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BENCHMARKING STUDY PARTNERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                   ................................................................... v

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                   .................................................................. 1

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

CHAPTER 2: LEADERSHIP COMMITMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

CHAPTER 3: STRATEGIC PLANNING                          ....................................................... 7

CHAPTER 4: EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


    A. BENCHMARKING AGENCY PARTICIPANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1

    B. TELEPHONE SURVEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1

    C. SCORE CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1

    D. SITE VISIT GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D1

      Coors Brewing Company
      Golden, Colorado

      Auburn Hills, Michigan

      Eastman Kodak
      Rochester, New York

      Fannie Mae
      Washington, DC

      The Prudential
      Insurance Company of America
      Newark, New Jersey

      The Seattle Times
      Seattle, Washington

      Sempra Energy
      San Diego, California

      United States Coast Guard
      Washington, DC

      Rochester, New York

                                              STUDY SPONSORS
              MORLEY WINOGRAD                                                           ROBERT L. MALLETT
  SENIOR POLICY ADVISOR TO THE VICE PRESIDENT                                           DEPUTY SECRETARY
              GOVERNMENT (NPR)

                                             STUDY DIRECTOR
                                                   WILETT BUNTON
                                             NPR DIVERSITY TASK FORCE
                                            U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY

                                               STUDY ADVISORS

                                                   CAROL HAYASHIDA
                                                  DEPUTY DIRECTOR
                                              NPR DIVERSITY TASK FORCE
                                            U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                   ROB SADLER                                                           RAJ K. GUPTA
                    ATTORNEY                                                             ATTORNEY
            NPR DIVERSITY TASK FORCE                                              NPR DIVERSITY TASK FORCE

                                           STUDY TEAM LEADERS

            ORELIOUS WALKER, PRINCIPAL                                                    DAVID BENTON
           U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY                                         U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION

 The Benchmarking Team thanks the corporate and government partners who willingly shared their experiences and best
practices with us. Special thanks to Linda J. Bilmes, Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration,
United States Department of Commerce; John J. Phelan III, Director, Office of Management and Organization, United
States Department of Commerce; Lisa Mallory, Deputy Director, National Partnership for Reinventing Government; and,
                  Tom Kowalczyk, Senior Engineer, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport.
Executive Summary                                                                             Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

Executive Summary

Diversity Affects the World                           diversity within their organizations. These

Advances in technology and the advent of a
                                                      practices reflect our partners’ understanding
                                                      that valuing and recognizing diversity is
                                                                                                             Our success as a
global economy bring the people of the world
closer together than ever before. Given this fact,
                                                      imperative in order to maintain a competitive
                                                      advantage. They know that using these
                                                                                                              global company
businesses, educational systems and other entities    practices enhances productivity, effectiveness,
are investigating ways to better serve their          and sustained competitiveness.
                                                                                                             is a direct result
constituents. This includes being able to attract
and retain the best and most qualified workers.       How is this different?                                   of our diverse
Organizations that can develop and employ the
necessary policies and procedures to do this will     Frequently, diversity is viewed in a limited              and talented
maintain a competitive advantage among their          fashion, primarily addressing issues of race,
counterparts and increase their effectiveness. The    ethnic or gender differences, and linked to the
                                                      laws providing protected status to certain
                                                                                                             workforce. Our
private sector competitive model may not
squarely fit Federal departments and agencies,
given the lack of profit motive as the reason for
                                                      groups. We have used a very broad definition
                                                      of diversity, to encompass most characteristics
                                                                                                             ability to develop
                                                      that individuals possess that affect the way they
their existence. Yet, Federal organizations must
compete to recruit and retain the best talent if      think and do things. This is critical. This              new consumer
they hope to achieve their bottom line, their         study describes tested ways to draw on all the
statutory missions.                                   varied skills of our workforce.                           insights and
The changing demographics of our nation also          What did we learn?                                        ideas and to
affect the nation’s businesses and in turn the
nation’s economy. For our government and
                                                      This study emphasizes the most valuable
                                                      information that the best practices organizations
                                                                                                                 execute in a
businesses to continue to be effective and motivate
citizens to contribute to building these
                                                      have to offer. Our critical findings focus on the
                                                      following information because we can use it to
                                                                                                                superior way
institutions, our leaders must recognize and
                                                      further and strengthen the U.S. government’s
capitalize upon the diversity of the nation.
                                                      efforts to achieve diversity in the workplace.         across the world
Why is this important?                                • Organizations Benefit from Diversity                      is the best
To achieve success and maintain a competitive
advantage, we must be able to draw on the most          Organizations that promote and achieve a                    possible
important resource – the skills of the workforce.       diverse workplace will attract and retain
With the increasing richness of diversity in the        quality employees and increase customer               testimony to the
world and in the workforce, we need to expand           loyalty. For public organizations, it also
our outlook and use creative strategies to be           translates into effective delivery of essential            power of
successful. Employees can provide this                  services to communities with diverse needs.
resource. This study identifies best practices                                                                  diversity any
that work in organizations that are doing just        • Leaders and Managers are Responsible for
that. These practices can be adopted in any             Diversity                                               organization

Why should we pay attention?
                                                        Leaders and managers within organizations
                                                        are primarily responsible for the success of
                                                                                                              could ever have.
                                                        diversity policies because they must ensure
Our partners have created communities of                that the policies are effective.                     John Pepper, CEO,
practice that achieve and value workforce                                                                    Procter & Gamble
Executive Summary                                                           Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

                    • Leaders and Managers must Create a                    Our Key Finding
                      Strategic Plan to Develop Diversity
                      Initiatives Throughout the Organization               A key finding of this report is that diversity
                                                                            needs to be defined broadly and should
                      Leaders and managers within organizations must        encompass a wide range of initiatives that meet
                      incorporate diversity policies into every aspect of   the changing needs of customers and workers.
                      the organization’s functions and purpose.             Leaders and employees should take active roles
                                                                            in implementing these diversity processes
                    • Employees’ Views and Involvement are Key              which, in order to succeed, should be fully
                      to the Success of Diversity Initiatives               aligned with core organizational goals and
                                                                            objectives. The findings in this report illustrate
                      Organizations must view employee                      that the benefits of diversity are for everyone.
                      participation as a necessary part of the              Diversity is more than a moral imperative; it is
                      diversity initiative, in order to develop and         a global necessity. Moreover, diversity is an
                      maintain effective diversity policies.                essential component of any civil society.

                      The leaders of the best practices organizations
                      understand that they must support their
                      employees in learning how to effectively
                      interact with and manage people in a diverse
                      workplace. They recognize that they should
                      encourage employees to continue to learn
                      new skills in dealing with and managing
                      people. They also recognize the impact that
                      diverse clients will have upon the success or
                      failure of an organization, as businesses must
                      compete to satisfy these clients.
Introduction                                                                                 Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

            hapter 1: Introduction

Today’s managers are responsible for both            organization. As one benchmarking partner
leading employees and responding to the needs
of customers who are more ethnically and
                                                     stated, "We view diversity as something more
                                                     than a moral imperative or a business
                                                                                                            There were never
culturally diverse, older, and in greater need of    necessity—we see it as a business opportunity."
child and elder care. Leaders in both the public     Aligning diversity with the mission and business
                                                                                                            in the world two
and the private sectors are focusing more            of the organization increases employee
attention on the issue of diversity. Whether the     satisfaction and retention; improves                    opinions alike;
goal is to be an employer of choice, to provide      competitiveness and productivity; increases
excellent customer service, or to maintain a         responsiveness; and adds value to the customer.         anymore than
competitive edge, diversity is increasingly
recognized and utilized as an important              Scope of the Study                                       two hairs or
organizational resource.
                                                     The United States Department of Commerce               two grains. The
What is Diversity?                                   and Vice President Al Gore’s National

One of the major stumbling blocks in
                                                     Partnership for Reinventing Government
                                                     (NPR) sponsored this benchmarking study.
                                                                                                             most universal
discussions surrounding diversity is its very        The study identifies best practices used by
definition. For our purposes, we use the             leading organizations to achieve workforce                 quality is
following definition of diversity: "Diversity        diversity. The study team identified the
includes all characteristics and experiences that    following critical success factors to evaluate best        diversity.
define each of us as individuals."1 A common         practices:
misconception about diversity is that only                                                                 Michel de Montaigne,
certain persons or groups are included under its     1. Leadership and management                          French Essayist
umbrella, when in fact, exactly the opposite is         commitment;
true. Diversity includes the entire spectrum of      2. Employee involvement;                                  1
                                                                                                                 The working definition of diversity, as
primary dimensions of an individual, including       3. Strategic planning;                                developed and used by Vice President Al
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Age, Religion,                                                                    Gore’s National Partnership for
                                                     4. Sustained investment;                              Reinventing Government (NPR)
Disability, and Sexual orientation (referred to by   5. Diversity indicators;                              Diversity Task Force, based on a
the Diversity Task Force as “REGARDS”).              6. Accountability, measurement, and                   comprehensive review of diversity
Secondary dimensions commonly include:                                                                     literature.
                                                        evaluation; and
communication style, work style, organizational      7. Linkage to organizational goals and                   2
                                                                                                                See, e.g., Taylor Cox, Jr., Cultural
role/level, economic status, and geographic             objectives.                                        Diversity in Organizations (San
origin (e.g., East, Midwest, South). It is a                                                               Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers),
                                                                                                           1994, pp. 19-40; Ann Morrison, The
simple fact that each of us possesses unique         The practices that are included in this report are    New Leaders: Guidelines on Leadership
qualities along each of these dimensions.            not identified by specific organization in order      Diversity in America (San Francisco: Josey
Experience and recent research indicate that                                                               Bass Publishers),1992, pp. 18-28.
                                                     to preserve the partners’ confidentiality.
when recognized and valued, diversity enhances                                                                3
                                                                                                                J. Renae Norton and Ronald
individual productivity, organizational              The study team reviewed a wide range of               E. Fox, The Change Equation
effectiveness, and sustained competitiveness.2                                                             (Washington, DC: American
                                                     diversity literature and identified over 600          Psychological Association),
                                                     companies and organizations—both public and           1997, p. 80.
In order "to maximize the utilization of its         private—which were recognized for their efforts
human capital, organizations must go beyond          in achieving workforce diversity. The study team
merely creating a more diverse workplace.            conducted an additional screening procedure to
Once there, the value of having diverse              identify organizations whose exemplary practices
employees must be recognized."3 Now is the           in achieving workforce diversity were truly
time to move beyond viewing diversity as             "world class" based on the identified critical
merely the numerical representation of certain       success factors. As a result, 65 organizations were
groups. It is time for a systematic application of   selected for more detailed analysis.
diversity concepts to the business of the
Introduction                                                                                   Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

                                           The study team developed a telephone survey         workplace.5 There are common themes and
                                           that was administered to representatives of these   elements among the organizations that have
                                           organizations to gain additional insights on        charted successful courses in this area. Through
                                           their current diversity practices. Based on         benchmarking studies such as this one, the
                                           survey results and availability considerations,     Federal civilian sector—which employs over 1.6
                                           nine benchmarking partners were ultimately          million persons—has the opportunity to learn
                                           selected for on-site visits. More than half of      more about diversity from world class
                                           these partners have been recently featured in       organizations. The Department of Commerce
                                           Fortune and Next Step magazine articles             and NPR recognize diversity as a key resource
                                           highlighting their cutting-edge diversity best      in fulfilling the goal of making government
                                           practices.4                                         more efficient, productive and responsive to the
                                                                                               American citizenry. As a result, it is important
                                           This report and other studies clearly               that the Federal sector begin viewing diversity as
                                           demonstrate that some organizations have            a process which influences work climates,
                                           successfully implemented programs and policies      organizational effectiveness, customer service,
                                           that foster diversity and inclusiveness in the      and ultimately, the way we do business.
     See articles published in Keith
Ellison, "The Next Step Diversity 100,"
Next Step (Philadelphia, Next Step
Enterprises), Spring 1999, p. 34; Edward
Robinson and Jonathan Hickman, "The
Diversity Elite," Fortune (New York:
Time, Inc.), July 1999, p. 62.
   See supra, footnote 2.
Leadership Commitment                                                                       Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

            hapter 2: Leadership Commitment

Taking Ownership and                                 executive stated that the diversity vision,
Communicating the Vision                             mission and strategic direction needs to be
                                                     conveyed by leaders "clearly, concisely and
                                                                                                             We must be the
The degree to which our partners’ leaders are        repeatedly" to enhance awareness, promote
actively involved in implementing initiatives        open dialog, and remove barriers. Several
                                                                                                             change we wish
and risk taking distinguishes them from other        partners stressed that effective communication
leaders. Managers manage change, but best-in-        needs to be multidirectional within and across            to see in the
class leaders create change by inspiring their       departments.
employees. Our partners champion diversity by                                                                     world.
infusing it into all organizational processes and    Creating a common frame of reference
ensuring that diversity is integrated into the       establishes a solid foundation upon which to          Mahatma Gandhi,
core values of the organization. They recognize      discuss diversity and develop action plans to         India’s Nationalist Leader
diversity as an important goal, and position the     eliminate biases and barriers. Our partners note
responsibility for diversity not merely with         that there is no “one-size-fits-all” nor any
human resources departments or diversity             “magic pill” to make diversity “happen.”
offices, but with top-level and senior executives.   However, some communication channels
Our best-in-class leaders provide the visibility     effectively used by our partners to spread the
and commit the time and resources to make            diversity message include: policy statements,
diversity happen. In short, diversity is both a      newsletters, meetings, speeches, training
top priority and a personal responsibility for       programs,Web sites, and intranets.
these leaders.
                                                     • At one partner organization, top management
• The top leader in one of our partner                 supports the existence of a dedicated staff that
  organizations personally leads the diversity         promotes and oversees the infusion of
  efforts. He holds town hall meetings and             diversity in its business lines and also designs
  regularly goes to the employee cafeteria to          activities that promote and foster diversity
  listen and talk about diversity.                     throughout the organization. A full time staff
                                                       of six at the corporate level sends a message
• A partner’s Chief Executive Officer requires         that there is top-level interest in diversity.
  the selection panel for key positions to             This staff, located under the Vice President
  identify at least six persons qualified for the      for Human Resources, is one level below the
  position and has held up key selections              Chief Executive Officer.
  because of the lack of diversity in applicant
  pools.                                             • To lead the company’s diversity efforts, one
                                                       partner created an Office of Diversity. The
• The Chairman of the Board of one partner             Vice President of Diversity, who reports
  organization registered the corporation’s            directly to the Vice Chair, heads the office
  statement of commitment to diversity with            and has broad decision making authority.
  an external regulatory body. Changes to this         The Vice President of Diversity works closely
  commitment do not go unnoticed.                      with the human resources division, the
                                                       minority and women-owned business
The top leaders of our benchmarking partner            program, and is a representative on every
organizations are all personally involved in           board and almost every committee in the
helping the boards of directors, employees,            organization.
other stakeholders and their respective
communities understand that diversity                • When one partner organization recently
initiatives create fairer employment systems and       merged with another company, the Chair,
benefits for everyone. Equity and improved job         President, and Chief Executive Officer jointly
satisfaction contribute to increased productivity      signed a diversity statement to keep diversity
and better customer service. One partner’s chief       at the forefront. It states that, "Diversity
Leadership Commitment                                                       Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

                          creates value and is an integral part of being      committed to foster a diverse workforce and
                          the premier global company." The statement          recognize and value every individual’s unique
                          outlined their goals to: (1) ensure a workforce     skills and perspectives." These commitments
                          reflective of the global communities they           are shared and reinforced on a daily basis.
                          serve; and (2) create a culture that uses
                          diversity to its competitive advantage.           • One partner has an upper-level leadership
                                                                              team that guides and evaluates the company’s
                        Empowering Through Leadership                         progress toward achieving its diversity goals.
                                                                              The team gains insights from an advisory
                        For our benchmarking partners, diversity does         group that represents eight employee
                        not depend on a single leader because it has          councils. Each employee council has a
                        been woven into the very fabric of the                corporate vice president as a sponsor. The
                        organizations—woven into the way these                councils are inclusive—anyone who wants to
                        organizations conduct business on a daily basis.      promote cross-cultural communication is
                        This is because the leadership understands the        encouraged to become involved.
                        importance of employee involvement in the
                        change process. They also recognize that being      • To institutionalize diversity management at
                        competitive in a global economy requires full         one partner organization, individuals who are
                        utilization of the skills and talents of all          seen as potential leadership successors are
                        employees to better serve their customers,            asked to become champions of diversity
                        increase employee satisfaction, and meet the          before assuming a leadership role. Once they
                        needs of diverse communities. One of our              become leaders they are already established as
                        partners contends, "Success will only be              proponents for diversity.
                        achieved through inspired people operating in
                        an environment based on mutual trust, respect,      • One partner recognizes the contributions of
                        openness, candor, empowerment, teamwork,              its managers to advancing diversity. For
                        innovation, risk taking, integrity, and               example, in 1998 it created a Chief Executive
                        encouraging and valuing diversity."                   Officer/Chief Operating Officer Diversity
                                                                              Award. This award recognizes managers
                        • For one of our partners, Ten Core
                                                                              whose commitment to diversity makes them
                          Commitments represent the values that
                                                                              role models for others. Such champions are
                          define the spirit of the organization—
                                                                              used to share their experiences throughout
                          diversity is one of these core commitments.
                                                                              the company to demonstrate the benefit of
                          The diversity commitment states: "We are
                                                                              diversity to others.
Strategic Planning                                                                           Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

            hapter 3: Strategic Planning

Linking Diversity to Strategic Plans                    offering market-competitive, performance-
                                                        based compensation and benefits that also              When aligned
Diversity strategic planning focuses on creating        meet the changing needs of its workforce.
measurable ways diversity can support the               The diversity mission is to drive towards the               with
strategic direction, goals, and objectives of the       attainment of the “People” plank goals that
organization.6 Strategic level long-range               are to create an environment in which people          organizational
planning for diversity is a more recent                 from diverse backgrounds, styles, cultures,
development. Previously, diversity was not seen
as an integral part of strategic planning.
                                                        and functions all work together to assure the            objectives,
                                                        long-term success of the company.
Diversity initiatives were often poorly
conceptualized, lacked specificity, and were not      • One partner’s operating management and the
                                                                                                              diversity can be
linked to strategic organizational plans. Today’s       human resources department jointly
leaders realize that in order to be effective,          developed a five-year diversity plan. This
                                                                                                                a powerful
successful diversity planning must be aligned           plan included a monitoring system to
with and provide support for strategic business         measure diversity representation by function            contributor
objectives and operational decisions.                   at all levels to: (1) ensure a balanced
                                                        workforce, and (2) strengthen the                          to the
• One partner builds its diversity strategic plan       organization’s ability to attract, hire, retain,
  upon its core values: (1) respect for the             and develop the most highly qualified                  organization’s
  dignity of the individual, (2) integrity, (3)         employees. Specific measures included in the
  trust, (4) credibility, (5) continuous
  improvement, and (6) personal renewal. This
                                                        plan are: positive responses to employee                competitive
                                                        surveys, positive articles in publications,
  partner has also set a specific "Global
  Performance Expectation," which is to build
                                                        reputation as an employer of choice,
                                                        improved representation of diversity at all
  and manage a truly diverse workforce.                 levels, effective remedial action when
                                                                                                           Dr. Edward E. Hubbard, Author,
                                                        appropriate, awards, and other recognition.
• Another partner uses a Balanced Workforce                                                                Measuring Diversity Results
  (BWF) Strategy, which is an all-encompassing        • One partner’s strategic plan was designed to
  strategy. It guides the organization in a             provide a link between the vision for diversity        6
                                                                                                                 Edward E. Hubbard, Measuring
  variety of situations and it covers all employee                                                          Diversity Results (Petaluma, CA: Global
                                                        management and the actions required for             Insights Publishing), 1997, Chapter 7.
  populations. It tracks employee populations           making it happen. One of the first
  and sets 10-year goals and annual targets.            requirements was to define diversity, and
  The BWF makes managers accountable for                diversity management. Once this was
  upward mobility. When layoffs occur, the              accomplished, the definitions were used to
  BWF ensures that members of one group are             form the foundation of the organization’s
  not affected disproportionately compared to           diversity policy, vision statement, and
  members of other groups.                              strategic plan. The core elements of the
                                                        strategic plan are strategic goals and
• One partner has six strategic business planks         objectives, a plan for conducting a cultural
  that are its business priorities to help it           audit, a training and education plan, a plan
  sustain consistent quality and earnings               for recognizing diversity-related
  growth. The six planks concentrate on                 accomplishments, and measures of
  baseline growth, incremental growth, product          effectiveness. The strategic plan also
  quality, distributor service, productivity gains,     addresses accountability for implementing
  and people. The "People" plank is to                  diversity initiatives.
  continuously improve our business through
  engaging and developing our people. It              • One partner’s strategic plan uses a four-step
  focuses on building skills, offering training,        approach for establishing and implementing
  improving the work environment, and                   diversity:
Strategic Planning                                                         Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

                       1. Creating a strong foundation (values,              underrepresentation, and implement
                          philosophy, dedicated resources, and               accountability measures into evaluations); and
                          commitment);                                       (5) promote individuals’ ability to reach their
                       2. Building a solid internal structure                full potential (identify and groom high-
                          (initiatives to support and educate                performing individuals in underrepresented
                          employees);                                        groups for upper-level positions, and make
                       3. Building a solid external structure to             mentor programs accessible to all).
                          infuse diversity into the community; and
                       4. Measuring the progress and results (goal         Accountability
                          setting for all efforts).
                                                                           A key element to ensuring the success of any
                     • The components of one partner’s diversity           organizational initiative—especially diversity
                       plan include: (1) developing ongoing                initiatives—is accountability. Accountability is
                       communication systems to create and                 achieved by making the appropriate leaders
                       reinforce the workplace diversity commitment        responsible for diversity by linking performance
                       to all employees with an emphasis on why it is      evaluation elements and compensation to the
                       important and what it means to the                  successful implementation and progress of these
                       organization; (2) establishing departmental         initiatives. Accountability helps to ensure that
                       action plans to ensure the workforce reflects       "everyone is on board" and actively engaged in
                       the diversity of the community; and (3)             the diversity process.
                       developing organization-wide assessment and
                       evaluation systems to monitor diversity             • One partner makes use of "Consequence
                       progress throughout the organization.                 Management." The program philosophy
                       Additionally, training and empowerment                maintains that poor diversity management
                       initiatives provide a foundation, for all levels      adversely affects a manager’s ability to
                       of the organization, to foster the                    manage. Promotion to the next level requires
                       accomplishment of diversity goals.                    "competent" or "role model" assessment.
                                                                             One component for evaluating management
                     • One partner conducted a study to develop              performance is the ability to manage a diverse
                       its diversity management policy. The work             group of employees.
                       was segmented into three phases: (1)
                       Framework (diversity definition, policy and         • In 1996, one partner established a top-level
                       vision statement, best practices benchmarking         Diversity Steering and Assessment Team to
                       of other organizations and potential                  guide and oversee diversity plans and
                       application to the organization, and the              programs, and to ensure the level of
                       rationale for seeking a consultant’s assistance);     accountability necessary in order to achieve
                       (2) Strategic Plan (a plan of action for              desired results. Members include the
                       incorporating diversity management, a plan            President, Chief Financial Officer, Senior
                       for conducting cultural audit, training plan,         Vice President of Human Resources, and
                       measures of effectiveness, accountability             other corporate officers. They meet monthly
                       methods, and rewards and recognition system           to discuss diversity progress and challenges.
                       analysis); and (3) Implementation                     The team receives counsel from the Diversity
                       (assessment of strengths and barriers in the          Action and Advisory Group, comprised of
                       culture, and a marketing strategy for                 eight employee affinity groups.
                       deploying diversity management).
                                                                           • At one partner organization, recurring
                     • Another partner designed a strategic plan to          diversity training is mandatory for all
                       provide a link between the vision for diversity       employees, and business unit managers are
                       management and the actions required for               held accountable for timely attendance by
                       success. The goals are to: (1) create a positive      both management and non-management
                       environment (incorporate diversity                    employees. To ensure managerial
                       management training into all leadership               accountability, the company reduces the
                       training programs); (2) conduct a cultural            operating budget of a business unit by $1,000
                       audit and develop intervention strategies; (3)        for each manager and $500 for each
                       establish guidelines to define and address            employee who fails to attend scheduled
                       social climate issues affecting personnel;            training without giving 48 hours advance
                       (4) value all people (action plans to target          notice of cancellation. Last minute no shows
Strategic Planning                                                                          Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

  are accordingly discouraged and management         • One partner incorporates diversity
  is induced to treat diversity training with the      management training into all leadership
  same seriousness as any other business               training programs—establishing ties between
  activity. A director stated, "… if you grab          diversity management and leadership, as well
  them by their wallet, their hearts and minds         as Total Quality Management, human
  will follow."                                        relations and work/life issues. All
                                                       organizational levels are held accountable for
• One partner organization has an open door            developing initiatives that incorporate
  policy at all organizational levels. An              diversity management policies into their
  employee must receive a response within 48           business and management processes. Leaders
  hours, and if dissatisfied, the employee may         are also required to hold each individual
  elevate the concern to the next management           accountable for conduct consistent with
  level, including the Chief Executive Officer.        valuing and managing diversity.

• Believing that mandatory training is an            Assessment and Evaluation
  enabler, the Chief Executive Officer of one
  partner organization directs that all employees    A number of our benchmarking partners
  attend diversity training. To facilitate this      pointed out that one could not develop a
  initiative, everyone on the diversity              successful diversity process without periodically
  management staff is a certified trainer. Funds     assessing and evaluating the status and
  are provided for training and development, to      accomplishments of the process. Although the
  include awareness training, cross-cultural or      frequency may vary, world class diversity
  gender team building training, diversity skills    organizations make assessing and evaluating
  training for managers, supervisors, and            their diversity process an integral part of their
  employees, as well as diversity orientation        management system.
  training for the Board of Directors. Diversity
  is also integrated into training that focuses on   Any diversity strategy must contain well-defined
  other skills or knowledge.                         measures to assess effectiveness and to evaluate
                                                     whether outcomes support organizational
• One partner’s action plan to improve diversity     objectives and targets. Such measures must be
  management accountability includes                 straightforward and unambiguous so that all
  initiatives to: (1) publish an accountability      employees and leaders clearly understand what
  component to the Diversity Management              is expected. Organizations must be prepared to
  Strategic Plan; (2) establish a workplace          reward individuals or groups that meet the
  environment management system to help              stated goals and objectives, as well as to penalize
  units assess and address performance and           those who fail to do so. According to our
  diversity issues on a continuing basis; (3)        partners, some straightforward diversity
  expedite the processing of Equal Employment        measures include:
  Opportunity complaints and administrative
  grievances; (4) expand data analyses of hiring,    1. Employee attrition rates;
  performance evaluations, disciplinary actions,     2. Workforce satisfaction;
  complaint ratios, key assignments,                 3. Market share within new customer bases;
  promotions, recognition, and departures to         4. External awards and recognition for
  identify barriers or discrimination; and (5)          diversity efforts; and
  revise performance evaluations to emphasize        5. Workplace climate satisfaction.
  diversity management skills and actions.
                                                     • One partner conducts an annual
• Another partner conducts an annual diversity         organizational chart assessment to identify its
  review and performance appraisal for all             current diversity status and whether it reflects
  officers. The officers present progress reports      the community it serves. Each department
  on goals and diversity initiatives to create a       head regularly meets with senior leadership to
  more balanced and inclusive workforce. The           discuss the "promotability" of current
  sharing of accomplishments and challenges            employees and what is being done
  before the Diversity Committee is viewed as          throughout all levels to develop their
  strengthening the commitment to diversity            organization’s talent.
  and best practices.
Strategic Planning                                                        Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

                     • One partner has set specific workforce               of each manager’s plan is discussed every
                       objectives. The goal is to have a workforce          other month at a top-level steering meeting.
                       that reflects the customers it serves and the
                       communities in which the partner                   • At one partner organization, leaders and
                       organization resides. By the year 2000, its          managers must identify a minimum of four
                       worldwide management ranks will reflect the          actions in their respective annual performance
                       demographics of its global market. By the            plans that visibly demonstrate their personal
                       year 2007, its exempt workforce                      commitment to promoting diversity. These
                       representation around the world will reflect         actions are required to be specific and
                       the demographics of the local markets it             substantial—one of the four actions could be
                       serves. This is indicative of how the partner        an undertaking to mentor five employees
                       organization integrated diversity into its           during the year, for example. To meet one of
                       performance-based culture.                           his four actions, one partner’s CEO organized
                                                                            and attended a half-day meeting on diversity
                     • One partner defines coaching as the essence          with the CEOs of over 30 other major
                       of leadership. A "Leader as Coach" profile is        corporations. The organization intends to
                       used to define workplace behaviors and               publish a summary of the proceedings to
                       results to be achieved. Specific behaviors are       publicly demonstrate the top leadership’s
                       defined in six target areas (e.g., Builds the        personal commitment to diversity.
                       Right Team, Encourages Excellence, Cares
                       About People) and each is assessed as being a      • One partner created the "Managing Diversity
                       "strength" or a "development opportunity."           Diagnostic Tool," a checklist to give the
                       A profile is completed annually for everyone         business groups a template of suggested
                       in a leadership position. The leader and             action items to enable managers to develop
                       his/her coach meet to discuss the feedback           their Diversity Action Plans. All action items
                       gained from all sources and agree upon the           are weighted so managers can see which
                       top two or three priority strengths and              action items senior leadership considers most
                       development opportunities. The profile is            critical. The Diagnostic Tool measures
                       used in annual processes related to                  effectiveness of actions implemented and
                       development plans, human resource plans,             executive commitment.
                       and performance plans and appraisals.
                                                                          • One partner conducts an annual "Stages of
                     • One partner uses a scorecard to assess its           Diversity" internal diversity audit to assess
                       diversity progress. The scorecard includes           each unit’s progress in achieving diversity.
                       three areas: (1) coaching as the tool to             The audit provides a common framework for
                       building awareness around diversity and              dialog, work unit self-assessment, and unit
                       continuing the company’s goal to mainstream          and departmental diversity planning. Work
                       diversity; (2) Workforce Representation Plan;        units develop a diversity plan with three to
                       and (3) Employee Council Activities.                 five goals, qualitative and quantitative
                       Specific measurements are established for            measures, beginning and end dates, and
                       each area at the beginning of the year. These        designation of a lead individual. Department
                       are included in a scorecard format that also         heads and work unit managers meet annually
                       includes a description of activities that are        with all employees to review where their units
                       supportive of the goals in each area, and a          fall on a diversity continuum. Further
                       blank area in which current results are              initiatives are developed based on the stage
                       annotated. Measurements track actions by             the unit has achieved.
                       managers, the Diversity Human Resources
                       staff, employee councils, and corporate            • A photograph audit helps one partner evaluate
                       leadership. A top-level team scrutinizes the         whether the images it uses are stereotypical or
                       results of the scorecard in order to determine       representative of the community it serves.
                       performance and progress. Workforce                  The goal is to facilitate accurate, balanced,
                       representation is one of three diversity-related     and inclusive coverage of the community’s
                       measures that have been put into place.              diversity. A month is randomly selected each
                       Senior leaders develop actionable plans              year to conduct an assessment of all featured
                       focused on internal development, cross-              photographs. Corrective action is taken if
                       functional moves, retention, external                certain segments of the community are not
                       recruitment, and measurement. The progress           fully and accurately represented.
Employee Involvement                                                                     Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

           hapter 4: Employee Involvement

When it comes to employees, our partners have     • One partner organized a diversity summit
several things in common. Namely, they have
three core organizational goals:
                                                    with managers and employees from all levels
                                                    and geographic regions. Its purpose was to
                                                                                                           Hear me! A
                                                    assess the status of diversity within the
1. Maximizing workplace satisfaction for all        organization by holding constructive dialog
                                                                                                            single twig
   employees;                                       sessions where participants could speak
2. Retaining a world class workforce; and           openly and honestly about differences in a            breaks, but the
3. Maintaining an environment of lifetime           non-attributive atmosphere. The summit
   learning.                                        increased awareness, promoted the sharing of          bundle of twigs
                                                    best practices and similar dialog in
The leadership believes that employee               organizational units.                                    is strong.
involvement and feedback are necessary
components in achieving these goals. Thus,        • At another partner organization, its Chief           Tecumseh, Shawnee 1795
our partners actively seek employee input.          Executive Officer conducts roundtables with
They use formal as well as informal channels.       randomly selected employees. They are given
                                                    a chance to hear about the status of diversity
• Many of our partners administer cultural          without it being filtered by employee groups.
  diversity audits. These audits take the pulse     In turn, the Chief Executive Officer gains
  of the workforce and provide candid               valuable insight and identifies action items to
  assessments of the work climate. The results      pursue.
  form the basis upon which process
  improvements are made.                          • In one organization, the variable portion of a
                                                    manager’s compensation (e.g., bonuses) is
• An example of an informal channel is one          affected by the results of employee
  partner’s use of internal Web sites where         satisfaction surveys. This feedback also
  employees can express their concerns, engage      generates nominations for management
  in open dialog (e.g., chat rooms) and learn       recognition as well.
  about diversity.
                                                  • In another, employee satisfaction is a key
• Still another example of an informal channel      issue and all employees are surveyed
  is the use of an employee feedback hotline        electronically on a quarterly and an annual
  that allows employees to contact diversity        basis for feedback. Managers are given
  advisors and provide feedback on questions        performance "credit" if their respective
  such as those listed below:                       group’s survey return rate exceeds 60 percent.

1. How would you rate your overall                Dialog with Affinity Groups
   satisfaction with the organization at the
   present time?                                  Our partners encourage and support the
2. How satisfied are you with the information     establishment of employee groups, although they
   you receive from management regarding          may take different forms, names, and structures.
   what is going on in the company?               Common types include diversity councils, task
3. Does management clearly outline a credible     teams, focus groups, affinity councils, issue study
   future that you can believe in?                groups, and networking groups. These groups
4. Does your employee development plan build      provide a forum to both articulate and
   skills to remain competitive in the future?    understand the varied needs and interests of
5. Are differences valued?                        employees. Participation in these groups is
6. Are employees treated with dignity and         welcomed. Often, input is sought from
   respect?                                       employee groups to determine their perception
                                                  of progress achieved with regard to diversity.
Employee Involvement                                                         Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

                       These groups act as sounding boards and                 into the decision making process. Thus,
                       provide feedback on important diversity issues.         affinity group feedback is regarded as a
                                                                               valuable resource.
                       In most, but not all, employee groups,
                       individuals who share commonalties in race,           • Another partner shares its Balanced Workforce
                       ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age,             Strategy reports with the leaders of its
                       religion, national origin or cultural heritage          corporate affinity groups and provides them
                       form or join employee support groups. These             an opportunity to meet with the Senior Vice
                       organizations provide a voice for members,              President for Human Resources and the Chief
                       allowing them to communicate diversity issues           Executive Officer to discuss their concerns
                       and concerns to senior management. In one               based on those reports. The reports include
                       organization, representatives from these groups         detailed data on representational imbalances
                       serve on the company’s Diversity Advisory               for all employee groups—not just the
                       Council. Some use the groups to nominate                historically underrepresented groups—within
                       persons for diversity recognition awards.               all grade bands. These reports also show
                                                                               available opportunities for managers to fill
                       • An affinity group from one organization               vacancies and highlights the manner in which
                         developed criteria for an award that is               managers take advantage of opportunities to
                         presented to an employee who embraces the             achieve corporate diversity objectives.
                         spirit of diversity, confronts and removes
                         obstacles, is involved in the community, and        • In one partner organization, employee
                         is willing to do what it takes to advance             diversity councils represent a cross-section of
                         diversity. A leader in that same organization         the organization’s workforce. A computerized
                         stated: "Employee involvement is the driver           grid of all of the characteristics desired for
                         in mainstreaming diversity." Personal                 this council is used to ensure diversity within
                         accountability for diversity is an integral part      this body. The diversity council elects a chair
                         of employee reviews and is clearly outlined in        or up to three co-chairs from within its
                         many policy statements.                               membership and meets monthly. Travel
                                                                               expenses to meetings are centrally funded.
                       • Another partner uses caucus groups.                   New diversity council candidates are
                         Through these groups, employees carry out             identified by the Office of Corporate
                         employee advocacy and self-development.               Diversity in consultation with unions and
                         These groups serve as a vehicle of                    management, and—when appointed for a
                         communication between employees and                   two-year term—the members receive diversity
                         managers to uncover issues needing attention.         training. The members’ participation must
                         Benefits of these groups include the                  be constructive and is considered to be part
                         recruitment of new employees; career                  of their regular duties. For that reason, the
                         development of employees; retaining effective         selection criteria include clear demonstration
                         staff; senior management improvement; and             of leadership ability. Ineffective members are
                         the inclusion of all diverse members in the           asked to leave before the end of their terms,
                         workforce.                                            and these members are not replaced at that
                                                                               time. Members who complete their terms are
                       • One partner has eight employee councils that          formally recognized. The councils are able to
                         promote awareness, understanding and                  identify employee issues that may not have
                         communication of diversity, and identify and          otherwise been discovered. This process leads
                         address specific needs. Each council receives         to buy-in from employees and unions, and
                         an identical amount of funding each year to           the diversity management staff believes that
                         conduct educational and other activities.             this process is an effective part of the
                         These activities are closely aligned to fostering     corporate culture and is the result of an
                         the company’s business goals. The councils            evolutionary process. Subgroups of the
                         are also involved in community service                diversity council are formed in the regions;
                         activities as well as promotional activities in       these diversity committees are part of the
                         various targeted markets.                             process that ensures regional differences are
                                                                               considered. As a result, more diversity
                       • Our partner organizations take advantage of           champions are created and benefits flow
                         employee participation in affinity groups to          down into the organization. Some of these
                         integrate employee concerns and suggestions           benefits are the integration of work and
Employee Involvement                                                                       Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity

  family life through family programs, bringing       training and to maximize their promotional
  children to work, establishing virtual offices,     potential within the company.
  job sharing, and split shifts.
                                                    Employee Wellness
Mentoring Employees
                                                    Finally, as another venue for diversity
Most of our partners have established formal        participation, our partners establish links
mentoring programs. Mentors are used to help        between diversity and work life activities such as
assimilate new employees into the                   dependent care funds, alternative work
organizational culture. In others, mentoring        scheduling, and life cycle assistance.
involves the willingness of leaders to accept
proteges and introduce them to new and more         • One partner organization offers a healthy
challenging aspects of the organization.              living program free of charge to all employees
                                                      and their spouses and domestic partners.
• One partner in conjunction with an academic         This program includes health assessments and
  institution developed a scholars program to         counseling. All participants earn a Healthy
  attract outstanding undergraduate students          Living day off for completing the full
  and to recognize excellence among                   screening.
  academically gifted students from diverse
  backgrounds.                                      • Another partner sponsors a program designed
                                                      to help expectant and new parents
• One partner works with the community and            understand and feel comfortable about breast
  colleges to "grow" talent in the sciences. The      feeding their infants. The program offers
  company tracks and funds the education of           education and counseling with a trained
  promising scholars. This enables the                lactation specialist. New mothers can nurse
  company to insure skilled leaders will be a         their babies when they return to work, as
  part of the industry in the future.                 lactation rooms are available in the
• All of one partner’s internship and fellowship
  programs include targeted development plans;      • One partner’s internal structure deals with the
  assigned mentors; evaluation of the skills          "whole person." This company provides
  gained for promotions; rotational                   numerous training, mentoring, work life and
  assignments; and succession planning.               career development programs. These
                                                      programs are designed to retain and expand
• One partner’s advanced degree development           the current workforce, and help employees
  program targets future leaders in functional        balance career and personal needs.
  areas and considers what the organization will
  need in 10 to 15 years. The program also          • One partner recognizes the connection
  includes four one-year rotations and is             between the employees’ personal lives and
  focused on exposure, not fast-tracking.             their productivity on the job and has
                                                      developed various programs responsive to the
• The mentoring process in one partner                diverse needs of its workforce. The Life
  organization entails the tracking, monitoring,      Cycle Assistance Program was established to
  and mentoring of candidates from                    assist employees with the purchase of a first
  underrepresented groups positioned for senior       home, adoption and child care assistance,
  assignments. These persons are educated             partial pay replacement for family and
  through an innovative development program,          medical leave, and elder care assistance for
  which culminates with an advanced degree.           employees with elderly parents.
  Participants are expected to capitalize on the
Appendix A

                             Benchmarking Agency Participants
Terri Bell                                       Raj K. Gupta
Office of Civil Rights                           Office of Federal Operations
U.S. Department of Commerce                      U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Phone: 301-713-0500                              Phone: 202-663-4581
Fax: 301-713-0983                                Fax: 202-663-7022
Email:                 Email:

David Benton                                     Marian Harris
Office of Leadership and Diversity Management    Office of Management, Human Resources Group
U.S. Department of Transportation                U.S. Department of Education
Phone: 202-267-0107                              Phone: 202-260-8354
Fax: 202-267-4610                                Fax: 202-205-0723
Email:                    Email:

Wilett Bunton                                    Carol Hayashida
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the         U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board
Army for Financial Management and Comptroller    Phone: 202-653-6772
U.S. Department of the Army                      Fax: 202-653-7211
Phone: 703-697-8121                              Email:
                                                 Sharrelle Higgins
Warren Clayman                                   Office of Diversity
Office of Environment, Safety and Health         U.S. Office of Personnel Management
U.S. Department of Energy                        Phone: 202-606-1059
Phone: 202-586-4591                              Fax: 202-606-0927
Fax: 202-586-7980                                Email:
                                                 Raymond Johnson
Dee De Leva                                      Patent and Trademark Office
Federal Aviation Administration                  U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Department of Transportation                Phone: 703-308-2565
Phone: 202-267-7345                              Fax: 703-308-0818
Fax: 202-267-7636                                Email:
                                                 Kathie Klass
Sol del Ande Eaton                               National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Institute of Standards and Technology   U.S. Department of Transportation
U.S. Department of Commerce                      Phone: 202-366-9550
Phone: 301-975-5481                              Fax: 202-366-5962
Fax: 301-975-5387                                Email:
                                                 Martin Levy
Dinah Griggsby                                   Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Human Resources Operations                       Management and Budget
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency             U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: 202-260-4193                              Phone: 202-690-6191
Fax: 202-260-1039                                Fax: 202-690-8328
Email:            Email:
Romanita Lucero                                    Robert Stockman
Office of Human Resources                          Office of Strategic Planning
U.S. Small Business Administration                 U.S. Department of Commerce
Phone: 202-205-6153                                Phone: 202-482-5976
Fax: 202-205-7064                                  Fax: 202-501-3024
Email:                     Email:

Lisa Mallory                                       Orelious Walker
National Partnership for Reinventing Government    Office of Strategic Planning
Phone: 202-694-0006                                U.S. Department of Treasury
Fax: 202-632-0390                                  Phone: 202-622-0412
Email:                        Fax: 202-622-2549
Carlton Mann
Office of the Inspector General                    Lori Way
U.S. Federal Emergency Management Administration   Office of Executive Assistance Management
Phone: 202-646-3921                                U.S. Department of Commerce
Fax: 202-646-3901                                  Phone: 202-482-4115
Email:                       Fax: 202-482-3592
Curtis Marshall
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs                Carolyn Wong
Phone: 202-273-7522                                Office of Equal Opportunity
Fax: 202-273-5991                                  U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Email:                 Phone: 202-273-5888
                                                   Fax: 202-273-6537
Charles Miller                                     Email:
Defense Logistics Agency
U.S. Department of Defense                         Charles Zoltak
Phone: 703-767-1132                                Finance and Administration Office
Fax: 703-767-1110                                  U.S. Department of Commerce
Email:                          Phone: 301-457-3152
                                                   Fax: 301-457-3846
Sheila Mingo                                       Email:
Old Dominion University
Phone: 757-683-4383
Fax: 757-683-5593

Rob M. Sadler
Office of General Counsel
U.S. Department of Commerce
Phone: 202-482-8042
Fax: 202-482-2998
Appendix B

                                                Telephone Survey
                                       VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE’S
                                         - TELEPHONE SURVEY -





City:                                                           State/Province:

Zip/Postal Code:                                                Country:

Phone:                                                          Fax:

For your information, below is our definition of "diversity."
                                      Diversity in the workforce includes all characteristics and
                                          experiences that define each of us as individuals.

General Background Information:
This survey is being completed for:

❑ Total Organization
❑ Business Unit (Give name)

(Please respond to the following questions for the total company or business unit specified above.)

What is the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE) in your organization (total company or business unit)?
Section I: Organizational Diversity Goals and Objectives
1. What are your organization’s top three (3) diversity goals and objectives?

2. What processes are currently in place to achieve your organization’s top three (3) diversity goals and objectives?
   (Please check all that apply)

   ❑   Mentoring
   ❑   Training
   ❑   Family life
   ❑   Work life
   ❑   Recruitment
   ❑   Management involvement
   ❑   Affirmative employment programs
   ❑   Regular inclusion of diversity topics at meetings
   ❑   Recognition of diversity champions
   ❑   Empowerment
   ❑   Community involvement and outreach
   ❑   Other

   2a. Selecting from the list above, please identify the three (3) processes that are most effective.
Section II: Diversity Strategy and Processes

3. Does your organization have a diversity strategy?

   ❑ Yes (Continue with question #3a)
   ❑ No (Please go to question #9)

   3a. What is your organization’s diversity strategy focus?

          ❑ Internal
          ❑ External
          ❑ Both

   3b. Is your organization’s diversity strategy incorporated into the following? (Please check all that apply)

          ❑   Organizational core values
          ❑   Strategic plan(s)
          ❑   Business case
          ❑   Performance indicators
          ❑   Quality programs
          ❑   Succession planning
          ❑   Other
          ❑   Not incorporated

4. Does your organization have a budget to support its diversity strategy?

   ❑ Yes
   ❑ No

5. Listed below are some dimensions of diversity. Please mark all the dimensions that are specifically addressed in your organization’s
   diversity strategy.

   ❑   Race/Color
   ❑   Asian
   ❑   Ethnic origin (for example, Hispanic)
   ❑   American Indian or Alaska Native
   ❑   Religion
   ❑   Black or African American
   ❑   Gender
   ❑   Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
   ❑   Age
   ❑   White
   ❑   Disability
   ❑   Multiracial
   ❑   Sexual orientation
   ❑   Other(s)
6. Does your organization measure its strategy’s effectiveness?
   ❑ Yes ❑ No

   6a. If yes, what feedback mechanisms does your organization use to validate the success of its diversity strategy, and which
       mechanisms are the most effective in providing it with the needed information? (Please circle appropriate responses)

                      Feedback Mechanisms                       Used                            Effectiveness

                   a. Cultural Audit/Baseline                 Yes   No               Low           Medium        High
                      Survey/Org. Assessment

                   b. Employee Survey                         Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   c. Customer Input                          Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   d. Focus Groups                            Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   e. One-on-One Interviews                   Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   f. Feedback/Suggestion Systems             Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   g. Training Evaluations                    Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   h. Management/Employee                     Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   i. Affinity/Support Groups                 Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   j. Other:                                  Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

                   k. Other:                                  Yes   No               Low           Medium        High

    6b. How often does your organization measure the effectiveness of its diversity strategy?
         ❑ Quarterly     ❑ Semiannually       ❑ Annually       ❑ Other

7. Does your organization have a process(es) in place to support your diversity strategy?
   ❑ Yes        ❑ No

    7a. If yes, how long has the process(es) been in place?

    7b. Is the process(es) centralized ❑ or decentralized ❑ ?

8. Who has lead responsibility for managing diversity in your organization?
   ❑ Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights
   ❑ Diversity Office
   ❑ Human Resources
   ❑ Other

9. What is the total number of staff dedicated to diversity in your organization?
       Full-time          Part-time           Contract
Section III: Management Commitment
10. Does your organization have a formal succession planning process?

    ❑ Yes
    ❑ No

    10a. If yes, how long has the succession planning process been in place?

11. What does senior leadership currently do to demonstrate its commitment to diversity? (Please check all that apply)

    ❑   Regular inclusion of diversity topics at meetings
    ❑   Mentoring
    ❑   Personal involvement in diversity training
    ❑   Funding
    ❑   Managing by example
    ❑   Dedicated resources
    ❑   Recognition of diversity champions
    ❑   Empowerment
    ❑   Community involvement and outreach
    ❑   Other

    11a. Selecting from the list above, please identify the three (3) approaches that are most effective:

12. Which of the following identifies how senior leadership is held accountable for diversity? (Please check all that apply)

    ❑   Performance standards
    ❑   Linked to compensation
    ❑   Bonus criteria
    ❑   360 degree evaluations or multilevel evaluations
    ❑   Dialog with affinity groups
    ❑   Rewards
    ❑   Recognition
    ❑   Other
    ❑   Not held accountable

    For your information, below are our definitions for different groups.

        Affinity Groups    –   Recognized Employee Groups
        Work Groups        –   Intact Teams
        Task Groups        –   Ad Hoc Teams or Matrix Teams
        Focus Groups       –   Subject Matter Experts
Section IV: Employee Involvement
13. What employee groups does your organization currently have in place? (Please check all that apply)

    ❑   Task force
    ❑   Employee defined affinity groups
    ❑   Focus groups
    ❑   Advisory council
    ❑   Union
    ❑   Support groups
    ❑   Change agents
    ❑   Work groups
    ❑   Partnerships with community-based groups
    ❑   Other

14. Do senior leaders involve the employee groups identified in question 13 to participate in any of the following?
    (Please check all that apply)

    Human resource planning        ❑ Yes       ❑   No
    Performance indicators         ❑ Yes       ❑   No
    Peer review                    ❑ Yes       ❑   No
    Employee benefits              ❑ Yes       ❑   No
    Policy planning                ❑ Yes       ❑   No
    Diversity action planning      ❑ Yes       ❑   No
    Budgeting                      ❑ Yes       ❑   No
    Funding                        ❑ Yes       ❑   No
    Other                          ❑ Yes       ❑   No
         ❑ Does not encourage participation

15. Which of the following identifies how employees are held accountable for diversity? (Please check all that apply)

    ❑   Performance standards
    ❑   Linked to compensation
    ❑   Bonus criteria
    ❑   360 degree evaluations or multilevel evaluations
    ❑   Collaboration between affinity groups
    ❑   Rewards
    ❑   Recognition
    ❑   Other
    ❑   Not held accountable
Section V:        Diversity Indicators

16. Using the table below, has the use of any of the following measures contributed to your organization’s success in
    achieving its diversity goals?

    16a. If so, what is the direction of the trend for each measure over the last three (3) years?

                             Measures                    Contribute to                          Trend

                 a. Employee Satisfaction                  Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 b. Customer Satisfaction                  Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 c. Workforce Demographics                 Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 d. Compensation Analysis                  Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 e. Retention                              Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 f. Turnover                               Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 g. Absenteeism                            Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 h. Proportion of Mgmt. Positions
                    held by Women/Minorities/              Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change
                    Persons w/Disabilities

                 i. Upward Mobility                        Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 j. Diversity Trng. Attendance             Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 k. Worklife/Family Program                Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 l. Complaints/Grievances                  Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 m. Internal Lateral Moves                 Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 n. Other:                                 Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 o. Other:                                 Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change

                 p. Other:                                 Yes     No           Increase      Decrease   No Change
Appendix C
                                                      Score Card

                               - TELEPHONE SURVEY SCORECARD -

Team Member:                                                        Date of Interview:

                                                                                              Maximum Actual
                                              Question                                         Score  Score

               –   General Background Information                                               00      00

               1. What are the organization’s top three (3) diversity goals and objectives?     00      00

               2. What processes are currently in place to achieve the organization’s           10
                  top three (3) diversity goals?

               3. Does the organization have a diversity strategy? (Score for 3b)                5

               4. Does the organization have a budget to support its diversity strategy?         5

               5. Does the organization address dimensions of diversity in its strategy?        10

               6. Does the organization measure its strategy’s effectiveness?                   10

               7. Does the organization have a process(es) in place to support its              00      00
                  diversity strategy?

               8. Who has the lead responsibility for managing diversity in the                 00      00

               9. What is the total number of staff dedicated to diversity in the               00      00

               10. Does the organization have a formal succession planning process?              5

               11. What does senior leadership currently do to demonstrate its                   5
                   commitment to diversity?

               12. What identifies how senior leadership is held accountable for                10

               13. What employee groups does the organization currently have in                  5

               14. Do senior leaders involve any of the employee groups identified in           10
                   question 13 to participate?

               15. What identifies how employees are held accountable for diversity?            10

               16. Has the use of the listed measures contributed to the organization’s         10
                   success in achieving its diversity goals?

                                                                        Total Points            95
Appendix D

                                                             Site Visit Guide

                                          VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE’S
                                           - INFORMATION REQUEST -

Instructions: Please provide a copy of the following documentation, if possible, in preparation for the site visit.

1. Organizational Charts showing reporting and organizational (centralized, etc.) structures for diversity

2. Diversity Vision/Mission Statement

3. Diversity Strategic Plan

4. Diversity Policy Statement

5. Diversity Communications Plan (if not part of strategic plan)

6. Diversity Training Plan (if not part of strategic plan)

7. Summary of Diversity/Cultural Audits

8. Diversity Brochures, Newsletters, etc.--any relevant information not captured in above documents
                                         - SITE VISIT STUDY GUIDE -

                                                     Section One: Background

1. How does your organization define "diversity"?

2. If you are responding as a business unit or department, how is your diversity strategy linked to
   the corporate diversity strategy?

3. Please explain the impetus for establishing a diversity strategy in your organization.

   x What was the catalyst for establishing diversity?
   x Where did it begin, e.g., from the top or bottom?
   x How long has the diversity strategy been in place?

4. How is the diversity strategy supported in your organization?

   x   Review organizational chart, e.g., where is it located and what are the reporting relationships?
   x   What is the percentage of the overall budget allocated to diversity?
Section Two: Diversity Strategy

1. Please explain how your organization developed its diversity strategy.

   x Who was considered a stakeholder?
   x Who was involved in the development of the diversity strategy, e.g., management, employees,
     consultants, unions, etc.?
   x How were management, employees, consultants, unions, etc., involved in the development of

     the strategy process?

2. How have you integrated diversity into your succession planning?

3. Please describe the business case for your diversity strategy, e.g., bottom-line benefits, ROI, etc.?

4. What significant changes, if any, have been made to your diversity strategy since its inception?

5. What barriers had to be overcome to implement your diversity strategy?

6. Given your responses on question #12a on the Telephone Survey, please explain why these approaches are
   most effective.

   x   How has this approach enhanced overall diversity in your organization?

7. Why did you choose the methods in question #13 (or question #16) – Telephone Survey for holding senior
   leadership accountable?

   x Have they been successful? Why or why not?
   xWhat percentage of your leadership met the criteria under the methods chosen for them?
   x How did your organization develop the measurable criteria for the methods being used?
Section Three: Processes

Please explain how each of the processes (identified in question #2a - Telephone Survey) contributes to the success of your overall
diversity strategy? (Please discuss, in detail, the three most effective processes)

Process A:

1. Please describe the steps in the process. (Is there a process flow chart?)

   x   How long has the process been in place?

2. What resources are required to support this process, e.g., # of people, time, $$, facilities, contractor support, etc?

3. Why did you choose this process?

   x   How did you develop the process?
   x   What are the key enablers?

4. How did you implement this process?

   x   How was it tested?

5. What makes it successful, e.g., what are the key performance indicators?

   x   How do you measure its success, e.g., effectiveness, efficiency, bottom-line benefits, utilization, retention, etc.?

6. How has management commitment contributed to the success of the process?

7. How has employee involvement contributed to the success of the process?

Process B:

1. Please describe the steps in the process. (Is there a process flow chart?)

   x   How long has the process been in place?

2. What resources are required to support this process, e.g., # of people, time, $$, facilities, contractor support, etc?

3. Why did you choose this process?

   x   How did you develop the process?
   x   What are the key enablers?

4. How did you implement this process?

   x   How was it tested?

5. What makes it successful, e.g., what are the key performance indicators?

   x   How do you measure its success, e.g., effectiveness, efficiency, bottom-line benefits, utilization, retention, etc.?

6. How has management commitment contributed to the success of the process?
7. How has employee involvement contributed to the success of the process?

Process C:

1. Please describe the steps in the process. (Is there a process flow chart?)

   x   How long has the process been in place?

2. What resources are required to support this process, e.g., # of people, time, $$, facilities, contractor support, etc?

3. Why did you choose this process?

   x   How did you develop the process?
   x   What are the key enablers?

4. How did you implement this process?

   x   How was it tested?

5. What makes it successful, e.g., what are the key performance indicators?

   x   How do you measure its success, e.g., effectiveness, efficiency, bottom-line benefits, utilization, retention, etc.?

6. How has management commitment contributed to the success of the process?

7. How has employee involvement contributed to the success of the process?
Section Four: Management and Employee Involvement

From a management perspective:

1. Please describe how employee involvement in developing diversity strategies has impacted your organization.

   x   How do they participate?
   x   Do you think that employee involvement has a significant impact? If so, why?

2. Which of the groups selected in question #14-Telephone Survey-has had a significant impact in securing employee
   involvement in diversity? How?

From an employee perspective:

3. Please describe how employee involvement in developing diversity strategies has impacted your organization.

   x   How do employees participate? What are the activities/programs?
   x   Do employees also participate in strategic planning?

4. Do you think your input has an impact on the organization’s diversity strategy? If so, why?

5. Are you held accountable for diversity? If so, how?

                                                     Section Five: Conclusion

1. What do you see "on the horizon" for diversity?

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Activities involved in succession process among asian and african owned business 2

  • 2. T ABLE OF C ONTENTS BENCHMARKING STUDY PARTNERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................... v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................. 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CHAPTER 2: LEADERSHIP COMMITMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CHAPTER 3: STRATEGIC PLANNING ....................................................... 7 CHAPTER 4: EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 APPENDICES A. BENCHMARKING AGENCY PARTICIPANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1 B. TELEPHONE SURVEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1 C. SCORE CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1 D. SITE VISIT GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D1
  • 3. B ENCHMARKING S TUDY P ARTNERS Coors Brewing Company Golden, Colorado DaimlerChrysler Auburn Hills, Michigan Eastman Kodak Rochester, New York Fannie Mae Washington, DC The Prudential Insurance Company of America Newark, New Jersey The Seattle Times Seattle, Washington Sempra Energy San Diego, California United States Coast Guard Washington, DC Xerox Rochester, New York
  • 5. Executive Summary Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity Executive Summary Diversity Affects the World diversity within their organizations. These Advances in technology and the advent of a practices reflect our partners’ understanding that valuing and recognizing diversity is Our success as a global economy bring the people of the world closer together than ever before. Given this fact, imperative in order to maintain a competitive advantage. They know that using these global company businesses, educational systems and other entities practices enhances productivity, effectiveness, are investigating ways to better serve their and sustained competitiveness. is a direct result constituents. This includes being able to attract and retain the best and most qualified workers. How is this different? of our diverse Organizations that can develop and employ the necessary policies and procedures to do this will Frequently, diversity is viewed in a limited and talented maintain a competitive advantage among their fashion, primarily addressing issues of race, counterparts and increase their effectiveness. The ethnic or gender differences, and linked to the laws providing protected status to certain workforce. Our private sector competitive model may not squarely fit Federal departments and agencies, given the lack of profit motive as the reason for groups. We have used a very broad definition of diversity, to encompass most characteristics ability to develop that individuals possess that affect the way they their existence. Yet, Federal organizations must compete to recruit and retain the best talent if think and do things. This is critical. This new consumer they hope to achieve their bottom line, their study describes tested ways to draw on all the statutory missions. varied skills of our workforce. insights and The changing demographics of our nation also What did we learn? ideas and to affect the nation’s businesses and in turn the nation’s economy. For our government and This study emphasizes the most valuable information that the best practices organizations execute in a businesses to continue to be effective and motivate citizens to contribute to building these have to offer. Our critical findings focus on the following information because we can use it to superior way institutions, our leaders must recognize and further and strengthen the U.S. government’s capitalize upon the diversity of the nation. efforts to achieve diversity in the workplace. across the world Why is this important? • Organizations Benefit from Diversity is the best To achieve success and maintain a competitive advantage, we must be able to draw on the most Organizations that promote and achieve a possible important resource – the skills of the workforce. diverse workplace will attract and retain With the increasing richness of diversity in the quality employees and increase customer testimony to the world and in the workforce, we need to expand loyalty. For public organizations, it also our outlook and use creative strategies to be translates into effective delivery of essential power of successful. Employees can provide this services to communities with diverse needs. resource. This study identifies best practices diversity any that work in organizations that are doing just • Leaders and Managers are Responsible for that. These practices can be adopted in any Diversity organization workplace. Why should we pay attention? Leaders and managers within organizations are primarily responsible for the success of could ever have. diversity policies because they must ensure Our partners have created communities of that the policies are effective. John Pepper, CEO, practice that achieve and value workforce Procter & Gamble
  • 6. Executive Summary Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity • Leaders and Managers must Create a Our Key Finding Strategic Plan to Develop Diversity Initiatives Throughout the Organization A key finding of this report is that diversity needs to be defined broadly and should Leaders and managers within organizations must encompass a wide range of initiatives that meet incorporate diversity policies into every aspect of the changing needs of customers and workers. the organization’s functions and purpose. Leaders and employees should take active roles in implementing these diversity processes • Employees’ Views and Involvement are Key which, in order to succeed, should be fully to the Success of Diversity Initiatives aligned with core organizational goals and objectives. The findings in this report illustrate Organizations must view employee that the benefits of diversity are for everyone. participation as a necessary part of the Diversity is more than a moral imperative; it is diversity initiative, in order to develop and a global necessity. Moreover, diversity is an maintain effective diversity policies. essential component of any civil society. The leaders of the best practices organizations understand that they must support their employees in learning how to effectively interact with and manage people in a diverse workplace. They recognize that they should encourage employees to continue to learn new skills in dealing with and managing people. They also recognize the impact that diverse clients will have upon the success or failure of an organization, as businesses must compete to satisfy these clients.
  • 7. Introduction Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity hapter 1: Introduction Today’s managers are responsible for both organization. As one benchmarking partner leading employees and responding to the needs of customers who are more ethnically and stated, "We view diversity as something more than a moral imperative or a business There were never culturally diverse, older, and in greater need of necessity—we see it as a business opportunity." child and elder care. Leaders in both the public Aligning diversity with the mission and business in the world two and the private sectors are focusing more of the organization increases employee attention on the issue of diversity. Whether the satisfaction and retention; improves opinions alike; goal is to be an employer of choice, to provide competitiveness and productivity; increases excellent customer service, or to maintain a responsiveness; and adds value to the customer. anymore than competitive edge, diversity is increasingly recognized and utilized as an important Scope of the Study two hairs or organizational resource. The United States Department of Commerce two grains. The What is Diversity? and Vice President Al Gore’s National One of the major stumbling blocks in Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR) sponsored this benchmarking study. most universal discussions surrounding diversity is its very The study identifies best practices used by definition. For our purposes, we use the leading organizations to achieve workforce quality is following definition of diversity: "Diversity diversity. The study team identified the includes all characteristics and experiences that following critical success factors to evaluate best diversity. define each of us as individuals."1 A common practices: misconception about diversity is that only Michel de Montaigne, certain persons or groups are included under its 1. Leadership and management French Essayist umbrella, when in fact, exactly the opposite is commitment; true. Diversity includes the entire spectrum of 2. Employee involvement; 1 The working definition of diversity, as primary dimensions of an individual, including 3. Strategic planning; developed and used by Vice President Al Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Age, Religion, Gore’s National Partnership for 4. Sustained investment; Reinventing Government (NPR) Disability, and Sexual orientation (referred to by 5. Diversity indicators; Diversity Task Force, based on a the Diversity Task Force as “REGARDS”). 6. Accountability, measurement, and comprehensive review of diversity Secondary dimensions commonly include: literature. evaluation; and communication style, work style, organizational 7. Linkage to organizational goals and 2 See, e.g., Taylor Cox, Jr., Cultural role/level, economic status, and geographic objectives. Diversity in Organizations (San origin (e.g., East, Midwest, South). It is a Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers), 1994, pp. 19-40; Ann Morrison, The simple fact that each of us possesses unique The practices that are included in this report are New Leaders: Guidelines on Leadership qualities along each of these dimensions. not identified by specific organization in order Diversity in America (San Francisco: Josey Experience and recent research indicate that Bass Publishers),1992, pp. 18-28. to preserve the partners’ confidentiality. when recognized and valued, diversity enhances 3 J. Renae Norton and Ronald individual productivity, organizational The study team reviewed a wide range of E. Fox, The Change Equation effectiveness, and sustained competitiveness.2 (Washington, DC: American diversity literature and identified over 600 Psychological Association), companies and organizations—both public and 1997, p. 80. In order "to maximize the utilization of its private—which were recognized for their efforts human capital, organizations must go beyond in achieving workforce diversity. The study team merely creating a more diverse workplace. conducted an additional screening procedure to Once there, the value of having diverse identify organizations whose exemplary practices employees must be recognized."3 Now is the in achieving workforce diversity were truly time to move beyond viewing diversity as "world class" based on the identified critical merely the numerical representation of certain success factors. As a result, 65 organizations were groups. It is time for a systematic application of selected for more detailed analysis. diversity concepts to the business of the
  • 8. Introduction Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity The study team developed a telephone survey workplace.5 There are common themes and that was administered to representatives of these elements among the organizations that have organizations to gain additional insights on charted successful courses in this area. Through their current diversity practices. Based on benchmarking studies such as this one, the survey results and availability considerations, Federal civilian sector—which employs over 1.6 nine benchmarking partners were ultimately million persons—has the opportunity to learn selected for on-site visits. More than half of more about diversity from world class these partners have been recently featured in organizations. The Department of Commerce Fortune and Next Step magazine articles and NPR recognize diversity as a key resource highlighting their cutting-edge diversity best in fulfilling the goal of making government practices.4 more efficient, productive and responsive to the American citizenry. As a result, it is important This report and other studies clearly that the Federal sector begin viewing diversity as demonstrate that some organizations have a process which influences work climates, successfully implemented programs and policies organizational effectiveness, customer service, that foster diversity and inclusiveness in the and ultimately, the way we do business. 4 See articles published in Keith Ellison, "The Next Step Diversity 100," Next Step (Philadelphia, Next Step Enterprises), Spring 1999, p. 34; Edward Robinson and Jonathan Hickman, "The Diversity Elite," Fortune (New York: Time, Inc.), July 1999, p. 62. 5 See supra, footnote 2.
  • 9. Leadership Commitment Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity hapter 2: Leadership Commitment Taking Ownership and executive stated that the diversity vision, Communicating the Vision mission and strategic direction needs to be conveyed by leaders "clearly, concisely and We must be the The degree to which our partners’ leaders are repeatedly" to enhance awareness, promote actively involved in implementing initiatives open dialog, and remove barriers. Several change we wish and risk taking distinguishes them from other partners stressed that effective communication leaders. Managers manage change, but best-in- needs to be multidirectional within and across to see in the class leaders create change by inspiring their departments. employees. Our partners champion diversity by world. infusing it into all organizational processes and Creating a common frame of reference ensuring that diversity is integrated into the establishes a solid foundation upon which to Mahatma Gandhi, core values of the organization. They recognize discuss diversity and develop action plans to India’s Nationalist Leader diversity as an important goal, and position the eliminate biases and barriers. Our partners note responsibility for diversity not merely with that there is no “one-size-fits-all” nor any human resources departments or diversity “magic pill” to make diversity “happen.” offices, but with top-level and senior executives. However, some communication channels Our best-in-class leaders provide the visibility effectively used by our partners to spread the and commit the time and resources to make diversity message include: policy statements, diversity happen. In short, diversity is both a newsletters, meetings, speeches, training top priority and a personal responsibility for programs,Web sites, and intranets. these leaders. • At one partner organization, top management • The top leader in one of our partner supports the existence of a dedicated staff that organizations personally leads the diversity promotes and oversees the infusion of efforts. He holds town hall meetings and diversity in its business lines and also designs regularly goes to the employee cafeteria to activities that promote and foster diversity listen and talk about diversity. throughout the organization. A full time staff of six at the corporate level sends a message • A partner’s Chief Executive Officer requires that there is top-level interest in diversity. the selection panel for key positions to This staff, located under the Vice President identify at least six persons qualified for the for Human Resources, is one level below the position and has held up key selections Chief Executive Officer. because of the lack of diversity in applicant pools. • To lead the company’s diversity efforts, one partner created an Office of Diversity. The • The Chairman of the Board of one partner Vice President of Diversity, who reports organization registered the corporation’s directly to the Vice Chair, heads the office statement of commitment to diversity with and has broad decision making authority. an external regulatory body. Changes to this The Vice President of Diversity works closely commitment do not go unnoticed. with the human resources division, the minority and women-owned business The top leaders of our benchmarking partner program, and is a representative on every organizations are all personally involved in board and almost every committee in the helping the boards of directors, employees, organization. other stakeholders and their respective communities understand that diversity • When one partner organization recently initiatives create fairer employment systems and merged with another company, the Chair, benefits for everyone. Equity and improved job President, and Chief Executive Officer jointly satisfaction contribute to increased productivity signed a diversity statement to keep diversity and better customer service. One partner’s chief at the forefront. It states that, "Diversity
  • 10. Leadership Commitment Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity creates value and is an integral part of being committed to foster a diverse workforce and the premier global company." The statement recognize and value every individual’s unique outlined their goals to: (1) ensure a workforce skills and perspectives." These commitments reflective of the global communities they are shared and reinforced on a daily basis. serve; and (2) create a culture that uses diversity to its competitive advantage. • One partner has an upper-level leadership team that guides and evaluates the company’s Empowering Through Leadership progress toward achieving its diversity goals. The team gains insights from an advisory For our benchmarking partners, diversity does group that represents eight employee not depend on a single leader because it has councils. Each employee council has a been woven into the very fabric of the corporate vice president as a sponsor. The organizations—woven into the way these councils are inclusive—anyone who wants to organizations conduct business on a daily basis. promote cross-cultural communication is This is because the leadership understands the encouraged to become involved. importance of employee involvement in the change process. They also recognize that being • To institutionalize diversity management at competitive in a global economy requires full one partner organization, individuals who are utilization of the skills and talents of all seen as potential leadership successors are employees to better serve their customers, asked to become champions of diversity increase employee satisfaction, and meet the before assuming a leadership role. Once they needs of diverse communities. One of our become leaders they are already established as partners contends, "Success will only be proponents for diversity. achieved through inspired people operating in an environment based on mutual trust, respect, • One partner recognizes the contributions of openness, candor, empowerment, teamwork, its managers to advancing diversity. For innovation, risk taking, integrity, and example, in 1998 it created a Chief Executive encouraging and valuing diversity." Officer/Chief Operating Officer Diversity Award. This award recognizes managers • For one of our partners, Ten Core whose commitment to diversity makes them Commitments represent the values that role models for others. Such champions are define the spirit of the organization— used to share their experiences throughout diversity is one of these core commitments. the company to demonstrate the benefit of The diversity commitment states: "We are diversity to others.
  • 11. Strategic Planning Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity hapter 3: Strategic Planning Linking Diversity to Strategic Plans offering market-competitive, performance- based compensation and benefits that also When aligned Diversity strategic planning focuses on creating meet the changing needs of its workforce. measurable ways diversity can support the The diversity mission is to drive towards the with strategic direction, goals, and objectives of the attainment of the “People” plank goals that organization.6 Strategic level long-range are to create an environment in which people organizational planning for diversity is a more recent from diverse backgrounds, styles, cultures, development. Previously, diversity was not seen as an integral part of strategic planning. and functions all work together to assure the objectives, long-term success of the company. Diversity initiatives were often poorly conceptualized, lacked specificity, and were not • One partner’s operating management and the diversity can be linked to strategic organizational plans. Today’s human resources department jointly leaders realize that in order to be effective, developed a five-year diversity plan. This a powerful successful diversity planning must be aligned plan included a monitoring system to with and provide support for strategic business measure diversity representation by function contributor objectives and operational decisions. at all levels to: (1) ensure a balanced workforce, and (2) strengthen the to the • One partner builds its diversity strategic plan organization’s ability to attract, hire, retain, upon its core values: (1) respect for the and develop the most highly qualified organization’s dignity of the individual, (2) integrity, (3) employees. Specific measures included in the trust, (4) credibility, (5) continuous improvement, and (6) personal renewal. This plan are: positive responses to employee competitive surveys, positive articles in publications, partner has also set a specific "Global Performance Expectation," which is to build reputation as an employer of choice, improved representation of diversity at all advantage. and manage a truly diverse workforce. levels, effective remedial action when Dr. Edward E. Hubbard, Author, appropriate, awards, and other recognition. • Another partner uses a Balanced Workforce Measuring Diversity Results (BWF) Strategy, which is an all-encompassing • One partner’s strategic plan was designed to strategy. It guides the organization in a provide a link between the vision for diversity 6 Edward E. Hubbard, Measuring variety of situations and it covers all employee Diversity Results (Petaluma, CA: Global management and the actions required for Insights Publishing), 1997, Chapter 7. populations. It tracks employee populations making it happen. One of the first and sets 10-year goals and annual targets. requirements was to define diversity, and The BWF makes managers accountable for diversity management. Once this was upward mobility. When layoffs occur, the accomplished, the definitions were used to BWF ensures that members of one group are form the foundation of the organization’s not affected disproportionately compared to diversity policy, vision statement, and members of other groups. strategic plan. The core elements of the strategic plan are strategic goals and • One partner has six strategic business planks objectives, a plan for conducting a cultural that are its business priorities to help it audit, a training and education plan, a plan sustain consistent quality and earnings for recognizing diversity-related growth. The six planks concentrate on accomplishments, and measures of baseline growth, incremental growth, product effectiveness. The strategic plan also quality, distributor service, productivity gains, addresses accountability for implementing and people. The "People" plank is to diversity initiatives. continuously improve our business through engaging and developing our people. It • One partner’s strategic plan uses a four-step focuses on building skills, offering training, approach for establishing and implementing improving the work environment, and diversity:
  • 12. Strategic Planning Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity 1. Creating a strong foundation (values, underrepresentation, and implement philosophy, dedicated resources, and accountability measures into evaluations); and commitment); (5) promote individuals’ ability to reach their 2. Building a solid internal structure full potential (identify and groom high- (initiatives to support and educate performing individuals in underrepresented employees); groups for upper-level positions, and make 3. Building a solid external structure to mentor programs accessible to all). infuse diversity into the community; and 4. Measuring the progress and results (goal Accountability setting for all efforts). A key element to ensuring the success of any • The components of one partner’s diversity organizational initiative—especially diversity plan include: (1) developing ongoing initiatives—is accountability. Accountability is communication systems to create and achieved by making the appropriate leaders reinforce the workplace diversity commitment responsible for diversity by linking performance to all employees with an emphasis on why it is evaluation elements and compensation to the important and what it means to the successful implementation and progress of these organization; (2) establishing departmental initiatives. Accountability helps to ensure that action plans to ensure the workforce reflects "everyone is on board" and actively engaged in the diversity of the community; and (3) the diversity process. developing organization-wide assessment and evaluation systems to monitor diversity • One partner makes use of "Consequence progress throughout the organization. Management." The program philosophy Additionally, training and empowerment maintains that poor diversity management initiatives provide a foundation, for all levels adversely affects a manager’s ability to of the organization, to foster the manage. Promotion to the next level requires accomplishment of diversity goals. "competent" or "role model" assessment. One component for evaluating management • One partner conducted a study to develop performance is the ability to manage a diverse its diversity management policy. The work group of employees. was segmented into three phases: (1) Framework (diversity definition, policy and • In 1996, one partner established a top-level vision statement, best practices benchmarking Diversity Steering and Assessment Team to of other organizations and potential guide and oversee diversity plans and application to the organization, and the programs, and to ensure the level of rationale for seeking a consultant’s assistance); accountability necessary in order to achieve (2) Strategic Plan (a plan of action for desired results. Members include the incorporating diversity management, a plan President, Chief Financial Officer, Senior for conducting cultural audit, training plan, Vice President of Human Resources, and measures of effectiveness, accountability other corporate officers. They meet monthly methods, and rewards and recognition system to discuss diversity progress and challenges. analysis); and (3) Implementation The team receives counsel from the Diversity (assessment of strengths and barriers in the Action and Advisory Group, comprised of culture, and a marketing strategy for eight employee affinity groups. deploying diversity management). • At one partner organization, recurring • Another partner designed a strategic plan to diversity training is mandatory for all provide a link between the vision for diversity employees, and business unit managers are management and the actions required for held accountable for timely attendance by success. The goals are to: (1) create a positive both management and non-management environment (incorporate diversity employees. To ensure managerial management training into all leadership accountability, the company reduces the training programs); (2) conduct a cultural operating budget of a business unit by $1,000 audit and develop intervention strategies; (3) for each manager and $500 for each establish guidelines to define and address employee who fails to attend scheduled social climate issues affecting personnel; training without giving 48 hours advance (4) value all people (action plans to target notice of cancellation. Last minute no shows
  • 13. Strategic Planning Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity are accordingly discouraged and management • One partner incorporates diversity is induced to treat diversity training with the management training into all leadership same seriousness as any other business training programs—establishing ties between activity. A director stated, "… if you grab diversity management and leadership, as well them by their wallet, their hearts and minds as Total Quality Management, human will follow." relations and work/life issues. All organizational levels are held accountable for • One partner organization has an open door developing initiatives that incorporate policy at all organizational levels. An diversity management policies into their employee must receive a response within 48 business and management processes. Leaders hours, and if dissatisfied, the employee may are also required to hold each individual elevate the concern to the next management accountable for conduct consistent with level, including the Chief Executive Officer. valuing and managing diversity. • Believing that mandatory training is an Assessment and Evaluation enabler, the Chief Executive Officer of one partner organization directs that all employees A number of our benchmarking partners attend diversity training. To facilitate this pointed out that one could not develop a initiative, everyone on the diversity successful diversity process without periodically management staff is a certified trainer. Funds assessing and evaluating the status and are provided for training and development, to accomplishments of the process. Although the include awareness training, cross-cultural or frequency may vary, world class diversity gender team building training, diversity skills organizations make assessing and evaluating training for managers, supervisors, and their diversity process an integral part of their employees, as well as diversity orientation management system. training for the Board of Directors. Diversity is also integrated into training that focuses on Any diversity strategy must contain well-defined other skills or knowledge. measures to assess effectiveness and to evaluate whether outcomes support organizational • One partner’s action plan to improve diversity objectives and targets. Such measures must be management accountability includes straightforward and unambiguous so that all initiatives to: (1) publish an accountability employees and leaders clearly understand what component to the Diversity Management is expected. Organizations must be prepared to Strategic Plan; (2) establish a workplace reward individuals or groups that meet the environment management system to help stated goals and objectives, as well as to penalize units assess and address performance and those who fail to do so. According to our diversity issues on a continuing basis; (3) partners, some straightforward diversity expedite the processing of Equal Employment measures include: Opportunity complaints and administrative grievances; (4) expand data analyses of hiring, 1. Employee attrition rates; performance evaluations, disciplinary actions, 2. Workforce satisfaction; complaint ratios, key assignments, 3. Market share within new customer bases; promotions, recognition, and departures to 4. External awards and recognition for identify barriers or discrimination; and (5) diversity efforts; and revise performance evaluations to emphasize 5. Workplace climate satisfaction. diversity management skills and actions. • One partner conducts an annual • Another partner conducts an annual diversity organizational chart assessment to identify its review and performance appraisal for all current diversity status and whether it reflects officers. The officers present progress reports the community it serves. Each department on goals and diversity initiatives to create a head regularly meets with senior leadership to more balanced and inclusive workforce. The discuss the "promotability" of current sharing of accomplishments and challenges employees and what is being done before the Diversity Committee is viewed as throughout all levels to develop their strengthening the commitment to diversity organization’s talent. and best practices.
  • 14. Strategic Planning Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity • One partner has set specific workforce of each manager’s plan is discussed every objectives. The goal is to have a workforce other month at a top-level steering meeting. that reflects the customers it serves and the communities in which the partner • At one partner organization, leaders and organization resides. By the year 2000, its managers must identify a minimum of four worldwide management ranks will reflect the actions in their respective annual performance demographics of its global market. By the plans that visibly demonstrate their personal year 2007, its exempt workforce commitment to promoting diversity. These representation around the world will reflect actions are required to be specific and the demographics of the local markets it substantial—one of the four actions could be serves. This is indicative of how the partner an undertaking to mentor five employees organization integrated diversity into its during the year, for example. To meet one of performance-based culture. his four actions, one partner’s CEO organized and attended a half-day meeting on diversity • One partner defines coaching as the essence with the CEOs of over 30 other major of leadership. A "Leader as Coach" profile is corporations. The organization intends to used to define workplace behaviors and publish a summary of the proceedings to results to be achieved. Specific behaviors are publicly demonstrate the top leadership’s defined in six target areas (e.g., Builds the personal commitment to diversity. Right Team, Encourages Excellence, Cares About People) and each is assessed as being a • One partner created the "Managing Diversity "strength" or a "development opportunity." Diagnostic Tool," a checklist to give the A profile is completed annually for everyone business groups a template of suggested in a leadership position. The leader and action items to enable managers to develop his/her coach meet to discuss the feedback their Diversity Action Plans. All action items gained from all sources and agree upon the are weighted so managers can see which top two or three priority strengths and action items senior leadership considers most development opportunities. The profile is critical. The Diagnostic Tool measures used in annual processes related to effectiveness of actions implemented and development plans, human resource plans, executive commitment. and performance plans and appraisals. • One partner conducts an annual "Stages of • One partner uses a scorecard to assess its Diversity" internal diversity audit to assess diversity progress. The scorecard includes each unit’s progress in achieving diversity. three areas: (1) coaching as the tool to The audit provides a common framework for building awareness around diversity and dialog, work unit self-assessment, and unit continuing the company’s goal to mainstream and departmental diversity planning. Work diversity; (2) Workforce Representation Plan; units develop a diversity plan with three to and (3) Employee Council Activities. five goals, qualitative and quantitative Specific measurements are established for measures, beginning and end dates, and each area at the beginning of the year. These designation of a lead individual. Department are included in a scorecard format that also heads and work unit managers meet annually includes a description of activities that are with all employees to review where their units supportive of the goals in each area, and a fall on a diversity continuum. Further blank area in which current results are initiatives are developed based on the stage annotated. Measurements track actions by the unit has achieved. managers, the Diversity Human Resources staff, employee councils, and corporate • A photograph audit helps one partner evaluate leadership. A top-level team scrutinizes the whether the images it uses are stereotypical or results of the scorecard in order to determine representative of the community it serves. performance and progress. Workforce The goal is to facilitate accurate, balanced, representation is one of three diversity-related and inclusive coverage of the community’s measures that have been put into place. diversity. A month is randomly selected each Senior leaders develop actionable plans year to conduct an assessment of all featured focused on internal development, cross- photographs. Corrective action is taken if functional moves, retention, external certain segments of the community are not recruitment, and measurement. The progress fully and accurately represented.
  • 15. Employee Involvement Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity hapter 4: Employee Involvement When it comes to employees, our partners have • One partner organized a diversity summit several things in common. Namely, they have three core organizational goals: with managers and employees from all levels and geographic regions. Its purpose was to Hear me! A assess the status of diversity within the 1. Maximizing workplace satisfaction for all organization by holding constructive dialog single twig employees; sessions where participants could speak 2. Retaining a world class workforce; and openly and honestly about differences in a breaks, but the 3. Maintaining an environment of lifetime non-attributive atmosphere. The summit learning. increased awareness, promoted the sharing of bundle of twigs best practices and similar dialog in The leadership believes that employee organizational units. is strong. involvement and feedback are necessary components in achieving these goals. Thus, • At another partner organization, its Chief Tecumseh, Shawnee 1795 our partners actively seek employee input. Executive Officer conducts roundtables with They use formal as well as informal channels. randomly selected employees. They are given a chance to hear about the status of diversity • Many of our partners administer cultural without it being filtered by employee groups. diversity audits. These audits take the pulse In turn, the Chief Executive Officer gains of the workforce and provide candid valuable insight and identifies action items to assessments of the work climate. The results pursue. form the basis upon which process improvements are made. • In one organization, the variable portion of a manager’s compensation (e.g., bonuses) is • An example of an informal channel is one affected by the results of employee partner’s use of internal Web sites where satisfaction surveys. This feedback also employees can express their concerns, engage generates nominations for management in open dialog (e.g., chat rooms) and learn recognition as well. about diversity. • In another, employee satisfaction is a key • Still another example of an informal channel issue and all employees are surveyed is the use of an employee feedback hotline electronically on a quarterly and an annual that allows employees to contact diversity basis for feedback. Managers are given advisors and provide feedback on questions performance "credit" if their respective such as those listed below: group’s survey return rate exceeds 60 percent. 1. How would you rate your overall Dialog with Affinity Groups satisfaction with the organization at the present time? Our partners encourage and support the 2. How satisfied are you with the information establishment of employee groups, although they you receive from management regarding may take different forms, names, and structures. what is going on in the company? Common types include diversity councils, task 3. Does management clearly outline a credible teams, focus groups, affinity councils, issue study future that you can believe in? groups, and networking groups. These groups 4. Does your employee development plan build provide a forum to both articulate and skills to remain competitive in the future? understand the varied needs and interests of 5. Are differences valued? employees. Participation in these groups is 6. Are employees treated with dignity and welcomed. Often, input is sought from respect? employee groups to determine their perception of progress achieved with regard to diversity.
  • 16. Employee Involvement Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity These groups act as sounding boards and into the decision making process. Thus, provide feedback on important diversity issues. affinity group feedback is regarded as a valuable resource. In most, but not all, employee groups, individuals who share commonalties in race, • Another partner shares its Balanced Workforce ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, Strategy reports with the leaders of its religion, national origin or cultural heritage corporate affinity groups and provides them form or join employee support groups. These an opportunity to meet with the Senior Vice organizations provide a voice for members, President for Human Resources and the Chief allowing them to communicate diversity issues Executive Officer to discuss their concerns and concerns to senior management. In one based on those reports. The reports include organization, representatives from these groups detailed data on representational imbalances serve on the company’s Diversity Advisory for all employee groups—not just the Council. Some use the groups to nominate historically underrepresented groups—within persons for diversity recognition awards. all grade bands. These reports also show available opportunities for managers to fill • An affinity group from one organization vacancies and highlights the manner in which developed criteria for an award that is managers take advantage of opportunities to presented to an employee who embraces the achieve corporate diversity objectives. spirit of diversity, confronts and removes obstacles, is involved in the community, and • In one partner organization, employee is willing to do what it takes to advance diversity councils represent a cross-section of diversity. A leader in that same organization the organization’s workforce. A computerized stated: "Employee involvement is the driver grid of all of the characteristics desired for in mainstreaming diversity." Personal this council is used to ensure diversity within accountability for diversity is an integral part this body. The diversity council elects a chair of employee reviews and is clearly outlined in or up to three co-chairs from within its many policy statements. membership and meets monthly. Travel expenses to meetings are centrally funded. • Another partner uses caucus groups. New diversity council candidates are Through these groups, employees carry out identified by the Office of Corporate employee advocacy and self-development. Diversity in consultation with unions and These groups serve as a vehicle of management, and—when appointed for a communication between employees and two-year term—the members receive diversity managers to uncover issues needing attention. training. The members’ participation must Benefits of these groups include the be constructive and is considered to be part recruitment of new employees; career of their regular duties. For that reason, the development of employees; retaining effective selection criteria include clear demonstration staff; senior management improvement; and of leadership ability. Ineffective members are the inclusion of all diverse members in the asked to leave before the end of their terms, workforce. and these members are not replaced at that time. Members who complete their terms are • One partner has eight employee councils that formally recognized. The councils are able to promote awareness, understanding and identify employee issues that may not have communication of diversity, and identify and otherwise been discovered. This process leads address specific needs. Each council receives to buy-in from employees and unions, and an identical amount of funding each year to the diversity management staff believes that conduct educational and other activities. this process is an effective part of the These activities are closely aligned to fostering corporate culture and is the result of an the company’s business goals. The councils evolutionary process. Subgroups of the are also involved in community service diversity council are formed in the regions; activities as well as promotional activities in these diversity committees are part of the various targeted markets. process that ensures regional differences are considered. As a result, more diversity • Our partner organizations take advantage of champions are created and benefits flow employee participation in affinity groups to down into the organization. Some of these integrate employee concerns and suggestions benefits are the integration of work and
  • 17. Employee Involvement Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity family life through family programs, bringing training and to maximize their promotional children to work, establishing virtual offices, potential within the company. job sharing, and split shifts. Employee Wellness Mentoring Employees Finally, as another venue for diversity Most of our partners have established formal participation, our partners establish links mentoring programs. Mentors are used to help between diversity and work life activities such as assimilate new employees into the dependent care funds, alternative work organizational culture. In others, mentoring scheduling, and life cycle assistance. involves the willingness of leaders to accept proteges and introduce them to new and more • One partner organization offers a healthy challenging aspects of the organization. living program free of charge to all employees and their spouses and domestic partners. • One partner in conjunction with an academic This program includes health assessments and institution developed a scholars program to counseling. All participants earn a Healthy attract outstanding undergraduate students Living day off for completing the full and to recognize excellence among screening. academically gifted students from diverse backgrounds. • Another partner sponsors a program designed to help expectant and new parents • One partner works with the community and understand and feel comfortable about breast colleges to "grow" talent in the sciences. The feeding their infants. The program offers company tracks and funds the education of education and counseling with a trained promising scholars. This enables the lactation specialist. New mothers can nurse company to insure skilled leaders will be a their babies when they return to work, as part of the industry in the future. lactation rooms are available in the workplace. • All of one partner’s internship and fellowship programs include targeted development plans; • One partner’s internal structure deals with the assigned mentors; evaluation of the skills "whole person." This company provides gained for promotions; rotational numerous training, mentoring, work life and assignments; and succession planning. career development programs. These programs are designed to retain and expand • One partner’s advanced degree development the current workforce, and help employees program targets future leaders in functional balance career and personal needs. areas and considers what the organization will need in 10 to 15 years. The program also • One partner recognizes the connection includes four one-year rotations and is between the employees’ personal lives and focused on exposure, not fast-tracking. their productivity on the job and has developed various programs responsive to the • The mentoring process in one partner diverse needs of its workforce. The Life organization entails the tracking, monitoring, Cycle Assistance Program was established to and mentoring of candidates from assist employees with the purchase of a first underrepresented groups positioned for senior home, adoption and child care assistance, assignments. These persons are educated partial pay replacement for family and through an innovative development program, medical leave, and elder care assistance for which culminates with an advanced degree. employees with elderly parents. Participants are expected to capitalize on the
  • 19. Appendix A Benchmarking Agency Participants Terri Bell Raj K. Gupta Office of Civil Rights Office of Federal Operations U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Phone: 301-713-0500 Phone: 202-663-4581 Fax: 301-713-0983 Fax: 202-663-7022 Email: Email: David Benton Marian Harris Office of Leadership and Diversity Management Office of Management, Human Resources Group U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Education Phone: 202-267-0107 Phone: 202-260-8354 Fax: 202-267-4610 Fax: 202-205-0723 Email: Email: Wilett Bunton Carol Hayashida Office of the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Army for Financial Management and Comptroller Phone: 202-653-6772 U.S. Department of the Army Fax: 202-653-7211 Phone: 703-697-8121 Email: Email: Sharrelle Higgins Warren Clayman Office of Diversity Office of Environment, Safety and Health U.S. Office of Personnel Management U.S. Department of Energy Phone: 202-606-1059 Phone: 202-586-4591 Fax: 202-606-0927 Fax: 202-586-7980 Email: Email: Raymond Johnson Dee De Leva Patent and Trademark Office Federal Aviation Administration U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Transportation Phone: 703-308-2565 Phone: 202-267-7345 Fax: 703-308-0818 Fax: 202-267-7636 Email: Email: Kathie Klass Sol del Ande Eaton National Highway Traffic Safety Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Commerce Phone: 202-366-9550 Phone: 301-975-5481 Fax: 202-366-5962 Fax: 301-975-5387 Email: Email: Martin Levy Dinah Griggsby Office of the Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Operations Management and Budget U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Phone: 202-260-4193 Phone: 202-690-6191 Fax: 202-260-1039 Fax: 202-690-8328 Email: Email:
  • 20. Romanita Lucero Robert Stockman Office of Human Resources Office of Strategic Planning U.S. Small Business Administration U.S. Department of Commerce Phone: 202-205-6153 Phone: 202-482-5976 Fax: 202-205-7064 Fax: 202-501-3024 Email: Email: Lisa Mallory Orelious Walker National Partnership for Reinventing Government Office of Strategic Planning Phone: 202-694-0006 U.S. Department of Treasury Fax: 202-632-0390 Phone: 202-622-0412 Email: Fax: 202-622-2549 Email: Carlton Mann Office of the Inspector General Lori Way U.S. Federal Emergency Management Administration Office of Executive Assistance Management Phone: 202-646-3921 U.S. Department of Commerce Fax: 202-646-3901 Phone: 202-482-4115 Email: Fax: 202-482-3592 Email: Curtis Marshall U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Carolyn Wong Phone: 202-273-7522 Office of Equal Opportunity Fax: 202-273-5991 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Email: Phone: 202-273-5888 Fax: 202-273-6537 Charles Miller Email: Defense Logistics Agency U.S. Department of Defense Charles Zoltak Phone: 703-767-1132 Finance and Administration Office Fax: 703-767-1110 U.S. Department of Commerce Email: Phone: 301-457-3152 Fax: 301-457-3846 Sheila Mingo Email: Old Dominion University Phone: 757-683-4383 Fax: 757-683-5593 Email: Rob M. Sadler Office of General Counsel U.S. Department of Commerce Phone: 202-482-8042 Fax: 202-482-2998 Email:
  • 21. Appendix B Telephone Survey VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE’S NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR REINVENTING GOVERNMENT ACHIEVING WORKFORCE DIVERSITY BENCHMARKING STUDY - TELEPHONE SURVEY - Name: Title: Company: Address: City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Phone: Fax: For your information, below is our definition of "diversity." Diversity in the workforce includes all characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals. General Background Information: This survey is being completed for: ❑ Total Organization ❑ Business Unit (Give name) (Please respond to the following questions for the total company or business unit specified above.) What is the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE) in your organization (total company or business unit)?
  • 22. Section I: Organizational Diversity Goals and Objectives 1. What are your organization’s top three (3) diversity goals and objectives? 2. What processes are currently in place to achieve your organization’s top three (3) diversity goals and objectives? (Please check all that apply) ❑ Mentoring ❑ Training ❑ Family life ❑ Work life ❑ Recruitment ❑ Management involvement ❑ Affirmative employment programs ❑ Regular inclusion of diversity topics at meetings ❑ Recognition of diversity champions ❑ Empowerment ❑ Community involvement and outreach ❑ Other 2a. Selecting from the list above, please identify the three (3) processes that are most effective.
  • 23. Section II: Diversity Strategy and Processes 3. Does your organization have a diversity strategy? ❑ Yes (Continue with question #3a) ❑ No (Please go to question #9) 3a. What is your organization’s diversity strategy focus? ❑ Internal ❑ External ❑ Both 3b. Is your organization’s diversity strategy incorporated into the following? (Please check all that apply) ❑ Organizational core values ❑ Strategic plan(s) ❑ Business case ❑ Performance indicators ❑ Quality programs ❑ Succession planning ❑ Other ❑ Not incorporated 4. Does your organization have a budget to support its diversity strategy? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. Listed below are some dimensions of diversity. Please mark all the dimensions that are specifically addressed in your organization’s diversity strategy. ❑ Race/Color ❑ Asian ❑ Ethnic origin (for example, Hispanic) ❑ American Indian or Alaska Native ❑ Religion ❑ Black or African American ❑ Gender ❑ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ❑ Age ❑ White ❑ Disability ❑ Multiracial ❑ Sexual orientation ❑ Other(s)
  • 24. 6. Does your organization measure its strategy’s effectiveness? ❑ Yes ❑ No 6a. If yes, what feedback mechanisms does your organization use to validate the success of its diversity strategy, and which mechanisms are the most effective in providing it with the needed information? (Please circle appropriate responses) Feedback Mechanisms Used Effectiveness a. Cultural Audit/Baseline Yes No Low Medium High Survey/Org. Assessment b. Employee Survey Yes No Low Medium High c. Customer Input Yes No Low Medium High d. Focus Groups Yes No Low Medium High e. One-on-One Interviews Yes No Low Medium High f. Feedback/Suggestion Systems Yes No Low Medium High g. Training Evaluations Yes No Low Medium High h. Management/Employee Yes No Low Medium High Dialog i. Affinity/Support Groups Yes No Low Medium High j. Other: Yes No Low Medium High k. Other: Yes No Low Medium High 6b. How often does your organization measure the effectiveness of its diversity strategy? ❑ Quarterly ❑ Semiannually ❑ Annually ❑ Other 7. Does your organization have a process(es) in place to support your diversity strategy? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7a. If yes, how long has the process(es) been in place? 7b. Is the process(es) centralized ❑ or decentralized ❑ ? 8. Who has lead responsibility for managing diversity in your organization? ❑ Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights ❑ Diversity Office ❑ Human Resources ❑ Other 9. What is the total number of staff dedicated to diversity in your organization? Full-time Part-time Contract
  • 25. Section III: Management Commitment 10. Does your organization have a formal succession planning process? ❑ Yes ❑ No 10a. If yes, how long has the succession planning process been in place? 11. What does senior leadership currently do to demonstrate its commitment to diversity? (Please check all that apply) ❑ Regular inclusion of diversity topics at meetings ❑ Mentoring ❑ Personal involvement in diversity training ❑ Funding ❑ Managing by example ❑ Dedicated resources ❑ Recognition of diversity champions ❑ Empowerment ❑ Community involvement and outreach ❑ Other 11a. Selecting from the list above, please identify the three (3) approaches that are most effective: 12. Which of the following identifies how senior leadership is held accountable for diversity? (Please check all that apply) ❑ Performance standards ❑ Linked to compensation ❑ Bonus criteria ❑ 360 degree evaluations or multilevel evaluations ❑ Dialog with affinity groups ❑ Rewards ❑ Recognition ❑ Other ❑ Not held accountable For your information, below are our definitions for different groups. Affinity Groups – Recognized Employee Groups Work Groups – Intact Teams Task Groups – Ad Hoc Teams or Matrix Teams Focus Groups – Subject Matter Experts
  • 26. Section IV: Employee Involvement 13. What employee groups does your organization currently have in place? (Please check all that apply) ❑ Task force ❑ Employee defined affinity groups ❑ Focus groups ❑ Advisory council ❑ Union ❑ Support groups ❑ Change agents ❑ Work groups ❑ Partnerships with community-based groups ❑ Other 14. Do senior leaders involve the employee groups identified in question 13 to participate in any of the following? (Please check all that apply) Human resource planning ❑ Yes ❑ No Performance indicators ❑ Yes ❑ No Peer review ❑ Yes ❑ No Employee benefits ❑ Yes ❑ No Policy planning ❑ Yes ❑ No Diversity action planning ❑ Yes ❑ No Budgeting ❑ Yes ❑ No Funding ❑ Yes ❑ No Other ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Does not encourage participation 15. Which of the following identifies how employees are held accountable for diversity? (Please check all that apply) ❑ Performance standards ❑ Linked to compensation ❑ Bonus criteria ❑ 360 degree evaluations or multilevel evaluations ❑ Collaboration between affinity groups ❑ Rewards ❑ Recognition ❑ Other ❑ Not held accountable
  • 27. Section V: Diversity Indicators 16. Using the table below, has the use of any of the following measures contributed to your organization’s success in achieving its diversity goals? 16a. If so, what is the direction of the trend for each measure over the last three (3) years? Measures Contribute to Trend Success a. Employee Satisfaction Yes No Increase Decrease No Change b. Customer Satisfaction Yes No Increase Decrease No Change c. Workforce Demographics Yes No Increase Decrease No Change d. Compensation Analysis Yes No Increase Decrease No Change e. Retention Yes No Increase Decrease No Change f. Turnover Yes No Increase Decrease No Change g. Absenteeism Yes No Increase Decrease No Change h. Proportion of Mgmt. Positions held by Women/Minorities/ Yes No Increase Decrease No Change Persons w/Disabilities i. Upward Mobility Yes No Increase Decrease No Change j. Diversity Trng. Attendance Yes No Increase Decrease No Change k. Worklife/Family Program Yes No Increase Decrease No Change Utilization l. Complaints/Grievances Yes No Increase Decrease No Change m. Internal Lateral Moves Yes No Increase Decrease No Change n. Other: Yes No Increase Decrease No Change o. Other: Yes No Increase Decrease No Change p. Other: Yes No Increase Decrease No Change
  • 28. Appendix C Score Card ACHIEVING WORKFORCE DIVERSITY BENCHMARKING STUDY - TELEPHONE SURVEY SCORECARD - Team Member: Date of Interview: Company: Maximum Actual Question Score Score – General Background Information 00 00 1. What are the organization’s top three (3) diversity goals and objectives? 00 00 2. What processes are currently in place to achieve the organization’s 10 top three (3) diversity goals? 3. Does the organization have a diversity strategy? (Score for 3b) 5 4. Does the organization have a budget to support its diversity strategy? 5 5. Does the organization address dimensions of diversity in its strategy? 10 6. Does the organization measure its strategy’s effectiveness? 10 7. Does the organization have a process(es) in place to support its 00 00 diversity strategy? 8. Who has the lead responsibility for managing diversity in the 00 00 organization? 9. What is the total number of staff dedicated to diversity in the 00 00 organization? 10. Does the organization have a formal succession planning process? 5 11. What does senior leadership currently do to demonstrate its 5 commitment to diversity? 12. What identifies how senior leadership is held accountable for 10 diversity? 13. What employee groups does the organization currently have in 5 place? 14. Do senior leaders involve any of the employee groups identified in 10 question 13 to participate? 15. What identifies how employees are held accountable for diversity? 10 16. Has the use of the listed measures contributed to the organization’s 10 success in achieving its diversity goals? Total Points 95
  • 29. Appendix D Site Visit Guide VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE’S NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR REINVENTING GOVERNMENT ACHIEVING WORKFORCE DIVERSITY BENCHMARKING STUDY - INFORMATION REQUEST - Instructions: Please provide a copy of the following documentation, if possible, in preparation for the site visit. 1. Organizational Charts showing reporting and organizational (centralized, etc.) structures for diversity 2. Diversity Vision/Mission Statement 3. Diversity Strategic Plan 4. Diversity Policy Statement 5. Diversity Communications Plan (if not part of strategic plan) 6. Diversity Training Plan (if not part of strategic plan) 7. Summary of Diversity/Cultural Audits 8. Diversity Brochures, Newsletters, etc.--any relevant information not captured in above documents
  • 30. VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE’S NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR REINVENTING GOVERNMENT ACHIEVING WORKFORCE DIVERSITY BENCHMARKING STUDY - SITE VISIT STUDY GUIDE - Section One: Background 1. How does your organization define "diversity"? 2. If you are responding as a business unit or department, how is your diversity strategy linked to the corporate diversity strategy? 3. Please explain the impetus for establishing a diversity strategy in your organization. x What was the catalyst for establishing diversity? x Where did it begin, e.g., from the top or bottom? x How long has the diversity strategy been in place? 4. How is the diversity strategy supported in your organization? x Review organizational chart, e.g., where is it located and what are the reporting relationships? x What is the percentage of the overall budget allocated to diversity?
  • 31. Section Two: Diversity Strategy 1. Please explain how your organization developed its diversity strategy. x Who was considered a stakeholder? x Who was involved in the development of the diversity strategy, e.g., management, employees, consultants, unions, etc.? x How were management, employees, consultants, unions, etc., involved in the development of the strategy process? 2. How have you integrated diversity into your succession planning? 3. Please describe the business case for your diversity strategy, e.g., bottom-line benefits, ROI, etc.? 4. What significant changes, if any, have been made to your diversity strategy since its inception? 5. What barriers had to be overcome to implement your diversity strategy? 6. Given your responses on question #12a on the Telephone Survey, please explain why these approaches are most effective. x How has this approach enhanced overall diversity in your organization? 7. Why did you choose the methods in question #13 (or question #16) – Telephone Survey for holding senior leadership accountable? x Have they been successful? Why or why not? xWhat percentage of your leadership met the criteria under the methods chosen for them? x How did your organization develop the measurable criteria for the methods being used?
  • 32. Section Three: Processes Please explain how each of the processes (identified in question #2a - Telephone Survey) contributes to the success of your overall diversity strategy? (Please discuss, in detail, the three most effective processes) Process A: 1. Please describe the steps in the process. (Is there a process flow chart?) x How long has the process been in place? 2. What resources are required to support this process, e.g., # of people, time, $$, facilities, contractor support, etc? 3. Why did you choose this process? x How did you develop the process? x What are the key enablers? 4. How did you implement this process? x How was it tested? 5. What makes it successful, e.g., what are the key performance indicators? x How do you measure its success, e.g., effectiveness, efficiency, bottom-line benefits, utilization, retention, etc.? 6. How has management commitment contributed to the success of the process? 7. How has employee involvement contributed to the success of the process? Process B: 1. Please describe the steps in the process. (Is there a process flow chart?) x How long has the process been in place? 2. What resources are required to support this process, e.g., # of people, time, $$, facilities, contractor support, etc? 3. Why did you choose this process? x How did you develop the process? x What are the key enablers? 4. How did you implement this process? x How was it tested? 5. What makes it successful, e.g., what are the key performance indicators? x How do you measure its success, e.g., effectiveness, efficiency, bottom-line benefits, utilization, retention, etc.? 6. How has management commitment contributed to the success of the process?
  • 33. 7. How has employee involvement contributed to the success of the process? Process C: 1. Please describe the steps in the process. (Is there a process flow chart?) x How long has the process been in place? 2. What resources are required to support this process, e.g., # of people, time, $$, facilities, contractor support, etc? 3. Why did you choose this process? x How did you develop the process? x What are the key enablers? 4. How did you implement this process? x How was it tested? 5. What makes it successful, e.g., what are the key performance indicators? x How do you measure its success, e.g., effectiveness, efficiency, bottom-line benefits, utilization, retention, etc.? 6. How has management commitment contributed to the success of the process? 7. How has employee involvement contributed to the success of the process?
  • 34. Section Four: Management and Employee Involvement From a management perspective: 1. Please describe how employee involvement in developing diversity strategies has impacted your organization. x How do they participate? x Do you think that employee involvement has a significant impact? If so, why? 2. Which of the groups selected in question #14-Telephone Survey-has had a significant impact in securing employee involvement in diversity? How? From an employee perspective: 3. Please describe how employee involvement in developing diversity strategies has impacted your organization. x How do employees participate? What are the activities/programs? x Do employees also participate in strategic planning? 4. Do you think your input has an impact on the organization’s diversity strategy? If so, why? 5. Are you held accountable for diversity? If so, how? Section Five: Conclusion 1. What do you see "on the horizon" for diversity?