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      Ten steps towards maximising
      global liquidity
      Received: 12th September, 2008

      Jane Casey
      has been with Blyth, Inc. for 12 years, serving as its treasurer for almost four years. Jane received her BA from Williams College and her
      MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. She began her career in financial services, working primarily in corporate staff
      positions at Citibank, N.A. and Merrill Lynch & Co.

      Jane Casey, Vice President & Treasurer, Blyth, Inc, One East Weaver Street, Greenwich, CT 06831-5118, USA
      Tel: +1 203 552 6619; Fax: +1 203 861 7850; E-mail:

      Abstract As companies become increasingly global, the number of banking relationships tends
      to proliferate, resulting in cash accumulating in multiple countries and currencies. Accessing that
      cash for internal purposes, whether financing seasonal working capital needs, corporate over-
      heads, debt service, dividends, share repurchase programmes or financing new ventures and
      acquisitions, is now more important than ever. In these times of unprecedented financial uncer-
      tainty, with the likelihood that credit will be less available and more costly in the foreseeable
      future, harnessing internal liquidity to reduce one’s reliance on external funding sources may
      prove critical to weathering successfully the continuing storm. The corporate treasurer, seeking
      to become a strategic partner that truly adds value by enhancing financial performance, must
      look beyond the obvious. Selecting the right banking partner and designing the right banking
      structure for one’s company are of paramount importance, but so too are the fundamentals of
      good project management, such as clarifying objectives, obtaining sponsorship, anticipating cul-
      tural resistance and combating resource constraints. This paper suggests ten thought-provoking
      steps to move today’s treasurer that much closer to success in optimising global liquidity.

      KEYWORDS: global liquidity, global banking, liquidity management, cash management

      INTRODUCTION                                                           exchange exposure, and the foundation to
      Whether working for a multibillion-dollar                              implement tax planning strategies. As such, it is
      global corporation with a presence on multiple                         important to review and address the numerous
      continents or a primarily home-based company                           component parts of the cash management
      just beginning to diversify geographically,                            process to derive the best overall result.
      there are certain guiding principles that will                            As companies become increasingly global,
      facilitate optimal cash utilisation. While the                         the number of bank accounts proliferates, such
      ultimate benefit is self-evident — enhanced                             that significant cash levels grow in different
      financial performance — it is demonstrated in                           countries and in various currencies. However,
      numerous ways, including heightened visibility                         the demand for cash, beyond seasonal working
      to the corporation’s cash position, tighter                            capital needs, may well be concentrated
      control over significant cash sums, improved                            elsewhere. Cash to fund corporate overheads,
      cash-flow forecasting — essential to making                             debt payments, share repurchase programmes
      sound borrowing and investment decisions,                              and shareholder dividends is likely to be in the
      stronger bank partnerships, reduced foreign                            home country and, while acquisitions may be

104       Journal of Corporate Treasury Management                         Vol. 2, 2 104–110   # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008)
Ten steps towards maximising global liquidity

anywhere in the world, if driving strategic                          and not intervene in matters that will adversely
growth, they are often not where the company                         affect its day-to-day operations. However, it is
is already generating significant cash balances.                      equally important to differentiate between true
In the absence of tax-efficient methods to                             business needs and mere legacy preferences.
repatriate or aggregate this cash where it is                           Longstanding relationships with local
needed, companies need to find ways to harness                        bankers may be difficult to unravel. Further, if
the underlying value. The following ten steps                        local operating units are measured on operating
may not capture every consideration relevant                         results, they have little incentive to focus on
to the individual organisation, but they                             interest income. In fact, they may even be
certainly provide a good foundation from                             willing to sacrifice yield to minimise the
which to go forward.                                                 banking fees that do affect their measured
                                                                     results. While one must be sensitive to the
1: CLARIFY OBJECTIVES AND                                            customer service benefits of local relationships,
                                                                     this must be weighed carefully against the
                                                                     opportunities provided by leveraging the
Before embarking on a liquidity management
                                                                     banking business.
initiative, articulate the objectives clearly and
ensure the requisite sponsorship from both
corporate management and key operating unit                          3: COMBAT RESOURCE
personnel. Having clear objectives will facilitate                   CONSTRAINTS
the formulation of a project plan and allow                          Management focus and IT support are two areas
accurate measurement not only of the overall                         in which resource constraints are likely.
results, but also key interim milestones that                        Management support and sponsorship should
must be met to keep the project on target. In                        largely address the management focus issue. To
addition, the treasurer will be in a better                          reinforce that commitment, however, one
position to communicate clearly objectives and                       should demonstrate to stakeholders how the
desired outcomes to the stakeholders whose                           project benefits them, either directly by
cooperation is critical to the project’s success.                    enhancing their bottom line or indirectly by
Similarly, once management understands and                           benefiting the company overall, thereby freeing
supports the project’s objectives, it can be relied                  up other resources that can be directed to
upon to address the issues that will arise, such                     meeting other stakeholder needs. Overcoming
as prioritisation, cultural resistance and resource                  IT resource constraints requires financial analysis
constraints.                                                         to demonstrate a bottom-line impact that
                                                                     justifies either making the project a priority for
2: ANTICIPATE CULTURAL                                               internal IT resources or bringing in outside
                                                                     resources to supplement the IT team. More often
                                                                     than not, it will be difficult to divert internal IT
Size matters, whether negotiating credit lines
                                                                     resources away from projects driving revenues
or seeking enhanced yield on net credit
                                                                     or reducing costs, whatever the business.
balances, so concentrating funds will lead to a
                                                                     However, a well-constructed analysis of the
better economic outcome. However, human
                                                                     beneficial financial impact of improved global
nature suggests that operating unit personnel
                                                                     liquidity should justify the cost of obtaining
will be reluctant to embrace anything that
                                                                     external resources to expedite the project.
reduces their control, especially over the cash
that funds working capital requirements. As
such, a dual strategy that provides both                             4: CHOOSE BANKING PARTNER
incentives and requirements will likely be                           CAREFULLY
needed. It is of utmost importance to                                Banks’ solutions to their customers’ needs are
understand the operating unit’s business needs                       evolving rapidly so it is important to

   # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008) Vol. 2, 2 104–110   Journal of Corporate Treasury Management             105

        understand how much experience one’s selected           reference checking — preferably not only those
        partner has in implementing the organisation’s          provided by the bank, but also those identified
        solution within its specific geographies. While          through networking. Further, gain an
        one will be able to rely more on the partner            understanding of the reference’s objectives to
        with demonstrated expertise in the relevant             understand better the relevance of their
        solution, another option is to forge a new path         experience to your circumstances.
        together — a perfectly acceptable approach as              Once the banking partner has been chosen, it
        long as realistic expectations are maintained.          is also important for the organisation to be a
           When selecting a banking partner, there are          good partner. Recognise that the global banks
        several key factors for mid-market companies.           have invested heavily in their banking
        Possibly the most important is to choose a              platforms and deserve to earn a fair return on
        banking partner that focuses on customers of a          that investment. Consider the organisation’s
        similar size. When assessing whether                    other banking needs, such as foreign exchange,
        prospective partners will provide the requisite         mergers and acquisitions advice, credit, etc and
        level of customer service, it may be tempting           consider what might be offered to them when
        to gravitate towards the big global providers,          negotiating pricing. Stepping back to consider
        which generally claim to have a middle-                 the big picture with regard to the
        market-focused group. However, it is                    organisation’s profit profile will likely assist in
        important to follow one’s instincts (and query          arriving at terms that are fair to both parties.
        references). Any treasurer with doubts about a
        potential partner’s commitment during the sales         5: CHOOSE THE RIGHT BANKING
        process can count on being disappointed later.          STRUCTURE
        When evaluating a potential bank partner,               Although it may be possible to improve the
        consider how it presents itself. Are its                banking structure of one’s organisation, it is
        marketing materials focused on the bank’s               important to remember that there is no one
        capabilities, about building relationships, or          right banking structure. In addition to the basic
        meeting its customers’ needs? Taglines convey           capabilities of the partner bank, it is important
        attitude, and sometimes the subtle nuance of            to consider the various operational, regulatory,
        messaging reveals volumes about what kind of            legal and just plain practical considerations.
        relationship is likely.                                 One of the most basic, and important, decisions
           Of nearly equal importance is the practical          is whether to pursue a notional pooling
        consideration of how the bank’s footprint               structure or one of cash concentration. The
        matches up with that of one’s own                       growth of the euro zone and the trend towards
        organisation. It is generally preferable to work        centralising treasury functions has led to the use
        directly with the banking partner rather than           of both of these strategies in a cross-border
        through affiliate banks, from both a service and          solution.
        ease of technology perspective. In addition, it            Notional pooling does not involve the
        will likely affect costs negatively if third parties     physical movement of funds; rather, it relies
        are involved. If the company is expanding, try          upon notional set-off. However, even though
        to select a banking partner that offers services         there is no comingling of funds, it may create
        in locations into which the firm is likely to            the presumption of back-to-back lending in
        expand. Ask about and evaluate the prospective          some jurisdictions. Accordingly, the
        partner’s growth plans. The ability, or lack            implications should be understood fully before
        thereof, of its representatives to articulate a         implementation. In addition, notional pooling
        cogent strategy will say a lot about its                requires all participants to agree to set-off and
        commitment to serving its customers with both           cross-indemnity provisions that may be of
        a physical presence and the necessary                   concern to some participants, particularly those
        technology. Finally, do not give short shrift to        for whom such arrangements would risk

106        Journal of Corporate Treasury Management           Vol. 2, 2 104–110   # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008)
Ten steps towards maximising global liquidity

violating any covenants they might have with                         prove problematic if no MT101 coverage is
local credit facilities. Furthermore, regulations                    available and funds need to be transferred
in various countries may not be aligned                              manually. Simply put, it is important to make
sufficiently to give the banking partner its                           sure a local bank will support fully any
requisite security. Generally speaking, notional                     regional or global solutions and ensure that
pooling is better suited to decentralised                            they adhere to certain accepted standards, such
treasury and where both credit and debit                             as ISO 20022 XML, the communications
balances exist.                                                      standard for Single Euro Payments Area
   Cash concentration does involve the                               (SEPA) credit transfers and direct debits, and
comingling of funds and gives the appearance                         SWIFTnet access. A two-step approach may
of intercompany lending. This may run afoul                          prove a pragmatic solution wherein the local
of thin-capitalisation regulations in some                           banking relationship initially remains in place,
jurisdictions and give rise to withholding taxes                     sweeping funds to the banking partner,
in others. It operates under a standard target                       enabling effective investment management.
balancing agreement and is generally better                          Through experience with the banking partner,
suited to centralised treasury where only credit                     it may subsequently become apparent that the
balances exist. In addition to not requiring the                     local banking relationship is duplicative and
cross-guarantees of notional pooling, multi-                         unnecessary. That said, when there is a high
bank cash concentration offers numerous                               volume of transactions, it is important to
benefits, including: improved control of                              understand and respect local management’s
balances, regardless of currency, location or                        perspective and concerns. For example, some
banking partner; facilitating efficient investing                      companies process thousands of cheques on a
or funding; the ability to be fully automated;                       daily basis and handle significant cash on
reduced need for short-term cash-flow                                 delivery volumes that necessitate the
forecasting; and retention of local banking                          geographic proximity of their bank and/or use
relationships while maximising return on                             of a postal account.
consolidated cash. It may, however, give rise to
more accounting complexity than pooling, so                          6: EXHAUST GLOBAL NETTING
the reporting group must fully understand                            POTENTIAL
these transactions. Fortunately, today, the                          Large, complex organisations will realise
challenges can be mitigated somewhat by                              significant foreign exchange (FX) cost benefits
advances in treasury management or enterprise                        as well as a significantly reduced number of
resource planning (ERP) systems.                                     commercial transactions by implementing a
   Once the decision whether to pursue                               global netting process. Netting involves the
notional pooling or cash concentration has been                      settlement of intercompany obligations (third
made, other questions will emerge surrounding                        parties can also be included) on a predetermined
whether or not to move operational accounts                          date, whereby each participant is subject to one
to the partner bank or merely set up overlay                         debit or credit transfer in its functional currency
accounts and sweep excess funds from the                             via a global netting centre. The netting centre
organisation’s local bank to the partner bank.                       can be managed in-house or outsourced to a
In-country accounts offer certain benefits, such                       banking partner. Netting has both financial and
as a later cut-off for domestic transactions,                         non-financial benefits, including reduced FX
maximising liquidity management. This allows                         volume, transaction fees and float, as well as
local management to keep its funds in-country,                       streamlined administrative and transactional
which may facilitate local ‘buy-in’ and                              processes. A good netting system will
represents a more simplified structure as it does                     accommodate multiple data-entry methods,
not require mirror accounts. However,                                including online entry and file imports, be
maintaining local banking relationships could                        sufficiently flexible to interface with various

   # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008) Vol. 2, 2 104–110   Journal of Corporate Treasury Management              107

        ERP or accounting systems, and demonstrate             predict future banking consolidations, give
        the necessary reporting capabilities.                  some thought to (and ask some questions
                                                               about) the potential likelihood of major
        7: CUSTOMISE THE SOLUTION                              changes with the banking partner — one’s IT
        Most companies are unlikely to find an off-the-          staff may be grateful later.
        shelf solution that will deliver the best results.        It is also important to recognise the changes
        There are many factors to consider, such as how        to the payment landscape in other parts of the
        many and which countries and currencies are            world that might affect the organisation’s IT
        involved, fluctuations in seasonal working              resources. For example, with the introduction
        capital needs, opportunity to net FX exposures,        of SEPA, companies will be able to make
        and jurisdictional tax and legal considerations.       payments more efficiently within the euro
        However, a well-chosen banking partner can             zone. As such, it is important to make sure that
        help navigate through the various alternatives         one’s local banks in Europe can support and
        to reach an effective solution. As discussed            accept SEPA payments. In addition, if working
        earlier, both notional pooling and cash                with a global payment system, ensure it can
        concentration have their challenges and offer           support SEPA payments. If not, then additional
        advantages that must be understood and                 time and money will need to be invested in IT
        explored. The optimal solution may involve             development to meet these requirements.
        different approaches by region, as the ease of
        implementation varies greatly from the USA             9: CONSIDER A PHASED
        where sweeping has become the norm, to                 APPROACH AND MANAGE THE
        Europe where its implementation has been               PROCESS TIGHTLY
        eased by the birth of the euro zone, to Latin          Two of the more obvious attributes of a phased
        America where volatile currencies are                  approach are that it allows the prompt
        frequently exchanged for US dollars, and,              resolution of issues that were not anticipated
        finally to Asia where exchange controls in some         within a limited sphere and it drives acceptance
        countries make implementation more difficult.            through the example of success. Taking the
                                                               time for a phased approach, while prudent,
        8: REMEMBER GOOD SOLUTIONS                             may conflict with timing imperatives. As such,
        ARE SCALABLE                                           the layered phased approach may be a suitable
        While it goes without saying that the solution         compromise. Similar to ‘Row, Row, Row
        must work for the organisation’s business as it        your Boat’, the popular round sung by
        is today, it is also important to make sure the        children, the layered phased approach engages
        solution is scalable for the company’s most            each new market after meeting interim
        likely growth scenario. Failing to consider            milestones in the implementation process, such
        likely future events will reduce the solution’s        that each successive market initiates
        effectiveness and necessitate efforts that might         implementation activities in a staggered
        be easily avoided if such thinking is                  fashion, rather than waiting until the previous
        incorporated into the original solution. One           market’s implementation is complete. Given
        area to focus on in particular relates to systems      the sheer volume of paperwork required by
        capabilities. If selecting a banking partner           banks in today’s compliance-focused
        whose footprint is relatively congruent with           environment, this approach will cut months off
        that of one’s own organisation, consider where         the traditional phased approach timeline while
        the organisation is likely to grow and whether         delivering the vast majority of its benefits.
        or not the banking partner is likely to be in             Once the approach has been decided and the
        concert with that. If not, it will be necessary to     stakeholders have all agreed to it, be sure to
        consider what types of workarounds can be              employ sound project management practices.
        implemented. And, while it is difficult to               On the bank side, select an implementation

108        Journal of Corporate Treasury Management          Vol. 2, 2 104–110   # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008)
Ten steps towards maximising global liquidity

manager who will best meet the needs of the                          performance and partner with the reporting
relevant markets, reflecting on such                                  group to navigate the increasingly complex
considerations as geographic location, language                      valuation and accounting landscape. A possible
fluency, cultural familiarity and ability to                          solution is to explore opportunities to automate
articulate requirements clearly. Within the                          the investment of operational cash, making this
organisation, select a project manager with a                        as passive a process as possible so that treasury
proven track record of project management                            staff can focus on the investment management
success. Of critical importance is the project                       of excess cash. Further, determine whether or
manager’s ability to partner with the business                       not it is economical to outsource the
units to provide support during                                      management of excess cash. A professional
implementation, facilitating issue resolution and                    fund manager may be able to deliver superior
marshalling additional resources when needed,                        results, net of the associated outsourcing costs.
while maintaining the authority and respect                             Once an investment strategy has been
necessary to keep the project on track.                              formulated, before investing in less liquid
Obviously, a formal project plan must be                             investments, the strategy should be stress-tested
drafted, and regularly scheduled status meetings                     not only for shortcomings in the cash
must be held with key stakeholders. In keeping                       forecasting process, but also other unforeseen
a project moving, frequency of meetings is                           developments. Every once in a while, you will
generally more important than duration, and                          be thrown a curve ball, and while it is not
stakeholders will appreciate their time being                        obligatory to hit it out of the park, no one
used wisely. Finally, be prepared to modify the                      wants to strike out. As such, one must
project plan as needed to reflect both the reality                    determine how the company will compensate
of the implementation experience and the                             for unanticipated liquidity shortfalls. Ask any
unique requirements of specific countries.                            corporate that was invested heavily in auction
                                                                     rate securities earlier this year and they will
10: REVISIT INVESTMENT                                               confirm that it is a worthwhile exercise.
Once a company has improved the visibility,                          CONCLUSION
control and efficiency of global cash, it should                       Implicit in the preceding approach is the
review its investment strategy to explore                            premise that optimising global liquidity by
opportunities for enhanced yield. Many                               moving to one global banking partner (or
companies must forego some investment yield                          fewer than today) provides the best overall
to provide for the shortcomings of their cash                        results. And, while most US multinationals
forecasting. As such, it makes sense for there to                    tend to put all their eggs in one basket,
be opportunity for improvement once the                              European corporates tend to favour a regional
forecasting achieves a higher level of accuracy.                     approach. As such, one of the first
Nevertheless, the basic tenets remain the same.                      determinations to make is whether the singular
First, determine liquidity needs, then evaluate                      approach is acceptable, particularly in light of
risk tolerance while ensuring that any                               the ongoing financial crisis. While many
additional risk offers commensurate reward                            participants in and observers of the financial
opportunity. One of the challenges facing                            services industry raised concern about the
today’s treasurer is dealing with increasing                         potential implications of certain business
excess cash balances without a corresponding                         practices (eg the excesses in subprime lending),
increase in personnel to manage the situation.                       fundamental accounting changes (eg mark-to-
Dealing with alternative investment                                  market accounting) and changing financial
opportunities will likely require additional staff                    market rules (eg short selling without the
attention to identify and qualify suitable                           uptick rule), no one predicted the freezing of
investments as well as monitor their                                 the $300bn auction rate securities market, the

   # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008) Vol. 2, 2 104–110   Journal of Corporate Treasury Management            109

        collapse of Lehman Brothers, the impending           effective trade financing, or reverse factoring if
        failure of Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and           importing from the developing world, may be
        Washington Mutual had not a knight in                easier to obtain from local or regional banks.
        shining armour galloped in, perhaps not even         Under either approach, assess the extent and
        willingly, to save the day and . . . the end of      implications of any complexity and be
        this story is still unfolding.                       prepared to focus on its challenges.
           Over the next 12–24 months, business                 The corporate treasurer seeking to be more
        leaders must make decisions for their                than a utility player in the financial infield
        companies in an environment of unprecedented         must keep their eye on the company’s strategic
        challenge and uncertainty, where actions have        objectives and focus on those initiatives that
        unforeseen results and where the likely              have the potential to deliver the maximum
        outcomes of what appear to be reasonable             benefit for their efforts. In today’s challenging
        decisions are far more difficult to discern.           lending environment, where credit is
        Business leaders must therefore test their           becoming less accessible and more expensive,
        organisation’s tolerance for ambiguity and risk.     improving, if not maximising, global liquidity
        While the advantages of a single banking             will reduce the corporation’s reliance on
        partner are fairly clear, one must not forget        outside funding sources. Harnessing global
        that diversification, although perhaps less cost-     liquidity is a key step to evolving into a
        effective and less efficient, has its advantages,       strategic partner that truly adds value by
        such as minimising counterparty risk,                enhancing financial performance. And,
        increasing competition among providers, and          whether one is a truly global player that seeks
        broadening access to liquidity sources. In           to ‘follow the sun’ or an emerging newcomer
        addition, there could be additional advantages       striving to implement best practices, focusing
        to local banking depending on the overall            on the fundamentals will improve the
        financing needs of the company, as some cost-         probability of success.

110        Journal of Corporate Treasury Management        Vol. 2, 2 104–110   # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008)

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10 Steps Towards Maximizing Global Liquidity

  • 1. Papers Ten steps towards maximising global liquidity Received: 12th September, 2008 Jane Casey has been with Blyth, Inc. for 12 years, serving as its treasurer for almost four years. Jane received her BA from Williams College and her MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. She began her career in financial services, working primarily in corporate staff positions at Citibank, N.A. and Merrill Lynch & Co. Jane Casey, Vice President & Treasurer, Blyth, Inc, One East Weaver Street, Greenwich, CT 06831-5118, USA Tel: +1 203 552 6619; Fax: +1 203 861 7850; E-mail: Abstract As companies become increasingly global, the number of banking relationships tends to proliferate, resulting in cash accumulating in multiple countries and currencies. Accessing that cash for internal purposes, whether financing seasonal working capital needs, corporate over- heads, debt service, dividends, share repurchase programmes or financing new ventures and acquisitions, is now more important than ever. In these times of unprecedented financial uncer- tainty, with the likelihood that credit will be less available and more costly in the foreseeable future, harnessing internal liquidity to reduce one’s reliance on external funding sources may prove critical to weathering successfully the continuing storm. The corporate treasurer, seeking to become a strategic partner that truly adds value by enhancing financial performance, must look beyond the obvious. Selecting the right banking partner and designing the right banking structure for one’s company are of paramount importance, but so too are the fundamentals of good project management, such as clarifying objectives, obtaining sponsorship, anticipating cul- tural resistance and combating resource constraints. This paper suggests ten thought-provoking steps to move today’s treasurer that much closer to success in optimising global liquidity. KEYWORDS: global liquidity, global banking, liquidity management, cash management INTRODUCTION exchange exposure, and the foundation to Whether working for a multibillion-dollar implement tax planning strategies. As such, it is global corporation with a presence on multiple important to review and address the numerous continents or a primarily home-based company component parts of the cash management just beginning to diversify geographically, process to derive the best overall result. there are certain guiding principles that will As companies become increasingly global, facilitate optimal cash utilisation. While the the number of bank accounts proliferates, such ultimate benefit is self-evident — enhanced that significant cash levels grow in different financial performance — it is demonstrated in countries and in various currencies. However, numerous ways, including heightened visibility the demand for cash, beyond seasonal working to the corporation’s cash position, tighter capital needs, may well be concentrated control over significant cash sums, improved elsewhere. Cash to fund corporate overheads, cash-flow forecasting — essential to making debt payments, share repurchase programmes sound borrowing and investment decisions, and shareholder dividends is likely to be in the stronger bank partnerships, reduced foreign home country and, while acquisitions may be 104 Journal of Corporate Treasury Management Vol. 2, 2 104–110 # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008)
  • 2. Ten steps towards maximising global liquidity anywhere in the world, if driving strategic and not intervene in matters that will adversely growth, they are often not where the company affect its day-to-day operations. However, it is is already generating significant cash balances. equally important to differentiate between true In the absence of tax-efficient methods to business needs and mere legacy preferences. repatriate or aggregate this cash where it is Longstanding relationships with local needed, companies need to find ways to harness bankers may be difficult to unravel. Further, if the underlying value. The following ten steps local operating units are measured on operating may not capture every consideration relevant results, they have little incentive to focus on to the individual organisation, but they interest income. In fact, they may even be certainly provide a good foundation from willing to sacrifice yield to minimise the which to go forward. banking fees that do affect their measured results. While one must be sensitive to the 1: CLARIFY OBJECTIVES AND customer service benefits of local relationships, this must be weighed carefully against the OBTAIN SPONSORSHIP opportunities provided by leveraging the Before embarking on a liquidity management banking business. initiative, articulate the objectives clearly and ensure the requisite sponsorship from both corporate management and key operating unit 3: COMBAT RESOURCE personnel. Having clear objectives will facilitate CONSTRAINTS the formulation of a project plan and allow Management focus and IT support are two areas accurate measurement not only of the overall in which resource constraints are likely. results, but also key interim milestones that Management support and sponsorship should must be met to keep the project on target. In largely address the management focus issue. To addition, the treasurer will be in a better reinforce that commitment, however, one position to communicate clearly objectives and should demonstrate to stakeholders how the desired outcomes to the stakeholders whose project benefits them, either directly by cooperation is critical to the project’s success. enhancing their bottom line or indirectly by Similarly, once management understands and benefiting the company overall, thereby freeing supports the project’s objectives, it can be relied up other resources that can be directed to upon to address the issues that will arise, such meeting other stakeholder needs. Overcoming as prioritisation, cultural resistance and resource IT resource constraints requires financial analysis constraints. to demonstrate a bottom-line impact that justifies either making the project a priority for 2: ANTICIPATE CULTURAL internal IT resources or bringing in outside resources to supplement the IT team. More often RESISTANCE than not, it will be difficult to divert internal IT Size matters, whether negotiating credit lines resources away from projects driving revenues or seeking enhanced yield on net credit or reducing costs, whatever the business. balances, so concentrating funds will lead to a However, a well-constructed analysis of the better economic outcome. However, human beneficial financial impact of improved global nature suggests that operating unit personnel liquidity should justify the cost of obtaining will be reluctant to embrace anything that external resources to expedite the project. reduces their control, especially over the cash that funds working capital requirements. As such, a dual strategy that provides both 4: CHOOSE BANKING PARTNER incentives and requirements will likely be CAREFULLY needed. It is of utmost importance to Banks’ solutions to their customers’ needs are understand the operating unit’s business needs evolving rapidly so it is important to # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008) Vol. 2, 2 104–110 Journal of Corporate Treasury Management 105
  • 3. Casey understand how much experience one’s selected reference checking — preferably not only those partner has in implementing the organisation’s provided by the bank, but also those identified solution within its specific geographies. While through networking. Further, gain an one will be able to rely more on the partner understanding of the reference’s objectives to with demonstrated expertise in the relevant understand better the relevance of their solution, another option is to forge a new path experience to your circumstances. together — a perfectly acceptable approach as Once the banking partner has been chosen, it long as realistic expectations are maintained. is also important for the organisation to be a When selecting a banking partner, there are good partner. Recognise that the global banks several key factors for mid-market companies. have invested heavily in their banking Possibly the most important is to choose a platforms and deserve to earn a fair return on banking partner that focuses on customers of a that investment. Consider the organisation’s similar size. When assessing whether other banking needs, such as foreign exchange, prospective partners will provide the requisite mergers and acquisitions advice, credit, etc and level of customer service, it may be tempting consider what might be offered to them when to gravitate towards the big global providers, negotiating pricing. Stepping back to consider which generally claim to have a middle- the big picture with regard to the market-focused group. However, it is organisation’s profit profile will likely assist in important to follow one’s instincts (and query arriving at terms that are fair to both parties. references). Any treasurer with doubts about a potential partner’s commitment during the sales 5: CHOOSE THE RIGHT BANKING process can count on being disappointed later. STRUCTURE When evaluating a potential bank partner, Although it may be possible to improve the consider how it presents itself. Are its banking structure of one’s organisation, it is marketing materials focused on the bank’s important to remember that there is no one capabilities, about building relationships, or right banking structure. In addition to the basic meeting its customers’ needs? Taglines convey capabilities of the partner bank, it is important attitude, and sometimes the subtle nuance of to consider the various operational, regulatory, messaging reveals volumes about what kind of legal and just plain practical considerations. relationship is likely. One of the most basic, and important, decisions Of nearly equal importance is the practical is whether to pursue a notional pooling consideration of how the bank’s footprint structure or one of cash concentration. The matches up with that of one’s own growth of the euro zone and the trend towards organisation. It is generally preferable to work centralising treasury functions has led to the use directly with the banking partner rather than of both of these strategies in a cross-border through affiliate banks, from both a service and solution. ease of technology perspective. In addition, it Notional pooling does not involve the will likely affect costs negatively if third parties physical movement of funds; rather, it relies are involved. If the company is expanding, try upon notional set-off. However, even though to select a banking partner that offers services there is no comingling of funds, it may create in locations into which the firm is likely to the presumption of back-to-back lending in expand. Ask about and evaluate the prospective some jurisdictions. Accordingly, the partner’s growth plans. The ability, or lack implications should be understood fully before thereof, of its representatives to articulate a implementation. In addition, notional pooling cogent strategy will say a lot about its requires all participants to agree to set-off and commitment to serving its customers with both cross-indemnity provisions that may be of a physical presence and the necessary concern to some participants, particularly those technology. Finally, do not give short shrift to for whom such arrangements would risk 106 Journal of Corporate Treasury Management Vol. 2, 2 104–110 # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008)
  • 4. Ten steps towards maximising global liquidity violating any covenants they might have with prove problematic if no MT101 coverage is local credit facilities. Furthermore, regulations available and funds need to be transferred in various countries may not be aligned manually. Simply put, it is important to make sufficiently to give the banking partner its sure a local bank will support fully any requisite security. Generally speaking, notional regional or global solutions and ensure that pooling is better suited to decentralised they adhere to certain accepted standards, such treasury and where both credit and debit as ISO 20022 XML, the communications balances exist. standard for Single Euro Payments Area Cash concentration does involve the (SEPA) credit transfers and direct debits, and comingling of funds and gives the appearance SWIFTnet access. A two-step approach may of intercompany lending. This may run afoul prove a pragmatic solution wherein the local of thin-capitalisation regulations in some banking relationship initially remains in place, jurisdictions and give rise to withholding taxes sweeping funds to the banking partner, in others. It operates under a standard target enabling effective investment management. balancing agreement and is generally better Through experience with the banking partner, suited to centralised treasury where only credit it may subsequently become apparent that the balances exist. In addition to not requiring the local banking relationship is duplicative and cross-guarantees of notional pooling, multi- unnecessary. That said, when there is a high bank cash concentration offers numerous volume of transactions, it is important to benefits, including: improved control of understand and respect local management’s balances, regardless of currency, location or perspective and concerns. For example, some banking partner; facilitating efficient investing companies process thousands of cheques on a or funding; the ability to be fully automated; daily basis and handle significant cash on reduced need for short-term cash-flow delivery volumes that necessitate the forecasting; and retention of local banking geographic proximity of their bank and/or use relationships while maximising return on of a postal account. consolidated cash. It may, however, give rise to more accounting complexity than pooling, so 6: EXHAUST GLOBAL NETTING the reporting group must fully understand POTENTIAL these transactions. Fortunately, today, the Large, complex organisations will realise challenges can be mitigated somewhat by significant foreign exchange (FX) cost benefits advances in treasury management or enterprise as well as a significantly reduced number of resource planning (ERP) systems. commercial transactions by implementing a Once the decision whether to pursue global netting process. Netting involves the notional pooling or cash concentration has been settlement of intercompany obligations (third made, other questions will emerge surrounding parties can also be included) on a predetermined whether or not to move operational accounts date, whereby each participant is subject to one to the partner bank or merely set up overlay debit or credit transfer in its functional currency accounts and sweep excess funds from the via a global netting centre. The netting centre organisation’s local bank to the partner bank. can be managed in-house or outsourced to a In-country accounts offer certain benefits, such banking partner. Netting has both financial and as a later cut-off for domestic transactions, non-financial benefits, including reduced FX maximising liquidity management. This allows volume, transaction fees and float, as well as local management to keep its funds in-country, streamlined administrative and transactional which may facilitate local ‘buy-in’ and processes. A good netting system will represents a more simplified structure as it does accommodate multiple data-entry methods, not require mirror accounts. However, including online entry and file imports, be maintaining local banking relationships could sufficiently flexible to interface with various # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008) Vol. 2, 2 104–110 Journal of Corporate Treasury Management 107
  • 5. Casey ERP or accounting systems, and demonstrate predict future banking consolidations, give the necessary reporting capabilities. some thought to (and ask some questions about) the potential likelihood of major 7: CUSTOMISE THE SOLUTION changes with the banking partner — one’s IT Most companies are unlikely to find an off-the- staff may be grateful later. shelf solution that will deliver the best results. It is also important to recognise the changes There are many factors to consider, such as how to the payment landscape in other parts of the many and which countries and currencies are world that might affect the organisation’s IT involved, fluctuations in seasonal working resources. For example, with the introduction capital needs, opportunity to net FX exposures, of SEPA, companies will be able to make and jurisdictional tax and legal considerations. payments more efficiently within the euro However, a well-chosen banking partner can zone. As such, it is important to make sure that help navigate through the various alternatives one’s local banks in Europe can support and to reach an effective solution. As discussed accept SEPA payments. In addition, if working earlier, both notional pooling and cash with a global payment system, ensure it can concentration have their challenges and offer support SEPA payments. If not, then additional advantages that must be understood and time and money will need to be invested in IT explored. The optimal solution may involve development to meet these requirements. different approaches by region, as the ease of implementation varies greatly from the USA 9: CONSIDER A PHASED where sweeping has become the norm, to APPROACH AND MANAGE THE Europe where its implementation has been PROCESS TIGHTLY eased by the birth of the euro zone, to Latin Two of the more obvious attributes of a phased America where volatile currencies are approach are that it allows the prompt frequently exchanged for US dollars, and, resolution of issues that were not anticipated finally to Asia where exchange controls in some within a limited sphere and it drives acceptance countries make implementation more difficult. through the example of success. Taking the time for a phased approach, while prudent, 8: REMEMBER GOOD SOLUTIONS may conflict with timing imperatives. As such, ARE SCALABLE the layered phased approach may be a suitable While it goes without saying that the solution compromise. Similar to ‘Row, Row, Row must work for the organisation’s business as it your Boat’, the popular round sung by is today, it is also important to make sure the children, the layered phased approach engages solution is scalable for the company’s most each new market after meeting interim likely growth scenario. Failing to consider milestones in the implementation process, such likely future events will reduce the solution’s that each successive market initiates effectiveness and necessitate efforts that might implementation activities in a staggered be easily avoided if such thinking is fashion, rather than waiting until the previous incorporated into the original solution. One market’s implementation is complete. Given area to focus on in particular relates to systems the sheer volume of paperwork required by capabilities. If selecting a banking partner banks in today’s compliance-focused whose footprint is relatively congruent with environment, this approach will cut months off that of one’s own organisation, consider where the traditional phased approach timeline while the organisation is likely to grow and whether delivering the vast majority of its benefits. or not the banking partner is likely to be in Once the approach has been decided and the concert with that. If not, it will be necessary to stakeholders have all agreed to it, be sure to consider what types of workarounds can be employ sound project management practices. implemented. And, while it is difficult to On the bank side, select an implementation 108 Journal of Corporate Treasury Management Vol. 2, 2 104–110 # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008)
  • 6. Ten steps towards maximising global liquidity manager who will best meet the needs of the performance and partner with the reporting relevant markets, reflecting on such group to navigate the increasingly complex considerations as geographic location, language valuation and accounting landscape. A possible fluency, cultural familiarity and ability to solution is to explore opportunities to automate articulate requirements clearly. Within the the investment of operational cash, making this organisation, select a project manager with a as passive a process as possible so that treasury proven track record of project management staff can focus on the investment management success. Of critical importance is the project of excess cash. Further, determine whether or manager’s ability to partner with the business not it is economical to outsource the units to provide support during management of excess cash. A professional implementation, facilitating issue resolution and fund manager may be able to deliver superior marshalling additional resources when needed, results, net of the associated outsourcing costs. while maintaining the authority and respect Once an investment strategy has been necessary to keep the project on track. formulated, before investing in less liquid Obviously, a formal project plan must be investments, the strategy should be stress-tested drafted, and regularly scheduled status meetings not only for shortcomings in the cash must be held with key stakeholders. In keeping forecasting process, but also other unforeseen a project moving, frequency of meetings is developments. Every once in a while, you will generally more important than duration, and be thrown a curve ball, and while it is not stakeholders will appreciate their time being obligatory to hit it out of the park, no one used wisely. Finally, be prepared to modify the wants to strike out. As such, one must project plan as needed to reflect both the reality determine how the company will compensate of the implementation experience and the for unanticipated liquidity shortfalls. Ask any unique requirements of specific countries. corporate that was invested heavily in auction rate securities earlier this year and they will 10: REVISIT INVESTMENT confirm that it is a worthwhile exercise. STRATEGY Once a company has improved the visibility, CONCLUSION control and efficiency of global cash, it should Implicit in the preceding approach is the review its investment strategy to explore premise that optimising global liquidity by opportunities for enhanced yield. Many moving to one global banking partner (or companies must forego some investment yield fewer than today) provides the best overall to provide for the shortcomings of their cash results. And, while most US multinationals forecasting. As such, it makes sense for there to tend to put all their eggs in one basket, be opportunity for improvement once the European corporates tend to favour a regional forecasting achieves a higher level of accuracy. approach. As such, one of the first Nevertheless, the basic tenets remain the same. determinations to make is whether the singular First, determine liquidity needs, then evaluate approach is acceptable, particularly in light of risk tolerance while ensuring that any the ongoing financial crisis. While many additional risk offers commensurate reward participants in and observers of the financial opportunity. One of the challenges facing services industry raised concern about the today’s treasurer is dealing with increasing potential implications of certain business excess cash balances without a corresponding practices (eg the excesses in subprime lending), increase in personnel to manage the situation. fundamental accounting changes (eg mark-to- Dealing with alternative investment market accounting) and changing financial opportunities will likely require additional staff market rules (eg short selling without the attention to identify and qualify suitable uptick rule), no one predicted the freezing of investments as well as monitor their the $300bn auction rate securities market, the # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008) Vol. 2, 2 104–110 Journal of Corporate Treasury Management 109
  • 7. Casey collapse of Lehman Brothers, the impending effective trade financing, or reverse factoring if failure of Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and importing from the developing world, may be Washington Mutual had not a knight in easier to obtain from local or regional banks. shining armour galloped in, perhaps not even Under either approach, assess the extent and willingly, to save the day and . . . the end of implications of any complexity and be this story is still unfolding. prepared to focus on its challenges. Over the next 12–24 months, business The corporate treasurer seeking to be more leaders must make decisions for their than a utility player in the financial infield companies in an environment of unprecedented must keep their eye on the company’s strategic challenge and uncertainty, where actions have objectives and focus on those initiatives that unforeseen results and where the likely have the potential to deliver the maximum outcomes of what appear to be reasonable benefit for their efforts. In today’s challenging decisions are far more difficult to discern. lending environment, where credit is Business leaders must therefore test their becoming less accessible and more expensive, organisation’s tolerance for ambiguity and risk. improving, if not maximising, global liquidity While the advantages of a single banking will reduce the corporation’s reliance on partner are fairly clear, one must not forget outside funding sources. Harnessing global that diversification, although perhaps less cost- liquidity is a key step to evolving into a effective and less efficient, has its advantages, strategic partner that truly adds value by such as minimising counterparty risk, enhancing financial performance. And, increasing competition among providers, and whether one is a truly global player that seeks broadening access to liquidity sources. In to ‘follow the sun’ or an emerging newcomer addition, there could be additional advantages striving to implement best practices, focusing to local banking depending on the overall on the fundamentals will improve the financing needs of the company, as some cost- probability of success. 110 Journal of Corporate Treasury Management Vol. 2, 2 104–110 # Henry Stewart Publications 1753-2574 (2008)