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About Me
2000 – Software Developer
2006 – Discovered Test Automation &
Decided to be a Test Engineer
2010 – Test Lead at STM (Defence
Technologies and Engineering)
2013 – Test Lead at Innova (12 PRJs, 20 TEs)
 When/What to Automate?
 Design Principles/Patterns
 Locator Strategy
 Methodology
 Framework/Language Selection
 OOP Principles
What is The Point?
Expected Action
Machines are great for
running straigtforward
Gives Confidence
Unexpected Scenario
Humans are great for tests
requiring intelligence and
Finds new defects
increase the productivity & efficiency
of the automation project and team.
Which Test Levels To
Be Automated
Automation Levels
Scenario Depth
Unit Tests
Test Data Preparation
Horizontal E2E (UI & Integration Layer) Login / Add to Chart / Checkout / Pay
Vertical E2E
tests on all level
of the pyramid
Unit Tests
Business Logic
Long / High
automation solutions
is a
also a
Design Principles
Loosely Coupled
Manintainable (Easily)
Principle of Good Enough
Seperation of Concerns
High Cohesion
Keep It Simple Stupid
You Aren’t Going to Need It
Don’t Repeat Yourself
#Code Example @before DRY
#Code Example @after DRY
Layers in Your Automation Code
Browser (Web App)
How to Design a Framework
User Login
- LoginLink.Click
- UserNameField.EnterText."erdem"
- PswdField.EnterText."yildirim"
- RememberPswd.Click
- LoginButton.Click
- Confirm Login
Send Email
- LoginLink.Click
- UserNameField.EnterText."erdem"
- PswdField.EnterText."erdem"
- RememberPswd.Click
- LoginButton.Click
- Confirm Login
- Click compose
- type msg
- type subj
- send
- confirm send
- logout
Linear Framework
userLogin ()
sendEmail ()
Function userLogin(userName, userPassword){
- LoginLink.Click
- UserNameField.EnterText.userName
- PswdField.EnterText.userPassword
- RememberPswd.Click
- LoginButton.Click
- Confirm Login
Function sendEmail(userName, userPassword){
- LoginLink.Click
- UserNameField.EnterText."karthik"
- PswdField.EnterText."karthik"
- RememberPswd.Click
- LoginButton.Click
- Confirm Login
- Click compose
- type msg
- type subj
- send
- confirm send
- logout
Functional Decomposition Framework
+Data Driven
What is a Design Pattern?
Reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a
given context.
Spaghetti Pattern
No Pattern (a.k.a) Antipattern
Advantages of Spaghetti Pattern
• Quick start
• Smaller code base
• Smoke tests
Disadvantages of Spaghetti Pattern
• Anti-pattern
• Tight Coupling
• No Random Order
• No parallel test runs
• Covers up failures
• Difficult to extend or reuse; INEFFICIENT
Hermetic Test Pattern
Polar opposite of the Spaghetti pattern.
It states that each test should be completely independent and
Advantages Disadvantages
• Clean Start
• Resilience
• Modular
• Random Run Order
• Parallel Testing
• Upfront Design
• Runtime Increase
• Resource Usage Increase
Factory Design Pattern
interface Dog
public void speak ();
class Poodle implements Dog
public void speak()
System.out.println("The poodle says "arf"");
class Rottweiler implements Dog
public void speak()
System.out.println("The Rottweiler says (in a very deep voice) "WOOF!"");
class SiberianHusky implements Dog
public void speak()
System.out.println("The husky says "Dude, what's up?"");
class DogFactory
public static Dog getDog(String criteria)
if ( criteria.equals("small") )
return new Poodle();
else if ( criteria.equals("big") )
return new Rottweiler();
else if ( criteria.equals("working") )
return new SiberianHusky();
return null;
Create a Dog Interface Define Concrete Dog Classes
Define Java Factory Class
Factory Design Pattern
public class JavaFactoryPatternExample
public static void main(String[] args)
// create a small dog
Dog dog = DogFactory.getDog("small");
// create a big dog
dog = DogFactory.getDog("big");
// create a working dog
dog = DogFactory.getDog("working");
Factory Pattern Test Program
The poodle says "arf"
The Rottweiler says (in a very deep voice) "WOOF!"
The husky says "Dude, what's up?"
Page Object Model (POM)
Helps to hide the page implementation; the test is no longer allowed to directly
interact with a given page, but instead uses a framework of classes and methods to
accomplish the same goal. This pattern abstracts the business logic/implementation
Advantages Disadvantages
• Busines Point of View
• Testing Behavior
• Modular & Reusable
• Clear Intentions
• Complexity (Wrong Usage)
Page - Spec
public class LoginSpec extends PageSpec {
def "Login tests with user information"() {
given: "Home Page"
def loginPage = to LoginPage
when: "user information is entered"
loginPage.loginOl(userName, password)
then: "login to the system, open main page"
at resultPage
userName | password | resultPage | aciklama
"" | "123456" | MemberHomePage | "positive-test"
"" | "123" | LoginPage | "negative-test"
"" | "" | LoginPage | "exceptional-test"
class LoginPage extends BasePage {
static url = "giris"
static at = { waitFor { title == "Innova Legalite User Login" } }
def getUser() { $("input", name: "username") }
def getPass() { $("input", name: "password") }
def getEnter() { $("button", 0) }
def loginOl(String username, String password) {
Layers in Your Framework Design
The Framework should also be divided up into layers of functionality.
Browser (Web App)
Navigation Modules
PageFactory Pattern
The PageFactory Class in Selenium is an extension to the Page Object
design pattern. It is used to initialize the elements of the Page Object
or instantiate the Page Objects itself.
It is used to initialize elements of a Page class without having to use
‘FindElement’ or ‘FindElements’. Annotations can be used to supply
descriptive names of target objects to improve code readability.
In fact, we can use the page object pattern without using the Page
Factory class.
PageFactory Pattern
There are different opinions in sector.
• Even the creator of PageFactory doesn’t encourage to use PageFactory.
• Jim Holmes: "It's simpler and cleaner for people to stand up their own
page objects. PageFactory is a needless complication"
• PageFactory is useful; It handles WebElements nicely and helps test
codes/scenarios be easier to read.
• The only difference I can see is that it makes tracing through code a
little harder for people unfamiliar to Selenium and saves a few
characters per instruction.
Setup And Teardown Method
Prod Like Testing Stage
Simulate a test stage as if every integrated system/comp is up
before they are really up
And leave the stage at starting point
Simlicity is the ultimate sophistication
Leanardo da Vinci
Your locator strategy will determine your tests’ destiny as flaky or
Good: If you know the right strategy you can apply it.
Bad: It is also dependent to AUT code/developers not only to you.
Critical: Communication & Collaboration, mentoring dev teams.
unlikely to change
Custom Locators
Link Text
Partial Link Text
Tag Name
Dynamic Locators
in order
Custom Locators
CSS selectors
Link Text
Partial Link Text
Tag Name
Dynamic Locators
E2E Test Automation
High business logic coverage,
Testing from the user perspective,
Prevents production incidents,
Gives the confidence that everything is OK
Low code coverage,
Slow execution,
Continuous Testing
To develop software within shorter delivery cycles; Agile, DevOps
and Continuous Delivery approaches are on the forefront.
Continuous Delivery supports Continuous Testing which is a
testing strategy that consists of a large number of automated unit
and acceptance tests but a small number of automated end-to-
end tests.
Continuous Testing claims that E2E tests are inefficient and they
should be limited.
It is a means of using Vertical E2E Test Automation effectively but
avoiding Horizontal E2E Test Automation
TDD – Test Driven Development
TDD – Test Driven Development
Write only enough of a unit test to fail.
Write only enough production code to make the failing unit test pass.
Simplest way to achieve both good quality code and good test coverage
BDD – Behaviour Driven Development
Developing unambiguous features in collaboration with BA, QA, Dev
Writing features’ definition and also the behaviours driving the design
Preventing defects rather than finding defects at early stages.
BDD – Behaviour Driven Development
Communication / Collaboration
Living Documentation
Drives whole project team
Preventative Tests
Healthy test basis / requirements
Clear understanding of what a feature means
Replaces scripted test with automation scripts
BDD Styles
Readable/executable scenarios by every role in project
Fastest coding and most concise, readable code
Spock BDD
public class LoginSpec extends PageSpec {
def "Login tests with user information"() {
given: "Home Page"
def loginPage = to LoginPage
when: "user information is entered"
loginPage.loginOl(userName, password)
then: "login to the system, open main page"
at resultPage
userName | password | resultPage | aciklama
"" | "123456" | MemberHomePage | "positive-test"
"" | "123" | LoginPage | "negative-test"
"" | "" | LoginPage | "exceptional-test"
All (BDD, automation code) in one file;
very concise/readable code,
very fast and fun to code
Cucumber BDD
Two seperate files; one for Scenarios, one for code
readable for non-developers
BDD focuses on the behavioural aspect of the system rather
than the implementation aspect of the system that TDD
focuses on.
TDD captures low-level requirements (usually at the
class/method level). BDD captures high-level requirements.
Therefore, BDD is still TDD - but at a higher level
Develop “Software that matters”
along with “Software that works”
Enter the User Stories (feature + scenarios) in a BDD tool,
Write E2E automation code to map the User Stories to tests,
Write production code using TDD to make the tests pass.
Dev Team
Build & Unit
UI Test
Deploy (Prod)
UI Test
UI Test
(Full Set)
Dev CI Pre-Production Production
Check in
Automated Test Runs
After Nightly Build [1]
• Unit Test
• Web Service Test
• UI Test Automation
(Full Set)
• Cross Browser &
Platform Tests
Automated Test Runs
After Weekly Build [2]
• Automated Non
Functional Tests
(Performance &
Load Tests)
• Static Code Quality
The Illusion of Using one Test Automation Tool for All Projects
Depends on the project dynamics
Technologies used in SUT development code,
3rd party components
(produce more with less effort)
Just a Few Examples
on Personel Experience
GEB, Spock, Groovy
the power of Selenium WebDriver,
the elegance of jQuery content selection,
the robustness of Page Object modelling,
the expressiveness of the Groovy language,
the velocity of Spock style BDD
What bring us?
Backend agnostic; the power of Selenium WebDriver,
webdriverio, protractor, nightmarejs, appium, puppiteer
Facilitated one language for all above frameworks,
Scenario driven highly readable,
Built in POM support,
Support for both Spock style BDD and Cucumber BDD
Fast to develop and learn.
Readable BDD for whole stakeholders,
Ideal for automating backend, middleware applications.
Increase the communication / collaboration in team.
Resolve the issue of developing the wrong/misunderstood
Hiding data and binding that data to public methods that other classes can utilize to
access to data to protect the data integrity and consistency. Accessing data from the
getter/setter methods.
class Account
private double balance;
public setBalance(double balance)
if(balance > 0) // Validating input data in order to maintain data integrity
this.balance = balance;
public static void main()
Account theGeekyAsian = new Account(); //Creating an object of class Account
theGeekyAsian.setBalance(1000); //Balance set successful
Extend data and behaviours. Inheritance is a way to reuse code. The class which is
inherited from, is called the base class, and the class which inherits the code from the
base class is called a derived class. A derived class can use all the functions which are
defined in the base class, making the code reusable.
class Shape
private int height;
private int width;
public void setWidth(int width)
this.width = width;
public void setHeight(int height)
this.height = height;
class Rectangle extends Shape
public int getArea()
return height * width; //Rectangle's getArea method inherited the height and width from Shape
The ability to take multiple forms. The name polymorphism defines itself. Poly means
many, and morph means forms. It is a process of a method of a class taking
different/many forms.
Static Polymorphism – Known as Method Overloading
Dynamic Polymorphism – Known as Method Overriding
class Numbers
public int sum(int numberA, int numberB)
return numberA + numberB;
public double sum(double numberA, double numberB) //Here, method overloading takes place,
{ //by providing another feature to the same method 'sum'
return numberA + numberB;
class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
Numbers objNumber = new Numbers();
System.out.println("Sum of two integer numbers is: " + objNumber.sum(2,3);
System.out.println("Sum of two double numbers is: " + objNumber.sum(2.5,3.2);
In abstraction, we provide only essential/necessary features (methods) of an entity to
the outside world (the user) while hiding other irrelevant details, in order to reduce
operational complexity at the user-end.
class Car
public void changeGear(){}
public void steerCar(){}
public void accelerateCar() //Accelerator is accessible by the user to accelerate the car
/* Something happens here */
private void exhaustSystem(){}
private void what_happens_when_he_accelerates_the_car(String someValue)
/* Something happens here */
private void silencer(){}
Team Building
Roles – Intersection of Interests and Works
Developer in Test
Test Automation Engineer
Test Analyst
Career Planning
Give Venue to Team for Sharing Knowledge
Engaging – Motivating Environment
Communication - Collaboration
Give Your Team a Venue
Enjoy the brainstorming
Be open to
new ideas / techs.
increase the productivity & efficiency
of the automation project and team.
don’t forget to
ReferencesTest Automation Patterns: Issues and Solutions, Dorothy Graham, Seretta Gamba
V. Garousi and M. V. Mäntylä, "When and what to automate in software testing? A multi-vocal literature review," Information and Software Technology, vol. 76, pp. 92-117, 2016.
Testistanbul 2016 - Keynote: "Why Automated Verification Matters" by Kristian Karl
Effective Software Testing: 50 Ways to Improve Your Software Testing, Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Boston, MA, USA ©2002
End-to-End Integration Testing Design, Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2001. COMPSAC 2001. 25th Annual International
Selenium Design Patterns and Best Practices, Dima Kovalenko
Behavior Driven Development Webapps mit Groovy Spock und Geb Tight
Khanh Le Common Design Principles and Design Patterns in Automation Testing
Selenium Design Patterns, Liraz Shay
Applying the Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming to Test Automation - with Angie Jones
Creating A Test Automation Framework Architecture With Selenium (Step-By-Step), John Sonmez, Bulldog Mindset.
Common design principles and design patterns in automation testing, KMSTechnolog
Image References
Andreas von der Heydt 12 Minutes To Create A Mind Changing Presentation
Damon Nofar 5 Ways To Surprise Your Audience (and keep their attention),
(Re)Building an engineering culture: DevOps at Target, Heather Mickman, Ross Clanton
Thank You

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6 Traits of a Successful Test Automation Architecture

  • 2. About Me 2000 – Software Developer 2006 – Discovered Test Automation & Decided to be a Test Engineer 2010 – Test Lead at STM (Defence Technologies and Engineering) 2013 – Test Lead at Innova (12 PRJs, 20 TEs)
  • 3.
  • 4.  When/What to Automate?  Design Principles/Patterns  Locator Strategy  Methodology  Framework/Language Selection  OOP Principles AGENDA
  • 5.
  • 6. What is The Point? EFFICIENCY
  • 12. AUTOMATION Expected Action Machines are great for running straigtforward tests Gives Confidence EXPLORATORY Unexpected Scenario Humans are great for tests requiring intelligence and experience Finds new defects COMPLEMANTARY
  • 17. BEING MULTIPLIER increase the productivity & efficiency of the automation project and team.
  • 18. st trait Which Test Levels To Be Automated
  • 19. Automation Levels Scenario Depth UI Tests Integration Tests Unit Tests Test Data Preparation CI–ContinuousIntegration Horizontal E2E (UI & Integration Layer) Login / Add to Chart / Checkout / Pay Vertical E2E Implementing tests on all level of the pyramid Deciding Exploratory Test
  • 20.
  • 22.
  • 26. Design Principles Modular Reusable Flexible Extensible Loosely Coupled Readable Manintainable (Easily) Principle of Good Enough Seperation of Concerns High Cohesion KISS YAGNI DRY
  • 27. KISS Keep It Simple Stupid YAGNI You Aren’t Going to Need It DRY Don’t Repeat Yourself
  • 30. Layers in Your Automation Code Tests Framework Selenium/GEB/etc. Browser (Web App)
  • 31. How to Design a Framework User Login - LoginLink.Click - UserNameField.EnterText."erdem" - PswdField.EnterText."yildirim" - RememberPswd.Click - LoginButton.Click - Confirm Login Send Email - LoginLink.Click - UserNameField.EnterText."erdem" - PswdField.EnterText."erdem" - RememberPswd.Click - LoginButton.Click - Confirm Login - Click compose - type msg - type subj - send - confirm send - logout Linear Framework userLogin () sendEmail () Function userLogin(userName, userPassword){ - LoginLink.Click - UserNameField.EnterText.userName - PswdField.EnterText.userPassword - RememberPswd.Click - LoginButton.Click - Confirm Login } Function sendEmail(userName, userPassword){ - LoginLink.Click - UserNameField.EnterText."karthik" - PswdField.EnterText."karthik" - RememberPswd.Click - LoginButton.Click - Confirm Login - Click compose - type msg - type subj - send - confirm send - logout } Functional Decomposition Framework +Data Driven
  • 32. What is a Design Pattern? Reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context.
  • 33. Spaghetti Pattern No Pattern (a.k.a) Antipattern
  • 34. Advantages of Spaghetti Pattern • Quick start • Smaller code base • Smoke tests
  • 35. Disadvantages of Spaghetti Pattern • Anti-pattern • Tight Coupling • No Random Order • No parallel test runs • Covers up failures • Difficult to extend or reuse; INEFFICIENT
  • 36. Hermetic Test Pattern Polar opposite of the Spaghetti pattern. It states that each test should be completely independent and self-sufficient. Advantages Disadvantages • Clean Start • Resilience • Modular • Random Run Order • Parallel Testing • Upfront Design • Runtime Increase • Resource Usage Increase
  • 37. Factory Design Pattern interface Dog { public void speak (); } class Poodle implements Dog { public void speak() { System.out.println("The poodle says "arf""); } } class Rottweiler implements Dog { public void speak() { System.out.println("The Rottweiler says (in a very deep voice) "WOOF!""); } } class SiberianHusky implements Dog { public void speak() { System.out.println("The husky says "Dude, what's up?""); } class DogFactory { public static Dog getDog(String criteria) { if ( criteria.equals("small") ) return new Poodle(); else if ( criteria.equals("big") ) return new Rottweiler(); else if ( criteria.equals("working") ) return new SiberianHusky(); return null; } } 1 3 2 Create a Dog Interface Define Concrete Dog Classes Define Java Factory Class
  • 38. Factory Design Pattern public class JavaFactoryPatternExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // create a small dog Dog dog = DogFactory.getDog("small"); dog.speak(); // create a big dog dog = DogFactory.getDog("big"); dog.speak(); // create a working dog dog = DogFactory.getDog("working"); dog.speak(); } } 4 Factory Pattern Test Program The poodle says "arf" The Rottweiler says (in a very deep voice) "WOOF!" The husky says "Dude, what's up?" Brings Decoupling Encapsulation
  • 39. Page Object Model (POM) Helps to hide the page implementation; the test is no longer allowed to directly interact with a given page, but instead uses a framework of classes and methods to accomplish the same goal. This pattern abstracts the business logic/implementation details. Advantages Disadvantages • Busines Point of View • Testing Behavior • DRY • Modular & Reusable • Clear Intentions • Complexity (Wrong Usage)
  • 40. Page - Spec public class LoginSpec extends PageSpec { def "Login tests with user information"() { given: "Home Page" def loginPage = to LoginPage when: "user information is entered" loginPage.loginOl(userName, password) then: "login to the system, open main page" at resultPage where: userName | password | resultPage | aciklama "" | "123456" | MemberHomePage | "positive-test" "" | "123" | LoginPage | "negative-test" "" | "" | LoginPage | "exceptional-test" } } class LoginPage extends BasePage { static url = "giris" static at = { waitFor { title == "Innova Legalite User Login" } } def getUser() { $("input", name: "username") } def getPass() { $("input", name: "password") } def getEnter() { $("button", 0) } def loginOl(String username, String password) { user.value(username) pass.value(password) } }
  • 41. Layers in Your Framework Design The Framework should also be divided up into layers of functionality. Tests Framework Selenium/GEB/etc. Browser (Web App) Workflows Pages Navigation Modules Selenium/GEB/etc.
  • 42. PageFactory Pattern The PageFactory Class in Selenium is an extension to the Page Object design pattern. It is used to initialize the elements of the Page Object or instantiate the Page Objects itself. It is used to initialize elements of a Page class without having to use ‘FindElement’ or ‘FindElements’. Annotations can be used to supply descriptive names of target objects to improve code readability. In fact, we can use the page object pattern without using the Page Factory class.
  • 43. PageFactory Pattern There are different opinions in sector. • Even the creator of PageFactory doesn’t encourage to use PageFactory. • Jim Holmes: "It's simpler and cleaner for people to stand up their own page objects. PageFactory is a needless complication" • PageFactory is useful; It handles WebElements nicely and helps test codes/scenarios be easier to read. • The only difference I can see is that it makes tracing through code a little harder for people unfamiliar to Selenium and saves a few characters per instruction.
  • 45. Setup And Teardown Method Setup Exercise Verify Teardown SUT Install
  • 46. Prod Like Testing Stage Simulate a test stage as if every integrated system/comp is up before they are really up And leave the stage at starting point Setup Exercise Verify Teardown SUT Install Create Return ValuesIndirect Inputs Record Mock Object
  • 47. Simlicity is the ultimate sophistication Leanardo da Vinci
  • 49. LOCATORS Your locator strategy will determine your tests’ destiny as flaky or robust. Good: If you know the right strategy you can apply it. Bad: It is also dependent to AUT code/developers not only to you. Critical: Communication & Collaboration, mentoring dev teams.
  • 51. LOCATORSCSS selectors ID Xpath Custom Locators Class Name Link Text Partial Link Text Tag Name Dynamic Locators
  • 52. LOCATORS in order ID Custom Locators Class Name CSS selectors Xpath Link Text Partial Link Text Tag Name Dynamic Locators
  • 54. E2E Test Automation High business logic coverage, Testing from the user perspective, Prevents production incidents, Gives the confidence that everything is OK Low code coverage, Slow execution,
  • 55. Continuous Testing To develop software within shorter delivery cycles; Agile, DevOps and Continuous Delivery approaches are on the forefront. Continuous Delivery supports Continuous Testing which is a testing strategy that consists of a large number of automated unit and acceptance tests but a small number of automated end-to- end tests. Continuous Testing claims that E2E tests are inefficient and they should be limited. It is a means of using Vertical E2E Test Automation effectively but avoiding Horizontal E2E Test Automation
  • 56. TDD – Test Driven Development
  • 57. TDD – Test Driven Development RULES Write only enough of a unit test to fail. Write only enough production code to make the failing unit test pass. WHY TDD Simplest way to achieve both good quality code and good test coverage .
  • 58. BDD – Behaviour Driven Development Developing unambiguous features in collaboration with BA, QA, Dev Writing features’ definition and also the behaviours driving the design process. Preventing defects rather than finding defects at early stages.
  • 59. BDD – Behaviour Driven Development Communication / Collaboration Automation Living Documentation Drives whole project team Preventative Tests Healthy test basis / requirements Clear understanding of what a feature means Replaces scripted test with automation scripts
  • 60. BDD Styles Cucumber Readable/executable scenarios by every role in project Spock Fastest coding and most concise, readable code
  • 61. Spock BDD public class LoginSpec extends PageSpec { def "Login tests with user information"() { given: "Home Page" def loginPage = to LoginPage when: "user information is entered" loginPage.loginOl(userName, password) then: "login to the system, open main page" at resultPage where: userName | password | resultPage | aciklama "" | "123456" | MemberHomePage | "positive-test" "" | "123" | LoginPage | "negative-test" "" | "" | LoginPage | "exceptional-test" } } All (BDD, automation code) in one file; very concise/readable code, very fast and fun to code
  • 62. Cucumber BDD Two seperate files; one for Scenarios, one for code readable for non-developers
  • 63. xDD: TDD vs BDD BDD focuses on the behavioural aspect of the system rather than the implementation aspect of the system that TDD focuses on. TDD captures low-level requirements (usually at the class/method level). BDD captures high-level requirements. Therefore, BDD is still TDD - but at a higher level
  • 64. Develop “Software that matters” along with “Software that works” Enter the User Stories (feature + scenarios) in a BDD tool, Write E2E automation code to map the User Stories to tests, Write production code using TDD to make the tests pass.
  • 65. Dev Team Version Control Build & Unit Tests UI Test Automation (Smoke) Deploy (Prod) UI Test Automation (Smoke) UI Test Automation (Full Set) Monitoring Dev CI Pre-Production Production Check in Trigger Trigger Approval Approval Approval Approval Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Automated Test Runs After Nightly Build [1] • Unit Test Automation • Web Service Test Automation • UI Test Automation (Full Set) • Cross Browser & Platform Tests Automated Test Runs After Weekly Build [2] • Automated Non Functional Tests (Performance & Load Tests) • Static Code Quality Analysis Feedback Feedback Feedback
  • 67. NO SUCH TOOL The Illusion of Using one Test Automation Tool for All Projects
  • 68. BEST TOOL Depends on the project dynamics
  • 69. CONSIDER Technologies used in SUT development code, 3rd party components LOOK FOR Efficiency (produce more with less effort)
  • 70. Just a Few Examples on Personel Experience GEB, Spock, Groovy the power of Selenium WebDriver, the elegance of jQuery content selection, the robustness of Page Object modelling, the expressiveness of the Groovy language, the velocity of Spock style BDD What bring us?
  • 71. CODECEPTJS Backend agnostic; the power of Selenium WebDriver, webdriverio, protractor, nightmarejs, appium, puppiteer Facilitated one language for all above frameworks, Scenario driven highly readable, Built in POM support, Support for both Spock style BDD and Cucumber BDD Fast to develop and learn.
  • 72. CUCUMBER Readable BDD for whole stakeholders, Ideal for automating backend, middleware applications. Increase the communication / collaboration in team. Resolve the issue of developing the wrong/misunderstood requirement.
  • 74. 4 PILLARS OF OOP Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction
  • 75. ENCAPSULATION Hiding data and binding that data to public methods that other classes can utilize to access to data to protect the data integrity and consistency. Accessing data from the getter/setter methods. class Account { private double balance; public setBalance(double balance) { if(balance > 0) // Validating input data in order to maintain data integrity this.balance = balance; } } public static void main() { Account theGeekyAsian = new Account(); //Creating an object of class Account theGeekyAsian.setBalance(1000); //Balance set successful }
  • 76. INHERITANCE Extend data and behaviours. Inheritance is a way to reuse code. The class which is inherited from, is called the base class, and the class which inherits the code from the base class is called a derived class. A derived class can use all the functions which are defined in the base class, making the code reusable. class Shape { private int height; private int width; public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } } class Rectangle extends Shape { public int getArea() { return height * width; //Rectangle's getArea method inherited the height and width from Shape } }
  • 77. POLYMORPHISM The ability to take multiple forms. The name polymorphism defines itself. Poly means many, and morph means forms. It is a process of a method of a class taking different/many forms. Static Polymorphism – Known as Method Overloading Dynamic Polymorphism – Known as Method Overriding class Numbers { public int sum(int numberA, int numberB) { return numberA + numberB; } public double sum(double numberA, double numberB) //Here, method overloading takes place, { //by providing another feature to the same method 'sum' return numberA + numberB; } } class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Numbers objNumber = new Numbers(); System.out.println("Sum of two integer numbers is: " + objNumber.sum(2,3); System.out.println("Sum of two double numbers is: " + objNumber.sum(2.5,3.2); } }
  • 78. ABSTRACTION In abstraction, we provide only essential/necessary features (methods) of an entity to the outside world (the user) while hiding other irrelevant details, in order to reduce operational complexity at the user-end. class Car { public void changeGear(){} public void steerCar(){} public void accelerateCar() //Accelerator is accessible by the user to accelerate the car { /* Something happens here */ what_happens_when_he_accelerates_the_car(someValue); } private void exhaustSystem(){} private void what_happens_when_he_accelerates_the_car(String someValue) { /* Something happens here */ } private void silencer(){} }
  • 80. Team Building Roles – Intersection of Interests and Works Developer in Test Test Automation Engineer Test Analyst Career Planning Give Venue to Team for Sharing Knowledge Engaging – Motivating Environment Communication - Collaboration
  • 81. Give Your Team a Venue
  • 83. Be open to new ideas / techs.
  • 84. BE A MULTIPLIER increase the productivity & efficiency of the automation project and team. don’t forget to
  • 85. ReferencesTest Automation Patterns: Issues and Solutions, Dorothy Graham, Seretta Gamba V. Garousi and M. V. Mäntylä, "When and what to automate in software testing? A multi-vocal literature review," Information and Software Technology, vol. 76, pp. 92-117, 2016. Testistanbul 2016 - Keynote: "Why Automated Verification Matters" by Kristian Karl Effective Software Testing: 50 Ways to Improve Your Software Testing, Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Boston, MA, USA ©2002 End-to-End Integration Testing Design, Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2001. COMPSAC 2001. 25th Annual International Selenium Design Patterns and Best Practices, Dima Kovalenko Behavior Driven Development Webapps mit Groovy Spock und Geb Tight Khanh Le Common Design Principles and Design Patterns in Automation Testing Selenium Design Patterns, Liraz Shay Applying the Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming to Test Automation - with Angie Jones Creating A Test Automation Framework Architecture With Selenium (Step-By-Step), John Sonmez, Bulldog Mindset. Common design principles and design patterns in automation testing, KMSTechnolog
  • 86. Image References Andreas von der Heydt 12 Minutes To Create A Mind Changing Presentation Damon Nofar 5 Ways To Surprise Your Audience (and keep their attention), (Re)Building an engineering culture: DevOps at Target, Heather Mickman, Ross Clanton