 8.8 Junior middle 26.8 High school 40.2 College 12.2 Master's degree/above 12.1 Profession Others 0.8 Unemployed 9.8 Retirees 2.1 Agricultural, forestry, husbandry, fishery labourers 2.8 Freelancers/Self-employed 13 Industry/service industry workers 4.4 Migrant workers 2.4 Professionals 10.4 Non-managerial white collar 15 Managerial white collar 3.1 Party/government/institute employees 7.5 Students 28.8 Income (Yuan) per month Above 8000 2.9 5001-8000 2.7 3001-5000 9.3 2001-3000 15.4 1501-2000 13.4 1001-1500 13.7 501-1000 14.5 500 or below 18 No income 10 Region Rural 27.8 Urban 72.2 (Source: CNNIC March 2010) The Great Wall of China CHINA
  • 12. 20 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 21 China's e-book market is expected to explode in 2010. E-reader sales stood at around 800,000 units in 2009 and are anticipated to grow to 3 million this year. (SOURCE: CHINA DAILY/DISPLAY SEARCH) Thanks to more Chinese booking flights, hotel and package tours online, online travel revenue in China is expected to reach US$695.8 million in 2010, an increase of 27% on 2009. By 2013 the revenues are anticipated to reach US$1.3 billion. (SOURCE: IRESEARCH) China's online games market generated US$3.57 billion in revenues in 2009. That number is expected to increase to US$4.5 billion in 2010 and US$9.2 billion by 2014. (SOURCE: NIKO PARTNERS) China's online gaming market is being driven by the success of MMORPG which now accounts for 79% of the online game market. The market scale of MMORPG increased by 35.2% year on year to reach RMB20.38 billion in 2009, while advanced casual games generated RMB3.55 billion. (SOURCE: CHINATECHNEWS/MOC) More than one quarter (26% or 87.88 million) of China's internet users shopped online in the first half of 2009, an increase of 38.9% on 1H 2008. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) More than 85.7% Chinese online users searched for product information online during the first half of 2009, 53.5% on B2C sites and 32.5% on C2C sites. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) For Chinese internet users who shop online, C2C sites such as Taobao and Paipai are the first choice for 85% of them, rather than traditional B2C sites such as Amazon. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) Nearly half of China's online users (48.7%) have become aware of online shopping sites via their friends and family. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) Top Online Retail Subcategories in China Category % Reach Retail 50.4 Comparison Shopping 14.8 Books 14.5 Computer Hardware 6.5 Consumer Electronics 9.9 Computer Software 6.1 Apparel 7.8 Health Care 7.0 Mall 3.8 Fragrances/Cosmetics 2.0 Retail-Music 1.4 Retail-Food 0.5 Department Stores 1.5 Tickets 0.3 Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 0.4 Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories 1.0 Consumer Goods 0.2 Sports/Outdoor 0.1 Home FurnishingS 0.5 Toys 0.1 (Source: comScoreWorld Metrix, August 2009) ❚❚ MOBILE There are now an estimated 739 million mobile users in China, representing a penetration rate of 54.3%. (SOURCE: MIIT/PEOPLE'S DAILY) By the end of 2009, there were 233 million mobile internet users in China, accounting for 60.8% of all internet users in the country. (SOURCE: CNNIC) By the end of 2010 there will be more internet users in China than the entire population of the United States, more than 300 million people. (SOURCE: EMARKETER) By 2013, 41% of all mobile users will be mobile internet users too. (SOURCE: BDA) 3G is still in its infancy in China. There are currently just 15 million 3G subscribers in the country. (SOURCE: IMEDIA CONNECTION) That being said, the market is growing fast. New mobile subscriptions (2G and 3G) numbered 9 million every month in Q4 2009. (SOURCE: IMEDIA CONNECTION) Half of all Chinese 3G users access the mobile internet five times a day at least. (SOURCE: IMEDIA CONNECTION/IRESEARCH) Nearly half (46.5%) of all mobile phone users said they would use 3G within six months, once it became available to them. (SOURCE: CNNIC) Chinese mobile users sent 784.04 billion SMS messages to each other in 2009. (SOURCE: MIIT) Chinese mobile users send an average of 2.1 billion SMS messages to each other every day. Of these, 86% come from China Mobile customers. (SOURCE: CHINATECHNEWS/MIIT) Two fifths (40.9%) of China's SNS users expect mobile usage from their networks. (SOURCE: WEB2ASIA/CNNIC) M-commerce revenues in China were expected to reach RMB55 million in 2009, a 130% increase on 2008. (SOURCE: TELECOMPAPER/IRESEARCH) In 2009, 10.3% of online shopping transactions were made by means of mobile payment. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) During the first six months of 2009, there were a total of 62.69 million mobile payment transactions made in China, worth US$2.49 billion in expenditure. (SOURCE: TELECOMPAPER/INTERFAX CHINA) Mobile entertainment is predicted to bring in US$18 billion by 2013. (SOURCE: RCR RESEARCH/JBB RESEARCH) Legal mobile music downloads are beginning to take off in China, with 16% of Chinese saying they have paid for music applications on their phones. More than one quarter of them (27%) have paid for a full length mobile music track. (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) By the end of 2009 there were an estimated 12.3 million mobile game players in China. (SOURCE: PYRAMID RESEARCH) By 2013, China's online search market should be generating RMB22.7 billion (US$3.4 billion) a year. (SOURCE: BDA) China's online brand advertising market revenue came to RMB7.97 billion in November 2009, and is expected to grow by 35% year-on-year in 2010. China's overall online advertising market is expected to grow by 44% in 2010. (SOURCE: CREDIT SUISSE) Paid search is expected to grow at a rate of 55% year-on- year in 2010. (SOURCE: CREDIT SUISSE) Entertainment has a 63.8% reach in China, the lowest in the region. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) The Chinese are the least prolific searchers in the region, averaging 61.7 searches per searcher in August 2009, lower than the regional average (84.5 searches per searcher). (SOURCE: COMSCORE) China's Top Portals by Brand Advertising Revenue Site RMB million Sina 1,421 Sohu 1,125 Tencent 885 Netease 307 MSN China 252 Soutun 240 Youku 212 Baidu 129 (Source: iResearch/Credit Suisse estimates) China's Online Ad Revenues 2009-2012 (RMB million) 2009 2010 2011e 2012 Brand ad 10,853 14,595 18,918 23,271 Search 10,453 16,244 24,179 31,166 Others 1,639 2,186 3,087 4,014 Total 22,946 33,025 46,184 58,451 Breakdown (%) Brand ad 47.9 44.7 41.5 40.3 Search 44.9 48.6 51.8 52.8 Others 7.2 6.7 6.8 7.0 YoY (%) Brand ad 9.3 34 30 23 Search 61.7 56 49 29 Others -8.8 33 41 30 (Source: Credit Suisse estimates; * gross revenue – advertisers actual spending) China's Online Brand Ad Market Revenues: 2009/10 Brand Ad Revenue Breakdown (RMB million) (%) YoY (%) yoy (%) industry 2009 2010 2009 2010 2010 IT 971 1,117 11 9 15 Electronics 348 400 4 3 15 Food & Beverage 495 693 6 6 40 Auto 1,422 1,849 16 15 30 Telecom & Handset 398 577 4 5 45 Personal Care 294 440 3 4 50 Internet Service 1,753 2,629 20 22 50 Real Estate 792 1,070 9 9 35 Finance 380 532 4 4 40 Others 2,090 2,765 23 23 32 Total 8,942 12,072 100 100 35 (Source: iResearch/Credit Suisse estimates) Trust in Media Channels in China Media channel % who trust the channel completely Recommendations from friends and family 57 Independent reviews in publications 20 Manufacturers / brands websites 17 Consumer opinion in blogs 20 TV ads 12 Newspaper ads 11 Ads that appear on search engines 11 Banner ads on websites 9 Ads in virtual worlds 6 Ads in video games 7 Ads via mobile SMS 8 (Source: TNS/Digital Media) China's Top 10 Motivating Digital Brands Rank Brand 1 Lenovo 2 Nokia 3 Haier 4 Nestle 5 Nike 6 ICBC 7 McDonald's 8 L'Oreal 9 Adidas 10 Wong Lo Kat Herbal Tea (Source: TNS/Digital Media) Top 5 Online Advertisers in China in 2009 Advertiser Online Ad Spend (RMB million) Jiayuan 520 VANCL 510 Lining 370 Nike 290 51job 260 (Source: ChinaInternetWatch/CR-Nielsen) ❚❚ E-COMMERCE In 2010, revenues generated from online advertising, games, shopping and other activities is expected to come to RMB112.3 billion, a 51% growth on 2009. (SOURCE: DIGITAL MARKETING INNER CIRCLE/IRESEARCH) China's online shopping market generated RMB250 billion (US$36.6 billion) in 2009, representing 1.97% of all domestic retail sales. It is thought that around 100 million Chinese now shop online. (SOURCE: IRESEARCH/XINHUA) More than 87 million Chinese online users shopped online in the first 6 months of 2009. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) Of those online shoppers, 32.3% made no more than two purchase transactions during the first six months of 2009. However, a similar amount (30.5%) made between five and ten online shopping transactions in that same period. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) More than half (50.4%) of online Chinese have visited an online retail site. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) Chinese online shoppers have a strong preference for C2C sites, being the first choice for 85% of them. The top site by far is Taobao, with 76.5% of online shoppers citing it as their first choice. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) Nearly half (48.7%) of online shoppers in China have become aware of shopping sites through family and friends. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) More than 85.7% of Chinese online users searched for product information online in the first six months of 2009. Breaking it down, 53.5% visited B2C sites and 32.5% visited C2C sites to do this. (SOURCE: CHINAINTERNETWATCH) Comparison shopping is yet to take off in China, with just 14.8% of online Chinese having visited a comparison shopping site. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) China's virtual goods market was expected to generate more than US$5 billion in sales in 2009. (SOURCE: VIRTUALGOODSNEWS.COM/+8*)
  • 13. 22 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 23
  • 14. 24 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 25 China Mobile currently controls around 80% of China's mobile games market via its Monternet platform. (SOURCE: PYRAMID RESEARCH) Mobile internet users in China averaged 248 page views per user in December 2009, 132.8% more than in December 2008. (SOURCE: OPERA) Smartphones now represent more than 20% of all handset shipments to China. (SOURCE: IMEDIA CONNECTION) A sizeable 77% of Chinese consumers say they cannot live without their mobile phones. (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) However, 44% of Chinese say they are already receiving too many ads on the mobile phones already, according to the same survey. A similar amount, 42%, say they are open to more ads – if they can make some money out of it themselves. (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) China has more than 350 million accumulated mobile instant messenger accounts, and 136.39 million active accounts. (SOURCE: ANALYSIS INTERNATIONAL) Chinese Mobile Internet Users 2009 % of users Age Under 10 0.5 Age 10-19 37.9 Age 20-29 35.3 Age 30-39 17.1 Age 40-49 6.7 Age 50-59 1.8 Age 60 and above 0.7 Gender Male 56 Female 44 Education Primary school/below 8.1 Junior middle 26.9 High school 42.4 Associate college 11.4 College 10.3 Master's degree/above 0.9 Profession Others 0.7 Unemployed 9.9 Retirees 0.4 Agricultural, forestry, husbandry, fishery labourers 3.1 Freelancers/Self-employed 12.2 Industry/service industry workers 4.9 Migrant workers 2.9 Professionals 9.9 Enterprise non-managerial 15.7 Enterprise managerial 2.8 Government-non managerial 4.1 Government-managerial 1 Students 32.3 Income (Yuan) per month Above 8000 2.7 5001-8000 2.7 3001-5000 8.4 2001-3000 14.3 1501-2000 13 1001-1500 13.5 501-1000 16.5 500 or below 19.5 No income 9.3 Region Rural 30.8 Urban 69.2 (Source: CNNIC March 2010) What Chinese Mobile Internet Users do Online Activity % of users Mobile Phone TV 16.5 Mobile Phone Email 18.4 Mobile Phone Online Game 19.3 Mobile Phone Online Community 22.8 Mobile Phone Online Music 50.4 Mobile Phone Search 55.2 Mobile Phone Reading 75.4 Mobile Phone Online Chatting 77.8 (Source: CNNIC March 2010) ❚❚ CASE STUDY Client: Coca-Cola China Agency: wwwins Isobar China Campaign: Coca-Cola Coke with Food Campaign Objective: The key challenge was to create an association between Coke and everyday meals, reinforcing how much "Shuang" (Chinese character representing refreshment and enjoyment) the consumer can experience at the dining table when Coke is there to accompany the food. Strategy: Instead of just showing "behind the scene" footage of the TVC, we wanted to really place the consumers "behind the scenes". An additional video of the TVC was shot solely for the online campaign purpose to create the unique digital experience. Details: With the online video template, we created a unique and exciting experience that allowed consumers be part of the video for them to "show off" to their friends. Under the theme of "Having Dinner with Fei-Lun-Hai" we pushed the boundaries of Real-time Flash 3D Technology to allow users to upload their face photos, which then were converted into 3D faces then mapped onto a person who dined with the Fei-Lun-Hai members in the video. In the final video, consumers could see themselves dancing and dining around the table with Fei-Lun-Hai. And with simple share function, consumers could send the video link their friends, or even paste the video on their blogs. Results: The campaign generated the following response: 700,000 3D user-generated interactive videos successfully generated, the viral effects that were tracked reached exposure to more than 20 million people. THE EVENT FOR DIGITAL MARKETING connecting all sides of the interactive marketing and advertising landscape THE EVENT FOR MODERN MARKETING: ● CONFERENCE ● EXHIBITION HALL ● NETWORKING SEARCH, EMAIL MARKETING, RSS, MOBILE MARKETING, GAMING, TV 2.0, AFFILIATE MARKETING BLOGGING, VIDEO MARKETING METRICS, MEDIA BUYING, PODCASTS, WIKIS, PERSONAS WEB ANALYTICS AND BEHAVIORIAL TARGET MARKETING EXPO HALL IS FREE! upcoming events in asia 3 - 4 June 2010 Suntec City International Convention Centre 28 - 29 October 2010 Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa 20 - 21 October 2010 Shanghai International Convention Centre
  • 15. 26 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 27 What Hong Kong's Internet Users Earn Monthly Household Income Total % of Users HK$70,000+ Per month 218,424 5.5 HK$70,000-79,999 48,779 1.2 HK$60,000-69,999 96,370 2.4 HK$50,000-59,999 192,364 4.9 HK$40,000-49,999 518,419 13.1 HK$35,000-39,999 191,198 4.8 HK$30,000-34,999 311,904 7.9 HK$25,000-29,999 338,447 8.5 HK$20,000-24,999 595,502 15 HK$15,000-19,999 440,105 11.1 HK$13,000-14,999 228,786 5.8 HK$10,000-12,999 478,324 12.1 HK$8,000-9,999 185,600 4.7 HK$8,000 or less per month 165,998 4.2 (Source: Yahoo!/Synovate 2009 HK Media Atlas Q1'09-Q4'09) ❚❚ USER BEHAVIOUR There were around 2.5 million social networking users in Hong Kong as of August 2009. (COMSCORE) Over 50% of online Hong Kongers have uploaded a video to a video sharing site, according to one survey. (SOURCE: UNIVERSAL MCCANN) Hong Kong internet users spent an average of 156 minutes a day online in 2009. (SOURCE: NIELSEN) Hong Kong internet users spent on average more than 25 hours online a month in 2009. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) What do Hong Kong internet users do when they are online? In August 2009 it was mainly instant messaging (15.9% share of minutes online), with Hong Kongers spending twice as long as Asians across the region did on the activity that month. Entertainment sites took up 11% of their time (led by YouTube and TVB) and social networking took up 8% of their time. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) Entertainment reach in the city was 72.7% in August 2009. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) Just over a third (37%) of Hong Kongers feel they could not live without the internet. (SOURE: SYNOVATE) Why Hong Kongers go Online Activity % of users For getting information 80 Communication by text 30.3 Shopping/reservation 4.4 Leisure 41 Education 17.5 Financial activities 8.4 Online community 1.2 Downloading/upgrading software 5.1 (Source: APIRA) How Long Hong Kongers Spend Online Average Time Spent Using Internet ('000) % of Users Less Than 30 Minutes 412 7.7 30 Minutes-Less Than 1 Hour 666 12.4 1 Hour-Less Than 2 Hours 924 17.2 2 Hours-Less Than 3 Hours 745 13.9 3 Hours-Less Than 4 Hours 458 8.5 4 Hours-Less Than 5 Hours 257 4.8 5 Hours-Less Than 6 Hours 144 2.7 6 Hours Or More 517 9.6 (Source : Nielsen Media Index Hong Kong; Base population: Individuals aged 12 – 64) What Hong Kongers do Online Features Used ('000) % of Users EMail 3,062 57 Search Goods/Services Information 1,826 34 Instant messenger 1,757 32.7 Read Newspapers/Magazines 1,698 31.6 Social Networking 1,407 26.2 Play Online Games 1,388 25.8 Settle Payment 1,131 21 Use Online Banking Services 1,129 21 Listen To Songs/Radio Programs 1,046 19.5 Search Financial Information 1,007 18.7 Search/Download Information 995 18.5 Watch User-generated Video Online or Watch Professionally Produced Video Online 1,124 20.9 Browse Blog 714 13.1 Download Free Songs/Music or Download Paid Songs/Music 754 14 Use Search Engines 682 12.7 Write Blog 662 12.3 Trade Stock 620 11.5 Download Software 609 11.3 Make Reservation/Book Tickets 529 9.8 Search Job Vacancies 494 9.2 Chat Room 441 8.2 Use Auction Services 433 8.1 Purchase/Order Goods/Services 402 7.5 Download Movies 359 6.7 Download TV Programs 255 4.7 Request Customer Services 243 4.5 Make Friends Online 242 4.5 Download Mobile Phone Ringtone 216 4 Internet Phone 209 3.9 Download Books/Comics 184 3.4 Download Mobile Phone Game/Wallpaper 138 2.6 Netmeeting 108 2 Others 511 9.5 (Source : Nielsen Media Index Hong Kong; Base population: Individuals aged 12-64) ❚❚ ONLINE ADVERTISING Hong Kong online ad spend came to HK$869 million in 2009, a 17% increase on 2008 (HK$744 million). (SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY) Online ad spend in Hong Kong is expected to grow by 13% in 2010. (SOURCE: MEDIA/HK4As) By 2012, online ad spend is expected to come to US$169 million. (SOURCE: ZENITHOPTIMEDIA) While Google reigns supreme across much of Asia as the favoured search engine, in Hong Kong it is Yahoo! that attracts the majority of searches, it taking 58.9% of Hong Kongers' search queries. (SOURCE: MEDIA/COMSCORE) Hong Kong internet users are pretty loyal to the emarketing programmes they sign up to, 80% of them saying they always open and read emails they have subscribed to. Equally a similar proportion, 70%, delete emails that have been sent to them by unknown senders – unread. (SOURCE: COMPUTERWORLD/RADICA) Hong Kongers love bargains, which may be why 78% of Hong Kong internet users in a survey said they find emails offering discounts to be the most persuasive tactics to get them to purchase what was offered in the emails. Discount coupons are nearly as persuasive, say 72% of users, while free gifts (65%) and cash rebates (50%) are also popular. (SOURCE: COMPUTERWORLD/RADICA) Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Hong Kong internet users in a survey said that they forwarded promotional emails on to their friends and relatives. (SOURCE: COMPUTERWORLD//RADICA) ❚❚ DEMOGRAPHICS There are currently more than 3.9 million active internet users in Hong Kong, as of August 2009. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) Around 81% of Hong Kong homes have broadband. (SOURCE: AFP/STRATEGY ANALYTICS) More than two thirds (69.4%) of Hong Kongers aged 10 or over accessed the internet in 2009. (SOURCE: CENSUS & STATISTIC DEPARTMENT) Hong Kong internet users on average spend 18 hours a week online. (SOURCE: APIRA) There are around 8,825 public WiFi access points in Hong Kong. (SOURCE: YAHOO!/OFTA) Hong Kong's Internet Users 2009 Total Users ('000) % of users Gender Male 1,903.04 48 Female 2,058.39 52 Age 15-19 432.68 10.9 20-24 455.49 11.5 25-29 511.61 12.9 30-32 476.65 12 35-39 478.16 12.1 40-44 454.08 11.5 45-49 403.72 10.2 50-54 271.79 6.9 55+ 226.20 5.7 Marital Status Single 2,168.82 54.7 Married with Children aged 15 or below 854.44 21.6 Married without Children 274.09 6.9 Divorced, Widowed (with children aged 15 or below) 13.78 0.3 Divorced, Widowed (without children) 6.74 0.2 Married with all Children aged 16 or above 607.72 15.3 Divorced, Widowed (with all children aged 16 or above) 16.94 0.4 Attained Education No Formal Schooling 6.59 0.2 Primary School or beloW 197.44 5 Sec 2,436.78 61.5 Tert non-degree 421.90 10.7 tert degree+ 880.61 22.2 Employment Status Working Full Time (30 hours above a week) 2,380.02 60.1 Working Part Time (Less than 30 hrs a week) 208.03 5.3 Retired 89.77 2.3 Unemployed 178.82 4.5 Student 814.65 20.6 Housewife 283.00 7.1 Refused 7.12 – Occupation/Job Position PMEB 812.26 20.5 skilled & unskilled white collar 716.13 18.1 Services workers & shop sales 261.05 6.6 Craft & related workers 165.48 4.2 Plant & machine operators and assemblers 76.70 1.9 Elementary occupations 157.70 4 Place of Access At home 3,684.73 93 In office 1,280.94 32.3 At school 173.37 4.4 In Internet cafe 55.72 1.4 In other places (e.g. library, shopping mall) 198.41 5 (Source: Yahoo!/Synovate HK Media Atlas Q1-Q4 2009) Hong Kong's Two IFC rising above the city HONG KONG
  • 16. 28 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 29 ❚❚ E-COMMERCE While nearly all Hong Kong internet users (98.3%) had used some form of e-business service in 2009, 15.9% used "online purchasing services" for their personal means, an increase on 2008 (10.3%). (SOURCE: CENSUS & STATISTICs DEPARTMENT) More than half of online Hong Kongers have visited a retail site (51.3%). (SOURCE: COMSCORE) Comparison shopping is gaining some traction in Hong Kong, with 13.8% reach, as of August 2009. (SOURCE: COMSCORE) In 2009, Hong Kong's online shopping adoption rate grew at a CAGR of 144.8%. (SOURCE: APIRA) Top Online Retail Subcategories in Hong Kong Category % Reach Retail 51.3 Comparison Shopping 13.8 Books 13.8 Computer Hardware 16.9 Consumer Electronics 17.1 Computer Software 8.6 Apparel 7.6 Health Care 1.2 Mall 1.4 Fragrances/Cosmetics 4.7 Retail-Music 6.6 Retail-Food 1.9 Department Stores 0.9 Tickets 2.9 Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 1.9 Jewellery/Luxury Goods/Accessories 2.2 Consumer Goods 0.3 Sports/Outdoor 0.9 Home Furnishings 1.4 Toys 2.3 (Source: ComsCore World Metrix, August 2009) ❚❚ MOBILE Hong Kong's mobile subscriber penetration rate now stands at 171.6%. Hong Kong, a city of 7 million people, had more than 12 million mobile subscribers as of November 2009. (SOURCE: OFTA) Of Hong Kong's mobile population, more than 4.9 million are 2.5G and 3G subscribers. (SOURCE: OFTA) As of the beginning of 2010, there were 8,826 public WiFi spots in Hong Kong. (SOURCE: OFTA) Hong Kong's mobile data revenue is expected to increase at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2009 to 2014, increasing from US$557 million to $916 million. (SOURCE: PYRAMID RESEARCH) In 2010, Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year Day both fell on 14 February, perhaps prompting Hong Kongers to send more than 28.3 million SMS messages and receive 36.8 million of them – a 54.19% and 42.08% increase respectively compared to Valentine's Day 2009. (SOURCE: OFTA) More than half of Hong Kongers (59%) feel they could not live without their mobile phone. (SOURE: SYNOVATE) Nearly half of Hong Kong mobile phone users (49%) already feel they are receiving too many ads on their phones. (SOURE: SYNOVATE) Unlike their peers across the Chinese border, Hong Kongers are still resistant to the idea of mobile phone advertising – even if they get paid for it (66% of users saying they are resistant). (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) ❚❚ CASE STUDY Client: Anna Sui Agency: Euro RSCG Hong Kong Campaign: ANNA SUI SUPER BLACK MASCARA Objective: In a crowded market place, the challenge was to engage Anna Sui's 15-30 year old style-conscious, digitally-connected consumers and communicate to them the product's benefits – with the ultimate aim of increasing traffic to Anna Sui counters. Strategy: Super Black Mascara exaggerates the eyes, but how could the brand communicate this in a playful and flirtatious way online? Euro RSCG Hong Kong tapped into the global reach of social networks to create an innovative Facebook application which invited users to virtually apply the new range of mascara to their own photos. The campaign brought the product experience online, by literally allowing users to apply mascara to the eyes of their online photos. Details: This fun application saw users playfully digitally enhancing their facebook photos with flirty long lashes, and posting their glamourised images. Running to the tagline "Long lashes that captivate – be the Anna Sui Captivating Star", the campaign ran across a range of online and offline channels in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, including a product mini-site, "how to" videos on YouTube, eDM, SMS and in-store materials. In order to maximise the viral potential of the application, users were then invited to pass on the application to friends in order to receive vouchers and win prizes to drive traffic to Anna Sui counters. Results: Within the first month the campaign generated: - More than 6,000 Facebook users accessed the Super Black Mascara Facebook application. - More than 600 people become fans of the application group. - More than 500 vouchers were downloaded. - The brand website saw an increase in visits of over 50% during the campaign period. Hong Kong online advertisers numbered 2,239 as of the first half of 2009, running 7,158 campaigns between them, a 22% increase on 2008. In total, 11.2 billion ad impressions were served over that 1H 2009 period. (SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY) The most prolific online advertising category in Hong Kong is not, surprisingly, finance representing HK$65 million of ad value, followed by computers & electrical (HK$51 million) and education (HK$48 million) (SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY) In the first six months of 2009, social networking sites and other friend-introducing sites increased their estimated ad value tenfold (1,014%) compared to the first half of 2008. (SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY) Hong Kongers are amongst the most ad savvy internet users out there, showing the highest propensity to avoid sites with intrusive ads and pop ups – 46% of users, much higher than the global average (28%). (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) More than one quarter (27%) of Hong Kongers would be more recipient to online ads – if they were paid to do so. (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) More than one quarter (26%) of Hong Kongers are open to behavioural marketing and the technology that facilitates it – as long as no data is collected in the process that could identify them. (SOURCE: SYNOVATE) Hong Kong's Top 10 Sites of 2009 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Yahoo! Sites 3,184 Microsoft Sites 2,628 Google Sites 2,594 FACEBOOK 2,004 DISCUSS.COM.HK 1,367 Uwants Sites 1,303 SINA 1,053 Wikimedia Foundation Sites 919 Television Broadcasts 903 PCCW 784 (Source: ComScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Hong Kong Home/Work Locations) Hong Kong's Top 10 Gaming Sites of 2009 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Online Gaming 1,151 Yahoo! Games 233 Gamania Digital Entertainment 180 Travian Games 163 MSN Games 112 9YOU 102 GAMEBASE.COM.TW 85 WildTangent Network 74 Gameflier 74 TALESRUNNER.COM.HK 73 MINICLIP 56 (Source: ComScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Hong Kong Home/Work Locations) Hong Kong's Top 10 Retail Sites of 2009 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Retail 2,033 469 Apple Worldwide Sites 459 Amazon Sites 309 PRICE.COM.HK 210 THREE.COM.HK 174 DCFEVER 174 CITYLINE 164 RINGHK 121 Nissen Group 119 Hewlett Packard 116 (Source: ComScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Hong Kong Home/Work Locations) Hong Kong's Top 10 Entertainment Sites of 2009 2009 Average Monthly Unique Visitors ('000) Entertainment 2,828 YOUTUBE 1,551 TVB 899 Yahoo! Music 822 Yahoo! Movies 550 iTunes Software (App) 478 Tudou Sites 438 PPStream 431 CBS Interactive 422 Youku 408 Sony Online 324 (Source: ComScore World Metrix; Audience: All Persons 15+ at Hong Kong Home/Work Locations) Hong Kong's Fastest Growing Online Ad Categories Ranking Categories Growth by Ad Value(%) 1 Introductions/Social Networking 1014 2 Automotive 201 3 Sundry Service 194 4 Real Estate 180 5 Fashion 172 (Source: The Nielsen Company; 1H 2009) Hong Kong's Online Ad Spend by Sector Categories Market Gross Adspend on Internet (HK$m) Banking & Investment Services 527.1 Education & Training 266.19 Computers & Internet Services 216.56 Telecommunication, Mobile Phones & Services 111.54 Entertainment 106.59 Transportation & Logistics 101.75 Travel & Tourism Services 96.58 Cosmetics & Skincare 75.85 Beauty, Slimming & Fitness 68.78 Hotels, Resorts & Service Apartments 58.04 Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare 57.24 Restaurants 54.01 Mass Media 51.61 Retail 48.56 Non-profit Organisation 45.66 Sports 41.34 Jewellery, Watches & Luxury Products 37.55 Camera, Photography & Optical Instruments 37.1 Toiletries & Household 35.69 Fashion, Accessories & Eyewear 34.9 Government 34.25 Business Services 33.68 Insurance 31.72 Beverages 30.78 Electrical Appliances 27.03 Automobile & Petroleum 26.61 Food 24.4 Toys & Hobbies 19.23 Property & Real Estate 11.7 Energy & Mining 8.66 Wine, Beer, Whisky & Liquor 6.97 Bridal 6.8 Construction 4.51 Books, Gifts & Stationery 3.62 Industry 2.4 Pets 1.68 Miscellaneous 1.53 Funeral Services 0.01 Tobacco 0 Unknown 0 Total 2,348.22 (Source: Yahoo!/admanGo; January-December 2009) Hong Kong's Top 10 Website Brands in 2009 Brand Ad impressions ('000) Total 23,927,360 Yahoo! HK 13,631,410 atnext 2,141,341 2000fun-HP 2,017,361 HKEPCHardware 1,860,722 Discuss 1,153,393 Mingpao 970,985 The Sun 712,127 AAStocks 533,116 MSN Hong kong 476,805 fotop 430,098 (Source: Yahoo!/Nielsen AdRelevance – 06/04/2010)