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  Make BIG
 Money While
  You Sleep
 Using Twitter
    By The Twitter King                         (Paul O’Mahony)

Version 1.2                      © 2010                          RRP - $97
             h t t p : / / w w w . T h eT w i t t er K i n g . n e t          0      “The Twitter King”
1 – Introduction……………………………………………………2

2 - Getting Started…………………………………………………2

3 - Getting Your Tweets Set Up…………………………………10

4 - Building Your Followers ……..……………………………...29

5 – Eleven Ways To Monetize Your Followers…………...…….39

6 – Bonus! How To Gain Massive Click Through Rate From
    Your Followers…………………………………….............…44

7 - Conclusion………………………………….…………………46

8 – Appendix & Links….…………………….…………………..47

                        Copyright © 2010 by Paul O’Mahony. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
 photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author, Paul

                                 Limit of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty:

The information presented herein represents the views of the author, as of date of publication. Because of the
 rate change in the internet and the rising of new circumstances, the author reserve the rights to update and
 alter the opinions to suit the new condition(s). The report is for informational purposes only and the author
 does not accept and responsibilities from any liabilities resulting in the use of the information. While every
attempt has made to ensure that the information is accurate, the authors and/or his associates cannot be held
  responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies. Results DO vary from person to person and is very
    much dependent on the amount of work one puts in. The author and/or his associates do not make any
guarantees implied or otherwise that a profit is assured. To get the latest updates to this eBook, visit the link
                                  below and follow the short instructions listed.                            1          “The Twitter King”
1 - Introduction:
Welcome to how to make BIG money while you sleep using Twitter. Using
social media and Twitter specifically, in my experience, is THE fastest way to
make that elusive first sale on line. Not only that, it is an easily scalable
process so once you have proved to yourself that you can sell, the next step is
to rapidly scale up to maximise potential earnings. The intent behind this book
is to share with you how I make money while I sleep using Twitter and to
provide you with all the basic requirements needed to get up and running and
making money using Twitter as soon as possible. If you apply the techniques
shared with you in this book, you will shortly be in the enviable position of
actually making money while you sleep!!

2 - Getting Started
The very first thing you clearly need to do is to set up your Twitter account
which is very straight forward. Login to and click on
“signup now”.

You will then be asked to enter your name, your username, password and
email address. The one thing to watch for here is to ensure that your username
(and full name if you so choose) if possible can be linked in some way to your
area of interest. For example, if you are into making money online, look for
options such as CashKing or if your preferred option is already taken, then
using your name followed by 001 or 101 or something of that nature. This will
let your followers and potential followers know what your main interest is.              2      “The Twitter King”
After this, be sure to upload either a personal photo or a photo that people will
like rather than a dollar sign for example, which comes across as impersonal
and could give the wrong impression (i.e. that you want to make money from
all your followers!). Bonus Tip: I’ve found that female named accounts get
more followers than male named accounts in a direct head to head

Once you have your account set up, you now need to update your biography
which is one of your first money making opportunities available to you on
Twitter. Click on “settings” on the upper right hand side of the screen.

The important boxes to look out for here are “More info URL” and “One Line
Bio”. As your username will already be set up to give your followers clues as
to what your primary interest is, you should now use your one line bio as an
opportunity to expand on this. Whatever you do, try to make yourself sound
interesting as this is what most followers will check about you to identify
common interests etc. This is important to get you more followers.

Your URL however is your first opportunity to make some money using
Twitter. Do not leave this blank! This link should either send your followers
directly to your website, your blog or possibly a review you have done of an
affiliate product you have for sale. Avoid having this link directly to a sales
page as this is not the message you want to convey to your followers, that you
see them all as your customers!

Ideally within your website or blog, you will have links to opt in pages and
sales pages and so forth, and as your followers review your site and blog, they
are starting to learn more about you and your relationship is starting to
develop and in time you have a much better opportunity of making sales.               3      “The Twitter King”
One last thing that I always do and have often forgotten to do until I open my
email account is to disable the functionality in Twitter which emails you every
Direct Message (DM) you receive and when you have a new follower. If you
forget to do this and haven’t got to your email in a week, you could easily
have over 4,000 new unread mails especially if you follow the tactics I
suggest later in relation to generating followers!!! To undo this functionality,
when you are in the “Settings” tab, click on the “notices” tab and untick the
options to receive updates every time you have a new follower or receive a
new direct message. There are easier ways to mange this which I will
reference later.              4       “The Twitter King”
Now that your “settings” are updated, I recommend that you “pimp” up your
Twitter background to really make your account stand out from others. Most
people stick with the Twitter default or use the options available within
Twitter itself. If however, you are striving to make money from Twitter which
I know you are, you must try and have as many opportunities for your
followers to see links to your URL as often as possible. I have found a new
service which I really like! It is called It is a free
tool which allows you to update your background with a large selection of
options, as well as allowing you to add your specific logo, more room for a
biography on the left hand side of the screen and of course room for your
picture and URL’s. This is a self explanatory tool and I will take you through
the     step     by    step    here     now.      (I  used    to   recommend however this is now a paid service)

Firstly, you need to register an account. Click on the “create a Twitter
background for free”.

As soon as you have this done, you will see the following.               5      “The Twitter King”
Now enter your Twitter username and email address and create a new
password for the use of I recommend that you use the same as
your Twitter password so that you don’t end up getting too confused!! When
you have the information entered, you can click on “Continue”.

You will then be faced with the following:

Now, proceed to enter your name and your website and blog URL’s. Give a
few sentences about yourself but not too long (2 – 3 lines) as you will find it
will take from the space you have to advertise more links to your sites ;-).
Choose your industry and then upload your logo (if you have one) and a
photograph (ideally the same as the one you uploaded earlier for consistency).
You are then asked for your email address which you must provide.              6      “The Twitter King”
REMEMBER to uncheck the tick box requesting that your email is shown on
your profile as this will save you from receiving lots of spam!

After this you can enter your links to multiple social media sites such as
facebook and linkedin among many others. Finally, make use of the final four
slots (Other Link 1 – 4) which allow you to enter up to four more URL’s so be
sure to use them!! I keep the font settings at the default.

Finally, look at the right hand side of the page and choose from the many
templates available. Many are free but many more have a charge but the free
ones look fine. Scroll down on the right hand side of the page and select one,
and then you are ready to click “Continue” at the bottom of the page.

You will then be taken to the page above which has a preview of your
background and options for uploading your background. Click on “Click here
to automatically post your background to your Twitter profile” to do just that!
The next page asks you for your Twitter account name and password and
when you have these filled in, click on “post your background to your Twitter
profile”.              7      “The Twitter King”
If this works for you successfully, you will see the confirmation as follows:

If not, there is no need to panic! It is very easy to upload your background
manually if Twitter is too busy. Press the back button to take you back two
pages to where you were congratulated on creating your background. Click on
“Download TwitBack” and save the background to your desktop. There is also
a detailed explanation on how to upload your background manually once you
have it saved to the desktop when you scroll down. It is included in the
graphic below also. Remember that you need to go into Twitter to your
account and then click on “settings” and “design” and you can upload it from

You will also receive an email from twitbacks with a direct link to your new
background which is a very convenient way to access your current set up and
modify as you like. Save this email in a safe place.              8       “The Twitter King”
Your background will then look something like below where you can see links
to facebook, linked in and friendfeed in the sample below. One very useful
site to update all of these sites together at once is            9      “The Twitter King”
3 - Getting Your Tweets Set Up

Ok, so now that you have your account set up in a professional manner
making it very clear what your interests are and the kind of target market you
are going after, the next money making step is in the Direct Message (DM)
that you will send to your followers when they decide to follow you.

It is important to remember that this is your first real contact with them so be
very careful once again not to come across too eager to sell something. My
advice here, given the very limited space you have, is to be interesting and
invite them to learn more about you on your website or your blog, which in
themselves should contain plenty of links to your sales pages, optin pages and
your current products, affiliate products and reviews. This is key…..don’t
come across as being too eager to sell to them as that is what so many others
are doing right now, differentiate yourself from the crowd!

The software I use for this is free and it is called This is
a brand new tool that other successful Tweeters now use to great effect. Get
started by going to the website I use this instead of
socialoomph due to the ease of set up and the additional tools available in

Now go ahead and register your newly set up Twitter account by clicking on
“don’t have an account” and filling in the appropriate blanks.               10       “The Twitter King”
Go ahead and enter a username and password to get started which isn't your
twitter account - you add those later. Once you have this done, click on
“create account” to see the following.

You are then taken to the following page:             11      “The Twitter King”
Firstly, go to the “Add A Twitter Account” on the right hand side as shown
above with the arrow. Enter the details (username and password) of your latest
Twitter account and click “Add Account”. You should then see the following:

Click on the “Messaging” tab that is up towards the top of page as indicated
above. This brings you the page shown below and your next step is to click on
“Welcome DM” as indicated below.

When you click on this, you now can enter your welcome message for any
new follower in the space provided.             12      “The Twitter King”
Enter your welcome message, with a link to your site or optin page or
wherever you chose and click “Add DM”. You can enter two more alternate
DM’s here and click “Add DM” each time and one of the three will be
randomly chose and sent to each new Twitter follower you get!




Finally select “Start Sending DM’s” and all of your followers will now
receive one of these messages. This is an amazing way of driving free traffic
to your link.

The next thing that you want to do here is to set up some messages that will be
scheduled for delivery at a later stage. This is ideal for any promotional tweets
with links that you may want to send out once or twice a day over the
upcoming days, weeks and months. If you now select the “Messaging” in the
brown tab, you will be brought to the following page.              13       “The Twitter King”
In here, you can now type out your tweet that you want to schedule, select
what date and time you choose to send it at and then just click “Schedule
Tweet”. You can repeat this process over and over to schedule a bank of
tweets all at once.

This is a great place to set up a schedule of tweets to your followers which can
provide them with content, jokes, but also some links to your sites where
ultimately you will be attempting to make sales.

There are lots of good sites that allow you to schedule your tweets for free so
if you have the time, some others you may like to check out are or, any of which will work well for you.

Here are some specifics around how you should set your tweet routine.

Option 1: Batch Tweeting

      Use about 5 – 10 tweets per “block”

      Try to use a 3 : 1 content/promotional tweets ratio minimum

      Same content/promos may be repeated between batches
      (just change up the order a bit)

      Limit one squeeze page promotion per batch

      Promo tweets should follow the content tweets

      Shorten long URLs with click-tracking)

      The entire block should be tweeted within 5 – 7 minutes
      (i.e. one tweet every 30 – 60 seconds)

      Each tweet block should contact a mix market-specific content and
      general content

      Repeat approx 3 -5 times per day

Option 2: Continuous Tweeting

An alternative to this which also works well is to continue tweeting through
the day with a ratio of 2 : 1 content/promotional tweets ratio minimum. Three
to four tweets an hour using this tactic would be more than enough. Instead of
niche specific content, jokes or quotations can work very well too.

For Market-Specific Content, you can use any of the following sources:              14      “The Twitter King”
Google Alerts – h
AllTop –
Digg –

For General Content, you can use any of the following sources:
StuffToTweet –

I personally use a paid tool to schedule all of my tweets (promotional, jokes,
quotes, news feeds etc). It is absolutely amazing and head and shoulders
above anything else out there at present. It allowed me to explode the number
of sales I made directly from Twitter due to its amazing features which
include providing the jokes and quotes for you, complete tweet randomisation,
unlimited sequencing features, ability to create ratios of promotional to non
promotional tweets as well as in built controls that ensure you tweet within the
outlined rules and regulations of Twitter. This tool is available at

Once you have your tweets all set up and ready to go, the next step is to be
able to monitor how many of your followers are actually going in and viewing
your links. I use to do this.

So click on the site and click on “Sign Up” in the upper right hand of the
screen.              15      “The Twitter King”
Fill in the blanks and I would recommend that you use your most used Twitter
account name to save you having to try and remember different names for all
your accounts.

Now that you have this done, you are asked to enter in the website link or
affiliate link or whatever link at all you intend using.

Once you do this, you are able to monitor exactly how many clicks you are
getting and can also even watch graphically minute by minute how many
clicks you get in response to various tweets that you are sending out! I find            16       “The Twitter King”
this an amazingly powerful tool. For example, on the graphic below, it shows
that I have received 18,000 clicks since this campaign was set up three weeks
ago and how when I sent out a campaign at 11.45am that I received 62 clicks
directly to that site in just three minutes, so this is a good way of comparing
how well your tweet attracts your followers.

Coming back to the part earlier in the chapter when there was a request to
enter your Bitly key login and API key; your username that you selected to
register is your Bitly key login. Finding your API is a little more complicated.
Click on the “Account” icon on the upper right hand side of the screen and
your API key is the very long mix of characters and numbers presented for
you to copy and paste to wherever you need it.

      You may now want to automate your account further through the use of
      RSS feeds, which are “Really Simple Syndication" or sometimes "Rich
Site Summary” and are instantly recognizable from their symbol. This is a
little complicated and it doesn’t specifically guarantee you that you will make
any cash from this as it will not promote any of your products. It is a
convenient way however of automating your tweets with some general content              17      “The Twitter King”
which will be of interest to your followers, so for the sake of completeness, I
will include it here.

Firstly, I use the free software to tweet the RSS feeds
to my accounts. Once again you will need to login to this site and set up an

Click on “Register Now” and enter your email address and password and click
“create account”.

You will see the following.             18       “The Twitter King”
In the “Feed Name” section, type the name of the topic you would like to send
some new feeds about e.g. real estate, gardening or whatever your niche is. It
doesn’t matter what you type in here as it is only for your records.

The next step is to find the RSS feed you are going to use. Depending on the
topic you just selected, you now need to find an RSS feed for this. Don’t
worry…. this is not as complicated as it may sound!

Log into and into “My account”. If you do not have an
account already set up, you will need to set one up here. If you have a gmail
account, you are already registered with google and you can use this as your
sign in. Click on “Sign in” on the upper right hand side.             19      “The Twitter King”
Now enter your log in details.

The next thing is to get to the alerts which can be tricky to find! Don’t worry,
just follow the screen shots below.

Now you can select “Alerts” from the next page.              20      “The Twitter King”
Now you are ready to start setting up your alerts. Enter the keyword you want
to choose as your feed (“Twitter” used in the example below). Leave the
“Type” as “comprehensive”. Change the “How often” to “as it happens” and
change “Deliver to” to “Feed” as below. Now create on “Create Alert”.

Now, your feed is listed. In the screen shot below, it shows four feeds set up
including “Twitter” which we just set up.             21      “The Twitter King”
To view the feed, click on the name of your new feed on the left hand side
which is “Twitter” in the example above.

This will then give you a view of the type of feed available on this topic such
as you see below which you should review for suitability for your following.

Now click on the back button as shown above to bring you back to the list of
feeds again.             22       “The Twitter King”
Ok, now you have reviewed the feed and I will assume you are happy with it.
If not just, select the “New Alert” on the bottom     right to try out another
feed. The next step is to click on the orange         feed icon as shown
above and it will bring you to the page you see next below.

Now, copy (right click on mouse and select copy) the RSS feed which is in the
main URL section at the very top of the webpage.

Now that you have this copied, you are ready to go back to your Twitterfeed
page and enter the feed you have copied into the appropriate section, which is
“RSS Feed URL”. Paste it (right click on mouse and select paste) into the
space shown with red arrow on next graphic.             23       “The Twitter King”
Now click on “test rss feed” to test that it works correctly.

Now you can enter into the “Advanced Settings” and select how often you
want to post the feeds, and then choose “title only” under “post content” as
“title & description” will usually be too long as a feed. When you have this
done, you are free to select “create feed” right down the bottom.               24       “The Twitter King”
This will result in you getting the page below.

The next stage is to click on “Twitter” as shown above. This brings you the
step where you choose which Twitter account you want to send this feed to.              25       “The Twitter King”
Click on the big blue icon “Authenticate twitter” to see the following.

Enter the username and password of the Twitter account that will be receiving
these news feeds. When you do this, your newly authenticated Twitter account
will automatically appear on the next page in the drop down menu as
indicated below for “solutionsboy”.              26      “The Twitter King”
Click on “Create Service” at the bottom of the page to bring up the following:

Select “All Done” and you will receive confirmation of set up as follows:             27       “The Twitter King”
Be sure to go into your Twitter account to ensure that it is functioning
correctly for you and if not come back and check your settings. It is also
possible to add multiple feeds to the same account following the same process
outlined above by going to “Go to Dashboard” and clicking on the “+ Create
new feed” icon on the upper right hand of the screen.

My advice is to start sending your tweets and feeds right away ahead of
getting any or many followers as many potential followers will like to see that
you send plenty of tweets before they make the decision to follow you.

Congratulations on getting through this section as it is quite tricky, but now
you are sending out some phenomenal content, all up to date and tweeting as
it happens so your following are going to love it and it will begin to
distinguish you as an expert in your niche!             28       “The Twitter King”
4 - Building Your Followers

By now you should have all your tweets set up ready to go, your RSS feeds in
place, your profile in good shape with all your links to websites set up and
your tracker software ready to monitor your success, but you still haven’t
made a cent!! There is good news though! That was the difficult piece and
from now on the work is much simpler and can get quite repetitive. In order to
make any cash on line, you need customers, which in your case are some
followers! So now let’s get stuck into this.

The following steps which I will outline are how I attained over 30,000
followers in under 35 days across four accounts. So before you move onto this
section, you may want to go and set up more accounts to repeat the level of
following that I had or of course you can proceed with just the one for now.
Getting started can be quite slow and it involves following 50 - 100 people per
account per day. The main tool I use for this is to
get this started. It is an amazing tool which allows you to find out who is
speaking about the topic you are interested in.

Enter in the keywords that you are interested in such as “affiliate marketing”
as shown below and it brings up a list of all the tweets currently matching
your request, what the tweets say and the tweeters involved. This is useful as
just because another software tool has found your chosen search words, it
does not distinguish between tweets for example that may say “I absolutely
hate affiliate marketing and will kill the next one that follows me!” and
“please tell me more about affiliate marketing”. So it allows you to really
handpick potential customers of yours.             29       “The Twitter King”
You can now follow each of these tweeters individually who fit your criteria.
This page also continues to update while you have it open. You may also use
the “advanced search” icon to really get very specific about your search.

One other tool that is useful here in when you are being very specific in what
you are looking for is which in essence is the yellow pages
of Twitter.

Once you have reached about 200 followers using the methods outlined above
which should only take a couple of days, if even that, you are faced with a
choice. You can continue to handpick the exact followers that you want or you
can decide to speed things up a little which may mean the loss of some of the
specificity of the tweeters you start to follow. If like me, you want to speed up
the process of getting followers, let me introduce to a great tool available at This tool allow you to follow up to 50 followers at a time,
reciprocate with your followers which means that you can follow back those
who are following you with the provision to block some of your unwanted
followers if necessary.

So as you will see this is a phenomenally powerful tool. To get started, I
would recommend that you use the feature which allows you to mass follow
but at the same time be specific about the type of person you are following.
When I stated earlier that you may lose specificity when you mass follow like
this, you are still going to see who you are following and they will be specific
to what you are looking for, but you will not know exactly what they are
tweeting about but I think the upside far outweighs the downside!

To start, go to and log in with the Twitter by selecting
“login with Twitter” just above the “Go” button.              30       “The Twitter King”
Enter your Twitter account details when you see the following.

This brings up the following page.             31      “The Twitter King”
You are now ready to find followers who are interested in your specific niche.
Go ahead and enter specific keywords that are of interest to you, like for
example “affiliate marketing” and search for this in either people’s bio’s,
locations, names or tweets. I usually choose “Tweets” here so go ahead and
choose “Tweets” after you have entered your keywords and press “GO”.

Now you can see a list of 50 people who are tweeting about your chosen
category. I recommend that you take a quick browse down through the 50 and
watch out for any unwanted tweeters you will see some from time to time!
Choose either “select all” or hand pick whom you wish to follow back and
when you have ticked those choose the “Follow” button. Once you have this
done, Buzzom tells you which followers it has added.             32      “The Twitter King”
To repeat this process, press the “Refresh list” icon. Then press “select all”
again and you will have those people added. If you find on the second or third
refresh that many of those people are already added as Buzzom will tell you,
you can consider switching to search in “Bio” or “location” or “names” as
opposed to search in “Tweets”, however do remember Twitter do not look
kindly upon mass following so be careful not to follow more than you should.

My advice is when you start out, do not follow more than 300 people than are
following you until you have over two thousand followers. When you are
between 2000 – 4000 followers, following somewhere between 300 – 350
more than are following you is reasonably safe. The ratio I find to be
reasonably safe once over 4000 is about 1.08 and I would not advise to go
over and beyond this. So let’s say you had 10,000 followers, you should not
be following more than approx 10,800 people or there is a high possibility of
suspension. The calculation to use is (# of followers x 1.08 = max # of people
I should follow).

An easy rule of thumb over and beyond 10,000 is never to be following more
than the current 1000 bracket you have as followers i.e. if you have 15,3000
followers, do not follow any more than 15,999 until you have 16,000
followers. Although when you get within 200 or so of the new limit, it seems
to be acceptable to add 100 or so in the new bracket.

All a bit confusing isn’t it!! I learned about the limits through trial and error
and suspensions and I can not guarantee that these guidelines will work every
time as the rules can change at any time. But my advice is for you to always
err on the side of caution and do not to go beyond 1.08 following to follower
ratio when above 2000 followers even if buzzom allows you to.

One point to note here is that buzzom can often bring up an error saying that
you can not follow anymore followers at this time which is shown below. This
will happen with some of your accounts more than others and seems to be a
glitch. You will find that some accounts will grow much faster than others.

Ok, when you have tried this out for a bit using keywords that are suited to
your niche, there are some tools that are even more powerful available free too
with buzzom. Click on “Twitin” on the top of the page as shown below.              33       “The Twitter King”
This brings up the page seen below.

The first thing I recommend is that you follow people who are following you.
Click on “Reciprocate” in the blue button, and then take a look through the
pictures of those following you and if you are interested in following them
back, select them, and then select “reciprocate” in the grey button.            34      “The Twitter King”
Again, just like before you will see a breakdown of who you have now

Just like before, buzzom can often bring up an error saying that you can not
follow anymore followers at this time which is shown below. This will happen
with some of your accounts more than others.

One question I get asked a lot is “I am following 2001 people and I have been
stuck with 1500 followers for the past 2 weeks, how can I fix this as I can’t
follow anymore people and my progress has completely stopped?”. You are in
good company here as this happens to almost every tweeter except celebrities
of course who tend to have more followers than those they are following! So
what you need to do now is imitate the celebrities!! Yes, you need to try to get
somewhere near the point of you having more followers than people you are
following, at least try and get within a few hundred anyway. Thankfully this
is not a difficult task!!              35      “The Twitter King”
Once again Buzzom comes to your rescue here. We will now move on to the
“Flush” feature which is just like what it describes, you flush away users you
follow who are not following you back. This time you choose the “Flush”
button at the top and then you are presented with a list of all those you are
following who are not following you like as seen below.

You can “select all” like before, or you can handpick who you choose. It is
wise to handpick as you may be following celebrities or others who will not
be following you but you may still want to follow them. Once you have
selected those whom you want to unfollow, click the grey “flush” button.
Then you should get confirmation that you no longer follow these users. If
you want to permanently flush them so that you do not follow them again,
choose “flush and block” instead of “flush”.

One very important thing to remember here is that Twitter also does not look
fondly upon the mass flushing of followers as they know it is a tactic
employed to allow people follow more. What to watch out for here is that you
do not overdo it in terms of the volume of people you unfollow at any one
time or in the frequency that you do it. My suggestion is to unfollow only
what you need to. For example if you are at a limit like 2000 followers as
mentioned earlier, bring yourself back to following only 1800 people which
gives you enough room to breathe. If you unfollow about 150 – 200 people
each 3 – 4 days, you should not attract attention to your account and will be
able to go on following others. Also, if you are not getting many people
following you back, take a look at your tweets as they just may not be
interesting enough.

Another useful and quite amazing feature is the “crossfollow” function which
allows you to follow people who are following somebody else in your niche.
This saves you the hassle of seeking people out through keywords and gives             36      “The Twitter King”
you the list right there! So when you enter the name of someone well known
in your field, their list of followers will pop up and you can follow them ….
Great!! It is as almost as good as getting access to the person’s mailing list!
One note of warning, quite often it does not bring up any names but it is worth
trying often. The crossfollow is on the right hand side of the page as shown

Enter the name of someone in your niche who has lots of followers and press
“Go”. You can then decide to follow these just like shown earlier for specific

One last feature which is relatively new to Buzzom and is quite interesting is
the “TwitIn Stats” available on the column on the right. It gives you a break
down of your followers and ranks you under different measures which it has
created to measure the health of your account. It also gives you advice if your
score in a particular area is quote low as to how you can fix it which I think is
a useful little feature!              37       “The Twitter King”
Ok, ok, I know you must be thinking “that is a hell of a lot of work!!” and do
you know what, starting out it can be, especially with multiple accounts but it
doesn’t have to be☺! As soon as I made my first two sales, I decided to at
least partially “outsource” the task! This is the first paid tool so far that I am
recommending and remember you don’t have to pay for it, you can just
continue to do what I recommended. But, my thought process was, ok, I want
to find software that will manage my accounts. By “manage”, I mean
managing my auto tweets, selecting and choosing my followers, following
them for me, removing those who don’t follow me after a certain number of
days, mimic other people’s followers, rotate my biography to keep it
interesting, manage my direct messages, all without breaking any of the
rules!!! Then I thought ok, well how much would I be willing to pay for this
per month which is really a reflection how I valued my time. The tool
recommended to me by my friend who is a software designer for Twitter
applications (so he should know!) was or
tweetspinner as it is known. The cost is currently $15 per month which, for
what it does, in my opinion is tremendous value and it is the price of less than
one sale on most affiliate products. You could possibly use this as an incentive
to yourself to make your first sale and then you can hand over all the dirty
work to a software program allowing you to focus on what to tweet and
choosing or creating your products!

There is a free version available with limited functionality and the main
drawback is that it will only manage one account for you and I can tell you
from my own experience that I did not have success getting followers with
this version. As this is a paid product, I will not do a step by step overview as
it is quite self explanatory but I will be creating a video on youtube to step you
through the set up if you are interested, which will be posted in my blog at It’s totally up to you as to how much time you
are willing to spend on getting followers yourself or paying for it. I have
found that it comfortably gets you close on 500 followers a day when you are
at the 30,000 follower mark or so.              38       “The Twitter King”
5 – Eleven Ways To Monetize Your Followers

Now that you have your followers in place and are using either an automatic
or manual system to continue getting more and more followers on a daily
basis, you should start thinking about how to make money from your
followers while continuing to entertain them of course.

NOTE: My advice is not to try and sell anything or promote any products until
you have at least 2,000 followers in your account.

I am going to outline eleven different methods that you can use from the very
basic to the more sophisticated. These are as follows; 1. Getting clicks and
purchases directly from your Twitter home page, 2. Getting clicks and
purchases directly from your introductory DM, 3. Selling affiliate products
directly, 4. Selling affiliate products from reviews or your website, 5. Selling
your own product 6. Building a mailing list, 7. Renting your account,
8.Agreeing to a pay by sale agreement with other sites, 9. Giving away a free
product and 10.Sending followers to your sites set up with Google Adsense,
11. Sending followers to Amazon or Ebay links.

There are other means too but this should be enough to get you started!

1. Getting clicks and purchases directly from your Twitter home page

The first means of making cash from your followers is to have your URL
referenced on your Twitter home page in as many places as is possible. If you
have followed the instructions outlined in chapter 2, you will already have this
in place with your URL and possibly your logo visible on both the left and
right hand side of your Twitter home page. There is not much else for you to
do here, this tactic is now set up for you!

2. Getting clicks and purchases directly from your introductory DM

This method is much more powerful than tactic 1 as your automated direct
message tweet will be sent to every one of your followers. This is the
equivalent of sending an email to each follower with a link to your home site
or blog. This can be a very powerful tool and you will already have this in
place if you followed the steps in chapter 3. Remember to make your DM as
interesting as possible to convert your DM’s into clicks to your site.

3. Selling affiliate products directly

Selling affiliate products via a direct link to a sales page from your tweets,
direct messages (DM’s) or bio is by far the easiest option but one I don’t
recommend the over use of! If you don’t understand the terminology, an
affiliate product is somebody else’s product that you try and sell for them to              39      “The Twitter King”
make a commission. This is definitely the easiest but also the crudest way of
making money from your followers and a method which will cause you to
lose followers very quickly. There are many millionaire’s online today who
have made their money purely through selling other people’s information
products but they use much more sophisticated methods. I am a fan of affiliate
products especially in order to get you making your first dollars online but if
you are going to use them please use option 2 so you don’t undo all the good
work of getting your followers.

4. Selling affiliate products from reviews or your website

The easiest way to get started with affiliate products is to go to and register with them and find the top products for sale
in your niche. Once you have this completed, set up as an affiliate for these
products (2 -3 max for starters), turn your hoplink into a link as
described in chapter 3 and you are ready to roll. (All of this except the
piece is explained in the clickbank website). Now what I recommend you do
next is to create 3 – 5 minute videos reviewing the product and why people
should buy it. All the info you will need for this will be in the sales page.
When you upload the video to for example, be sure to
have your link to the product beside the review.

I have used and still use with great success a product from a very successful
Internet Marketer named Julia Serbanete which shows you how to create
effective videos and to leverage to skyrocket your sales. Using
her strategy combined with your free Twitter traffic generated using the
methodology described in this book will absolutely skyrocket your sales! Her
product is available here with a free 20 minute video.

What you tweet to your followers is the link to the video itself so that they can
get to know you and see what you think of a particular product. By doing this,
your relationship grows and they can see that there is a real person behind the
tweets and not an aggressive affiliate marketer.

You may also send your followers to your blog or website which contains
reviews of the product and can have the youtube video embedded also but
most importantly has your link to the product sitting next to it. These
strategies will help increase your sales dramatically.

Just so you are aware, since I have been asked to include these, my top two
selling affiliate products are currently a free Affiliate Supertips Ebook with a
killer sales page that sells like crazy and secondly, Subliminal software which
is an excellent product which I use, that helps you condition your mindset to
achieve your personal success. The links are below:

Affiliate Supertips free ebook:              40       “The Twitter King”
Subliminal software:

One thing to note with the Affiliate Supertips product is that you have to
purchase from the free ebook first before you can sell it on, but read the free
ebook and you’ll see what I mean about a convincing sales pitch. Also in the
interest of full disclosure, both links are my own affiliate links to these
products but you should set them up similarly in your blog!

5. Selling your own product

The most ideal products to sell online if you have them already created are of
course your own! Some golden rules to remember if you are selling your own

      If you are selling your own product, be sure that your Twitter followers
      can see that this is clearly a product aligned with your niche, so you are
      being considered an expert.
      Send your Twitter followers to a review of your product either in article
      form or video form as just described above.
      Do not undo all the good work you have done in creating your own
      product by sending your followers directly to the opt in or sales page all
      of the time. Although this is not as much of a crime when it is your own
      product as it is for an affiliate product, it is good practice to mix up the
      tweets to send followers to reviews of your products also. A follower
      who may have read your sales page previously will quite possibly buy
      from you when they get to hear you personally review or someone with
      credibility in that niche review your product.
      Get them up on and have others sell them for you!

6. Building a mailing list

Probably the cleverest use of your Twitter followers and the first task you
should set your mind to once you have over a couple of thousand followers is
to try and convert them into subscribers to your emailing list. There are full
products for sale online on this topic and it is a subject deserving of an ebook
in itself. But to keep it simple, if you have your own product, you can tweet
directly to an optin page or the preferable option as stated earlier is to send
your followers to a review of your product or affiliate product on youtube, in
an article or on your blog or website and have your link to the opt in page
there. A great way to encourage followers to go to your optin page and to give
you their details is to provide them with a free product if they sign up.
Alternatively, if your free videos deliver value to your followers consistently
over time, they will be quite willing to opt in to hear more from you.              41       “The Twitter King”
Once you have your followers on your opt in list, you then have a group of
people that you can continue to market to repeatedly with a much higher
success rate. These guys will also be more interested in higher priced back end
products which you may have.

7. Renting your account

This is a tactic that can be used but the tenants will have free reign as to what
they do to your account including the background. If you want to take
advantage of some passive income and not worry about trying to sell your
own products to them, this could work for you. I have used for this purpose.

8. Agreeing to a pay by sale agreement with other sites

Another option open to you which is preferable to option 5 in my opinion is
using a website which will advertise others products through their own tweets.
What this entails is that you register with a particular website who pay
tweeters with accounts of a certain size to tweet for their clients. You have full
control over how many are tweeted, which tweets you are willing to tweet,
you can even re-word the tweets as you would like it and can stop it at any
time! You receive a commission on any sales made so it is quite similar to
affiliate marketing. I use for this and I find them quite
good but you wont get rich from this tactic but a nice income generator!

9. Giving away a free product

Giving away products is now the number one BEST way to make money on
line in the current climate. Giving away anything for free is great because
everybody loves freebies whether you can afford it or not, you would rather
get it for free! Giving away a product of values is even better, and a free
product that is linked directly to your primary product best of all! There are
many ways of using this tactic all of which will help you make sales. The
most basic is to send your followers directly to a site where they can
download it for free and they will hopefully remember you for that act of
kindness! You can also of course send them to an optin page where your
followers have to give you their details to get it and hey presto, you have them
in your list to be marketed to over and over again!

One amazing tool which is “available” free online is
The functionality of this free site is phenomenal! Twiveaway can set up
competitions for you that your followers have to enter to win the free ebook!
You can also set up a campaign which will only allow followers who retweet
your link to their followers to access the free ebook and likewise if those
retweets are tweeted to their followers, they can access it and so on, which is
completely viral and could result in you getting access to tens if not hundreds              42       “The Twitter King”
of thousands of followers who not only may follow you back but will also
download your ebook and get to know who you are and what your main
product for sale is! This is when you can start to make serious money out of
Twitter! You are not annoying anybody and you are delivering value. In case
you are thinking, “but I don’t have any free products”, Twiveaway have a
vault of free products that you can give away and check out for 10,000’s of free ebooks! Just before you run off and
start clicking onto those sites immediately, the bad news is that having
checked it tonight, says it is currently closed to new
members but keep building your followers and continue to check on a daily
basis to see when you can join up again.

10. Sending followers to your sites set up with Google Adsense

A very simple means of getting passive income through having Twitter on
autopilot is when you are sending tweets that are linked to your website or
blog, be sure that you are set up with Google Adsense so that you can get paid
for every click that each follower makes within your site. Simple but very
effective! Watch your site boost up the Google rankings too if you can
continue to send your followers there. Also, take a look at setting up ebay,
amazon and clickbank plugins which give you three more monetizing

11. Sending followers to Amazon or Ebay links

Another very simple means of getting passive income through having Twitter
on autopilot is when you send tweets that direct people to an offer on Amazon
or Ebay. Let me explain this a little more. Anyone can sign up to Amazon and
Ebay as an affiliate. Once you have done this, if you tweet your affiliate link
to any product on Amazon or Ebay, you get paid if a follower of yours buys
anything from Amazon or Ebay! This is extremely powerful!! Amazon and
Ebay are designed to sell to consumers, so as soon as you can get someone to
these pages, they may remember something that they had planned on buying.
Once they buy, you get paid … magic!!             43       “The Twitter King”
6 – Bonus Section! How To Get A Massive Click Through Rate
From Your Followers

When I started writing this book, I had not intended to write a section on this
topic. However, when I was at a recent Internet Marketing conference, when I
presented the statistics that I had in relation to click through rates from my
followers to my sites, it completely astounded other internet marketers in the
room who wanted to know what my secret was!

In reference to the example I show below, I tweeted a link to a particular
product starting on August 5th to three separate Twitter accounts with
approximately 15,000 followers between them. I ran the campaign for seven
days and you can see the results below for yourself. I received over 13,000
clicks through to the site in seven days and even after the campaign ended,
there were approx 1,500 residual clicks over the next few days.

This is getting close to nirvana in search engine optimisation as this is FREE
TRAFFIC!! And not only that, but it is traffic from the niche you are selling to
so that is why these stats are so exciting! So imagine how you can take
advantage of the methodology I just showed you in terms of monetizing your
followers with this kind of click through rate!

                                                      >13,000 clicks

So how did I do it? Well, it’s not overly difficult really. I compared the tweets
that I write versus some other internet marketers in the room who were selling
the exact same product. The difference? Well there was a big one, the style of
the tweets. In the case of the subliminal mind conditioning software I
mentioned earlier, some of the tweets which were being used by other
marketers were something like this “Click here to find out how to recondition
your mindset while using your laptop <link>” which is ok and does get clicks.              44       “The Twitter King”
What I have found however is to try and write your tweet using the following

      Write in a non obtrusive way
      Do not make it sound like a sales pitch
      Grab your followers attention and peak their interest
      Make it sound like there could be an interesting article to follow
      If possible, make it funny so that it will be retweeted also for a viral

An example of a tweet I used for the Subliminal Power product was “People
fear public speaking more than death! At a funeral, people would rather be in
the coffin than giving the eulogy! <link>”. Its these subtle differences that can
make the difference of 1 sale a week to 50 sales a week to the same followers
purely by getting people to click into the sales pitch or other.              45       “The Twitter King”
7 - Conclusion

Congratulations on making it to the end!!! I did my best to fill this with as
much useful content as possible so it will take time to get through particularly
if you have been following in a step by step manner. I really hope that you
believe that this book exceeded your expectations in terms of the value
delivered to you and I encourage you to get started immediately and take

So to boil it down to the bare minimum for you,

      Get your account set up and looking professional
      Automate a good proportion of your tweets
      Get followers, entertain your followers and keep your followers
      Promote a good product(s) through reviews
      Increase your earnings through taking advantage of the other
      monetizing methods recommended
      Write your tweets in an interesting, witty way
      Wait for the cash to roll in ☺

Best of luck on your journey!              46      “The Twitter King”
8 – Appendix & Links

Tweet: The message of 140 characters or less that you send from your
account to all of your followers.

Tweeter/Twitterer: I use these terms interchangeably as anyone who is
sending or receiving tweets on Twitter.

RT: This is a “retweet” which is when you receive a tweet that you like and
forward it on to your followers just like you may do with a joke you receive
via email.

DM: A direct message is a tweet message sent to one individual only. It is just
like a personal email sent to one person only rather than their full list. They
are not seen by all of the other followers.

RSS Feed: Really Simple Syndication but sometimes Rich Site Summary. In
essence a news feed source that you can automate in your account.

API: This for "Application Programming Interface". An API is just a defined
way for a program to accomplish a task, usually retrieving or modifying data.
In Twitter's case, it provides an API method for just about every feature you
can see on its website. Programmers use the Twitter API to make applications,
websites, widgets, and other projects that interact with Twitter. Programs talk
to the Twitter API over HTTP, the same protocol that your browser uses to
visit and interact with web pages. is a website that allows you to shorten your full weblink to
one that is usually no longer than 15 characters.

Click Through Rate: Measures the rate at which people who see your link
click on it.             47       “The Twitter King”

Any feedback on this book or queries on my other products that you may be
 interested in will be gratefully received as a posted response on my blog at or via mail at
                                  Thank you!!            48       “The Twitter King”

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  • 1. ZZZZZZZ = $$$$$$$$! Make BIG Money While You Sleep Using Twitter By The Twitter King (Paul O’Mahony) Version 1.2 © 2010 RRP - $97 h t t p : / / w w w . T h eT w i t t er K i n g . n e t 0 “The Twitter King”
  • 2. 1 – Introduction……………………………………………………2 2 - Getting Started…………………………………………………2 3 - Getting Your Tweets Set Up…………………………………10 4 - Building Your Followers ……..……………………………...29 5 – Eleven Ways To Monetize Your Followers…………...…….39 6 – Bonus! How To Gain Massive Click Through Rate From Your Followers…………………………………….............…44 7 - Conclusion………………………………….…………………46 8 – Appendix & Links….…………………….…………………..47 Copyright © 2010 by Paul O’Mahony. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author, Paul O’Mahony. Limit of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty: The information presented herein represents the views of the author, as of date of publication. Because of the rate change in the internet and the rising of new circumstances, the author reserve the rights to update and alter the opinions to suit the new condition(s). The report is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept and responsibilities from any liabilities resulting in the use of the information. While every attempt has made to ensure that the information is accurate, the authors and/or his associates cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies. Results DO vary from person to person and is very much dependent on the amount of work one puts in. The author and/or his associates do not make any guarantees implied or otherwise that a profit is assured. To get the latest updates to this eBook, visit the link below and follow the short instructions listed. 1 “The Twitter King”
  • 3. 1 - Introduction: Welcome to how to make BIG money while you sleep using Twitter. Using social media and Twitter specifically, in my experience, is THE fastest way to make that elusive first sale on line. Not only that, it is an easily scalable process so once you have proved to yourself that you can sell, the next step is to rapidly scale up to maximise potential earnings. The intent behind this book is to share with you how I make money while I sleep using Twitter and to provide you with all the basic requirements needed to get up and running and making money using Twitter as soon as possible. If you apply the techniques shared with you in this book, you will shortly be in the enviable position of actually making money while you sleep!! 2 - Getting Started The very first thing you clearly need to do is to set up your Twitter account which is very straight forward. Login to and click on “signup now”. You will then be asked to enter your name, your username, password and email address. The one thing to watch for here is to ensure that your username (and full name if you so choose) if possible can be linked in some way to your area of interest. For example, if you are into making money online, look for options such as CashKing or if your preferred option is already taken, then using your name followed by 001 or 101 or something of that nature. This will let your followers and potential followers know what your main interest is. 2 “The Twitter King”
  • 4. After this, be sure to upload either a personal photo or a photo that people will like rather than a dollar sign for example, which comes across as impersonal and could give the wrong impression (i.e. that you want to make money from all your followers!). Bonus Tip: I’ve found that female named accounts get more followers than male named accounts in a direct head to head comparison! Once you have your account set up, you now need to update your biography which is one of your first money making opportunities available to you on Twitter. Click on “settings” on the upper right hand side of the screen. The important boxes to look out for here are “More info URL” and “One Line Bio”. As your username will already be set up to give your followers clues as to what your primary interest is, you should now use your one line bio as an opportunity to expand on this. Whatever you do, try to make yourself sound interesting as this is what most followers will check about you to identify common interests etc. This is important to get you more followers. Your URL however is your first opportunity to make some money using Twitter. Do not leave this blank! This link should either send your followers directly to your website, your blog or possibly a review you have done of an affiliate product you have for sale. Avoid having this link directly to a sales page as this is not the message you want to convey to your followers, that you see them all as your customers! Ideally within your website or blog, you will have links to opt in pages and sales pages and so forth, and as your followers review your site and blog, they are starting to learn more about you and your relationship is starting to develop and in time you have a much better opportunity of making sales. 3 “The Twitter King”
  • 5. One last thing that I always do and have often forgotten to do until I open my email account is to disable the functionality in Twitter which emails you every Direct Message (DM) you receive and when you have a new follower. If you forget to do this and haven’t got to your email in a week, you could easily have over 4,000 new unread mails especially if you follow the tactics I suggest later in relation to generating followers!!! To undo this functionality, when you are in the “Settings” tab, click on the “notices” tab and untick the options to receive updates every time you have a new follower or receive a new direct message. There are easier ways to mange this which I will reference later. 4 “The Twitter King”
  • 6. Now that your “settings” are updated, I recommend that you “pimp” up your Twitter background to really make your account stand out from others. Most people stick with the Twitter default or use the options available within Twitter itself. If however, you are striving to make money from Twitter which I know you are, you must try and have as many opportunities for your followers to see links to your URL as often as possible. I have found a new service which I really like! It is called It is a free tool which allows you to update your background with a large selection of options, as well as allowing you to add your specific logo, more room for a biography on the left hand side of the screen and of course room for your picture and URL’s. This is a self explanatory tool and I will take you through the step by step here now. (I used to recommend however this is now a paid service) Firstly, you need to register an account. Click on the “create a Twitter background for free”. As soon as you have this done, you will see the following. 5 “The Twitter King”
  • 7. Now enter your Twitter username and email address and create a new password for the use of I recommend that you use the same as your Twitter password so that you don’t end up getting too confused!! When you have the information entered, you can click on “Continue”. You will then be faced with the following: Now, proceed to enter your name and your website and blog URL’s. Give a few sentences about yourself but not too long (2 – 3 lines) as you will find it will take from the space you have to advertise more links to your sites ;-). Choose your industry and then upload your logo (if you have one) and a photograph (ideally the same as the one you uploaded earlier for consistency). You are then asked for your email address which you must provide. 6 “The Twitter King”
  • 8. REMEMBER to uncheck the tick box requesting that your email is shown on your profile as this will save you from receiving lots of spam! After this you can enter your links to multiple social media sites such as facebook and linkedin among many others. Finally, make use of the final four slots (Other Link 1 – 4) which allow you to enter up to four more URL’s so be sure to use them!! I keep the font settings at the default. Finally, look at the right hand side of the page and choose from the many templates available. Many are free but many more have a charge but the free ones look fine. Scroll down on the right hand side of the page and select one, and then you are ready to click “Continue” at the bottom of the page. You will then be taken to the page above which has a preview of your background and options for uploading your background. Click on “Click here to automatically post your background to your Twitter profile” to do just that! The next page asks you for your Twitter account name and password and when you have these filled in, click on “post your background to your Twitter profile”. 7 “The Twitter King”
  • 9. If this works for you successfully, you will see the confirmation as follows: If not, there is no need to panic! It is very easy to upload your background manually if Twitter is too busy. Press the back button to take you back two pages to where you were congratulated on creating your background. Click on “Download TwitBack” and save the background to your desktop. There is also a detailed explanation on how to upload your background manually once you have it saved to the desktop when you scroll down. It is included in the graphic below also. Remember that you need to go into Twitter to your account and then click on “settings” and “design” and you can upload it from there. You will also receive an email from twitbacks with a direct link to your new background which is a very convenient way to access your current set up and modify as you like. Save this email in a safe place. 8 “The Twitter King”
  • 10. Your background will then look something like below where you can see links to facebook, linked in and friendfeed in the sample below. One very useful site to update all of these sites together at once is 9 “The Twitter King”
  • 11. 3 - Getting Your Tweets Set Up Ok, so now that you have your account set up in a professional manner making it very clear what your interests are and the kind of target market you are going after, the next money making step is in the Direct Message (DM) that you will send to your followers when they decide to follow you. It is important to remember that this is your first real contact with them so be very careful once again not to come across too eager to sell something. My advice here, given the very limited space you have, is to be interesting and invite them to learn more about you on your website or your blog, which in themselves should contain plenty of links to your sales pages, optin pages and your current products, affiliate products and reviews. This is key…..don’t come across as being too eager to sell to them as that is what so many others are doing right now, differentiate yourself from the crowd! The software I use for this is free and it is called This is a brand new tool that other successful Tweeters now use to great effect. Get started by going to the website I use this instead of socialoomph due to the ease of set up and the additional tools available in evertweet. Now go ahead and register your newly set up Twitter account by clicking on “don’t have an account” and filling in the appropriate blanks. 10 “The Twitter King”
  • 12. Go ahead and enter a username and password to get started which isn't your twitter account - you add those later. Once you have this done, click on “create account” to see the following. You are then taken to the following page: 11 “The Twitter King”
  • 13. Firstly, go to the “Add A Twitter Account” on the right hand side as shown above with the arrow. Enter the details (username and password) of your latest Twitter account and click “Add Account”. You should then see the following: Click on the “Messaging” tab that is up towards the top of page as indicated above. This brings you the page shown below and your next step is to click on “Welcome DM” as indicated below. When you click on this, you now can enter your welcome message for any new follower in the space provided. 12 “The Twitter King”
  • 14. Enter your welcome message, with a link to your site or optin page or wherever you chose and click “Add DM”. You can enter two more alternate DM’s here and click “Add DM” each time and one of the three will be randomly chose and sent to each new Twitter follower you get! 1 2 3 Finally select “Start Sending DM’s” and all of your followers will now receive one of these messages. This is an amazing way of driving free traffic to your link. The next thing that you want to do here is to set up some messages that will be scheduled for delivery at a later stage. This is ideal for any promotional tweets with links that you may want to send out once or twice a day over the upcoming days, weeks and months. If you now select the “Messaging” in the brown tab, you will be brought to the following page. 13 “The Twitter King”
  • 15. In here, you can now type out your tweet that you want to schedule, select what date and time you choose to send it at and then just click “Schedule Tweet”. You can repeat this process over and over to schedule a bank of tweets all at once. This is a great place to set up a schedule of tweets to your followers which can provide them with content, jokes, but also some links to your sites where ultimately you will be attempting to make sales. There are lots of good sites that allow you to schedule your tweets for free so if you have the time, some others you may like to check out are or, any of which will work well for you. Here are some specifics around how you should set your tweet routine. Option 1: Batch Tweeting Use about 5 – 10 tweets per “block” Try to use a 3 : 1 content/promotional tweets ratio minimum Same content/promos may be repeated between batches (just change up the order a bit) Limit one squeeze page promotion per batch Promo tweets should follow the content tweets Shorten long URLs with click-tracking) The entire block should be tweeted within 5 – 7 minutes (i.e. one tweet every 30 – 60 seconds) Each tweet block should contact a mix market-specific content and general content Repeat approx 3 -5 times per day Option 2: Continuous Tweeting An alternative to this which also works well is to continue tweeting through the day with a ratio of 2 : 1 content/promotional tweets ratio minimum. Three to four tweets an hour using this tactic would be more than enough. Instead of niche specific content, jokes or quotations can work very well too. For Market-Specific Content, you can use any of the following sources: 14 “The Twitter King”
  • 16. Google Alerts – h AllTop – Digg – For General Content, you can use any of the following sources: StuffToTweet – PopURLS – I personally use a paid tool to schedule all of my tweets (promotional, jokes, quotes, news feeds etc). It is absolutely amazing and head and shoulders above anything else out there at present. It allowed me to explode the number of sales I made directly from Twitter due to its amazing features which include providing the jokes and quotes for you, complete tweet randomisation, unlimited sequencing features, ability to create ratios of promotional to non promotional tweets as well as in built controls that ensure you tweet within the outlined rules and regulations of Twitter. This tool is available at Once you have your tweets all set up and ready to go, the next step is to be able to monitor how many of your followers are actually going in and viewing your links. I use to do this. So click on the site and click on “Sign Up” in the upper right hand of the screen. 15 “The Twitter King”
  • 17. Fill in the blanks and I would recommend that you use your most used Twitter account name to save you having to try and remember different names for all your accounts. Now that you have this done, you are asked to enter in the website link or affiliate link or whatever link at all you intend using. Once you do this, you are able to monitor exactly how many clicks you are getting and can also even watch graphically minute by minute how many clicks you get in response to various tweets that you are sending out! I find 16 “The Twitter King”
  • 18. this an amazingly powerful tool. For example, on the graphic below, it shows that I have received 18,000 clicks since this campaign was set up three weeks ago and how when I sent out a campaign at 11.45am that I received 62 clicks directly to that site in just three minutes, so this is a good way of comparing how well your tweet attracts your followers. Coming back to the part earlier in the chapter when there was a request to enter your Bitly key login and API key; your username that you selected to register is your Bitly key login. Finding your API is a little more complicated. Click on the “Account” icon on the upper right hand side of the screen and your API key is the very long mix of characters and numbers presented for you to copy and paste to wherever you need it. You may now want to automate your account further through the use of RSS feeds, which are “Really Simple Syndication" or sometimes "Rich Site Summary” and are instantly recognizable from their symbol. This is a little complicated and it doesn’t specifically guarantee you that you will make any cash from this as it will not promote any of your products. It is a convenient way however of automating your tweets with some general content 17 “The Twitter King”
  • 19. which will be of interest to your followers, so for the sake of completeness, I will include it here. Firstly, I use the free software to tweet the RSS feeds to my accounts. Once again you will need to login to this site and set up an account. Click on “Register Now” and enter your email address and password and click “create account”. You will see the following. 18 “The Twitter King”
  • 20. In the “Feed Name” section, type the name of the topic you would like to send some new feeds about e.g. real estate, gardening or whatever your niche is. It doesn’t matter what you type in here as it is only for your records. The next step is to find the RSS feed you are going to use. Depending on the topic you just selected, you now need to find an RSS feed for this. Don’t worry…. this is not as complicated as it may sound! Log into and into “My account”. If you do not have an account already set up, you will need to set one up here. If you have a gmail account, you are already registered with google and you can use this as your sign in. Click on “Sign in” on the upper right hand side. 19 “The Twitter King”
  • 21. Now enter your log in details. The next thing is to get to the alerts which can be tricky to find! Don’t worry, just follow the screen shots below. Now you can select “Alerts” from the next page. 20 “The Twitter King”
  • 22. Now you are ready to start setting up your alerts. Enter the keyword you want to choose as your feed (“Twitter” used in the example below). Leave the “Type” as “comprehensive”. Change the “How often” to “as it happens” and change “Deliver to” to “Feed” as below. Now create on “Create Alert”. Now, your feed is listed. In the screen shot below, it shows four feeds set up including “Twitter” which we just set up. 21 “The Twitter King”
  • 23. To view the feed, click on the name of your new feed on the left hand side which is “Twitter” in the example above. This will then give you a view of the type of feed available on this topic such as you see below which you should review for suitability for your following. Now click on the back button as shown above to bring you back to the list of feeds again. 22 “The Twitter King”
  • 24. Ok, now you have reviewed the feed and I will assume you are happy with it. If not just, select the “New Alert” on the bottom right to try out another feed. The next step is to click on the orange feed icon as shown above and it will bring you to the page you see next below. Now, copy (right click on mouse and select copy) the RSS feed which is in the main URL section at the very top of the webpage. Now that you have this copied, you are ready to go back to your Twitterfeed page and enter the feed you have copied into the appropriate section, which is “RSS Feed URL”. Paste it (right click on mouse and select paste) into the space shown with red arrow on next graphic. 23 “The Twitter King”
  • 25. Now click on “test rss feed” to test that it works correctly. Now you can enter into the “Advanced Settings” and select how often you want to post the feeds, and then choose “title only” under “post content” as “title & description” will usually be too long as a feed. When you have this done, you are free to select “create feed” right down the bottom. 24 “The Twitter King”
  • 26. This will result in you getting the page below. The next stage is to click on “Twitter” as shown above. This brings you the step where you choose which Twitter account you want to send this feed to. 25 “The Twitter King”
  • 27. Click on the big blue icon “Authenticate twitter” to see the following. Enter the username and password of the Twitter account that will be receiving these news feeds. When you do this, your newly authenticated Twitter account will automatically appear on the next page in the drop down menu as indicated below for “solutionsboy”. 26 “The Twitter King”
  • 28. Click on “Create Service” at the bottom of the page to bring up the following: Select “All Done” and you will receive confirmation of set up as follows: 27 “The Twitter King”
  • 29. Be sure to go into your Twitter account to ensure that it is functioning correctly for you and if not come back and check your settings. It is also possible to add multiple feeds to the same account following the same process outlined above by going to “Go to Dashboard” and clicking on the “+ Create new feed” icon on the upper right hand of the screen. My advice is to start sending your tweets and feeds right away ahead of getting any or many followers as many potential followers will like to see that you send plenty of tweets before they make the decision to follow you. Congratulations on getting through this section as it is quite tricky, but now you are sending out some phenomenal content, all up to date and tweeting as it happens so your following are going to love it and it will begin to distinguish you as an expert in your niche! 28 “The Twitter King”
  • 30. 4 - Building Your Followers By now you should have all your tweets set up ready to go, your RSS feeds in place, your profile in good shape with all your links to websites set up and your tracker software ready to monitor your success, but you still haven’t made a cent!! There is good news though! That was the difficult piece and from now on the work is much simpler and can get quite repetitive. In order to make any cash on line, you need customers, which in your case are some followers! So now let’s get stuck into this. The following steps which I will outline are how I attained over 30,000 followers in under 35 days across four accounts. So before you move onto this section, you may want to go and set up more accounts to repeat the level of following that I had or of course you can proceed with just the one for now. Getting started can be quite slow and it involves following 50 - 100 people per account per day. The main tool I use for this is to get this started. It is an amazing tool which allows you to find out who is speaking about the topic you are interested in. Enter in the keywords that you are interested in such as “affiliate marketing” as shown below and it brings up a list of all the tweets currently matching your request, what the tweets say and the tweeters involved. This is useful as just because another software tool has found your chosen search words, it does not distinguish between tweets for example that may say “I absolutely hate affiliate marketing and will kill the next one that follows me!” and “please tell me more about affiliate marketing”. So it allows you to really handpick potential customers of yours. 29 “The Twitter King”
  • 31. You can now follow each of these tweeters individually who fit your criteria. This page also continues to update while you have it open. You may also use the “advanced search” icon to really get very specific about your search. One other tool that is useful here in when you are being very specific in what you are looking for is which in essence is the yellow pages of Twitter. Once you have reached about 200 followers using the methods outlined above which should only take a couple of days, if even that, you are faced with a choice. You can continue to handpick the exact followers that you want or you can decide to speed things up a little which may mean the loss of some of the specificity of the tweeters you start to follow. If like me, you want to speed up the process of getting followers, let me introduce to a great tool available at This tool allow you to follow up to 50 followers at a time, reciprocate with your followers which means that you can follow back those who are following you with the provision to block some of your unwanted followers if necessary. So as you will see this is a phenomenally powerful tool. To get started, I would recommend that you use the feature which allows you to mass follow but at the same time be specific about the type of person you are following. When I stated earlier that you may lose specificity when you mass follow like this, you are still going to see who you are following and they will be specific to what you are looking for, but you will not know exactly what they are tweeting about but I think the upside far outweighs the downside! To start, go to and log in with the Twitter by selecting “login with Twitter” just above the “Go” button. 30 “The Twitter King”
  • 32. Enter your Twitter account details when you see the following. This brings up the following page. 31 “The Twitter King”
  • 33. You are now ready to find followers who are interested in your specific niche. Go ahead and enter specific keywords that are of interest to you, like for example “affiliate marketing” and search for this in either people’s bio’s, locations, names or tweets. I usually choose “Tweets” here so go ahead and choose “Tweets” after you have entered your keywords and press “GO”. Now you can see a list of 50 people who are tweeting about your chosen category. I recommend that you take a quick browse down through the 50 and watch out for any unwanted tweeters you will see some from time to time! Choose either “select all” or hand pick whom you wish to follow back and when you have ticked those choose the “Follow” button. Once you have this done, Buzzom tells you which followers it has added. 32 “The Twitter King”
  • 34. To repeat this process, press the “Refresh list” icon. Then press “select all” again and you will have those people added. If you find on the second or third refresh that many of those people are already added as Buzzom will tell you, you can consider switching to search in “Bio” or “location” or “names” as opposed to search in “Tweets”, however do remember Twitter do not look kindly upon mass following so be careful not to follow more than you should. My advice is when you start out, do not follow more than 300 people than are following you until you have over two thousand followers. When you are between 2000 – 4000 followers, following somewhere between 300 – 350 more than are following you is reasonably safe. The ratio I find to be reasonably safe once over 4000 is about 1.08 and I would not advise to go over and beyond this. So let’s say you had 10,000 followers, you should not be following more than approx 10,800 people or there is a high possibility of suspension. The calculation to use is (# of followers x 1.08 = max # of people I should follow). An easy rule of thumb over and beyond 10,000 is never to be following more than the current 1000 bracket you have as followers i.e. if you have 15,3000 followers, do not follow any more than 15,999 until you have 16,000 followers. Although when you get within 200 or so of the new limit, it seems to be acceptable to add 100 or so in the new bracket. All a bit confusing isn’t it!! I learned about the limits through trial and error and suspensions and I can not guarantee that these guidelines will work every time as the rules can change at any time. But my advice is for you to always err on the side of caution and do not to go beyond 1.08 following to follower ratio when above 2000 followers even if buzzom allows you to. One point to note here is that buzzom can often bring up an error saying that you can not follow anymore followers at this time which is shown below. This will happen with some of your accounts more than others and seems to be a glitch. You will find that some accounts will grow much faster than others. Ok, when you have tried this out for a bit using keywords that are suited to your niche, there are some tools that are even more powerful available free too with buzzom. Click on “Twitin” on the top of the page as shown below. 33 “The Twitter King”
  • 35. This brings up the page seen below. The first thing I recommend is that you follow people who are following you. Click on “Reciprocate” in the blue button, and then take a look through the pictures of those following you and if you are interested in following them back, select them, and then select “reciprocate” in the grey button. 34 “The Twitter King”
  • 36. Again, just like before you will see a breakdown of who you have now followed. Just like before, buzzom can often bring up an error saying that you can not follow anymore followers at this time which is shown below. This will happen with some of your accounts more than others. One question I get asked a lot is “I am following 2001 people and I have been stuck with 1500 followers for the past 2 weeks, how can I fix this as I can’t follow anymore people and my progress has completely stopped?”. You are in good company here as this happens to almost every tweeter except celebrities of course who tend to have more followers than those they are following! So what you need to do now is imitate the celebrities!! Yes, you need to try to get somewhere near the point of you having more followers than people you are following, at least try and get within a few hundred anyway. Thankfully this is not a difficult task!! 35 “The Twitter King”
  • 37. Once again Buzzom comes to your rescue here. We will now move on to the “Flush” feature which is just like what it describes, you flush away users you follow who are not following you back. This time you choose the “Flush” button at the top and then you are presented with a list of all those you are following who are not following you like as seen below. You can “select all” like before, or you can handpick who you choose. It is wise to handpick as you may be following celebrities or others who will not be following you but you may still want to follow them. Once you have selected those whom you want to unfollow, click the grey “flush” button. Then you should get confirmation that you no longer follow these users. If you want to permanently flush them so that you do not follow them again, choose “flush and block” instead of “flush”. One very important thing to remember here is that Twitter also does not look fondly upon the mass flushing of followers as they know it is a tactic employed to allow people follow more. What to watch out for here is that you do not overdo it in terms of the volume of people you unfollow at any one time or in the frequency that you do it. My suggestion is to unfollow only what you need to. For example if you are at a limit like 2000 followers as mentioned earlier, bring yourself back to following only 1800 people which gives you enough room to breathe. If you unfollow about 150 – 200 people each 3 – 4 days, you should not attract attention to your account and will be able to go on following others. Also, if you are not getting many people following you back, take a look at your tweets as they just may not be interesting enough. Another useful and quite amazing feature is the “crossfollow” function which allows you to follow people who are following somebody else in your niche. This saves you the hassle of seeking people out through keywords and gives 36 “The Twitter King”
  • 38. you the list right there! So when you enter the name of someone well known in your field, their list of followers will pop up and you can follow them …. Great!! It is as almost as good as getting access to the person’s mailing list! One note of warning, quite often it does not bring up any names but it is worth trying often. The crossfollow is on the right hand side of the page as shown below. Enter the name of someone in your niche who has lots of followers and press “Go”. You can then decide to follow these just like shown earlier for specific keywords. One last feature which is relatively new to Buzzom and is quite interesting is the “TwitIn Stats” available on the column on the right. It gives you a break down of your followers and ranks you under different measures which it has created to measure the health of your account. It also gives you advice if your score in a particular area is quote low as to how you can fix it which I think is a useful little feature! 37 “The Twitter King”
  • 39. Ok, ok, I know you must be thinking “that is a hell of a lot of work!!” and do you know what, starting out it can be, especially with multiple accounts but it doesn’t have to be☺! As soon as I made my first two sales, I decided to at least partially “outsource” the task! This is the first paid tool so far that I am recommending and remember you don’t have to pay for it, you can just continue to do what I recommended. But, my thought process was, ok, I want to find software that will manage my accounts. By “manage”, I mean managing my auto tweets, selecting and choosing my followers, following them for me, removing those who don’t follow me after a certain number of days, mimic other people’s followers, rotate my biography to keep it interesting, manage my direct messages, all without breaking any of the rules!!! Then I thought ok, well how much would I be willing to pay for this per month which is really a reflection how I valued my time. The tool recommended to me by my friend who is a software designer for Twitter applications (so he should know!) was or tweetspinner as it is known. The cost is currently $15 per month which, for what it does, in my opinion is tremendous value and it is the price of less than one sale on most affiliate products. You could possibly use this as an incentive to yourself to make your first sale and then you can hand over all the dirty work to a software program allowing you to focus on what to tweet and choosing or creating your products! There is a free version available with limited functionality and the main drawback is that it will only manage one account for you and I can tell you from my own experience that I did not have success getting followers with this version. As this is a paid product, I will not do a step by step overview as it is quite self explanatory but I will be creating a video on youtube to step you through the set up if you are interested, which will be posted in my blog at It’s totally up to you as to how much time you are willing to spend on getting followers yourself or paying for it. I have found that it comfortably gets you close on 500 followers a day when you are at the 30,000 follower mark or so. 38 “The Twitter King”
  • 40. 5 – Eleven Ways To Monetize Your Followers Now that you have your followers in place and are using either an automatic or manual system to continue getting more and more followers on a daily basis, you should start thinking about how to make money from your followers while continuing to entertain them of course. NOTE: My advice is not to try and sell anything or promote any products until you have at least 2,000 followers in your account. I am going to outline eleven different methods that you can use from the very basic to the more sophisticated. These are as follows; 1. Getting clicks and purchases directly from your Twitter home page, 2. Getting clicks and purchases directly from your introductory DM, 3. Selling affiliate products directly, 4. Selling affiliate products from reviews or your website, 5. Selling your own product 6. Building a mailing list, 7. Renting your account, 8.Agreeing to a pay by sale agreement with other sites, 9. Giving away a free product and 10.Sending followers to your sites set up with Google Adsense, 11. Sending followers to Amazon or Ebay links. There are other means too but this should be enough to get you started! 1. Getting clicks and purchases directly from your Twitter home page The first means of making cash from your followers is to have your URL referenced on your Twitter home page in as many places as is possible. If you have followed the instructions outlined in chapter 2, you will already have this in place with your URL and possibly your logo visible on both the left and right hand side of your Twitter home page. There is not much else for you to do here, this tactic is now set up for you! 2. Getting clicks and purchases directly from your introductory DM This method is much more powerful than tactic 1 as your automated direct message tweet will be sent to every one of your followers. This is the equivalent of sending an email to each follower with a link to your home site or blog. This can be a very powerful tool and you will already have this in place if you followed the steps in chapter 3. Remember to make your DM as interesting as possible to convert your DM’s into clicks to your site. 3. Selling affiliate products directly Selling affiliate products via a direct link to a sales page from your tweets, direct messages (DM’s) or bio is by far the easiest option but one I don’t recommend the over use of! If you don’t understand the terminology, an affiliate product is somebody else’s product that you try and sell for them to 39 “The Twitter King”
  • 41. make a commission. This is definitely the easiest but also the crudest way of making money from your followers and a method which will cause you to lose followers very quickly. There are many millionaire’s online today who have made their money purely through selling other people’s information products but they use much more sophisticated methods. I am a fan of affiliate products especially in order to get you making your first dollars online but if you are going to use them please use option 2 so you don’t undo all the good work of getting your followers. 4. Selling affiliate products from reviews or your website The easiest way to get started with affiliate products is to go to and register with them and find the top products for sale in your niche. Once you have this completed, set up as an affiliate for these products (2 -3 max for starters), turn your hoplink into a link as described in chapter 3 and you are ready to roll. (All of this except the piece is explained in the clickbank website). Now what I recommend you do next is to create 3 – 5 minute videos reviewing the product and why people should buy it. All the info you will need for this will be in the sales page. When you upload the video to for example, be sure to have your link to the product beside the review. I have used and still use with great success a product from a very successful Internet Marketer named Julia Serbanete which shows you how to create effective videos and to leverage to skyrocket your sales. Using her strategy combined with your free Twitter traffic generated using the methodology described in this book will absolutely skyrocket your sales! Her product is available here with a free 20 minute video. What you tweet to your followers is the link to the video itself so that they can get to know you and see what you think of a particular product. By doing this, your relationship grows and they can see that there is a real person behind the tweets and not an aggressive affiliate marketer. You may also send your followers to your blog or website which contains reviews of the product and can have the youtube video embedded also but most importantly has your link to the product sitting next to it. These strategies will help increase your sales dramatically. Just so you are aware, since I have been asked to include these, my top two selling affiliate products are currently a free Affiliate Supertips Ebook with a killer sales page that sells like crazy and secondly, Subliminal software which is an excellent product which I use, that helps you condition your mindset to achieve your personal success. The links are below: Affiliate Supertips free ebook: 40 “The Twitter King”
  • 42. Subliminal software: One thing to note with the Affiliate Supertips product is that you have to purchase from the free ebook first before you can sell it on, but read the free ebook and you’ll see what I mean about a convincing sales pitch. Also in the interest of full disclosure, both links are my own affiliate links to these products but you should set them up similarly in your blog! 5. Selling your own product The most ideal products to sell online if you have them already created are of course your own! Some golden rules to remember if you are selling your own product: If you are selling your own product, be sure that your Twitter followers can see that this is clearly a product aligned with your niche, so you are being considered an expert. Send your Twitter followers to a review of your product either in article form or video form as just described above. Do not undo all the good work you have done in creating your own product by sending your followers directly to the opt in or sales page all of the time. Although this is not as much of a crime when it is your own product as it is for an affiliate product, it is good practice to mix up the tweets to send followers to reviews of your products also. A follower who may have read your sales page previously will quite possibly buy from you when they get to hear you personally review or someone with credibility in that niche review your product. Get them up on and have others sell them for you! 6. Building a mailing list Probably the cleverest use of your Twitter followers and the first task you should set your mind to once you have over a couple of thousand followers is to try and convert them into subscribers to your emailing list. There are full products for sale online on this topic and it is a subject deserving of an ebook in itself. But to keep it simple, if you have your own product, you can tweet directly to an optin page or the preferable option as stated earlier is to send your followers to a review of your product or affiliate product on youtube, in an article or on your blog or website and have your link to the opt in page there. A great way to encourage followers to go to your optin page and to give you their details is to provide them with a free product if they sign up. Alternatively, if your free videos deliver value to your followers consistently over time, they will be quite willing to opt in to hear more from you. 41 “The Twitter King”
  • 43. Once you have your followers on your opt in list, you then have a group of people that you can continue to market to repeatedly with a much higher success rate. These guys will also be more interested in higher priced back end products which you may have. 7. Renting your account This is a tactic that can be used but the tenants will have free reign as to what they do to your account including the background. If you want to take advantage of some passive income and not worry about trying to sell your own products to them, this could work for you. I have used for this purpose. 8. Agreeing to a pay by sale agreement with other sites Another option open to you which is preferable to option 5 in my opinion is using a website which will advertise others products through their own tweets. What this entails is that you register with a particular website who pay tweeters with accounts of a certain size to tweet for their clients. You have full control over how many are tweeted, which tweets you are willing to tweet, you can even re-word the tweets as you would like it and can stop it at any time! You receive a commission on any sales made so it is quite similar to affiliate marketing. I use for this and I find them quite good but you wont get rich from this tactic but a nice income generator! 9. Giving away a free product Giving away products is now the number one BEST way to make money on line in the current climate. Giving away anything for free is great because everybody loves freebies whether you can afford it or not, you would rather get it for free! Giving away a product of values is even better, and a free product that is linked directly to your primary product best of all! There are many ways of using this tactic all of which will help you make sales. The most basic is to send your followers directly to a site where they can download it for free and they will hopefully remember you for that act of kindness! You can also of course send them to an optin page where your followers have to give you their details to get it and hey presto, you have them in your list to be marketed to over and over again! One amazing tool which is “available” free online is The functionality of this free site is phenomenal! Twiveaway can set up competitions for you that your followers have to enter to win the free ebook! You can also set up a campaign which will only allow followers who retweet your link to their followers to access the free ebook and likewise if those retweets are tweeted to their followers, they can access it and so on, which is completely viral and could result in you getting access to tens if not hundreds 42 “The Twitter King”
  • 44. of thousands of followers who not only may follow you back but will also download your ebook and get to know who you are and what your main product for sale is! This is when you can start to make serious money out of Twitter! You are not annoying anybody and you are delivering value. In case you are thinking, “but I don’t have any free products”, Twiveaway have a vault of free products that you can give away and check out for 10,000’s of free ebooks! Just before you run off and start clicking onto those sites immediately, the bad news is that having checked it tonight, says it is currently closed to new members but keep building your followers and continue to check on a daily basis to see when you can join up again. 10. Sending followers to your sites set up with Google Adsense A very simple means of getting passive income through having Twitter on autopilot is when you are sending tweets that are linked to your website or blog, be sure that you are set up with Google Adsense so that you can get paid for every click that each follower makes within your site. Simple but very effective! Watch your site boost up the Google rankings too if you can continue to send your followers there. Also, take a look at setting up ebay, amazon and clickbank plugins which give you three more monetizing opportunities. 11. Sending followers to Amazon or Ebay links Another very simple means of getting passive income through having Twitter on autopilot is when you send tweets that direct people to an offer on Amazon or Ebay. Let me explain this a little more. Anyone can sign up to Amazon and Ebay as an affiliate. Once you have done this, if you tweet your affiliate link to any product on Amazon or Ebay, you get paid if a follower of yours buys anything from Amazon or Ebay! This is extremely powerful!! Amazon and Ebay are designed to sell to consumers, so as soon as you can get someone to these pages, they may remember something that they had planned on buying. Once they buy, you get paid … magic!! 43 “The Twitter King”
  • 45. 6 – Bonus Section! How To Get A Massive Click Through Rate From Your Followers When I started writing this book, I had not intended to write a section on this topic. However, when I was at a recent Internet Marketing conference, when I presented the statistics that I had in relation to click through rates from my followers to my sites, it completely astounded other internet marketers in the room who wanted to know what my secret was! In reference to the example I show below, I tweeted a link to a particular product starting on August 5th to three separate Twitter accounts with approximately 15,000 followers between them. I ran the campaign for seven days and you can see the results below for yourself. I received over 13,000 clicks through to the site in seven days and even after the campaign ended, there were approx 1,500 residual clicks over the next few days. This is getting close to nirvana in search engine optimisation as this is FREE TRAFFIC!! And not only that, but it is traffic from the niche you are selling to so that is why these stats are so exciting! So imagine how you can take advantage of the methodology I just showed you in terms of monetizing your followers with this kind of click through rate! >13,000 clicks So how did I do it? Well, it’s not overly difficult really. I compared the tweets that I write versus some other internet marketers in the room who were selling the exact same product. The difference? Well there was a big one, the style of the tweets. In the case of the subliminal mind conditioning software I mentioned earlier, some of the tweets which were being used by other marketers were something like this “Click here to find out how to recondition your mindset while using your laptop <link>” which is ok and does get clicks. 44 “The Twitter King”
  • 46. What I have found however is to try and write your tweet using the following hints: Write in a non obtrusive way Do not make it sound like a sales pitch Grab your followers attention and peak their interest Make it sound like there could be an interesting article to follow If possible, make it funny so that it will be retweeted also for a viral effect! An example of a tweet I used for the Subliminal Power product was “People fear public speaking more than death! At a funeral, people would rather be in the coffin than giving the eulogy! <link>”. Its these subtle differences that can make the difference of 1 sale a week to 50 sales a week to the same followers purely by getting people to click into the sales pitch or other. 45 “The Twitter King”
  • 47. 7 - Conclusion Congratulations on making it to the end!!! I did my best to fill this with as much useful content as possible so it will take time to get through particularly if you have been following in a step by step manner. I really hope that you believe that this book exceeded your expectations in terms of the value delivered to you and I encourage you to get started immediately and take action! So to boil it down to the bare minimum for you, Get your account set up and looking professional Automate a good proportion of your tweets Get followers, entertain your followers and keep your followers Promote a good product(s) through reviews Increase your earnings through taking advantage of the other monetizing methods recommended Write your tweets in an interesting, witty way Wait for the cash to roll in ☺ Best of luck on your journey! 46 “The Twitter King”
  • 48. 8 – Appendix & Links Tweet: The message of 140 characters or less that you send from your account to all of your followers. Tweeter/Twitterer: I use these terms interchangeably as anyone who is sending or receiving tweets on Twitter. RT: This is a “retweet” which is when you receive a tweet that you like and forward it on to your followers just like you may do with a joke you receive via email. DM: A direct message is a tweet message sent to one individual only. It is just like a personal email sent to one person only rather than their full list. They are not seen by all of the other followers. RSS Feed: Really Simple Syndication but sometimes Rich Site Summary. In essence a news feed source that you can automate in your account. API: This for "Application Programming Interface". An API is just a defined way for a program to accomplish a task, usually retrieving or modifying data. In Twitter's case, it provides an API method for just about every feature you can see on its website. Programmers use the Twitter API to make applications, websites, widgets, and other projects that interact with Twitter. Programs talk to the Twitter API over HTTP, the same protocol that your browser uses to visit and interact with web pages. is a website that allows you to shorten your full weblink to one that is usually no longer than 15 characters. Click Through Rate: Measures the rate at which people who see your link click on it. 47 “The Twitter King”
  • 49. Links: Any feedback on this book or queries on my other products that you may be interested in will be gratefully received as a posted response on my blog at or via mail at Thank you!! 48 “The Twitter King”