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Digital Marketing For
International Trade
Course Description
• The increasing accessibility of the internet has made the Business
world feel more unified thanks to digital marketing. Customers can
always stay in touch and inquire about any frequent changes that
businesses make to their services and products. By effectively
marketing their services and products, companies in the Americas or
Europe can now reach potential clients in Africa or Asia. Digital
marketing has made it easier to connect with new customers and
promotes international trade by opening up previously unexplored
areas, making doing business easier than ever before.
After Completing this course
• Identify different types of Digital Marketing Channels
• Familiarize yourself to different social Media Marketing terms
Course Structure
Practical Exercise
Group Exercise
Identify or select a company and try to identify
1. Your Target Market
2. Identify Keywords related to the selected business
3. Identify Top Hash tags
4. Identify Influencers
5. Identify communities on different social media and discuss how
they can help the selected business
• “Digital marketing” can be described as actively promoting products
and services using digital distribution channels as an alternative to the
more traditional mediums such as television, print and radio.
• “Digital marketing” is the process of building and maintaining
customer relationships through online activities to facilitate the
exchange of ideas, products, and services that satisfy the goals of
both parties.
• In plain English: Getting found online
Objectives and goals of digital marketing
• Objectives
• One way to make sure you are found on the web is with an optimized
digital marketing campaign. Most digital marketing strategies and
campaigns have following 5 objectives.
• Reaching the right audience
• To engage with your audience
• To motivate your audience to take action
• Efficient spending on your campaign
• Return on investment (ROI)
• Goal
• Digital marketing is about generating sales and/or capturing leads
from customers that are searching on the Internet for answers.
What is the difference between
Traditional Marketing and Digital
Difference between digital and traditional marketing
Traditional marketing Digital marketing
Communication is unidirectional.
Means, a business communicates
about its products or services with a
group of people.
Communication is bidirectional. The
customer also can ask queries or make
suggestions about the business
products and services.
Medium of communication is
generally phone calls, letters, and
Medium of communication is mostly
through social media websites, chat,
and Email.
Campaigning takes more time for
designing, preparing, and launching.
There is always a fast way to develop an
online campaign and carry out changes
along its development. With digital
tools, campaigning is easier.
It is carried out for a specific
audience throughout from
generating campaign ideas up to
selling a product or a service.
The content is available for general
public. It is then made to reach the
specific audience by employing search
engine techniques.
It is conventional way of marketing;
best for reaching local audience.
It is best for reaching global audience.
It is difficult to measure the
effectiveness of a campaign.
It is easier to measure the effectiveness
of a campaign through analytics.
Types of Digital Marketing
Online Marketing Channels
1. Search Engine Optimization
2. Pay-Per-Click
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Content Marketing
5. Email Marketing
6. Affiliate Marketing
7. Marketing Analytics
8. Mobile Marketing
9. Video Marketing
Offline Marketing Channels
• TV Marketing
• SMS Marketing
• Radio Marketing
• Electronic Billboard Marketing
Offline Marketing Channels
1. TV Marketing
• TV marketing is not dead, on the contrary, is a marketing channel that will experience a boost in
the coming years.
• The adoption of Web TV will change this dramatically. Marketers will be able to target audiences
based on a number of factors and make informed decisions as to what content to produce.
2. SMS Marketing
• SMS marketing is still an option to get in touch with potential customers, although not among the
most powerful.
• There are better alternatives these days like push messages on the web and mobile and also on
Facebook messenger.
• Nevertheless, SMS marketing can be used to get more visits to your local community store.
Offline Marketing…..
• Radio Marketing
• Radio marketing is another tool you can utilize but not as effective as other methods. The main
issue with radio marketing is that you don’t know exactly the return on your investment.
• When you pay for a radio ad, you can only assume the number of people that heard the ad, based
on the number of listeners the particular radio station has.
• Radio marketing is still good for local businesses though and small communities that are not so
affected by the social media mania.
• Billboard Marketing
• Billboard marketing is considered to be part of digital marketing. Electronic billboards are
available in a number of public places (think Times Square billboards or Super Bowl commercials)
and it’s another more traditional channel in your digital marketing arsenal.
Search Engines
• Search engines are searchable databases of web content. Every search engine
aims to provide the best, most relevant results for users. They’re made up of two
main parts:
1. Search index. A digital library of information about webpages.
2. Search algorithm(s). Computer program(s) tasked with matching results from
the search index.
• How do search engines make money?
• Search engines have two types of search results:
• Organic results from the search index: the unpaid results that appear on a search
engine results page after a query.
• Paid results from advertisers. You can pay to be here.
• Each time someone clicks a paid search result, the advertiser pays the search
engine. This is known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and it’s why market share
From backlinks. Google has an index of hundreds of
billions of webpages. If someone links to a new page from
a known page, Google can find it from there.
From sitemaps. Sitemaps tell Google which pages and
files you think are important on your site.
From URL submissions. Google lets site owners request
crawling of individual URLs in Google Search Console.
Crawling is where a computer bot called a spider visits
and downloads known URLs. Google’s crawler is
Processing and rendering
Processing is where Google works to understand
and extract key information from crawled pages. To
do this, it has to render the page, which is where it
runs the page’s code to understand how it looks
for users.
Nobody outside of Google knows every detail about
this process.
Indexing is where processed information from
crawled pages gets added to the search index.
The search index is what you search when you use
a search engine. That’s why getting indexed in
major search engines like Google and Bing is so
important. Users can’t find you unless you’re in
the index.
How Search Engine Works?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization is the practice of growing a website's traffic
from organic search results. It involves things like keyword research,
content creation, link building, and technical audits.
It determines how you help customers find your site when they search
on Google, Bing and Yahoo. By building your site the right way and
optimizing your keywords, you’ll drive more traffic to your page and
generate more sales.
Organic search results are the unpaid results that appear on a search
engine results page after a query.
How do SEO works?
SEO involves five main steps:
• Keyword research. Find what people search for.
Think about the words your clients are likely to use when looking for your products or services on the web. If
you’re selling appliances, for example, are your customers more likely to use a formal word like refrigerator or a
slang word like fridge?
• Content creation. Craft content for searchers.
The main mission of search engines is to help people find answers to their questions. So your best strategy to
get lots of traffic is to create compelling content—articles, videos and photos—that provides quality
information to your readers. Make sure to update your content frequently so it stays relevant.
• On-page SEO. Make your content as clear as possible.
Remember you’re competing against other companies for attention online from prospective customers. To rise
above the pack in web searches for your industry, look for words that correspond to your market differentiators
such as your unique offerings or geographic location.
• Link building. Build trust and authority from other websites.
The more sites that carry links to your site, the higher you will rank on searches. Ask the owners of related sites
to carry a link to your site. Offer to carry a link to theirs in exchange for a link to yours.
• Technical SEO. Help search engines find, crawl, and index your content efficiently.
Organic search…
• Back to the coffee shop, and imagine that you’ve just started offering a new
original specialty coffee. You know there must be other people in your city who
would enjoy this new coffee flavor. Someone might even be searching for it right
now. So, how do you help them find you?
• Well, when someone searches for something using a search engine, the results
page they see contains a list of organic, or unpaid results.
• Organic results typically appear in the center of the page, and are the results the
search engine decides are the best match for the search query, or words, that
were typed in.
• Results pages will also display advertisements, or paid results, though they’ll be
separate and labeled as ads. Although organic results and ads appear on the
same page, there’s one big difference: there’s no cost to appear in the organic
Organic search…
• Websites do not—and cannot—pay to appear here.
• So how can you improve your website’s chances of appearing in the
unpaid results?
• It all comes down to quality.
• Think of it this way. The search engines’ primary goal is to help people
find what they are looking for. If you can help the search engine
decide that your website is what people are searching for, you’re in
good shape.
• Making improvements to your website to help it appear in the organic
results is called search engine optimization, or SEO .
• Good SEO involves helping a search engine find and understand your
Organic search…
• So what do search engines like? Good, relevant content. Think about
exactly what your coffee shop’s potential customers might be
searching for.
• If they want a macaroon, they might search for those words. But
that’s a pretty broad search and could also mean a searcher’s looking
for a recipe, or an image, or the history of the pastry.
• Understanding that, it would probably be more useful for you to focus
on appearing on searches for homemade macaroons, in your city. So
your focus might be to create relevant, original content that
reinforces the “how”—that all your macaroons are made from scratch
at your location, and the “where”—that your macaroons are available
at your bakery, or delivered to certain areas.
Organic search…
• This can help your website appear on searches for “new coffee”, or
related searches like “the best flavor” or “winey flavor”
• That’s organic search results. Showing up in them is a great way to
help customers find you—and it won’t cost you a thing.
• All you have to do is make sure that your content is relevant to the
people searching, so they’ll click and stay for a visit.
Popular SEO tools
Mastering SEO optimization can be hard, especially if you’re just
starting out. Fortunately, finding the best SEO tools is easy. over 30 SEO
experts are reached to find out what the best SEO software is and what
keyword tracking tools impress the SEO experts. You don’t need to try
all these tools, you just need to figure out which one works best for
your store’s needs.
Popular SEO tools…
1. Keyword Analysis Tools
• Free – Ubersuggest
• Freemium – Term Explorer
• Paid – SEMrush
• Paid - Ahrefs Keywords Explorer
2. Rankings Tools
• Free tool - Google Search Console
• Freemium – SEMrush
• Paid – Authority Labs
Popular SEO tools…
3. Content effectiveness tools.
• Free – Outdated Content Finder
• Freemium – Yoast WordPress Plugin
• Paid – Buzzsumo
4. Link Building Tools
• Free - LinkMiner Plugin.
• Freemium – Moz SEO Toolbar & Majestic Backlink Analyzer Extensions
• Paid - Ahrefs Site Explorer
• Paid - Buzzstream
Popular SEO tools…
5. Link Removal Tools
• Free – Disavow Tool
• Paid – CognitiveSEO
6. Technical SEO tools
• Free - WooRank Plugin
• Freemium – Screaming Frog
• Paid - DeepCrawl
Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online advertising model in which an
advertiser pays a publisher every time an advertisement link is “clicked”
on. Alternatively, PPC is known as the cost-per-click (CPC) model.
The pay-per-click model is primarily based on keywords. For example,
in search engines, online ads (also known as sponsored links) only
appear when someone searches a keyword related to the product or
service being advertised. Therefore, companies that rely on pay-per-
click advertising models research and analyze the keywords most
applicable to their products or services. Investing in relevant keywords
can result in a higher number of clicks and, eventually, higher profits.
You don’t see ads for unrelated things, and interestingly enough, the
adverts seem quite similar to the organic results.
Pay-Per-Click Models
• Commonly, pay-per-click advertising rates are determined using the flat-rate model or the bid-
based model.
1. Flat-rate model
• In the flat rate pay-per-click model, an advertiser pays a publisher a fixed fee for each click.
Publishers generally keep a list of different PPC rates that apply to different areas of their website.
Note that publishers are generally open to negotiations regarding the price. A publisher is very
likely to lower the fixed price if an advertiser offers a long-term or a high-value contract.
• 2. Bid-based model
• In the bid-based model, each advertiser makes a bid with a maximum amount of money they are
willing to pay for an advertising spot. Then, a publisher undertakes an auction using automated
tools. An auction is run whenever a visitor triggers the ad spot.
• Note that the winner of an auction is generally determined by the rank, not the total amount, of
money offered. The rank considers both the amount of money offered and the quality of the
content offered by an advertiser. Thus, the relevance of the content is as important as the bid.
Paid search explained…
• The bid is the maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on
an ad. If someone clicks the ad, the advertiser is charged an amount equal
to or sometimes less than the bid.
So, if an advertiser bids 2 pounds for a keyword, that’s the most he would
pay for a single ad click. If an ad shows on the page but no one clicks, it
doesn’t cost the advertiser anything at all.
Ideally, bids correspond to the value of the keywords to the business. But,
the amount is up to each advertiser. Some advertisers may be willing to bid
50 pence for a keyword; others may be willing to bid 10 pounds.
Bid averages vary industry-by-industry, and keyword-by-keyword.
Bids are important, but so is quality.
Paid search explained…
• Winning the auction doesn’t always hinge on having the highest bid.
Search engines reward ads and keywords with strong relevance to the
search. In fact, it’s possible that relevant ads can “win” higher spots
on the search results page, even with lower bids. In some cases, no
matter how high a bid, a search engine will not display the ad if it’s
To summarize, paid ads offer another way to promote your products
and services on search engine results pages.
With a well-constructed search advertising campaign you can reach
customers at the very moment they’re looking for what you offer.
How the PPC ad auction works
• Search engines don’t show ads for every query, but when a query is
monetized, an auction takes place as soon as the user searches. A
variety of factors will determine:
• An advertiser’s eligibility for the auction
• The subsequent order in which eligible ads appear on the page
• How much each advertiser will pay if their ad is clicked
How the PPC ad auction works…
• The first factor is how much an advertiser is willing to pay for a click.
Advertisers set a maximum bid (called Max CPC) that they’re willing
to pay. Bids can be set at the individual keyword level or at the ad
group level (a grouping of related keywords).
• The second is what’s known as an ad’s Quality Score, which is a
combination of factors. Once an ad is eligible for the auction, the
combination of Max CPC times Quality Score is calculated as Ad Rank
to determine in what position it will show.
What is Quality Score?
• Quality Score plays a big role in what position ads appear in the
search results and how much an advertiser will pay per click.
Advertisers don’t see an ad’s actual Quality Score, but as Google
disclosed Quality Score of 1 is (bad) 10 is (excellent) at the keyword
level in AdWords. When Quality Score improves, cost-per-click may
(CPC) go down and/or average position improve.
What is Quality Score?
• Google looks at three things when calculating Quality Score:
• Expected click-through rate (CTR), which reflects the likelihood a
user will click on an ad.
• Ad relevance to the query. The ad copy should clearly relate to
what the user is looking for.
• Landing page experience. Are the users directed to a page that
reflects the intent of the query, and does that page provide a good
user experience?
• How does Google weigh each of these factors?
• Google has only recently made Quality Score data available. In 2016,
after analyzing a large set of Quality Score data exported from the
AdWords API, Brad Geddes, founder of AdAlysis, reverse-engineered
the formula for the Quality Score surfaces in AdWords accounts:
• Quality Score = 1 + Landing Page Experience weight + Ad Relevance
weight + CTR weight
• He then determined the weighting Google gives to each of the three
• Landing page experience: 39%
• Expected CTR: 39%
• Ad Relevance: 22%
• Now we have a blueprint for prioritizing optimization efforts aimed at
increasing Quality Scores. Advertisers should focus first on improving
CTRs by testing ad copy and landing page experience (that may mean
improving speed, choosing a more relevant page and so on) to
improve site engagement and reduce bounce rates. Then focus on ad
testing to improve relevance to the query.
What is Ad Rank?
• Ad Rank determines the positions in which ads participating in the
auction are shown. The better the Ad Rank, the higher the position.
The best Ad Rank gets the top ad position.
• It takes into account an ad’s Quality Score and the advertiser’s Max
CPC, plus the expected click-through rate (CTR) impact of the ad
extensions and formats available. Here’s the basic formula:
• Ad Rank = Ad quality score x Max CPC [+ a combination of other
factors, including the context of the search such as device and
expected impact of ad extensions]
How is CPC calculated?
• Ad Rank has a big impact on the actual cost-per-click (CPC). It’s often
misstated that advertisers pay one cent more than the advertiser in
the spot below them. But that’s really just a piece of the CPC
calculation. CPC is calculated using this formula:
• CPC = The Ad Rank of Advertiser Below/Quality Score + $0.01
• In AdWords, because pricing is based in part on the Ad Rank of the
next competitor, actual CPCs can vary widely.
Here’s an example of what the ad auction
looks like in practice:
Popular PPC tools
When it comes to PPC networks you probably only
think about AdWords and Bing. However, as you
probably know, those aren’t the only PPC networks out
there. Due to the enormous success of the PPC model,
many companies have burst onto the scene with their
own platforms. With so many companies wanting a
slice of the profits, this has lead to endless PPC
networks popping up.
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
Bing Ads
Email marketing
Your email marketing options
• So, once you’re ready to start using an email marketing campaign,
you’ll need to know how to get started. An “email marketing service”
can guide you through the process from start to finish.
• We’re going to discuss the typical features and benefits of email
marketing services. We’ll also talk about how these tools can give you
insights into customer behavior, so you can deliver more personalized
• While there are many options to choose from, most email marketing
tools share a few common features.
Your email marketing options…
• The first is a contact database that stores your customers’ information. At
minimum, the database needs to include an email address for each
contact. Most software services allow you to include additional
information, like name, mailing address, and other information.
• Start building your email database by adding customer data you already
have. Most services allow you to upload data from a spreadsheet, a handy
feature if you have a lot of information to include.
• Next, you want to give people the ability to subscribe (and unsubscribe)
themselves. Most email services provide a online form that you can add to
your website by copying and pasting a bit of code. Website visitors can
then submit this form to sign up for your emails. This data is then
automatically transferred to your contact database.
Your email marketing options…
• One thing to keep in mind: these forms are usually customizable, so you
can ask for the specific customer information you want. But, your online
sign up form should be short and easy to complete— you’ll probably have
more success growing a subscriber list if you don’t require too much
information. All you really need is their email address to get started!
• If you do have information about customers, you can use it to sort them
into lists. For example, let’s say you own a pet supply shop. If you know
that one set of customers own cats, you can group them in a Cat list and
send them cat food offers. Customers who own dogs would be on the Dog
list, and get different offers. The more information you have about your
customers, the more relevant your emails can be.
Your email marketing options…
• Now you’ve got your database, let’s think about the actual emails.
Email templates allow you to create a design that matches your
brand. You can reuse your template again and again, for similar email
• Keep in mind that many people read email on their mobiles, so be
sure yours are mobile-friendly. Many email marketing tools allow you
to preview your email on different devices before you send.
• Another great feature to know about is the ability to schedule when
your email goes out. You can send the email immediately, or choose a
later day and time.
Your email marketing options…
• An email marketing tool can even be used to track what people do
when they receive it.
• You might find that most of your customers open their email first
thing Monday mornings, or, during lunch on Friday. You can then use
your email service to record those preferences and send future emails
at more relevant times.
• Email marketing services also track who clicks the links in your email.
These links typically go to pages on your website. You can then track
what those people do, once they’re on your site. Like, whether they
read an article, or make a purchase.
Your email marketing options…
• As you learn about your customers’ behavior, you can then deliver
more personalized content.
• Many email marketing services offer a personalization feature that
places relevant content into an email template, based on a person's
interests. You can use this feature to send specific messages to
different people within your database.
Your email marketing options…
• Remember those groups of cat owners and dog owners you set up? While
most of your email will contain general information that all pet owners will
appreciate, your email template can also include one or two fields for
content that is specific for each pet-specific group.
• By targeting each group with a personalized email, you increase the
chances that they will not only read your email, but also click through to
visit your website.
• So, as you can see, email marketing tools make running a successful email
program much easier.
• Not only will they save you time, but you can track which recipients open,
and take action on your messages. The more you know about your
contacts, the more personalized content you can deliver.
Popular Email marketing tools
Icontact pro
Constant contact
Web Analytics
What is web analytics
• So, what is web analytics, exactly? Well, it’s all about using the data
you can collect from your website to give you insights about your
There are lots of web analytics tools out there, and they can do a
variety of things. we’ll focus on the basics, and talk about the ways
analytics can help you, no matter which specific tool you use.
Web analytics helps you by providing data.
What is web analytics…
• A “metric” is basically anything you can count. “Unique Visitors” is a
good example. “Time Spent On Site” is another. If you sell things on
your website, you can track how much money you’re making or how
many of a certain product you’re selling. If your goal is to get people
to read your website, you can track the number of times someone
looked at a blog post or the amount of time they spent on it. All of
these things are “metrics.”
Next, you’ll generally analyze your metrics by using what are called
What is web analytics…
• When you’re first starting out with analytics, you might feel like you’re
swimming in an ocean of metrics, but you’ll quickly get used to having all
this data.
So, what do you do with it?
Well, you can use web analytics tools to learn more about your website
Let’s say someone places an order, downloads driving directions to your
shop, fills out a contact form, or does something else that you want them
to do when they’re visiting your site. This is known as a “conversion.”
What is web analytics…
• Web analytics tools can tell you if the “conversion rate”, or the amount of
people that visit and then convert on one of your goals, changes based on
where they came from, whether they’d been there before, or even the type
of device they’re using.
So let’s look at that last one. If you know which devices your site is working
best and worst on, you can identify specific areas of strength to build on
and areas you’ll need to improve.
You’ll notice in that example that we were comparing “metrics” of
conversions or conversion rates, but we were breaking it down by the
device they used. The “device” data we’re collecting is called a
“dimension,” and as promised, it’s time to talk about those next.
Generally, a dimension is any kind of data you can use to describe
something you’re tracking with words.
What is web analytics…
• Dimensions include things like the device type, what browsers visitors use, their
geographic locations, and much, much more.
By taking your metrics and “slicing” them with dimensions, you can find answers to very
specific, detailed business questions, like “which devices are people finding it easiest to
convert on the goals of my website?”
And that’s just one of many questions you can answer with web analytics.
Want to know what time of day most people are visiting your website? Take your
“Visitors” metric and break that down by an “Hour of Day” dimension.
How about finding out which marketing campaigns are making the most sales? Take your
“Conversions” metric, and break it down by a “Campaign” dimension.
As you dive into your own web analytics reports, you’ll be able to see all the metrics and
dimensions being tracked, and you can combine them and slice and dice them to answer
the questions you care most about.
Popular Web analytics tools
Google Analytics
Church Analytics
Open Web Analytics
 Clicktale
Social Media Marketing
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Introduction to digital marketing
Internet Marketing Basics
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3 dm.ppt

  • 2. Course Description • The increasing accessibility of the internet has made the Business world feel more unified thanks to digital marketing. Customers can always stay in touch and inquire about any frequent changes that businesses make to their services and products. By effectively marketing their services and products, companies in the Americas or Europe can now reach potential clients in Africa or Asia. Digital marketing has made it easier to connect with new customers and promotes international trade by opening up previously unexplored areas, making doing business easier than ever before.
  • 4. After Completing this course • Identify different types of Digital Marketing Channels • Familiarize yourself to different social Media Marketing terms
  • 6. Practical Exercise Group Exercise Identify or select a company and try to identify 1. Your Target Market 2. Identify Keywords related to the selected business 3. Identify Top Hash tags 4. Identify Influencers 5. Identify communities on different social media and discuss how they can help the selected business
  • 7. Definition • “Digital marketing” can be described as actively promoting products and services using digital distribution channels as an alternative to the more traditional mediums such as television, print and radio. • “Digital marketing” is the process of building and maintaining customer relationships through online activities to facilitate the exchange of ideas, products, and services that satisfy the goals of both parties. • In plain English: Getting found online
  • 8. Objectives and goals of digital marketing • Objectives • One way to make sure you are found on the web is with an optimized digital marketing campaign. Most digital marketing strategies and campaigns have following 5 objectives. • Reaching the right audience • To engage with your audience • To motivate your audience to take action • Efficient spending on your campaign • Return on investment (ROI) • Goal • Digital marketing is about generating sales and/or capturing leads from customers that are searching on the Internet for answers.
  • 9. What is the difference between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing?
  • 10. Difference between digital and traditional marketing Traditional marketing Digital marketing Communication is unidirectional. Means, a business communicates about its products or services with a group of people. Communication is bidirectional. The customer also can ask queries or make suggestions about the business products and services. Medium of communication is generally phone calls, letters, and Emails. Medium of communication is mostly through social media websites, chat, and Email. Campaigning takes more time for designing, preparing, and launching. There is always a fast way to develop an online campaign and carry out changes along its development. With digital tools, campaigning is easier. It is carried out for a specific audience throughout from generating campaign ideas up to selling a product or a service. The content is available for general public. It is then made to reach the specific audience by employing search engine techniques. It is conventional way of marketing; best for reaching local audience. It is best for reaching global audience. It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of a campaign. It is easier to measure the effectiveness of a campaign through analytics.
  • 11. Types of Digital Marketing Online Marketing Channels 1. Search Engine Optimization 2. Pay-Per-Click 3. Social Media Marketing 4. Content Marketing 5. Email Marketing 6. Affiliate Marketing 7. Marketing Analytics 8. Mobile Marketing 9. Video Marketing Offline Marketing Channels • TV Marketing • SMS Marketing • Radio Marketing • Electronic Billboard Marketing
  • 12. Offline Marketing Channels 1. TV Marketing • TV marketing is not dead, on the contrary, is a marketing channel that will experience a boost in the coming years. • The adoption of Web TV will change this dramatically. Marketers will be able to target audiences based on a number of factors and make informed decisions as to what content to produce. 2. SMS Marketing • SMS marketing is still an option to get in touch with potential customers, although not among the most powerful. • There are better alternatives these days like push messages on the web and mobile and also on Facebook messenger. • Nevertheless, SMS marketing can be used to get more visits to your local community store.
  • 13. Offline Marketing….. • Radio Marketing • Radio marketing is another tool you can utilize but not as effective as other methods. The main issue with radio marketing is that you don’t know exactly the return on your investment. • When you pay for a radio ad, you can only assume the number of people that heard the ad, based on the number of listeners the particular radio station has. • Radio marketing is still good for local businesses though and small communities that are not so affected by the social media mania. • Billboard Marketing • Billboard marketing is considered to be part of digital marketing. Electronic billboards are available in a number of public places (think Times Square billboards or Super Bowl commercials) and it’s another more traditional channel in your digital marketing arsenal.
  • 14. Search Engines • Search engines are searchable databases of web content. Every search engine aims to provide the best, most relevant results for users. They’re made up of two main parts: 1. Search index. A digital library of information about webpages. 2. Search algorithm(s). Computer program(s) tasked with matching results from the search index. • How do search engines make money? • Search engines have two types of search results: • Organic results from the search index: the unpaid results that appear on a search engine results page after a query. • Paid results from advertisers. You can pay to be here. • Each time someone clicks a paid search result, the advertiser pays the search engine. This is known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and it’s why market share matters.
  • 15. URLs From backlinks. Google has an index of hundreds of billions of webpages. If someone links to a new page from a known page, Google can find it from there. From sitemaps. Sitemaps tell Google which pages and files you think are important on your site. From URL submissions. Google lets site owners request crawling of individual URLs in Google Search Console. Crawling Crawling is where a computer bot called a spider visits and downloads known URLs. Google’s crawler is Googlebot. Processing and rendering Processing is where Google works to understand and extract key information from crawled pages. To do this, it has to render the page, which is where it runs the page’s code to understand how it looks for users. Nobody outside of Google knows every detail about this process. Indexing Indexing is where processed information from crawled pages gets added to the search index. The search index is what you search when you use a search engine. That’s why getting indexed in major search engines like Google and Bing is so important. Users can’t find you unless you’re in the index. How Search Engine Works?
  • 16. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Optimization is the practice of growing a website's traffic from organic search results. It involves things like keyword research, content creation, link building, and technical audits. It determines how you help customers find your site when they search on Google, Bing and Yahoo. By building your site the right way and optimizing your keywords, you’ll drive more traffic to your page and generate more sales. Organic search results are the unpaid results that appear on a search engine results page after a query.
  • 17. How do SEO works? SEO involves five main steps: • Keyword research. Find what people search for. Think about the words your clients are likely to use when looking for your products or services on the web. If you’re selling appliances, for example, are your customers more likely to use a formal word like refrigerator or a slang word like fridge? • Content creation. Craft content for searchers. The main mission of search engines is to help people find answers to their questions. So your best strategy to get lots of traffic is to create compelling content—articles, videos and photos—that provides quality information to your readers. Make sure to update your content frequently so it stays relevant. • On-page SEO. Make your content as clear as possible. Remember you’re competing against other companies for attention online from prospective customers. To rise above the pack in web searches for your industry, look for words that correspond to your market differentiators such as your unique offerings or geographic location. • Link building. Build trust and authority from other websites. The more sites that carry links to your site, the higher you will rank on searches. Ask the owners of related sites to carry a link to your site. Offer to carry a link to theirs in exchange for a link to yours. • Technical SEO. Help search engines find, crawl, and index your content efficiently.
  • 18. Organic search… • Back to the coffee shop, and imagine that you’ve just started offering a new original specialty coffee. You know there must be other people in your city who would enjoy this new coffee flavor. Someone might even be searching for it right now. So, how do you help them find you? • Well, when someone searches for something using a search engine, the results page they see contains a list of organic, or unpaid results. • Organic results typically appear in the center of the page, and are the results the search engine decides are the best match for the search query, or words, that were typed in. • Results pages will also display advertisements, or paid results, though they’ll be separate and labeled as ads. Although organic results and ads appear on the same page, there’s one big difference: there’s no cost to appear in the organic results.
  • 19. Organic search… • Websites do not—and cannot—pay to appear here. • So how can you improve your website’s chances of appearing in the unpaid results? • It all comes down to quality. • Think of it this way. The search engines’ primary goal is to help people find what they are looking for. If you can help the search engine decide that your website is what people are searching for, you’re in good shape. • Making improvements to your website to help it appear in the organic results is called search engine optimization, or SEO . • Good SEO involves helping a search engine find and understand your site.
  • 20. Organic search… • So what do search engines like? Good, relevant content. Think about exactly what your coffee shop’s potential customers might be searching for. • If they want a macaroon, they might search for those words. But that’s a pretty broad search and could also mean a searcher’s looking for a recipe, or an image, or the history of the pastry. • Understanding that, it would probably be more useful for you to focus on appearing on searches for homemade macaroons, in your city. So your focus might be to create relevant, original content that reinforces the “how”—that all your macaroons are made from scratch at your location, and the “where”—that your macaroons are available at your bakery, or delivered to certain areas.
  • 21. Organic search… • This can help your website appear on searches for “new coffee”, or related searches like “the best flavor” or “winey flavor” • That’s organic search results. Showing up in them is a great way to help customers find you—and it won’t cost you a thing. • All you have to do is make sure that your content is relevant to the people searching, so they’ll click and stay for a visit.
  • 22.
  • 23. Popular SEO tools Mastering SEO optimization can be hard, especially if you’re just starting out. Fortunately, finding the best SEO tools is easy. over 30 SEO experts are reached to find out what the best SEO software is and what keyword tracking tools impress the SEO experts. You don’t need to try all these tools, you just need to figure out which one works best for your store’s needs.
  • 24.
  • 25. Popular SEO tools… 1. Keyword Analysis Tools • Free – Ubersuggest • Freemium – Term Explorer • Paid – SEMrush • Paid - Ahrefs Keywords Explorer 2. Rankings Tools • Free tool - Google Search Console • Freemium – SEMrush • Paid – Authority Labs
  • 26. Popular SEO tools… 3. Content effectiveness tools. • Free – Outdated Content Finder • Freemium – Yoast WordPress Plugin • Paid – Buzzsumo 4. Link Building Tools • Free - LinkMiner Plugin. • Freemium – Moz SEO Toolbar & Majestic Backlink Analyzer Extensions • Paid - Ahrefs Site Explorer • Paid - Buzzstream
  • 27. Popular SEO tools… 5. Link Removal Tools • Free – Disavow Tool • Paid – CognitiveSEO 6. Technical SEO tools • Free - WooRank Plugin • Freemium – Screaming Frog • Paid - DeepCrawl
  • 28.
  • 29. Paid-Per-Click Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online advertising model in which an advertiser pays a publisher every time an advertisement link is “clicked” on. Alternatively, PPC is known as the cost-per-click (CPC) model. The pay-per-click model is primarily based on keywords. For example, in search engines, online ads (also known as sponsored links) only appear when someone searches a keyword related to the product or service being advertised. Therefore, companies that rely on pay-per- click advertising models research and analyze the keywords most applicable to their products or services. Investing in relevant keywords can result in a higher number of clicks and, eventually, higher profits. You don’t see ads for unrelated things, and interestingly enough, the adverts seem quite similar to the organic results.
  • 30. Pay-Per-Click Models • Commonly, pay-per-click advertising rates are determined using the flat-rate model or the bid- based model. 1. Flat-rate model • In the flat rate pay-per-click model, an advertiser pays a publisher a fixed fee for each click. Publishers generally keep a list of different PPC rates that apply to different areas of their website. Note that publishers are generally open to negotiations regarding the price. A publisher is very likely to lower the fixed price if an advertiser offers a long-term or a high-value contract. • 2. Bid-based model • In the bid-based model, each advertiser makes a bid with a maximum amount of money they are willing to pay for an advertising spot. Then, a publisher undertakes an auction using automated tools. An auction is run whenever a visitor triggers the ad spot. • Note that the winner of an auction is generally determined by the rank, not the total amount, of money offered. The rank considers both the amount of money offered and the quality of the content offered by an advertiser. Thus, the relevance of the content is as important as the bid.
  • 31. Paid search explained… • The bid is the maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on an ad. If someone clicks the ad, the advertiser is charged an amount equal to or sometimes less than the bid. So, if an advertiser bids 2 pounds for a keyword, that’s the most he would pay for a single ad click. If an ad shows on the page but no one clicks, it doesn’t cost the advertiser anything at all. Ideally, bids correspond to the value of the keywords to the business. But, the amount is up to each advertiser. Some advertisers may be willing to bid 50 pence for a keyword; others may be willing to bid 10 pounds. Bid averages vary industry-by-industry, and keyword-by-keyword. Bids are important, but so is quality.
  • 32. Paid search explained… • Winning the auction doesn’t always hinge on having the highest bid. Search engines reward ads and keywords with strong relevance to the search. In fact, it’s possible that relevant ads can “win” higher spots on the search results page, even with lower bids. In some cases, no matter how high a bid, a search engine will not display the ad if it’s irrelevant. To summarize, paid ads offer another way to promote your products and services on search engine results pages. With a well-constructed search advertising campaign you can reach customers at the very moment they’re looking for what you offer.
  • 33. How the PPC ad auction works • Search engines don’t show ads for every query, but when a query is monetized, an auction takes place as soon as the user searches. A variety of factors will determine: • An advertiser’s eligibility for the auction • The subsequent order in which eligible ads appear on the page • How much each advertiser will pay if their ad is clicked
  • 34. How the PPC ad auction works… • The first factor is how much an advertiser is willing to pay for a click. Advertisers set a maximum bid (called Max CPC) that they’re willing to pay. Bids can be set at the individual keyword level or at the ad group level (a grouping of related keywords). • The second is what’s known as an ad’s Quality Score, which is a combination of factors. Once an ad is eligible for the auction, the combination of Max CPC times Quality Score is calculated as Ad Rank to determine in what position it will show.
  • 35. What is Quality Score? • Quality Score plays a big role in what position ads appear in the search results and how much an advertiser will pay per click. Advertisers don’t see an ad’s actual Quality Score, but as Google disclosed Quality Score of 1 is (bad) 10 is (excellent) at the keyword level in AdWords. When Quality Score improves, cost-per-click may (CPC) go down and/or average position improve.
  • 36. What is Quality Score? • Google looks at three things when calculating Quality Score: • Expected click-through rate (CTR), which reflects the likelihood a user will click on an ad. • Ad relevance to the query. The ad copy should clearly relate to what the user is looking for. • Landing page experience. Are the users directed to a page that reflects the intent of the query, and does that page provide a good user experience?
  • 37. • How does Google weigh each of these factors? • Google has only recently made Quality Score data available. In 2016, after analyzing a large set of Quality Score data exported from the AdWords API, Brad Geddes, founder of AdAlysis, reverse-engineered the formula for the Quality Score surfaces in AdWords accounts: • Quality Score = 1 + Landing Page Experience weight + Ad Relevance weight + CTR weight
  • 38. • He then determined the weighting Google gives to each of the three factors: • Landing page experience: 39% • Expected CTR: 39% • Ad Relevance: 22% • Now we have a blueprint for prioritizing optimization efforts aimed at increasing Quality Scores. Advertisers should focus first on improving CTRs by testing ad copy and landing page experience (that may mean improving speed, choosing a more relevant page and so on) to improve site engagement and reduce bounce rates. Then focus on ad testing to improve relevance to the query.
  • 39. What is Ad Rank? • Ad Rank determines the positions in which ads participating in the auction are shown. The better the Ad Rank, the higher the position. The best Ad Rank gets the top ad position. • It takes into account an ad’s Quality Score and the advertiser’s Max CPC, plus the expected click-through rate (CTR) impact of the ad extensions and formats available. Here’s the basic formula: • Ad Rank = Ad quality score x Max CPC [+ a combination of other factors, including the context of the search such as device and expected impact of ad extensions]
  • 40. How is CPC calculated? • Ad Rank has a big impact on the actual cost-per-click (CPC). It’s often misstated that advertisers pay one cent more than the advertiser in the spot below them. But that’s really just a piece of the CPC calculation. CPC is calculated using this formula: • CPC = The Ad Rank of Advertiser Below/Quality Score + $0.01 • In AdWords, because pricing is based in part on the Ad Rank of the next competitor, actual CPCs can vary widely.
  • 41. Here’s an example of what the ad auction looks like in practice:
  • 42. Popular PPC tools When it comes to PPC networks you probably only think about AdWords and Bing. However, as you probably know, those aren’t the only PPC networks out there. Due to the enormous success of the PPC model, many companies have burst onto the scene with their own platforms. With so many companies wanting a slice of the profits, this has lead to endless PPC networks popping up.
  • 43. Google Ads Bidvertiser RevContent AdRoll Facebook Ads Bing Ads BuySellAds  AdBlade Clicksor
  • 45. Your email marketing options • So, once you’re ready to start using an email marketing campaign, you’ll need to know how to get started. An “email marketing service” can guide you through the process from start to finish. • We’re going to discuss the typical features and benefits of email marketing services. We’ll also talk about how these tools can give you insights into customer behavior, so you can deliver more personalized content. • While there are many options to choose from, most email marketing tools share a few common features.
  • 46. Your email marketing options… • The first is a contact database that stores your customers’ information. At minimum, the database needs to include an email address for each contact. Most software services allow you to include additional information, like name, mailing address, and other information. • Start building your email database by adding customer data you already have. Most services allow you to upload data from a spreadsheet, a handy feature if you have a lot of information to include. • Next, you want to give people the ability to subscribe (and unsubscribe) themselves. Most email services provide a online form that you can add to your website by copying and pasting a bit of code. Website visitors can then submit this form to sign up for your emails. This data is then automatically transferred to your contact database.
  • 47. Your email marketing options… • One thing to keep in mind: these forms are usually customizable, so you can ask for the specific customer information you want. But, your online sign up form should be short and easy to complete— you’ll probably have more success growing a subscriber list if you don’t require too much information. All you really need is their email address to get started! • If you do have information about customers, you can use it to sort them into lists. For example, let’s say you own a pet supply shop. If you know that one set of customers own cats, you can group them in a Cat list and send them cat food offers. Customers who own dogs would be on the Dog list, and get different offers. The more information you have about your customers, the more relevant your emails can be.
  • 48. Your email marketing options… • Now you’ve got your database, let’s think about the actual emails. Email templates allow you to create a design that matches your brand. You can reuse your template again and again, for similar email campaigns. • Keep in mind that many people read email on their mobiles, so be sure yours are mobile-friendly. Many email marketing tools allow you to preview your email on different devices before you send. • Another great feature to know about is the ability to schedule when your email goes out. You can send the email immediately, or choose a later day and time.
  • 49. Your email marketing options… • An email marketing tool can even be used to track what people do when they receive it. • You might find that most of your customers open their email first thing Monday mornings, or, during lunch on Friday. You can then use your email service to record those preferences and send future emails at more relevant times. • Email marketing services also track who clicks the links in your email. These links typically go to pages on your website. You can then track what those people do, once they’re on your site. Like, whether they read an article, or make a purchase.
  • 50. Your email marketing options… • As you learn about your customers’ behavior, you can then deliver more personalized content. • Many email marketing services offer a personalization feature that places relevant content into an email template, based on a person's interests. You can use this feature to send specific messages to different people within your database.
  • 51. Your email marketing options… • Remember those groups of cat owners and dog owners you set up? While most of your email will contain general information that all pet owners will appreciate, your email template can also include one or two fields for content that is specific for each pet-specific group. • By targeting each group with a personalized email, you increase the chances that they will not only read your email, but also click through to visit your website. • So, as you can see, email marketing tools make running a successful email program much easier. • Not only will they save you time, but you can track which recipients open, and take action on your messages. The more you know about your contacts, the more personalized content you can deliver.
  • 52. Popular Email marketing tools Hubspot Marketo Activecampaign Icontact pro Mailjet Constant contact AWeber MailChimp Passendo Dotmailer
  • 54. What is web analytics • So, what is web analytics, exactly? Well, it’s all about using the data you can collect from your website to give you insights about your business. There are lots of web analytics tools out there, and they can do a variety of things. we’ll focus on the basics, and talk about the ways analytics can help you, no matter which specific tool you use. Web analytics helps you by providing data.
  • 55. What is web analytics… • A “metric” is basically anything you can count. “Unique Visitors” is a good example. “Time Spent On Site” is another. If you sell things on your website, you can track how much money you’re making or how many of a certain product you’re selling. If your goal is to get people to read your website, you can track the number of times someone looked at a blog post or the amount of time they spent on it. All of these things are “metrics.” Next, you’ll generally analyze your metrics by using what are called “dimensions.”
  • 56. What is web analytics… • When you’re first starting out with analytics, you might feel like you’re swimming in an ocean of metrics, but you’ll quickly get used to having all this data. So, what do you do with it? Well, you can use web analytics tools to learn more about your website visitors. Let’s say someone places an order, downloads driving directions to your shop, fills out a contact form, or does something else that you want them to do when they’re visiting your site. This is known as a “conversion.”
  • 57. What is web analytics… • Web analytics tools can tell you if the “conversion rate”, or the amount of people that visit and then convert on one of your goals, changes based on where they came from, whether they’d been there before, or even the type of device they’re using. So let’s look at that last one. If you know which devices your site is working best and worst on, you can identify specific areas of strength to build on and areas you’ll need to improve. You’ll notice in that example that we were comparing “metrics” of conversions or conversion rates, but we were breaking it down by the device they used. The “device” data we’re collecting is called a “dimension,” and as promised, it’s time to talk about those next. Generally, a dimension is any kind of data you can use to describe something you’re tracking with words.
  • 58. What is web analytics… • Dimensions include things like the device type, what browsers visitors use, their geographic locations, and much, much more. By taking your metrics and “slicing” them with dimensions, you can find answers to very specific, detailed business questions, like “which devices are people finding it easiest to convert on the goals of my website?” And that’s just one of many questions you can answer with web analytics. Want to know what time of day most people are visiting your website? Take your “Visitors” metric and break that down by an “Hour of Day” dimension. How about finding out which marketing campaigns are making the most sales? Take your “Conversions” metric, and break it down by a “Campaign” dimension. As you dive into your own web analytics reports, you’ll be able to see all the metrics and dimensions being tracked, and you can combine them and slice and dice them to answer the questions you care most about.
  • 59. Popular Web analytics tools Google Analytics Clicky Mint Church Analytics KISSmetrics Open Web Analytics  Clicktale CrazyEgg Piwik
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