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Mobile Application Development:
Challenges and Best Practices
An increasing number of both mobile
devices and potential applications are
forcing developers to overcome obstacles
through the use of sound practices.

The plight of a mobile application            finance, transportation, retail or others,
developer these days is a challenging         organizations are looking for ways to
one. On the one hand, development             cement the customer relationship through
in this space is vibrant and full of          mobile delivery of updates, offers, and
opportunities; a spectrum of new              alerts. Newly available in the customer-
devices, from smartphones to tablets, is      relationship arsenal: so-called disposable
redrawing the boundaries of what users        applications that are time-sensitive,
can do. On the other hand, this new           relating to specific events and promotions.
landscape also brings new development
questions – including, what devices to        As there are many application scenarios
target, how to create simple yet effective    that developers face, there are an
applications, and how to secure the data      equal number of elements that they
that is uploaded and downloaded.              must consider in mobile application
                                              development, including data access,
In particular, the so-called trend of the     security, offline capabilities, and back-
consumerization of IT weighs heavily          end integration. For mobile applications
on enterprise mobile application              to be as useful as possible, they must
developers. This trend encompasses            transparently synchronize data with back-
many facets. Increasingly, corporate          end systems.
users are accessing enterprise data from
mobile devices which may be their own         There are also many development
or may be deployed by their internal          environments. Developers can also choose
IT department. That means developers          from either native development tools
may not know what the target platform         for each of the major mobile devices
is, requiring either a cross-platform or      and platforms (including Apple® iOS,
multi-platform development effort.            Android™, Microsoft® Windows® Mobile
                                              and Microsoft® Phone 7, Symbian®, RIM®
But the consumerization of IT also            BlackBerry®, Java®, Linux®, and Meego™)
presumes an element of ease of use.           or cross-platform environments (including
Corporate users, from the boardroom           mobile enterprise application platforms
down, increasingly demand that                such as SAP AG’s Sybase Unwired
applications be as easily understood as the   Platform, Kony Solutions Inc.’s KonyOne™
applications they use online or for their     platform, or Antenna Software Inc.’s
personal computing needs. As a result,        Antenna Mobility Platform™, or mobile
developers need to craft applications that    consumer application platforms, including
are not only straightforward, but also lack   PhoneGap™ and Appcelerator® Titanium).
a lot of menus and options that require
screen real estate that isn’t available on    Developers have the unenviable task
most smartphones.                             of accommodating these scenarios
                                              through the choice of their development
As if those parameters weren’t enough,        environment. What kinds of mobile
there is the increasing demand                development environments are available,
for organizations to interact with            and what are their pros and cons? And
customers via online applications on          which best practices give developers a
smartphones. Whether the industry is          better chance to achieve success?

Addressing the Challenges of Enterprise
Mobile Development

When developers sit down to map their        Security
goals for the application, they must
determine how they are going to address      Every mobile device manufacturer
the aforementioned challenges. The           understands the importance of
decision is based on the usage scenarios     security, and offers accommodations
they’re trying to accommodate. Not           for it. For developers, however, that
surprisingly, many of these challenges       means each operating system has
overlap. That’s why developers must look     its own custom architecture.
at each one in context.
                                             Sometimes different mobile platforms
                                             provide varying degrees of support for
Data Access                                  securing data stored on the device. At the
Where is the enterprise data users need      same time, not every mobile application
to access? Should it be accessed through     needs the same level of security, and
a Web browser, or through a native           users dislike multiple log-ins to access
application running on the device? In        data on the device itself or back-end
some cases, the data might exist solely      data. However, the responsibility for
in a back-end database. That requires        protecting data falls squarely on the
connectivity, but the state of wireless      application developers’ shoulders, so they
coverage is such that, beyond one’s own      must incorporate encryption into the
office (or sometimes a well-covered          application down to the file system level.
metropolitan area), you can never assume
a network connection. To address this,       Encryption helps to ensure that data
developers have to determine whether         cannot be pilfered from the device, even if
some data will be stored in the device’s     it is lost. But at the same time, developers
native file system or accessed solely        should also consider other options for
through a browser (in which instance the     preserving and protecting data. These
device will most likely store no data).      include programming backup capabilities
                                             for ensuring data is archived on a periodic
For instance, do you want a salesperson      basis, as well as creating remote “kill” or
to be able to download updated inventory     “wipe” capabilities so that the disk can be
data onto a mobile device and head out       erased if it goes online after it’s reported
into a territory with spotty connection      lost by the authorized user.
strength? That requires a synchronization
capability to help ensure that once the      User Experience
salesperson is back within range, they can
update again.                                This is especially important in cross-
                                             platform scenarios where screen sizes
Most operating systems can                   may not only differ but offer the option of
accommodate the disappearance of             portrait versus landscape. How is the screen
a network connection, as well as the         real estate best used? What features should
handoff between a broadband wireless         be available? Developers have to remember
connection, such as 3G or 4LTE, and          that users on the go are usually looking for
a local Wi-Fi connection. But the            specific information, and determine how
application must understand when a           to make that information as easy to find
connection is dropped, so that it can        as possible. They also have to differentiate
roll back to its last-known data.            between internal and external users. A
                                             consumer application requires clarity
                                             and simplicity, and frequently offers a
                                             “gotta-have wow” factor. Applications for
                                             employees, in keeping with the precepts of
                                             consumerization, should also be clear and
                                             simple productivity tools.

Mobile Development Options
In order to address these challenges and     Platform environment provides                  The MCAP category includes such tools
concerns for developers, tools vendors       compatibility with common integrated           as PhoneGap™, Appcelerator®, and
have crafted multiple development            development environments (IDEs), such          AppMobi®, and leans more toward the
environments, including both native tools    as Eclipse, that enables developers to         open-source world. They incorporate
and cross-platform tools. Native tools are   leverage existing tools and expertise.         three key technologies: HTML5, Cascading
designed solely for use with a particular                                                   Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript.
operating system, while cross-platform       One disadvantage of native applications:       Using open-source capabilities allows
tools give developers the flexibility to     there may be stringent requirements for        developers to create mobile applications
create an application that will run across   admission into public app stores. Apple        at a lower cost, but also requires them to
multiple mobile devices.                     Inc., for instance, requires that developers   do a greater amount of work on their own,
                                             submit iPhone mobile digital device            and do it with a command-line rather
                                             applications for testing within Apple to
Native Development Tools                     facilitate such compatibility.
                                                                                            than a graphical interface.

These enable developers to create                                                           In order to incorporate a browser-
applications that run on specific            Cross-Platform                                 based application using a cross-
platforms, such as Apple® iOS, Android™,                                                    platform tool, developers can wrap it
or Microsoft® Windows® Phone 7. The          Development Tools                              in a native wrapper format, basically
decision to use one or the other relies on   These cross-platform tools generally fall      embedding a browser screen within the
how deeply developers want to link the       into two categories themselves: Mobile         native application which then renders
application with the underlying operating    Enterprise Application Platforms (MEAP)        the HTML5/CSS/JavaScript page.
system, as capabilities in one operating     or Mobile Consumer Application Platforms
system may not be available in another.                                                     Which application development strategy
                                             (MCAP). The two sets of tools are not
In order to take advantage of specific                                                      developers choose really depends on the
                                             as differentiated as they were originally,
capabilities, developers may target the                                                     application itself. Will it be browser-
                                             though, because some of the MEAP
operating system and the associated                                                         based, with little or no data saved on the
                                             vendors – including Antenna Software
development environment to create an                                                        mobile device? Does it require capabilities
                                             Inc. and Kony Solutions Inc. – are also
application with those features.                                                            native to the operating system? Does
                                             offering MCAP toolkits.
                                                                                            it require security features, or support
One advantage of using native                In many ways, these two options resemble       capabilities, that require a MEAP? Or
development tools: applications will run     the choice between build-it-yourself or        can it be created using an MCAP? Once
more smoothly on whichever mobile            a full-fledged toolkit in other segments       developers, in conjunction with line of
devices use that operating system,           of the application development world.          business representatives have answered
which can represent a vast market.           For instance, MEAPs tend to have more          these questions, they’ll be ready to begin.
If a company has standardized a vast         full-fledged development environments,
majority of users on one or two mobile       with a wider variety of traditional tools
platforms, in fact, it may be better to      such as graphical user interfaces, version
develop native applications for that         control, and workflow. They tend to have
majority of users. That lets developers      more integration tools and gateways to
take advantage of platform functionality.    third-party services (such as Facebook
The alternative is developing a cross-       and Twitter), as well as better technical
platform application that serves everyone,   support capabilities.
but has more limited functionality.
                                             In addition, because MEAPs focus on
When developers want to target multiple      the enterprise segment, they strive
markets, however, they must still            to incorporate stronger security
employ application architecture best         capabilities, taking into account that
practices and use of a common data           the applications will be used to access
model to optimize the development            back-end corporate information.
effort across multiple platforms. For
instance, SAP AG’s Sybase Unwired

Mobile Development Best Practices
No matter what the answer to the             about such events as message arrival          A key part of testing is the user
foregoing questions, some commonalities      and power levels. In a cross-platform         experience, which can help make
apply to development efforts. The            environment, developers will need to add      an application more successful by
best results come from applying the          such features.                                maximizing acceptance and usage.
following best practices in the design                                                     With a short amount of time to develop
and deployment of mobile applications.       API Management                                and limited screen real-estate within
Some of these, of course, relate to                                                        which they have to communicate
any application development effort,          Developers should institute a strict policy   usability, developers must devote time
but most take into account the               regarding use of components across            to researching the most effective text
vagaries of mobile development.              platforms, which facilitates maintenance      and graphics. For global developers,
                                             and extensibility across applications         the challenge is enhanced by the need
                                             on different platforms. For instance,
Methodology                                  even though the web services library
                                                                                           to create graphics that are globally
                                                                                           recognizable as well as culturally sensitive.
Determining the design methodology is        on Android™ and Apple® iOS will be
key to mobile application development,       implemented differently, the functions
especially in a cross-platform               and their underlying code are the same.
                                                                                           Application Analytics
environment where multiple efforts may                                                     Because mobile applications do not run on
be underway simultaneously. Even if          Security                                      an always-connected environment where
the development toolkits are different,                                                    IT can monitor clicks and other usage, it’s
developers should verify that they can       By definition, mobile devices are             crucial to incorporate analytics features
use common testing tools, project            vulnerable. They upload and download          that track how users interact with the
management and reporting.                    data wirelessly, in potentially insecure      application. This will not only help identify
                                             locations. They’re small and can be           ongoing technical support issues, but
                                             misplaced. Think carefully about security,
Development Skills                           not only incorporating the platform’s
                                                                                           also reveal whether users are interacting
                                                                                           with the application in the fashion
Developers should confirm that their team    inherent security capabilities but also       developers expected. Analytics can also
has the proper breadth and depth: breadth    using other tools such as encryption for      show which features aren’t used, so that
in the needs of application area being       sensitive data. (Remember to balance this     they can either be removed or made
targeted, and depth on the particular        with power consumption). The ability to       easier to access. Developers should also
platforms being used.                        remotely wipe data from a lost device         incorporate capabilities such as crash logs
                                             is also crucial. On the reverse side, data    to track what’s gone wrong on devices as
Design                                       preservation precludes the creation           they’re being used out in the real world.
                                             of an easy or even automatic backup
Developers should take into account          mechanism so that users don’t have to
the most appropriate architecture for        think about backing up stored data.
                                                                                           Feedback Mechanism
mobile applications. The best method is to                                                 The flip side of automated application
develop a layered application, where the
functionality remains consistent across
                                             Testing and User Experience                   analytics is a feedback mechanism for
                                                                                           users. Don’t rely solely on automated
platforms (while still conforming to each    Application testing (especially with          capabilities, but develop a capability
platform’s look-and-feel), with modular      real users) is often overlooked in            – whether through e-mail, social
pieces plugged in underneath. Within         development schedules, but the fact that      networking or other means (even through
those modular pieces, retain identical       mobile users tend to need information         the application itself) – for users to report
business rules and application logic.        on a time-sensitive basis means that          bugs and offer insight into what they
                                             applications should be more reliable          like and dislike about the application.
Creating re-usable platform components       than desktop applications. Applications       This will not only help reduce technical
can help speed up application                should be tested not only for usability,      support issues, but also provide insight
development. At the same time,               but for power consumption to verify           for application updates. Consolidating
though, especially with cross-platform       they’re not battery hogs. They should         this feedback will show which features or
development, developers must determine       be tested with multiple browsers              capabilities the most users are demanding.
which features they will need to add.        and on multiple carrier connections
For instance, in native development, the     to confirm that they accommodate
operating system can notify applications     both online and offline usage.

Turning Challenges
into Opportunities
Sustainable application development
and delivery excellence requires the
implementation of five steps:

1.	Optimize development and testing
   efforts by accurately identifying
   which platforms to target, whether
   for internal or external deployment.
   This facilitates a better return on
   development and testing investment.
2.	Employ consistent and reliable
   development practices across all
   leading platforms. This facilitates
   consistency in look-and-feel of
   applications, reusability of code
   components, and more-easily
   programmed updates.
3.	Collaborate extensively. The application
   development team should incorporate
   coding, testing, graphical design,
   and user experience skills to help
   applications to fulfill users’ needs.
4.	Tailor distribution mechanisms
   appropriately. This involves creating
   capabilities for both initial downloads
   through managed application stores,
   periodic updates, and integrated device
   management for security purposes.
5.	Track emerging technologies
   and maturing standards. With
   mobile technology still advancing,
   developers should look for ways
   to make applications perform
   even more efficiently, whether
   in terms of speed or features.
For more information on how Accenture
can help you achieve your mobile
application development goals, visit

Contact Us                                     About Accenture
                                        Srinivas Ramadath                              Accenture is a global management
                                        Mobility Software Services - Device            consulting, technology services and
                                        & Platforms North America Sales Lead           outsourcing company, with more than
                                              244,000 people serving clients in more
                                                                                       than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled
                                        Maurice Collins                                experience, comprehensive capabilities
                                        Mobile Software Architect                      across all industries and business functions,
For more information on                         and extensive research on the world’s
Accenture Mobility Services             Or visit:
                                                                                       most successful companies, Accenture
                                                                                       collaborates with clients to help them
please scan the 2D barcode.                                                            become high-performance businesses and
                                        About Accenture                                governments. The company generated net
                                                                                       revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal
                                        Mobility Services                              year ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page
                                        Accenture is focused on enabling its clients   is
                                        to achieve breakthrough growth throughout
                                                                                       Rights to trademarks referenced herein, other than
                                        the rapidly changing mobile ecosystem. The     Accenture trademarks, belong to their respective
                                        Accenture Mobility Services group offers       owners. We disclaim proprietary interest in the
Involved in the industry
                                        five mobility services including consulting,   marks and names of others.

Accenture is a Board Observer of the    software services—applications, software
Wholesale Applications Community        services—devices and platforms, managed
(WAC), an open global alliance          services, and business integration services.
formed from leading organizations       These are designed to help organizations
within the telecoms sector, uniting a   embrace business to employee (B2E),
fragmented applications marketplace.    business to consumer (B2C), business to
                                        business (B2B) and machine to machine
                                        (M2M) business opportunities. Accenture
                                        offers mobility and embedded software
                                        services across a wide range of industries,
                                        devices and platforms, including Symbian,
                                        Microsoft® Windows® Mobile, Windows®
                                        Phone, Android™, Blackberry®, iPhone®,
                                        Java™, Linux, and MeeGo™.

Copyright © 2012 Accenture
All rights reserved.

Accenture, its logo, and
High Performance Delivered
are trademarks of Accenture.                                                                                          12-0097 / 11-4613 AM

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Accenture: mobile application development challenges-best-practices

  • 2. An increasing number of both mobile devices and potential applications are forcing developers to overcome obstacles through the use of sound practices. The plight of a mobile application finance, transportation, retail or others, developer these days is a challenging organizations are looking for ways to one. On the one hand, development cement the customer relationship through in this space is vibrant and full of mobile delivery of updates, offers, and opportunities; a spectrum of new alerts. Newly available in the customer- devices, from smartphones to tablets, is relationship arsenal: so-called disposable redrawing the boundaries of what users applications that are time-sensitive, can do. On the other hand, this new relating to specific events and promotions. landscape also brings new development questions – including, what devices to As there are many application scenarios target, how to create simple yet effective that developers face, there are an applications, and how to secure the data equal number of elements that they that is uploaded and downloaded. must consider in mobile application development, including data access, In particular, the so-called trend of the security, offline capabilities, and back- consumerization of IT weighs heavily end integration. For mobile applications on enterprise mobile application to be as useful as possible, they must developers. This trend encompasses transparently synchronize data with back- many facets. Increasingly, corporate end systems. users are accessing enterprise data from mobile devices which may be their own There are also many development or may be deployed by their internal environments. Developers can also choose IT department. That means developers from either native development tools may not know what the target platform for each of the major mobile devices is, requiring either a cross-platform or and platforms (including Apple® iOS, multi-platform development effort. Android™, Microsoft® Windows® Mobile and Microsoft® Phone 7, Symbian®, RIM® But the consumerization of IT also BlackBerry®, Java®, Linux®, and Meego™) presumes an element of ease of use. or cross-platform environments (including Corporate users, from the boardroom mobile enterprise application platforms down, increasingly demand that such as SAP AG’s Sybase Unwired applications be as easily understood as the Platform, Kony Solutions Inc.’s KonyOne™ applications they use online or for their platform, or Antenna Software Inc.’s personal computing needs. As a result, Antenna Mobility Platform™, or mobile developers need to craft applications that consumer application platforms, including are not only straightforward, but also lack PhoneGap™ and Appcelerator® Titanium). a lot of menus and options that require screen real estate that isn’t available on Developers have the unenviable task most smartphones. of accommodating these scenarios through the choice of their development As if those parameters weren’t enough, environment. What kinds of mobile there is the increasing demand development environments are available, for organizations to interact with and what are their pros and cons? And customers via online applications on which best practices give developers a smartphones. Whether the industry is better chance to achieve success? 2
  • 3. Addressing the Challenges of Enterprise Mobile Development When developers sit down to map their Security goals for the application, they must determine how they are going to address Every mobile device manufacturer the aforementioned challenges. The understands the importance of decision is based on the usage scenarios security, and offers accommodations they’re trying to accommodate. Not for it. For developers, however, that surprisingly, many of these challenges means each operating system has overlap. That’s why developers must look its own custom architecture. at each one in context. Sometimes different mobile platforms provide varying degrees of support for Data Access securing data stored on the device. At the Where is the enterprise data users need same time, not every mobile application to access? Should it be accessed through needs the same level of security, and a Web browser, or through a native users dislike multiple log-ins to access application running on the device? In data on the device itself or back-end some cases, the data might exist solely data. However, the responsibility for in a back-end database. That requires protecting data falls squarely on the connectivity, but the state of wireless application developers’ shoulders, so they coverage is such that, beyond one’s own must incorporate encryption into the office (or sometimes a well-covered application down to the file system level. metropolitan area), you can never assume a network connection. To address this, Encryption helps to ensure that data developers have to determine whether cannot be pilfered from the device, even if some data will be stored in the device’s it is lost. But at the same time, developers native file system or accessed solely should also consider other options for through a browser (in which instance the preserving and protecting data. These device will most likely store no data). include programming backup capabilities for ensuring data is archived on a periodic For instance, do you want a salesperson basis, as well as creating remote “kill” or to be able to download updated inventory “wipe” capabilities so that the disk can be data onto a mobile device and head out erased if it goes online after it’s reported into a territory with spotty connection lost by the authorized user. strength? That requires a synchronization capability to help ensure that once the User Experience salesperson is back within range, they can update again. This is especially important in cross- platform scenarios where screen sizes Most operating systems can may not only differ but offer the option of accommodate the disappearance of portrait versus landscape. How is the screen a network connection, as well as the real estate best used? What features should handoff between a broadband wireless be available? Developers have to remember connection, such as 3G or 4LTE, and that users on the go are usually looking for a local Wi-Fi connection. But the specific information, and determine how application must understand when a to make that information as easy to find connection is dropped, so that it can as possible. They also have to differentiate roll back to its last-known data. between internal and external users. A consumer application requires clarity and simplicity, and frequently offers a “gotta-have wow” factor. Applications for employees, in keeping with the precepts of consumerization, should also be clear and simple productivity tools. 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Mobile Development Options In order to address these challenges and Platform environment provides The MCAP category includes such tools concerns for developers, tools vendors compatibility with common integrated as PhoneGap™, Appcelerator®, and have crafted multiple development development environments (IDEs), such AppMobi®, and leans more toward the environments, including both native tools as Eclipse, that enables developers to open-source world. They incorporate and cross-platform tools. Native tools are leverage existing tools and expertise. three key technologies: HTML5, Cascading designed solely for use with a particular Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript. operating system, while cross-platform One disadvantage of native applications: Using open-source capabilities allows tools give developers the flexibility to there may be stringent requirements for developers to create mobile applications create an application that will run across admission into public app stores. Apple at a lower cost, but also requires them to multiple mobile devices. Inc., for instance, requires that developers do a greater amount of work on their own, submit iPhone mobile digital device and do it with a command-line rather applications for testing within Apple to Native Development Tools facilitate such compatibility. than a graphical interface. These enable developers to create In order to incorporate a browser- applications that run on specific Cross-Platform based application using a cross- platforms, such as Apple® iOS, Android™, platform tool, developers can wrap it or Microsoft® Windows® Phone 7. The Development Tools in a native wrapper format, basically decision to use one or the other relies on These cross-platform tools generally fall embedding a browser screen within the how deeply developers want to link the into two categories themselves: Mobile native application which then renders application with the underlying operating Enterprise Application Platforms (MEAP) the HTML5/CSS/JavaScript page. system, as capabilities in one operating or Mobile Consumer Application Platforms system may not be available in another. Which application development strategy (MCAP). The two sets of tools are not In order to take advantage of specific developers choose really depends on the as differentiated as they were originally, capabilities, developers may target the application itself. Will it be browser- though, because some of the MEAP operating system and the associated based, with little or no data saved on the vendors – including Antenna Software development environment to create an mobile device? Does it require capabilities Inc. and Kony Solutions Inc. – are also application with those features. native to the operating system? Does offering MCAP toolkits. it require security features, or support One advantage of using native In many ways, these two options resemble capabilities, that require a MEAP? Or development tools: applications will run the choice between build-it-yourself or can it be created using an MCAP? Once more smoothly on whichever mobile a full-fledged toolkit in other segments developers, in conjunction with line of devices use that operating system, of the application development world. business representatives have answered which can represent a vast market. For instance, MEAPs tend to have more these questions, they’ll be ready to begin. If a company has standardized a vast full-fledged development environments, majority of users on one or two mobile with a wider variety of traditional tools platforms, in fact, it may be better to such as graphical user interfaces, version develop native applications for that control, and workflow. They tend to have majority of users. That lets developers more integration tools and gateways to take advantage of platform functionality. third-party services (such as Facebook The alternative is developing a cross- and Twitter), as well as better technical platform application that serves everyone, support capabilities. but has more limited functionality. In addition, because MEAPs focus on When developers want to target multiple the enterprise segment, they strive markets, however, they must still to incorporate stronger security employ application architecture best capabilities, taking into account that practices and use of a common data the applications will be used to access model to optimize the development back-end corporate information. effort across multiple platforms. For instance, SAP AG’s Sybase Unwired 5
  • 6. Mobile Development Best Practices No matter what the answer to the about such events as message arrival A key part of testing is the user foregoing questions, some commonalities and power levels. In a cross-platform experience, which can help make apply to development efforts. The environment, developers will need to add an application more successful by best results come from applying the such features. maximizing acceptance and usage. following best practices in the design With a short amount of time to develop and deployment of mobile applications. API Management and limited screen real-estate within Some of these, of course, relate to which they have to communicate any application development effort, Developers should institute a strict policy usability, developers must devote time but most take into account the regarding use of components across to researching the most effective text vagaries of mobile development. platforms, which facilitates maintenance and graphics. For global developers, and extensibility across applications the challenge is enhanced by the need on different platforms. For instance, Methodology even though the web services library to create graphics that are globally recognizable as well as culturally sensitive. Determining the design methodology is on Android™ and Apple® iOS will be key to mobile application development, implemented differently, the functions especially in a cross-platform and their underlying code are the same. Application Analytics environment where multiple efforts may Because mobile applications do not run on be underway simultaneously. Even if Security an always-connected environment where the development toolkits are different, IT can monitor clicks and other usage, it’s developers should verify that they can By definition, mobile devices are crucial to incorporate analytics features use common testing tools, project vulnerable. They upload and download that track how users interact with the management and reporting. data wirelessly, in potentially insecure application. This will not only help identify locations. They’re small and can be ongoing technical support issues, but misplaced. Think carefully about security, Development Skills not only incorporating the platform’s also reveal whether users are interacting with the application in the fashion Developers should confirm that their team inherent security capabilities but also developers expected. Analytics can also has the proper breadth and depth: breadth using other tools such as encryption for show which features aren’t used, so that in the needs of application area being sensitive data. (Remember to balance this they can either be removed or made targeted, and depth on the particular with power consumption). The ability to easier to access. Developers should also platforms being used. remotely wipe data from a lost device incorporate capabilities such as crash logs is also crucial. On the reverse side, data to track what’s gone wrong on devices as Design preservation precludes the creation they’re being used out in the real world. of an easy or even automatic backup Developers should take into account mechanism so that users don’t have to the most appropriate architecture for think about backing up stored data. Feedback Mechanism mobile applications. The best method is to The flip side of automated application develop a layered application, where the functionality remains consistent across Testing and User Experience analytics is a feedback mechanism for users. Don’t rely solely on automated platforms (while still conforming to each Application testing (especially with capabilities, but develop a capability platform’s look-and-feel), with modular real users) is often overlooked in – whether through e-mail, social pieces plugged in underneath. Within development schedules, but the fact that networking or other means (even through those modular pieces, retain identical mobile users tend to need information the application itself) – for users to report business rules and application logic. on a time-sensitive basis means that bugs and offer insight into what they applications should be more reliable like and dislike about the application. Creating re-usable platform components than desktop applications. Applications This will not only help reduce technical can help speed up application should be tested not only for usability, support issues, but also provide insight development. At the same time, but for power consumption to verify for application updates. Consolidating though, especially with cross-platform they’re not battery hogs. They should this feedback will show which features or development, developers must determine be tested with multiple browsers capabilities the most users are demanding. which features they will need to add. and on multiple carrier connections For instance, in native development, the to confirm that they accommodate operating system can notify applications both online and offline usage. 6
  • 7. Conclusion Turning Challenges into Opportunities Sustainable application development and delivery excellence requires the implementation of five steps: 1. Optimize development and testing efforts by accurately identifying which platforms to target, whether for internal or external deployment. This facilitates a better return on development and testing investment. 2. Employ consistent and reliable development practices across all leading platforms. This facilitates consistency in look-and-feel of applications, reusability of code components, and more-easily programmed updates. 3. Collaborate extensively. The application development team should incorporate coding, testing, graphical design, and user experience skills to help applications to fulfill users’ needs. 4. Tailor distribution mechanisms appropriately. This involves creating capabilities for both initial downloads through managed application stores, periodic updates, and integrated device management for security purposes. 5. Track emerging technologies and maturing standards. With mobile technology still advancing, developers should look for ways to make applications perform even more efficiently, whether in terms of speed or features. For more information on how Accenture can help you achieve your mobile application development goals, visit 7
  • 8. Contact Us About Accenture Srinivas Ramadath Accenture is a global management Mobility Software Services - Device consulting, technology services and & Platforms North America Sales Lead outsourcing company, with more than 244,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled Maurice Collins experience, comprehensive capabilities Mobile Software Architect across all industries and business functions, For more information on and extensive research on the world’s Accenture Mobility Services Or visit: most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them please scan the 2D barcode. become high-performance businesses and About Accenture governments. The company generated net revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal Mobility Services year ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page Accenture is focused on enabling its clients is to achieve breakthrough growth throughout Rights to trademarks referenced herein, other than the rapidly changing mobile ecosystem. The Accenture trademarks, belong to their respective Accenture Mobility Services group offers owners. We disclaim proprietary interest in the Involved in the industry five mobility services including consulting, marks and names of others. Accenture is a Board Observer of the software services—applications, software Wholesale Applications Community services—devices and platforms, managed (WAC), an open global alliance services, and business integration services. formed from leading organizations These are designed to help organizations within the telecoms sector, uniting a embrace business to employee (B2E), fragmented applications marketplace. business to consumer (B2C), business to business (B2B) and machine to machine (M2M) business opportunities. Accenture offers mobility and embedded software services across a wide range of industries, devices and platforms, including Symbian, Microsoft® Windows® Mobile, Windows® Phone, Android™, Blackberry®, iPhone®, Java™, Linux, and MeeGo™. Copyright © 2012 Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. 12-0097 / 11-4613 AM