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Journey to Recovery Series
Group and Individual Interventions
for Depression
Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes Executive Director, AllCEUs
Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox
Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 1
 Identify the common symptoms for anxiety and
depression-based disorders
 Learn how a positive change in one area or symptom can
have positive effects on all symptoms or areas.
 Explore
 The function of each of those symptoms
 The potential causes of each of those symptoms
 Interventions for each of those symptoms
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What are symptoms
 Symptoms are your physical and emotional reactions to a
 Symptoms are designed to protect you.
 They are not bad or good. They just are.
 Instead of trying to make the symptom go away, it may
help to:
 Understand the function of them
 Identify alternate, more helpful, ways to deal with the
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Global Activities
 Symptom groups
 Neurotransmitter groups (with handouts)
 MEEPS Wellness Groups (Mental, Emotional,
Environmental, Physical, Social)
 Case studies highlighting causative factors in each MEEPS
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Lack of Pleasure
 Form/Symptom
 Lack of pleasure in most things, most days for a period of at
least 2 weeks.
 Cause
 Neurochemical imbalance (insufficient dopamine,
norepinephrine?) caused by:
 Lack of quality sleep
 Excessive stress
 Drug or medication use
 Hormone imbalances including thyroid problems
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Lack of Pleasure
 Causes
 HPA-Axis
 Cortisol
 Increased norepinepherine and glutamate
 Reductions in
 Estrogen
 Testosterone
 Serotonin
 Increased anxiety and depression
 Melatonin
 Impaired sleep
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Lack of Pleasure
 Function
 This is your body's way of
 Signaling that there may be a problem
 Conserving excitatory neurotransmitters for a “real” crisis
 Forcing you to address it. After all, nobody wants to be
depressed for very long.
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Lack of Pleasure
 How You Cope
 Think back over a few times when you have been depressed
or just haven’t found pleasure in anything, even if it was
just for a few hours.
 What did you do to help yourself feel better?
 What makes the depression/lack of pleasure worse?
 What can you do to prevent triggering your depression/lack of
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Lack of Pleasure
 Simple-ish Interventions
 Don’t expect exhilaration, but try to do some things that make you
mildly happy. (Alphabet, happiness box, weekly appointment)
 Get plenty of quality sleep. You need to stabilize your circadian
(sleep-wake-eat) rhythms.
 Think back to when you didn’t feel this way.
 What was different? (MEEPS sheets)
 What changed that started you feeling depressed (Review the
 Remember that depression is a natural part of the grief process
and also very normal after a trauma. Be compassionate
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Eating Behaviors
 Form
 Eating too much or loss of appetite
 Cause
 Imbalance in the brain chemicals that help you feel motivated to
eat, such a norepinepherine and serotonin.
 There are five primary causes of over-eating:
 Your body needing the building blocks (Food diary)
 Low serotonin
 Your circadian rhythms are out of whack (HR/energy monitoring)
 Habit/self soothing (Food diary)
 Thyroid Issues (Physical)
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Eating Behaviors
 How You Cope
 In the past when you have just not had an appetite or have been
eating to self-soothe, how did you deal with it?
 How can you make sure you are eating a generally healthy diet,
and making sure that your body has the building blocks it needs?
 What can you do to ensure you are eating due to hunger and not
 What foods do you generally eat to self-soothe?
 What can you do to prevent non-hunger eating?
 What can you do besides eating to distract yourself from your
distress or self-soothe?
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Eating Behaviors
 Some simple-ish interventions
 Stop consuming caffeine at least 8 hours before bed.
 Drink enough water (even if it is sparkling water or Powerade).
 Have 3 colors on your plate at every meal.(Yellow, Red,
Blue/purple/black, green, orange, white/brown;
 Eat foods you enjoy, but in moderation
 Use a plate. Don’t eat out of the bag
 Get enough sleep so you are not eating to stay awake.
 Experiment with essential oils. Some will increase appetite.
Some will decrease stress and cravings.(Test sniff, handout
 If you just cannot stomach eating, explore a meal replacement
like Ensure. This should not be done for a long period, but as a
stop-gap, it usually is fine. Ask your doctor.
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Sleeping Behaviors
 Form
 Sleeping too much or having insomnia
 Cause
 Sleeping too much can indicate poor quality sleep due to:
 Stress
 Poor sleep habits
 Pain
 Hormone or neurochemical imbalances
 Allergies/Apnea
 Poor nutrition
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Sleeping Behaviors
 Cause
 Insomnia can indicate:
 Activated HPA-Axis/An inability to relax
 Pain making it difficult to sleep
 Insufficient serotonin/melatonin (also implicated in depression
and “stress”)
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Sleeping Behaviors
 Function
 When you are not getting enough sleep, you cannot recharge
as efficiently, so you are more tired.
 When you are getting too much sleep your body doesn’t
secrete melatonin at the right times leading to poor quality
sleep and feeling exhausted all the time.
 When you cannot sleep it typically indicates that your HPA-
Axis/Threat Responses System is activated so it doesn’t want
you to be vulnerable.
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Sleeping Behaviors
 How You Can Cope
 What do you usually do to help yourself
 Get to sleep when you can’t sleep
 Wake up when you have been sleeping too much?
 Create a good sleep routine that involves the same two or three
 Identify & address anything waking you up in the night.
 Dogs
 Coughing/allergies
 Snoring spouse
 Sleep apnea
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Sleeping Behaviors
 Simple-Ish Interventions
 Get a physical to rule out any medical issues especially
 Thyroid and other hormone imbalances
 Chronic pain
 Apnea
 Reduce or eliminate caffeine at least 8 hours before bed.
 Keep a notepad by your bed to write down things you need to
remember instead of tossing them around in your head all night.
 Use progressive muscle relaxation, to help your body relax.
 Develop a stress management and relaxation plan.
 Use mindfulness exercises
 Don’t take long naps during the day
 Adjust lights for circadian rhythms
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Low Energy
 Form
 Lack of energy and/or fatigue.
 Cause
 Insufficient or excessive sleep
 Lack of motivation and reward
 Lack of movement
 Fear of failure or rejection
 Poor nutrition
 Thyroid or hormone imbalances
 Function
 The body is devoting scarce resources to rebuilding and
functioning. (Ain’t got enough gas)
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Low Energy
 How you cope
 What (besides caffeine) helps you get energy?
 What drains your energy?
 Mental
 Emotional
 Environmental
 Physical
 Social
 When you have felt lethargic in the past, how did you help
yourself feel better?
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Low Energy
 Simple-ish Interventions
 Get up and move around. Try doing 15.
 Stay hydrated
 Focus on stabilizing your circadian rhythms
 Try to stay off the stimulant rollercoaster
 Increase the motivating chemicals by having some successes.
 Get an accountability buddy.
 Identify any fear or depressive thoughts that may be
dampening your motivation or draining your energy and deal
with them
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 Form
 Being sped up (agitation) during the day.
 Cause
 High levels of anxiety
 Stimulants (to self-medicate depression)
 Unstable blood sugar/poor nutrition
 Function
 When you are sped up, your body is likely detecting a threat (real or
chemically induced).
 How You Cope
 When you feel driven and/or anxious, how have you been able to get
it under control?
 What can you do to be kind to yourself?
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Simple-ish Interventions
 Reduce anxiety (worry) by:
 Addressing unhelpful thoughts that are stressing you out
 Using distress tolerance skills to feel the anxiety and let it pass
 Practicing good time management so you don’t feel pressured
 Making a choice not to let anxiety run your life
 Pay attention and reduce how many stimulants you are taking
including caffeine, nicotine, diet pills, and decongestants.
These can all cause you to feel revved up.
 Unstable blood sugar/poor nutrition can make you feel jittery,
so try to eat healthfully and regularly.
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 Form
 Trouble concentrating and/or making decisions
 Cause
 Neurotransmitter, hormone or blood sugar imbalances
caused by lack of sleep, poor nutrition, excess stress
 Feelings of helplessness causing you to second guess yourself
 Function
 Energy conservation. If your body is struggling to just keep
going, it is not going to divert energy to higher order
thought processes unless they have a direct impact on your
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 How You Cope
 What helps you focus (small chunks, working in the morning..)
 Simple-ish Interventions
 How can you be kind to yourself? Like Stephen Covey says,
sometimes you need to take a break and “sharpen the saw.”
 Make sure you are eating a healthfully and frequently to keep your
blood sugar stable and give your body the building blocks to make
your neurotransmitters.
 Make sure you are hydrated.
 Get adequate, quality sleep
 Take a 10-20 minute powernap after lunch. Research shows that a
nap after lunch increases “focus chemicals” up to 200%
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Hopelessness & Helplessness
 Form
 A sense of hopelessness or helplessness “I can’t go on like
this.” “Nothing seems to ever work.”
 Cause
 When your brain chemicals are out of whack it impacts mood
and motivation.
 Normal relaxation chemicals like serotonin and GABA may be
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Hopelessness & Helplessness
 Causes include:
 Poor nutrition
 Lack of quality sleep
 Negative thinking patterns keeping you stuck
 Chronic pain
 Use of opiates
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Hopelessness & Helplessness
 Function
 This is simply a signal that something is wrong. You need
 How You Cope
 What helps you feel empowered?
 What things do you have control over?
 What are your goals?
 What can you do to start achieving those goals?
 What are three things you can do today to start moving
toward recovery or happiness again?
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 Simple-ish Interventions
 Identify things that give you hope or make you happy and do
one of those each day
 Get adequate sleep (Are you sensing a trend here??)
 Drink at least 8 glasses of water and eat a relatively healthy
 Talk with a friend and create a plan to get un-stuck
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 Most depressive symptoms are caused by changes in people’s
 These changes can be caused by:
 Emotional upset/stress that triggers the HPA-Axis or grief
 Unhelpful or unpleasant thoughts that trigger the HPA-Axis
 Pain
 Poor quality sleep
 Poor nutrition
 Medication side effects
 Lack of pleasure (yin and yang)
 Behaviors that alter brain chemistry such as bungee jumping,
gambling, sex or viewing pornography
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 Coping with depression requires an understanding of
 What triggers it for the person
 What has helped in the past to prevent or cope with it
 The function of the symptom in order to meet or prevent
the need.
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Addressing Depression

  • 1. Journey to Recovery Series Group and Individual Interventions for Depression Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes Executive Director, AllCEUs Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 1
  • 2. Objectives  Identify the common symptoms for anxiety and depression-based disorders  Learn how a positive change in one area or symptom can have positive effects on all symptoms or areas.  Explore  The function of each of those symptoms  The potential causes of each of those symptoms  Interventions for each of those symptoms Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 2
  • 3. What are symptoms  Symptoms are your physical and emotional reactions to a threat.  Symptoms are designed to protect you.  They are not bad or good. They just are.  Instead of trying to make the symptom go away, it may help to:  Understand the function of them  Identify alternate, more helpful, ways to deal with the threat Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 3
  • 4. Global Activities  Symptom groups  Neurotransmitter groups (with handouts)  MEEPS Wellness Groups (Mental, Emotional, Environmental, Physical, Social)  Case studies highlighting causative factors in each MEEPS area Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 4
  • 5. Lack of Pleasure  Form/Symptom  Lack of pleasure in most things, most days for a period of at least 2 weeks.  Cause  Neurochemical imbalance (insufficient dopamine, norepinephrine?) caused by:  Lack of quality sleep  Excessive stress  Drug or medication use  Hormone imbalances including thyroid problems Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 5
  • 6. Lack of Pleasure  Causes  HPA-Axis  Cortisol  Increased norepinepherine and glutamate  Reductions in  Estrogen  Testosterone  Serotonin  Increased anxiety and depression  Melatonin  Impaired sleep Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 6
  • 7. Lack of Pleasure  Function  This is your body's way of  Signaling that there may be a problem  Conserving excitatory neurotransmitters for a “real” crisis  Forcing you to address it. After all, nobody wants to be depressed for very long. Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 7
  • 8. Lack of Pleasure  How You Cope  Think back over a few times when you have been depressed or just haven’t found pleasure in anything, even if it was just for a few hours.  What did you do to help yourself feel better?  What makes the depression/lack of pleasure worse?  What can you do to prevent triggering your depression/lack of pleasure? Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 8
  • 9. Lack of Pleasure  Simple-ish Interventions  Don’t expect exhilaration, but try to do some things that make you mildly happy. (Alphabet, happiness box, weekly appointment)  Get plenty of quality sleep. You need to stabilize your circadian (sleep-wake-eat) rhythms.  Think back to when you didn’t feel this way.  What was different? (MEEPS sheets)  What changed that started you feeling depressed (Review the MEEPS)  Remember that depression is a natural part of the grief process and also very normal after a trauma. Be compassionate Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 9
  • 10. Eating Behaviors  Form  Eating too much or loss of appetite  Cause  Imbalance in the brain chemicals that help you feel motivated to eat, such a norepinepherine and serotonin.  There are five primary causes of over-eating:  Your body needing the building blocks (Food diary)  Low serotonin  Your circadian rhythms are out of whack (HR/energy monitoring)  Habit/self soothing (Food diary)  Thyroid Issues (Physical) Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 10
  • 11. Eating Behaviors  How You Cope  In the past when you have just not had an appetite or have been eating to self-soothe, how did you deal with it?  How can you make sure you are eating a generally healthy diet, and making sure that your body has the building blocks it needs?  What can you do to ensure you are eating due to hunger and not distress?  What foods do you generally eat to self-soothe?  What can you do to prevent non-hunger eating?  What can you do besides eating to distract yourself from your distress or self-soothe? Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 11
  • 12. Eating Behaviors  Some simple-ish interventions  Stop consuming caffeine at least 8 hours before bed.  Drink enough water (even if it is sparkling water or Powerade).  Have 3 colors on your plate at every meal.(Yellow, Red, Blue/purple/black, green, orange, white/brown; breakfast/dinner)  Eat foods you enjoy, but in moderation  Use a plate. Don’t eat out of the bag  Get enough sleep so you are not eating to stay awake.  Experiment with essential oils. Some will increase appetite. Some will decrease stress and cravings.(Test sniff, handout presentations)  If you just cannot stomach eating, explore a meal replacement like Ensure. This should not be done for a long period, but as a stop-gap, it usually is fine. Ask your doctor. Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 12
  • 13. Sleeping Behaviors  Form  Sleeping too much or having insomnia  Cause  Sleeping too much can indicate poor quality sleep due to:  Stress  Poor sleep habits  Pain  Hormone or neurochemical imbalances  Allergies/Apnea  Poor nutrition Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 13
  • 14. Sleeping Behaviors  Cause  Insomnia can indicate:  Activated HPA-Axis/An inability to relax  Pain making it difficult to sleep  Insufficient serotonin/melatonin (also implicated in depression and “stress”) Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 14
  • 15. Sleeping Behaviors  Function  When you are not getting enough sleep, you cannot recharge as efficiently, so you are more tired.  When you are getting too much sleep your body doesn’t secrete melatonin at the right times leading to poor quality sleep and feeling exhausted all the time.  When you cannot sleep it typically indicates that your HPA- Axis/Threat Responses System is activated so it doesn’t want you to be vulnerable. Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 15
  • 16. Sleeping Behaviors  How You Can Cope  What do you usually do to help yourself  Get to sleep when you can’t sleep  Wake up when you have been sleeping too much?  Create a good sleep routine that involves the same two or three activities.  Identify & address anything waking you up in the night.  Dogs  Coughing/allergies  Snoring spouse  Sleep apnea Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 16
  • 17. Sleeping Behaviors  Simple-Ish Interventions  Get a physical to rule out any medical issues especially  Thyroid and other hormone imbalances  Chronic pain  Apnea  Reduce or eliminate caffeine at least 8 hours before bed.  Keep a notepad by your bed to write down things you need to remember instead of tossing them around in your head all night.  Use progressive muscle relaxation, to help your body relax.  Develop a stress management and relaxation plan.  Use mindfulness exercises  Don’t take long naps during the day  Adjust lights for circadian rhythms Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 17
  • 18. Low Energy  Form  Lack of energy and/or fatigue.  Cause  Insufficient or excessive sleep  Lack of motivation and reward  Lack of movement  Fear of failure or rejection  Poor nutrition  Thyroid or hormone imbalances  Function  The body is devoting scarce resources to rebuilding and functioning. (Ain’t got enough gas) Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 18
  • 19. Low Energy  How you cope  What (besides caffeine) helps you get energy?  What drains your energy?  Mental  Emotional  Environmental  Physical  Social  When you have felt lethargic in the past, how did you help yourself feel better? Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 19
  • 20. Low Energy  Simple-ish Interventions  Get up and move around. Try doing 15.  Stay hydrated  Focus on stabilizing your circadian rhythms  Try to stay off the stimulant rollercoaster  Increase the motivating chemicals by having some successes.  Get an accountability buddy.  Identify any fear or depressive thoughts that may be dampening your motivation or draining your energy and deal with them Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 20
  • 21. Agitation  Form  Being sped up (agitation) during the day.  Cause  High levels of anxiety  Stimulants (to self-medicate depression)  Unstable blood sugar/poor nutrition  Function  When you are sped up, your body is likely detecting a threat (real or chemically induced).  How You Cope  When you feel driven and/or anxious, how have you been able to get it under control?  What can you do to be kind to yourself? Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 21
  • 22. Simple-ish Interventions  Reduce anxiety (worry) by:  Addressing unhelpful thoughts that are stressing you out  Using distress tolerance skills to feel the anxiety and let it pass  Practicing good time management so you don’t feel pressured  Making a choice not to let anxiety run your life  Pay attention and reduce how many stimulants you are taking including caffeine, nicotine, diet pills, and decongestants. These can all cause you to feel revved up.  Unstable blood sugar/poor nutrition can make you feel jittery, so try to eat healthfully and regularly. Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 22
  • 23. Concentration  Form  Trouble concentrating and/or making decisions  Cause  Neurotransmitter, hormone or blood sugar imbalances caused by lack of sleep, poor nutrition, excess stress  Feelings of helplessness causing you to second guess yourself  Function  Energy conservation. If your body is struggling to just keep going, it is not going to divert energy to higher order thought processes unless they have a direct impact on your survival. Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 23
  • 24. Concentration  How You Cope  What helps you focus (small chunks, working in the morning..)  Simple-ish Interventions  How can you be kind to yourself? Like Stephen Covey says, sometimes you need to take a break and “sharpen the saw.”  Make sure you are eating a healthfully and frequently to keep your blood sugar stable and give your body the building blocks to make your neurotransmitters.  Make sure you are hydrated.  Get adequate, quality sleep  Take a 10-20 minute powernap after lunch. Research shows that a nap after lunch increases “focus chemicals” up to 200% Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 24
  • 25. Hopelessness & Helplessness  Form  A sense of hopelessness or helplessness “I can’t go on like this.” “Nothing seems to ever work.”  Cause  When your brain chemicals are out of whack it impacts mood and motivation.  Normal relaxation chemicals like serotonin and GABA may be insufficient Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 25
  • 26. Hopelessness & Helplessness  Causes include:  Poor nutrition  Lack of quality sleep  Negative thinking patterns keeping you stuck  Chronic pain  Use of opiates Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 26
  • 27. Hopelessness & Helplessness  Function  This is simply a signal that something is wrong. You need help.  How You Cope  What helps you feel empowered?  What things do you have control over?  What are your goals?  What can you do to start achieving those goals?  What are three things you can do today to start moving toward recovery or happiness again? Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 27
  • 28. Hopelessness  Simple-ish Interventions  Identify things that give you hope or make you happy and do one of those each day  Get adequate sleep (Are you sensing a trend here??)  Drink at least 8 glasses of water and eat a relatively healthy diet  Talk with a friend and create a plan to get un-stuck Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 28
  • 29. Summary  Most depressive symptoms are caused by changes in people’s neurochemistry  These changes can be caused by:  Emotional upset/stress that triggers the HPA-Axis or grief  Unhelpful or unpleasant thoughts that trigger the HPA-Axis  Pain  Poor quality sleep  Poor nutrition  Medication side effects  Lack of pleasure (yin and yang)  Behaviors that alter brain chemistry such as bungee jumping, gambling, sex or viewing pornography Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 29
  • 30. Summary  Coping with depression requires an understanding of  What triggers it for the person  What has helped in the past to prevent or cope with it  The function of the symptom in order to meet or prevent the need. Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year 30
  • 31. Connect With Us Copyright 2018 AllCEUs All Rights Reserved. Unlimited CEUs for $59/month or $99/year Subscribe to the podcast Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Join our Facebook Group 31