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• It is a religion closely related to the Protestant
denomination with a focus on the Sabbath day
and Christ’s second coming.
William Miller was born in Pittsfield,
Massachusetts in 1782. He was born to a
veteran of the American Revolution. His family
moved to Low Hampton, New York and it is there
that he received his education. As a young boy,
he loved to read and it ignited his interest in
reading religious books. He considered himself a
Baptist Christian.
In 1803, He married Lucy Smith. They moved to Poultney,
Vermont. He became well-liked and elected to several public
offices while in Vermont. He became a Deputy Sheriff and
eventually Justice of Peace. With many of his peer in
Vermont being Deist, he became a Deist, and abandoned his
previous Christian beliefs. His reading of Voltaire, Hume,
Thomas Paine, Ethan Allen, and other Deist writers
strengthened his beliefs in Deism. Soon after his marriage, the
war of 1812 arose. Miller was enlisted as a lieutenant and
rose to the ranks of captain. As war raged on, Miller realized
he needed to set his priorities straight and began to read the
Bible again. With new vigor of life and for the Bible, he began
reading it intently and studying it.
His interest in religion lead to his preaching career in August
1831. He started to fill in for pastor’s absences and doing the
sermon’s at his church. As a preacher Miller was convinced
that the Bible had secret codes that would reveal the future.
While reading Daniel chapters 8 and 9, Miller came to the
conclusion that the text was saying that after 2,300 years have
passed that the Second Coming of Christ would happen. He
also concluded from the writing of Ezra that the year was
described as 1843. The exact verse is Ezra 7:12, where Miller
concluded that 1843 would be the year of Jesus’ return.
Before he began preaching about his beliefs of
Christ’s second coming, in 1832, he released 16
articles to the Vermont Telegraph about his beliefs.
He received many invitations from churches and
responses to his views. He made a 64 page tract
about this views in 1834 called Evidence from
Scripture and History of the Second Coming of
Christ, about the year 1844: Exhibited in a Course of
Lecture. This led to the Millerite movement. In
1840, his message was strong and ready to reach
the masses. He led a national campaign and Joshua
Vaughan Himes, a pastor, help spread Miller’s
beliefs. He never set an exact date for the second
coming of Christ, but it was around the spring of
1844. These believers of his message were known
as the Millerites and the movement was known as
the Millerite movement. There were about 50,000
When spring of 1844 passed, Miller was extremely
embarrassed about his error. He publicly announced
his error and did not try to create another date for
Christ’s coming. However, Miller’s followers along
with Samuel S. Snow believed that 1844 was the
right date just the wrong month. They believed that
October 22, 1844 was the date that Jesus was going
to come back.
After October 22, 1844 passed, Miller was dishearten; he
recorded in his memoirs that he regrets prophesizing. Not
only Miller was disappointed, but so were the Millerities.
They wept and were grieving over this false prophecy. The
passing of the second date of the coming of Christ was
known as the Great Disappointment. Other dates were
set and the second coming still failed to happen. The
Millerities dissolved into smaller groups and of course
some turned away from the religion altogether. A
majority of Millerities became Quakers.
Miller never prophesized again. He still believed
that the second coming was near before he died. He
died on December 20, 1849. He was buried in Low
Hampton, New York and his home is now a National
Historic landmark.
After the Great Disappointment, the Millerities who maintained the
religion divided into three sections. The first division believed in
“shut-door theology” which meant the door was shut to gaining
salvation. It was popularized by Joseph Turner. The second division
held the Albany conference to discuss three purposes: to strengthen
the faith of the Advent, how to carry one the congregation, and to
convert others to the religion. This group was lead by Joshua
Vaughan Himes. The third division also known as the Sabbatarian
Group believed that October 22, 1844 was the day that Daniel 8 was
talking about the cleansing of the sanctuary of heaven. This was lead
by Hiram Edison. The third division became what is now known as
the Seventh Day Adventist.
One of the people involved in the Millerite movement was Ellen
Gould Hamon. She was born on November 26, 1827; she was one of
eight children in Gotham, Maine. They eventually moved to Portland
where she witnessed Miller’s speeches when he preached and felt
deep convictions. She was hit in the face with a stone at a young age
and had medical problems the rest of her life from the injury. The
injury caused her to end her education. She became saved at age 12
and started to attend Adventist meetings and believed in the Advent
that she heard Miller preach about.
After the Great Disappointment, Ellen was seeking to know the truth
and she experienced a vision. At seventeen years old, she believed
God was prophesying to her. She said she saw Advent people
traveling to New Jerusalem and eventually ended with Jesus coming
back letting the Adventist to enter Jerusalem. In 1845, she
experience a second vision known as the Bridegroom. Then she
experienced a third vision about about God and the Adventists. Her
visions seemed to support the Adventists’ faith with promising
prophecies by White describing hope for the second coming of
Christ. She reportedly had other visions where she was in the
presence of Jesus or angels. Altogether she had 2,000 visions and
dreams that lasted from less than a minute to four hours.
When she was 23, she met James White, an Adventist preacher, and they
married in 1846. They wrote a 46 page tract called Seventh-day Sabbath that
was published by Joseph Bates. They were convinced that the Sabbath day
was being neglected and was important to their faith. Six months after
publishing her tract, she was another vision that there was a light halo
around the fourth commandment and stirred up confidence in her tract and
from Adventists. James continued to preach and worked in his spare time.
They had a child together, but Ellen soon left to travel to send her message
widely throughout the country. They both felt the need to publish works to
inspire their faith. James published The Present Truth which was a paper and
would contain Ellen’s prophetic views about the church and warning.
The Whites both felt the need to publish works to inspire their faith. James
published The Present Truth which was a paper and would contain Ellen’s
prophetic views about the church and warning. Ellen wrote a book called
the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White. Then she wrote a
supplement, Review and Herald, Youth’s Instructor. They moved to Battle
Creek and convinced the church there that her book, Testimonies for the
Church, needed to be published. The Whites established the publishing
work and church organization while in Battle Creek. Altogether Ellen wrote
more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books. She is the most translated
author in literature and the most translated American author. She wrote
about religion, education, social relationships, evangelism, prophecy,
publishing, nutrition, and management. Her masterpiece Steps to Christ has
been published into 150 different languages.
While in a funeral service in Ohio, Ellen White received a vision in 1858. She
had a vision about Christ and his angels. It was about a cosmic battle
between Christ and Satan. She almost was killed according to her by Satan
two days later. She published her vision in a book called Spiritual Gifts,
volume 1, The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels and Satan
and His Angels in 1858. The book was a hit and enjoyed by the Seventh Day
Adventists as a view of the Earth’s History and purpose.
Ellen was given a vision of the need to diet according to God. Her vision
showed the importance of taking care of your body, a diet, and nature’s
remedies like exercise and fresh air. Because of Ellen’s vision in 1863, the
church made a health reform and required a health education program.
She published pamphlets called Health, or How to Live. The Seventh Day
Adventist church eventually established a health institute in 1866. Many of
Ellen’s visions were used to create the Seventh Day Adventists’ beliefs and
view her as a prophet from God.
James White died on August 6, 1881. Ellen continued to
do her work. She continued to publish again and visited
Europe to promote her faith. She saw a need of Christian
education in Australia. She wanted an institution for the
young Seventh Day Adventists. She bought property for
the Avondale School that identified what an Adventist
education should look like. She cofounded the Avondale
School. After that school was established she helped
establish a medical work missionary program. After her
missionary medical work, she began to outreach and
educate Africans in 1891. Ellen fell one day and broke her
hip. Her injury was devastating and she died on July 16,
1915 in her home in Elmshaven five months later; her
home is now considered a historical site. She was buried
next to her husband in Oak Hill Cemetery, Battle Creek,
The Seventh Day Adventists believe a variety of different things. The
religion as a whole agrees on the 28 fundamentals. These 28 fundamentals
include the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Humankind, the doctrine of
Salvation, the doctrine of Church, the doctrine of Christian life, the doctrine
of the Last Things.
The Seventh Day Adventists believe a variety of different things. The
religion as a whole agrees on the 28 fundamentals. These 28 fundamentals
include the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Humankind, the doctrine of
Salvation, the doctrine of Church, the doctrine of Christian life, the doctrine
of the Last Things.
The Doctrine of God
1.Holy Scriptures – are divine inspiration of the word of God.
2.Trinity or Godhead – there is one God in three persons.
3.Father – is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation.
4.Son – is God the eternal son Jesus through him salvation exists.
5.Holy Spirit – inspired the words of Scripture and was active during
reincarnation, incarnation, and redemption.
The Doctrine of Humankind
6. Creation – God is the creator of all things & the Bible is creation’s
7. Nature of Man – Men and women are made in the image of God and
have free will. They became subject to death after they sinned and their
ancestors shared their fate.
The Doctrine of Salvation
8. Great Controversy – All humanity is now involved with a great
controversy between Christ and Satan regarding the character of God,
his law, and His sovereignty over the universe.
9. Life, Death, and Resurrection – Christ was perfect and he have his life
as the atonement for human’s sin.
10. Experience of Salvation – Christ gave his life and Christians can
experience salivation through his death. Jesus delivered them from sin.
11. Growing in Christ – Walk with Jesus and do not live in darkness, fear
of evil powers, ignorance, and meaningless of our former life. Meditate
on his word, sing praises, gather for worship, and participate in the
Church’s mission.
The Doctrine of the Church
12. Church – The church is a community of believers who confess Jesus
as Lord and Savior.
13. Remnant and Its Mission – The universal church is composed of all
who truly believe in Christ, in the last days, a time of widespread
apostasy, a remnant has been called out to keep the commandments of
God and the faith of Jesus.
14. Unity in the Body of Christ – The church is one body with many
members called from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
15. Baptism – By Baptism we confess our faith in the death and the
resurrection of Jesus Christ, and testify of our death to sin and of our
purpose to walk in the newness of life .
The Doctrine of the Church (continued)
16. Lord’s Supper – The Lord’s Supper is a participation in the emblems
of the body and blood of Jesus as an expression of faith in Him, our Lord
and Savior.
17. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries – God bestows upon all members of
His church in every age spiritual gifts which each member is to employ
in loving ministry for the common good of the church and of humanity.
18. The Gift of Prophecy – the Holy Spirit gives the gift of prophecy and
was a key mark of the first church with Ellen White’s prophecies.
The Doctrine of the Christian Life
19. Law of God – The 10 commandments are the laws of God and are
shown in Christ’s life.
20. Sabbath – The beneficent Creator, after the six days of Creation,
rested on the seventh day and instituted the Sabbath for all people as a
memorial of Creation. The Sabbath must be upheld and requires the
observance of this seventh-day Sabbath as the day of rest, worship, and
ministry in harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of
the Sabbath.
21. Stewardship – We are all God’s stewards entrusted by him with time
and opportunities, abilities and possessions, and the blessings of the
earth and its resources.
The Doctrine of the Christian Life (continued)
22. Christian Behavior – We are called to be a godly people who think,
feel, and act in harmony with the principles of heave. We must involve
ourselves only with things that produce Christlike purity, health, and joy
in our lives.
23. Marriage and the Family – Marriage was divinely established in Eden
and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a
woman in loving companionship. A Christian marriage is to God and our
spouse and should only be shared between people of a common faith.
The Doctrine of Last Things
24. Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary – There is a sanctuary in
heaven, the true tabernacle which the Lord set up and not man.
25. Second Coming of Christ – The second coming of Christ is the
blessed hope of the church, the grand climax of the gospel. The time of
the event has not been revealed, and we must be ready at all times.
26. Death and Resurrection – The wages of sing is death. Death is an
unconscious state for all people and the righteous dead will be
resurrected when Christ returns.
The Doctrine of Last Things (continued)
27. Millennium and the End of Sin – The millennium is the thousand-
year reign of Christ with His saints in heaven between the first and
second resurrections. The wicked will be judged during this time, and
the world will be desolate. The righteous dead will be resurrected.
Satan and his angels will be destroyed.
28. New Earth – On the new earth, in which righteousness dwells, God
will provide an eternal home for the redeemed and a perfect
environment for everlasting life, love, joy, and learning in his presence.
God will dwell among his people and death and suffering will not exist
Seventh Day Adventist are closely related to the Protestant religion with the
exception of their not all of the 28 fundamentals and these three areas:
1.Seventh Day Adventists believe in that the second coming of Christ is
imminent and there will be a second coming followed by a false second
coming where Satan pretends to be Jesus.
2.Seventh Day Adventists believe in the prophecies of Ellen White. They
follow her idea of Spirit of Prophecy where the Holy Spirit prophecies to
people and did to Ellen White.
3.Seventh Day Adventists believe that the dead are asleep and unconscious
after they die. The righteous will be resurrected by Jesus and dwell on the
new Earth. Seventh Day Adventists doe not believe in hell and that the evil
will be destroyed in the end of time.
• Seventh Day Adventist observe a 24 hour sunset to sunset Sabbath
commencing Friday evening.
• Their church services are evangelical formatted sermons.
• They do adult baptisms and infants are dedicated to God.
• They practice communion four times a year.
• Their missionary outreach is to help both unbelievers and believers.
• They do not eat pork, unclean meat, or shellfish as stated in Leviticus.
The church recommends vegetarianism.
• They do not smoke or drink alcohol.
• Abortion is allowed in their religion if there is a medical conditions like
mother mortality, medical dilemmas, severe congenital defects to the
fetus, or pregnancy from rape or incest.
• Against active euthanasia, but allow withdrawal of medical support to
allow death to occur.
• Birth control is only permissible when a married couple uses it.
• They are against human cloning.
• Homosexuality is forbidden. Marriage is between a man and a women
and that is all. Homosexuality is accepted as a good reason for a
marriage to end in divorce.
• Seventh Day Adventist have 7,804 pre-schools, primary and secondary
schools, colleges, universities, medical schools in 145 countries. They
employ about 66,000 teachers and have 1,673,580 students.
• The church runs a youth department for 10 – 16 year olds called the
Pathfinders; they are similar to the boy scouts.
• Adventist Health system is the largest not-for-profit, Protestant, multi-
institutional healthcare system in the United States. It provides
compassionate care in 17 hospitals in 130 countries.
• There is a Adventist Development and Relief Agency International(ADRA)
they are involved in 118 countries throughout the world.
• There are 68,225 Adventist churches.
• There are 16,307,880 church memberships worldwide.
• There are 213,267 active employees.
Number of languages used in Adventist Publications and work: 901.
• There are 167 Adventist hospitals and sanitariums.
• There are 132 Adventist retirement homes.
• There are 351 Adventist clinics and dispensaries.
• There are 42 Adventist orphanages and children's homes.
In the world of health, Adventists live the longest as a whole of any
religious population. The average Adventist lives until they are 88
years old. This may be due to their vegetarian encouraged diet, and
the fact that they refrain from smoking and drinking.
1. Who unofficially founded what eventually became known as the
Seventh Day Adventist?
A. James White
B. Ellen White
C. William Miller-
D. Lucy Miller
2. What theology did Miller believe in before the War of 1812 and
becoming a preacher?
A. Deontology
B. Catholicism
C. Atheism
D. Deism-
3. What book(s) of the Bible did Miller prophesize the second coming
of Christ?
A. Daniel-
B. Leviticus
C. Micah
D. Ezra-
4. What year did Miller prophesize that the second coming would
A. 1843
B. 1844-
C. 1846
D. 1915
5. What did the church call the event when the second coming did
not take place on the second prophesized date?
A. The Great Awakening
B. The Great Gatsby
C. The Great Disappointment-
D. The Great Vision
6. How many divisions did the Millerites split into?
A. 2
B. 3 -
C. 4
D. 5
7. If the Millerities did not split into the three division, which religion
did a majority of Millerities become?
A. Quakers-
B. Catholics
C. Protestants
D. Jehovah’s Witnesses
8. What was the name of the woman who had visions of prophecy?
- Ellen Gould White or Ellen Hamon
9. True or False
Ellen White’s visions important to the foundation of the Seventh Day
Adventist church.
A. True-
B. False
10. What was not one of Ellen White’s visions
A. The fourth commandment halo
B. Great Controversy
C. Health reform
D. Bridgeroom
E. All of the Above -
F. None of the Above
11. How many visions did Elle White have?
12. There are _____ fundamental Adventist beliefs.
A. 21
B. 28-
C. 38
D. 10
13. Which one is not one of the fundamental belief doctrines?
A. Doctrine of Humankind
B. Doctrine of Salvation
C. Doctrine of Last Things
D. Doctrine of Satan & Sin -
E. All of the Above
F. None of the Above
14. What demonization is closely related to the Seventh Day
A. Catholic
B. Baptist
C. Protestant -
D. Buddhist
15. True or False. Seventh Day Adventists believe in hell.
A. True
B. False -
16. True or False. Seventh Day Adventists believe in hell.
A. True
B. False -
17. What do the Adventists not eat?
A. Shellfish
B. Pork
C. Bacon
D. Unclean meat
E. All of the Above -
F. None of the Above
18. True or False. Adventists abstain from smoking and drinking soda.
A. True
B. False -
19. Adventists are prominent in their mission work on education and
medical work.
A. True -
B. False
20. How long does the average Adventist live?
A. 26
B. 38
C. 75
D. 88-

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  • 1.
  • 2. • It is a religion closely related to the Protestant denomination with a focus on the Sabbath day and Christ’s second coming.
  • 3. William Miller was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts in 1782. He was born to a veteran of the American Revolution. His family moved to Low Hampton, New York and it is there that he received his education. As a young boy, he loved to read and it ignited his interest in reading religious books. He considered himself a Baptist Christian.
  • 4. In 1803, He married Lucy Smith. They moved to Poultney, Vermont. He became well-liked and elected to several public offices while in Vermont. He became a Deputy Sheriff and eventually Justice of Peace. With many of his peer in Vermont being Deist, he became a Deist, and abandoned his previous Christian beliefs. His reading of Voltaire, Hume, Thomas Paine, Ethan Allen, and other Deist writers strengthened his beliefs in Deism. Soon after his marriage, the war of 1812 arose. Miller was enlisted as a lieutenant and rose to the ranks of captain. As war raged on, Miller realized he needed to set his priorities straight and began to read the Bible again. With new vigor of life and for the Bible, he began reading it intently and studying it.
  • 5. His interest in religion lead to his preaching career in August 1831. He started to fill in for pastor’s absences and doing the sermon’s at his church. As a preacher Miller was convinced that the Bible had secret codes that would reveal the future. While reading Daniel chapters 8 and 9, Miller came to the conclusion that the text was saying that after 2,300 years have passed that the Second Coming of Christ would happen. He also concluded from the writing of Ezra that the year was described as 1843. The exact verse is Ezra 7:12, where Miller concluded that 1843 would be the year of Jesus’ return.
  • 6. Before he began preaching about his beliefs of Christ’s second coming, in 1832, he released 16 articles to the Vermont Telegraph about his beliefs. He received many invitations from churches and responses to his views. He made a 64 page tract about this views in 1834 called Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ, about the year 1844: Exhibited in a Course of Lecture. This led to the Millerite movement. In 1840, his message was strong and ready to reach the masses. He led a national campaign and Joshua Vaughan Himes, a pastor, help spread Miller’s beliefs. He never set an exact date for the second coming of Christ, but it was around the spring of 1844. These believers of his message were known as the Millerites and the movement was known as the Millerite movement. There were about 50,000 Millerites.
  • 7. When spring of 1844 passed, Miller was extremely embarrassed about his error. He publicly announced his error and did not try to create another date for Christ’s coming. However, Miller’s followers along with Samuel S. Snow believed that 1844 was the right date just the wrong month. They believed that October 22, 1844 was the date that Jesus was going to come back.
  • 8. After October 22, 1844 passed, Miller was dishearten; he recorded in his memoirs that he regrets prophesizing. Not only Miller was disappointed, but so were the Millerities. They wept and were grieving over this false prophecy. The passing of the second date of the coming of Christ was known as the Great Disappointment. Other dates were set and the second coming still failed to happen. The Millerities dissolved into smaller groups and of course some turned away from the religion altogether. A majority of Millerities became Quakers.
  • 9. Miller never prophesized again. He still believed that the second coming was near before he died. He died on December 20, 1849. He was buried in Low Hampton, New York and his home is now a National Historic landmark.
  • 10. After the Great Disappointment, the Millerities who maintained the religion divided into three sections. The first division believed in “shut-door theology” which meant the door was shut to gaining salvation. It was popularized by Joseph Turner. The second division held the Albany conference to discuss three purposes: to strengthen the faith of the Advent, how to carry one the congregation, and to convert others to the religion. This group was lead by Joshua Vaughan Himes. The third division also known as the Sabbatarian Group believed that October 22, 1844 was the day that Daniel 8 was talking about the cleansing of the sanctuary of heaven. This was lead by Hiram Edison. The third division became what is now known as the Seventh Day Adventist.
  • 11. One of the people involved in the Millerite movement was Ellen Gould Hamon. She was born on November 26, 1827; she was one of eight children in Gotham, Maine. They eventually moved to Portland where she witnessed Miller’s speeches when he preached and felt deep convictions. She was hit in the face with a stone at a young age and had medical problems the rest of her life from the injury. The injury caused her to end her education. She became saved at age 12 and started to attend Adventist meetings and believed in the Advent that she heard Miller preach about.
  • 12. After the Great Disappointment, Ellen was seeking to know the truth and she experienced a vision. At seventeen years old, she believed God was prophesying to her. She said she saw Advent people traveling to New Jerusalem and eventually ended with Jesus coming back letting the Adventist to enter Jerusalem. In 1845, she experience a second vision known as the Bridegroom. Then she experienced a third vision about about God and the Adventists. Her visions seemed to support the Adventists’ faith with promising prophecies by White describing hope for the second coming of Christ. She reportedly had other visions where she was in the presence of Jesus or angels. Altogether she had 2,000 visions and dreams that lasted from less than a minute to four hours.
  • 13. When she was 23, she met James White, an Adventist preacher, and they married in 1846. They wrote a 46 page tract called Seventh-day Sabbath that was published by Joseph Bates. They were convinced that the Sabbath day was being neglected and was important to their faith. Six months after publishing her tract, she was another vision that there was a light halo around the fourth commandment and stirred up confidence in her tract and from Adventists. James continued to preach and worked in his spare time. They had a child together, but Ellen soon left to travel to send her message widely throughout the country. They both felt the need to publish works to inspire their faith. James published The Present Truth which was a paper and would contain Ellen’s prophetic views about the church and warning.
  • 14. The Whites both felt the need to publish works to inspire their faith. James published The Present Truth which was a paper and would contain Ellen’s prophetic views about the church and warning. Ellen wrote a book called the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White. Then she wrote a supplement, Review and Herald, Youth’s Instructor. They moved to Battle Creek and convinced the church there that her book, Testimonies for the Church, needed to be published. The Whites established the publishing work and church organization while in Battle Creek. Altogether Ellen wrote more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books. She is the most translated author in literature and the most translated American author. She wrote about religion, education, social relationships, evangelism, prophecy, publishing, nutrition, and management. Her masterpiece Steps to Christ has been published into 150 different languages.
  • 15. While in a funeral service in Ohio, Ellen White received a vision in 1858. She had a vision about Christ and his angels. It was about a cosmic battle between Christ and Satan. She almost was killed according to her by Satan two days later. She published her vision in a book called Spiritual Gifts, volume 1, The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels and Satan and His Angels in 1858. The book was a hit and enjoyed by the Seventh Day Adventists as a view of the Earth’s History and purpose.
  • 16. Ellen was given a vision of the need to diet according to God. Her vision showed the importance of taking care of your body, a diet, and nature’s remedies like exercise and fresh air. Because of Ellen’s vision in 1863, the church made a health reform and required a health education program. She published pamphlets called Health, or How to Live. The Seventh Day Adventist church eventually established a health institute in 1866. Many of Ellen’s visions were used to create the Seventh Day Adventists’ beliefs and view her as a prophet from God.
  • 17. James White died on August 6, 1881. Ellen continued to do her work. She continued to publish again and visited Europe to promote her faith. She saw a need of Christian education in Australia. She wanted an institution for the young Seventh Day Adventists. She bought property for the Avondale School that identified what an Adventist education should look like. She cofounded the Avondale School. After that school was established she helped establish a medical work missionary program. After her missionary medical work, she began to outreach and educate Africans in 1891. Ellen fell one day and broke her hip. Her injury was devastating and she died on July 16, 1915 in her home in Elmshaven five months later; her home is now considered a historical site. She was buried next to her husband in Oak Hill Cemetery, Battle Creek, Michigan.
  • 18. The Seventh Day Adventists believe a variety of different things. The religion as a whole agrees on the 28 fundamentals. These 28 fundamentals include the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Humankind, the doctrine of Salvation, the doctrine of Church, the doctrine of Christian life, the doctrine of the Last Things.
  • 19. The Seventh Day Adventists believe a variety of different things. The religion as a whole agrees on the 28 fundamentals. These 28 fundamentals include the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Humankind, the doctrine of Salvation, the doctrine of Church, the doctrine of Christian life, the doctrine of the Last Things.
  • 20. The Doctrine of God 1.Holy Scriptures – are divine inspiration of the word of God. 2.Trinity or Godhead – there is one God in three persons. 3.Father – is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation. 4.Son – is God the eternal son Jesus through him salvation exists. 5.Holy Spirit – inspired the words of Scripture and was active during reincarnation, incarnation, and redemption.
  • 21. The Doctrine of Humankind 6. Creation – God is the creator of all things & the Bible is creation’s history. 7. Nature of Man – Men and women are made in the image of God and have free will. They became subject to death after they sinned and their ancestors shared their fate.
  • 22. The Doctrine of Salvation 8. Great Controversy – All humanity is now involved with a great controversy between Christ and Satan regarding the character of God, his law, and His sovereignty over the universe. 9. Life, Death, and Resurrection – Christ was perfect and he have his life as the atonement for human’s sin. 10. Experience of Salvation – Christ gave his life and Christians can experience salivation through his death. Jesus delivered them from sin. 11. Growing in Christ – Walk with Jesus and do not live in darkness, fear of evil powers, ignorance, and meaningless of our former life. Meditate on his word, sing praises, gather for worship, and participate in the Church’s mission.
  • 23. The Doctrine of the Church 12. Church – The church is a community of believers who confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. 13. Remnant and Its Mission – The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in Christ, in the last days, a time of widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called out to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. 14. Unity in the Body of Christ – The church is one body with many members called from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. 15. Baptism – By Baptism we confess our faith in the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and testify of our death to sin and of our purpose to walk in the newness of life .
  • 24. The Doctrine of the Church (continued) 16. Lord’s Supper – The Lord’s Supper is a participation in the emblems of the body and blood of Jesus as an expression of faith in Him, our Lord and Savior. 17. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries – God bestows upon all members of His church in every age spiritual gifts which each member is to employ in loving ministry for the common good of the church and of humanity. 18. The Gift of Prophecy – the Holy Spirit gives the gift of prophecy and was a key mark of the first church with Ellen White’s prophecies.
  • 25. The Doctrine of the Christian Life 19. Law of God – The 10 commandments are the laws of God and are shown in Christ’s life. 20. Sabbath – The beneficent Creator, after the six days of Creation, rested on the seventh day and instituted the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation. The Sabbath must be upheld and requires the observance of this seventh-day Sabbath as the day of rest, worship, and ministry in harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. 21. Stewardship – We are all God’s stewards entrusted by him with time and opportunities, abilities and possessions, and the blessings of the earth and its resources.
  • 26. The Doctrine of the Christian Life (continued) 22. Christian Behavior – We are called to be a godly people who think, feel, and act in harmony with the principles of heave. We must involve ourselves only with things that produce Christlike purity, health, and joy in our lives. 23. Marriage and the Family – Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman in loving companionship. A Christian marriage is to God and our spouse and should only be shared between people of a common faith.
  • 27. The Doctrine of Last Things 24. Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary – There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle which the Lord set up and not man. 25. Second Coming of Christ – The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the church, the grand climax of the gospel. The time of the event has not been revealed, and we must be ready at all times. 26. Death and Resurrection – The wages of sing is death. Death is an unconscious state for all people and the righteous dead will be resurrected when Christ returns.
  • 28. The Doctrine of Last Things (continued) 27. Millennium and the End of Sin – The millennium is the thousand- year reign of Christ with His saints in heaven between the first and second resurrections. The wicked will be judged during this time, and the world will be desolate. The righteous dead will be resurrected. Satan and his angels will be destroyed. 28. New Earth – On the new earth, in which righteousness dwells, God will provide an eternal home for the redeemed and a perfect environment for everlasting life, love, joy, and learning in his presence. God will dwell among his people and death and suffering will not exist anymore.
  • 29. Seventh Day Adventist are closely related to the Protestant religion with the exception of their not all of the 28 fundamentals and these three areas: 1.Seventh Day Adventists believe in that the second coming of Christ is imminent and there will be a second coming followed by a false second coming where Satan pretends to be Jesus. 2.Seventh Day Adventists believe in the prophecies of Ellen White. They follow her idea of Spirit of Prophecy where the Holy Spirit prophecies to people and did to Ellen White. 3.Seventh Day Adventists believe that the dead are asleep and unconscious after they die. The righteous will be resurrected by Jesus and dwell on the new Earth. Seventh Day Adventists doe not believe in hell and that the evil will be destroyed in the end of time.
  • 30. • Seventh Day Adventist observe a 24 hour sunset to sunset Sabbath commencing Friday evening. • Their church services are evangelical formatted sermons. • They do adult baptisms and infants are dedicated to God. • They practice communion four times a year. • Their missionary outreach is to help both unbelievers and believers. • They do not eat pork, unclean meat, or shellfish as stated in Leviticus. The church recommends vegetarianism. • They do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • 31. • Abortion is allowed in their religion if there is a medical conditions like mother mortality, medical dilemmas, severe congenital defects to the fetus, or pregnancy from rape or incest. • Against active euthanasia, but allow withdrawal of medical support to allow death to occur. • Birth control is only permissible when a married couple uses it. • They are against human cloning. • Homosexuality is forbidden. Marriage is between a man and a women and that is all. Homosexuality is accepted as a good reason for a marriage to end in divorce.
  • 32. • Seventh Day Adventist have 7,804 pre-schools, primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, medical schools in 145 countries. They employ about 66,000 teachers and have 1,673,580 students. • The church runs a youth department for 10 – 16 year olds called the Pathfinders; they are similar to the boy scouts. • Adventist Health system is the largest not-for-profit, Protestant, multi- institutional healthcare system in the United States. It provides compassionate care in 17 hospitals in 130 countries. • There is a Adventist Development and Relief Agency International(ADRA) they are involved in 118 countries throughout the world.
  • 33. • There are 68,225 Adventist churches. • There are 16,307,880 church memberships worldwide. • There are 213,267 active employees. • Number of languages used in Adventist Publications and work: 901. • There are 167 Adventist hospitals and sanitariums. • There are 132 Adventist retirement homes. • There are 351 Adventist clinics and dispensaries. • There are 42 Adventist orphanages and children's homes.
  • 34. In the world of health, Adventists live the longest as a whole of any religious population. The average Adventist lives until they are 88 years old. This may be due to their vegetarian encouraged diet, and the fact that they refrain from smoking and drinking.
  • 35. 1. Who unofficially founded what eventually became known as the Seventh Day Adventist? A. James White B. Ellen White C. William Miller- D. Lucy Miller
  • 36. 2. What theology did Miller believe in before the War of 1812 and becoming a preacher? A. Deontology B. Catholicism C. Atheism D. Deism-
  • 37. 3. What book(s) of the Bible did Miller prophesize the second coming of Christ? A. Daniel- B. Leviticus C. Micah D. Ezra-
  • 38. 4. What year did Miller prophesize that the second coming would happen? A. 1843 B. 1844- C. 1846 D. 1915
  • 39. 5. What did the church call the event when the second coming did not take place on the second prophesized date? A. The Great Awakening B. The Great Gatsby C. The Great Disappointment- D. The Great Vision
  • 40. 6. How many divisions did the Millerites split into? A. 2 B. 3 - C. 4 D. 5
  • 41. 7. If the Millerities did not split into the three division, which religion did a majority of Millerities become? A. Quakers- B. Catholics C. Protestants D. Jehovah’s Witnesses
  • 42. 8. What was the name of the woman who had visions of prophecy? - Ellen Gould White or Ellen Hamon
  • 43. 9. True or False Ellen White’s visions important to the foundation of the Seventh Day Adventist church. A. True- B. False
  • 44. 10. What was not one of Ellen White’s visions A. The fourth commandment halo B. Great Controversy C. Health reform D. Bridgeroom E. All of the Above - F. None of the Above
  • 45. 11. How many visions did Elle White have? -2000
  • 46. 12. There are _____ fundamental Adventist beliefs. A. 21 B. 28- C. 38 D. 10
  • 47. 13. Which one is not one of the fundamental belief doctrines? A. Doctrine of Humankind B. Doctrine of Salvation C. Doctrine of Last Things D. Doctrine of Satan & Sin - E. All of the Above F. None of the Above
  • 48. 14. What demonization is closely related to the Seventh Day Adventist? A. Catholic B. Baptist C. Protestant - D. Buddhist
  • 49. 15. True or False. Seventh Day Adventists believe in hell. A. True B. False -
  • 50. 16. True or False. Seventh Day Adventists believe in hell. A. True B. False -
  • 51. 17. What do the Adventists not eat? A. Shellfish B. Pork C. Bacon D. Unclean meat E. All of the Above - F. None of the Above
  • 52. 18. True or False. Adventists abstain from smoking and drinking soda. A. True B. False -
  • 53. 19. Adventists are prominent in their mission work on education and medical work. A. True - B. False
  • 54. 20. How long does the average Adventist live? A. 26 B. 38 C. 75 D. 88-
  • 55.