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026 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
We learn from each other, We improve patient Care
在刚刚结束不久的OCC&CSC 2015大会上,一支美国心脏病学会(ACC)的心衰团队十分引
入注目。他们是参加此次中国学术峰会的所有A CC成员。这支心衰团队不仅举办自己的ACC分
ACC Heart Failure team arrived at OCC&CSC 2015 in Shanghai, China with its specific
topic – Heart Failure – every presenter in this team contributed his or her speech to
address the high concern of this chronic area both in the ACC Session and ACC-CSC
Union Session. Clinic Journal had an eye to this team and found the value of their address
in Conference. We collected some of their essential contents to form an [ACC Forum], in
which we hope to participate in the addressing of the importance of patient care of heart
failure area brought from US, impacting every place.
027门诊 CLINIC
Learn from Each Other ACC中国行之中美互补·东闻视野
CSC & ACC: What We Can Learn
from Each Other
in Order to Improve Patient Care
Dr. Richard A. Chazal
I am here today to speak about some of the interactions between
our countries – the United States and China – and how we can
work together to improve our nations’ care. The importance of
your country cannot be overstated both in terms of the number of
people and also in terms of the amount of critical information you
have that can help inform the rest of the world. The population
of China is roughly 4x that of the United States. Importantly, a
large proportion of the population resides outside urban areas.
This presents particular challenges and opportunities for learning,
particularly in cardiovascular patients. Furthermore, your urban
centers are quite large and present other particular issues. The
rest of the world can look to your nation and learn from your
experiences and challenges, especially considering that China has
20% of the world’s population.
Ⅰ. China and US: Common Issues of Physicians and
Healthcare Cost
China has a quite youthful population; however, in recent years
your age over 65 has grown rapidly in proportion to the younger
population, which creates challenges with regard to care. Back in
2007, working aged Chinese nationals outnumbered the elderly
over 60 by almost 8 to 1. That is 8 workers for every elderly
person. For 2050, that ratio is predicted to be 1 to 1.5. This
presents a real challenge that is being faced by the rest of the
world as well. Hence, one of the gaps that you experience here
in China is a “recruitment” gap, which influences the retention of
physicians in the profession. We are seeing a shift in numbers in
the United States that were once extraordinarily high are actually
now coming down. This could take away focus on trying to recruit
and retain the highest caliber students to enter or stay in the
medical field. Such an issue will make hiring staff in your highest
level hospitals very challenging at least for now.
Now the healthcare expenditures in China are relatively speaking
low at 4%. In the United States, we are spending almost 18% of
the Gross Domestic Product on healthcare. It is an unsustainable
number for the United States. In turn, we may have to turn to
China to understand how to better utilize existing resources
and reduce overall spending on healthcare, especially for our
increasingly aging population.
While in China, there are multiple factors driving the healthcare
When we have a lot to learn from the experience of Guidelines of America, America also declared that “We Learn from
Each Other, We Improve patient Care” in the keynote presentation of Dr. Richard A. Chazal who represented ACC in
the opening ceremony of Conference. In his speech, Chazal emphasized American people now is facing the challenge of
lacking cardiologists because that population in the United States are getting older. In turn, the US needs to turn to China
to learn from the experience of how to utilize fewer physicians to treat more patients. Chazal stressed that we must utilize
resources effectively for they are finite and we need use every resource in the right area. Finally, Chazal explained the ACC
future strategy which was dived into more in the Clinic interview with him.
028 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
Richard A. Chazal
President Elect, American
College of Cardiology
M edic al D ire cto r, H e a r t
and Vascular Institute, Lee
Memorial Health System
Photographer: BingZhang
029门诊 CLINIC
Learn from Each Other ACC中国行之中美互补·东闻视野
cost including a rise in incomes and urbanization, particularly with
the adoption of an unhealthy Western diet, increased problems
with smoking and air pollution, and an aging population with
longer life expectancies. Furthermore, the Chinese government
policies are pushing for universal access to medical healthcare
and demand for higher quality healthcare, particularly with
the increasing education of your population and awareness
of opportunities and technologies. The resulting figures are
staggering at 13.7% annual growth rate in healthcare spending
projected from 2013 to 2017. Even in context of the remarkable
economic growth in China, these numbers are extremely large.
Ⅱ. We Expect Challenging, Future Expects Our Success
A. China Bears an Increasing Cardiovascular Disease
The World Health Organization has published and interpreted
China’s demographic data, which shows that the changes in
diet and habits in China have contributed to the growth of
cardiovascular disease. The World Health Organization estimates
that about 45% of deaths are a result of cardiovascular disease and
in both males and females. Furthermore, the likelihood of dying
between ages 30 and 70 from the four main non-communicable
diseases is now 19% in China. The largest contributor of this high
percentage is cardiovascular disease followed by cancer. Much of
this again is due to changing eating habits and frequent tobacco
smoking. From a conversation with my Chinese colleagues, I
understand that the tobacco industry is currently targeting the
female population in order to raise the percentage of tobacco
consumers for financial gain. That occurrence was seen in the
United States just a generation ago and, as a result, what we have
seen is a rise in morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular
disease. Your blood pressure issues are significant and likely much
higher than the figure shown here from 2008 based on the obesity
B. Multiple Issues Are not Insurmountable
The current immediate problem in China is overcrowding
particularly in your tier–three hospitals. This also places
a financial burden on all of the government. These problems are
not dissimilar to those in the United States. Overcrowding is an
issue that we face as well in the United States in certain areas of
the nation. Similarly, like China, eliminating corruption in the
healthcare sector is a major issue in the United States as well. I
think the biggest shared issue in China and the United States is an
epidemic of diabetes and obesity that mandates increased training
030 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
of physicians. Again, something that you share with the United
States has been a focus on volumes and increasingly trying to
focus on outcomes.
C. The Address of China Is Continually Expected
However, the successes of your healthcare system are shown by
data shows that you have about 95% of your population currently
receiving medical coverage. Of course, this number is not all-
inclusive and comprehensive, but it is a huge accomplishment
considering that in the early 21st
century, only half your population
received medical coverage. China has also seen a massive
expansion of hospitals and clinics as well as a massive expansion
of extremely high volume facilities with cutting edge technology.
Your nation has also educated a large number of physicians
and initiated advanced medical care that is similar to Western
medicine. On the other hand, Western physicians are beginning
to research traditional Chinese medicine that we all believe may
offer promise in improving cardiovascular care, but we do not yet
have adequate data. The rest of the world is looking to you to help
lead and teach us.
Ⅲ. US and China: A Mutual Learning in Experience and
A. Better Utilization for More Healthcare
The United States is not so different from China in many ways. In
your country, you have a problem of not having enough physicians
trained. In our country, we have an aging physician population. In
the United States, the average cardiologist is now over 50 years of
age. We are not replacing ourselves rapidly enough. This is what
that the ACC estimates is a real workforce crisis. We also have the
same type of obesity and diabetes epidemic in the United States.
Furthermore, our costs of healthcare – the highest in the world –
are unsustainable.
When we put these issues in the United States and China together,
we can find some solutions. While China has a need for additional
physicians, you also have advanced experience on how to do more
for patients with fewer physicians. In the United States, we have
a need for additional physicians and we are less experienced in
using fewer physicians to treat more patients. In turn, there is a
tremendous opportunity for us to learn from you.
B. ACC Expand Training Opportunity for China and World
As an organization, ACC has reached out to about 4000 Chinese
physicians in order to help train additional physicians. Founded in
2010, the Chinese chapter is the one our largest and most active.
We have been working with them to try to extend the use of
CardioSmart, our online tool for patient education, and to be made
available in their native language. There is a lot of educational
opportunity in terms of journals, mobile apps, clinical target
sessions, webinars, courses, and online education products. One of
the things we must continually work on is keeping them up to date
with literature.
ACC now has over 15,000 members outside of the United States
and 34 chapters worldwide. We have reached out so far in China
to over 10,000 physicians. We think that there are opportunities
to expand our ability and utilize tools we have to treat patients.
We are focusing this year to expand our advantageous testing
to expand patient care. Like you, we are trying to provide better
care at lower costs and to make certain that the right resources are
placed in the right areas.
At a professional level, I can tell you from the ACC that we
highly value our relationship with Chinese society and Chinese
physicians. We think it is important for patients here and
worldwide and we also think it is important for our collective
experience. Our relationship with your leadership and with you,
the Chinese people, is also very personal.
031门诊 CLINIC
Learn from Each Other ACC中国行之中美互补·东闻视野
Richard A. Chazal教授
MD, FACC LEE Memorial医疗服务集团/心脏及血管研究所
032 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
033门诊 CLINIC
Guideline Methodology ACC中国行之指南制定·东闻视野
In ACC Session, Dr. Biykem Bizkurt went to the granular to walk us through all the steps of how ACC Heart Failure
Guideline was developed. Bizkurt presented a rigorous approach, which practically avoided the conflict of interests, and
reached the ultimate balance of representation in writing committee. In the new Heart Failure Guideline, some new sections
were added to cover the essential concepts with exception to the recommendation, including transitions of care, patient-
centric care and team management. In addition, the new guideline practice is not only an approach, but a platform also to
create opportunity for the rising stars to generate the future leadership. It is the methodology that ensures the impact of US
guidelines, which brings too much for edification.
Development of Heart Failure
Practice Guidelines
Dr. Biykem Bozkurt
I will try to walk you through the steps of how we developed the
guidelines in heart failure, which took almost 18 months from the
time of conception to the time of publication. It was a 1.5 year
process. The new approach is much faster and hopefully more up
to date. We in the US are visiting whether we are too formulated
in our approach, too rigorous, but at the same time we want to be
up to date and show attention to avoiding conflict of interests.
Ⅰ. STEP ONE: The Principle to Form a Writing
A. The Components of Guideline Writing Committee
The first step is finding the writing group. For a heart failure
guideline, we like to have representation from individuals who
practice in the arena of heart failure, cardiac transplantation,
Biykem Bozkurt
Professor of Medcine, Section of Cardiology, Winters Center for
Heart Failure Research
034 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
pulmonary hypertension, and EP. We also wanted to make sure
that we had representation from academic and practicing faculty
with up to date information. A triple threat would be someone
who practices, knows the data, and knows the research. These
are the type of individuals we needed on the guideline writing
committee. This is a unique attribute in the academic arena that
you want individuals who practice evidence-based approach
and are not impacted solely by the market strategies. We also
wanted representation from established senior positions along
with emerging faculty. This is to create an opportunity for the
rising stars and ensure there is succession in the leadership at the
college level. We wanted to have representation from endorsing
societies, so that it would be a collaborative affair representing
the current state of the art approaches at least as a nation but also
a society.
B. Strict Constriction of Conflict of Interests
The conflict of interests was a very important issues. This was
raised by the institute of medicine a couple of years prior to this
guideline endeavor. They had looked into the process existing in
the United States and voiced a concern regarding impact from
industry. With that notice in mind, ACC prior to the start of the
heart failure guidelines had a very rigorous methodology to
prevent conflict. In the initial planning sessions, there is a delicate
balance that we try to achieve with more than 51% of the faculty
in the writing group not having any relationship with industry.
Also, the chairs, which represent the overall leadership and
expertise at the national level, should not have any relationship
with industry.
C. Selection and Endorsement
In addition to not having a relationship with the industry, there
were queries in terms of intellectual bias. We wanted to have
equally poised individuals having an objective stance towards
new treatment modalities. With this approach, once the writing
committee members are identified, then comes the selection
process. The nominations are made through a variety of societies
as well as a task force and leaders in the field. The selection is
done according to expertise and lack of a conflict of interests.
We strive for an ultimate balance of representation of academic
faculty and practicing faculty, emerging faculty and seniors, and
representations from societies. Once the selection process is
complete, invitations are sent to individuals who declare that they
have no conflict of interests again at the time of selection. This
then goes to the task force for the vetting process. Eventually,
individuals are endorsed into the writing committee. The chairs,
as I mentioned, are critical in ensuring that the process is adhered
to, or the guidance provided from the task force, and overall, the
execution of the guideline.
When we started we had 25 faculty members. We had
representation from different societies such as the American
College of Physicians, American College of Chest Physicians, the
Society for Heart Lung Transplantation, the American Academy
of Family Physicians, and Heart Rhythm Society, as well as the
Task Force for Performance Measures, which is a great integration
of translation of the guidelines to the performance metrics.
Ⅱ. STEP TWO: Finalization of the Outline
A. The New Concepts Conveyed by New Guideline
The second step was coming up with the outline. Heart failure is a
huge field and as you can imagine, even finalization of the outline
took a few sessions for the writing committee members to agree
upon. We wanted this to be a rigorous document focusing on the
treatment, but also wanted to cover other areas such as transitions
of care, patient-centric care, as well as important concepts of team
management. This guideline was not solely about prescription
of medications or devices, but also the patient’s quality of life,
preferences in decision making as well as the merging concepts of
transition of care from hospitals to outpatient settings, and what
we needed to do to prevent unnecessary treatment that may result
in a poorer quality of life for the patient.
035门诊 CLINIC
Guideline Methodology ACC中国行之指南制定·东闻视野
B. The New Sections added in New Guideline
With that in mind, we added numerous new sections to the
guideline such as the coordination of care for patients with
chronic heart failure along with the development of new guidance
for the performance metrics, we had sections of quality and
recommendations for performance. We also added a section on
the gap where we thought would be an appropriate area to call for
future research and an area of development. We struggled with a
lot of these areas in clinical practice, but didn’t have data to come
up with recommendations.
Ⅲ. STEP THREE: Recommendations and Text
A. Nope for Conflict of Interests from Start to End
In regard to the execution of the guideline writing, we met several
times in-person and via teleconference. At each session, each
member must declare again that they have no conflict of interests.
Assurance is provided that no member has developed new
conflicts. The writing group members then volunteered for the
sections that I have outlined. The primary author is the individual
who eventually writes the recommendation and the text related
to the recommendation. The way we write the guidelines are
different than what it used to be a decade ago.
B. Look into the New Method: Evidence→Recommendati
The way we write the guidelines is at the ACC Task Forces. First,
we come up with the evidence tables. When I first began to write
this guideline, we were not allowed to write recommendations
until we formed the evidence tables. From the evidence table,
we then write the recommendations as sentences. The important
concept is to adhere to the evidence in the verbiage and sentence
of recommendation.
We then write the text supporting the recommendations. The
primary author wrote the recommendations and that individual
could not be with any conflict related to that recommendation that
he or she was writing. The literature search in the heart failure
guidelines was conducted by the writing group members.
The writing committee votes on each recommendation in an
anonymous fashion. After that, the recommendations go to the
task force, and after approval for publication in the journal of
the American College of Cardiology. We have a task force that
oversees this process – the task force on practice guidelines. This
task force meets regularly to determine what topics the members
will write as guidelines. They decide the priorities.
Now ACC has a new platform, a new committee called the Evidence Review Committee. This committee reviews the literature
and sometimes performs meta-analyses and systematic reviews and then compiles the evidence as a stand-alone document to
supplement and help members write recommendations.
036 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
Biykem Bizkurt教授
MD, FACC 冬季心衰研究中心
1. 指南撰写委员会的组成成分
2. 严格避免利益相关
3. 选择及确立委员会成员
ACC分会场中,Biykem Bozkurt教授详细介绍最新一版ACC心衰指南的制作流程。这是一个严格并规范的操
037门诊 CLINIC
Guideline Methodology ACC中国行之指南制定·东闻视野
1. 新指南中新的理念
2. 新指南中新的章节
1. 监督利益相关从始至终
2. 新的指南撰写方法:循证→推荐→正文→审核→发表
038 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
Clinic: We noticed that this time it is the team of heart
failure of ACC to come to China. Why did you choose this
topic – heart failure – to discuss in China this time?
Dr. Chazal: Particularly, in the United States, because so many
of our patients are living longer, the burden of heart failure is
increasing. For us, the number of patients with heart failure is
extraordinarily high and the cost, both in terms of USD and in
terms of affect on families and people, is tremendous in the United
States. We find that when we look at the treatment of heart failure,
both in the United States and worldwide, there are treatments that
are proven to improve care that are not always utilized. Many of
these treatments are actually inexpensive.
At the ACC, we have mounted increased efforts to try to deal
with heart failure and utilize the best science available. One of
our efforts is to utilize a team of heart failure people that includes
physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and others that can come together
and make certain that we deliver the highest quality of care to
these patients.
Clinic: I listened to the presentation on Heart Failure
Guidelines by ACC yesterday. Can you tell me about the
Heart Failure Address by ACC:
An Equivalent Moving On
Dr. Richard A. Chazal
new features and new advances of the US Guidelines of
heart failure?
Dr. Chazal: We know that the most dramatic changes in the
last year have been with the combination ACE Inhibitor and the
Neprilysn inhibitor, which is a new class of agent that has shown
substantial improvement in outcomes in patients with heart
failure. This class of drugs has just recently become available
in the United States. We think it is going to impact what is
happening. However, beyond the development of new strategies,
some of the older strategies have further been confirmed to be
highly advantageous and cost effective. We are still trying to make
certain that we not only develop new strategies but that we also
properly utilize those that are already available and make them
very cost effective.
We are going to be looking at updates on the heart failure
Guidelines that will include some of the newer agents that are
available to try to help deliver improved care. Some of the
agents are completely new and at least one of the agents has
been available outside the US but has just been approved by the
Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). One of the nuances
of the ACC / AHA Guidelines is that they have to be somewhat
Clinic interviewed ACC President Elect, Dr. Richard A. Chazal. Chazal noted the reason that ACC pays high attention to
heart failure area, and the new advances and features of the latest Heart Failure Guideline by ACC. When asked about the
pyramid concerning the future strategy of ACC, Chazal stated, “The strategies include effective education in the worldwide
range.” And ACC aims at translating all of this important science into what is usable to improve the care of patients. At last,
Dr. Chazal implied the opportunities for collaboration between ACC and Chinese Societies are tremendous. The solution
that the US needs to solve the current challenge of lacking physicians may be found in Chinese practice experience.
039门诊 CLINIC
heart failure address ACC中国行之关注心衰·东闻视野
in compliance with regulations in the United States, which are
sometimes very tight in regards to some of these medications.
Clinic: You mentioned the ARNI / LCZ696, a new drug,
has just been put into the market in the US. All of the world
has their eyes on it and predict the greater future of it. Even
some cardiologists commend it saying it will dramatically
change heart failure. What’s your perspective on this drug?
Dr. Chazal: We believe that based on the available data that
it will substantially reduce risk if used in addition to other
modalities. We are very excited. The degree of improvement that
is seen is similar to the degree of improvement that we saw with
some other modalities. It is just that it has been so many years in
heart failure since we have had a breakthrough like this. So the
ACE Inhibitors and the beta-blockers and the mineralocorticoid
blockers are relatively old. We haven’t had a break through drug
until recently. We are very optimistic that this therapeutic modality
on top of others will really improve care further.
Clinic: One thing is a concern, especially in China that,
with the development of the general cardiovascular field,
some sub-fields develop very quickly and some sub-field
may be behind. In this kind of background, how do we
balance the developments between the high and the low?
Dr. Chazal: This has been also happening in the United States.
Some of the technology with heavy specialties like interventional
cardiology are very exciting and can have an immediate impact
that can be visible to patients and physicians, and it is very
gratifying. It has received a great deal of attention appropriately
so. Sometimes treatment of heart failure, though, takes longer to
realize the benefits. In turn, it perhaps does not grow as rapidly
initially because physicians are drawn to something where they
can act promptly and see an immediate impact like putting a stent
in or opening an artery.
With heart failure, it is a bit different. Heart failure often involves
chronic treatment and can have the same long-term impact as
dilating an artery, but sometimes you have to wait to see the
outcomes. As a result, in some areas those fields do not grow as
dramatically or rapidly. But they are critically important. This
is one of the reasons we have emphasized heart failure at this
meeting – the burden that it places on patients, on families, and
on our society in regard to the cost – is tremendous. We have to
emphasize this as an important area.
Clinic: As the president of ACC for the next year, you
gave the keynote speech in the opening ceremony. I paid
attention to the pyramid you presented of future strategies
of ACC. Can you give us a brief introduction to the pyramid
of future strategies?
Dr. Chazal: The American College of Cardiology developed a
new strategic plan (Figure1) trying to look forward with the full
intent to trying to help our members in the United States, China,
and throughout the world to try and begin to translate all of this
important science into what is usable to improve the care of
patients and improve outcomes overall. We also do so in a cost
effective manner because the resources are not infinite. We need
to be able to effectively utilize those.
The strategies to accomplish that goal include very effective
Figure 1: Strategic Plan of American College of Cardiology
040 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
education that is based on needs, the use of large data, advocacy
with governments and other agencies, to make certain that
the expenditures are appropriately utilized, the transformation
improves systems of care and provides value to the members
of the College of Cardiology, whether they are in Fort Meyers,
Florida or in Shanghai so that they can actually utilize information
to care for their patients.
Clinic: In your strategic plan, is there any space for further
collaboration between ACC and China?
Dr. Chazal: I think that the opportunities for collaboration
between ACC and the Chinese Society or Chinese physicians are
tremendous because there is a lot to learn from one another. When
we begin to look at our issues and our problems, we find that so
many of them are very similar. While our experience in terms of
solving these is quite different. In turn, we have a tremendous
opportunity to learn from one another.
I really feel as though we have an obligation to our patients to
listen to one another so that we learn because people are the same
all over the world. And we have to treat them all.
Clinic: Are there any details of the strategy or collaboration
or not yet?
Dr. Chazal: I think that we have to try to further develop
relations between societies to do things like collaborate
scientifically on guidelines. I believe for example that, some of the
scientific information that you have in China increasingly needs
to be incorporated into guidelines that we utilize, so that they are
applicable to a wide range of patients.
It is really important because people’s genetics are different and
they may respond to one therapy differently. I think there is a
tremendous opportunity there. I believe that collaboration with our
younger members is a tremendous opportunity as well, so that the
cardiovascular leaders of the future grow up looking at each other
as brothers and sisters and they can genuinely treat patients better.
Clinic: We really need your experiences of the Guidelines.
Dr. Chazal: We need yours as well because there is a wealth of
experience here in different areas. It is not all about technology;
it is also about effective utilization of resources. We need to
think about how to empower some of the primary physicians
to take on the roles that would traditionally have been taken on
by cardiologists. For instance, the population of cardiologists is
decreasing in the United States because they are getting older.
In turn, we need to learn from the experiences in China by
understanding how your nation utilizes fewer cardiologists to
provide care to many patients. We have a lot to learn from you as
Clinic: What do you think can we do to rise up more young
good physicians? What do you do in the US?
Dr. Chazal: In the United States we have been very fortunate over
the years. Within our Society, physicians have held a reasonable
level of esteem and accomplishment. They are reimbursed at a
high level. Generally, we have been successful at recruiting people
that are very smart and might otherwise have gone into another
field. Nowadays, it is a little bit more challenging in the United
States, but the opportunity in science and translation of this
science to care for patients is such a big draw that we are still very
I think that one of the things that needs to occur in China is
an evolution of that process so that you have the same draw in
China to attract the best and brightest people – young men and
young women – to go into this field to try and provide care. It
is an honorable profession and has been for thousands of years.
You need good physicians here. I think there is a tremendous
Personally, I believe that the collaboration among different
countries helps to accomplish that, because physicians learn from
one another and then they influence their peers, and they influence
their governments eventually to realize the value that they see.
041门诊 CLINIC
heart failure address ACC中国行之关注心衰·东闻视野
Richard A. Chazal教授
《门诊》:我们注意到参加此次OCC&CSC 2015会
《门诊》:昨天的ACC专场,Biykem Bozkurt教授
我们在会议期间采访了ACC 2016年候任主席Richard A. Chazal教授。Chazal教授表达了ACC对心衰高度重
042 门诊 CLINIC
东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook
队此次在中国的OCC&CSC 2015会议上强调心衰的原因。
图1. 美国心脏病学会未来战略金字塔图
人群健康 会员价值及使命
043门诊 CLINIC
heart failure address ACC中国行之关注心衰·东闻视野
Editor: Yubing Jin 责任编辑: 金瑜冰
As was told in the interview, Dr. Chazal noted to Clinic, the experience is not all about technology; it is also about effective
utilization of resources. To understand how to utilize fewer physicians to provide more patient care is an urgent issue for both of our
countries, for we meet the ‘Recruitment Gap’ as the common challenging derived from different reasons though. In turn, we have
much space to learn from each other. And the world is looking to China for a further success to help lead and teach this experience.

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  • 1. 026 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook 我们需要彼此的经验,我们提供更好的医疗 We learn from each other, We improve patient Care 在刚刚结束不久的OCC&CSC 2015大会上,一支美国心脏病学会(ACC)的心衰团队十分引 入注目。他们是参加此次中国学术峰会的所有A CC成员。这支心衰团队不仅举办自己的ACC分 会场,还参与ACC-CSC联合会场。《门诊》杂志希望传达ACC选择“心衰”作为讨论话题的原因 及意义,将其制作成本期ACC中国行特别报道,以飨读者。 ACC Heart Failure team arrived at OCC&CSC 2015 in Shanghai, China with its specific topic – Heart Failure – every presenter in this team contributed his or her speech to address the high concern of this chronic area both in the ACC Session and ACC-CSC Union Session. Clinic Journal had an eye to this team and found the value of their address in Conference. We collected some of their essential contents to form an [ACC Forum], in which we hope to participate in the addressing of the importance of patient care of heart failure area brought from US, impacting every place.
  • 2. 027门诊 CLINIC Learn from Each Other ACC中国行之中美互补·东闻视野 CSC & ACC: What We Can Learn from Each Other in Order to Improve Patient Care Dr. Richard A. Chazal I am here today to speak about some of the interactions between our countries – the United States and China – and how we can work together to improve our nations’ care. The importance of your country cannot be overstated both in terms of the number of people and also in terms of the amount of critical information you have that can help inform the rest of the world. The population of China is roughly 4x that of the United States. Importantly, a large proportion of the population resides outside urban areas. This presents particular challenges and opportunities for learning, particularly in cardiovascular patients. Furthermore, your urban centers are quite large and present other particular issues. The rest of the world can look to your nation and learn from your experiences and challenges, especially considering that China has 20% of the world’s population. Ⅰ. China and US: Common Issues of Physicians and Healthcare Cost China has a quite youthful population; however, in recent years your age over 65 has grown rapidly in proportion to the younger population, which creates challenges with regard to care. Back in 2007, working aged Chinese nationals outnumbered the elderly over 60 by almost 8 to 1. That is 8 workers for every elderly person. For 2050, that ratio is predicted to be 1 to 1.5. This presents a real challenge that is being faced by the rest of the world as well. Hence, one of the gaps that you experience here in China is a “recruitment” gap, which influences the retention of physicians in the profession. We are seeing a shift in numbers in the United States that were once extraordinarily high are actually now coming down. This could take away focus on trying to recruit and retain the highest caliber students to enter or stay in the medical field. Such an issue will make hiring staff in your highest level hospitals very challenging at least for now. Now the healthcare expenditures in China are relatively speaking low at 4%. In the United States, we are spending almost 18% of the Gross Domestic Product on healthcare. It is an unsustainable number for the United States. In turn, we may have to turn to China to understand how to better utilize existing resources and reduce overall spending on healthcare, especially for our increasingly aging population. While in China, there are multiple factors driving the healthcare When we have a lot to learn from the experience of Guidelines of America, America also declared that “We Learn from Each Other, We Improve patient Care” in the keynote presentation of Dr. Richard A. Chazal who represented ACC in the opening ceremony of Conference. In his speech, Chazal emphasized American people now is facing the challenge of lacking cardiologists because that population in the United States are getting older. In turn, the US needs to turn to China to learn from the experience of how to utilize fewer physicians to treat more patients. Chazal stressed that we must utilize resources effectively for they are finite and we need use every resource in the right area. Finally, Chazal explained the ACC future strategy which was dived into more in the Clinic interview with him.
  • 3. 028 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook Richard A. Chazal MD, FACC President Elect, American College of Cardiology M edic al D ire cto r, H e a r t and Vascular Institute, Lee Memorial Health System Photographer: BingZhang
  • 4. 029门诊 CLINIC Learn from Each Other ACC中国行之中美互补·东闻视野 cost including a rise in incomes and urbanization, particularly with the adoption of an unhealthy Western diet, increased problems with smoking and air pollution, and an aging population with longer life expectancies. Furthermore, the Chinese government policies are pushing for universal access to medical healthcare and demand for higher quality healthcare, particularly with the increasing education of your population and awareness of opportunities and technologies. The resulting figures are staggering at 13.7% annual growth rate in healthcare spending projected from 2013 to 2017. Even in context of the remarkable economic growth in China, these numbers are extremely large. Ⅱ. We Expect Challenging, Future Expects Our Success A. China Bears an Increasing Cardiovascular Disease The World Health Organization has published and interpreted China’s demographic data, which shows that the changes in diet and habits in China have contributed to the growth of cardiovascular disease. The World Health Organization estimates that about 45% of deaths are a result of cardiovascular disease and in both males and females. Furthermore, the likelihood of dying between ages 30 and 70 from the four main non-communicable diseases is now 19% in China. The largest contributor of this high percentage is cardiovascular disease followed by cancer. Much of this again is due to changing eating habits and frequent tobacco smoking. From a conversation with my Chinese colleagues, I understand that the tobacco industry is currently targeting the female population in order to raise the percentage of tobacco consumers for financial gain. That occurrence was seen in the United States just a generation ago and, as a result, what we have seen is a rise in morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. Your blood pressure issues are significant and likely much higher than the figure shown here from 2008 based on the obesity problems. B. Multiple Issues Are not Insurmountable The current immediate problem in China is overcrowding particularly in your tier–three hospitals. This also places a financial burden on all of the government. These problems are not dissimilar to those in the United States. Overcrowding is an issue that we face as well in the United States in certain areas of the nation. Similarly, like China, eliminating corruption in the healthcare sector is a major issue in the United States as well. I think the biggest shared issue in China and the United States is an epidemic of diabetes and obesity that mandates increased training
  • 5. 030 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook of physicians. Again, something that you share with the United States has been a focus on volumes and increasingly trying to focus on outcomes. C. The Address of China Is Continually Expected However, the successes of your healthcare system are shown by data shows that you have about 95% of your population currently receiving medical coverage. Of course, this number is not all- inclusive and comprehensive, but it is a huge accomplishment considering that in the early 21st century, only half your population received medical coverage. China has also seen a massive expansion of hospitals and clinics as well as a massive expansion of extremely high volume facilities with cutting edge technology. Your nation has also educated a large number of physicians and initiated advanced medical care that is similar to Western medicine. On the other hand, Western physicians are beginning to research traditional Chinese medicine that we all believe may offer promise in improving cardiovascular care, but we do not yet have adequate data. The rest of the world is looking to you to help lead and teach us. Ⅲ. US and China: A Mutual Learning in Experience and Methodology A. Better Utilization for More Healthcare The United States is not so different from China in many ways. In your country, you have a problem of not having enough physicians trained. In our country, we have an aging physician population. In the United States, the average cardiologist is now over 50 years of age. We are not replacing ourselves rapidly enough. This is what that the ACC estimates is a real workforce crisis. We also have the same type of obesity and diabetes epidemic in the United States. Furthermore, our costs of healthcare – the highest in the world – are unsustainable. When we put these issues in the United States and China together, we can find some solutions. While China has a need for additional physicians, you also have advanced experience on how to do more for patients with fewer physicians. In the United States, we have a need for additional physicians and we are less experienced in using fewer physicians to treat more patients. In turn, there is a tremendous opportunity for us to learn from you. B. ACC Expand Training Opportunity for China and World As an organization, ACC has reached out to about 4000 Chinese physicians in order to help train additional physicians. Founded in 2010, the Chinese chapter is the one our largest and most active. We have been working with them to try to extend the use of CardioSmart, our online tool for patient education, and to be made available in their native language. There is a lot of educational opportunity in terms of journals, mobile apps, clinical target sessions, webinars, courses, and online education products. One of the things we must continually work on is keeping them up to date with literature. ACC now has over 15,000 members outside of the United States and 34 chapters worldwide. We have reached out so far in China to over 10,000 physicians. We think that there are opportunities to expand our ability and utilize tools we have to treat patients. We are focusing this year to expand our advantageous testing to expand patient care. Like you, we are trying to provide better care at lower costs and to make certain that the right resources are placed in the right areas. At a professional level, I can tell you from the ACC that we highly value our relationship with Chinese society and Chinese physicians. We think it is important for patients here and worldwide and we also think it is important for our collective experience. Our relationship with your leadership and with you, the Chinese people, is also very personal.
  • 6. 031门诊 CLINIC Learn from Each Other ACC中国行之中美互补·东闻视野 且今后留在医疗领域。 目前,中国的医疗支出相对较低,占国民生产总值的 4%。而美国的医疗支出占到国民生产总值的18%,这一比例 对美国是不可持续的。因此,我们极有必要从中国的实践中 学习如何利用仅有的资源,降低总的医疗支出。这对老龄化 日渐加剧的美国刻不容缓。 然而在中国,多种因素正在促使医疗支出的增加,包 括:收入增长、人口城市化分布、更多接受西方不健康的饮 食习惯、吸烟率上升、空气污染继续恶化,以及老龄化人口 不断增加。另一方面,因为中国政府正大力推行全民医保政 策,同时致力提高医疗服务质量。与此同时,中国全民的受 教育程度越来越高,因此,中国越来越认识发展科技的重要 性,也越来越重视对机遇的把握。预计从2013年至2017年期 间,中国的医疗支出将以每年13.7%左右的比例持续增长, 这是惊人的增幅。即使中国经济巨幅增长,这样的百分比也 极其巨大。 二、现实充满考验,未来属于中国 1、中国的心血管疾病发病形势严峻 世界卫生组织(WHO)公布了中国人口统计学方面的数 据。据世界卫生组织评估,中国的死亡人数中大约45%(包 括男性和女性)死于心血管疾病。不仅如此,中国现在处于 我今天所要谈论的话题是——中国和美国之间的相互作 用,以及我们如何共同提高两个国家的医疗服务。无论是在 人口数量方面,亦或是在值得世界各国借鉴的重要数据方 面,中国都具有无以复加的重要性。中国的人口数量约为美 国的4倍。重要的是,很大一部分人口居住在农村。这是一个 巨大的挑战,却同时带来大量学习的机会,尤其在心血管领 域。此外,中国城市中的医疗中心虽然很大型,但都各自存 在一些特定问题。在一个人口占世界人口20%的国家,如何 应对挑战,并处理各种存在的问题,值得世界各国的学习与 借鉴。 一、中国与美国:医师资源紧缺,医保压力负重 中国的年轻人口众多。但近年来,相比年轻人口,65岁 以上老年人口的增长更为迅速,对这些老龄人口的医疗服务 是一个挑战。2007年,中国的工作人口与60岁以上人口的比 例约为8比1,即8位工作人口负担1位老龄人口。至2050年, 这一比例预计为1比1.5,这也将成为极大的挑战。世界各国 都在面临这一个同样的考验。据此,中国眼前最大的困难之 一是医疗领域“留人难”,中国的医疗领域不断流失大量的 专业人员。这一问题在中国最一流的医院中相当棘手。美国 医疗领域的从业人数曾经一度极高,然而现在与日俱下。我 们国家需要理解如何再次吸引最优秀的学生就读医学院,并 CSC和ACC:改善患者预后,我们各取所长 Richard A. Chazal教授 MD, FACC LEE Memorial医疗服务集团/心脏及血管研究所 在Chazal教授代表ACC在开幕式上做的主题演讲中,Chazal教授着重强调美国医师老龄化的严峻考验。并表 示,美国亟需把目光转向中国,理解中国如何利用较少的医师资源,为如此之多的患者提供医疗服务。Chazal教 授反复强调,我们需要学习有效地利用资源,把每一个医疗资源使用在最需要的地方。最后,Chazal教授在演讲 中阐述了ACC未来的战略计划,这一部分我们在Chazal教授接受《门诊》杂志专访时,请他再次具体介绍。
  • 7. 032 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook 30至70岁之间的人群,会因四种主要的非传染病致死的可能 性为19%。导致这一高百分比的最大主因即心血管疾病,其 次是癌症。 WHO对数据做出解释,中国心血管疾病增长的主因是饮 食和生活习惯的改变。其次是由于更高频的吸烟。我与中国 同事谈话时得知,中国的烟草公司为了扩大受众从而增加销 量,已经把目标对准女性人群。而这正是美国在一代人之前 所发生的事,随后我们发现心血管疾病发病率和死亡率的升 高。除此之外,中国的高血压问题十分严峻。与我们这样一 个肥胖症比例高得可怕的人群相比,中国人群的血压自2008 年至今始终高于美国人群。 2、多种当务之急 中国面临的最大问题是“患者过于集中”,尤其在三级 医院。这对各地政府均造成经济负担。我们对此并不陌生, 因为美国的一些城区同样面临患者过于集中的窘境。与中国 类似,抵制医疗机构中的腐败现象也是美国的当务之急。在 流行病学方面,中国和美国同样体现糖尿病和肥胖症人群的 上升趋势,这迫使我们必须对临床医师进行更多培训。我们 看见中国在提高患者就医人数上取得的成功,下一步,中国 应该更注重提高临床治疗的结果。 3、中国为世界所期待 然而,数据显示了中国取得的成功——中国的医疗保险 已达到约95%的覆盖率。尽管这一数据可能并不全面,但是 相比21世纪初期中国仅一半的人口享受医保的比例,可谓是 巨大的进步。除医保的成功之外,中国建设了大量的医院和 中心,并不断为医院新添前沿技术的医疗设施。中国也培养 了大批优秀医师。中国已经开始注重为患者提供先进的医疗 服务。与此同时,西方的临床医师开始研究中医。我们都相 信,中医可能对心血管疾病具有疗效,然而我们尚没有充足 的数据。全世界都在关注中国,期待中国成为全世界的启发 和借鉴。 三、美国借鉴中国、发展中国 1、美国从中国寻找解决之道 美国与中国在很多方面具有相似之处。在中国,你们面 临临床医师不足的问题。而在美国,我们面临医师老龄化的 问题。美国心血管医师的平均年龄超过50岁。由于我们的临 床医师无法及时成长并补充,ACC预见,美国的医疗领域将 真正面临劳动力匮乏的危机。美国的流行病学和中国呈现同 样的分布,即肥胖症和糖尿病上行。此外,美国的医疗支出 目前为世界最高——已经不可持续。 当我们把美国和中国的问题摆在一起,我们能够找到解 决之道。尽管中国需要更多的临床医师,然而中国在如何利 用更少的医师资源治疗更多患者方面具有丰富的经验。美国 同样需要更多的临床医师,然而美国缺乏上述方面的经验。 因此,我们需要中国的经验与方法。 2、ACC坚持提供医疗服务与培训机会的宗旨 作为一个学术组织,ACC致力为更多临床医师提供培训 机会。为此,ACC已经向4000名中国医师开展培训课程。 ACC中国分会自2010年成立至今,是最大的ACC分会,也 是我们开展最多学术活动的分会。我们与各个地区的ACC分 会共同努力,希望在当地推广普及CardioSmart:一种在线 患者教育工具。我们为每一地区制作其母语版本。同时,通 过学术刊物、手机App、临床专题研讨会、在线研讨会、培 训课程,以及线上教学等途径,ACC向全球各地提供培训机 会。我们必须持续做的一项工作是保持这些工具与文献同步 更新。 目前,ACC拥有15,000位美国以外的会员,和34个在美 国以外的分会。现阶段,我们已经获得超过10,000名的中国 医师会员。我们认为,现在正是充分运用ACC的实力和工 具,为全球患者提供更多医疗服务的机会。今年,ACC的工 作重心将是普及我们的检测技术,这是ACC的优势技术。借 此,我们旨在扩大ACC提供医疗服务的范围。如同中国,我 们正在努力以更经济的成本提供更优质的医疗服务,并且确 保每一种医疗资源应用于正确的目的。 最后,ACC高度重视与中国学会,以及与中国临床医 师之间的关系。我们之间良好的关系将有助于提高对中国 乃至全世界患者的医疗服务质量,同时促进我们学习彼此 的经验。我们与中国政府、以及中国人民始终维持密切的 交流。
  • 8. 033门诊 CLINIC Guideline Methodology ACC中国行之指南制定·东闻视野 In ACC Session, Dr. Biykem Bizkurt went to the granular to walk us through all the steps of how ACC Heart Failure Guideline was developed. Bizkurt presented a rigorous approach, which practically avoided the conflict of interests, and reached the ultimate balance of representation in writing committee. In the new Heart Failure Guideline, some new sections were added to cover the essential concepts with exception to the recommendation, including transitions of care, patient- centric care and team management. In addition, the new guideline practice is not only an approach, but a platform also to create opportunity for the rising stars to generate the future leadership. It is the methodology that ensures the impact of US guidelines, which brings too much for edification. Development of Heart Failure Practice Guidelines Dr. Biykem Bozkurt I will try to walk you through the steps of how we developed the guidelines in heart failure, which took almost 18 months from the time of conception to the time of publication. It was a 1.5 year process. The new approach is much faster and hopefully more up to date. We in the US are visiting whether we are too formulated in our approach, too rigorous, but at the same time we want to be up to date and show attention to avoiding conflict of interests. Ⅰ. STEP ONE: The Principle to Form a Writing Committe A. The Components of Guideline Writing Committee The first step is finding the writing group. For a heart failure guideline, we like to have representation from individuals who practice in the arena of heart failure, cardiac transplantation, Biykem Bozkurt MD, FACC Professor of Medcine, Section of Cardiology, Winters Center for Heart Failure Research
  • 9. 034 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook pulmonary hypertension, and EP. We also wanted to make sure that we had representation from academic and practicing faculty with up to date information. A triple threat would be someone who practices, knows the data, and knows the research. These are the type of individuals we needed on the guideline writing committee. This is a unique attribute in the academic arena that you want individuals who practice evidence-based approach and are not impacted solely by the market strategies. We also wanted representation from established senior positions along with emerging faculty. This is to create an opportunity for the rising stars and ensure there is succession in the leadership at the college level. We wanted to have representation from endorsing societies, so that it would be a collaborative affair representing the current state of the art approaches at least as a nation but also a society. B. Strict Constriction of Conflict of Interests The conflict of interests was a very important issues. This was raised by the institute of medicine a couple of years prior to this guideline endeavor. They had looked into the process existing in the United States and voiced a concern regarding impact from industry. With that notice in mind, ACC prior to the start of the heart failure guidelines had a very rigorous methodology to prevent conflict. In the initial planning sessions, there is a delicate balance that we try to achieve with more than 51% of the faculty in the writing group not having any relationship with industry. Also, the chairs, which represent the overall leadership and expertise at the national level, should not have any relationship with industry. C. Selection and Endorsement In addition to not having a relationship with the industry, there were queries in terms of intellectual bias. We wanted to have equally poised individuals having an objective stance towards new treatment modalities. With this approach, once the writing committee members are identified, then comes the selection process. The nominations are made through a variety of societies as well as a task force and leaders in the field. The selection is done according to expertise and lack of a conflict of interests. We strive for an ultimate balance of representation of academic faculty and practicing faculty, emerging faculty and seniors, and representations from societies. Once the selection process is complete, invitations are sent to individuals who declare that they have no conflict of interests again at the time of selection. This then goes to the task force for the vetting process. Eventually, individuals are endorsed into the writing committee. The chairs, as I mentioned, are critical in ensuring that the process is adhered to, or the guidance provided from the task force, and overall, the execution of the guideline. When we started we had 25 faculty members. We had representation from different societies such as the American College of Physicians, American College of Chest Physicians, the Society for Heart Lung Transplantation, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and Heart Rhythm Society, as well as the Task Force for Performance Measures, which is a great integration of translation of the guidelines to the performance metrics. Ⅱ. STEP TWO: Finalization of the Outline A. The New Concepts Conveyed by New Guideline The second step was coming up with the outline. Heart failure is a huge field and as you can imagine, even finalization of the outline took a few sessions for the writing committee members to agree upon. We wanted this to be a rigorous document focusing on the treatment, but also wanted to cover other areas such as transitions of care, patient-centric care, as well as important concepts of team management. This guideline was not solely about prescription of medications or devices, but also the patient’s quality of life, preferences in decision making as well as the merging concepts of transition of care from hospitals to outpatient settings, and what we needed to do to prevent unnecessary treatment that may result in a poorer quality of life for the patient.
  • 10. 035门诊 CLINIC Guideline Methodology ACC中国行之指南制定·东闻视野 B. The New Sections added in New Guideline With that in mind, we added numerous new sections to the guideline such as the coordination of care for patients with chronic heart failure along with the development of new guidance for the performance metrics, we had sections of quality and recommendations for performance. We also added a section on the gap where we thought would be an appropriate area to call for future research and an area of development. We struggled with a lot of these areas in clinical practice, but didn’t have data to come up with recommendations. Ⅲ. STEP THREE: Recommendations and Text Achieved A. Nope for Conflict of Interests from Start to End In regard to the execution of the guideline writing, we met several times in-person and via teleconference. At each session, each member must declare again that they have no conflict of interests. Assurance is provided that no member has developed new conflicts. The writing group members then volunteered for the sections that I have outlined. The primary author is the individual who eventually writes the recommendation and the text related to the recommendation. The way we write the guidelines are different than what it used to be a decade ago. B. Look into the New Method: Evidence→Recommendati on→Text→Approval→Publish The way we write the guidelines is at the ACC Task Forces. First, we come up with the evidence tables. When I first began to write this guideline, we were not allowed to write recommendations until we formed the evidence tables. From the evidence table, we then write the recommendations as sentences. The important concept is to adhere to the evidence in the verbiage and sentence of recommendation. We then write the text supporting the recommendations. The primary author wrote the recommendations and that individual could not be with any conflict related to that recommendation that he or she was writing. The literature search in the heart failure guidelines was conducted by the writing group members. The writing committee votes on each recommendation in an anonymous fashion. After that, the recommendations go to the task force, and after approval for publication in the journal of the American College of Cardiology. We have a task force that oversees this process – the task force on practice guidelines. This task force meets regularly to determine what topics the members will write as guidelines. They decide the priorities. 目前,ACC成立了一个循证检索委员会,这是ACC新建设的一个平台。循证检索委员会的职责是文献检索,并且有 时候对循证进行荟萃分析和系统性回顾分析,然后将搜集与分析的证据编写为独立的文件以支持指南撰写的需要。 Now ACC has a new platform, a new committee called the Evidence Review Committee. This committee reviews the literature and sometimes performs meta-analyses and systematic reviews and then compiles the evidence as a stand-alone document to supplement and help members write recommendations.
  • 11. 036 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook ACC心衰指南制定方法的发展 Biykem Bizkurt教授 MD, FACC 冬季心衰研究中心 我将尝试回顾ACC制定最新版心衰指南的每一流程。以 往从提出指南制定提案,直到指南最终出版,一般需要将近 18月——整整1年半的时间。而ACC新的指南制定流程缩短 了这一时间,并且我们希望新的方法能够使我们的指南更与 临床发展保持同步。 一方面,我们正在思考新的指南制定方法是否过于教 条,也太过严谨。另一方面,我们希望我们的指南始终随临 床的发展而更新,并且很好地避免利益相关。 第一步:指南撰写委员会的组建原则 1. 指南撰写委员会的组成成分 指南制定的第一步,我们需要组建一个指南撰写委员 会。针对制定心衰指南,我们乐意邀请心衰、心脏移植、肺 动脉高压,以及心电生理领域临床医师中的专家。我们需要 从事学术工作和从事临床工作的专家,使我们获得两方面的 最新进展。如果既参与临床实践,又熟悉试验数据,同时又 从事科研工作,这将是我们指南撰写委员会最需要的专家。 针对学术领域的专家,我们希望邀获得以循证证据为导向的 研究者,而不是只跟随市场需要的研究者。我们邀请获得高 级职称的专家,也邀请正在成长的青年专家。借此,我们为 正在成长的医师创造机会,确保美国学会一直能够获得适合 接任领导职位的优秀专家。此外,我们也希望来自其他学会 的专家参与指南制定。如此,我们的指南不仅被称为美国指 南,同时也被成为这些学会联合制定的指南。 2. 严格避免利益相关 利益相关是指南制定中一个很重要的问题。在最新版心 衰指南启动的前几年,这一问题就被一些医药机构所提出。 这些机构注意到当时美国指南的制定过程,提出对指南中存 在潜在的利益相关表示担忧。出于对这一点的重视,ACC首 先从心衰指南开始,制定了一套非常严格的指南制定方法, 以杜绝在指南中出现利益相关。在指南制定的最初阶段,我 们力求达到一个很好的平衡——即指南撰写委员会中51%以 上的成员不具有任何利益相关。此外,撰写委员会的主席必 须是所在领域中全国范围内的权威,其次不能存在任何利益 相关声明。 3. 选择及确立委员会成员 除利益相关的问题之外,我们同时受到另一个质疑: 专家由于所掌握知识面的不同而具有主观倾向性。为此,我 们邀请知识掌握较为全面的专家,使撰写委员会对新药物/ 新治疗方法做出客观评价。在这些原则下成立撰写委员会之 后,我们进入选举流程。由多个学会、工作小组,以及领域 内的领头人共同提名候选人。对候选人的要求是:该领域内 ACC分会场中,Biykem Bozkurt教授详细介绍最新一版ACC心衰指南的制作流程。这是一个严格并规范的操 作过程。新的指南制定方法完全杜绝利益相关,并在指南专家小组的成员中达到很好的平衡。新指南加入了新的章 节,为传达更多极为重要的理念。不仅如此,美国的指南制定成为一个平台,为年轻医师提供机会,发展美国心血 管领域未来的接班人及领导者。是这种方法赋予美国指南它所具有的影响力,其中带来太多的启示值得思考。
  • 12. 037门诊 CLINIC Guideline Methodology ACC中国行之指南制定·东闻视野 的专家、不具有任何利益相关。我们在撰写委员会中努力达 到几组平衡:从事学术工作的专家和从事临床工作的专家之 间的平衡、正在成长的青年专家和获得高级职称的专家之间 的平衡,以及各个学会中专家的平衡。选举流程完成后,邀 请函将发送至被选定的成员,这些都是自称无利益相关的专 家。随后,进入工作小组的审核环节。审核后,最终被确定 的成员将组成撰写委员会。主席在整个过程中的作用非常关 键,他们负责监督整个流程是否严格遵照工作小组制定的规 定,以及整个流程的执行。 当我们开始制定这本心衰指南时,我们共有25名成员。 其中有来自不同学会比如,美国心脏病学会、胸科医师协 会、心肺移植学会、医科协会,以及心律学会的专家。除 此,我们有一个对医疗行为进行质量评定的工作小组。 第二步:进入纲目撰写阶段 1. 新指南中新的理念 指南制定的第二步,进入为指南编写纲目的阶段。心衰 是一个很大的领域,因此仅仅为确定一个纲目,撰写委员会 就需要通过数场会议的讨论,才能最终达成一致的意见。我 们希望指南是一份针对心衰治疗非常严谨的文件,我们同时 希望指南能够表达一些其他的概念,例如,过渡期医疗、以 患者为中心的医疗,以及团队管理的观念。这不仅仅是一本 指导如何处方或如何使用器械的指南,同时也是一本指导如 何提高患者生存质量的指南。后者所强化的内容是如何进行 决策;患者完成院内治疗后,刚出院期间过渡期治疗的新理 念;以及如何预防许多不必要治疗的发生,不必要治疗的解 释为使用后会使患者生存质量下降的任何药物或治疗方法。 2. 新指南中新的章节 为了表达这些方面的内容,我们在指南中新增了很多章 节,包括,慢性心衰患者的协同护理,如何对医疗行为进行 质量评价的指导等。在质量评价的章节中,我们对医师行为 做出推荐,并给予质量评定标准。我们也增加了一个“缺乏 数据领域”的章节,这些领域被认为具有发展的意义,并且 有必要开展相关方面的科研工作。在这些领域中,我们已经 做了很多努力,但是仍然未能得到有效的数据对医疗行为进 行指导或规范。 第三步:指南推荐及正文的完成 1. 监督利益相关从始至终 最后进入指南的撰写。为此,我们举行了数次面对面的 会议和电话会议。在每一次的会议中,每一位成员必须再次 声称自己没有利益相关。我们在每一次会议的开始必须再次 确认,没有一位指南撰写委员会的成员发生新的利益相关。 委员会成员自愿选择希望参与的章节。最终由首席作者撰写 指南推荐,以及与推荐有关的正文。我们撰写指南的方法已 经与10年前不同。 2. 新的指南撰写方法:循证→推荐→正文→审核→发表 我们有一个“ACC指南实践工作小组”负责管理指南撰 写的流程。首先,我们需要制作循证表格。当指南撰写工作 开始时,我们不被允许直接撰写指南推荐,我们必须先将所 有的循证整理成循证表格。随后,根据循证表格,我们开始 起草推荐,每一个推荐是用一句话的语言表达形式。有一件 事在指南撰写的全过程都必须注意,所有的指南推荐必须基 于循证。 完成指南的推荐后,我们开始撰写支持推荐的正文。首 席作者完成指南推荐的撰写,首席作者必须不与他所推荐的 药物或治疗方法存在任何利益相关。心衰指南的文献检索工 作是由撰写委员会其他成员协同完成。 撰写委员会成员以匿名的方式对每一条推荐进行投票表 决。在此之后,撰写委员会将完成的指南交付ACC工作小 组。工作小组审批通过后新指南将刊登于JACC杂志。ACC 工作小组负责监督整个指南撰写的过程。工作小组用例会的 方式开展工作,在例会中决定每一个有必要编写指南的主 题。他们也决定不同主题撰写的优先次序。
  • 13. 038 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook Clinic: We noticed that this time it is the team of heart failure of ACC to come to China. Why did you choose this topic – heart failure – to discuss in China this time? Dr. Chazal: Particularly, in the United States, because so many of our patients are living longer, the burden of heart failure is increasing. For us, the number of patients with heart failure is extraordinarily high and the cost, both in terms of USD and in terms of affect on families and people, is tremendous in the United States. We find that when we look at the treatment of heart failure, both in the United States and worldwide, there are treatments that are proven to improve care that are not always utilized. Many of these treatments are actually inexpensive. At the ACC, we have mounted increased efforts to try to deal with heart failure and utilize the best science available. One of our efforts is to utilize a team of heart failure people that includes physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and others that can come together and make certain that we deliver the highest quality of care to these patients. Clinic: I listened to the presentation on Heart Failure Guidelines by ACC yesterday. Can you tell me about the Heart Failure Address by ACC: An Equivalent Moving On Dr. Richard A. Chazal new features and new advances of the US Guidelines of heart failure? Dr. Chazal: We know that the most dramatic changes in the last year have been with the combination ACE Inhibitor and the Neprilysn inhibitor, which is a new class of agent that has shown substantial improvement in outcomes in patients with heart failure. This class of drugs has just recently become available in the United States. We think it is going to impact what is happening. However, beyond the development of new strategies, some of the older strategies have further been confirmed to be highly advantageous and cost effective. We are still trying to make certain that we not only develop new strategies but that we also properly utilize those that are already available and make them very cost effective. We are going to be looking at updates on the heart failure Guidelines that will include some of the newer agents that are available to try to help deliver improved care. Some of the agents are completely new and at least one of the agents has been available outside the US but has just been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). One of the nuances of the ACC / AHA Guidelines is that they have to be somewhat Clinic interviewed ACC President Elect, Dr. Richard A. Chazal. Chazal noted the reason that ACC pays high attention to heart failure area, and the new advances and features of the latest Heart Failure Guideline by ACC. When asked about the pyramid concerning the future strategy of ACC, Chazal stated, “The strategies include effective education in the worldwide range.” And ACC aims at translating all of this important science into what is usable to improve the care of patients. At last, Dr. Chazal implied the opportunities for collaboration between ACC and Chinese Societies are tremendous. The solution that the US needs to solve the current challenge of lacking physicians may be found in Chinese practice experience.
  • 14. 039门诊 CLINIC heart failure address ACC中国行之关注心衰·东闻视野 in compliance with regulations in the United States, which are sometimes very tight in regards to some of these medications. Clinic: You mentioned the ARNI / LCZ696, a new drug, has just been put into the market in the US. All of the world has their eyes on it and predict the greater future of it. Even some cardiologists commend it saying it will dramatically change heart failure. What’s your perspective on this drug? Dr. Chazal: We believe that based on the available data that it will substantially reduce risk if used in addition to other modalities. We are very excited. The degree of improvement that is seen is similar to the degree of improvement that we saw with some other modalities. It is just that it has been so many years in heart failure since we have had a breakthrough like this. So the ACE Inhibitors and the beta-blockers and the mineralocorticoid blockers are relatively old. We haven’t had a break through drug until recently. We are very optimistic that this therapeutic modality on top of others will really improve care further. Clinic: One thing is a concern, especially in China that, with the development of the general cardiovascular field, some sub-fields develop very quickly and some sub-field may be behind. In this kind of background, how do we balance the developments between the high and the low? Dr. Chazal: This has been also happening in the United States. Some of the technology with heavy specialties like interventional cardiology are very exciting and can have an immediate impact that can be visible to patients and physicians, and it is very gratifying. It has received a great deal of attention appropriately so. Sometimes treatment of heart failure, though, takes longer to realize the benefits. In turn, it perhaps does not grow as rapidly initially because physicians are drawn to something where they can act promptly and see an immediate impact like putting a stent in or opening an artery. With heart failure, it is a bit different. Heart failure often involves chronic treatment and can have the same long-term impact as dilating an artery, but sometimes you have to wait to see the outcomes. As a result, in some areas those fields do not grow as dramatically or rapidly. But they are critically important. This is one of the reasons we have emphasized heart failure at this meeting – the burden that it places on patients, on families, and on our society in regard to the cost – is tremendous. We have to emphasize this as an important area. Clinic: As the president of ACC for the next year, you gave the keynote speech in the opening ceremony. I paid attention to the pyramid you presented of future strategies of ACC. Can you give us a brief introduction to the pyramid of future strategies? Dr. Chazal: The American College of Cardiology developed a new strategic plan (Figure1) trying to look forward with the full intent to trying to help our members in the United States, China, and throughout the world to try and begin to translate all of this important science into what is usable to improve the care of patients and improve outcomes overall. We also do so in a cost effective manner because the resources are not infinite. We need to be able to effectively utilize those. The strategies to accomplish that goal include very effective Figure 1: Strategic Plan of American College of Cardiology
  • 15. 040 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook education that is based on needs, the use of large data, advocacy with governments and other agencies, to make certain that the expenditures are appropriately utilized, the transformation improves systems of care and provides value to the members of the College of Cardiology, whether they are in Fort Meyers, Florida or in Shanghai so that they can actually utilize information to care for their patients. Clinic: In your strategic plan, is there any space for further collaboration between ACC and China? Dr. Chazal: I think that the opportunities for collaboration between ACC and the Chinese Society or Chinese physicians are tremendous because there is a lot to learn from one another. When we begin to look at our issues and our problems, we find that so many of them are very similar. While our experience in terms of solving these is quite different. In turn, we have a tremendous opportunity to learn from one another. I really feel as though we have an obligation to our patients to listen to one another so that we learn because people are the same all over the world. And we have to treat them all. Clinic: Are there any details of the strategy or collaboration or not yet? Dr. Chazal: I think that we have to try to further develop relations between societies to do things like collaborate scientifically on guidelines. I believe for example that, some of the scientific information that you have in China increasingly needs to be incorporated into guidelines that we utilize, so that they are applicable to a wide range of patients. It is really important because people’s genetics are different and they may respond to one therapy differently. I think there is a tremendous opportunity there. I believe that collaboration with our younger members is a tremendous opportunity as well, so that the cardiovascular leaders of the future grow up looking at each other as brothers and sisters and they can genuinely treat patients better. Clinic: We really need your experiences of the Guidelines. Dr. Chazal: We need yours as well because there is a wealth of experience here in different areas. It is not all about technology; it is also about effective utilization of resources. We need to think about how to empower some of the primary physicians to take on the roles that would traditionally have been taken on by cardiologists. For instance, the population of cardiologists is decreasing in the United States because they are getting older. In turn, we need to learn from the experiences in China by understanding how your nation utilizes fewer cardiologists to provide care to many patients. We have a lot to learn from you as well. Clinic: What do you think can we do to rise up more young good physicians? What do you do in the US? Dr. Chazal: In the United States we have been very fortunate over the years. Within our Society, physicians have held a reasonable level of esteem and accomplishment. They are reimbursed at a high level. Generally, we have been successful at recruiting people that are very smart and might otherwise have gone into another field. Nowadays, it is a little bit more challenging in the United States, but the opportunity in science and translation of this science to care for patients is such a big draw that we are still very fortunate. I think that one of the things that needs to occur in China is an evolution of that process so that you have the same draw in China to attract the best and brightest people – young men and young women – to go into this field to try and provide care. It is an honorable profession and has been for thousands of years. You need good physicians here. I think there is a tremendous opportunity. Personally, I believe that the collaboration among different countries helps to accomplish that, because physicians learn from one another and then they influence their peers, and they influence their governments eventually to realize the value that they see.
  • 16. 041门诊 CLINIC heart failure address ACC中国行之关注心衰·东闻视野 ACC关注心衰:心血管领域 各学科平衡发展 Richard A. Chazal教授 《门诊》:我们注意到参加此次OCC&CSC 2015会 议的ACC团队是一支心衰团队。请问,ACC为何选择 “心衰”作为在这次学术会议上讨论的话题? Chazal教授:在美国,由于患者生存寿命普遍延长, 心衰的负担正在增加。美国心衰患者的人数十分庞大,这成 为美国医疗支出的重轭,同时患者的家庭甚至整个社会承受 巨大的压力。在美国以及全球,许多治疗心衰的方法被证实 疗效良好,但却未得到应用。并且这些方法往往十分经济。 ACC认为应该投入更多努力,并利用最好的医疗资源与 心衰奋战。为此,ACC组建了一个心衰小组,其中包括临床 医师、护士、药剂师等。这是一支共同为心衰患者提供最优 质医疗服务的专业团队。 《门诊》:昨天的ACC专场,Biykem Bozkurt教授 讨论了ACC心衰指南的制定方法。您能否介绍美国心 衰指南新的特点及进展? Chazal教授:去年,我们推荐了一类新药:ACEI与吗 啡肽抑制剂的复方制剂。有关数据显示,这种药物治疗心衰 能够改善临床终点。这一类药物不久前在美国获得批准。我 们认为,这种药物将影响现有的临床实践。然而,在发展新 药物的同时,许多老的心衰药物进一步在临床实践中证实有 效,且价格低廉。因此,一方面,我们需要研发新的药物; 另一方面,我们需要充分利用已有的药物。这些老药使我们 的治疗具有很高的性价比。 最新的美国心衰指南中包括了最新的药物,这些刚获 FDA批准的药物被认为具有很高的价值。其中至少一种已经 在美国以外上市。ACC/AHA指南中的微妙点在于,他们必 须遵照美国的规定,而美国的规定对药物获得推荐的标准非 常严格。 《门诊》:您提到了ARNI/LCZ696,这种新药刚 刚在美国获得上市批准。全世界都把目光投向这一药 物,并给予极高的评价。一些心血管医师甚至评论, LCZ将完全改变心衰治疗的明天。您如何理解这一药物 的应用前景? Chazal教授:基于可信的数据,我们相信联合应用 LCZ能够从根本上降低患者的风险。我们对这样的结果十分 欣喜。这一药物对治疗结果的改善,如同我们以前所获得的 一些药物带来的改善。只不过,我们在心衰领域已经很多年 没有取得新的突破了。ACEI、β受体阻滞剂,以及盐皮质激 素受体阻滞剂都是相对的老药了。我们直到今日终于又一次 取得了新的进步。对于这一药物的应用前景,我们感到十分 乐观。在使用其他心衰药物的基础上联用LCZ产生的进一步 获益十分明确。 我们在会议期间采访了ACC 2016年候任主席Richard A. Chazal教授。Chazal教授表达了ACC对心衰高度重 视的缘由,以及美国指南的进展及特点。在问及ACC未来战略的金字塔时,Chazal教授阐述,ACC将通过多元化 的方法及渠道,在全球拓展教育与培训。ACC的宗旨是,将美国所拥有的医疗技术,转化为对全世界各地患者的 医疗服务。最后,Chazal教授谈及美国与中国学会之间巨大的合作空间,美国的瓶颈需要在中国的经验中觅得解 决之道。
  • 17. 042 门诊 CLINIC 东闻视野·国际瞭望 outlook 《门诊》:在中国,随着整个心血管领域的发展, 不同亚专科前进的步伐显出严重失衡。一些亚专科迅 速成长,而一些亚专科非常滞后。面对这种情况,您 认为如何促使在前的和在后的各亚专科平衡发展? Chazal教授:这种现象在美国同样存在。一些技术, 例如介入治疗取得辉煌的成绩。介入治疗只需一次就能对患 者及医师产生迅速可见的影响。因此这一领域很容易使人获 得成就感。目前大批心血管医师投身这一领域,可以理解。 而另一些治疗技术,比如心衰的治疗,则需要经过很长的周 期才能看见一点疗效。人们倾向于选择立即见效的工作,因 为成功来得较快。因此,心衰领域无法对医师产生足够的吸 引力;而一枚小小的支架却具有巨大的吸引力。这是心衰等 领域无法出现爆发式成长的原因。 然而,心衰是一个十分重要的亚专科。这也正是ACC团 队此次在中国的OCC&CSC 2015会议上强调心衰的原因。 目前,用于心衰的医疗支出非常高,而这个负担已经加在患 者、家庭,以及社会身上。我们有迫切的需要强调这一领域 的重要性。 《门诊》:您在今天的开幕式上,以ACC候任主席 的身份进行主题演讲。我注意到在演讲PPT中的一个金 字塔,是阐述ACC未来的战略。您请针对那个金字塔 为我们做一个简要概述。 Chazal教授:美国心脏病学会(ACC)制定了一个新 的战略计划(图1),我们希望集中所有的努力,在美国、中 国、以至全球将我们所拥有的科学技术转化为对患者有意义 的治疗,并且改善医疗服务质量。我们同样力求采用十分经 济的方法完成使命,因为医疗资源太过有限。我们需要合理 地利用每一点最小的资源。 达到ACC目标的策略包括开展更多的培训课程。然而这 样的举措需要结合社会需要、研究大规模数据,并加上政府 倡导和获得医药企业赞助。我们必须确保我们每一分的支出 都用在最大的需要上,并且确保我们所做的能够使医疗服务 得到切实改善,也让每一位参与的ACC会员看见他们所做的 是有价值的。 《门诊》:在ACC未来的战略中,是否有更多与中 国合作的空间? Chazal教授:我相信未来ACC与中国学会和中国医师 之间具有巨大的合作空间,因为美国和中国之间有太多可以 彼此学习的方面。当我们双方各自总结我们的国家现在所面 临的种种问题,我们发现有许多相似之处。然而,我们在解 决这些问题上的经验却全然不同。因此,我们有着很大的空 间向对方学习。 我有一个深切的感觉,我们需要去聆听其他国家的经验 与成功,因为我们从事的是人类医疗事业,而人类在这一方 改善心血管健康的三个目标: 更低的费用,更好的护理,更 好的结果 倡导 图1. 美国心脏病学会未来战略金字塔图 数据、信息和知识 ACC是心血管专家和医疗服务团队的家园 护理转型 有目的的教育 人群健康 会员价值及使命
  • 18. 043门诊 CLINIC heart failure address ACC中国行之关注心衰·东闻视野 编者手记 正如Chazal教授在回答《门诊》杂志采访时的回答,经验不是仅局限于技术,有一些重要的经验是在于资源的利用。 如何利用较少的医师治疗更多的患者,是我们两个国家共有的挑战。因为我们都面临医师不足的问题。因此,我们有许多 需要彼此学习的地方。未来,全世界期待中国成功的经验成为各国的启发与借鉴。 Editor: Yubing Jin 责任编辑: 金瑜冰 Afterword As was told in the interview, Dr. Chazal noted to Clinic, the experience is not all about technology; it is also about effective utilization of resources. To understand how to utilize fewer physicians to provide more patient care is an urgent issue for both of our countries, for we meet the ‘Recruitment Gap’ as the common challenging derived from different reasons though. In turn, we have much space to learn from each other. And the world is looking to China for a further success to help lead and teach this experience. 面的需要是不分国籍和地域的。更何况,我们需要救治的, 是来自世界各地的患者。 《门诊》:关于ACC与中国未来的合作,目前是否 已经有一些具体的计划? Chazal教授:我认为,我们需要更加强与中国学会之 间的合作,共同制定联合指南。举例来说,中国获得的一些 科学信息/数据越来越有需要在指南中得以体现,使这些信 息能在临床中实际得到应用。 有一点很重要的是,不同人群的基因不同,因此他们对 一种治疗方法可能是不同的反应。在这些方面我们有很多合 作的必要性。除此之外,我认为,我们ACC年轻会员之间也 有加强交流与合作的必要性。如此一来,心血管领域未来一 代的接班人就能够紧密团结,共同促进医疗事业的发展。 《门诊》:我们的确非常需要你们在指南方面的 经验。 Chazal教授:我们也同样十分需要你们的经验。我们 在不同的方面拥有各自丰富的经验。并不是只有技术方面才 被称作经验,有一些重要的经验是在如何有效利用资源的方 面。美国需要思考,如何培训一些全科医师,使他们能够承 担部分传统意义上由心血管医师承担的责任。在美国,心血 管医师的数量正在递减,因为这个医师群体越来越老龄化。 因此,我们亟需在这一方面学习中国的经验。我们需要理 解,中国如何利用较少的心血管医师资源为如此多的患者提 供医疗服务。你们有很多值得我们借鉴的地方。 《门诊》:您认为中国如何才能培养更多优秀的青 年医师?在美国,你们是如何做的? Chazal教授:在过去的这些年间,美国是一个幸运 儿。在我们的社会中,医师这个职业被给予很高的社会地位 及认可度。成为一名医师十分令人骄傲,并且在收入方面得 到很高的回报。因此,过去这些年以来,我们的医疗领域很 容易获得最为优秀的人才。但是如今,这一方面变得具有挑 战。尽管如此,在美国,医疗服务行业仍然具有很大的吸引 力,因此美国直到现在仍是幸运的。 我认为,中国需要经过这样一个进化的过程,使医疗服 务在中国成为一个具有吸引力的行业,从而中国最优秀、最 出色的人才,无论性别都愿意选择医疗领域,为患者提供医 疗服务。医师数千年来是一个值得尊敬的职业。你们需要优 秀的医师。因此,在中国,有着巨大的机会。 我个人相信,不同国家之间的合作将促成这种局面的发 生。当不同国家的医师之间有更多的交流,他们会影响彼 此,他们也会影响他们的政府,使政府最终意识到发展医疗 事业的价值。