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Innovation of State Civil Apparatus
Dr. Adi Suryanto, M.Si.
Dr. Agus Sudrajat, MA.
Adi Suryanto, et al. (Editors)
Copyright @ 2021 The National Institute of Public Administration,
The Republic of Indonesia. All Right Reserved.
Copyright is protected by law.
Book Title : Infographic: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Publisher : Indonesian Trainers Profession Association (APWI)
City of Publication : Jakarta
Year of Publication : 2021
Edition : First Edition
Page Number : 66 Pages
ISBN : 978-623-99129-3-2
IKAPI Member’s ID : Nomor Anggota 599/Anggota Luar Biasa/DKI/2021
Gedung Atmodarminto, BPPK Kementerian Keuangan
Jl. Purnawarman No.99, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
Email :
Website :
Whatsapp : 083840572182
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Innovation of State Civil Apparatus
Editors :
1. Adi Suryanto
2. Agus Sudrajat
1. Agus Sudrajat
2. Muhammad Firdaus
3. Ladiatno Samsara
4. Agus Pahrul Sidik
5. Haris Faozan
1. Eko Setyawan
2. Sastia Yunanta Putri
3. Sofyan Eko Putra
4. Mardiono
5. Lusi Istiviani
6. Rindri Andewi Gati
7. Firdaus Suharta
8. Ladiatno Samsara
9. Agus Pahrul Sidik
1. Anhar Dana Putra
2. Ilima Fitri Azmi
Cover and Layout:
Agus Pahrul Sidik
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Innovation of State Civil Apparatus
The development of State Civil Apparatus competency is currently experiencing enormous
challenges. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the demands of strategic
circumstances have caused the competency building of State Civil Apparatus impossible to be
implemented in the usual way. Competency development through online media has become a
new habit which is now widely practiced. However, the application is still confined to
transitioning training from conventional to online.
The implementation of State Civil Apparatus competency building in the future will not only be
limited to conventional training. Many innovative competency training models are waiting to
implement. This urge is mandated by the National Institute of Public Administration Regulation
No. 10 Year 2018 on the State Civil Apparatus competency development. There is a large
possibility that the State Civil Apparatus competency training will evolve into various forms in
the future. That is enforced by the fact that The National Leadership Leadership Training I and II
(PKN), Administrator Leadership Training (PKA), and Supervisory Leadership Training (PKP).
The National Institute of Public Administration (LAN RI), in collaboration with other recognized
educational institutions, have provided this necessary training. LAN RI is held responsible for
organizing PKN I, whereas PKN II, PKA, and PKP is organized in collaboration with other
training centers. Beside that, basic training for State Civil Apparatus candidate is also a focus
priority in competence development program implementation. It is conducted massively
since the recruitment of State Civil Apparatus candidate has experienced an increase in number
since 2019.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
LAN RI is organizing Mental Revolution Training which aims to produce agents of change who
can add more color to their home institutions. Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, this training was
canceled in 2020 but, it has been scheduled to run again in 2021. LAN RI is also going to
establish a Cadre School to accommodate the need for a succession plan provision. The Cadre
School is projected to become the public sector’s Management Trainee from which succession
plan group can be created in a shorter amount of time. It is expected that the millennial
generation, which is the majority of the workforce, will be able to take over strategic roles in the
near future.
LAN RI, additionally, develops micro learning model which focus on developing specific and
technical competencies. This micro learning model is projected to be a short yet effective
solution for competency building model. Furthermore, the need for integrated knowledge
management and learning technology can not also be ignored. Knowledge management will
evolve into a knowledge database of public sector activities in all regions of Indonesia. This is
going to ease the knowledge transfer among State Civil Apparatus.
The government, on the other hand, does not limit itself to only focus on internal development.
Non-classical competency training model, such as internships and employee exchanges are
expected to cover skill shortages that occur in other government agencies or the business
sector. Some of the issues mentioned previously are the most recent issues that LAN RI is
currently addressing. We hope to implement adaptive competency development in the not-too-
distant future.
The Infographic Book of Civil State Apparatus Management Innovation summarizes some of the
facts discussed above. This infographic represents not merely the data display of government
performance, but also the initiation or new breakthrough of LAN RI in the area of State Civil
Apparatus competency development through education and training. Hopefully, this infographic
will be beneficial in providing new insights for all of us.
Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude for your time and consideration. Hopefully, we will can
contribute and take an action for our beloved country, the Republic of Indonesia.
Jakarta, December 22, 2021
Chairman of The National Institute of Public Administration
The Republic of Indonesia
Dr. Adi Suryanto, M.Si
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
First of all, praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, The God
Almighty, for the blessing and opportunity he has given so
that we could conveniently do our activities and give our
contributions to Indonesia.
As the representative of Tanoto Foundation, we
would thank all authors who have given their best
endeavor so that this book could be ready to be published.
This infographic book provides a lot of valuable
information on a variety of topics regarding State Civil
Apparatus management not only in the context of
personnel administration, but also in other areas such as
office management, as well as some of the findings from
LAN RI’s recent studies.
This infographic makes reading data much easier for
everyone. This book is able to condense a complex
amount of facts and information so that it is easy to
understand due to its short and simple format.
Finally, we, from Tanoto Foundation would like to express
our gratitude to the National Institute of Public
Administration (LAN RI) for this work. Hopefully, this
collection of infographic will be beneficial to many people.
Jakarta, December 22, 2021
CEO Global Tanoto Foundation
Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
We are truly grateful to God Almighty for allowing us to
complete The Infographic Book of State Civil
Apparatus Management Innovation with His grace and
The Infographic Book of State Civil Apparatus Management
Innovation is a collection of infographics about State Civil
Apparatus management and higher education
implementation at Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta. This
infographic is expected to provide information to the
reader in a clear and appealing manner so that it could be
easily understood.
This book, hopefully, will benefit all readers and can be used
as a reference in a variety of expertise, including policy
formulation, scientific writing, and the creation of
educational materials.
This infographic is still far from perfect. Thus, we need your
feedback, recommendations, and contribution of data as
well as relevant information regarding state civil apparatus
management so that we can continue to publish this
kind of infographic book on a regular basis in the future.
Thank you
Jakarta, December 22, 2021
Deputy Chairman for Research and Innovation
of ASN Management
Dr. Agus Sudrajat, MA
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Preface Chairman of The National Institute of Public Administration
Foreword CEO Global Tanoto Foundation
Foreword Deputy Chairman for Research and Innovation of State Civil Apparatus
Table of Contents
The Infographic of State Civil Apparatus Management Editorial
The Alumni of PKN, PKA, PKP, and LATSAR CPNS 2021
PKN I and PKN II Training
The Basic Training for State Civil Apparatus Candidate (LATSAR CPNS)
The Competency Training Needs Through Micro Learning
The Distribution of Widyaiswara (Trainer) in Ministries/Institutions/Regions
The Distribution of Functional Position as Policy Analyst
The Policy Analyst Demographics
The Improvement of Alumni Competence After Mental Revolution Training
The Mental Revolution Training Curriculum Timeline
The Distribution of 2015-2021 Mental Revolution Training Organizers and Alumni
The Selection for Candidates of National Leadership Training Using Computer
Assisted Test (CAT)
The Leadership Training Business Process
The Selection for Candidates of National Leadership Training Level I and II
The Community Of Practice As A Widyaiswara Functional Position Competency
Development Model
The Creating Excellent Human Resources Through National Talent Ecosystem
The Urgency of Vocational Education
The Innovation of Investment Gallery
Sharpening Students’ Soft Skills through Organizations
The Urgency of Cadre School
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The Advantages of Blended Learning Method for State Civil Apparatus Candidate
Basic Training (LATSAR CPNS)
The Blended Learning of Basic Training Of State Civil Apparatus Candidates
The Types and Weights Of Evaluation Assessment For LATSAR CPNS Blended
Learning Participants
The State Civil Apparatus Internship And Exchange
The Knowledge Management System
Training vs Learning
Authors Profile
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
State Civil Apparatus management is a systematic and structured approach since
recruitment planning until retirement. State Civil Apparatus management is carried out
by a number of institutions. The policy aspect of State Civil Apparatus administration is
handled by the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform
(Kementerian PANRB). The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) is in charge State Civil
Apparatus management in a more detailed activity. Meanwhile, The National Institute of
Public Administration (LAN RI) is in charge of the competency development.
LAN RI is not merely responsible for competency development. LAN RI is also held
accountable for research and innovation, as well as higher education. These functions
sometimes go hand in hand. Therefore, several things illustrated in this infographic
reflect the tasks performed by LAN RI, including its role in State Civil Apparatus
management, supervision, research, innovation, and higher education.
Some of the key issues illustrated in this infographic book are related with competency
development. The paradigm shift from training to learning in competency development
in the future is the main focus. State Civil Apparatus are required to learn independently
under the "learning" pattern. Material in the form of micro learning is being prepared to
support this independent learning. Before micro learning is implemented, State Civil
Apparatuses are given survey to determine what micro learning means. Furthermore,
knowledge management will be prepared to manage State Civil Apparatus knowledge
so that it does not become obsolete and can be replicated by other employees.
In the tiered competency development aspect, the implementation of Leadership
Training I (PKN I), Leadership Training II (PKN II), Administrator Training, and
Supervisory Training is still conducted annually. These trainings are intended to prepare
State Civil Apparatus for managerial roles. In addition, LAN RI has established a Cadre
School to foster succession planning and provide a fast-track career opportunity for
State Civil Apparatus. This infographic book also explains the entire concept of the
Cadre School.
In terms of technical and sociocultural training, mental revolution training is frequently
implemented not only by LAN RI, but also by other training institutions. Mental
revolution is a model of training that helps ministries, institutions, and local
governments generate change agents. All of the information are depicted in the form of
infographics in this book, with the purpose of making it easier for readers to understand
the material provided and add value to their existing knowledge.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
In organizing managerial training and basic training, LAN RI as a
competency development agency, together with the training unit,
work together to organize these activities.
National Leadership Training (PKN I and PKN II), Administrator
Leadership Training (PKA), and Supervisory Leadership Training
(PKP) are examples of managerial training. Other types of training
include basic training for State Civil Apparatus candidate (LATSAR
Basic training for State Civil Apparatus candidate has the largest
portion of participants. In 2021, there are 119,873 training
participants. This is due to the significant number of State Civil
Apparatus recruitment in 2020.
Supervisor Leadership Training, formerly known as Echelon IV
officials, has the second-largest number of enrollees. This training is
for State Civil Apparatus who will be assigned to Echelon IV position,
also known as Sub-coordinators.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Data Per November 2021
Data Source : SIPKA & Smartbangkom
Data Processor: Pusdatin
Is a training for middle leadership structural
Is a training for pratama leadership
structural positions
Is a training for administrator leadership
structural positions
Is an integrated training in the pre-service
period which is carried out for State Civil
Apparatus candidate.
Leadership Training for Administrators
Supervisor Leadership Training
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Is a training for supervisor leadership
structural positions
Leadership Training I (PKN I) and Leadership Training II (PKN II) are
trainings held to prepare employees to occupy Middle High
Leadership Positions (JPT Madya) and Pratama High Leadership
Positions (JPT Pratama). This training was carried out by the National
Institute for Public Administration (LAN RI) as the accountable
institution for managerial training implementation.
In terms of implementation, only PKN I is fully organized by LAN RI.
For PKN II, some trainings are held by LAN RI and some trainings are
held by their own institutions. However, the implementation of PKN
II must obtain the approval of LAN RI with certain conditions and
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Data Per November 2021
Data Source : SIPKA & Smartbangkom
Data Processor: Pusdatin 14
Top 10 Best Alumni
Total Participants
Total Participants
Top 5 Best Alumni
*Data of PKN II in 2017 and 2018 only provided by Pejompongan State Civil Apparatus CorpU
Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Basic Training for State Civil Apparatus Candidate (LATSAR CPNS) is
a mandatory training for all State Civil Apparatus candidates. This
training accomplishment is needed before a candidate is appointed as
a State Civil Apparatus. This training is not only a training for
competency development of a State Civil Apparatus, but also to
internalize the value of BerAKHLAK which is currently the basic core
value for all State Civil Apparatus.
The implementation of LATSAR CPNS from year to year has involved
many participants. For instance in 2019, LATSAR CPNS set a new
record because it has 138,158 participants. The implementation of
LATSAR CPNS is held in central and regional institutions. The
implementation of LATSAR CPNS involves many participants from
different institutions, so that there will be insightful interaction
among State Civil Apparatus candidate. It is envisioned that through
this engagement, all State Civil Apparatus candidates will be able to
share their unique experience and information. This training is also
expected to be part of the process of strengthening the unity and
integrity of the country.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Data Per November 2021
Data Source : SIPKA & Smartbangkom
Data Processing: Pusdatin
Home Institution
Total Participants
Participants Based on Gender
Provincial/ City/
Regency Goverment
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
State Civil Apparatus competency is currently being forced to evolve
in order to keep up with the digital era. The paradigm shift in
competency development from training to learning refers to private
institutions which based on independent learning and time efficiency
in the implementation of learning.
Today's challenges make the implementation of State Civil Apparatus
competency development move in that direction, that is the emphasis
on independent learning by State Civil Apparatus; a learning model
which based on their own need and job description.
Learning through micro learning is one of the independent learning
models. Micro learning is a type of learning that takes place on a small
scale and in a short amount of time. However, according to a survey
held by LAN RI, the understanding of State Civil Apparatus about
micro learning is extremely varied. The results of the survey are
detailed below.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Competency Development
Through Micro Learning
Respondent’s Distribution
What is
Ever heard and participated
in Micro learning?
Data Per November 2021
Data Source : Pustekbangkom
Data Processing: Pusdatin
This study was conducted by distributing online surveys
to 4,036 people to map respondents' expectations of the
topics they want to learn about from micro learning. The
survey was conducted in June 2021.
Etymologically, Micro
learning means learning
activities done in a small
scale or in a short time
Gender Home Institutions
Female Male Teachers
Years of Service
Years of
0- 10 Years 11- 20 Years 21- 30 Years 31- 40 Years > 40 Years
Ever heard
Never heard
How important Micro learning is?
(Based on respondents’ length of service)
5 First Topic for State Civil Apparatus
Competency Development?
0 – 10 Years
11 – 20 Years
21 – 30 Years
31 – 40 Years
> 41 Years
Tips for choosing the right information on the internet
Making informative infographic
Mapping work priority
Making powerful power point
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Widyaiswara is a functional official who has the duty and
responsibility to educate, teach and/or train State Civil Apparatus at
government educational institutions. Trainer is an in-board facilitator
who is obliged to increase the competency of State Civil Apparatus.
Per August 15th 2021, there are 5,008 trainers in Indonesia. Trainer
are found in 64% of ministries, 26% of institutions, and 10% of
regions. According to this data, the majority of trainers work for
central government institutions.
Among all of trainers, the majority are the Associate Trainer (2,030
people), and then followed by Senior Trainer (1,694 people). Next is
Junior Trainer (732 people) and then the smallest group is Trainer
Specialist (552 people).
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The Number of Widyaiswara Based on The Classification Position Level
The Percentage of Widyaiswara Distribution in M/I/R
Data Per August 15, 2021
Data Source : Pusbin JF Bangkom
Data Processing : Pusdatin
Junior Trainer : 732 people
Senior Trainer : 1694 people
Associate Trainer : 2030 people
Trainer Specialist : 552 people
Junior Senior Associate Specialist
Widyaiswara is a functional official
who has the duty and responsibility
to educate, teach and/or train State
Civil Apparatus at government
educational institutions. Trainer is
an in-board facilitator who is
obliged to increase the competency
of State Civil Apparatus
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The functional position of policy analyst is currently a necessity in
almost all government agencies. One of the reason is because the
scope of work of each agency requires the role of a policy analyst. In
addition, the existence of organization downsizing by replacing
administrators and supervisors into functional officers, makes policy
analyst a relevant functional position with its duties and functions.
There are 3,775 policy analysts working for the government until
November 2021. The majority of this number, 3,633 policy analysts,
comes from central governments. Meanwhile there are 142 policy
analysts in local governments
With a rate of 79 percent, ministries account for the majority of
policy analysts in central institutions. Meanwhile, Non-Ministry
Government Institutions (LNPK) and other governmental institutions
account for 19% and 2% of the total, respectively. Likewise in
the local government level, the provinces have the majority of policy
analysts (56%).
Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of policy analysts in
local governments, especially in regencies and cities. This aims to
improve the distribution of policy analysts so that policy development
in the local government level can function optimally.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
79% 2%
(80 People)
(2884 People) (668 People) (81 People)
(24 People)
(38 People)
Data Per November 8, 2021
Data Source : Pusaka
Data Processing: Pusdatin
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The distribution of functional positions should ideally pay attention
to gender balance. One of them is the ratio of men to women in
strategic positions. This is done to avoid gender bias in the work
This is something that the policy analyst functional positions
consider. As observed, there is no substantial difference in the
proportion of male and female as policy analysts.
Male policy analysts make up about 58% of the total policy analysts
while the female policy analysts make up about 42%. This means that
there is no significant difference in the proportion of male and female
as policy analysts.
In terms of age, the average functional policy analysts are mostly
from Generation X which is currently in age of 40 and 55. The
proportion of Generation X policy analyst is up to 48%. The millennial
generation, which is considered the agent of cultural change, only has
a proportion of 36%.
Therefore, the rise of the number of millennial functional officials is a
necessity, given the organization's needs and problems nowadays. It
is expected that the millennial generation could be the driving force
of change in government in the future.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Policy Analysts Demographic
Based on Gender
Mutation : 36 People
Appointing: 405 People
2.657 People
Inpassing: 677 People
Based on Types of Recruitment
Based on Age
Baby Boomers
Gen Z Milenial Gen X
36% 48% 15%
Data Per November 8, 2021
Data Source : Pusaka LAN
Data Processing: Pusdatin LAN RI
Age Description:
• Gen Z : 8-25 years
• Milenial : 26- 39 years
• Gen X : 40-55 years
• Baby Boomers : 56-74 Years
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The competency improvement of mental revolution training alumni is
measured through a survey. The survey was conducted in the period
of June until July 2020. The respondents who participated were 44
people who came from across generations, from Batch I to Batch IV.
According to the survey results, 87.5 percent of mental revolution
training alumni have increased service culture competency, which
includes the ability to respond quickly and appropriately in providing
services, to provide quality services, to provide community-oriented
services, to be fair in providing services, to carry out duties according
to procedures, and to cooperate with others.
Competency Improvement can also be observed in the public sector's
innovation capability. 79.5 percent of graduates have improved their
skills. The improvement of public sector innovation competency
contains of the ability to effectively express opinions and proposals to
superiors/colleagues, adapt new ideas, and work sustainably.
The same goes to the competency of service strategy. There are
91.7% of alumni who get an increase in this competency. Some of the
things that have improved include the competency of analyzing
service problems that exist in the work unit, finding solutions to
improve services and developing strategies for service improvement.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The respondents of the survey are the alumni of Mental Revolution Training
from Batch I to Batch IV in 2019, with a total sample of 44 people.
The survey was conducted in June - July 2020.
✓ The ability to respond quickly and appropriately in providing
✓ The ability to provide quality services,
✓ The ability to provide community-oriented services,
✓ The ability to be fair in providing services,
✓ The ability to carry out duties according to procedures, and
✓ The ability to cooperate with others
✓ The ability to effectively express opinions and proposals to
✓ The ability to adapt new ideas, and
✓ The ability to work sustainably.
✓ The competency in analyzing service problems that exist in
the work unit,
✓ The ability of finding solutions to improve services and
✓ The ability of developing strategies for service improvement
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Mental revolution training is a training to change the mindset of State
Civil Apparatus to have a spirit of reform and change towards the
organization. Although there are until technical training aspects in it,
this training is actually classified as sociocultural training.
The implementation of mental revolution training has been started
since 2015. There are at least three mental revolution agendas that
has been instilled into the mindset of employees, including a
revolution in perspective, a revolution in thinking, and a revolution in
how to work.
Since 2017, mental revolution training has to be done in 46 hours of
lessons but starting in 2019, it was reduced by one hour, thus it has
been done only in 45 hours of lessons. Since the commitment on
human resource development and #BerAKHLAK as the core value of
State Civil Apparatus is declared, the implementation of mental
revolution training has increased significantly to 194 hours. This
expansion in lesson’s time is actually expected so that changes in the
quality of State Civil Apparatus can increase significantly and more
State Civil Apparatus can become agents of change in their home
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The Regulation of The Head of The National
Institute of Public Administration No. 6 Year
2017 on Guidelines for the Implementation of
Mental Revolution Training for Public Services
The Regulation of The Head of The National
Institute of Public Administration No. 4 Year
2021 on Guidelines for Organizing Mental
Revolution Training for a Clean, Serving, and
Responsive Bureaucratic Culture Strengthening
The Regulation of The National Institute of Public
Administration No. 10 Year 2019 on Mental
Revolution Training for Public Services, and;
The Regulation of The Head of The National
Institute of Public Administration No.
358/K.1/PDP.07/2019 on Guidelines for
Conducting Mental Revolution Training for Public
46 Hours of lesson
45 Hours of lesson
194 Hours of
▪ Revolution Agenda of Subjective Framework
▪ Revolution Agenda of Mindset
▪ Revolution Agenda of Work Manner
▪ Revolution Agenda of Subjective Framework
▪ Revolution Agenda of Mindset
▪ Revolution Agenda of Work Manner
▪ Agenda of Mindset Transformation
▪ Agenda of Work Manner Transformation
▪ Agenda of Actualization
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Since 2017, the implementation of the mental revolution training has
not been limited to the Jakarta State Administration Institute (LAN
RI). Additionally, activities are conducted at the Center of Training
and Development (Puslatbang) in Aceh, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi, as
well as through facilitation at other government agencies.
Since 2017, 731 people have graduated from mental revolution
training; 632 in 2018; 518 in 2019; and 400 in 2021. Only in 2020
were LAN RI unable to conduct mental revolution training activities
due to the Pandemic of Covid 19.
Each organizing agency targets an average of 100 participants for
each implementation of mental revolution training activities.
However, in practice, a significant number of trainees fell short of the
target. Even in 2021, the two Centers for Development, namely
PKASN LAN Jatinangor and KDOD LAN Makassar, only has 50
participants of the training.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
* There was no mental revolution training held in 2020 due
to Covid-19 pandemic
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The use of computer technology in the selection of State Civil
Apparatus is known as computer assisted testing (CAT). The
application of CAT may help guarantee the selection process
accountable. So far, the implementation of the State Civil Apparatus
selection process has been successful.
Due to the successful implementation of The State Civil Apparatus
selection, CAT was replicated by the implementation of the National
Leadership Training (PKN) then. The use of CAT in PKN selection can
speed up the selection process.
Previously, the PKN selection process was done manually. The
registration is conducted offline, so does the test so that the results
of the new recruits can only be announced within a week after the
implementation of the selection.
The utilization of CAT in the selection process of PKN has made the
entire process done digitally. The registration process uses an
application-based information system, as well as the written test.
After CAT utilization, the results of the selection can finally be known
in real time as soon as after the selection is done.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Written Test of English and Training Substances
The Test of English and Training Substances is held in paper-based
written. The results of the implementation of this test are announced
approximately 1 week after the test is completed
Offline Registration
Participants must re-register by coming directly to ASN CorpU.
Participants are required to bring administrative requirements, take a
queue number and print an exam card
The Test of English and Training Substances
The Test of English and Training Substances is held using Computer
Assisted Test (CAT). The result is real time.
Online Registration
Participants must re-register online, it can be done anywhere.
Administrative requirements are uploaded online. The exam card will be
sent to participants’ email if the participants have registered.
Registration CAT Test
Real time
Test Result
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The implementation of Leadership Training has long stage of process.
The first stage begins with the distribution of training schedule, and
then it is followed with submitting proposals for training participants
from home institutions, and then the next is summoning prospective
participants, doing the training and the last stage is post-training
evaluation (conducting tracer study). All of these stages are carried
out by the Center of the Development of State Civil Apparatus
National Leadership and Management Competency (Pusbangkom
Pimnas dan Manajerial ASN).
The training calendar circular is the schedule for the implementation
of the training. The circular of the training calendar contains a
schedule of training activities specifically organized by LAN RI.
Proposed participants from agencies are prospective participants
proposed by each agency according to the training calendar that has
been published by LAN RI. This proposal is only an initiation from
each institution.
The proposed participants is not automatically accepted into the
training program. Only the prospective trainees who are approved by
LAN RI that is going to be the selected participants. The prospective
participants must pass the verification process held by LAN RI. After
the participants pass the verification process, they can finally
participate in the training. Depending on the degree of training, the
implementation of the training takes a different amount of time.
After the implementation of the training, a post-training evaluation
must be held. This evaluation is conducted to see the impact of post-
training results and to find out whether or not there is an
improvement in the competency of the trainees.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The schedule of Leadership training which is going to be held by LAN RI
is sent to the local and central institutions in the form of an official
notification letter that can be accessed via
Every home institutions send a proposal containing the prospective
participants who are going to be approved by LAN RI
according to the schedule already accepted.
Leadership Training is the core business of The Center Of The Development Of State Civil Apparatus
National Leadership And Management Competency of LAN RI (Pusbangkom Pimnas LAN). Leadership
Training consists of National Leadership Training Level I (PKN I), National Leadership Training level II (PKN
II), Administrator Leadership Training (PKA), and Supervisor Leadership Training (PKP).
LAN RI will verify all of the prospective participants from every home
institutions and then approve the qualified participants to be the official
participants. Each of every approved participants will be notified so that
they can be prepared before the training starts
Leadership Training is held by LAN RI annually. The schedule of
upcoming leadership training will be sent to every local and central
government institutions through a letter of notification
containing training schedule within a year.
The schedule can be accessed via
Post-training evaluation is conducted a year after the training is done.
The aim of the evaluation is to ensure the sustainability and benefit of
participant’s change project and the alumni’s performance in their home
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Implementing Leadership Training is a lengthy process. The first stage begins
with the distribution of the schedule of national leadership training level I and II,
and then it is followed by proposals submission for prospective training
participants from home institutions, calling for selected participants, conducting
the training and the last stage is conducting post-training evaluation (tracer
study). All of these stages are also carried out by the Center of the Development
of State Civil Apparatus National Leadership and Management Competency
(Pusbangkom Pimnas).
The training calendar circular is the schedule for the implementation of the
training. The circular of the training calendar contains a schedule of training
activities specifically organized by LAN RI.
Proposed participants from agencies are prospective participants proposed by
each agency according to the training calendar that has been published by LAN
RI. This proposal is only an initiative from each institution.
The proposed participants is not automatically approved as the official
participants for the PKN I and PKN II. Only the prospective participants who are
approved by LAN RI that is going to be the official participants. The prospective
participants must pass the verification process held by LAN RI.
After that, the selected participants of the national leadership training level I and
II National Leadership Training took part in the selection organized by the
training organizer. The selection consists of English and training substance test,
psychological test and interview.
After the selection is done, the result will be announced. This announcement
became the basis for summoning participants for PKN I and PKN II.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The schedule of Leadership training which is going to be held by LAN RI
is sent to the local and central institutions in the form of an official
notification letter that can be accessed via
Every home institutions send a proposal containing the prospective
participants who are going to be approved by LAN RI
according to the schedule already accepted.
The selection for prospective participants of National Leadership Training Level I and II is a prerequisite
condition for State Civil Apparatus who are occupying Senior High Leadership Position (for level I), and
those who are in administrator or equivalent position (for level II).
LAN RI will verify all of the prospective participants from every home
institutions and then approve the qualified participants to be the official
participants. Each of every approved participants will be notified so that
they can be prepared before the training starts
The selection process is comprised of multiple steps, including English And
Training Substance Test (using CAT), Psychological Test, and Interview.
Post-training evaluation is conducted a year after the training is done.
The aim of the evaluation is to ensure the sustainability and benefit of
participant’s change project and the alumni’s performance in their home
The Center of the Development of State Civil Apparatus National
Leadership and Management Competency ( Pusbangkom Pimnas dan
Manajerial ASN )
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Community of Practices (CoP) of Widyaiswara is a program that
encourages Widyaiswara (trainers) to share their knowledge and
experiences for each other in order to achieve best practices in the
development of trainer’s competencies. Since CoP is a learning
experience model among trainers, it is expected that all trainers will
get to the same level of competency.
Since its introduction in 2020, the trainer’s CoP has been held in nine
editions. The special thing of the implementation is a need-based
program and can be held anytime and anywhere. So far, eleven
learning themes were already adopted throughout the nine editions
of the CoP.
The benefit of learning through CoP is completely felt by
participating trainers. There are about 2.889 trainers have
participated in nine editions of CoP. This means that every edition of
CoP has involved an average of 321 trainers.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Since 2020, The Community of Practice (CoP) of Widyaiswara has been the flagship initiative of the Functional Position
Development Center of State Civil Apparatus Competency Development (Pusbin JF Bangkom). The CoP of
Widyaiswara is a learning community forum where trainers can share their experiences in order to achieve best
practices in the context of ASN Competency Development. The CoP of Widyaiswara forum is run entirely online,
allowing trainers from all around Indonesia to join without any geographical or time limit.
Since its first initiative on May 8, 2020, the CoP of Widyaiswara Forum
has been held for 9 editions
*data per September 10, 2021
Trainer’s challenge in the digital era: Creative Video for Learning; Videomaking
Technique, Easy and Quick; How to Make Video in 15 Minutes; Personal
Branding for Trainers; Optimizing Online Learning in the new Normal Era; How
to Make Infographic with EdrawMax; Utilizing PowerPoint; Trainers
Knowledge Sharing about Corporate University; Preparation of SKP and
Performance Assessment of Trainers; Hypermedia Development for Distance
Learning in a Pandemic Period
Since the first edition, 2.889 participants have been
a part of the CoP forum, either via Zoom or live
broadcast on the Rumah Cerdas Widyaiswara
Indonesia app and Youtube.
The Functional Position Development Center of
State Civil ApparatusCompetency Development
( Pusbin JF Bangkom ASN )
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Indonesia's 2045 vision, which prioritizes human development and
science and technology, has major implications for human
development. Particularly with relation to the competitiveness of
Indonesian human capital.
That case is happened because manifesting excellent human
resources continues to face some challenges, including the quality of
Indonesian human resources are still left behind other countries, and
also Indonesia's general circumstance continues to lag, particularly in
the fields of science, innovation, sports, and arts and culture.
Several methods and action plans can be implemented to facilitate
the development of excellent human resources, including establishing
the groundwork for digital infrastructure. Digital infrastructure is
utilized to meet the demands of digital competencies. At the moment,
digital competency needs to develop as a trend.
The digital infrastructure serves as the foundation for the
development of human resources interests and talents in technology.
These interests and talents are also used to track global trends in
digitalization across all sectors, but particularly in the industrial
Thus, policies that are compatible with these goals are required as
part of the strategy to establish a national talent ecosystem for the
purpose of developing excellent human resources. These rules are
connected to the Omnibus Law of talent ecosystem. This Omnibus
Law will incorporate all regulations relating to scientific and
technological talent, as well as skill in the arts and sports.
An endowment fund, in addition, maintained by an independent
institution will be established. This institution will operate as an
investment Institution and will be integrated with investment
management firms.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The Indonesian Vision for 2045 identifies a number of targets and objectives:
(1) Human development and science and technology mastery; (2) Sustainable economic development;
(3) Equitable development; and (4) National resilience and government consolidation.
"... in the next five years ,human resource development will be our primary objective.
Developing hardworking, dynamic human resources. Developing highly trained human capital
who is mastering science and technology. Also, Inviting global talent to collaborate with us...
We must develop new modes of work"
Excellent Human Resources Challenges
Indonesia's human resource quality
continues to fall behind other countries.
Indonesia’s lagging general state, particularly in the
sectors of science/research and innovation, sports, and
arts and culture
Fragmented regulation of human resource
development, and limited budget for developing
excellent human resources
Policy review
PresidentialRegulationNo. 87 of 2017 on Character Education
A greater emphasis
on morals, religion,
and nationalism; the
learning aspect
becomes less
powerful /
Unclear delegation in
policy design; causing
disagreements and
conflicts of
interpretation among
stakeholders at the
national, regional, and
school levels.
The setting is still
very normative.
”dewa” language.
The character
must be an
The Regulation of National Talent
Currently, the regulation is fractured and
incomplete, and its entire synchronization is unclear
Making an Omnibus Law of Talent Ecosystem
Integration of legislation on talents in science and
technology, the arts, and sports;
Establishment of an Endowment Fund
administered by an Independent Institution
A President-established independent institution is
managed as an investment institution and may be
incorporated into an Investment Management
Institution (Sovereign Wealth Fund)
✓Digital infrastructure
✓Simplified regulation of the
talent ecosystem
✓Endowment fund financing
✓Research and innovation
✓Excellent talent incentives
✓Increasing interest &
✓Promoting talent, creating
opportunities and a
conducive work climate
Awaken the ethos of
progress, work ethic,
achievement motivation,
optimism, creativity,
innovation, spirit of
cooperation and mutual
Source: Policy Brief of The Class of XLVIII of
NationalLeadership Training Level I 2021
✓Industrial digitalization
✓Integrating the ecosystem
✓Develop the digital
industry as an engine of
The Functional Position Development Center of
State Civil ApparatusCompetency Development
( Pusbin JF Bangkom ASN )
Joko Widodo’s Presidential Speech
The Inauguration, October 20th 2019
Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Vocational education is used to develop skilled and agile human
capital (HR). Vocational education is necessary, as the business sector
today requires more skilled workers.
However, current vocational education has not been fully covered the
issue. Currently, higher vocational education accounts for around
16% of all higher education institutions in Indonesia. The remaining
16% was made up of 262 polytechnics and 1,103 vocational
The Polytechnic of STIA LAN is a higher education that is primarily
vocational in nature. The Polytechnic of STIA LAN offers three levels
of education: the D4 program (National Development Administration,
Public Sector Business Administration, and Apparatus Human
Resource Management), master degree and doctoral degree.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
To support the achievement of medium-term development, the
improvement of the quality of human resources inside the apparatus
must be supported by the development of the younger generation's
competency. To cover this area, LAN RI, through The Polytechnic of STIA
LAN , organizes vocational higher education to produce skilled and agile
human resources.
Current Condition of Vocational Education in Indonesia
The number of vocational higher education in Indonesia is only 16% of
all higher education institutions in Indonesia
The establishment
of Directorate
General of
Education at the
Ministry of
Education and
Added value of
vocational education,
namely competency
industrial sector
networks and
bureaucracy, and
The Polytechnic of
opportunities in the
public and private
Learning focuses on
30% theory and
70% practice with
2 3 4
The Urgency of Vocational Education for Human Resource Development
1.103 Vocational Academy
262 Polytechnics
Educational Levels at The Polytechnic of STIA LAN
D-4 S-2 S-3
• State Development
• Public Sector Business
• Apparatus Human Resource
Management (MSDMA)
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
*currently available in Jakarta
Investment is an unavoidable necessity. One of the objectives of
investing is to raise the worth of money in order to avoid depreciation
due to inflation.
Historically, investments were mostly made in land, gold, and other
precious metals. However, investment instruments have become
increasingly diverse over time. Stock is one form of investment
There is abundant information available on stock investment at the
moment, and it is not a taboo subject. Unlike in the past, information
about stock investment were considered very taboo and appears to
be exclusive to particular circles.
According to the survey, many millennials are interested in stock
investing. However, only a few have engaged in the capital market
according to a poll conducted by the academic community of The
Jakarta LAN RI’s Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta. At the Polytechnic
of STIA LAN Jakarta, up to 72% of the academic community claimed
that they had never traded in the capital market. Meanwhile, 28%
reported investing in the capital market.
This survey served as the foundation for the Investment Gallery
Innovation. The innovation’s objective is to enhance applied-based
learning for the study of capital market trading operations and to
familiarize the academic community at The Polytechnic of STIA LAN
Jakarta with the capital market.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
In Supporting Vocational Education
In The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta
The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta Awareness Level
Have invested
in the capital market
Never invested
in the capital
Why? Not knowing how to invest in the capital market
Improving applied-based learning for the analysis of
capital market trading activities and introducing the
capital market to the academic community
Investment Gallery
The establishment of the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) Investment Gallery at the Polytechnic of STIA
LAN Jakarta is a tripartite collaboration between
The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta with the IDX
and Mirae Asset Sekuritas
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
In the current state of workplace, soft skills are substantial. Many job
applicants who are lack of soft skills find it difficult to get a job.
The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta tries to address this issue and
instill soft skill competencies in its students. This competency is
instilled not only through formal education, but also through informal
learning within the organization. This requires students to be
involved in groups.
The students of The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta are imbued
with soft skills such as effective time management, information
analysis, effective communication, leadership, critical thinking,
adaptability, creativity, and eagerness to collaborate.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Although studying in college will not guarantee that ones can get the job
they want, college is still the right place to equip and prepare oneself
before actually entering the work place.
Among all of those soft skills, which one do you want to improve?
5 6 7 8
Good Time
Communication Leadership
Here are eight soft skills needed in the work place that you can strengthen
during college studies by joining a student organization
Advancing Competencies, Bringing Changes
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The cadre school face numerous difficulties. One of them is
bureaucratic simplification. Bureaucratic simplification entails the
transformation of administrative and supervisory structural positions
into functional positions. This position transfer aims to reinforce the
bureaucracy's strength and efficiency.
There are 53 agencies that have proposed administrative
simplification. There are 9,099 administrative officials among the 53
agencies. 3,903 Administrators have been transferred to functional
officials out of the 9,099 officials.
The Cadre School is a competency development system that not only
prepares administrator officials, but also includes specifications for
career advancement for superior ASN talents, as specified in
Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 on Civil Servant
Management. The Cadre School's mission is to prepare students to
take on higher-level positions more quickly.
There are two reasons for implementing the cadre school program.
First, encouraging the acceleration of bureaucratic reform and
regeneration of the bureaucracy. Regeneration of the bureaucracy is
a critical need. According to BKN data, the share of employees aged
51-60 years will be 39% in 2020. This is inversely proportional to the
proportion of employees aged 25-40 percent, which is only 28.5%.
This is not the case in 2024, when employees aged 25-40 years
account for 50% of all civil servants. As a result, the need for
employees to be prepared for a variety of managerial positions
becomes a necessity.
Second, educating the millennial generation about global competition
and how to achieve world-class government. These two issues are a
necessity for the public sector today.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
"The Cadre School is a competency development system
that not only prepares administrator officials but also has
a career acceleration specification (fast track) for
superior talented State Civil Apparatus (High Flyers) as
regulated in Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017
article 1 paragraph 29"
Accelerating the pace of bureaucratic reform
and bureaucratic regeneration
4. 121.176
25 - 40 Years Old
39% Preparing millennials to face gradual
competitive bureaucratic challenges to build
World Class Government as regulated in
Presidential Regulation No. 81 Year 2010
on the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform
and The Law Number 17 of 2005 on Long-
Term National Development Plan (RPJP)
25 – 40 Years Old
51 – 60 Years Old
Simplification of the bureaucracy which is
facilitated by the policy of equalization
administrative positions (echelon III, IV, and V)
is based on The Regulation of Minister of State
Civil Apparatus Empowerment and
Bureaucratic Reform No 28 Year 2019 on
Equalization of Administrative Positions into
Functional Positions
President's instruction to simplify
the bureaucracy by transforming
administrative officials into
functional officials
Administrator positions that are excluded
are deemed to have a strategic position in
ensuring accountabilityand efficiency of
government administration, development,
and public services
Institutions have proposed bureaucracy
Administrator Position
(echelon III) is not
equated into functional
position, As long as
meeting these following
Have a task and
function as Head
Work Unit with
authority and
responsibility in
budget's utilization
or user goods/services; or
Have a task and
related functions
With authority/authority,
legalization, ratification,
document approval, or
Currently, Indonesia’s Bureaucracy is facing an
ageing bureaucracy issue (BKN, 2020)
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Blended learning has a number of advantages and disadvantages
when compared to traditional (classical) training. Several advantages
of blended learning training include the following:
1. The training is implemented in several stages, beginning with
self-paced learning via indirect internet instruction. Independent
learning enables individuals to adapt to the training curriculum
on their own. Weeks 1-3 are dedicated to learning activities.
2. In weeks 4-9, It is dedicated for online learning, both direct and
indirect. This type of online learning facilitates interaction
between participants and allows for more in-depth
3. The next phase is implementing the actualization project. This
phase lasts between 10-15 weeks. The actualization project has
to be planned and discussed first before it is to be executed it in
each work unit.
4. On the sixteenth week, classical learning activities were
conducted. The training takes place on the training facilitation
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Week 1-3
The entire session of On Campus I
is done offline. It is carried out in
the classical learning, starting
from the Opening to Agenda 1, 2,
and 3
Week 4-9
Doing the actualization project
Week 10
Doing the session II of
Classical/On Campus learning
Week 10-15
Performing Actualization Project in the
work unit
Week 1-3
Independent Learning indirectly through
online platform/Asynchronous
Week 4-9
Direct and indirect Distance Learning
through online platform (Synchronous and
Classical - Week 16 :
Doing a classical learning in the training
centre (Blended Learning)
The learning is more efficient and
Increasing technological and
informational competency for
participants and facilitators
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has altered global work
systems. State Civil Apparatus training is no exception. State Civil
Apparatus training, which was originally conducted in an offline
classical method, has evolved into online training. This course
adjustment has consequences. One of them is habit in the learning
To address this issue, the development of LATSAR CPNS resulted in a
shit from classical learning toward blended learning. Blended
Learning is a method of training that combine face-to-face instruction
in the classroom with online instruction.
Blended learning is implemented in the following ways: participants
engage in independent learning for 48 hours or 16 days at their own
locations through online platform; and then participants engage in
distance learning via e-learning platform for 25 lesson hours for
direct learning and 192 lesson hours for indirect learning. Finally,
participants would complete 320 lesson hours or 30 working days of
doing actualization project in the home institution, office or unit. And
then for the ultimate stage, participants must participate for the
classical learning for 62 lesson hours or six days at the training center.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Participants complete 320 lesson hours or 30 working days
of doing actualization project in the home institution, office or
unit. And then, participants must participate for the classical
learning for 62 lesson hours or six days at the training center.
State Civil
Within the first year of probation
period, it is mandatory for State
Civil Apparatus candidate to
participate in integrated basic
State Civil Apparatus is
required to work from home
due to the Covid-19
Covid -19
The Implementation of Work
From Home and Work From
Office do not prevent LAN RI
from implementing LATSAR
CPNS, which was originally
classical, now is modified into
Blended Learning in accordance
with: The National Institute of
Public Administration Regulation
No. 1 Year 2021.
Blended Learning
is a learning method that
combines the classical face-to-
face learning process in the
classroom with the online
learning process
participants engage in independent learning for
48 hours or 16 days at their own locations
through online platform
participants engage in distance learning via e-learning
platform for 25 lesson hours for direct learning and 192
lesson hours for indirect learning
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The evaluation of LATSAR CPNS participants in blended learning is
conducted using an assessment instrument specified in the National
Institute of Public Administration Regulation No. 1 of 2021 on Basic
Training for State Civil Apparatus Candidates (LATSAR CPNS). In
practice, this type of evaluation is divided into several parts.
The first to assess is behavioral attitudes. This evaluation accounts
for 15% of the assessment. The behavioral attitudes of participants
are evaluated both in the training institution and in their home
institution. Each has a 10% and 5% share.
Second, academic assessment. This evaluation is weighed at 20% for
independent and distance learning instruction. Each evaluation
accounts for 10% weight.
Thirdly, an assessment of actualization project. This evaluation
accounts for the highest weight of assessment, at 50%. The
assessment of actualization project is separated into two parts: an
assessment of the actualization design (20%) and an assessment of
the actualization's implementation (30 %).
Fourth, the assessment of Technical Competence in the Job Tasks
Strengthening (PKTBT) accounts for 15%. This assessment is used to
determine a candidate's knowledge of both general and substantive
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Based on the National Institute of Public Administration Regulation No. 1 Year 2021 on Basic
Training for State Civil Apparatus Candidates (LATSAR CPNS), in Chapter IV Article 24, the weight
for Evaluation Assessment for LATSAR CPNS Blended Learning Participant is as follows:
✓ Accredited Training Centre with an assessment weight of 10%
✓ Government Institution from which the participant originated
with an assessment weight of 5%
✓ Independent Training Academic Evaluation of 10%
✓ Academic Evaluation of Distance Learning by 10%
✓ The Original Institution provides General/Administrative
Competency Values
✓ The Origin Institution provides Substantive Competency Values
✓ Evaluation of the Actualization Plan of 20%
✓ Evaluation of the Implementation of Actualization by
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
The State Civil Apparatus’ competency, which is currently not evenly
distributed, is quite a serious problem. The classical competency
training still provides more understanding of the conceptual
knowledge. While in practice it can not be optimized. Thus, the
development of competencies that allows direct involvement of State
Civil Apparatus becomes a necessity.
Internships and employee exchanges are considered to be a means of
conducting competency development by incorporating State Civil
Apparatus directly in their job. Internship is a procedure by which
State Civil Apparatus develop certain abilities by participating in
related work processes outside their unit/organization for a specified
length of time while being guided and supervised by mentors/experts
in respective field.
Meanwhile, State Civil Apparatus exchange is a means of transferring
values, culture, competency, and organizational experience
among units/organizations (through the placement of people in
certain positions for a specified amount of time in the exchange
partner unit/organization).
Internships and State Civil Apparatus exchanges are fundamentally
different in practice. Internships take place in government agencies,
while State Civil Apparatus exchanges take place among government
and private sector employees. Additionally, internships are used to
develop specific abilities, while State Civil Apparatus exchanges are
used to foster the development of new organizational values that are
more potent and synergistic across policy actors.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Internship is a procedure by which State Civil
Apparatus develop certain abilities by
participating in related work processes
outside their unit/organization for a specified
length of time while being guided and
supervised by mentors/experts in respective
The State Civil Apparatus
Exchange and Internship
State Civil Apparatus Exchange is a process
of mutual learning
among units/organizations (through the
exchange of values, culture, competency,
and organizational experience) that involves
placing individuals in certain jobs for a
specified amount of time in the exchange
partner unit/organization.
State Civil Apparatus Exchange Model State Civil Apparatus Internship Model
Non-classical Competency Development
State Civil Apparatus Exchange and Internship is
Non-classical Competency Development
state civil apparatus Exchange and
Internship participants are State
Civil Apparatus and Contract-based
Government Employees
state civil apparatus Exchange and
Internship can be conducted in the
government institutions and other
non-governmental institutions
State Civil Apparatus Exchange and
Internship implementation time is
done based on institutions’own need
Internship Exchange
Basis Institutional needs Institutional needs
Focus Competency (Learning) Organizational Values (Challenging)
Objective Competency Mastery The synergy among policy actors and building a
common understanding; organizational value
Context Strengthening the implementation capacity of task and
job description; preparation for occupying certain
positions; understanding of the policy context, public
services, relations with stakeholders
problem solving; organizational capacity
development; preparation for strategic positions
Target Best staff in the positions Successors
Implication Civil servant career development, organizational
capacity development, appreciation for internship
recipient organizations
Employee career development, organizational
capacity development
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Knowledge management is a necessity in public sector organizations nowadays.
This is considering the need of organizational knowledge that must be managed
and processed so that knowledge is not lost due to employee turnover in the
organization. In the private sector, knowledge management has been
implemented in such a way that knowledge management has become part of
In simple terms, according to Townley, knowledge management is defined as a
series of processes to create and share knowledge throughout the organization
in order to optimize the achievement of the organization's vision and mission. In
other words, this knowledge is developed for organizational purposes.
In practice, knowledge management has many benefits. For example, in the
decision-making process. Decision-making materials can be obtained from
knowledge management. In addition, it can simplify the processes and work
procedures because knowledge of processes and work procedures is easier to
There are three knowledges that are managed in knowledge management. First,
tacit knowledge, knowledge stored in each employee. This knowledge is based
more on the experience of employees in carrying out their daily work. Second,
explicit knowledge, knowledge in the form of work skills that can be used as a
guide in carrying out daily work. Finally, potential knowledge is self-potential that
can be reinforced in order to achieve optimal performance to achieve
organizational goals.
Along with advances in information technology, knowledge management is
currently performed through an application-based information system that is
connected to learning technology. Currently, a knowledge management system
that is integrated with learning technology in ASN Unggul is being prepared in the
design of Civil State Apparatus training at the National State Civil Apparatus
Corporate University (ASN CorpU).
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
According to Townley (2001), Knowledge management is a collection of
systems for developing and distributing knowledge throughout an
organization in order to maximize the attainment of the organization’s
mission and goals.
Benefits of Knowledge Management
1. Time and cost savings
2. Knowledge asset enhancement
3. Speeding up the decision making
4. Improving the process efficiency and working methods
5. Enhancing the ability to innovate on products and services
1 2 3
The Center of Innovation of State Civil Apparatus
Competence Development Management
( Pim Bangkom ASN )
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
In the context of implementing State Civil Apparatus competency
development, the debate over training versus learning is currently
heating up. Training and learning are two distinct methods for
developing competencies.
Training is currently viewed as a form of competency development
that places an emphasis on current needs. Meanwhile, learning is the
contrast opposite. Learning is supposed to be able to develop future
State Civil Apparatus competencies.
Then, what is the distinction between training and learning? Reid and
Barrington stated that training is an organized planning process used
to modify one's behavior, knowledge, and abilities in order to do a
task effectively. According to Buckley, learning is the act of acquiring
knowledge, internalizing it within employees, and applying it to
accomplish something previously unachieved.
Based on those definitions, it is clear that there are substantial
distinctions between training and learning. Training is geared toward
enhancing present competencies and is applied to current work. The
majority of training occurs in the classroom, with the assistance of
teachers or teaching staff.
Learning is oriented towards the development of future
competencies. The emphasis is no longer on the skill development but
rather on preparing people to accomplish organizational goals.
Learning is implemented in collaboration with learning partners, such
as direct supervisors.
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Training VS Learning
1. Developing future
competencies, not just
current competencies
1. Developing skills that will
be used in the current job
2. Developing new skills
Training is an organized planning process used to modify one's behavior,
knowledge, and skills in order to do a task effectively. Training is aimed
to prepare existing competencies in response to job demands (Reid and
Barrington, 1997)
Training VS Learning Characteristics
Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, internalizing it
within employees, and applying it to accomplish something that
has never been accomplished before (Buckley, 2004).
3. Training is done in
classical method
4. Training are facilitated by
instructors or teaching
2. Preparing employees to
achieve organizational goals
3. Learning is done anywhere
and anytime
4. Facilitated by learning
partners. It can be direct
superiors, colleagues or other
The Center of Innovation of State Civil Apparatus
Competence Development Management
( Pim Bangkom ASN )
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Ladiatno Samsara is a Junior Researcher at The Center of
Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Competence Development
Management (Pim Bangkom ASN). His bachelor degree was
obtained in Public Administration Department from Airlangga
University. For further contact, please email
Mardiono was born on March 21, 1985 in Surabaya, the city of heroes.
As a Junior Policy Analyst, he was also assigned the additional
responsibility as Sub Coordinator of Development Policy at the the
Center of Functional Position Development of State Civil Apparatus
Competency Development (Pusbin JF Bangkom ASN). He studied at
Undergraduate studies at the Department of Educational Technology
at the Faculty of Education State University of Surabaya. Since 2009,
he has worked as a State Civil Apparatus at LAN RI. Between 2015 and
2017, he got a Scholarship from Bappenas- World Bank. The Scholarsip
Program is Scholarship Program for Strengthening the Reforming
Institutions (SPIRIT) at Master of Public Administration study program,
Gadjah Mada University. Everyday, he can be reached at the following
email addresses: or
Firdaus Suharta. Also known as Harta. Born on November 6,
1990 in Jakarta. Since early 2021, he has been working as the
Junior Learning Technology Developer (PTP) at the Center of
the Development of State Civil Apparatus National Leadership
and Management Competency State Civil Apparatus
Managerial (Pusbangkom Pimnas dan Manajerial ASN) LAN RI.
His publication incliuding “Distance Learning Trends” Inagara
Magazine Vol.5 No. June 1, 2020
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Agus Pahrul Sidik works in the Center of Data and Information
Systems (Pusdatin) as an Information Systems Analyst. He
completed bachelor degree at Department of Informatics of UIN
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and master degree at the
Department of Information Technology Services, Bandung
Institute of Technology (ITB). In early 2015, he began his work as
a State Civil Apparatus for LAN RI. For further contact, please
email at or
Sofyan Eko Putra is the Junior Trainer at the Center of State Civil
Apparatus Technical and Social Cultural Competency Development
(PUSBANGKOM TSK ASN). He studied bachelor degree and master
degree at Department of Economics and Development Studies of
Diponegoro University (UNDIP) in Semarang. Since early 2018, he
has worked as a State Civil Apparatus for LAN RI.
Apparatus HR Competency Development, Talent Management,
Management, Performance, Coaching and Mentoring, Digital
Learning Media, and Sustainable Development Issues are his
substance areas of concern. To contact the author, send an email to or
Eko Setiyawan is a State Civil Apparatus for the The Center of
Cadre Development (Pusbang Kader) in Indonesia. He obtained
bachelor degree on Public Administration at Faculty of
Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya. Eko Setiyawan
can be reached by email at or
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
Rindri Andewi Gati is an asisstant professor at the Polytechnic of
STIA LAN Jakarta. The youngest of three siblings was born on
March 28, 1993 in Surabaya. He received a Bachelor's degree in
Public Administration with a focus in Government Administration
from Brawijaya University in 2014. Airlangga University awarded
her a Master degree in Public Policy in 2017. Gati joined LAN RI in
2018, having previously worked as a freelance writer and as the
Deputy Staff for Access to Capital at Creative Economy Agency's
Public Policy, Public Administration, Public Service Management,
Strategic Studies, Politics, and Globalization are all areas of study
that interest her. Apart with fulfilling the Tridharma of Higher
Education as a Lecturer, Gati also performs as a graphic designer,
which she has been doing since she was a student at DIANNS FIA
UB and joined the Student Press Institute. Contact the author at or
Lusi Istiviani is a Junior Policy Analyst at the Center of Data and
Information Systems (Pusdatin). Born and raised in Yogyakarta,
she is a graduate of Governance Study Program of Gadjah Mada
University. Apart from doing her regular job, she is currently
interested in data processing and analysis.
Sastia Yunanta Putri works at the Center of Cadre
Development for State Civil Apparatus (Pusbang Kader ASN) as
a staff member. She studied her bachelor degree in Business
Administration at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of
University of Indonesia. For further information, please contact
Sastia Putri at or Sastia Yunanta at
Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
This Infographics Book of Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
provides data and information related to several activities and initiations
carried out by the National Institute of Public Administration RI (LAN RI).
This infographic displays data and information on the implementation of
National Leadership Training I (PKN I), National Leadership Training II (PKN
II), Administrator Leadership Training (PKA) and Supervisor Leadership
Training (PKP) as well as State Civil Apparatus Candidates Basic Training
(Latsar CPNS), especially the number of alumni and their distribution. In
addition, there is also data and information on the current number of policy
However, these displayed data on the book will be dynamic and keep
changing. So, it is possible that data changes will occur by the time this book is
being published.
This Infographics Book is unique because the infographic displayed is not only
data and information related to the implementation of activities that have
been carried out. Additionally, there are also several initiatives that will be
carried out by LAN RI. Among them are related to cadre development,
provision of micro learning content, implementation of non-classical
competency development in the form of internships and employee exchanges
as well as knowledge management development that is integrated with
learning technology.

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  • 1. I N T E R N A T I O N A L E D I T I O N Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Infographics: Management Editors: Dr. Adi Suryanto, M.Si. Dr. Agus Sudrajat, MA.
  • 2.
  • 3. Adi Suryanto, et al. (Editors) Copyright @ 2021 The National Institute of Public Administration, The Republic of Indonesia. All Right Reserved. Copyright is protected by law. Book Title : Infographic: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management Publisher : Indonesian Trainers Profession Association (APWI) City of Publication : Jakarta Year of Publication : 2021 Edition : First Edition Page Number : 66 Pages ISBN : 978-623-99129-3-2 IKAPI Member’s ID : Nomor Anggota 599/Anggota Luar Biasa/DKI/2021 Redactional: Gedung Atmodarminto, BPPK Kementerian Keuangan Jl. Purnawarman No.99, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Email : Website : Whatsapp : 083840572182 02 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Infographics: Management
  • 4. Editors : 1. Adi Suryanto 2. Agus Sudrajat Reviewers: 1. Agus Sudrajat 2. Muhammad Firdaus 3. Ladiatno Samsara 4. Agus Pahrul Sidik 5. Haris Faozan Authors: 1. Eko Setyawan 2. Sastia Yunanta Putri 3. Sofyan Eko Putra 4. Mardiono 5. Lusi Istiviani 6. Rindri Andewi Gati 7. Firdaus Suharta 8. Ladiatno Samsara 9. Agus Pahrul Sidik Translator: 1. Anhar Dana Putra 2. Ilima Fitri Azmi Cover and Layout: Agus Pahrul Sidik 03 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Infographics: Management
  • 5. The development of State Civil Apparatus competency is currently experiencing enormous challenges. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the demands of strategic circumstances have caused the competency building of State Civil Apparatus impossible to be implemented in the usual way. Competency development through online media has become a new habit which is now widely practiced. However, the application is still confined to transitioning training from conventional to online. The implementation of State Civil Apparatus competency building in the future will not only be limited to conventional training. Many innovative competency training models are waiting to implement. This urge is mandated by the National Institute of Public Administration Regulation No. 10 Year 2018 on the State Civil Apparatus competency development. There is a large possibility that the State Civil Apparatus competency training will evolve into various forms in the future. That is enforced by the fact that The National Leadership Leadership Training I and II (PKN), Administrator Leadership Training (PKA), and Supervisory Leadership Training (PKP). The National Institute of Public Administration (LAN RI), in collaboration with other recognized educational institutions, have provided this necessary training. LAN RI is held responsible for organizing PKN I, whereas PKN II, PKA, and PKP is organized in collaboration with other training centers. Beside that, basic training for State Civil Apparatus candidate is also a focus priority in competence development program implementation. It is conducted massively since the recruitment of State Civil Apparatus candidate has experienced an increase in number since 2019. 04 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management PREFACE THE CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
  • 6. LAN RI is organizing Mental Revolution Training which aims to produce agents of change who can add more color to their home institutions. Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, this training was canceled in 2020 but, it has been scheduled to run again in 2021. LAN RI is also going to establish a Cadre School to accommodate the need for a succession plan provision. The Cadre School is projected to become the public sector’s Management Trainee from which succession plan group can be created in a shorter amount of time. It is expected that the millennial generation, which is the majority of the workforce, will be able to take over strategic roles in the near future. LAN RI, additionally, develops micro learning model which focus on developing specific and technical competencies. This micro learning model is projected to be a short yet effective solution for competency building model. Furthermore, the need for integrated knowledge management and learning technology can not also be ignored. Knowledge management will evolve into a knowledge database of public sector activities in all regions of Indonesia. This is going to ease the knowledge transfer among State Civil Apparatus. The government, on the other hand, does not limit itself to only focus on internal development. Non-classical competency training model, such as internships and employee exchanges are expected to cover skill shortages that occur in other government agencies or the business sector. Some of the issues mentioned previously are the most recent issues that LAN RI is currently addressing. We hope to implement adaptive competency development in the not-too- distant future. The Infographic Book of Civil State Apparatus Management Innovation summarizes some of the facts discussed above. This infographic represents not merely the data display of government performance, but also the initiation or new breakthrough of LAN RI in the area of State Civil Apparatus competency development through education and training. Hopefully, this infographic will be beneficial in providing new insights for all of us. Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude for your time and consideration. Hopefully, we will can contribute and take an action for our beloved country, the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta, December 22, 2021 Chairman of The National Institute of Public Administration The Republic of Indonesia Dr. Adi Suryanto, M.Si 05 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management PREFACE THE CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
  • 7. FOREWORD First of all, praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, The God Almighty, for the blessing and opportunity he has given so that we could conveniently do our activities and give our contributions to Indonesia. As the representative of Tanoto Foundation, we would thank all authors who have given their best endeavor so that this book could be ready to be published. This infographic book provides a lot of valuable information on a variety of topics regarding State Civil Apparatus management not only in the context of personnel administration, but also in other areas such as office management, as well as some of the findings from LAN RI’s recent studies. This infographic makes reading data much easier for everyone. This book is able to condense a complex amount of facts and information so that it is easy to understand due to its short and simple format. Finally, we, from Tanoto Foundation would like to express our gratitude to the National Institute of Public Administration (LAN RI) for this work. Hopefully, this collection of infographic will be beneficial to many people. Jakarta, December 22, 2021 CEO Global Tanoto Foundation Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo CEO GLOBAL TANOTO FOUNDATION 06 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 8. FOREWORD We are truly grateful to God Almighty for allowing us to complete The Infographic Book of State Civil Apparatus Management Innovation with His grace and direction. The Infographic Book of State Civil Apparatus Management Innovation is a collection of infographics about State Civil Apparatus management and higher education implementation at Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta. This infographic is expected to provide information to the reader in a clear and appealing manner so that it could be easily understood. This book, hopefully, will benefit all readers and can be used as a reference in a variety of expertise, including policy formulation, scientific writing, and the creation of educational materials. This infographic is still far from perfect. Thus, we need your feedback, recommendations, and contribution of data as well as relevant information regarding state civil apparatus management so that we can continue to publish this kind of infographic book on a regular basis in the future. Thank you Jakarta, December 22, 2021 Deputy Chairman for Research and Innovation of ASN Management Dr. Agus Sudrajat, MA DEPUTY CHAIRMAN FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION OF ASN MANAGEMENT 07 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 9. Preface Chairman of The National Institute of Public Administration Foreword CEO Global Tanoto Foundation Foreword Deputy Chairman for Research and Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management Table of Contents The Infographic of State Civil Apparatus Management Editorial The Alumni of PKN, PKA, PKP, and LATSAR CPNS 2021 PKN I and PKN II Training The Basic Training for State Civil Apparatus Candidate (LATSAR CPNS) The Competency Training Needs Through Micro Learning The Distribution of Widyaiswara (Trainer) in Ministries/Institutions/Regions The Distribution of Functional Position as Policy Analyst The Policy Analyst Demographics The Improvement of Alumni Competence After Mental Revolution Training The Mental Revolution Training Curriculum Timeline The Distribution of 2015-2021 Mental Revolution Training Organizers and Alumni The Selection for Candidates of National Leadership Training Using Computer Assisted Test (CAT) The Leadership Training Business Process The Selection for Candidates of National Leadership Training Level I and II (PKN TK.I & TK.II) The Community Of Practice As A Widyaiswara Functional Position Competency Development Model The Creating Excellent Human Resources Through National Talent Ecosystem The Urgency of Vocational Education The Innovation of Investment Gallery Sharpening Students’ Soft Skills through Organizations The Urgency of Cadre School 04 06 07 08 10 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 TABLE OF CONTENTS 08 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 10. The Advantages of Blended Learning Method for State Civil Apparatus Candidate Basic Training (LATSAR CPNS) The Blended Learning of Basic Training Of State Civil Apparatus Candidates (LATSAR CPNS) The Types and Weights Of Evaluation Assessment For LATSAR CPNS Blended Learning Participants The State Civil Apparatus Internship And Exchange The Knowledge Management System Training vs Learning Authors Profile 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 TABLE OF CONTENTS 09 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 11. State Civil Apparatus management is a systematic and structured approach since recruitment planning until retirement. State Civil Apparatus management is carried out by a number of institutions. The policy aspect of State Civil Apparatus administration is handled by the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kementerian PANRB). The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) is in charge State Civil Apparatus management in a more detailed activity. Meanwhile, The National Institute of Public Administration (LAN RI) is in charge of the competency development. LAN RI is not merely responsible for competency development. LAN RI is also held accountable for research and innovation, as well as higher education. These functions sometimes go hand in hand. Therefore, several things illustrated in this infographic reflect the tasks performed by LAN RI, including its role in State Civil Apparatus management, supervision, research, innovation, and higher education. Some of the key issues illustrated in this infographic book are related with competency development. The paradigm shift from training to learning in competency development in the future is the main focus. State Civil Apparatus are required to learn independently under the "learning" pattern. Material in the form of micro learning is being prepared to support this independent learning. Before micro learning is implemented, State Civil Apparatuses are given survey to determine what micro learning means. Furthermore, knowledge management will be prepared to manage State Civil Apparatus knowledge so that it does not become obsolete and can be replicated by other employees. In the tiered competency development aspect, the implementation of Leadership Training I (PKN I), Leadership Training II (PKN II), Administrator Training, and Supervisory Training is still conducted annually. These trainings are intended to prepare State Civil Apparatus for managerial roles. In addition, LAN RI has established a Cadre School to foster succession planning and provide a fast-track career opportunity for State Civil Apparatus. This infographic book also explains the entire concept of the Cadre School. In terms of technical and sociocultural training, mental revolution training is frequently implemented not only by LAN RI, but also by other training institutions. Mental revolution is a model of training that helps ministries, institutions, and local governments generate change agents. All of the information are depicted in the form of infographics in this book, with the purpose of making it easier for readers to understand the material provided and add value to their existing knowledge. EDITORIAL 10 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 12.
  • 13. THE ALUMNI OF PKN, PKA, PKP, AND LATSAR CPNS 2021 In organizing managerial training and basic training, LAN RI as a competency development agency, together with the training unit, work together to organize these activities. National Leadership Training (PKN I and PKN II), Administrator Leadership Training (PKA), and Supervisory Leadership Training (PKP) are examples of managerial training. Other types of training include basic training for State Civil Apparatus candidate (LATSAR CPNS). Basic training for State Civil Apparatus candidate has the largest portion of participants. In 2021, there are 119,873 training participants. This is due to the significant number of State Civil Apparatus recruitment in 2020. Supervisor Leadership Training, formerly known as Echelon IV officials, has the second-largest number of enrollees. This training is for State Civil Apparatus who will be assigned to Echelon IV position, also known as Sub-coordinators. 11 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 14. THE ALUMNI OF PKN, PKA, PKP, AND LATSAR CPNS 2021 Data Per November 2021 Data Source : SIPKA & Smartbangkom Data Processor: Pusdatin PKN I & II PKA LATSAR CPNS PKP 12 Is a training for middle leadership structural positions Is a training for pratama leadership structural positions Is a training for administrator leadership structural positions Is an integrated training in the pre-service period which is carried out for State Civil Apparatus candidate. Leadership Training for Administrators LATSAR Supervisor Leadership Training Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management Is a training for supervisor leadership structural positions
  • 15. PKN I AND PKN II TRAINING Leadership Training I (PKN I) and Leadership Training II (PKN II) are trainings held to prepare employees to occupy Middle High Leadership Positions (JPT Madya) and Pratama High Leadership Positions (JPT Pratama). This training was carried out by the National Institute for Public Administration (LAN RI) as the accountable institution for managerial training implementation. In terms of implementation, only PKN I is fully organized by LAN RI. For PKN II, some trainings are held by LAN RI and some trainings are held by their own institutions. However, the implementation of PKN II must obtain the approval of LAN RI with certain conditions and qualifications. 13 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 16. THE NATIONAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING PKN I AND PKN II Data Per November 2021 Data Source : SIPKA & Smartbangkom Data Processor: Pusdatin 14 Top 10 Best Alumni Total Participants Total Participants Top 5 Best Alumni *Data of PKN II in 2017 and 2018 only provided by Pejompongan State Civil Apparatus CorpU Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 17. BASIC TRAINING FOR STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CANDIDATE (LATSAR CPNS) Basic Training for State Civil Apparatus Candidate (LATSAR CPNS) is a mandatory training for all State Civil Apparatus candidates. This training accomplishment is needed before a candidate is appointed as a State Civil Apparatus. This training is not only a training for competency development of a State Civil Apparatus, but also to internalize the value of BerAKHLAK which is currently the basic core value for all State Civil Apparatus. The implementation of LATSAR CPNS from year to year has involved many participants. For instance in 2019, LATSAR CPNS set a new record because it has 138,158 participants. The implementation of LATSAR CPNS is held in central and regional institutions. The implementation of LATSAR CPNS involves many participants from different institutions, so that there will be insightful interaction among State Civil Apparatus candidate. It is envisioned that through this engagement, all State Civil Apparatus candidates will be able to share their unique experience and information. This training is also expected to be part of the process of strengthening the unity and integrity of the country. 15 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 18. BASIC TRAINING FOR STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CANDIDATE (LATSAR CPNS) Data Per November 2021 Data Source : SIPKA & Smartbangkom Data Processing: Pusdatin TOTAL PARTICIPANTS 16 Home Institution Total Participants Participants Based on Gender Provincial/ City/ Regency Goverment Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 19. COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS THROUGH MICRO LEARNING State Civil Apparatus competency is currently being forced to evolve in order to keep up with the digital era. The paradigm shift in competency development from training to learning refers to private institutions which based on independent learning and time efficiency in the implementation of learning. Today's challenges make the implementation of State Civil Apparatus competency development move in that direction, that is the emphasis on independent learning by State Civil Apparatus; a learning model which based on their own need and job description. Learning through micro learning is one of the independent learning models. Micro learning is a type of learning that takes place on a small scale and in a short amount of time. However, according to a survey held by LAN RI, the understanding of State Civil Apparatus about micro learning is extremely varied. The results of the survey are detailed below. 17 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 20. Competency Development Through Micro Learning Respondent’s Distribution What is Microlearning? Ever heard and participated in Micro learning? Data Per November 2021 Data Source : Pustekbangkom Data Processing: Pusdatin 18 This study was conducted by distributing online surveys to 4,036 people to map respondents' expectations of the topics they want to learn about from micro learning. The survey was conducted in June 2021. Etymologically, Micro learning means learning activities done in a small scale or in a short time Gender Home Institutions Female Male Teachers Years of Service Percentage Years of Service 0- 10 Years 11- 20 Years 21- 30 Years 31- 40 Years > 40 Years TEACHERS Ever heard Never heard Participated Never participated How important Micro learning is? (Based on respondents’ length of service) 5 First Topic for State Civil Apparatus Competency Development? 0 – 10 Years 11 – 20 Years 21 – 30 Years 31 – 40 Years > 41 Years Tips for choosing the right information on the internet Making informative infographic Mapping work priority Making powerful power point Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 21. THE DISTRIBUTION OF WIDYAISWARA (TRAINER) IN MINISTRIES/INSTITUTIONS/ REGIONS Widyaiswara is a functional official who has the duty and responsibility to educate, teach and/or train State Civil Apparatus at government educational institutions. Trainer is an in-board facilitator who is obliged to increase the competency of State Civil Apparatus. Per August 15th 2021, there are 5,008 trainers in Indonesia. Trainer are found in 64% of ministries, 26% of institutions, and 10% of regions. According to this data, the majority of trainers work for central government institutions. Among all of trainers, the majority are the Associate Trainer (2,030 people), and then followed by Senior Trainer (1,694 people). Next is Junior Trainer (732 people) and then the smallest group is Trainer Specialist (552 people). 19 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 22. THE DISTRIBUTION OF WIDYAISWARA (TRAINER) IN MINISTRIES/INSTITUTIONS/REGIONS The Number of Widyaiswara Based on The Classification Position Level City/Regency/Province 10% Institutions 26% Ministries 64% The Percentage of Widyaiswara Distribution in M/I/R Data Per August 15, 2021 Data Source : Pusbin JF Bangkom Data Processing : Pusdatin Junior Trainer : 732 people Senior Trainer : 1694 people Associate Trainer : 2030 people Trainer Specialist : 552 people Junior Senior Associate Specialist Widyaiswara is a functional official who has the duty and responsibility to educate, teach and/or train State Civil Apparatus at government educational institutions. Trainer is an in-board facilitator who is obliged to increase the competency of State Civil Apparatus 20 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 23. THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE FUNCTIONAL POSITIONS OF POLICY ANALYSTS 21 The functional position of policy analyst is currently a necessity in almost all government agencies. One of the reason is because the scope of work of each agency requires the role of a policy analyst. In addition, the existence of organization downsizing by replacing administrators and supervisors into functional officers, makes policy analyst a relevant functional position with its duties and functions. There are 3,775 policy analysts working for the government until November 2021. The majority of this number, 3,633 policy analysts, comes from central governments. Meanwhile there are 142 policy analysts in local governments With a rate of 79 percent, ministries account for the majority of policy analysts in central institutions. Meanwhile, Non-Ministry Government Institutions (LNPK) and other governmental institutions account for 19% and 2% of the total, respectively. Likewise in the local government level, the provinces have the majority of policy analysts (56%). Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of policy analysts in local governments, especially in regencies and cities. This aims to improve the distribution of policy analysts so that policy development in the local government level can function optimally. Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 24. THE DISTRIBUTION OF FUNCTIONAL POSITION AS POLICY ANALYST CENTRAL GOVERNMENT LPNK NATIONAL AGENCIES 79% 2% 19% PROVINCE 56% (80 People) (2884 People) (668 People) (81 People) MINISTRIES 17% (24 People) CITY 27% (38 People) REGENCY Data Per November 8, 2021 Data Source : Pusaka Data Processing: Pusdatin 22 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 25. THE POLICY ANALYSTS DEMOGRAPHIC The distribution of functional positions should ideally pay attention to gender balance. One of them is the ratio of men to women in strategic positions. This is done to avoid gender bias in the work implementation. This is something that the policy analyst functional positions consider. As observed, there is no substantial difference in the proportion of male and female as policy analysts. Male policy analysts make up about 58% of the total policy analysts while the female policy analysts make up about 42%. This means that there is no significant difference in the proportion of male and female as policy analysts. In terms of age, the average functional policy analysts are mostly from Generation X which is currently in age of 40 and 55. The proportion of Generation X policy analyst is up to 48%. The millennial generation, which is considered the agent of cultural change, only has a proportion of 36%. Therefore, the rise of the number of millennial functional officials is a necessity, given the organization's needs and problems nowadays. It is expected that the millennial generation could be the driving force of change in government in the future. 23 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 26. Policy Analysts Demographic Based on Gender 58% 42% 1% 11% 70% 18% Mutation : 36 People Appointing: 405 People Equalization: 2.657 People Inpassing: 677 People Based on Types of Recruitment Based on Age Baby Boomers Gen Z Milenial Gen X 1% 36% 48% 15% Data Per November 8, 2021 Data Source : Pusaka LAN Data Processing: Pusdatin LAN RI Age Description: • Gen Z : 8-25 years • Milenial : 26- 39 years • Gen X : 40-55 years • Baby Boomers : 56-74 Years 24 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 27. THE IMPROVEMENT OF ALUMNI COMPETENCE AFTER MENTAL REVOLUTION TRAINING The competency improvement of mental revolution training alumni is measured through a survey. The survey was conducted in the period of June until July 2020. The respondents who participated were 44 people who came from across generations, from Batch I to Batch IV. According to the survey results, 87.5 percent of mental revolution training alumni have increased service culture competency, which includes the ability to respond quickly and appropriately in providing services, to provide quality services, to provide community-oriented services, to be fair in providing services, to carry out duties according to procedures, and to cooperate with others. Competency Improvement can also be observed in the public sector's innovation capability. 79.5 percent of graduates have improved their skills. The improvement of public sector innovation competency contains of the ability to effectively express opinions and proposals to superiors/colleagues, adapt new ideas, and work sustainably. The same goes to the competency of service strategy. There are 91.7% of alumni who get an increase in this competency. Some of the things that have improved include the competency of analyzing service problems that exist in the work unit, finding solutions to improve services and developing strategies for service improvement. 25 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 28. The respondents of the survey are the alumni of Mental Revolution Training from Batch I to Batch IV in 2019, with a total sample of 44 people. The survey was conducted in June - July 2020. ✓ The ability to respond quickly and appropriately in providing services, ✓ The ability to provide quality services, ✓ The ability to provide community-oriented services, ✓ The ability to be fair in providing services, ✓ The ability to carry out duties according to procedures, and ✓ The ability to cooperate with others SERVICE CULTURE COMPETENCY PUBLIC SECTOR’S INNOVATION COMPETENCY ✓ The ability to effectively express opinions and proposals to superiors/colleagues, ✓ The ability to adapt new ideas, and ✓ The ability to work sustainably. 87,5% SERVICE STRATEGY COMPETENCY ✓ The competency in analyzing service problems that exist in the work unit, ✓ The ability of finding solutions to improve services and ✓ The ability of developing strategies for service improvement 79,5% 91,7% THE IMPROVEMENT OF ALUMNI COMPETENCE AFTER MENTAL REVOLUTION TRAINING THE CENTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS TECHNICAL AND SOCIO-CULTURAL COMPETENCY ( PUSBANGKOM TSK ASN ) 26 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 29. THE TIMELINE OF MENTAL REVOLUTION TRAINING CURRICULUM Mental revolution training is a training to change the mindset of State Civil Apparatus to have a spirit of reform and change towards the organization. Although there are until technical training aspects in it, this training is actually classified as sociocultural training. The implementation of mental revolution training has been started since 2015. There are at least three mental revolution agendas that has been instilled into the mindset of employees, including a revolution in perspective, a revolution in thinking, and a revolution in how to work. Since 2017, mental revolution training has to be done in 46 hours of lessons but starting in 2019, it was reduced by one hour, thus it has been done only in 45 hours of lessons. Since the commitment on human resource development and #BerAKHLAK as the core value of State Civil Apparatus is declared, the implementation of mental revolution training has increased significantly to 194 hours. This expansion in lesson’s time is actually expected so that changes in the quality of State Civil Apparatus can increase significantly and more State Civil Apparatus can become agents of change in their home institutions. 27 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 30. THE TIMELINE OF MENTAL REVOLUTION TRAINING CURRICULUM 05 The Regulation of The Head of The National Institute of Public Administration No. 6 Year 2017 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Mental Revolution Training for Public Services The Regulation of The Head of The National Institute of Public Administration No. 4 Year 2021 on Guidelines for Organizing Mental Revolution Training for a Clean, Serving, and Responsive Bureaucratic Culture Strengthening The Regulation of The National Institute of Public Administration No. 10 Year 2019 on Mental Revolution Training for Public Services, and; The Regulation of The Head of The National Institute of Public Administration No. 358/K.1/PDP.07/2019 on Guidelines for Conducting Mental Revolution Training for Public Service 2017 2019 2021 46 Hours of lesson 45 Hours of lesson 194 Hours of Lesson ▪ Revolution Agenda of Subjective Framework ▪ Revolution Agenda of Mindset ▪ Revolution Agenda of Work Manner ▪ Revolution Agenda of Subjective Framework ▪ Revolution Agenda of Mindset ▪ Revolution Agenda of Work Manner ▪ Agenda of Mindset Transformation ▪ Agenda of Work Manner Transformation ▪ Agenda of Actualization THE CENTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS TECHNICAL AND SOCIO-CULTURAL COMPETENCY ( PUSBANGKOM TSK ASN ) 28 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 31. THE DISTRIBUTION OF 2015-2021 MENTAL REVOLUTION TRAINING ORGANIZERS AND ALUMNI Since 2017, the implementation of the mental revolution training has not been limited to the Jakarta State Administration Institute (LAN RI). Additionally, activities are conducted at the Center of Training and Development (Puslatbang) in Aceh, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi, as well as through facilitation at other government agencies. Since 2017, 731 people have graduated from mental revolution training; 632 in 2018; 518 in 2019; and 400 in 2021. Only in 2020 were LAN RI unable to conduct mental revolution training activities due to the Pandemic of Covid 19. Each organizing agency targets an average of 100 participants for each implementation of mental revolution training activities. However, in practice, a significant number of trainees fell short of the target. Even in 2021, the two Centers for Development, namely PKASN LAN Jatinangor and KDOD LAN Makassar, only has 50 participants of the training. 29 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 32. THE DISTRIBUTION OF 2015-2021 MENTAL REVOLUTION TRAINING ORGANIZERS AND ALUMNI * There was no mental revolution training held in 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic THE CENTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS TECHNICAL AND SOCIO-CULTURAL COMPETENCY ( PUSBANGKOM TSK ASN ) 30 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 33. THE SELECTION FOR CANDIDATES OF NATIONAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING USING COMPUTER ASSISTED TEST (CAT) The use of computer technology in the selection of State Civil Apparatus is known as computer assisted testing (CAT). The application of CAT may help guarantee the selection process accountable. So far, the implementation of the State Civil Apparatus selection process has been successful. Due to the successful implementation of The State Civil Apparatus selection, CAT was replicated by the implementation of the National Leadership Training (PKN) then. The use of CAT in PKN selection can speed up the selection process. Previously, the PKN selection process was done manually. The registration is conducted offline, so does the test so that the results of the new recruits can only be announced within a week after the implementation of the selection. The utilization of CAT in the selection process of PKN has made the entire process done digitally. The registration process uses an application-based information system, as well as the written test. After CAT utilization, the results of the selection can finally be known in real time as soon as after the selection is done. 31 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 34. Before Written Test of English and Training Substances The Test of English and Training Substances is held in paper-based written. The results of the implementation of this test are announced approximately 1 week after the test is completed Offline Registration Participants must re-register by coming directly to ASN CorpU. Participants are required to bring administrative requirements, take a queue number and print an exam card After THE SELECTION FOR CANDIDATES OF NATIONAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING USING COMPUTER ASSISTED TEST (CAT) The Test of English and Training Substances The Test of English and Training Substances is held using Computer Assisted Test (CAT). The result is real time. Online Registration Participants must re-register online, it can be done anywhere. Administrative requirements are uploaded online. The exam card will be sent to participants’ email if the participants have registered. Process Online Registration CAT Test Real time Test Result THE CENTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS TECHNICAL AND SOCIO-CULTURAL COMPETENCY ( PUSBANGKOM TSK ASN ) 32 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 35. THE LEADERSHIP TRAINING BUSINESS PROCESS The implementation of Leadership Training has long stage of process. The first stage begins with the distribution of training schedule, and then it is followed with submitting proposals for training participants from home institutions, and then the next is summoning prospective participants, doing the training and the last stage is post-training evaluation (conducting tracer study). All of these stages are carried out by the Center of the Development of State Civil Apparatus National Leadership and Management Competency (Pusbangkom Pimnas dan Manajerial ASN). The training calendar circular is the schedule for the implementation of the training. The circular of the training calendar contains a schedule of training activities specifically organized by LAN RI. Proposed participants from agencies are prospective participants proposed by each agency according to the training calendar that has been published by LAN RI. This proposal is only an initiation from each institution. The proposed participants is not automatically accepted into the training program. Only the prospective trainees who are approved by LAN RI that is going to be the selected participants. The prospective participants must pass the verification process held by LAN RI. After the participants pass the verification process, they can finally participate in the training. Depending on the degree of training, the implementation of the training takes a different amount of time. After the implementation of the training, a post-training evaluation must be held. This evaluation is conducted to see the impact of post- training results and to find out whether or not there is an improvement in the competency of the trainees. 33 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 36. THE CENTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS TECHNICAL AND SOCIO-CULTURAL COMPETENCY ( PUSBANGKOM TSK ASN ) TRAINING SCHEDULE DISTRIBUTION The schedule of Leadership training which is going to be held by LAN RI is sent to the local and central institutions in the form of an official notification letter that can be accessed via THE LEADERSHIP TRAINING BUSINESS PROCESS PROSPECTIVE PARTICIPANTS Every home institutions send a proposal containing the prospective participants who are going to be approved by LAN RI according to the schedule already accepted. Leadership Training is the core business of The Center Of The Development Of State Civil Apparatus National Leadership And Management Competency of LAN RI (Pusbangkom Pimnas LAN). Leadership Training consists of National Leadership Training Level I (PKN I), National Leadership Training level II (PKN II), Administrator Leadership Training (PKA), and Supervisor Leadership Training (PKP). APPROVAL OF PROSPECTIVE PARTICIPANTS LAN RI will verify all of the prospective participants from every home institutions and then approve the qualified participants to be the official participants. Each of every approved participants will be notified so that they can be prepared before the training starts LEADERSHIP TRAINING ORGANIZERS Leadership Training is held by LAN RI annually. The schedule of upcoming leadership training will be sent to every local and central government institutions through a letter of notification containing training schedule within a year. The schedule can be accessed via POST-TRAINING EVALUATION (TRACER STUDY) Post-training evaluation is conducted a year after the training is done. The aim of the evaluation is to ensure the sustainability and benefit of participant’s change project and the alumni’s performance in their home institutions. 34 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 37. THE SELECTION FOR CANDIDATES OF NATIONAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING LEVEL I AND II (PKN TK.I & TK.II) Implementing Leadership Training is a lengthy process. The first stage begins with the distribution of the schedule of national leadership training level I and II, and then it is followed by proposals submission for prospective training participants from home institutions, calling for selected participants, conducting the training and the last stage is conducting post-training evaluation (tracer study). All of these stages are also carried out by the Center of the Development of State Civil Apparatus National Leadership and Management Competency (Pusbangkom Pimnas). The training calendar circular is the schedule for the implementation of the training. The circular of the training calendar contains a schedule of training activities specifically organized by LAN RI. Proposed participants from agencies are prospective participants proposed by each agency according to the training calendar that has been published by LAN RI. This proposal is only an initiative from each institution. The proposed participants is not automatically approved as the official participants for the PKN I and PKN II. Only the prospective participants who are approved by LAN RI that is going to be the official participants. The prospective participants must pass the verification process held by LAN RI. After that, the selected participants of the national leadership training level I and II National Leadership Training took part in the selection organized by the training organizer. The selection consists of English and training substance test, psychological test and interview. After the selection is done, the result will be announced. This announcement became the basis for summoning participants for PKN I and PKN II. 35 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 38. TRAINING SCHEDULE DISTRIBUTION The schedule of Leadership training which is going to be held by LAN RI is sent to the local and central institutions in the form of an official notification letter that can be accessed via THE SELECTION FOR CANDIDATES OF NATIONAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING LEVEL I AND II (PKN TK.I & TK.II) PROSPECTIVE PARTICIPANTS Every home institutions send a proposal containing the prospective participants who are going to be approved by LAN RI according to the schedule already accepted. The selection for prospective participants of National Leadership Training Level I and II is a prerequisite condition for State Civil Apparatus who are occupying Senior High Leadership Position (for level I), and those who are in administrator or equivalent position (for level II). APPROVAL OF PROSPECTIVE PARTICIPANTS LAN RI will verify all of the prospective participants from every home institutions and then approve the qualified participants to be the official participants. Each of every approved participants will be notified so that they can be prepared before the training starts SELECTION ORGANIZING The selection process is comprised of multiple steps, including English And Training Substance Test (using CAT), Psychological Test, and Interview. POST-TRAINING EVALUATION (TRACER STUDY) Post-training evaluation is conducted a year after the training is done. The aim of the evaluation is to ensure the sustainability and benefit of participant’s change project and the alumni’s performance in their home institutions. 36 The Center of the Development of State Civil Apparatus National Leadership and Management Competency ( Pusbangkom Pimnas dan Manajerial ASN ) Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 39. THE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE AS A WIDYAISWARA FUNCTIONAL POSITION COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT MODEL Community of Practices (CoP) of Widyaiswara is a program that encourages Widyaiswara (trainers) to share their knowledge and experiences for each other in order to achieve best practices in the development of trainer’s competencies. Since CoP is a learning experience model among trainers, it is expected that all trainers will get to the same level of competency. Since its introduction in 2020, the trainer’s CoP has been held in nine editions. The special thing of the implementation is a need-based program and can be held anytime and anywhere. So far, eleven learning themes were already adopted throughout the nine editions of the CoP. The benefit of learning through CoP is completely felt by participating trainers. There are about 2.889 trainers have participated in nine editions of CoP. This means that every edition of CoP has involved an average of 321 trainers. 37 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 40. Since 2020, The Community of Practice (CoP) of Widyaiswara has been the flagship initiative of the Functional Position Development Center of State Civil Apparatus Competency Development (Pusbin JF Bangkom). The CoP of Widyaiswara is a learning community forum where trainers can share their experiences in order to achieve best practices in the context of ASN Competency Development. The CoP of Widyaiswara forum is run entirely online, allowing trainers from all around Indonesia to join without any geographical or time limit. Since its first initiative on May 8, 2020, the CoP of Widyaiswara Forum has been held for 9 editions *data per September 10, 2021 EDITIONS OF CoP TOPICS OF KNOWLEDGE SHARING Trainer’s challenge in the digital era: Creative Video for Learning; Videomaking Technique, Easy and Quick; How to Make Video in 15 Minutes; Personal Branding for Trainers; Optimizing Online Learning in the new Normal Era; How to Make Infographic with EdrawMax; Utilizing PowerPoint; Trainers Knowledge Sharing about Corporate University; Preparation of SKP and Performance Assessment of Trainers; Hypermedia Development for Distance Learning in a Pandemic Period CoP PARTICIPANTS Since the first edition, 2.889 participants have been a part of the CoP forum, either via Zoom or live broadcast on the Rumah Cerdas Widyaiswara Indonesia app and Youtube. THE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE AS A WIDYAISWARA FUNCTIONAL POSITION COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT MODEL The Functional Position Development Center of State Civil ApparatusCompetency Development ( Pusbin JF Bangkom ASN ) 9 11 2.889 38 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 41. THE NATIONAL TALENT ECOSYSTEM FOR CREATING EXCELLENT AND NATIONALIST HUMAN RESOURCES FOR THE GOLDEN ERA OF INDONESIA 2045 Indonesia's 2045 vision, which prioritizes human development and science and technology, has major implications for human development. Particularly with relation to the competitiveness of Indonesian human capital. That case is happened because manifesting excellent human resources continues to face some challenges, including the quality of Indonesian human resources are still left behind other countries, and also Indonesia's general circumstance continues to lag, particularly in the fields of science, innovation, sports, and arts and culture. Several methods and action plans can be implemented to facilitate the development of excellent human resources, including establishing the groundwork for digital infrastructure. Digital infrastructure is utilized to meet the demands of digital competencies. At the moment, digital competency needs to develop as a trend. The digital infrastructure serves as the foundation for the development of human resources interests and talents in technology. These interests and talents are also used to track global trends in digitalization across all sectors, but particularly in the industrial sector. Thus, policies that are compatible with these goals are required as part of the strategy to establish a national talent ecosystem for the purpose of developing excellent human resources. These rules are connected to the Omnibus Law of talent ecosystem. This Omnibus Law will incorporate all regulations relating to scientific and technological talent, as well as skill in the arts and sports. An endowment fund, in addition, maintained by an independent institution will be established. This institution will operate as an investment Institution and will be integrated with investment management firms. 39 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 42. The Indonesian Vision for 2045 identifies a number of targets and objectives: (1) Human development and science and technology mastery; (2) Sustainable economic development; (3) Equitable development; and (4) National resilience and government consolidation. THE NATIONAL TALENT ECOSYSTEM CREATING EXCELLENT AND NATIONALIST HUMAN RESOURCES FOR THE GOLDEN ERA OF INDONESIA 2045 "... in the next five years ,human resource development will be our primary objective. Developing hardworking, dynamic human resources. Developing highly trained human capital who is mastering science and technology. Also, Inviting global talent to collaborate with us... We must develop new modes of work" Excellent Human Resources Challenges Indonesia's human resource quality continues to fall behind other countries. Indonesia’s lagging general state, particularly in the sectors of science/research and innovation, sports, and arts and culture Fragmented regulation of human resource development, and limited budget for developing excellent human resources Policy review PresidentialRegulationNo. 87 of 2017 on Character Education Strenghtening A greater emphasis on morals, religion, and nationalism; the learning aspect becomes less powerful / conspicuous. Unclear delegation in policy design; causing disagreements and conflicts of interpretation among education stakeholders at the national, regional, and school levels. The setting is still very normative. ”dewa” language. The character must be an operational mainstream The Regulation of National Talent Currently, the regulation is fractured and incomplete, and its entire synchronization is unclear Making an Omnibus Law of Talent Ecosystem Integration of legislation on talents in science and technology, the arts, and sports; Establishment of an Endowment Fund administered by an Independent Institution A President-established independent institution is managed as an investment institution and may be incorporated into an Investment Management Institution (Sovereign Wealth Fund) STRATEGIC AND ACTION PLAN ✓Digital infrastructure foundation ✓Simplified regulation of the talent ecosystem ✓Endowment fund financing scheme ✓Research and innovation ✓Excellent talent incentives ✓Increasing interest & talent ✓Facilitatingtalented talent ✓Promoting talent, creating opportunities and a conducive work climate Awaken the ethos of progress, work ethic, achievement motivation, optimism, creativity, innovation, spirit of cooperation and mutual cooperation BASIC ASPECTS TALENT DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PROGRAMS MENTALITY CHARACTER POLICY RECOMMENDATION Source: Policy Brief of The Class of XLVIII of NationalLeadership Training Level I 2021 ✓Industrial digitalization ✓Integrating the ecosystem ✓Develop the digital industry as an engine of growth The Functional Position Development Center of State Civil ApparatusCompetency Development ( Pusbin JF Bangkom ASN ) 40 Joko Widodo’s Presidential Speech The Inauguration, October 20th 2019 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 43. THE URGENCY OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Vocational education is used to develop skilled and agile human capital (HR). Vocational education is necessary, as the business sector today requires more skilled workers. However, current vocational education has not been fully covered the issue. Currently, higher vocational education accounts for around 16% of all higher education institutions in Indonesia. The remaining 16% was made up of 262 polytechnics and 1,103 vocational academies. The Polytechnic of STIA LAN is a higher education that is primarily vocational in nature. The Polytechnic of STIA LAN offers three levels of education: the D4 program (National Development Administration, Public Sector Business Administration, and Apparatus Human Resource Management), master degree and doctoral degree. 41 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 44. THE URGENCY OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION To support the achievement of medium-term development, the improvement of the quality of human resources inside the apparatus must be supported by the development of the younger generation's competency. To cover this area, LAN RI, through The Polytechnic of STIA LAN , organizes vocational higher education to produce skilled and agile human resources. Current Condition of Vocational Education in Indonesia 16% The number of vocational higher education in Indonesia is only 16% of all higher education institutions in Indonesia 1 The establishment of Directorate General of Vocational Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture Added value of vocational education, namely competency certification, industrial sector networks and bureaucracy, and practice-based curriculum The Polytechnic of STIA LAN has strategic opportunities in the public and private sectors Learning focuses on 30% theory and 70% practice with competency- certified instructors 2 3 4 The Urgency of Vocational Education for Human Resource Development 1.103 Vocational Academy 262 Polytechnics Educational Levels at The Polytechnic of STIA LAN D-4 S-2 S-3 • State Development Administration(APN) • Public Sector Business Administration(ABSP) • Apparatus Human Resource Management (MSDMA) State Development Administration (APN) State Development Administration (APN) THE POLYTECHNIC OF STIA LAN JAKARTA (POLITEKNIK STIA LAN JAKARTA) 42 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management *currently available in Jakarta
  • 45. THE INVESTMENT GALLERY INNOVATION Investment is an unavoidable necessity. One of the objectives of investing is to raise the worth of money in order to avoid depreciation due to inflation. Historically, investments were mostly made in land, gold, and other precious metals. However, investment instruments have become increasingly diverse over time. Stock is one form of investment instruments. There is abundant information available on stock investment at the moment, and it is not a taboo subject. Unlike in the past, information about stock investment were considered very taboo and appears to be exclusive to particular circles. According to the survey, many millennials are interested in stock investing. However, only a few have engaged in the capital market according to a poll conducted by the academic community of The Jakarta LAN RI’s Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta. At the Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta, up to 72% of the academic community claimed that they had never traded in the capital market. Meanwhile, 28% reported investing in the capital market. This survey served as the foundation for the Investment Gallery Innovation. The innovation’s objective is to enhance applied-based learning for the study of capital market trading operations and to familiarize the academic community at The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta with the capital market. 43 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 46. THE INVESTMENT GALLERY INNOVATION In Supporting Vocational Education In The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta 28% 72% The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta Awareness Level Have invested in the capital market Never invested in the capital market Why? Not knowing how to invest in the capital market Improving applied-based learning for the analysis of capital market trading activities and introducing the capital market to the academic community Outcome Investment Gallery Establishment The establishment of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Investment Gallery at the Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta is a tripartite collaboration between The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta with the IDX and Mirae Asset Sekuritas THE POLYTECHNIC OF STIA LAN JAKARTA ( POLITEKNIKSTIA LAN JAKARTA ) 44 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 47. SHARPENING STUDENTS’ SOFT SKILLS THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS In the current state of workplace, soft skills are substantial. Many job applicants who are lack of soft skills find it difficult to get a job. The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta tries to address this issue and instill soft skill competencies in its students. This competency is instilled not only through formal education, but also through informal learning within the organization. This requires students to be involved in groups. The students of The Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta are imbued with soft skills such as effective time management, information analysis, effective communication, leadership, critical thinking, adaptability, creativity, and eagerness to collaborate. 45 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 48. SHARPENING STUDENTS’ SOFT SKILLS THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS Although studying in college will not guarantee that ones can get the job they want, college is still the right place to equip and prepare oneself before actually entering the work place. Among all of those soft skills, which one do you want to improve? 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 Critical Thinking Adaptive Skill Curiosity and Creativity Collaborative Action Good Time Management Information Analysist Effective Communication Leadership Here are eight soft skills needed in the work place that you can strengthen during college studies by joining a student organization Advancing Competencies, Bringing Changes THE POLYTECHNIC OF STIA LAN JAKARTA ( POLITEKNIKSTIA LAN JAKARTA ) 46 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 49. THE URGENCY OF CADRE SCHOOL The cadre school face numerous difficulties. One of them is bureaucratic simplification. Bureaucratic simplification entails the transformation of administrative and supervisory structural positions into functional positions. This position transfer aims to reinforce the bureaucracy's strength and efficiency. There are 53 agencies that have proposed administrative simplification. There are 9,099 administrative officials among the 53 agencies. 3,903 Administrators have been transferred to functional officials out of the 9,099 officials. The Cadre School is a competency development system that not only prepares administrator officials, but also includes specifications for career advancement for superior ASN talents, as specified in Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 on Civil Servant Management. The Cadre School's mission is to prepare students to take on higher-level positions more quickly. There are two reasons for implementing the cadre school program. First, encouraging the acceleration of bureaucratic reform and regeneration of the bureaucracy. Regeneration of the bureaucracy is a critical need. According to BKN data, the share of employees aged 51-60 years will be 39% in 2020. This is inversely proportional to the proportion of employees aged 25-40 percent, which is only 28.5%. This is not the case in 2024, when employees aged 25-40 years account for 50% of all civil servants. As a result, the need for employees to be prepared for a variety of managerial positions becomes a necessity. Second, educating the millennial generation about global competition and how to achieve world-class government. These two issues are a necessity for the public sector today. 47 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 50. "The Cadre School is a competency development system that not only prepares administrator officials but also has a career acceleration specification (fast track) for superior talented State Civil Apparatus (High Flyers) as regulated in Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 article 1 paragraph 29" Accelerating the pace of bureaucratic reform and bureaucratic regeneration 4. 121.176 2020 2020 25 - 40 Years Old 1.175.103 28,5% 39% Preparing millennials to face gradual competitive bureaucratic challenges to build World Class Government as regulated in Presidential Regulation No. 81 Year 2010 on the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform and The Law Number 17 of 2005 on Long- Term National Development Plan (RPJP) 2024 25 – 40 Years Old 50% 51 – 60 Years Old 1.625.489 THE CENTER OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CADRE DEVELOPMENT ( PUSBANG KADER ASN ) Simplification of the bureaucracy which is facilitated by the policy of equalization administrative positions (echelon III, IV, and V) is based on The Regulation of Minister of State Civil Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform No 28 Year 2019 on Equalization of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions President's instruction to simplify the bureaucracy by transforming administrative officials into functional officials Administrator positions that are excluded are deemed to have a strategic position in ensuring accountabilityand efficiency of government administration, development, and public services Institutions have proposed bureaucracy simplification 53 Administrator Position (echelon III) is not equated into functional position, As long as meeting these following criteria: Have a task and function as Head Work Unit with authority and responsibility in budget's utilization or user goods/services; or Have a task and related functions With authority/authority, legalization, ratification, document approval, or authority territorial. THE URGENCY OF CADRE SCHOOL Currently, Indonesia’s Bureaucracy is facing an ageing bureaucracy issue (BKN, 2020) 48 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 51. THE ADVANTAGES OF BLENDED LEARNING METHOD FOR STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CANDIDATE BASIC TRAINING (LATSAR CPNS) Blended learning has a number of advantages and disadvantages when compared to traditional (classical) training. Several advantages of blended learning training include the following: 1. The training is implemented in several stages, beginning with self-paced learning via indirect internet instruction. Independent learning enables individuals to adapt to the training curriculum on their own. Weeks 1-3 are dedicated to learning activities. 2. In weeks 4-9, It is dedicated for online learning, both direct and indirect. This type of online learning facilitates interaction between participants and allows for more in-depth conversations. 3. The next phase is implementing the actualization project. This phase lasts between 10-15 weeks. The actualization project has to be planned and discussed first before it is to be executed it in each work unit. 4. On the sixteenth week, classical learning activities were conducted. The training takes place on the training facilitation center. 49 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 52. THE ADVANTAGES OF BLENDED LEARNING METHOD FOR STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CANDIDATE BASIC TRAINING Week 1-3 The entire session of On Campus I is done offline. It is carried out in the classical learning, starting from the Opening to Agenda 1, 2, and 3 Week 4-9 Doing the actualization project Week 10 Doing the session II of Classical/On Campus learning Week 10-15 Performing Actualization Project in the work unit Week 1-3 Independent Learning indirectly through online platform/Asynchronous Week 4-9 Direct and indirect Distance Learning through online platform (Synchronous and Asynchronous) Classical - Week 16 : Doing a classical learning in the training centre (Blended Learning) THE ADVANTAGES OF BLENDED LEARNING METHOD FOR STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CANDIDATE BASIC TRAINING The learning is more efficient and effective THE CENTER OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CADRE DEVELOPMENT ( PUSBANG KADER ASN ) BLENDED LEARNING CLASSICAL Increasing technological and informational competency for participants and facilitators 50 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 53. BLENDED LEARNING OF BASIC TRAINING OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CANDIDATES (LATSAR CPNS) The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has altered global work systems. State Civil Apparatus training is no exception. State Civil Apparatus training, which was originally conducted in an offline classical method, has evolved into online training. This course adjustment has consequences. One of them is habit in the learning process. To address this issue, the development of LATSAR CPNS resulted in a shit from classical learning toward blended learning. Blended Learning is a method of training that combine face-to-face instruction in the classroom with online instruction. Blended learning is implemented in the following ways: participants engage in independent learning for 48 hours or 16 days at their own locations through online platform; and then participants engage in distance learning via e-learning platform for 25 lesson hours for direct learning and 192 lesson hours for indirect learning. Finally, participants would complete 320 lesson hours or 30 working days of doing actualization project in the home institution, office or unit. And then for the ultimate stage, participants must participate for the classical learning for 62 lesson hours or six days at the training center. 51 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 54. Participants complete 320 lesson hours or 30 working days of doing actualization project in the home institution, office or unit. And then, participants must participate for the classical learning for 62 lesson hours or six days at the training center. LEARNING METHOD THE BLENDED LEARNING FOR BASIC TRAINING OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CANDIDATES (LATSAR CPNS) State Civil Apparatus Candidate (CPNS) Within the first year of probation period, it is mandatory for State Civil Apparatus candidate to participate in integrated basic training State Civil Apparatus is required to work from home due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Covid -19 The Implementation of Work From Home and Work From Office do not prevent LAN RI from implementing LATSAR CPNS, which was originally classical, now is modified into Blended Learning in accordance with: The National Institute of Public Administration Regulation No. 1 Year 2021. Blended Learning is a learning method that combines the classical face-to- face learning process in the classroom with the online learning process participants engage in independent learning for 48 hours or 16 days at their own locations through online platform participants engage in distance learning via e-learning platform for 25 lesson hours for direct learning and 192 lesson hours for indirect learning THE CENTER OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CADRE DEVELOPMENT ( PUSBANG KADER ASN ) 52 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 55. THE TYPES AND WEIGHTS OF EVALUATION ASSESSMENT FOR LATSAR CPNS BLENDED LEARNING PARTICIPANTS The evaluation of LATSAR CPNS participants in blended learning is conducted using an assessment instrument specified in the National Institute of Public Administration Regulation No. 1 of 2021 on Basic Training for State Civil Apparatus Candidates (LATSAR CPNS). In practice, this type of evaluation is divided into several parts. The first to assess is behavioral attitudes. This evaluation accounts for 15% of the assessment. The behavioral attitudes of participants are evaluated both in the training institution and in their home institution. Each has a 10% and 5% share. Second, academic assessment. This evaluation is weighed at 20% for independent and distance learning instruction. Each evaluation accounts for 10% weight. Thirdly, an assessment of actualization project. This evaluation accounts for the highest weight of assessment, at 50%. The assessment of actualization project is separated into two parts: an assessment of the actualization design (20%) and an assessment of the actualization's implementation (30 %). Fourth, the assessment of Technical Competence in the Job Tasks Strengthening (PKTBT) accounts for 15%. This assessment is used to determine a candidate's knowledge of both general and substantive competencies. 53 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 56. Based on the National Institute of Public Administration Regulation No. 1 Year 2021 on Basic Training for State Civil Apparatus Candidates (LATSAR CPNS), in Chapter IV Article 24, the weight for Evaluation Assessment for LATSAR CPNS Blended Learning Participant is as follows: ✓ Accredited Training Centre with an assessment weight of 10% ✓ Government Institution from which the participant originated with an assessment weight of 5% THE ASSESSMENT OF BEHAVIOURAL ATTITUDE ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT ✓ Independent Training Academic Evaluation of 10% ✓ Academic Evaluation of Distance Learning by 10% STRENGTHENING PKTBT ASSESSMENT ✓ The Original Institution provides General/Administrative Competency Values ✓ The Origin Institution provides Substantive Competency Values THE TYPES AND WEIGHTS OF EVALUATION ASSESSMENT FOR LATSAR CPNS BLENDED LEARNING PARTICIPANTS THE CENTER OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS CADRE DEVELOPMENT ( PUSBANG KADER ASN ) 15% 15% 20% 50% ACTUALIZATION PROJECT ASSESSMENT ✓ Evaluation of the Actualization Plan of 20% ✓ Evaluation of the Implementation of Actualization by 30% 54 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 57. THE STATE CIVIL APPARATUS INTERNSHIP AND EXCHANGE The State Civil Apparatus’ competency, which is currently not evenly distributed, is quite a serious problem. The classical competency training still provides more understanding of the conceptual knowledge. While in practice it can not be optimized. Thus, the development of competencies that allows direct involvement of State Civil Apparatus becomes a necessity. Internships and employee exchanges are considered to be a means of conducting competency development by incorporating State Civil Apparatus directly in their job. Internship is a procedure by which State Civil Apparatus develop certain abilities by participating in related work processes outside their unit/organization for a specified length of time while being guided and supervised by mentors/experts in respective field. Meanwhile, State Civil Apparatus exchange is a means of transferring values, culture, competency, and organizational experience among units/organizations (through the placement of people in certain positions for a specified amount of time in the exchange partner unit/organization). Internships and State Civil Apparatus exchanges are fundamentally different in practice. Internships take place in government agencies, while State Civil Apparatus exchanges take place among government and private sector employees. Additionally, internships are used to develop specific abilities, while State Civil Apparatus exchanges are used to foster the development of new organizational values that are more potent and synergistic across policy actors. 55 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 58. Internship is a procedure by which State Civil Apparatus develop certain abilities by participating in related work processes outside their unit/organization for a specified length of time while being guided and supervised by mentors/experts in respective field. The State Civil Apparatus Exchange and Internship State Civil Apparatus Exchange is a process of mutual learning among units/organizations (through the exchange of values, culture, competency, and organizational experience) that involves placing individuals in certain jobs for a specified amount of time in the exchange partner unit/organization. State Civil Apparatus Exchange Model State Civil Apparatus Internship Model Non-classical Competency Development State Civil Apparatus Exchange and Internship is Non-classical Competency Development Participants state civil apparatus Exchange and Internship participants are State Civil Apparatus and Contract-based Government Employees Locus state civil apparatus Exchange and Internship can be conducted in the government institutions and other non-governmental institutions Time State Civil Apparatus Exchange and Internship implementation time is done based on institutions’own need Internship Exchange Basis Institutional needs Institutional needs Focus Competency (Learning) Organizational Values (Challenging) Objective Competency Mastery The synergy among policy actors and building a common understanding; organizational value exchange Context Strengthening the implementation capacity of task and job description; preparation for occupying certain positions; understanding of the policy context, public services, relations with stakeholders problem solving; organizational capacity development; preparation for strategic positions Target Best staff in the positions Successors Implication Civil servant career development, organizational capacity development, appreciation for internship recipient organizations Employee career development, organizational capacity development 56 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 59. THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Knowledge management is a necessity in public sector organizations nowadays. This is considering the need of organizational knowledge that must be managed and processed so that knowledge is not lost due to employee turnover in the organization. In the private sector, knowledge management has been implemented in such a way that knowledge management has become part of learning. In simple terms, according to Townley, knowledge management is defined as a series of processes to create and share knowledge throughout the organization in order to optimize the achievement of the organization's vision and mission. In other words, this knowledge is developed for organizational purposes. In practice, knowledge management has many benefits. For example, in the decision-making process. Decision-making materials can be obtained from knowledge management. In addition, it can simplify the processes and work procedures because knowledge of processes and work procedures is easier to internalize. There are three knowledges that are managed in knowledge management. First, tacit knowledge, knowledge stored in each employee. This knowledge is based more on the experience of employees in carrying out their daily work. Second, explicit knowledge, knowledge in the form of work skills that can be used as a guide in carrying out daily work. Finally, potential knowledge is self-potential that can be reinforced in order to achieve optimal performance to achieve organizational goals. Along with advances in information technology, knowledge management is currently performed through an application-based information system that is connected to learning technology. Currently, a knowledge management system that is integrated with learning technology in ASN Unggul is being prepared in the design of Civil State Apparatus training at the National State Civil Apparatus Corporate University (ASN CorpU). 57 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 60. THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM According to Townley (2001), Knowledge management is a collection of systems for developing and distributing knowledge throughout an organization in order to maximize the attainment of the organization’s mission and goals. Benefits of Knowledge Management 1. Time and cost savings 2. Knowledge asset enhancement 3. Speeding up the decision making 4. Improving the process efficiency and working methods 5. Enhancing the ability to innovate on products and services 1 2 3 Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge Potential Knowledge 01 People 02 Process 03 Technology KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT COMPONENTS KNOWLEDGE IN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT The Center of Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Competence Development Management ( Pim Bangkom ASN ) 58 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 61. TRAINING VS LEARNING In the context of implementing State Civil Apparatus competency development, the debate over training versus learning is currently heating up. Training and learning are two distinct methods for developing competencies. Training is currently viewed as a form of competency development that places an emphasis on current needs. Meanwhile, learning is the contrast opposite. Learning is supposed to be able to develop future State Civil Apparatus competencies. Then, what is the distinction between training and learning? Reid and Barrington stated that training is an organized planning process used to modify one's behavior, knowledge, and abilities in order to do a task effectively. According to Buckley, learning is the act of acquiring knowledge, internalizing it within employees, and applying it to accomplish something previously unachieved. Based on those definitions, it is clear that there are substantial distinctions between training and learning. Training is geared toward enhancing present competencies and is applied to current work. The majority of training occurs in the classroom, with the assistance of teachers or teaching staff. Learning is oriented towards the development of future competencies. The emphasis is no longer on the skill development but rather on preparing people to accomplish organizational goals. Learning is implemented in collaboration with learning partners, such as direct supervisors. 59 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 62. Training VS Learning 1. Developing future competencies, not just current competencies 1. Developing skills that will be used in the current job 2. Developing new skills Training is an organized planning process used to modify one's behavior, knowledge, and skills in order to do a task effectively. Training is aimed to prepare existing competencies in response to job demands (Reid and Barrington, 1997) Training VS Learning Characteristics Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, internalizing it within employees, and applying it to accomplish something that has never been accomplished before (Buckley, 2004). 3. Training is done in classical method 4. Training are facilitated by instructors or teaching staff 2. Preparing employees to achieve organizational goals 3. Learning is done anywhere and anytime 4. Facilitated by learning partners. It can be direct superiors, colleagues or other associate The Center of Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Competence Development Management ( Pim Bangkom ASN ) 60 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 63. Ladiatno Samsara is a Junior Researcher at The Center of Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Competence Development Management (Pim Bangkom ASN). His bachelor degree was obtained in Public Administration Department from Airlangga University. For further contact, please email AUTHORS PROFILE Mardiono was born on March 21, 1985 in Surabaya, the city of heroes. As a Junior Policy Analyst, he was also assigned the additional responsibility as Sub Coordinator of Development Policy at the the Center of Functional Position Development of State Civil Apparatus Competency Development (Pusbin JF Bangkom ASN). He studied at Undergraduate studies at the Department of Educational Technology at the Faculty of Education State University of Surabaya. Since 2009, he has worked as a State Civil Apparatus at LAN RI. Between 2015 and 2017, he got a Scholarship from Bappenas- World Bank. The Scholarsip Program is Scholarship Program for Strengthening the Reforming Institutions (SPIRIT) at Master of Public Administration study program, Gadjah Mada University. Everyday, he can be reached at the following email addresses: or Firdaus Suharta. Also known as Harta. Born on November 6, 1990 in Jakarta. Since early 2021, he has been working as the Junior Learning Technology Developer (PTP) at the Center of the Development of State Civil Apparatus National Leadership and Management Competency State Civil Apparatus Managerial (Pusbangkom Pimnas dan Manajerial ASN) LAN RI. His publication incliuding “Distance Learning Trends” Inagara Magazine Vol.5 No. June 1, 2020 61 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 64. Agus Pahrul Sidik works in the Center of Data and Information Systems (Pusdatin) as an Information Systems Analyst. He completed bachelor degree at Department of Informatics of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and master degree at the Department of Information Technology Services, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). In early 2015, he began his work as a State Civil Apparatus for LAN RI. For further contact, please email at or AUTHORS PROFILE Sofyan Eko Putra is the Junior Trainer at the Center of State Civil Apparatus Technical and Social Cultural Competency Development (PUSBANGKOM TSK ASN). He studied bachelor degree and master degree at Department of Economics and Development Studies of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) in Semarang. Since early 2018, he has worked as a State Civil Apparatus for LAN RI. Apparatus HR Competency Development, Talent Management, Management, Performance, Coaching and Mentoring, Digital Learning Media, and Sustainable Development Issues are his substance areas of concern. To contact the author, send an email to or Eko Setiyawan is a State Civil Apparatus for the The Center of Cadre Development (Pusbang Kader) in Indonesia. He obtained bachelor degree on Public Administration at Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya. Eko Setiyawan can be reached by email at or 62 Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 65. Rindri Andewi Gati is an asisstant professor at the Polytechnic of STIA LAN Jakarta. The youngest of three siblings was born on March 28, 1993 in Surabaya. He received a Bachelor's degree in Public Administration with a focus in Government Administration from Brawijaya University in 2014. Airlangga University awarded her a Master degree in Public Policy in 2017. Gati joined LAN RI in 2018, having previously worked as a freelance writer and as the Deputy Staff for Access to Capital at Creative Economy Agency's (Bekraf). Public Policy, Public Administration, Public Service Management, Strategic Studies, Politics, and Globalization are all areas of study that interest her. Apart with fulfilling the Tridharma of Higher Education as a Lecturer, Gati also performs as a graphic designer, which she has been doing since she was a student at DIANNS FIA UB and joined the Student Press Institute. Contact the author at or 63 AUTHORS PROFILE Lusi Istiviani is a Junior Policy Analyst at the Center of Data and Information Systems (Pusdatin). Born and raised in Yogyakarta, she is a graduate of Governance Study Program of Gadjah Mada University. Apart from doing her regular job, she is currently interested in data processing and analysis. Sastia Yunanta Putri works at the Center of Cadre Development for State Civil Apparatus (Pusbang Kader ASN) as a staff member. She studied her bachelor degree in Business Administration at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of University of Indonesia. For further information, please contact Sastia Putri at or Sastia Yunanta at Infographics: Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management
  • 66. This Infographics Book of Innovation of State Civil Apparatus Management provides data and information related to several activities and initiations carried out by the National Institute of Public Administration RI (LAN RI). This infographic displays data and information on the implementation of National Leadership Training I (PKN I), National Leadership Training II (PKN II), Administrator Leadership Training (PKA) and Supervisor Leadership Training (PKP) as well as State Civil Apparatus Candidates Basic Training (Latsar CPNS), especially the number of alumni and their distribution. In addition, there is also data and information on the current number of policy analysts. However, these displayed data on the book will be dynamic and keep changing. So, it is possible that data changes will occur by the time this book is being published. This Infographics Book is unique because the infographic displayed is not only data and information related to the implementation of activities that have been carried out. Additionally, there are also several initiatives that will be carried out by LAN RI. Among them are related to cadre development, provision of micro learning content, implementation of non-classical competency development in the form of internships and employee exchanges as well as knowledge management development that is integrated with learning technology.