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Ashley Waddy
ENG 112
December 3, 2015
Child abuse and racism
It is illegal to treat people differently or unfairly simply
because they belong to a different race or culture. Neglect,
physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse are a major
contributor to child maltreatment, poverty and neglect are
highly correlated. Children as well as young people from black
and minority ethnic groups experience racism which extends to
impact the child’s wellbeing but may vary depending on many
circumstances. Some people may view it as racism significantly
damages children’s chances of fulfilling their potential;
however, research suggests that the effects of racism on a
child’s emotional as well as physical and psychological
development may be profound since the harmful determinant of
population health is in its infancy.
Child abuse that results from racism is the hardest form of
prejudice to recognize because children are the one group that is
viewed as naturally subordinate until a certain age is reached a
stipulated age, they are the responsibility of their parents or
guardians that have been accorded the responsibility of having
custody of the children. The essential components of child
abuse are a claim by adults to the effect that the child is there’s
and they see fit to do exactly what they want, or children exist
to serve, honor and obey adults.
Children can also experience racism because of what their
religion or nationality may be. Racism that results to child
abuse takes many different forms which are inclusive of written
or verbal threats or insults, damage to property, including
graffiti and personal attacks of any kind which includes
violence. Consequently, a child that is subjected to any form of
racism is more likely to have a negative self-image and low
self-esteem, the role of anyone working with children or
providing activities for them is to ensure the protection of
children who may be vulnerable to racist bullying and racial
abuse. Black and ethnic children are most likely to experience
bullying than their white counterparts since white children
usually witness racial bullying as bystanders as the most
common expression of racism is through racist name-calling.
Research shows that this form of racism towards children is
often viewed by adults as trivial although there is some limited
research evidence which shows that racial bullying frequently
involves the
It is of great importance that all those who work with children
to have a good understanding of how racism can harm children
and have the ability to recognize when it occurs and deal with
it. Training and awareness of the negative effects of racism and
child abuse should be part of a group’s program of care for
children or young people while using their services, and
policies or procedures should be put in place to ensure that it
clear that expressions of racism are unacceptable and the
perpetrators of such victimization will be consequential.
The ultimate role of anyone working with children or providing
services or activities for them is to ensure their protection from
vulnerabilities that result from or constitute to racist bullying
and racial abuse since the direct costs associated with child
abuse and neglect are estimated at 24.4 billion dollars which is
inclusive of hospitalization, chronic health problems, mental
health, child welfare, and judicial system costs. The indirect
costs are estimated at 69.7 billion dollars which include special
education, juvenile delinquency as well as adult mental health
as well as health care, lost productivity to society, and adult
criminality. The National Coalition to End Child Abuse Deaths
estimates that nearly five innocent children die as a result of
abuse and neglect in America, the federal data shows that an
estimated total of 10,440 children in the United States have died
from abuse and neglect between 2001 and 2007.
Children are the assets of the society and country therefore
they should not be tortured in any such way that they may not
develop any kind of complex in the future. Their family who
plays a primary role in the determination of what the and how
the child experiences and recovers from something that is a
traumatic experience, parental support is a key mediating factor
that determines how a child will adapt to victimization.
Familial support and adequate parental support on the emotions
of the child who has been victimized functions to mitigate
against the development of posttraumatic pathology. The family
environment itself should be held responsible for the
victimization since the parental response to the traumatic event
and the extent that parents themselves are influenced by their
own childhood histories of loss and trauma have a major impact
on the child’s adaptation to trauma. A child’s ability as well as
willingness to report their victimization that happened plays an
important role in legal and therapeutic intervention.
Investigations that are involving abuse have frequently been
impeded when children have failed to disclose abuse, deny
abuse that has occurred, or recant a prior disclosure. The failure
when making a clear disclosure at the time of a formal
investigation likely results in the finding that suspicions of
abuse are majority unfounded or unsubstantiated, which often
result in termination of the investigation, this means that the
child subsequently remains at risk of continued abuse.
We should eliminate the discrimination from the society,
this includes child abuse and racism. We should encourage
children to adopt practices and cultures that enable them to be
mentally sharp rather than having any kind of inferiority
complex or superiority complex. Children are the next
generation of the society so they should be treated well, which
would lead them towards the development of the society. The
particular issues faced by Black children whose experience of
living with domestic violence can be compounded by racism,
children may be affected by witnessing the abuse which is
meted out to closest relatives or friends which may greatly have
a negative toll on them leading to the lowering of their self-
esteem and poor performance in school.
Studies that seek to examine the trends in demographic and
other risk factors that are predictive of or correlated with child
maltreatment should be carried out with earnest in order to
ensure that our children are well protected from victimization.
The parents, guardians and all the stakeholders involved in the
development of child related policies should engage in
discussions that seek to raise visibility and build awareness
about the problems while looking at the available data on the
best practice with keen focus on what’s working and not
working. They should also try to help identify solutions to the
problems that arise from childhood related issues and then
report the findings which will help in the making of
recommendations to drive future policy.
Children are not only the assets of the society or the cogs
and wheel in the machine is geared and steered towards the
achievement development milestones but are the source of our
support in our old age. The victims should rise above their child
abuse experiences and strive to be agents of best practices in
preventing child and youth fatalities since they have the
responsibility to run the society in a proper way rather than
taking revenge of their child abuse or racism therefore stopping
at its tracks conflict that can be avoided. May be by overcoming
the child abuse and the racism we can bring the peace in the
world through use of child protective services and also child
welfare services by ensuring the effectiveness of Federal, State,
and local policies/systems that are within services that are
aimed at collecting accurate, uniform data on child fatalities in
a coordinated fashion.
In January 2013, the Congress passed the Protect Our Kids Act,
which is a major milestone in the race to help child fatalities.
This act creates a bi-partisan, two-year Commission to
Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities which consists of
12 members that are appointed by the President and
congressional leaders. The commission worked together to
evaluate current programs and prevention efforts, and
recommended a comprehensive national strategy that helps
reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect fatalities which
included the development of a national, multi-agency strategy
for stopping maltreatment deaths, the increment of the current
federal spending on child protection by three to five billion
dollars since child welfare financing reform is crucial to make
child protective services an entitlement for eligible children.
The amendment of the current federal and state confidentiality
laws which was originally intended to protect living child
victims from publicity was undertaken.
The standardization of data collection about maltreatment
deaths that lead to the quality national statistics that will inform
effective prevention strategies and require states to provide
such information to the department and also within and across
systems in order to receive federal funds was implemented and
fully funded state child death review teams that look at each
child’s death and develop prevention recommendations were
also put in place.
The development of a public education campaign that helps
encourage public reporting of child abuse as well as neglect and
to enlist communities in protection of children was deemed
absolutely necessary since many cases of maltreatment deaths
arise from neglect and racism, thus the issue of child neglect
and racism should receive the same equal amount of time and a
public education campaign and by child protection
professionals. This recommendation led to the development of a
model protocol to ensure civil and criminal legal proceedings
related to child abuse and also neglect is very closely
coordinated with relevant agencies, that include the
multidisciplinary approach should be law enforcement,
prosecutors, child welfare workers and medical professionals,
that may be the first to come into contact with a child who is
It is said that child abuse is one of the hardest forms of abuse to
recognize because we as adults automatically think that it is
naturally subordinate, people that are or may be racist against
children consider them to be a burden of some kind.
“One day, around the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
the little boy went up to his grandmother and said, "Grandma,
it's a good thing Martin Luther King, Jr. was born, because if he
wasn't, you wouldn't know how to love me the way you do
(Catherine McCall MS).”
Works Cited
Daro, Deborah. Confronting child abuse: Research for effective
program design. Simon and Schuster, 1988. Retrieved from:
Gordon, Sue. "Putting the picture together-Inquiry into response
by government agencies to complaints of family violence and
child abuse in Aboriginal communities." Austl. Indigenous L.
Rep. 7 (2002): 49. Retrieved from:
Daro, Deborah, and Richard J. Gelles. "Public attitudes and
behaviors with respect to child abuse prevention." Journal of
Interpersonal Violence 7.4 (1992): 517-531. Retrieved from:
O'Hagan, Kieran P. "Emotional and psychological abuse:
Problems of definition." Child Abuse & elect 19.4 (1995): 449-
461. Retrieved from:
DePanfilis, Diane, and Marsha K. Salus. A coordinated response
to child abuse and neglect: A basic manual. DIANE Publishing,
1994. Retrieved from:
Catherine McCall MS, LMFT. Psychology Today. 30 March
2012. Print. 7 December 2015.
Ashley Waddy
English 112
November 23, 2015
What I Know, Assume, or Imagine
Poverty is the state of lacking something. Personally, I view
poverty as the lack of ability in monetary terms. This is
conveyed about by, one being declared bankrupt or
unemployment or even one being lazy. These factors have led to
people reoccupying their households and dwelling in the slums.
Not everyone though, who lives in the slums is poor and not
everyone who also lives well is rich. From what I have learned,
everyone who lives below one Dollar a day is poor.The Search
According to the dictionary, poverty is the state of lacking a
social or common acceptable amount of material possessions or
money. World Bank describes poverty as a deprivation of one’s
wellbeing which comprises many dimensions. This is the
inability of acquiring the basic goods and services and low
Also, poverty girdles inadequate security, lack of a voice or say,
low opportunity and capacity to better one’s livelihood, poor
access to sanitation and clean water, and low levels of education
and health.
Poverty is measured as either relative poverty or absolute
poverty also known as extreme poverty. The Copenhagen
Declaration focuses only on absolute poverty. Absolute poverty
is the condition brought about by severe lack of basic human
needs. These are food, clothing, shelter and security. Education,
health and information are also included.
Absolute poverty is the state where one lives below one Dollar a
day and relative poverty is the state by which one lives below
two Dollars a day.
Relative poverty on the other hand is the state in which an
individual lives within a society. This varies in most countries,
but as stated above, anyone who lives below two Dollars a day
is termed to be relatively poor.
According to a survey conducted by the World Bank
Development Indicators in 2008, 12% of the world’s population
are extremely poor. This means that these people live below one
Dollar a day. 8% of the same population lived on 1.25 Dollars a
day, 6% at 1.45 Dollars and 14% at 2 Dollars a day. This means
that 28% of the world’s population are relatively poor.
Generally, less than 80% of the population live below 10
Dollars a day.
The main causes of poverty around the World are, bad
government policies, lack of individual responsibility, power
and influence among businesses and exploitation of people.
There are more factors like, agricultural cycles, warfare, natural
disasters, power centralization, corruption and environmental
However, each of the causes above has a solution. In
agricultural cycles, there are people in many parts of the world
who rely solely on agriculture as their source of wealth and
basic commodities. Normally, all consumption commodities will
rely on the agricultural cycles. Take an example of fruits and
vegetables. For the families who rely on these commodities,
there are periods which they will experience scarcity thus
hunger. This will then lead to lack of sufficient resources to
satisfy their minimal nutrition needs thus causing diseases.
However, they can plant their agricultural products in cycles
too. For example, if a commodity takes three months to mature,
they can subdivide the land to accommodate all their
commodities and ensure that they plant every month to ensure
the flow of food.
For instance, of natural disasters, nothing can be done to stop
them, but prevention measures can be taken. Individually, one
can take insurance for their belongings. This will help rebuild
after am occurrence. To the nation’s most prone to the disasters,
infrastructures should be constructed to withhold the aftermath.
For example, in nations prone to earthquakes, they should have
policies on how buildings are to be constructed. This will
prevent the numbers of casualties affected. In areas prone to
floods, strong infrastructure should be brought up to withhold
the floods.What I Discovered
According to the study, I came to learn that most people in the
world are poor. It is up to each and every one to prevent
poverty. Most factors that bring about poverty can be evaded.
Take an example of corruption. Rooting out the corrupt leaders
can be a great step towards eradicating poverty.
We should take it upon ourselves to also get rid of those
behaviors and morals that are slowly eating us up from within.
Take an example of social inequality. No matter our religious
differences, I believe that we are all equal in the eyes of the
Lord thus by implementing this theory we can assist the
children living in the slums. Providing education to these
children will help bring up a better tomorrow, thus bringing us a
step closer to eradicating poverty.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 'Poverty | Sociology'. N.P., 2014.
Web. 23 Nov. 2015., 'Causes of Poverty'. N.P., 2015. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
Jensen, Eric. Teaching with Poverty in Mind. Alexandria, Va.:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,
2009. Print., 'Poverty Home'. N.P., 2015. Web. 23 Nov.
English 112
Final Reflection
The main goal of this class is to teach you to think critically
about an issue before you settle on an opinion, but another main
goal of the class is for you to understand more about your own
writing process so that you can apply this knowledge to the
assignments you will be completing in your other college
For your final reflection essay, I would like you to consider
your writing throughout the semester and write an essay
describing your experience. The essay will have two parts.
Part I: The research proposal
Firstly, I would like you to write about your writing process for
the research proposal. Consider the following questions and be
sure to answer them in your writing.
What techniques did you use as you thought through the issue?
What prewriting techniques worked best for you?
What claim type strategies did you use? Were they effective?
When you analyzed your arguments using the Toulmin method,
what warrants, or unstated assumptions did you find? Did you
address them with backing?
What strategies did you use to address your opponents’
What do you think are your greatest strengths of the essay and
If you had more time to work on the essay, what would you like
to improve upon?
Part II: Your Writing Process
In the next part of your reflection, I would like you to think
about all of the assignments you have written for this class and
consider which strategies helped and which didn’t. Consider
the following questions and be sure to answer them in your
Did you prefer writing the exploratory essay or the I Search?
Which essay better prepared you to make your arguments in
writing your research proposal?
Did the narrative strategy of the essays help you think through
your topic? Why or why not?
Which types of activities helped you most in preparing to write
your research proposal(analyzing other arguments, attempting
persuasive techniques through weblogs, etc.)? Be specific.
Reflect for a minute on the peer review process. Did you get
good feedback? Was this helpful to you? Did you learn from
reading others’ essays and giving feedback?
What did you find frustrating about the writing assignments for
this course?
Ask yourself, where, when, and how do I write?

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6Ashley WaddyENG 112December 3, 2015Child abuse and raci.docx

  • 1. 6 Ashley Waddy ENG 112 December 3, 2015 Child abuse and racism It is illegal to treat people differently or unfairly simply because they belong to a different race or culture. Neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse are a major contributor to child maltreatment, poverty and neglect are highly correlated. Children as well as young people from black and minority ethnic groups experience racism which extends to impact the child’s wellbeing but may vary depending on many circumstances. Some people may view it as racism significantly damages children’s chances of fulfilling their potential; however, research suggests that the effects of racism on a child’s emotional as well as physical and psychological development may be profound since the harmful determinant of population health is in its infancy. Child abuse that results from racism is the hardest form of prejudice to recognize because children are the one group that is viewed as naturally subordinate until a certain age is reached a stipulated age, they are the responsibility of their parents or guardians that have been accorded the responsibility of having custody of the children. The essential components of child abuse are a claim by adults to the effect that the child is there’s and they see fit to do exactly what they want, or children exist to serve, honor and obey adults. Children can also experience racism because of what their religion or nationality may be. Racism that results to child abuse takes many different forms which are inclusive of written or verbal threats or insults, damage to property, including graffiti and personal attacks of any kind which includes
  • 2. violence. Consequently, a child that is subjected to any form of racism is more likely to have a negative self-image and low self-esteem, the role of anyone working with children or providing activities for them is to ensure the protection of children who may be vulnerable to racist bullying and racial abuse. Black and ethnic children are most likely to experience bullying than their white counterparts since white children usually witness racial bullying as bystanders as the most common expression of racism is through racist name-calling. Research shows that this form of racism towards children is often viewed by adults as trivial although there is some limited research evidence which shows that racial bullying frequently involves the It is of great importance that all those who work with children to have a good understanding of how racism can harm children and have the ability to recognize when it occurs and deal with it. Training and awareness of the negative effects of racism and child abuse should be part of a group’s program of care for children or young people while using their services, and policies or procedures should be put in place to ensure that it clear that expressions of racism are unacceptable and the perpetrators of such victimization will be consequential. The ultimate role of anyone working with children or providing services or activities for them is to ensure their protection from vulnerabilities that result from or constitute to racist bullying and racial abuse since the direct costs associated with child abuse and neglect are estimated at 24.4 billion dollars which is inclusive of hospitalization, chronic health problems, mental health, child welfare, and judicial system costs. The indirect costs are estimated at 69.7 billion dollars which include special education, juvenile delinquency as well as adult mental health as well as health care, lost productivity to society, and adult criminality. The National Coalition to End Child Abuse Deaths estimates that nearly five innocent children die as a result of abuse and neglect in America, the federal data shows that an estimated total of 10,440 children in the United States have died
  • 3. from abuse and neglect between 2001 and 2007. Children are the assets of the society and country therefore they should not be tortured in any such way that they may not develop any kind of complex in the future. Their family who plays a primary role in the determination of what the and how the child experiences and recovers from something that is a traumatic experience, parental support is a key mediating factor that determines how a child will adapt to victimization. Familial support and adequate parental support on the emotions of the child who has been victimized functions to mitigate against the development of posttraumatic pathology. The family environment itself should be held responsible for the victimization since the parental response to the traumatic event and the extent that parents themselves are influenced by their own childhood histories of loss and trauma have a major impact on the child’s adaptation to trauma. A child’s ability as well as willingness to report their victimization that happened plays an important role in legal and therapeutic intervention. Investigations that are involving abuse have frequently been impeded when children have failed to disclose abuse, deny abuse that has occurred, or recant a prior disclosure. The failure when making a clear disclosure at the time of a formal investigation likely results in the finding that suspicions of abuse are majority unfounded or unsubstantiated, which often result in termination of the investigation, this means that the child subsequently remains at risk of continued abuse. We should eliminate the discrimination from the society, this includes child abuse and racism. We should encourage children to adopt practices and cultures that enable them to be mentally sharp rather than having any kind of inferiority complex or superiority complex. Children are the next generation of the society so they should be treated well, which would lead them towards the development of the society. The particular issues faced by Black children whose experience of living with domestic violence can be compounded by racism,
  • 4. children may be affected by witnessing the abuse which is meted out to closest relatives or friends which may greatly have a negative toll on them leading to the lowering of their self- esteem and poor performance in school. Studies that seek to examine the trends in demographic and other risk factors that are predictive of or correlated with child maltreatment should be carried out with earnest in order to ensure that our children are well protected from victimization. The parents, guardians and all the stakeholders involved in the development of child related policies should engage in discussions that seek to raise visibility and build awareness about the problems while looking at the available data on the best practice with keen focus on what’s working and not working. They should also try to help identify solutions to the problems that arise from childhood related issues and then report the findings which will help in the making of recommendations to drive future policy. Children are not only the assets of the society or the cogs and wheel in the machine is geared and steered towards the achievement development milestones but are the source of our support in our old age. The victims should rise above their child abuse experiences and strive to be agents of best practices in preventing child and youth fatalities since they have the responsibility to run the society in a proper way rather than taking revenge of their child abuse or racism therefore stopping at its tracks conflict that can be avoided. May be by overcoming the child abuse and the racism we can bring the peace in the world through use of child protective services and also child welfare services by ensuring the effectiveness of Federal, State, and local policies/systems that are within services that are aimed at collecting accurate, uniform data on child fatalities in a coordinated fashion. In January 2013, the Congress passed the Protect Our Kids Act, which is a major milestone in the race to help child fatalities. This act creates a bi-partisan, two-year Commission to
  • 5. Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities which consists of 12 members that are appointed by the President and congressional leaders. The commission worked together to evaluate current programs and prevention efforts, and recommended a comprehensive national strategy that helps reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect fatalities which included the development of a national, multi-agency strategy for stopping maltreatment deaths, the increment of the current federal spending on child protection by three to five billion dollars since child welfare financing reform is crucial to make child protective services an entitlement for eligible children. The amendment of the current federal and state confidentiality laws which was originally intended to protect living child victims from publicity was undertaken. The standardization of data collection about maltreatment deaths that lead to the quality national statistics that will inform effective prevention strategies and require states to provide such information to the department and also within and across systems in order to receive federal funds was implemented and fully funded state child death review teams that look at each child’s death and develop prevention recommendations were also put in place. The development of a public education campaign that helps encourage public reporting of child abuse as well as neglect and to enlist communities in protection of children was deemed absolutely necessary since many cases of maltreatment deaths arise from neglect and racism, thus the issue of child neglect and racism should receive the same equal amount of time and a public education campaign and by child protection professionals. This recommendation led to the development of a model protocol to ensure civil and criminal legal proceedings related to child abuse and also neglect is very closely coordinated with relevant agencies, that include the multidisciplinary approach should be law enforcement, prosecutors, child welfare workers and medical professionals, that may be the first to come into contact with a child who is
  • 6. abused. It is said that child abuse is one of the hardest forms of abuse to recognize because we as adults automatically think that it is naturally subordinate, people that are or may be racist against children consider them to be a burden of some kind. “One day, around the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the little boy went up to his grandmother and said, "Grandma, it's a good thing Martin Luther King, Jr. was born, because if he wasn't, you wouldn't know how to love me the way you do (Catherine McCall MS).” Works Cited Daro, Deborah. Confronting child abuse: Research for effective program design. Simon and Schuster, 1988. Retrieved from: Gordon, Sue. "Putting the picture together-Inquiry into response by government agencies to complaints of family violence and child abuse in Aboriginal communities." Austl. Indigenous L. Rep. 7 (2002): 49. Retrieved from: Daro, Deborah, and Richard J. Gelles. "Public attitudes and behaviors with respect to child abuse prevention." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 7.4 (1992): 517-531. Retrieved from: O'Hagan, Kieran P. "Emotional and psychological abuse: Problems of definition." Child Abuse & elect 19.4 (1995): 449- 461. Retrieved from: DePanfilis, Diane, and Marsha K. Salus. A coordinated response to child abuse and neglect: A basic manual. DIANE Publishing, 1994. Retrieved from: Catherine McCall MS, LMFT. Psychology Today. 30 March 2012. Print. 7 December 2015. Ashley Waddy English 112 November 23, 2015
  • 7. Poverty 2 What I Know, Assume, or Imagine Poverty is the state of lacking something. Personally, I view poverty as the lack of ability in monetary terms. This is conveyed about by, one being declared bankrupt or unemployment or even one being lazy. These factors have led to people reoccupying their households and dwelling in the slums. Not everyone though, who lives in the slums is poor and not everyone who also lives well is rich. From what I have learned, everyone who lives below one Dollar a day is poor.The Search According to the dictionary, poverty is the state of lacking a social or common acceptable amount of material possessions or money. World Bank describes poverty as a deprivation of one’s wellbeing which comprises many dimensions. This is the inability of acquiring the basic goods and services and low incomes Also, poverty girdles inadequate security, lack of a voice or say, low opportunity and capacity to better one’s livelihood, poor access to sanitation and clean water, and low levels of education and health. Poverty is measured as either relative poverty or absolute poverty also known as extreme poverty. The Copenhagen Declaration focuses only on absolute poverty. Absolute poverty is the condition brought about by severe lack of basic human needs. These are food, clothing, shelter and security. Education, health and information are also included. Absolute poverty is the state where one lives below one Dollar a day and relative poverty is the state by which one lives below two Dollars a day. Relative poverty on the other hand is the state in which an individual lives within a society. This varies in most countries, but as stated above, anyone who lives below two Dollars a day is termed to be relatively poor. According to a survey conducted by the World Bank
  • 8. Development Indicators in 2008, 12% of the world’s population are extremely poor. This means that these people live below one Dollar a day. 8% of the same population lived on 1.25 Dollars a day, 6% at 1.45 Dollars and 14% at 2 Dollars a day. This means that 28% of the world’s population are relatively poor. Generally, less than 80% of the population live below 10 Dollars a day. The main causes of poverty around the World are, bad government policies, lack of individual responsibility, power and influence among businesses and exploitation of people. There are more factors like, agricultural cycles, warfare, natural disasters, power centralization, corruption and environmental degradation. However, each of the causes above has a solution. In agricultural cycles, there are people in many parts of the world who rely solely on agriculture as their source of wealth and basic commodities. Normally, all consumption commodities will rely on the agricultural cycles. Take an example of fruits and vegetables. For the families who rely on these commodities, there are periods which they will experience scarcity thus hunger. This will then lead to lack of sufficient resources to satisfy their minimal nutrition needs thus causing diseases. However, they can plant their agricultural products in cycles too. For example, if a commodity takes three months to mature, they can subdivide the land to accommodate all their commodities and ensure that they plant every month to ensure the flow of food. For instance, of natural disasters, nothing can be done to stop them, but prevention measures can be taken. Individually, one can take insurance for their belongings. This will help rebuild after am occurrence. To the nation’s most prone to the disasters, infrastructures should be constructed to withhold the aftermath. For example, in nations prone to earthquakes, they should have policies on how buildings are to be constructed. This will prevent the numbers of casualties affected. In areas prone to floods, strong infrastructure should be brought up to withhold
  • 9. the floods.What I Discovered According to the study, I came to learn that most people in the world are poor. It is up to each and every one to prevent poverty. Most factors that bring about poverty can be evaded. Take an example of corruption. Rooting out the corrupt leaders can be a great step towards eradicating poverty. We should take it upon ourselves to also get rid of those behaviors and morals that are slowly eating us up from within. Take an example of social inequality. No matter our religious differences, I believe that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord thus by implementing this theory we can assist the children living in the slums. Providing education to these children will help bring up a better tomorrow, thus bringing us a step closer to eradicating poverty. References Encyclopedia Britannica, 'Poverty | Sociology'. N.P., 2014. Web. 23 Nov. 2015., 'Causes of Poverty'. N.P., 2015. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. Jensen, Eric. Teaching with Poverty in Mind. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2009. Print., 'Poverty Home'. N.P., 2015. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. English 112 Final Reflection The main goal of this class is to teach you to think critically about an issue before you settle on an opinion, but another main goal of the class is for you to understand more about your own writing process so that you can apply this knowledge to the assignments you will be completing in your other college courses. For your final reflection essay, I would like you to consider your writing throughout the semester and write an essay
  • 10. describing your experience. The essay will have two parts. Part I: The research proposal Firstly, I would like you to write about your writing process for the research proposal. Consider the following questions and be sure to answer them in your writing. What techniques did you use as you thought through the issue? What prewriting techniques worked best for you? What claim type strategies did you use? Were they effective? When you analyzed your arguments using the Toulmin method, what warrants, or unstated assumptions did you find? Did you address them with backing? What strategies did you use to address your opponents’ viewpoints? What do you think are your greatest strengths of the essay and why? If you had more time to work on the essay, what would you like to improve upon? Part II: Your Writing Process In the next part of your reflection, I would like you to think about all of the assignments you have written for this class and consider which strategies helped and which didn’t. Consider the following questions and be sure to answer them in your writing. Did you prefer writing the exploratory essay or the I Search? Which essay better prepared you to make your arguments in writing your research proposal? Did the narrative strategy of the essays help you think through your topic? Why or why not? Which types of activities helped you most in preparing to write your research proposal(analyzing other arguments, attempting persuasive techniques through weblogs, etc.)? Be specific. Reflect for a minute on the peer review process. Did you get good feedback? Was this helpful to you? Did you learn from reading others’ essays and giving feedback? What did you find frustrating about the writing assignments for this course?
  • 11. Ask yourself, where, when, and how do I write?