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By Gregory Bodenhamer
NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
UNEMPLOYMENT                            CREATOR
  The Secrets of Survival ‐ Stability ‐ Success and Value
This excellence of knowledge is still being protected by
governments, industry and international copyright protection
laws The author here allows you to ask and receive and to hunt
and to find your answers in one easy reference to get you
started. You’re going to become the smartest kid on the block.
You’re going to be the best owner or the finest manager or
supervisor within your company. You will turn into the person
that everybody wants to become. You will become the best
          y     y
student and quickly become the best teacher. Companies will
want to hire you or retain you for considerable sums of money.
You will be converted into something that you are already We’re
                                                       already. We re
going to set free the real you.             By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                              NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                            EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
UNEMPLOYMENT                           CREATOR
  The Secrets of Survival ‐ Stability ‐ Success and Value
To gain the feeling of control you must learn this valuable
knowledge. Your neighbor or friends or even your boss does not
have this considerable information and powerful knowledge You
will quickly be able to control yourself and other people. You will
be able to decide quickly and easily or organize and manage the
cause and effects within your life and profession.
This knowledge can be dangerous. Do not take this warning
flippantly because its very true. You can calmly help yourself and
   pp    y                y                       y         py
other people or just as evenly or carelessly hurt other people.
The author has one intention. To help you so you can help
another human being Gently and softly you will be taught how
to become a better human being.                By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                              NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                            EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
                                   INTELLIGENT DESIGN

To understand this powerful knowledge you must put aside the
choice or debate between supernatural creation (God) or
evolutionary creation (Nature). Quickly understand that you are
the most perfect, bright, clever being ever created. If you can
accept that you are the most intellectual, rational and logical
creation to ever walk the earth you should be able to accept the
scholarly teachings offered to you today We have the ability to
educate and create culture. We can become well‐read on very
specific knowledge and teach others what we may understand. We
have the ability to learn. You have the ability to study and be
taught anything from welding, driving an automobile, flying an
airplane or cooking your favorite omelets. You have the ability to
discover or find out about things.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
                                           INTELLIGENT DESIGN

You have the true ability to realize. You can hear something and
decide. You can gather information and teach others. You have the
ability to understand and teach others complex knowledge. You
are a human being. You are exclusive and exceptional. You are
distinctive and matchless. You are individual and irreplaceable.

      Write The Author and Receive Your Free Study Guide (No Charges Ever)

                                                        By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                                     NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                                   EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
                                    INTELLIGENT DESIGN

You have been given many exceptional things from the creator.
They are so rare and so little understood most people never learn
them and they are guarded by the few to be used against the many.
These traits of human nature make up your character and
personality. These traits of you cause you to think and control your
behavior. These traits are qualities or your inner workings and
most of them are automatic Automatic means that these internal
programs started to run or operate the very second you were born
and welcomed to earth by your parents. These traits are habitual
and cause you to do almost everything on an involuntary basis.
These instinctive internal mental and physical programs were
designed by the creator to save your life, keep you warm, improve
your ability to survive.
                                                By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                             NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                           EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
                                   INTELLIGENT DESIGN

You did not get to decide if you wanted these internal, regularly
repeating programs to run or not. Your unconscious mind keeps
them running and they reach far back into our history. You are a
instinctive human being. You have been programmed. You do
thousands of unthinking things, you are natural.
The 12 Human Absolutes will help you understand you first and
then every other human being on earth If you want to create and
establish yourself as a productive human being, with a smile, you
must learn to master these 12 Human Absolutes.
The 12 Human Absolutes give you the insider secrets of each and
every human being on earth today. When you join the 12
Absolutes with the 38 Mind Triggers you will be able to influence
and persuade any human on earth.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Instincts are the inherent inclinations of a living organism (Human
Beings) toward a particular behavior. These fixed action patterns
are unlearned (meaning that they are inside you, without choice.)
and inherited. Instincts are automatic and are similar to a
computer program operating in the background. The stimuli can
be variable due to imprinting in a sensitive period or also
genetically fixed (meaning that the Creator placed them inside of
every human being and they cannot be removed) Examples of
instinctual fixed action patterns can be observed by every human
being. These fixed action patterns, (Instincts) have been mapped
and studied by world‐wide leading experts, including governments
and international business enterprises. These fixed patterns
control everything you say or do.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Instincts run automatically to some predetermined conclusion.
Your instincts control you and every other human. Once you learn
to control your instincts through learning you become a powerful
human being. The introduction to the 12 Absolutes will start to
show you how you became you and why some people are super
successful and others fail, given the exact same opportunity. The
38 Mind Triggers are the mental triggers or activators of all the
instincts that are pre‐programmed inside each human being.
Once you truly understand these 50 Sparks you can control your
own emotions and actions and start prompting other human
beings to agree for you, work for you or help you become the great
success. This is not a conjecture, it’s a proven fact of your life and
                                   it s
every other human life.
                                                 By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                              NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                            EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
                                       SIXTH SENSE
                                       SIXTH SENSE
The 12 Absolutes will teach you how to Focus and stop the trivial
pursuits of your life. Taking Action will show you that continual
planning produces nothing. To Serve other people is the key to
wealth and you actually deposit or implant good service within
another human being. The act of Questions reveals the all
powerful human mind and releases the new and ancient you.
Change is powerful and always taking place ready or not Building
                                      place,         not.
Rapport is anti‐human survival and it’s more than shaking hands.
All your Fear must be removed and you must start doing things that
you fear and stay on unfamiliar ground. You create Happiness
when you truly experience work and other people. When you
remove the clutter in your life happiness will emerge. Time is no
friend and it must be managed.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
                                        SIXTH SENSE
                                        SIXTH SENSE
The time in your life is limited on intent to force you to struggle
before your time is over. Control your Emotions and control the
instinctive programming operating inside you. Emotions are
messengers from the creator and remain the source for all
negatives and positives within your life. Offering Gratitude is the
key to your heart and your soul. The most important of the 12
Absolutes is You and will always be You Only about 1 to 3 percent
of the worlds population have learned the Absolutes of every
human being on earth. This relative small number of people
actually control the world of human beings. It sounds amazing but
the 12 Absolutes combined with the 38 Mind Trigger Activators
you can spark off thoughts, ideas and most importantly actions of
another human being.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
You have become what you thought about. You have turned out
to be the exact bundle of things that you have thought about. You
have created the you that everybody knows. You have developed
your entire life through your very own thinking. You went from a
crying baby to an adult by unconsciously operating your instinctive
inborn programming (instincts) and by accepting knowledge or
disregarding knowledge You kept the knowledge and teachings
you agreed with, just like you squeeze an apple before you take a
bite. People try out knowledge and if they cannot find a purpose
they discard it as useless. Therefore if you do not see a benefit
from learning advance mathematics you never focus on the topic
and therefore never learn the subject matter. You decided not to
focus on learning advance math.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
You can never expect to be a rocket scientist because you decided
not to focus on advance mathematics. What you may learn or may
not learn depends on your encounters with knowledge. If you
cannot find a teacher it may be difficult to learn something the
teacher may know. Learning is very real. You did learn to walk.
You did learn to read. You did learn to drive an automobile.
As we know you have become the exact product of your thoughts
and what you focused on yesterday. This can only mean that you
will continue to become based on your education and experiences
that you encounter. What you think about and focus about today
can change the you tomorrow. You can re‐create you by gathering
know how,
know‐how, skills and knowledge that you didn’t bother to learn
                                               didn t
yesterday. It’s a journey.
                                              By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                           NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                         EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Your motivation results from your actions. Most people are
taught that when you become motivated you do something. The
truth of you is that when you do something you become motivated.
When you take the first step you are motivated to take the second
step. Trying to pass a math test without studying or knowing math
is a sure way to fail the test. It’s also the way most people never
achieve any of their goals if they have any Once you fail without
                      goals,               any.
preparations you are convincing yourself that you are a failure. If
you try to reap before you sow you are most likely never to try
again. Once you stop the trying ‐ the getting what you want also
stops. You have to take actions to gain a result. You have to get
ready and plan your actions. Actions is an engagement or doing
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Planning is not really action. You can plan for years and if you don’t
do anything the clash of planning vs. action never takes place. All
your plans, hopes, dreams and analysis will always equal nothing if
you don’t take actions. You can plan your business for years and
     don t
never start or own your business. You can plan on making more
money but will prove useless as you have not taken actions.
You must define your priorities and then take actions You want to
own a clean automobile but you must take the action and apply
the effort to wash the automobile. You are surrounded by people
that will have negative influences on you to prevent you from
taking any actions. If you don’t hold yourself accountable and take
actions you are predestined or doomed to fail. Define your ideas
and priorities and then take action.
                                                 By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                              NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                            EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Your wealth is all about the service you provide to other people.
You should consider a service to another human being a deposit of
good inside of another human being. To help another person is to
serve them or leave a good thing inside another person. The more
good service you provide to other people the more the balance of
good in that person. You pay in good service to other people
which allows you to take out good when you need it You might be
surprised that the creator taught you to be self‐centered, self‐
seeking, self‐interested and egocentric. This is how you stay safe
and warm. You take care of you. Your pre‐programmed SELF‐
IMAGE is all about you and it’s difficult for any human to help
another person, without something in return. The EGO program
teaches you to attack and control.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Everything you ever wanted is contained within a question. To
improve the quality of your life you should start asking questions.
The only way to learn is to ask a question. Many people have
difficulty asking any type of question. Many people make believe
that they know something or everything. Many people make up an
answer so they don’t feel dim‐witted or foolish. Successful people
ask questions all the time If you want to stay brainless don’t ask
the question. When you ask a question it puts your brain in high
gear because you’re trying to solve a problem. Questions allow you
to look at all the options. Every question taps into the unlimited
resources of your subconscious. Asking a question puts everything
in gear inside your mind and spirit.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
You don’t like change because the first thing it does is to change
you. To become the success you must accept change in your body,
education, experiences, environment and everything else. Change
requires you to change. Change requires you to make new
decisions and learn new skills. Change transforms you. Change
forces you to adjust and modify your thinking and actions. A
change forces you to take cold hard looks at some new reality or
some variation of yesterday. If you really think that your life and
relationships are staying the same day after day you must make
very quick adjustments. Most people never really learn how to
handle change so therefore they struggle from one event to the
next change that creates another event. People learn about
change through pain.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Most people realize that the gas gauge needle moves when you use
gasoline from your automobiles gas tank. At the same time most
people that run out of gasoline have a working gas gauge. Most
people that run out of gasoline do it over and over again.
This points out that the future will always arrive and the future
facts will always be the yet to come facts. Ready or not the future
will arrive so you must learn to embrace change The past is over
but we can remember and learn from our experiences. You’re
living in the absolute moment called the present‐moment. The
only thing you have is the future which does require change. You
are spending too much time holding on to the past. Most people
hang onto the past or some bygone way of thinking and doing
things, it’s easier than change.
                                               By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                            NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                          EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
You are self‐centered so therefore building rapport is counter‐
intuitive. Rapport is a bond of understanding or a connection with
another person. You build rapport with another person by an
agreement, not disagreement. Telling a Ford owner that you hate
Fords will not build rapport. You build rapport with another is to
take a true interest in the other person. When you show true
interest in another person the other person feels that you like them
and see eye to eye on important topics. If you want a lot of friends
become friendly with lots of people, first. You must reach out and
like people first. It is always your responsibility to reach out and
build rapport first. Make the other person feel important and
appreciated. Learning about the other persons needs and wants
proves to them that you care.
                                                By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                             NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                           EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
You have a fear of failure. This fear of failure keeps you from trying
anything new and rewarding. Apprehension keeps you safe but
also holds you back. Your second largest fear is that you are
under qualified.
under‐qualified. You feel you’re not good enough, smart enough
                             you re
or tall enough to really be some success. Fear of uncertainty is the
third greatest fear that holds you back.
You must remove the fear from your life and the best way to do it is
to do the thing that you fear, within reason. If you’re afraid to
make sales calls go make some. If you’re afraid of heights go walk
on the bridge and cross the river. Fear quickly exposes itself as
false fears. Your success rate will double. Your fun rate will go up
and removing fear paves the way to adventures. If you always
embrace security you will fail.
                                                 By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                              NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                            EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Do you create happiness. More than anything else people desire,
need and want happiness. People look to improve their beauty,
health, money, knowledge and power to increase their happiness.
Happiness is not found within passive or inactive people. You must
do something to be happy. You must be proactive to create a level
of happiness. If you want to be really content, cheerful and
delighted you must stretch to the limits your voluntary efforts Your
boss can make you work. Your teacher can make you read. What
would you do to be on cloud nine?

                                                By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                             NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                           EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Gratitude unlocks everything in your life. Gratitude is your
appreciation or gratefulness for your healthy body, engaged mind,
loyal friends or a great steak on the grill. The creator gave you a
fullness of life. You can turn denial into acceptance. You can
change chaos into order. You can help people alter their confusion
into clarity. Your gratitude changes a simple house into a home.
You can switch a stranger one day into a friend for life As you look
to the future remember your standing in the present‐moment. The
future is seductive but don’t miss the pleasures and opportunities
that are underfoot at this very moment. You’re moving to the
future and maybe greener pastures. If you give gratitude and
appreciation for today the door to bigger and better things open
for you.
                                                By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                             NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                           EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
To become effective you have to control your emotions. Once you
have the proper education, experiences and emotional controls
you become the genius. The creator shaped and fashioned a
genius inside every human being on earth, including you. You are
the source of all negatives in your life. You are also the source for
all the positives in your life. Your emotions are simple messengers
from the creator providing you a call to actions You are what you
think about. If you think of something sad you will become gloomy
and cheerless. If you think about something happy you become
cheerful and in good spirits. You smile when you think good things
and you frown when you think sad things. Your emotional state
cannot replace talent and skills but your emotional state controls
the learning of the skill set.
                                                 By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                              NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                            EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
Every minute you spend on planning and organizing saves you ten
minutes in execution. Average people focus on activities. Top
performers focus on results. Everything you do depends on your
ability to understand time management.

You will run out of time. Don’t waste the five minutes you have
until lunch time It’s your five minutes
            time.               minutes.

                                             By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                          NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                        EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
You are about you. Help people get what they want and they will
reward your time in planning, organizing and doing by creating
wealth and other opportunities. No other person will make you
great. Examine the cause of your pain and then make it

                                             By Gregory Bodenhamer
                                          NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist
                                        EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com

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NDITC 2011 unemployment 12 human resource absolutes nditc creator series human power survival stability success top secrets

  • 2. UNEMPLOYMENT CREATOR The Secrets of Survival ‐ Stability ‐ Success and Value This excellence of knowledge is still being protected by governments, industry and international copyright protection laws. laws The author here allows you to ask and receive and to hunt and to find your answers in one easy reference to get you started. You’re going to become the smartest kid on the block. You’re going to be the best owner or the finest manager or supervisor within your company. You will turn into the person that everybody wants to become. You will become the best y y student and quickly become the best teacher. Companies will want to hire you or retain you for considerable sums of money. You will be converted into something that you are already We’re already. We re going to set free the real you. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 3. UNEMPLOYMENT CREATOR The Secrets of Survival ‐ Stability ‐ Success and Value To gain the feeling of control you must learn this valuable knowledge. Your neighbor or friends or even your boss does not have this considerable information and powerful knowledge You knowledge. will quickly be able to control yourself and other people. You will be able to decide quickly and easily or organize and manage the cause and effects within your life and profession. This knowledge can be dangerous. Do not take this warning flippantly because its very true. You can calmly help yourself and pp y y y py other people or just as evenly or carelessly hurt other people. The author has one intention. To help you so you can help another human being Gently and softly you will be taught how being. to become a better human being. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 4. HUMAN DESIGN INTELLIGENT DESIGN To understand this powerful knowledge you must put aside the choice or debate between supernatural creation (God) or evolutionary creation (Nature). Quickly understand that you are the most perfect, bright, clever being ever created. If you can accept that you are the most intellectual, rational and logical creation to ever walk the earth you should be able to accept the scholarly teachings offered to you today We have the ability to today. educate and create culture. We can become well‐read on very specific knowledge and teach others what we may understand. We have the ability to learn. You have the ability to study and be taught anything from welding, driving an automobile, flying an airplane or cooking your favorite omelets. You have the ability to discover or find out about things. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 5. HUMAN DESIGN INTELLIGENT DESIGN You have the true ability to realize. You can hear something and decide. You can gather information and teach others. You have the ability to understand and teach others complex knowledge. You are a human being. You are exclusive and exceptional. You are distinctive and matchless. You are individual and irreplaceable. Write The Author and Receive Your Free Study Guide (No Charges Ever) By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 6. HUMAN DESIGN INTELLIGENT DESIGN You have been given many exceptional things from the creator. They are so rare and so little understood most people never learn them and they are guarded by the few to be used against the many. These traits of human nature make up your character and personality. These traits of you cause you to think and control your behavior. These traits are qualities or your inner workings and most of them are automatic Automatic means that these internal automatic. programs started to run or operate the very second you were born and welcomed to earth by your parents. These traits are habitual and cause you to do almost everything on an involuntary basis. These instinctive internal mental and physical programs were designed by the creator to save your life, keep you warm, improve your ability to survive. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 7. HUMAN DESIGN INTELLIGENT DESIGN You did not get to decide if you wanted these internal, regularly repeating programs to run or not. Your unconscious mind keeps them running and they reach far back into our history. You are a instinctive human being. You have been programmed. You do thousands of unthinking things, you are natural. The 12 Human Absolutes will help you understand you first and then every other human being on earth If you want to create and earth. establish yourself as a productive human being, with a smile, you must learn to master these 12 Human Absolutes. The 12 Human Absolutes give you the insider secrets of each and every human being on earth today. When you join the 12 Absolutes with the 38 Mind Triggers you will be able to influence and persuade any human on earth. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 8. INTELLIGENT DESIGN INSTINCT Instincts are the inherent inclinations of a living organism (Human Beings) toward a particular behavior. These fixed action patterns are unlearned (meaning that they are inside you, without choice.) and inherited. Instincts are automatic and are similar to a computer program operating in the background. The stimuli can be variable due to imprinting in a sensitive period or also genetically fixed (meaning that the Creator placed them inside of every human being and they cannot be removed) Examples of instinctual fixed action patterns can be observed by every human being. These fixed action patterns, (Instincts) have been mapped and studied by world‐wide leading experts, including governments and international business enterprises. These fixed patterns control everything you say or do. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 9. INTELLIGENT DESIGN INSTINCT Instincts run automatically to some predetermined conclusion. Your instincts control you and every other human. Once you learn to control your instincts through learning you become a powerful human being. The introduction to the 12 Absolutes will start to show you how you became you and why some people are super successful and others fail, given the exact same opportunity. The 38 Mind Triggers are the mental triggers or activators of all the instincts that are pre‐programmed inside each human being. Once you truly understand these 50 Sparks you can control your own emotions and actions and start prompting other human beings to agree for you, work for you or help you become the great success. This is not a conjecture, it’s a proven fact of your life and it s every other human life. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 10. INTELLIGENT DESIGN SIXTH SENSE SIXTH SENSE The 12 Absolutes will teach you how to Focus and stop the trivial pursuits of your life. Taking Action will show you that continual planning produces nothing. To Serve other people is the key to wealth and you actually deposit or implant good service within another human being. The act of Questions reveals the all powerful human mind and releases the new and ancient you. Change is powerful and always taking place ready or not Building place, not. Rapport is anti‐human survival and it’s more than shaking hands. All your Fear must be removed and you must start doing things that you fear and stay on unfamiliar ground. You create Happiness when you truly experience work and other people. When you remove the clutter in your life happiness will emerge. Time is no friend and it must be managed. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 11. INTELLIGENT DESIGN SIXTH SENSE SIXTH SENSE The time in your life is limited on intent to force you to struggle before your time is over. Control your Emotions and control the instinctive programming operating inside you. Emotions are messengers from the creator and remain the source for all negatives and positives within your life. Offering Gratitude is the key to your heart and your soul. The most important of the 12 Absolutes is You and will always be You Only about 1 to 3 percent You. of the worlds population have learned the Absolutes of every human being on earth. This relative small number of people actually control the world of human beings. It sounds amazing but the 12 Absolutes combined with the 38 Mind Trigger Activators you can spark off thoughts, ideas and most importantly actions of another human being. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 12. INTELLIGENT DESIGN FOCUS You have become what you thought about. You have turned out to be the exact bundle of things that you have thought about. You have created the you that everybody knows. You have developed your entire life through your very own thinking. You went from a crying baby to an adult by unconsciously operating your instinctive inborn programming (instincts) and by accepting knowledge or disregarding knowledge You kept the knowledge and teachings knowledge. you agreed with, just like you squeeze an apple before you take a bite. People try out knowledge and if they cannot find a purpose they discard it as useless. Therefore if you do not see a benefit from learning advance mathematics you never focus on the topic and therefore never learn the subject matter. You decided not to focus on learning advance math. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 13. INTELLIGENT DESIGN FOCUS You can never expect to be a rocket scientist because you decided not to focus on advance mathematics. What you may learn or may not learn depends on your encounters with knowledge. If you cannot find a teacher it may be difficult to learn something the teacher may know. Learning is very real. You did learn to walk. You did learn to read. You did learn to drive an automobile. As we know you have become the exact product of your thoughts and what you focused on yesterday. This can only mean that you will continue to become based on your education and experiences that you encounter. What you think about and focus about today can change the you tomorrow. You can re‐create you by gathering know how, know‐how, skills and knowledge that you didn’t bother to learn didn t yesterday. It’s a journey. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 14. INTELLIGENT DESIGN ACTION Your motivation results from your actions. Most people are taught that when you become motivated you do something. The truth of you is that when you do something you become motivated. When you take the first step you are motivated to take the second step. Trying to pass a math test without studying or knowing math is a sure way to fail the test. It’s also the way most people never achieve any of their goals if they have any Once you fail without goals, any. preparations you are convincing yourself that you are a failure. If you try to reap before you sow you are most likely never to try again. Once you stop the trying ‐ the getting what you want also stops. You have to take actions to gain a result. You have to get ready and plan your actions. Actions is an engagement or doing something. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 15. INTELLIGENT DESIGN ACTION Planning is not really action. You can plan for years and if you don’t do anything the clash of planning vs. action never takes place. All your plans, hopes, dreams and analysis will always equal nothing if you don’t take actions. You can plan your business for years and don t never start or own your business. You can plan on making more money but will prove useless as you have not taken actions. You must define your priorities and then take actions You want to actions. own a clean automobile but you must take the action and apply the effort to wash the automobile. You are surrounded by people that will have negative influences on you to prevent you from taking any actions. If you don’t hold yourself accountable and take actions you are predestined or doomed to fail. Define your ideas and priorities and then take action. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 16. INTELLIGENT DESIGN SERVE Your wealth is all about the service you provide to other people. You should consider a service to another human being a deposit of good inside of another human being. To help another person is to serve them or leave a good thing inside another person. The more good service you provide to other people the more the balance of good in that person. You pay in good service to other people which allows you to take out good when you need it You might be it. surprised that the creator taught you to be self‐centered, self‐ seeking, self‐interested and egocentric. This is how you stay safe and warm. You take care of you. Your pre‐programmed SELF‐ IMAGE is all about you and it’s difficult for any human to help another person, without something in return. The EGO program teaches you to attack and control. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 17. INTELLIGENT DESIGN QUESTIONS Everything you ever wanted is contained within a question. To improve the quality of your life you should start asking questions. The only way to learn is to ask a question. Many people have difficulty asking any type of question. Many people make believe that they know something or everything. Many people make up an answer so they don’t feel dim‐witted or foolish. Successful people ask questions all the time If you want to stay brainless don’t ask time. the question. When you ask a question it puts your brain in high gear because you’re trying to solve a problem. Questions allow you to look at all the options. Every question taps into the unlimited resources of your subconscious. Asking a question puts everything in gear inside your mind and spirit. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 18. INTELLIGENT DESIGN CHANGE You don’t like change because the first thing it does is to change you. To become the success you must accept change in your body, education, experiences, environment and everything else. Change requires you to change. Change requires you to make new decisions and learn new skills. Change transforms you. Change forces you to adjust and modify your thinking and actions. A change forces you to take cold hard looks at some new reality or some variation of yesterday. If you really think that your life and relationships are staying the same day after day you must make very quick adjustments. Most people never really learn how to handle change so therefore they struggle from one event to the next change that creates another event. People learn about change through pain. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 19. INTELLIGENT DESIGN CHANGE Most people realize that the gas gauge needle moves when you use gasoline from your automobiles gas tank. At the same time most people that run out of gasoline have a working gas gauge. Most people that run out of gasoline do it over and over again. This points out that the future will always arrive and the future facts will always be the yet to come facts. Ready or not the future will arrive so you must learn to embrace change The past is over change. but we can remember and learn from our experiences. You’re living in the absolute moment called the present‐moment. The only thing you have is the future which does require change. You are spending too much time holding on to the past. Most people hang onto the past or some bygone way of thinking and doing things, it’s easier than change. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 20. INTELLIGENT DESIGN RAPPORT You are self‐centered so therefore building rapport is counter‐ intuitive. Rapport is a bond of understanding or a connection with another person. You build rapport with another person by an agreement, not disagreement. Telling a Ford owner that you hate Fords will not build rapport. You build rapport with another is to take a true interest in the other person. When you show true interest in another person the other person feels that you like them and see eye to eye on important topics. If you want a lot of friends become friendly with lots of people, first. You must reach out and like people first. It is always your responsibility to reach out and build rapport first. Make the other person feel important and appreciated. Learning about the other persons needs and wants proves to them that you care. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 21. INTELLIGENT DESIGN FEAR You have a fear of failure. This fear of failure keeps you from trying anything new and rewarding. Apprehension keeps you safe but also holds you back. Your second largest fear is that you are under qualified. under‐qualified. You feel you’re not good enough, smart enough you re or tall enough to really be some success. Fear of uncertainty is the third greatest fear that holds you back. You must remove the fear from your life and the best way to do it is to do the thing that you fear, within reason. If you’re afraid to make sales calls go make some. If you’re afraid of heights go walk on the bridge and cross the river. Fear quickly exposes itself as false fears. Your success rate will double. Your fun rate will go up and removing fear paves the way to adventures. If you always embrace security you will fail. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 22. INTELLIGENT DESIGN HAPPINESS Do you create happiness. More than anything else people desire, need and want happiness. People look to improve their beauty, health, money, knowledge and power to increase their happiness. Happiness is not found within passive or inactive people. You must do something to be happy. You must be proactive to create a level of happiness. If you want to be really content, cheerful and delighted you must stretch to the limits your voluntary efforts Your efforts. boss can make you work. Your teacher can make you read. What would you do to be on cloud nine? By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 23. INTELLIGENT DESIGN GRATITUDE Gratitude unlocks everything in your life. Gratitude is your appreciation or gratefulness for your healthy body, engaged mind, loyal friends or a great steak on the grill. The creator gave you a fullness of life. You can turn denial into acceptance. You can change chaos into order. You can help people alter their confusion into clarity. Your gratitude changes a simple house into a home. You can switch a stranger one day into a friend for life As you look life. to the future remember your standing in the present‐moment. The future is seductive but don’t miss the pleasures and opportunities that are underfoot at this very moment. You’re moving to the future and maybe greener pastures. If you give gratitude and appreciation for today the door to bigger and better things open for you. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 24. INTELLIGENT DESIGN EMOTIONS To become effective you have to control your emotions. Once you have the proper education, experiences and emotional controls you become the genius. The creator shaped and fashioned a genius inside every human being on earth, including you. You are the source of all negatives in your life. You are also the source for all the positives in your life. Your emotions are simple messengers from the creator providing you a call to actions You are what you actions. think about. If you think of something sad you will become gloomy and cheerless. If you think about something happy you become cheerful and in good spirits. You smile when you think good things and you frown when you think sad things. Your emotional state cannot replace talent and skills but your emotional state controls the learning of the skill set. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 25. INTELLIGENT DESIGN TIME Every minute you spend on planning and organizing saves you ten minutes in execution. Average people focus on activities. Top performers focus on results. Everything you do depends on your ability to understand time management. You will run out of time. Don’t waste the five minutes you have until lunch time It’s your five minutes time. minutes. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com
  • 26. INTELLIGENT DESIGN YOU You are about you. Help people get what they want and they will reward your time in planning, organizing and doing by creating wealth and other opportunities. No other person will make you great. Examine the cause of your pain and then make it expendable. By Gregory Bodenhamer NDITC FORTUNE 100 Specialist EMAIL GregoryBodenhamer@Live.Com