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22 Ways To Turn

Free Rebrandable
 Into Fat Cash

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      Samuel McDimar

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                     The Power of Free eBooks
You probably purchase this eBook because you wanted to learn about how to
turn free rebrandable eBooks and reports that you can find online into big
fat cash, right? Well, you did the right thing… You’ll get 22 great methods in
this eBook!

I’ve earned hundreds of dollars in additional autopilot commissions just
from using a few of these methods, so I know that using rebrandable eBooks
can be a good way to jumpstart your income.

Let me give you a brief introduction first before we go into the money making

              First, let me ask you a very simple question…

             “What would you say is the main difference between an eBook and
             a website? “

Both of them can be considered online assets. Both of them contain content.
Both of them are forms of information in one way or another. Both of them
provide value. So how are they different?

I would say that the main difference is in the power of distribution.

When you have a website, it always stays motionless at one URL or domain
name. My website will always be located at
You won’t wake up one day and find it located at

Because it will always be unmoving, I have to drive traffic to my website. I
can’t drive my website to the traffic…

However, digital eBooks and reports are different… They can have
simultaneous existences, meaning that they can exist in more than one place
on the web at once. You can send an eBook to thousands of websites all
across the web. In other words, you are sending your eBook to the traffic
instead of vice versa.
And because your eBook can have simultaneous existences, you don’t
necessarily have to worry about any one of those websites going down. It
greatly reduces the risk associated with your online asset (in this case, the

Since it can travel, it can move across the web all by itself with legs of its own.
People can share it, and read it on their favorite websites or on their desktops.
And you can make some sales if you have some good links in there too.

In this lies the power of eBook distribution…
                     Using Rebrandable eBooks
Creating eBooks yourself can sometimes be a pain, and many times, you might
not know enough about the topic at hand to produce the quality content that
you need.

How much your eBook gets read depends very strongly on how good the
content is. So it’s in your best interest to give away a quality eBook or report
with great information.

So what do you do if you can’t or don’t want to create your own eBook or

The simple answer is to take an existing rebrandable eBook and rebrand it
with your own affiliate links for the product.

For those of you who don’t know, rebrandable eBooks are eBooks that come
packaged with software. That software allows you to enter in your affiliate ID,
and it then goes on to replace the links in that eBook with our affiliate links.
You can then distribute the eBook and earn money from it.

Free rebrandable eBooks provide you with the opportunity to make fat money
from great content without having to write the content yourself. All you have
to do is to load up the rebrander, insert your affiliate ID into the eBook, and
give it away again and again.

Do it enough and do it wisely, and you’ve just created an online asset for
yourself that will keep bringing in some additional autopilot income for you
day after day.

Once it’s been put out there, you don’t even have to worry about it breaking
down or doing any maintenance or customer service. And if the report that
contains your affiliate links is really good, the report will start walking by
itself, from person to person all across the internet.

It’s something that can make you money, even if you:

      Don’t have your own website
      Don’t have your own blog
   Don’t have your own list
      Don’t want to learn SEO
      Don’t want to learn PPC
      and so on and so forth…

Of course, having all of the above definitely does increase your advantages,
and you should at least be having some or all of them.

Even if you already have your own eBooks or reports, free rebrandable
eBooks are right there waiting for you. Why not use them and earn some
additional income?
                       Getting Your eBook Read
Finding a free rebrandable eBook or report and rebranding it with your own
affiliate links is the easy part. The hard part for many people is getting it out
there, getting it read, and getting some sales from it.

Most people don’t have a clue about what they can do to get their rebranded
eBooks out there and start making some sales. Sometimes, you need a solid
plan, and sometimes you just need some options in front of you that you can

So now, let’s get into that. Here are some of the most effective ways and places
for getting your rebranded eBook out there…

You’ll find some free rebrandable eBooks scattered throughout this article too.

01. Document Sharing Sites
With article marketing no longer being as effective as it once was (it is still
quite effective though, just not as much as years before), the latest type of site
that is being used by internet marketers and article marketers everywhere is
the document sharing site.

These sites allow you to upload and share PDF documents along with clickable
links, your rebranded eBook included. They rank really highly in the search
engines as well. You can even get backlinks from some of these sites, though
not all of them.

Here’s a comprehensive list of all the top document sharing sites where you
can distribute your rebranded pdf eBooks. I’ve been through and tested each
and every document sharing site I could find on the web, and these seem to be
the ones that are still working until today.

Note: There are some document sharing sites I didn’t include here. Sites not
included either didn’t allow users to post public documents that can be seen by
everyone, or they had no searchable databases so users can search for and find
your eBook, or they didn’t allow you to have clickable links in your PDF. There’s
no point uploading your eBook to a document sharing site that people can’t
search through or that doesn’t display your eBook properly, right?

Another Note: When doing this, don’t come across as being spammy. Take it
slow and easy. Mix some non-rebranded free eBooks into your account. And
don’t make it obvious that you’re giving away a rebranded eBook. Doesn’t
matter which website it is, no one likes to see that… Try to be as low-key as

Here’s the list:


If you don’t have time to submit to all of them, I would suggest using only
Scribd, Box and Slideshare as these three sites have given me the best results.

Another thing you will want to note is, when you upload your eBook to these
sites, they allow you to choose the title of your eBook. Don’t just put the title
of the eBook as is. Include some keywords too, because the keyword included
in the title is what your page will rank for in the search engines.

You might even want to use a long tail keyword as the title instead of the title
itself. You want your pages to rank for terms that people are searching for.

Just submitting your rebranded pdfs to those sites will get you some traffic,
and your eBook will most probably rank in the search engines too. However, if
you want to maximize your results, then you can submit the URL of your
rebranded eBook to some social bookmarking sites as well.

Also, if you want to get your eBook URLs indexed quickly, then follow these
simple steps:

   1. Copy and paste the URLs for your eBook and ping them with Bulk Ping.
   2. Take those URLs and turn them into an RSS feed using Bulk Ping’s feed
   3. Submit the generated RSS feed to RSS directories using Bulk Ping’s feed

Note: Slideshare gives you your on personal profile feed, so you can submit that
with the feed submitter too. Most other sites don’t give you one.

02. Embedding PDF (Powerful!)

This is something that almost no one is doing. Some of the document sharing
sites like Scribd or Slideshare (I recommend that you use one of these two)
allow you to embed your PDF file onto your blog.
This way, your readers don’t have to download the PDF in order to read it.
They can view it on your blog and even click through any links in the PDF. It’s
not a bad idea to embed the PDF in a blog post on a related topic. This will add
more value to your blog post too.

Apart from that, embedding the PDF on your blog will help to get it more
views. This in turn will help it to rank higher in the document sharing site’s
directory. Users can also download the PDF and share it with their friends.

You don’t necessarily have to embed your PDFs on your own blog though. You
can embed them on free blogs too, like:

      Blogger
      WordPress (WordPress Embed)
    (Flash Embed)
      Typepad
      Xanga
      Weebly
      Tabulas
      and more…

Tip: If you have an automated Web 2.0 article submitter like SENuke X you
can put your eBooks’ embed code along with your spinnable article for easy
automated submission to free blogging sites.

Some free blogging sites don’t display embedded PDFs correctly though, like
InsaneJournal and LiveJournal, but others do like the ones I mentioned. This
isn’t really a big deal, because sites that don’t display them correctly normally
just strip out the code and leave a link back to your main document URL.

Doing this should allow you to spread your embedded rebranded eBooks all
across the web as you submit hundreds of articles. You might consider
creating separate accounts just for this purpose. Can you imagine the power of
your rebranded eBook being spread all across the web?

Note: Spin your embed code so that your submitter randomly selects from 10 or
even 30 different rebranded eBook embed codes.
03. The Opt-In Gift

There’s no doubt that you should be using your rebranded eBooks to build a
list. Give the eBook away in exchange for your readers opting in. Not only are
you building your list, but you also get the chance to earn money from
subscribers who purchase things from your affiliate links.

Not just on a blog, but you could create a high-converting squeeze page and
drive traffic to that squeeze page too.

Tip: What some people are doing is that they give the rebranded eBook to
their subscribers along with giveaway rights. That means that their
subscribers have the right to give their rebranded eBooks away, thus
increasing the chances of their earning even more.

04. Send It To Your List

You can send your rebranded eBook to your list directly as a present.

This may be obvious, but there are a lot of different ways you can do it…

You may even want to direct your list to one of your great blog posts that
includes an embedded PDF instead of sending them the download link

Don’t have a list yet? I recommend that you get one with AWeber…
05. Product Reviews

Again, something I don’t see other people doing but which can really be very
powerful is writing a product review about your rebranded eBooks.

Normally, people do product reviews for affiliate products. But you can do the
same for free products like your rebranded eBook.

Write a good review about what the product teaches you, your results and
impressions from it, etc. But don’t give away too much information, because
you want your readers to download the eBook and read it for themselves.

06. Forum signatures
A good way to get more traffic to your opt-in pages and your reviews in to
make use of your forum signature. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways
to drive some good targeted traffic to your site.

It can be one of the most important areas of virtual real estate that people

Also, people are always looking for something good and free, so make it clear
and enticing in your signature.

Note: A bit of traffic here and there is all you need. In a later step, I show you
how you can turn a small bit of traffic into a viral tidal wave. But the most
important step is to get that small bit of traffic to your page quickly and easily.
That’s why you should keep this step and the following few steps in mind. Keep
reading onwards…

07. Photo Sharing Sites

Another easy way to get some traffic, but it all adds up. Most rebrandable
eBooks come with the product cover image. However, you may want to design
your own unique cover image for your rebranded eBook just so you can use it
for this step if there isn’t one or just to make it look unique to you.

You can take this image and upload it to photo sharing sites. In the
description, have a link to the page where people can see that you used the
product cover image. This, of course, links to where they can download the
book too.

Again, use the right keywords for the title, filename, and description of your
images as these will rank in the search engines, as well as the Google Image
Search (hot).

Here a list of some popular photo sharing sites that you can try posting to.

Note: Again, do it in a professional way, as someone wanting to show of their
collection of posters and art. Don’t come across as being spammy…

08. Coupons

Coupon sharing sites normally have a lot of traffic, and there are a lot of
people there from all types of markets. People are always looking for a good

One thing you can do is to password protect the download link to your
rebranded PDF so that it can only be accessed by exclusive members who
have the coupon code. You can do this by changing the visibility status of your
WordPress blog post from ‘Public’ to ‘Password Protected’.
This may be a bit clunky, so here’s a short tutorial on how you can edit the
display of your password-protected post.

Another thing you can try is using this WordPress plugin. It’s quite cool, but a
bit buggy at the moment because it has just been released so it may or may
not work for you. But I have no doubt that the author will be fixing it up more
in the future.

People will then need to enter a coupon in order to download the PDF.

You can then share this coupon on coupon sites, giving you more traffic and
backlinks as well.

Some of the more popular coupon sharing sites that you can submit to

      and more: click here…

09. Peer-to-Peer File Sharing & Torrent Sites
Torrent sites and peer-to-peer file sharing sites are really popular places for
giving away rebranded eBooks. People use them to share all sorts of files and
media, mostly illegally though…

Here’s a list of some file sharing applications that you might want to have a
look at. Some more other resources relating to torrents here.

The way these sites work is that they allow you to share the files that you have
on your computer with other people in the network. Normally, you will have
to download software, and keep that software running so that people can see
what they can download from your folder or your computer, depending on
what you’re using.

There are people on these networks searching for all sorts of information, so
you can share your rebranded PDF and allow people to find it and download

Tip: One trick you can use is to create multiple copies of the same PDF and
rename it with different file names and keywords.

That way, it increases the chances that someone will find the copy of the PDF
that you have and downloading it from your PC. Keeping the file sharing
software running will lead to thousands of downloads of your eBook and
perhaps a lot of sales too.

However, use this type of software at your own risk, as there is always some
risk of getting your PC infected. If you are a pro and have used these services a
lot in the past, you are probably not worried about that though…

10. Giveaway Sites
Giveaway sites are sites where multiple internet marketers come together and
give away a ton of stuff in order to build their lists.

You can participate in these giveaways with your rebranded eBook, and build
your list at the same time as people participating in the event will need to
opt-in to get your product.

However, you will need to participate in promoting the giveaway as well.

This site will give you updates on all the latest giveaway events that you can
contribute to.

11. Widget sites

Slideshare offers a custom RSS feed for your profile that will be updated every
time you add a new document to the site.

You can take this RSS feed and go to Widget Box to turn it into a widget. The
process is simple.
Simply go to their website, click on the widgets tab, then click on the blog/feed
button under the Make a Widget section. It’s simple, and gets done in a couple
Of clicks. Choose the basic tab to get it done for free, since you probably don’t
want to pay for pro.

You can then submit it to widget directories for extra exposure.

Here are some widget directories that you can submit to:

      and more: click here…

12. Personal Exclusive Websites
You can create exclusive websites where people can download your free
rebranded eBooks. Some of the sites that you can create include:

     free membership sites
     free PLR sites
     free eBook directories
     free IM giveaway sites
     And more…

When it comes to creating a membership site, perhaps you might want to
create a free membership site that gives away one report every week. You
can then give away one new rebrandable eBook every week to members of
your site.

On the other hand, you may want to create your own personal eBook
directory that only hosts eBooks that have been rebranded with your affiliate
links. These might also be giveaway sites where you provide people who
download your eBooks with giveaway rights so that they can share them with
their subscribers, thus getting your rebranded eBook even more exposure.

13. Twitter
Getting your eBook shared by tweeting it out on Twitter is something easy
that you can do within a matter of seconds. On the other hand, you might want
to create a Twitter account that is dedicated to giving away free stuff, and use
it as a means for giving away your rebranded eBooks on a regular basis.

However, don’t limit yourself to just that. You can make your eBook go viral
on Twitter with ease!

The method for accomplishing this is by using a viral Twitter box on your site.
Let me give you a live demonstration of this below:

I got this script as a packaged bonus for purchasing Exit Splash, and so far
that’s the only place I know where you can get it from. There may be others,
but I couldn’t really find them… It’s quite good though, because people
retweeting your message will also be following you.

Other than, something simpler you can use is the Pay With a Tweet service. It
is a service that allows you to sell a product. However, instead of selling it with
money, visitors pay for your product by retweeting it.

An example is the button below. If you click on the button and tweet this blog
post, I’ll give you a very special free rebrandable eBook on the topic of
massive traffic generation:

14. Facebook
Creating a Facebook fan page dedicated to giving away your free eBooks is a
good way to go. Or maybe you might want to create one fan page per eBook if
you just have a few of them.

However, there are certain things that you should do with your fan page and
your blog in order to get maximum exposure from Facebook and increase the
traffic to your rebranded eBook virally. Here are some tips and tricks that you
can implement and start seeing results right away.

The first trick is based on creating a viral Fanbook page. This page contains a
fan gate, meaning that visitors will have to click on the like button of your
page in order to see the download link or whatever you may have in store for
them. This could be a link to your rebranded eBook.

I just created a page myself, and this is done using the latest iFrame
technology that Facebook is using so click here to see my Facebook Fan Page.

Try clicking on the like button and you will be able to access the download
page for the product. The product is a rebrandable eBook on a very powerful
article marketing and backlinking secret, so make sure you get it.

Pretty neat, right? And I did it in just a few minutes…
Well, that’s my first live demonstration. I’ll tell you how I did it soon, but
first, I’m going to show another live demonstration of something else you can
do to increase your traffic from Facebook.

So let me give you a live demonstration of the second trick. I have some very
valuable content in the protected area below. In order to access this content,
you will have to click on the like button and like this post on Facebook.

If you want to find out how I did it, you’ll have to click the like button. I
included the secret to doing this in there, so give it a like and discover how I
did it. Apart from that, I also included the secret for creating the viral fan page
iframe gate thingy too…

Now, you can seal the download link to your rebranded eBook with a like
button too. Every time your visitors like your page, you will get even more
views to your page, and they’ll like your page too in order to get your eBook.

In a matter of days, you will get more free viral traffic coming straight to your
site… Awesome!

15. Exit Splash

If you’re users are leaving, you can give them a little something before they go
by using an exit splash.
Redirect them to a squeeze page giving away your rebranded eBook.

16. Free Classified Ads

Free classified ad sites will allow you to post your ad up for free.

Some sites will allow you to post an ad for your free eBook, and get it ranked
highly in the search engines.

It’s a good way to get some free advertising for your download. One of my
favorite free classified ads sites is 3 Step Ads. Not only are they quite lenient
with you putting up your ads, but you this site ranks very highly in the search
engines as well.

You can often see it ranking in the search engine during product launches, as
many people like to use it for ‘launch jacking’. A very powerful site, I kid you
not… Just this one advertising site alone should be enough for you.

However, if you are looking for more, simply search Google for free classified
ads sites. Also, free classified sites that are run with WordPress are usually
very good to post on as well. You can find these in Google by clicking here.
17. Viral Marketing

You might want to use viral marketing to further leverage the power of your
rebranded eBook giveaway. Apart from the Twitter and Facebook methods
that I showed you before, there are scripts that you can install that allow you
to virally multiply the amount of traffic to your page.

The way this works is, for example, I offer you a free gift; in this case it might
be your rebranded eBook. You will have to refer another few visitors or opt-
ins to this page in order to get that gift.

It’s a good way to use your eBook in order to get yourself more traffic and
backlinks, as well as more sales.

I have a signup form here. If you sign up and refer 3 friends to sign up as
well, I’ll send you a free viral traffic generation script like the one I’m using
that you can use to drive traffic to your rebranded eBook. So… that’s how it

This is a really powerful concept, and I hope you can see the potential in this…
Once you get the script, try it out yourself.

18. Pay Per Download Sites

So far, we talked about methods where you can increase the amount of people
downloading the eBook, and thus directly increase your chances of getting
affiliate commissions from your rebranded affiliate links.
However, there is another way to earn money from your rebranded eBooks
and that is to upload them to pay per download sites. These sites pay you a
certain amount of money each time your files are downloaded.

By using these sites, you will be able to earn money directly from your eBook
downloads, in addition to any affiliate commissions you get from your eBook.

There are a lot of sites that offer pay per download, but so far the one with
highest payout and best reputation is ShareCash.

19. Bonus Giveaways

One very powerful method of getting your eBook out there is by giving it
away as a bonus. Perhaps you could give it away as a bonus for someone
purchasing your product. A valuable rebranded eBook will add heavily to the
customer experience.

On the other hand, you could give it away as part of a bonus package for
people who purchased items from your affiliate link.

This is very powerful because you are getting your rebranded eBook in front
of real buyers, and not just freebie seekers.
20. Packaged Flipping Websites

If you are someone who counts on flipping websites as your main business
model, then this is a strategy that you can take advantage of.

When creating websites to flip, you could use a rebranded eBook as the free
gift for getting opt-ins. When you sell that website, you include that eBook
along with it, and it will most probably be something that the new owner of
the website still uses.

And if you create a ton of new websites for sales, then you’re definitely going
to get a lot of downloads for those eBooks, far into the future.

You might even want to give away some rebranded eBooks as part of an
additional bonus for buyers of your website, and they can take and give away
those books if they wish.

21. Repackaging

Something that you can do to make your rebranded eBook to stand out from
the crowd is to repackage it.

Instead of just giving away the eBook as is, just like everyone else is doing, you
might want to package it together with other related giveaway products as a
combination package.
This adds more value to your giveaway, and differentiates you from the crowd
of people giving away the same eBook.

You might even want to package it together with other products on the same
topic, and call it the “Email Marketing Expansion Pack” for instance…

22. See What Others Are Doing

You can always benefit from seeing what others are doing, and how they are
earning money by giving away their rebrandable eBooks.

In order to do this, simply take the name of any rebrandable eBook and search
for it in Google. Look at the websites where that rebrandable eBook is being
posted, and you will learn a lot about how other people are giving away their

You might even want to create a Google Alert for your query so that you get
notified by email every time someone posts that particular rebrandable eBook
somewhere else on the web. This will keep you up-to-date with the latest
rebrandable eBook distribution strategies.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this comprehensive article, and I
hope that it benefits you in many ways.

I’ve earned hundreds of dollars on complete autopilot by simply giving
away rebranded eBooks. I could earn even more if I really put more effort into
it using the tips listed above.

Good luck to your future endeavors, and all the best.

If you liked this article, please support me by sharing it, bookmarking it, and
linking to it.

It took me a week to create this, day and night. Crazy, no?

I present you with these 29 pages of solid money-making content…

Also, if you are someone who already has your own free rebrandable eBooks
that you are giving away in the hopes that it will spread far and wide across
the internet, you are actually leaving a lot of money on the table.

This is because most people who download rebrandable eBooks don’t really
know what to do with them, because they don’t have a solid plan. The end
result is that they just download it and never even open the file.

Increase the exposure of your rebrandable eBooks by directing your
affiliates to my blog post at so that
they know what to do with their rebranded copies and how they can make
money from them.

What would you rather be…

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22 ways to turn Rebrandable eBooks into Fat Cash

  • 1. 22 Ways To Turn Free Rebrandable eBooks Into Fat Cash Brought to you by: Samuel McDimar
  • 2. LEGAL NOTICE You should have ordered this product from or an authorized reseller. If you did not, please contact us with details of where you got the product. If you let us know of someone illegally selling the product, you may be entitled to a cash reward. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this course may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMERS The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate at which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This course is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author and his referrals cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.
  • 3. 1 The Power of Free eBooks You probably purchase this eBook because you wanted to learn about how to turn free rebrandable eBooks and reports that you can find online into big fat cash, right? Well, you did the right thing… You’ll get 22 great methods in this eBook! I’ve earned hundreds of dollars in additional autopilot commissions just from using a few of these methods, so I know that using rebrandable eBooks can be a good way to jumpstart your income. Let me give you a brief introduction first before we go into the money making methods… First, let me ask you a very simple question… “What would you say is the main difference between an eBook and a website? “ Both of them can be considered online assets. Both of them contain content. Both of them are forms of information in one way or another. Both of them provide value. So how are they different? I would say that the main difference is in the power of distribution. When you have a website, it always stays motionless at one URL or domain name. My website will always be located at You won’t wake up one day and find it located at Because it will always be unmoving, I have to drive traffic to my website. I can’t drive my website to the traffic… However, digital eBooks and reports are different… They can have simultaneous existences, meaning that they can exist in more than one place on the web at once. You can send an eBook to thousands of websites all across the web. In other words, you are sending your eBook to the traffic instead of vice versa.
  • 4. And because your eBook can have simultaneous existences, you don’t necessarily have to worry about any one of those websites going down. It greatly reduces the risk associated with your online asset (in this case, the eBook). Since it can travel, it can move across the web all by itself with legs of its own. People can share it, and read it on their favorite websites or on their desktops. And you can make some sales if you have some good links in there too. In this lies the power of eBook distribution…
  • 5. 2 Using Rebrandable eBooks Creating eBooks yourself can sometimes be a pain, and many times, you might not know enough about the topic at hand to produce the quality content that you need. How much your eBook gets read depends very strongly on how good the content is. So it’s in your best interest to give away a quality eBook or report with great information. So what do you do if you can’t or don’t want to create your own eBook or report? The simple answer is to take an existing rebrandable eBook and rebrand it with your own affiliate links for the product. For those of you who don’t know, rebrandable eBooks are eBooks that come packaged with software. That software allows you to enter in your affiliate ID, and it then goes on to replace the links in that eBook with our affiliate links. You can then distribute the eBook and earn money from it. Free rebrandable eBooks provide you with the opportunity to make fat money from great content without having to write the content yourself. All you have to do is to load up the rebrander, insert your affiliate ID into the eBook, and give it away again and again. Do it enough and do it wisely, and you’ve just created an online asset for yourself that will keep bringing in some additional autopilot income for you day after day. Once it’s been put out there, you don’t even have to worry about it breaking down or doing any maintenance or customer service. And if the report that contains your affiliate links is really good, the report will start walking by itself, from person to person all across the internet. It’s something that can make you money, even if you:  Don’t have your own website  Don’t have your own blog
  • 6. Don’t have your own list  Don’t want to learn SEO  Don’t want to learn PPC  and so on and so forth… Of course, having all of the above definitely does increase your advantages, and you should at least be having some or all of them. Even if you already have your own eBooks or reports, free rebrandable eBooks are right there waiting for you. Why not use them and earn some additional income?
  • 7. 3 Getting Your eBook Read Finding a free rebrandable eBook or report and rebranding it with your own affiliate links is the easy part. The hard part for many people is getting it out there, getting it read, and getting some sales from it. Most people don’t have a clue about what they can do to get their rebranded eBooks out there and start making some sales. Sometimes, you need a solid plan, and sometimes you just need some options in front of you that you can use… So now, let’s get into that. Here are some of the most effective ways and places for getting your rebranded eBook out there… You’ll find some free rebrandable eBooks scattered throughout this article too. 01. Document Sharing Sites
  • 8. With article marketing no longer being as effective as it once was (it is still quite effective though, just not as much as years before), the latest type of site that is being used by internet marketers and article marketers everywhere is the document sharing site. These sites allow you to upload and share PDF documents along with clickable links, your rebranded eBook included. They rank really highly in the search engines as well. You can even get backlinks from some of these sites, though not all of them. Here’s a comprehensive list of all the top document sharing sites where you can distribute your rebranded pdf eBooks. I’ve been through and tested each and every document sharing site I could find on the web, and these seem to be the ones that are still working until today. Note: There are some document sharing sites I didn’t include here. Sites not included either didn’t allow users to post public documents that can be seen by everyone, or they had no searchable databases so users can search for and find your eBook, or they didn’t allow you to have clickable links in your PDF. There’s no point uploading your eBook to a document sharing site that people can’t search through or that doesn’t display your eBook properly, right? Another Note: When doing this, don’t come across as being spammy. Take it slow and easy. Mix some non-rebranded free eBooks into your account. And don’t make it obvious that you’re giving away a rebranded eBook. Doesn’t matter which website it is, no one likes to see that… Try to be as low-key as possible. Here’s the list:           
  • 9.      If you don’t have time to submit to all of them, I would suggest using only Scribd, Box and Slideshare as these three sites have given me the best results. Another thing you will want to note is, when you upload your eBook to these sites, they allow you to choose the title of your eBook. Don’t just put the title of the eBook as is. Include some keywords too, because the keyword included in the title is what your page will rank for in the search engines. You might even want to use a long tail keyword as the title instead of the title itself. You want your pages to rank for terms that people are searching for. Just submitting your rebranded pdfs to those sites will get you some traffic, and your eBook will most probably rank in the search engines too. However, if you want to maximize your results, then you can submit the URL of your rebranded eBook to some social bookmarking sites as well. Also, if you want to get your eBook URLs indexed quickly, then follow these simple steps: 1. Copy and paste the URLs for your eBook and ping them with Bulk Ping. 2. Take those URLs and turn them into an RSS feed using Bulk Ping’s feed creator. 3. Submit the generated RSS feed to RSS directories using Bulk Ping’s feed submitter. Note: Slideshare gives you your on personal profile feed, so you can submit that with the feed submitter too. Most other sites don’t give you one. 02. Embedding PDF (Powerful!) This is something that almost no one is doing. Some of the document sharing sites like Scribd or Slideshare (I recommend that you use one of these two) allow you to embed your PDF file onto your blog.
  • 10. This way, your readers don’t have to download the PDF in order to read it. They can view it on your blog and even click through any links in the PDF. It’s not a bad idea to embed the PDF in a blog post on a related topic. This will add more value to your blog post too. Apart from that, embedding the PDF on your blog will help to get it more views. This in turn will help it to rank higher in the document sharing site’s directory. Users can also download the PDF and share it with their friends. You don’t necessarily have to embed your PDFs on your own blog though. You can embed them on free blogs too, like:  Blogger  WordPress (WordPress Embed)  (Flash Embed)  Typepad  Xanga  Weebly  Tabulas  and more… Tip: If you have an automated Web 2.0 article submitter like SENuke X you can put your eBooks’ embed code along with your spinnable article for easy automated submission to free blogging sites. Some free blogging sites don’t display embedded PDFs correctly though, like InsaneJournal and LiveJournal, but others do like the ones I mentioned. This isn’t really a big deal, because sites that don’t display them correctly normally just strip out the code and leave a link back to your main document URL. Doing this should allow you to spread your embedded rebranded eBooks all across the web as you submit hundreds of articles. You might consider creating separate accounts just for this purpose. Can you imagine the power of your rebranded eBook being spread all across the web? Note: Spin your embed code so that your submitter randomly selects from 10 or even 30 different rebranded eBook embed codes.
  • 11. 03. The Opt-In Gift There’s no doubt that you should be using your rebranded eBooks to build a list. Give the eBook away in exchange for your readers opting in. Not only are you building your list, but you also get the chance to earn money from subscribers who purchase things from your affiliate links. Not just on a blog, but you could create a high-converting squeeze page and drive traffic to that squeeze page too. Tip: What some people are doing is that they give the rebranded eBook to their subscribers along with giveaway rights. That means that their subscribers have the right to give their rebranded eBooks away, thus increasing the chances of their earning even more. 04. Send It To Your List You can send your rebranded eBook to your list directly as a present. This may be obvious, but there are a lot of different ways you can do it… You may even want to direct your list to one of your great blog posts that includes an embedded PDF instead of sending them the download link directly. Don’t have a list yet? I recommend that you get one with AWeber…
  • 12. 05. Product Reviews Again, something I don’t see other people doing but which can really be very powerful is writing a product review about your rebranded eBooks. Normally, people do product reviews for affiliate products. But you can do the same for free products like your rebranded eBook. Write a good review about what the product teaches you, your results and impressions from it, etc. But don’t give away too much information, because you want your readers to download the eBook and read it for themselves. 06. Forum signatures
  • 13. A good way to get more traffic to your opt-in pages and your reviews in to make use of your forum signature. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to drive some good targeted traffic to your site. It can be one of the most important areas of virtual real estate that people overlook. Also, people are always looking for something good and free, so make it clear and enticing in your signature. Note: A bit of traffic here and there is all you need. In a later step, I show you how you can turn a small bit of traffic into a viral tidal wave. But the most important step is to get that small bit of traffic to your page quickly and easily. That’s why you should keep this step and the following few steps in mind. Keep reading onwards… 07. Photo Sharing Sites Another easy way to get some traffic, but it all adds up. Most rebrandable eBooks come with the product cover image. However, you may want to design your own unique cover image for your rebranded eBook just so you can use it for this step if there isn’t one or just to make it look unique to you. You can take this image and upload it to photo sharing sites. In the description, have a link to the page where people can see that you used the
  • 14. product cover image. This, of course, links to where they can download the book too. Again, use the right keywords for the title, filename, and description of your images as these will rank in the search engines, as well as the Google Image Search (hot). Here a list of some popular photo sharing sites that you can try posting to. Note: Again, do it in a professional way, as someone wanting to show of their collection of posters and art. Don’t come across as being spammy… 08. Coupons Coupon sharing sites normally have a lot of traffic, and there are a lot of people there from all types of markets. People are always looking for a good deal. One thing you can do is to password protect the download link to your rebranded PDF so that it can only be accessed by exclusive members who have the coupon code. You can do this by changing the visibility status of your WordPress blog post from ‘Public’ to ‘Password Protected’.
  • 15. This may be a bit clunky, so here’s a short tutorial on how you can edit the display of your password-protected post. Another thing you can try is using this WordPress plugin. It’s quite cool, but a bit buggy at the moment because it has just been released so it may or may not work for you. But I have no doubt that the author will be fixing it up more in the future. People will then need to enter a coupon in order to download the PDF. You can then share this coupon on coupon sites, giving you more traffic and backlinks as well. Some of the more popular coupon sharing sites that you can submit to include:         and more: click here… 09. Peer-to-Peer File Sharing & Torrent Sites
  • 16. Torrent sites and peer-to-peer file sharing sites are really popular places for giving away rebranded eBooks. People use them to share all sorts of files and media, mostly illegally though… Here’s a list of some file sharing applications that you might want to have a look at. Some more other resources relating to torrents here. The way these sites work is that they allow you to share the files that you have on your computer with other people in the network. Normally, you will have to download software, and keep that software running so that people can see what they can download from your folder or your computer, depending on what you’re using. There are people on these networks searching for all sorts of information, so you can share your rebranded PDF and allow people to find it and download it. Tip: One trick you can use is to create multiple copies of the same PDF and rename it with different file names and keywords. That way, it increases the chances that someone will find the copy of the PDF that you have and downloading it from your PC. Keeping the file sharing software running will lead to thousands of downloads of your eBook and perhaps a lot of sales too. However, use this type of software at your own risk, as there is always some risk of getting your PC infected. If you are a pro and have used these services a lot in the past, you are probably not worried about that though… 10. Giveaway Sites
  • 17. Giveaway sites are sites where multiple internet marketers come together and give away a ton of stuff in order to build their lists. You can participate in these giveaways with your rebranded eBook, and build your list at the same time as people participating in the event will need to opt-in to get your product. However, you will need to participate in promoting the giveaway as well. This site will give you updates on all the latest giveaway events that you can contribute to. 11. Widget sites Slideshare offers a custom RSS feed for your profile that will be updated every time you add a new document to the site. You can take this RSS feed and go to Widget Box to turn it into a widget. The process is simple.
  • 18. Simply go to their website, click on the widgets tab, then click on the blog/feed button under the Make a Widget section. It’s simple, and gets done in a couple Of clicks. Choose the basic tab to get it done for free, since you probably don’t want to pay for pro. You can then submit it to widget directories for extra exposure. Here are some widget directories that you can submit to:           and more: click here… 12. Personal Exclusive Websites
  • 19. You can create exclusive websites where people can download your free rebranded eBooks. Some of the sites that you can create include:  free membership sites  free PLR sites  free eBook directories  free IM giveaway sites  And more… When it comes to creating a membership site, perhaps you might want to create a free membership site that gives away one report every week. You can then give away one new rebrandable eBook every week to members of your site. On the other hand, you may want to create your own personal eBook directory that only hosts eBooks that have been rebranded with your affiliate links. These might also be giveaway sites where you provide people who download your eBooks with giveaway rights so that they can share them with their subscribers, thus getting your rebranded eBook even more exposure. 13. Twitter
  • 20. Getting your eBook shared by tweeting it out on Twitter is something easy that you can do within a matter of seconds. On the other hand, you might want to create a Twitter account that is dedicated to giving away free stuff, and use it as a means for giving away your rebranded eBooks on a regular basis. However, don’t limit yourself to just that. You can make your eBook go viral on Twitter with ease! The method for accomplishing this is by using a viral Twitter box on your site. Let me give you a live demonstration of this below: I got this script as a packaged bonus for purchasing Exit Splash, and so far that’s the only place I know where you can get it from. There may be others, but I couldn’t really find them… It’s quite good though, because people retweeting your message will also be following you. Other than, something simpler you can use is the Pay With a Tweet service. It is a service that allows you to sell a product. However, instead of selling it with money, visitors pay for your product by retweeting it. An example is the button below. If you click on the button and tweet this blog post, I’ll give you a very special free rebrandable eBook on the topic of massive traffic generation: 14. Facebook
  • 21. Creating a Facebook fan page dedicated to giving away your free eBooks is a good way to go. Or maybe you might want to create one fan page per eBook if you just have a few of them. However, there are certain things that you should do with your fan page and your blog in order to get maximum exposure from Facebook and increase the traffic to your rebranded eBook virally. Here are some tips and tricks that you can implement and start seeing results right away. The first trick is based on creating a viral Fanbook page. This page contains a fan gate, meaning that visitors will have to click on the like button of your page in order to see the download link or whatever you may have in store for them. This could be a link to your rebranded eBook. I just created a page myself, and this is done using the latest iFrame technology that Facebook is using so click here to see my Facebook Fan Page. Try clicking on the like button and you will be able to access the download page for the product. The product is a rebrandable eBook on a very powerful article marketing and backlinking secret, so make sure you get it. Pretty neat, right? And I did it in just a few minutes…
  • 22. Well, that’s my first live demonstration. I’ll tell you how I did it soon, but first, I’m going to show another live demonstration of something else you can do to increase your traffic from Facebook. So let me give you a live demonstration of the second trick. I have some very valuable content in the protected area below. In order to access this content, you will have to click on the like button and like this post on Facebook. If you want to find out how I did it, you’ll have to click the like button. I included the secret to doing this in there, so give it a like and discover how I did it. Apart from that, I also included the secret for creating the viral fan page iframe gate thingy too… Now, you can seal the download link to your rebranded eBook with a like button too. Every time your visitors like your page, you will get even more views to your page, and they’ll like your page too in order to get your eBook. In a matter of days, you will get more free viral traffic coming straight to your site… Awesome! 15. Exit Splash If you’re users are leaving, you can give them a little something before they go by using an exit splash.
  • 23. Redirect them to a squeeze page giving away your rebranded eBook. 16. Free Classified Ads Free classified ad sites will allow you to post your ad up for free. Some sites will allow you to post an ad for your free eBook, and get it ranked highly in the search engines. It’s a good way to get some free advertising for your download. One of my favorite free classified ads sites is 3 Step Ads. Not only are they quite lenient with you putting up your ads, but you this site ranks very highly in the search engines as well. You can often see it ranking in the search engine during product launches, as many people like to use it for ‘launch jacking’. A very powerful site, I kid you not… Just this one advertising site alone should be enough for you. However, if you are looking for more, simply search Google for free classified ads sites. Also, free classified sites that are run with WordPress are usually very good to post on as well. You can find these in Google by clicking here.
  • 24. 17. Viral Marketing You might want to use viral marketing to further leverage the power of your rebranded eBook giveaway. Apart from the Twitter and Facebook methods that I showed you before, there are scripts that you can install that allow you to virally multiply the amount of traffic to your page. The way this works is, for example, I offer you a free gift; in this case it might be your rebranded eBook. You will have to refer another few visitors or opt- ins to this page in order to get that gift. It’s a good way to use your eBook in order to get yourself more traffic and backlinks, as well as more sales. I have a signup form here. If you sign up and refer 3 friends to sign up as well, I’ll send you a free viral traffic generation script like the one I’m using that you can use to drive traffic to your rebranded eBook. So… that’s how it works! This is a really powerful concept, and I hope you can see the potential in this… Once you get the script, try it out yourself. 18. Pay Per Download Sites So far, we talked about methods where you can increase the amount of people downloading the eBook, and thus directly increase your chances of getting affiliate commissions from your rebranded affiliate links.
  • 25. However, there is another way to earn money from your rebranded eBooks and that is to upload them to pay per download sites. These sites pay you a certain amount of money each time your files are downloaded. By using these sites, you will be able to earn money directly from your eBook downloads, in addition to any affiliate commissions you get from your eBook. There are a lot of sites that offer pay per download, but so far the one with highest payout and best reputation is ShareCash. 19. Bonus Giveaways One very powerful method of getting your eBook out there is by giving it away as a bonus. Perhaps you could give it away as a bonus for someone purchasing your product. A valuable rebranded eBook will add heavily to the customer experience. On the other hand, you could give it away as part of a bonus package for people who purchased items from your affiliate link. This is very powerful because you are getting your rebranded eBook in front of real buyers, and not just freebie seekers.
  • 26. 20. Packaged Flipping Websites If you are someone who counts on flipping websites as your main business model, then this is a strategy that you can take advantage of. When creating websites to flip, you could use a rebranded eBook as the free gift for getting opt-ins. When you sell that website, you include that eBook along with it, and it will most probably be something that the new owner of the website still uses. And if you create a ton of new websites for sales, then you’re definitely going to get a lot of downloads for those eBooks, far into the future. You might even want to give away some rebranded eBooks as part of an additional bonus for buyers of your website, and they can take and give away those books if they wish. 21. Repackaging Something that you can do to make your rebranded eBook to stand out from the crowd is to repackage it. Instead of just giving away the eBook as is, just like everyone else is doing, you might want to package it together with other related giveaway products as a combination package.
  • 27. This adds more value to your giveaway, and differentiates you from the crowd of people giving away the same eBook. You might even want to package it together with other products on the same topic, and call it the “Email Marketing Expansion Pack” for instance… 22. See What Others Are Doing You can always benefit from seeing what others are doing, and how they are earning money by giving away their rebrandable eBooks. In order to do this, simply take the name of any rebrandable eBook and search for it in Google. Look at the websites where that rebrandable eBook is being posted, and you will learn a lot about how other people are giving away their eBooks. You might even want to create a Google Alert for your query so that you get notified by email every time someone posts that particular rebrandable eBook somewhere else on the web. This will keep you up-to-date with the latest rebrandable eBook distribution strategies.
  • 28. Conclusion Thanks again for taking the time to read this comprehensive article, and I hope that it benefits you in many ways. I’ve earned hundreds of dollars on complete autopilot by simply giving away rebranded eBooks. I could earn even more if I really put more effort into it using the tips listed above. Good luck to your future endeavors, and all the best. If you liked this article, please support me by sharing it, bookmarking it, and linking to it. It took me a week to create this, day and night. Crazy, no? I present you with these 29 pages of solid money-making content… Also, if you are someone who already has your own free rebrandable eBooks that you are giving away in the hopes that it will spread far and wide across the internet, you are actually leaving a lot of money on the table. This is because most people who download rebrandable eBooks don’t really know what to do with them, because they don’t have a solid plan. The end result is that they just download it and never even open the file. Increase the exposure of your rebrandable eBooks by directing your affiliates to my blog post at so that they know what to do with their rebranded copies and how they can make money from them. What would you rather be…