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A force for growth
01 Key findings
04 Global picture
15 Western Europe
24 North America
33 Asia Pac
62 Sample and methodology
64 Grant Thornton capabilities
IBC Grant Thornton contacts

  AFIC         Association Française des Investisseurs en Capital (the French Private Equity Association)
  AIFMD        Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
  Asia Pac     Asia Pacific region
  BRICS        Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
  CEO          Chief Executive Officer
  DD           Due diligence
  ESG          Environmental, social and governance
  FMCG         Fast moving consumer goods
  GCC          Gulf Cooperation Council
  GDP          Gross domestic product
  GP           General partner
  HR           Human resources
  ILPA         The Institutional Limited Partners Association
  IPO          Initial public offering
  IR           Investor relations
  IT           Information technology
  LATAM        Latin America
  LP           Limited partner
  M&A          Mergers and acquisitions
  MENA         Middle East and North Africa (including Turkey)
  N/A          Not applicable
  PE           Private equity
  PIPE         Private investment in public equity
  PLC          Public limited company
  SME          Small and medium sized enterprises
  SWF          Sovereign wealth fund
  TMT          Telecommunications, media and technology
  UN PRI       The United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative

The views and opinions in this report expressed by those private equity survey respondents providing comments or quotes
are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Grant Thornton International Ltd or any of its
member firms.
Key findings


Over recent years, practitioners             Three years in, the answer to the             Three years ago, as the clouds
within the private equity industry           question of whether we are emerging       gathered with the tightening of the
might have been forgiven for thinking        from the global economic downturn         debt markets, dealflow within the
they were facing something of a              or about to slip into a double-dip is     more developed private equity
perfect storm, with the industry being       still to be answered.                     markets rapidly started to fall away.
challenged on all sides. Globally, the            Through this, private equity has     With the skies not having lightened
competitive environment within the           been asked to reflect on both its own     that much in the intervening period,
industry has become more intense             place in the financial landscape and to   the consequent increased competition
with quality dealflow at a premium,          face up to its often compromised          for quality deals has only been
while simultaneously Limited                 public perception. There are real         compounded by the return of strategic
Partners (LPs) have become                   challenges here for the industry world-   buyers, many of them keen to put
increasingly demanding and vocal, and        wide. In this report, we consider what    healthy balance sheets to work.
the industry has also received greater       it means to undertake private equity in   In the emerging markets, the sense of
scrutiny from the broader public and         the principal private equity markets      opportunity has seen something of a
regulators alike. Compounding the            around the globe – in terms of both       gold rush mentality with an influx of
industry’s own internal growing pains        the challenges and opportunities – and    Western private equity firms seeking
– which in some of the oldest private        find an industry that, on many levels,    new areas of opportunity and the
equity markets has seen the validity of      is converging in terms of the way it      rapid development of domestic private
the whole model questioned – has             goes about business. However, while       equity industries also driving
been one of the toughest macro               operating a private equity firm in        competition. Across the world, then,
economic environments in recent              London, Sao Paulo, New York,              there has been a shortage of quality
history, with portfolio companies            Shanghai or Sydney may require            assets at reasonable prices for a private
sucking in time and resource as they         increasingly similar skills, functions    equity industry which had been
face up to the economic headwinds.           and approaches, the dynamics in those     accelerating its accumulation of funds
                                             individual markets driving this           over the course of the previous decade
                                             convergence often remain quite            and, as a consequence, has a pent up
                                             different.                                need to deploy capital.

                                                                                                         Global private equity report 2011 1
Just finding shelter and sitting out   inevitable concern. However, in these          Historically, IPOs have often been
     the storm hasn’t been an option for         markets too, private equity firms          a preferred exit route for private
     private equity investors either. With       report the growing relevance of            equity firms, and they do remain a
     the boom in investment activity in the      added-value approaches to portfolio        viable option in parts of Asia, for
     run up to the downturn, private             management. These markets are often        example. However, this channel has
     equity portfolios had grown                 still characterised by growth capital      been all but closed for some time in
     considerably and have often been            investments, with low levels of            Europe and the USA; overall public
     demanding of attention as the               leverage, meaning the focus too is on      investor sentiment and desire to invest
     environment has become more                 performance improvement. As these          might be the issue in some regions,
     challenging and unpredictable.              markets become more globalised,            but the perception of private equity
     Creating ‘saleable’ businesses with         there is a recognition of the need to      has also acted as a particular brake on
     enhanced valuations is the endgame          ‘professionalise’ businesses, with         the IPO option in some countries
     for private equity firms and, while the     private equity firms seeing a key          largely due to perceived pricing issues.
     exit markets are showing some signs         aspect of their involvement as the         The return of strategic buyers might
     of life again, the torrid market for new    introduction of international              have added to the competitive
     investments of recent years has often       standards of governance and ways of        pressure on the buy-side, but they
     been reflected in the exit markets too.     doing business in order to prepare         have been a welcome sight on the
          In the West, the challenging           companies for eventual sale.               horizon from an exit perspective. If
     trading environment has seen a                   Generating quality exits and          corporates present the industry with
     renewed focus for private equity in         returns has always been critical for       something of a double-edged sword,
     getting more closely involved in            private equity, but their significance     so too does private equity’s own
     portfolio businesses – while leverage       has, if anything, increased as holding     ‘internal’ response to the need to both
     and multiple arbitrage might have           periods have been stretched. In            put money to work and generate
     worked in a rising market, come the         developed markets, private equity          returns – secondary buyouts. While
     downturn performance improvement            firms are starting to bump up against      many practitioners themselves remain
     is the order of the day. Many private       the investment hurdles of their fund       very aware of the need to provide a
     equity firms have therefore been            cycles which need to be negotiated         clear rationale for such deals in order
     responding by ‘tooling up’ and              even before new funds can be raised.       to convince investors that they are not
     establishing more formalised portfolio      In some of the more emerging               just fuelling an internal market in
     operations teams to add more strategic      markets, the development of the            private equity assets, they have
     insight and even operational resource       industry is still at an early stage, but   become an established feature of the
     alongside the financial planning            there is again a sense that the            developed markets. However, even in
     insight provided.                           enthusiasm and promise on the back         the more growth-oriented emerging
          In many of the emerging markets,       of which these markets have grown          markets they are also gaining
     economic growth has been less of a          now needs to come good in the form         significance.
     concern – GDP growth of seven or            of demonstrable returns.
     eight percent plus might be difficult to
     imagine in Europe or North America,
     but markets such as Brazil, India and
     China have seen sustained growth and
     continue to drive forward even
     though the fear of over-heating is an

2 Global private equity report 2011
Maintaining a true course through          The more forensic approach being             Troubled waters perhaps, and ones
such choppy waters was always going        taken by institutional investors may        which no doubt will see more
to present challenges for investing and    bring with it a greater administrative      casualties to come, but good
exiting. But churn has also been a         burden for private equity firms, but it     helmsmanship and a solid crew (and a
feature of the fundraising environment     can be seen as an integral part of the      bit of luck here or there) still leave the
as well. Institutional investors have      longer-term trajectory of an industry       chance to navigate through
themselves faced considerable              that also includes being under the          successfully. There is a strong sense
challenges in recent times, not least      increasingly watchful eye of the            within the industry, whether in
within their private equity                regulators – given added momentum           developed or emerging markets, that it
programmes, which has led to a             by the pressures exerted by the macro       is a time to focus on the fundamentals
significant period of reassessing          environment, for sure, but something        of private equity investing – building
allocation strategies and the balance      that was already well underway. While       relationships, getting your hands dirty
between investing via re-ups (repeat       some may worry that the inherent            alongside management at the coalface,
investments with an existing investee      entrepreneurial spirit of the industry is   focusing on performance
manager) and identifying new               under threat, others will see scrutiny      improvement and proving the model
managers, potentially in new markets.      and regulation as proof of an industry      through good exits and good
    Private equity firms rarely fail and   institutionalising as it plays a higher     company stewardship. This approach
disappear overnight, but the ability to    profile and more significant role in        then needs to be effectively and
generate returns and raise new funds is    economies around the world.                 continuously communicated,
the life-support machine that, if          Undoubtedly in the West, as more            providing a stream of concrete
switched off, will see firms die slowly.   high-profile businesses have come           examples to educate, and in the more
There is still a clear sense that there    under private equity ownership,             developed markets perhaps re-
will be winners and losers within the      interest from the regulatory                educate, an ever-expanding range of
industry. The Darwinian process at         authorities, politicians and the public     stakeholders that the private equity
work will undoubtedly ensure the           in general has increased markedly, and      model does work as a positive catalyst
long-term vitality of the industry, but    such attention is certainly not always      for change and value growth. With
many also believe that the increased       favourable; indeed it sometimes feels       overall global economic sentiment
intensity this has brought to the          as if it has become fashionable to          making a shift in the wrong direction
selection and monitoring of                criticise and blame private equity at       during the latter stages of this research
investments by LPs will continue to        the slightest opportunity, not least        project, perhaps even dampening
be felt by private equity firms around     because of the industry’s perceived         some of the signs of cautious
the world for a long time to come.         opacity. Elsewhere in the world, the        optimism evident throughout this
                                           industry has more quickly gone down         report, the need to support and
                                           a similar path as the desire to promote     encourage such catalysts of wealth
                                           private equity and growth has               creation and economic development –
                                           sometimes battled with a lingering          a force for growth – is stronger now
                                           scepticism about private equity             than ever before.
                                           practices and a desire to protect a
                                           culture of family-owned business.

                                                                                                         Global private equity report 2011 3
Global picture:
Investment activity


                                  Western Europe       North America           Asia Pacific              MENA                  BRICS         Global result
   Corporate divestments                20                  15                     23                     20                     8                17
   Family/private                       31                  52                     38                     60                     68               46
   Secondary buyouts                    47                  30                     23                     20                     10               30
   Public markets                        1                  3                      13                      0                     6                4
   Other                                 1                  0                       3                      0                     8                3

  • Firms in family and private ownership continue to be seen as the principal source of private equity dealflow.
  • Secondary buyouts are a feature of all markets, but are expected to be particularly prevalent in the developed European arena.
  • Respondents in the emerging markets of Asia Pac and BRICS have the most varied expectations in terms of deal sources.

“With origination you need to be able                  “Healthcare continues to be a key                        “Assuming that the economy will
to get through every level of the                      sector and we participate in its                         modestly improve, and not
process successfully. You need basic                   consolidation. Consumer and retail                       deteriorate, there should be an
hygiene factors, some differentiating                  are very active, driven by large                         increase in both dealflow and
factors and some compelling factors.                   domestic demand. Energy and                              completed deals. There’s a lot of pent
On the hygiene factors, you need                       infrastructure are other sectors to                      up seller demand, and a lot of pent
money, a fair price, good processes                    watch, and ones where there has                          up buyer demand, and when those
and well-oiled due diligence. The                      been a lot of competition from local                     two things coincide, deal flow
differentiators are often linked to the                and foreign strategic partners.”                         increases.”
people you have, your international
                                                       TURKEY survey respondent                                 UNITED STATES survey respondent
networks, your understanding of the
business, your relationship with
management and your brand. The
wow factors tend to come down to the
individual leading the deal and the
more personal factors.”

UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent

4 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
 “It is significant that the                  Consumer
 consumer sector is cited                     Business services

 as the most active. This                     Industrials and manufacturing
 could change if a double                     TMT
 dip recession does occur.”                   Financial services
 STEVE BRADY                                  Natural resources
 GRANT THORNTON, US                           Infrastructure
                                              Food and agribusiness
                                              Real estate and construction
While the macro headwinds are still
                                              Software and IT services
blowing around the world, there is a
sense within the global private equity
community of optimism. With caution           FIGURE 3: INVESTMENT ACTIVITY BY REGION
still the watchword, approaching two-
thirds of GPs included within this            Western Europe                                                                                     50 43       7
survey nevertheless believe that
investment activity will increase over the    North America                                                                                      63 30       7

coming year. It has been fashionable to
                                              Asia Pacific                                                                                       66 27       7
talk of the rise of the East both inside
and outside private equity, and although      MENA                                                                                               62 38       0
there’s no doubt that the developed
markets have suffered most, recent times      BRICS                                                                                              72 22       6
have served as a reminder of the
                                              Global result                                                                                      61 33       6
interconnectedness and mutual reliance
of global markets in the modern era.                                  Increase                    Stay the same                Decrease
     Globally, the principal impacts of the
downturn have been to raise the spectre         • Over 60% expect an increase.
of an industry shake-out and to see             • Caution is most clearly expressed in Europe, where over 40% expect it to remain at current levels.
                                                • BRICS respondents are most positive, driven particularly by respondents in Brazil and India.
levels of quality dealflow reduced. The
reaction of the private equity industry
has been to align itself with the best
opportunities, wherever they may be.          FIGURE 4: SOURCES OF COMPETITION
This flight to quality has resulted,
inevitably, in increased levels of            Western Europe                                                                     47 11 38         0    3     1

competition which has also kept prices
                                              North America                                                                      65      5 30     0    0     0
for the best assets high. The strength of
corporate balance sheets has served to        Asia Pacific                                                                       46 29 21         0    4     0
intensify this competitive environment.
                                              MENA                                                                               36 30 15         0 15       4

                                              BRICS                                                                              40 32 18         5    3     2

                                              Global result                                                                      48 20 26         1    4     1

                                                                      Domestic   Foreign/         Trade           Public       Family         Other
                                                                      private    international    buyers          markets      offices
                                                                      equity     private equity

                                                                                                           Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 5
“We’re seeing good private equity dealflow and a
  strong pipeline. Entrepreneurs and families are coming
  out of hiding and are looking for finance to support

FIGURE 5: KEY FACTORS IN IDENTIFYING AND WINNING DEALS                                             The reawakening of the corporate
Corporate/entrepreneur networks                                                                community, including the restructuring
Advisory relationships                                                                         of larger businesses, means that the
Sector expertise                                                                               traditional channels of private equity
Local presence                                                                                 dealflow, namely family- and privately-
Track record/reputation                                                                        owned businesses and corporate
Price                                                                                          divestments, are expected to remain the
Value add proposition                                                                          dominant sources. However,
Access to capital                                                                              competition within the private equity
Deal process management                                                                        industry itself has helped promote an
Management chemistry                                                                           environment where secondary
                                                                                               transactions can take hold, with this
Strategic differentiation
                                                                                               being an increasingly relevant feature of
                                                                                               both the developed and more nascent
                                                                                                   In this new landscape, everything
                                                                                               points to the enhanced importance of
                                                                                               networks. In emerging markets, this
                                                                                               manifests itself in the need for local
                                                                                               presence and an understanding of local
                                                                                               business cultures. Whereas in more
                                                                                               established markets, rising competition
                                                                                               has emphasised the need to self-
                                                                                               originate, act fast and develop an angle.

“It’s still a very competitive market                    “The two main sources of deals here   “I’d have to say that at this point in
and unfortunately that means that                        are entrepreneur-owned businesses     time we are more cautious than
price matters most when competing                        who are unable to access debt         optimistic about the economy.”
for deals. In a hot market, it’s always                  funding any more, and the public
                                                                                               CHINA survey respondent
price and terms, and then the                            markets which are becoming
probability of close. How strongly you                   interesting because of the stock
can demonstrate that you can                             market pricing.”
                                                         HONG KONG survey respondent
UNITED STATES survey respondent

6 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture

FIGURE 6: AREAS OF HANDS-ON INVOLVEMENT                       Throughout the downturn, private
Strategic input                                               equity firms around the world have
Financial planning                                            found themselves having to focus more
Human resources                                               on working with portfolio businesses in
M&A                                                           order to help strengthen their positions
Operational input                                             in an adverse climate. While the skills
Professionalisation                                           might have been honed in firefighting,
Governance                                                    they are now proving useful where
Access to networks                                            private equity firms are operating in
Cost control                                                  low-growth environments.
Internationalisation                                              Given the low growth in some
                                                              markets coupled with the lack of value
Exit planning
                                                              uplift available from leverage or multiple
                                                              arbitrage, many private equity houses
Sector knowledge
                                                              stress the importance of performance
Managing banking relationships
                                                              enhancement as a value driver and
Access to capital
                                                              highlight their input in a number of key
                                                              areas in aiding this. In particular,
                                                              strategic input is universally seen as
                                                              central to the private equity offering.
                                                              Around the world, the professionalisation
                                                              of businesses as they develop under
                                                              institutional ownership is something
                                                              which private equity players can and do
                                                              contribute to. Assistance with
                                                              operational systems, financial planning
                                                              and human resources are oft-cited
                                                              benefits that private equity ownership
  “With the market as challenging as it is at the moment,     can bring to companies.
  adding value is the only way of really unlocking returns.
  Groups are finding they have to do more and work more
  closely with their portfolio management teams. Some got
  caught out before, and now there’s no going back – if
  you want to generate a return, you have to work for it.”

                                                                  Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 7
“The value we bring is really about                    FIGURE 7: HANDS-ON PORTFOLIO INVOLVEMENT
boosting growth initiatives, reinforcing
corporate governance and                               Western Europe                                                                          15   74   11

strengthening management teams.”
                                                       North America                                                                           17   73   10

SINGAPORE survey respondent
                                                       Asia Pacific                                                                            31   69   0

                                                       MENA                                                                                    36   64   0

                                                       BRICS                                                                                   25   75   0

                                                       Global result                                                                           22   72   6

    The likelihood that portfolio                                         Increase                  Stay the same                 Decrease

companies will be involved in M&A
activity varies considerably by company
                                                       FIGURE 8: PORTFOLIO VALUE DRIVERS
and GP. However, there is a general                    PERCENTAGE
sense that M&A levels will increase, with
                                                       Western Europe                                                                    17 39 32    3   9
this likely to include cross-border
acquisitions. While GPs are mindful of                 North America                                                                     29 49 14    0   8
the challenges involved in making M&A
work, and indeed the additional cultural               Asia Pacific                                                                      36 45 14    0   5

and complexity challenges posed by
                                                       MENA                                                                              26 49 17    4   4
cross-border deals, factors such as
relatively cheap assets and opportunities
                                                       BRICS                                                                             35 46 13    2   4
to rapidly access growing markets are
serving to encourage activity.                         Global result                                                                     27 44 20    2   7
    A further aspect of portfolio firm
                                                                          Market      Performance   M&A             Financial     Multiple
professionalisation in which private                                      growth      improvement   growth          engineering   Arbitrage
equity is playing a role is in relation to
Environmental, Social and Governance
(“ESG”). Governance, in particular, is an              FIGURE 9: ESG
area of GP focus globally, both reflecting
the ‘best practice’ aspect of this approach            Western Europe                                                                         41 41 13   5

as well as a recognition of increasing
                                                       North America                                                                          30 17 17 36
pressure from other stakeholders,
including LPs and regulators.                          Asia Pacific                                                                           33 42 17   8

                                                       MENA                                                                                   0 33 50 17

                                                       BRICS                                                                                  34 38 22   6

                                                       Global result                                                                          32 35 20 13

                                                                          Highly      Growing       Of some         Not
                                                                          relevant    relevance     relevance       relevant

8 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture


                             Western Europe          North America          Asia Pacific     MENA                  BRICS                  Global result
   Increase                        69                     53                    74            79                     50                        63
   Stay the same                   18                     40                    13            14                     36                        26
   Decrease                        13                     7                     13             7                     14                        11

 • Over 60% of respondents expect to see exit activity increase over the next 12 months.

With what was an accelerating                            The pressure to exit for some is,              Inevitably, secondary buyouts
population of private equity backed                  however, matched by the pressure to            provoke debate about their pros and
businesses leading up to the downturn,               invest for others, namely those who have       cons. However, in those markets where
coupled with the closing of most viable              dry powder to deploy before the end of         they are an established feature, they have
exit routes at the peak of the crisis, the           agreed investment periods. These push          provided the lifeblood of the exit market
private equity industry has found itself             and pull drivers are the key factors in the    in an environment where IPOs have
with rapidly aging portfolios and, with              increasing trend towards secondary             been very difficult to achieve. In
fundraising looming in many cases, a                 buyout activity in recent times.               emerging markets, secondary buyouts
need to achieve realisations. This is                                                               are yet to achieve the same position, but
reflected in the fact that approaching                                                              are increasingly seen.
two-thirds of GPs globally expect to see
an increase in exit activity over the
coming year.
                                                     “Secondary buyouts work well here,             “The global financial crisis resulted in
                                                     but for different reasons. India is a          a lengthening of the holding period
                                                     growth market dominated by minority            for portfolio companies and typically
                                                     expansion investments. As a natural            has led to a delay of 1-2 years in the
                                                     part of this, the businesses backed            investment cycle, which has been
                                                     need larger capital injections as              used to fix and repair portfolio
                                                     they grow and this presents good               companies. Now that these two
                                                     opportunities for financial investors          years have passed, portfolio
                                                     up the scale.”                                 companies are ripe for exit.”

                                                     INDIA survey respondent                        SOUTH AFRICA survey respondent

                                                                                                        Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 9

                                  Western Europe        North America        Asia Pacific        MENA           BRICS        Global result
   IPOs                                  1                   9                      5              16            37               14
   Trade sale                           54                   56                     62             68            43               54
   Secondary buyout                     45                   35                     33             16            20               32

    The other saving grace for private                  FIGURE 12: AVERAGE RETURNS
equity firms in realisation mode has been
the appetite of trade buyers. This                      Western Europe                                                       35     35       30

highlights the positive side of the
                                                        North America                                                        34     45       21
double-edged sword for private equity
that is an acquisitive corporate                        Asia Pacific                                                         38     23       39
    Given the range of competing factors                MENA                                                                 29     42       29

at play, practitioners find it difficult to
                                                        BRICS                                                                50     42       8
form a certain view as to the direction of
returns for the industry. On the one
                                                        Global result                                                        35     38       27
hand, high entry prices, continuing
global macro uncertainty and a shortage                                  Increase               Stay the same     Decrease

of debt have applied downward
pressure. On the other, improving
confidence, a buoyant secondary market
and trade appetite keep optimism alive.
Despite this, the prevailing view is that
the coming period will see both winners
and losers and it will be this that
determines the shape of the industry
going forward.

                                                          “There is optimism that exit activity will increase this
                                                          year. The nature of private equity is such that investors
                                                          measure performance against a benchmark and this is
                                                          how LPs look at the world. GPs are engaged in an
                                                          ongoing process of understanding what’s important to
                                                          LPs; ultimately this comes down to getting capital back
                                                          and churning portfolios.”
                                                          HARISH HV
                                                          PARTNER, HEAD OF TRANSACTION ADVISORY SERVICES
                                                          GRANT THORNTON, INDIA

10 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture

FIGURE 13: AREAS OF INCREASING LP DEMANDS                                           For private equity firms heading out to
Transparency                                                                        market, the fundraising environment
Performance                                                                         remains testing. Practitioners point to
ESG                                                                                 the increasingly polarised nature of the
Fees                                                                                market in which high performers are
Commitment to strategy                                                              able to raise, and even quite quickly,
Governance                                                                          while others find it tough. This is linked
Key man                                                                             to a flight to quality by LPs which has
Fund secondary DD                                                                   seen even some of the most longstanding
Differentiation                                                                     relationships reassessed.
Value drivers                                                                           Simultaneously, the industry has seen
                                                                                    a clear shift in the balance of the GP–LP
Direct competition
                                                                                    relationship, with investors increasingly
                                                                                    willing to demand more transparency
                                                                                    and seek demonstrable performance, not
                                                                                    least in newer private equity markets
                                                                                    that have been sold hard in recent times
                                                                                    and now need to prove they can deliver
                                                                                    the promised returns. In developed
  “The fundraising environment is both positive and
                                                                                    markets, LPs have sought to find a
  negative. There are plenty of firms hitting the fundraising                       collective voice with which to put their
  jackpot and deservedly so, but equally there are many                             case. In particular, initiatives such as
  players who are really struggling. Ultimately, painful as                         ILPA and the drive for a particular
                                                                                    fund’s LPs to hold closed meetings
  it is for some, it’s probably a good thing for the industry.”                     without the GP present illustrate the
                                                                                    more ‘forensic’ approach now being
  PARTNER                                                                           employed.

“I think it’s a competitive fundraising     “The big problem for the local market   “Fundraising is pretty tough. A lot of
environment. It’s better than it has        is the total lack of returns made.      people flooded into the market and
been but people still have exposure to      There just haven’t been enough of       there is possibly now a bit of a knee-
bad funds. The denominator issue is         them and as a result there are some     jerk as people fear conditions are too
diminishing, as is the liquidity issue,     very poorly-performing funds.”          overheated.”
but the overhang is still there and
                                            VIETNAM survey respondent               BRAZIL survey respondent
existing managers are scrapping for

UNITED STATES survey respondent

                                                                                       Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 11
“It is harder to raise funds now and                    “LPs are reducing both their allocations and the number of GPs they
we will continue to see a flight to                     want to work with. They have learnt a lot in recent times and are more
quality. We’re in a situation where the                 discerning about performance and the way they are treated by GPs. These
better end of town will do well, but the                days more than ever, strong performance and transparency are key.”
rest will find it very tough. It is the
                                                        UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent
same highly-selective environment on
the deal side as well, with the lending
banks definitely having an A list of GPs.”

AUSTRALIA survey respondent

    There are signs of longer-term                      FIGURE 14: FUTURE FUND SIZE VERSUS PREDECESSOR
confidence with many GPs expecting to
be able to raise larger funds in the future.            Western Europe                                                                                46 51     3

This is most notably a feature of
                                                        North America                                                                                 50 42     8
emerging markets, with evidence of the
process of fund size inflation having                   Asia Pacific                                                                                  83   0 17
paused in developed markets.
    A clear outcome of the changing                     MENA                                                                                          61 31     8

sentiment in the investor community is
                                                        BRICS                                                                                         75   0 25
the expectation amongst GPs globally
that there will be a degree of churn
                                                        Global result                                                                                 56 36     8
within their LP bases. Pressures in this
respect vary from country to country                                        Larger                      Same size                   Smaller

and fund to fund, but it is clear that
while in some regions the opening up of                   • Taking fund size as a measure of the likely future size of the industry suggests that emerging
                                                            market PE firms are confident of future growth.
domestic sources of capital is seen as an
                                                          • Within the developed markets, the picture points more towards a stabilising of the industry size.
opportunity, in others the retrenchment
of domestic LPs is forcing GPs to build
increasingly international investor
                                                        FIGURE 15: FUNDRAISING ENVIRONMENT
relationships. This is, in effect, leaving              PERCENTAGE
some GPs to compete for attention
                                                        Western Europe                                                                         9 11 33 27 20
amongst a broader range of peers by
convincing LPs of the attractiveness of
                                                        North America                                                                          4 22 26 41       7
their firm and market in an international
arena.                                                  Asia Pacific                                                                           0 13   7 47 33

                                                        MENA                                                                                   0 46 31 23       0

                                                        BRICS                                                                                  3 36 22 33       6

                                                        Global result                                                                          4 24 26 33 13

                                                                            Very          Positive      Neutral       Negative      Very
                                                                            positive                                                Negative

12 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
Overall market outlook

FIGURE 16: KEY CHALLENGES FACING THE PRIVATE EQUITY INDUSTRY                                   With the global economic situation still
Macro economy                                                                                  very much in the balance, macro
Regulation                                                                                     economic considerations are regarded as
Competition                                                                                    the greatest challenge currently facing
Performance                                                                                    the private equity industry worldwide.
LP sentiment                                                                                   The fallout from the downturn has also
Deal origination                                                                               triggered increased attention from
PE perception                                                                                  national regulators seeking to drive more
PE HR                                                                                          transparency from financial institutions.
Access to debt                                                                                 The inherent opacity of the private
Portfolio issues                                                                               equity industry has made it a lightning
Industry maturity
                                                                                               rod in some instances, giving
                                                                                               momentum to a process that had already
                                                                                               begun on the back of concerns about job
Geo-political factors
                                                                                               security and asset stripping as businesses
Fiscal environment
                                                                                               with larger (often politically sensitive)
Human resources
                                                                                               stakeholder groups came under private
Secondary buyouts
                                                                                               equity ownership in some markets. This
                                                                                               has added to the challenges faced by the
                                                                                               industry, with firms noting the need to
                                                                                               educate and sell the benefits of private
                                                                                               equity on an ongoing basis.

“I think in general the industry has a               “The reliance on leverage, and also
problem in generating the types of                   the ability of private equity companies
returns to justify the asset class.                  to differentiate themselves both
There just hasn’t been the                           present challenges.”
performance in recent times.
                                                     AUSTRALIA survey respondent
Institutional investors are getting
disillusioned. That’s a problem the
industry needs to work on.”

CANADA survey respondent

                                                                                                  Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 13
  “One of the biggest                                   PERCENTAGE

  issues for the industry is                            Deal doing                                                                             37
                                                        Portfolio operations                                                                   14
  one of perception. Every                              Research                                                                               11
  time the industry puts its                            Admin                                                                                   4

  head above the parapet, it                            IR                                                                                      4
                                                        Legal                                                                                   1
  risks getting it shot off by                          Other                                                                                   1

  either the press or the                               N/A                                                                                    28

  Government. I think it’s
  symptomatic of the fact                               FIGURE 18: AREAS OF NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
  that when times are hard,                             Core business                                                                          48
  people look to blame                                  Geographic opportunities                                                               17

  someone.”                                             Sector opportunities                                                                    9
                                                        Asset class opportunities                                                               7
  MARTIN GODDARD                                        Deal size shift                                                                         3
  GLOBAL SERVICE LINE LEADER – TRANSACTIONS             Independence                                                                            1
                                                        Privatisations                                                                          1
                                                        N/A                                                                                    14

                                                            The bulk of the other key challenges           GPs that are looking to diversify
                                                        faced by the industry relate to the need       their areas of interest as the global macro
                                                        to demonstrate performance in today’s          trends play out are most likely to look
                                                        highly competitive environment. Given          for similar opportunities within new
                                                        this backdrop, it is no surprise that the      geographies. Wherever the focus, the
                                                        key focus of, and opportunities pursued        common factor is the need for
                                                        by, private equity firms relate to their       communication, whether that be
                                                        core business. While the drivers are           introducing the asset class, re-educating
                                                        somewhat different in the emerging and         stakeholders, or demonstrating the
                                                        more developed markets, the shared             ability to generate returns.
                                                        outcome is a perceived need to sharpen
                                                        deal origination and portfolio
“The big challenges to the industry all
                                                        management processes, with many firms
stem from regulatory issues and the
                                                        being in the process of augmenting their
fact that PE has been lumped
                                                        teams in these areas. In the mature
together with the banks and hedge
                                                        markets, the long-term process of
funds. All of the resulting scrutiny is
                                                        institutionalisation has seen teams
leading to more and more admin –
                                                        expand in many areas to support larger
and that is not value-adding. There is
                                                        portfolios and fundraising ambitions.
massive pressure on resources and
                                                        Paradoxically, there is a opposing
this will translate into problems for
                                                        pressure to minimise back office costs.
returns. There is also a problem
                                                        In the emerging markets, the rapid
associated with all the attention on
                                                        development of private equity has
fees and remuneration. If there is too
                                                        required GPs to work to ensure that
much pressure here we will not be
                                                        their own development in human capital
able to hire the top people and they
                                                        terms keeps pace.
will simply go to hedge funds.”

GERMANY survey respondent

14 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
Western Europe:
Investment activity

FIGURE 1: KEY FACTORS IN IDENTIFYING AND WINNING DEALS                                             Confidence in the prospects for dealflow
Corporate/entrepreneur networks                                                                    over the coming year is returning slowly
Advisory relationships                                                                             amongst European private equity firms
Sector expertise                                                                                   with around half expecting an increase in
Track record/reputation                                                                            activity. Although this is the lowest level
Access to capital                                                                                  recorded in any of the key global
Deal process management                                                                            markets, very few people actually expect
Price                                                                                              to see investment levels decline.
Local presence                                                                                     Anticipated sources of dealflow are
Value add proposition                                                                              particularly varied in Europe. However,
Management chemistry                                                                               most strikingly the importance of
                                                                                                   secondary buyouts is higher than in any
Strategic differentiation
                                                                                                   other market.
                                                                                                        With dealflow in the region being
                                                                                                   generally hard won, private equity firms
                                                                                                   have sought various ways to get ahead of
                                                                                                   the competition. In the first instance this
                                                                                                   involves building and consolidating
                                                                                                   networks both within the corporate and
                                                                                                   advisory communities. However, whilst
                                                                                                   track record is still very important, there
                                                                                                   is also an increased emphasis on building
                                                                                                   knowledge of markets and the dynamics
                                                                                                   of individual businesses and their
                                                                                                   management at an early stage in the
                                                                                                        Ultimately, most deals will go
“I believe secondary and tertiary deals                  “There’s more competition from trade
                                                                                                   through some form of intermediation
will continue to be very important,                      buyers, and I expect this to continue
                                                                                                   and market testing of the price. This is
particularly for larger mid-market                       to increase. Trade players are getting
                                                                                                   the case not least because trade buyers
deals. In 2010 the largest proportion                    more confident, and unless the
                                                                                                   have returned as a key competitor to
of deals above Euro 75m was                              economy ends up in a double dip, I
                                                                                                   private equity, and one with deep
accounted for by secondary buyout                        can’t see this changing – they’ll be
                                                                                                   pockets for the right asset strategically.
activity. Under Euro 75m a lot more                      out in force. There are lots of private
deals were primary transactions. The                     equity houses with money, but this
fact is that we’re seeing corporates                     can only dwindle over the medium– to
being less focused on divestiture, but                   long-term, not increase.”
much more acquisitive.”
                                                         UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent
UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent

                                                                                                     Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 15
“It’s a combination of factors, but                     FIGURE 2: SOURCES OF DEALFLOW
really it comes down to your
networks, increasingly your sector
                                                        Public markets: 1%
knowledge and focus, rigour,
                                                        Other: 1%
discipline and tenacity. Clearly you
can’t discount the value of                             Secondary buyouts: 47%                         Corporate divestments: 20%
intermediary networks, but GPs are
spending a lot more time on non-
intermediated deals these days.
There will always be auctions, but you
want to try to avoid them if you can,
                                                                                                               Family/private: 31%
or at least make sure you have a
head start.”

UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent

“Deal sourcing is the same now as it’s
always been for us. It’s about being as
early as you can on an asset, and not
waiting for the pitch from banks. It’s
about spending more time with
management teams and vendors to                         FIGURE 3: SOURCES OF COMPETITION
understand the asset before it comes
to market, which means you’re more
                                                        Others: 1%
prepared and can move faster.”
                                                        Family offices: 3%

FRANCE survey respondent

                                                        Trade buyers: 38%                              Domestic private equity: 47%

“The market in Italy is split between
those deals that are marketed above
and below the radar. For the former
you obviously need to have a strong
relationship with the intermediaries,
but these are more commodities. The
real key in Italy is to have a big
network of contacts among the

ITALY survey respondent

“It will mainly be secondaries. Most                    Foreign/International private equity: 11%

German corporates have completed
their disposal programmes and
entrepreneurs are reluctant to sell
assets only to see their money get                        “Speed is key in deal origination. It is a very competitive
sucked into sovereign debt crises!”                       market and so getting to deals early is crucial. Strong
GERMANY survey respondent
                                                          relationships with intermediaries is a key part of this.”
                                                          PAR EKENGREN
                                                          HEAD OF CORPORATE FINANCE
                                                          GRANT THORNTON, SWEDEN

16 Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe

FIGURE 4: AREAS OF HANDS-ON INVOLVEMENT                   Hands-on involvement with portfolio
Strategic input                                           investments has risen to relatively high
M&A                                                       levels in Europe versus other parts of the
Human resources                                           world and is expected to remain so, with
Operational input                                         the key focus of GP efforts typically on
Financial planning                                        strategic input and M&A. Assistance
Internationalisation                                      with financial planning has also been
Professionalisation                                       significant, with the majority of GPs
Cost control                                              reporting that debt renewal will not be
Access to networks                                        an issue over the next 12 months.
Mentoring                                                     European private equity firms are
Exit planning
                                                          more cautious regarding portfolio
                                                          prospects than their counterparts in
Managing banking relationships
                                                          other parts of the world, with the macro
                                                          economic environment being cited as the
                                                          chief driver of sentiment.
Sector knowledge

  “The nature of the value drivers depends on the         “Growing market share through
                                                          innovation is fundamental. The
  business and what you’re trying to do to it. In some    businesses I like are in big markets
  cases it could be a mixture of multiple arbitrage and   with lots of players, some big groups
  M&A; in others it might be more organic. You need to    with lots of legacy systems, and you
                                                          find someone smaller with an
  build a growth strategy to suit the individual          innovative approach. The majority of
  company.”                                               deals we do like this would succeed
                                                          even if the market stayed flat in my
                                                          personal view.”
                                                          UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent

                                                            Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 17
Portfolio M&A support is seen to be                 FIGURE 5: PORTFOLIO VALUE DRIVERS
more important amongst European
private equity firms than elsewhere. In
particular, crossborder M&A is seen as                  Multiple arbitrage: 9%
an increasingly relevant feature.                       Financial engineering: 3%                                       Market growth: 17%
However, with this comes the additional
challenges of cultural issues and relative
                                                        M&A growth: 32%
complexity. These are perhaps thrown
into even sharper relief when                                                                                                 Performance
transactions are being considered                                                                                        improvement: 39%

beyond European borders in markets
such as China, which is now on the
radar for an increasing number of GPs.

                                                        FIGURE 6: CHALLENGES TO CROSS BORDER M&A

                                                        Funding constraints                                                             2
                                                        Foreign market credibility                                                      2
                                                        Different fiscal environment                                                    2
                                                        Currency risk                                                                   2
                                                        Lack of opportunities                                                           7
                                                        Parochialism                                                                    9
                                                        Management team                                                                13
“There are massive cultural
                                                        Lack of PE resource                                                            13
differences between China and the
                                                        Relative complexity                                                            18
West. You can’t afford to ignore China
                                                        Culture                                                                        32
and you need to understand it as best
you can. Doing business in China is
not to be taken lightly.”

UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent

“The benefits of cross-border M&A
really depend on the company – if the
company is already international,
then it is almost business as usual…
they will understand what they are                      “The main thing is to get the right strategic equity story to be developed
doing and there is a good basis of                      and executed. We are keen to pursue a long-term plan that is signed off by
due diligence to draw upon. If the                      both the management and ourselves.”
company is venturing abroad for the
                                                        GERMANY survey respondent
first time or it is the first acquisition,
it is more tricky. There is more work
to be done with the management                          “As a whole, and not just in terms of the weak GDP announcements
team to convince them and us that it                    recently, the economy is shaky and confidence is low – I just don’t think it
is a good thing to do.”                                 feels good.”

FRANCE survey respondent                                UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent

18 Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe

FIGURE 7: EXIT ROUTES                                                                  Sentiment regarding prospects for the
                                                                                       exit market are generally positive, with a
                                                                                       window of opportunity seen to have
IPOs: 1%
                                                                                       opened up over the last year. Around
Secondary buyout: 45%                                                Trade sale: 54%   three-quarters of European respondents
                                                                                       also expect exit levels to continue to
                                                                                       increase over the coming year, which
                                                                                       compares favourably with their
                                                                                       counterparts elsewhere.

“Secondaries are driving the market      “The main cons of secondary buyouts
because on one side you have people      are that they almost always come via
who need to return capital in order to   highly contested auctions and are
fundraise and on the other you have      therefore expensive. On top of that,
people who need to deploy capital.”      the former owner has normally done
                                         a good job with the business making
SWEDEN survey respondent
                                         it difficult to see further growth.
                                         Sometimes though, it is just a
                                         question of fit and it can really work
                                         better for the second buyer than the

                                         GERMANY survey respondent

                                                                                         Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 19
The two key drivers of these exit
trends are: first, the return of trade                   “Returns have, fundamentally, been pretty strong. If
buyers, which, while increasing                          the exit markets aren’t great then, by and large, private
competition on the buyside, is also                      equity firms just sit on investments for longer and wait
proving a willing source of liquidity for
private equity assets, and; second, the
                                                         until they can get value.”
pressures being felt by many private                     KAI BARTELS
equity firms in relation to their own                    SENIOR PARTNER, HEAD OF M&A
fundraising cycles and the need to both                  GRANT THORNTON, GERMANY
deploy capital and demonstrate returns.
The IPO window is seen to be very
firmly shut in Europe, with the
consequence that, in comparison,
secondary buyouts have taken on an
added significance.
    The cocktail of competition and
pressure to exit is resulting in
considerable variation in expectations
for returns going forward. There
remains a sense that there will be
winners and losers and that a final shake
out within the industry is still to happen.

                                                        “I think returns will stay the same in   “I think exit levels will increase
                                                        the short term, but longer term they     because of the maturity profile of
                                                        will decrease. The best performers       portfolios at the moment. There have
                                                        will maintain their high returns, but    certainly been some great exits
                                                        the discrepancy between the best and     recently. The challenge is always
                                                        the worst will increase.”                having the patience to allow
                                                                                                 companies to mature.”
                                                        FRANCE survey respondent
                                                                                                 UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent

20 Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe

FIGURE 8: AREAS OF INCREASING LP DEMANDS   Unsurprisingly, European private equity      “We’ve just come off a fundraising
Transparency                               practitioners continue to regard the         and it’s incredibly competitive out
ESG                                        fundraising environment as tough by          there. Pretty much every LP in the
Performance                                historical standards. With many              world is reducing the number of GP
PE firm management                         investing institutions still working         relationships they have and will only
Fund secondary DD                          through their own problems, while they       consider re-ups and new relationships
Commitment to strategy                     remain positively disposed towards           with top-tier managers, so it’s very
Differentiation                            private equity, they are having to look      very tough.”
Co-investment                              closely at the number and size of their
Key man                                                                                 UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent
                                           commitments to the asset class.
                                               For GPs, this sentiment means
                                           higher levels of LP churn within their       “ESG matters are becoming much
                                           investor bases as institutions               more important. We signed the UN PRI
                                           contemplate future funds. GPs are            last year and contributed to AFIC’s
                                           readying themselves for the prospect of      White Paper on ESG. We have a
                                           needing to identify a higher proportion      dedicated in-house team and are doing
                                           of new investors than in the past and the    a big appraisal on the subject now. It is
                                           likelihood of a stagnation in fund sizes.    extremely important for the image of
                                               In addition, GPs are reporting a         the industry and to satisfy the LPs.”
                                           higher degree of LP engagement. A
                                                                                        FRANCE survey respondent
                                           greater desire amongst investors for
                                           transparency and depth of information is
                                           the key trend here. While areas such as      “LPs are drilling into companies more
                                           performance clearly continue to be of        than they have in the past – what
                                           key importance to LPs, there is also an      makes them tick, why we did the
                                           increasing focus on ‘new areas’ such as      deal, where the key threats are.
                                           ESG and the management of the private        However, most LPs have 70-80 fund
                                           equity firm itself.                          interests, and they just don’t have
                                                                                        time to sit down with every one of
                                                                                        their GPs and go through things in
                                                                                        such detail.”
                                           “It’s very difficult at the moment. But if
                                           you look at the past, LP appetite has        UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent
                                           normally returned 9-12 months after
                                           M&A activity has kicked back into gear
                                           and liquidity rises. With any luck that
                                           will be felt in the next year.”

                                           GERMANY survey respondent

                                                                                         Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 21
Overall market outlook

FIGURE 9: KEY CHALLENGES FACING THE PRIVATE EQUITY INDUSTRY                                       Reflecting the underlying positive
Macro economy                                                                                     sentiment with regard to expected deal
Performance                                                                                       and exit activity, private equity firms are
LP sentiment                                                                                      building capacity in order to capitalise
Regulation                                                                                        on the opportunities ahead. In particular,
PE perception                                                                                     around two-thirds of European
Deal origination                                                                                  respondents are planning to increase
Competition                                                                                       their head count over the coming year,
PE HR                                                                                             with this predominantly being in the
Access to debt                                                                                    core area of front-line deal-doing.
Portfolio issues                                                                                      With increased emphasis being
Industry maturity
                                                                                                  placed on self-origination strategies and
                                                                                                  recruitment, it is no surprise that the
Secondary buyouts
                                                                                                  majority of private equity firms stress
Geo-political factors
                                                                                                  the importance of focusing on their core
                                                                                                  business of identifying quality
                                                                                                  businesses within their target market.
                                                                                                      Private equity players are currently
                                                                                                  faced with a plethora of challenges, some
                                                                                                  private equity specific, some regulatory,
                                                                                                  and others reputational. However, the
                                                                                                  most significant factor relates to the
                                                                                                  challenges presented by the state of the
                                                                                                  macro economy.
                                                                                                      Regulatory matters are high on the
                                                                                                  agenda of GP concerns, not least the
                                                                                                  introduction of the AIFMD. This
                                                                                                  particular initiative is expected not only
                                                                                                  to lead to higher levels of bureaucracy
                                                                                                  and increased costs, but also to frustrate
                                                                                                  the dynamism of the industry by raising
“Regulation is terrifying. The mindset                  “We are working on increasing our
                                                                                                  barriers to entry for first time managers
out there is that what private equity                   build-up programme for the portfolio
                                                                                                  and spin-outs.
does is terrible. How we combat this I                  and trying to profit from the fact that
don’t know. What is certain is that                     very good companies are struggling
regulation of the industry is going to                  to raise bank funding and therefore
become a lot more rigorous.”                            are turning to growth capital
                                                        providers for the first time.”
UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent
                                                        SPAIN survey respondent

22 Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe
“We have been through the worst         FIGURE 10: IMPACTS OF EU REGULATION
downturn since WWII and companies
have demonstrated they have the         Bureaucracy                                                                                     38

DNA to survive in a market that gets    Costs                                                                                           20
                                        Barriers to entry                                                                                 7
little support from government. The
                                        Capital adequacy rules                                                                            7
main opportunity is to harness the
                                        Fundraising                                                                                       4
strength of those businesses and help
                                        Less competition                                                                                  2
them into new markets.”
                                        Risk perception                                                                                   2

ITALY survey respondent                 Transparency                                                                                      2
                                        N/A                                                                                             18

“You can see that the AIFMD
represents a challenge, but it will     FIGURE 11: AREAS OF NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
help generate a better understanding
of the industry.”                       Core business                                                                                   60
                                        Geographical opportunities                                                                      16
SWEDEN survey respondent                Asset class opportunities                                                                         7
                                        Sector opportunities                                                                              7
                                        Deal size shift                                                                                   2
                                        N/A                                                                                               8

 “Competition is the
 biggest issue facing the
 industry. You can really
 see the need for
 consolidation in the
 market – there are too
 many players with too                    “In these difficult economic times, private equity is
 much committed capital.                  faced with not only an origination issue, but also
 Those funds with capital                 pressure from investors, regulators and the broader
 still to invest will be                  public. The industry is therefore being challenged to
 under pressure, and this                 visibly prove the model and demonstrate it can add
 will drive up prices.”                   value regardless of broader economic conditions.”
 RAINER WILTS                             THIERRY DARTUS

                                                                                       Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 23
North America:
Investment activity

FIGURE 1: KEY FACTORS IN IDENTIFYING AND WINNING DEALS                                               Price remains king in North America’s
Corporate/entrepreneur networks                                                                      highly intermediated and efficient
Price                                                                                                market and is seen by many as the key
Sector expertise                                                                                     factor in winning deals. However,
Advisory relationships                                                                               evidence suggests a GP’s sector expertise,
Access to capital                                                                                    as well as the quality of its corporate
Deal process management                                                                              networks, are central elements of their
Local presence                                                                                       approach to deal origination.
Value add proposition
Track record reputation
Management chemistry

                                                                                                     “I think there are two key areas in
                                                                                                     terms of deal sources: sponsor-to-
                                                                                                     sponsor deals will be the biggest
                                                                                                     area, followed by independent family-
                                                                                                     owned businesses. For sponsor-to-
                                                                                                     sponsor, the market’s been so
                                                                                                     negative that they haven’t been able
                                                                                                     to sell and so now’s the time.
                                                                                                     Independent family-owned businesses
“I think PE investment activity over the                 “Origination is sector led. We’re calling   may be a driver of deals as there’s
next 12 months will be increasing. I                     on companies in specialist areas where      uncertainty around so this may drive
still think there’s lots of dry powder out               we’ve invested before and built domain      things through.”
there and banks are still lending as the                 knowledge, that’s how we differentiate.
                                                                                                     UNITED STATES survey respondent
debt markets have softened a bit. The                    We’re proactive in terms of identifying
economy is in good shape in Canada                       companies we’re interested in and
but it’s all subject to company                          building up relationships over time,        “As it always has been, winning deals
availability – whether there are                         several years prior to any investment       comes down to who pays the highest
companies available to buy. Valuations                   opportunity. By the time an opportunity     price. Of course, you need to be in
are strong so vendors are getting what                   does arise, we already know each            front of the right intermediaries, but
they’re looking for and generally                        other, and that provides an advantage.”     price is by far the biggest
there’s a willingness to transact.”                                                                  determinant of success.”
                                                         UNITED STATES survey respondent
CANADA survey respondent                                                                             CANADA survey respondent

24 Global private equity report 2011 – North America
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report
2011 global private equity report

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2011 global private equity report

  • 1. GLOBAL PRIVATE EQUITY REPORT 2011 A force for growth
  • 2. Contents 01 Key findings 04 Global picture 15 Western Europe 24 North America 33 Asia Pac 41 MENA 50 BRICS 62 Sample and methodology 64 Grant Thornton capabilities IBC Grant Thornton contacts Glossary AFIC Association Française des Investisseurs en Capital (the French Private Equity Association) AIFMD Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive Asia Pac Asia Pacific region BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa CEO Chief Executive Officer DD Due diligence ESG Environmental, social and governance FMCG Fast moving consumer goods GCC Gulf Cooperation Council GDP Gross domestic product GP General partner HR Human resources ILPA The Institutional Limited Partners Association IPO Initial public offering IR Investor relations IT Information technology LATAM Latin America LP Limited partner M&A Mergers and acquisitions MENA Middle East and North Africa (including Turkey) N/A Not applicable PE Private equity PIPE Private investment in public equity PLC Public limited company SME Small and medium sized enterprises SWF Sovereign wealth fund TMT Telecommunications, media and technology UN PRI The United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative The views and opinions in this report expressed by those private equity survey respondents providing comments or quotes are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Grant Thornton International Ltd or any of its member firms.
  • 3. Key findings MARTIN GODDARD GLOBAL SERVICE LINE LEADER – TRANSACTIONS GRANT THORNTON INTERNATIONAL Over recent years, practitioners Three years in, the answer to the Three years ago, as the clouds within the private equity industry question of whether we are emerging gathered with the tightening of the might have been forgiven for thinking from the global economic downturn debt markets, dealflow within the they were facing something of a or about to slip into a double-dip is more developed private equity perfect storm, with the industry being still to be answered. markets rapidly started to fall away. challenged on all sides. Globally, the Through this, private equity has With the skies not having lightened competitive environment within the been asked to reflect on both its own that much in the intervening period, industry has become more intense place in the financial landscape and to the consequent increased competition with quality dealflow at a premium, face up to its often compromised for quality deals has only been while simultaneously Limited public perception. There are real compounded by the return of strategic Partners (LPs) have become challenges here for the industry world- buyers, many of them keen to put increasingly demanding and vocal, and wide. In this report, we consider what healthy balance sheets to work. the industry has also received greater it means to undertake private equity in In the emerging markets, the sense of scrutiny from the broader public and the principal private equity markets opportunity has seen something of a regulators alike. Compounding the around the globe – in terms of both gold rush mentality with an influx of industry’s own internal growing pains the challenges and opportunities – and Western private equity firms seeking – which in some of the oldest private find an industry that, on many levels, new areas of opportunity and the equity markets has seen the validity of is converging in terms of the way it rapid development of domestic private the whole model questioned – has goes about business. However, while equity industries also driving been one of the toughest macro operating a private equity firm in competition. Across the world, then, economic environments in recent London, Sao Paulo, New York, there has been a shortage of quality history, with portfolio companies Shanghai or Sydney may require assets at reasonable prices for a private sucking in time and resource as they increasingly similar skills, functions equity industry which had been face up to the economic headwinds. and approaches, the dynamics in those accelerating its accumulation of funds individual markets driving this over the course of the previous decade convergence often remain quite and, as a consequence, has a pent up different. need to deploy capital. Global private equity report 2011 1
  • 4. Just finding shelter and sitting out inevitable concern. However, in these Historically, IPOs have often been the storm hasn’t been an option for markets too, private equity firms a preferred exit route for private private equity investors either. With report the growing relevance of equity firms, and they do remain a the boom in investment activity in the added-value approaches to portfolio viable option in parts of Asia, for run up to the downturn, private management. These markets are often example. However, this channel has equity portfolios had grown still characterised by growth capital been all but closed for some time in considerably and have often been investments, with low levels of Europe and the USA; overall public demanding of attention as the leverage, meaning the focus too is on investor sentiment and desire to invest environment has become more performance improvement. As these might be the issue in some regions, challenging and unpredictable. markets become more globalised, but the perception of private equity Creating ‘saleable’ businesses with there is a recognition of the need to has also acted as a particular brake on enhanced valuations is the endgame ‘professionalise’ businesses, with the IPO option in some countries for private equity firms and, while the private equity firms seeing a key largely due to perceived pricing issues. exit markets are showing some signs aspect of their involvement as the The return of strategic buyers might of life again, the torrid market for new introduction of international have added to the competitive investments of recent years has often standards of governance and ways of pressure on the buy-side, but they been reflected in the exit markets too. doing business in order to prepare have been a welcome sight on the In the West, the challenging companies for eventual sale. horizon from an exit perspective. If trading environment has seen a Generating quality exits and corporates present the industry with renewed focus for private equity in returns has always been critical for something of a double-edged sword, getting more closely involved in private equity, but their significance so too does private equity’s own portfolio businesses – while leverage has, if anything, increased as holding ‘internal’ response to the need to both and multiple arbitrage might have periods have been stretched. In put money to work and generate worked in a rising market, come the developed markets, private equity returns – secondary buyouts. While downturn performance improvement firms are starting to bump up against many practitioners themselves remain is the order of the day. Many private the investment hurdles of their fund very aware of the need to provide a equity firms have therefore been cycles which need to be negotiated clear rationale for such deals in order responding by ‘tooling up’ and even before new funds can be raised. to convince investors that they are not establishing more formalised portfolio In some of the more emerging just fuelling an internal market in operations teams to add more strategic markets, the development of the private equity assets, they have insight and even operational resource industry is still at an early stage, but become an established feature of the alongside the financial planning there is again a sense that the developed markets. However, even in insight provided. enthusiasm and promise on the back the more growth-oriented emerging In many of the emerging markets, of which these markets have grown markets they are also gaining economic growth has been less of a now needs to come good in the form significance. concern – GDP growth of seven or of demonstrable returns. eight percent plus might be difficult to imagine in Europe or North America, but markets such as Brazil, India and China have seen sustained growth and continue to drive forward even though the fear of over-heating is an 2 Global private equity report 2011
  • 5. Maintaining a true course through The more forensic approach being Troubled waters perhaps, and ones such choppy waters was always going taken by institutional investors may which no doubt will see more to present challenges for investing and bring with it a greater administrative casualties to come, but good exiting. But churn has also been a burden for private equity firms, but it helmsmanship and a solid crew (and a feature of the fundraising environment can be seen as an integral part of the bit of luck here or there) still leave the as well. Institutional investors have longer-term trajectory of an industry chance to navigate through themselves faced considerable that also includes being under the successfully. There is a strong sense challenges in recent times, not least increasingly watchful eye of the within the industry, whether in within their private equity regulators – given added momentum developed or emerging markets, that it programmes, which has led to a by the pressures exerted by the macro is a time to focus on the fundamentals significant period of reassessing environment, for sure, but something of private equity investing – building allocation strategies and the balance that was already well underway. While relationships, getting your hands dirty between investing via re-ups (repeat some may worry that the inherent alongside management at the coalface, investments with an existing investee entrepreneurial spirit of the industry is focusing on performance manager) and identifying new under threat, others will see scrutiny improvement and proving the model managers, potentially in new markets. and regulation as proof of an industry through good exits and good Private equity firms rarely fail and institutionalising as it plays a higher company stewardship. This approach disappear overnight, but the ability to profile and more significant role in then needs to be effectively and generate returns and raise new funds is economies around the world. continuously communicated, the life-support machine that, if Undoubtedly in the West, as more providing a stream of concrete switched off, will see firms die slowly. high-profile businesses have come examples to educate, and in the more There is still a clear sense that there under private equity ownership, developed markets perhaps re- will be winners and losers within the interest from the regulatory educate, an ever-expanding range of industry. The Darwinian process at authorities, politicians and the public stakeholders that the private equity work will undoubtedly ensure the in general has increased markedly, and model does work as a positive catalyst long-term vitality of the industry, but such attention is certainly not always for change and value growth. With many also believe that the increased favourable; indeed it sometimes feels overall global economic sentiment intensity this has brought to the as if it has become fashionable to making a shift in the wrong direction selection and monitoring of criticise and blame private equity at during the latter stages of this research investments by LPs will continue to the slightest opportunity, not least project, perhaps even dampening be felt by private equity firms around because of the industry’s perceived some of the signs of cautious the world for a long time to come. opacity. Elsewhere in the world, the optimism evident throughout this industry has more quickly gone down report, the need to support and a similar path as the desire to promote encourage such catalysts of wealth private equity and growth has creation and economic development – sometimes battled with a lingering a force for growth – is stronger now scepticism about private equity than ever before. practices and a desire to protect a culture of family-owned business. Global private equity report 2011 3
  • 6. Global picture: Investment activity FIGURE 1: SOURCES OF DEALFLOW PERCENTAGE Western Europe North America Asia Pacific MENA BRICS Global result Corporate divestments 20 15 23 20 8 17 Family/private 31 52 38 60 68 46 Secondary buyouts 47 30 23 20 10 30 Public markets 1 3 13 0 6 4 Other 1 0 3 0 8 3 • Firms in family and private ownership continue to be seen as the principal source of private equity dealflow. • Secondary buyouts are a feature of all markets, but are expected to be particularly prevalent in the developed European arena. • Respondents in the emerging markets of Asia Pac and BRICS have the most varied expectations in terms of deal sources. “With origination you need to be able “Healthcare continues to be a key “Assuming that the economy will to get through every level of the sector and we participate in its modestly improve, and not process successfully. You need basic consolidation. Consumer and retail deteriorate, there should be an hygiene factors, some differentiating are very active, driven by large increase in both dealflow and factors and some compelling factors. domestic demand. Energy and completed deals. There’s a lot of pent On the hygiene factors, you need infrastructure are other sectors to up seller demand, and a lot of pent money, a fair price, good processes watch, and ones where there has up buyer demand, and when those and well-oiled due diligence. The been a lot of competition from local two things coincide, deal flow differentiators are often linked to the and foreign strategic partners.” increases.” people you have, your international TURKEY survey respondent UNITED STATES survey respondent networks, your understanding of the business, your relationship with management and your brand. The wow factors tend to come down to the individual leading the deal and the more personal factors.” UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent 4 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
  • 7. FIGURE 2: MOST ACTIVE SECTORS “It is significant that the Consumer consumer sector is cited Business services as the most active. This Industrials and manufacturing Healthcare could change if a double TMT dip recession does occur.” Financial services Education STEVE BRADY Natural resources PARTNER, HEAD OF TRANSACTION ADVISORY Energy SERVICES GRANT THORNTON, US Infrastructure Food and agribusiness Real estate and construction While the macro headwinds are still Software and IT services blowing around the world, there is a sense within the global private equity community of optimism. With caution FIGURE 3: INVESTMENT ACTIVITY BY REGION PERCENTAGE still the watchword, approaching two- thirds of GPs included within this Western Europe 50 43 7 survey nevertheless believe that investment activity will increase over the North America 63 30 7 coming year. It has been fashionable to Asia Pacific 66 27 7 talk of the rise of the East both inside and outside private equity, and although MENA 62 38 0 there’s no doubt that the developed markets have suffered most, recent times BRICS 72 22 6 have served as a reminder of the Global result 61 33 6 interconnectedness and mutual reliance of global markets in the modern era. Increase Stay the same Decrease Globally, the principal impacts of the downturn have been to raise the spectre • Over 60% expect an increase. of an industry shake-out and to see • Caution is most clearly expressed in Europe, where over 40% expect it to remain at current levels. • BRICS respondents are most positive, driven particularly by respondents in Brazil and India. levels of quality dealflow reduced. The reaction of the private equity industry has been to align itself with the best opportunities, wherever they may be. FIGURE 4: SOURCES OF COMPETITION PERCENTAGE This flight to quality has resulted, inevitably, in increased levels of Western Europe 47 11 38 0 3 1 competition which has also kept prices North America 65 5 30 0 0 0 for the best assets high. The strength of corporate balance sheets has served to Asia Pacific 46 29 21 0 4 0 intensify this competitive environment. MENA 36 30 15 0 15 4 BRICS 40 32 18 5 3 2 Global result 48 20 26 1 4 1 Domestic Foreign/ Trade Public Family Other private international buyers markets offices equity private equity Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 5
  • 8. “We’re seeing good private equity dealflow and a strong pipeline. Entrepreneurs and families are coming out of hiding and are looking for finance to support growth.” ARNAUD LIMAL PARTNER, CORPORATE FINANCE GRANT THORNTON, FRANCE FIGURE 5: KEY FACTORS IN IDENTIFYING AND WINNING DEALS The reawakening of the corporate Corporate/entrepreneur networks community, including the restructuring Advisory relationships of larger businesses, means that the Sector expertise traditional channels of private equity Local presence dealflow, namely family- and privately- Track record/reputation owned businesses and corporate Price divestments, are expected to remain the Value add proposition dominant sources. However, Access to capital competition within the private equity Deal process management industry itself has helped promote an Management chemistry environment where secondary Speed transactions can take hold, with this Strategic differentiation being an increasingly relevant feature of both the developed and more nascent markets. In this new landscape, everything points to the enhanced importance of networks. In emerging markets, this manifests itself in the need for local presence and an understanding of local business cultures. Whereas in more established markets, rising competition has emphasised the need to self- originate, act fast and develop an angle. “It’s still a very competitive market “The two main sources of deals here “I’d have to say that at this point in and unfortunately that means that are entrepreneur-owned businesses time we are more cautious than price matters most when competing who are unable to access debt optimistic about the economy.” for deals. In a hot market, it’s always funding any more, and the public CHINA survey respondent price and terms, and then the markets which are becoming probability of close. How strongly you interesting because of the stock can demonstrate that you can market pricing.” deliver.” HONG KONG survey respondent UNITED STATES survey respondent 6 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
  • 9. Portfolio FIGURE 6: AREAS OF HANDS-ON INVOLVEMENT Throughout the downturn, private Strategic input equity firms around the world have Financial planning found themselves having to focus more Human resources on working with portfolio businesses in M&A order to help strengthen their positions Operational input in an adverse climate. While the skills Professionalisation might have been honed in firefighting, Governance they are now proving useful where Access to networks private equity firms are operating in Cost control low-growth environments. Internationalisation Given the low growth in some Mentoring markets coupled with the lack of value Exit planning uplift available from leverage or multiple Monitoring arbitrage, many private equity houses Sector knowledge stress the importance of performance Managing banking relationships enhancement as a value driver and Access to capital highlight their input in a number of key Kudos areas in aiding this. In particular, Innovation strategic input is universally seen as central to the private equity offering. Around the world, the professionalisation of businesses as they develop under institutional ownership is something which private equity players can and do contribute to. Assistance with operational systems, financial planning and human resources are oft-cited benefits that private equity ownership “With the market as challenging as it is at the moment, can bring to companies. adding value is the only way of really unlocking returns. Groups are finding they have to do more and work more closely with their portfolio management teams. Some got caught out before, and now there’s no going back – if you want to generate a return, you have to work for it.” STEVE LUKENS HEAD OF ADVISORY GRANT THORNTON, US Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 7
  • 10. “The value we bring is really about FIGURE 7: HANDS-ON PORTFOLIO INVOLVEMENT PERCENTAGE boosting growth initiatives, reinforcing corporate governance and Western Europe 15 74 11 strengthening management teams.” North America 17 73 10 SINGAPORE survey respondent Asia Pacific 31 69 0 MENA 36 64 0 BRICS 25 75 0 Global result 22 72 6 The likelihood that portfolio Increase Stay the same Decrease companies will be involved in M&A activity varies considerably by company FIGURE 8: PORTFOLIO VALUE DRIVERS and GP. However, there is a general PERCENTAGE sense that M&A levels will increase, with Western Europe 17 39 32 3 9 this likely to include cross-border acquisitions. While GPs are mindful of North America 29 49 14 0 8 the challenges involved in making M&A work, and indeed the additional cultural Asia Pacific 36 45 14 0 5 and complexity challenges posed by MENA 26 49 17 4 4 cross-border deals, factors such as relatively cheap assets and opportunities BRICS 35 46 13 2 4 to rapidly access growing markets are serving to encourage activity. Global result 27 44 20 2 7 A further aspect of portfolio firm Market Performance M&A Financial Multiple professionalisation in which private growth improvement growth engineering Arbitrage equity is playing a role is in relation to Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”). Governance, in particular, is an FIGURE 9: ESG PERCENTAGE area of GP focus globally, both reflecting the ‘best practice’ aspect of this approach Western Europe 41 41 13 5 as well as a recognition of increasing North America 30 17 17 36 pressure from other stakeholders, including LPs and regulators. Asia Pacific 33 42 17 8 MENA 0 33 50 17 BRICS 34 38 22 6 Global result 32 35 20 13 Highly Growing Of some Not relevant relevance relevance relevant 8 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
  • 11. Exit FIGURE 10: EXIT ACTIVITY PERCENTAGE Western Europe North America Asia Pacific MENA BRICS Global result Increase 69 53 74 79 50 63 Stay the same 18 40 13 14 36 26 Decrease 13 7 13 7 14 11 • Over 60% of respondents expect to see exit activity increase over the next 12 months. With what was an accelerating The pressure to exit for some is, Inevitably, secondary buyouts population of private equity backed however, matched by the pressure to provoke debate about their pros and businesses leading up to the downturn, invest for others, namely those who have cons. However, in those markets where coupled with the closing of most viable dry powder to deploy before the end of they are an established feature, they have exit routes at the peak of the crisis, the agreed investment periods. These push provided the lifeblood of the exit market private equity industry has found itself and pull drivers are the key factors in the in an environment where IPOs have with rapidly aging portfolios and, with increasing trend towards secondary been very difficult to achieve. In fundraising looming in many cases, a buyout activity in recent times. emerging markets, secondary buyouts need to achieve realisations. This is are yet to achieve the same position, but reflected in the fact that approaching are increasingly seen. two-thirds of GPs globally expect to see an increase in exit activity over the coming year. “Secondary buyouts work well here, “The global financial crisis resulted in but for different reasons. India is a a lengthening of the holding period growth market dominated by minority for portfolio companies and typically expansion investments. As a natural has led to a delay of 1-2 years in the part of this, the businesses backed investment cycle, which has been need larger capital injections as used to fix and repair portfolio they grow and this presents good companies. Now that these two opportunities for financial investors years have passed, portfolio up the scale.” companies are ripe for exit.” INDIA survey respondent SOUTH AFRICA survey respondent Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 9
  • 12. FIGURE 11: EXIT ROUTES PERCENTAGE Western Europe North America Asia Pacific MENA BRICS Global result IPOs 1 9 5 16 37 14 Trade sale 54 56 62 68 43 54 Secondary buyout 45 35 33 16 20 32 The other saving grace for private FIGURE 12: AVERAGE RETURNS PERCENTAGE equity firms in realisation mode has been the appetite of trade buyers. This Western Europe 35 35 30 highlights the positive side of the North America 34 45 21 double-edged sword for private equity that is an acquisitive corporate Asia Pacific 38 23 39 community. Given the range of competing factors MENA 29 42 29 at play, practitioners find it difficult to BRICS 50 42 8 form a certain view as to the direction of returns for the industry. On the one Global result 35 38 27 hand, high entry prices, continuing global macro uncertainty and a shortage Increase Stay the same Decrease of debt have applied downward pressure. On the other, improving confidence, a buoyant secondary market and trade appetite keep optimism alive. Despite this, the prevailing view is that the coming period will see both winners and losers and it will be this that determines the shape of the industry going forward. “There is optimism that exit activity will increase this year. The nature of private equity is such that investors measure performance against a benchmark and this is how LPs look at the world. GPs are engaged in an ongoing process of understanding what’s important to LPs; ultimately this comes down to getting capital back and churning portfolios.” HARISH HV PARTNER, HEAD OF TRANSACTION ADVISORY SERVICES GRANT THORNTON, INDIA 10 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
  • 13. Fundraising FIGURE 13: AREAS OF INCREASING LP DEMANDS For private equity firms heading out to Transparency market, the fundraising environment Performance remains testing. Practitioners point to ESG the increasingly polarised nature of the Fees market in which high performers are Commitment to strategy able to raise, and even quite quickly, Governance while others find it tough. This is linked Key man to a flight to quality by LPs which has Fund secondary DD seen even some of the most longstanding Differentiation relationships reassessed. Value drivers Simultaneously, the industry has seen Alignment a clear shift in the balance of the GP–LP Direct competition relationship, with investors increasingly Co-investment willing to demand more transparency Dealflow and seek demonstrable performance, not least in newer private equity markets that have been sold hard in recent times and now need to prove they can deliver the promised returns. In developed “The fundraising environment is both positive and markets, LPs have sought to find a negative. There are plenty of firms hitting the fundraising collective voice with which to put their jackpot and deservedly so, but equally there are many case. In particular, initiatives such as players who are really struggling. Ultimately, painful as ILPA and the drive for a particular fund’s LPs to hold closed meetings it is for some, it’s probably a good thing for the industry.” without the GP present illustrate the FRANCOISE NOEL-MARQUIS more ‘forensic’ approach now being PARTNER employed. GRANT THORNTON, FRANCE “I think it’s a competitive fundraising “The big problem for the local market “Fundraising is pretty tough. A lot of environment. It’s better than it has is the total lack of returns made. people flooded into the market and been but people still have exposure to There just haven’t been enough of there is possibly now a bit of a knee- bad funds. The denominator issue is them and as a result there are some jerk as people fear conditions are too diminishing, as is the liquidity issue, very poorly-performing funds.” overheated.” but the overhang is still there and VIETNAM survey respondent BRAZIL survey respondent existing managers are scrapping for re-ups.” UNITED STATES survey respondent Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 11
  • 14. “It is harder to raise funds now and “LPs are reducing both their allocations and the number of GPs they we will continue to see a flight to want to work with. They have learnt a lot in recent times and are more quality. We’re in a situation where the discerning about performance and the way they are treated by GPs. These better end of town will do well, but the days more than ever, strong performance and transparency are key.” rest will find it very tough. It is the UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent same highly-selective environment on the deal side as well, with the lending banks definitely having an A list of GPs.” AUSTRALIA survey respondent There are signs of longer-term FIGURE 14: FUTURE FUND SIZE VERSUS PREDECESSOR PERCENTAGE confidence with many GPs expecting to be able to raise larger funds in the future. Western Europe 46 51 3 This is most notably a feature of North America 50 42 8 emerging markets, with evidence of the process of fund size inflation having Asia Pacific 83 0 17 paused in developed markets. A clear outcome of the changing MENA 61 31 8 sentiment in the investor community is BRICS 75 0 25 the expectation amongst GPs globally that there will be a degree of churn Global result 56 36 8 within their LP bases. Pressures in this respect vary from country to country Larger Same size Smaller and fund to fund, but it is clear that while in some regions the opening up of • Taking fund size as a measure of the likely future size of the industry suggests that emerging market PE firms are confident of future growth. domestic sources of capital is seen as an • Within the developed markets, the picture points more towards a stabilising of the industry size. opportunity, in others the retrenchment of domestic LPs is forcing GPs to build increasingly international investor FIGURE 15: FUNDRAISING ENVIRONMENT relationships. This is, in effect, leaving PERCENTAGE some GPs to compete for attention Western Europe 9 11 33 27 20 amongst a broader range of peers by convincing LPs of the attractiveness of North America 4 22 26 41 7 their firm and market in an international arena. Asia Pacific 0 13 7 47 33 MENA 0 46 31 23 0 BRICS 3 36 22 33 6 Global result 4 24 26 33 13 Very Positive Neutral Negative Very positive Negative 12 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
  • 15. Overall market outlook FIGURE 16: KEY CHALLENGES FACING THE PRIVATE EQUITY INDUSTRY With the global economic situation still Macro economy very much in the balance, macro Regulation economic considerations are regarded as Competition the greatest challenge currently facing Performance the private equity industry worldwide. LP sentiment The fallout from the downturn has also Deal origination triggered increased attention from PE perception national regulators seeking to drive more PE HR transparency from financial institutions. Access to debt The inherent opacity of the private Portfolio issues equity industry has made it a lightning Industry maturity rod in some instances, giving Exiting momentum to a process that had already Tax begun on the back of concerns about job Geo-political factors security and asset stripping as businesses Fiscal environment with larger (often politically sensitive) Human resources stakeholder groups came under private Secondary buyouts equity ownership in some markets. This has added to the challenges faced by the industry, with firms noting the need to educate and sell the benefits of private equity on an ongoing basis. “I think in general the industry has a “The reliance on leverage, and also problem in generating the types of the ability of private equity companies returns to justify the asset class. to differentiate themselves both There just hasn’t been the present challenges.” performance in recent times. AUSTRALIA survey respondent Institutional investors are getting disillusioned. That’s a problem the industry needs to work on.” CANADA survey respondent Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture 13
  • 16. FIGURE 17: AREAS OF RECRUITMENT “One of the biggest PERCENTAGE issues for the industry is Deal doing 37 Portfolio operations 14 one of perception. Every Research 11 time the industry puts its Admin 4 head above the parapet, it IR 4 Legal 1 risks getting it shot off by Other 1 either the press or the N/A 28 Government. I think it’s symptomatic of the fact FIGURE 18: AREAS OF NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PERCENTAGE that when times are hard, Core business 48 people look to blame Geographic opportunities 17 someone.” Sector opportunities 9 Asset class opportunities 7 MARTIN GODDARD Deal size shift 3 GLOBAL SERVICE LINE LEADER – TRANSACTIONS Independence 1 GRANT THORNTON INTERNATIONAL Privatisations 1 N/A 14 The bulk of the other key challenges GPs that are looking to diversify faced by the industry relate to the need their areas of interest as the global macro to demonstrate performance in today’s trends play out are most likely to look highly competitive environment. Given for similar opportunities within new this backdrop, it is no surprise that the geographies. Wherever the focus, the key focus of, and opportunities pursued common factor is the need for by, private equity firms relate to their communication, whether that be core business. While the drivers are introducing the asset class, re-educating somewhat different in the emerging and stakeholders, or demonstrating the more developed markets, the shared ability to generate returns. outcome is a perceived need to sharpen deal origination and portfolio “The big challenges to the industry all management processes, with many firms stem from regulatory issues and the being in the process of augmenting their fact that PE has been lumped teams in these areas. In the mature together with the banks and hedge markets, the long-term process of funds. All of the resulting scrutiny is institutionalisation has seen teams leading to more and more admin – expand in many areas to support larger and that is not value-adding. There is portfolios and fundraising ambitions. massive pressure on resources and Paradoxically, there is a opposing this will translate into problems for pressure to minimise back office costs. returns. There is also a problem In the emerging markets, the rapid associated with all the attention on development of private equity has fees and remuneration. If there is too required GPs to work to ensure that much pressure here we will not be their own development in human capital able to hire the top people and they terms keeps pace. will simply go to hedge funds.” GERMANY survey respondent 14 Global private equity report 2011 – Global picture
  • 17. Western Europe: Investment activity FIGURE 1: KEY FACTORS IN IDENTIFYING AND WINNING DEALS Confidence in the prospects for dealflow Corporate/entrepreneur networks over the coming year is returning slowly Advisory relationships amongst European private equity firms Sector expertise with around half expecting an increase in Track record/reputation activity. Although this is the lowest level Access to capital recorded in any of the key global Deal process management markets, very few people actually expect Price to see investment levels decline. Local presence Anticipated sources of dealflow are Value add proposition particularly varied in Europe. However, Management chemistry most strikingly the importance of Speed secondary buyouts is higher than in any Strategic differentiation other market. With dealflow in the region being generally hard won, private equity firms have sought various ways to get ahead of the competition. In the first instance this involves building and consolidating networks both within the corporate and advisory communities. However, whilst track record is still very important, there is also an increased emphasis on building knowledge of markets and the dynamics of individual businesses and their management at an early stage in the process. Ultimately, most deals will go “I believe secondary and tertiary deals “There’s more competition from trade through some form of intermediation will continue to be very important, buyers, and I expect this to continue and market testing of the price. This is particularly for larger mid-market to increase. Trade players are getting the case not least because trade buyers deals. In 2010 the largest proportion more confident, and unless the have returned as a key competitor to of deals above Euro 75m was economy ends up in a double dip, I private equity, and one with deep accounted for by secondary buyout can’t see this changing – they’ll be pockets for the right asset strategically. activity. Under Euro 75m a lot more out in force. There are lots of private deals were primary transactions. The equity houses with money, but this fact is that we’re seeing corporates can only dwindle over the medium– to being less focused on divestiture, but long-term, not increase.” much more acquisitive.” UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 15
  • 18. “It’s a combination of factors, but FIGURE 2: SOURCES OF DEALFLOW PERCENTAGE really it comes down to your networks, increasingly your sector Public markets: 1% knowledge and focus, rigour, Other: 1% discipline and tenacity. Clearly you can’t discount the value of Secondary buyouts: 47% Corporate divestments: 20% intermediary networks, but GPs are spending a lot more time on non- intermediated deals these days. There will always be auctions, but you want to try to avoid them if you can, Family/private: 31% or at least make sure you have a head start.” UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent “Deal sourcing is the same now as it’s always been for us. It’s about being as early as you can on an asset, and not waiting for the pitch from banks. It’s about spending more time with management teams and vendors to FIGURE 3: SOURCES OF COMPETITION PERCENTAGE understand the asset before it comes to market, which means you’re more Others: 1% prepared and can move faster.” Family offices: 3% FRANCE survey respondent Trade buyers: 38% Domestic private equity: 47% “The market in Italy is split between those deals that are marketed above and below the radar. For the former you obviously need to have a strong relationship with the intermediaries, but these are more commodities. The real key in Italy is to have a big network of contacts among the entrepreneurs.” ITALY survey respondent “It will mainly be secondaries. Most Foreign/International private equity: 11% German corporates have completed their disposal programmes and entrepreneurs are reluctant to sell assets only to see their money get “Speed is key in deal origination. It is a very competitive sucked into sovereign debt crises!” market and so getting to deals early is crucial. Strong GERMANY survey respondent relationships with intermediaries is a key part of this.” PAR EKENGREN HEAD OF CORPORATE FINANCE GRANT THORNTON, SWEDEN 16 Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe
  • 19. Portfolio FIGURE 4: AREAS OF HANDS-ON INVOLVEMENT Hands-on involvement with portfolio Strategic input investments has risen to relatively high M&A levels in Europe versus other parts of the Human resources world and is expected to remain so, with Operational input the key focus of GP efforts typically on Financial planning strategic input and M&A. Assistance Internationalisation with financial planning has also been Professionalisation significant, with the majority of GPs Cost control reporting that debt renewal will not be Access to networks an issue over the next 12 months. Mentoring European private equity firms are Exit planning more cautious regarding portfolio Monitoring prospects than their counterparts in Managing banking relationships other parts of the world, with the macro Governance economic environment being cited as the Innovation chief driver of sentiment. Sector knowledge “The nature of the value drivers depends on the “Growing market share through innovation is fundamental. The business and what you’re trying to do to it. In some businesses I like are in big markets cases it could be a mixture of multiple arbitrage and with lots of players, some big groups M&A; in others it might be more organic. You need to with lots of legacy systems, and you find someone smaller with an build a growth strategy to suit the individual innovative approach. The majority of company.” deals we do like this would succeed even if the market stayed flat in my MO MERALI PARTNER, HEAD OF PRIVATE EQUITY personal view.” GRANT THORNTON, UK UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 17
  • 20. Portfolio M&A support is seen to be FIGURE 5: PORTFOLIO VALUE DRIVERS PERCENTAGE more important amongst European private equity firms than elsewhere. In particular, crossborder M&A is seen as Multiple arbitrage: 9% an increasingly relevant feature. Financial engineering: 3% Market growth: 17% However, with this comes the additional challenges of cultural issues and relative M&A growth: 32% complexity. These are perhaps thrown into even sharper relief when Performance transactions are being considered improvement: 39% beyond European borders in markets such as China, which is now on the radar for an increasing number of GPs. FIGURE 6: CHALLENGES TO CROSS BORDER M&A PERCENTAGE Funding constraints 2 Foreign market credibility 2 Different fiscal environment 2 Currency risk 2 Lack of opportunities 7 Parochialism 9 Management team 13 “There are massive cultural Lack of PE resource 13 differences between China and the Relative complexity 18 West. You can’t afford to ignore China Culture 32 and you need to understand it as best you can. Doing business in China is not to be taken lightly.” UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent “The benefits of cross-border M&A really depend on the company – if the company is already international, then it is almost business as usual… they will understand what they are “The main thing is to get the right strategic equity story to be developed doing and there is a good basis of and executed. We are keen to pursue a long-term plan that is signed off by due diligence to draw upon. If the both the management and ourselves.” company is venturing abroad for the GERMANY survey respondent first time or it is the first acquisition, it is more tricky. There is more work to be done with the management “As a whole, and not just in terms of the weak GDP announcements team to convince them and us that it recently, the economy is shaky and confidence is low – I just don’t think it is a good thing to do.” feels good.” FRANCE survey respondent UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent 18 Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe
  • 21. Exit FIGURE 7: EXIT ROUTES Sentiment regarding prospects for the PERCENTAGE exit market are generally positive, with a window of opportunity seen to have IPOs: 1% opened up over the last year. Around Secondary buyout: 45% Trade sale: 54% three-quarters of European respondents also expect exit levels to continue to increase over the coming year, which compares favourably with their counterparts elsewhere. “Secondaries are driving the market “The main cons of secondary buyouts because on one side you have people are that they almost always come via who need to return capital in order to highly contested auctions and are fundraise and on the other you have therefore expensive. On top of that, people who need to deploy capital.” the former owner has normally done a good job with the business making SWEDEN survey respondent it difficult to see further growth. Sometimes though, it is just a question of fit and it can really work better for the second buyer than the first.” GERMANY survey respondent Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 19
  • 22. The two key drivers of these exit trends are: first, the return of trade “Returns have, fundamentally, been pretty strong. If buyers, which, while increasing the exit markets aren’t great then, by and large, private competition on the buyside, is also equity firms just sit on investments for longer and wait proving a willing source of liquidity for private equity assets, and; second, the until they can get value.” pressures being felt by many private KAI BARTELS equity firms in relation to their own SENIOR PARTNER, HEAD OF M&A fundraising cycles and the need to both GRANT THORNTON, GERMANY deploy capital and demonstrate returns. The IPO window is seen to be very firmly shut in Europe, with the consequence that, in comparison, secondary buyouts have taken on an added significance. The cocktail of competition and pressure to exit is resulting in considerable variation in expectations for returns going forward. There remains a sense that there will be winners and losers and that a final shake out within the industry is still to happen. “I think returns will stay the same in “I think exit levels will increase the short term, but longer term they because of the maturity profile of will decrease. The best performers portfolios at the moment. There have will maintain their high returns, but certainly been some great exits the discrepancy between the best and recently. The challenge is always the worst will increase.” having the patience to allow companies to mature.” FRANCE survey respondent UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent 20 Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe
  • 23. Fundraising FIGURE 8: AREAS OF INCREASING LP DEMANDS Unsurprisingly, European private equity “We’ve just come off a fundraising Transparency practitioners continue to regard the and it’s incredibly competitive out ESG fundraising environment as tough by there. Pretty much every LP in the Performance historical standards. With many world is reducing the number of GP PE firm management investing institutions still working relationships they have and will only Fund secondary DD through their own problems, while they consider re-ups and new relationships Commitment to strategy remain positively disposed towards with top-tier managers, so it’s very Differentiation private equity, they are having to look very tough.” Co-investment closely at the number and size of their Key man UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent commitments to the asset class. For GPs, this sentiment means higher levels of LP churn within their “ESG matters are becoming much investor bases as institutions more important. We signed the UN PRI contemplate future funds. GPs are last year and contributed to AFIC’s readying themselves for the prospect of White Paper on ESG. We have a needing to identify a higher proportion dedicated in-house team and are doing of new investors than in the past and the a big appraisal on the subject now. It is likelihood of a stagnation in fund sizes. extremely important for the image of In addition, GPs are reporting a the industry and to satisfy the LPs.” higher degree of LP engagement. A FRANCE survey respondent greater desire amongst investors for transparency and depth of information is the key trend here. While areas such as “LPs are drilling into companies more performance clearly continue to be of than they have in the past – what key importance to LPs, there is also an makes them tick, why we did the increasing focus on ‘new areas’ such as deal, where the key threats are. ESG and the management of the private However, most LPs have 70-80 fund equity firm itself. interests, and they just don’t have time to sit down with every one of their GPs and go through things in such detail.” “It’s very difficult at the moment. But if you look at the past, LP appetite has UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent normally returned 9-12 months after M&A activity has kicked back into gear and liquidity rises. With any luck that will be felt in the next year.” GERMANY survey respondent Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 21
  • 24. Overall market outlook FIGURE 9: KEY CHALLENGES FACING THE PRIVATE EQUITY INDUSTRY Reflecting the underlying positive Macro economy sentiment with regard to expected deal Performance and exit activity, private equity firms are LP sentiment building capacity in order to capitalise Regulation on the opportunities ahead. In particular, PE perception around two-thirds of European Deal origination respondents are planning to increase Competition their head count over the coming year, PE HR with this predominantly being in the Access to debt core area of front-line deal-doing. Portfolio issues With increased emphasis being Industry maturity placed on self-origination strategies and Exiting recruitment, it is no surprise that the Secondary buyouts majority of private equity firms stress Geo-political factors the importance of focusing on their core business of identifying quality businesses within their target market. Private equity players are currently faced with a plethora of challenges, some private equity specific, some regulatory, and others reputational. However, the most significant factor relates to the challenges presented by the state of the macro economy. Regulatory matters are high on the agenda of GP concerns, not least the introduction of the AIFMD. This particular initiative is expected not only to lead to higher levels of bureaucracy and increased costs, but also to frustrate the dynamism of the industry by raising “Regulation is terrifying. The mindset “We are working on increasing our barriers to entry for first time managers out there is that what private equity build-up programme for the portfolio and spin-outs. does is terrible. How we combat this I and trying to profit from the fact that don’t know. What is certain is that very good companies are struggling regulation of the industry is going to to raise bank funding and therefore become a lot more rigorous.” are turning to growth capital providers for the first time.” UNITED KINGDOM survey respondent SPAIN survey respondent 22 Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe
  • 25. “We have been through the worst FIGURE 10: IMPACTS OF EU REGULATION PERCENTAGE downturn since WWII and companies have demonstrated they have the Bureaucracy 38 DNA to survive in a market that gets Costs 20 Barriers to entry 7 little support from government. The Capital adequacy rules 7 main opportunity is to harness the Fundraising 4 strength of those businesses and help Less competition 2 them into new markets.” Risk perception 2 ITALY survey respondent Transparency 2 N/A 18 “You can see that the AIFMD represents a challenge, but it will FIGURE 11: AREAS OF NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PERCENTAGE help generate a better understanding of the industry.” Core business 60 Geographical opportunities 16 SWEDEN survey respondent Asset class opportunities 7 Sector opportunities 7 Deal size shift 2 N/A 8 “Competition is the biggest issue facing the industry. You can really see the need for consolidation in the market – there are too many players with too “In these difficult economic times, private equity is much committed capital. faced with not only an origination issue, but also Those funds with capital pressure from investors, regulators and the broader still to invest will be public. The industry is therefore being challenged to under pressure, and this visibly prove the model and demonstrate it can add will drive up prices.” value regardless of broader economic conditions.” RAINER WILTS THIERRY DARTUS PARTNER HEAD OF TRANSACTION ADVISORY SERVICES GRANT THORNON, GERMANY GRANT THORNON, FRANCE Global private equity report 2011 – Western Europe 23
  • 26. North America: Investment activity FIGURE 1: KEY FACTORS IN IDENTIFYING AND WINNING DEALS Price remains king in North America’s Corporate/entrepreneur networks highly intermediated and efficient Price market and is seen by many as the key Sector expertise factor in winning deals. However, Advisory relationships evidence suggests a GP’s sector expertise, Access to capital as well as the quality of its corporate Deal process management networks, are central elements of their Local presence approach to deal origination. Value add proposition Track record reputation Management chemistry Speed “I think there are two key areas in terms of deal sources: sponsor-to- sponsor deals will be the biggest area, followed by independent family- owned businesses. For sponsor-to- sponsor, the market’s been so negative that they haven’t been able to sell and so now’s the time. Independent family-owned businesses “I think PE investment activity over the “Origination is sector led. We’re calling may be a driver of deals as there’s next 12 months will be increasing. I on companies in specialist areas where uncertainty around so this may drive still think there’s lots of dry powder out we’ve invested before and built domain things through.” there and banks are still lending as the knowledge, that’s how we differentiate. UNITED STATES survey respondent debt markets have softened a bit. The We’re proactive in terms of identifying economy is in good shape in Canada companies we’re interested in and but it’s all subject to company building up relationships over time, “As it always has been, winning deals availability – whether there are several years prior to any investment comes down to who pays the highest companies available to buy. Valuations opportunity. By the time an opportunity price. Of course, you need to be in are strong so vendors are getting what does arise, we already know each front of the right intermediaries, but they’re looking for and generally other, and that provides an advantage.” price is by far the biggest there’s a willingness to transact.” determinant of success.” UNITED STATES survey respondent CANADA survey respondent CANADA survey respondent 24 Global private equity report 2011 – North America