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Fall	Risk	Reduction:	Balance	Examination	&	Intervention	
Cara	Curran:	Sacred	Heart	University	Clinical	Rotation	Summer	2016	
What	do	patients	express	as	their	main	fears	to	discharge?	
Gait	is	a	sequence	of	continuous	falling	followed	by	continuous	reactions	to	catch	ourselves.	
Somato-sensory	+	Visual	+	Vestibular	=	Balance	
1. Superficial	Sensations	“Spinothalamic”	System-	anterolateral	system	
Light	Touch	 	 	 	 	
Perception	Pressure			 	 	 	 	 	
“Protective	Sensation”à	Semmes	Weinstein	5.07	
2. Deep	Sensations	“Dorsal	Column	System”-	medial	lemniscus	system	
	 Vibratory	Sense	128	Hz	
	 Position	sense/Proprioception	 	 	 	 	
3. “Combined	Cortical	Sensory	Function”	
Traced	Figure	Identification	 	 	
								 Object	Identification	 	 	 	
	 Double	Simultaneous	Stimulation	 	
	 Two	Point	Discrimination
Fall	Risk	Reduction:	Balance	Examination	&	Intervention	
Cara	Curran:	Sacred	Heart	University	Clinical	Rotation	Summer	2016	
ü How	can	the	rehab	and	medical	staff	here	work	
towards	this	goal	together?	
ü How	can	we	better	examine	balance	in	this	
acute	rehab	setting?	
ü How	can	we	evaluate	our	findings	based	on	
national	norms?	
ü How	can	we	develop	POC	and	treatments	based	
on	our	findings?	
ü How	can	we	progress	our	patients	
ü How	can	we	make	this	task	functional?!	
Deficits/Barriers	 Quick	Screening	
Medical	Red	Flag	Screening	 Polyneuropathy,	OH,	timing	of	medication,	you	all	know	J	
Visual	Perception	 Glasses?	CN	1,	3,	5,	6	(tracking)	
Vestibular	 Nystagmus	w/	any	above	CN	(smooth	pursuits)?	CN	8	
Differential:	Dix-Hallpike:	BPPV	
Weakness,	lack	of	ROM,	tone	 MMT<3+,	Reflexes,	hypo/hypertonic,	WB	precaution?	
Sensation/Proprioception	 Semmes-Weinstein,	1st
	Met	orientation,	Postural	Assessment	
Scale	For	Stroke,	Functional	Reach	
Coordination	 Hand-nose	(tremor/dysmetria),	heel-shin/drawing	square,	DGI,	
Cognition	on	attending	to	task	 Return-knowledge,	clock-drawing	
Endurance	 2MWT,	6MWT,	10MWT,	5xSTS	
Pain	Perception	 NPRS,	VAS,	WHOQOL	
Self-Efficacy	 PSFS,	ABC,	Mini-Best
Fall	Risk	Reduction:	Balance	Examination	&	Intervention	
Cara	Curran:	Sacred	Heart	University	Clinical	Rotation	Summer	2016	
Outcome	Measures 	Utilizes!	
• According	to	Anderson	et	al.,	outcome	measures	were	used	for	patients	with	stroke	to	
determine	the	most	useful	in	an	acute	or	acute	rehab	setting	
• The	following	ranked	top	for	diagnosing	and	categorizing	patients,	developing	a	plan	of	
care,	interventions,	d/c	recommendations,	family	education,	professional	comfort	and	
preference,	evidence	based,	and	time	sensitive:	
o FIMà	you’re	all	experts	J	
§ Stroke:	45/56=	functional	ability	
• 41/56=	cut	off	for	fall	risk	
§ Elderly:	<45=	individual	may	be	at	
greater	risk	of	falling	
• <40=	100%	fall	risk	
§ Parkinson’s:	Average=	40.2	
§ COPD:	+54	meters	
§ Geriatrics	and	Stroke:	+50	meters	
§ SCI:	-0.10	m/s	
o TUG	
Examination/Outcome	Measures:	
Postural	Assessment	Scale	For	Stroke	
• 12	items	for	individuals	with	stroke	regardless	of	their	postural	competence	
• Sensitive	for	first	3	months	s/p	CVA-	can	discriminate	b/w	R	+	L	brain	damage	
• Healthy	Older	Adult	mean	range	score=	32-36	
• MDC	Sub-acute	Stroke=	2.22	points	
• MDC	Chronic	Stroke=	3.2	points
Fall	Risk	Reduction:	Balance	Examination	&	Intervention	
Cara	Curran:	Sacred	Heart	University	Clinical	Rotation	Summer	2016	
Functional	Reach	
Population	 Normative	Values	
Parkinson’s	Disease	 33.54	cm	
Stroke	 W/	Arm	Sling:	16.8	
W/O	Arm	Sling:	15.2	
Subacute:	25.6	
Chronic	Hemiplegic:	27.1	
Chronic	Hemiplegic	w/	AFO:	28.5	
Acute	Forward:	31.7	
Acute	paretic	side/non-dominant:	13.8	
Acute	non-paretic	side/dominant:	15.5	
Vestibular	Disorder	 	31.7	
4	Square	Step	Test	
Dynamic	Gait	Index	
Population	 Cut	Off	Scores	 MDC	
Community	Dwelling	Elderly	 <19=	increased	fall	risk	 2.9	points	
Vestibular	Disorder	 	<19/24=	2.58x	more	likely	to	have	Hx	
of	falls	w/in	past	6	months	
MS	 <12=	fall	risk	 4.19-5.54	
Parkinson’s	Disease	 <19=	faller	vs.	non-faller	 2.9	
Stroke	 <19=	fall	risk	 2.6
Fall	Risk	Reduction:	Balance	Examination	&	Intervention	
Cara	Curran:	Sacred	Heart	University	Clinical	Rotation	Summer	2016	
• Attention	to	task	
• Differential	diagnosis	of	
cognitive	impairment	vs.	
• Score	of	7=	occurs	in	76%	
of	patients	with	dementia	
• Considerations:	increased	
age,	level	of	education,	
presence	of	depression,	
visual	neglect,	hemiparesis,	
motor	dyscoordination	
5	Times	Sit	to	Stand	
Population	 Cut	Off	Scores	
Community	Dwelling	Elderly	 >12	seconds=	fall	risk	
Vestibular	Disorder	 	>13	seconds	
Parkinson’s	Disease	 >16	fallers	vs.	non-fallers	
Stroke	 >12	
• Assess	QOL	on	the	individuals’	
perceptions	of	their	position	
in	life	in	the	context	of	the	
culture	and	value	systems	in	
which	they	live	in	relation	to	
their	goals,	expectations,	
standards	and	concerns	
Patient	Specific	Functional	Scale	
• Patients	rate	their	ability	to	complete	an	activity	with	0=	unable	to	perform,	10=	PLOF	
• Patient	selects	a	value	that	best	describes	their	current	level	of	ability	on	each	activity	
• MDC	average=	+/-3.5	per	item	or	+/-11	for	the	total		
Activities-Specific	Balance	Confidence	Scale	
• Self-report	measure	for	patients	to	rate	their	balance	confidence	I	performing	activities	
• Fallers	and	Non-fallers	cut-off:	<67%	indicates	risk	for	falling	(84%	of	the	time)	
Mini-Balance	Evaluation	Systems	Test	
• Balance	assessment	tool	that	aims	to	target	and	identify	6	different	balance	control	
systems	so	that	specific	rehabilitation	approaches	can	be	designed	for	difference	
balance	deficits	
• MDIC:	4	points+
Fall	Risk	Reduction:	Balance	Examination	&	Intervention	
Cara	Curran:	Sacred	Heart	University	Clinical	Rotation	Summer	2016	
The	following	techniques	can	be	utilized	in	various	postures	according	to	patient	CLOF.	Postures	
can	include:	prone	on	elbows,	supine,	hooklying,	sidelying,	sitting,	quadruped,	tall	kneeling,	
standing,	and	Single	Limb	Stance.	
Type	of	
Purpose	 Technique	
To	improve	
patient’s	control	of	
stabilization	the	
segment	(static	
postural	control);	
includes	an	
element	of	
rotational	control	
around	a	segment	
Step	1	–	cue	patient	manually	and	verbally	to	hold	against	resistance	
(isometric	contraction)	
Step	2	–	switch	hands	one	at	a	time	to	opposite	side	while	asking	
patient	to	continue	holding	
Step	3	-	cue	patient	manually	and	verbally	to	hold	against	resistance	in	
opposite	direction	from	Step	1	(isometric	contraction)	
Stable	when	
necessary	to	shift	
weight	in	
anticipation	of	
movement	from	all	
Repeated	contractions	to	WB	through	joint/	quick	stretch	to	muscle	
needed	to	facilitate	APC	
• Narrow	base	of	support	vs.	wide	
• Transitional	movements	(STS)	
o Tracking	objects	(laser,	another	therapist	walking	
around	gym,	plane)	
strategies	intended	
to	bring	COM	back	
within	BOS	
following	a	
• A-P	direction:	Ankle	strategy,	Hip	strategy,	Lowering	strategy	
• Lateral/diagonal/rotatory	directions:	Trunk	&	extremity	responses	
• Unstable	surfaces:	
§ Supine	&	Prone	(balls)	
§ Sitting	(balls,	bolsters,	balance	stools)	
§ Standing	(bolsters,	balance	boards)	
§ Single	Limb	Stance	
Standing	on	an	incline/decline	
The	ability	to	
maintain	upright	
when	challenged	
and	regain	upright	
if	lost.	
CPAs	=	Compensatory	postural	adjustments	or	contraction	(often	co-
contraction)	of	muscles	once	movement	begins	
• External	perturbations-	Therapist,	Uneven	surface,	unexpected	
(eyes,	closed	or	distracted)	
• Internal	perturbations/	loading	vs.	unloading	
• Varying	direction,	forces,	and	speeds	
strategies	to	
protect	oneself	
from	a	fall	when	
COM	has	been	
perturbed	too	far	
out	of	BOS	or	too	
fast	for	Equilibrium	
Reactions	to	
correct	it	
• Multi-directional	responses	using	UE	or	LE	
• Trying	to	push	the	Pt	
§ Stepping	strategy	and	parachute	response	are	an	examples	
of	protective	responses	
§ Stepping	correction:	forward,	backward,	side	(R+L)
Fall	Risk	Reduction:	Balance	Examination	&	Intervention	
Cara	Curran:	Sacred	Heart	University	Clinical	Rotation	Summer	2016	
To	make	
• Cognition:	
o Hold	a	conversation	while	attending	to	task	
o Scanning	environment	
o TUG	w/	dual	task	(counting	backwards	from	100)	
o Full-system:	Driving,	negotiating	task	like	cooking	with	weight	
shifts	and	talking	out	recipe	
• Negotiating	obstacles:	around,	over	
• Lateral	stepping/	tandem	walking	
• Ability	to	change	gait	speed	
• Ambulation	with	pivots/turns	
o Squatting	on	different	surfaces,	overhead	reaching	on	toes,	
turning	while	looking	up	
Anderson,	H.	D.,	&	Sullivan,	J.	E.	(2016).	Outcome	Measures	for	Persons	With	Acute	Stroke:	A	Survey	of	Physical	
Therapists	Practicing	in	Acute	Care	and	Acute	Rehabilitation	Settings.	Journal	of	Acute	Care	Physical	
Therapy,	7(2),	76–83.	
Centers	for	Disease	Control	and	Prevention:	
Center	for	Healthy	Aging:		
Home	Safety	Council:	
Howe,	T.	E.	(2012).	Exercise	for	improving	balance	in	older	people.	Cochrane	Database	of	Systematic	Reviews,	(5).	
Retrieved	from	http://0-
Kendrick,	D.	(2015).	Exercise	for	reducing	fear	of	falling	in	older	people	living	in	the	community.	Cochrane	
Database	of	Systematic	Reviews,	(10).	Retrieved	from	http://0-
National	Council	on	Aging:	
National	Safety	Council:	
Rehab	Measures	-	Clock	Drawing	Test.	(n.d.).	Retrieved	June	15,	2016,	from	
Rehab	Measures	-	Dix–Hallpike	Maneuver.	(n.d.).	Retrieved	June	15,	2016,	from	
Rehab	Measures	-	Four	Step	Square	Test.	(n.d.).	Retrieved	June	15,	2016,	from	
Rehab	Measures	-	Functional	Reach	Test	/	Modified	Functional...	(n.d.).	Retrieved	June	15,	2016,	from	
The	American	Physical	Therapy	Association:	
The	Effect	of	Interventions	on	Balance	Self-Efficacy	in	the	Stroke	Population	(n.d.).	
The	National	Blueprint:		
Thank	you	to	June	and	everyone	who	has	helped	teach	and	guide	me	during	my	clinical	
rotation!	I	have	learned	so	much	this	summer	and	enjoyed	working	with	you	all	J

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