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   INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, MARCH 2011                                        8. Explain the factors that determine ‘demand’.
                     ECONOMICS PAPER - I                                               9. Explain the various forms of price elasticity of demand.
MODEL PAPER                               (ENGLISH VERSION)                            10. Explain the importance of the concept of elasticity of
TIME: 3 HOURS                                 MAX. MARKS: 100                              demand.
                           SECTION - A                                                 11. What are the important assumptions of indifference technique?                           23.   Budget or Priceline
I. Answer ANY THREE questions.                                                         12. Discuss briefly internal economics.                                                     24.   Fixed factors                        ââöà ´’vü∆Æˇ – °œÂ£«-î˝.úÕ.
                                                    3 × 10 = 30                        13. Explain the term transfer earnings.                                                     25.   Opportunity cost                    ÉçúÕ-ߪ’Ø˛ ÉØ˛-Æœd-ô÷uö¸ Ç°∂ˇ
1. State and explain the law of diminishing marginal utility with                      14. “Supply creates its own demand.” Comment on the statement.                              26.   Marginal revenue                    õ„é¬o-©@ (´’vü∆Æˇ) °‘£«-î˝úŒ,
   the help of a diagram.                                                              15. What are the sources of Public revenue?                                                 27.   Monopoly                            áçáÆˇ v§Úví¬-´·™x v°æ¢Ë-¨»-EéÀ
2. What are indifference curves? List out its properties.                              16. Distinguish between different types of money.                                           28.   Price discrimination                ü¿®Ωë«-Ææ’h©’ éÓ®Ω’-ûÓçC.
3. Explain the law of returns to scale? Mention the reasons for                        17. State the objectives of a Central Bank.                                                 29.   Market                              N¶µ«-í¬©’: à®Ó-ÊÆpÆˇ, Å°æx-®·ú˛
   different kinds of returns.                                                                                                                                                     30.   Contract Rent
                                                                                                             SECTION - C                                                                                                     ¢Á’é¬-Eé˙q, •ßÁ÷-õ„-é¬o-©@, ÈéN’-éπ™¸,
4. Explain the important characteristics of Monopolistic
   Competitions.                                                                       III. Answer any FIFTEEN questions                  .                                        31.   Time wages                          ÈéN’Æ‘Z, ÆœN™¸, éπç°æ‹u-ô®˝ ÂÆjØ˛q
                                                                                                                                                              15 × 2 = 30          32.   Per Capita Income                   Åçú˛ Éç>-F-Jçí˚, á©-éÀéπ™¸, Éç>-
5. Explain the various methods of calculating National Income.
                                                                                       18.   Choice Problem                                                                        33.   GNP                                 F-Jçí˚ úÕñ„jØ˛, £æ›u´÷-E-öÃÆˇ Åçú˛
                           SECTION - B
                                                                                       19.   Intermediary goods                                                                    34.   Full employment                     ≤Ú≠æ™ ¸ ÂÆjØÁqÆˇ, ¢Ë’ØË-ñ ¸-¢Á’çö¸
II. Answer ANY EIGHT questions.                        8 × 5 = 40
                                                                                                                                                                                   35.   Demand
                                                                                       20.   Inductive Method
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ÆædúŒÆˇ, ´÷uü∑¿-¢Á’-öÀé˙q, ¢Á’é¬-E-éπ™¸,
6. Discuss the Static and dynastic analysis of economic theory.                                                                                                                                                              ¢Á’ô--©-Jb-éπ™¸ Åçú˛ ¢Á’öÃ-J-ߪ’™¸q,
7. Define and distinguish between free goods and economic                              21.   Income demand                                                                         36.   Reserve Bank of India
                                                                                                                                                                                   37.   Meaning of ‘inflation’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ã≠æØ˛ Åçú˛ °∂œ>é˙q ¢Á·ü¿-™„j-†N.
   goods.                                                                              22.   Ordinal utility
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ü¿®Ω-ë«Ææ’h Nüµ∆†ç, áç°œéπ
                                                                                       8. úÕ´÷ç-ú˛†’ E®Ωg-®·çîË Å稻-©†’ N´-Jç-îªçúÕ.                                              22. ÇJf-†™¸ v°æßÁ÷-ï†ç
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             v°ævéÀߪ’ ûªC-ûª®Ω N´-®√-©èπ◊
              ECONOMICS PAPER - I
                                                                                       9. üµ¿®Ω, úÕ´÷çú˛ ¢√uéÓ-îªûªy ®Ω鬩 í∫’Jç* ûÁ©-°æçúÕ.                                       23. •úÁö¸ ™‰ü∆ üµ¿®Ω Í®ê
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ¢Á¶¸ÂÆjö¸ îª÷úø-´îª’a.
                                                                                                                                                                                            b                                        *´J ûËD: ´÷Ja 25.
MODEL PAPER                    (TELUGU VERSION )
                                                                                       10. úÕ´÷çú˛ ¢√uéÓ-îªûªy -v§ƒ-´·-êu-ûª-†’- -ûÁ-©°æç-úÕ?                                      24. Æœn®Ω 鬮Ω-鬩’                                      ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸:
TIME: 3 HOURS                    MAX. MARKS: 100
                                                                                       11. Öü∆-Æ‘-†ûª ´véπ-Í®ê N¨Ïx-≠æ-ù™ ´·êu-¢Á’i† v°æ¢Ë’-ߪ÷-©†’ ûÁ©-°æçúÕ.                    25. Å´-鬨¡ ´uߪ’ç
                                      -N-¶µ«í∫ç– -á                                    12. Åçûª-®Ω_ûª Çü∆©†’ èπ◊x°æhçí¬ îªJaç-îªçúÕ.                                               26. Ö§ƒçûª ®√•úÕ

I. à¢ÁjØ√ ´‚úÕç-öÀéÀ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√L´yçúÕ.                             3 × 10 = 30        13. •CM Ææ秃-ü¿† í∫’Jç* N´-Jç-îªçúÕ.                                                       27. àéπ-≤ƒy´’uç
1. éÃ~ùÓ-§ƒçûª v°æßÁ÷-ï† Ææ÷vû√Eo °æôç ü∆y®√ N´-Jç-îªçúÕ.                              14. 'Ææ°æxß˝’ ûª† úÕ´÷çú˛ û√ØË Ææ%≠œdç--èπ◊ç-ô’çC—– ¢√uë«u-Eç-îªçúÕ.                     28. üµ¿®Ω Nîª-éπ~ù
2. Öü∆-Æ‘-†ûª ´véπ-Í®-ê© ©éπ~-ù«-©†’ ûÁ©-°æçúÕ.                                        15. v°æ¶µº’ûªy ®√•úÕ ´÷®√_-©†’ ûÁ©-°æçúÕ.                                                   29. ´÷È®ö¸
3. -ûª-®Ω£æ…-†-†’-Ææ-Jç* v°æA-°∂æ-™«-©†’ ûÁ©-°æçúÕ. NNüµ¿ v°æA-°∂æ-™«-©èπ◊ Ö†o 鬮Ω-   16. NNüµ¿ vü¿´u ®Ω鬩 ´’üµ¿u Nîª-éπ~ù îËߪ’çúÕ.                                             30. ä°æpç-ü¿°æ¤ ¶«ôéπç
    ù«-©†’ Ê°®Ì-†çúÕ.                                                                 17. Íéçvü¿ ¶«uçé˙ Ǩ¡-ߪ÷-©†’ Ê°®Ì-†çúÕ.                                                   31. 鬩 ¢Ëûª-Ø√©’
4. àéπ-≤ƒy´’u §Úöà ´÷È®ö¸ ßÁ·éπ ´·êu-¢Á’i† ©éπ~-ù«-©†’ N´-Jç-îªçúÕ.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ÆœéÀç ߪ‚E-´-JqöÃ
                                                                                                                        N-¶µ«í∫ç– -Æœ                                              32. ûª©-ÆæJ Çü∆ߪ’ç                       ÆœéÀç ߪ‚E-´-Jqöà (ÂÆçvô-™¸-
5. ñ«B-ߪ÷-ü∆ߪ’ ´’Cç°æ¤ °æü¿l¥-ûª’© í∫’Jç* N´-Jç-îªçúÕ.                                III. à¢ÁjØ√ 15 v°æ¨¡o-© π◊ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√L´yçúÕ.                15 × 2 = 30                   33. Ææ÷n© ñ«B-ßÁ÷-ûªpAh
                                      N-¶µ«í∫ç– -G                                     18. áç°œéπ Ææ´’Ææu                                                                          34. Ææç°æ‹®Ωg ÖüÓu-Tûª
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ´JqöÃ) °æ©’ éÓ®Ω’q™x v°æ¢Ë-¨»-EéÀ
 II. éÀçC-¢√-öÀ™ à¢ÁjØ√ áE-N’-Cç-öÀéÀ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√-L-´yçúÕ. 8 × 5 = 40                 19. ´÷üµ¿u-N’éπ ´Ææ’h-´¤©’                                                                  35. ≤ƒ®Ωnéπ úÕ´÷çú˛
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ü¿®Ω-ë«-Ææ’h©’ éÓ®Ω’-ûÓçC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             éÓ®Ω’q©’: Hà–-áçà, HáÆ‘q–
6. ÇJnéπ Æœü∆l¥ç-ûªç™ E¨¡a©, † N¨Ïx-≠æ-ù-©†’ í∫’Jç* N´--Jç-îªçúÕ.                  20. Çí∫-´’† °æü¿l¥A                                                                         36. Jï®˝y ¶«uçé˙ Ç°∂ˇ ÉçúÕߪ÷
7. Ö*ûª, ÇJnéπ ´Ææ’h-´¤-©†’ E®Ωy*ç*, ¢√öÀ ´’üµ¿u Ö†o ¶µ‰ü∆Eo í∫’Jhç-îªçúÕ.             21. Çü∆ߪ’ úÕ´÷çú˛                                                                          37. vü¿¢Óu-©sùç ¶µ«´†
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ÂÆj鬩@,          Hà–-á-™ ¸-á-™ ¸-H–-á-™ ¸-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ᙸáç; HáÆ‘q –áçáÆ‘q (§∂ÚK               x
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             éπ©a®˝ Åçú˛ £æ…Jdéπ©a®˝ ¢Ë’ØËñ ¸-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        --          -
                                                                                                                                                                                   20. Globalization                         ¢Á’çö¸, á®˝h ÂÆjØqÁ Æˇ); HHà– áçHà;
     Sr. INTER ECONOMICS MODEL PAPER                                                                                                                                               21. TRIMS
                                                                                                                                                                                   22. Infant Mortality Rate
                                                                                                                                                                                   23. Secondary Sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             HÆ‘à, áçÆ‘à; H ´‚u>é˙,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             áç.´‚u->é˙; áçáÆ‘q (°∂>éπ™¸        œ-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ÂÆjØqÁ Æˇ, ÈéN’-éπ™¸ ÂÆjØqÁ Æˇ, ¢Á’vi éÓ-
                                                                                                                                                                                   24. Objectives of Land Reforms
   INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, MARCH 2011                                            income during the Five Year Plans.                                                                                                •ßª÷©@); áç.á. (Éçô-Í®o≠憙¸         -
                                                                                                                                                                                   25. RIDF
                    ECONOMICS PAPER - II                                                 8. Causes for low productivity in Indian agriculture.                                                                               J™‰≠Ø˛≠°qˇ / §ƒL-öé˙q, °‘Æˇ Åçú˛
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - -æ - œ            À
                                                                                                                                                                                   26. Rythu Bazaars
 MODEL PAPER                               (ENGLISH VERSION)                             9. Functions of NABARD.                                                                                                             é¬Ø˛°é˙d ÆæúÆˇ Åçú˛ ¢Ë’ØËñ ¸-¢Á’çö¸,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - x ϶ d Π              -
TIME: 3 HOURS                                 MAX. MARKS: 100                          10. 1991 Industrial Policy                                                                  27. Sources of Rural Credit               ≤Ú≠œßª÷©@, ´÷Æˇ éπ´‚u-EÍ- é≠Ø˛)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - -                         - æ
                          SECTION - A                                                  11. Bharat Nirman                                                                           28. Industrial Estates                    ûCû®Ω éÓ®Ω’q-©’-Ø√o®·.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - -ª - ª
I. Answer ANY THREE questions.                       3 ×10 = 30                        12. Water Transport in India                                                                29. LIC                                   áç°œéπ: Çߪ÷ éÓ®Ω’q-©èπ◊ ¢Ë’ 7, 8
1. India is a developing country. Discuss.                                             13. Objective of Eleventh Plan                                                              30. Service Sector                        ûËD™x v°¢¨¡°Kéπ~©’ E®Ωy£«≤ƒh®Ω’.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           æË æ-           - œ-
2. Define human resource development. How do you improve it?                           14. What are the non Renewable resources? Explain.                                          31. Science and technology                     ü¿®Ω-ë«Ææ’h Nüµ∆†ç, Å®Ω|-ûª©’,
3. What are the causes for poverty in India?                                           15. Jalayagnam                                                                              32. Planning Commission                   JïÍ®y-≠憒x, Æ‘ô’x, ûªC-ûª®Ω N´-
4. Describe the impact of green revolution on Indian economy.                          16. Arogya Sree 108 and 104                                                                 33. Regional imbalances                   ®√©èπ◊ ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸ îª÷úø-´îª’a.
5. Explain the problems faced by the small scale industries.                           17. Examine the salient features of Andhra Pradesh economy.                                 34. Backward districts                                *´J ûËD: ´÷Ja 31.
                           Section - B                                                                            Section - C                                                          in Andhra Pradesh                     ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸:
II. Answer any EIGHT questions.                      8 5 = 40          $               III. Answer ANY FIFTEEN questions.                     15 2 = 30           $                35. SGDP
 6. What are the different concepts of poverty?                                        18. Economic development                                                                    36. Primary Sector
 7. Discuss the Growth rates of National income and Per Capita                         19. Planning Commission’s definition of developing country                                  37. UTI

     INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, MARCH 2011                                       9. Ø√¶«®˝f Nüµ¿’©’.                                                                            24. ¶µº÷Ææç-Ææ -®Ω-ù© ©é~¬u©’
                       ECONOMICS PAPER - II                                            10. 1991 §ƒJ-v¨»-N’éπ -B®√t-†ç.                                                                 25. RIDF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              È®j™‰y™ 11952 é¬E-ÊÆd-•’∞¡Ÿx
MODEL PAPER                                          (TELUGU VERSION )                 11. ¶µ«®Ωû˝ E®√tù˝ °æü∑¿éπç.                                                                    26. È®jûª’ •ñ«®Ω’x                    È®j™y‰ v§Òõ„éπØ˛ §∂Ú®˝q (Ç®˝°á°∂),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -{              - -‘ ˇ
TIME: 3 HOURS                                            MAX. MARKS: 100               12. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-üË-¨¡ç™ Ö†o ï© ®Ω¢√ù«.                                                            27. ví¬O’ù °æ®Ω-°æA ´÷®√_©’           È®™y v§Òõ„éπØ˛ ÂÆp≠晸 §∂Ú®˝q (Ç®˝-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                j‰         -{
                                     -N-¶µ«í∫ç– -á                                     13. °æ-ü¿éÌç-úÓ v°æù«-R-éπ ©é~¬u©’.                                                             28. §ƒJ-v¨»-N’éπ Íé~vû√©’             °‘áÆá°∂) N¶µ«í¬™x 11952 §ÚÆæ’©
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               - - -ˇ ˇ         -                d
   à¢ÁjØ√ ´‚úÕç-öÀéÀ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√L´yçúÕ.                                3 × 10 = 30     14. °æ¤†-®√-´%ûªç é¬E ´†-®Ω’©’ Åçõ‰ àN’ö N´-Jç-îªçúÕ.                                          29. ¶µ«®Ωûª @Nûª H´÷ ÆæçÆæn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ¶µºKhéÀ v°éπô† ¢Á©’-´úçC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        æ-             -Õ
1. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-ü˨¡ç ÅGµ-´%Cl¥ îÁçü¿’-ûª’†o ü˨¡ç. îªJaç-îªçúÕ.                           15. ï©ßª’ïcç.                                                                                                                         Å®Ω|-ûª©’: °æüÓûª®Ω-í∫A §ƒÂÆj
                                                                                       16. Ç®Óí∫uX 108, 104.                                                                           30. ÊÆ¢√-®Ωçí∫ç
2. ´÷†´ ÅGµ-´%-Cl¥E E®Ωy-*ç-îªç-úÕ. -ü∆Eo àN-üµ¿çí¬ Â°ç§Òç-C-≤ƒh®Ω’?                                                                                                                   31. ¨»ÆæY, ≤ƒçÍé-Aéπ Nñ«c†ç
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Öçú≈L. ´ßª’Ææ’ 18 †’ç* 25
3. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-üË-¨¡ç™ Ê°ü¿-J-é¬-EéÀ 鬮Ω-ù«-©†’ ûÁ©-°æçúÕ.                              17. Ççvüµ¿-v°æ-ü˨¸ ÇJnéπ ´u´-Ææn†’ í∫’Jç* èπ◊x°æhçí¬ ®√ߪ’çúÕ.
                                                                                                                                                                                       32. v°æù«-Ré¬ Ææç°∂æ’ç
                                                                                                                                 -N-¶µ«í∫ç– Æœ                                                                               áç°œéπ: ®√ûª °æKéπ~, °∂œ>-éπ™¸ á°∂œ-≠œ-
4. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-ü˨¡ ÇJnéπ ´u´-Ææn°j £æ«Jûª N°æx´ç ᙫçöÀ v°æ¶µ«-¢√Eo éπL-Tç-*çüÓ                                                                                                         33. v§ƒçBߪ’ ÅÆæ-´÷-†-ûª©’
                                                                                       III. à¢ÁjØ√ 15 v°æ¨¡o-© π◊ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√L´yçúÕ                                 15 × 2 = 30                                              ßÁ’Fq õ„Æˇd, °∂œ>-éπ™¸ ¢Á’ï-®˝-¢Á’çö¸
                                                                                       18. ÇJn-é¬-Gµ-´%Cl¥                                                                             34. Ççvüµ¿-v°æ-ü˨¸™ ¢Á†’-éπ-•-úÕ†
5. *†oûª®Ω£æ… °æJ-v¨¡-´’©’ áü¿’-®ÌØË Ææ´’-Ææu-©†’ N´-Jç-îªçúÕ.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             õ„Æˇd ûªC-ûª®Ω °æK-éπ~©’ Öçö«®·.
                                      -N-¶µ«í∫ç– -G                                    19. ÅGµ-´%Cl¥ îÁçü¿’-ûª’†o ü˨»-©èπ◊ v°æù«-Ré¬ Ææç°∂æ’ç É*a† E®Ωy-ç.                                  >™«x©’                       ü¿®Ω-ë«Ææ’h v°ævéÀߪ’, Jï-Í®y-≠憒x,
                                                                                       20. v°æ°æç-<-éπ-®Ωù                                                                             35. ®√≠æZ Ææ÷n© (SGDP) üËQߪ’
II. éÀçC-¢√-öÀ™ à¢ÁjØ√ áE-N’-Cç-öÀéÀ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√-L-´yçúÕ. 8 × 5 = 40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             @ûª¶µº-û√u©’ ûªC-ûª®Ω N´-®√-©èπ◊
6. NNüµ¿ ®Ωé¬-™„j† Ê°ü¿-Jé𠶵«´-†©’.                                                  21. vöÀ¢˛’q                                                                                              ÖûªpAh                       ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸ îª÷úø-´îª’a.
                                                                                       22. P¨¡Ÿ-´’-®Ω-ù«© Í®ô’                                                                         36. v§ƒü∑¿-N’éπ ®Ωçí∫ç                        *´J ûËD: ´÷Ja 28.
7. v°æù«-R-éπ© 鬩ç™ ñ«Bߪ’ Çü∆ߪ’ç – ûª©-ÆæJ Çü∆ߪ’ ´%Cl¥ Í®ôx†’                     23. CyBߪ’ ®Ωçí∫ç                                                                               37. UTI                                                ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸:
8. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-üË-¨¡ç™ ´u´-≤ƒßª’ Öû√p-ü¿-éπûª ûªèπ◊-´í¬ Öç-úø-ö«-EéÀ í∫© 鬮Ω-ù«©’.             (Ææ-¶„bèπ◊d -¶-üµ¿-†-™ -Å-†’--¶µº-´-Vc-™„j-† -E°æ¤-ù’-© -•%ç-ü¿ç -Ñ -†-´‚-Ø√ -v°æ-¨¡o°æ-vû√--©-†’ ®Ω÷-§Òç-Cç-*-ç-C.)

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20110228b 017102001

  • 1. Jr. INTER ECONOMICS MODEL PAPER INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, MARCH 2011 8. Explain the factors that determine ‘demand’. ECONOMICS PAPER - I 9. Explain the various forms of price elasticity of demand. MODEL PAPER (ENGLISH VERSION) 10. Explain the importance of the concept of elasticity of TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 100 demand. SECTION - A 11. What are the important assumptions of indifference technique? 23. Budget or Priceline I. Answer ANY THREE questions. 12. Discuss briefly internal economics. 24. Fixed factors ââöà ´’vü∆Æˇ – °œÂ£«-î˝.úÕ. 3 × 10 = 30 13. Explain the term transfer earnings. 25. Opportunity cost ÉçúÕ-ߪ’Ø˛ ÉØ˛-Æœd-ô÷uö¸ Ç°∂ˇ 1. State and explain the law of diminishing marginal utility with 14. “Supply creates its own demand.” Comment on the statement. 26. Marginal revenue õ„é¬o-©@ (´’vü∆Æˇ) °‘£«-î˝úŒ, the help of a diagram. 15. What are the sources of Public revenue? 27. Monopoly áçáÆˇ v§Úví¬-´·™x v°æ¢Ë-¨»-EéÀ 2. What are indifference curves? List out its properties. 16. Distinguish between different types of money. 28. Price discrimination ü¿®Ωë«-Ææ’h©’ éÓ®Ω’-ûÓçC. 3. Explain the law of returns to scale? Mention the reasons for 17. State the objectives of a Central Bank. 29. Market N¶µ«-í¬©’: à®Ó-ÊÆpÆˇ, Å°æx-®·ú˛ different kinds of returns. 30. Contract Rent SECTION - C ¢Á’é¬-Eé˙q, •ßÁ÷-õ„-é¬o-©@, ÈéN’-éπ™¸, 4. Explain the important characteristics of Monopolistic Competitions. III. Answer any FIFTEEN questions . 31. Time wages ÈéN’Æ‘Z, ÆœN™¸, éπç°æ‹u-ô®˝ ÂÆjØ˛q 15 × 2 = 30 32. Per Capita Income Åçú˛ Éç>-F-Jçí˚, á©-éÀéπ™¸, Éç>- Z 5. Explain the various methods of calculating National Income. 18. Choice Problem 33. GNP F-Jçí˚ úÕñ„jØ˛, £æ›u´÷-E-öÃÆˇ Åçú˛ SECTION - B 19. Intermediary goods 34. Full employment ≤Ú≠æ™ ¸ ÂÆjØÁqÆˇ, ¢Ë’ØË-ñ ¸-¢Á’çö¸ II. Answer ANY EIGHT questions. 8 × 5 = 40 35. Demand 20. Inductive Method ÆædúŒÆˇ, ´÷uü∑¿-¢Á’-öÀé˙q, ¢Á’é¬-E-éπ™¸, 6. Discuss the Static and dynastic analysis of economic theory. ¢Á’ô--©-Jb-éπ™¸ Åçú˛ ¢Á’öÃ-J-ߪ’™¸q, 7. Define and distinguish between free goods and economic 21. Income demand 36. Reserve Bank of India 37. Meaning of ‘inflation’ ã≠æØ˛ Åçú˛ °∂œ>é˙q ¢Á·ü¿-™„j-†N. goods. 22. Ordinal utility ü¿®Ω-ë«Ææ’h Nüµ∆†ç, áç°œéπ INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, MARCH 2011 8. úÕ´÷ç-ú˛†’ E®Ωg-®·çîË Å稻-©†’ N´-Jç-îªçúÕ. 22. ÇJf-†™¸ v°æßÁ÷-ï†ç v°ævéÀߪ’ ûªC-ûª®Ω N´-®√-©èπ◊ ECONOMICS PAPER - I 9. üµ¿®Ω, úÕ´÷çú˛ ¢√uéÓ-îªûªy ®Ω鬩 í∫’Jç* ûÁ©-°æçúÕ. 23. •úÁö¸ ™‰ü∆ üµ¿®Ω Í®ê ¢Á¶¸ÂÆjö¸ îª÷úø-´îª’a. b *´J ûËD: ´÷Ja 25. MODEL PAPER (TELUGU VERSION ) 10. úÕ´÷çú˛ ¢√uéÓ-îªûªy -v§ƒ-´·-êu-ûª-†’- -ûÁ-©°æç-úÕ? 24. Æœn®Ω 鬮Ω-鬩’ ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸: TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 100 11. Öü∆-Æ‘-†ûª ´véπ-Í®ê N¨Ïx-≠æ-ù™ ´·êu-¢Á’i† v°æ¢Ë’-ߪ÷-©†’ ûÁ©-°æçúÕ. 25. Å´-鬨¡ ´uߪ’ç -N-¶µ«í∫ç– -á 12. Åçûª-®Ω_ûª Çü∆©†’ èπ◊x°æhçí¬ îªJaç-îªçúÕ. 26. 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Ææç°æ‹®Ωg ÖüÓu-Tûª ´JqöÃ) °æ©’ éÓ®Ω’q™x v°æ¢Ë-¨»-EéÀ II. éÀçC-¢√-öÀ™ à¢ÁjØ√ áE-N’-Cç-öÀéÀ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√-L-´yçúÕ. 8 × 5 = 40 19. ´÷üµ¿u-N’éπ ´Ææ’h-´¤©’ 35. ≤ƒ®Ωnéπ úÕ´÷çú˛ ü¿®Ω-ë«-Ææ’h©’ éÓ®Ω’-ûÓçC. éÓ®Ω’q©’: Hà–-áçà, HáÆ‘q– 6. ÇJnéπ Æœü∆l¥ç-ûªç™ E¨¡a©, † N¨Ïx-≠æ-ù-©†’ í∫’Jç* N´--Jç-îªçúÕ. 20. Çí∫-´’† °æü¿l¥A 36. Jï®˝y ¶«uçé˙ Ç°∂ˇ ÉçúÕߪ÷ 7. Ö*ûª, ÇJnéπ ´Ææ’h-´¤-©†’ E®Ωy*ç*, ¢√öÀ ´’üµ¿u Ö†o ¶µ‰ü∆Eo í∫’Jhç-îªçúÕ. 21. Çü∆ߪ’ úÕ´÷çú˛ 37. vü¿¢Óu-©sùç ¶µ«´† ÂÆj鬩@, Hà–-á-™ ¸-á-™ ¸-H–-á-™ ¸- ᙸáç; HáÆ‘q –áçáÆ‘q (§∂ÚK x éπ©a®˝ Åçú˛ £æ…Jdéπ©a®˝ ¢Ë’ØËñ ¸- -- - 20. Globalization ¢Á’çö¸, á®˝h ÂÆjØqÁ Æˇ); HHà– áçHà; Sr. INTER ECONOMICS MODEL PAPER 21. TRIMS 22. Infant Mortality Rate 23. Secondary Sector HÆ‘à, áçÆ‘à; H ´‚u>é˙, áç.´‚u->é˙; áçáÆ‘q (°∂>éπ™¸ œ- ÂÆjØqÁ Æˇ, ÈéN’-éπ™¸ ÂÆjØqÁ Æˇ, ¢Á’vi éÓ- 24. Objectives of Land Reforms INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, MARCH 2011 income during the Five Year Plans. •ßª÷©@); áç.á. (Éçô-Í®o≠憙¸ - 25. RIDF ECONOMICS PAPER - II 8. Causes for low productivity in Indian agriculture. J™‰≠Ø˛≠°qˇ / §ƒL-öé˙q, °‘Æˇ Åçú˛ - -æ - œ À 26. Rythu Bazaars MODEL PAPER (ENGLISH VERSION) 9. Functions of NABARD. é¬Ø˛°é˙d ÆæúÆˇ Åçú˛ ¢Ë’ØËñ ¸-¢Á’çö¸, - x œ∂ d Œ - TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 100 10. 1991 Industrial Policy 27. Sources of Rural Credit ≤Ú≠œßª÷©@, ´÷Æˇ éπ´‚u-EÍ- é≠Ø˛) - - - æ SECTION - A 11. Bharat Nirman 28. Industrial Estates ûCû®Ω éÓ®Ω’q-©’-Ø√o®·. - -ª - ª I. Answer ANY THREE questions. 3 ×10 = 30 12. Water Transport in India 29. LIC áç°œéπ: Çߪ÷ éÓ®Ω’q-©èπ◊ ¢Ë’ 7, 8 1. India is a developing country. Discuss. 13. Objective of Eleventh Plan 30. Service Sector ûËD™x v°¢¨¡°Kéπ~©’ E®Ωy£«≤ƒh®Ω’. æË æ- - œ- 2. Define human resource development. How do you improve it? 14. What are the non Renewable resources? Explain. 31. Science and technology ü¿®Ω-ë«Ææ’h Nüµ∆†ç, Å®Ω|-ûª©’, 3. What are the causes for poverty in India? 15. Jalayagnam 32. Planning Commission JïÍ®y-≠憒x, Æ‘ô’x, ûªC-ûª®Ω N´- 4. Describe the impact of green revolution on Indian economy. 16. Arogya Sree 108 and 104 33. Regional imbalances ®√©èπ◊ ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸ îª÷úø-´îª’a. 5. Explain the problems faced by the small scale industries. 17. Examine the salient features of Andhra Pradesh economy. 34. Backward districts *´J ûËD: ´÷Ja 31. Section - B Section - C in Andhra Pradesh ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸: II. Answer any EIGHT questions. 8 5 = 40 $ III. Answer ANY FIFTEEN questions. 15 2 = 30 $ 35. SGDP 6. What are the different concepts of poverty? 18. Economic development 36. Primary Sector 7. Discuss the Growth rates of National income and Per Capita 19. Planning Commission’s definition of developing country 37. UTI INTERMEDIATE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, MARCH 2011 9. Ø√¶«®˝f Nüµ¿’©’. 24. ¶µº÷Ææç-Ææ -®Ω-ù© ©é~¬u©’ ECONOMICS PAPER - II 10. 1991 §ƒJ-v¨»-N’éπ -B®√t-†ç. 25. RIDF È®j™‰y™ 11952 é¬E-ÊÆd-•’∞¡Ÿx MODEL PAPER (TELUGU VERSION ) 11. ¶µ«®Ωû˝ E®√tù˝ °æü∑¿éπç. 26. È®jûª’ •ñ«®Ω’x È®j™y‰ v§Òõ„éπØ˛ §∂Ú®˝q (Ç®˝°á°∂), -{ - -‘ ˇ TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 100 12. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-üË-¨¡ç™ Ö†o ï© ®Ω¢√ù«. 27. ví¬O’ù °æ®Ω-°æA ´÷®√_©’ È®™y v§Òõ„éπØ˛ ÂÆp≠晸 §∂Ú®˝q (Ç®˝- j‰ -{ -N-¶µ«í∫ç– -á 13. °æ-ü¿éÌç-úÓ v°æù«-R-éπ ©é~¬u©’. 28. §ƒJ-v¨»-N’éπ Íé~vû√©’ °‘áÆá°∂) N¶µ«í¬™x 11952 §ÚÆæ’© - - -ˇ ˇ - d à¢ÁjØ√ ´‚úÕç-öÀéÀ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√L´yçúÕ. 3 × 10 = 30 14. °æ¤†-®√-´%ûªç é¬E ´†-®Ω’©’ Åçõ‰ àN’ö N´-Jç-îªçúÕ. 29. ¶µ«®Ωûª @Nûª H´÷ ÆæçÆæn ¶µºKhéÀ v°éπô† ¢Á©’-´úçC. æ- -Õ I. 1. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-ü˨¡ç ÅGµ-´%Cl¥ îÁçü¿’-ûª’†o ü˨¡ç. îªJaç-îªçúÕ. 15. ï©ßª’ïcç. Å®Ω|-ûª©’: °æüÓûª®Ω-í∫A §ƒÂÆj 16. Ç®Óí∫uX 108, 104. 30. ÊÆ¢√-®Ωçí∫ç 2. ´÷†´ ÅGµ-´%-Cl¥E E®Ωy-*ç-îªç-úÕ. -ü∆Eo àN-üµ¿çí¬ Â°ç§Òç-C-≤ƒh®Ω’? 31. ¨»ÆæY, ≤ƒçÍé-Aéπ Nñ«c†ç Öçú≈L. ´ßª’Ææ’ 18 †’ç* 25 3. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-üË-¨¡ç™ Ê°ü¿-J-é¬-EéÀ 鬮Ω-ù«-©†’ ûÁ©-°æçúÕ. 17. Ççvüµ¿-v°æ-ü˨¸ ÇJnéπ ´u´-Ææn†’ í∫’Jç* èπ◊x°æhçí¬ ®√ߪ’çúÕ. 32. v°æù«-Ré¬ Ææç°∂æ’ç Ææç´-ûªq-®√©’. -N-¶µ«í∫ç– Æœ áç°œéπ: ®√ûª °æKéπ~, °∂œ>-éπ™¸ á°∂œ-≠œ- 4. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-ü˨¡ ÇJnéπ ´u´-Ææn°j £æ«Jûª N°æx´ç ᙫçöÀ v°æ¶µ«-¢√Eo éπL-Tç-*çüÓ 33. v§ƒçBߪ’ ÅÆæ-´÷-†-ûª©’ III. à¢ÁjØ√ 15 v°æ¨¡o-© π◊ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√L´yçúÕ 15 × 2 = 30 ßÁ’Fq õ„Æˇd, °∂œ>-éπ™¸ ¢Á’ï-®˝-¢Á’çö¸ ®√ߪ’çúÕ. 18. ÇJn-é¬-Gµ-´%Cl¥ 34. Ççvüµ¿-v°æ-ü˨¸™ ¢Á†’-éπ-•-úÕ† 5. *†oûª®Ω£æ… °æJ-v¨¡-´’©’ áü¿’-®ÌØË Ææ´’-Ææu-©†’ N´-Jç-îªçúÕ. õ„Æˇd ûªC-ûª®Ω °æK-éπ~©’ Öçö«®·. -N-¶µ«í∫ç– -G 19. ÅGµ-´%Cl¥ îÁçü¿’-ûª’†o ü˨»-©èπ◊ v°æù«-Ré¬ Ææç°∂æ’ç É*a† E®Ωy-ç. >™«x©’ ü¿®Ω-ë«Ææ’h v°ævéÀߪ’, Jï-Í®y-≠憒x, 20. v°æ°æç-<-éπ-®Ωù 35. ®√≠æZ Ææ÷n© (SGDP) üËQߪ’ II. éÀçC-¢√-öÀ™ à¢ÁjØ√ áE-N’-Cç-öÀéÀ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√-L-´yçúÕ. 8 × 5 = 40 @ûª¶µº-û√u©’ ûªC-ûª®Ω N´-®√-©èπ◊ 6. NNüµ¿ ®Ωé¬-™„j† Ê°ü¿-Jé𠶵«´-†©’. 21. vöÀ¢˛’q ÖûªpAh ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸ îª÷úø-´îª’a. 22. P¨¡Ÿ-´’-®Ω-ù«© Í®ô’ 36. v§ƒü∑¿-N’éπ ®Ωçí∫ç *´J ûËD: ´÷Ja 28. 7. v°æù«-R-éπ© 鬩ç™ ñ«Bߪ’ Çü∆ߪ’ç – ûª©-ÆæJ Çü∆ߪ’ ´%Cl¥ Í®ôx†’ 23. CyBߪ’ ®Ωçí∫ç 37. UTI ¢Á¶¸-ÂÆjö¸: îªJaç-îªçúÕ. 8. ¶µ«®Ω-ûª-üË-¨¡ç™ ´u´-≤ƒßª’ Öû√p-ü¿-éπûª ûªèπ◊-´í¬ Öç-úø-ö«-EéÀ í∫© 鬮Ω-ù«©’. (Ææ-¶„bèπ◊d -¶-üµ¿-†-™ -Å-†’--¶µº-´-Vc-™„j-† -E°æ¤-ù’-© -•%ç-ü¿ç -Ñ -†-´‚-Ø√ -v°æ-¨¡o°æ-vû√--©-†’ ®Ω÷-§Òç-Cç-*-ç-C.)