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JAIPUR l SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 350
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Shashikant Sharma
rime minister
Narendra Modi
was the first
chief minister
of Gujarat to
have ruled for
more than 12 continuous
years. The way he has
completed eight years in
office of prime minister,
he looks set to surpass
Jawahar Lal Nehru, who
has the distinction of be-
ing at the highest position
for close to 17 years. He
may have served half the
tenure than Nehru but his
achievements have placed
him among the most pow-
erful politicians in the
world. Be it handling glob-
al pandemic like Covid-19
or Russia-Ukraine war,
Modi has emerged as an
undisputed towering
world leader whom the
entire globe looks upon.
The supremacy of India
was strongly felt in every
spectrum with Modi lead-
ing the light.
At home also, Modi en-
sured a safe and strong
country for Indians with
mitigating all kinds of
threats from neighbours.
For that the role of his
significant. Not only as
the country’s home minis-
ter but also as the princi-
pal strategist, trouble
shooter and Chanakya of
an invincible political
force. The duo compli-
well that even the strong-
est of their detractors
them in near future.
It’s Modi and Shah that
make “double engine” ki
sarkar, which has put the
country on the high accel-
erator belt.
The country, which
came out of the throes of
deadly Covid-19, is back
on the growth path with
an aim to achieve the $5
trillion economy. Modi’s
mantra sabka saath sabka
vikas has started doing
the trick for the country
It’s the sheer charisma
of Modi that the economy
which saw growth for the
first time in four decades
in the Covid-hit 2020, is
now estimated to grow at
8.9 per cent in 2021 fol-
lowed by another growth
wave of 8.2% in 2022. Modi
has strengthened the pil-
lars of economy so that
even the impact of Russia
Ukraine war failed to
make a dent in Indian
other strong global econo-
mies in tatters. Turn to P10
l Vol 3 l Issue No. 350
l RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764.
Printed and published by
Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of
First Express Publishers. Printed
at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B.
Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk
Road, Jaipur. Published at 304,
3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das
Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001,
Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.
Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra.
Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan
responsible for selection of news
under the PRB Act
02 I I I I
No one who does good
work will ever come to
a bad end, either here
or in the world come.
—Bhagavad Gita
Piyush Goyal
The time is now for manufacturing
world class drone technology from
India. I call upon our youth to come
forward with ideas for new startups
in this sector to help empower our
people: PM @NarendraModi ji
Dr Jitendra Singh
Addressed the National
#GoodGovernance Webinar Series
on Health, organised by #DARPG,
Ministry of Personnel. “Need of the
hour is for the Civil Servants to focus
on innovative ideas having replicability
and sustainability, which can be used
as best governance practices.”
fter he was put in jail
for 20 days the Nar-
cotics Control Bu-
reau has given actor
Shah Rukh Khan’s
son Aryan Khan a clean chit.
The NCB has stated in its final
charge-sheet that no drug was
found on the person of the Bol-
lywood actor’s son. Five others
who were nabbed along with
Aryan on October 2, 2021 in the
infamous raid on a cruise ship
headed from Mumbai to Goa
have also been let off. From the
very outset the arrest of Aryan
was being looked at as a gross
misuse of power by a certain
NCB officer who led the raid was
later shunted out. The case was
Special Investigation Team.
The NCB asserted that the SIT
carried out the probe in an ob-
jective manner which must be
appreciated but the trauma of
Aryan Khan and the officer who
was the cause of it is not being
mentioned. Some accountabili-
ty has to be fixed.
ihar Chief Minis-
ter Nitish Kumar
has once again
raised the ticklish
issue of caste cen-
sus to stump the Bharatiya
Janata party
. Opposition par-
ties like the Rashtriya Janata
Dal are also of the view that
a caste census is much need-
ed in the country. Last year
Tejashvi Yadav of the RJD
animals and plants are count-
ed, what is the problem in
counting humans”? He based
his argument on the Mandal
Commission report which,
when made public by former
Prime Minister VP Singh
more than 30 years ago, in-
formed the people about dif-
ferent castes in the country.
Tejashvi wanted to know
why caste-based census can-
not be done and how welfare
schemes can be implemented
without scientific data on
caste census.
Nitish Kumar recently an-
nounced that his government
would start work on caste
census after consulting all
parties. A date for an all-par-
ty meet to arrive at a consen-
sus on the sensitive issue is
yet to be decided. Not all par-
ties, especially the BJP, are
open to the idea of Nitish
who had led a delegation to
meet the Prime Minister on
the issue. The BJP is main-
taining an ambivalent ap-
proach. The Centre is op-
posed to the move on the
ground that it may cause di-
visions in society
The Mandal report saw the
rise of caste-based politics
and job reservations. While a
caste-based census would
help in better implementa-
tion of affirmative action, it
may also deepen the caste
divide. With politics driven
by castes, meeting the aspira-
tions of various caste groups
would be a tall order for the
Nitish Kumar recently
announced that his
government would start
work on caste census
after consulting all
parties. A date for an all-
party meet to arrive
at a consensus on the
sensitive issue is yet
to be decided
Promoted by
Shree Cement Limited
t gives me great pride as In-
dian to say that India is the
only country in the world
that liberated Bangladesh
with surrender of fully
armed one Lakh Pakistani
troops in just 14 days. Even
super powers have failed to
do that. The war in Ukraine
has gone beyond 80 days,
much against the expecta-
tions of the world and cer-
tainly, that of Russia.
Every nation state has so far
played the game to it’s nation-
al interest. The US set up the
Ukraine conflict way back,
with Eastward expansion of
NATO. Ukraine has been
made the sacrificial lamb to
weaken Russia and deplete
the threat to Europe and
NATO. Initially, they lured
Ukraine away from Russia,
almost instigated Putin and
when Russia attacked, no
NATOandEUmember joined
hands to defend Ukraine. A
scan of major players in this
game and their aim to benefit
the succeeding narrative.
The biggest loser in this war
will be Ukraine only
. Ukraine
could not understand the
games of western countries
and played along till the gal-
lows. Unfortunately, it‘s still
going along the garden path.
Whosoever wins, Ukraine
will be severely mauled.
Zelensky is being foolhardy
by pressing on against Russia
at the behest of NATO. When
USA and NATO did not come
to defend him against Rus-
sian aggression, he should
have understood their game
and saved the destruction of
his country
. If the war esca-
lates to weapons of mass de-
struction, Ukraine will find
itself at ground ZERO.
Apart from major influx of
weapons, war equipment and
logistics aid, large number of
mercenaries are operating in
Ukraine. After the war, these
will find their way to terror-
ist organizations and
Ukraine with weak adminis-
tration will provide safe
sanctuaries, for terrorists.  
Russia claims itself to be the
the USSR. After Crimea War
Ukraine started romancing
with NATO, which irked Rus-
sia and hence Putin invaded
Ukraine. Russia has acted in
it’s national interest before
the enemy knocks at it’s door.
Russia had predicted to
wrap up Ukraine war by
swift blitzkrieg operations
resultingindefeatof Ukraine
forces and surrender of
Zelensky Govt. Unfortunate-
ly, that did not happen and
the war is now dragged to al-
most three months without
tangible gains. Russia is now
looking for a face saving exit.
If USA and Europe corner
Putin, he may well use weap-
ons of mass destruction.
This may lead to a riposte
from the West and likely to
snowball into a larger nucle-
ar confrontation.
It’s interesting to note that
America has never fought a
war on it’s own soil. Destruc-
tion of Ukraine is a small
price for it in it’s quest for
‘The Superpower tag’. They
have managed to weaken
their primary foe (Russia),
since cold war days, without
firing a bullet from it’s soil.
Ukraine is just part of collat-
eral damage for them, which
they really don’t care.
Economic Sanctions are
double edged weapons. After
the initial fall, ruble is rising
again. Russia and friendly
countries are finding alter-
native to SWIFT banking
system. Russia is using oil,
gas and gold as weapons
against sanctions. Europe
also has been hit with record
inflation and energy crisis.
China is maintaining neutral
stance and it has not openly
sided with Russia. When
Russia is back to wall and will
request China for financial
and military help, PRC will
extract it’s pound of flesh, for
the help at that time. It’s also
keenly watching US and
NATO reaction to Russian in-
vasion, before it makes up it’s
mind on annexation of Tai-
wan. Prolonged war is in fa-
vour of China, so that USA
and Europe exhaust them-
selves in Ukraine, thereby
helping China to catapult it-
self to center stage of world
India has taken a path of
principled neutrality
. So far,
India has been able to tread
this thin line with great fi-
nesse. It’s because of suc-
cessful diplomacy by India
that foreign dignitaries from
all over the world are making
a bee line to New Delhi. It’s a
matter of pride that every-
one wants India to play an
active role in mediation and
help to end the war, as soon
as possible.
PM Narendra Modi is
master at converting threats
into opportunities. He has
kept India’s national inter-
ests supreme. Firstly, he
evacuated Indians from
Ukraine with perfection, got
fuel at reduced rates and
also enhanced the image of
the country, during this cri-
sis. He has won accolades
even from Prime Minister of
Pakistan. India is all set to
play a pivotal role in the
world geopolitics, post
Ukraine war.
The Russian invasion in
Ukraine isn’t just Russian
and Ukrainian affair. Moreo-
ver, the rest of the world is
also adversely affected be-
cause of Russian invasion
and Western sanctions on
Russia. It has the potential to
escalate to nuclear holocaust.
Certainly, it will reshape the
global landscape and a new
world order will emerge post
Ukraine war.
Ukraine has been made the
sacrificial lamb to weaken
Russia & deplete the threat
to Europe and NATO.
Initially, they lured
Ukraine away from Russia,
almost instigated Putin
and when Russia attacked,
no NATO & EU member
joined hands to defend
Ukraine. A scan of major
players in this game & their
aim to benefit from it
PM Narendra Modi is
master at converting
threats into
opportunities. He has
kept India’s national
interests supreme. Firstly,
he evacuated Indians from
Ukraine with perfection,
got fuel at reduced rates
and also enhanced the
image of the country,
during this crisis. He has
won accolades even from
Prime Minister of
Pakistan. India is all set
to play a pivotal role
in the world
geopolitics, post
Ukraine war
The writer is a scholar soldier accredited
with MA, MSc, LLB, MBA, M Phil (Def Mgt)
and M Phil (International Strategic Affairs)
Father and son of
Russian Army Sgt.
Daniil Dumenko, 35,
who was killed during
fighting in Ukraine,
mourn during a
farewell ceremony
in his homeland in
Volzhsky, outside
Volgograd, Russia.
New Delhi: A petition has been filed in SC, requesting
that the Archaeological Examination of India conduct a
secret survey of all ancient and notable mosques in India
that are over a hundred years old and have wells and
ponds. The PIL requested that the wuzu be moved from
disputed ponds and wells in mosques to taps or modern
faucets until a confidential survey could be completed to
safeguard religious sentiments, if relics found.
New Delhi: The symbol of
the ‘fallen soldier’ at India
Gate, in remembrance of
soldiers of 1971 war,
was moved to the National
War Memorial on Friday
months after the eternal
flame from the Amar
Jawan Jyoti was “merged”
with the immortal flame at
the National War Memorial.
New Delhi: Delhi-based
author Geetanjali Shree’s
Hindi novel ‘Tomb of
Sand’ has become the
first book in any In-
dian language to win the
prestigious International
Booker Prize. ‘Tomb of
Sand’, originally ‘Ret
Samadhi’ was translated
by Daisy Rockwell.
JAIPUR l SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 350
Rahul Gandhi on Friday remembered India’s first prime
minister Jawaharlal Nehru on his death anniver-
sary and described him as an institution-builder who
strengthened our democratic roots, but lamented that the
BJP has weakened democracy by bulldozing institutions.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday paid
tributes to the country’s first Prime Minister Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru on his death anniversary. In a tweet
today, the Prime Minister wrote, “Tributes to Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru Ji on his death anniversary.”
INDIA @ 75
India has potential to become world’s drone hub, says PM Modi
New Delhi: “Har haath
mein smart phone, Har
khet drone, Har ghar
samradhi,” said Prime
Minister Narendra Modi
on Friday
, a day after
office, and described this
as his dream for India as
the country celebrates 75
years of independence,
while inaugurating In-
dia’s biggest drone expo
at Delhi’s Pragati Maid-
an. The PM spent about
an hour at the various
stalls displaying what all
all drones can do in all
spheres, from agricul-
ering life-saving medi-
to defence of the country
“I have asked all min-
istries to send their offic-
ers here to see how best
be used to improve the
quality of lives of com-
improve the ease of do-
Day after ‘igniting fire’, Chandna calls on Gehlot!
Naresh Sharma
Jaipur: A day after Ra-
jasthan sports minister
of the CM’s principal
secretary, Chief Minis-
ter Ashok Gehlot on Fri-
day said Ashok Chand-
na’s tweet should not be
taken seriously as he
due to the workload.
Chandna on Thurs-
day expressed anguish
over the conduct of Ge-
hlot’s principal secre-
tary, referring to him as
the “minister of all the
departments”, and said
he would prefer being
removed as a minister.
Chandna made his
displeasure public
through a tweet, saying
he does not want to hold
on to the “dishonoura-
ble” ministerial post.
Gehlot said Chandna
had organised a state
level sports programme
earlier and in the same
way, a similar event --
‘Rural Olympics’ is go-
ing to be held for the
first time in Rajasthan
in which 30 lakh people
are likely to participate.
“A huge load is on
him. Maybe he (Chan-
dna) came under ten-
sion and made some
comments. It should
not be taken seriously
will talk to him,” Gehlot
told reporters.
The chief minister
said he had not talked to
the minister till now.
Turn to P5
New Delhi: PM Modi on Friday stated that eight years ago his authorities
started implementing new mantras of good governance in India following the
trail of minimal authorities – most governance. “This was the time eight years
ago when we started implementing new mantras of good governance in India.
Following the path of minimum government, and maximum governance, we
have made ease of living, and ease of doing business a priority. We connected
every citizen of the country with the facilities and welfare schemes by moving
forward on the path of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas‘,” he said.
Former Haryana CM OP
Chautala gets 4 years in jail
7 soldiers killed,several injured
as army bus falls into Shyok river
Turtuk: As many as
seven Indian Army sol-
diers lost their lives af-
ter the bus they were
travelling in skidded
off the road and fell in
the Shyok river in the
Turtuk sector of
Ladakh on Friday.
There were 26 soldiers
in the bus, which was
moving from the Tran-
sit Camp in Partapur to
a forward location in
sub-sector Hanif.
The accident took
place at 9 am around 25
km from Thoise. The
bus fell to a depth of
around 50-60 feet, re-
sulting in injuries to
all occupants. The
Army officials further
informed that the in-
jured were evacuated
to the 403 Field Hospi-
tal at Partapur and
surgical teams from
Leh have moved to Par-
Mumbai: A Special In-
vestigation Team of the
Narcotics Control Bu-
reau (NCB) has dropped
Aryan Khan, son of Bol-
lywood actor Shah Rukh
Khan, and five others
from its chargesheet
filed on Friday in con-
nection with a drugs
bust onboard a cruise
ship off the Mumbai
coast last October. Ary-
an and 19 others were
arrested by the NCB’s
Mumbai zonal unit on
October 3, 2021 on charg-
es that they were all
“’intrinsically connect-
ed” to a conspiracy in-
volving drugs.
In a statement Fri-
day, the NCB said, “SIT
carried out its investi-
gation in an objective
manner. The touch-
stone of the principle
of proof beyond rea-
sonable doubt has been
New Delhi: A Delhi
court awarded four-
year imprisonment and
a Rs 50 lakh fine to for-
mer Haryana chief
minister Om Prakash
Chautala in a dispro-
portionate assets case
on Friday
When the Indian Na-
tional Lok Dal leader
failed to satisfactorily
account for the assets
found by the CBI to be
disproportionate to his
legitimate sources of in-
come between 1993 and
2006, he was convicted
by special judge Vikas
Dhull on May 21. The
disproportionate assets
were calculated to be
worth Rs 6.09 crore, as
per the chargesheet
filed on March 26, 2010.
Chautala’s lawyers
had requested the court
to pass a lenient sen-
tence considering his
medical condition.
However, the CBI
pushed for maximum
punishment. “The per-
son in this case is a pub-
lic figure and giving
minimum punishment
would send a wrong
message. He does not
have clean anteced-
ents,” CBI said.
NCB drops charges against
Aryan Khan, 5 others
Addressing a press conference Friday, S N Pradhan,
Director General of Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB),
said that Aryan Khan is not a part of any international
drug cartel nor is there any conspiracy. Pradhan said,
“The SIT formed to look into the probe done by our
Mumbai NCB team found irregularities in the investiga-
tion. It was not a joint conspiracy done by 14 people and
so the conspiracy section has not been added. We cannot
base the conspiracy charge merely on WhatsApp chats.”
Hailing the clean chit to Aryan Khan, the ruling
NCP in Maharashtra on Friday asked who would
be held responsible for the trauma he suffered. Ally
Congress alleged that the entire case was part of a
“larger conspiracy” to topple the Maha Vikas Aghadi
(MVA) government, in which it shares power with
the Shiv Sena and NCP.
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has asked the
government to initiate a probe against former NCB
officer Sameer Wankhede for “shoddy investigation”
while probing the drugs-on-cruise case in which film
star Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan was arrested last
year. Action has also been initiated in connection with
his fake caste certificate matter, the sources added.
PM Narendra Modi examines a drone on display during the Bharat Drone Mahotsav, at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. Union Minister
for Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya M. Scindia and Union MoS for Civil Aviation General VK Singh are also seen. —PHOTO BY PTI
ED summons
Farooq Abdullah
in JKCA money
laundering case
Uttarakhand to
Uniform Civil
Code: Dhami
New Delhi: The ED has
summoned former J&K
CM Farooq Abdullah to
appear before it in Delhi
on May 31 in connection
with its money launder-
ing probe into the Jam-
earlier summon. So he
has been called again for
questioning,” an ED of-
ficial said. The National
Conference on Friday
in a tweet. “ED sum-
Dr Farooq Abdullah
tinued to maintain his
innocence in the matter
and has cooperated with
the investigative agen-
cies,” it said.
Champawat: The Utta-
rakhand government
on Friday announced
its decision to imple-
ment the Uniform Civil
Code in the state. “We
have taken a decision to
implement the Uniform
Civil Code in the state.
Uttarakhand will be the
second state after Goa
to implement this,”
Chief Minister Push-
kar Singh Dhami said,
adding, “We will bring
UCC for the people ir-
respective of them be-
ing from any religion
and section of the soci-
ety.” Earlier on May 2,
Himachal Pradesh CM
Jairam Thakur also an-
nounced that the UCC
will be brought into the
state soon.
Indian Army personnel gather at the site after a vehicle carrying 26 jawans fell in the Shyok river, at
the Turtuk area in Ladakh. —PHOTO BY PTI
Former Haryana chief minister OP Chautala being taken to the
Tihar Jail after a special CBI court sentenced him to four years
in jail and imposed a fine of Rs 50 lakh, in a case related to
disproportionate assets, in New Delhi on Friday. —PHOTO BY PTI
He seems to be working under pressure, says CM. Chandna
terms CM as ‘the guardian of Rajasthan Congress family’
CM Ashok Gehlot with Ashok Chandna. —FILE PHOTO
There was a meaningful and lengthy
discussion on all the subjects with
the Honorable Chief Minister. He is
the guardian of Rajasthan Congress family.
Whatever decision he takes, will be right.
BJP should look at its own house. Congress
family is united and mobilised for
#Mission_2023. —Ashok Chandna
New Delhi: The SC Col-
legium has recommended
the government to transfer
or repatriate judges in six
different high courts. Jus-
tice Ahsanuddin Amanullah
has been recommended
for transfer from Andhra
Pradesh High Court to
Patna High Court; Justice
Chitta Ranjan Dash from
Orissa to Calcutta; Justice
Subhasis Talapatra from
Tripura to Orissa; Justice
Lanusungkum Jamir from
Manipur to Gauhati; Justice
Dhiraj Singh Thakur from
Jammu and Kashmir and
Ladakh High Court to
Bombay High Court; and
Justice Purushaindra Ku-
mar Kaurav from Madhya
Pradesh to Delhi.
04 I I I I
Jaipur (ANI): Pink
city of India, has got a
new museum, namely
Khazana Mahal which
showcases rare gems,
jewels, and stones, and
will be opened for pub-
lic in June.
Khazana Mahal is
constructed in an area
of 12,000 square yards
with 3-feet security
walls, apart from the
manual and high-tech
security deployed here.
In a conversation on
Thursday, the founder
of the Mahal, Anoop
Srivastava, museum
has been a dream of
87-year-old Jeweller Dr
Rajnikath Shah who is
based in New York. “It
is basically his collec-
tion. He visited Jaipur
Wax Museum at Naha-
rgarh Fort and taking
inspiration from that,
he proposed the idea of
this palace to me,” said
Srivastava. The muse-
um is built after restor-
ing a 200-year-old Have-
li, which was known as
‘Cheeta ki Haudi Ba-
rood Khana’.
Srivastava said that
it took around 2.5 years
to complete project of
restoring said Haveli to
Khazana Mahal. Re-
vealing basic concept
behind the museum, he
added that the entire
collection in the mu-
seum is Shah’s very
own. “On witnessing
the collection, I felt
museum should be
magnificent enough to
be watched & should
involve entertainment
so that even child could
enjoy it.”
Diamond from Dinosaur’s excreta
among rare gems in new museum
S.No. : 695-709 Date : 23.05.2022
Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering
Department City Division I (S), Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur
Notice Inviting Bid
Bids for Various Works are invited from interested bidders.
Other particulars of the bid may be visited on the procurement portal
(, of the state.
UBN No. NIT’s For the
Year 2022-23
Last Date & time for online
submission of tender document
PHE2223WSOB02583 NIT-06 06.06.2022 upto 6.00 PM
PHE2223WSOB02584 NIT-07 06.06.2022 upto 6.00 PM
PHE2223WSOB02585 NIT-08 06.06.2022 upto 6.00 PM
Executive Engineer,
PHED, City Div.I (S),
Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur
REF.NO./CH/JAI/TENDER/2022-23/2079 Date : 24.05.2022
Inviting E-Bids for Different types of Jobs Basis Works from
Reputed and Eligible Contractors/Firms at campus of Circuit
House Jaipur upto dated 03.06.2022, 12.00 PM. For Detailed
information of Bid kindly visit the website E-Procurement of
Rajasthan and State procurement
Portal of Rajasthan website
UBN: GAD2223SLOB00009
राजस्ान सरकार
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क्रमांक: प.23(1)आब/लेखा/भांग/2022-23/54 नदनांक: 27.05.2022
भांग समूहों हेतु निनिदा सूचिा संख्ा 11/2022-23
राजस्ान आबकारी अनिननयम 1950 त्ा उसके अनतग्गत बने राजस्ान आबकारी
ननयम, 1956 के अनतग्गत वर्ग 2022-23 के नलए पड़त रहे ननम्ननलनखत 10 भांग समूहों
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का िाम
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दुकािों की
िर्ष 2022-23
हेतु आरनषित
रानि (लाख रु.)
10 प्रनतित
अमाित रानि
(लाख रु.)
1 भीलवाड़ा 18 162.32 16.23
2 टोंक 12 56.36 5.64
3 सवाईमािोपुर 10 63.32 6.33
4 बीकानेर 07 90.94 9.09
5 अलवर 12 117.81 11.78
6 झुंझुनूं 06 17.50 1.75
7 बांरा 36 231.48 23.15
8 झालावाड़ 14 73.76 7.38
9 कोटा नवितीय 20 278.33 27.83
नचत्तौड़गढ़ एवं प्रतापगढ़
(िररयावाद को छोड़कर)
12 81.37 8.14
नननवदा के संबंि में अनय सभी शततें नननवदा प्रपत्र के सा् संलग्न नवसततृत ननददेश
एवं शततें त्ा अनुज्ापत्रों की शततों के अनुसार होगी जो नवभागीय वेबसाईट पर उपलबि हैं। नननवदादाता विारा प्रसतानवत नकसी
प्रकार की कोई शत्ग मानय नहीं होगी।
नननवदा प्रलेख नवभागीय वेबसाईट से
डाउनलोड नकया जाकर नननवदा शुलक रानश रुपये 1000/- (एक हजार मात्र) जररये बैंक
ड्ाफट/नकद जमा करवाने होंगे। भांग की दुकानों को संचालन करने का समय पूवा्गनुसार
प्रात: 8.00 बजे से रानत्र 8.00 बजे तक रहेगा।
इचछछुक वयक्त अपनी नननवदा ननिा्गररत प्रपत्र में बनद नलफाफे में नदिांक
31.05.2022 को अपराह्न 3.00 बजे तक का्ा्षल् आबकारी आ्ुकत,
2-गुमानि्ािाला, पंचिटी, उद्पुर में प्रसतुत कर सकते हैं। जो उसी नदन अपराह्न
3.30 बजे उपकस्त नननवदादाताओं के समक्ष खोली जाएगी। फै्स अ्वा अनय नकसी
प्रकार से प्रसतुत नननवदा मानय नहीं होगी। नननवदा ननिा्गररत आरनक्षत रानश से कम भी डाली
जा सकती है नजसे आबकारी आयु्त को नबना कारण बताये नकसी भी नननवदा को सवीकार/
असवीकार करने का पूण्ग अनिकार होगा।
आबकारी आ्ुकत
राजस्ाि, उद्पुर।
Liquor shops in restricted areas,
Excise officials turns a blind eye
Nirmal Tiwari
Jaipur: The inspec-
tors of the Excise De-
partment seem to have
turned blind eye to the
Excise rules being
flouted near religious
places, schools, herit-
age buildings, and
other places where
selling of liquor is re-
First of all, the liq-
uor shop ‘Liquor
World’ was approved
and opened on the hos-
pital road right in
front of Bhattarakji Ki
Nasia where on one
side SMS Hospital is
located while on the
side bungalows of
Chief Secretary and
DGP are there.
Excise Inspector not
only cleared the loca-
tion but also passed
very large size of the
shop, which is housed
in an area of equal to
20 liquor shops. Nei-
ther the rate list nor
name of licensee has
been displayed there.
In ward numbers 12,
21, 22, 26, 76 of Jaipur
East, Shop no. 7, 8, 9
Yojana-A, Govindpuri,
Ramgarh Road, Amer
Road have been ap-
proved and shops
opened by licensee
Tushar Chaudhary at
sensitive location.
The shop named
Gabbar Vines is run-
ning in front of fa-
mous Shri Digambar
Jain Nasiya, Shyoji
Godha and Raghu-
nathji Radha Niwas
temple. Shop has also
been opened near Ma-
harani Ki Chhatriyan
on the recommenda-
tion of excise inspec-
tor Karnika Mehta.
In fact, for the last
two years, instead of
lottery, the state gov-
ernment has started
the auction system of
liquor shops and most
of the liquor shops are
being redeemed by old
and big contractors
who are ruling the
Abhishek Shrivastava
Jaipur: In a meeting
chaired by UDH Advi-
sor GS Sandhu here on
, it was decided to
redevelop the old build-
ings situated in the
prime locations of the
major cities of the state.
To start with, Nehru
Place on Tonk Road in
the city will first be tak-
en up for redevelop-
Building it a new,
Nehru Place will be
turned into a 15 to
17-floor-high commer-
cial complex. Presently,
it is just a single-storey
dilapidated building
grabbing 40,000 square
metre of prime land.
It will be razed to the
ground to make room
for a magnificent new
high-rise complex.
Sandhu instructed JDA
to prepare a status re-
port and conduct a sur-
vey for the redevelop-
ment plan.
In the meeting, dis-
cussions were also held
about Gole Market lo-
cated in Jawahar Na-
gar, localities near the
railway station, Gopal-
pura bypass and rede-
velopment of Kota’s
Gumanpura market.
KL Meena, Jogaram,
Ravi Jain, Pawan Aro-
ra, HS Sancheti, Vinay
Kumar Dalela, Subhash
Chandra Sharma and
RK Tulara were also
present in the meeting.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: A rape case has
been registered against
Manish Meena, son of
suspended IRS officer
Sahiram Meena at
Bhankrota police sta-
tion on Thursday for
raping a live-in partner.
Manish, a father 2 chil-
dren and a resident of
‘Mangalam Angan’ in
Mahapura area of the
city, is accused of de-
frauding and raping a
23-year-old girl from Pa-
tiala on the pretext of
marriage. Manish is ac-
cused of forcing the vic-
tim for abortion.
The victim has also
accused his father Sahi-
ram of indecent behav-
iour and intimidation.
Police said the accused
& victim came in con-
tact through Facebook
in 2018. “They were liv-
ing as live-in partners
in Mahapura, Ajmer
Road. The accused
made obscene videos of
the victim & repeatedly
raped,” said police.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: BJP has start-
ed preparations for as-
sembly elections & has
identified 6,000 booths
in Raj where the party
is weak and is working
to strengthen them.
The campaign has
started and work will
be assigned to MPs,
MLAs and workers.
For this booths have
been divided into 3
categories. Strong
booths, category A,
relatively weaker, B
and weakest in C.
According to party’s
, weakest catego-
ry has 6000 booths, cat-
egory B has 20,000 & A
has 52,045 booths.
Booth empowerment
campaign till July 31.
Most of the weak
booths are in the north-
east of the state. These
include, Bharatpur,
Dausa, Karauli, Sawai
Madhopur, Alwar,
Dholpur, Jaisalmer,
Barmer, Sikar, Tonk,
Churu, Dungarpur, Ha-
numangarh & Jodhpur.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: In a welcome
move by Edu Dept, Ma-
hatma Gandhi School,
which was opened in
rural areas for a popu-
lation of 4000 so far,
will now open for a
population of 3000
from now on.
On the other hand,
in areas where there is
no building for opera-
tion of Mahatma Gan-
dhi School, both Hindi
and English medium
schools will run in two
shifts. Students from
rural areas will get a
chance to study in both
Hindi & English medi-
um schools, said a de-
partment official.
Target has been set
to open 2000 English
medium schools in Raj
before start of 2023-24,
said the officer. In such
a situation, instead of
developing new infra-
structure at village
level, preps have been
made to run school on
old infrastructure. Ed-
ucation Minister BD
Kalla informed now,
Hindi & English medi-
um schools will be op-
erated in one building.
Dholpur: Police on Friday arrested a man for allegedly
killing a married woman after deceased asked for money.
The accused, identified as Atar Singh Kushwah, a resident
of Kolari village in Dholpur, had an affair with the married
woman for last seven years. “The victim had gone to meet
Atar Singh on May 23. The victim asked for money from the
accused, after which, he strangled her to death and threw in
Sukhi Nahar,” Dholpur SP Narayan Togas said.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: A young man
was kidnapped from
area by some miscre-
ants. The miscreants
came on bikes and ab-
ducted young man and
took him to the hills of
Dantli village. Ramna-
garia police station
reached on information
and with the help of vil-
lagers caught miscre-
ants & rescued youth.
When police reached
the spot, miscreants
pelted stones at police.
Later, with assistance
of additional police
force, eight people were
caught from the hill. In
this case, police also de-
tained a minor & ar-
rested seven people on
charges of breach of
peace. Matter is said to
be related to love affair.
However, till evening no
complaint was given.
Shivendra Parmar
Jaipur: 10 IPS, one
trainee IPS officer, 17
RPS, 15 police inspec-
tors, 6 sub-inspectors, 1
ASI, 12 head constables
and 37 constables have
been selected for DGP
Disc award. DGP ML
Lather issued an order
in this regard on Friday
and released the list of
99 selected police offic-
ers and employees.
Among 11 IPS are
Navajyoti Gogoi, Jose
Mohan, Ajay Pal Lam-
ba, Rahul Jain, Deepak
Bhargava, Bhuvan
Bhushan Yadav, Kesar
Singh Shekhawat,
Dharmendra Yadav,
Mridul Kachhawa,
Harshvardhan Agrawal
and Vikas Sangwan. 17
RPS officers include
Rajesh Chaudhary, Vai-
bhav Sharma, Vimal
Singh, Dharamveer
Janu, Praveen Kumar
Jain, Rajesh Kumar
Mile, Ramjeevan Gup-
ta, and others have been
nominated for award.
Almost 95 per
cent of gems
and stones here
are original. One can
get to see Ulka Pind,
Ramsetu ka Patthar,
Shark tooth converted to
a diamond, and the Di-
nosaur’s excreta con-
verted to a diamond.
—Anoop Srivastava,
Founder of Khazana Mahal
Liquor is being
sold openly near
religious places,
schools etc
Old buildings to be re-
developed: GS Sandhu
Dr Satish Poonia interacting with public at Jan Samvad Kendra.
Nagaur: A 19-year-old girl was allegedly gang-raped by four
men in Nagaur’s Parbatsar area. The victim was kidnapped and
gang-raped a month ago while she was returning to home after
appearing in an exam. “The victim got unconscious after she
drank juice. The accused filmed obscene video of the victim and
blackmailed her. She was kidnapped and taken to Haryana where
she was repeatedly gang-raped by the accused for one month,”
police said. “We have taken the custody of the girl, while search
is underway to nab the accused,” police said.
Dholpur: Police on Friday
revealed case of gang rape of
minor girl here. Police have
arrested truck driver & second
accused. SP Narayan Togas
said police came to know
about gang rape of minor
during her counselling. Even
after minor did not reveal
friend’s name, address, police
with help of cyber cell identi-
fied the accused and detained
his minor friend.
Churu: A girl from Taranagar
town here was allegedly tied
up & raped by a man after
forcing her to sign on mar-
riage papers. Police informed
accused has been identified
as Pawan Kumar, a native of
Phoga village of Sardarshahar
tehsil. “The victim was forced
to sign marriage documents
and raped for five days,” po-
lice informed. Three accused
are on the run, said police.
At shop of licensee
Meenu Tyagi in Aatish
Market, liquor was
being sold openly after
8 pm on May 23. Team
bought a bottle of Beer
for Rs 170.
Minor, seven
more held for
99 including 11
IPS selected for
DGP Disc award
Woman strangled to death by
paramour for asking money
Son of suspended IRS officer
rapes live-in partner, booked
Mission-2023: BJP to strengthen 6K weak
booths with help of MPs, MLAs till July 31
Rural MG schools to
offer dual languages
Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment Tikaram
Jully called upon Congress General Secretary and
state in-charge Ajay Maken at New Delhi on Friday.
PWD Minister Bhajan Lal Jatav also met Maken.
This is the world’s biggest ring (111 kg) with metal and gold
leaf and Jaipuri lac work.  —PHOTO BY MUKESH KIRADOO
At shop of Shahid
Qureshi near Kalpna
Cargo in Gopalbari a
quarter was sold for
Rs 160. Overrate was
also there at the shop
of Yasmin Bano in
front of railway station,
Munshi Khan’s shop 
several other shops.
At Shiv Bhan Kan-
war’s shop at Riddhi
Siddhi chauraha,
beer was sold for Rs
170 after 8 pm. Beer
was given for Rs 180
at Babu Khan’s shop
in front of KS Fort.
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05 I I I I
Aishwary Pradhan
Jaipur: Women MLAs
of Congress and BJP
from Rajasthan, who
have mostly indulged in
accusing each other,
were seen shaking a leg
together on stage.
Four women MLAs
of both the parties
stunned everyone with
their performance at a
national convention of
women legislators in
Kerala during the Azadi
ka Amrit Mahotsav cel-
ebrations in Kerala.
Cabinet minister
Mamta Bhupesh, Cong
MLA Manisha Pawar,
BJP MLA and Anita
Bhadel and MLA Deepti
Kiran Maheshwari re-
ceived the award for the
best performance.
Rajsamand MLA
women MLAs from all
over the country have
participated in the
three-day conference,
which began on May 26.
The MLAs from Ra-
jasthan performed
Ghoomar to showcase
the Rajasthani culture.
Ten women MLAs of
Congress and BJP from
Rajasthan participated
in the conference. The
currentstatusof women
in India and their par-
discussed in the confer-
ence. President Ram
Nath Kovind also ad-
dressed the legislators.
Raj women MLAs gyrate to ghoomar in Kerala
Congress workers
clash, injured
First India Bureau
Jaipur: The Congress
organisational polls
seem to have brought
the infighting within
the party to the fore.
The Sanganer Block
Congress Committee
meeting on Friday wit-
nessed unruly scenes
when a scuffle broke
out between Congress
leader Vinay Pratap
Bhopar and local lead-
ers of the Block Con-
gress Committee.
Later, an FIR was
filed against Vinay
Pratap by the block
president and female
party workers. Vinay
Pratap Bhopar, howev-
er, accused the support-
ers of PCC secretary
Pushpendra Bhardwaj
of assaulting him.
On the other hand,
PCC secretary Push-
pendra Bhardwaj said
that Bhopar and his
supporters forcibly en-
tered the meeting place,
despite being refused by
former block president
Dinesh Vyas.
Rathore talks to Vaishnaw for
change in policy for PoW run
First India Bureau
Jaipur: For starting the
Royal train Palace on
Wheels, Rajasthan
Tourism Development
Corporation (RTDC)
chairman Dharmendra
Rathore talked to Union
railway minister Ash-
wini Vaishnaw on Fri-
day. Rathore urged
Vaishnaw for change in
policy for the Palace On
Wheels (POW).
He urged to switch
back to revenue sharing
formula instead of
haulage. “If necessary,
we will go with the del-
egation to Delhi. As per
the news policy, RTDC
will incur cost of Rs 90
lakh per tour. But it is
not possible to earn this
much revenue due to
paucity of internation-
al tourists,” he said.
The Palace on
Wheels is recognized
as our cultural ambas-
sador to the world
therefore the railways
should be lax and oper-
ate the train as per the
old method. Vaishnaw
assured a quick solu-
tion in this regard.
Mamta Bhupesh, Manisha Pawar, Anita Bhadel  Deepti Maheshwari
dancing during the event in Kerala on Friday.The delegation has won
laurels for Rajasthan.
Mamta Bhupesh, Kalpana Devi, Manisha Panwar, Safia Zubair,
Ganga Devi, Indira Meena, Gayatri Trivedi, Preeti Shaktawat, Anita
Bhadel and Deepti Maheshwari in Kerala on Friday.
Jaipur: MLSU VC Professor Amrika Singh did not
appear at the Raj Bhavan in Mount Abu on Friday.
Singh was to appear before Guv Kalraj Mishra to
present his case in the matter of giving a misleading
report to the state govt regarding Gurukul Univer-
sity. After this, the Principal Secy to the Governor,
Subir Kumar prepared a report and gave it to the
Governor. It is believed that the Governor can now
take a decision at his level. Singh is on leave these
days and wanted to connect through video-confer-
encing but the Governor refused to do this.
Jaipur: Rajasthan High Court will have summer
vacation at both of its Benches in Jodhpur and Jaipur
from May 30 till June 26. Only urgent and important
matters will be heard during the period, for which
Vacation Benches have been constituted. Hearing will
be held in one single-judge Bench every week at both
the places. The roster for the period will be as follows:
Justice Dr Pushpendra Singh Bhati, Madan Gopal
Vyas, R Vyas and Rekha Borana will be available at
Jodhpur Bench while Justice Anoop Kumar Dhandh,
Uma Shankar Vyas, Sudesh Bansal and Sameer Jain
will be available at Jaipur Bench during the summer
schedule from May 30 to June 24.
Bhawani Mandi: BJP workers led by MLA Kaluram
Meghwal protested against the dirty water supply in
and 176 bigha land 90B issue in the city. They shouted
slogans against CM Ashok Gehlot and municipality
chairman Kailash Bohra. They also reached the water
supply dept and gheraoed the JEN and demanded to
improve water supply. The BJP workers forced the as-
sistant engineer to drink the dirty water and demanded
to start water supply from Rajgarh dam in 7-days. The
workers then reached the subdivision office and gave a
memorandum to the Naib Tehsildar regarding the 172
bighas land’s matter. —PARAS JAIN
Child mauled by
dogs, SHRC
seeks report
Malinga given
time till June
30 to file reply
Bharat Dixit
Jaipur: A heart-
wrenching video of a
child being mauled by 6
dogs on May 19 in Patra-
kar Colony has sur-
faced. The child, Dak-
sha, came out of the
house to play when the
dogs attacked.
Although the condi-
tion of child is better
now, the JMCG has not
taken any action to curb
such incidents. Sculptor
J Mishra said that even
after complaints, the-
dogs are not being
State Human Rights
Commission chairman
Justice GK Vyas took
suo moto cognizance in
the matter and has sum-
moned JMCG Commis-
sioner to appear person-
ally on May 31.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: The High Court
on Friday granted Gir-
raj Singh Malinga, the
Cong MLA from Bari,
ample time to submit
his reply on the petition
filed against the bail
granted to him in the
case of assaulting Har-
shadapati, an Assistant
Engineer of Electricity
As Malinga sought
time, the Bench of Jus-
tice Farzand Ali asked
him to file the reply by
June 30. 27-year-old Har-
shadapati, who is now
fighting for life in the
hospital, has filed the
petition seeking cancel-
lation of the bail grant-
ed by a lower court.
Parsadi meets
woman whose
eye rat nibbled
Akshay Pareek
Kota: Health Minister
Parsadi L Meena on Fri-
day visited MBS Hospi-
tal in Kota and met the
woman patients whose
eyelids were nibbled by
a rat in the stroke unit.
He also met her family
members. He directed
the engineers of the UIT
and PWD to rectify the
deficiencies in MBS.
The minister Meena
said that he himself was
surprised that how the
rats reached such a
packed ICU ward. “This
is a matter to think
about. But the medical
officer should make pre-
that such incidents do
All systems should be
rectified within 1
month,” he said.
Dharmendra Rathore urged Ashwini Vaishnaw to switch to
revenue sharing model rather than haulage model.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: The furore cre-
ated after the tweet of
Sports minister Ashok
Chandna late on Thurs-
day, continued on Fri-
day as some Congress
leaders supported and
defended him while the
Opposition Bhartiya Ja-
nata Party cornered the
state government over
the issue.
Food Civil Supplies
Minister Pratap Singh
Khachariyawas said the
young minister did not
stand for personal is-
sues but the voice he
raised should be re-
spected. PHED Minister
Dr. Mahesh Joshi said
that there is no confron-
tation between the bu-
reaucracy and the min-
isters and hoped with
win Rajya Sabha polls.
Reacting to CM Ge-
hlot’s defence of Chan-
dna, BJP State Presi-
dent Satish Poonia said,
“Gehlot has made such
MLAs ministers who
are coming under pres-
sure only for getting
games done. Chandna
must have kept respon-
sibilities in mind while
taking oath,” said Poo-
nia. He said the CM Ge-
hlot has a habit of trust-
ing bureaucracy more
and his leaders less.
Deputy Leader of Op-
position Rajendra
Rathore said for the
first time a dozen MLAs
of the ruling party are
against the govt.
Bharat Singh wrote
dozens of letters saying
that action should be
taken on corruption
and now Chandna has
offered to resign.
“Our governments
work and those who
work have tension. We
have never seen our PM
in tension and he is al-
ways seen smiling. You
can see one who does
not work does not have
tension, even when pet-
rol rates are going sky
high,” Cong spokesper-
son Pawan Khera said.
Gets support from fellow Mins;
backlash from the Opposition
Ministers say Chandna is enthusiatic and it is normal for anyone to voice concerns
Day after...
“He seem to be working
under pressure, such a
big responsibility has
come on him, will see,”
Gehlot said.
evening Chandna called
on CM Gehlot and the
duo met for nearly ten
minutes wherein Gehlot
registered his displeas-
ure and disappointment
raised the entire matter.
Chandna also put for-
ward his side of the sto-
ry, but he had no other
option than to say ‘Sor-
ry’ to a towering CM.
Meanwhile, after his
meeting with Gehlot,
Ashok Chandna took to
twitter and said, “There
was a meaningful and
lengthy discussion on
all subjects with the
Honorable Chief Minis-
ter. He is the guardian
of the Rajasthan Con-
gress family. Whatever
he decides will be right.
BJP should focus on its
home, Congress family
is united and mobilized
for #Mission-2023.”
113 Covid cases,
1 death in state
Jaipur: A total of 113
fresh Covid cases were
reported in Rajasthan
on Friday while one pa-
tient died. This is the
highest in the last two-
and-a-half months. This
is the fourth death from
Covid in May
. A district
wise report shows that a
maximum of 62 patients
are in Jaipur. According
to report, after Jaipur
there are 9 cases in Al-
war  7 in Churu and 8
in Baran. —FIB
CS nod must for officials’ VC with DCs
Dr Rituraj Sharma
Jaipur: The State Gov-
ernment on Friday has
fixed the second and
fourth Saturdays of the
month for holding vid-
eo conference of Dis-
trict Collectors with
Additional Chief Secre-
tary, Principal Secre-
tary and Secretary to
According to the or-
der issued by Chief
Secretary Usha Shar-
ma, for such VCs due
permission will have
to be sought from the
CS while citing the rea-
son, need, duration
and date of VC done
earlier. If the concerned
minister wants to hold
a video conference with
the district collectors,
then prior permission
is not required for this.
It is worth mention-
ing that due to repeat-
ed holding of Video
Conferences by the
departments with the
district collectors
on various subjects,
the collectors find it
difficult to carry out
the work smoothly in
the district.
UDH meeting over land allotment
First India Bureau
Jaipur: In a meeting of
Urban Development
and Housing dept
chaired by Principal
Secretaryy Kunji
Lal Meena here on Fri-
day, discussions were
held on allotment of
land for setting up of
medical facilities as
well as courts.
It also came up that
there are two claimants
of the 28,106 square me-
ter of land located near
the SDM Court in San-
ganer. The Medical and
Health dept is one of
the claimants while the
Law department being
the other. It was decided
that concerned agen-
cies will first inspect
the land located near
RUHS Hospital.
Jaipur Development
Authority’s Commis-
sioner Ravi Jain, Spe-
cial Secretary (Law)
Rajendra Sharma,
Housing Board Com-
missioner Pawan Aro-
ra and other officials
were also present in
the meeting.
The decision will soon be
taken on the height of
IPD tower of SMS Hospital.
The Airport Authority of
India (AAI) team along with
JDA officials has inspected
the site. JDA Director Engi-
neering Ashok Choudhary
informed the team about
the project. The tower’s
total height is proposed to
be 115 meters but so far,
approval has been received
from the authority up to
a height of 51.48 meters.
Report has been submitted
to Civil Aviation Secretary.
CS Usha Sharma
The statement
that Ashok
Chandna has
given is his own opin-
ion, I did not feel that
way. Bureaucracy is
also ours, if anything
happens in the family,
it is not a big deal.
—Shakuntala Rawat,
Industries Minister
Min Ashok
Chandna is like
my younger
brother. He has
given the statement
in haste and passion.
I will talk to him and
know the reason.
—Satish Poonia,
BJP State Prez
The ruling party leg-
islators consider
themselves to be mini
Chief ministers. There is
corruption all around
them and it will sink the
ship of the Congress.
—Rajendra Rathore, Dy LoP
He is youth icon and this is his style. Chandna is
an aggressive leader. It should be respected and
there should be a solution. The issues raised by him
are understood by CM himself. This should not be
seen as a fight between Ranka and Chandna.
—Pratap S Khachariyawas, Cabinet Minister
Ashok Chandna
06 I I I I
Coal mining not started in
C’garh as stocks dry up
2 youth issued fake job
letters on forged letter
heads and signatures
First India Bureau
Jaipur: A case has
been filed against un-
known persons Gan-
dhi Nagar police sta-
tion for forging the
signature of Deputy
Director (ACP)
Shailendra Sharma of
Rajasthan State Ware-
housing Corporation
(RSWC), on the basis
of which two youths
have been issued ap-
pointment letters for
the posts of supervi-
sor and in-charge in
the corporation. The
letters are also said to
be issued on duplicate
letterhead of the cor-
SHO Nemi Chand
informed that 57-year-
old Shailendra Shar-
ma said two youth
Gaurav Kumar Gupta
and Trilok Chand
Meena were issued let-
ters by unidentified
persons by forging his
signature on the dupli-
cate letterhead of the
corporation. The po-
lice are probing.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: As monsoon
comes calling, possibil-
ity of power crisis
looms large in the state.
There is only 4 to 6 days’
coal left in the power
stations of the state and
only 13 to 15 days’ of
coal is left in the mines
of Parsa East-Kanta Ba-
san (PEKB) coal blocks
in Chhattisgarh, allot-
ted to the Rajasthan
State Power Generation
Despite this, activi-
ties for the second
phase of mining are not
being started on the 841
hectare of land there
due to local politics.
Corporation’s CMD RK
Sharma has apprised
the government of the
Realising the gravity
of the situation, the En-
ergy Development Cor-
poration has intensified
making alternative ar-
rangements for power
purchase. For this, con-
tracts of about 2,500
MW are being signed
with NTPC, Solar En-
ergy Corporation of In-
dia (SECI) and other
power producers. The
coal stock in the state
has been fixed for 22 to
26 days, said an offical.
07 I I I I
Sharat K Verma
elections in Haryana
are far away but politics
over it has already in-
tensified as Congress,
BJP, AAP, and JJP are
all expressing their
‘power’. Politics has in-
tensified after the Con-
in the hands of Bhupin-
der Singh Hooda, who,
expressing his power,
has brought seven for-
mer MLAs and minis-
ters together in the Con-
gress. In this sequence,
he is holding a big rally
in Fatehabad on May 29,
where some more lead-
ers will be included in
the Congress. Its prepa-
rations are going on in
full swing and it is be-
ing said that this will be
the biggest rally of the
Congress. Through this
rally, Hooda is showing
his strength not only to
his party, but also to
leaders of BJP, JJP, and
Aam Aadmi Party
leader Arvind Kejriwal
is going to hold a rally
on the same day a Hoo-
da’s rally
. It is being told
that in this rally, he will
include the great crick-
eter Kapil Dev in the
. Keep in mind Ka-
pil Dev was born in
Chandigarh and he
used to play cricket for
Haryana. He is the big-
gest icon of sports in
India. In response to
Congress and AAP’s
rallies, Chief Minister
Manohar Lal Khattar is
also holding a rally in
Sirsa on the same day.
Keep in mind that Sirsa
is the area under the
influence of Dushyant
Chautala, leader of
Jannayak Janata Party,
which is a partner in
Haryana government.
But Chautala will not
be there in the BJP ral-
ly as he is also holding
a rally in Tohana that
day. In this way, on
April 29, there will be a
show of strength of all
the four major parties
of Haryana. It is being
said that the people
who gather in the
rally have to make a lot
of effort and the per
person fee has in-
creased significantly
Srinagar (Agencies):
In a major achievement,
Police have neutralised
two terrorists involved
in the murder of Kash-
miri TV artist Amreen
Bhat within 24 hours of
the gruesome killing.
and Kashmir Police, the
two terrorists, affiliated
with the terror outfit
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT),
were neutralised in an
encounter in Awantipo-
ra situated in the Pul-
wamadistrictof Jammu
and Kashmir during the
wee hours of Thursday
As per the police, an
encounter broke out at
the Aganhanzipora lo-
cality in the Awantipo-
ra area of Pulwama dis-
trict late on Thursday
night. Two ultras, who
were responsible for
killing TV artist Am-
reen Bhat in Budgam
district a day earlier,
were trapped in the cor-
don and later neutral-
ised, the police said.
Both killed newly
joined local terrorists
identified as Shahid
Mushtaq Bhat R/O Haf-
roo Chadoora Budgam
and Farhan Habib R/O
Hakripora Pulwama.
They had killed TV art-
ist on the instruction of
LeT Cmdr Lateef. 01 AK
56 rifle, 4 magazines and
a pistol recovered,
Kashmir Police tweeted.
Meanwhile, in a sepa-
rate encounter, two
more terrorists linked
to LeT were also neu-
tralised in the Soura
area of Srinagar on
Thursday night. The ul-
as Shakir Ahmed Waza
and Afreen Aftab Malik
and some incriminating
materials, including
arms and ammunition,
have been recovered
from their possession.
On Thursday night,
two LeT terrorists were
killed in Srinagar's Sou-
ra. The police have re-
covered one AK-47 pis-
tol,  the police said.
Inspector-General of
Police, Jammu and
Kashmir, Vijay Kumar
further informed that 10
terrorists affiliated
with Jaish-e-Moham-
mad (JeM) and Lashkar-
e-Taiba have been killed
during encounters in
the last 3 days.
‘CBI seized confidential
Parl docu during raid’
New Delhi (Agen-
cies): Congress MP
Karti Chidamabaram
Speaker Speaker Om
ing a raid CBI officers
seized “highly confi-
dential” personal
notes and papers per-
taining to the Parlia-
mentary Standing
Committee on Infor-
mation and Technolo-
gy of which he is a
member, and sought
redressal for what he
said was a “breach of
his parliamentary
privilege”. In a letter
baram also said that
over the course of the
past few years, his
family and he himself
by the present govern-
ment and its investi-
gating agencies which
are trying to silence
our voices of dissent
by foisting one fake
case after another”.
Such “targeted in-
timidation” of a
member of the House
amounts to a breach
of privilege, the Con-
gress MP said. Karti
Chidambara’s letter
to Birla comes amid
his questioning by
the CBI.
Ten terrorists
from JeM and
LeT were killed
in 3 days: IGP
Ahmedabad (Agen-
cies): Patidar Anamat
Andolan Samiti (PAAS)
convener and former
Congress working
president Hardik Patel
will be joining BJP ei-
ther on May 30 or May
31 in Gandhinagar. He
gave the hint on Friday
in Ahmedabad and
even hinted at contest-
ing elections.
Patel in a pro-
gramme on a TV chan-
nel has hinted that he
is joining the BJP, and
the party will decide
from which constitu-
ency he will contest
the assembly elec-
tions. He also said that
he is going to lead an
Ekta Yatra from Som-
nath temple to the
Statue of Unity.
It will be a grand
show of Hardik Patel
joining the BJP, party
sources said.
Over 18 lakh
students register
for NEET 2022
New Delhi (Agencies):
The number of registra-
tions for medical en-
trance exam NEET has
crossed 18 lakh this
year, recording a signifi-
cant jump of over 2.5
lakh since 2021. Over
18.72 lakh candidates
have registered for the
National Eligibility
cum Entrance Test
(NEET) out of which
over 10.64 lakh are
women and 8.07 lakh
are men, according to
official data. The pan-
India exam is sched-
uled to be held in 13
languages on July 17.
New Delhi (ANI):
Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) Rajya Sabha MP
and former Deputy
Chief Minister of Bihar
Sushil Kumar Modi on
Friday criticised the
move of the West Bengal
Government in intro-
ducing a Bill to make
Chief Minister Mamata
Banarjee as Chancellor
of state-rununiversities.
Speaking to media,
Sushil Kumar Modi
said, “This tradition
was established during
the time of Pandit Jawa-
harlal Nehru. On Rad-
hakrishnan Commit-
tee’s recommendation,
it became a tradition
that the Governor of
state will be the chancel-
lor of state Universities.
If you have political op-
position, it does not
mean you can violate
democratic processes.”
BJP MP further ar-
gued that as far as the
appointment of the
Vice-Chancellor is con-
cerned, only the Gover-
nor alone does not have
of Vice-Chancellors, a
search committee of 3-4
Members was formed
for the appointment and
then the Governor and
the Chief Minister to-
“Mamata Banerjee
does whatever comes to
her mind and acts arbi-
. But she will not
be able to do anything,”
Modi added.
Bengal swapping Guv with CM as
chancellor ‘undemocratic’: Sushil
Hardik Patel likely to
join BJP next week
New Delhi (ANI): With
monkeypox cases being
identified across the
world, the Indian Coun-
cil of Medical Research
(ICMR) official on Fri-
day said that India is
prepared in view of in-
creasing infections in
the non-endemic coun-
tries, however, no cases
have been reported in
the country so far.
In an exclusive inter-
view with ANI, Dr
Aparna Mukherjee, Sci-
entist C, ICMR said, “In-
dia is prepared for the
infections as it is rap-
idly spreading in non-
endemic countries like
Europe, USA and oth-
ers. However, no cases
have been reported in
India so far.”
The health expert
also emphasised keep-
ing a close watch on
unusual symptoms, es-
pecially those who have
a travel history from
the monkeypox-infect-
ed countries.
Agartala (Agencies):
Das, who last year quit
the saffron party and
joined the Trinamool
Congress, resigned from
the TMC on Friday al-
leging “internal
groupism” in the party
Das, severely criticis-
ing the Trinamool’s Na-
tional General Secre-
tary Abhishek Baner-
jee, said that there is no
democratic environ-
ment in both the BJP
and the TMC. A leader
of the Scheduled Caste
community, the 44-year-
old Das announced he
was quitting the Trina-
mool two days after the
Election Commission
declared the schedule
of by-elections to four
assembly constituen-
cies in Tripura includ-
ing Surma from where
he was elected to the
assembly in 2018 as a
BJP candidate.
India is prepared for
monkeypox, says ICMR
Former Tripura BJP
MLA quits TMC
New Delhi (PTI): Five
regional parties have
declared they received
donations amounting to
Rs 250.60 crore through
electoral bonds in 2020-
21, according to poll
rights group Associa-
tion for Democratic Re-
forms (ADR).
According to ADR’s
latest report, the total
income of 31 regional
parties for the 2020-21
financial year was Rs
529.416 crore, and their
total declared expendi-
ture was Rs 414.028
crore. The five parties
that incurred the
highest expenditures
that year are the DMK
(Rs 218.49 crore), TDP
(Rs 54.769 crore), AI-
ADMK (Rs 42.37
crore), JDU (Rs 24.35
crore) and the TRS (Rs
22.35 crore), it said.
The total income of
the top five parties
amounted to Rs 434.255
crore, which was 82.03
per cent of the total in-
come of the political
parties analysed, collec-
, the report said.
Under voluntary con-
tributions, the political
parties collected Rs
250.60 crore or 47.34 per
cent of their income
from donations through
electoral bonds, while
tributions amounted to
Rs 126.265 crore or 23.85
per cent for FY 2020-21.
5 regional parties got donations
of `250.60 cr in 2020-21: ADR
Karti accuses Central Govt of targeting his family.
New Delhi: Prime Min-
ister Narendra Modi will
visit Gujarat on Saturday
during which he will vis-
it a newly built hospital,
address a seminar of
leaders of various coop-
erative institutions and
inaugurate a Nano Urea
(liquid) plant. At 10
am, the Prime Minister
will visit the newly built
Matushri KDP Multi-
speciality Hospital in
Atkot, Rajkot.
Lucknow: Disturbed by
the continuous photo
session of MLAs in the
Legislative Assembly,
Speaker of the Uttar
Pradesh Assembly
Satish Mahana imposed
a ban on MLAs for
taking selfies. The As-
sembly Speaker made
the announcement on
Friday. Notably, this
comes a day after the
budget was presented
in the state assembly.
Patna: With just five days left for filing the nomi-
nation, Bihar’s ruling Janata Dal (United) is yet to
finalise a candidate for the June
10 Rajya Sabha elections. The last
date of filing nomination is May 31.
On Friday, Chief Minister Nitish
Kumar paid homage before a stat-
ue of Jawaharlal Nehru at the Patna
Junction Railway station to mark
the late Prime Minister’s death anniversary. “We
will inform about it,” the Chief Minister said.
Kochi: A day after being sent to the Central jail in
Thiruvanthapuram, seven-time former MLA PC
George on Friday secured bail from
the Kerala High Court in connection
with an alleged hate speech made
early this month. While granting
bail, the high court asked George
not to repeat the mistake and also
cooperate with the probes in the
two separate cases of the same nature - one made in
the capital city on May 1 and a few days later at an
election rally in Kochi.
New Delhi (Agen-
cies): ThePresident
has named Justice
Pradip Kumar
Mohanty, Judicial
Member of the Lok-
pal, to be the acting
Chairperson of
the Lokpal due to
the vacancy creat-
ed by the comple-
tion of the tenure of
Justice Pinaki
Chandra Ghose.
Mohanty will
head the Lokpal
with effect from the
date of occurrence
of the vacancy i.e.
May 28, till the ap-
pointment of a new
Chairperson, a noti-
fication issued on
Friday said.
Born on May 28,
1952, Justice Ghose
was appointed a Su-
preme Court Judge
in 2013. From June
2017 to March 2019,
he served as a Mem-
ber of the NHRC in
New Delhi, after
which he was ap-
personof theLokpal
on March 23, 2019.
Justice Pradip
Mohanty to head
Lokpal till new
New Delhi (ANI):
The CBI on Friday
questioned Con-
gress MP Karti
Chidambaram for
the second consec-
utive day in connec-
tion with an alleged
scam pertaining
to the issuance of
visas to 263 Chinese
nationals in 2011.
Sushil Kumar Modi
Hardik Patel
Locals inspect an under construction house where two LeT were
killed during an encounter in Srinagar. —PHOTO BY PTI
08 I I I I
New Delhi (PTI): India
has the potential to be-
come a non-alcoholic
beverage hub and the
country’s non-alcoholic
beverage market is ex-
pected to touch a mar-
ket size of `1.47 lakh
crore by 2030, says a re-
According to the re-
port by economic policy
think tank ICRIER,
“the size of the market
was estimated at `671
billion (`67,100 crore)
in 2019, which is pro-
jected to reach around
`1,472.33 billion
(`1,47,233 crore) in 2030,
in the realistic scenar-
io.” “India has the po-
tential to become a non-
alcoholic beverage hub,
given its endowments
of raw materials, la-
bour and policy support
for encouraging food
processing in the coun-
try,” the report said.
Bottled water and car-
bonated soft drinks
still account for the
bulk of the non-alco-
holic beverages sector,
the report said, adding
that the market for juic-
es, energy drinks, tea,
milk and coffee-based
beverages and organic
drinks is expanding.
In India, domestic
consumption and ex-
ports are low, compared
to ASEAN countries
and there is
space to grow for the
non-alcoholic beverage
industry. The study
found that the non-alco-
holic beverage sector
contributes significant-
ly to the Indian econo-
my in terms of value
addition and job crea-
“The total job crea-
tion from this sector is
estimated to be 6.91
lakh which includes
employment creation
both in the upstream
and downstream opera-
tions,” the study said.
water and
soft drinks still
account for
the bulk of the
sector, the
report said
There’s risk of high wholesale price inflation putting pressure on retail inflation:Reserve Bank
RBI warns of high WPI fuelling inflation
Mumbai (PTI):
Sounding a note of
caution, the Reserve
Bank said on Friday
said there is a risk of
high WPI putting
pressure on the retail
inflation, albeit with
a lag. In its annual
report, the RBI said
that the cost-push
pressures from high
industrial raw mate-
rial prices, transpor-
tation costs and glob-
al logistics, and sup-
ply chain bottlenecks
continue to impinge
on core inflation.
“The substantial
wedge between
wholesale and retail
price inflation
amidst a sharp rise
in manufactured
products’ inflation
poses the risk of a
of input cost pres-
sures to retail infla-
tion with a lag, al-
though slack in the
economy is muting
the pass-through,”
the central bank
Looking at ‘pros
 cons’ of intro
of digital currency
Mumbai (PTI): RBI on
Friday said it is look-
ing at pros and cons of
introduction of a virtual
currency in the country
and it will adopt a graded
approach for launching
the central bank digital
currency. “The Reserve
Bank is engaged in the
introduction of a central
bank digital currency in
India. The design of CBDC
needs to be in conformity
with the stated objectives
of monetary policy, finan-
cial stability and efficient
operations of currency
and payment systems,”
it said in the report. The
Reserve Bank has been
looking at the pros and
cons of introduction of
CBDC in India, it said in
its report.
Mumbai (PTI): Mak-
ing a strong case for
structural reforms, the
Reserve Bank on Friday
said they are essential
for sustained, balanced
and inclusive growth,
and also to deal with
the after-effects of the
pandemic. RBI also
stressed that the future
path of growth would
be conditioned by ad-
dressing supply-side
bottlenecks, calibrat-
ing monetary policy to
bring down inflation
and boosting capital
spending. “Undertak-
ing structural reforms
to improve India’s
medium-term growth
potential holds the key
to secure sustained,
balanced and inclusive
growth, especially by
helping workers adapt
to the after-effects of
the pandemic by reskill-
ing and enabling them
to adopt new technolo-
gies for raising produc-
tivity,” it said.
‘Banks need to
support growth’
Mumbai (PTI): The
Reserve Bank on
Friday said the banks
would need to support
growth while being
watchful of the credit
behaviour of entities
whose loans were
restructured during
the pandemic period to
arrest slippages. Banks
had extended morato-
rium on repayment of
loans and restructured
advances to business-
es to help them com-
bat the impact of the
COVID pandemic and
subsequent lockdowns
to check the spread of
the virus. The RBI said
the banking sector has
witnessed improved
financial parameters
despite the COVID-19
India-UK FTA could
be ready by Diwali
London (PTI): The
way things are pro-
gressing between the
two negotiating teams,
a free trade agreement
(FTA) between India
and the UK could be
ready by Diwali with-
out the need for an in-
terim early harvest
agreement, said Com-
merce  Industry
Minister Piyush Goy-
al. The minister ar-
rived in London from
the World Economic
Forum in Davos to
stock-take and inter-
act with stakeholders
and business people
ahead of the fourth
round of FTA negotia-
tions, set for June 13 in
the UK. Goyal pointed
to the FTAs concluded
at speed with the UAE
and Australia as a sign
of things to come.
“Canada is pro-
gressing well towards
an early harvest agree-
ment. With the UK, we
had agreed to do an
early harvest agree-
ment – basically, to
grab the low-hanging
fruits and leave the
more difficult ele-
ments for the next
stage and give the peo-
ple of both countries
the confidence that
this agreement is a
win-win,” the minis-
ter said.
“But the way things
are progressing, we’ll
actually land up doing
a full FTA with the UK
by Diwali. I have had
very good meetings on
it,” he said.
Diwali in October
was set as a timeline
for a draft FTA after
British Prime Minis-
ter Boris Johnson’s
talks with Prime Min-
ister Narendra Modi
during his visit to In-
dia last month.
Asked about the
points of contention
in the path of such a
tight timeline, Goyal
said: “Our approach is
that we are very hon-
est and upfront in our
constraints, yet will-
ing to be sensitive to
the concerns of the
other country
Goyal: India
safe place for
defence mfg
London: There is
a lot of interest
among interna-
tional companies
for defence
manufacturing in
India because the
world sees India
as not only a big
marketplace but
also a safe place to
work, Piyush Goyal
said. “The whole
world realises
that India is a big
market place, a
safe place to work
with in terms of
manufacturing in
defence equip-
ment, particularly
because we don’t
insist on technol-
ogy transfer, we
even allow coveted
technologies to
be owned fully by
foreign investors,”
said Goyal.
New Delhi (Agencies):
India’s economic recov-
ery from the COVID-19
pandemic likely stum-
bled again in the first
quarter of this (calen-
dar) year (Q4FY22) pri-
marily due to Omicron-
related restrictions and
higher inflation, a Reu-
ters poll showed.
Growth in Asia’s
third-largest economy
was pencilled in at 4.0%
for the January-March
quarter from the same
period a year ago in a
May 23-26 Reuters poll
of 46 economists, down
from 5.4% in Q4 2021. If
realised, that would be
the slowest in a year,
and a third consecutive
quarter of weaker
“While the move-
ment restrictions were
short-lived, other head-
winds from global sup-
ply shortages and high-
er input costs also im-
peded the pace of ex-
pansion,” Rahul Bajor-
ia, chief India econo-
mist at Barclays said.
Forecasts for the
data, due at 1200 GMT
on May 31, ranged wide-
ly, from 2.8% to 5.5%.
Investments in proptech firms
to touch $1 billion in 2025
New Delhi (PTI): In-
vestments in proptech
firms are expected to
touch $1 billion in 2025,
almost double from the
2020 level, with adop-
tion of technologies
gaining momentum in
the real estate sector,
according to a report
by CII and Colliers.
In a joint report it
has been mentioned
that the COVID pan-
demic has provided a
further impetus to
technology in real es-
tate sector to ensure
seamless services for
remote working, ease
in construction and fo-
cus on
like Internet of Things
(IoT), Virtual reality
(VR), Artificial Intelli-
gence (AI) were being
utilised pre-pandemic.
However, the adoption
of such technologies
increased manifold
over the last two
years,” it added. With a
focus on health and
wellness, the consult-
ant said that smart
building materials
with automated air
quality systems are in-
creasingly gaining
No. of `2000 currency
Mumbai (PTI): The
number of bank notes
of `2000 denomination
has steadily declined
over the years to touch
214 crore or 1.6% of
the total currency
notes in circulation at
the end of March this
The total number of
currency notes of all
denominations in cir-
culation stood at 13,053
crore as of March this
year, up from 12,437
crore from the year-
ago period. The count
declined to 245 crore
or 2% of the total bank
notes in circulation as
of March 2021 and fur-
ther fell to 214 crore or
1.6% at the end of last
fiscal year.
In value terms also,
the `2000 denomina-
tion notes dipped from
22.6% of the total val-
ue of currency notes
in circulation to 17.3%
at the end of March
2021 and further to
13.8% at the end of
March 2022.
According to the re-
port, the number of
`500 denomination
notes in circulation
rose to 4,554.68 crore.
Markets dart up for 2nd day
Mumbai (PTI): Equity
markets extended their
rally on Friday
, with the
Sensex and Nifty jump-
ing over 1% each, in
tandem with a positive
trend in global equities.
Buying in Infosys and
banking counters
helped markets main-
tain their winning run.
The 30-share BSE
Sensex rallied 632.13
points or 1.17% to settle
at 54,884.66. During the
day, the benchmark
zoomed 684.1 points or
1.26% to 54,936.63. The
broader NSE Nifty
jumped 182.30 points or
1.13% to end at 16,352.45.
From the Sensex
pack, Tech Mahindra,
IndusInd Bank, Wipro,
Bajaj Finance, Infosys,
Larsen  Toubro and
HCL Technologies were
the prominent gainers.
New Delhi (Agen-
cies): Adani Defence
Systems and Technol-
ogies, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Adani
Enterprises on Friday
signed a definitive
agreement to acquire
a 50%
in Ben-
b a s e d
c o m m e r -
cial drone
maker Gen-
eral Aeronautics for
cash consideration.
The company will
be leveraging its mili-
tary drone and AI/ML
capabilities and work
with General Aero-
nautics to provide so-
lutions for the domes-
tic agricultural sector.
General Aeronaut-
ics is an agri solution
provider that provides
robotic drones and
drone-based solutions
for crop pro-
t e c t i o n
c r o p
h e a l t h ,
f a r m i n g
and yield monitoring
using artificial intel-
ligence and analytics
for the agricultural
sector. It was incorpo-
rated in 2016.
India has no plans
to curb rice exports
New Delhi (Agencies):
India does not plan to
curb rice exports as the
world’s biggest export-
er of the staple has suf-
ficient stocks and local
rates are lower than
p r i c e s ,
said. “We
have more than suffi-
cient stocks of rice and
there is no concern at
all in terms of either
prices or availability
for exports and domes-
tic requirements,” said
a senior govt official.
“At this stage, there is
no consideration at all
to prohibit rice ex-
ports,” said the source.
Ola scouts for land
to set up cell and
Tata Motors
files record 125
patents in FY22
New Delhi (PTI): Mo-
bility giant Ola Electric
is scouting for land to
set up its cell and elec-
tric car factories and is
in talks with multiple
states, sources said. Ola
Electric needs 1,000
acres of land to set up
its cell gigafactory and
electric car factory
which is expected to at-
tract an investment of
`10,000 crore. Some
states are already vy-
ing, sources said.
New Delhi (PTI):
Tata Motors on Fri-
day said it filed re-
cord 125 patents re-
lated to powertrain
technologies in the
last fiscal. The com-
pany said the num-
ber of patents filed in
last FY were the
highest so far. The
patents filed entail a
diverse range of in-
novations and devel-
opments in tradition-
al  new energy pow-
ertrain technologies.
` inches 2 paise
higher to 77.59/$
Mumbai (PTI): The rupee
inched 2 paise higher to
close at 77.59 (provision-
al) against US dollar on
Friday, supported by posi-
tive domestic equities and
weakness of the American
currency overseas. At the
interbank forex market,
the rupee opened at 77.60
against the greenback and
moved in a range of 77.57
to 77.67 in the day’s
trade. The rupee finally
ended at 77.59.
09 I I I I
RSS only spreads hatred
in country, says Dotasra
Bhanwar S Charan
Kota: State Congress
President Govind Singh
Dotasara on Friday in-
augurated the Congress
training camp in Kota.
Minister-in-charge of
Kota, Prasadi Lal Mee-
na was also present dur-
ing the inaugural cere-
mony of the district
level residential train-
ing camps of Congress.
During the two-day
programme, the train-
ing camp for Kota
(South), Kota (North)
and Ladpura assembly
constituencies will
take place.
While addressing a
press conference, Go-
vind Singh Dotasara
said, “The RSS spreads
hatred in the country.
Social harmony is not
on their agenda. Con-
gress workers will ex-
pose the policies of the
RSS in the coming time.
We will fight fiercely
with BJP and RSS.”
Dotasara said the
progress of the country
took place during the
Congress government
only, while no develop-
mental work was done
under the BJP rule.
Two-day Congress workers’ traning workshop inaugurated in Kota
Govind Singh Dotasra accorded warm welcome by the party workers in Kota. (Inset) Govind Singh
Dotasra pays tributes to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on his death anniversary in Kota.
Raj govt making
efforts to solve
problems: Rawat
Rajeev Gaur
Jodhpur: Industries
and Commerce Depart-
ment organised Udyog
Vibhag Samvad’ on Fri-
day at Steel
Bhawan to
increase the
pace of in-
dustrial de-
velopment in
Jodhpur divi-
sion and encourage in-
dustrialists, entrepre-
neurs, industrialists,
exporters and to solve
their problems.
The workshop was
organised in coordina-
tion with the Marudha-
ra Industries Associa-
tion. Addressing the
meet, industry and
Commerce Minister
Shakuntala Rawat
said that the govern-
ment is making all pos-
sible efforts to solve the
problems of entrepre-
neurs, exporters and
Dargah is symbol of harmony: Salman Chishty
Jaipur (Agency): Haji
Syed Salman Chishty,
Gaddi Nashin-Dargah
Ajmer Sharif and Chair-
man-Chishty Founda-
tion, on Friday said that
Ajmer Sharif is beyond
comparison to any
worldly monuments. In
his tweet, he said, “It’s
Living Traditions are an
embodiment of sacred
teachings exemplified
by Hz. Khawaja Moinud-
din Chishty (RA) with
Unconditional Love to-
wards all. Spreading
trumped-up stories is
Unutterable Sin resting
on Media Fraternity
It needs to be men-
tioned here that an out-
fit has claimed that
“there is a ‘Shivling’ un-
der Ajmer Dargah”,
which has been refuted
by the Anjuman Com-
mittee. Anjuman Presi-
dent Moin Sarkar said
that Garib Nawaz’s dar-
gah is a symbol of uni-
versal harmony, which
lies beyond the shackles
of religion and caste.
Anjuman secretary Wa-
hid Hussain Angara
said that action should
be taken against those
who spoil harmony and
create disturbance.
Water train
completes 100
trips to Pali
Jodhpur: On the pro-
posal of Pali adminis-
tration, the Railways
started operation of 40
wagon water special
train from Bhagat Ki
Kothi railway station of
Jodhpur to Pali Marwar
railway station. On
May 24, after 2nd rake
became available, water
supply started through
both rakes. To address
water crisis, a water
special train is being
operated everyday and
the special train has
completed 100 trips of
its journey to Pali.
Tapadia murder: Markets shut
to protest Komal Mehta’s arrest
Naveen Joshi 
Bhilwara: Shops re-
mained closed in
Bhilwara on Friday to
protest against the ar-
rest of BJP leader
Komal Mehta, who was
arrested for inflamma-
tory speech during the
dharna against the
killing of Dalit youth
Adarsh Tapadia.
, VHP and HJM
BJP leader Komal Me-
hta. Protesters took out
a procession from the
Circle in Bhilwara.
2 cops transferred:
After the Adarsh Tapa-
dia murder case in
Bhilwara on May 10 in
Shastri Nagar, two po-
lice officers have been
transferred on Friday
after the ongoing dhar-
na demanding the ar-
rest of the accused and
action against the po-
lice officers.
People reciting Hanuman Chalisa to protest the arrest.
Min Hemaram issues ‘unconstitutional’
order to shut out bureaucrat from functioning!
Rajendra Chhabra
Jaipur: There is a ‘hot
topic’ of discussion in
the state’s political and
bureaucratic circles
that the bureaucracy is
becoming too domi-
nant as ministers and
MLAs of the ruling
party are publicly mak-
ing these complaints.
But there is another
side to the coin, which
says that before the
ministers and MLAs,
the bureaucrats have
become inconsequen-
tial. Such is the situa-
tion that ministers and
MLAs are being too ag-
gressive and dominat-
ing over Secretaries
and Collectors in dis-
tricts, respectively. In
fact, in the previous
transfer list, secretar-
ies were transferred on
whims of miffed minis-
ters and Collectors, on
whims of local MLAs.
And environment de-
partment has thrown
the example of how
Secretaries have been
kept away from their
own departments. Such
has been the clash be-
tween minister Hemar-
am Choudhary and
Secretary Pawan Ku-
mar Upadhyay that the
Secretary ended the
existence of Secretary
in the department, as
the minister issued a
standing order on
Wednesday, with his
own signatures, as to
how would the depart-
ment run business.
This order states that
no file will be sent to
the Secretary and
thereby secretary will
have no role and the
files would be sent from
joint secretary to Prin-
cipal secretary directly
and then on to minister.
Till now all the files
were being routed
through Secretary
Pawan Kumar Upad-
haya and since Decem-
ber 2021, when Hemar-
am became minister,
files were moving
through the secretary.
Interestingly, the word
is that minister is ex-
tremely miffed with
Upadhyaya on not one
but several issues.
Meanwhile, adminis-
trative experts have
termed the minister’s
standing orders as un-
lawful and unconstitu-
tional. Senior most IAS
of the state Ravis-
hankar Srivastava said
on the issue, “Function
of all departments is
carried out according
to Rules of Business
which is a comprehen-
sive document and has
legal sanctity
. Minis-
ters can not change it.
Ministers can only is-
sue standing orders on
aspects left out or not
covered under rules of
business and if the
standing order violates
the rules of business, it
Pawan Kumar Upadhyay
Hemaram Choudhary
Aphoto of Bharatiya
Janata Party MLA
Pratap Singh Singhvi’s
along with Punjab Chief
Minister Bhagwant Mann in
New Delhi has set the
rumour mills running in the
state political corridors.
The photo is in discussions
before the Rajya Sabha
elections. However,
Bharatiya Janata Party MLA
Pratap Singh said that he
went to meet Union Home
Minister Amit Shah and at
the same time Bhagwant
Mann had also come to
meet Home Minister Amit
Shah so he got a photo
clicked with him in the
waiting room. But many
meanings are also being
extracted from this photo.
—Aishwary Pradhan
Now,ACB to seek nod for probe
against senior govt functionaries
First India Bureau
Jaipur: Following the
tussle between the RAS
association and the
ACB over questioning
of an officer, the State
Government has also
implemented the stand-
ard procedure (SoP) is-
sued by the Central
Government under Sec-
tion 17 (A) of the Pre-
vention of Corruption
(Amendment) Act, 2018.
This SoP, however, will
not be applicable in cas-
es of trap. Now, the ACB
officer has to first take
permission from the
competent authority of
the concerned adminis-
trative department in
the prescribed form be-
fore initiating inquiry,
investigation and ques-
tioning against any
public servant.
MP, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh, Mi-
zoram, Punjab and oth-
er states have already
implemented the SoP.
Jaipur: The High Court on Friday rejected the
bail pleas of suspended IAS officer Nannumal
Pahadia and RAS officer Ashok Sankhla, both
arrested by the ACB on April 23 while accepting
a bribe of Rs 5 lakh from a highway construction
company in Alwar. Hearing the case, the Bench of
Justice Narendra Singh Dhadha observed that the
investigation into the matter is going on, hence
bail cannot be granted at this stage. The ACB
court in Alwar had also rejected their bail applica-
tion on April 30.
Bail plea of IAS Pahadia and
RAS officer Sankhla rejected
Sawai Madhopur: The ACB has arrested
AE Mahesh Saini and lineman Asharam
Meena of electricity
department taking a
bribe of Rs 40,000 for
removing an electric
pole near his house
of the complainant.
ACB ASP Surendra
Singh said a resident
of Housing Board Road had complained that
bribe being demanded by the AE.
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  • 1. JAIPUR l SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 350 OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, LUCKNOW, NEW DELHI & MUMBAI Prime Minister Narendra Modi Shashikant Sharma rime minister Narendra Modi was the first chief minister of Gujarat to have ruled for more than 12 continuous years. The way he has completed eight years in office of prime minister, he looks set to surpass Jawahar Lal Nehru, who has the distinction of be- ing at the highest position for close to 17 years. He may have served half the tenure than Nehru but his achievements have placed him among the most pow- erful politicians in the world. Be it handling glob- al pandemic like Covid-19 or Russia-Ukraine war, Modi has emerged as an undisputed towering world leader whom the entire globe looks upon. The supremacy of India was strongly felt in every spectrum with Modi lead- ing the light. At home also, Modi en- sured a safe and strong country for Indians with mitigating all kinds of threats from neighbours. For that the role of his ‘ManFriday’AmitShahis significant. Not only as the country’s home minis- ter but also as the princi- pal strategist, trouble shooter and Chanakya of BJPwhichmadetheparty an invincible political force. The duo compli- mentsandsupplementsso well that even the strong- est of their detractors can’tseeanyonereplacing them in near future. It’s Modi and Shah that make “double engine” ki sarkar, which has put the country on the high accel- erator belt. The country, which came out of the throes of deadly Covid-19, is back on the growth path with an aim to achieve the $5 trillion economy. Modi’s mantra sabka saath sabka vikas has started doing the trick for the country . It’s the sheer charisma of Modi that the economy which saw growth for the first time in four decades in the Covid-hit 2020, is now estimated to grow at 8.9 per cent in 2021 fol- lowed by another growth wave of 8.2% in 2022. Modi has strengthened the pil- lars of economy so that even the impact of Russia Ukraine war failed to make a dent in Indian economythewayithasleft other strong global econo- mies in tatters. Turn to P10 P MODI: THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW NATIONAL HERO! Bemisaal Saal 8
  • 2. l Vol 3 l Issue No. 350 l RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra. Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act PERSPECTIVE JAIPUR | SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 02 I I I I SPIRITUAL SPEAK No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world come. —Bhagavad Gita IN-DEPTH Piyush Goyal @PiyushGoyal The time is now for manufacturing world class drone technology from India. I call upon our youth to come forward with ideas for new startups in this sector to help empower our people: PM @NarendraModi ji Dr Jitendra Singh @DrJitendraSingh Addressed the National #GoodGovernance Webinar Series on Health, organised by #DARPG, Ministry of Personnel. “Need of the hour is for the Civil Servants to focus on innovative ideas having replicability and sustainability, which can be used as best governance practices.” TOP TWEETS ARYAN KHAN GETS A CLEAN CHIT FROM NCB, BUT TRAUMA WILL HAUNT HIM fter he was put in jail for 20 days the Nar- cotics Control Bu- reau has given actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan a clean chit. The NCB has stated in its final charge-sheet that no drug was found on the person of the Bol- lywood actor’s son. Five others who were nabbed along with Aryan on October 2, 2021 in the infamous raid on a cruise ship headed from Mumbai to Goa have also been let off. From the very outset the arrest of Aryan was being looked at as a gross misuse of power by a certain NCB officer who led the raid was later shunted out. The case was thentransferredtoaDelhi-based Special Investigation Team. The NCB asserted that the SIT carried out the probe in an ob- jective manner which must be appreciated but the trauma of Aryan Khan and the officer who was the cause of it is not being mentioned. Some accountabili- ty has to be fixed. A ihar Chief Minis- ter Nitish Kumar has once again raised the ticklish issue of caste cen- sus to stump the Bharatiya Janata party . Opposition par- ties like the Rashtriya Janata Dal are also of the view that a caste census is much need- ed in the country. Last year Tejashvi Yadav of the RJD hadgoneontoaskthat“when animals and plants are count- ed, what is the problem in counting humans”? He based his argument on the Mandal Commission report which, when made public by former Prime Minister VP Singh more than 30 years ago, in- formed the people about dif- ferent castes in the country. Tejashvi wanted to know why caste-based census can- not be done and how welfare schemes can be implemented without scientific data on caste census. Nitish Kumar recently an- nounced that his government would start work on caste census after consulting all parties. A date for an all-par- ty meet to arrive at a consen- sus on the sensitive issue is yet to be decided. Not all par- ties, especially the BJP, are open to the idea of Nitish who had led a delegation to meet the Prime Minister on the issue. The BJP is main- taining an ambivalent ap- proach. The Centre is op- posed to the move on the ground that it may cause di- visions in society . The Mandal report saw the rise of caste-based politics and job reservations. While a caste-based census would help in better implementa- tion of affirmative action, it may also deepen the caste divide. With politics driven by castes, meeting the aspira- tions of various caste groups would be a tall order for the government. NITISH PLAYS CASTE CENSUS CARD AGAIN Nitish Kumar recently announced that his government would start work on caste census after consulting all parties. A date for an all- party meet to arrive at a consensus on the sensitive issue is yet to be decided B Promoted by Shree Cement Limited t gives me great pride as In- dian to say that India is the only country in the world that liberated Bangladesh with surrender of fully armed one Lakh Pakistani troops in just 14 days. Even super powers have failed to do that. The war in Ukraine has gone beyond 80 days, much against the expecta- tions of the world and cer- tainly, that of Russia. WHOWINS,WHOCARES!! Every nation state has so far played the game to it’s nation- al interest. The US set up the Ukraine conflict way back, with Eastward expansion of NATO. Ukraine has been made the sacrificial lamb to weaken Russia and deplete the threat to Europe and NATO. Initially, they lured Ukraine away from Russia, almost instigated Putin and when Russia attacked, no NATOandEUmember joined hands to defend Ukraine. A scan of major players in this game and their aim to benefit fromthiswararediscussedin the succeeding narrative. UKRAINE The biggest loser in this war will be Ukraine only . Ukraine could not understand the games of western countries and played along till the gal- lows. Unfortunately, it‘s still going along the garden path. Whosoever wins, Ukraine will be severely mauled. Zelensky is being foolhardy by pressing on against Russia at the behest of NATO. When USA and NATO did not come to defend him against Rus- sian aggression, he should have understood their game and saved the destruction of his country . If the war esca- lates to weapons of mass de- struction, Ukraine will find itself at ground ZERO. Apart from major influx of weapons, war equipment and logistics aid, large number of mercenaries are operating in Ukraine. After the war, these will find their way to terror- ist organizations and Ukraine with weak adminis- tration will provide safe sanctuaries, for terrorists.   RUSSIA Russia claims itself to be the politicalheirandsuccessorof the USSR. After Crimea War in2014,unabletodefenditself, Ukraine started romancing with NATO, which irked Rus- sia and hence Putin invaded Ukraine. Russia has acted in it’s national interest before the enemy knocks at it’s door. Russia had predicted to wrap up Ukraine war by swift blitzkrieg operations resultingindefeatof Ukraine forces and surrender of Zelensky Govt. Unfortunate- ly, that did not happen and the war is now dragged to al- most three months without tangible gains. Russia is now looking for a face saving exit. If USA and Europe corner Putin, he may well use weap- ons of mass destruction. This may lead to a riposte from the West and likely to snowball into a larger nucle- ar confrontation. USA & NATO It’s interesting to note that America has never fought a war on it’s own soil. Destruc- tion of Ukraine is a small price for it in it’s quest for ‘The Superpower tag’. They have managed to weaken their primary foe (Russia), since cold war days, without firing a bullet from it’s soil. Ukraine is just part of collat- eral damage for them, which they really don’t care. Economic Sanctions are double edged weapons. After the initial fall, ruble is rising again. Russia and friendly countries are finding alter- native to SWIFT banking system. Russia is using oil, gas and gold as weapons against sanctions. Europe also has been hit with record inflation and energy crisis. CHINA China is maintaining neutral stance and it has not openly sided with Russia. When Russia is back to wall and will request China for financial and military help, PRC will extract it’s pound of flesh, for the help at that time. It’s also keenly watching US and NATO reaction to Russian in- vasion, before it makes up it’s mind on annexation of Tai- wan. Prolonged war is in fa- vour of China, so that USA and Europe exhaust them- selves in Ukraine, thereby helping China to catapult it- self to center stage of world politics. INDIA India has taken a path of principled neutrality . So far, India has been able to tread this thin line with great fi- nesse. It’s because of suc- cessful diplomacy by India that foreign dignitaries from all over the world are making a bee line to New Delhi. It’s a matter of pride that every- one wants India to play an active role in mediation and help to end the war, as soon as possible. PM Narendra Modi is master at converting threats into opportunities. He has kept India’s national inter- ests supreme. Firstly, he evacuated Indians from Ukraine with perfection, got fuel at reduced rates and also enhanced the image of the country, during this cri- sis. He has won accolades even from Prime Minister of Pakistan. India is all set to play a pivotal role in the world geopolitics, post Ukraine war. CONCLUSION The Russian invasion in Ukraine isn’t just Russian and Ukrainian affair. Moreo- ver, the rest of the world is also adversely affected be- cause of Russian invasion and Western sanctions on Russia. It has the potential to escalate to nuclear holocaust. Certainly, it will reshape the global landscape and a new world order will emerge post Ukraine war. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL WHO WINS! WHO CARES! UKRAINE I Ukraine has been made the sacrificial lamb to weaken Russia & deplete the threat to Europe and NATO. Initially, they lured Ukraine away from Russia, almost instigated Putin and when Russia attacked, no NATO & EU member joined hands to defend Ukraine. A scan of major players in this game & their aim to benefit from it PM Narendra Modi is master at converting threats into opportunities. He has kept India’s national interests supreme. Firstly, he evacuated Indians from Ukraine with perfection, got fuel at reduced rates and also enhanced the image of the country, during this crisis. He has won accolades even from Prime Minister of Pakistan. India is all set to play a pivotal role in the world geopolitics, post Ukraine war MAJ GEN CP SINGH (RETD) The writer is a scholar soldier accredited with MA, MSc, LLB, MBA, M Phil (Def Mgt) and M Phil (International Strategic Affairs) Father and son of Russian Army Sgt. Daniil Dumenko, 35, who was killed during fighting in Ukraine, mourn during a farewell ceremony in his homeland in Volzhsky, outside Volgograd, Russia. —PHOTO BY PTI
  • 3. CRUCIAL READ PIL SEEKS ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ SURVEYS OF ANCIENT MOSQUES New Delhi: A petition has been filed in SC, requesting that the Archaeological Examination of India conduct a secret survey of all ancient and notable mosques in India that are over a hundred years old and have wells and ponds. The PIL requested that the wuzu be moved from disputed ponds and wells in mosques to taps or modern faucets until a confidential survey could be completed to safeguard religious sentiments, if relics found. SYMBOL OF ‘FALLEN SOLDIER’ MOVED TO WAR MEMORIAL BOOKER PRIZE TO HINDI NOVEL FOR 1ST TIME New Delhi: The symbol of the ‘fallen soldier’ at India Gate, in remembrance of soldiers of 1971 war, was moved to the National War Memorial on Friday months after the eternal flame from the Amar Jawan Jyoti was “merged” with the immortal flame at the National War Memorial. New Delhi: Delhi-based author Geetanjali Shree’s Hindi novel ‘Tomb of Sand’ has become the first book in any In- dian language to win the prestigious International Booker Prize. ‘Tomb of Sand’, originally ‘Ret Samadhi’ was translated by Daisy Rockwell. JAIPUR l SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 350 OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, LUCKNOW, NEW DELHI & MUMBAI I I I I Rahul Gandhi on Friday remembered India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru on his death anniver- sary and described him as an institution-builder who strengthened our democratic roots, but lamented that the BJP has weakened democracy by bulldozing institutions. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday paid tributes to the country’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on his death anniversary. In a tweet today, the Prime Minister wrote, “Tributes to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Ji on his death anniversary.” PM MODI PAYS TRIBUTE TO EX-PM NEHRU NEHRU AN INSTITUTION- BUILDER: RAHUL REMEMBERING NEHRU! REMEMBERING NEHRU! INDIA @ 75 ‘MERASAPNAHARHAATH PHONE,HARKHETDRONE’ India has potential to become world’s drone hub, says PM Modi New Delhi: “Har haath mein smart phone, Har khet drone, Har ghar samradhi,” said Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday , a day after completingeightyearsin office, and described this as his dream for India as the country celebrates 75 years of independence, while inaugurating In- dia’s biggest drone expo at Delhi’s Pragati Maid- an. The PM spent about an hour at the various stalls displaying what all all drones can do in all spheres, from agricul- ture,landmapping,deliv- ering life-saving medi- cinesandinbothpolicing to defence of the country . “I have asked all min- istries to send their offic- ers here to see how best thedronetechnologycan be used to improve the quality of lives of com- moncitizensandfurther improve the ease of do- ingbusiness,”Modisaid. Day after ‘igniting fire’, Chandna calls on Gehlot! Naresh Sharma Jaipur: A day after Ra- jasthan sports minister askedtoberelievedfrom hispostovertheconduct of the CM’s principal secretary, Chief Minis- ter Ashok Gehlot on Fri- day said Ashok Chand- na’s tweet should not be taken seriously as he mightbeunderpressure due to the workload. Chandna on Thurs- day expressed anguish over the conduct of Ge- hlot’s principal secre- tary, referring to him as the “minister of all the departments”, and said he would prefer being removed as a minister. Chandna made his displeasure public through a tweet, saying he does not want to hold on to the “dishonoura- ble” ministerial post. Gehlot said Chandna had organised a state level sports programme earlier and in the same way, a similar event -- ‘Rural Olympics’ is go- ing to be held for the first time in Rajasthan in which 30 lakh people are likely to participate. “A huge load is on him. Maybe he (Chan- dna) came under ten- sion and made some comments. It should not be taken seriously ... will talk to him,” Gehlot told reporters. The chief minister said he had not talked to the minister till now. Turn to P5 8 YEARS AGO WE STARTED IMPLEMENTING NEW MANTRAS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE.. New Delhi: PM Modi on Friday stated that eight years ago his authorities started implementing new mantras of good governance in India following the trail of minimal authorities – most governance. “This was the time eight years ago when we started implementing new mantras of good governance in India. Following the path of minimum government, and maximum governance, we have made ease of living, and ease of doing business a priority. We connected every citizen of the country with the facilities and welfare schemes by moving forward on the path of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas‘,” he said. Former Haryana CM OP Chautala gets 4 years in jail 7 soldiers killed,several injured as army bus falls into Shyok river Turtuk: As many as seven Indian Army sol- diers lost their lives af- ter the bus they were travelling in skidded off the road and fell in the Shyok river in the Turtuk sector of Ladakh on Friday. There were 26 soldiers in the bus, which was moving from the Tran- sit Camp in Partapur to a forward location in sub-sector Hanif. The accident took place at 9 am around 25 km from Thoise. The bus fell to a depth of around 50-60 feet, re- sulting in injuries to all occupants. The Army officials further informed that the in- jured were evacuated to the 403 Field Hospi- tal at Partapur and surgical teams from Leh have moved to Par- tapur. Mumbai: A Special In- vestigation Team of the Narcotics Control Bu- reau (NCB) has dropped Aryan Khan, son of Bol- lywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, and five others from its chargesheet filed on Friday in con- nection with a drugs bust onboard a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast last October. Ary- an and 19 others were arrested by the NCB’s Mumbai zonal unit on October 3, 2021 on charg- es that they were all “’intrinsically connect- ed” to a conspiracy in- volving drugs. In a statement Fri- day, the NCB said, “SIT carried out its investi- gation in an objective manner. The touch- stone of the principle of proof beyond rea- sonable doubt has been applied.” New Delhi: A Delhi court awarded four- year imprisonment and a Rs 50 lakh fine to for- mer Haryana chief minister Om Prakash Chautala in a dispro- portionate assets case on Friday . When the Indian Na- tional Lok Dal leader failed to satisfactorily account for the assets found by the CBI to be disproportionate to his legitimate sources of in- come between 1993 and 2006, he was convicted by special judge Vikas Dhull on May 21. The disproportionate assets were calculated to be worth Rs 6.09 crore, as per the chargesheet filed on March 26, 2010. Chautala’s lawyers had requested the court to pass a lenient sen- tence considering his medical condition. However, the CBI pushed for maximum punishment. “The per- son in this case is a pub- lic figure and giving minimum punishment would send a wrong message. He does not have clean anteced- ents,” CBI said. NCB drops charges against Aryan Khan, 5 others DRUGS-ON-CRUISE CASE ‘LACK OF SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE’ NO INTERNATIONAL LINK IN CORDELIA DRUGS CASE: NCB DG WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAUMA ARYAN SUFFERED, ASKS NCP SHODDY PROBE: CENTRE ORDERS ACTION AGAINST WANKHEDE Addressing a press conference Friday, S N Pradhan, Director General of Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), said that Aryan Khan is not a part of any international drug cartel nor is there any conspiracy. Pradhan said, “The SIT formed to look into the probe done by our Mumbai NCB team found irregularities in the investiga- tion. It was not a joint conspiracy done by 14 people and so the conspiracy section has not been added. We cannot base the conspiracy charge merely on WhatsApp chats.” Hailing the clean chit to Aryan Khan, the ruling NCP in Maharashtra on Friday asked who would be held responsible for the trauma he suffered. Ally Congress alleged that the entire case was part of a “larger conspiracy” to topple the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government, in which it shares power with the Shiv Sena and NCP. The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has asked the government to initiate a probe against former NCB officer Sameer Wankhede for “shoddy investigation” while probing the drugs-on-cruise case in which film star Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan was arrested last year. Action has also been initiated in connection with his fake caste certificate matter, the sources added. PM Narendra Modi examines a drone on display during the Bharat Drone Mahotsav, at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. Union Minister for Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya M. Scindia and Union MoS for Civil Aviation General VK Singh are also seen. —PHOTO BY PTI ED summons Farooq Abdullah in JKCA money laundering case Uttarakhand to implement Uniform Civil Code: Dhami New Delhi: The ED has summoned former J&K CM Farooq Abdullah to appear before it in Delhi on May 31 in connection with its money launder- ing probe into the Jam- muandKashmirCricket Association(JKCA)case. “ Abdullahhadmissedan earlier summon. So he has been called again for questioning,” an ED of- ficial said. The National Conference on Friday confirmedthesummons in a tweet. “ED sum- monstoJKNCPresident Dr Farooq Abdullah nothingnew.Hehascon- tinued to maintain his innocence in the matter and has cooperated with the investigative agen- cies,” it said. Champawat: The Utta- rakhand government on Friday announced its decision to imple- ment the Uniform Civil Code in the state. “We have taken a decision to implement the Uniform Civil Code in the state. Uttarakhand will be the second state after Goa to implement this,” Chief Minister Push- kar Singh Dhami said, adding, “We will bring UCC for the people ir- respective of them be- ing from any religion and section of the soci- ety.” Earlier on May 2, Himachal Pradesh CM Jairam Thakur also an- nounced that the UCC will be brought into the state soon. Indian Army personnel gather at the site after a vehicle carrying 26 jawans fell in the Shyok river, at the Turtuk area in Ladakh. —PHOTO BY PTI Former Haryana chief minister OP Chautala being taken to the Tihar Jail after a special CBI court sentenced him to four years in jail and imposed a fine of Rs 50 lakh, in a case related to disproportionate assets, in New Delhi on Friday. —PHOTO BY PTI He seems to be working under pressure, says CM. Chandna terms CM as ‘the guardian of Rajasthan Congress family’ CM Ashok Gehlot with Ashok Chandna. —FILE PHOTO There was a meaningful and lengthy discussion on all the subjects with the Honorable Chief Minister. He is the guardian of Rajasthan Congress family. Whatever decision he takes, will be right. BJP should look at its own house. Congress family is united and mobilised for #Mission_2023. —Ashok Chandna SC COLLEGIUM RECOMMENDS TRANSFER OF SIX HC JUDGES New Delhi: The SC Col- legium has recommended the government to transfer or repatriate judges in six different high courts. Jus- tice Ahsanuddin Amanullah has been recommended for transfer from Andhra Pradesh High Court to Patna High Court; Justice Chitta Ranjan Dash from Orissa to Calcutta; Justice Subhasis Talapatra from Tripura to Orissa; Justice Lanusungkum Jamir from Manipur to Gauhati; Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur from Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court to Bombay High Court; and Justice Purushaindra Ku- mar Kaurav from Madhya Pradesh to Delhi.
  • 4. RAJASTHAN JAIPUR | SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 04 I I I I Jaipur (ANI): Pink city of India, has got a new museum, namely Khazana Mahal which showcases rare gems, jewels, and stones, and will be opened for pub- lic in June. Khazana Mahal is constructed in an area of 12,000 square yards with 3-feet security walls, apart from the manual and high-tech security deployed here. In a conversation on Thursday, the founder of the Mahal, Anoop Srivastava, museum has been a dream of 87-year-old Jeweller Dr Rajnikath Shah who is based in New York. “It is basically his collec- tion. He visited Jaipur Wax Museum at Naha- rgarh Fort and taking inspiration from that, he proposed the idea of this palace to me,” said Srivastava. The muse- um is built after restor- ing a 200-year-old Have- li, which was known as ‘Cheeta ki Haudi Ba- rood Khana’. Srivastava said that it took around 2.5 years to complete project of restoring said Haveli to Khazana Mahal. Re- vealing basic concept behind the museum, he added that the entire collection in the mu- seum is Shah’s very own. “On witnessing the collection, I felt museum should be magnificent enough to be watched & should involve entertainment so that even child could enjoy it.” Diamond from Dinosaur’s excreta among rare gems in new museum S.No. : 695-709 Date : 23.05.2022 Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Department City Division I (S), Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur Notice Inviting Bid Bids for Various Works are invited from interested bidders. Other particulars of the bid may be visited on the procurement portal (, of the state. UBN No. NIT’s For the Year 2022-23 Last Date & time for online submission of tender document PHE2223WSOB02583 NIT-06 06.06.2022 upto 6.00 PM PHE2223WSOB02584 NIT-07 06.06.2022 upto 6.00 PM PHE2223WSOB02585 NIT-08 06.06.2022 upto 6.00 PM Executive Engineer, PHED, City Div.I (S), Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur DIPR/C/7348/2022 REF.NO./CH/JAI/TENDER/2022-23/2079 Date : 24.05.2022 NOTICE INVITING BID Inviting E-Bids for Different types of Jobs Basis Works from Reputed and Eligible Contractors/Firms at campus of Circuit House Jaipur upto dated 03.06.2022, 12.00 PM. For Detailed information of Bid kindly visit the website E-Procurement of Rajasthan and State procurement Portal of Rajasthan website UBN: GAD2223SLOB00009 GAD2223SLOB00010 GAD2223SLOB00011 DY. GENERAL MANAGER CIRCUIT HOUSE, JAIPUR DIPR/C/7324/2022 GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY GEN. MANAGER, CIRCUIT HOUSE, JAIPUR राजस्ान सरकार कारायालर आबकारी आरुक्त, राजस्ान, उदरपुर आबकारी भवन, 2 -गुमाननयावाला, पंचवटी, उदयपुर-313001 क्रमांक: प.23(1)आब/लेखा/भांग/2022-23/54 नदनांक: 27.05.2022 भांग समूहों हेतु निनिदा सूचिा संख्ा 11/2022-23 राजस्ान आबकारी अनिननयम 1950 त्ा उसके अनतग्गत बने राजस्ान आबकारी ननयम, 1956 के अनतग्गत वर्ग 2022-23 के नलए पड़त रहे ननम्ननलनखत 10 भांग समूहों में भांग ्ोक एवं खुदरा नवक्रय के नलये अनुज्ापत्र (Licence) सवीकृत करने हेतु नननवदाएं आमंनत्रत की जाती हैं :- क्र. सं. भांग खुदरा समूह का िाम समूह में दुकािों की संख्ा िर्ष 2022-23 हेतु आरनषित रानि (लाख रु.) 10 प्रनतित अमाित रानि (लाख रु.) 1 भीलवाड़ा 18 162.32 16.23 2 टोंक 12 56.36 5.64 3 सवाईमािोपुर 10 63.32 6.33 4 बीकानेर 07 90.94 9.09 5 अलवर 12 117.81 11.78 6 झुंझुनूं 06 17.50 1.75 7 बांरा 36 231.48 23.15 8 झालावाड़ 14 73.76 7.38 9 कोटा नवितीय 20 278.33 27.83 10 नचत्तौड़गढ़ एवं प्रतापगढ़ (िररयावाद को छोड़कर) 12 81.37 8.14 नननवदा के संबंि में अनय सभी शततें नननवदा प्रपत्र के सा् संलग्न नवसततृत ननददेश एवं शततें त्ा अनुज्ापत्रों की शततों के अनुसार होगी जो नवभागीय वेबसाईट पर उपलबि हैं। नननवदादाता विारा प्रसतानवत नकसी प्रकार की कोई शत्ग मानय नहीं होगी। नननवदा प्रलेख नवभागीय वेबसाईट से डाउनलोड नकया जाकर नननवदा शुलक रानश रुपये 1000/- (एक हजार मात्र) जररये बैंक ड्ाफट/नकद जमा करवाने होंगे। भांग की दुकानों को संचालन करने का समय पूवा्गनुसार प्रात: 8.00 बजे से रानत्र 8.00 बजे तक रहेगा। इचछछुक वयक्त अपनी नननवदा ननिा्गररत प्रपत्र में बनद नलफाफे में नदिांक 31.05.2022 को अपराह्न 3.00 बजे तक का्ा्षल् आबकारी आ्ुकत, 2-गुमानि्ािाला, पंचिटी, उद्पुर में प्रसतुत कर सकते हैं। जो उसी नदन अपराह्न 3.30 बजे उपकस्त नननवदादाताओं के समक्ष खोली जाएगी। फै्स अ्वा अनय नकसी प्रकार से प्रसतुत नननवदा मानय नहीं होगी। नननवदा ननिा्गररत आरनक्षत रानश से कम भी डाली जा सकती है नजसे आबकारी आयु्त को नबना कारण बताये नकसी भी नननवदा को सवीकार/ असवीकार करने का पूण्ग अनिकार होगा। आबकारी आ्ुकत राजस्ाि, उद्पुर। DIPR/C/----/2022 Liquor shops in restricted areas, Excise officials turns a blind eye Nirmal Tiwari Jaipur: The inspec- tors of the Excise De- partment seem to have turned blind eye to the Excise rules being flouted near religious places, schools, herit- age buildings, and other places where selling of liquor is re- stricted. First of all, the liq- uor shop ‘Liquor World’ was approved and opened on the hos- pital road right in front of Bhattarakji Ki Nasia where on one side SMS Hospital is located while on the side bungalows of Chief Secretary and DGP are there. Excise Inspector not only cleared the loca- tion but also passed very large size of the shop, which is housed in an area of equal to 20 liquor shops. Nei- ther the rate list nor name of licensee has been displayed there. In ward numbers 12, 21, 22, 26, 76 of Jaipur East, Shop no. 7, 8, 9 Yojana-A, Govindpuri, Ramgarh Road, Amer Road have been ap- proved and shops opened by licensee Tushar Chaudhary at sensitive location. The shop named Gabbar Vines is run- ning in front of fa- mous Shri Digambar Jain Nasiya, Shyoji Godha and Raghu- nathji Radha Niwas temple. Shop has also been opened near Ma- harani Ki Chhatriyan on the recommenda- tion of excise inspec- tor Karnika Mehta. In fact, for the last two years, instead of lottery, the state gov- ernment has started the auction system of liquor shops and most of the liquor shops are being redeemed by old and big contractors who are ruling the roost. Abhishek Shrivastava Jaipur: In a meeting chaired by UDH Advi- sor GS Sandhu here on Friday , it was decided to redevelop the old build- ings situated in the prime locations of the major cities of the state. To start with, Nehru Place on Tonk Road in the city will first be tak- en up for redevelop- ment. Building it a new, Nehru Place will be turned into a 15 to 17-floor-high commer- cial complex. Presently, it is just a single-storey dilapidated building grabbing 40,000 square metre of prime land. It will be razed to the ground to make room for a magnificent new high-rise complex. Sandhu instructed JDA to prepare a status re- port and conduct a sur- vey for the redevelop- ment plan. In the meeting, dis- cussions were also held about Gole Market lo- cated in Jawahar Na- gar, localities near the railway station, Gopal- pura bypass and rede- velopment of Kota’s Gumanpura market. KL Meena, Jogaram, Ravi Jain, Pawan Aro- ra, HS Sancheti, Vinay Kumar Dalela, Subhash Chandra Sharma and RK Tulara were also present in the meeting. First India Bureau Jaipur: A rape case has been registered against Manish Meena, son of suspended IRS officer Sahiram Meena at Bhankrota police sta- tion on Thursday for raping a live-in partner. Manish, a father 2 chil- dren and a resident of ‘Mangalam Angan’ in Mahapura area of the city, is accused of de- frauding and raping a 23-year-old girl from Pa- tiala on the pretext of marriage. Manish is ac- cused of forcing the vic- tim for abortion. The victim has also accused his father Sahi- ram of indecent behav- iour and intimidation. Police said the accused & victim came in con- tact through Facebook in 2018. “They were liv- ing as live-in partners in Mahapura, Ajmer Road. The accused made obscene videos of the victim & repeatedly raped,” said police. First India Bureau Jaipur: BJP has start- ed preparations for as- sembly elections & has identified 6,000 booths in Raj where the party is weak and is working to strengthen them. The campaign has started and work will be assigned to MPs, MLAs and workers. For this booths have been divided into 3 categories. Strong booths, category A, relatively weaker, B and weakest in C. According to party’s survey , weakest catego- ry has 6000 booths, cat- egory B has 20,000 & A has 52,045 booths. Booth empowerment campaign till July 31. Most of the weak booths are in the north- east of the state. These include, Bharatpur, Dausa, Karauli, Sawai Madhopur, Alwar, Dholpur, Jaisalmer, Barmer, Sikar, Tonk, Churu, Dungarpur, Ha- numangarh & Jodhpur. First India Bureau Jaipur: In a welcome move by Edu Dept, Ma- hatma Gandhi School, which was opened in rural areas for a popu- lation of 4000 so far, will now open for a population of 3000 from now on. On the other hand, in areas where there is no building for opera- tion of Mahatma Gan- dhi School, both Hindi and English medium schools will run in two shifts. Students from rural areas will get a chance to study in both Hindi & English medi- um schools, said a de- partment official. Target has been set to open 2000 English medium schools in Raj before start of 2023-24, said the officer. In such a situation, instead of developing new infra- structure at village level, preps have been made to run school on old infrastructure. Ed- ucation Minister BD Kalla informed now, Hindi & English medi- um schools will be op- erated in one building. Dholpur: Police on Friday arrested a man for allegedly killing a married woman after deceased asked for money. The accused, identified as Atar Singh Kushwah, a resident of Kolari village in Dholpur, had an affair with the married woman for last seven years. “The victim had gone to meet Atar Singh on May 23. The victim asked for money from the accused, after which, he strangled her to death and threw in Sukhi Nahar,” Dholpur SP Narayan Togas said. First India Bureau Jaipur: A young man was kidnapped from area by some miscre- ants. The miscreants came on bikes and ab- ducted young man and took him to the hills of Dantli village. Ramna- garia police station reached on information and with the help of vil- lagers caught miscre- ants & rescued youth. When police reached the spot, miscreants pelted stones at police. Later, with assistance of additional police force, eight people were caught from the hill. In this case, police also de- tained a minor & ar- rested seven people on charges of breach of peace. Matter is said to be related to love affair. However, till evening no complaint was given. Shivendra Parmar Jaipur: 10 IPS, one trainee IPS officer, 17 RPS, 15 police inspec- tors, 6 sub-inspectors, 1 ASI, 12 head constables and 37 constables have been selected for DGP Disc award. DGP ML Lather issued an order in this regard on Friday and released the list of 99 selected police offic- ers and employees. Among 11 IPS are Navajyoti Gogoi, Jose Mohan, Ajay Pal Lam- ba, Rahul Jain, Deepak Bhargava, Bhuvan Bhushan Yadav, Kesar Singh Shekhawat, Dharmendra Yadav, Mridul Kachhawa, Harshvardhan Agrawal and Vikas Sangwan. 17 RPS officers include Rajesh Chaudhary, Vai- bhav Sharma, Vimal Singh, Dharamveer Janu, Praveen Kumar Jain, Rajesh Kumar Mile, Ramjeevan Gup- ta, and others have been nominated for award. Almost 95 per cent of gems and stones here are original. One can get to see Ulka Pind, Ramsetu ka Patthar, Shark tooth converted to a diamond, and the Di- nosaur’s excreta con- verted to a diamond. —Anoop Srivastava, Founder of Khazana Mahal Liquor is being sold openly near religious places, schools etc Old buildings to be re- developed: GS Sandhu Dr Satish Poonia interacting with public at Jan Samvad Kendra. GIRL KIDNAPPED & GANGRAPED FOR MONTH TRUCK DRIVER HELD FOR MINOR’S RAPE GIRL GANGRAPED, FORCED TO MARRY OPEN LOOT! Nagaur: A 19-year-old girl was allegedly gang-raped by four men in Nagaur’s Parbatsar area. The victim was kidnapped and gang-raped a month ago while she was returning to home after appearing in an exam. “The victim got unconscious after she drank juice. The accused filmed obscene video of the victim and blackmailed her. She was kidnapped and taken to Haryana where she was repeatedly gang-raped by the accused for one month,” police said. “We have taken the custody of the girl, while search is underway to nab the accused,” police said. Dholpur: Police on Friday revealed case of gang rape of minor girl here. Police have arrested truck driver & second accused. SP Narayan Togas said police came to know about gang rape of minor during her counselling. Even after minor did not reveal friend’s name, address, police with help of cyber cell identi- fied the accused and detained his minor friend. Churu: A girl from Taranagar town here was allegedly tied up & raped by a man after forcing her to sign on mar- riage papers. Police informed accused has been identified as Pawan Kumar, a native of Phoga village of Sardarshahar tehsil. “The victim was forced to sign marriage documents and raped for five days,” po- lice informed. Three accused are on the run, said police. At shop of licensee Meenu Tyagi in Aatish Market, liquor was being sold openly after 8 pm on May 23. Team bought a bottle of Beer for Rs 170. Minor, seven more held for kidnapping 99 including 11 IPS selected for DGP Disc award Woman strangled to death by paramour for asking money Son of suspended IRS officer rapes live-in partner, booked Mission-2023: BJP to strengthen 6K weak booths with help of MPs, MLAs till July 31 Rural MG schools to offer dual languages DISCUSSIONS! Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment Tikaram Jully called upon Congress General Secretary and state in-charge Ajay Maken at New Delhi on Friday. PWD Minister Bhajan Lal Jatav also met Maken. This is the world’s biggest ring (111 kg) with metal and gold leaf and Jaipuri lac work. —PHOTO BY MUKESH KIRADOO At shop of Shahid Qureshi near Kalpna Cargo in Gopalbari a quarter was sold for Rs 160. Overrate was also there at the shop of Yasmin Bano in front of railway station, Munshi Khan’s shop several other shops. At Shiv Bhan Kan- war’s shop at Riddhi Siddhi chauraha, beer was sold for Rs 170 after 8 pm. Beer was given for Rs 180 at Babu Khan’s shop in front of KS Fort.
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  • 6. RAJASTHAN JAIPUR | SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 05 I I I I Aishwary Pradhan Jaipur: Women MLAs of Congress and BJP from Rajasthan, who have mostly indulged in accusing each other, were seen shaking a leg together on stage. Four women MLAs of both the parties stunned everyone with their performance at a national convention of women legislators in Kerala during the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav cel- ebrations in Kerala. Cabinet minister Mamta Bhupesh, Cong MLA Manisha Pawar, BJP MLA and Anita Bhadel and MLA Deepti Kiran Maheshwari re- ceived the award for the best performance. Rajsamand MLA DeeptiMaheshwarisaid women MLAs from all over the country have participated in the three-day conference, which began on May 26. The MLAs from Ra- jasthan performed Ghoomar to showcase the Rajasthani culture. Ten women MLAs of Congress and BJP from Rajasthan participated in the conference. The currentstatusof women in India and their par- ticipationinpoliticswas discussed in the confer- ence. President Ram Nath Kovind also ad- dressed the legislators. Raj women MLAs gyrate to ghoomar in Kerala IGNORING POLITICS LINES Congress workers clash, injured BLOCK CONG MEET First India Bureau Jaipur: The Congress organisational polls seem to have brought the infighting within the party to the fore. The Sanganer Block Congress Committee meeting on Friday wit- nessed unruly scenes when a scuffle broke out between Congress leader Vinay Pratap Bhopar and local lead- ers of the Block Con- gress Committee. Later, an FIR was filed against Vinay Pratap by the block president and female party workers. Vinay Pratap Bhopar, howev- er, accused the support- ers of PCC secretary Pushpendra Bhardwaj of assaulting him. On the other hand, PCC secretary Push- pendra Bhardwaj said that Bhopar and his supporters forcibly en- tered the meeting place, despite being refused by former block president Dinesh Vyas. Rathore talks to Vaishnaw for change in policy for PoW run First India Bureau Jaipur: For starting the Royal train Palace on Wheels, Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation (RTDC) chairman Dharmendra Rathore talked to Union railway minister Ash- wini Vaishnaw on Fri- day. Rathore urged Vaishnaw for change in policy for the Palace On Wheels (POW). He urged to switch back to revenue sharing formula instead of haulage. “If necessary, we will go with the del- egation to Delhi. As per the news policy, RTDC will incur cost of Rs 90 lakh per tour. But it is not possible to earn this much revenue due to paucity of internation- al tourists,” he said. The Palace on Wheels is recognized as our cultural ambas- sador to the world therefore the railways should be lax and oper- ate the train as per the old method. Vaishnaw assured a quick solu- tion in this regard. Mamta Bhupesh, Manisha Pawar, Anita Bhadel Deepti Maheshwari dancing during the event in Kerala on Friday.The delegation has won laurels for Rajasthan. Mamta Bhupesh, Kalpana Devi, Manisha Panwar, Safia Zubair, Ganga Devi, Indira Meena, Gayatri Trivedi, Preeti Shaktawat, Anita Bhadel and Deepti Maheshwari in Kerala on Friday. GURUKUL UNIV CASE: AMRIKA SINGH FAILS TO APPEAR BEFORE GUV MISHRA Jaipur: MLSU VC Professor Amrika Singh did not appear at the Raj Bhavan in Mount Abu on Friday. Singh was to appear before Guv Kalraj Mishra to present his case in the matter of giving a misleading report to the state govt regarding Gurukul Univer- sity. After this, the Principal Secy to the Governor, Subir Kumar prepared a report and gave it to the Governor. It is believed that the Governor can now take a decision at his level. Singh is on leave these days and wanted to connect through video-confer- encing but the Governor refused to do this. Jaipur: Rajasthan High Court will have summer vacation at both of its Benches in Jodhpur and Jaipur from May 30 till June 26. Only urgent and important matters will be heard during the period, for which Vacation Benches have been constituted. Hearing will be held in one single-judge Bench every week at both the places. The roster for the period will be as follows: Justice Dr Pushpendra Singh Bhati, Madan Gopal Vyas, R Vyas and Rekha Borana will be available at Jodhpur Bench while Justice Anoop Kumar Dhandh, Uma Shankar Vyas, Sudesh Bansal and Sameer Jain will be available at Jaipur Bench during the summer schedule from May 30 to June 24. NEW ROSTER IN HIGH COURT FOR SUMMER VACATIONS Bhawani Mandi: BJP workers led by MLA Kaluram Meghwal protested against the dirty water supply in and 176 bigha land 90B issue in the city. They shouted slogans against CM Ashok Gehlot and municipality chairman Kailash Bohra. They also reached the water supply dept and gheraoed the JEN and demanded to improve water supply. The BJP workers forced the as- sistant engineer to drink the dirty water and demanded to start water supply from Rajgarh dam in 7-days. The workers then reached the subdivision office and gave a memorandum to the Naib Tehsildar regarding the 172 bighas land’s matter. —PARAS JAIN BHAWANI MANDI: BJP WORKERS MAKE ENGINEER DRINK CONTAMINATED WATER NEWS DIGEST Child mauled by dogs, SHRC seeks report Malinga given time till June 30 to file reply Bharat Dixit Jaipur: A heart- wrenching video of a child being mauled by 6 dogs on May 19 in Patra- kar Colony has sur- faced. The child, Dak- sha, came out of the house to play when the dogs attacked. Although the condi- tion of child is better now, the JMCG has not taken any action to curb such incidents. Sculptor J Mishra said that even after complaints, the- dogs are not being catched. State Human Rights Commission chairman Justice GK Vyas took suo moto cognizance in the matter and has sum- moned JMCG Commis- sioner to appear person- ally on May 31. First India Bureau Jaipur: The High Court on Friday granted Gir- raj Singh Malinga, the Cong MLA from Bari, ample time to submit his reply on the petition filed against the bail granted to him in the case of assaulting Har- shadapati, an Assistant Engineer of Electricity Department. As Malinga sought time, the Bench of Jus- tice Farzand Ali asked him to file the reply by June 30. 27-year-old Har- shadapati, who is now fighting for life in the hospital, has filed the petition seeking cancel- lation of the bail grant- ed by a lower court. Parsadi meets woman whose eye rat nibbled Akshay Pareek Kota: Health Minister Parsadi L Meena on Fri- day visited MBS Hospi- tal in Kota and met the woman patients whose eyelids were nibbled by a rat in the stroke unit. He also met her family members. He directed the engineers of the UIT and PWD to rectify the deficiencies in MBS. The minister Meena said that he himself was surprised that how the rats reached such a packed ICU ward. “This is a matter to think about. But the medical officer should make pre- ventivearrangementsso that such incidents do nothappeninthefuture. All systems should be rectified within 1 month,” he said. Dharmendra Rathore urged Ashwini Vaishnaw to switch to revenue sharing model rather than haulage model. First India Bureau Jaipur: The furore cre- ated after the tweet of Sports minister Ashok Chandna late on Thurs- day, continued on Fri- day as some Congress leaders supported and defended him while the Opposition Bhartiya Ja- nata Party cornered the state government over the issue. Food Civil Supplies Minister Pratap Singh Khachariyawas said the young minister did not stand for personal is- sues but the voice he raised should be re- spected. PHED Minister Dr. Mahesh Joshi said that there is no confron- tation between the bu- reaucracy and the min- isters and hoped with win Rajya Sabha polls. Reacting to CM Ge- hlot’s defence of Chan- dna, BJP State Presi- dent Satish Poonia said, “Gehlot has made such MLAs ministers who are coming under pres- sure only for getting games done. Chandna must have kept respon- sibilities in mind while taking oath,” said Poo- nia. He said the CM Ge- hlot has a habit of trust- ing bureaucracy more and his leaders less. Deputy Leader of Op- position Rajendra Rathore said for the first time a dozen MLAs of the ruling party are against the govt. Bharat Singh wrote dozens of letters saying that action should be taken on corruption and now Chandna has offered to resign. “Our governments work and those who work have tension. We have never seen our PM in tension and he is al- ways seen smiling. You can see one who does not work does not have tension, even when pet- rol rates are going sky high,” Cong spokesper- son Pawan Khera said. Gets support from fellow Mins; backlash from the Opposition ROW OVER CHANDNA TWEET Ministers say Chandna is enthusiatic and it is normal for anyone to voice concerns Day after... “He seem to be working under pressure, such a big responsibility has come on him, will see,” Gehlot said. Meanwhile,onFriday evening Chandna called on CM Gehlot and the duo met for nearly ten minutes wherein Gehlot registered his displeas- ure and disappointment onthewayChandnahad raised the entire matter. Chandna also put for- ward his side of the sto- ry, but he had no other option than to say ‘Sor- ry’ to a towering CM. Meanwhile, after his meeting with Gehlot, Ashok Chandna took to twitter and said, “There was a meaningful and lengthy discussion on all subjects with the Honorable Chief Minis- ter. He is the guardian of the Rajasthan Con- gress family. Whatever he decides will be right. BJP should focus on its home, Congress family is united and mobilized for #Mission-2023.” FROM PG 1 113 Covid cases, 1 death in state Jaipur: A total of 113 fresh Covid cases were reported in Rajasthan on Friday while one pa- tient died. This is the highest in the last two- and-a-half months. This is the fourth death from Covid in May . A district wise report shows that a maximum of 62 patients are in Jaipur. According to report, after Jaipur there are 9 cases in Al- war 7 in Churu and 8 in Baran. —FIB CS nod must for officials’ VC with DCs Dr Rituraj Sharma Jaipur: The State Gov- ernment on Friday has fixed the second and fourth Saturdays of the month for holding vid- eo conference of Dis- trict Collectors with Additional Chief Secre- tary, Principal Secre- tary and Secretary to Government. According to the or- der issued by Chief Secretary Usha Shar- ma, for such VCs due permission will have to be sought from the CS while citing the rea- son, need, duration and date of VC done earlier. If the concerned minister wants to hold a video conference with the district collectors, then prior permission is not required for this. It is worth mention- ing that due to repeat- ed holding of Video Conferences by the departments with the district collectors on various subjects, the collectors find it difficult to carry out the work smoothly in the district. UDH meeting over land allotment First India Bureau Jaipur: In a meeting of Urban Development and Housing dept chaired by Principal Secretaryy Kunji Lal Meena here on Fri- day, discussions were held on allotment of land for setting up of medical facilities as well as courts. It also came up that there are two claimants of the 28,106 square me- ter of land located near the SDM Court in San- ganer. The Medical and Health dept is one of the claimants while the Law department being the other. It was decided that concerned agen- cies will first inspect the land located near RUHS Hospital. Jaipur Development Authority’s Commis- sioner Ravi Jain, Spe- cial Secretary (Law) Rajendra Sharma, Housing Board Com- missioner Pawan Aro- ra and other officials were also present in the meeting. J J J FUNDS FOR 6 ECO-TOURISM PROJECTS HEIGHT OF IPD TOWER DISCUSSED The decision will soon be taken on the height of IPD tower of SMS Hospital. The Airport Authority of India (AAI) team along with JDA officials has inspected the site. JDA Director Engi- neering Ashok Choudhary informed the team about the project. The tower’s total height is proposed to be 115 meters but so far, approval has been received from the authority up to a height of 51.48 meters. Report has been submitted to Civil Aviation Secretary. CS Usha Sharma A TWEET TAKES SOCIAL MEDIA BY STORM The statement that Ashok Chandna has given is his own opin- ion, I did not feel that way. Bureaucracy is also ours, if anything happens in the family, it is not a big deal. —Shakuntala Rawat, Industries Minister Min Ashok Chandna is like my younger brother. He has given the statement in haste and passion. I will talk to him and know the reason. —Vishvendra Singh, Tourism Min CMhasahabitofreducingtrust inhisleadersandrelying moreonthebureaucracy. Thisinternalprotestis oftenseeninhisgovt. —Satish Poonia, BJP State Prez The ruling party leg- islators consider themselves to be mini Chief ministers. There is corruption all around them and it will sink the ship of the Congress. —Rajendra Rathore, Dy LoP He is youth icon and this is his style. Chandna is an aggressive leader. It should be respected and there should be a solution. The issues raised by him are understood by CM himself. This should not be seen as a fight between Ranka and Chandna. —Pratap S Khachariyawas, Cabinet Minister Ashok Chandna
  • 7. RAJASTHAN JAIPUR | SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 06 I I I I COAL CRISIS LOOMING IN RAJ Coal mining not started in C’garh as stocks dry up 2 youth issued fake job letters on forged letter heads and signatures First India Bureau Jaipur: A case has been filed against un- known persons Gan- dhi Nagar police sta- tion for forging the signature of Deputy Director (ACP) Shailendra Sharma of Rajasthan State Ware- housing Corporation (RSWC), on the basis of which two youths have been issued ap- pointment letters for the posts of supervi- sor and in-charge in the corporation. The letters are also said to be issued on duplicate letterhead of the cor- poration. SHO Nemi Chand informed that 57-year- old Shailendra Shar- ma said two youth Gaurav Kumar Gupta and Trilok Chand Meena were issued let- ters by unidentified persons by forging his signature on the dupli- cate letterhead of the corporation. The po- lice are probing. First India Bureau Jaipur: As monsoon comes calling, possibil- ity of power crisis looms large in the state. There is only 4 to 6 days’ coal left in the power stations of the state and only 13 to 15 days’ of coal is left in the mines of Parsa East-Kanta Ba- san (PEKB) coal blocks in Chhattisgarh, allot- ted to the Rajasthan State Power Generation Corporation. Despite this, activi- ties for the second phase of mining are not being started on the 841 hectare of land there due to local politics. Corporation’s CMD RK Sharma has apprised the government of the situation. Realising the gravity of the situation, the En- ergy Development Cor- poration has intensified making alternative ar- rangements for power purchase. For this, con- tracts of about 2,500 MW are being signed with NTPC, Solar En- ergy Corporation of In- dia (SECI) and other power producers. The coal stock in the state has been fixed for 22 to 26 days, said an offical.
  • 8. INDIA JAIPUR | SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 07 I I I I Sharat K Verma Chandigarh:Assembly elections in Haryana are far away but politics over it has already in- tensified as Congress, BJP, AAP, and JJP are all expressing their ‘power’. Politics has in- tensified after the Con- gressgavethecommand in the hands of Bhupin- der Singh Hooda, who, expressing his power, has brought seven for- mer MLAs and minis- ters together in the Con- gress. In this sequence, he is holding a big rally in Fatehabad on May 29, where some more lead- ers will be included in the Congress. Its prepa- rations are going on in full swing and it is be- ing said that this will be the biggest rally of the Congress. Through this rally, Hooda is showing his strength not only to his party, but also to leaders of BJP, JJP, and INLD. Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal is going to hold a rally on the same day a Hoo- da’s rally . It is being told that in this rally, he will include the great crick- eter Kapil Dev in the party . Keep in mind Ka- pil Dev was born in Chandigarh and he used to play cricket for Haryana. He is the big- gest icon of sports in India. In response to Congress and AAP’s rallies, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar is also holding a rally in Sirsa on the same day. Keep in mind that Sirsa is the area under the influence of Dushyant Chautala, leader of Jannayak Janata Party, which is a partner in Haryana government. But Chautala will not be there in the BJP ral- ly as he is also holding a rally in Tohana that day. In this way, on April 29, there will be a show of strength of all the four major parties of Haryana. It is being said that the people who gather in the rally have to make a lot of effort and the per person fee has in- creased significantly . 4partiesgearupforbattleroyaleinHaryana! ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS Srinagar (Agencies): In a major achievement, theJammuandKashmir Police have neutralised two terrorists involved in the murder of Kash- miri TV artist Amreen Bhat within 24 hours of the gruesome killing. AccordingtotheJammu and Kashmir Police, the two terrorists, affiliated with the terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), were neutralised in an encounter in Awantipo- ra situated in the Pul- wamadistrictof Jammu and Kashmir during the wee hours of Thursday . As per the police, an encounter broke out at the Aganhanzipora lo- cality in the Awantipo- ra area of Pulwama dis- trict late on Thursday night. Two ultras, who were responsible for killing TV artist Am- reen Bhat in Budgam district a day earlier, were trapped in the cor- don and later neutral- ised, the police said. Both killed newly joined local terrorists identified as Shahid Mushtaq Bhat R/O Haf- roo Chadoora Budgam and Farhan Habib R/O Hakripora Pulwama. They had killed TV art- ist on the instruction of LeT Cmdr Lateef. 01 AK 56 rifle, 4 magazines and a pistol recovered, Kashmir Police tweeted. Meanwhile, in a sepa- rate encounter, two more terrorists linked to LeT were also neu- tralised in the Soura area of Srinagar on Thursday night. The ul- trashavebeenidentified as Shakir Ahmed Waza and Afreen Aftab Malik and some incriminating materials, including arms and ammunition, have been recovered from their possession. On Thursday night, two LeT terrorists were killed in Srinagar's Sou- ra. The police have re- covered one AK-47 pis- tol, the police said. Inspector-General of Police, Jammu and Kashmir, Vijay Kumar further informed that 10 terrorists affiliated with Jaish-e-Moham- mad (JeM) and Lashkar- e-Taiba have been killed during encounters in the last 3 days. TWIN ENCOUNTERS IN KASHMIR CONG MP WRITES TO SPEAKER BIRLA ‘CBI seized confidential Parl docu during raid’ New Delhi (Agen- cies): Congress MP Karti Chidamabaram onFridaywrotetoLok Speaker Speaker Om Birlaallegingthatdur- ing a raid CBI officers seized “highly confi- dential” personal notes and papers per- taining to the Parlia- mentary Standing Committee on Infor- mation and Technolo- gy of which he is a member, and sought redressal for what he said was a “breach of his parliamentary privilege”. In a letter toBirla,KartiChidam- baram also said that over the course of the past few years, his family and he himself havebecometargetsof a“relentlesscampaign by the present govern- ment and its investi- gating agencies which are trying to silence our voices of dissent by foisting one fake case after another”. Such “targeted in- timidation” of a member of the House amounts to a breach of privilege, the Con- gress MP said. Karti Chidambara’s letter to Birla comes amid his questioning by the CBI. AMREEN BHAT’S KILLERS AMONG 4 LeT TERRORISTS NEUTRALISED Ten terrorists from JeM and LeT were killed in 3 days: IGP Ahmedabad (Agen- cies): Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) convener and former Congress working president Hardik Patel will be joining BJP ei- ther on May 30 or May 31 in Gandhinagar. He gave the hint on Friday in Ahmedabad and even hinted at contest- ing elections. Patel in a pro- gramme on a TV chan- nel has hinted that he is joining the BJP, and the party will decide from which constitu- ency he will contest the assembly elec- tions. He also said that he is going to lead an Ekta Yatra from Som- nath temple to the Statue of Unity. It will be a grand show of Hardik Patel joining the BJP, party sources said. Over 18 lakh students register for NEET 2022 New Delhi (Agencies): The number of registra- tions for medical en- trance exam NEET has crossed 18 lakh this year, recording a signifi- cant jump of over 2.5 lakh since 2021. Over 18.72 lakh candidates have registered for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) out of which over 10.64 lakh are women and 8.07 lakh are men, according to official data. The pan- India exam is sched- uled to be held in 13 languages on July 17. New Delhi (ANI): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Rajya Sabha MP and former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Sushil Kumar Modi on Friday criticised the move of the West Bengal Government in intro- ducing a Bill to make Chief Minister Mamata Banarjee as Chancellor of state-rununiversities. Speaking to media, Sushil Kumar Modi said, “This tradition was established during the time of Pandit Jawa- harlal Nehru. On Rad- hakrishnan Commit- tee’s recommendation, it became a tradition that the Governor of state will be the chancel- lor of state Universities. If you have political op- position, it does not mean you can violate democratic processes.” BJP MP further ar- gued that as far as the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor is con- cerned, only the Gover- nor alone does not have therighttoappointment of Vice-Chancellors, a search committee of 3-4 Members was formed for the appointment and then the Governor and the Chief Minister to- getherdecidethenames. “Mamata Banerjee does whatever comes to her mind and acts arbi- trarily . But she will not be able to do anything,” Modi added. Bengal swapping Guv with CM as chancellor ‘undemocratic’: Sushil Hardik Patel likely to join BJP next week New Delhi (ANI): With monkeypox cases being identified across the world, the Indian Coun- cil of Medical Research (ICMR) official on Fri- day said that India is prepared in view of in- creasing infections in the non-endemic coun- tries, however, no cases have been reported in the country so far. In an exclusive inter- view with ANI, Dr Aparna Mukherjee, Sci- entist C, ICMR said, “In- dia is prepared for the infections as it is rap- idly spreading in non- endemic countries like Europe, USA and oth- ers. However, no cases have been reported in India so far.” The health expert also emphasised keep- ing a close watch on unusual symptoms, es- pecially those who have a travel history from the monkeypox-infect- ed countries. Agartala (Agencies): FormerBJPMLAAshis Das, who last year quit the saffron party and joined the Trinamool Congress, resigned from the TMC on Friday al- leging “internal groupism” in the party . Das, severely criticis- ing the Trinamool’s Na- tional General Secre- tary Abhishek Baner- jee, said that there is no democratic environ- ment in both the BJP and the TMC. A leader of the Scheduled Caste community, the 44-year- old Das announced he was quitting the Trina- mool two days after the Election Commission declared the schedule of by-elections to four assembly constituen- cies in Tripura includ- ing Surma from where he was elected to the assembly in 2018 as a BJP candidate. India is prepared for monkeypox, says ICMR Former Tripura BJP MLA quits TMC New Delhi (PTI): Five regional parties have declared they received donations amounting to Rs 250.60 crore through electoral bonds in 2020- 21, according to poll rights group Associa- tion for Democratic Re- forms (ADR). According to ADR’s latest report, the total income of 31 regional parties for the 2020-21 financial year was Rs 529.416 crore, and their total declared expendi- ture was Rs 414.028 crore. The five parties that incurred the highest expenditures that year are the DMK (Rs 218.49 crore), TDP (Rs 54.769 crore), AI- ADMK (Rs 42.37 crore), JDU (Rs 24.35 crore) and the TRS (Rs 22.35 crore), it said. The total income of the top five parties amounted to Rs 434.255 crore, which was 82.03 per cent of the total in- come of the political parties analysed, collec- tively , the report said. Under voluntary con- tributions, the political parties collected Rs 250.60 crore or 47.34 per cent of their income from donations through electoral bonds, while otherdonationsandcon- tributions amounted to Rs 126.265 crore or 23.85 per cent for FY 2020-21. 5 regional parties got donations of `250.60 cr in 2020-21: ADR MUFTI MEETS SLAIN TV ACTOR’S FAMILY Karti accuses Central Govt of targeting his family. PM NARENDRA MODI TO VISIT GUJARAT TODAY UP SPEAKER BANS MLAS FROM TAKING SELFIES New Delhi: Prime Min- ister Narendra Modi will visit Gujarat on Saturday during which he will vis- it a newly built hospital, address a seminar of leaders of various coop- erative institutions and inaugurate a Nano Urea (liquid) plant. At 10 am, the Prime Minister will visit the newly built Matushri KDP Multi- speciality Hospital in Atkot, Rajkot. Lucknow: Disturbed by the continuous photo session of MLAs in the Legislative Assembly, Speaker of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly Satish Mahana imposed a ban on MLAs for taking selfies. The As- sembly Speaker made the announcement on Friday. Notably, this comes a day after the budget was presented in the state assembly. Patna: With just five days left for filing the nomi- nation, Bihar’s ruling Janata Dal (United) is yet to finalise a candidate for the June 10 Rajya Sabha elections. The last date of filing nomination is May 31. On Friday, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar paid homage before a stat- ue of Jawaharlal Nehru at the Patna Junction Railway station to mark the late Prime Minister’s death anniversary. “We will inform about it,” the Chief Minister said. 5 DAYS LEFT FOR RS POLL NOMINATIONS, JD(U) YET TO FINALISE CANDIDATE Kochi: A day after being sent to the Central jail in Thiruvanthapuram, seven-time former MLA PC George on Friday secured bail from the Kerala High Court in connection with an alleged hate speech made early this month. While granting bail, the high court asked George not to repeat the mistake and also cooperate with the probes in the two separate cases of the same nature - one made in the capital city on May 1 and a few days later at an election rally in Kochi. EX-KERALA LEGISLATOR PC GEORGE GETS BAIL IN HATE SPEECH CASE NEWS DIGEST New Delhi (Agen- cies): ThePresident has named Justice Pradip Kumar Mohanty, Judicial Member of the Lok- pal, to be the acting Chairperson of the Lokpal due to the vacancy creat- ed by the comple- tion of the tenure of Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose. Mohanty will head the Lokpal with effect from the date of occurrence of the vacancy i.e. May 28, till the ap- pointment of a new Chairperson, a noti- fication issued on Friday said. Born on May 28, 1952, Justice Ghose was appointed a Su- preme Court Judge in 2013. From June 2017 to March 2019, he served as a Mem- ber of the NHRC in New Delhi, after which he was ap- pointedastheChair- personof theLokpal on March 23, 2019. Justice Pradip Mohanty to head Lokpal till new appointment CBI QUIZZES KARTI FOR SECOND TIME New Delhi (ANI): The CBI on Friday questioned Con- gress MP Karti Chidambaram for the second consec- utive day in connec- tion with an alleged scam pertaining to the issuance of visas to 263 Chinese nationals in 2011. Sushil Kumar Modi Hardik Patel Locals inspect an under construction house where two LeT were killed during an encounter in Srinagar. —PHOTO BY PTI THROUGH ELECTORAL BONDS
  • 9. BIZ BUZZ JAIPUR | SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 08 I I I I New Delhi (PTI): India has the potential to be- come a non-alcoholic beverage hub and the country’s non-alcoholic beverage market is ex- pected to touch a mar- ket size of `1.47 lakh crore by 2030, says a re- port. According to the re- port by economic policy think tank ICRIER, “the size of the market was estimated at `671 billion (`67,100 crore) in 2019, which is pro- jected to reach around `1,472.33 billion (`1,47,233 crore) in 2030, in the realistic scenar- io.” “India has the po- tential to become a non- alcoholic beverage hub, given its endowments of raw materials, la- bour and policy support for encouraging food processing in the coun- try,” the report said. Bottled water and car- bonated soft drinks still account for the bulk of the non-alco- holic beverages sector, the report said, adding that the market for juic- es, energy drinks, tea, milk and coffee-based beverages and organic drinks is expanding. In India, domestic consumption and ex- ports are low, compared to ASEAN countries and there is enough space to grow for the non-alcoholic beverage industry. The study found that the non-alco- holic beverage sector contributes significant- ly to the Indian econo- my in terms of value addition and job crea- tion. “The total job crea- tion from this sector is estimated to be 6.91 lakh which includes employment creation both in the upstream and downstream opera- tions,” the study said. Non-alcoholicbeveragemkttohit`1.47lakhcr POTENTITAL 2030 lll Bottled water and carbonated soft drinks still account for the bulk of the non-alcoholic beverages sector, the report said There’s risk of high wholesale price inflation putting pressure on retail inflation:Reserve Bank RBI warns of high WPI fuelling inflation Mumbai (PTI): Sounding a note of caution, the Reserve Bank said on Friday said there is a risk of high WPI putting pressure on the retail inflation, albeit with a lag. In its annual report, the RBI said that the cost-push pressures from high industrial raw mate- rial prices, transpor- tation costs and glob- al logistics, and sup- ply chain bottlenecks continue to impinge on core inflation. “The substantial wedge between wholesale and retail price inflation amidst a sharp rise in manufactured products’ inflation poses the risk of a possiblepassthrough of input cost pres- sures to retail infla- tion with a lag, al- though slack in the economy is muting the pass-through,” the central bank noted. Looking at ‘pros cons’ of intro of digital currency Mumbai (PTI): RBI on Friday said it is look- ing at pros and cons of introduction of a virtual currency in the country and it will adopt a graded approach for launching the central bank digital currency. “The Reserve Bank is engaged in the introduction of a central bank digital currency in India. The design of CBDC needs to be in conformity with the stated objectives of monetary policy, finan- cial stability and efficient operations of currency and payment systems,” it said in the report. The Reserve Bank has been looking at the pros and cons of introduction of CBDC in India, it said in its report. ‘STRUCTURAL REFORMS ESSENTIAL FOR INDIA’ Mumbai (PTI): Mak- ing a strong case for structural reforms, the Reserve Bank on Friday said they are essential for sustained, balanced and inclusive growth, and also to deal with the after-effects of the pandemic. RBI also stressed that the future path of growth would be conditioned by ad- dressing supply-side bottlenecks, calibrat- ing monetary policy to bring down inflation and boosting capital spending. “Undertak- ing structural reforms to improve India’s medium-term growth potential holds the key to secure sustained, balanced and inclusive growth, especially by helping workers adapt to the after-effects of the pandemic by reskill- ing and enabling them to adopt new technolo- gies for raising produc- tivity,” it said. ‘Banks need to support growth’ Mumbai (PTI): The Reserve Bank on Friday said the banks would need to support growth while being watchful of the credit behaviour of entities whose loans were restructured during the pandemic period to arrest slippages. Banks had extended morato- rium on repayment of loans and restructured advances to business- es to help them com- bat the impact of the COVID pandemic and subsequent lockdowns to check the spread of the virus. The RBI said the banking sector has witnessed improved financial parameters despite the COVID-19 pandemic. India-UK FTA could be ready by Diwali London (PTI): The way things are pro- gressing between the two negotiating teams, a free trade agreement (FTA) between India and the UK could be ready by Diwali with- out the need for an in- terim early harvest agreement, said Com- merce Industry Minister Piyush Goy- al. The minister ar- rived in London from the World Economic Forum in Davos to stock-take and inter- act with stakeholders and business people ahead of the fourth round of FTA negotia- tions, set for June 13 in the UK. Goyal pointed to the FTAs concluded at speed with the UAE and Australia as a sign of things to come. “Canada is pro- gressing well towards an early harvest agree- ment. With the UK, we had agreed to do an early harvest agree- ment – basically, to grab the low-hanging fruits and leave the more difficult ele- ments for the next stage and give the peo- ple of both countries the confidence that this agreement is a win-win,” the minis- ter said. “But the way things are progressing, we’ll actually land up doing a full FTA with the UK by Diwali. I have had very good meetings on it,” he said. Diwali in October was set as a timeline for a draft FTA after British Prime Minis- ter Boris Johnson’s talks with Prime Min- ister Narendra Modi during his visit to In- dia last month. Asked about the points of contention in the path of such a tight timeline, Goyal said: “Our approach is that we are very hon- est and upfront in our constraints, yet will- ing to be sensitive to the concerns of the other country .” Goyal: India safe place for defence mfg London: There is a lot of interest among interna- tional companies for defence manufacturing in India because the world sees India as not only a big marketplace but also a safe place to work, Piyush Goyal said. “The whole world realises that India is a big market place, a safe place to work with in terms of manufacturing in defence equip- ment, particularly because we don’t insist on technol- ogy transfer, we even allow coveted technologies to be owned fully by foreign investors,” said Goyal. Q4FY22GDPgrowthcould fallto4%,slowestinayear New Delhi (Agencies): India’s economic recov- ery from the COVID-19 pandemic likely stum- bled again in the first quarter of this (calen- dar) year (Q4FY22) pri- marily due to Omicron- related restrictions and higher inflation, a Reu- ters poll showed. Growth in Asia’s third-largest economy was pencilled in at 4.0% for the January-March quarter from the same period a year ago in a May 23-26 Reuters poll of 46 economists, down from 5.4% in Q4 2021. If realised, that would be the slowest in a year, and a third consecutive quarter of weaker growth. “While the move- ment restrictions were short-lived, other head- winds from global sup- ply shortages and high- er input costs also im- peded the pace of ex- pansion,” Rahul Bajor- ia, chief India econo- mist at Barclays said. Forecasts for the data, due at 1200 GMT on May 31, ranged wide- ly, from 2.8% to 5.5%. Investments in proptech firms to touch $1 billion in 2025 New Delhi (PTI): In- vestments in proptech firms are expected to touch $1 billion in 2025, almost double from the 2020 level, with adop- tion of technologies gaining momentum in the real estate sector, according to a report by CII and Colliers. In a joint report it has been mentioned that the COVID pan- demic has provided a further impetus to technology in real es- tate sector to ensure seamless services for remote working, ease in construction and fo- cus on health.“Technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual reality (VR), Artificial Intelli- gence (AI) were being utilised pre-pandemic. However, the adoption of such technologies increased manifold over the last two years,” it added. With a focus on health and wellness, the consult- ant said that smart building materials with automated air quality systems are in- creasingly gaining traction. No. of `2000 currency notescontinuetodecline Mumbai (PTI): The number of bank notes of `2000 denomination has steadily declined over the years to touch 214 crore or 1.6% of the total currency notes in circulation at the end of March this year. The total number of currency notes of all denominations in cir- culation stood at 13,053 crore as of March this year, up from 12,437 crore from the year- ago period. The count declined to 245 crore or 2% of the total bank notes in circulation as of March 2021 and fur- ther fell to 214 crore or 1.6% at the end of last fiscal year. In value terms also, the `2000 denomina- tion notes dipped from 22.6% of the total val- ue of currency notes in circulation to 17.3% at the end of March 2021 and further to 13.8% at the end of March 2022. According to the re- port, the number of `500 denomination notes in circulation rose to 4,554.68 crore. Markets dart up for 2nd day Mumbai (PTI): Equity markets extended their rally on Friday , with the Sensex and Nifty jump- ing over 1% each, in tandem with a positive trend in global equities. Buying in Infosys and banking counters helped markets main- tain their winning run. The 30-share BSE Sensex rallied 632.13 points or 1.17% to settle at 54,884.66. During the day, the benchmark zoomed 684.1 points or 1.26% to 54,936.63. The broader NSE Nifty jumped 182.30 points or 1.13% to end at 16,352.45. From the Sensex pack, Tech Mahindra, IndusInd Bank, Wipro, Bajaj Finance, Infosys, Larsen Toubro and HCL Technologies were the prominent gainers. AdaniGrouptoacquire 50%stakeindroneCo. New Delhi (Agen- cies): Adani Defence Systems and Technol- ogies, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Adani Enterprises on Friday signed a definitive agreement to acquire a 50% stake in Ben- galuru- b a s e d c o m m e r - cial drone maker Gen- eral Aeronautics for cash consideration. The company will be leveraging its mili- tary drone and AI/ML capabilities and work with General Aero- nautics to provide so- lutions for the domes- tic agricultural sector. General Aeronaut- ics is an agri solution provider that provides robotic drones and drone-based solutions for crop pro- t e c t i o n services, c r o p h e a l t h , precision- f a r m i n g and yield monitoring using artificial intel- ligence and analytics for the agricultural sector. It was incorpo- rated in 2016. India has no plans to curb rice exports New Delhi (Agencies): India does not plan to curb rice exports as the world’s biggest export- er of the staple has suf- ficient stocks and local rates are lower than state-set support p r i c e s , sources said. “We have more than suffi- cient stocks of rice and there is no concern at all in terms of either prices or availability for exports and domes- tic requirements,” said a senior govt official. “At this stage, there is no consideration at all to prohibit rice ex- ports,” said the source. Ola scouts for land to set up cell and electriccarfactories Tata Motors files record 125 patents in FY22 New Delhi (PTI): Mo- bility giant Ola Electric is scouting for land to set up its cell and elec- tric car factories and is in talks with multiple states, sources said. Ola Electric needs 1,000 acres of land to set up its cell gigafactory and electric car factory which is expected to at- tract an investment of `10,000 crore. Some states are already vy- ing, sources said. New Delhi (PTI): Tata Motors on Fri- day said it filed re- cord 125 patents re- lated to powertrain technologies in the last fiscal. The com- pany said the num- ber of patents filed in last FY were the highest so far. The patents filed entail a diverse range of in- novations and devel- opments in tradition- al new energy pow- ertrain technologies. ` inches 2 paise higher to 77.59/$ Mumbai (PTI): The rupee inched 2 paise higher to close at 77.59 (provision- al) against US dollar on Friday, supported by posi- tive domestic equities and weakness of the American currency overseas. At the interbank forex market, the rupee opened at 77.60 against the greenback and moved in a range of 77.57 to 77.67 in the day’s trade. The rupee finally ended at 77.59.
  • 10. NEWS JAIPUR | SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 09 I I I I RSS only spreads hatred in country, says Dotasra Bhanwar S Charan Kota: State Congress President Govind Singh Dotasara on Friday in- augurated the Congress training camp in Kota. Minister-in-charge of Kota, Prasadi Lal Mee- na was also present dur- ing the inaugural cere- mony of the district level residential train- ing camps of Congress. During the two-day programme, the train- ing camp for Kota (South), Kota (North) and Ladpura assembly constituencies will take place. While addressing a press conference, Go- vind Singh Dotasara said, “The RSS spreads hatred in the country. Social harmony is not on their agenda. Con- gress workers will ex- pose the policies of the RSS in the coming time. We will fight fiercely with BJP and RSS.” Dotasara said the progress of the country took place during the Congress government only, while no develop- mental work was done under the BJP rule. Two-day Congress workers’ traning workshop inaugurated in Kota Govind Singh Dotasra accorded warm welcome by the party workers in Kota. (Inset) Govind Singh Dotasra pays tributes to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on his death anniversary in Kota. JAIPUR MEET Raj govt making efforts to solve Industries’ problems: Rawat Rajeev Gaur Jodhpur: Industries and Commerce Depart- ment organised Udyog Vibhag Samvad’ on Fri- day at Steel Bhawan to increase the pace of in- dustrial de- velopment in Jodhpur divi- sion and encourage in- dustrialists, entrepre- neurs, industrialists, exporters and to solve their problems. The workshop was organised in coordina- tion with the Marudha- ra Industries Associa- tion. Addressing the meet, industry and Commerce Minister Shakuntala Rawat said that the govern- ment is making all pos- sible efforts to solve the problems of entrepre- neurs, exporters and industrialists. Dargah is symbol of harmony: Salman Chishty Jaipur (Agency): Haji Syed Salman Chishty, Gaddi Nashin-Dargah Ajmer Sharif and Chair- man-Chishty Founda- tion, on Friday said that Ajmer Sharif is beyond comparison to any worldly monuments. In his tweet, he said, “It’s Living Traditions are an embodiment of sacred teachings exemplified by Hz. Khawaja Moinud- din Chishty (RA) with Unconditional Love to- wards all. Spreading trumped-up stories is Unutterable Sin resting on Media Fraternity .” It needs to be men- tioned here that an out- fit has claimed that “there is a ‘Shivling’ un- der Ajmer Dargah”, which has been refuted by the Anjuman Com- mittee. Anjuman Presi- dent Moin Sarkar said that Garib Nawaz’s dar- gah is a symbol of uni- versal harmony, which lies beyond the shackles of religion and caste. Anjuman secretary Wa- hid Hussain Angara said that action should be taken against those who spoil harmony and create disturbance. Water train completes 100 trips to Pali Jodhpur: On the pro- posal of Pali adminis- tration, the Railways started operation of 40 wagon water special train from Bhagat Ki Kothi railway station of Jodhpur to Pali Marwar railway station. On May 24, after 2nd rake became available, water supply started through both rakes. To address water crisis, a water special train is being operated everyday and the special train has completed 100 trips of its journey to Pali. Tapadia murder: Markets shut to protest Komal Mehta’s arrest Naveen Joshi  Bhilwara: Shops re- mained closed in Bhilwara on Friday to protest against the ar- rest of BJP leader Komal Mehta, who was arrested for inflamma- tory speech during the dharna against the killing of Dalit youth Adarsh Tapadia. BJP , VHP and HJM calledforabandhtopro- testagainstthearrestof BJP leader Komal Me- hta. Protesters took out a procession from the collectorateofficetoGol Circle in Bhilwara. 2 cops transferred: After the Adarsh Tapa- dia murder case in Bhilwara on May 10 in Shastri Nagar, two po- lice officers have been transferred on Friday after the ongoing dhar- na demanding the ar- rest of the accused and action against the po- lice officers. People reciting Hanuman Chalisa to protest the arrest. Min Hemaram issues ‘unconstitutional’ order to shut out bureaucrat from functioning! Rajendra Chhabra Jaipur: There is a ‘hot topic’ of discussion in the state’s political and bureaucratic circles that the bureaucracy is becoming too domi- nant as ministers and MLAs of the ruling party are publicly mak- ing these complaints. But there is another side to the coin, which says that before the ministers and MLAs, the bureaucrats have become inconsequen- tial. Such is the situa- tion that ministers and MLAs are being too ag- gressive and dominat- ing over Secretaries and Collectors in dis- tricts, respectively. In fact, in the previous transfer list, secretar- ies were transferred on whims of miffed minis- ters and Collectors, on whims of local MLAs. And environment de- partment has thrown the example of how Secretaries have been kept away from their own departments. Such has been the clash be- tween minister Hemar- am Choudhary and Secretary Pawan Ku- mar Upadhyay that the Secretary ended the existence of Secretary in the department, as the minister issued a standing order on Wednesday, with his own signatures, as to how would the depart- ment run business. This order states that no file will be sent to the Secretary and thereby secretary will have no role and the files would be sent from joint secretary to Prin- cipal secretary directly and then on to minister. Till now all the files were being routed through Secretary Pawan Kumar Upad- haya and since Decem- ber 2021, when Hemar- am became minister, files were moving through the secretary. Interestingly, the word is that minister is ex- tremely miffed with Upadhyaya on not one but several issues. Meanwhile, adminis- trative experts have termed the minister’s standing orders as un- lawful and unconstitu- tional. Senior most IAS of the state Ravis- hankar Srivastava said on the issue, “Function of all departments is carried out according to Rules of Business which is a comprehen- sive document and has legal sanctity . Minis- ters can not change it. Ministers can only is- sue standing orders on aspects left out or not covered under rules of business and if the standing order violates the rules of business, it becomesnullandvoid.” Pawan Kumar Upadhyay Hemaram Choudhary SINGHVI’S PHOTO WITH MANN FANS RUMOURS IN RAJ POLITICS! Aphoto of Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Pratap Singh Singhvi’s along with Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann in New Delhi has set the rumour mills running in the state political corridors. The photo is in discussions before the Rajya Sabha elections. However, Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Pratap Singh said that he went to meet Union Home Minister Amit Shah and at the same time Bhagwant Mann had also come to meet Home Minister Amit Shah so he got a photo clicked with him in the waiting room. But many meanings are also being extracted from this photo. —Aishwary Pradhan Now,ACB to seek nod for probe against senior govt functionaries First India Bureau Jaipur: Following the tussle between the RAS association and the ACB over questioning of an officer, the State Government has also implemented the stand- ard procedure (SoP) is- sued by the Central Government under Sec- tion 17 (A) of the Pre- vention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018. This SoP, however, will not be applicable in cas- es of trap. Now, the ACB officer has to first take permission from the competent authority of the concerned adminis- trative department in the prescribed form be- fore initiating inquiry, investigation and ques- tioning against any public servant. MP, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Mi- zoram, Punjab and oth- er states have already implemented the SoP. Jaipur: The High Court on Friday rejected the bail pleas of suspended IAS officer Nannumal Pahadia and RAS officer Ashok Sankhla, both arrested by the ACB on April 23 while accepting a bribe of Rs 5 lakh from a highway construction company in Alwar. Hearing the case, the Bench of Justice Narendra Singh Dhadha observed that the investigation into the matter is going on, hence bail cannot be granted at this stage. The ACB court in Alwar had also rejected their bail applica- tion on April 30. Bail plea of IAS Pahadia and RAS officer Sankhla rejected Sawai Madhopur: The ACB has arrested AE Mahesh Saini and lineman Asharam Meena of electricity department taking a bribe of Rs 40,000 for removing an electric pole near his house of the complainant. ACB ASP Surendra Singh said a resident of Housing Board Road had complained that bribe being demanded by the AE. DISCOM AE, LINEMAN HELD TAKING `40,000 BRIBE IN SAWAI MADHOPUR