SlideShare a Scribd company logo : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

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                                                                     If you had just 1%
                                     to GET the cheap WEB HOSTING service you need WITH THIS SITE
                                                would you READ on or Skip to another site ?

What we sell :
4CheapHosting is a web hosting company with 4 years experience that will turn your site into a well build engine of stable and productive
web presence

What our customer get :
Web Hosting for his site(s) without any need of special knowledge , completely automatically and secure. The ability to host as many sites
he wants within his account minimizing the cost to few dollars per year. Example: if he hosts 5 sites with plan 1 it will be equivalent to 69/5
= 13,80 per site (per year). If he hosts only one site the customer has the ability to receive multi - domain resources for better search
engine positioning and higher traffic

Why our services are different :
Our main service focus is stability and peace of mind for our customers
Even if we get many new visitors every day, 85% in sales average come from old customers that bring us new orders
We host new , small and medium sites and help them grow
4CheapHosting shows you exactly how ... AND it gives you all the tools, everything you need, to go out and do it.. immediately.

How we reply to issues you have right now in your mind :
- What if it’s a scam , after all i saw so many offering web services ?
Scams can’t survive in the net for too long. We’re online from 2000 and growing. See the ranking and the traffic we receive from Google
and Alexa every day

- What if they do something with my credit card information?
We don’t see or interact or approve or use the details of your credit card.
The time you will order you will be transferred to an international secure credit card processor. He will manually review your
order and verify the authenticity of your card. At the web is a very popular cc source and it is trusted by thousands of merchants all over (1 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

the globe.

- What if it’s OK, but I don’t like it?
It’s no use to say that most of our customers are loyal to our network from the start of 2000 BUT if you find something you don’t like you
will get your money back. We offer 360 days ( 1 year ) money back guarantee , the BIGGEST and most secure money back guarantee for
internet service you will not see anywhere else.

How we can support our customers :
We accept standard number of orders per month. Four years in a raw , support was our top priority and we don't intent to change it.
Average time for our support replies is 10-15 minutes

How we can say we are cheap :
Our service will not include the lowest prices your eyes can see at the web. However if you feel and use our services you will understand
that the quality of the services worth much more than all the other providers you saw. We evaluate and re-design our services every 6
months from 2000 and we are always up to date with the requests our customers send us

Why we offer this level of Hard Disk Space and Bandwidth :
As you can read and verify from this page below we are in business from 1999
We saw many web hosting 'trends' and certainly things changed from that time until now. Most of the providers now offer you large
quantities of space and bandwidth
The average number of sites use no more than 10 - 20MBytes for file and image storage
For example occupy about 45MBytes of data with all the additional files for the site
Taking a hosting pack with 1Gbytes storage may look a better offer if you divide the cost per MByte but do you think you will ever use this
amount of data? Do you think you will not be cut off or accused for a violation of terms if you reach near the amount you’re entitled to
use ? Search the net and find all these stories. That’s why we say we offer the amount of storage and bandwidth will cover all sites with
medium traffic. We suggest the proper upgrades if your site need them , but nothing more than you need

How 4CheapHosting stand on this issue :
4CH stands on quality and cheap prices and doesn’t have any plan to trick visitors eyes with big numbers. The accounts are balanced and
the servers monitored every 5 minutes. If we were not profitable with increasing numbers from 1999 do you believe we could talk now for
new services and new establishments ?
Now with the option to create endless sites inside the resources of your account and features they don't exist to other networks you have a
clear choice for your site(s). Only 69 $ for the whole year for as many sites you can fit to your account. Bookmark http:// and search the net to find a similar solution hosted in the same quality datacenter as ours
( - nac )

                                                              Our Unique Guarantee :
                                Examine it, test it, use our services for full 360 days (1 year) without a risk
                                              We will not only give you back your money but also
                                     we will help you move your site to the web provider of your choice.

  If you don't consider that the services you received worth at least ten times the amount you gave, we want to ask us for a

                                 This a Unique 12-Months RISK FREE Guarantee
 Think just for a moment , how certain the previous web providers are with the 30 or 60 or 90 days they give you ?

                                                                  Click here for more information

                                                                             Additionally :

             1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                         FREE Traffic
        Place just (1) one order of PLAN 2 while this offer is valid and see your site in the frontpage of our network just like the site of :

                                    ( After your order contact sales dept. with link details and your
   banner 420x60 pixels , max 12KB size , gif or jpg that we will host for you so that you will not loose MBytes from the banner rotation.
                              Review the Alexa Ranks below to see how many people will see your banner ) (2 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

             2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Check the new FREE SHORT URL Redirection Service
                                                      we HOST in our servers

                                         ( Support Dept. recommends the use of this service )

             3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   19-Feb-2004 : expand the borders

Our new established division in Greece can serve Greek customers or people who speak Greek language
( The contact form can also be used now with Greek characters )
Two more countries will follow soon

                                                                 Multi Domain Hosting
What is Multi-Domain Hosting?
Most hosts charge you per domain you host with them. They require you to purchase a new account for each
website and bill you accordingly. We do things differently. We charge you a fixed monthly fee for an allotment of
Space and Bandwidth which you can use to host as many domains as you wish. There are no additional costs for
additional domains, no set-up fees and the number of domains you can host in your account is practically unlimited

How does it work?
When you order hosting from 4CheapHosting, you will be given access to your own CPanel. From here you will be
able to add domains to your account in real time.

Who is Multi-Domain hosting suitable for?
Our hosting accounts are suitable for almost anyone who wishes to host a website. They provide you with ability to
expand the number of websites you host without the pressure of extra costs. In particular:
* Web designer or developers who wish to make extra revenue from selling hosting to their customers.
* The entrepreneur who wishes to make a business from selling hosting in their local area or online.
* Personal websites, host websites for family and friends or community groups. (3 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

                                          How is different from
                                                  other host providers :
                                                                  Based on the data of &

Let's talk with facts.

                                 TOP Search Engine Google Rank sample :

                                                                                     TOP Global Site Rank source Alexa :
                      Keyword                                 Position       Total Results    1. Rank page on 07-August-2003 (Rank position : 48,745 and
  1. cheap web hosting                                                                        growing)
                                                                     13             898,000
  2. cheap host
                                                                         4          890,000
  3. cheap hosting
                                                                     10           1,120,000
  4. cheap web host
                                                                     11             514,000
  5. reliable cheap web hosting
                                                                         5          124,000
                                                                                              What these Google ranks and Alexa reports prove ?
  6. cheap site hosting
                                                                     20             832,000   These results are based on popularity factors which means in
                                                                                              other words that many webmasters recommend our site and
  7. hosting network
                                                                         3        3,040,000   many surfers see it everyday
                                                                                              You don't get popular within few months
  8. where to host your site                                                                  Our site is active from 04-Feb-2000 and from that time we
                                                                         5        3,870,000
  (23-Apr-2003)                                                                               increase our customers base without decrease the quality and
  9. site host                                                                                the attention we give to every single customer
                                                                     22           3,840,000   See two screenshots from the frontpage of
                                                                                              as the WayBackMachine recorded us
  10. web hosting and promotion
                                                                     12           1,060,000   (clicking at these images a new window with enlarged image
                                                                                              will appear)
  11. cheap web hosting resellers
                                                                     11              42,600
                                                                                              We are related with Internet business from 1995 and we saw
                                                                                              the growth and the variation of Internet services until now.
  12. host
                                                                     68         23,400,000    We understand the disbelief and the difficulty of people
                                                                                              choosing an Internet Web Presence Provider. This is logical
  13. net host                                                                                with all the things they happen to internet, like :
                                                                         1        3,680,000
  (28-Apr-2003)                                                                               a.Services with extremely low prices that close the next day
  14. host your site                                                                          leaving the customer on the air
                                                                         5        3,830,000   b.Unreliable hosting offers and crawling internet serving
  15. promote a web site hosting
                                                                         2          657,000   c.Periodical and long downtimes of server leaving customer
  (02-May-2003)                                                                               site down for hours or days
  16. cheap web hosting link                                                                  d.Visitors can't see the site due different incompatibilities
  exchange                                                       1&2                 60,900   and administration ignorance at the setup
  (03-May-2003)                                                                               e.Fail to follow the promises and commitments they state
  17. free web hosting promotion                                                              f.Don't offer a real "test and use" guarantee so that the site
                                                                         4          848,000   owner will not feel his pocket heavy as a result of his
                                                                                              All these and several others don't make the life of webmaster (4 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

  18. unix web hosting                                                                    easy
                                                                   41         1,110,000
                                                                                 fully understand the previous problems
  19. promote site                                                                        and offers :
                                                                   14         4,330,000
  (03-May-2003)                                                                           1.REAL 360 days money back guarantee. You have nothing
  20. cheap resellers                                                                     to loose. The money will be back to your account in 7 days
                                                                     7           65,900   (according to your bank) from the day you request for refund.
                                                                                          No long waiting, no out of reach people and no hurt feelings
  21. best cheap web host
                                                                     5          369,000   when you request a refund. It's part of our job and our job is
                                                                                          too precious to spoil it. Our business model is clear and taking
  22. web host promotion                                                                  our word as a fact the one thing we are not so experienced is
                                                                     4          642,000
  (06-May-2003)                                                                           giving a refund !!
  23. web site cheap                                                                      Our rate is less than 2% which means that our services are not
                                                                     1        1,850,000   something our users want to give back
  24. cheap traffic                                                                       2.PROmotion with no extra cost. You get free promotion
                                                                   13           953,000
  (23-Jul-2003)                                                                           with Banner exposures at the "Site Spotlight" section, site
  25. hosting pro                                                                         submission to search engines and directories, insertion to our
                                                                   18         2,560,000   traffic and directory link exchange and marketing newsletters
                                                                                          at the same price of your hosting pack. We want to help you
  26. web hosting offer
                                                                     8        3,210,000   achieve the purpose of your website creation. We don't want to
                                                                                          give you a nice front window without any traffic and
  27. hosting                                                                             customers !!!
                                                                   56        48,800,000
                                                                                          3.Reliable uptime reports from the respected service of

4.We're in business from late 1999 and we still have satisfied customers. If you check our whois info will prove it. Our main goal is to
offer reliable service with affordable pricing policy. We proved all these years that we're not a company that will disappear the next
morning. Read the testimonials on the right column

5.Our dedicated servers are located in popular and big data centers. Bandwidth, Security and Fault tolerance operation are issues we
take very seriously. When we deal with operation problems we waste time from other tasks and certainly we don't want that. is a secure trouble free environment for our customers

6.We give monthly and yearly offers to our customers.
We give prizes and free hosting packs every month in our surveys - polls - contests section
We offer you free over 200 eBooks with our promotional packs (and now with any PLAN 2 hosting pack .. Click here for a list of
the ebooks you will get free with every order of PLAN 2. They are 154Mbytes of knowledge you can use to make money in the
net ) on various subjects all with resale rights so that you resell right away from your site or give them as a freebie to your visitors !!

7.We have a friendly and approachable support team. Replies travel in less than 12 hours. We publish reports to the site for every
major notice you must know

Our disadvantages :
1.We like honesty and this is what we require from our customers.

2.We have less than zero percentage tolerance with credit card fraud attempts with no exceptions and no second chances
because we believe these attempts damage everybody's business and many times we spent a lot more than the actual hosting prices to
track these people. See our blacklist with credit card orders and malicious disputes. All non legitimate credit card transactions are
also reported to the: Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC). We value and respect legitimate and responsible people they give us the
opportunity to serve them.

3.We have less than zero percent tolerance for people they want to abuse our services and especially spammers.

We give quality web hosting and promotion services for businesses or individuals and that is a fact. If you like
to have people they care for your site you know where to ask

                                         What customers say for 4CheapHosting network and services : (5 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

    4CheapHosting Homepages                            I’ ve been with this hosting network for over 2 years and they were great all this time. Great stability,
           from 2000                                   honesty and politeness from the sales-support dept. This review is a way for me to say thanks for
                                                       the service they provide me. Thanks ppl.
                                                       Nick Ferrow - Delaware - USA (
                                                       We have hosted our domains on your servers and provided our clients with hosting services as
                                                       resellers of your service for quite some time now and want to spread the word concerning how
                                                       pleased we are with your services and personnel. The people you have working for you are an
                                                       absolute pleasure to work with and have served us with nothing less than professional courtesy,
                                                       effectiveness and timely assistance. We have been exposed to hosting services for many years
                                                       before settling with you and have had our fair share of lousy experiences. Believe me when I say
                                                       that we know the difference between a great host and one that sucks so badly we can hear them
                                                       coming. is a great host bar none.
                                                       Max Ledger - Florida - USA - (

                                                       All the power given to the end-user, you set up your e-mails, protected directories etc
                24-Oct-2001                            Dan Campisi - ITALY - (

                                                       Gooooody. My vdomain runs like hell.

                                                       Great job, ... i really like your service and have been referring people to use it .... i would love it if
                                                       you had a referral area when you sign up and if you get x friends you get a discount ... not that the
                                                       hosting isn't cheep enough:-) thanks
                                                       Mike Kunz - Ohio - USA - (

                                                       Awesome tools. Outstanding value for the money great tech support people
                                                       Herman Gilden - BELGIUM - (

                                                       Rule says whatever is cheap is worthless and I agree BUT 4cheaphosting is the exception. They were
                                                       very polite and fast. They say that new accounts can be ready within 24H but they send me the
                                                       confirmation in 2 hours I might host another domain the next year. At least for now i could not
                                                       suggest another company more than
                                                       William Hampton - UK -

                                                       I am just writing to say how impressed I am with 4Cheaphosting. They set up my account quickly
                                                       and efficiently and were flexible enough to accommodate my needs. I would just like to say thanks
                                                       for replying to my email so quickly. I was in doubt about 4cheaphosting because i didn’t know your
                                                       company but now that Ive seen your customer service in action, I can see myself hosting my site
                                                       with you for a long time to come. Your web space loads at very good speeds and your hosting
                                                       package is very good value for money. Thanks again! This is great,i can start working on the site
                                                       now :-)
                01-Oct-2003                            Carolina Blocher - GERMANY - (

                                                       I have been using webspace by several different providers until now. 4cheaphosting has been by far
                                                       the best! Im very very happy with the speed and service!
                                                       Dean Adamski - UK - (

                                                       Much of what I do with my site is experimental and I often rely on 4cheaphosting's technical support
                                                       department to make changes or to add software to their server. They are always courteous,
                                                       responsive, and accommodating. I would recommend 4cheaphosting to anyone with special needs
                                                       beyond good reliable web hosting service.
                                                       Bill Ehrreich - Florida - USA - Complete Software Solutions - (

                                                       I’d like to take my time to congratulate 4cheap Hosting about their commitment in bringing this
                                                       hosting service to that high level and for providing me with such a reliable hosting. I could not ask
                                                       for more and I strongly feel that I have found the right host for my site. I only had to add to my
                                                       wonderful experience with their sales team, as I contacted support they needed not more than 6
                                                       minutes to fully resolve my issue! I would recommend 4cheap Hosting to everyone, they have
                10-Feb-2004                            proven to me their integrity and reliability and they make this on a daily basis. I cannot be happier
                                                       with my host. This is by far the best and the fastest company I have ever dealt with
                                                       Kelvin Callas - N.Y. - USA - (

                                      I have been conducting business on the Internet since 1997. In all that time, I have never been
                                      associated with a company of the caliber of 4CheapHosting. Support Dept. is always ready to quickly
                                      respond to any questions about the site development. Their responses were thorough, logical, and
                                      always offered in the spirit of cooperation. No matter how trivial the question. Always provided the
                                      help I needed. They worked far above and beyond what should have been required of them to make
                                      sure that everything on my site was completed to my total satisfaction. I highly recommend
4CheapHosting to anyone seeking a professional and highly motivated organization that will work tirelessly to complete any task assigned. I
have some more projects lined up for future 4CheapHosting tasking
Johnathan Foose - Florida - USA - (

Just wanted to tell you guys I really appreciate the fantastic service you have been giving me with my web hosting for the past year.
I now work full time on the internet and it is absolutely essential that my websites stay up 24/7. You have been there whenever I have (6 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

needed help whether it be 5:30 am Sunday morning or on a Holiday weekend. Hey, do you guys sleep?
I feel totally confident having my business presence on the internet in your hands. I am looking forward to doing much more business
together in the future. Sincerely.
Ted Dempster - Texas - USA - (no email)

I was very happy with the service I received from 4cheaphosting and would be happy to express that to other potential clients
Hugh Presson - UK - (no email)

As a web developer, I have had the opportunity to work with several web hosting companies, and have found's
combination of technical skill and service unsurpassed. So when I started my recent site it was a no-brainer to choose as
my hosting partner. You would be hard-pressed to find a hosting company with the breadth of knowledge and the personal attention that offers
Max Mickel - Ohio - USA - (no email)

I often tell people how pleased we are with your firm, which actually has real people who respond quickly and helpfully to inquiries
Julio Stolte - N.Y - USA - (no email)

As a growing web application provider, we found ourselves struggling to expand in house services without compromising security,
availability or performance. After trying several providers, 4cheaphosting surpassed our expectations. The staff are extremely
knowledgeable and swift to provide solutions. The network infrastructure is highly available and well maintained. Our hats off to
4cheaphosting for the exceptional service and we look forward to growing our partnership in the future
Guy Ament - Rhode Island - USA - (

The best uptime I have ever had from a Web Hosting company. The best Software for the control panel that makes my customers happy.
With very knowledgeable support
Erik Dycus - Nevada - USA - (no email)

4cheaphosting is probably the best provider I have worked with. Going from hosting the clients we had on our dsl line to moving them to
4ch was a snap. Not only is their price the best I have found on the internet, their service is great as well. I get responses to all my
questions within the hour. All of my friends who host sites say it takes days if they even get a response to their questions on some other
hosting company. One of the features that I am impressed with is that I have complete control over my domains and my hosting clients,
it's as close to running the server myself I can get without actually having it sitting right next to me. I would recommend them to anyone.
The price and server can't be beaten. I for one am convinced they are the best around for web hosting services
Jamie Hooton - Michigan - USA - (no email)

As we not only need hosting for our own business and personal sites, but are constantly needing to recommend hosting for our clients this
is a continual problem for us as well. We want reasonable pricing, quality features, reliable uptime, and fair response time to any problems.
We have been in business for 6 years and had a business web site for that same amount of time, so we have gone through a lot of web
hosts in that time, 4ch is the best we found so far
Allan Neis - UK - (

I am extremely pleased with my hosting at 4CH. I was not pleased with my previous host and found their technical support to be
challenging at best and downright infuriating most of the time. I shopped carefully for my next host. I asked the entrepreneurs on my
professional list serve for advice on hosts, took the top three recommendations and interviewed them all personally before making a
Only 4cheaphosting offered the best in service, price and response time. Others may have their strengths, but I've always been pleased
with the response, the high degree of customer service, their willingness to answer my questions and the extremely reasonable price that
4CH offers. I recommend their services and enjoy being a customer. Thanks, for making my hosting a joy - I already have enough
Billy Snook - Washington - USA - (

                                 Current Customers can send their testimonials to sales dept. from the contact form of the site
                                                                         Thank you

                            Shared Hosting                                                         Resellers Packs
    Remember :                                                                      1. Overselling of bandwidth and space is
    You can host as many sites as your resources allow.                             allowed
    For example you can : host 1 site of 50MBytes                                   Overselling is a business tactic used by the web host. For
    or 50 sites of 1Mbyte to PLAN 1 or 2 with any                                   example, if a server has 100GBytes and each hosting plan is
    combination possible. These are multi domain WEB                                1GByte, the webhost sells and hosts more than 100 clients
    HOSTING PLANS                                                                   on that server.
    For more information click here ....                                            The reason for this is not every client uses up to the
                                                                                    maximum of their account space limit. Every client uses
    Each of the                                                                     different % of their space. It's very unlikely that every
                                                                                    customer on a server use up to 100% of their total space.
    PLAN 1 & 2 have the following features :
                                                                                    So if every client uses only 50% of the space, this means
    * 1000 Sites / domains                                                          that the web host may be able to sell 200 customers of
                                                                                    1GByte plans on a 100GBytes server. (7 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

   * 1000 Subdomains
                                                                            2. Create unlimited domain names
   * 1000 Domain Pointers
                                                                            3. Private Label DNS
   * 1000 Parked Domains                                                    In all our plans we utilise Private Label Name Servers. This
                                                                            ensures that your customers will not be able to trace you to
   * 1000 POP3 Accounts                                                     us, as you will be using your own branded DNS - ns1.
   * 1000 MySQL Databases
                                                                            4. Secure Shell (SSH)
   * 1000 Email Lists
                                                                            5. Shared SSL
   * Access to WebMail
                                                                            6. Number of IPs : 5
   * Anonymous Nameservers
                                                                            7. Backups
   * Multilingual cPanel                                                    All your data, including configuration files, settings, website
                                                                            files, email and databases are backed up daily to a secondary
   * Unlimited Spam Filters                                                 hard drive. This helps to ensure the safety of your data
                                                                            should the main hard drive fail.
   * Unlimited Auto Responders
                                                                            One-Click Backups are also available for you or your
   * Unlimited Private POP Servers                                          customers to download from CPanel. You can choose to
                                                                            backup all you data, config files only, site files only or
   * Unlimited Forwarders                                                   individual databases.

   * Web Based Stats                                                        8. WHM
                                                                            Web Host Manager give you control over your clients'
   * One click backup                                                       websites. You can add, remove and modify any of your
                                                                            domains from with in WHM. The use of WHM separates the
   * Raw Logs                                                               hosts offering virtual multi-domain hosting from those of us
                                                                            offering true multi-domain hosting.
   * Cron Jobs

   * Network Tools

   * Web Based File Manager
                                                                            Pack 1 :
                                                                            1000MBytes Space / 15GBytes Traffic
   * FrontPage Support                                                      45 USD / month
                                                                            More info ...
   * Custom Error Pages

   * FTP accounts                                                           Pack 2 :
                                                                            2000MBytes Space / 30GBytes Traffic
   * Password Protection                                                    60 USD / month
   * PhpMyAdmin Access
                                                                            More info ...

   * Private CGI Bin                                                        Pack 3 :
   * MIME Types
                                                                            3000MBytes Space / 45GBytes Traffic
                                                                            80 USD / month
   * Apache Handlers                                                        More info ...

   * POP3, IMAP Mail
                                                                            Pack 4 :
   * PHP, CGI and SSI                                                       4000MBytes Space / 60GBytes Traffic
                                                                            100 USD / month
   * Macromedia Flash                                                       More info ...
   * Macromedia Shockwave
                                                                            Pack 5 :
   * 24/7 365 days Fast Support                                             5000MBytes Space / 75GBytes Traffic
   * 99.5% Uptime Guarantee                                                 120 USD / month
                                                                            More info ...

      Click for more information about the features of the
             shared host and links to order each one (8 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX

                                                    (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved

                                                             | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (9 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : HOSTING

    Home        |    Hosting        |    Design        |   Promotion           |   Network   |   Affiliates   |   Resellers   |    Link Exchange   |   Contact us

                                                              Shared Web Hosting Plans

                                                 Features                                    PLAN -1-                         PLAN -2-

                           Price ( per YEAR )                                                    69 USD                       115 USD

                                                                              Basic - Domain Features
                           HDD Space (MBytes)                                                       50                              100

                           Traffic per month (MBytes)                                              500                             1000

                           Sites per plan you can create                                           1000                             1000

                           Domain Names you can park                                               1000                             1000

                           SubDomains                                                              1000                             1000

                           Your own email server                                                   YES                              YES

                           POP3 accounts                                                           1000                             1000

                           Catch all email account                                                 YES                              YES

                           Autoresponders                                                        Unlimited                        Unlimited

                           Email Filters                                                         Unlimited                        Unlimited

                           Forwarders                                                            Unlimited                        Unlimited

                           Mailing Lists                                                           1000                             1000

                           Automatic MX modification                                               YES                              YES

                           Advanced Anti-Spam Features                                             YES                              YES

                           FTP Accounts                                                            1000                             1000

                           Anonymous FTP                                                           YES                              YES (1 of 3)28/4/2004 3:56:33 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : HOSTING

                           Web based File Manager                                     YES             YES

                           Backup / Restore for all site areas                        YES             YES

                           Custom Error Pages                                         YES             YES

                           Redirects                                                  YES             YES

                           Apache Handlers                                            YES             YES

                           Mime Types                                                 YES             YES

                           Index Manager                                              YES             YES

                           FrontPage Support                                          YES             YES

                           Network Tools                                              YES             YES

                           Preinstalled Scripts                                       YES             YES

                           mySQL Databases                                            1000           1000

                           Cron Jobs                                                  YES             YES

                           Advanced Statistic server                                  YES             YES

                           Password Protection                                        YES             YES

                           IP Deny Manager                                            YES             YES

                           PGP Keys                                                   YES             YES

                           Auto Search Engines Submission                             YES             YES

                           Addition to 4CH Link Exch. Directory                       YES             YES

                           Addition to 4CH Link Exch. Traffic                         YES             YES

                           Addition to 4CH Link Exch. Email                           YES             YES

                                                         For Hosting Features DETAILS Click here
                                                 For a clickable sample of the CONTROL PANEL Click here

                                             4CH is the correct option when you click the order button
                           1. Money Back Guarantee within 360 days

                           2. Uninterrupted Successful Operation from late 1999

                           3. Many Positive Testimonials from our users

                           4. Reliable Data Centers

                           5. No risk and Trouble Free operation of your sites. Set and Forget

                           The only difference of PLAN 1 and 2 is the HDD Space
                           (PLAN 1 has 50MBytes, PLAN 2 has 100MBytes) and Traffic per month
                           (PLAN 1 has 500MBytes, PLAN 2 has 1000MBytes)

                                                                                  The PLAN -1-   The PLAN -2-
                                                                                  Click HERE     Click HERE (2 of 3)28/4/2004 3:56:33 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : HOSTING

                           We assume this is not the first place you surfed to find a web host provider but we
                           can prove you that this is the right place for you.

                           Question : What is the most difficult part of internet concerning the
                           internet success ?
                           Answer : Right services, products or information, support and dedication to this
                           That's the correct reply but why many people even they wanted to offer this level
                           of services don't succeed ?

                           Our network started to re-shape its services from mid 2002 from conventional
                           hosting services to a new combined form of hosting and promotional service

                           The real challenge and the request from our customers was not only to offer a
                           place to host their site without ads or spam email. The real challenge for us is to
                           host valuable site content to our network and promote it, so that the domain
                           owner can visibly see a difference according to his goal.

                           Click the order button. Experience trouble free web hosting which will be beneficial
                           for your site and your free time

                                                    (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved
                                                         | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (3 of 3)28/4/2004 3:56:33 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : PRO-motion

    Home        |   Hosting         |   Design        |    Promotion            |   Network   |   Affiliates   |   Resellers   |   Link Exchange   |   Contact us

                   - PROmotion Packs ( Details )

          Spice Up Your Web Site
          With Rotating Images
          April 21st                          TOP Search Engine Google Rank sample :
          SEM - Research                               1. cheap web hosting (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 13 from 901,000 results
          Measures Success                             2. cheap host (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 4 from 886,000 results
          April 14th                                   3. cheap hosting (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 9 from 1,130,000 results
          Changes at Google, The                       4. cheap web host (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 10 from 513,000 results
          Motivation behind                            5. reliable cheap web hosting (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 5 from 125,00 results
          Gmail                                        6. cheap site hosting (16-Apr-2003) : Rank 20 from 736,000 results
          April 7th                                    7. hosting network (21-Apr-2003) : Rank 3 from 3,050,000 results
          Blogging for Business                        8. where to host your site (21-Apr-2003) : Rank 5 from 3,850,000 results
          March 24th                                   9. site host (22-Apr-2003) : Rank 22 from 3,850,000 results
          Yahoo Vote Results,
          Local Search, Signature
                                                     .... and many more with the updated status you can see at the frontpage of
          March 17th
          Should Yahoo                      4CH offers four promotion packs :
          Reconsider Site Match?
          March 10th
          How Super Affiliates                 Bronze Promotion Pack
          Choose Their Top                     (FREE for our customers) Price : 0 USD
          Affiliate Program
                                               What we offer :
          March 4th                            a. One (1) search engine submission to all major top search engines and link sites
          Everybody's Talking                  b. Free (2) banner placement for every 2 hosting accounts you order
          About RSS                            c. Link Exchange with your site at the frontpage of our network page
          February 25th                        d. Submission to 4CH promotion and marketing newsletter
          7 Steps to Web Sites
                                               What we require :
          that Sell                            a. Sites not under construction.
          February 12th                        b. Use of meta keywords, description so that we use the keywords you want to submit to engines.
          Top Tips to Pay-Per-
          Click Search Engine                  How you can get all these :
                                               a. If you are already a customer
                                               Send a message to support dept with the following data :
          January 28th                         b. domain name, order number (the ref# number). Within 5 working days from the day you will send
          SEO Copywriting - In                 the message you will receive all the promotion points we mentioned above
          the Wake of the
          'Florida' Update                     Estimated traffic increase with this pack. About : 100-200 more hits per day
          January 14th
          Search Engine
          Predictions for 2004
          January 7th
          Buzzwords vs Effective
          SEO Keywords
          December 17th
          Google's Next Big Move
          December 3rd (1 of 3)28/4/2004 3:57:02 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : PRO-motion

          10 Ways To Build Trust
          And Build Your                       Silver Promotion Pack
                                               Price : 50 USD
          November 19th                        What we offer :
          How To Recover Your                  a. Twelve (12) search engine submission to all major top search engines and link sites (Monthly re-
          'Almost Customers'                   submission for better placement)
          November 12th                        b. Free (2) banner placement for every 2 hosting accounts you order
          How To use Split-Run                 c. Link Exchange with your site at the frontpage of our network page
                                               d. Submission to 4CH promotion and marketing newsletter
          Testing to Raise Your
          Conversion Rates                     What we require :
          October 29th                         a. Sites not under construction.
          SEO Writing Strategies               b. Use of meta keywords, description so that we use the keywords you want to submit to engines.
          for Graphic-Oriented
                                               How you can get all these :
          Sites                                a. Click here to order
          October 22nd                         b. Send a message to support dept with the following data :
          Keyword Phrases Your                 domain name, order number (the ref# number) when you upload all the data for your site. Within 5
          Competitors Miss                     working days from the day you will send the message you will receive all the promotion points we
          October 15th                         mentioned above
          Got Meme?
                                               Estimated traffic increase with better search engine placement. About : 400 hits per day
          October 8th
          Advertising 101
          October 1st                          Gold Promotion Pack
          Keyword Voodoo!                      Price : 155 USD
                                               (FREE ebooks CD... more information)
          Invisible Metatag
          Mumbo Jumbo                          What we offer :
          September 24th                       a. Twelve (12) search engine submission to all major top search engines and link sites (Monthly re-
          How To Screen Your                   submission for better placement)
          Visitors When Using                  b. Free (4) banners placement (they don't have to be hosted in 4CH)
          Pay-Per-Click                        c. Link Exchange with your site at the frontpage of our network page
          Advertising                          d. Submission to 4CH promotion and marketing newsletter
                                               e. Three (3) Human search engine expert suggestion reports the time you request them about the
          September 17th
                                               ways you have to increase your site’s search engines rank
          Strategies To Boost
          Your Affiliate Click-                What we require :
          Through Rates                        a. Sites not under construction.
          September 10th                       b. Use of meta keywords, description so that we use the keywords you want to submit to engines.
          3 Key Marketing                      How you can get all these :
          Strategies To Grow                   a. Click here to order
          Your Business                        b. Send a message to support dept with the following data :
          September 3rd                        domain name, order number (the ref# number) when you upload all the data for your site. Within 5
          How to Improve Search                working days from the day you will send the message you will receive all the promotion points we
          Engine Ranking                       mentioned above
          August 21st                          Estimated traffic increase with optimized search engine placement. About : 800-1200 hits
          What Your Perfect                    per day
          Customer Means To
                                               Platinum Promotion Pack
          August 14th
                                               (The only promotion you need for continuous traffic)
          Get More Clients using               Price : 1300 USD
          Pull then Push                       (FREE ebooks CD... more information)
          July 31st
                                               What we offer :
          Search Engine                        a. We optimize your web site page for better search engine rank. For this a representative of our
          Marriages and Scandal                network will visit your site and create a custom search engine optimization report.
          in a Summer of Love                  b. We will create doorway pages for you. These are pages according to the mood of search engines.
          July 16th                            These pages contain links to your original sites. SE will find their favorite pages and the pages will
          Google Adsense Could                 forward your visitors to your main site.
          Mean Death to Affiliate              c. Link Popularity Increase. We will create links back to your site through our link partners and
                                               networks we cooperate. Link Popularity is very crucial for better search engines placement and top
                                               search engines have it as one of the basic rules at their ranking algorithms. The main idea is that if
          July 9th                             for example 500 websites link to the site then this site is worth visiting. Additionally if these
          How to Create and Send               sites have the same category with the site then the site is popular for that category.
          HTML Email                           d. We seek link partners from sites already linking to your competitors requesting to link to yoursite
          June 25th                            with direct link exchange back to their site
          Want A Flawless Site?                e. Community building with cooperated network. We will build a message board for your visitors. This
                                               board will be hosted outside your hosting account so that your hard disk or cpu capacity will not
          June 11th
                                               decrease even a bit. Community building creation is very good for repeated visits, something all
                                               internet marketers want. (2 of 3)28/4/2004 3:57:02 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : PRO-motion

                                               f. Create your own We give you the opportunity to offer your visitors free email with the
                                               name of your site like
                                               We use a cooperated network so you don’t host any of these accounts to your primary hosting
                                               account. Imagine that with every email they send to others a tag line which will advertise your site.
                                               g. Twelve (12) search engine submission to all major top search engines and link sites (Monthly re-
                                               submission for better placement)
                                               h. Four (4) Banner Placement to the frontpage of our network. You don’t have to maintain a web
                                               hosting account to our network
                                               i. Link Exchange with your site at the frontpage of our network page
                                               j. Submission to 4CH promotion and marketing newsletter

                                               What we require :
                                               a. Sites not under construction.
                                               b. Use of meta keywords, description so that we use the keywords you want to submit to engines.

                                               How you can get all these :
                                               a. Click to order
                                               b. Send a message to support dept with the following data :
                                               domain name, order number (the ref# number) when you upload all the data for your site. Within 5
                                               working days from the day you will send the message you will receive all the promotion points we
                                               mentioned above

                                               Estimated traffic increase with optimized search engine placement. About : 5000-10000
                                               hits per day or more depending at the category of your site contents

                                                       One basic rule for better search engines and general popularity hint :
                                                       Give your surfer what you want to have surfing the net.
                                                       This is the most basic rule to build successful websites with repeated traffic

                                                       If you didn’t believe any of the previous and you think we are not capable to do it join at least our
                                                       newsletter. This will bring you enough traffic to understand that choosing a promotion pack will
                                                       boost your site and put you ahead of your competitors.
                                                       Also many of you may say "I can do all these myself"
                                                       If you say you can do it we believe you because there many clever people out there and we will be
                                                       very sorry if they didn’t exist people capable to search and work for these issues. However the real
                                                       questions you must do to yourself are :
                                                       Did you do it before for various site categories ?
                                                       Did you have a tremendous traffic increase ?
                                                       Did you manage to keep the traffic you created ?
                                                       Did the traffic bring you any money ?
                                                       If you replied no at least with one of the previous questions you can use our promotion packs.

                                                   (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved
                                                        | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (3 of 3)28/4/2004 3:57:02 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : NETWORK

    Home        |   Hosting         |   Design        |    Promotion          |   Network   |   Affiliates   |   Resellers   |   Link Exchange   |   Contact us

                                                 - Network

We host our servers in one of the best data network with global acceptance and internet serving expertise from 1994
We tested many data providers in the past and we can say for sure that it's would not be profitable in the long run to choose a cheap or
not reliable data provider.

The Planet owns and operates two state of the art datacenter facilities located in Dallas, Texas. Both facilities offer complete redundancy
in power, HVAC, fire suppression, network connectivity, and security. With over 35,000 sq ft of raised floor and 15,000 sq ft of static free
tile, The Planet has an offering to fit any need. Our product offerings includes private data suites (mini-datacenters), private caged suites,
cabinets, half-cabinets, tri-cabinets, and rackspace by the Unit. Both facilities sit atop multiple power grids driven by TXU electric, both
facilities have multiple Liebert and PowerWare UPS battery backup power, and both facilities have onsite permanent generator power. Our
HVAC systems are a combination of glycol, chilled water, and condenser units by Liebert and Data Aire to provide redundancy in cooling
coupled with 6 managed backbone providers. Twelve more third party backbone providers are available in the building via cross connect.
Fire suppression includes a pre-action dry pipe system in both facilities including VESDA (very early smoke detection apparatus) along
with over 600 smoke detectors. Security is also concern for The Planet and our customers so all facilities are key card access with CCTV
for maximum security. All visitors to the datacenters must check in and out of the facility. The goal is to provide maximum redundancy in
every facet of the datacenter environment to facilitate 100% uptime for your entire hosting infrastructure

The Planet monitors all customer equipment and datacenter infrastructure at all times. Our internal monitoring system is an open source
code highly modified by our technicians to satisfy our customer needs. The IPAlert system monitors up to 16 different services over a
private or public IP network without a client install. Our premium IPAlert system also includes a client based monitoring application that
will allow us to drill down and monitor all internal server services such as ram usage, CPU usage, applications, services, and internal
temperature. The IPAlert system is available online 24/7/365 for viewing services and up to date statistical information. The IPAlert
system also houses key escalation procedures designed and supplied by each customer to ensure the correct escalation path is utilized at
the first sign of trouble. Our NOC personnel monitor the IPAlert system 24/7/365 from both datacenter locations with technician's onsite
around the clock to assist you in your needs. Monitoring includes free "hands and eyes" service to all customers for emergency situations
that require additional assistance.
The Planet also monitors all internal datacenter infrastructure through a commercial software application called Datatrax©. Datatrax
allows our NOC technicians to monitor electrical, UPS, HVAC, and generator systems from their desktops. This information is key in
controlling the datacenter environmentals and to make certain all equipment is housed in the most favorable conditions. Click here to
schedule a datacenter tour and see how Datatrax will protect your investment

Network Infrastructure
The Planet internal network architecture utilizes the Enterprise routing and switching engines from Juniper and Cisco. We utilize Juniper
M20 routers as border routers, Cisco 6500 series switches in our distribution layer, Cisco 6500 and 5500 switches in our aggregation
layers, and Cisco 3500 and 2900 series switches at the customer layer. Our network is fully meshed and redundant with 6 backbone
providers. Our current network consists of, UUNet (GigE), Level 3 (GigE), Time Warner (GigE), Global Crossing (GigE), Verio (GigE), and
ATT (DS3). Please see our network diagram below (1 of 2)28/4/2004 3:57:22 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : NETWORK

                                                          See also the live datacenter webcam apart from services use a third party monitoring service for reliabile status of the servers

                                                            Second line of servers is also hosted in NAC datacenter

   With 4CheapHosting Multi Domain Hosting services you can be sure that your data flow around the globe with the most
                                      advanced , fast and reliable data highways

                                                   (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved
                                                        | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (2 of 2)28/4/2004 3:57:22 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : RESELLERS

    Home        |    Hosting         |   Design         |    Promotion          |   Network    |    Affiliates    |   Resellers   |   Link Exchange   |   Contact us

                                                   - Resellers

                             PLAN -1-                         PLAN -2-                   PLAN -3-                 PLAN -4-               PLAN -5-
                                                                                       Hard Disk Space
                          1,000 MBytes                      2,000 MBytes               3,000 MBytes              4,000 MBytes          5,000 MBytes
                                                                                    Data Transfer per month
                         15,000 MBytes                      30,000 Mbytes              45,000 MBytes          60,000 MBytes           75,000 MBytes
                                                                                    Domains you can create
                             Unlimited                        Unlimited                   Unlimited               Unlimited              Unlimited
                                                                                        Price per month
                            45 $ (USD)                       60 $ (USD)                  80 $ (USD)              100 $ (USD)           120 $ (USD)
                               ORDER                           ORDER                       ORDER                      ORDER               ORDER

                                            To order click on the “Order” link of the plan you want
                                          You will be redirected to Payment Gateway
                              After the payment confirmation and verification you will receive an email from us
                                               for details we need to open your reseller account
                                        Average reseller account creation time is 8-12 hours excluding
                                              the credit card verification will run

                                         All the plans have the same features. The only difference is the space
                                                  and the bandwidth as you see at the table on the top

                                  Over Selling Allowed : Yes
                                  You can sell more to your customers than the limits you see at the top
                                  table if your customers don’t use all the space and bandwidth you will give

                                  Number of IPs : 5                                                Control Panel - CPanel 8

                                  Secure Shell (SSH) : Yes                                         Web Based File Manager

                                  Shared SSL : Yes                                                 Access to error logs

                                  Real Time Visitor Statistics                                     Cron Jobs

                                  Unlimited FTP accounts                                           MX record changes

                                  Unlimited Domain Pointers                                        Perl Version 5.x

                                  Macromedia Flash                                                 FrontPage 2002 Extensions

                                  Search Engine Submission                                         Unlimited POP3 Accounts (1 of 4)28/4/2004 3:57:48 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : RESELLERS

                                  Unlimited Email Forwarders                    Unlimited Mailing Lists

                                  Spam Assassin                                 Remote access to Web Mail

                                  Unlimited Auto Responders                     Password Protection

                                  Unlimited MySQL Databases                     Unlimited Sub Domains

                                  PHP 4.3.1                                     Macromedia Shockwave

                                  Apache Handlers                               MIME Type Editing

                                  Private Label DNS : In all our plans we use Private Label Name Servers.
                                  This ensures that your customers will not be able to trace you to us, as
                                  you will be using your own branded DNS - and ns2.

                                  Backups : All your data, including configuration files, settings, website
                                  files, email and databases are backed up daily to a secondary hard drive.
                                  This helps to ensure the safety of your data should the main hard drive
                                  fail. One-Click Backups are also available for you or your customers to
                                  download from CPanel. You can choose to backup all you data, config files
                                  only, site files only or individual databases.

                                  WHM : Web Host Manager give you control over your clients' websites.
                                  You can add, remove and modify any of your domains from with in WHM.
                                  The use of WHM seperates the hosts offering virtual multi-domain hosting
                                  from those of us offering true multi-domain hosting.

                                        Pre-installed / One Click installation of the following programs

                                  Shopping Carts :

                                  Discussion Boards : (2 of 4)28/4/2004 3:57:48 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : RESELLERS

                                  Portals :

                                  Customer Relationship :

                                                                                Support Services Manager

                                  Other Scripts : (3 of 4)28/4/2004 3:57:48 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : RESELLERS

                                                                                Web Calendar

                                                     and many more scripts , tools for your customers

                                             4CH is the correct option when you click the order button

                                  1. Uninterrupted Successful Operation from late 1999

                                  2. Many Positive Testimonials from our users

                                  3. Reliable Data Centers

                                  4. No risk and Trouble Free operation of your sites. Set and Forget


                                                     (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved
                                                          | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (4 of 4)28/4/2004 3:57:48 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : LINK EXCHANGE

     Home        |    Hosting        |   Design        |    Promotion          |    Network   |   Affiliates   |   Resellers   |   Link Exchange   |   Contact us

                                        - Link Exchange

                       Three Sections of FREE Website Link Exchange (Submit your site to all sections)

1. - Link Directory ( )
This is the link directory which consists of 149+ categories
Submit your site to the correct category and it will appear in few hours.
contact the webmasters for link exchange. Increase the number of your link partners fast. Rate the sites they helped you more,the sites
that responded quicker than others...

You don't have to put our link to your websites if you visit this directory, only if you want to insert your link. These resources are growing
fast. Visit each site and request for a link exchange. This is good for link popularity which will help you with Search Engines


2. - TOP 100 Traffic Link Exchange
These links appear to all the pages of (about 250)
Click the Join ( )
to add your site. This link calculates the traffic you send us back and put your site accordingly to the right position. This is good for direct
traffic. (No Adult sites accepted for TOP100 Traffic Exchange)
The TOP100 page with the first 100 sites here :


3. - Email Link Exchange
You can use the email power to increase and promote your site free.
Every email account at the style of will include tag line text with random link of the sites registered to the
"TOP100 Traffic Link Exchange"
This tag link will travel to every recipient of the email.
Every member promote each of the sites listed on the TOP100.
(click here to see how this can work. The same link forwards to another site every time you refresh the page or receive a new hit request)


You can create a new email and use it (click here to create a new email account with
or even include the following link to your site and let every visitor sign for a free email account as a freebie and a traffic creation tool for
your site.

Additionally we have created a unique way to exchange traffic among the members of the "TOP100 Traffic Link Exchange" Whenever you
type the (with or without the www) a different member will appear under the browser name (click here
to see how it appears)

If you type the you will get the login/signup screen for the free email account of
Register free here and you will receive information about the link you can put at the frontpage of your site for better rank at the list. (1 of 2)28/4/2004 3:58:01 •• : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : LINK EXCHANGE

                                                   (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved
                                                        | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (2 of 2)28/4/2004 3:58:01 ••

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Host Based Security Best Practices : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can ...

  • 1. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX Home | Hosting | Design | Promotion | Network | Affiliates | Resellers | Link Exchange | Contact us If you had just 1% to GET the cheap WEB HOSTING service you need WITH THIS SITE would you READ on or Skip to another site ? What we sell : 4CheapHosting is a web hosting company with 4 years experience that will turn your site into a well build engine of stable and productive web presence What our customer get : Web Hosting for his site(s) without any need of special knowledge , completely automatically and secure. The ability to host as many sites he wants within his account minimizing the cost to few dollars per year. Example: if he hosts 5 sites with plan 1 it will be equivalent to 69/5 = 13,80 per site (per year). If he hosts only one site the customer has the ability to receive multi - domain resources for better search engine positioning and higher traffic Why our services are different : Our main service focus is stability and peace of mind for our customers Even if we get many new visitors every day, 85% in sales average come from old customers that bring us new orders We host new , small and medium sites and help them grow 4CheapHosting shows you exactly how ... AND it gives you all the tools, everything you need, to go out and do it.. immediately. How we reply to issues you have right now in your mind : - What if it’s a scam , after all i saw so many offering web services ? Scams can’t survive in the net for too long. We’re online from 2000 and growing. See the ranking and the traffic we receive from Google and Alexa every day - What if they do something with my credit card information? We don’t see or interact or approve or use the details of your credit card. The time you will order you will be transferred to an international secure credit card processor. He will manually review your order and verify the authenticity of your card. At the web is a very popular cc source and it is trusted by thousands of merchants all over (1 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 2. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX the globe. - What if it’s OK, but I don’t like it? It’s no use to say that most of our customers are loyal to our network from the start of 2000 BUT if you find something you don’t like you will get your money back. We offer 360 days ( 1 year ) money back guarantee , the BIGGEST and most secure money back guarantee for internet service you will not see anywhere else. How we can support our customers : We accept standard number of orders per month. Four years in a raw , support was our top priority and we don't intent to change it. Average time for our support replies is 10-15 minutes How we can say we are cheap : Our service will not include the lowest prices your eyes can see at the web. However if you feel and use our services you will understand that the quality of the services worth much more than all the other providers you saw. We evaluate and re-design our services every 6 months from 2000 and we are always up to date with the requests our customers send us Why we offer this level of Hard Disk Space and Bandwidth : As you can read and verify from this page below we are in business from 1999 We saw many web hosting 'trends' and certainly things changed from that time until now. Most of the providers now offer you large quantities of space and bandwidth The average number of sites use no more than 10 - 20MBytes for file and image storage For example occupy about 45MBytes of data with all the additional files for the site Taking a hosting pack with 1Gbytes storage may look a better offer if you divide the cost per MByte but do you think you will ever use this amount of data? Do you think you will not be cut off or accused for a violation of terms if you reach near the amount you’re entitled to use ? Search the net and find all these stories. That’s why we say we offer the amount of storage and bandwidth will cover all sites with medium traffic. We suggest the proper upgrades if your site need them , but nothing more than you need How 4CheapHosting stand on this issue : 4CH stands on quality and cheap prices and doesn’t have any plan to trick visitors eyes with big numbers. The accounts are balanced and the servers monitored every 5 minutes. If we were not profitable with increasing numbers from 1999 do you believe we could talk now for new services and new establishments ? Now with the option to create endless sites inside the resources of your account and features they don't exist to other networks you have a clear choice for your site(s). Only 69 $ for the whole year for as many sites you can fit to your account. Bookmark http:// and search the net to find a similar solution hosted in the same quality datacenter as ours ( - nac ) Our Unique Guarantee : Examine it, test it, use our services for full 360 days (1 year) without a risk We will not only give you back your money but also we will help you move your site to the web provider of your choice. If you don't consider that the services you received worth at least ten times the amount you gave, we want to ask us for a refund This a Unique 12-Months RISK FREE Guarantee Think just for a moment , how certain the previous web providers are with the 30 or 60 or 90 days they give you ? Click here for more information Additionally : 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE Traffic Place just (1) one order of PLAN 2 while this offer is valid and see your site in the frontpage of our network just like the site of : ( After your order contact sales dept. with link details and your banner 420x60 pixels , max 12KB size , gif or jpg that we will host for you so that you will not loose MBytes from the banner rotation. Review the Alexa Ranks below to see how many people will see your banner ) (2 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 3. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check the new FREE SHORT URL Redirection Service we HOST in our servers ( Support Dept. recommends the use of this service ) 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-Feb-2004 : expand the borders Our new established division in Greece can serve Greek customers or people who speak Greek language ( The contact form can also be used now with Greek characters ) Two more countries will follow soon ----------------------------------------------------- : Multi Domain Hosting What is Multi-Domain Hosting? Most hosts charge you per domain you host with them. They require you to purchase a new account for each website and bill you accordingly. We do things differently. We charge you a fixed monthly fee for an allotment of Space and Bandwidth which you can use to host as many domains as you wish. There are no additional costs for additional domains, no set-up fees and the number of domains you can host in your account is practically unlimited How does it work? When you order hosting from 4CheapHosting, you will be given access to your own CPanel. From here you will be able to add domains to your account in real time. Who is Multi-Domain hosting suitable for? Our hosting accounts are suitable for almost anyone who wishes to host a website. They provide you with ability to expand the number of websites you host without the pressure of extra costs. In particular: * Web designer or developers who wish to make extra revenue from selling hosting to their customers. * The entrepreneur who wishes to make a business from selling hosting in their local area or online. * Personal websites, host websites for family and friends or community groups. (3 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 4. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX How is different from other host providers : Based on the data of & Let's talk with facts. TOP Search Engine Google Rank sample : TOP Global Site Rank source Alexa : Keyword Position Total Results 1. Rank page on 07-August-2003 (Rank position : 48,745 and 1. cheap web hosting growing) 13 898,000 (23-Apr-2003) 2. cheap host 4 890,000 (23-Apr-2003) 3. cheap hosting 10 1,120,000 (23-Apr-2003) 4. cheap web host 11 514,000 (23-Apr-2003) 5. reliable cheap web hosting 5 124,000 (23-Apr-2003) What these Google ranks and Alexa reports prove ? 6. cheap site hosting 20 832,000 These results are based on popularity factors which means in (23-Apr-2003) other words that many webmasters recommend our site and 7. hosting network 3 3,040,000 many surfers see it everyday (23-Apr-2003) You don't get popular within few months 8. where to host your site Our site is active from 04-Feb-2000 and from that time we 5 3,870,000 (23-Apr-2003) increase our customers base without decrease the quality and 9. site host the attention we give to every single customer 22 3,840,000 See two screenshots from the frontpage of (23-Apr-2003) as the WayBackMachine recorded us 10. web hosting and promotion 12 1,060,000 (clicking at these images a new window with enlarged image (23-Apr-2003) will appear) 11. cheap web hosting resellers 11 42,600 We are related with Internet business from 1995 and we saw (23-Apr-2003) the growth and the variation of Internet services until now. 12. host 68 23,400,000 We understand the disbelief and the difficulty of people (24-Apr-2003) choosing an Internet Web Presence Provider. This is logical 13. net host with all the things they happen to internet, like : 1 3,680,000 (28-Apr-2003) a.Services with extremely low prices that close the next day 14. host your site leaving the customer on the air 5 3,830,000 b.Unreliable hosting offers and crawling internet serving (28-Apr-2003) speed 15. promote a web site hosting 2 657,000 c.Periodical and long downtimes of server leaving customer (02-May-2003) site down for hours or days 16. cheap web hosting link d.Visitors can't see the site due different incompatibilities exchange 1&2 60,900 and administration ignorance at the setup (03-May-2003) e.Fail to follow the promises and commitments they state 17. free web hosting promotion f.Don't offer a real "test and use" guarantee so that the site 4 848,000 owner will not feel his pocket heavy as a result of his (03-May-2003) decision. All these and several others don't make the life of webmaster (4 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 5. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX 18. unix web hosting easy 41 1,110,000 (03-May-2003) fully understand the previous problems 19. promote site and offers : 14 4,330,000 (03-May-2003) 1.REAL 360 days money back guarantee. You have nothing 20. cheap resellers to loose. The money will be back to your account in 7 days 7 65,900 (according to your bank) from the day you request for refund. (05-May-2003) No long waiting, no out of reach people and no hurt feelings 21. best cheap web host 5 369,000 when you request a refund. It's part of our job and our job is (06-May-2003) too precious to spoil it. Our business model is clear and taking 22. web host promotion our word as a fact the one thing we are not so experienced is 4 642,000 (06-May-2003) giving a refund !! 23. web site cheap Our rate is less than 2% which means that our services are not 1 1,850,000 something our users want to give back (06-May-2003) 24. cheap traffic 2.PROmotion with no extra cost. You get free promotion 13 953,000 (23-Jul-2003) with Banner exposures at the "Site Spotlight" section, site 25. hosting pro submission to search engines and directories, insertion to our 18 2,560,000 traffic and directory link exchange and marketing newsletters (04-Sep-2003) at the same price of your hosting pack. We want to help you 26. web hosting offer 8 3,210,000 achieve the purpose of your website creation. We don't want to (04-Sep-2003) give you a nice front window without any traffic and 27. hosting customers !!! 56 48,800,000 (09-Nov-2003) 3.Reliable uptime reports from the respected service of 4.We're in business from late 1999 and we still have satisfied customers. If you check our whois info will prove it. Our main goal is to offer reliable service with affordable pricing policy. We proved all these years that we're not a company that will disappear the next morning. Read the testimonials on the right column 5.Our dedicated servers are located in popular and big data centers. Bandwidth, Security and Fault tolerance operation are issues we take very seriously. When we deal with operation problems we waste time from other tasks and certainly we don't want that. is a secure trouble free environment for our customers 6.We give monthly and yearly offers to our customers. We give prizes and free hosting packs every month in our surveys - polls - contests section We offer you free over 200 eBooks with our promotional packs (and now with any PLAN 2 hosting pack .. Click here for a list of the ebooks you will get free with every order of PLAN 2. They are 154Mbytes of knowledge you can use to make money in the net ) on various subjects all with resale rights so that you resell right away from your site or give them as a freebie to your visitors !! 7.We have a friendly and approachable support team. Replies travel in less than 12 hours. We publish reports to the site for every major notice you must know Our disadvantages : 1.We like honesty and this is what we require from our customers. 2.We have less than zero percentage tolerance with credit card fraud attempts with no exceptions and no second chances because we believe these attempts damage everybody's business and many times we spent a lot more than the actual hosting prices to track these people. See our blacklist with credit card orders and malicious disputes. All non legitimate credit card transactions are also reported to the: Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC). We value and respect legitimate and responsible people they give us the opportunity to serve them. 3.We have less than zero percent tolerance for people they want to abuse our services and especially spammers. We give quality web hosting and promotion services for businesses or individuals and that is a fact. If you like to have people they care for your site you know where to ask What customers say for 4CheapHosting network and services : (5 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 6. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX 4CheapHosting Homepages I’ ve been with this hosting network for over 2 years and they were great all this time. Great stability, from 2000 honesty and politeness from the sales-support dept. This review is a way for me to say thanks for the service they provide me. Thanks ppl. Nick Ferrow - Delaware - USA ( 09-Nov-2000 We have hosted our domains on your servers and provided our clients with hosting services as resellers of your service for quite some time now and want to spread the word concerning how pleased we are with your services and personnel. The people you have working for you are an absolute pleasure to work with and have served us with nothing less than professional courtesy, effectiveness and timely assistance. We have been exposed to hosting services for many years before settling with you and have had our fair share of lousy experiences. Believe me when I say that we know the difference between a great host and one that sucks so badly we can hear them coming. is a great host bar none. Max Ledger - Florida - USA - ( All the power given to the end-user, you set up your e-mails, protected directories etc 24-Oct-2001 Dan Campisi - ITALY - ( Gooooody. My vdomain runs like hell. Anonymous Great job, ... i really like your service and have been referring people to use it .... i would love it if you had a referral area when you sign up and if you get x friends you get a discount ... not that the hosting isn't cheep enough:-) thanks Mike Kunz - Ohio - USA - ( Awesome tools. Outstanding value for the money great tech support people Herman Gilden - BELGIUM - ( Rule says whatever is cheap is worthless and I agree BUT 4cheaphosting is the exception. They were 26-Mar-2003 very polite and fast. They say that new accounts can be ready within 24H but they send me the confirmation in 2 hours I might host another domain the next year. At least for now i could not suggest another company more than William Hampton - UK - I am just writing to say how impressed I am with 4Cheaphosting. They set up my account quickly and efficiently and were flexible enough to accommodate my needs. I would just like to say thanks for replying to my email so quickly. I was in doubt about 4cheaphosting because i didn’t know your company but now that Ive seen your customer service in action, I can see myself hosting my site with you for a long time to come. Your web space loads at very good speeds and your hosting package is very good value for money. Thanks again! This is great,i can start working on the site now :-) 01-Oct-2003 Carolina Blocher - GERMANY - ( I have been using webspace by several different providers until now. 4cheaphosting has been by far the best! Im very very happy with the speed and service! Dean Adamski - UK - ( Much of what I do with my site is experimental and I often rely on 4cheaphosting's technical support department to make changes or to add software to their server. They are always courteous, responsive, and accommodating. I would recommend 4cheaphosting to anyone with special needs beyond good reliable web hosting service. Bill Ehrreich - Florida - USA - Complete Software Solutions - ( I’d like to take my time to congratulate 4cheap Hosting about their commitment in bringing this hosting service to that high level and for providing me with such a reliable hosting. I could not ask for more and I strongly feel that I have found the right host for my site. I only had to add to my wonderful experience with their sales team, as I contacted support they needed not more than 6 minutes to fully resolve my issue! I would recommend 4cheap Hosting to everyone, they have 10-Feb-2004 proven to me their integrity and reliability and they make this on a daily basis. I cannot be happier with my host. This is by far the best and the fastest company I have ever dealt with Kelvin Callas - N.Y. - USA - ( I have been conducting business on the Internet since 1997. In all that time, I have never been associated with a company of the caliber of 4CheapHosting. Support Dept. is always ready to quickly respond to any questions about the site development. Their responses were thorough, logical, and always offered in the spirit of cooperation. No matter how trivial the question. Always provided the help I needed. They worked far above and beyond what should have been required of them to make sure that everything on my site was completed to my total satisfaction. I highly recommend 4CheapHosting to anyone seeking a professional and highly motivated organization that will work tirelessly to complete any task assigned. I have some more projects lined up for future 4CheapHosting tasking Johnathan Foose - Florida - USA - ( Just wanted to tell you guys I really appreciate the fantastic service you have been giving me with my web hosting for the past year. I now work full time on the internet and it is absolutely essential that my websites stay up 24/7. You have been there whenever I have (6 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 7. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX needed help whether it be 5:30 am Sunday morning or on a Holiday weekend. Hey, do you guys sleep? I feel totally confident having my business presence on the internet in your hands. I am looking forward to doing much more business together in the future. Sincerely. Ted Dempster - Texas - USA - (no email) I was very happy with the service I received from 4cheaphosting and would be happy to express that to other potential clients Hugh Presson - UK - (no email) As a web developer, I have had the opportunity to work with several web hosting companies, and have found's combination of technical skill and service unsurpassed. So when I started my recent site it was a no-brainer to choose as my hosting partner. You would be hard-pressed to find a hosting company with the breadth of knowledge and the personal attention that offers Max Mickel - Ohio - USA - (no email) I often tell people how pleased we are with your firm, which actually has real people who respond quickly and helpfully to inquiries Julio Stolte - N.Y - USA - (no email) As a growing web application provider, we found ourselves struggling to expand in house services without compromising security, availability or performance. After trying several providers, 4cheaphosting surpassed our expectations. The staff are extremely knowledgeable and swift to provide solutions. The network infrastructure is highly available and well maintained. Our hats off to 4cheaphosting for the exceptional service and we look forward to growing our partnership in the future Guy Ament - Rhode Island - USA - ( The best uptime I have ever had from a Web Hosting company. The best Software for the control panel that makes my customers happy. With very knowledgeable support Erik Dycus - Nevada - USA - (no email) 4cheaphosting is probably the best provider I have worked with. Going from hosting the clients we had on our dsl line to moving them to 4ch was a snap. Not only is their price the best I have found on the internet, their service is great as well. I get responses to all my questions within the hour. All of my friends who host sites say it takes days if they even get a response to their questions on some other hosting company. One of the features that I am impressed with is that I have complete control over my domains and my hosting clients, it's as close to running the server myself I can get without actually having it sitting right next to me. I would recommend them to anyone. The price and server can't be beaten. I for one am convinced they are the best around for web hosting services Jamie Hooton - Michigan - USA - (no email) As we not only need hosting for our own business and personal sites, but are constantly needing to recommend hosting for our clients this is a continual problem for us as well. We want reasonable pricing, quality features, reliable uptime, and fair response time to any problems. We have been in business for 6 years and had a business web site for that same amount of time, so we have gone through a lot of web hosts in that time, 4ch is the best we found so far Allan Neis - UK - ( I am extremely pleased with my hosting at 4CH. I was not pleased with my previous host and found their technical support to be challenging at best and downright infuriating most of the time. I shopped carefully for my next host. I asked the entrepreneurs on my professional list serve for advice on hosts, took the top three recommendations and interviewed them all personally before making a decision. Only 4cheaphosting offered the best in service, price and response time. Others may have their strengths, but I've always been pleased with the response, the high degree of customer service, their willingness to answer my questions and the extremely reasonable price that 4CH offers. I recommend their services and enjoy being a customer. Thanks, for making my hosting a joy - I already have enough challenges! Billy Snook - Washington - USA - ( Current Customers can send their testimonials to sales dept. from the contact form of the site Thank you Shared Hosting Resellers Packs Remember : 1. Overselling of bandwidth and space is You can host as many sites as your resources allow. allowed For example you can : host 1 site of 50MBytes Overselling is a business tactic used by the web host. For or 50 sites of 1Mbyte to PLAN 1 or 2 with any example, if a server has 100GBytes and each hosting plan is combination possible. These are multi domain WEB 1GByte, the webhost sells and hosts more than 100 clients HOSTING PLANS on that server. For more information click here .... The reason for this is not every client uses up to the maximum of their account space limit. Every client uses Each of the different % of their space. It's very unlikely that every customer on a server use up to 100% of their total space. PLAN 1 & 2 have the following features : So if every client uses only 50% of the space, this means * 1000 Sites / domains that the web host may be able to sell 200 customers of 1GByte plans on a 100GBytes server. (7 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 8. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX * 1000 Subdomains 2. Create unlimited domain names * 1000 Domain Pointers 3. Private Label DNS * 1000 Parked Domains In all our plans we utilise Private Label Name Servers. This ensures that your customers will not be able to trace you to * 1000 POP3 Accounts us, as you will be using your own branded DNS - ns1. and * 1000 MySQL Databases 4. Secure Shell (SSH) * 1000 Email Lists 5. Shared SSL * Access to WebMail 6. Number of IPs : 5 * Anonymous Nameservers 7. Backups * Multilingual cPanel All your data, including configuration files, settings, website files, email and databases are backed up daily to a secondary * Unlimited Spam Filters hard drive. This helps to ensure the safety of your data should the main hard drive fail. * Unlimited Auto Responders One-Click Backups are also available for you or your * Unlimited Private POP Servers customers to download from CPanel. You can choose to backup all you data, config files only, site files only or * Unlimited Forwarders individual databases. * Web Based Stats 8. WHM Web Host Manager give you control over your clients' * One click backup websites. You can add, remove and modify any of your domains from with in WHM. The use of WHM separates the * Raw Logs hosts offering virtual multi-domain hosting from those of us offering true multi-domain hosting. * Cron Jobs * Network Tools * Web Based File Manager Pack 1 : 1000MBytes Space / 15GBytes Traffic * FrontPage Support 45 USD / month More info ... * Custom Error Pages * FTP accounts Pack 2 : 2000MBytes Space / 30GBytes Traffic * Password Protection 60 USD / month * PhpMyAdmin Access More info ... * Private CGI Bin Pack 3 : * MIME Types 3000MBytes Space / 45GBytes Traffic 80 USD / month * Apache Handlers More info ... * POP3, IMAP Mail Pack 4 : * PHP, CGI and SSI 4000MBytes Space / 60GBytes Traffic 100 USD / month * Macromedia Flash More info ... * Macromedia Shockwave Pack 5 : * 24/7 365 days Fast Support 5000MBytes Space / 75GBytes Traffic * 99.5% Uptime Guarantee 120 USD / month More info ... Click for more information about the features of the shared host and links to order each one (8 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 9. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion you can rely : INDEX (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (9 of 9)28/4/2004 3:55:23 ••
  • 10. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : HOSTING Home | Hosting | Design | Promotion | Network | Affiliates | Resellers | Link Exchange | Contact us Shared Web Hosting Plans Features PLAN -1- PLAN -2- Price ( per YEAR ) 69 USD 115 USD Basic - Domain Features HDD Space (MBytes) 50 100 Traffic per month (MBytes) 500 1000 Sites per plan you can create 1000 1000 Domain Names you can park 1000 1000 SubDomains 1000 1000 Email Your own email server YES YES POP3 accounts 1000 1000 Catch all email account YES YES Autoresponders Unlimited Unlimited Email Filters Unlimited Unlimited Forwarders Unlimited Unlimited Mailing Lists 1000 1000 Automatic MX modification YES YES Advanced Anti-Spam Features YES YES FTP FTP Accounts 1000 1000 Anonymous FTP YES YES (1 of 3)28/4/2004 3:56:33 ••
  • 11. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : HOSTING Web based File Manager YES YES Maintenance Backup / Restore for all site areas YES YES Custom Error Pages YES YES Redirects YES YES Apache Handlers YES YES Mime Types YES YES Index Manager YES YES FrontPage Support YES YES Network Tools YES YES Preinstalled Scripts YES YES mySQL Databases 1000 1000 Cron Jobs YES YES Advanced Statistic server YES YES Security Password Protection YES YES IP Deny Manager YES YES PGP Keys YES YES Promotion Auto Search Engines Submission YES YES Addition to 4CH Link Exch. Directory YES YES Addition to 4CH Link Exch. Traffic YES YES Addition to 4CH Link Exch. Email YES YES For Hosting Features DETAILS Click here For a clickable sample of the CONTROL PANEL Click here 4CH is the correct option when you click the order button 1. Money Back Guarantee within 360 days 2. Uninterrupted Successful Operation from late 1999 3. Many Positive Testimonials from our users 4. Reliable Data Centers 5. No risk and Trouble Free operation of your sites. Set and Forget The only difference of PLAN 1 and 2 is the HDD Space (PLAN 1 has 50MBytes, PLAN 2 has 100MBytes) and Traffic per month (PLAN 1 has 500MBytes, PLAN 2 has 1000MBytes) The PLAN -1- The PLAN -2- ORDER Click HERE Click HERE (2 of 3)28/4/2004 3:56:33 ••
  • 12. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : HOSTING We assume this is not the first place you surfed to find a web host provider but we can prove you that this is the right place for you. Question : What is the most difficult part of internet concerning the internet success ? Answer : Right services, products or information, support and dedication to this work. That's the correct reply but why many people even they wanted to offer this level of services don't succeed ? Our network started to re-shape its services from mid 2002 from conventional hosting services to a new combined form of hosting and promotional service network. The real challenge and the request from our customers was not only to offer a place to host their site without ads or spam email. The real challenge for us is to host valuable site content to our network and promote it, so that the domain owner can visibly see a difference according to his goal. Click the order button. Experience trouble free web hosting which will be beneficial for your site and your free time (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (3 of 3)28/4/2004 3:56:33 ••
  • 13. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : PRO-motion Home | Hosting | Design | Promotion | Network | Affiliates | Resellers | Link Exchange | Contact us - PROmotion Packs ( Details ) Spice Up Your Web Site With Rotating Images April 21st TOP Search Engine Google Rank sample : SEM - Research 1. cheap web hosting (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 13 from 901,000 results Measures Success 2. cheap host (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 4 from 886,000 results April 14th 3. cheap hosting (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 9 from 1,130,000 results Changes at Google, The 4. cheap web host (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 10 from 513,000 results Motivation behind 5. reliable cheap web hosting (15-Apr-2003) : Rank 5 from 125,00 results Gmail 6. cheap site hosting (16-Apr-2003) : Rank 20 from 736,000 results April 7th 7. hosting network (21-Apr-2003) : Rank 3 from 3,050,000 results Blogging for Business 8. where to host your site (21-Apr-2003) : Rank 5 from 3,850,000 results March 24th 9. site host (22-Apr-2003) : Rank 22 from 3,850,000 results Yahoo Vote Results, Local Search, Signature .... and many more with the updated status you can see at the frontpage of Files March 17th Should Yahoo 4CH offers four promotion packs : Reconsider Site Match? March 10th How Super Affiliates Bronze Promotion Pack Choose Their Top (FREE for our customers) Price : 0 USD Affiliate Program What we offer : March 4th a. One (1) search engine submission to all major top search engines and link sites Everybody's Talking b. Free (2) banner placement for every 2 hosting accounts you order About RSS c. Link Exchange with your site at the frontpage of our network page February 25th d. Submission to 4CH promotion and marketing newsletter 7 Steps to Web Sites What we require : that Sell a. Sites not under construction. February 12th b. Use of meta keywords, description so that we use the keywords you want to submit to engines. Top Tips to Pay-Per- Click Search Engine How you can get all these : a. If you are already a customer Success Send a message to support dept with the following data : January 28th b. domain name, order number (the ref# number). Within 5 working days from the day you will send SEO Copywriting - In the message you will receive all the promotion points we mentioned above the Wake of the 'Florida' Update Estimated traffic increase with this pack. About : 100-200 more hits per day January 14th Search Engine Predictions for 2004 January 7th Buzzwords vs Effective SEO Keywords December 17th Google's Next Big Move December 3rd (1 of 3)28/4/2004 3:57:02 ••
  • 14. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : PRO-motion 10 Ways To Build Trust And Build Your Silver Promotion Pack Price : 50 USD Business November 19th What we offer : How To Recover Your a. Twelve (12) search engine submission to all major top search engines and link sites (Monthly re- 'Almost Customers' submission for better placement) November 12th b. Free (2) banner placement for every 2 hosting accounts you order How To use Split-Run c. Link Exchange with your site at the frontpage of our network page d. Submission to 4CH promotion and marketing newsletter Testing to Raise Your Conversion Rates What we require : October 29th a. Sites not under construction. SEO Writing Strategies b. Use of meta keywords, description so that we use the keywords you want to submit to engines. for Graphic-Oriented How you can get all these : Sites a. Click here to order October 22nd b. Send a message to support dept with the following data : Keyword Phrases Your domain name, order number (the ref# number) when you upload all the data for your site. Within 5 Competitors Miss working days from the day you will send the message you will receive all the promotion points we October 15th mentioned above Got Meme? Estimated traffic increase with better search engine placement. About : 400 hits per day October 8th Advertising 101 October 1st Gold Promotion Pack Keyword Voodoo! Price : 155 USD (FREE ebooks CD... more information) Invisible Metatag Mumbo Jumbo What we offer : September 24th a. Twelve (12) search engine submission to all major top search engines and link sites (Monthly re- How To Screen Your submission for better placement) Visitors When Using b. Free (4) banners placement (they don't have to be hosted in 4CH) Pay-Per-Click c. Link Exchange with your site at the frontpage of our network page Advertising d. Submission to 4CH promotion and marketing newsletter e. Three (3) Human search engine expert suggestion reports the time you request them about the September 17th ways you have to increase your site’s search engines rank Strategies To Boost Your Affiliate Click- What we require : Through Rates a. Sites not under construction. September 10th b. Use of meta keywords, description so that we use the keywords you want to submit to engines. 3 Key Marketing How you can get all these : Strategies To Grow a. Click here to order Your Business b. Send a message to support dept with the following data : September 3rd domain name, order number (the ref# number) when you upload all the data for your site. Within 5 How to Improve Search working days from the day you will send the message you will receive all the promotion points we Engine Ranking mentioned above August 21st Estimated traffic increase with optimized search engine placement. About : 800-1200 hits What Your Perfect per day Customer Means To You Platinum Promotion Pack August 14th (The only promotion you need for continuous traffic) Get More Clients using Price : 1300 USD Pull then Push (FREE ebooks CD... more information) Marketing July 31st What we offer : Search Engine a. We optimize your web site page for better search engine rank. For this a representative of our Marriages and Scandal network will visit your site and create a custom search engine optimization report. in a Summer of Love b. We will create doorway pages for you. These are pages according to the mood of search engines. July 16th These pages contain links to your original sites. SE will find their favorite pages and the pages will Google Adsense Could forward your visitors to your main site. Mean Death to Affiliate c. Link Popularity Increase. We will create links back to your site through our link partners and networks we cooperate. Link Popularity is very crucial for better search engines placement and top Programs! search engines have it as one of the basic rules at their ranking algorithms. The main idea is that if July 9th for example 500 websites link to the site then this site is worth visiting. Additionally if these How to Create and Send sites have the same category with the site then the site is popular for that category. HTML Email d. We seek link partners from sites already linking to your competitors requesting to link to yoursite June 25th with direct link exchange back to their site Want A Flawless Site? e. Community building with cooperated network. We will build a message board for your visitors. This board will be hosted outside your hosting account so that your hard disk or cpu capacity will not June 11th decrease even a bit. Community building creation is very good for repeated visits, something all internet marketers want. (2 of 3)28/4/2004 3:57:02 ••
  • 15. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : PRO-motion f. Create your own We give you the opportunity to offer your visitors free email with the name of your site like We use a cooperated network so you don’t host any of these accounts to your primary hosting account. Imagine that with every email they send to others a tag line which will advertise your site. g. Twelve (12) search engine submission to all major top search engines and link sites (Monthly re- submission for better placement) h. Four (4) Banner Placement to the frontpage of our network. You don’t have to maintain a web hosting account to our network i. Link Exchange with your site at the frontpage of our network page j. Submission to 4CH promotion and marketing newsletter What we require : a. Sites not under construction. b. Use of meta keywords, description so that we use the keywords you want to submit to engines. How you can get all these : a. Click to order b. Send a message to support dept with the following data : domain name, order number (the ref# number) when you upload all the data for your site. Within 5 working days from the day you will send the message you will receive all the promotion points we mentioned above Estimated traffic increase with optimized search engine placement. About : 5000-10000 hits per day or more depending at the category of your site contents One basic rule for better search engines and general popularity hint : Give your surfer what you want to have surfing the net. This is the most basic rule to build successful websites with repeated traffic If you didn’t believe any of the previous and you think we are not capable to do it join at least our newsletter. This will bring you enough traffic to understand that choosing a promotion pack will boost your site and put you ahead of your competitors. Also many of you may say "I can do all these myself" If you say you can do it we believe you because there many clever people out there and we will be very sorry if they didn’t exist people capable to search and work for these issues. However the real questions you must do to yourself are : Did you do it before for various site categories ? Did you have a tremendous traffic increase ? Did you manage to keep the traffic you created ? Did the traffic bring you any money ? If you replied no at least with one of the previous questions you can use our promotion packs. (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (3 of 3)28/4/2004 3:57:02 ••
  • 16. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : NETWORK Home | Hosting | Design | Promotion | Network | Affiliates | Resellers | Link Exchange | Contact us - Network We host our servers in one of the best data network with global acceptance and internet serving expertise from 1994 We tested many data providers in the past and we can say for sure that it's would not be profitable in the long run to choose a cheap or not reliable data provider. Facilities The Planet owns and operates two state of the art datacenter facilities located in Dallas, Texas. Both facilities offer complete redundancy in power, HVAC, fire suppression, network connectivity, and security. With over 35,000 sq ft of raised floor and 15,000 sq ft of static free tile, The Planet has an offering to fit any need. Our product offerings includes private data suites (mini-datacenters), private caged suites, cabinets, half-cabinets, tri-cabinets, and rackspace by the Unit. Both facilities sit atop multiple power grids driven by TXU electric, both facilities have multiple Liebert and PowerWare UPS battery backup power, and both facilities have onsite permanent generator power. Our HVAC systems are a combination of glycol, chilled water, and condenser units by Liebert and Data Aire to provide redundancy in cooling coupled with 6 managed backbone providers. Twelve more third party backbone providers are available in the building via cross connect. Fire suppression includes a pre-action dry pipe system in both facilities including VESDA (very early smoke detection apparatus) along with over 600 smoke detectors. Security is also concern for The Planet and our customers so all facilities are key card access with CCTV for maximum security. All visitors to the datacenters must check in and out of the facility. The goal is to provide maximum redundancy in every facet of the datacenter environment to facilitate 100% uptime for your entire hosting infrastructure Monitoring The Planet monitors all customer equipment and datacenter infrastructure at all times. Our internal monitoring system is an open source code highly modified by our technicians to satisfy our customer needs. The IPAlert system monitors up to 16 different services over a private or public IP network without a client install. Our premium IPAlert system also includes a client based monitoring application that will allow us to drill down and monitor all internal server services such as ram usage, CPU usage, applications, services, and internal temperature. The IPAlert system is available online 24/7/365 for viewing services and up to date statistical information. The IPAlert system also houses key escalation procedures designed and supplied by each customer to ensure the correct escalation path is utilized at the first sign of trouble. Our NOC personnel monitor the IPAlert system 24/7/365 from both datacenter locations with technician's onsite around the clock to assist you in your needs. Monitoring includes free "hands and eyes" service to all customers for emergency situations that require additional assistance. The Planet also monitors all internal datacenter infrastructure through a commercial software application called Datatrax©. Datatrax allows our NOC technicians to monitor electrical, UPS, HVAC, and generator systems from their desktops. This information is key in controlling the datacenter environmentals and to make certain all equipment is housed in the most favorable conditions. Click here to schedule a datacenter tour and see how Datatrax will protect your investment Network Infrastructure The Planet internal network architecture utilizes the Enterprise routing and switching engines from Juniper and Cisco. We utilize Juniper M20 routers as border routers, Cisco 6500 series switches in our distribution layer, Cisco 6500 and 5500 switches in our aggregation layers, and Cisco 3500 and 2900 series switches at the customer layer. Our network is fully meshed and redundant with 6 backbone providers. Our current network consists of, UUNet (GigE), Level 3 (GigE), Time Warner (GigE), Global Crossing (GigE), Verio (GigE), and ATT (DS3). Please see our network diagram below (1 of 2)28/4/2004 3:57:22 ••
  • 17. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : NETWORK See also the live datacenter webcam apart from services use a third party monitoring service for reliabile status of the servers Second line of servers is also hosted in NAC datacenter With 4CheapHosting Multi Domain Hosting services you can be sure that your data flow around the globe with the most advanced , fast and reliable data highways (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (2 of 2)28/4/2004 3:57:22 ••
  • 18. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : RESELLERS Home | Hosting | Design | Promotion | Network | Affiliates | Resellers | Link Exchange | Contact us - Resellers PLAN -1- PLAN -2- PLAN -3- PLAN -4- PLAN -5- Hard Disk Space 1,000 MBytes 2,000 MBytes 3,000 MBytes 4,000 MBytes 5,000 MBytes Data Transfer per month 15,000 MBytes 30,000 Mbytes 45,000 MBytes 60,000 MBytes 75,000 MBytes Domains you can create Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Price per month 45 $ (USD) 60 $ (USD) 80 $ (USD) 100 $ (USD) 120 $ (USD) ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER To order click on the “Order” link of the plan you want You will be redirected to Payment Gateway After the payment confirmation and verification you will receive an email from us for details we need to open your reseller account Average reseller account creation time is 8-12 hours excluding the credit card verification will run All the plans have the same features. The only difference is the space and the bandwidth as you see at the table on the top Features Over Selling Allowed : Yes You can sell more to your customers than the limits you see at the top table if your customers don’t use all the space and bandwidth you will give them Number of IPs : 5 Control Panel - CPanel 8 Secure Shell (SSH) : Yes Web Based File Manager Shared SSL : Yes Access to error logs Real Time Visitor Statistics Cron Jobs Unlimited FTP accounts MX record changes Unlimited Domain Pointers Perl Version 5.x Macromedia Flash FrontPage 2002 Extensions Search Engine Submission Unlimited POP3 Accounts (1 of 4)28/4/2004 3:57:48 ••
  • 19. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : RESELLERS Unlimited Email Forwarders Unlimited Mailing Lists Spam Assassin Remote access to Web Mail Unlimited Auto Responders Password Protection Unlimited MySQL Databases Unlimited Sub Domains PHP 4.3.1 Macromedia Shockwave Apache Handlers MIME Type Editing Private Label DNS : In all our plans we use Private Label Name Servers. This ensures that your customers will not be able to trace you to us, as you will be using your own branded DNS - and ns2. Backups : All your data, including configuration files, settings, website files, email and databases are backed up daily to a secondary hard drive. This helps to ensure the safety of your data should the main hard drive fail. One-Click Backups are also available for you or your customers to download from CPanel. You can choose to backup all you data, config files only, site files only or individual databases. WHM : Web Host Manager give you control over your clients' websites. You can add, remove and modify any of your domains from with in WHM. The use of WHM seperates the hosts offering virtual multi-domain hosting from those of us offering true multi-domain hosting. Pre-installed / One Click installation of the following programs Shopping Carts : Discussion Boards : (2 of 4)28/4/2004 3:57:48 ••
  • 20. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : RESELLERS Portals : Customer Relationship : Support Services Manager Other Scripts : (3 of 4)28/4/2004 3:57:48 ••
  • 21. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : RESELLERS Web Calendar and many more scripts , tools for your customers 4CH is the correct option when you click the order button 1. Uninterrupted Successful Operation from late 1999 2. Many Positive Testimonials from our users 3. Reliable Data Centers 4. No risk and Trouble Free operation of your sites. Set and Forget ORDER (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (4 of 4)28/4/2004 3:57:48 ••
  • 22. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : LINK EXCHANGE Home | Hosting | Design | Promotion | Network | Affiliates | Resellers | Link Exchange | Contact us - Link Exchange Three Sections of FREE Website Link Exchange (Submit your site to all sections) 1. - Link Directory ( ) This is the link directory which consists of 149+ categories Submit your site to the correct category and it will appear in few hours. ALL THE SITES YOU WILL SEE AT THIS DIRECTORY ARE INTERESTED TO EXCHANGE LINKS possibly with your site. Visit these sites and contact the webmasters for link exchange. Increase the number of your link partners fast. Rate the sites they helped you more,the sites that responded quicker than others... NOTE : WE WELCOME COMPANIES THAT OFFER THE SAME OR SIMILAR KIND OF SERVICES LIKE WE DO. This directory is free to explore. You don't have to put our link to your websites if you visit this directory, only if you want to insert your link. These resources are growing fast. Visit each site and request for a link exchange. This is good for link popularity which will help you with Search Engines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. - TOP 100 Traffic Link Exchange These links appear to all the pages of (about 250) Click the Join ( ) to add your site. This link calculates the traffic you send us back and put your site accordingly to the right position. This is good for direct traffic. (No Adult sites accepted for TOP100 Traffic Exchange) The TOP100 page with the first 100 sites here : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. - Email Link Exchange You can use the email power to increase and promote your site free. Every email account at the style of will include tag line text with random link of the sites registered to the "TOP100 Traffic Link Exchange" This tag link will travel to every recipient of the email. Every member promote each of the sites listed on the TOP100. (click here to see how this can work. The same link forwards to another site every time you refresh the page or receive a new hit request) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can create a new email and use it (click here to create a new email account with or even include the following link to your site and let every visitor sign for a free email account as a freebie and a traffic creation tool for your site. Additionally we have created a unique way to exchange traffic among the members of the "TOP100 Traffic Link Exchange" Whenever you type the (with or without the www) a different member will appear under the browser name (click here to see how it appears) If you type the you will get the login/signup screen for the free email account of Register free here and you will receive information about the link you can put at the frontpage of your site for better rank at the list. (1 of 2)28/4/2004 3:58:01 ••
  • 23. : Cheap Web Hosting and PRO-motion : LINK EXCHANGE (c) 1999-2004 4CheapHosting Network All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | User Agreement - Terms of use | (2 of 2)28/4/2004 3:58:01 ••