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NEW DELHI l SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 122
JUNE 18, 1923 - DECEMBER 30, 2022
very mother is great
and special in a sense
but if we try to de-
scribe the qualities
of Heeraben ‘Hiraba’
Modi, mother of PM
ably have to coin new words as
the dictionaries of all the lan-
woman who gave birth to a
great and visionary leader like
Modi and who herself was an
icon in the values of simplicity
and humility
“Janani Janmabhoomischa
Swargadapi Gareeyasi” (Moth-
to the highest heavens), the
hemistich of a Sanskrit shloka
from Ramayana has, over eons,
been the core value of the
Bharatiya culture and ethos, as
these words were said by Ram
to his brother Laxman. This
was truly the teaching that the
centenarian Hiraba Modi ji,
mother of PM Narendra Modi,
also inculcated and planted in
a young Narendra, which has,
over the decades, now become
a towering tree, under whom
the nation can ‘shelter’.
The entire nation is be-
reaved at the death of Hiraba
Modi and we pay tribute to
this mother who gave birth
to a son like Narendra Modi
who has made the country
proud. The Motherland too is
indebted to her and pays
homage to her. Even though
her son ‘Narendra’ is at the
highest position, guiding the
nation as the PM of the
World’s largest democracy
she led her life as an epitome
of simplicity and humility
indeed a lesson for all of us
and a source of highest moti-
vation. It is certainly true
that regardless of the high-
est position that the son
might be holding, the Mother
will always remain supreme
and higher than him and no-
body knew, understood and
lived this eternal truth more
than Narendra Modi as he
always lived under the shel-
ter of the blessings of his
mother at her feet.
In fact, even though she has
been one of the epicenters of
his life, the other being the
Motherland, she had only
twice shared a political stage
with his son – once after the
success of Ekta Yatra of 1991
when he unfurled the Tiranga
at Lal Chowk in Kashmir and
the other when he was sworn
in as the CM of Gujarat.
The close bond between the
mother and her son was clear-
ly visible even though she con-
tinued to stay at Gandhinagar,
visiting PM’s official resi-
dence at 7 Race Course Road,
now 7 Lok Kalyan Marg, in
Delhi, only once. Hiraba Modi,
a woman with a core strength
of traditional values support-
ed her son, Narendra Modi in
all his endeavours, such as de-
positing her personal savings
in PM-Cares Fund for Covid-19
Hiraba Modi lived past 100,
and as PM Narendra Modi
said remembering ‘Maa’ af-
ter her funeral, “In Maa, I
have always felt the trinity
which includes the journey
of an ascetic, the symbol of a
selfless karma yogi and a life
committed to values…”
Hiraba with
Narendra Modi
when he was
sworn in as
Gujarat CM
in 2001.
PM Modi with
his mother
Hiraba Modi in
when she
turned 100 on
June 18, 2022.
02 I I I I
other – is not just any other
word in the dictionary. It en-
compasses a whole range of
emotions – love, patience, trust,
and a lot more. Across the
world, irrespective of country
or region, children have a spe-
cial affection for their mothers.
A mother not only gives birth to
her children, but also shapes
their mind, their personality,
and their self-confidence. And
while doing so, mothers self-
lessly sacrifice their own per-
sonal needs and aspirations.
Today, I feel extremely happy
and fortunate to share that my
mother Smt. Heeraba is enter-
ing her hundredth year. This is
going to be her birth centenary
year. If my father had been
alive, he too would have cele-
brated his 100th birthday last
week. 2022 is a special year as
my mother’s centenary year is
starting, and my father would
have completed his.
Just last week, my nephew
shared a few videos of Mother
from Gandhinagar. A few
youngsters from the society had
come home, my father’s photo-
graph was kept on a chair, there
was a kirtan, and Mother was
immersed in singing bhajans
while playing the manjeera.
She is still the same - age may
have taken a toll physically, but
she is as mentally alert as ever.
Earlier, there was no custom
of celebrating birthdays in our
. However, children from
the younger generations plant-
ed 100 trees to remember my
father on his birthday
I have no doubt that every-
thing good in my life, and all
that is good in my character,
can be attributed to my parents.
Today, as I sit in Delhi, I am
filled with memories from the
My Mother is as simple
as she is extraordinary.
Just like all mothers!
As I write about my
Mother, I am sure that
many of you would re-
late to my description of
her. While reading, you
may even see your own
mother’s image.
A mother’s penance creates a
good human being. Her affec-
tion fills a child with human
values and empathy. A mother
is not an individual or a person-
ality, motherhood is a quality
. It
is often said that the Gods are
made according to the nature
of their devotees. Similarly, we
experience our mothers and
their motherhood according to
our own nature and mindset.
My Mother was born in Vis-
nagar in Mehsana in Gujarat,
which is quite close to my
hometown Vadnagar. She did
not get her own mother’s affec-
tion. At a tender age, she lost
my grandmother to the Spanish
Flu pandemic. She does not
even remember my grandmoth-
er’s face or the comfort of her
lap. She spent her entire child-
hood without her mother. She
could not throw tantrums at
her mother, as we all do. She
could not rest in her mother’s
lap like we all do. She could not
even go to school and learn to
read and write. Her childhood
was one of poverty and depriva-
Compared to today, Mother's
childhood was extremely diffi-
cult. Perhaps, this is what the
Almighty had destined for her.
Mother also believes that this
was God’s will. But losing her
mother early in her childhood,
the fact that she couldn’t even
see her mother’s face, contin-
ues to give her pain.
Mother did not have much of
a childhood due to these strug-
gles – she was forced to grow
beyond her age. She was the eld-
est child in her family and be-
came the eldest daughter-in-law
after marriage. In her child-
hood, she used to take care of
the entire family and manage
all the chores. After marriage
too, she picked up all these re-
sponsibilities. Despite the oner-
ous responsibilities and every-
day struggles, Mother held the
entire family together with
calm and fortitude.
In Vadnagar, our family used
to stay in a tiny house which
did not even have a window, let
alone a luxury like a toilet or a
bathroom. We used to call this
one-room tenement with mud
walls and clay tiles for a roof,
our home. And all of us - my
parents, my siblings and I,
stayed in it. My father made a
machaan from bamboo
sticks and wooden planks to
make it easier for Mother to
cook food. This structure was
our kitchen. Mother used to
climb on the machaan to cook,
and the entire family would sit
on it and eat together.
Usually, scarcity leads to
stress. However, my parents
never let the anxiety from the
daily struggles overwhelm the
family atmosphere. Both my
parents carefully divided their
responsibilities and fulfilled
them. Like clockwork, my fa-
ther used to leave for work at
four in the morning. His foot-
steps would tell the neighbours
that it is 4 AM and Damodar
Kaka is leaving for work. An-
other daily ritual was to pray at
the local temple before opening
his little tea shop.
Mother was equally punctu-
al. She would also wake up with
my father, and finish many
chores in the morning itself.
From grinding grains to sifting
rice and daal, Mother had no
help. While working she would
hum her favourite bhajans and
hymns. She loved a popular
bhajan by Narsi Mehta Ji -
‘Jalkamal chhadi jane bala,
swami amaro jagse’. She also
liked the lullaby, ‘Shivaji nu
Mother never expected us,
children, to leave our studies
and assist her with the house-
hold chores. She never even
asked us for help. However,
looking at her work so hard, we
considered helping her our
foremost duty. I used to really
enjoy swimming in the local
pond. So, I used to take all the
dirty clothes from home and
wash them at the pond. The
washing of clothes and my play
both used to get done together.
Mother used to wash utensils
at a few houses to help meet the
household expenses. She would
also take out time to spin the
charkha to supplement our
meagre income. She would do
everything from peeling cotton
to spinning yarn. Even in this
back-breaking work, her prime
concern was ensuring that the
cotton thorns don’t prick us.
Mother avoided depending
on others or requesting others
to do her work. Monsoons
would bring their own troubles
for our mud house. However,
Mother ensured that we faced
minimum discomfort. In the
searing heat of June, she would
clamber over the roof of our
mud house and repair the tiles.
However, despite her valiant ef-
forts, our house was too old to
withstand the onslaught of the
If I look back at my
parents’ lives, their
honesty and self-respect
have been their biggest
qualities. Despite
struggling with poverty
and its accompanying
challenges, my parents
never left the path
of honesty or
compromised on their
self-respect. They had
only one mantra to
overcome any challenge
- hard work, constant
hard work!
—Narendra Modi
In my Mother’s life story,
I see the penance,
sacrifice, and
contribution of India’s
matrushakti. Whenever I
look at Mother and crores of
women like her, I find there is
nothing that is unachievable
for Indian women
On June 18 2022, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi penned a personal blog on his
mother Hiraba Modi's 100th birthday
I don’t
your work
in the
but I just want
you to never
take a bribe.
Mother never expected us, chil-
dren, to leave our studies and
assist her with the household
chores. She never even asked
us for help. However, looking at
her work so hard, we consid-
ered helping her our foremost
duty. I used to really enjoy
swimming in the local pond.
So, I used to take all the dirty
clothes from home and wash
them at the pond. The washing
of clothes and my play, both
used to get done together.
Mother insisted on not wasting
a single grain of food. Whenev-
er there was a wedding feast in
our neighbourhood, she would
remind us to not waste any
food. There was a clear rule in
the house - only take as much
as you can eat. Even today,
Mother takes only as much food
in the thali as she can eat and
doesn’t waste even a morsel.
A creature of habit, she eats
on time and chews her food to
digest it properly.
To read more, scan the barcode
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l Vol 2 l Issue No.122 l RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840 Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Impressions Printing and Packaging Limited, C-21, 22 Sector-59, Noida-201301.
Published at G-20, 3rd Floor, 309, Preet Vihar, New Delhi-110092. Phone 011-49846474. Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
Co-operative policy for country
soon: Amit Shah in Karnataka
Bengaluru (PTI): Un-
ion Minister of Cooper-
ation Amit Shah on Fri-
has initiated the process
to come out with a co-
operative policy for the
. He said this
while addressing the
‘Sahakar Beneficiaries
Conference’ here.
“There is also a plan
to set up a cooperative
university in the coun-
try to fulfil the manpow-
er needs. The work of
creating a national da-
tabase of all the coop-
eratives in the entire
country is also going
on, and a co-operative
policy has also been ini-
tiated,” Shah said.
He said a committee
has been constituted
under the Chairman-
ship of former Union
Minister Suresh Prab-
hu to work regarding
the policy
“Also, we are going to
expand the role of
NCDC (National Coop-
erative Development
Corporation) along
with NABARD (Nation-
al Bank for Agriculture
and Rural Develop-
ment) so that coopera-
tive societies can get fi-
nance in a better way.
Elections should be
transparent so that a
model act has also been
prepared and sent to all
the States,” he added.
Karnataka CM Basa-
varaj Bommai and Un-
ion Minister Parlhad
Joshi were also present
at the event.
Union Home and Cooperative Minister Amit Shah with Karnataka
CM Basavaraj Bommai in Bengaluru on Friday.  —PHOTO BY PTI
The family of PM Narendra Modi expresses gratitude to everyone for their prayers for Hiraba
Modi, who passed away at 100 on Friday, say the family sources of the Prime Minister
Moni Sharma
Ahmedabad: Prime
Minister Narendra
Modi’s mother Hiraba
UN Mehta Heart Hospi-
. A glorious century
rests at the feet of God,
Modi said while inform-
ing about her demise.
Modi who reached
Gujarat this morning
first paid tribute to her
at her Raysan residence
in Gandhinagar and
then carried the bier
with the mortal re-
mains to the cremato-
rium for the last rites.
“We thank everyone for
their prayers in these
tough times. It is our
humble request to eve-
ryone to keep departed
soul in their thoughts
and continue with their
pre-decided schedule
and commitments. That
would be a befitting
tribute to Hiraba,” fam-
ily sources said.
She was admitted to
the hospital on Wednes-
day due to some health
issues. The hospital au-
thorities on Thursday
had said that her condi-
tion was improving.
 More on P6
PM Narendra Modi carries mortal remains of his mother Hiraba Modi during her funeral procession, in Gandhinagar on Friday. PM Narendra Modi during cremation of his mother Hiraba.
President of India
Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s
mother Hiraba’s
hundred years of struggle
is a symbol of Indian
ideals. Modi imbibed the
spirit of ‘#Matradevob-
hav’ and the values of
Hiraba in his life. I pray
for the peace
of the holy
soul. My
to the fam-
HM Amit Shah expressed grief
over demise of Modi’s mother
Hiraba. In a se-
ries of tweets,
Shah said,
“The struggles
Heera Ba faced
to nurture the
family is a role model for all.
Her sacrificial ascetic life will
always be remembered. The
entire nation stands with Modi
and his family.”
Indian wicketkeeper Rishabh
Pant was saved by the driver
and conductor of a Haryana
Roadways bus, when he met
with an accident early Friday
Japanese PM Fumio
Kishida was one of the
first world leaders to
offer condolences to
Modi over passing away
of his mother, Hiraba.
Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal
Dahal ‘Prachanda’ also
expressed sadness over
death of Modi’s mother.
Ex-SL PM Rajapaksa,
Russian Ambassador to
India Denis Alipov and
others condoled demise.
1940 TO 2022
Pele, whose real name
was Edson Arantes
do Nascimento, Brazil
footballing legend and
three-time World Cup
winner, died at the age
of 82 on Friday early. He
was widely considered
to be football’s first
global superstar. Pele
had been treated for
colon cancer, following
surgery to remove a
tumour in Sept 2021.
Following Argentina’s
WC triumph, Pele
shared a photo of their
team lifting the trophy
on social media, prais-
ing squad leader Lionel
Messi, France’s rising
star Kylian Mbappe, and
surprise semi-finalists
In Maa I have
always felt that
trinity, which
contains the journey of
an ascetic, the symbol of
a selfless Karmayogi and
a life committed to val-
ues. When I met her on
her 100th birthday, she
said one thing, which is
always remembered that
is work with intelligence,
live life with purity.
—Narendra Modi,
Prime Minister
The demise of PM Modi’s revered mother Heera ba
brings to an end the life of an ascetic. Each and ev-
ery Swayamsevak of the RSS offers
tributes to the departed soul. Mataji remained
committed to values and had an unwavering
faith in the Almighty despite the extreme diffi-
culties she endured in her life. She led a dutiful
and meaningful life.
 —Mohan Bhagwat, RSS Chief
The news of the demise of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s mother,
Hira Ba is extremely sad. At this
difficult time, I extend my deepest condolences
and love to him and his family.
—Rahul Gandhi, Congress Leader
Pant injured in horrific accident,
cop says,‘ he is lucky to survive’
First India Bureau
Narsan: Indian crick-
eter Rishabh Pant was
seriously injured in a
accident while driving
home from Delhi to
Roorkee at Narsan,
Haridwar. According to
police, he was alone in
the car when his Mer-
cedes GLE car hit divid-
er railings on the Delhi-
Haridwar NH at 5.30 am.
SP Swapn Kishor Singh
said that, “Pant sus-
tained injuries on his
forehead, a hand and
right knee. Car was
completely burnt, he is
lucky to survive.”
Charred remains of Rishabh’s car after it rammed into a divider
and caught fire on Delhi-Dehradun NH, in Roorkee on Friday.
Injured Rishabh Pant receives
treatment at a hospital.
New Delhi: India’s
pharma exports body the
Pharmaceuticals Export
Promotion Council of
India (Pharmexcil) today
suspended the membership
of Marion Biotech Pvt Ltd
after the company failed to
reply to the council on the
report on children’s death
allegedly caused by their
cough syrup.
Patna: At least seven people are feared drowned after a
country-made boat with 14 people on board capsized in the
river near Maner’s Mahavir Tola in rural Patna. Patna SSP
Manavjit Singh Dhillon said that seven people went missing
following the boat mishap, when 14 labourers were returning
to Brahmachari village under Maner police station area after
collecting fodder from Saran diara area. Maner station house
officer Rajeev Ranjan said rescue workers were scouring the
river near Mahavir Tola ghat, where the incident took place.
Washington: Democrats in
Congress released six years’
worth of former President
Donald Trump’s tax returns
on Friday, the culmination
of a yearslong effort to learn
about finances of a onetime
business mogul who
broke decades of political
norms when he refused to
voluntarily release info as he
sought the White House.
As the year 2022 comes to
an end, nation witnessed
a motherly loss as PM
Narendra Modi’s mother
Hiraba Modi breathed her
last on Friday. The year
remained replete with
tumultous events including
Ukraine war, India’s G20
presidency and more.
First India brings to you a
Kolkata: WB CM Mamata Banerjee showed great
statesmanship as she praised PM Modi for taking the
time to honour his com-
mitment to inaugurate a
slew of railway projects.
Unruly scenes were
witnessed at Howrah
station before PM virtu-
ally flagged off the new
Vande Bharat Express.
Mamata, who was
present at venue along
with Union minister
Ashwini Vaishnav and
other leaders of BJP,
was greeted by chants
of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ by
crowd at the station.
This left Mamata irked and she complained about the
crowd’s behaviour to Governor CV Ananda Bose.
Hrs after cremating mom,
grief-struck Modi at work
First India Bureau
New Delhi/Kolkata:
After virtually flagging
off Howrah-New Jal-
paiguri Vande Bharat
Express, PM Modi said
that a nationwide cam-
paign is going on to
transform the Indian
Railway. According to
PMO, Modi listed mod-
ern trains like Vande
Bharat, Tejas Hum Sa-
far and VistaDome
coaches and the mod-
ernisation of railway
stations including New
Jalpaiguri, doubling
and electrification of
Railway lines as exam-
ples of this moderniza-
tion. Modi also high-
lighted strides made in
fields of Railway safety
cleanliness, coordina-
tion, capability
, punctu-
ality and facilities. He
said while 20,000 route
km rail lines were elec-
trified in 1st 70 years of
Independence, 32,000
route km have been
electrified since 2014.
PM Narendra Modi during a ceremony to flag off Vande Bharat
Express train connecting Howrah and New Jalpaiguri video
conferencing on Friday. Also seen here flagging of train are
West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose, Union Minister Ashwini
Vaishnav, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee  others.
l PM Modi had also
returned to work after
his father’s demise too
l Next 8 years will
see Indian Railways
on new modern
journey: PM Modi
l Nation’s 7th Vande
Bharat Express between
Howrah-NJP flagged off
BSE SENSEX 60,840.74 293.14 | NSE NIFTY 18,105.30 85.70 I I I I
New Delhi: Delhi Police on Friday held a meeting at the
Congress office in the national capital on Friday and
assured to upgrade the strength of MP Rahul Gandhi’s
security during the Bharat Jodo Yatra. The meeting was
attended by Anil Chaudhary  others.  P5
New Delhi: The government on Friday hiked the interest rates on small
deposits — including post office term deposits, NSC and senior citizen
savings scheme — by up to 1.1 percentage points from January 1, in
line with firming interest rates in the economy.
Bangkok: A court in military-ruled Myanmar
convicted the country’s ousted leader Aung San
Suu Kyi of corruption Friday, sentencing her to
seven years in prison in the last of a string of
criminal cases against her, a legal official said.
NEW DELHI l SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 122
04 I I I I
New Delhi (PTI): The
Aam Aadmi Party will
start its 'BJP's 15 years
Vs AAP's 3 weeks' cam-
paign on Saturday to
showcase the work done
by its councillors in the
last 20 days, AAP leader
Durgesh Pathak said.
He also said the AAP
will share a report card
on the work done by its
councillors in the last
20 days.
On December 7, the
AAP won the MCD
polls with 134 seats,
ending the 15-year rule
of the BJP in the mu-
nicipal corporation
and reducing the Con-
gress to just nine seats
in a house of 250.
Though the oath-tak-
ing ceremony for new
councillors is yet to be
held, Pathak said those
from the AAP have
started working in their
wards. Huge changes
can be seen across the
city in just 20 days after
the Municipal Corpora-
tion of Delhi (MCD) re-
sults, he claimed.
It has been just three
weeks and our council-
lors have started work-
ing in their respective
wards. We will start a
campaign called '15
years Vs 3 weeks' and
we will update everyone
about the work done by
our councillors in the
last 20 days, he said on
He further stated that
after the results of MCD
were announced, drains
cleaned and the sanita-
tion workers are being
treated with respect by
the AAP councillors.
People must have no-
ticed this on their social
media that Delhi looks
changed in just 20 days.
Our councillors have
been working hard for
the betterment of the
city, Pathak said.
BJP’s 15 years vs AAP’s
3 weeks’ campaign today
n AAPwillshare
a report card on
the work done by
its councillors in
the last 20 days,
says party leader
AAP workers celebrate at party headquarters after victory in MCD
polls, in New Delhi.  —PHOTO BY ANI
New Delhi (PTI): The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on
Friday accused the BJP of reneging on its MCD
poll promise of in-situ re-
habilitation of slum dwell-
ers in the national capital.
At a press conference,
AAP MLA Atishi said just
before the MCD polls on
December 4, the prime
minister had inaugurated
3,024 flats at Kalkaji and handed over the keys to
eligible beneficiaries at Bhoomiheen camp.
She said the BJP had told around 40,000 inhab-
itants of Navjeevan camp and Jawahar camp,
located opposite the Bhoomiheen camp, that they
too will be given flats at their location.
It's not been a month and the DDA has pasted
notices at the Navjeevan and Jawahar camps,
informing the people living there that they will be
shifted to Narela and that the JJ clusters will be
razed, Atishi said citing the notice.
She said the Arvind Kejriwal government will
not let the BJP bulldoze the JJ clusters till the
time these people get their houses.
New Delhi (PTI): Aam
Aadmi Party leaders on
Friday staged a protest
at Laxmi Nagar here
against local BJP MLA
Abhay Verma for alleg-
edly assaulting a sani-
tation worker.
This comes a day af-
ter the AAP-ruled Mu-
nicipal Corporation of
Delhi (MCD) registered
a complaint with Delhi
Police against uniden-
tified goons having
close association with
Verma for allegedly as-
saulting the sanitation
worker in east Delhi.
The civic body cited a
purported video circu-
lating on social media
where a few men are
seen thrashing and as-
saulting the MCD em-
ployee. Carrying post-
ers, several party lead-
ers and workers gath-
ered outside Verma's
residence and raised
slogans against him
and the BJP
. The protest
was led by AAP MLA
Kuldeep Kumar, who al-
leged that Verma
thrashed a sanitation
worker as he belongs to
the Dalit community
AAP members stage a protest outside the residence of BJP MLA Abhay Verma on Friday. 
Sanitation worker ‘assault’:AAP
protest outside BJP MLA’s house
The BJP is a party of goons. In this party,
the more hooliganism a leader indulges
in, the higher the post he gets. The BJP is
against Dalits and hence it hasn’t taken any ac-
tion against Abhay Verma.  —Kuldeep Kumar, AAP MLA
New Delhi (PTI): In
viewof apotentialcyber
attack threat to the pow-
capital, LG VK Saxena
has approved a notifica-
tion to declare critical
information infrastruc-
ture (CII) of power utili-
ties and associated com-
puter resources as 'pro-
tected systems.'
The person author-
ised in writing by the
power utilities to access
these 'protected sys-
tems' will also be noti-
fied through the notifi-
This will ensure that
critical power infra-
structure in the city will
be protected from any
kind of attack or
breach, said a state-
ment from the LG office.
In 2020 2021, cyber se-
curity monitoring agen-
cies of the Centre had
observed some cyber
attack attempts aimed
at disrupting the power
system operations.
The Ministry of Pow-
er had on March 8, 2021,
written to the chief sec-
retaries of all states and
UTs for precautionary
Cyber attackers are
increasingly targeting
the power sector, hence
taking preventive meas-
ures and mitigating
threats to protect the
Indian Power System
needs the special atten-
tion of all power sector
holders, the Ministry
had then pointed out.
The notification ap-
proved by the LG would
help put into place cer-
tain checks, including
information security
practices and proce-
dures, and access con-
They will ensure that
the computer resources
of the power utilities
Delhi Transco Ltd
(DTL), State Load Dis-
patch Centre (SLDC),
and discoms TPDDL,
BRPL, and BYPL will be
secured against any in-
capacitation or destruc-
tion, the statement said.
The computer re-
sources of these utili-
ties fall in the category
of the 'Critical Informa-
tion Infrastructure'.
Philem Dipak Singh
New Delhi: “It’s an
honour for me to cele-
brate the world’s great-
est sport with the chil-
dren of India,” these
words from Pele seven
years ago will ring for-
ever in the ears of foot-
ball fans in Delhi.
It was the first time
in October 2015, Pele,
considered by many as
the greatest footballer
of all time, set foot on
Delhi and he simply
won the hearts of foot-
ball fans of the capital
city, not by his dazzling
skills on the field but as
a true ambassador of
the ‘beautiful game’.
His two-day visit of
Delhi was the last time
he interacted with In-
dian football fans and
public at large. He was
the chief guest at the
boys U-17 final of Sub-
roto Cup inter-school
football tournament at
the Ambedkar stadium
on October 17, 2015.
Just a few days ahead
of his 75th birthday
, Pele
sent the 20000-capacity
Ambedkar stadium into
frenzy as he made a
round trip of the ground
on an open top Indian
Air Force jeep ahead of
the Subroto Cup final on
the trophies to the two
teams with Chief of Air
Staff Arup Raha in tow.
His reception at the
Delhi airport on Octo-
ber 15 was not a grand
affair as a little over 100
people turned up just
after 8pm. Pele, who
was restricted in move-
ment due to three sur-
geries he had that year,
including on his hip,
stood up from the car
and waved to the crowd
with a wide smile. —PTI
When King Pele enjoyed ‘beautiful game’ with school kids in Delhi
Pele was the
chief guest at the
boys’ U-17 final
of Subroto Cup
tournament at
the Ambedkar
stadium on
Oct 17, 2015
Art students make a portrait of Brazilian footballer Pele to pay
him tribute, in Mumbai on Friday.  —PHOTO BY PTI
LG Vinai Kumar Saxena flags off a bio-mining waste truck at
Bhalswa landfill site in New Delhi on Friday.  —PHOTO BY ANI
New Delhi (PTI): LG
VK Saxena and Deputy
Chief Minister Manish
Sisodia on Friday
condoled the passing
away of Prime Minis-
ter Narendra Modi’s
Saxena, in a tweet,
prayed to God to
provide strength to
the prime minister to
bear the loss.
“Deeply saddened
by demise of Prime
Minister Naren-
dra Modi’s mother
Hiraba. Wish Moksha
to mother along with
crores of countrymen
in this hour of sorrow.
I pray to God to give
strength to the prime
minister to bear the
loss of his mother,”
the LG said.
Deputy Chief Minister
Manish Sisodia said
the news of her death
was very saddening.
The notification to be issued now will authorise
persons specifically identified by these utilities and
be approved by the power department of the Delhi
government. Any person who secures access or at-
tempts to secure access to these protected computer
systems, in contravention of the provisions of the laid
down procedures, will be punished with imprisonment
for up to 10 years and also be liable for a fine, it said.
New Delhi (PTI): A
court has acquitted a
man, who was allegedly
roaming around during
the lockdown in May
2021, from the criminal
charge of disobeying
the order of a public
servant, saying the
charge was not proved
beyond a reasonable
doubt. The court ob-
served that the analysis
of material and crucial
aspects showed many a
shortcoming in the
prosecution's case.
The court was hear-
ing a case against Ra-
jeev, who was accused
of intentionally diso-
beying the curfew order
of the Assistant Com-
missioner of Police,
Shalimar Bagh.
According to the pros-
found roaming around
near Azadpur Mandi on
May 15, 2021, during the
spreadof COVID-19pan-
demic, without any per-
mit for movement or a
satisfactory reason.
Court acquits man 'roaming around' in lockdown
A deserted Connaught Place during the lockdown. —PHOTO BY ANI
New Delhi (PTI): Over
14 years after an FIR
was registered, a court
has acquitted 2 women
of the charge of solicit-
ing for prostitution, say-
ing the prosecution's
case had material
omissions and miss-
ing links in the chain
of circumstances.
As per prosecution, a
raid was conducted at a
locality in New Usman-
pur area in Shahdara
on the basis of a tip-off
about a prostitution
racket on Oct 16, 2008.
I find that there are
material omissions in
the prosecution version
and missing links in the
chain of circumstances
sought to be proved by
the prosecution. There-
fore, I hold that the state
has failed to prove be-
yond reasonable doubt
that the accused Afsana
or Seema indulged in
seduction or solicitation
for purpose of prostitu-
tion, Metropolitan
Magistrate Rupinder
Singh Dhiman said.
14 years after FIR, court acquits 2
women of soliciting for prostitution
The court was hearing a case against accused
Afsana and Seema, who were charged with section
8 (seducing or soliciting for purpose of
prostitution) of the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act
New Delhi (PTI): The
Delhi High Court has
sought response of the
Delhi University on a
plea alleging arbitrari-
ness in the “seat pat-
tern allocation” adopt-
ed for admission to its
law course this year.
The petitioner
claimed that the candi-
dates belonging to the
reserved categories,
who secured more
marks than the candi-
dates figuring in the
merit list of the general
category, have not been
moved to the general
category, which is
against the “basic idea
of reservation” and
hinders more reserved
category students from
taking admission.
The petitioner, who
had appeared in the
LLB entrance examina-
tion, contended that he
was “otherwise eligi-
ble” for securing admis-
sion under reserved
OBC category (OBC)
but was unable to do so
on account of such seat
Justice Vikas Ma-
hajan recently issued
notice to DU on the plea
and granted it time to
file its response.
HC seeks DU
reply on plea
against LLB
seats allocation
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Gaurav Saini
New Delhi: Delhi
breathed comparatively
less polluted air in 2022
thanks to proactive im-
plementation of anti-
pollution plans and fa-
vourable meteorology
but the city govern-
ment's shambolic ef-
forts failed to improve
the water quality of the
Bold efforts of con-
servationists and the
forest and wildlife de-
partment saw several
wildlife species recover,
including the striped
hyena and leopards, in
the urban jungles.
A dip in incidents of
stubble burning, few de-
layed spells of rains, an
early Diwali and favour-
able meteorology pre-
vented the capital from
turning into a gas
chamber following the
Delhi saw its second-
best air quality (aver-
age AQI 210) in October
since 2015, when the
Central Pollution Con-
trol Board (CPCB) start-
ed maintaining AQI
data. The average AQI
in November stood at
320, the second best af-
ter 2019 when it was 312.
The PM2.5 level this
October-November has
been 38 per cent lower
compared to October-
November of 2016
which was the worst in
the last eight years.
The Yamuna, one of
the main sources of raw
water in Delhi, strug-
gled to survive the as-
sault of sewage and in-
dustrial effluents.
A government report
showed that the pollut-
ant load in the Yamuna
has increased substan-
tially over the last five
years. The Delhi gov-
ernment had promised
to clean the river to
bathing standards by
Dramatic scenes
played out on the banks
of the Yamuna in Octo-
ber when BJP MP
Parvesh Verma threat-
ened a DJB official over
the use of a chemical to
dissipate foam in the
river, a result of heavy
pollution, ahead of
Chhath Puja.
Challenged in the
presence of TV camer-
as, the DJB official
bathed in the water
taken from a stretch of
the Yamuna where the
utility sprayed the
The Asola Bhatti
Wildlife Sanctuary saw
an increase in animal
population. Forest and
wildlife department
also thwarted attempts
to dump civic waste in
the Bhatti mines, which
are part of the Asola
.  —PTI
Relatively better air in 2022,
but Yamuna gasping for life
New Delhi (PTI):
Ahead of New Year cel-
ebrations, the Delhi
Excise Department
has intensified raids to
seize illicit liquor, with
the latest being the re-
covery of 1,037 bottles
of high-end brands
from the Tagore Gar-
den area here.
The seizure was
made from a godown
on Thursday, officials
said. The liquor was
sold through What-
sapp and delivered to
people after verifica-
tion to keep the entire
operation under cover.
The seized liquor
was of brands such as
Glenfiddich, Glenlivit,
Black Dog, Chivas Re-
gal, Teachers, Jack
Daniels, Bacardi, Ab-
solut, Grey Goose, Ja-
cob Greek, Gold Re-
serve and Johnnie
Walker Black Label.
The department's
excise intelligence bu-
reau had received in-
formation that a large
number of liquor bot-
tles of prominent
brands had been hid-
den at a godown at the
Tagore Garden Exten-
sion area.
Based on the infor-
mation, a team of the
bureau led by Assis-
tant Commissioner of
Police Rajesh Meena
raided the godown in
the Rajouri Garden po-
lice station area.
Excise dept seizes illicit liquor
in drive ahead of New Year
The average AQI
in month of
November stood
at 320, second
best after 2019
when it was 312
View of foam-covered water, as a result of pollution, as seen from the banks of
river Yamuna near Kalindi Kunj in New Delhi in February. 
Vehicles commute in dense smog due to rising air pollution, in New Delhi in
November. —PHOTOS BY ANI
Lieutenant Governor Vinai
Kumar Saxena plants a sapling
during the conclusion of Van
Mahotsav 2022, at Asola-
Bhatti Mines sanctuary.
GRAP stage III: Non-essential construction work banned
New Delhi (PTI): In
view of a spike in air
pollution, the Centre's
air quality panel on Fri-
day directed implemen-
tation of curbs under
stage III of the Graded
Response Action Plan
(GRAP) in Delhi-NCR,
including a ban on non-
essential construction
and demolition work.
Delhi's 24-hour aver-
age air quality index
stood at 399 on Friday,
just two notches below
the severe category
The Sub-Committee
on GRAP, at a review
meeting, noted that the
AQI is likely to slip into
the severe category due
to calm winds and sta-
ble atmospheric condi-
tions. Curbs under
Stage III include a ban
on non-essential con-
struction and demoli-
tion, closure of stone
crushers and mining
activities in Delhi-Na-
tional Capital Region.
An MCD worker sprays water on a road to curb pollution, in New
New Delhi (PTI):
The Delhi govern-
ment will study the
environmental im-
pact of units engaged
in dyeing or washing
of garments and met-
al surface treatment
activities such as
electroplating and
According to offi-
cials, effluents from
such units operating
in non-conforming
and residential areas
flow directly into the
Yamuna, increasing
its pollution load.
Their effluents
have high concentra-
tions of ammonia
and phosphates, one
of the primary rea-
sons behind the thick
foam on the river.
The Delhi Pollu-
tion Control Commit-
tee (DPCC) has called
for proposals from
academic institu-
tions by February 28.
Delhi govt to study
impact of jeans dyeing
units on environment
from such
units have
dyes, and
heavy metals
New Delhi (ANI): The
Delhi Police on Friday
held a meeting at the
Congress office in the
national capital on Fri-
day and assured to up-
grade the strength of
MP Rahul Gandhi's se-
curity during the
Bharat Jodo Yatra.
The one-and-a-half-
hour meeting with the
Delhi Police officials
was attended by Con-
gress Delhi State Presi-
dent Anil Chaudhary
and other representa-
tives of Rahul Gandhi.
According to the Con-
gress, now a special
squad of Delhi Police
will run around Rahul
Gandhi during the
Bharat Jodo Yatra as a
strong cordon will be
made around him in
which no unauthorized
person would be able to
The police's action
came after Congress
wrote a letter to Home
Minister Amit Shah
about the 'poor security
arrangements' during
the Bharat Jodo Yatra.
It also lodged a com-
plaint against the per-
sonnel of the Haryana
Police in Sohna.
After the complaint,
Delhi Police said that
now a strong rope secu-
rity cordon will be
made around Rahul
Gandhi and his security
will be tightened.
Police upgrade Rahul’s security
Rahul Gandhi leads the Congress’s Bharat Jodo Yatra in Delhi.
New Delhi (PTI): A
25-year-old labourer
was killed and an-
other injured when a
portion of a concrete
road allegedly caved
in while they were
fixing a water pipe-
line in Vijay Vihar
area here, police said
on Friday
The deceased has
been identified as
Harender and the in-
jured as Sonu (22),
residents of Aligarh
in Uttar Pradesh.
Police said the in-
cident took place on
Wednesday evening.
The two labourers
were buried under
the debris.
Labourer killed,
another injured
in road collapse
New Delhi (PTI): Pas-
sengers won't be allowed
to exit from Rajiv Chowk
metro station from 9
pm onwards on the New
Year's Eve to manage
crowds, officials said.
The Rajiv Chowk metro
station is is nestled in the
Connaught Place area.
As advised by the Delhi
Police, to ease over-
crowding on New Year's
Eve (December 31),
exit from Rajiv Chowk
Metro station will not
be allowed from 9 pm
onwards. However, entry
of passengers will be
allowed till the departure
of the last train from the
Rajiv Chowk Metro sta-
tion, the DMRC said.
New Delhi (PTI): Del-
hi's minimum tempera-
ture rose to double dig-
its for the first time in
15 days on Friday, but
the respite is predicted
to end soon.
The Safdarjung ob-
servatory recorded a
minimum temperature
of 10.7 degrees Celsius,
four notches above the
Cold wave and cold
day conditions are pre-
dicted to wallop parts
of Delhi on New Year's
eve and the winter chill
would intensify further
in early January, mete-
orologists said.
Minimum temp
in double digits,
but not for long
Leaders condole death of Hiraba Modi
First India Bureau
New Delhi: Leaders
cutting across the po-
litical spectrum on Fri-
day condoled the death
of PM Narendra Modi’s
mother Hiraben, recall-
ing her simple and com-
passionate life that was
an inspiration for all.
Hiraben, Hiraba to
Ahmedabad hospital on
Friday at the age of 100.
Congress president
Mallikarjun Kharge
and party leader Rahul
Gandhi, Tamil Nadu
Chief Minister MK Sta-
lin and West Bengal
Chief Minister Mama-
ta Banerjee were
among the host of lead-
ers from the ruling
party and others who
mourned the death.
BJP National Presi-
dent JP Nadda said her
life will always serve as
an inspiration. Her af-
fection and commit-
ment to truth gave the
country a glorious lead-
ership, he said.
Veteran BJP leader
LK Advani recalled
that the prime minister
often spoke about the
special bond that he
shared with his mother,
about her simplicity
and her caring perso-
na, and said, these will
always be remembered
and missed by all.
Defence Minister Ra-
jnath Singh said a
mother’s demise cre-
ates a void that is im-
possible to fill.
“I am deeply pained
by the passing away of
Hira Ba, mother of
Prime Minister Shri @
narendramodi. The
death of a mother
leaves such a void in
one’s life that is impos-
sible to fill. I express
my condolences to the
Prime Minister and his
entire family in this
hour of grief,” Singh
said in a tweet.
Paying tributes, Un-
ion Minister for Road
Transport and High-
ways Nitin Gadkari
said it was the values
which Hiraben impart-
ed to her family
through a difficult life
full of struggles that
has given the country a
leader like Modi.
Information and
Broadcasting Minister
Anurag Thakur said,
“Losing a mother is one
of the deepest sorrows.
But her goodness, care,
wisdom, and love will
always be with you.”
Congress chief
Kharge and former
party chief Rahul Gan-
dhi said they were
deeply saddened to
hear about the demise
of the PM’s mother.
“... In this difficult
time, I express my
deepest condolences
and affection to him
and his family mem-
bers,” Gandhi said in a
tweet in Hindi.
“Deeply saddened to
hear about the demise
of Smt. Heeraben
Modi. My heartfelt con-
dolences to Sri @naren-
dramodi ji on the loss
of his beloved mother.
Our thoughts and
prayers are with the en-
tire family in this hour
of grief,” Kharge said
on Twitter.
Congress general
secretary Priyanka
Gandhi and former Fi-
nance Minister P Chid-
ambaram said the pass-
ing away of a mother is
an irreparable loss.
Tamil Nadu CM MK
Stalin also sent in his
condolences. “Dear
Prime Minister @Nar-
endraModi, We all
know the emotional
bond you had with your
beloved mother Hira-
ba. The grief of losing
one’s mother is too
hard to bear for any-
one. I am deeply sad-
dened and no words
can describe how sorry
I am for your loss.”
Other chief minis-
ters, including Pun-
jab’s Bhagwant Mann,
Gujarat’s Bhupendra
Patel, Maharashtra’s
Eknath Shinde, Karna-
taka’s Basavaraj Bom-
mai, Assam’s Himanta
Biswa Sarma, Goa’s
Pramod Sawant and Ut-
tar Pradesh’s Yogi Adi-
tyanath, also sent their
condolences at the ir-
reparable loss.
PM Narendra Modi touches feet of his mother before her cremation; (R) People pay tributes to Hiraba in Gurugram on Friday.
Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee
on Friday expressed her condolence to Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and said that “your mother means
our mother”. Speaking at the inauguration of various
Railway projects in West Bengal, which PM Modi was
attending virtually, Banerjee said, “Respected PM,
today is a sad day for you personally and it’s a great
loss of your personal life. I pray to God, may God
give you strength and bless you so that you can love
your mother with your action and activities. I convey
my gratitude to you because you were supposed to
come to West Bengal but because of the sad demise
of your mother you couldn’t come but have joined us
virtually.” The Chief Minister also requested PM Modi
to cut short the programme and to take rest as he had
just come from the cremation of his mother.
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday
expressed his condolences over the demise of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s mother and said that it is an
‘unfortunate thing’. “It’s an unfortunate thing. We sent a
condolence message when we came to know about it,”
said Nitish Kumar on the demise of Heeraben Modi.
PM Modi virtually chairs National
Ganga Council meeting in Kolkata
Gandhinagar (ANI):
PM Narendra Modi on
Friday chaired the sec-
ond meeting of Nation-
al Ganga Council (NGC)
meeting in Kolkata via
video conferencing.
The meeting was at-
tended by Union Jal
Shakti Minister Gajen-
dra Singh Shekhawat,
and other Union Minis-
ters who are members
of the council besides
the Chief Ministers of
Uttarakhand, Uttar
West Bengal. Instead of
dav attended it.
The PM attended the
meeting virtually after
he performed the last
rites of his mother Hi-
raben who passed away
early this morning. PM
Modi also inaugurated
multiple projects of the
Indian Railways.
The National Ganga
Council has been given
the overall responsibili-
ty for the superintend-
ence of pollution pre-
vention and rejuvena-
tion of River Ganga and
its tributaries. Namami
Gange Programme is an
Mission, approved as a
‘Flagship Programme’
by Central Govt in June
2014 with a budget of Rs
20,000 crore to accom-
plish the twin objectives
of effective abatement
of pollution, conserva-
tion and rejuvenation of
the river Ganga.
PM Modi chairs the NGC meeting, via video conferencing, on Friday. Union Minister Gajendra Shekhawat,
Union Ministers who are members of NGC, CMs of Uttarakhand, UP, Jharkhand and WB also seen.
WB CM should
prioritise people's
welfare over her
ego:Amit Malviya
New Delhi: BJP leader
Amit Malviya on Fri-
start prior-
itising peo-
ple’s wel-
fare over
her “frag-
ile ego”.
“On the
day, PM Modi, despite a
off the Vande Bharat
and launched projects
worth 7,800 crore in WB,
Mamata Banerjee chose
not to share the stage
with 4 central ministers
and LoP. It is time WB
CM starts prioritising
fragile ego...” Malviya
tweeted as Banerjee re-
fused to go to the stage
and sat beside the other
govt officials during an
event where PM Modi
virtually flagged off the
nation’s seventh Vande
Bharat Express.
Kolkata: People in West Bengal welcomed their first
Vande Bharat express on Friday as PM Narendra Modi
flagged off the semi-high-speed train that will run between
Howrah and New Jalpaiguri. The nation’s seventh Vande
Bharat express train between Howrah-New Jalpaiguri
(NJP) has been flagged off through video conferencing by
the Prime Minister minutes after the last rite of his mother
Hiraben Modi. Modi took part in the flag-off from Gujarat
as the train left Howrah station in Bengal. The train will
cover a distance of around 550km and will take a little
more than seven and a half hours to reach its destination,
with only three stoppages from Howrah to NJP.
Kolkata: With sparkling
red reclining seats offering
an 180-degree rota-
tion, the Executive Class
tickets of the Howrah-New
Jalpaiguri Vande Bharat
Express, which was virtu-
ally flagged off by Prime
Minister Narendra Modi
on Friday, were sold out
within hours after the
bookings opened.
Ghulam Nabi
on cards!
New Delhi (ANI): For-
mer Congress leader
Ghulam Nabi Azad is
likely to
return to
the party
as the
talks have
been initi-
ated be-
tween the two, sources
said on Friday
Azad quit the Con-
gress on August 26 and
announced his new po-
Azad Party’ in October.
According to the sourc-
es, during the Gujarat
and Himachal assembly
elections, Azad claimed
that only Congress can
compete with the BJP
Meanwhile, Azad had
the policy of Congress
but had issues with its
weak system.
After Azad’s state-
ment, Bharat Jodo
Yatra’s convenor, Digvi-
jaya Singh openly in-
vited Azad to be a part
of the yatra, following
which former G23 lead-
ers contacted Azad and
advocated his return to
Congress besides him
joining the Yatra.
‘Govt to start innovative schemes
for redressal of public grievances’
Shimla (ANI): Him-
chal Pradesh CM Sukh-
vinder Singh Sukhu
on Friday directed the
officials of the Informa-
tion Technology (IT) to
strengthen the func-
tioning of the helpline
to facilitate the people
in the redressal of
grievances, a press re-
lease from chief minis-
ters office said.
He also stressed start-
ing innovative schemes
such as Whatsapp Chat-
bots and Voice Bots for
taking automated feed-
back from the citizens,
read the press release.
Later, the CM also vis-
ited the CM’s Helpline
office and envisaged
keen interest in its
CM Sukhu visited the
multi-storeyed parking
near Tutikandi where
he directed the officers
to ensure the time-
bound shifting of major
offices which were pres-
ently functioning from
private buildings.
“Sukhvinder Singh
Sukhu said that all the
dead walls must be re-
spacious windows to en-
sure proper ventilation
of thecomplex,”itadded.
stations for HRTC buses
top floor of the parking
lot. He also directed the
ensure that no private
buses were allowed to be
tioned parking lot,”
reads the press release.
Cong and JD(S) are both corrupt, says Shah
Mandya (PTI): Hitting
the ground running in
poll-bound Karnataka,
Union Home Minister
Amit Shah called both
the Congress and JD(S)
as ‘parivaarvadi’ (dy-
nastic politics) and cor-
rupt and urged the peo-
ple of Mandya and Old
Mysuru region to sup-
port the BJP and bring
it to power with a ma-
jority in the state.
The BJP is consid-
ered to be weak in the
Old Mysuru region, and
is focusing on this belt
to gain complete major-
ity in 2023 state Assem-
bly elections.
“Enough of JD(S)-
Congress, Congress-
JD(S) this time Man-
dya, the Mysuru region
should make BJP win
with full majority
. Con-
gress and JD(S) are
both parivaarvadi (dy-
nastic politics) parties,
they are corrupt par-
ties,” Shah said while
addressing the gather-
ing on this occasion.
Union HM Amit Shah during a public meeting, in the Mandya, Karnataka on Friday. Union Minister
Pralhad Joshi, Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai and other dignitaries are also seen. —PHOTO BY ANI
Mandya: Union Home and
Cooperation Minister Amit
Shah inaugurated Mega
Dairy here on Friday. He said
the mega dairy inaugurated
on Friday at a cost of Rs 260
crore would process 10 lakh
liters of milk per day. He said
that when 10 lakh liters of
milk is processed, prosperity
reaches the homes of lakhs
of farmers. Shah said that in
Karnataka, the cooperative
dairy is working very well.
There are 15,210 village
level cooperative dairies in
Karnataka, in which about
26.22 lakh farmers deliver
their milk daily and through
16 district level dairies.
06 I I I I
New Delhi (ANI): Un-
ion Health Minister
Mansukh Mandaviya on
Friday said that all the
manufacturing activi-
ties of the Noida-based
pharma company have
been stopped in view of
the reports of contami-
nation in cough syrup
Dok1 Max.
“Following inspection
INF [Central Drugs
Standard Control Or-
of reportsof contamina-
tion in cough syrup
Dok1 Max, all manufac-
turing activities of Mar-
ion Biotech at NOIDA
unit have been stopped
yesterday night, while
further investigation is
ongoing,” Mansukh
Mandaviya said in a
tweet. Noida-based Mar-
ion Biotech has come
under a cloud as reports
of children dying after
consuming cough syrup
made here came in from
Manufacturing at
Noida-based pharma
firm halted: Minister
We await the
reports, facto-
ry was in-
spected. We have halt-
ed the production of all
medicines. It needs to
be found why cases
came from a single
hospital there.
—Hasan Harris,
Marion Biotech Pharma
Company legal head
Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya
07 I I I I
Commodity Price Change % Chg
GOLD 55,210.00 205.00 0.37 (Per 10g)
SILVER 69,698.00 30.00 0.04 (Per 1kg)
Currency Price Change % Chg
USDINR 82.73 0.14 0.16
GBPINR 99.52 0.31 0.31
New Delhi: Power com-
pany Skipper Limited on
Friday said it has secured
new orders worth `2,570
crore from BSNL. The
contract is for the supply
and erection of ground-
based telecom towers, in-
frastructure as a service
provider for supply, in-
stallation of infrastructure
items and subsequent
OM. The projects are to
be executed under capex
and opex model in Ra-
jasthan and Odisha for 5
years, extendable to 5
more years in the uncov-
ered villages. —PTI
New Delhi: Inox Wind on
Friday said that CRISIL
has upgraded its ratings
on the long-term and
short-term bank facilities
and has revised its out-
look from stable to posi-
tive. CRISIL has upgraded
its ratings from Crisil BBB
to Crisil BBB+ (long-term
rating), Crisil A3+ to Crisil
A2 and outlook has been
revised from stable to
positive in relation to rat-
ings of its banking facili-
ties, Inox Wind Ltd said in
a statement. The rationale
for upgrading Inox Wind’s
outlook reflects CRISIL’s
expectation of an im-
provement in business
risk profile to be driven by
higher revenue.  —PTI
New Delhi: Multilateral
funding agency Asian De-
velopment Bank (ADB)
has sanctioned $100 mil-
lion (about `830 crore) to
Shriram Finance Limited
(SFL) to provide vehicle
loans to women entrepre-
neurs. The $100 million
External Commercial Bor-
rowing is a five-year loan
and is under SFL’s Social
Finance framework to
provide credit towards the
purchase of new and used
vehicles throughout India,
Shriram Finance said in a
statement. —PTI
New Delhi: The Adani
Group on Friday said it
has acquired 27.26% eq-
uity stake in NDTV from
Prannoy Roy and his wife
Radhika Roy -- founders
of the news broadcaster.
“RRPR has acquired a
27.26% equity stake in
NDTV from Prannoy Roy
and Radhika Roy by way
of inter-se transfer...,”
said a regulatory filing
from Adani Enterprises.
On Dec 23, Prannoy Roy
and Radhika Roy had an-
nounced to sell 27.26%
out of their remaining
32.26% shareholding in
the NDTV to Adani. —PTI
*Rates till the edition went to print.
New Delhi: The government on
Friday hiked the interest rates
on small deposits — including
post office
term deposits,
NSC and senior
citizen savings
scheme -- by
up to 1.1 percentage points
from January 1, in line with
firming interest rates in the
economy. However, the interest
rates on PPF and the girl child
savings scheme Sukanya Sam-
riddhi has not been changed.
NSC will yield a 7% interest rate
compared to 6.8% at present.
Similarly, the senior citizen
savings scheme will give 8%
interest against 7.6%. —PTI
New Delhi: The commerce
ministry has sought a reduction
in the import duty on gold in the
budget with a
view to push
exports and
ing of the gems and jewellery
sector, sources said. In July
this year, the centre hiked
gold import duty to 15% from
10.75% to check the current
account deficit (CAD) and rising
import of the yellow metal. The
basic customs duty on gold is
12.5%. Along with the agricul-
ture infrastructure development
cess of 2.5%, the effective gold
customs duty will be 15%. —PTI
New Delhi: In a bid to give a fillip to mine tourism, eight eco-parks
have been constructed recently in different parts of the country and
two more will be completed in the ongoing financial year, the govern-
ment said on Friday. The said eco-parks
are being developed on reclaimed land.
In line with the sustainable development
and greening initiatives coal/lignite PSUs
have planted around 47 lakh saplings on
2300 Ha land from January to November
this year.  —PTI
Telecom to attract `1.5 lakh
crore investments in 2023
New Delhi (PTI): From
connecting people with 5G
services to lowering the
cost of operations, the
country’s revitalised tele-
com sector is witnessing
the bloom of reforms, and
is set to attract more than
`1.5 lakh crore investments
to build up networks in the
new year.
Once the poster boy of
India’s growth story, then a
debt-laden segment that
saw many players wither-
ing away and now riding
the wave of reforms as well
as big-ticket investments,
the telecom sector turned a
new chapter in 2022.
While the Adani group is
yet to unveil its full-fledged
plan for the telecom busi-
ness, Reliance Industries
has committed `2 lakh
crore investment for rolling
out a 5G network across the
country by December 2023.
“It has been an exciting
year because of the launch
of 5G, a much-awaited
technology for 4-5 years.
This is a big step forward.
We look forward to a ro-
bust rollout of 5G next
year because this year is
just the beginning.
“We are all working on
use cases. We are telling
state governments, minis-
tries, startups and innova-
tors to come out with inno-
vative use cases in the In-
dian context, which will
unlock businesses and will
also solve some public
problems, some challeng-
es,” Telecom Secretary K
Rajaraman said.
He also said the govern-
ment will continue to take
measures that will lower
the cost of operations for
telecom operators, a move
that will result in higher
margins for the sector,
which had been reeling un-
der a debt burden for more
than a decade.
Reliance Jio has commit-
ted `87,946.93 crore for the
spectrum that it has to pay
over a period of 20 years,
leaving a balance of `1.12
lakh crore.
fiscal gap widens
to 59 per cent
New Delhi (PTI): The gov-
ernment’s fiscal deficit in
end-November touched
59% of the full year Budget
Estimate on increased cap-
ital expenditure and slow
growth in non-tax revenue,
according to Finance
Ministry data released on
In actual terms, the fiscal
deficit, which is the differ-
ence between expenditure
and revenue, was `9.78 lakh
crore during the April-No-
vember period of 2022-23.
In the corresponding pe-
riod last year, the deficit
was 46.2% of the Budget
Estimates of 2021-22.
The government has
budgeted fiscal deficit to be
`16.61 lakh crore or 6.4% of
the Gross Domestic Prod-
uct in the current year
ending March 2023. The
deficit is funded by market
New Delhi (PTI): Production of eight infrastructure sectors
increased by 5.4% in November against a 3.2% growth in the
same month last year on a better
show by coal, fertiliser, steel, cement
and electricity segments, according
to the official data released on Friday.
Crude oil, natural gas and refinery
products, however, recorded negative
growth in November this year. The
production growth of eight key sec-
tors slowed down to 0.9% in October.
The growth rate of eight infrastructure sectors -- coal, crude
oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertilisers, steel, cement and
electricity -- stood at 8% in April-November this fiscal as against
13.9% during the same period last fiscal.
Sensex ends 293
points lower on last
trading day of 2022
Mumbai (PTI): Bench-
mark BSE Sensex and NSE
Nifty pared all intra-day
gains to end the last trad-
ing day of the year on a
bearish note due to fag-end
selling amid early losses in
the European markets.
The 30-share BSE Sensex
fell 293.14 points or 0.48% to
settle at 60,840.74 on Friday
During the day, it had risen
by 258.8 points or 0.42% to
a high of 61,392.68.
The broader NSE Nifty
declined 85.70 points or
0.47% to end at 18,105.30.
The BSE barometer
closed 2022 with a 4.44%
gain or 2,586.92 points
while the Nifty ended the
year higher by 4.32% or
751.25 points.
Sensex touched its all-
time high of 63,583.07
points on December 1 after
hitting its 52-week low of
50,921.22 points on June 17.
Sensex jumped 10,502.49
points or 21.99% last year.
From the Sensex pack,
ICICI Bank, Bharti Airtel,
HDFC, ITC, Nestle, Larsen
 Toubro, Asian Paints,
Mahindra  Mahindra,
Power Grid and IndusInd
Bank were the major lag-
gards on Friday
In contrast, Bajaj Fin-
serv, Titan, Bajaj Finance,
Tata Steel, Tata Motors,
Wipro, Kotak Mahindra
Bank, Tech Mahindra, Re-
liance Industries and State
Bank of India were the
major winners.
Mumbai (PTI): The rupee gained 14 paise to close at 82.73 (pro-
visional) against the US dollar in the last trading session of 2022,
as the American currency retreated from its elevated levels and a
rising appetite for riskier assets among investors. The local currency,
however, ended the year on a negative note, with a loss of 844 paise
or 11.36%, primarily led by a strong dollar against its major crosses
overseas. At the interbank foreign exchange market, the local unit
opened at 82.77 and touched an intra-day high of 82.70 and a low of
82.82 against the greenback. It finally settled at 82.73, registering a
rise of 14 paise over its previous close of 82.87. On December 31,
2021, the rupee settled at 74.29 against the US dollar.
Equity investors
turn richer by
`16.36 lakh
crore in 2022
New Delhi (PTI): Dalal
Street investors became
richer by more than `16.36
lakh crore this year as the
equity market scaled new
highs despite persistent
geopolitical uncertainties
and inflation worries.
Analysts attributed bet-
ter macroeconomic funda-
mentals, the confidence of
retail investors and foreign
investors investing again
in the domestic equities to-
wards the latter half of
2022 as the key factors that
led to the outperformance
of the Indian market in
comparison to many other
stock markets worldwide.
The market capitalisa-
tion of BSE-listed firms
has zoomed `16,36,254.63
crore to `2,82,36,466.18
crore till Dec 29 this year.
On December 5, the mar-
ket capitalisation (m-cap)
of BSE-listedfirmsreached
an all-time high of `290.46
lakh crore.
In 2022, five months saw
Sensex making overall
monthly gains while it was
a fall in the remaining
seven months.
July turned out to be the
most rewarding month for
equity investors as the BSE
benchmark jumped 4,662.32
points in that month.
In 2021, equity investors
reaped handsome rewards
as their wealth grew nearly
`78 lakh crore while Sensex
gained 10,502.49 points or
21.99 per cent.
Wheat acreage up 3.59 per cent till
December 30; crop prospects bright
New Delhi (PTI): As the
sowing of rabi crops almost
comes to a close, the total
area under wheat has gone
up by 3.59% to 325.10 lakh
hectare (ha) from over the
year-ago period, according
to the agriculture ministry
data released on Friday
Sowing of wheat, the
main rabi (winter) crop,
had begun from October on-
wards. Maize, jowar, gram
and mustard are other ma-
jor rabi crops. Harvesting
of these crops will begin in
March/April next year.
According to the latest
data, farmers have sown
wheat in more area in
325.10 lakh ha till Decem-
ber 30 of the current rabi
season of the 2022-23 crop
year (July-June) against
313.81 lakh ha during the
same period last year.
The higher area was re-
ported in Uttar Pradesh
(3.59 lakh ha), Rajasthan
(2.52 lakh ha), Maharash-
tra (1.89 lakh ha), Gujarat
(1.10 lakh ha), Bihar (0.87
lakh ha), MP (0.85 lakh ha),
Chhattisgarh (0.66 lakh
ha), West Bengal (0.21 lakh
ha), Jammu  Kashmir
(0.08 lakh ha), Assam (0.02
lakh ha) and Jharkhand
(0.03 lakh ha), it added.
New Delhi (PTI): Wheat exports rose 29.29% to $1.50 bil-
lion during April-November this fiscal from $1.17 billion in the
same period the previous year, the commerce ministry said on
Friday. Though the government banned wheat exports in May,
some shipments are allowed to meet the food security needs
of the countries that request it. The ministry said that Basmati
rice exports too increased by 39.26% to $2.87 billion during
April-November 2022, while that of non-basmati rice registered a
growth of 5% to $4.2 billion in the same period.
New Delhi (FIB): A yel-
low glow is likely to stand
out amid grey geopolitical
clouds in 2023, with gold
price projected to touch
`60,000 per 10 grams in the
Indian market as more in-
vestors veer towards safe-
haven assets.
In a year where volatili-
ty was more a norm than
an exception, gold prices
in the international mar-
ket oscillated from a peak
of $2,070 per ounce in
March to a low of $1,616
per ounce in November
and is steadily recovering
since then, according to
market experts.
At the beginning of 2022,
gold prices were around
$1,800 an ounce.
Currently, the yellow
metal price is hovering
around $1,803 an ounce on
international markets and
`54,790 per 10 grams on
commodity stock exchange
MCX at a time when the ru-
pee is at near 83-level
against the US dollar.
Going forward, a raft of
factors, including geopo-
litical situation, recession
concerns, inflation trends
and low appetite for crypto
assets, are expected to
boost gold prices since the
yellow metal is always con-
sidered as a safe haven in
uncertain times.
“Gold in the internation-
al market is expected to
trade in a range of $1,670-
2,000 with a positive bias in
2023. On the MCX gold may
trade in a range of `48,500-
60,000,” Kotak Securities
Vice President and Head
Commodity Research
Ravindra V Rao said.
New Delhi (PTI): Gold prices
rose by `205 to `55,210 per
10 grams in the national capital
on Friday amid positive global
trends, according to HDFC Se-
curities. The precious metal had
touched `55,005 per 10 grams
in the previous trade. Silver,
however, declined by `30 to
`69,698 per kg. In the overseas
market, gold was trading in
green at $1,817.4 per ounce
while silver was marginally down
at $23.83 per ounce.
The BJP won a whopping
156 seats of the 182 seats
in the Assembly elections
of which the counting
of votes was done on
December 8. Modi’s
electoral visits across the
state brought a “pro-BJP
storm” in Gujarat.
Bharat Jodo Yatra, mass
movement started on
Sept 7 by Congress.
Rahul Gandhi is
walking by foot from
Kanyakumarito the union
territory of Jammu and
Kashmir, spanning 3,570
kilometres over 150 days.
In a historic moment, India
formally assumed the G20
Presidency, from Indonesia,
December 1. On the occasion,
PM Modi said that India looks
forward to a Presidency of
healing, harmony and hope.
The 43 Heads of Delegations
- the largest ever in G20 -
will be participating in the
final New Delhi Summit in
September 2023.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched
5G services at the India Mobile Congress
in New Delhi on October 1. The Prime
Minister also witnessed demonstrations
of the unique use cases of 5G at the
event. The event, along with PM Modi and
Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, was
attended by Mukesh Ambani, Sunil Bharti
Mittal, and Kumar Mangalam Birla.
1Showcasing India’s growing prowess of indigenous manufacturing,
PM Modi commissioned country’s first indigenous aircraft carrier
Indian Naval Ship (INS) Vikrant at Cochin Shipyard on September 2.
10Maharashtra political crisis in June when Eknath Shinde,
along with several other MLAs of MVA coalition moved
to Surat and led to resignation of CM Uddhav Thackeray.
2EAM S Jaishankar clearly
spelt out India’s position on
the Ukraine-Russia conflict. 3India and China clash at
Tawang, Arunchal border
created massive dispute.
4The Indian hockey teams continued their upward trend in 2022, with
the women’s side slightly outperforming their male counterparts by
clinching a Commonwealth Games medal — a bronze after 16 years.
5Samajwadi Party founder
Mulayam Singh Yadav
passed away on October 10. 6Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam
Aadmi Party (AAP) became
India’s ninth national party.
7Lumpy Skin Disease outbreak in India resulted in death over 97,000
cattle in 3 months between July and Sept. From outbreaks in Gujarat
and Rajasthan, cattle in over 15 states across India were affected.
8India batter Surya K Yadav
nominated for ICC men’s
T20I cricketer of the year. 9Protest over muslim girls
not permitted to wear hijab
for exams in K’taka schools.
Droupadi Murmu became
the first tribal woman
President of the country
on July 25. Coming from
the tribal community,
Murmu had earlier been
the Governor of Jharkhand
and a Minister in the Odisha
Over 141 people declared
dead after a century-old
cable bridge collapsed into
Machchhu river in Guj’s Morbi
on Oct 30. Reports alleged
that the bridge was opened
without a fitness certificate. 9
were arrested in connection
with collapse including 2
managers, 2 ticket booking
clerks of Oreva Group that
was managing bridge.
BJP suspended national spokesperson
Nupur Sharma on June 5 over her
controversial remarks on Prophet
Muhammad during a TV debate.
Her remarks later set globe on fire.
This year has been a remarkable and incredible year for India-US relationship.Top diplomats from the
world’s largest countries believe and are confident that the upcoming year 2023 would be a momentous
one for the ties between both India andAmerica and will determine the future of innovation and technology
Argentina beat France 4-2 on penalties to win the FIFA World
Cup Qatar 2022 at the Lusail Stadium, with captain Lionel Messi
scoring twice in his last World Cup match.
Insecure over Ukraine’s growing closeness to NATO members, Russia on
February 24 launched what it called a “special military operation” to force
the “demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.”
The UK had a most
dramatic 2022, what with
losing its beloved Queen
and having three Prime
Ministers in one year.
The drama started with
former Prime Minister
Boris Johnson resigning
on July 7 after facing a
string of scandals. Liz
Truss was named the new
Conservative leader after
a fierce leadership battle
in which Indian-origin
MP Rishi Sunak came in
Pandemics eventually end. Three years after
COVID burst onto the scene, the world appears
to have turned the corner on the first global
pandemic in a century. In September, the head
of the World Health Organization declared that
the end of the pandemic is “in sight.” However,
in December end, a new sub-variant BF.7,
which is driving the huge Covid surge in
China, came to haunt the world.
After a legal battle, billionaire
Elon Musk finally bought
Twitter for $44 billion in
October. The eccentric
business tycoon took control
of Twitter on October 28
after firing its top executives,
CEO Parag Agarwal, CFO
Ned Segal, and head of
legal policy, trust and
safety, Vijaya Gadde.
Musk initiated the
acquisition of
Twitter, Inc.
on April 14,
2022, and
it in
Since early May 2022, cases of Monkeypox, now
renamed to Mpox by the World Health Organisation
(WHO), have been reported from 110 countries. As
of December 15, WHO recorded 82,828 confirmed
cases of the virus.
The world population touched 8 billion on November
15, with India being the largest contributor to the
milestone, according to the United Nations (UN).
India added 177 million to the final score.
US President Joe Biden
administration’s National
Security Strategy released in
October pointed to Beijing’s
militarization of the South
China Sea, its support for
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,
its efforts to intimidate
The Sri Lankan economic crisis started mostly as
a fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since about
mid-2021, economic conditions started growing
difficult for everyday Sri Lankans. Fuel and cooking
gas became increasingly expensive and difficult to
get as inflation soared. The government clamped
import bans.
Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran saw in
2022 perhaps the most vociferous challenge to
their rule since coming to power in 1979. The
protests started in September, when Mahsa Amini,
a 22-year-old, was arrested for not properly
covering her hair and died in police custody.
Hundreds gathered to condemn her death and
Iran’s mistreatment of women. Protests quickly
spread across the country as Iranians of all social,
economic, and ethnic backgrounds joined together.
Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-
serving British monarch,
died on September 8 at
Balmoral Castle in Scotland on
September 8. Elizabeth II, who
became Queen on the death of
her father King George VI on
February 6 1952, reigned for
70 years, seven years more
than Queen Victoria did.
Life is a fragile thing — a
priceless treasure — guard it and
enjoy it to the best of your ability.
—Dr Jagdeesh Chandra,
CEO  Editor-in-Chief, First India
Indian Youth Congress (IYC)
supporters holding placards raise
slogans during a protest over
the allegations leveled against
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader
Satyender Jain by jailed conman
Sukesh Chandrashekhar, near
party office in New Delhi.
BJP held massive protests as it trained its
guns at the AAP government and especially
Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia after
the Enforcement Directorate and the CBI
both started to investigate allegations that
the excise policy formulated by Sisodia
benefited a ‘cartel’ of liquor barons and
vendors. So far, nothing has been found to
incriminate Sisodia.
l AAP VS LG: The AAP missed no
opportunity to hold protests against LG
VK Saxena, accusing him of working at
the behest of the BJP and foiling all noble
efforts of the Kejriwal government to
improve Delhi government services.
l CONMAN’S CLAIMS: When imprisoned
‘conman’ Sukesh Chandrashekhar claimed
that he paid Rs 50 crore to fellow inmate
in Tihar Jail, AAP minister Satyender Jain,
for ‘protection’, it led both the BJP and the
Congress to demand that Kejriwal resign.
l CONGRESS VS BJP: The Congress tried
to revive itself by organising a nationwide
campaign against the Centre. Priyanka
Gandhi led the protests on the ground.
Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra jumps over a police
barricade placed near AICC HQ during the party’s nationwide
protest over price rise and unemployment, in New Delhi.
BJP leader Parvesh
Verma during a protest
demanding Deputy
CM Manish Sisodia’s
resignation over
alleged corruption, in
New Delhi.
AAP supporters
protest outside LG
Saxena’s residence
over delay in ‘Red
Light On, Gaadi Off’
The 2022 news makers of Delhi made headlines mostly for the wrong reasons.The greater part of the year was spent in blames and counter
blames, mutual mudslinging, political slug fest and venomous press conferences, which culminated into the much-hyped MCD elections. Kejriwal’s
development blitzkrieg kept pace with his political ambitions, though his generals Sisodia and Jain were getting rigorously blindsided by probe
agencies.While one ended up in jail, the other went into combat mode. Diptiman Chakraborty picks out highlights of the political game
The election year needed
him to make more
noise about everything
to outsmart his main
rival, the BJP. On the
ground, the city of Delhi
that he governs has
started creaking and
cracking. Now with MCD
in his pocket, people’s
expectations are high. If he
fails, next elections might
be scary and his pan-India
dreams will suffer a blow.
The actor-turned-politician
was another among the
most frequent faces in
Delhi politics and media.
Mostly known for his naive
theatrics surrounding
insignificant issues, Tiwari
maintained his star power
in the political field too.
Most of the issues he
raised fizzled on their own
and didn’t even dent AAP’s
fortunes at the hustings
nor raised political heat.
Call him the Man Friday of Kejriwal, the CM’s
chief troubleshooter or the AAP’s face of the
press— he fits the bill in every role he is offered.
Ever since the raids on his house and office in
the excise policy case, Sisodia is seeing red.
Caught in money laundering allegations,
Satyendar Jain, once in the thick of government
affairs in Delhi, is now stuck in Tihar jail.
Though Sisodia and Kejriwal continue defending
him, he is fast losing traction and face value.
The non-political representative of the BJP, LG
Vinai Kumar Saxena sounded the most politically
correct in 2022. He sat like a hawk on AAP’s head
with his prying eyes latching on to each of AAP’s
slightest goof-ups.
IN 2022
l POLLUTION: Pollution is a perennial
problem of Delhi and 2022 was no better.
The AQI of the national capital region
remained upwards of 300 for greater part
of the year, sometimes spiraling to over
400, taking the city air to ‘severe’ category.
Despite several sporadic measures.
things haven’t improved much. Not just
air pollution, the pollution in the Yamuna,
garbage mountains on the city outskirts,
and general lack of cleanliness in Delhi
have also been highlights of 2022.
l DENGUE: Dengue has also been
a long-standing problem for Delhi.
In 2022, the number of patients
exceeded 4,000, even by conservative
estimates. Apart from dengue, there
was a substantial number of malaria and
chikungunya patients as well.
murder of Shraddha Walker by Aaftab
Amin Poonawalla was the most
shocking incident of 2022. Graphic
descriptions of the modus operandi
staggeringly came out in the media.
l CHOKING AIRPORT: The choking
crowds at Delhi airport drew everyone’s
attention in 2022. The situation didn’t
improve for weeks, so much so that the
civil aviation minister had to come down
to lecture the airport management.
l BEAUTIFICATION: The beautification
of Delhi was a buzzword in 2022. The
newly laid Kartavya Path with Netaji
Bose’s statue at India Gate were new
additions, but that didn’t change the
bigger picture of a crumbling city.
l MCD POLLS: The Municipal
Corporation of Delhi (MCD) polls
generated excitement for months,
with the political slug fest hogging the
limelight. The unseating of the BJP by
AAP was seen as a major shift in the
political landscape of the city.
persistent raids and probes against
several AAP leaders, including Deputy
CM Manish Sisodia, the agencies finally
found something clinching in Satyender
Jain’s case and locked him up in Tihar.
Jain’s jail luxuries next made the news. I I I I
1A road rage case against Navjot Singh Sidhu which had many
ups and downs since 1988 was finally decided. The Supreme
Court sentenced Sidhu to rigorous imprisonment of one year.
2The SC agreed to review
its verdict on PMLA in
Karti Chidambaram v. UoI. 3Abu Salem will be released
after a prison term of 25
years, the SC confirmed.
4Bails granted to three persons, who were imprisoned on
different allegations relating to different events, were in the
news – Varavara Rao, Siddique Kappan, and Teesta Setalvad.
l The Supreme Court while
permitting EWS and OBC
reservations in NEET, explained
that reservations are not an
exception to merit but rather a
holistic conception of merit.
l Antrix Corporation of ISRO
sold space spectrum to Devas
Multimedia. Later, this sale was
cancelled. Devas initiated an
international arbitration. The
government took steps to wind up
Devas which was upheld.
l Supreme Court reinstated
a district judge who had been
forced to resign after she alleged
sexual harassment by an HC
judge in MP.
l The Foreign Contributions
Regulations Act was amended in
2020, and made more stringent.
This amendment was challenged.
The SC rejected the challenge and
upheld the amendment.
l In Vivek Krishna v. Union of
India the court declined to impose
a cooling off period before
bureaucrats can contest elections
and left it to the wisdom of the
l Bail is the rule: In Satender
Kumar Antil v. CBI, the SC
said bail applications should
be decided in two weeks.
Court wanted these rules to be
crystallised by way of a “Bail Act”.
2022 I I
thefirstindia I I 11
DECEMBER 31, 2022
the thirst
for style
The cropped cardigan style is really
popular right now because it combines a
whimsical edge with the comfort of a
cardigan. As we bid adieu to 2022, let’s
dive into the chic fashion!
s we all
know, the
first few
weeks of the
season may
leave us in a
f a s h i o n
bind because it’s fre-
quently too warm to
break out your bulky
winter coat yet too
chilly to go bare-
shouldered. The an-
swer is a cropped
cardigan. Even the
most warm-weather-
ready slip dress
seems a little more
wearable in the win-
ter whether you
want them to be fit-
ted or a little sloppy
The cropped cardi-
gan is very different
from the cosy knits
of our grandma. The
little sweater, which
grazes the lowest
ribs, is a great choice
to layer over a mini-
skirt or bold jeans.
When you want to
keep things brief,
sweet, and sensual,
use this one.
This modernised
version of a granny
classic is short and
stylish, making it the
ideal cover-up for
days when it’s only a
little chilly as spring
approaches. This
standout piece has
the ability to look
great worn over a
or paired with a dis-
tressed pair of den-
im jorts for a unique
You’ll see this gar-
ment in action on
Kendall Jenner on
the Jacquemus cat-
walk and on Bella
Hadid outside the
show. Looking closer
to home, Khushi Ka-
poor rocks this look
effortlessly as she
walks across the city
wearing a cropped
jacket and corduroy
leggings. By taking
inspiration from her
outfit, you can wear
yours with sneakers,
a baguette bag, and
high-waisted denim
jeans. This piece con-
tinues to make a
statement in every
closet, whether you
choose a fuzzy one
in a vivid pink or
subdued tones to
keep it cool.
C r o p p e d
sweaters are
adaptable gar-
ments that may
be dressed up or
down with ease.
If you want to
show off your
midriff, you can
dress your at-
tire differently.
For instance,
keeping covered
and seeming
formal enough
for the office can
be achieved by
layering a blouse
under a cropped
Try pairing
your cropped
sweater with
skinny jeans
or a midi skirt
for more infor-
mal settings
where you
want your
stomach to be
on display
thefirstindia I I
e have an embar-
rassing confes-
sion: our New
Year’s resolu-
tions for 2023 are
nearly identical
to the resolu-
tions we made for 2022
(which were remarkably
similar to 2021, 2020, and
pretty much every year as
far as we can remember).
A year ago, we held such
lofty ambitions. We would
exercise more, use social
media less, rise earlier,
read more books, eat
healthier, write more, re-
duce our carbon footprint,
learn to meditate….
We started strong. But a
few weeks in, as January’s
cold morphed into the
slushy days of February,
our resolve slackened.
Twitter reappeared on our
phones and we doom-
scrolled late into the even-
ing. Our warm beds
seemed to grip us tighter
when the alarm went off
for our morning jogs. We
began to hit snooze, once,
twice, then three times.
And, well, meditation
never had a hope. We had
largely failed. Will this
stop us from doing the
same thing this New
Year’s? Absolutely not.
But we have learned to
approach our New Year’s
resolutions in an entirely
different way and we
think you should too. In-
stead of thinking of
something huge and
grand that intimidates
you, try thinking of a
smaller, more attainable
resolution, one that
might even put you on
track to complete a larg-
er goal in the future.
For example, if you
want to lower your blood
pressure in the new
year, start by subscrib-
ing to a healthy meal
cooking service, where
you can choose heart-
healthy recipes. That
way, you have an excit-
ing new dish to look for-
ward to each week with-
out the stress of creat-
ing a health-conscious
shopping list and sourc-
ing ingredients on your
own. Trust us: Once you
place that order, you’ll
already start to feel ac-
complished. Here are a
few more resolutions you
can try out this year that
can help you start small
and lead to bigger, life-
changing moments.
Instead of the usual, pressure-filled resolution of: “Get on a workout schedule and stick to it for at
least three days per week,” try a more realistic approach by finding a YouTube personality who practic-
es yoga you can follow. Not only will you get the chance to work out in your own home with minimal
equipment requirements, but you can try as many instructors as you want before settling on a favorite.
Connecting with a friend is an
attainable and often fun goal to
accomplish in 2023. Call up your
friend on the phone, schedule a
video call, or agree to meet up in
person, no matter how you con-
nect, it’s essential to start the year
off right by socializing. Staying in
touch with friends and family can
even be good for your health, too,
as loneliness is one of the leading
causes of health issues.
Booking that one appointment you’ve
had on your to-do list for months is one
important step toward living a healthier
life. You might even find that seeing
your doctor is way less intimidating and
stressful than you remember it being.
If you’ve been putting off going to the
dentist or any other routine checkup for
financial reasons, try reaching the doctor.
Sometimes taking a break from work
and travelling to the countryside
refreshes your mind, takes you away
from the work pressure and deadlines.
Travelling broadens your perspective
and you get to know that there are a
lot of things to explore away from the
hustle and bustle of the city. We get
to know there is more to explore than
being engaged in our work life.
New Year also brings low temperatures, especially in the northern part of India. Apart from the people, animals
also suffer because of this. The stray animals in India suffer because of complete disregard and also cruelty of
some people. You can help them by feeding them or providing them warm covering. The animals do not speak
but it does not mean they should be left to suffer in silence. You can also support causes that help stray animals
or those animals who are injured or rescued.
Making resolutions like “go outside
every morning for a walk” can
seem too overwhelming. But if
you’re going out to try out a new
place and grab a quick cup of
coffee, this goal suddenly becomes
much more attainable. It can be an
inexpensive endeavor, no matter
how complex your coffee order is,
and you’ll feel great supporting a
neighborhood spot that needs your
help to stay open.
While you think of shopping for
your new year party, you can
consider local vendors. There are
probably dozens of small vendors
around you who are working hard
to make ends meet. All you need to
do is go out and shop for your party
needs from them. It can be ethnic
clothes or traditional food, a touch
of local culture can make your new
year 2023 exciting. It’s never a bad
idea to support someone and help
them enjoy the little luxuries of life
with an extra income.
Children are the future of the world.
Millions of children do not have
access to good quality education
even today. You can gift someone
the most precious thing this new
year by donating to an NGO for child
education. You can sponsor a child’s
education and transform many lives
that are connected to them. At the
same time, you can take out time
and teach underprivileged children.
There are many volunteering oppor-
tunities available but you can also
do it on your own by committing to
take one hour from your week. It will
surely be a gratifying experience.
January is the perfect time
of year to snuggle up with
a new book. Take sugges-
tion from friends who also
have a habit of reading
books and make a list
of the books of different
genres which will broaden
your perspective, increase
your knowledge and make
you think about things you
have never thought about.
The ultimate goal is to create a
healthier sleep schedule, but start
small by refreshing your bedroom
to set up your dream sleep scenar-
io. This can look like investing in
your favorite scented candle to keep
on your bedside, or getting a new
water carafe that adds the perfect
ambiance to your side table.
Paddleboarding an iconic river, trekking a remote
mountain trail, or cycling a ‘great ride.’ Adventure
travel is a way to explore the world which usually
requires a daring spirit and physical exertion. It
may involve taking the road less travelled, using a
focused activity such as diving, kayaking, climbing
or hiking as a means to discover, or push beyond
your comfort zone.
ev Dass Goswa-
mi devoted his
entire life to the
homeless and
people who hail from a
poor families. Howev-
most were the corps-
es that he found
along the highways.
They belonged to
people who had
been run over by
vehicles, and
their bodies
had no tak-
“More of-
ten than not,
these bodies
were man-
gled beyond
r e c o g n i -
tion. I’d
stop my
c a r r y
the bod-
ies and
out a
burial. In
addition to that, I
started providing food
and water to people I
would meet during my
drives through the high-
,” said Goswami.
In 1984, Goswami got
married to Tara, who
lessness and commit-
ment that she too decid-
ed to devote her entire
life to the cause.
For the last 35 years,
the couple has bathed,
fed and sheltered ap-
proximately over a hun-
dred people.
Goswami is particu-
larly proud of his
wife. The duo has
been doing all this
work mostly with
their own money, and
are also helped by the
monetary contributions
of people who were
service to the homeless.
In 1992, the couple de-
cided to open a shelter
where they could house
these folks, and by 2008,
it was registered as a
non-profit organisation
named DAVO.
Currently, they run
two homes for the home-
less. One is in Dwarka,
New Delhi and houses
60 people, and the other
is in Sonipat and houses
70 people.
ndian brides
strive to em-
brace the latest
choices and
trends in bridal
designs and ex-
plore them to
the utmost level. This
year’s wedding fashion
bridal lehengas etc. Ar-
shi Singhal, a well-
known name in the fash-
ion industry for design-
ing several authentic,
stylish, and com-
fortable collections
under ‘Label Arshi
Singhal shares
some latest trends in
ethnic wear with City
Seasonal Trends -
Each season has its own
pattern. People have em-
braced more resham
work with fewer jewels
have noticed more teal
blue and royal purple
tones for Autumn and
Winter, and the work is
Fabric preference- Or-
ganza is a highly fash-
ionable and trendy fab-
ric right now. It has a
Shining Sheer that pro-
vides an excellent com-
bination of traditional
and contemporary Indi-
an aesthetics. Following
organza, imported cloth
This year’s net outfits
were the least favoured.
Key features- When it
comes to fabrics with
Indian embroidery
all hand embroidery
like Resham dabka,
nalki and chikankari,
whether it patches or all
through the same work
or sequential repeat
work, tops the list. With
the rising demand, the
craftsmen were working
more on hand embroi-
dery rather than ma-
chine embroidery
embroidery on lehengas
has been done using a
variety of doris and
gota. This is gaining
popularity as the 80s tra-
dition comes back in In-
dian ethnic. As a result,
thereisalotof dori,gota
and even mirror work in
the machine
however, col-
our tones
have signifi-
c a n t l y
costs nothing
hoobsurat Salon ties
up with Sylvie De-
signer Academy and
shall extend their
partnership in the upcom-
ing year at Dwarka. They
shall be launching profes-
sional hair and makeup
courses. The students shall
and knowledge to attain
proficiency in the field.
They shall be handed a pro-
fessional certificate of in-
ternational recognition.
The courses offered by the
grooming, hair (basic and
advanced), and makeup.
Dr Sylvie Rodgers,
the founder, of Sylvie
Designer Academy, es-
tablished the salon
more than 30 years. She
talks about the same ex-
pressing, “Working in this
field and industry makes
me really proud. We would
love to support those who
dream to pursue a career in
hair and makeup. We shall
provide extensive resource-
ful training and aid the stu-
dents with the best. Look-
ing forward to the same.”
Sylvie Designer Acade-
my excels in providing the
finest services including
personal grooming, glam
makeup, personal makeup,
and hair, and makeup basic
to name a few. Dr Sylvie
Rodgers is one of the re-
nowned hair stylists and
makeup professionals in
the country
Motherly care for your little ones
Motherly care for your little ones
eha Goenka
Shroff and
Swarna Daga
Mimani started
‘Yobler’ a platform to
ucts after realising how
many products, in per-
“I have a trunk full of
my son’s old clothes. If
you buy a pair of shoes
today for a two-month-
old, a few weeks later
they don’t fit anymore.
Rima Thapa, a 28-year-
old mother.
Many new mothers
share that besides all
sleepless nights, what
bothers them the most
time and the prod-
Yobler sells baby-
related products, such
as books, toys, bicycles,
ture, equipment etc, for
children ranging from
0 to 14 years of age.
Explaining how
their marketplace
works, Swarna says,
“We know young moth-
time, so we’ve kept the
platform simple and
easily accessible. Any-
one can register and log
on to our website, be-
come a seller and list
their products with pic-
tures and videos. One
can register both as a
“We have an end-to-
end integrated process
for sellers and buyers.
Our backend team veri-
fies and approves the
do the products get list-
ed on the website. We
also hold back payment
to the seller for a few
days, so that if there is
any issue with the prod-
uct, the buyer can raise
it and we can work on
it,” says Neha.
At the core of the
company are sustaina-
bility and reducing
landfills. Every sale
a product that would
have ultimately ended
up in landfills.
The official Twitter handle of DCP Central Delhi shared a
glimpse of a health check-up camp which was organised at
PS Rajinder Ngr, Central District in collaboration with NGO
Indraprastha Sanjeevan. About 150 Public, Police personnel
and their families got their medical checkups done. During the
camp, wheelchairs are also distributed among needy people.
After completing its successful journey following 7 locations across the nation, the grand
finale of the biggest Design exhibition in India, BRDS Design Exhibition 2022 reached its final
destination Ahmedabad at Shree Shakti Convention Centre recently. Following the delightful
exhibitions in the cities of Jaipur, Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai,
Ahmedabad saw the grandeur of creativity and innovation.
Ravishing models showcasing designer outfits
Designer Arshi Singhal with actress Amyra Dastur
Dr Sylvie Rodgers while giving
a beautiful makeover to the bride
Neha Goenka Shroff and
Swarna Daga Mimani
Dev Dass Goswami with his wife Tara Goswami

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31122022_ First India New Delhi.pdf

  • 1. NEW DELHI l SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 122 PASSING AWAY OF HIRABA MODI JUNE 18, 1923 - DECEMBER 30, 2022 A TRINITY... A TRINITY... DR. JAGDEESH CHANDRA very mother is great and special in a sense but if we try to de- scribe the qualities of Heeraben ‘Hiraba’ Modi, mother of PM NarendraModi,wewouldprob- ably have to coin new words as the dictionaries of all the lan- guagesmaynotdojusticetothe woman who gave birth to a great and visionary leader like Modi and who herself was an icon in the values of simplicity and humility . “Janani Janmabhoomischa Swargadapi Gareeyasi” (Moth- erandmotherlandaresuperior to the highest heavens), the hemistich of a Sanskrit shloka from Ramayana has, over eons, been the core value of the Bharatiya culture and ethos, as these words were said by Ram to his brother Laxman. This was truly the teaching that the centenarian Hiraba Modi ji, mother of PM Narendra Modi, also inculcated and planted in a young Narendra, which has, over the decades, now become a towering tree, under whom the nation can ‘shelter’. The entire nation is be- reaved at the death of Hiraba Modi and we pay tribute to this mother who gave birth to a son like Narendra Modi who has made the country proud. The Motherland too is indebted to her and pays homage to her. Even though her son ‘Narendra’ is at the highest position, guiding the nation as the PM of the World’s largest democracy , she led her life as an epitome of simplicity and humility , indeed a lesson for all of us and a source of highest moti- vation. It is certainly true that regardless of the high- est position that the son might be holding, the Mother will always remain supreme and higher than him and no- body knew, understood and lived this eternal truth more than Narendra Modi as he always lived under the shel- ter of the blessings of his mother at her feet. In fact, even though she has been one of the epicenters of his life, the other being the Motherland, she had only twice shared a political stage with his son – once after the success of Ekta Yatra of 1991 when he unfurled the Tiranga at Lal Chowk in Kashmir and the other when he was sworn in as the CM of Gujarat. The close bond between the mother and her son was clear- ly visible even though she con- tinued to stay at Gandhinagar, visiting PM’s official resi- dence at 7 Race Course Road, now 7 Lok Kalyan Marg, in Delhi, only once. Hiraba Modi, a woman with a core strength of traditional values support- ed her son, Narendra Modi in all his endeavours, such as de- positing her personal savings in PM-Cares Fund for Covid-19 pandemic. Hiraba Modi lived past 100, and as PM Narendra Modi said remembering ‘Maa’ af- ter her funeral, “In Maa, I have always felt the trinity , which includes the journey of an ascetic, the symbol of a selfless karma yogi and a life committed to values…” E Hiraba with Narendra Modi when he was sworn in as Gujarat CM in 2001. PM Modi with his mother Hiraba Modi in Gandhinagar when she turned 100 on June 18, 2022.
  • 2. PERSPECTIVE NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 02 I I I I M THER other – is not just any other word in the dictionary. It en- compasses a whole range of emotions – love, patience, trust, and a lot more. Across the world, irrespective of country or region, children have a spe- cial affection for their mothers. A mother not only gives birth to her children, but also shapes their mind, their personality, and their self-confidence. And while doing so, mothers self- lessly sacrifice their own per- sonal needs and aspirations. Today, I feel extremely happy and fortunate to share that my mother Smt. Heeraba is enter- ing her hundredth year. This is going to be her birth centenary year. If my father had been alive, he too would have cele- brated his 100th birthday last week. 2022 is a special year as my mother’s centenary year is starting, and my father would have completed his. Just last week, my nephew shared a few videos of Mother from Gandhinagar. A few youngsters from the society had come home, my father’s photo- graph was kept on a chair, there was a kirtan, and Mother was immersed in singing bhajans while playing the manjeera. She is still the same - age may have taken a toll physically, but she is as mentally alert as ever. Earlier, there was no custom of celebrating birthdays in our family . However, children from the younger generations plant- ed 100 trees to remember my father on his birthday . I have no doubt that every- thing good in my life, and all that is good in my character, can be attributed to my parents. Today, as I sit in Delhi, I am filled with memories from the past. My Mother is as simple as she is extraordinary. Just like all mothers! As I write about my Mother, I am sure that many of you would re- late to my description of her. While reading, you may even see your own mother’s image. A mother’s penance creates a good human being. Her affec- tion fills a child with human values and empathy. A mother is not an individual or a person- ality, motherhood is a quality . It is often said that the Gods are made according to the nature of their devotees. Similarly, we experience our mothers and their motherhood according to our own nature and mindset. My Mother was born in Vis- nagar in Mehsana in Gujarat, which is quite close to my hometown Vadnagar. She did not get her own mother’s affec- tion. At a tender age, she lost my grandmother to the Spanish Flu pandemic. She does not even remember my grandmoth- er’s face or the comfort of her lap. She spent her entire child- hood without her mother. She could not throw tantrums at her mother, as we all do. She could not rest in her mother’s lap like we all do. She could not even go to school and learn to read and write. Her childhood was one of poverty and depriva- tion. Compared to today, Mother's childhood was extremely diffi- cult. Perhaps, this is what the Almighty had destined for her. Mother also believes that this was God’s will. But losing her mother early in her childhood, the fact that she couldn’t even see her mother’s face, contin- ues to give her pain. Mother did not have much of a childhood due to these strug- gles – she was forced to grow beyond her age. She was the eld- est child in her family and be- came the eldest daughter-in-law after marriage. In her child- hood, she used to take care of the entire family and manage all the chores. After marriage too, she picked up all these re- sponsibilities. Despite the oner- ous responsibilities and every- day struggles, Mother held the entire family together with calm and fortitude. In Vadnagar, our family used to stay in a tiny house which did not even have a window, let alone a luxury like a toilet or a bathroom. We used to call this one-room tenement with mud walls and clay tiles for a roof, our home. And all of us - my parents, my siblings and I, stayed in it. My father made a machaan from bamboo sticks and wooden planks to make it easier for Mother to cook food. This structure was our kitchen. Mother used to climb on the machaan to cook, and the entire family would sit on it and eat together. Usually, scarcity leads to stress. However, my parents never let the anxiety from the daily struggles overwhelm the family atmosphere. Both my parents carefully divided their responsibilities and fulfilled them. Like clockwork, my fa- ther used to leave for work at four in the morning. His foot- steps would tell the neighbours that it is 4 AM and Damodar Kaka is leaving for work. An- other daily ritual was to pray at the local temple before opening his little tea shop. Mother was equally punctu- al. She would also wake up with my father, and finish many chores in the morning itself. From grinding grains to sifting rice and daal, Mother had no help. While working she would hum her favourite bhajans and hymns. She loved a popular bhajan by Narsi Mehta Ji - ‘Jalkamal chhadi jane bala, swami amaro jagse’. She also liked the lullaby, ‘Shivaji nu halardu’. Mother never expected us, children, to leave our studies and assist her with the house- hold chores. She never even asked us for help. However, looking at her work so hard, we considered helping her our foremost duty. I used to really enjoy swimming in the local pond. So, I used to take all the dirty clothes from home and wash them at the pond. The washing of clothes and my play , both used to get done together. Mother used to wash utensils at a few houses to help meet the household expenses. She would also take out time to spin the charkha to supplement our meagre income. She would do everything from peeling cotton to spinning yarn. Even in this back-breaking work, her prime concern was ensuring that the cotton thorns don’t prick us. Mother avoided depending on others or requesting others to do her work. Monsoons would bring their own troubles for our mud house. However, Mother ensured that we faced minimum discomfort. In the searing heat of June, she would clamber over the roof of our mud house and repair the tiles. However, despite her valiant ef- forts, our house was too old to withstand the onslaught of the rains. M If I look back at my parents’ lives, their honesty and self-respect have been their biggest qualities. Despite struggling with poverty and its accompanying challenges, my parents never left the path of honesty or compromised on their self-respect. They had only one mantra to overcome any challenge - hard work, constant hard work! —Narendra Modi In my Mother’s life story, I see the penance, sacrifice, and contribution of India’s matrushakti. Whenever I look at Mother and crores of women like her, I find there is nothing that is unachievable for Indian women On June 18 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi penned a personal blog on his mother Hiraba Modi's 100th birthday I don’t understand your work in the government, but I just want you to never take a bribe. —MY MOTHER SAID MOM NEVER EXPECTED US TO ASSIST HER WITH HOMELY CHORES Mother never expected us, chil- dren, to leave our studies and assist her with the household chores. She never even asked us for help. However, looking at her work so hard, we consid- ered helping her our foremost duty. I used to really enjoy swimming in the local pond. So, I used to take all the dirty clothes from home and wash them at the pond. The washing of clothes and my play, both used to get done together. ONLY TAKE FOOD AS MUCH AS YOU CAN EAT, MOTHER SAID Mother insisted on not wasting a single grain of food. Whenev- er there was a wedding feast in our neighbourhood, she would remind us to not waste any food. There was a clear rule in the house - only take as much as you can eat. Even today, Mother takes only as much food in the thali as she can eat and doesn’t waste even a morsel. A creature of habit, she eats on time and chews her food to digest it properly. To read more, scan the barcode or visit l Vol 2 l Issue No.122 l RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840 Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Impressions Printing and Packaging Limited, C-21, 22 Sector-59, Noida-201301. Published at G-20, 3rd Floor, 309, Preet Vihar, New Delhi-110092. Phone 011-49846474. Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
  • 3. Co-operative policy for country soon: Amit Shah in Karnataka Bengaluru (PTI): Un- ion Minister of Cooper- ation Amit Shah on Fri- daysaidthegovernment has initiated the process to come out with a co- operative policy for the country . He said this while addressing the ‘Sahakar Beneficiaries Conference’ here. “There is also a plan to set up a cooperative university in the coun- try to fulfil the manpow- er needs. The work of creating a national da- tabase of all the coop- eratives in the entire country is also going on, and a co-operative policy has also been ini- tiated,” Shah said. He said a committee has been constituted under the Chairman- ship of former Union Minister Suresh Prab- hu to work regarding the policy . “Also, we are going to expand the role of NCDC (National Coop- erative Development Corporation) along with NABARD (Nation- al Bank for Agriculture and Rural Develop- ment) so that coopera- tive societies can get fi- nance in a better way. Elections should be transparent so that a model act has also been prepared and sent to all the States,” he added. Karnataka CM Basa- varaj Bommai and Un- ion Minister Parlhad Joshi were also present at the event. NURTURING THE NATION Union Home and Cooperative Minister Amit Shah with Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai in Bengaluru on Friday. —PHOTO BY PTI PM NARENDRA MODI BIDS FINAL GOODBYE TO MOTHER HEERABEN “HIRABA” GLORIOUSCENTURYRESTS! The family of PM Narendra Modi expresses gratitude to everyone for their prayers for Hiraba Modi, who passed away at 100 on Friday, say the family sources of the Prime Minister Moni Sharma Ahmedabad: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mother Hiraba Modi,100,passedawayat UN Mehta Heart Hospi- talinAhmedabadonFri- day . A glorious century rests at the feet of God, Modi said while inform- ing about her demise. Modi who reached Gujarat this morning first paid tribute to her at her Raysan residence in Gandhinagar and then carried the bier with the mortal re- mains to the cremato- rium for the last rites. “We thank everyone for their prayers in these tough times. It is our humble request to eve- ryone to keep departed soul in their thoughts and continue with their pre-decided schedule and commitments. That would be a befitting tribute to Hiraba,” fam- ily sources said. She was admitted to the hospital on Wednes- day due to some health issues. The hospital au- thorities on Thursday had said that her condi- tion was improving. More on P6 PM Narendra Modi carries mortal remains of his mother Hiraba Modi during her funeral procession, in Gandhinagar on Friday. PM Narendra Modi during cremation of his mother Hiraba. President of India @rashtrapatibhvn Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mother Hiraba’s hundred years of struggle is a symbol of Indian ideals. Modi imbibed the spirit of ‘#Matradevob- hav’ and the values of Hiraba in his life. I pray for the peace of the holy soul. My condolences to the fam- ily! NATION STANDS WITH PM MODI, SAYS SHAH BUS DRIVER AND CONDUCTOR SAVED RISHABH PANT’S LIFE WORLD LEADERS OFFER HEARTFELT CONDOLENCES HM Amit Shah expressed grief over demise of Modi’s mother Hiraba. In a se- ries of tweets, Shah said, “The struggles Heera Ba faced to nurture the family is a role model for all. Her sacrificial ascetic life will always be remembered. The entire nation stands with Modi and his family.” Indian wicketkeeper Rishabh Pant was saved by the driver and conductor of a Haryana Roadways bus, when he met with an accident early Friday morning. Japanese PM Fumio Kishida was one of the first world leaders to offer condolences to Modi over passing away of his mother, Hiraba. Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ also expressed sadness over death of Modi’s mother. Ex-SL PM Rajapaksa, Russian Ambassador to India Denis Alipov and others condoled demise. FOOTBALL LEGEND PELE DIES AT 82 1940 TO 2022 Pele, whose real name was Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Brazil footballing legend and three-time World Cup winner, died at the age of 82 on Friday early. He was widely considered to be football’s first global superstar. Pele had been treated for colon cancer, following surgery to remove a tumour in Sept 2021. Following Argentina’s WC triumph, Pele shared a photo of their team lifting the trophy on social media, prais- ing squad leader Lionel Messi, France’s rising star Kylian Mbappe, and surprise semi-finalists Morocco. In Maa I have always felt that trinity, which contains the journey of an ascetic, the symbol of a selfless Karmayogi and a life committed to val- ues. When I met her on her 100th birthday, she said one thing, which is always remembered that is work with intelligence, live life with purity. —Narendra Modi, Prime Minister The demise of PM Modi’s revered mother Heera ba brings to an end the life of an ascetic. Each and ev- ery Swayamsevak of the RSS offers tributes to the departed soul. Mataji remained committed to values and had an unwavering faith in the Almighty despite the extreme diffi- culties she endured in her life. She led a dutiful and meaningful life. —Mohan Bhagwat, RSS Chief The news of the demise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mother, Hira Ba is extremely sad. At this difficult time, I extend my deepest condolences and love to him and his family. —Rahul Gandhi, Congress Leader Pant injured in horrific accident, cop says,‘ he is lucky to survive’ First India Bureau Narsan: Indian crick- eter Rishabh Pant was seriously injured in a accident while driving home from Delhi to Roorkee at Narsan, Haridwar. According to police, he was alone in the car when his Mer- cedes GLE car hit divid- er railings on the Delhi- Haridwar NH at 5.30 am. SP Swapn Kishor Singh said that, “Pant sus- tained injuries on his forehead, a hand and right knee. Car was completely burnt, he is lucky to survive.” Charred remains of Rishabh’s car after it rammed into a divider and caught fire on Delhi-Dehradun NH, in Roorkee on Friday. Injured Rishabh Pant receives treatment at a hospital. MEMBERSHIP OF MARION BIOTECH SUSPENDED New Delhi: India’s pharma exports body the Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexcil) today suspended the membership of Marion Biotech Pvt Ltd after the company failed to reply to the council on the report on children’s death allegedly caused by their cough syrup. 7 FEARED DROWNED AS BOAT CAPSIZES WITH 14 PEOPLE ON BOARD IN BIHAR’S MANER Patna: At least seven people are feared drowned after a country-made boat with 14 people on board capsized in the river near Maner’s Mahavir Tola in rural Patna. Patna SSP Manavjit Singh Dhillon said that seven people went missing following the boat mishap, when 14 labourers were returning to Brahmachari village under Maner police station area after collecting fodder from Saran diara area. Maner station house officer Rajeev Ranjan said rescue workers were scouring the river near Mahavir Tola ghat, where the incident took place. DONALD TRUMP’S TAX RETURNS RELEASED Washington: Democrats in Congress released six years’ worth of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns on Friday, the culmination of a yearslong effort to learn about finances of a onetime business mogul who broke decades of political norms when he refused to voluntarily release info as he sought the White House. CRUCIAL READ NEW YEAR’S EVE! As the year 2022 comes to an end, nation witnessed a motherly loss as PM Narendra Modi’s mother Hiraba Modi breathed her last on Friday. The year remained replete with tumultous events including Ukraine war, India’s G20 presidency and more. First India brings to you a ‘FLASHBACK’. P8-10 FLASHBACK 2022 IRKED BY ‘JAI SHRI RAM’ CHANTS, CM MAMATA REFUSES TO GO ON STAGE Kolkata: WB CM Mamata Banerjee showed great statesmanship as she praised PM Modi for taking the time to honour his com- mitment to inaugurate a slew of railway projects. Unruly scenes were witnessed at Howrah station before PM virtu- ally flagged off the new Vande Bharat Express. Mamata, who was present at venue along with Union minister Ashwini Vaishnav and other leaders of BJP, was greeted by chants of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ by crowd at the station. This left Mamata irked and she complained about the crowd’s behaviour to Governor CV Ananda Bose. Hrs after cremating mom, grief-struck Modi at work First India Bureau New Delhi/Kolkata: After virtually flagging off Howrah-New Jal- paiguri Vande Bharat Express, PM Modi said that a nationwide cam- paign is going on to transform the Indian Railway. According to PMO, Modi listed mod- ern trains like Vande Bharat, Tejas Hum Sa- far and VistaDome coaches and the mod- ernisation of railway stations including New Jalpaiguri, doubling and electrification of Railway lines as exam- ples of this moderniza- tion. Modi also high- lighted strides made in fields of Railway safety , cleanliness, coordina- tion, capability , punctu- ality and facilities. He said while 20,000 route km rail lines were elec- trified in 1st 70 years of Independence, 32,000 route km have been electrified since 2014. PM Narendra Modi during a ceremony to flag off Vande Bharat Express train connecting Howrah and New Jalpaiguri video conferencing on Friday. Also seen here flagging of train are West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee others. l PM Modi had also returned to work after his father’s demise too l Next 8 years will see Indian Railways on new modern journey: PM Modi l Nation’s 7th Vande Bharat Express between Howrah-NJP flagged off BSE SENSEX 60,840.74 293.14 | NSE NIFTY 18,105.30 85.70 I I I I OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, NEW DELHI MUMBAI SECURITY NEAR RAHUL GANDHI DURING YATRA UPGRADED New Delhi: Delhi Police on Friday held a meeting at the Congress office in the national capital on Friday and assured to upgrade the strength of MP Rahul Gandhi’s security during the Bharat Jodo Yatra. The meeting was attended by Anil Chaudhary others. P5 New Delhi: The government on Friday hiked the interest rates on small deposits — including post office term deposits, NSC and senior citizen savings scheme — by up to 1.1 percentage points from January 1, in line with firming interest rates in the economy. GOVT HIKES RATES ON NSC, OTHER SCHEMES FROM JAN 1 SUU KYI FACES 33-YEAR PRISON AFTER FINAL CLOSED TRIAL Bangkok: A court in military-ruled Myanmar convicted the country’s ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi of corruption Friday, sentencing her to seven years in prison in the last of a string of criminal cases against her, a legal official said. —PHOTOS BY PTI NEW DELHI l SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 122
  • 4. CAPITOL NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 04 I I I I NEW COUNCILLORS YET TO TAKE OATH, BUT HAVE ALREADY STARTED WORK: AAP New Delhi (PTI): The Aam Aadmi Party will start its 'BJP's 15 years Vs AAP's 3 weeks' cam- paign on Saturday to showcase the work done by its councillors in the last 20 days, AAP leader Durgesh Pathak said. He also said the AAP will share a report card on the work done by its councillors in the last 20 days. On December 7, the AAP won the MCD polls with 134 seats, ending the 15-year rule of the BJP in the mu- nicipal corporation and reducing the Con- gress to just nine seats in a house of 250. Though the oath-tak- ing ceremony for new councillors is yet to be held, Pathak said those from the AAP have started working in their wards. Huge changes can be seen across the city in just 20 days after the Municipal Corpora- tion of Delhi (MCD) re- sults, he claimed. It has been just three weeks and our council- lors have started work- ing in their respective wards. We will start a campaign called '15 years Vs 3 weeks' and we will update everyone about the work done by our councillors in the last 20 days, he said on Friday . He further stated that after the results of MCD were announced, drains havebeencleared,parks cleaned and the sanita- tion workers are being treated with respect by the AAP councillors. People must have no- ticed this on their social media that Delhi looks changed in just 20 days. Our councillors have been working hard for the betterment of the city, Pathak said. BJP’s 15 years vs AAP’s 3 weeks’ campaign today n AAPwillshare a report card on the work done by its councillors in the last 20 days, says party leader AAP workers celebrate at party headquarters after victory in MCD polls, in New Delhi. —PHOTO BY ANI AAP ACCUSES BJP OF RENEGING ON ITS PROMISE TO SLUM DWELLERS New Delhi (PTI): The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Friday accused the BJP of reneging on its MCD poll promise of in-situ re- habilitation of slum dwell- ers in the national capital. At a press conference, AAP MLA Atishi said just before the MCD polls on December 4, the prime minister had inaugurated 3,024 flats at Kalkaji and handed over the keys to eligible beneficiaries at Bhoomiheen camp. She said the BJP had told around 40,000 inhab- itants of Navjeevan camp and Jawahar camp, located opposite the Bhoomiheen camp, that they too will be given flats at their location. It's not been a month and the DDA has pasted notices at the Navjeevan and Jawahar camps, informing the people living there that they will be shifted to Narela and that the JJ clusters will be razed, Atishi said citing the notice. She said the Arvind Kejriwal government will not let the BJP bulldoze the JJ clusters till the time these people get their houses. New Delhi (PTI): Aam Aadmi Party leaders on Friday staged a protest at Laxmi Nagar here against local BJP MLA Abhay Verma for alleg- edly assaulting a sani- tation worker. This comes a day af- ter the AAP-ruled Mu- nicipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) registered a complaint with Delhi Police against uniden- tified goons having close association with Verma for allegedly as- saulting the sanitation worker in east Delhi. The civic body cited a purported video circu- lating on social media where a few men are seen thrashing and as- saulting the MCD em- ployee. Carrying post- ers, several party lead- ers and workers gath- ered outside Verma's residence and raised slogans against him and the BJP . The protest was led by AAP MLA Kuldeep Kumar, who al- leged that Verma thrashed a sanitation worker as he belongs to the Dalit community . AAP members stage a protest outside the residence of BJP MLA Abhay Verma on Friday. Sanitation worker ‘assault’:AAP protest outside BJP MLA’s house The BJP is a party of goons. In this party, the more hooliganism a leader indulges in, the higher the post he gets. The BJP is against Dalits and hence it hasn’t taken any ac- tion against Abhay Verma. —Kuldeep Kumar, AAP MLA LGissuesnotificationtofightoff cyberattacksagainstpowerinfra New Delhi (PTI): In viewof apotentialcyber attack threat to the pow- ersysteminthenational capital, LG VK Saxena has approved a notifica- tion to declare critical information infrastruc- ture (CII) of power utili- ties and associated com- puter resources as 'pro- tected systems.' The person author- ised in writing by the power utilities to access these 'protected sys- tems' will also be noti- fied through the notifi- cation. This will ensure that critical power infra- structure in the city will be protected from any kind of attack or breach, said a state- ment from the LG office. In 2020 2021, cyber se- curity monitoring agen- cies of the Centre had observed some cyber attack attempts aimed at disrupting the power system operations. The Ministry of Pow- er had on March 8, 2021, written to the chief sec- retaries of all states and UTs for precautionary steps. Cyber attackers are increasingly targeting the power sector, hence taking preventive meas- ures and mitigating threats to protect the Indian Power System needs the special atten- tion of all power sector holders, the Ministry had then pointed out. The notification ap- proved by the LG would help put into place cer- tain checks, including information security practices and proce- dures, and access con- trol. They will ensure that the computer resources of the power utilities Delhi Transco Ltd (DTL), State Load Dis- patch Centre (SLDC), and discoms TPDDL, BRPL, and BYPL will be secured against any in- capacitation or destruc- tion, the statement said. The computer re- sources of these utili- ties fall in the category of the 'Critical Informa- tion Infrastructure'. Philem Dipak Singh New Delhi: “It’s an honour for me to cele- brate the world’s great- est sport with the chil- dren of India,” these words from Pele seven years ago will ring for- ever in the ears of foot- ball fans in Delhi. It was the first time in October 2015, Pele, considered by many as the greatest footballer of all time, set foot on Delhi and he simply won the hearts of foot- ball fans of the capital city, not by his dazzling skills on the field but as a true ambassador of the ‘beautiful game’. His two-day visit of Delhi was the last time he interacted with In- dian football fans and public at large. He was the chief guest at the boys U-17 final of Sub- roto Cup inter-school football tournament at the Ambedkar stadium on October 17, 2015. Just a few days ahead of his 75th birthday , Pele sent the 20000-capacity Ambedkar stadium into frenzy as he made a round trip of the ground on an open top Indian Air Force jeep ahead of the Subroto Cup final on October16.Hegaveaway the trophies to the two teams with Chief of Air Staff Arup Raha in tow. His reception at the Delhi airport on Octo- ber 15 was not a grand affair as a little over 100 people turned up just after 8pm. Pele, who was restricted in move- ment due to three sur- geries he had that year, including on his hip, stood up from the car and waved to the crowd with a wide smile. —PTI When King Pele enjoyed ‘beautiful game’ with school kids in Delhi MEMORIES OF A LEGEND lll Pele was the chief guest at the boys’ U-17 final of Subroto Cup inter-school football tournament at the Ambedkar stadium on Oct 17, 2015 Art students make a portrait of Brazilian footballer Pele to pay him tribute, in Mumbai on Friday. —PHOTO BY PTI FANS AT LARGE LG Vinai Kumar Saxena flags off a bio-mining waste truck at Bhalswa landfill site in New Delhi on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI New Delhi (PTI): LG VK Saxena and Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Friday condoled the passing away of Prime Minis- ter Narendra Modi’s mother. Saxena, in a tweet, prayed to God to provide strength to the prime minister to bear the loss. “Deeply saddened by demise of Prime Minister Naren- dra Modi’s mother Hiraba. Wish Moksha to mother along with crores of countrymen in this hour of sorrow. I pray to God to give strength to the prime minister to bear the loss of his mother,” the LG said. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said the news of her death was very saddening. LG, DEPUTY CM CONDOLE DEMISE OF PM MODI’S MOTHER JAIL UP TO 10 YEARS The notification to be issued now will authorise persons specifically identified by these utilities and be approved by the power department of the Delhi government. Any person who secures access or at- tempts to secure access to these protected computer systems, in contravention of the provisions of the laid down procedures, will be punished with imprisonment for up to 10 years and also be liable for a fine, it said. New Delhi (PTI): A court has acquitted a man, who was allegedly roaming around during the lockdown in May 2021, from the criminal charge of disobeying the order of a public servant, saying the charge was not proved beyond a reasonable doubt. The court ob- served that the analysis of material and crucial aspects showed many a shortcoming in the prosecution's case. The court was hear- ing a case against Ra- jeev, who was accused of intentionally diso- beying the curfew order of the Assistant Com- missioner of Police, Shalimar Bagh. According to the pros- ecution,theaccusedwas found roaming around near Azadpur Mandi on May 15, 2021, during the spreadof COVID-19pan- demic, without any per- mit for movement or a satisfactory reason. Court acquits man 'roaming around' in lockdown A deserted Connaught Place during the lockdown. —PHOTO BY ANI New Delhi (PTI): Over 14 years after an FIR was registered, a court has acquitted 2 women of the charge of solicit- ing for prostitution, say- ing the prosecution's case had material omissions and miss- ing links in the chain of circumstances. As per prosecution, a raid was conducted at a locality in New Usman- pur area in Shahdara on the basis of a tip-off about a prostitution racket on Oct 16, 2008. I find that there are material omissions in the prosecution version and missing links in the chain of circumstances sought to be proved by the prosecution. There- fore, I hold that the state has failed to prove be- yond reasonable doubt that the accused Afsana or Seema indulged in seduction or solicitation for purpose of prostitu- tion, Metropolitan Magistrate Rupinder Singh Dhiman said. 14 years after FIR, court acquits 2 women of soliciting for prostitution The court was hearing a case against accused Afsana and Seema, who were charged with section 8 (seducing or soliciting for purpose of prostitution) of the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act New Delhi (PTI): The Delhi High Court has sought response of the Delhi University on a plea alleging arbitrari- ness in the “seat pat- tern allocation” adopt- ed for admission to its law course this year. The petitioner claimed that the candi- dates belonging to the reserved categories, who secured more marks than the candi- dates figuring in the merit list of the general category, have not been moved to the general category, which is against the “basic idea of reservation” and hinders more reserved category students from taking admission. The petitioner, who had appeared in the LLB entrance examina- tion, contended that he was “otherwise eligi- ble” for securing admis- sion under reserved OBC category (OBC) but was unable to do so on account of such seat allocation. Justice Vikas Ma- hajan recently issued notice to DU on the plea and granted it time to file its response. HC seeks DU reply on plea against LLB seats allocation —PHOTO BY ANI ‘FAILED TO PROVE’
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  • 6. CAPITOL NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 05 I I I I Gaurav Saini New Delhi: Delhi breathed comparatively less polluted air in 2022 thanks to proactive im- plementation of anti- pollution plans and fa- vourable meteorology but the city govern- ment's shambolic ef- forts failed to improve the water quality of the Yamuna. Bold efforts of con- servationists and the forest and wildlife de- partment saw several wildlife species recover, including the striped hyena and leopards, in the urban jungles. A dip in incidents of stubble burning, few de- layed spells of rains, an early Diwali and favour- able meteorology pre- vented the capital from turning into a gas chamber following the festival. Delhi saw its second- best air quality (aver- age AQI 210) in October since 2015, when the Central Pollution Con- trol Board (CPCB) start- ed maintaining AQI data. The average AQI in November stood at 320, the second best af- ter 2019 when it was 312. The PM2.5 level this October-November has been 38 per cent lower compared to October- November of 2016 which was the worst in the last eight years. The Yamuna, one of the main sources of raw water in Delhi, strug- gled to survive the as- sault of sewage and in- dustrial effluents. A government report showed that the pollut- ant load in the Yamuna has increased substan- tially over the last five years. The Delhi gov- ernment had promised to clean the river to bathing standards by 2025. Dramatic scenes played out on the banks of the Yamuna in Octo- ber when BJP MP Parvesh Verma threat- ened a DJB official over the use of a chemical to dissipate foam in the river, a result of heavy pollution, ahead of Chhath Puja. Challenged in the presence of TV camer- as, the DJB official bathed in the water taken from a stretch of the Yamuna where the utility sprayed the chemical. The Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary saw an increase in animal population. Forest and wildlife department also thwarted attempts to dump civic waste in the Bhatti mines, which are part of the Asola Sanctuary . —PTI Relatively better air in 2022, but Yamuna gasping for life New Delhi (PTI): Ahead of New Year cel- ebrations, the Delhi Excise Department has intensified raids to seize illicit liquor, with the latest being the re- covery of 1,037 bottles of high-end brands from the Tagore Gar- den area here. The seizure was made from a godown on Thursday, officials said. The liquor was sold through What- sapp and delivered to people after verifica- tion to keep the entire operation under cover. The seized liquor was of brands such as Glenfiddich, Glenlivit, Black Dog, Chivas Re- gal, Teachers, Jack Daniels, Bacardi, Ab- solut, Grey Goose, Ja- cob Greek, Gold Re- serve and Johnnie Walker Black Label. The department's excise intelligence bu- reau had received in- formation that a large number of liquor bot- tles of prominent brands had been hid- den at a godown at the Tagore Garden Exten- sion area. Based on the infor- mation, a team of the bureau led by Assis- tant Commissioner of Police Rajesh Meena raided the godown in the Rajouri Garden po- lice station area. Excise dept seizes illicit liquor in drive ahead of New Year The average AQI in month of November stood at 320, second best after 2019 when it was 312 View of foam-covered water, as a result of pollution, as seen from the banks of river Yamuna near Kalindi Kunj in New Delhi in February. Vehicles commute in dense smog due to rising air pollution, in New Delhi in November. —PHOTOS BY ANI Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena plants a sapling during the conclusion of Van Mahotsav 2022, at Asola- Bhatti Mines sanctuary. MORE WILDLIFE GRAP stage III: Non-essential construction work banned New Delhi (PTI): In view of a spike in air pollution, the Centre's air quality panel on Fri- day directed implemen- tation of curbs under stage III of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) in Delhi-NCR, including a ban on non- essential construction and demolition work. Delhi's 24-hour aver- age air quality index stood at 399 on Friday, just two notches below the severe category . The Sub-Committee on GRAP, at a review meeting, noted that the AQI is likely to slip into the severe category due to calm winds and sta- ble atmospheric condi- tions. Curbs under Stage III include a ban on non-essential con- struction and demoli- tion, closure of stone crushers and mining activities in Delhi-Na- tional Capital Region. An MCD worker sprays water on a road to curb pollution, in New Delhi. —PHOTO BY ANI New Delhi (PTI): The Delhi govern- ment will study the environmental im- pact of units engaged in dyeing or washing of garments and met- al surface treatment activities such as electroplating and phosphating. According to offi- cials, effluents from such units operating in non-conforming and residential areas flow directly into the Yamuna, increasing its pollution load. Their effluents have high concentra- tions of ammonia and phosphates, one of the primary rea- sons behind the thick foam on the river. The Delhi Pollu- tion Control Commit- tee (DPCC) has called for proposals from academic institu- tions by February 28. Delhi govt to study impact of jeans dyeing units on environment Effluents discharged from such units have carcinogenic chemicals, dyes, and heavy metals New Delhi (ANI): The Delhi Police on Friday held a meeting at the Congress office in the national capital on Fri- day and assured to up- grade the strength of MP Rahul Gandhi's se- curity during the Bharat Jodo Yatra. The one-and-a-half- hour meeting with the Delhi Police officials was attended by Con- gress Delhi State Presi- dent Anil Chaudhary and other representa- tives of Rahul Gandhi. According to the Con- gress, now a special squad of Delhi Police will run around Rahul Gandhi during the Bharat Jodo Yatra as a strong cordon will be made around him in which no unauthorized person would be able to enter. The police's action came after Congress wrote a letter to Home Minister Amit Shah about the 'poor security arrangements' during the Bharat Jodo Yatra. It also lodged a com- plaint against the per- sonnel of the Haryana Police in Sohna. After the complaint, Delhi Police said that now a strong rope secu- rity cordon will be made around Rahul Gandhi and his security will be tightened. Police upgrade Rahul’s security Rahul Gandhi leads the Congress’s Bharat Jodo Yatra in Delhi. New Delhi (PTI): A 25-year-old labourer was killed and an- other injured when a portion of a concrete road allegedly caved in while they were fixing a water pipe- line in Vijay Vihar area here, police said on Friday . The deceased has been identified as Harender and the in- jured as Sonu (22), residents of Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh. Police said the in- cident took place on Wednesday evening. The two labourers were buried under the debris. Labourer killed, another injured in road collapse NO EXIT FROM RAJIV CHOWK METRO STATION AFTER 9PM TODAY New Delhi (PTI): Pas- sengers won't be allowed to exit from Rajiv Chowk metro station from 9 pm onwards on the New Year's Eve to manage crowds, officials said. The Rajiv Chowk metro station is is nestled in the Connaught Place area. As advised by the Delhi Police, to ease over- crowding on New Year's Eve (December 31), exit from Rajiv Chowk Metro station will not be allowed from 9 pm onwards. However, entry of passengers will be allowed till the departure of the last train from the Rajiv Chowk Metro sta- tion, the DMRC said. New Delhi (PTI): Del- hi's minimum tempera- ture rose to double dig- its for the first time in 15 days on Friday, but the respite is predicted to end soon. The Safdarjung ob- servatory recorded a minimum temperature of 10.7 degrees Celsius, four notches above the normal. Cold wave and cold day conditions are pre- dicted to wallop parts of Delhi on New Year's eve and the winter chill would intensify further in early January, mete- orologists said. Minimum temp in double digits, but not for long —REPRESENTATIONAL IMAGE
  • 7. Leaders condole death of Hiraba Modi First India Bureau New Delhi: Leaders cutting across the po- litical spectrum on Fri- day condoled the death of PM Narendra Modi’s mother Hiraben, recall- ing her simple and com- passionate life that was an inspiration for all. Hiraben, Hiraba to many ,passedawayatan Ahmedabad hospital on Friday at the age of 100. Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge and party leader Rahul Gandhi, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Sta- lin and West Bengal Chief Minister Mama- ta Banerjee were among the host of lead- ers from the ruling party and others who mourned the death. BJP National Presi- dent JP Nadda said her life will always serve as an inspiration. Her af- fection and commit- ment to truth gave the country a glorious lead- ership, he said. Veteran BJP leader LK Advani recalled that the prime minister often spoke about the special bond that he shared with his mother, about her simplicity and her caring perso- na, and said, these will always be remembered and missed by all. Defence Minister Ra- jnath Singh said a mother’s demise cre- ates a void that is im- possible to fill. “I am deeply pained by the passing away of Hira Ba, mother of Prime Minister Shri @ narendramodi. The death of a mother leaves such a void in one’s life that is impos- sible to fill. I express my condolences to the Prime Minister and his entire family in this hour of grief,” Singh said in a tweet. Paying tributes, Un- ion Minister for Road Transport and High- ways Nitin Gadkari said it was the values which Hiraben impart- ed to her family through a difficult life full of struggles that has given the country a leader like Modi. Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur said, “Losing a mother is one of the deepest sorrows. But her goodness, care, wisdom, and love will always be with you.” Congress chief Kharge and former party chief Rahul Gan- dhi said they were deeply saddened to hear about the demise of the PM’s mother. “... In this difficult time, I express my deepest condolences and affection to him and his family mem- bers,” Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi. “Deeply saddened to hear about the demise of Smt. Heeraben Modi. My heartfelt con- dolences to Sri @naren- dramodi ji on the loss of his beloved mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with the en- tire family in this hour of grief,” Kharge said on Twitter. Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi and former Fi- nance Minister P Chid- ambaram said the pass- ing away of a mother is an irreparable loss. Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin also sent in his condolences. “Dear Prime Minister @Nar- endraModi, We all know the emotional bond you had with your beloved mother Hira- ba. The grief of losing one’s mother is too hard to bear for any- one. I am deeply sad- dened and no words can describe how sorry I am for your loss.” Other chief minis- ters, including Pun- jab’s Bhagwant Mann, Gujarat’s Bhupendra Patel, Maharashtra’s Eknath Shinde, Karna- taka’s Basavaraj Bom- mai, Assam’s Himanta Biswa Sarma, Goa’s Pramod Sawant and Ut- tar Pradesh’s Yogi Adi- tyanath, also sent their condolences at the ir- reparable loss. CUTTING ACROSS PARTY LINES, LEADERS RECALL HER SIMPLICITY, HIGH VALUES PM Narendra Modi touches feet of his mother before her cremation; (R) People pay tributes to Hiraba in Gurugram on Friday. “YOUR MOTHER MEANS OUR MOTHER”: MAMATA BANERJEE TO PM MODI Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday expressed her condolence to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that “your mother means our mother”. Speaking at the inauguration of various Railway projects in West Bengal, which PM Modi was attending virtually, Banerjee said, “Respected PM, today is a sad day for you personally and it’s a great loss of your personal life. I pray to God, may God give you strength and bless you so that you can love your mother with your action and activities. I convey my gratitude to you because you were supposed to come to West Bengal but because of the sad demise of your mother you couldn’t come but have joined us virtually.” The Chief Minister also requested PM Modi to cut short the programme and to take rest as he had just come from the cremation of his mother. BIHAR CM NITISH KUMAR CONDOLES DEATH OF PM MODI’S MOTHER Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday expressed his condolences over the demise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mother and said that it is an ‘unfortunate thing’. “It’s an unfortunate thing. We sent a condolence message when we came to know about it,” said Nitish Kumar on the demise of Heeraben Modi. PM Modi virtually chairs National Ganga Council meeting in Kolkata Gandhinagar (ANI): PM Narendra Modi on Friday chaired the sec- ond meeting of Nation- al Ganga Council (NGC) meeting in Kolkata via video conferencing. The meeting was at- tended by Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajen- dra Singh Shekhawat, and other Union Minis- ters who are members of the council besides the Chief Ministers of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh,Jharkhandand West Bengal. Instead of BiharCMNitishKumar, DeputyCMTejashwiYa- dav attended it. The PM attended the meeting virtually after he performed the last rites of his mother Hi- raben who passed away early this morning. PM Modi also inaugurated multiple projects of the Indian Railways. The National Ganga Council has been given the overall responsibili- ty for the superintend- ence of pollution pre- vention and rejuvena- tion of River Ganga and its tributaries. Namami Gange Programme is an IntegratedConservation Mission, approved as a ‘Flagship Programme’ by Central Govt in June 2014 with a budget of Rs 20,000 crore to accom- plish the twin objectives of effective abatement of pollution, conserva- tion and rejuvenation of the river Ganga. PM Modi chairs the NGC meeting, via video conferencing, on Friday. Union Minister Gajendra Shekhawat, Union Ministers who are members of NGC, CMs of Uttarakhand, UP, Jharkhand and WB also seen. WB CM should prioritise people's welfare over her ego:Amit Malviya New Delhi: BJP leader Amit Malviya on Fri- daysaidWestBengalCM MamataBanerjeeshould start prior- itising peo- ple’s wel- fare over her “frag- ile ego”. “On the day, PM Modi, despite a personaltragedy ,flagged off the Vande Bharat and launched projects worth 7,800 crore in WB, Mamata Banerjee chose not to share the stage with 4 central ministers and LoP. It is time WB CM starts prioritising people’swelfareoverher fragile ego...” Malviya tweeted as Banerjee re- fused to go to the stage and sat beside the other govt officials during an event where PM Modi virtually flagged off the nation’s seventh Vande Bharat Express. BENGAL WELCOMES FIRST VANDE BHARAT EXPRESS WITH A ‘BIG SMILE’ Kolkata: People in West Bengal welcomed their first Vande Bharat express on Friday as PM Narendra Modi flagged off the semi-high-speed train that will run between Howrah and New Jalpaiguri. The nation’s seventh Vande Bharat express train between Howrah-New Jalpaiguri (NJP) has been flagged off through video conferencing by the Prime Minister minutes after the last rite of his mother Hiraben Modi. Modi took part in the flag-off from Gujarat as the train left Howrah station in Bengal. The train will cover a distance of around 550km and will take a little more than seven and a half hours to reach its destination, with only three stoppages from Howrah to NJP. HOWRAH-NJP VANDE BHARAT: ALL TICKETS SOLD OFF IN HOURS Kolkata: With sparkling red reclining seats offering an 180-degree rota- tion, the Executive Class tickets of the Howrah-New Jalpaiguri Vande Bharat Express, which was virtu- ally flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday, were sold out within hours after the bookings opened. Ghulam Nabi Azad-Congress reconciliation on cards! New Delhi (ANI): For- mer Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad is likely to return to the party as the talks have been initi- ated be- tween the two, sources said on Friday . Azad quit the Con- gress on August 26 and announced his new po- liticaloutfit‘Democratic Azad Party’ in October. According to the sourc- es, during the Gujarat and Himachal assembly elections, Azad claimed that only Congress can compete with the BJP . Meanwhile, Azad had saidthatheisnotagainst the policy of Congress but had issues with its weak system. After Azad’s state- ment, Bharat Jodo Yatra’s convenor, Digvi- jaya Singh openly in- vited Azad to be a part of the yatra, following which former G23 lead- ers contacted Azad and advocated his return to Congress besides him joining the Yatra. ‘Govt to start innovative schemes for redressal of public grievances’ Shimla (ANI): Him- chal Pradesh CM Sukh- vinder Singh Sukhu on Friday directed the officials of the Informa- tion Technology (IT) to strengthen the func- tioning of the helpline to facilitate the people in the redressal of grievances, a press re- lease from chief minis- ters office said. He also stressed start- ing innovative schemes such as Whatsapp Chat- bots and Voice Bots for taking automated feed- back from the citizens, read the press release. Later, the CM also vis- ited the CM’s Helpline office and envisaged keen interest in its functioning. CM Sukhu visited the multi-storeyed parking near Tutikandi where he directed the officers to ensure the time- bound shifting of major offices which were pres- ently functioning from private buildings. “Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that all the dead walls must be re- movedandreplacedwith spacious windows to en- sure proper ventilation of thecomplex,”itadded. “Hesaidthatcharging stations for HRTC buses willbeestablishedonthe top floor of the parking lot. He also directed the concernedauthoritiesto ensure that no private buses were allowed to be parkedintheabove-men- tioned parking lot,” reads the press release. Cong and JD(S) are both corrupt, says Shah Mandya (PTI): Hitting the ground running in poll-bound Karnataka, Union Home Minister Amit Shah called both the Congress and JD(S) as ‘parivaarvadi’ (dy- nastic politics) and cor- rupt and urged the peo- ple of Mandya and Old Mysuru region to sup- port the BJP and bring it to power with a ma- jority in the state. The BJP is consid- ered to be weak in the Vokkaliga-dominated Old Mysuru region, and is focusing on this belt to gain complete major- ity in 2023 state Assem- bly elections. “Enough of JD(S)- Congress, Congress- JD(S) this time Man- dya, the Mysuru region should make BJP win with full majority . Con- gress and JD(S) are both parivaarvadi (dy- nastic politics) parties, they are corrupt par- ties,” Shah said while addressing the gather- ing on this occasion. SHAH’S SOUTHERN SOJOURN Union HM Amit Shah during a public meeting, in the Mandya, Karnataka on Friday. Union Minister Pralhad Joshi, Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai and other dignitaries are also seen. —PHOTO BY ANI UNION MINISTER SHAH INAUGURATES MEGA DAIRY IN KARNATAKA Mandya: Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah inaugurated Mega Dairy here on Friday. He said the mega dairy inaugurated on Friday at a cost of Rs 260 crore would process 10 lakh liters of milk per day. He said that when 10 lakh liters of milk is processed, prosperity reaches the homes of lakhs of farmers. Shah said that in Karnataka, the cooperative dairy is working very well. There are 15,210 village level cooperative dairies in Karnataka, in which about 26.22 lakh farmers deliver their milk daily and through 16 district level dairies. INDIA NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 06 I I I I New Delhi (ANI): Un- ion Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Friday said that all the manufacturing activi- ties of the Noida-based pharma company have been stopped in view of the reports of contami- nation in cough syrup Dok1 Max. “Following inspection by @CDSCO_INDIA_ INF [Central Drugs Standard Control Or- ganisation]teaminview of reportsof contamina- tion in cough syrup Dok1 Max, all manufac- turing activities of Mar- ion Biotech at NOIDA unit have been stopped yesterday night, while further investigation is ongoing,” Mansukh Mandaviya said in a tweet. Noida-based Mar- ion Biotech has come under a cloud as reports of children dying after consuming cough syrup made here came in from Uzbekistan. Manufacturing at Noida-based pharma firm halted: Minister We await the reports, facto- ry was in- spected. We have halt- ed the production of all medicines. It needs to be found why cases came from a single hospital there. —Hasan Harris, Marion Biotech Pharma Company legal head Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya
  • 8. NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 07 I I I I Commodity Price Change % Chg GOLD 55,210.00 205.00 0.37 (Per 10g) SILVER 69,698.00 30.00 0.04 (Per 1kg) COMMODITIES Currency Price Change % Chg USDINR 82.73 0.14 0.16 GBPINR 99.52 0.31 0.31 CURRENCIES business BRIEFS New Delhi: Power com- pany Skipper Limited on Friday said it has secured new orders worth `2,570 crore from BSNL. The contract is for the supply and erection of ground- based telecom towers, in- frastructure as a service provider for supply, in- stallation of infrastructure items and subsequent OM. The projects are to be executed under capex and opex model in Ra- jasthan and Odisha for 5 years, extendable to 5 more years in the uncov- ered villages. —PTI SKIPPER LIMITED GETS `2,570 CRORE ORDERS FROM BSNL New Delhi: Inox Wind on Friday said that CRISIL has upgraded its ratings on the long-term and short-term bank facilities and has revised its out- look from stable to posi- tive. CRISIL has upgraded its ratings from Crisil BBB to Crisil BBB+ (long-term rating), Crisil A3+ to Crisil A2 and outlook has been revised from stable to positive in relation to rat- ings of its banking facili- ties, Inox Wind Ltd said in a statement. The rationale for upgrading Inox Wind’s outlook reflects CRISIL’s expectation of an im- provement in business risk profile to be driven by higher revenue. —PTI CRISIL REVISES INOX WIND’S OUTLOOK TO POSITIVE New Delhi: Multilateral funding agency Asian De- velopment Bank (ADB) has sanctioned $100 mil- lion (about `830 crore) to Shriram Finance Limited (SFL) to provide vehicle loans to women entrepre- neurs. The $100 million External Commercial Bor- rowing is a five-year loan and is under SFL’s Social Finance framework to provide credit towards the purchase of new and used vehicles throughout India, Shriram Finance said in a statement. —PTI ADB GRANTS $100 MILLION TO SHRIRAM FINANCE New Delhi: The Adani Group on Friday said it has acquired 27.26% eq- uity stake in NDTV from Prannoy Roy and his wife Radhika Roy -- founders of the news broadcaster. “RRPR has acquired a 27.26% equity stake in NDTV from Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy by way of inter-se transfer...,” said a regulatory filing from Adani Enterprises. On Dec 23, Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy had an- nounced to sell 27.26% out of their remaining 32.26% shareholding in the NDTV to Adani. —PTI ADANI ACQUIRES NDTV FOUNDERS ROYS’ 27.26% EQUITY *Rates till the edition went to print. GOVT HIKES INTEREST RATES ON NSC, POST OFFICE DEPOSITS New Delhi: The government on Friday hiked the interest rates on small deposits — including post office term deposits, NSC and senior citizen savings scheme -- by up to 1.1 percentage points from January 1, in line with firming interest rates in the economy. However, the interest rates on PPF and the girl child savings scheme Sukanya Sam- riddhi has not been changed. NSC will yield a 7% interest rate compared to 6.8% at present. Similarly, the senior citizen savings scheme will give 8% interest against 7.6%. —PTI COMMERCE MINISTRY SEEKS CUT IN GOLD IMPORT DUTY New Delhi: The commerce ministry has sought a reduction in the import duty on gold in the forthcoming budget with a view to push exports and manufactur- ing of the gems and jewellery sector, sources said. In July this year, the centre hiked gold import duty to 15% from 10.75% to check the current account deficit (CAD) and rising import of the yellow metal. The basic customs duty on gold is 12.5%. Along with the agricul- ture infrastructure development cess of 2.5%, the effective gold customs duty will be 15%. —PTI OTHER STORIES COAL SECTOR CONSTRUCTS 8 ECO PARKS TO PROMOTE MINE TOURISM, 2 MORE BY MARCH 2023 New Delhi: In a bid to give a fillip to mine tourism, eight eco-parks have been constructed recently in different parts of the country and two more will be completed in the ongoing financial year, the govern- ment said on Friday. The said eco-parks are being developed on reclaimed land. In line with the sustainable development and greening initiatives coal/lignite PSUs have planted around 47 lakh saplings on 2300 Ha land from January to November this year. —PTI Telecom to attract `1.5 lakh crore investments in 2023 New Delhi (PTI): From connecting people with 5G services to lowering the cost of operations, the country’s revitalised tele- com sector is witnessing the bloom of reforms, and is set to attract more than `1.5 lakh crore investments to build up networks in the new year. Once the poster boy of India’s growth story, then a debt-laden segment that saw many players wither- ing away and now riding the wave of reforms as well as big-ticket investments, the telecom sector turned a new chapter in 2022. While the Adani group is yet to unveil its full-fledged plan for the telecom busi- ness, Reliance Industries ChairmanMukeshAmbani has committed `2 lakh crore investment for rolling out a 5G network across the country by December 2023. “It has been an exciting year because of the launch of 5G, a much-awaited technology for 4-5 years. This is a big step forward. We look forward to a ro- bust rollout of 5G next year because this year is just the beginning. “We are all working on use cases. We are telling state governments, minis- tries, startups and innova- tors to come out with inno- vative use cases in the In- dian context, which will unlock businesses and will also solve some public problems, some challeng- es,” Telecom Secretary K Rajaraman said. He also said the govern- ment will continue to take measures that will lower the cost of operations for telecom operators, a move that will result in higher margins for the sector, which had been reeling un- der a debt burden for more than a decade. Reliance Jio has commit- ted `87,946.93 crore for the spectrum that it has to pay over a period of 20 years, leaving a balance of `1.12 lakh crore. April-November fiscal gap widens to 59 per cent New Delhi (PTI): The gov- ernment’s fiscal deficit in end-November touched 59% of the full year Budget Estimate on increased cap- ital expenditure and slow growth in non-tax revenue, according to Finance Ministry data released on Friday. In actual terms, the fiscal deficit, which is the differ- ence between expenditure and revenue, was `9.78 lakh crore during the April-No- vember period of 2022-23. In the corresponding pe- riod last year, the deficit was 46.2% of the Budget Estimates of 2021-22. The government has budgeted fiscal deficit to be `16.61 lakh crore or 6.4% of the Gross Domestic Prod- uct in the current year ending March 2023. The deficit is funded by market borrowings. New Delhi (PTI): Production of eight infrastructure sectors increased by 5.4% in November against a 3.2% growth in the same month last year on a better show by coal, fertiliser, steel, cement and electricity segments, according to the official data released on Friday. Crude oil, natural gas and refinery products, however, recorded negative growth in November this year. The production growth of eight key sec- tors slowed down to 0.9% in October. The growth rate of eight infrastructure sectors -- coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertilisers, steel, cement and electricity -- stood at 8% in April-November this fiscal as against 13.9% during the same period last fiscal. CORE SECTOR OUTPUT UP 5.4% IN NOV Sensex ends 293 points lower on last trading day of 2022 Mumbai (PTI): Bench- mark BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty pared all intra-day gains to end the last trad- ing day of the year on a bearish note due to fag-end selling amid early losses in the European markets. The 30-share BSE Sensex fell 293.14 points or 0.48% to settle at 60,840.74 on Friday . During the day, it had risen by 258.8 points or 0.42% to a high of 61,392.68. The broader NSE Nifty declined 85.70 points or 0.47% to end at 18,105.30. The BSE barometer closed 2022 with a 4.44% gain or 2,586.92 points while the Nifty ended the year higher by 4.32% or 751.25 points. Sensex touched its all- time high of 63,583.07 points on December 1 after hitting its 52-week low of 50,921.22 points on June 17. Sensex jumped 10,502.49 points or 21.99% last year. From the Sensex pack, ICICI Bank, Bharti Airtel, HDFC, ITC, Nestle, Larsen Toubro, Asian Paints, Mahindra Mahindra, Power Grid and IndusInd Bank were the major lag- gards on Friday . In contrast, Bajaj Fin- serv, Titan, Bajaj Finance, Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Wipro, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Tech Mahindra, Re- liance Industries and State Bank of India were the major winners. ` GAINS 14 PAISE TO CLOSE AT 82.73/$; ENDS 2022 WITH 11% FALL Mumbai (PTI): The rupee gained 14 paise to close at 82.73 (pro- visional) against the US dollar in the last trading session of 2022, as the American currency retreated from its elevated levels and a rising appetite for riskier assets among investors. The local currency, however, ended the year on a negative note, with a loss of 844 paise or 11.36%, primarily led by a strong dollar against its major crosses overseas. At the interbank foreign exchange market, the local unit opened at 82.77 and touched an intra-day high of 82.70 and a low of 82.82 against the greenback. It finally settled at 82.73, registering a rise of 14 paise over its previous close of 82.87. On December 31, 2021, the rupee settled at 74.29 against the US dollar. Equity investors turn richer by `16.36 lakh crore in 2022 New Delhi (PTI): Dalal Street investors became richer by more than `16.36 lakh crore this year as the equity market scaled new highs despite persistent geopolitical uncertainties and inflation worries. Analysts attributed bet- ter macroeconomic funda- mentals, the confidence of retail investors and foreign investors investing again in the domestic equities to- wards the latter half of 2022 as the key factors that led to the outperformance of the Indian market in comparison to many other stock markets worldwide. The market capitalisa- tion of BSE-listed firms has zoomed `16,36,254.63 crore to `2,82,36,466.18 crore till Dec 29 this year. On December 5, the mar- ket capitalisation (m-cap) of BSE-listedfirmsreached an all-time high of `290.46 lakh crore. In 2022, five months saw Sensex making overall monthly gains while it was a fall in the remaining seven months. July turned out to be the most rewarding month for equity investors as the BSE benchmark jumped 4,662.32 points in that month. In 2021, equity investors reaped handsome rewards as their wealth grew nearly `78 lakh crore while Sensex gained 10,502.49 points or 21.99 per cent. Wheat acreage up 3.59 per cent till December 30; crop prospects bright New Delhi (PTI): As the sowing of rabi crops almost comes to a close, the total area under wheat has gone up by 3.59% to 325.10 lakh hectare (ha) from over the year-ago period, according to the agriculture ministry data released on Friday . Sowing of wheat, the main rabi (winter) crop, had begun from October on- wards. Maize, jowar, gram and mustard are other ma- jor rabi crops. Harvesting of these crops will begin in March/April next year. According to the latest data, farmers have sown wheat in more area in 325.10 lakh ha till Decem- ber 30 of the current rabi season of the 2022-23 crop year (July-June) against 313.81 lakh ha during the same period last year. The higher area was re- ported in Uttar Pradesh (3.59 lakh ha), Rajasthan (2.52 lakh ha), Maharash- tra (1.89 lakh ha), Gujarat (1.10 lakh ha), Bihar (0.87 lakh ha), MP (0.85 lakh ha), Chhattisgarh (0.66 lakh ha), West Bengal (0.21 lakh ha), Jammu Kashmir (0.08 lakh ha), Assam (0.02 lakh ha) and Jharkhand (0.03 lakh ha), it added. New Delhi (PTI): Wheat exports rose 29.29% to $1.50 bil- lion during April-November this fiscal from $1.17 billion in the same period the previous year, the commerce ministry said on Friday. Though the government banned wheat exports in May, some shipments are allowed to meet the food security needs of the countries that request it. The ministry said that Basmati rice exports too increased by 39.26% to $2.87 billion during April-November 2022, while that of non-basmati rice registered a growth of 5% to $4.2 billion in the same period. WHEAT EXPORTS RISE 30% IN APR-NOV GOLD PRICES MAY TOUCH `60K/10 GM LEVEL IN 2023 New Delhi (FIB): A yel- low glow is likely to stand out amid grey geopolitical clouds in 2023, with gold price projected to touch `60,000 per 10 grams in the Indian market as more in- vestors veer towards safe- haven assets. In a year where volatili- ty was more a norm than an exception, gold prices in the international mar- ket oscillated from a peak of $2,070 per ounce in March to a low of $1,616 per ounce in November and is steadily recovering since then, according to market experts. At the beginning of 2022, gold prices were around $1,800 an ounce. Currently, the yellow metal price is hovering around $1,803 an ounce on international markets and `54,790 per 10 grams on commodity stock exchange MCX at a time when the ru- pee is at near 83-level against the US dollar. Going forward, a raft of factors, including geopo- litical situation, recession concerns, inflation trends and low appetite for crypto assets, are expected to boost gold prices since the yellow metal is always con- sidered as a safe haven in uncertain times. “Gold in the internation- al market is expected to trade in a range of $1,670- 2,000 with a positive bias in 2023. On the MCX gold may trade in a range of `48,500- 60,000,” Kotak Securities Vice President and Head Commodity Research Ravindra V Rao said. RETAINING ITS GLITTER GOLD RISES `205; SILVER DIPS BY `30 New Delhi (PTI): Gold prices rose by `205 to `55,210 per 10 grams in the national capital on Friday amid positive global trends, according to HDFC Se- curities. The precious metal had touched `55,005 per 10 grams in the previous trade. Silver, however, declined by `30 to `69,698 per kg. In the overseas market, gold was trading in green at $1,817.4 per ounce while silver was marginally down at $23.83 per ounce.
  • 9. The BJP won a whopping 156 seats of the 182 seats in the Assembly elections of which the counting of votes was done on December 8. Modi’s electoral visits across the state brought a “pro-BJP storm” in Gujarat. MODI’S BJP RETAINS THE POWER IN GUJ Bharat Jodo Yatra, mass movement started on Sept 7 by Congress. Rahul Gandhi is walking by foot from Kanyakumarito the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, spanning 3,570 kilometres over 150 days. CONGRESS’S BHARAT JODO YATRA BEGINS In a historic moment, India formally assumed the G20 Presidency, from Indonesia, December 1. On the occasion, PM Modi said that India looks forward to a Presidency of healing, harmony and hope. The 43 Heads of Delegations - the largest ever in G20 - will be participating in the final New Delhi Summit in September 2023. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 5G services at the India Mobile Congress in New Delhi on October 1. The Prime Minister also witnessed demonstrations of the unique use cases of 5G at the event. The event, along with PM Modi and Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, was attended by Mukesh Ambani, Sunil Bharti Mittal, and Kumar Mangalam Birla. INDIA ASSUMES G20 PRESIDENCY INDIA ENTERS 5G ERA! INDIA STANDS TALL ON WORLD STAGE! 1Showcasing India’s growing prowess of indigenous manufacturing, PM Modi commissioned country’s first indigenous aircraft carrier Indian Naval Ship (INS) Vikrant at Cochin Shipyard on September 2. 10Maharashtra political crisis in June when Eknath Shinde, along with several other MLAs of MVA coalition moved to Surat and led to resignation of CM Uddhav Thackeray. 2EAM S Jaishankar clearly spelt out India’s position on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. 3India and China clash at Tawang, Arunchal border created massive dispute. 4The Indian hockey teams continued their upward trend in 2022, with the women’s side slightly outperforming their male counterparts by clinching a Commonwealth Games medal — a bronze after 16 years. 5Samajwadi Party founder Mulayam Singh Yadav passed away on October 10. 6Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) became India’s ninth national party. 7Lumpy Skin Disease outbreak in India resulted in death over 97,000 cattle in 3 months between July and Sept. From outbreaks in Gujarat and Rajasthan, cattle in over 15 states across India were affected. 8India batter Surya K Yadav nominated for ICC men’s T20I cricketer of the year. 9Protest over muslim girls not permitted to wear hijab for exams in K’taka schools. TOP HIGHLIGHTS 10 Droupadi Murmu became the first tribal woman President of the country on July 25. Coming from the tribal community, Murmu had earlier been the Governor of Jharkhand and a Minister in the Odisha Government. MURMU: FIRST TRIBAL WOMAN PRESIDENT Over 141 people declared dead after a century-old cable bridge collapsed into Machchhu river in Guj’s Morbi on Oct 30. Reports alleged that the bridge was opened without a fitness certificate. 9 were arrested in connection with collapse including 2 managers, 2 ticket booking clerks of Oreva Group that was managing bridge. BJP suspended national spokesperson Nupur Sharma on June 5 over her controversial remarks on Prophet Muhammad during a TV debate. Her remarks later set globe on fire. MORBI BRIDGE COLLAPSE IN GUJARAT PROPHET REMARKS: NUPUR SAYS ‘LOOSE’ This year has been a remarkable and incredible year for India-US relationship.Top diplomats from the world’s largest countries believe and are confident that the upcoming year 2023 would be a momentous one for the ties between both India andAmerica and will determine the future of innovation and technology 08 FLASHBACK INDIA I I I NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 2022
  • 10. 09 FLASHBACK WORLD I I I I NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 2022 Argentina beat France 4-2 on penalties to win the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 at the Lusail Stadium, with captain Lionel Messi scoring twice in his last World Cup match. Insecure over Ukraine’s growing closeness to NATO members, Russia on February 24 launched what it called a “special military operation” to force the “demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.” The UK had a most dramatic 2022, what with losing its beloved Queen and having three Prime Ministers in one year. The drama started with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigning on July 7 after facing a string of scandals. Liz Truss was named the new Conservative leader after a fierce leadership battle in which Indian-origin MP Rishi Sunak came in second. Pandemics eventually end. Three years after COVID burst onto the scene, the world appears to have turned the corner on the first global pandemic in a century. In September, the head of the World Health Organization declared that the end of the pandemic is “in sight.” However, in December end, a new sub-variant BF.7, which is driving the huge Covid surge in China, came to haunt the world. After a legal battle, billionaire Elon Musk finally bought Twitter for $44 billion in October. The eccentric business tycoon took control of Twitter on October 28 after firing its top executives, CEO Parag Agarwal, CFO Ned Segal, and head of legal policy, trust and safety, Vijaya Gadde. Musk initiated the acquisition of Twitter, Inc. on April 14, 2022, and concluded it in October. Since early May 2022, cases of Monkeypox, now renamed to Mpox by the World Health Organisation (WHO), have been reported from 110 countries. As of December 15, WHO recorded 82,828 confirmed cases of the virus. The world population touched 8 billion on November 15, with India being the largest contributor to the milestone, according to the United Nations (UN). India added 177 million to the final score. US President Joe Biden administration’s National Security Strategy released in October pointed to Beijing’s militarization of the South China Sea, its support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, its efforts to intimidate Taiwan. The Sri Lankan economic crisis started mostly as a fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since about mid-2021, economic conditions started growing difficult for everyday Sri Lankans. Fuel and cooking gas became increasingly expensive and difficult to get as inflation soared. The government clamped import bans. Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran saw in 2022 perhaps the most vociferous challenge to their rule since coming to power in 1979. The protests started in September, when Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old, was arrested for not properly covering her hair and died in police custody. Hundreds gathered to condemn her death and Iran’s mistreatment of women. Protests quickly spread across the country as Iranians of all social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds joined together. ARGENTINA WIN FIFA WORLD CUP-2022 RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE UK GETS ITS FIRST INDIAN- ORIGIN PM COVID EASES BUT ITS NEW VARIANT SCARES WORLD ELON MUSK TAKES OVER TWITTER OUTBREAK OF MONKEYPOX WORLD POPULATION CROSSES 8 BILLION US-CHINA TENSIONS GROW SRI LANKA’S SCORCHING ECONOMIC CRISIS IRAN UPRISING AGAINST HIJAB QUEEN ELIZABETH II PASSES AWAY Queen Elizabeth II, the longest- serving British monarch, died on September 8 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8. Elizabeth II, who became Queen on the death of her father King George VI on February 6 1952, reigned for 70 years, seven years more than Queen Victoria did.
  • 11. Life is a fragile thing — a priceless treasure — guard it and enjoy it to the best of your ability. —Dr Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO Editor-in-Chief, First India Indian Youth Congress (IYC) supporters holding placards raise slogans during a protest over the allegations leveled against Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Satyender Jain by jailed conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, near party office in New Delhi. YOUTH CONGRESS l EXCISE POLICY ‘SCAM’: The BJP held massive protests as it trained its guns at the AAP government and especially Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia after the Enforcement Directorate and the CBI both started to investigate allegations that the excise policy formulated by Sisodia benefited a ‘cartel’ of liquor barons and vendors. So far, nothing has been found to incriminate Sisodia. l AAP VS LG: The AAP missed no opportunity to hold protests against LG VK Saxena, accusing him of working at the behest of the BJP and foiling all noble efforts of the Kejriwal government to improve Delhi government services. l CONMAN’S CLAIMS: When imprisoned ‘conman’ Sukesh Chandrashekhar claimed that he paid Rs 50 crore to fellow inmate in Tihar Jail, AAP minister Satyender Jain, for ‘protection’, it led both the BJP and the Congress to demand that Kejriwal resign. l CONGRESS VS BJP: The Congress tried to revive itself by organising a nationwide campaign against the Centre. Priyanka Gandhi led the protests on the ground. THEATRE OF PROTEST Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra jumps over a police barricade placed near AICC HQ during the party’s nationwide protest over price rise and unemployment, in New Delhi. CONGRESS NATIONWIDE CAMPAIGN BJP leader Parvesh Verma during a protest demanding Deputy CM Manish Sisodia’s resignation over alleged corruption, in New Delhi. BJP RAISES THE HEAT AAP supporters protest outside LG Saxena’s residence over delay in ‘Red Light On, Gaadi Off’ campaign. AAP VS LG NEWSMAKERS OF NEW DELHI The 2022 news makers of Delhi made headlines mostly for the wrong reasons.The greater part of the year was spent in blames and counter blames, mutual mudslinging, political slug fest and venomous press conferences, which culminated into the much-hyped MCD elections. Kejriwal’s development blitzkrieg kept pace with his political ambitions, though his generals Sisodia and Jain were getting rigorously blindsided by probe agencies.While one ended up in jail, the other went into combat mode. Diptiman Chakraborty picks out highlights of the political game The election year needed him to make more noise about everything to outsmart his main rival, the BJP. On the ground, the city of Delhi that he governs has started creaking and cracking. Now with MCD in his pocket, people’s expectations are high. If he fails, next elections might be scary and his pan-India dreams will suffer a blow. The actor-turned-politician was another among the most frequent faces in Delhi politics and media. Mostly known for his naive theatrics surrounding insignificant issues, Tiwari maintained his star power in the political field too. Most of the issues he raised fizzled on their own and didn’t even dent AAP’s fortunes at the hustings nor raised political heat. KEJRIWAL MANOJ TIWARI Call him the Man Friday of Kejriwal, the CM’s chief troubleshooter or the AAP’s face of the press— he fits the bill in every role he is offered. Ever since the raids on his house and office in the excise policy case, Sisodia is seeing red. Caught in money laundering allegations, Satyendar Jain, once in the thick of government affairs in Delhi, is now stuck in Tihar jail. Though Sisodia and Kejriwal continue defending him, he is fast losing traction and face value. The non-political representative of the BJP, LG Vinai Kumar Saxena sounded the most politically correct in 2022. He sat like a hawk on AAP’s head with his prying eyes latching on to each of AAP’s slightest goof-ups. MANISH SISODIA SATYENDAR JAIN LG SAXENA NEWS THAT MATTERED IN 2022 l POLLUTION: Pollution is a perennial problem of Delhi and 2022 was no better. The AQI of the national capital region remained upwards of 300 for greater part of the year, sometimes spiraling to over 400, taking the city air to ‘severe’ category. Despite several sporadic measures. things haven’t improved much. Not just air pollution, the pollution in the Yamuna, garbage mountains on the city outskirts, and general lack of cleanliness in Delhi have also been highlights of 2022. l DENGUE: Dengue has also been a long-standing problem for Delhi. In 2022, the number of patients exceeded 4,000, even by conservative estimates. Apart from dengue, there was a substantial number of malaria and chikungunya patients as well. l SHRADDHA MURDER: The gory murder of Shraddha Walker by Aaftab Amin Poonawalla was the most shocking incident of 2022. Graphic descriptions of the modus operandi staggeringly came out in the media. l CHOKING AIRPORT: The choking crowds at Delhi airport drew everyone’s attention in 2022. The situation didn’t improve for weeks, so much so that the civil aviation minister had to come down to lecture the airport management. l BEAUTIFICATION: The beautification of Delhi was a buzzword in 2022. The newly laid Kartavya Path with Netaji Bose’s statue at India Gate were new additions, but that didn’t change the bigger picture of a crumbling city. l MCD POLLS: The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) polls generated excitement for months, with the political slug fest hogging the limelight. The unseating of the BJP by AAP was seen as a major shift in the political landscape of the city. l MINISTER IN TROUBLE: After persistent raids and probes against several AAP leaders, including Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, the agencies finally found something clinching in Satyender Jain’s case and locked him up in Tihar. Jain’s jail luxuries next made the news. I I I I NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 2ND FRONT 10 2022’S NOTABLE COURT JUDGEMENTS 1A road rage case against Navjot Singh Sidhu which had many ups and downs since 1988 was finally decided. The Supreme Court sentenced Sidhu to rigorous imprisonment of one year. 2The SC agreed to review its verdict on PMLA in Karti Chidambaram v. UoI. 3Abu Salem will be released after a prison term of 25 years, the SC confirmed. 4Bails granted to three persons, who were imprisoned on different allegations relating to different events, were in the news – Varavara Rao, Siddique Kappan, and Teesta Setalvad. TOP HIGHLIGHTS 04 l The Supreme Court while permitting EWS and OBC reservations in NEET, explained that reservations are not an exception to merit but rather a holistic conception of merit. l Antrix Corporation of ISRO sold space spectrum to Devas Multimedia. Later, this sale was cancelled. Devas initiated an international arbitration. The government took steps to wind up Devas which was upheld. l Supreme Court reinstated a district judge who had been forced to resign after she alleged sexual harassment by an HC judge in MP. l The Foreign Contributions Regulations Act was amended in 2020, and made more stringent. This amendment was challenged. The SC rejected the challenge and upheld the amendment. l In Vivek Krishna v. Union of India the court declined to impose a cooling off period before bureaucrats can contest elections and left it to the wisdom of the legislatures. l Bail is the rule: In Satender Kumar Antil v. CBI, the SC said bail applications should be decided in two weeks. Court wanted these rules to be crystallised by way of a “Bail Act”. FLASHBACK 2022
  • 12. I I thefirstindia I I 11 NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 Quench the thirst for style The cropped cardigan style is really popular right now because it combines a whimsical edge with the comfort of a cardigan. As we bid adieu to 2022, let’s dive into the chic fashion! s we all know, the first few weeks of the season may leave us in a f a s h i o n bind because it’s fre- quently too warm to break out your bulky winter coat yet too chilly to go bare- shouldered. The an- swer is a cropped cardigan. Even the most warm-weather- ready slip dress seems a little more wearable in the win- ter whether you want them to be fit- ted or a little sloppy . The cropped cardi- gan is very different from the cosy knits of our grandma. The little sweater, which grazes the lowest ribs, is a great choice to layer over a mini- skirt or bold jeans. When you want to keep things brief, sweet, and sensual, use this one. This modernised version of a granny classic is short and stylish, making it the ideal cover-up for days when it’s only a little chilly as spring approaches. This standout piece has the ability to look great worn over a dresstokeepitclassy or paired with a dis- tressed pair of den- im jorts for a unique look. You’ll see this gar- ment in action on Kendall Jenner on the Jacquemus cat- walk and on Bella Hadid outside the show. Looking closer to home, Khushi Ka- poor rocks this look effortlessly as she walks across the city wearing a cropped jacket and corduroy leggings. By taking inspiration from her Instagram-worthy outfit, you can wear yours with sneakers, a baguette bag, and high-waisted denim jeans. This piece con- tinues to make a statement in every closet, whether you choose a fuzzy one in a vivid pink or subdued tones to keep it cool. C r o p p e d sweaters are adaptable gar- ments that may be dressed up or down with ease. If you want to show off your midriff, you can dress your at- tire differently. For instance, keeping covered and seeming formal enough for the office can be achieved by layering a blouse under a cropped sweater. Try pairing your cropped sweater with skinny jeans or a midi skirt for more infor- mal settings where you want your stomach to be on display . MRIDULA SHARMA A
  • 13. 12-13 ETC NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 I I thefirstindia I I UNIQUE THINGS TO DO UNIQUE THINGS TO DO TO SET THE TONE FOR 2023 TO SET THE TONE FOR 2023 e have an embar- rassing confes- sion: our New Year’s resolu- tions for 2023 are nearly identical to the resolu- tions we made for 2022 (which were remarkably similar to 2021, 2020, and pretty much every year as far as we can remember). A year ago, we held such lofty ambitions. We would exercise more, use social media less, rise earlier, read more books, eat healthier, write more, re- duce our carbon footprint, learn to meditate…. We started strong. But a few weeks in, as January’s cold morphed into the slushy days of February, our resolve slackened. Twitter reappeared on our phones and we doom- scrolled late into the even- ing. Our warm beds seemed to grip us tighter when the alarm went off for our morning jogs. We began to hit snooze, once, twice, then three times. And, well, meditation never had a hope. We had largely failed. Will this stop us from doing the same thing this New Year’s? Absolutely not. But we have learned to approach our New Year’s resolutions in an entirely different way and we think you should too. In- stead of thinking of something huge and grand that intimidates you, try thinking of a smaller, more attainable resolution, one that might even put you on track to complete a larg- er goal in the future. For example, if you want to lower your blood pressure in the new year, start by subscrib- ing to a healthy meal cooking service, where you can choose heart- healthy recipes. That way, you have an excit- ing new dish to look for- ward to each week with- out the stress of creat- ing a health-conscious shopping list and sourc- ing ingredients on your own. Trust us: Once you place that order, you’ll already start to feel ac- complished. Here are a few more resolutions you can try out this year that can help you start small and lead to bigger, life- changing moments. MITALI DUSAD W FIND A YOGA YOUTUBER Instead of the usual, pressure-filled resolution of: “Get on a workout schedule and stick to it for at least three days per week,” try a more realistic approach by finding a YouTube personality who practic- es yoga you can follow. Not only will you get the chance to work out in your own home with minimal equipment requirements, but you can try as many instructors as you want before settling on a favorite. CALL ONE FRIEND YOU DIDN’T SEE ENOUGH OF IN 2022 Connecting with a friend is an attainable and often fun goal to accomplish in 2023. Call up your friend on the phone, schedule a video call, or agree to meet up in person, no matter how you con- nect, it’s essential to start the year off right by socializing. Staying in touch with friends and family can even be good for your health, too, as loneliness is one of the leading causes of health issues. MAKE THAT ONE HEALTH APPOINTMENT YOU’VE BEEN PUTTING OFF Booking that one appointment you’ve had on your to-do list for months is one important step toward living a healthier life. You might even find that seeing your doctor is way less intimidating and stressful than you remember it being. If you’ve been putting off going to the dentist or any other routine checkup for financial reasons, try reaching the doctor. TRAVEL COUNTRYSIDE Sometimes taking a break from work and travelling to the countryside refreshes your mind, takes you away from the work pressure and deadlines. Travelling broadens your perspective and you get to know that there are a lot of things to explore away from the hustle and bustle of the city. We get to know there is more to explore than being engaged in our work life. THINK ABOUT THE STRAYS New Year also brings low temperatures, especially in the northern part of India. Apart from the people, animals also suffer because of this. The stray animals in India suffer because of complete disregard and also cruelty of some people. You can help them by feeding them or providing them warm covering. The animals do not speak but it does not mean they should be left to suffer in silence. You can also support causes that help stray animals or those animals who are injured or rescued. TRY OUT A NEW COFFEE SHOP IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Making resolutions like “go outside every morning for a walk” can seem too overwhelming. But if you’re going out to try out a new place and grab a quick cup of coffee, this goal suddenly becomes much more attainable. It can be an inexpensive endeavor, no matter how complex your coffee order is, and you’ll feel great supporting a neighborhood spot that needs your help to stay open. BUY FROM LOCAL VENDORS While you think of shopping for your new year party, you can consider local vendors. There are probably dozens of small vendors around you who are working hard to make ends meet. All you need to do is go out and shop for your party needs from them. It can be ethnic clothes or traditional food, a touch of local culture can make your new year 2023 exciting. It’s never a bad idea to support someone and help them enjoy the little luxuries of life with an extra income. DONATE TO CHILD EDUCATION Children are the future of the world. Millions of children do not have access to good quality education even today. You can gift someone the most precious thing this new year by donating to an NGO for child education. You can sponsor a child’s education and transform many lives that are connected to them. At the same time, you can take out time and teach underprivileged children. There are many volunteering oppor- tunities available but you can also do it on your own by committing to take one hour from your week. It will surely be a gratifying experience. READ MORE BOOKS January is the perfect time of year to snuggle up with a new book. Take sugges- tion from friends who also have a habit of reading books and make a list of the books of different genres which will broaden your perspective, increase your knowledge and make you think about things you have never thought about. SET UP YOUR ‘DREAM’ SLEEP SPACE The ultimate goal is to create a healthier sleep schedule, but start small by refreshing your bedroom to set up your dream sleep scenar- io. This can look like investing in your favorite scented candle to keep on your bedside, or getting a new water carafe that adds the perfect ambiance to your side table. GO FOR AN ADRENALINE PUMPING ADVENTURE: Paddleboarding an iconic river, trekking a remote mountain trail, or cycling a ‘great ride.’ Adventure travel is a way to explore the world which usually requires a daring spirit and physical exertion. It may involve taking the road less travelled, using a focused activity such as diving, kayaking, climbing or hiking as a means to discover, or push beyond your comfort zone.
  • 14. CITY FIRST D ev Dass Goswa- mi devoted his entire life to the homeless and people who hail from a poor families. Howev- er,whatbotheredhim most were the corps- es that he found along the highways. They belonged to people who had been run over by vehicles, and their bodies had no tak- ers. “More of- ten than not, these bodies were man- gled beyond r e c o g n i - tion. I’d stop my vehicle, c a r r y the bod- ies and carry out a proper burial. In addition to that, I started providing food and water to people I would meet during my drives through the high- way ,” said Goswami. In 1984, Goswami got married to Tara, who wassomovedbyhisself- lessness and commit- ment that she too decid- ed to devote her entire life to the cause. For the last 35 years, the couple has bathed, fed and sheltered ap- proximately over a hun- dred people. Goswami is particu- larly proud of his wife. The duo has been doing all this work mostly with their own money, and are also helped by the monetary contributions of people who were movedbytheirsteadfast service to the homeless. In 1992, the couple de- cided to open a shelter where they could house these folks, and by 2008, it was registered as a non-profit organisation named DAVO. Currently, they run two homes for the home- less. One is in Dwarka, New Delhi and houses 60 people, and the other is in Sonipat and houses 70 people. 14 NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022 I I I CITY BUZZ GET VACCINATED STAY MASKED CITY FIRST I ndian brides strive to em- brace the latest choices and trends in bridal designs and ex- plore them to the utmost level. This year’s wedding fashion rangesfromembellished toelegantpasteldesigns, bridal lehengas etc. Ar- shi Singhal, a well- known name in the fash- ion industry for design- ing several authentic, stylish, and com- fortable collections under ‘Label Arshi Singhal shares some latest trends in ethnic wear with City First. Seasonal Trends - Each season has its own pattern. People have em- braced more resham work with fewer jewels fortheirdailyoutfits.We have noticed more teal blue and royal purple tones for Autumn and Winter, and the work is notquiteshiny;itisvery brittle. Fabric preference- Or- ganza is a highly fash- ionable and trendy fab- ric right now. It has a Shining Sheer that pro- vides an excellent com- bination of traditional and contemporary Indi- an aesthetics. Following organza, imported cloth materialwasindemand. This year’s net outfits were the least favoured. Key features- When it comes to fabrics with Indian embroidery , all hand embroidery like Resham dabka, nalki and chikankari, whether it patches or all through the same work or sequential repeat work, tops the list. With the rising demand, the craftsmen were working more on hand embroi- dery rather than ma- chine embroidery . Embroidery-Machine embroidery on lehengas has been done using a variety of doris and gota. This is gaining popularity as the 80s tra- dition comes back in In- dian ethnic. As a result, thereisalotof dori,gota and even mirror work in the machine embroidery; however, col- our tones have signifi- c a n t l y changed. THE TRENDS IN ETHNIC WEAR KINDNESS costs nothing HIGHLIGHT YOUR NATURAL BEAUTY CITY FIRST K hoobsurat Salon ties up with Sylvie De- signer Academy and shall extend their partnership in the upcom- ing year at Dwarka. They shall be launching profes- sional hair and makeup courses. The students shall seekhigh-intensitytraining and knowledge to attain proficiency in the field. They shall be handed a pro- fessional certificate of in- ternational recognition. The courses offered by the institutionshallbepersonal grooming, hair (basic and advanced), and makeup. Dr Sylvie Rodgers, the founder, of Sylvie Designer Academy, es- tablished the salon more than 30 years. She talks about the same ex- pressing, “Working in this field and industry makes me really proud. We would love to support those who dream to pursue a career in hair and makeup. We shall provide extensive resource- ful training and aid the stu- dents with the best. Look- ing forward to the same.” Sylvie Designer Acade- my excels in providing the finest services including personal grooming, glam makeup, personal makeup, and hair, and makeup basic to name a few. Dr Sylvie Rodgers is one of the re- nowned hair stylists and makeup professionals in the country . Motherly care for your little ones Motherly care for your little ones CITY FIRST N eha Goenka Shroff and Swarna Daga Mimani started ‘Yobler’ a platform to sellpre-lovedbabyprod- ucts after realising how many products, in per- fectlygoodcondition,go towasteaskidsoutgrow them. “I have a trunk full of my son’s old clothes. If you buy a pair of shoes today for a two-month- old, a few weeks later they don’t fit anymore. Whatawaste,”exclaims Rima Thapa, a 28-year- old mother. Many new mothers share that besides all thetiringmorningsand sleepless nights, what bothers them the most istheirbabiesoutgrow- ingeverythinginno time and the prod- uctsgoingtowaste! Yobler sells baby- related products, such as books, toys, bicycles, clothing,bedding,furni- ture, equipment etc, for children ranging from 0 to 14 years of age. Explaining how their marketplace works, Swarna says, “We know young moth- ersdon’thavemuchfree time, so we’ve kept the platform simple and easily accessible. Any- one can register and log on to our website, be- come a seller and list their products with pic- tures and videos. One can register both as a sellerandabuyeronthe website.” “We have an end-to- end integrated process for sellers and buyers. Our backend team veri- fies and approves the products,andonlythen, do the products get list- ed on the website. We also hold back payment to the seller for a few days, so that if there is any issue with the prod- uct, the buyer can raise it and we can work on it,” says Neha. At the core of the company are sustaina- bility and reducing landfills. Every sale madeinYoblerissaving a product that would have ultimately ended up in landfills. DURING THE DAY! The official Twitter handle of DCP Central Delhi shared a glimpse of a health check-up camp which was organised at PS Rajinder Ngr, Central District in collaboration with NGO Indraprastha Sanjeevan. About 150 Public, Police personnel and their families got their medical checkups done. During the camp, wheelchairs are also distributed among needy people. After completing its successful journey following 7 locations across the nation, the grand finale of the biggest Design exhibition in India, BRDS Design Exhibition 2022 reached its final destination Ahmedabad at Shree Shakti Convention Centre recently. Following the delightful exhibitions in the cities of Jaipur, Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai, Ahmedabad saw the grandeur of creativity and innovation. Ravishing models showcasing designer outfits Designer Arshi Singhal with actress Amyra Dastur Dr Sylvie Rodgers while giving a beautiful makeover to the bride Neha Goenka Shroff and Swarna Daga Mimani Dev Dass Goswami with his wife Tara Goswami