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· A Dream Deferred (LS)
While watching the video, A Dream Deferred, it focused on the
African American struggle and how majority of the labor was
forced onto one race. While sharecropping, the African
Americans were able to remain together without the risk of
possibly being separated from their children. Although this was
not truly a sense of freedom, they valued the fact that they were
able to stay together. Jim Crow Laws were affirmed leaving
long term implications and causing more damage and separation
with the African Americans and Caucasians. During this time,
African American voters stopped voting due to be intimidated
and mocked for their illiteracy.
Even worse, during this time lynching was a huge occurrence.
Before the Civil War, lynching didn’t occur as often due to
there being slaves and they were considered as property,
whereas afterwards the property no longer had value. The
thought of losing their lives was a never-ending thought that
worried them. There were places that African Americans knew
they couldn’t go to prevent them from being beaten or even sent
to jail.
The African Americans began to create their own “south”.
Although they didn’t accomplish all that they wanted to, they
did make huge strides. W. E. B. DuBois was a brilliant man
that spoke loudly and profoundly seeking for fairness amongst
the laws pertaining to blacks and whites. He was an advocate
about black kids being educated. This was not just fair, or
important, it was ethically the right thing to do.
When I reviewed this video and reflected over the contents, I
can’t help but wonder with all the strides taken and all the
changes that have occurred, how do we still seem to be so far
behind? I have been faced with being ostracized due to my race
and even today there has been a few times where one of my
children has been called a racial hateful term. Change is not
just a fad, it is necessary and must be positive. I understand
that not everyone sees a problem with the history of our country
and how it was in the past vs. how it is now. However, there is
still work to be done. The fact that I am a police officer now
speaks volumes about the changes that have taken place and I
am grateful for that. No race should ever be ostracized or made
to feel less than due to the color of their skin. What additional
steps do you think can be taken to continue to work on mending
the racial divide and gaps in our county?
· EE
After the world of war ended, in America a new era came. They
called it the roaring-20's .That era introduce ford cars
and radios. People were searching for more reckless and
pleasurable lifestyles. The roaring era had a great motivation to
make new inventions. Ford learn how to sell cars in a
cheaper price and make more more cars for less money. People
were buying a lot of cars because new technology made it
possible and people were getting paid very well.. Radio was one
of the most popular inventions in the 20's. At first the radio had
a purpose to sell you items and promote ads. Afterwards the
radio was able to live voice the president and live music. Over
years of radio it didn't just became an optional item but it
became an essential for a life of an American. The invention of
the radios made it easy for people to hear a famous debate
called Monkey Trial. This debate was about teaching evolution
in public schools. This spread the word to millions of
Americans. W.E.B Dubies and fellow African Americans were
interested in this discussion. He understood that anti evolution
were scared that black and white people were related. If this
was true base on science then he felt that this will help
African Americans to be humanized. Many African Americans
supported Dubies and to show that they were a lot of creative
and artist people spreading there message. They spread there
American culture by written books and making music and this
set the stage for the civil right movements. This dispute made
many white people a campaign for racial purity of the Ku Klux
In the 1930's the Great Depression was a global problem.
Countries had to protect themselves by tariff barriers around
there economies so they can keep there business were they were
station. For this reason it help prolong the depression for years
to come. The cause of the great depression was because the
stock market crash. Reasons why the stock market crash: people
did not buy on the market because of low wages and lost of
jobs. People did not invest on the stock market because people
thought it wasn't a big deal. Banks and business were investing
in stocks as well and could not keep up with the money. Banks
use the money people saved in there account to pay the stocks
this lead to an increase of dept. Also there was a dramatic
increase in supply goods during this time. For companies to
remain profitable many business had to cut jobs and wages that
cause 13 million people to be unemployed.
· The Great Depression (LS)
The Great Depression was a devastating time for everyone. It
began in 1929. Often when discussed, the farmers that suffered
are the focus, however, it is important to note that the damage
extended way beyond farmers and their crops. President Hoover
looked for volunteerism to help people during the Great
Depression and this did not happen. There was an immediate
need of financial relief but due to his mindset he felt that people
and businesses such as churches should volunteer.
What could have possibly been done differently to avoid the
Great Depression? Some people were able to make it through
while others suffered immensely. Families had scroungers who
went to find them food. Some would take chicken or turkey feet
just to have a source of protein. It was noted that the kids
growing up during that time didn’t realize how awful it was
until they were adults. At the time, everyone around them were
going through the same thing and it didn’t seem abnormal or out
of place.
An interesting statement said in the film said “the negro was
born into the Depression, it only became official when it hit the
white man.” In an attempt to breakdown this statement, I can
only assume that the narrator was discussing growing up into
slavery and already having experienced the Depression before
anyone else even considered it a problem. The Great
Depression brought everyone pain and it was during this time
that everyone needed help and there was no judgment for
anyone needing handouts.
President Hoover is often blamed for the Great Depression due
to his cold-hearted response. Do you deem him responsible or
just a political victim of the time? There have been various
events that have taken place during my time with various
presidents and each time, I have seen them blamed and in some
cases it was inevitable. Some problems have already began to
form before a new President is in place, which is why I find it
hard to blame Hoover completely. Could his response have
been different? Absolutely. Should he have attempted to issue
some sense of assistance? Of course. Unfortunately, his
response or lack there of gave every person affected a wide
range to form their opinion which was that it was his fault.
· Great Depression (AR)
The Great Depression is known as one of the worst times in
history being that the whole economy failed. It began in 1929
and went on for many years. Men and women lost jobs shortage
of food sources, investors stopped investing money on projects.
People could no longer afford things so they would lean on
churches, financial aid, but they could not aid them during the
depression no one had the money to lend.
How could families survive the Great Depression? Multiple
families suffered extremely due to the lack of crops, jobs, and
money that was lost. Some families were not affected due to
their previous lifestyle of scrounging for food day to day
getting the left overs from fish, and chicken parts the
butchers cut off. Most kids were not affected or realized the
struggle to get through day to day with feeding all
your family members until they were adults and had to provide
for their families.
Many said President Hoover was the person to blame during the
Great Depression do you agree? As the President he promised
thousands of men payouts for the jobs they had done, when the
Great Depression hit those men and women wanted their payout
as their were promised by their president. Those men and
women that did not receive their payout had a march called the
Bonus Marchers as they marched all the way down to
Washington to declare their bonus. President Hoover declined
their wish and called in the military to aid the police as they
had them escorted back to Oregon. He rarely did made any
changes to better help aid the people during this rough time and
have a plan to help the economy move forward threw the rough
circumstances. Multiple petitions went on for a new president to
be in office. Even after Hoover was replaced in office other
Presidents had the same issues Hoover had faced during the
Great Depression. He could have taken different steps with the
economy to better aid the people, but I don't think he is fully
· Roaring 20s (AR)
The roaring 20s were a time of growth and prosperity for
America. We had the invention of cars that changed the timing
that it took to get to a specific destination and less days of
being gone away from your families. With the advancements of
cars became the invention of radios, which was huge for
America as we could broadcast information quickly without
having to leave your home. It was a key factor for getting news
to people across America as well as current voting cases.
Getting this information quickly was a new way of allowing
Americans an easier way to join in on what was going on in the
world at that given time.
Many wonder if prohibition affected the life of Americans?
Prohibition meant the ban of any person having the consumption
of alcohol. The 20s were a time of growth and expansion
making America and the families that lived there thrive. Jobs
were steady, new technologies were in the making and life was
great for most Americans. As prohibition was in affect during
these times it did not change the social interactions
amongst others and how they interacted in groups. Social life
was also not affected, everyone went about their own life and
business and did not let outside factors affect their actions of
others. Many did not agree with this law and thought it was
their own choice of when they could drink alcohol, but it did
not bring anyone down during the time of growth and
advancement with the new technologies.
· Great Depression (JA)
At this point in time, everyone has heard about the great
depression that happened in 1929 after the stock market crash.
It was the worst economic downfall in the history of the
industrialized world. You might wonder what caused the great
depression? Well, there were several key factors that lead to
this horrific economic drought. One of the main causes of the
great depression was the stock market crash. Another cause was
the overproduction of goods. corporations were producing more
consumer goods than they could sell. This prevented them from
lowering prices, in fact, everything was rising in price. The
great depression destroyed many banks and the people who had
their money in the banks saw their lifetime savings and
investments disappear. This tragic historical time frame lasted
until the late 1930s right before world war II.
Since the economy was so low, families struggled to survive.
companies were at the risk of bankruptcy, and many of them
did. teenagers and minors had to work in order to survive and
have food. Many people lost their jobs and could not find one
due to companies or stores not being able to afford employers.
Citizens were reaching out to the president for an answer and
aid but the truth was that they just couldn't. This is why many
were blaming the president and wanted to change the president.
The president, Hoover, was promising a new begging, but it
wasn't taken seriously anymore. The great depression was not
just a U.S tragedy but it became a worldwide problem. The
great depression was a global problem that devastated many
countries with a stable economy.
· The Prohibition Time (JA)
In today's society, you've most likely heard about the talks
about banning tobacco products off the market. if this sounds
familiar then you are most likely thinking about the roaring 20s,
specifically the prohibition era. During the prohibition, the
government banned the consumption of alcohol. This law has a
tremendous effect on Americans for many reasons. One reason
was that consumers were not allowed to drink beer or liquor.
with that being said people who were used to drink
regularly were getting withdraws from not drinking. You might
think this was a good thing because the government was
helping alcoholics but that was not the case.
The main purpose of the prohibition act was to decrease crime,
domestic violence and increase creativity among Americans.
Religious leaders believed that by removing alcohol
consumption, people would become better followers. instead of
helping to decrease crime, it did the opposite. Many gangsters
took advantage of this and started to distribute alcoholic
beverages illegally. This gave a lot of money to criminals
because people were desperate to drink a beer or liquor. This
also has to do with an increase in domestic violence among
families. Adults were hitting their wives and children because
they were desperate to drink alcohol. The prohibition was so
bad that the government had to remove the ban in 1933 because
the majority of adults wanted to keep drinking. Although it
seemed like the prohibition affected all Americans it really only
affected the families whose members depended on alcohol to
sustain a relationship.
· Theodore Roosevelt (KW)
Was Theodore Roosevelt a real-life superhero? I can’t think of
anyone that has a more of a documented adventurous life.
Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City. His father was
a Dutch Merchant. His mother a southern bell from Georgia.
They called him TD. TD lived in lavish safe home. He had one
brother and two sisters. TD was raised with high morals and
sheltered from most people as a baby because of his sickness,
often plagued with asthma attacks. By the time TD was in his
early teens he overcame his ailments and started spending time
outdoors collecting the same thing that all little boys collect
when they play in the forest. His father influenced him to not
only exercise his mind but also his body. When he was about to
graduate from Harvard, his father died at the age of 46.
At still a young age, TD already knew that he wanted to be a
politician, but he also loved the outdoors. He admired the
farmers. TD was an avid hunter all his life. The Smithsonian
Museum hired him to travel to Africa to collect for them. TD
was a loving father of six children. TD wrote over 40 published
books. He was the President of New York police force 1885 and
then the Assistant Secretary of the Navy 1887. All of this is
amazing life achieving goals. But wait there’s more. While still
the Secretary of the Navy. He resigned in 1898 to create the
Rough Riders, the first voluntary cavalry for the Spanish-
American War. I mean this man did all of this in his lifetime
and still became the 26th president of the United States. He was
a conservationist and created some of the first national parks.
He was known for his reserved and wise use of natural
resources. He formed the National Commission of Natural
Resources, which protected water, forest, land, and minerals. He
created the Square Deal. He was even the Mayor of New York
City. But the coolest thing that you might not have known about
TD is that the Teddy Bear is named after him. So who is your
· Labor’s Struggle (MS)
The labor’s struggle and the labor union action were intertwined
from the beginning in summer 1877. In that time more than 100
thousand workers are involved in Baltimore and West Virginia
on labor union movement. Civil rights leaders have involved
continually been labor leaders too. America's labor union
movement on their work related to the labor benefits and theirs
struggles. The reasons are most of the corporation fixed labor
wages on gender basis, people worked long hours and they got
low pay rates as well as most of the corporation had child labor
on their corporation those attempts are illegal. So, labor union
contribution preformed an indispensable function within the
labor rights struggles of the beyond and that involvement
maintains today's work environment.
Before, labor’s struggle no one corporation and company
provide any kind of labor benefits like as social security, health
insurance as well as unemployment benefits too. Throughout
our labor struggle history, the movement has accomplished a
lot. Nowadays we got weekends off or overtime pay, and others
benefits, thank the union participants who fought for the one’s
rights. After the few year's struggles in May 1st, 1886 labor
sticks establish eight hours working period a day and other
benefits that was good news for American labor history. The
labor movement was a reaction to unstable work situations.
Making sure that places of work are invulnerable is one of the
using motives that working people arrange to express their
voice. The major achievements of labor struggle are government
regulation on railroad as a government agency, good wages,
health care benefits, unemployment benefit and different rights
that make positive that working human beings can do their jobs
and contend with their families.
Each student must start at least two new discussion threads in
which he/she summarizes something learned about U.S. History
between 1877 and 1932. Your new discussion threads each
should make some kind of argument about a particular issue
from the assigned readings and/or video lessons, and each
argument should be based on specific historical evidence from
the textbook and/or video lessons. Your first post in the two
discussion threads you create should be at least 250 words,
written in complete sentences. Then, make a
substantive reply to three other students' discussion
threads within this Discussion Forum. Write your five posts
(two original threads and three replies) in complete sentences
using standard English, and please be respectful and thoughtful
in your replies.

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· A Dream Deferred (LS)While watching the video, A Dream Deferre.docx

  • 1. · A Dream Deferred (LS) While watching the video, A Dream Deferred, it focused on the African American struggle and how majority of the labor was forced onto one race. While sharecropping, the African Americans were able to remain together without the risk of possibly being separated from their children. Although this was not truly a sense of freedom, they valued the fact that they were able to stay together. Jim Crow Laws were affirmed leaving long term implications and causing more damage and separation with the African Americans and Caucasians. During this time, African American voters stopped voting due to be intimidated and mocked for their illiteracy. Even worse, during this time lynching was a huge occurrence. Before the Civil War, lynching didn’t occur as often due to there being slaves and they were considered as property, whereas afterwards the property no longer had value. The thought of losing their lives was a never-ending thought that worried them. There were places that African Americans knew they couldn’t go to prevent them from being beaten or even sent to jail. The African Americans began to create their own “south”. Although they didn’t accomplish all that they wanted to, they did make huge strides. W. E. B. DuBois was a brilliant man that spoke loudly and profoundly seeking for fairness amongst the laws pertaining to blacks and whites. He was an advocate about black kids being educated. This was not just fair, or important, it was ethically the right thing to do. When I reviewed this video and reflected over the contents, I can’t help but wonder with all the strides taken and all the changes that have occurred, how do we still seem to be so far behind? I have been faced with being ostracized due to my race and even today there has been a few times where one of my children has been called a racial hateful term. Change is not just a fad, it is necessary and must be positive. I understand
  • 2. that not everyone sees a problem with the history of our country and how it was in the past vs. how it is now. However, there is still work to be done. The fact that I am a police officer now speaks volumes about the changes that have taken place and I am grateful for that. No race should ever be ostracized or made to feel less than due to the color of their skin. What additional steps do you think can be taken to continue to work on mending the racial divide and gaps in our county? · EE After the world of war ended, in America a new era came. They called it the roaring-20's .That era introduce ford cars and radios. People were searching for more reckless and pleasurable lifestyles. The roaring era had a great motivation to make new inventions. Ford learn how to sell cars in a cheaper price and make more more cars for less money. People were buying a lot of cars because new technology made it possible and people were getting paid very well.. Radio was one of the most popular inventions in the 20's. At first the radio had a purpose to sell you items and promote ads. Afterwards the radio was able to live voice the president and live music. Over years of radio it didn't just became an optional item but it became an essential for a life of an American. The invention of the radios made it easy for people to hear a famous debate called Monkey Trial. This debate was about teaching evolution in public schools. This spread the word to millions of Americans. W.E.B Dubies and fellow African Americans were interested in this discussion. He understood that anti evolution were scared that black and white people were related. If this was true base on science then he felt that this will help African Americans to be humanized. Many African Americans supported Dubies and to show that they were a lot of creative and artist people spreading there message. They spread there American culture by written books and making music and this set the stage for the civil right movements. This dispute made many white people a campaign for racial purity of the Ku Klux
  • 3. Klan. In the 1930's the Great Depression was a global problem. Countries had to protect themselves by tariff barriers around there economies so they can keep there business were they were station. For this reason it help prolong the depression for years to come. The cause of the great depression was because the stock market crash. Reasons why the stock market crash: people did not buy on the market because of low wages and lost of jobs. People did not invest on the stock market because people thought it wasn't a big deal. Banks and business were investing in stocks as well and could not keep up with the money. Banks use the money people saved in there account to pay the stocks this lead to an increase of dept. Also there was a dramatic increase in supply goods during this time. For companies to remain profitable many business had to cut jobs and wages that cause 13 million people to be unemployed. · The Great Depression (LS) The Great Depression was a devastating time for everyone. It began in 1929. Often when discussed, the farmers that suffered are the focus, however, it is important to note that the damage extended way beyond farmers and their crops. President Hoover looked for volunteerism to help people during the Great Depression and this did not happen. There was an immediate need of financial relief but due to his mindset he felt that people and businesses such as churches should volunteer. What could have possibly been done differently to avoid the Great Depression? Some people were able to make it through while others suffered immensely. Families had scroungers who went to find them food. Some would take chicken or turkey feet just to have a source of protein. It was noted that the kids growing up during that time didn’t realize how awful it was until they were adults. At the time, everyone around them were going through the same thing and it didn’t seem abnormal or out of place.
  • 4. An interesting statement said in the film said “the negro was born into the Depression, it only became official when it hit the white man.” In an attempt to breakdown this statement, I can only assume that the narrator was discussing growing up into slavery and already having experienced the Depression before anyone else even considered it a problem. The Great Depression brought everyone pain and it was during this time that everyone needed help and there was no judgment for anyone needing handouts. President Hoover is often blamed for the Great Depression due to his cold-hearted response. Do you deem him responsible or just a political victim of the time? There have been various events that have taken place during my time with various presidents and each time, I have seen them blamed and in some cases it was inevitable. Some problems have already began to form before a new President is in place, which is why I find it hard to blame Hoover completely. Could his response have been different? Absolutely. Should he have attempted to issue some sense of assistance? Of course. Unfortunately, his response or lack there of gave every person affected a wide range to form their opinion which was that it was his fault. · Great Depression (AR) The Great Depression is known as one of the worst times in history being that the whole economy failed. It began in 1929 and went on for many years. Men and women lost jobs shortage of food sources, investors stopped investing money on projects. People could no longer afford things so they would lean on churches, financial aid, but they could not aid them during the depression no one had the money to lend. How could families survive the Great Depression? Multiple families suffered extremely due to the lack of crops, jobs, and money that was lost. Some families were not affected due to their previous lifestyle of scrounging for food day to day getting the left overs from fish, and chicken parts the
  • 5. butchers cut off. Most kids were not affected or realized the struggle to get through day to day with feeding all your family members until they were adults and had to provide for their families. Many said President Hoover was the person to blame during the Great Depression do you agree? As the President he promised thousands of men payouts for the jobs they had done, when the Great Depression hit those men and women wanted their payout as their were promised by their president. Those men and women that did not receive their payout had a march called the Bonus Marchers as they marched all the way down to Washington to declare their bonus. President Hoover declined their wish and called in the military to aid the police as they had them escorted back to Oregon. He rarely did made any changes to better help aid the people during this rough time and have a plan to help the economy move forward threw the rough circumstances. Multiple petitions went on for a new president to be in office. Even after Hoover was replaced in office other Presidents had the same issues Hoover had faced during the Great Depression. He could have taken different steps with the economy to better aid the people, but I don't think he is fully responsible. · Roaring 20s (AR) The roaring 20s were a time of growth and prosperity for America. We had the invention of cars that changed the timing that it took to get to a specific destination and less days of being gone away from your families. With the advancements of cars became the invention of radios, which was huge for America as we could broadcast information quickly without having to leave your home. It was a key factor for getting news to people across America as well as current voting cases. Getting this information quickly was a new way of allowing Americans an easier way to join in on what was going on in the world at that given time. Many wonder if prohibition affected the life of Americans?
  • 6. Prohibition meant the ban of any person having the consumption of alcohol. The 20s were a time of growth and expansion making America and the families that lived there thrive. Jobs were steady, new technologies were in the making and life was great for most Americans. As prohibition was in affect during these times it did not change the social interactions amongst others and how they interacted in groups. Social life was also not affected, everyone went about their own life and business and did not let outside factors affect their actions of others. Many did not agree with this law and thought it was their own choice of when they could drink alcohol, but it did not bring anyone down during the time of growth and advancement with the new technologies. · Great Depression (JA) At this point in time, everyone has heard about the great depression that happened in 1929 after the stock market crash. It was the worst economic downfall in the history of the industrialized world. You might wonder what caused the great depression? Well, there were several key factors that lead to this horrific economic drought. One of the main causes of the great depression was the stock market crash. Another cause was the overproduction of goods. corporations were producing more consumer goods than they could sell. This prevented them from lowering prices, in fact, everything was rising in price. The great depression destroyed many banks and the people who had their money in the banks saw their lifetime savings and investments disappear. This tragic historical time frame lasted until the late 1930s right before world war II. Since the economy was so low, families struggled to survive. companies were at the risk of bankruptcy, and many of them did. teenagers and minors had to work in order to survive and have food. Many people lost their jobs and could not find one due to companies or stores not being able to afford employers. Citizens were reaching out to the president for an answer and aid but the truth was that they just couldn't. This is why many
  • 7. were blaming the president and wanted to change the president. The president, Hoover, was promising a new begging, but it wasn't taken seriously anymore. The great depression was not just a U.S tragedy but it became a worldwide problem. The great depression was a global problem that devastated many countries with a stable economy. · The Prohibition Time (JA) In today's society, you've most likely heard about the talks about banning tobacco products off the market. if this sounds familiar then you are most likely thinking about the roaring 20s, specifically the prohibition era. During the prohibition, the government banned the consumption of alcohol. This law has a tremendous effect on Americans for many reasons. One reason was that consumers were not allowed to drink beer or liquor. with that being said people who were used to drink regularly were getting withdraws from not drinking. You might think this was a good thing because the government was helping alcoholics but that was not the case. The main purpose of the prohibition act was to decrease crime, domestic violence and increase creativity among Americans. Religious leaders believed that by removing alcohol consumption, people would become better followers. instead of helping to decrease crime, it did the opposite. Many gangsters took advantage of this and started to distribute alcoholic beverages illegally. This gave a lot of money to criminals because people were desperate to drink a beer or liquor. This also has to do with an increase in domestic violence among families. Adults were hitting their wives and children because they were desperate to drink alcohol. The prohibition was so bad that the government had to remove the ban in 1933 because the majority of adults wanted to keep drinking. Although it seemed like the prohibition affected all Americans it really only affected the families whose members depended on alcohol to sustain a relationship.
  • 8. · Theodore Roosevelt (KW) Was Theodore Roosevelt a real-life superhero? I can’t think of anyone that has a more of a documented adventurous life. Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City. His father was a Dutch Merchant. His mother a southern bell from Georgia. They called him TD. TD lived in lavish safe home. He had one brother and two sisters. TD was raised with high morals and sheltered from most people as a baby because of his sickness, often plagued with asthma attacks. By the time TD was in his early teens he overcame his ailments and started spending time outdoors collecting the same thing that all little boys collect when they play in the forest. His father influenced him to not only exercise his mind but also his body. When he was about to graduate from Harvard, his father died at the age of 46. At still a young age, TD already knew that he wanted to be a politician, but he also loved the outdoors. He admired the farmers. TD was an avid hunter all his life. The Smithsonian Museum hired him to travel to Africa to collect for them. TD was a loving father of six children. TD wrote over 40 published books. He was the President of New York police force 1885 and then the Assistant Secretary of the Navy 1887. All of this is amazing life achieving goals. But wait there’s more. While still the Secretary of the Navy. He resigned in 1898 to create the Rough Riders, the first voluntary cavalry for the Spanish- American War. I mean this man did all of this in his lifetime and still became the 26th president of the United States. He was a conservationist and created some of the first national parks. He was known for his reserved and wise use of natural resources. He formed the National Commission of Natural Resources, which protected water, forest, land, and minerals. He created the Square Deal. He was even the Mayor of New York City. But the coolest thing that you might not have known about TD is that the Teddy Bear is named after him. So who is your superhero? · Labor’s Struggle (MS) The labor’s struggle and the labor union action were intertwined
  • 9. from the beginning in summer 1877. In that time more than 100 thousand workers are involved in Baltimore and West Virginia on labor union movement. Civil rights leaders have involved continually been labor leaders too. America's labor union movement on their work related to the labor benefits and theirs struggles. The reasons are most of the corporation fixed labor wages on gender basis, people worked long hours and they got low pay rates as well as most of the corporation had child labor on their corporation those attempts are illegal. So, labor union contribution preformed an indispensable function within the labor rights struggles of the beyond and that involvement maintains today's work environment. Before, labor’s struggle no one corporation and company provide any kind of labor benefits like as social security, health insurance as well as unemployment benefits too. Throughout our labor struggle history, the movement has accomplished a lot. Nowadays we got weekends off or overtime pay, and others benefits, thank the union participants who fought for the one’s rights. After the few year's struggles in May 1st, 1886 labor sticks establish eight hours working period a day and other benefits that was good news for American labor history. The labor movement was a reaction to unstable work situations. Making sure that places of work are invulnerable is one of the using motives that working people arrange to express their voice. The major achievements of labor struggle are government regulation on railroad as a government agency, good wages, health care benefits, unemployment benefit and different rights that make positive that working human beings can do their jobs and contend with their families. Each student must start at least two new discussion threads in which he/she summarizes something learned about U.S. History between 1877 and 1932. Your new discussion threads each should make some kind of argument about a particular issue from the assigned readings and/or video lessons, and each
  • 10. argument should be based on specific historical evidence from the textbook and/or video lessons. Your first post in the two discussion threads you create should be at least 250 words, written in complete sentences. Then, make a substantive reply to three other students' discussion threads within this Discussion Forum. Write your five posts (two original threads and three replies) in complete sentences using standard English, and please be respectful and thoughtful in your replies.