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30 Pieces of Silver

What have I learned over the past 35 years in business, living and working in more than a dozen countries from Japan to India to
 Russia, to South Africa to New Zealand ... being self employed, consulting, establishing a new business, and senior regional
                                       management roles in multinational corporations?

Well, maybe no gold nuggets. But 30 quotes, paraphrased quotes, or original thoughts that at least could maybe qualify as silver.
So here is my “30 Pieces of Silver” - and the good news is no-one gets betrayed, and the even better news is Apple Maps doesn’t
show any “Potter’s Field” in Bangkok. In fact Apple Maps doesn’t appear to show Bangkok at all - no, wait, there it is just north
 of Johannesburg - it seems you can either get there by going around the Caspian Sea or taking the Golden Gate Bridge across
                                                        the Bering Strait.

The views expressed are personal, no animals or children were harmed or exploited putting this together that I’m aware of, and
               you may not agree with everything - it may be silver to me but perhaps you’re not as easily lead.
                                                               30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

No plan of battle survives first contact with the enemy -
                                      von Moltke

 von Moltke was right, and its true of more than just warfare. It’s critical to plan, but your plans
        must allow for flexibility and adaptability because there will always be surprises.

                                                  30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

  I have so much to do today I must spend the first two
                    hours in prayer - Martin Luther

Martin Luther was also right, regardless of your type or level of religious persuasion. I take this to
 mean that the more busy you are, the more important it is to resist the temptation to rush into
things headlong but to stand back, consider, plan, prioritize. I can’t emphasize the work prioritize

                                                    30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

Inevitably people will let you down. Plan for it, expect it,
 don’t get bent out of shape as a result and maybe lower
     your expectations a little so it’s not such a surprise!

  A friend many years ago gave me this advice, when I was upset and disappointed by someone’s
failure to do what they promised. We both laughed when he told me he had first learned this saying
  from me ... but I had forgotten, and failed to follow my own advice. Expecting and allowing for
   people to simply be human can save a lot of frustration when the inevitable let-down occurs

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

          You must plan and manage your own career

You are being totally naive to believe that an employer has your best interests at heart. Employers
invariably have their own best interests at heart, and if these align with yours that’s a bonus ... and
  this may be the case at a certain time, and not the case at others. I have always believed if you
have a good employer you should seek to satisfy your career aspirations within that company as the
first option. Always remember your employer’s level of commitment to you is probably in writing
somewhere ... and it amounts to maybe 2 or 3 months’ notice or, if you read your contract carefully,
2 or 3 months’ severance pay and for no reason you have any control over, you could be called to an
unexpected urgent meeting at 5pm one day where you will be told this is your last day in the office,
and there will be a bland email to your colleagues the following day to say how much a contribution
you made to the company and wishing you well in your new endeavors (if you’re lucky) ... or if you
aren’t in luck you’ll be characterized as a problem the new management needed to get rid of, or you
will be shot in the back on your way down the stairs. And if you think ‘that would never happen to
                      me’ you could be in for a very nasty surprise one day.
                                                  30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

          Listen to advice but make you own decisions

A wise person will listen carefully to advice from a variety of perspectives, and it pays always to be
   courteous and thank a person for their views. But no-one knows the circumstances, or your
 aspirations, or many other things better than you do. In the final analysis advice is cheap to the
giver - they don’t have to live by their advice, but you do if you decide to accept. There are few who
would begrudge an individual the freedom of choice, especially when communicated in a way that
acknowledges this, thanks them, says it was carefully considered from all angles, but your decision
                                      was to do something else

                                                   30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

In many businesses nobody really knows how the whole
     thing works and most management decisions or
                    interference makes no difference

   A survey recently indicated that more than half of all management decisions in a business
made no difference to the eventual outcome. I believe it is more significant even that that ... there
     are many management decisions that destroy value as well as those that may make no
      difference. In large and complex businesses the variables are often too many to really
understand a true operating model, too difficult to isolate, or too difficult to alter and as a result
the company operates largely as a ‘black box’ that is impervious to much decision-making. The
  result of this is perhaps we make too many decisions, and a healthy proportion of making a
 decision to do nothing could bring about greater benefit than feeling under an obligation to ‘do

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

     You will make mistakes and so will others. Making
 mistakes is part of life. But repeating mistakes is very

Mistakes are inevitable and hindsight is always perfect - but if you acted in what you thought was
 the best way with the information you had at the time, and if your motivation was correct, you
  shouldn’t best yourself up about this - nor should you unduly chastise a subordinate. In some
 cases, you ask members of your team to get the best outcome in a task ... and how do you or they
 know if from time to time a boundary is crossed? A wise person learns from the mistake and takes
steps not to repeat it knowingly. I have always adopted the view that mistakes are an accepted part
of life/work however repeated mistakes of a similar nature show a person who may not be learning
     and the same problem occurring repeatedly is a sign of a person who is in the wrong job.

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

 Decide early where your lines and limits are. If you are
going to have principles, prepare to have them tested and
                             principles can be costly

 I was once told that in business, principles were not worth having unless you were committed to
  stand by them; and they were equally not worth having if standing by them did not have the
potential to be costly to you. Better work it out before being placed under the microscope - decide
what you will stand for and what you will not and as Shakespeare wrote ‘to thine own self be true’.
The worst position to take is to have no position, or one that shifts - because that will quickly gain
                                  you a reputation as a hypocrite.

                                                 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

    Someone will always step up to the plate when dirty
                                tricks are called for

Regrettably there seems to be an unlimited supply of people who will trade money, career, praise, or
  whatever takes their fancy to cross the line ethically, financially, or in any other way. When 30
pieces of silver (and a promotion) are involved, some people would happily sell their Grandma and
          others toss in Grandpa for free, just to be seen as someone who gets stuff done

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

        No-one in the HR Department is your friend

The HR Department has a job to do and that is to look after the best interests of the company, and
and not those of you as an individual. Expect HR to use anything you have told them whether in
                           confidence or not against you, if necessary.

                                                 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

   Business is a team sport and even though one team
 member may score the goal, the team gets the credit

  You need to impress upon your team that each and every role adds value and contributes to the
overall success and performance of the team. You also need to impress on your ‘stars’ that they are
also part of the team and dependent upon the rest of the team. A renegade striker who wants to revel
in the personal glory of a solo performance scoring goals is likely to give you more trouble than they
                         are worth ... let them go and disrupt a competitor.

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

    A company’s actions always say more than words

   Nothing destroys credibility and engenders more cynicism than a company with written
  commitments about the correct way to behave which are commonly ignored when they are
inconvenient. It is better not to have a statement of values, or similar, than to have one which is
                          followed only when the company wants to.

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

People are known by the company they keep. Companies
                 are known for the people they keep.

If you really want to know and understand what a company stands for or what its true values are,
look at those leaders who have been with the company for some time and have been promoted from
   within. Their behavior will speak more eloquently about what the company believes in than
           anything else. If you think you are likely to change this, you are mistaken

                                              30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

A ‘catalyst of change’ will eventually become a thorn in
                                         the side

 If you are ever recruited because the company wants to change its culture and needs people with
  new, refreshing, and different views - then enter such arrangements with your eyes wide open.
   Because no matter how much people say they want change, change is uncomfortable and will
typically be resisted. So then you will have to overcome resistance in order to meet your objectives of
 change ... but the resistance is coming from the ‘establishment’ within the company. 9 times out of
10, you will go from being the breath of fresh air the company needs to a troublemaker who can’t get
 on with people - seldom does a company have such foresight and commitment to change that the
     resistors - often senior and experienced people - are the ones who get to hear the riot act

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

    The biggest mistake a strong leader can make is to
               surround himself with similar people

 Regrettably it’s also the most common. “Type A” leaders - the ones with attributes like energy,
 vision, drive, capability, ambition, (and their houseguests of impatience, arrogance, intolerance,
      hubris and so on) often find it difficult to see value in those who don’t exhibit the same
characteristics, and so over time tend to surround themselves with ‘clones’ of themselves. This leads
to imbalance and is something a wise leader will seek to avoid. Relatively few senior leaders have
             the self-confidence as well as insight to see this as an important issue

                                                 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

The second biggest mistake a strong leader can make is
       to weed out those that don’t agree with him/her

 In the days of the Roman Empire when a conquering Caesar would return to Rome and head a
  procession in which the people praised him, it was the role of his most trusted bodyguards - the
 Praetorian Guard, to accompany the chariot and whisper ‘remember Caesar, thou art mortal’ lest
    he start to believe the adulation of the people. Far too many CEO’s would see such words as
negative, or disloyal and the giver would be quickly unwelcome. The result is an individual leading
  an organization who becomes completely cut off from any real communication that doesn’t get
  sifted by someone who is pre-selected only to transmit in a certain way. It’s a big danger and a
common mistake, but a good leader needs to be getting advice and information from all perspectives,
                                not just the ones he wants to hear.

                                               30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

   The CEO doesn’t determine how well a company will
                  perform, but prescribes the limits

A company is seldom able to outperform its CEO. It may underperform the CEO, but typically he
                     or she will set the boundaries for the entire company.

                                             30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

 I have yet to see the benefits of a merger or acquisition
                 fully match up to the original hype

The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, it is typically those with a vested interest (something to gain)
 who are proponents - whether they be investment bankers, strategy consultants, or management
looking for bigger jobs and more money. Secondly, the initial hype normally states the best case in a
range of possible outcomes, but it is also normally constructed in the controlled environment of a
       perfect theoretical matrix, and does not fully account for the realities on the ground

                                                  30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

  Plans are constructed in a rational environment but
     execution takes place in an irrational landscape

 Planning by its nature normally expects a rational world and rational outcomes. But the real
    world doesn’t work that way - sometimes people behave in ways that appear to be totally
  irrational - fear of change, vested interests, desire to protect particular people, deeply rooted
beliefs which are being challenged, pure dumb stupidity, fear of being exposed for any number of
 reasons and so on can all make for what appear to be bizarre and irrational behaviors which
         cannot be anticipated. You must learn to expect and cope with these responses

                                                 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

When two companies get into the same bed, one will end
                                      up on top

There is no such thing as a merger of equals. In time, one culture will dominate. Joint Ventures
of any kind - whether formal or informal - will evolve over time to benefit one party to a greater
                                     extent than the other.

                                               30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

    Never proceed with a business relationship leaving
                significant issues to be resolved later

In negotiating any form of business relationship between two parties it is tempting - especially if
 there is external pressure - to wrap things up and if there are some unresolved issues, go ahead
    anyway and in the spirit of goodwill sort them out later. Do so at your peril - because the
unresolved issues could be a major problem in the future, and you find yourself too committed to
              go back, but unable to go forward on an issue - or something similar.

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

 It’s relatively simple to get agreement on strategy, but
          another thing to get agreement on priorities

 Different companies - or divisions within the one company - can often find it much easier to agree
   in principle than in fact, when it comes to aligning priorities. If you are responsible for such a
 collaboration, reserve your victory celebration for the time that you have irrevocable commitments
on the implementation time frame, not just the agreement in principle - otherwise you may find one
party has the appetite for immediate execution and the other has good reasons (e.g. other priorities,
resource constraints, systems limitations) for implementation to be 12 months or more in the future

                                                 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

 Icarus was right. Fly too close to the sun, your wings
                            melt and down you go

    Your work occurs within the eclipse shadow cast by your immediate superior, and this
association - whether warranted or not - may present both challenges and opportunities. When
a CEO leaves for any reason, his/her direct reports are likely to be in the direct firing line for
 the new CEO. Conversely when a superior is promoted or given another position, there’s a
good chance their gravitational pull may benefit you as well. Always ask yourself if being one
                           of ‘X’s’ team is advantaging you or not.

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
   Many new CEO’s over-promise the benefits they can
   bring compared with the previous regime, and so feel
  duty bound to make an example of a proportion of the
previous senior management whether they deserve it or
Almost always these decisions are made without considering the depth of corporate knowledge that
 is squandered when it could be most valuable. Although it is seldom called as such, this behavior
    indicates an individual willing to put personal issues such as pride ahead of the company’s
interests. The result of this often includes loss of corporate intelligence, continuity, and often highly
capable people. The end result is the erosion of value and it often takes months or years to recover
from this initial ‘own goal’ scored by a new CEO. Boards and especially Board Chairpersons must
  take a more active role to prevent this sort of thing happening under the guise of a new CEO
                     insisting on having the freedom to captain their own vessel.
                                                   30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

       Many new CEO’s bring with them some trusted
                  lieutenants from their former role

  In Nazi Germany in the 1940’s these individuals would be called ‘kapos’, - concentration camp
 prisoners who work for the guards against their former countrymen and fellow prisoners. And
they typically behave in a similar manner because they are a protected species. Watch your back
 24/7 and be very careful to act correctly in their presence, don’t say what you might think about
them if it’s negative, and face the fact that the affectionate hug you get from a kapo is more than
          likely just an attempt to find the best place to slip a stiletto between your ribs

                                                 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

     It takes a particular type of person to survive and
   prosper in a large company for any length of time.
Performance and ability are minor parts of the equation

  Just as intelligence tests can be described as a way to rank people according to their ability to
 answer intelligence tests, so too long term success in a corporate situation may have very little to
   do with performance or capability, and more to do with the ability to adapt to the corporate
                 culture and survive the changes of manager you are exposed to.
Often, one measure of this ability to survive and prosper is the capability to manage upwards, in
   a way that is wanted by an individual’s leader. Depending on the style of leader, this often
   means a demonstration of loyalty, support, or agreement that has more to do with political
                             correctness than the best course of action

                                                 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

Most things are cyclic or a pendulum swing - move too
  far in one direction and you can’t go back the other
way. Often the best approach is to manage equilibrium
   Many strategies, or approaches taken by companies across many areas have an element of
 ‘fashionable trend’ to them ... and just as something may be in vogue for a period, it can often
then fade as another idea replaces it. And as so often happens the search for a Holy Grail of the
one right answer leads a company to implement something that in time proves to be as imperfect
 as the thing it replaced. The centralized vs. decentralized debate is a typical example and some
  companies over a period of decades have lurched from one end of the continuum to the other
 several times. Each time this happens there are costs - both real and opportunity costs - which
  may have been avoided if there was a more pragmatic approach taken that managing in a
 ‘balance/equilibrium/unresolved state of flux’ may be a more productive and beneficial modus
 operandi than always seeking a perfect solution, and then having to dismantle and start over
                                         every few years
                                               30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

   We are standing at the beginning of revolutionary,
 dislocative change especially in distribution - far more
             extensive than most people acknowledge

 The rise of global online shopping, which has been fueled by the emergence of viable payment
 options for the mass market, access to internet-capable devices and efficient global fulfillment
 infrastructure has only just begun to impact both B2B and B2C commerce globally. I believe
there is much more to come in terms of change. The current situation is a little like the holiday-
 makers who, having heard news reports of an earthquake, have gone to the water’s edge and
   nothing seems amiss ... in fact the tide has gone out a long way and the sea is calm, so the
                     reports of a possible tsunami are wildly exaggerated!

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

The result of the emergence of global online distribution is likely to
change the way in which business assets are valued in the future

  It is possible we could reach a point where the value a business has built up in assets that are
  leveraged for their business model (distribution channels, brand awareness, store locations, to
   name a few) may prove to be something that impedes a business from adjusting to the new
                                         market realities

                                                30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

Businesses caught in this position of inversion where their assets
              have become liabilities may have no place to go

 Placed in a position where the former assets are now liabilities, few companies would have the
  financial capability to ‘bite the bullet’ and write down/write off this situation with a single
crystallization and restructure - e.g. Amway announces they will today stop MLM selling, pay
    off their distributors, and reposition to sell their products directly via the internet. In all
likelihood, businesses placed in this situation will have little choice but to simply ‘stay the course’
  and follow the “Dr Strangelove” strategy ... at least enjoy the ride as you sit astride the first
                      nuclear bomb to be dropped. Yee-ha - ride ‘em cowboy!

                                                  30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

  30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
David Christensen

A veteran of the Asia Pacific business scene, David
Christensen is an Australian (with New Zealand roots),
currently based in Bangkok, Thailand where he is CEO of
premium skincare and anti aging products manufacturer
Royal Siam Natural Health and Beauty, and provides
strategic consulting advice to a select group of companies.

Having lived and worked in 14 countries as wide afield as
Russia, India, and Japan, David has a background in
advertising with Saatchi & Saatchi and DDB, extensive
international business strategy consulting experience as a
Partner with Gravitas Partnership in Hong Kong, and senior
regional line management roles across Asia Pacific with
American Express, Carlson Wagonlit, and AXA Asia Pacific.

His LinkedIn profile can be seen at this link LinkedIn and
you can contact him by email at

                                                              30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
30 Pieces of Silver

        30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
The slide show is over

          30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
But if you like the music

      I’ll let it run

            30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
It’s called Cafe Flore

  Artist Dr Rockitt

          30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
I’ve got a few different versions

               30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
Would you like to try out
    a Jedi Knight
     mind trick?

           30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
OK, here it goes

       30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
Log in to your bank account

Go to the section that allows you to set up new recurring

                           30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
Establish a new payment for $49.95 on a monthly basis until
                     further notice

               Here is the account number

                 SWIFT Code KASITHB

                            30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
Now forget you’ve done this

            30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |
I’m still working on perfecting this

                 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen |

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30 pieces of silver

  • 1. 30 Pieces of Silver What have I learned over the past 35 years in business, living and working in more than a dozen countries from Japan to India to Russia, to South Africa to New Zealand ... being self employed, consulting, establishing a new business, and senior regional management roles in multinational corporations? Well, maybe no gold nuggets. But 30 quotes, paraphrased quotes, or original thoughts that at least could maybe qualify as silver. So here is my “30 Pieces of Silver” - and the good news is no-one gets betrayed, and the even better news is Apple Maps doesn’t show any “Potter’s Field” in Bangkok. In fact Apple Maps doesn’t appear to show Bangkok at all - no, wait, there it is just north of Johannesburg - it seems you can either get there by going around the Caspian Sea or taking the Golden Gate Bridge across the Bering Strait. The views expressed are personal, no animals or children were harmed or exploited putting this together that I’m aware of, and you may not agree with everything - it may be silver to me but perhaps you’re not as easily lead. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 2. I No plan of battle survives first contact with the enemy - von Moltke von Moltke was right, and its true of more than just warfare. It’s critical to plan, but your plans must allow for flexibility and adaptability because there will always be surprises. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 3. II I have so much to do today I must spend the first two hours in prayer - Martin Luther Martin Luther was also right, regardless of your type or level of religious persuasion. I take this to mean that the more busy you are, the more important it is to resist the temptation to rush into things headlong but to stand back, consider, plan, prioritize. I can’t emphasize the work prioritize enough. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 4. III Inevitably people will let you down. Plan for it, expect it, don’t get bent out of shape as a result and maybe lower your expectations a little so it’s not such a surprise! A friend many years ago gave me this advice, when I was upset and disappointed by someone’s failure to do what they promised. We both laughed when he told me he had first learned this saying from me ... but I had forgotten, and failed to follow my own advice. Expecting and allowing for people to simply be human can save a lot of frustration when the inevitable let-down occurs 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 5. IV You must plan and manage your own career You are being totally naive to believe that an employer has your best interests at heart. Employers invariably have their own best interests at heart, and if these align with yours that’s a bonus ... and this may be the case at a certain time, and not the case at others. I have always believed if you have a good employer you should seek to satisfy your career aspirations within that company as the first option. Always remember your employer’s level of commitment to you is probably in writing somewhere ... and it amounts to maybe 2 or 3 months’ notice or, if you read your contract carefully, 2 or 3 months’ severance pay and for no reason you have any control over, you could be called to an unexpected urgent meeting at 5pm one day where you will be told this is your last day in the office, and there will be a bland email to your colleagues the following day to say how much a contribution you made to the company and wishing you well in your new endeavors (if you’re lucky) ... or if you aren’t in luck you’ll be characterized as a problem the new management needed to get rid of, or you will be shot in the back on your way down the stairs. And if you think ‘that would never happen to me’ you could be in for a very nasty surprise one day. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 6. V Listen to advice but make you own decisions A wise person will listen carefully to advice from a variety of perspectives, and it pays always to be courteous and thank a person for their views. But no-one knows the circumstances, or your aspirations, or many other things better than you do. In the final analysis advice is cheap to the giver - they don’t have to live by their advice, but you do if you decide to accept. There are few who would begrudge an individual the freedom of choice, especially when communicated in a way that acknowledges this, thanks them, says it was carefully considered from all angles, but your decision was to do something else 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 7. VI In many businesses nobody really knows how the whole thing works and most management decisions or interference makes no difference A survey recently indicated that more than half of all management decisions in a business made no difference to the eventual outcome. I believe it is more significant even that that ... there are many management decisions that destroy value as well as those that may make no difference. In large and complex businesses the variables are often too many to really understand a true operating model, too difficult to isolate, or too difficult to alter and as a result the company operates largely as a ‘black box’ that is impervious to much decision-making. The result of this is perhaps we make too many decisions, and a healthy proportion of making a decision to do nothing could bring about greater benefit than feeling under an obligation to ‘do something’ 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 8. VII You will make mistakes and so will others. Making mistakes is part of life. But repeating mistakes is very different Mistakes are inevitable and hindsight is always perfect - but if you acted in what you thought was the best way with the information you had at the time, and if your motivation was correct, you shouldn’t best yourself up about this - nor should you unduly chastise a subordinate. In some cases, you ask members of your team to get the best outcome in a task ... and how do you or they know if from time to time a boundary is crossed? A wise person learns from the mistake and takes steps not to repeat it knowingly. I have always adopted the view that mistakes are an accepted part of life/work however repeated mistakes of a similar nature show a person who may not be learning and the same problem occurring repeatedly is a sign of a person who is in the wrong job. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 9. VIII Decide early where your lines and limits are. If you are going to have principles, prepare to have them tested and principles can be costly I was once told that in business, principles were not worth having unless you were committed to stand by them; and they were equally not worth having if standing by them did not have the potential to be costly to you. Better work it out before being placed under the microscope - decide what you will stand for and what you will not and as Shakespeare wrote ‘to thine own self be true’. The worst position to take is to have no position, or one that shifts - because that will quickly gain you a reputation as a hypocrite. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 10. IX Someone will always step up to the plate when dirty tricks are called for Regrettably there seems to be an unlimited supply of people who will trade money, career, praise, or whatever takes their fancy to cross the line ethically, financially, or in any other way. When 30 pieces of silver (and a promotion) are involved, some people would happily sell their Grandma and others toss in Grandpa for free, just to be seen as someone who gets stuff done 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 11. X No-one in the HR Department is your friend The HR Department has a job to do and that is to look after the best interests of the company, and and not those of you as an individual. Expect HR to use anything you have told them whether in confidence or not against you, if necessary. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 12. XI Business is a team sport and even though one team member may score the goal, the team gets the credit You need to impress upon your team that each and every role adds value and contributes to the overall success and performance of the team. You also need to impress on your ‘stars’ that they are also part of the team and dependent upon the rest of the team. A renegade striker who wants to revel in the personal glory of a solo performance scoring goals is likely to give you more trouble than they are worth ... let them go and disrupt a competitor. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 13. XII A company’s actions always say more than words Nothing destroys credibility and engenders more cynicism than a company with written commitments about the correct way to behave which are commonly ignored when they are inconvenient. It is better not to have a statement of values, or similar, than to have one which is followed only when the company wants to. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 14. XIII People are known by the company they keep. Companies are known for the people they keep. If you really want to know and understand what a company stands for or what its true values are, look at those leaders who have been with the company for some time and have been promoted from within. Their behavior will speak more eloquently about what the company believes in than anything else. If you think you are likely to change this, you are mistaken 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 15. XIV A ‘catalyst of change’ will eventually become a thorn in the side If you are ever recruited because the company wants to change its culture and needs people with new, refreshing, and different views - then enter such arrangements with your eyes wide open. Because no matter how much people say they want change, change is uncomfortable and will typically be resisted. So then you will have to overcome resistance in order to meet your objectives of change ... but the resistance is coming from the ‘establishment’ within the company. 9 times out of 10, you will go from being the breath of fresh air the company needs to a troublemaker who can’t get on with people - seldom does a company have such foresight and commitment to change that the resistors - often senior and experienced people - are the ones who get to hear the riot act 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 16. XV The biggest mistake a strong leader can make is to surround himself with similar people Regrettably it’s also the most common. “Type A” leaders - the ones with attributes like energy, vision, drive, capability, ambition, (and their houseguests of impatience, arrogance, intolerance, hubris and so on) often find it difficult to see value in those who don’t exhibit the same characteristics, and so over time tend to surround themselves with ‘clones’ of themselves. This leads to imbalance and is something a wise leader will seek to avoid. Relatively few senior leaders have the self-confidence as well as insight to see this as an important issue 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 17. XVI The second biggest mistake a strong leader can make is to weed out those that don’t agree with him/her In the days of the Roman Empire when a conquering Caesar would return to Rome and head a procession in which the people praised him, it was the role of his most trusted bodyguards - the Praetorian Guard, to accompany the chariot and whisper ‘remember Caesar, thou art mortal’ lest he start to believe the adulation of the people. Far too many CEO’s would see such words as negative, or disloyal and the giver would be quickly unwelcome. The result is an individual leading an organization who becomes completely cut off from any real communication that doesn’t get sifted by someone who is pre-selected only to transmit in a certain way. It’s a big danger and a common mistake, but a good leader needs to be getting advice and information from all perspectives, not just the ones he wants to hear. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 18. XVII The CEO doesn’t determine how well a company will perform, but prescribes the limits A company is seldom able to outperform its CEO. It may underperform the CEO, but typically he or she will set the boundaries for the entire company. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 19. XVIII I have yet to see the benefits of a merger or acquisition fully match up to the original hype The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, it is typically those with a vested interest (something to gain) who are proponents - whether they be investment bankers, strategy consultants, or management looking for bigger jobs and more money. Secondly, the initial hype normally states the best case in a range of possible outcomes, but it is also normally constructed in the controlled environment of a perfect theoretical matrix, and does not fully account for the realities on the ground 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 20. XIX Plans are constructed in a rational environment but execution takes place in an irrational landscape Planning by its nature normally expects a rational world and rational outcomes. But the real world doesn’t work that way - sometimes people behave in ways that appear to be totally irrational - fear of change, vested interests, desire to protect particular people, deeply rooted beliefs which are being challenged, pure dumb stupidity, fear of being exposed for any number of reasons and so on can all make for what appear to be bizarre and irrational behaviors which cannot be anticipated. You must learn to expect and cope with these responses 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 21. XX When two companies get into the same bed, one will end up on top There is no such thing as a merger of equals. In time, one culture will dominate. Joint Ventures of any kind - whether formal or informal - will evolve over time to benefit one party to a greater extent than the other. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 22. XXI Never proceed with a business relationship leaving significant issues to be resolved later In negotiating any form of business relationship between two parties it is tempting - especially if there is external pressure - to wrap things up and if there are some unresolved issues, go ahead anyway and in the spirit of goodwill sort them out later. Do so at your peril - because the unresolved issues could be a major problem in the future, and you find yourself too committed to go back, but unable to go forward on an issue - or something similar. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 23. XXII It’s relatively simple to get agreement on strategy, but another thing to get agreement on priorities Different companies - or divisions within the one company - can often find it much easier to agree in principle than in fact, when it comes to aligning priorities. If you are responsible for such a collaboration, reserve your victory celebration for the time that you have irrevocable commitments on the implementation time frame, not just the agreement in principle - otherwise you may find one party has the appetite for immediate execution and the other has good reasons (e.g. other priorities, resource constraints, systems limitations) for implementation to be 12 months or more in the future 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 24. XXIII Icarus was right. Fly too close to the sun, your wings melt and down you go Your work occurs within the eclipse shadow cast by your immediate superior, and this association - whether warranted or not - may present both challenges and opportunities. When a CEO leaves for any reason, his/her direct reports are likely to be in the direct firing line for the new CEO. Conversely when a superior is promoted or given another position, there’s a good chance their gravitational pull may benefit you as well. Always ask yourself if being one of ‘X’s’ team is advantaging you or not. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 25. XXIV Many new CEO’s over-promise the benefits they can bring compared with the previous regime, and so feel duty bound to make an example of a proportion of the previous senior management whether they deserve it or not Almost always these decisions are made without considering the depth of corporate knowledge that is squandered when it could be most valuable. Although it is seldom called as such, this behavior indicates an individual willing to put personal issues such as pride ahead of the company’s interests. The result of this often includes loss of corporate intelligence, continuity, and often highly capable people. The end result is the erosion of value and it often takes months or years to recover from this initial ‘own goal’ scored by a new CEO. Boards and especially Board Chairpersons must take a more active role to prevent this sort of thing happening under the guise of a new CEO insisting on having the freedom to captain their own vessel. 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 26. XXV Many new CEO’s bring with them some trusted lieutenants from their former role In Nazi Germany in the 1940’s these individuals would be called ‘kapos’, - concentration camp prisoners who work for the guards against their former countrymen and fellow prisoners. And they typically behave in a similar manner because they are a protected species. Watch your back 24/7 and be very careful to act correctly in their presence, don’t say what you might think about them if it’s negative, and face the fact that the affectionate hug you get from a kapo is more than likely just an attempt to find the best place to slip a stiletto between your ribs 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 27. XXVI It takes a particular type of person to survive and prosper in a large company for any length of time. Performance and ability are minor parts of the equation Just as intelligence tests can be described as a way to rank people according to their ability to answer intelligence tests, so too long term success in a corporate situation may have very little to do with performance or capability, and more to do with the ability to adapt to the corporate culture and survive the changes of manager you are exposed to. Often, one measure of this ability to survive and prosper is the capability to manage upwards, in a way that is wanted by an individual’s leader. Depending on the style of leader, this often means a demonstration of loyalty, support, or agreement that has more to do with political correctness than the best course of action 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 28. XXVII Most things are cyclic or a pendulum swing - move too far in one direction and you can’t go back the other way. Often the best approach is to manage equilibrium Many strategies, or approaches taken by companies across many areas have an element of ‘fashionable trend’ to them ... and just as something may be in vogue for a period, it can often then fade as another idea replaces it. And as so often happens the search for a Holy Grail of the one right answer leads a company to implement something that in time proves to be as imperfect as the thing it replaced. The centralized vs. decentralized debate is a typical example and some companies over a period of decades have lurched from one end of the continuum to the other several times. Each time this happens there are costs - both real and opportunity costs - which may have been avoided if there was a more pragmatic approach taken that managing in a ‘balance/equilibrium/unresolved state of flux’ may be a more productive and beneficial modus operandi than always seeking a perfect solution, and then having to dismantle and start over every few years 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 29. XXVIII We are standing at the beginning of revolutionary, dislocative change especially in distribution - far more extensive than most people acknowledge The rise of global online shopping, which has been fueled by the emergence of viable payment options for the mass market, access to internet-capable devices and efficient global fulfillment infrastructure has only just begun to impact both B2B and B2C commerce globally. I believe there is much more to come in terms of change. The current situation is a little like the holiday- makers who, having heard news reports of an earthquake, have gone to the water’s edge and nothing seems amiss ... in fact the tide has gone out a long way and the sea is calm, so the reports of a possible tsunami are wildly exaggerated! 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 30. XXIX The result of the emergence of global online distribution is likely to change the way in which business assets are valued in the future It is possible we could reach a point where the value a business has built up in assets that are leveraged for their business model (distribution channels, brand awareness, store locations, to name a few) may prove to be something that impedes a business from adjusting to the new market realities 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 31. XXX Businesses caught in this position of inversion where their assets have become liabilities may have no place to go Placed in a position where the former assets are now liabilities, few companies would have the financial capability to ‘bite the bullet’ and write down/write off this situation with a single crystallization and restructure - e.g. Amway announces they will today stop MLM selling, pay off their distributors, and reposition to sell their products directly via the internet. In all likelihood, businesses placed in this situation will have little choice but to simply ‘stay the course’ and follow the “Dr Strangelove” strategy ... at least enjoy the ride as you sit astride the first nuclear bomb to be dropped. Yee-ha - ride ‘em cowboy! 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 32. XXX 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 33. David Christensen A veteran of the Asia Pacific business scene, David Christensen is an Australian (with New Zealand roots), currently based in Bangkok, Thailand where he is CEO of premium skincare and anti aging products manufacturer Royal Siam Natural Health and Beauty, and provides strategic consulting advice to a select group of companies. Having lived and worked in 14 countries as wide afield as Russia, India, and Japan, David has a background in advertising with Saatchi & Saatchi and DDB, extensive international business strategy consulting experience as a Partner with Gravitas Partnership in Hong Kong, and senior regional line management roles across Asia Pacific with American Express, Carlson Wagonlit, and AXA Asia Pacific. His LinkedIn profile can be seen at this link LinkedIn and you can contact him by email at 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 34. 30 Pieces of Silver 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 35. The slide show is over 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 36. But if you like the music I’ll let it run 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 37. It’s called Cafe Flore Artist Dr Rockitt 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 38. I’ve got a few different versions 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 39. Would you like to try out a Jedi Knight mind trick? 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 40. OK, here it goes 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 41. Log in to your bank account Go to the section that allows you to set up new recurring payments 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 42. Establish a new payment for $49.95 on a monthly basis until further notice Here is the account number SWIFT Code KASITHB 256-2-129389-45 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 43. Now forget you’ve done this 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30
  • 44. I’m still working on perfecting this 30 Pieces of Silver | David Christensen | 30

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