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21 GreatWays to Get Ahead inYour Career
By BrianTracy
Copyright © 2001 BrianTracy.All rights reserved.
Presenter: Hoang Quoc Dung
This person is more successful than others?
This person is paid more than others?
You and only you are the person who decide your career and your future.
21 Great Ways to Get Ahead in Your Career
1. Decide ExactlyWhatYouWant
2. Select the Right Company
3. Choose the Right Boss
4. Develop a PositiveAttitude
5. Create a Professional and Successful
6. Start Earlier,Work Harder, and Stay Later
7. Push to the Front
8. Ask forWhatYouWant
9. GuardYour Integrity as a SacredThing
10. Think about the Future
11. Focus onYour Goals
12. Concentrate on ImportantTasks
13. Be a Problem Solver
14. UnlockYour Inborn Creativity
15. Put People First in Everything
16. Invest inYourself Continually
17. Commit to Excellence
18. Concentrate on the Customer
19. Increase possibility of getting benefit of
20. Develop Positive Personal Power
21. Get the Job Done Fast
1. Decide Exactly What You Want.
Life usually favors the
people who know exactly
what they really want.
- Napoleon Hill-
 Let’s imagine that all the opportunities
are opening with you and make a list of
your work with them. If you have
enough knowledge and experience what
will you do then?
 Think about some actions that you can
do immediately. What will you do to
prepare all conditions to get the work or
the position that you really expect? It
dose not matter what your answer is, let
do it today.
You cannot achieve
objectives that you don’t
see. So you must identify
clearly your favorite
work and strive it
2. Select the Right Company
The selection is yours.
You are driver. You can
drive your ship to
anywhere you want right
today or later.
- W. Clement Stone-
 Survey about current employee and
occupation market. And find out the good
fields or companies base on some standard
like: new product, production method,
development speed … Choose a company or
a field that you are interested in the most.
 Do a small survey to check the information
about the company, field that you want.
Remember, the person who has the good
information will have the big advantages.
 Then, apply to your favorite position and
study about necessary knowledge, skill,
ability for that position to do it successfully.
Through this survey, it can change your life.
Let’s survey and analyze
carefully to find out a
company in which you
can grow up fastest.
3. Choose the Right Boss
The most power of human
is power of selection.
- J. Martin Kohe -
 Think about the gestures and actions of your
current boss and past bosses. Identify their
behaviors and wisdoms that you like. Compare
your ideal boss with your current boss.
 Develop the relationship with your boss right
now. Go to meet your boss and tell them about
the things that they should do or should not do
to help you work more effectively.
 Moreover, tell them all things that you feel
satisfied or motivated to contribute more to the
company. The leaders are almost ready to get
the feedback from employees if that ideas are
positive to develop the company.
Your boss must be a
person that you like,
respect and you can
present all abilities when
working with them.
4. Develop a Positive Attitude
As the life’s rule, each
person has his own
position. And thinking that
is made his personality will
guide him to his position.
- James Allen -
 Let’s begin right today, change to become a
positive person in working and life. Don’t
criticize, claim or accuse anyone when problem
occurs. Don’t try to do any actions like “point
leaves to find worm”, gossip or complain about
someone about any issues of the company.
 From today, let’s practice positive attitude in
21 days. Although you have any difficult issues
you must try to keep your state in positive
mind. Count from 1 to 10 before reaction.Always look at the good
sides in all situations,
issues and become a model
of people that all others
want to be helped and
worked with.
5. Create a Professional and Successful Image
Almost people pay
attention into the dress.
Therefore, they only
estimate you through your
dress. As the same way you
estimate them.
- Brian Tracy -
 From today, change your dressing style become
nicer and more professional. Let’s look at the
dressing styles of other people around you and
choose a dressing style that is the most suitable
with you.
 Get more knowledge about fashion through
shops, internet or magazines. Study about how
to mix colors and the attached jewelry with
your clothes. Check your closet and remove all
clothes that are not longer suitable.
The most important
purpose of dressing style
is to make a good
impression with faced
person. And that is the
first condition to get next
6. Start Earlier, Work Harder, and Stay Later
Life is action, is using our
capacity. The way to use
them with highest
efficiency is our happiness
and responsibility.
- No name -
 Let’s become a hardest employee in your
company right today. Re-arrange your time to
come to company 1 hour earlier than other and
work immediately. Don’t need to tell another
people what your are doing. The leaders will
recognize your contributions soon.
 Don’t waste anytime in your working day.
Reduce morning cafe and lunch time in which
you lose your time in gossip or unnecessary
things. Use those times to do more useful
things in stead of them.
 Stay more than 1 hour after finishing time to
work. Therefore, you can get the double or
triple working efficiency than other people
around you.
Each person who succeeds in
each field always works
more than other person.
10% of persons who have
highest income in USA work
more than 50 hours/week.
But the most important is
they concentrate all the time,
no waste time.
7. Push to the Front
The human is born to
upgrade continually, and
reach to higher and higher
- Ralph Ransom -
 Try to increase your role and your value with
your company, especially by get more
responsibilities voluntarily.
 Go to meet your boss usually and ask them to
give you more task to reduce their burden on
their shoulders. You will have to be surprised
about the opportunities that can increase your
value in your company.
 Let to be a volunteer when any task need to be
achieved even the task was not scheduled
before. There is no people who usually want to
do this kind of task. So you are the one and
only person that are ready to do it. After getting
task, do it rapidly and report to your boss and
ask him again to receive another tasks.
Get more tasks voluntarily
is one of effective ways to
increase your income and
promote faster. Although
you must try your best or
sacrifice more and more.
8. Ask for What You Want
The best living people in the
world is people who know
standing up and finding out
the things that they really
expect. If they don’t find
them, they will create them.
- George Bernard Shaw -
 Identify all your valuable distribution to
company and survey about the salary of the
person who is working as the same position
with you in both inside and outside of your
company. You can also call to services center
or search in the newspaper, internet to know
the range of the salary.
 Tell your boss clearly about your contribution
such as increasing company income, reduce
expense, … Prove that you are now more
valuable than before by your current abilities
and experience. Compare your income with the
expense that company must pay to hire train a
new employee to handle your work.
 Ask your expected salary. If fail, ask your boss
what you need to do to get that salary and do it.
Asking what you want is a
important basic rule to
succeed. Success is never
come to people that just
dreams and hopes about
good things without actions.
You need to ask and ask
continually until you get
your objectives.
9. Guard Your Integrity as a Sacred Thing
Each seed of humane will be
fruited; each correct step will
bring the real success at the
- Orison Swett Marden -
 Try to do everything that you promised
regardless you like or dislike. Even you have
many difficulties to do it. Build your
prestigious in your working and life as well.
 Practice to make good behaviors such as keep
appointment, finish your work as schedule, go
to meeting on time … If you have any reason
that you cannot finish your work on time you
must inform to other related persons
 Always keep integrity, trust and royalty with
Personality and prestigious
are the most valuable
property of each one’s
career. Integrity is the first
factor that your boss will be
interested in each employee
when they estimate to make
a decision about increase
salary or promote to higher
10. Think about the Future
Imagine about what you
want, feel it and believe it.
Make an overall plan and do
it immediately to achieve your
- Maxwell Maltz -
 Think about your future and company future.
What the company need to change to grow up?
And what can you do to contribute to company
to achieve company goals? That thinking will
be a great motivation to help you do more
effective actions and do valuable contribution.
 Write out the list of your concrete and detail
about one ideal job that you want work in the
future. Let’s your brain imagines freely and
describe it clear and detail.
 Check your current job and compare your
current condition, knowledge and skill with the
future job. Regardless you must change
anything please do it and start actions right
If you can plan your future
better, you will have more
correct actions to make
better contribution to your
company. Moreover, you can
increase the handling of your
life, your working and your
11. Focus on Your Goals
The people that has objectives
is always successful. Because
they always know where their
efforts focus on.
- Earl Nightingale -
 Write 10 goals in next year that you want to
achieve such as :
 I will earn … USD/year.
 I will work as …. Position.
 ………….
 Choose 1 of the most important goals that the
most affective to your occupation and try the
best o achieve it as below guideline.
 Write down this goal in another paper and setup
the time to finish it.
 Make detail plan.
 Do actions as plan.
 Complete apart of goal day by day.
 Finish the goal.
If you have clear objectives
you will concentrate your
efforts into right point. And
you can finish a lot of work
and not waste time for
unnecessary works. The
more you done, the more
valuable employee your are.
12. Concentrate on important tasks
Focus your power and your
mind on a objective is a
inevitable condition to get
- Thomas Edison -
 Answer some questions as below:
 1. Which activity in your job can bring the highest
 2. Which task can bring the different for your
company if you and only you do it ?
 Which task can you use your time effectively the
 List all your daily tasks and arrange them with
priority level. Bring this list to your boss and
ask them which tasks are estimated important
and valuable the most.
 After you get exactly answer, do actions
immediately. Concentrate all your power on
those tasks. This action will create many
opportunities that you can reach your career
objective fast.
The most important moment
during your career is the
time when you can finish the
tasks that are evaluated
importantly. You will have
belief and can get more
important tasks. The more
you done , the more you
succeed and promote.
13. Be a Problem Solver
Nobody except you can know
exactly what you can do. But
you can not know that if you
don’t work with your all
- Raphl Waldo Emerson -
 Let’s practice to concentrate your thinking
about the solutions. Everyday, you should
wonder “What are we trying to do?”; “How
can we do it?”; “Is there any other better
 Where are the obstacles that you has not
achieved you goal? Where is the main problem
that if we solve it your career will grow up
 Write down in the paper your biggest problem
as questionnaires. Then find out at least 20
answers. Choose one of them and do it
The person who know how
to concentrate to find out
the solutions for problems is
very important and needed
for any organization. They
always think positively. They
don’t focus on finding the
maker or claim each others.
They focus on finding out
the solutions.
14. Unlock Your Inborn Creativity
Anyone who can creates a
idea or a method to work
faster and more effectively
can be considered that he can
catch his future and success.
- J. Paul Getty -
 Let’s make your creative ability is free by
apply it usually in your working and life. To
stimulate ideas in your brain, you need to
understand 3 factors: objectives, must-solved
problem, questions.
 You must understand the company goals and
your goals as well. Write down them in the
 You must identify the most urgent problem in
your life and your working as well.
 Make questions to compel you think wider and
deeper about the problem. You should put a
paper in front of you and concentrate your
brain to stimulate your inborn creativity.
Ideal creating the most
important ability. Some
people completely changed
his life just by a sudden
simple ideal or a invent but
have a big breakthrough in
market or reduce expense.
15. Put People First in Everything
There is no religion that is
higher than serving human.
Striving for human is the
biggest mission.
- Albert Schweitzer -
 Remember the rule “You give me, I will give
you”, not only 1 direction.
 Treat others people as they are very important
with you. Don’t forget to say “thank you”
when you receive help from other people.
 Let’s make a list consist of all important person
with you in your company and outside as well.
Check your list and estimate the results that
you expect from those relationships.
 If you can help anyone, don’t hesitate. You
should a person that gives things to others not
receive. Let’s develop for the relationships
before thinking about getting benefit from
Help and treat other people
well. Behave and be
interested in your colleagues
kindly especially the people
who has lower position than
you. The more good relations
you have, the more your
career is developed.
16. Invest in Yourself Continually
When I see a big oak tree I
understand that It is big
because its reliably solid
boughs continually raise up.
- Wildfred A. Peterson-
 Reading book everyday from today. Make the
good behavior that go to bed early and getup
 Spend 2 hours for you and for your mind
before going to work. Do this everyday, it will
make your spirit stimulating all day.
 Spend time to listen and watch the useful
programs on radio or on television. Those
programs will give you some good ideas to
apply in your job sometimes.
Never think that you already
had enough knowledge.
Study all during your life to
grow up continually, to grow
up faster than others. If you
do it patiently you will have
your own competition.
17. Commit to Excellence
Success in the life depends
much on each one’s spirit.
- Vince Lombardi-  Life is only better when you become a better
person. Make a to do list of your and of your
company. Review this list with some other
people and identify the most important skill for
your career all.
 Make your working rules and standard to
measure your working results. “Anything can
be measured that we can do”.
 Then measure your working completion by
concrete number. Compare your working result
with your standard to what you can grow up.
 Work continually to grow up more and more.
Working quality is
everything. Right today, you
must try your best to do all
your task regardless it is big
or small. Setup the working
standard for you own and
never break that rules
during remain working time.
18. Concentrate on the Customer
The people cannot reach to
the highest of intelligence if
they don’t realize that serving
others people is nobler than
serving themselves.
- Woodrow Wilson-
 Identify your important customers immediately
in your company and outside as well.
Remember your boss, colleagues and
subordinate all are your customers.
 Make a plan to upgrade service quality and
quantity that you provide to them. Therefore,
they are willing to support and help you in
your working to achieve your goal.
 Identify your important customer outside
company include the people buying services or
partners. Thinking that what you can do for
them to improve this relationships.
 Don’t delay anymore. Do actions right today.
Customers are who pay
salary for us. They decide
our business successful or
failed. So we need to make
customer satisfied with our
products and services.
4 level of customer
satisfaction are: meet
requirement, satisfy, over
expectation, admire
19. Increase possibility of getting benefit of company
The people who succeed in
business is the people that
believe completely in ideas
which can deliver money.
- Charles Fillmore-
 Everyday, you must think to rearrange your
work with higher quality and lower cost.
 Right now, consider that the company is yours
not others’. Consider expense like your money
and find they way to reduce expense or
simplify the working process.
 Let’s study about all company activities and
find out the way to increase company income
and benefit. Just a good idea can change your
Bring much benefit to your
company is key for your
future. If your working can
increase the benefit of
company you will be getting
more important and are paid
more money.
20. Develop Positive Personal Power
Nowadays, having knowledge
means having power. Because
knowledge opens many
successful and promoted
- Peter Drucker -
 Remember that we have 3 kind of powers:
 Expertise power.
 Dignity power.
 Position power.
 Leadership is defined that is possibility of
guiding other people. Develop your power and
influence in company by contribution to help
the company achieve the important goals.
Moreover, you must always help other people
successful in his working.
 Right today, develop your positive personal
power. Whenever you use your influence and
your ability to do the good things, good for
company you will always receive the support
from others to reach success fast.
If you use your power
effectively in a positive way
you will have more power.
That means you are trust by
your boss. And they will
share the resources and
responsibilities with you.
That is your promotion
21. Get the Job Done Fast
Decisiveness is the most
important factor to get
- Abraham Lincoln -
 Make your daily to do list with priority level.
Mark A, B, C .. For each task. A is very
important, B is important and C is less
 And breakdown more detail such as A to A-1,
A-2, A-3 ... After decision that A-1 is the most
important task do it immediately.
 Make doing the most important task behavior
will help you to make all important task on
time. This is the necessary behavior you must
have if you want to get success.
Always in being ready for
actions. Keep the fast state
in all your being working.
After decision, do it
immediately. Don’t hesitate
or delay. The faster you do,
the more you get done task,
the more you become a
important person.
You and only you are the person who
decide your career and your future.

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21 great ways to succeed

  • 1. 21 GreatWays to Get Ahead inYour Career By BrianTracy Copyright © 2001 BrianTracy.All rights reserved. GET PAID MORE AND PROMOTED FASTER Presenter: Hoang Quoc Dung
  • 2. WHY? This person is more successful than others? This person is paid more than others? You and only you are the person who decide your career and your future.
  • 3. 21 Great Ways to Get Ahead in Your Career 1. Decide ExactlyWhatYouWant 2. Select the Right Company 3. Choose the Right Boss 4. Develop a PositiveAttitude 5. Create a Professional and Successful Image 6. Start Earlier,Work Harder, and Stay Later 7. Push to the Front 8. Ask forWhatYouWant 9. GuardYour Integrity as a SacredThing 10. Think about the Future 11. Focus onYour Goals 12. Concentrate on ImportantTasks 13. Be a Problem Solver 14. UnlockYour Inborn Creativity 15. Put People First in Everything 16. Invest inYourself Continually 17. Commit to Excellence 18. Concentrate on the Customer 19. Increase possibility of getting benefit of company 20. Develop Positive Personal Power 21. Get the Job Done Fast
  • 4. 1. Decide Exactly What You Want. Life usually favors the people who know exactly what they really want. - Napoleon Hill-  Let’s imagine that all the opportunities are opening with you and make a list of your work with them. If you have enough knowledge and experience what will you do then?  Think about some actions that you can do immediately. What will you do to prepare all conditions to get the work or the position that you really expect? It dose not matter what your answer is, let do it today. You cannot achieve objectives that you don’t see. So you must identify clearly your favorite work and strive it patiently. ACTION
  • 5. 2. Select the Right Company The selection is yours. You are driver. You can drive your ship to anywhere you want right today or later. - W. Clement Stone-  Survey about current employee and occupation market. And find out the good fields or companies base on some standard like: new product, production method, development speed … Choose a company or a field that you are interested in the most.  Do a small survey to check the information about the company, field that you want. Remember, the person who has the good information will have the big advantages.  Then, apply to your favorite position and study about necessary knowledge, skill, ability for that position to do it successfully. Through this survey, it can change your life. Let’s survey and analyze carefully to find out a company in which you can grow up fastest. ACTIONS
  • 6. 3. Choose the Right Boss The most power of human is power of selection. - J. Martin Kohe -  Think about the gestures and actions of your current boss and past bosses. Identify their behaviors and wisdoms that you like. Compare your ideal boss with your current boss.  Develop the relationship with your boss right now. Go to meet your boss and tell them about the things that they should do or should not do to help you work more effectively.  Moreover, tell them all things that you feel satisfied or motivated to contribute more to the company. The leaders are almost ready to get the feedback from employees if that ideas are positive to develop the company. Your boss must be a person that you like, respect and you can present all abilities when working with them. ACTIONS
  • 7. 4. Develop a Positive Attitude As the life’s rule, each person has his own position. And thinking that is made his personality will guide him to his position. - James Allen -  Let’s begin right today, change to become a positive person in working and life. Don’t criticize, claim or accuse anyone when problem occurs. Don’t try to do any actions like “point leaves to find worm”, gossip or complain about someone about any issues of the company.  From today, let’s practice positive attitude in 21 days. Although you have any difficult issues you must try to keep your state in positive mind. Count from 1 to 10 before reaction.Always look at the good sides in all situations, issues and become a model of people that all others want to be helped and worked with. ACTIONS
  • 8. 5. Create a Professional and Successful Image Almost people pay attention into the dress. Therefore, they only estimate you through your dress. As the same way you estimate them. - Brian Tracy -  From today, change your dressing style become nicer and more professional. Let’s look at the dressing styles of other people around you and choose a dressing style that is the most suitable with you.  Get more knowledge about fashion through shops, internet or magazines. Study about how to mix colors and the attached jewelry with your clothes. Check your closet and remove all clothes that are not longer suitable. The most important purpose of dressing style is to make a good impression with faced person. And that is the first condition to get next successes. ACTIONS
  • 9. 6. Start Earlier, Work Harder, and Stay Later Life is action, is using our capacity. The way to use them with highest efficiency is our happiness and responsibility. - No name -  Let’s become a hardest employee in your company right today. Re-arrange your time to come to company 1 hour earlier than other and work immediately. Don’t need to tell another people what your are doing. The leaders will recognize your contributions soon.  Don’t waste anytime in your working day. Reduce morning cafe and lunch time in which you lose your time in gossip or unnecessary things. Use those times to do more useful things in stead of them.  Stay more than 1 hour after finishing time to work. Therefore, you can get the double or triple working efficiency than other people around you. Each person who succeeds in each field always works more than other person. 10% of persons who have highest income in USA work more than 50 hours/week. But the most important is they concentrate all the time, no waste time. ACTIONS
  • 10. 7. Push to the Front The human is born to upgrade continually, and reach to higher and higher objectives. - Ralph Ransom -  Try to increase your role and your value with your company, especially by get more responsibilities voluntarily.  Go to meet your boss usually and ask them to give you more task to reduce their burden on their shoulders. You will have to be surprised about the opportunities that can increase your value in your company.  Let to be a volunteer when any task need to be achieved even the task was not scheduled before. There is no people who usually want to do this kind of task. So you are the one and only person that are ready to do it. After getting task, do it rapidly and report to your boss and ask him again to receive another tasks. Get more tasks voluntarily is one of effective ways to increase your income and promote faster. Although you must try your best or sacrifice more and more. ACTIONS
  • 11. 8. Ask for What You Want The best living people in the world is people who know standing up and finding out the things that they really expect. If they don’t find them, they will create them. - George Bernard Shaw -  Identify all your valuable distribution to company and survey about the salary of the person who is working as the same position with you in both inside and outside of your company. You can also call to services center or search in the newspaper, internet to know the range of the salary.  Tell your boss clearly about your contribution such as increasing company income, reduce expense, … Prove that you are now more valuable than before by your current abilities and experience. Compare your income with the expense that company must pay to hire train a new employee to handle your work.  Ask your expected salary. If fail, ask your boss what you need to do to get that salary and do it. Asking what you want is a important basic rule to succeed. Success is never come to people that just dreams and hopes about good things without actions. You need to ask and ask continually until you get your objectives. ACTIONS
  • 12. 9. Guard Your Integrity as a Sacred Thing Each seed of humane will be fruited; each correct step will bring the real success at the end. - Orison Swett Marden -  Try to do everything that you promised regardless you like or dislike. Even you have many difficulties to do it. Build your prestigious in your working and life as well.  Practice to make good behaviors such as keep appointment, finish your work as schedule, go to meeting on time … If you have any reason that you cannot finish your work on time you must inform to other related persons immediately.  Always keep integrity, trust and royalty with you. Personality and prestigious are the most valuable property of each one’s career. Integrity is the first factor that your boss will be interested in each employee when they estimate to make a decision about increase salary or promote to higher position. ACTIONS
  • 13. 10. Think about the Future Imagine about what you want, feel it and believe it. Make an overall plan and do it immediately to achieve your dream. - Maxwell Maltz -  Think about your future and company future. What the company need to change to grow up? And what can you do to contribute to company to achieve company goals? That thinking will be a great motivation to help you do more effective actions and do valuable contribution.  Write out the list of your concrete and detail about one ideal job that you want work in the future. Let’s your brain imagines freely and describe it clear and detail.  Check your current job and compare your current condition, knowledge and skill with the future job. Regardless you must change anything please do it and start actions right today. If you can plan your future better, you will have more correct actions to make better contribution to your company. Moreover, you can increase the handling of your life, your working and your destiny. ACTIONS
  • 14. 11. Focus on Your Goals The people that has objectives is always successful. Because they always know where their efforts focus on. - Earl Nightingale -  Write 10 goals in next year that you want to achieve such as :  I will earn … USD/year.  I will work as …. Position.  ………….  Choose 1 of the most important goals that the most affective to your occupation and try the best o achieve it as below guideline.  Write down this goal in another paper and setup the time to finish it.  Make detail plan.  Do actions as plan.  Complete apart of goal day by day.  Finish the goal. If you have clear objectives you will concentrate your efforts into right point. And you can finish a lot of work and not waste time for unnecessary works. The more you done, the more valuable employee your are. ACTIONS
  • 15. 12. Concentrate on important tasks Focus your power and your mind on a objective is a inevitable condition to get success. - Thomas Edison -  Answer some questions as below:  1. Which activity in your job can bring the highest benefit?  2. Which task can bring the different for your company if you and only you do it ?  Which task can you use your time effectively the most?  List all your daily tasks and arrange them with priority level. Bring this list to your boss and ask them which tasks are estimated important and valuable the most.  After you get exactly answer, do actions immediately. Concentrate all your power on those tasks. This action will create many opportunities that you can reach your career objective fast. The most important moment during your career is the time when you can finish the tasks that are evaluated importantly. You will have belief and can get more important tasks. The more you done , the more you succeed and promote. ACTIONS
  • 16. 13. Be a Problem Solver Nobody except you can know exactly what you can do. But you can not know that if you don’t work with your all abilities. - Raphl Waldo Emerson -  Let’s practice to concentrate your thinking about the solutions. Everyday, you should wonder “What are we trying to do?”; “How can we do it?”; “Is there any other better solution?”.  Where are the obstacles that you has not achieved you goal? Where is the main problem that if we solve it your career will grow up faster?  Write down in the paper your biggest problem as questionnaires. Then find out at least 20 answers. Choose one of them and do it immediately. The person who know how to concentrate to find out the solutions for problems is very important and needed for any organization. They always think positively. They don’t focus on finding the maker or claim each others. They focus on finding out the solutions. ACTIONS
  • 17. 14. Unlock Your Inborn Creativity Anyone who can creates a idea or a method to work faster and more effectively can be considered that he can catch his future and success. - J. Paul Getty -  Let’s make your creative ability is free by apply it usually in your working and life. To stimulate ideas in your brain, you need to understand 3 factors: objectives, must-solved problem, questions.  You must understand the company goals and your goals as well. Write down them in the paper.’  You must identify the most urgent problem in your life and your working as well.  Make questions to compel you think wider and deeper about the problem. You should put a paper in front of you and concentrate your brain to stimulate your inborn creativity. Ideal creating the most important ability. Some people completely changed his life just by a sudden simple ideal or a invent but have a big breakthrough in market or reduce expense. ACTIONS
  • 18. 15. Put People First in Everything There is no religion that is higher than serving human. Striving for human is the biggest mission. - Albert Schweitzer -  Remember the rule “You give me, I will give you”, not only 1 direction.  Treat others people as they are very important with you. Don’t forget to say “thank you” when you receive help from other people.  Let’s make a list consist of all important person with you in your company and outside as well. Check your list and estimate the results that you expect from those relationships.  If you can help anyone, don’t hesitate. You should a person that gives things to others not receive. Let’s develop for the relationships before thinking about getting benefit from them. Help and treat other people well. Behave and be interested in your colleagues kindly especially the people who has lower position than you. The more good relations you have, the more your career is developed. ACTIONS
  • 19. 16. Invest in Yourself Continually When I see a big oak tree I understand that It is big because its reliably solid boughs continually raise up. - Wildfred A. Peterson-  Reading book everyday from today. Make the good behavior that go to bed early and getup early.  Spend 2 hours for you and for your mind before going to work. Do this everyday, it will make your spirit stimulating all day.  Spend time to listen and watch the useful programs on radio or on television. Those programs will give you some good ideas to apply in your job sometimes. Never think that you already had enough knowledge. Study all during your life to grow up continually, to grow up faster than others. If you do it patiently you will have your own competition. ACTIONS
  • 20. 17. Commit to Excellence Success in the life depends much on each one’s spirit. - Vince Lombardi-  Life is only better when you become a better person. Make a to do list of your and of your company. Review this list with some other people and identify the most important skill for your career all.  Make your working rules and standard to measure your working results. “Anything can be measured that we can do”.  Then measure your working completion by concrete number. Compare your working result with your standard to what you can grow up.  Work continually to grow up more and more. Working quality is everything. Right today, you must try your best to do all your task regardless it is big or small. Setup the working standard for you own and never break that rules during remain working time. ACTIONS
  • 21. 18. Concentrate on the Customer The people cannot reach to the highest of intelligence if they don’t realize that serving others people is nobler than serving themselves. - Woodrow Wilson-  Identify your important customers immediately in your company and outside as well. Remember your boss, colleagues and subordinate all are your customers.  Make a plan to upgrade service quality and quantity that you provide to them. Therefore, they are willing to support and help you in your working to achieve your goal.  Identify your important customer outside company include the people buying services or partners. Thinking that what you can do for them to improve this relationships.  Don’t delay anymore. Do actions right today. Customers are who pay salary for us. They decide our business successful or failed. So we need to make customer satisfied with our products and services. 4 level of customer satisfaction are: meet requirement, satisfy, over expectation, admire ACTIONS
  • 22. 19. Increase possibility of getting benefit of company The people who succeed in business is the people that believe completely in ideas which can deliver money. - Charles Fillmore-  Everyday, you must think to rearrange your work with higher quality and lower cost.  Right now, consider that the company is yours not others’. Consider expense like your money and find they way to reduce expense or simplify the working process.  Let’s study about all company activities and find out the way to increase company income and benefit. Just a good idea can change your career. Bring much benefit to your company is key for your future. If your working can increase the benefit of company you will be getting more important and are paid more money. ACTIONS
  • 23. 20. Develop Positive Personal Power Nowadays, having knowledge means having power. Because knowledge opens many successful and promoted opportunities. - Peter Drucker -  Remember that we have 3 kind of powers:  Expertise power.  Dignity power.  Position power.  Leadership is defined that is possibility of guiding other people. Develop your power and influence in company by contribution to help the company achieve the important goals. Moreover, you must always help other people successful in his working.  Right today, develop your positive personal power. Whenever you use your influence and your ability to do the good things, good for company you will always receive the support from others to reach success fast. If you use your power effectively in a positive way you will have more power. That means you are trust by your boss. And they will share the resources and responsibilities with you. That is your promotion opportunities. ACTIONS
  • 24. 21. Get the Job Done Fast Decisiveness is the most important factor to get success. - Abraham Lincoln -  Make your daily to do list with priority level. Mark A, B, C .. For each task. A is very important, B is important and C is less important.  And breakdown more detail such as A to A-1, A-2, A-3 ... After decision that A-1 is the most important task do it immediately.  Make doing the most important task behavior will help you to make all important task on time. This is the necessary behavior you must have if you want to get success. Always in being ready for actions. Keep the fast state in all your being working. After decision, do it immediately. Don’t hesitate or delay. The faster you do, the more you get done task, the more you become a important person. ACTIONS
  • 25. You and only you are the person who decide your career and your future. DO IT RIGHTTODAY!