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                       SURVEY CONDUCTED BY:
                       Marketing General Incorporated

                       UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF:
                       Tony Rossell, Senior Vice President
                       Adina Wasserman, PhD,
                       Director of Research, and
                       Erik Schonher, Vice President
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                                       EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
     Membership organizations reported            and membership renewals—all showed
     a triple play in membership growth           substantial improvements from the
     based on survey results gathered for         previous year’s benchmarking report.
     the 2011 Membership Marketing
     Benchmarking Report.                         A total of 49% of respondents said that
                                                  they had recorded an overall increase in
     From this year’s survey, which included      members over the previous 12 months.
     650 participating associations, the major    This is a substantial jump over the 36%
2    indicators of membership health—total        who reported membership growth the
     membership, new members acquired,            previous year.

                          Percentage Change in Entire Membership
                                    Over Past ONE Year
                                                    2011      2010     2009
                   Percentage Increased Overall     49%       36%      45%
                   Percentage Unchanged Overall     16%       14%      16%
                   Percentage Declined Overall      34%       48%      35%
                   Not Sure                          2%        3%       5%

Growth in new member recruitment              Finally, the survey results show that
appears to be the big driver in               membership renewals had a more
membership growth. Of responding              positive outcome this past year, with 32%
association executives, 57% report the        of respondents saying that they have had
acquisition of new members increased          an increase in overall renewal rates.
over the past year. These results are
significantly better compared to both
2010 and 2009.

                  Percentage Change in NEW-Member Acquisition
                                 Over Past Year
                                                 2011      2010     2009
               Percentage Increased Overall      57%       42%      49%
               Percentage Unchanged Overall      21%       20%      22%
               Percentage Declined Overall       16%       26%      21%
               Not Sure                           8%       12%      10%

                     Percentage Change in Member RENEWALS
                                  Over Past Year
                                                 2011      2010     2009
               Percentage Increased Overall      32%       21%      22%
               Percentage Unchanged Overall      37%       27%      39%
               Percentage Declined Overall       24%       44%      31%
               Not Sure                           7%        8%       9%

THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES TO                                        The data indicates that if an organization
    MEMBERSHIP GROWTH                                                reported weak product and service
                                                                     offerings, insufficient budget, or a lack of
    But even with improving numbers,                                 marketing expertise as their biggest
    challenges still exist for many groups                           challenge, then membership growth was
    in growing their membership. To gain                             less likely to have been achieved.
    a better understanding of these
    challenges, this year we asked association                       On the other hand, if an organization said
    executives to tell us what they perceived                        that its biggest challenge was the lack of
    as the biggest impediments to growth.                            a strategy or plan, then membership was
                                                                     more likely to have remained static.
    We then took their answers and cross-
    tabulated them with the reported                                 However, there may be hope for
    membership performance for their                                 membership growth even if an
    organizations over the past five years.                          organization is faced with insufficient
                                                                     staff, market saturation, an inadequate
    What we wanted to discover was which                             association management database, or
    challenges hurt membership growth the                            inadequate research to understand the
    most and which were painful, but tended                          market they serve. Organizations
    not to impede growth. Here is what we                            reporting these problems were more
    found:                                                           likely to have seen membership growth
                                                                     over the past five years.

                                     Challenges Faced by Five Year Membership Growth
                                                         Five Year        Five Year     Five Year
                Challenge                               Membership       Membership    Membership
                                                         Increased       Unchanged     Decreased
                Insufficient staff
                Weak product or service offering
                Insufficient budget
                Lack of strategy or plan
                Market saturation
                Inadequate association management
                Lack of marketing expertise
                Inadequate research

ENGAGING MEMBERS WITH                                                      in an activity, the higher the likelihood of
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES                                                      increased renewals for that organization.

Engaging members is also a critical                                        Specifically, organizations with members in
component of building a strong                                             the following activities were more likely to
membership. So our research this year                                      have renewal rates over 80% compared to
included a question to try and gauge the                                   organizations that did not offer these
participation level that organizations have                                programs: attendance at an annual
achieved in a variety of programs and                                      convention, attendance at a professional
services that are commonly provided by                                     development meeting, attendance at a
membership organizations.                                                  webinar, volunteering, participation in the
                                                                           private social network, participation in a
Beyond just the proportion of                                              young professionals program, purchase of a
membership using an association’s                                          book or directory, certification, purchasing
products and services, the data                                            insurance, and purchase of a miscellaneous
highlighted that organizations that had at                                 non-dues product or service.
least some members involved in almost
all of these activities were more likely to                                Participation in a public social network
enjoy higher renewal rates than those                                      and upgrading a membership were the
organizations not offering a specific                                      only activities that did not correlate with
program. And in general, the higher the                                    renewal rates over 80%.
proportion of members who participated

                                       Percentage of Members Engaged With Each Type of Activity
                                                                         1% -   6% -    11%    16%    21%    31%    41%   Over
                                                             N     0%
                                                                          5%    10%    -15%   -20%   -30%   -40%   -50%   50%

            Attend your annual convention                    592   7%    15%    14%    10%    13%    14%    8%     8%     12%    22%

            Attend at least one of your professional                                                                             19%
                                                             540   10%   18%    12%    9%     14%    13%    9%     7%     8%
            development meetings
            Acquire or maintain a certification with
                                                             480   47%   14%    9%     6%     7%     4%     2%     3%     8%     11%
            your organization

            Attend at least one of your webinars             519   25%   27%    14%    10%    7%     7%     6%     3%     3%     11%

            Participate in your public social network        539   12%   35%    23%    9%     7%     7%     3%     2%     2%     10%

            Purchase a non-dues product
            (other than previously checked)                  494   29%   25%    16%    10%    5%     5%     4%     1%     4%     10%

            Volunteer with your organization                 581   8%    39%    25%    10%    9%     5%     2%     1%     1%     9%

            Purchase a book or directory                     505   34%   24%    16%    8%     6%     5%     3%     2%     4%     9%

            Participate in your private social network       511   34%   24%    16%    8%     5%     4%     4%     2%     3%     9%

            Purchase a non-dues service
                                                             473   36%   27%    13%    8%     5%     3%     2%     2%     4%     9%
            (other than previously checked)
            Purchase or maintain insurance
                                                             479   52%   22%    8%     7%     3%     3%     2%     1%     4%     7%
            through your organization

            Upgrade their membership                         472   48%   24%    12%    4%     3%     4%     2%     1%     2%     6%

            Participate in your young professional program   447   57%   25%    9%     4%     3%     1%     0%     0%     0%     3%

    Another new area that we added to our                   What we found is that 30% of
    research this year was the practices                    organizations report that they have or
    around raising membership dues.                         will raise their membership dues in 2011
                                                            and 71% will increase dues rates between
    We asked: “How often does your                          1% and 10%. The majority of associations
    association raise membership dues?”,                    raise dues on an as-needed basis and
    “When was the last time your association                do not have a regular dues increase
    raised membership dues?”, and “What                     schedule.
    was the average percentage of your last
    membership dues increase across all
    membership categories?”

                   How often does your asso
                       o                  ociation raise membership due
                                                             e        es?
    How often does your association raise membership dues?

                               12%                   17%
              9%                                                            4%         Annually
                                                                                       Every other yea
                                                                                       E             ar
                                                                                       A needed
                                        58%                                            Never
                                                                                      201 (N=644)

     * The dues increase questions in the 2011 Benchmarking Research mirror questions from the 2007 Marketing
       General Incorporated study titled, Membership Dues Increase Study: Best Practices in the Why, How, and
       Outcomes of Raising Membership Dues. Despite the dramatic economic events of recent years, the
       frequency and amount of dues increases vary only slightly from the findings of our 2007 report.

REPORT BACKGROUND                               declining membership or better renewal
                                                rates, we are not claiming that any one
The 2011 Membership Marketing
                                                behavior in and of itself causes this outcome.
Benchmarking Report marks the third year
                                                There are literally thousands of variables that
that Marketing General Incorporated (MGI)
                                                impact membership results.
has surveyed associations to better
understand the strategies and tactics they      Nevertheless, if as a marketer one sees that
use to recruit members, engage new              organizations with certain behaviors or
members, renew existing members, and            practices tend to be doing better, one at
reinstate former members.                       least will want to explore the issue and see if
                                                there is something that can be applied to his
However, beyond cataloging membership
                                                or her organization.
practices, this Benchmarking Report also
takes these practices and cross-tabulates       The report includes dozens of key findings
them with the membership results                that can provide insights and direction for
associations are experiencing.                  membership marketing programs. We hope
                                                that you find it of help as you seek to
The comparison of practices and outcomes in
                                                maximize the membership results for your
membership provides strong directional
information on what tactics and strategies
might be added or dropped to help improve       If you have questions or need assistance
a membership program.                           with your membership marketing, the team
                                                at Marketing General Incorporated is
There is an important disclaimer that readers                                                     7
                                                pleased to be of help. Our website is:
should be aware of as they evaluate this
                                       Please find
report. Because an activity or practice has a
                                                our individual contact information on the
statistical correlation with a growing or
                                                back panel of this report.

    SURVEY OBJECTIVE                                       What is the margin of error? The margin of error is
                                                           a statistical measurement used to assess the
    The 2011 Membership Marketing Benchmarking             accuracy of the data compared to the universe of
    Report is the third installment of our annual          respondents. Since it is impossible to survey all
    tracking study. Our tracking research continues to     association executives, statisticians rely on a
    provide perspective on the tactics and strategies      random sample of individuals from the “universe”
    that organizations use to recruit new members,         of association executives to estimate what the
    engage and renew existing members, and                 results of the entire population would be. In
    reinstate former members. Additionally, we             essence, a randomly-generated sample provides
    compare the effectiveness of different tactics and     a statistical “snapshot” of the universe. The
    strategies from year to year and assess changes in     margin of error, therefore, measures the random
    association membership levels. While some              fluctuations or changes inherent in any sample.
    questions from the 2010 study were removed,            The smaller the margin of error means the more
    new questions were added to the study as various       accurate the measurement of the universe.
    other issues and queries were brought to light.
                                                           This study’s significant level of .05 carries with it a
                                                           95% confidence interval, meaning that if this
    METHODOLOGY                                            study was conducted 100 times, the same results,
                                                           plus or minus the margin of error (3.8%, in this
    The 2011 Membership Marketing Benchmarking             case) would occur 95 out of 100 times. The
    Study was conducted online and was launched on         confidence interval is established as the
    February 14, 2011, and was accessible to               likelihood that the same results would be
    respondents through March 7, 2011. Email               replicated, and that differences are not due to
    invitations were sent to approximately 5,719           chance or random fluctuations.
8   association professionals. In addition,
    respondents had access to the survey through our
    company blog site, if they did not receive a           RESPONSE RATE
    formal invitation. Close to 700 association
    professionals responded to this year’s survey          Email invitations were sent to 5,719 association
    providing data and information about their             professionals. There were 196 email addresses
    membership marketing efforts and experiences.          that “bounced,” resulting in a total of 5,523
                                                           delivered emails. 663 individual association
    To ensure that only one response per association       executives responded to the online survey
    was included, “duplicate” association responses        invitation, and another 29 completed the survey
    were removed. For example, if more than one            via the survey link on the blog post, resulting in
    person from the same association completed the         692 completed surveys. The survey produced a
    survey, the responses of the individual most           13% response rate overall, the same as the 2010
    closely associated with the membership                 study. After removing the duplicate associations,
    marketing responsibilities were used. Forty-two        findings from a net of 650 respondents are
    duplicate association responses were removed           included in this report.
    from the final results of this study, resulting in a
    total of 650 respondents for this study, with a
    margin of error of +/- 3.8%.

Which social media does your organization officially use?
(Please check all that apply.)

                                        ok                                                91%

                                        er                                        71%
                                                                                66%                            2011 (N=641)

                           LinkedIn (Public
                                          c)                                53%                                2010 (N=405)

                                       be                                   %

        LinkedIn (AssociaƟon Members Only
               n                        y)                           28%
                                                Not asked in 201

                           AssociaƟon Blo
                           A            og                           30%
                           ociaƟon Listser
                                         rv                           31%

          Private AssociaƟon Social Networ
                                         rk                 18

                                          kr               15%
                                               Not asked in 2010

                                      Wikis            9%

                            Ning/Groupsit           4%

                                Second Lif
                                         fe       2%

                                       ce         1%                                                                               9

                                      None           6%
                                                                                           2011 (N=641)
                                     Othe           4%
                                                     6%                                    2010 (N=405)

  Similar to the previous study,               Social media declines are seen                   Associations showing an
  the top social media platforms               with the use of Association                      increase in membership overall
  officially used by associations              Blogs and Listservs, and the                     and an increase in renewals
  include Facebook (91%),                      use of Wikis.                                    over the past year are
  Twitter (71%), and LinkedIn                                                                   significantly more likely to use
                                               Only 4% of individual
  (53%), although there has been                                                                an association blog and a
                                               membership associations and
  a slight drop in the percentage                                                               private association social
                                               9% of organizational/trade
  of LinkedIn use by                                                                            network, compared to
                                               associations report that they
  associations, compared to an                                                                  associations showing no
                                               do not officially use social
  increase in the use of                                                                        change or declines in
                                               media platforms.
  Facebook and Twitter.                                                                         membership and renewals.
                                               Interestingly, associations with
  There has also been an
                                               an 80% or higher renewal rate
  increase in associations’ use of
                                               are significantly more likely to use
  YouTube over the past year
                                               a Members-Only LinkedIn site.
  (45% in 2011 vs. 35% in 2010).

Of the social media your association uses, which has been
     the most effective in achieving your membership goals?

                    Most EffecƟve Social Media Outlets in Reaching Membership Goals?
                                                                      N             % Rank 1           % Rank 2
                                                               2011 2010          2011   2010        2011   2010
      Facebook                                                  329       307     29%     30%         22%        28%
      LinkedIn (Public)                                         161       242     15%     33%         10%        23%
      AssociaƟon Listserv                                        91       125     11%     59%          3%        14%
      LinkedIn (AssociaƟon Members Only)                         89       NA       8%      NA          6%         NA
      TwiƩer                                                    175       267      7%     10%         20%        26%
      Private AssociaƟon Social Network                          58        70      5%     39%          4%        27%
      AssociaƟon Blog                                            57       123      5%     19%          4%        16%
      YouTube                                                    55       141      3%      6%          6%        16%
      Ning/Groupsite                                            13*       23*      1%     13%          1%         9%
      Wikis                                                      6*        55       --     9%          1%        13%
      Flickr                                                     6*       NA        --     NA          1%         NA
      Second Life                                                1*       10*       --      --          --         --
      MySpace                                                    0        15*       --      --          --         --
10    Other                                                     10*       25*      1%     24%           --        4%
     * Small cell sizes can result in inflated percentages.

       Facebook is now considered                     LinkedIn (public access) is also   rated as an effective outlet by
       the most effective media                       rated one of the top two most      a higher percentage of
       outlet for reaching specified                  effective social media outlets,    association professionals in the
       membership goals. While the                    but by far fewer respondents,      last study (20% vs. 26% in
       percentage of respondents                      compared to the previous           2010). Private association
       rating it first has not changed                study (15% vs. 33% in 2010).       social networks are not
       much from the previous study                   This may be because we             considered as effective as they
       (29% vs. 30% in 2010), other                   added a second LinkedIn            were in the prior research (4%
       outlets that were previously                   option in the 2011 survey.         vs. 27% in 2010).
       considered most effective
                                                      Facebook is also rated as the      Associations with renewal rates
       (association listserv and private
                                                      second most effective media        less than 80%, and those with
       association social network) are
                                                      outlet, but at a slightly lower    individual memberships, are
       perceived as significantly less
                                                      percentage than in the 2010        significantly more likely to
       effective than reported in the
                                                      study (22% vs. 28% in 2010).       consider Facebook their most
       previous study.
                                                                                         effective social network outlet.
                                                      Twitter is considered one of
                                                      the top two most effective
                                                      social media outlets. It was

How do prospective new members learn about or
become aware of your organization?

                        How ProspecƟve Members Learn or Become Aware of Your OrganizaƟon
                                                                            2011      2010      2009
                                                                           (N=638)   (N=405)   (N=599)
              Member word-of-mouth recommendaƟons                            90%       91%       77%
              AssociaƟon website                                             87%       88%       85%
              Email to prospects                                             71%       67%       61%
              PromoƟon to/at your own conference/convenƟon                   65%       66%       65%
              Co-worker or colleague recommendaƟons                          64%       67%       54%
              Direct mail to prospects                                       62%       66%       76%
              AssociaƟon-sponsored events                                    57%       56%       37%
              Cross-sell to non-members who buy your products or aƩend
                                                                             56%      59%       52%
              your conferences
              Local events/meeƟngs                                           53%       NA        NA
              AssociaƟon-sponsored social networking websites
                                                                             51%      56%       35%
              (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn)
              ExhibiƟng at other conferences                                50%       51%       53%
              AdverƟsing in your own publicaƟons                            48%       56%       51%
              RecommendaƟons from/connecƟons with other associaƟons         47%       50%       40%
              Search engines (organic)                                      45%       47%       34%
              Public relaƟons                                               40%       39%       29%
              Chapters                                                      38%       46%       39%
              Employer recommendaƟons                                       33%       37%       30%
              AdverƟsing in outside publicaƟons                             31%       31%       28%
              Faculty recommendaƟons                                        28%       32%       35%
              Personal sales calls                                          25%       22%       24%
              Job board                                                     24%       23%       23%
              AccreditaƟon promoƟon                                         18%       20%       14%
              TelemarkeƟng to prospects                                     16%       18%       18%                     11
              Search engine ads (paid or pay-per-click)                     14%       20%        8%       Upward
              Paid banners on other websites                                12%       13%       12%        Trend
              Radio or TV                                                    7%        5%        7%
              Other                                                          4%        3%        3%      Downward
              Do not know                                                    0%        0%        1%        Trend

 Continuing the trend from the previous two studies,                 • Chapters (38% in 2011 vs. 46% in 2010)
 member word-of-mouth recommendations (90%), an                      • Employer recommendation (33% in 2011 vs.
 association website (87%), and email to prospects                     37% in 2010)
 are the three most common means by which                            • Association-sponsored social networking
 prospective members learn of an organization.                         websites (51% in 2011 vs. 56% in 2010)
 However, email to prospects is the only method of
                                                                     • Advertising in own publications (48% in 2011
 the top three that has shown a continued increasing
                                                                       vs. 56% in 2010)
 trend over the three studies.
                                                                     • Search engines (paid or pay-per-click) (14% in
 More than 60% of association professionals indicate                   2011 vs. 20% in 2010)
 that prospects learn of their organization through
 promotion to/at their conferences (65%), through a co-              Associations with an 80% renewal rate or higher
 worker or colleague (64%), or through direct mail (62%).            are more likely to rely on member word-of-
 However, direct mail is the only method of these three              mouth recommendations or personal sales calls,
 showing a continuous decline from year to year.                     compared to those with a lower renewal rate.

 Recommendations through faculty members have also                   Those associations that rely on email to
 showed a declining trend over the past three years.                 prospects, local meetings or events, and/or
                                                                     association-sponsored networking sites to
 Other methods that show a decrease in generating                    increase association awareness are significantly
 association awareness from the 2010 study include:                  more likely to show increases in renewal rates
                                                                     over the previous year.

What are the two most effective membership recruitment
     marketing channels you have used?

                                     Most EffecƟve Membership Recruitment Channels
                                                                       N              % Rank 1       % Rank 2
                                                                   2011 2010         2011 2010      2011 2010
              Member word-of-mouth recommendaƟons                   222    371       22%     27%     13%    19%
              Direct mail to prospects                              171    268       15%     27%     11%    17%
              Email to prospects                                    125    272       10%     10%      9%    14%
              PromoƟon to/at your own conference/convenƟon           84    266        8%     11%      5%     8%
              Co-worker or colleague recommendaƟons                  92    270        7%     13%      7%    13%
              Personal sales calls                                   70     90        7%     23%      4%    16%
              AssociaƟon website                                     94    359        5%      8%      9%    11%
              Cross-sell to non-members who buy your products or
                                                                    85     238       5%       6%     8%     12%
              aƩend your conferences
              AssociaƟon-sponsored events                           94     226       3%       2%     5%     8%
              Employer recommendaƟons                               29     150       3%       8%     2%     5%
              Faculty recommendaƟons                                27     128       2%       6%     2%     7%
              Chapters                                              34     188       2%      10%     3%     9%
              ExhibiƟng at other conferences                        32     208       1%       3%     4%     5%
              AdverƟsing in your own publicaƟons                    7      226       1%       0%     1%     1%
              RecommendaƟons from/connecƟons with other
                                                                    16     202       1%       2%     2%     5%
              Search engines (organic)                              19     192       1%       1%     2%     5%
              Public relaƟons                                       9      158       1%       3%     1%     3%
              AssociaƟon-sponsored social networking websites
12            (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn)
                                                                    16     226       1%       0%     2%     0%
              Local events/meeƟngs                                  29     NA        1%       NA     4%     NA
              AccreditaƟon promoƟon                                 9       82       1%       6%     1%     4%
              TelemarkeƟng to prospects                             18      73       1%       7%     2%     7%
              AdverƟsing in outside publicaƟons                     7      128        --      2%     1%     3%
              Radio or TV                                           4       19        --       --    1%      --
              Job board                                             2       94        --       --     --     --
              Search engine ads (paid or pay-per-click)             4       80        --       --     --     --
              Paid banners on other websites                        0       51        --       --     --     --
              Other                                                 15      13       2%      15%     1%      --

      While the percentages have              A significantly higher                       A significantly higher
      fallen somewhat, the top two            proportion of individual                     percentage of larger
      most effective recruitment              member associations rank                     associations (5,000 or more
      channels are still considered           direct mail to prospects as the              members) consider direct mail
      member word-of-mouth                    most effective membership                    to be the most effective
      recommendations and direct              recruitment channel,                         recruitment channel,
      mail to prospects.                      compared to trade                            compared to smaller
                                              associations (19% vs. 12%),                  associations. Small
                                              while association executives from            associations (up to 1,000
                                              trade associations are significantly         members) are significantly
                                              more likely to rate personal sales           more likely to rate personal
                                              calls as most effective for                  sales calls as the most effective
                                              recruitment (16% vs. 2%).                    recruitment channel.

What do you believe is the ONE TOP reason members
JOIN your organization?

                  Networking wit others in the field
                  N            th                                                                          24%

                 Ac             alized and/or current
                  ccess to specia                                                              14%
                                ormaƟon                                                                23%
                                                                                                                                 2011 (N=641)
                                           Adv                                        11%                                        2010 (N=400)
                                                        Not asked in 2009
                                                                                                                                 2009 (N=303)
                               ConƟnuing educaƟon
                               C                                                        11%
            Learning best pracƟce in their profession
                                es                                                 9%

                   Discounts on products or me
                                             eeƟng                      5%
                              pu                                                  9%

              Prest of belongin to the assoc
                  tige        ng           ciaƟon       Not asked in 2009/2010

                               erences/trade shows
                           Confe                        Not asked in 2009/2010

                                aƟon or cerƟficaƟon
                        Accredita                                    4%
                                ociaƟon publicaƟons
                             Asso                                           6%
                                ancing their po
                                              osiƟon           2%
                          Access to career reso
                               s              ources              3%

                Acc to industry benchmark studies
                  cess        y                             1%
                                                        Not asked in 2009

                        Insurance (Affinity prog
                                e            grams)
                                                             %                                                                                      13
                                                        Not asked in 2009/2010

                   Access to industry thought le
                   A                           eaders
                                                        Not ask in 2009/2010

                                            No sure
                                             ot               2%                                     2011 (N=641)
                                                        Not aske in 2009
                                                                                                     2010 (N=400)
                                               Other                               9%                2009 (N=303)

 One-quarter of respondents                             the main reason members join                                vs. 10% showing no change,
 indicate that the top reason                           their association. This                                     and 6% showing declines).
 they joined was to network                             percentage did not shift much
                                                                                                                    There is a downward trend in
 with others in the field (25%).                        from the 2010 study (up from
                                                                                                                    the percentage of respondents
 This represents a continued                            13%), but still represents a
                                                                                                                    who believe that discounts on
 trend upward, suggesting that                          substantial decline from the
                                                                                                                    products and meeting
 networking events and                                  result in 2009 (23%).
                                                                                                                    purchases are a strong
 opportunities are becoming
                                                        Advocacy is considered a                                    membership driver.
 increasingly more important
                                                        strong membership driver by                                 Respondents are also less
 for members. This is
                                                        about 10% of association                                    likely to believe that
 specifically evident for smaller
                                                        professionals, on par with the                              continuing education, best
 associations, those with fewer
                                                        2010 findings. This is especially                           practices, association
 than 5,000 paid members.
                                                        true for associations with                                  publications, and career
 Fourteen percent of                                    renewal rates at or above 80%                               resources are strong
 association professionals                              (14% vs. 5%) and those with an                              membership motivators.
 believe access to specialized                          increase in membership counts
 and/or current information is                          over the past five years (13%

Who is most likely to pay the dues for your membership?

                             8%         4%

                                                                    %               Member
               7                                                                    Both (p
                                                                                          parƟal reimburrsement)
                                                                                Both (p
                                                                                      parƟal reimburrsement)
                                                                                    Not sure
                                                                                Not sure
                                                                                   2011 (N
                                                                               2011 (N

      About half of the respondents          associations with renewal rates      Looking at industry,
      indicate that dues are most            below 80% are significantly          associations more likely to
      likely paid by a member’s              more likely to report dues are       have employer/company
      employer or company (51%),             paid by the member, partially        financial backing include:
      and 37% report that the                or in full.
                                                                                  • Finance/Accounting (68%)
      member pays the dues
                                             However, associations where
      themselves. Only 8% of                                                      • Professional Services (63%)
14                                           the member pays his or her
      association professionals                                                   • Building/Construction (90%)
                                             own dues are more likely to
      indicate that members
                                             have seen membership growth          • Manufacturing (68%)
      typically receive a partial
                                             in the past year (53% vs. 46%)
      reimbursement for their                                                     • Travel/Hospitality (74%)
                                             and are more likely to have
                                             seen membership growth               Associations, by industry, most
      Associations that indicate that        in the past five years               likely to have members paying
      an employer/company are                (53% vs. 47%).                       their own dues include:
      most likely to pay membership
                                             Organizational/trade                 • Philanthropic (52%)
      dues realized a greater
                                             associations are more likely to
      decrease in renewal rates than                                              • Healthcare (52%)
                                             have employer/company
      associations that indicate that
                                             financial support for                • Scientific/Engineering (47%)
      the individual member pays
                                             membership dues (80% vs.
      the dues for themselves (50%
                                             32% for individual membership
      vs. 38%).
                                             associations). Conversely,
      Associations with renewal rates        individual membership
      at or above 80% are                    organizations are significantly
      significantly more likely to           more likely to have members
      report that the                        who pay their own dues,
      employer/company pays                  compared to trade
      membership dues, while                 associations (52% vs. 16%).

Which of the following communication methods do you use
to help onboard or engage new members in the association?
                                   Email welco
                                             ome                                                   72%
                              Mailed welcome kit
                                           e                                                     68%                              2011 (N
                                                                                                                                  2010 (N
                   Membership card or cerƟfic
                              c            cate                                          599%                                     2009 (N

             Volunt             elcome phone call
                  teer or staff we                                            32%
                 ember introductory email series
            New-me                                                         27%

                  erson new-mem mber recepƟon or
                                            n                           23%
                                aƟon                                 19%
                   Special discou on purcha
                                unts      ases                        23%
                         Invite to chapter meet
                                 o            ting                       25%
                               w-member sur
                                          rvey                     18%

                  ew-member ne
                             ewsleƩer (Mai or
                                         il                       15%
                             tronic)                          1
                Tele          elcome phone call
                   emarkeƟng we                               10%

                  New-member giŌ (i.e., giŌ ca
                  N                          ard,             1
                      calendar, or notepad)           0%
              Custo new-memb renewal series
                  om       ber                                1
                        Early or "at birth" renewal
                                 "                      4%
                                                       2%                                                                                            15
                                                       2%                                          2011 (N
                        No specia communicat
                                al         tion        2%
                                                                                                   2010 (N
                                             ther          5%                                      2009 (N

 The most commonly used                               from the previous years (59% in                             those with less than 80%
 methods for onboarding or                            2010 and 58% in 2009).                                      renewal rates are significantly
 engaging new members are an                                                                                      more likely to use membership
                                                      The use of in-person new-
 email welcome (71%) and a                                                                                        cards/certificates (57% vs. 47%)
                                                      member reception or
 mailed welcome kit (67%).                                                                                        and/or new-member gifts (15%
                                                      orientation has increased
 Neither shows shifts in                                                                                          vs. 9%).
                                                      slightly from the previous
 percentage of usage from the
                                                      studies (23% vs. 20% in 2010                                Furthermore, associations
 2010 study, but the percentage
                                                      and 19% in 2009).                                           showing an overall increase in
 of associations that use an
                                                                                                                  membership over the past five
 email welcome continues to                           However, the popularity of
                                                                                                                  years are significantly more
 remain above the initial 2009                        invitations to chapter meetings
                                                                                                                  likely to include a custom new-
 benchmark (62%), while the                           and new-member newsletters
                                                                                                                  member renewal series as an
 percentage of associations                           has shown a decline from the
                                                                                                                  onboarding tool (12% vs. 6%).
 using a mailed welcome kit                           previous findings.
 remains below the 2009                                                                                           Associations reporting
 benchmark (83%).                                     Associations with 80% renewal
                                                                                                                  increases in renewal rates are
                                                      or higher are significantly more
                                                                                                                  significantly more likely to
 About half of association                            likely to include a volunteer or
                                                                                                                  incorporate an email welcome
 professionals provide a                              staff welcome phone call as
                                                                                                                  into their engagement tool kit
 membership card or certificate                       part of their onboarding
                                                                                                                  (80% vs. 71%).
 to members (51%), a decline                          methods (34% vs. 24%), while

What proportion of your members do you estimate engage
     with your organization in the following areas EACH YEAR?

                         Percentage of Members Engaged With Each Type of AcƟvity
                                               1% -   6% -   11% -   16% -   21% -   31% -   41% -   Over
                                  N      0%                                                                 Mean
                                                5%    10%     15%     20%     30%     40%     50%    50%
     AƩend your annual
                                  592    7%    15%    14%    10%     13%     14%      8%      8%     12%    22%
     AƩend at least one of your
     professional development     540    10%   18%    12%     9%     14%     13%      9%      7%     8%     19%
     Acquire or maintain a
     cerƟficaƟon with your         480    47%   14%    9%      6%      7%      4%      2%      3%     8%     11%
     AƩend at least one of your
                                  519    25%   27%    14%    10%      7%      7%      6%      3%     3%     11%
     ParƟcipate in your public
                                  539    12%   35%    23%     9%      7%      7%      3%      2%     2%     10%
     social network
     Purchase a non-dues
     product (other than          494    29%   25%    16%    10%      5%      5%      4%      1%     4%     10%
     previously checked)
     Volunteer with your
                                  581    8%    39%    25%    10%      9%      5%      2%      1%     1%     9%
16   Purchase a book or
                                  505    34%   24%    16%     8%      6%      5%      3%      2%     4%     9%
     ParƟcipate in your private
                                  511    34%   24%    16%     8%      5%      4%      4%      2%     3%     9%
     social network
     Purchase a non-dues
     service (other than          473    36%   27%    13%     8%      5%      3%      2%      2%     4%     9%
     previously checked)
     Purchase or maintain
     insurance through your       479    52%   22%    8%      7%      3%      3%      2%      1%     4%     7%
     Upgrade their
                                  472    48%   24%    12%     4%      3%      4%      2%      1%     2%     6%
     ParƟcipate in your young
                                  447    57%   25%    9%      4%      3%      1%      0%      0%     0%     3%
     professional program

The two most engaging activities (by mean) are    Greater than one-third of associations report that
the annual conventions (22%) and the              up to 5% of their members either volunteer
professional development meetings (19%).          within the organization (39%) and/or participate
                                                  in the association’s public social network (35%).
20% of association professionals indicate that
more than 40% of their members attend their       Findings indicate that associations with more
annual convention.                                than 80% in renewals and those with increases in
                                                  membership over the past year are significantly
Greater than 10% of respondents report that
                                                  more likely to have over 50% of their members
more than 40% of their members attend at least
                                                  attend the annual conference.
one of their association’s professional
development meetings and/or acquire or            Associations with renewal rates at 80% or higher
maintain a certification with the organization.   are significantly more likely to have about 11% to
                                                  15% of their members volunteer within the
More than half of the associations report that
                                                  organization, compared to associations with
none of their members engage with their
                                                  lower renewals (12% vs. 7%).
association through a young professionals
program (57%) and/or purchase insurance
through the association (52%).


What is your overall membership renewal rate?

               Unde 50%
                  er          3%
                              %                                                 2011 (N=643)
                                                                                2010 (N=403)
               50% t 59%
                   to          4%                                               2009 (N=337)

               60% t 69%
                   to                        %

               70% t 79%
                   to                                  21%

               80% t 89%
                   to                                                     40%
             90% or h
                    higher                        18%

                 No sure
                  ot          3%

In the current study, there is an   Small associations with up to      Association industries most
increase in the percentage of       1,000 members are                  likely to show renewal rates at
associations reporting overall      significantly more likely to       90% or higher include:
renewal rates of 90% or higher.     report renewal rates above
This percentage shows a             90%, while associations with       • Finance/Accounting (41%)
substantial rebound from the        more than 1,000 paid               • Manufacturing (43%)
precipitous drop between the        members are significantly
                                                                       • Education (23%)
2009 and 2010 study.                more likely to indicate renewal
                                    rates between 70% to 79%.
There is a decrease in the                                             Association industries most
percentage of associations          Organizational/trade               likely to show renewal rates
reporting renewal rates             associations are significantly     between 80% and 89%
between 80% to 89%,                 more likely to report renewal      include:
suggesting that some of the         rates above 90% compared to        • Building/Construction (45%)
associations reporting an 80%-      individual member
                                                                       • Scientific/Engineering (44%)
89% renewal rate in the 2010        associations or those with both
research may have been able         types of members (36%: trade       • Healthcare (37%)
to increase their renewal rates     vs. 16%: individual; 14%: both).   • Professional Services (31%)
past 90%.
                                                                       • Philanthropic (30%)
There is an increasing trend in
the number of associations
reporting renewal rates
between 70%-79%.


Renewal Rates by AssociaƟon Member Size
                                 Under        50% to      60% to       70% to      80% to         90% or
                                  50%          59%         69%          79%         89%           higher
     Up to 1,000         190       4%           5%          6%          15%         34%            33%
     1,001 to 5,000      179       2%           6%         10%          27%         34%            20%
     5,001 to 20,000     159       3%           6%         11%          26%         33%            19%
     Over 20,000         109       1%           6%         12%          28%         38%            15%

      Associations with more than 1,000 members are        trade/organizational associations are significantly
      significantly more likely to report renewal rates    more likely to show renewal rates above 90%, it
      between 70% to 79%, compared to the small-           is highly probable that the small-sized
      sized associations. Considering that                 associations are trade associations.

                           Renewal Rates by Percentage of Last Dues Increase
                                 Under        50% to      60% to       70% to      80% to         90% or
                                  50%          59%         69%          79%         89%           higher
     1% to 10%           423       2%           6%          9%          23%         34%            25%
     11% to 20%          112       2%           5%         10%          29%         34%            20%
     21% or more          59       9%           5%         15%          20%         36%            12%

      Associations whose last dues increase was            higher, compared to associations whose dues
      between 1% and 10% are also significantly            increase was more than 10%.
      more likely to show renewal rates at 90% or

How many membership renewal CONTACTS (such as mailings,
emails, phone calls) do you make before a membership expires
with your organization?

                            None        2%

                            1 to 3
                              t                               22%

                            4 to 6
                              t                                                      44%

                            7 to 9
                              t                             20%

                          10 to 12
                              o               6%

                          13 to 15
                              o         2%

                          16 to 18
                              o        1%                                                             21

                     More than 18
                             n          2%
                                       1%                                          2011 ( (
                                                                                    2011 (N=642)
                                                                                   2010 ( (
                                                                                    2010 (N=404)
                         Not sure
                             s          2%                                         2009 ( (
                                                                                    2009 (N=337)

 Overall, there is very little       Fewer than 10% of associations   Associations with more than
 change from the previous            make 10 or more membership       1,000 members are
 studies in the number of            renewal contacts before a        significantly more likely to
 renewal contacts made before        membership expires.              make from four to six renewal
 a membership expires. More                                           contacts compared to those
                                     Organizations with 10 or more
 than 40% of associations make                                        with 1,000 members or fewer.
                                     renewal contacts are slightly
 four to six contacts before a
                                     more likely to have renewal
 membership expires (44%).
                                     rates over 80% (11% to 9%).
 About one-quarter of
                                     Organizations with nine or
 associations only make one to
                                     fewer renewal contacts are
 three contact attempts, while
                                     slightly more likely to have
 close to 20% make seven to
                                     renewal rates less than 80%
 nine contact attempts.
                                     (87% to 84%).

When do you start the renewal effort?

                   mmediately aft welcoming
                                ter                        6%
                                                                                                     2011 (N=6
                                                           6%                                        2010 (N=4
             Prior to 6 months befo expiraƟon
                                  ore                           8%
                                                                8%                                   2009 (N=3

                 At 6 months prior to expiraƟon
                                 r                        5%

                   5 months prior to expiraƟon
                                r                    3%

                   4 months prior to expiraƟon
                                r                                        14%

                   3 months prior to expiraƟon
                                r                                                                     35%

                   2 months prior to expiraƟon
                                r                                            15%

22                                                              8%
                    1 month prior to expiraƟon
                                r                              7%

                       The month of expiraƟon
                               h                     3%
                                                      4%                                    2011 (N=6

                                                     3%                                     2010 (N=4
                                      Not sure       3%
                                                                                            2009 (N=3

      Compared to the two previous studies, there are                  Associations with renewal rates below 80% are
      basically no changes with regard to when                         significantly more likely to begin renewal efforts at
      associations begin their renewal effort. About one-              three months prior to membership expiration (39%
      third of associations begin their renewal effort three           vs. 29%).
      months prior to membership expiration.
                                                                       Associations with renewal rates at 80% or higher are
      Just over 10 percent of associations either begin                more likely to begin renewal efforts from
      their renewal effort at four months prior to expiration          “immediately after welcoming a member” to the
      (12%) or two months prior to expiration (16%).                   six months prior to expiration (24% to 19%).
      There is a slight upward trend to start renewal                  Organizational/trade associations are significantly
      efforts closer to the date of membership expiration              more likely to start renewal efforts at two months,
      (one or two months prior to expiration).                         compared to individual membership associations
                                                                       (22% vs. 13%: individual), and as noted earlier, trade
                                                                       associations have higher renewal rates compared to
                                                                       individual membership associations.

When do you end renewal efforts
(stop renewal contacts to the member)?

              At the mon of expiraƟo
                       nth         on        1%
                                              2%                                                 2011 (N=639)
                                                               8%                                2010 (N=404)
                1 month aŌer expiraƟo
                                    on                          9%
                                                                9%                               2009 (N=336)

               2 months aŌer expiraƟo
                                    on                                     14%

               3 months aŌer expiraƟo
                                    on                                                      23%

               4 months aŌer expiraƟo
                                    on                        7%

               5 months aŌer expiraƟo
                                    on          2%
                                          Not asked in 2

               6 months aŌer expiraƟo
                                    on                         8%                                                           23
                                          Not asked in 2

     More t
          than 6 months aŌer expiraƟo
                                    on                                       14%
                                          Not asked in 2

                  We do stop contact
                      on't                                                           19%

                                                                                               2011 (N=639)
                               Not sur
                                     re            3%
                                                    4                                          2010 (N=404)
                                                                                               2009 (N=336)
 About one-quarter of association professionals                    after membership expiration (23% vs. 20%).
 indicate they end renewal efforts three months                    Additionally, associations with an increase in
 after membership expiration (24%). This                           membership over the past five years are
 represents a continued upward trend.                              significantly more likely than associations with five-
                                                                   year declines in membership to report that they
 22% of associations indicate they do not stop
                                                                   do not stop contact for renewals (25% vs. 16%).
 contact for renewal efforts, a slight increase over
 the previous year’s decline.                                      Associations with dues increases up to 20% are
                                                                   significantly more likely to indicate they do not
 Directionally, associations with renewal rates at
                                                                   stop contacting lapsed members compared to
 80% or higher are more likely to report they do
                                                                   those with dues increases above 20%.
 not stop contacting members for renewal even

Which of the following marketing channels do you use
     for membership renewals?

                              Email markeƟng                                                             88%
                                   Direct mail
                                        t                                                               85%

                             Staff phone calls
                                      e                                               49%

                               TelemarkeƟng                              23%
                        Pee member con
                          er         ntacts                          24
                            Board phone calls
                                      e                        15%

                        Magazine cover wraps
                                       w         Not aske in 2010/2009

                          Chapter phone calls
                          C           e                       14%

                         Social media con
                                        ntacts   Not aske in 2010/2009

                                          Fax              11%
                                                                                                                    2011 (N=644)
24                         Employer con
                                                       7                                           2011 (N=644)     2010 (N=405)
                                                                                                   2010 (N=405)     2009 (N=333)
                                        O           3%                                             2009 (N=333)

      Email marketing and direct mail are still the most                           Associations reporting increases in overall
      common marketing channels for membership                                     membership over the past year are significantly
      renewals, although direct mail shows a                                       more likely to use social media contacts
      continued drop in usage for renewals.                                        compared to associations showing declines in
                                                                                   membership (16% vs. 8%).
      Staff phone calls are used by more than half of
      the associations (52%), showing a slight increase                            Associations with increases in renewals are
      over the previous year’s drop.                                               significantly more likely to use email compared
                                                                                   to associations showing declines in their
      About 2 in 10 association professionals indicate
                                                                                   renewals over the past year (92% vs. 84%).
      that their organization uses peer member
      contacts for renewal marketing, although this                                Individual membership associations are
      channel has also shown steady declines in usage.                             significantly more inclined to use email
                                                                                   marketing and direct mail compared to trade
      Associations with an 80% renewal rate or higher
                                                                                   associations. However, the trade associations
      are significantly more likely to use staff phone
                                                                                   show a significantly higher percentage of use for
      calls for renewal marketing (60% vs. 40%) and
                                                                                   channels such as staff phone calls, peer member
      directionally are more likely to also use peer
                                                                                   contacts, and board member phone calls.
      member contacts (22% vs. 18%).

2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt
2011 benchmarkingrprt

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2011 benchmarkingrprt

  • 1. 2 0 1 1 MEMBERSHIP M ARKETING BENCHMARKING REPORT SURVEY CONDUCTED BY: Marketing General Incorporated UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: Tony Rossell, Senior Vice President Adina Wasserman, PhD, Director of Research, and Erik Schonher, Vice President
  • 2. 2 0 1 1 MEMBERSHIP M ARKETING BENCHMARKING REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Membership organizations reported and membership renewals—all showed a triple play in membership growth substantial improvements from the based on survey results gathered for previous year’s benchmarking report. the 2011 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report. A total of 49% of respondents said that they had recorded an overall increase in From this year’s survey, which included members over the previous 12 months. 650 participating associations, the major This is a substantial jump over the 36% 2 indicators of membership health—total who reported membership growth the membership, new members acquired, previous year. Percentage Change in Entire Membership Over Past ONE Year 2011 2010 2009 Percentage Increased Overall 49% 36% 45% Percentage Unchanged Overall 16% 14% 16% Percentage Declined Overall 34% 48% 35% Not Sure 2% 3% 5%
  • 3. Growth in new member recruitment Finally, the survey results show that appears to be the big driver in membership renewals had a more membership growth. Of responding positive outcome this past year, with 32% association executives, 57% report the of respondents saying that they have had acquisition of new members increased an increase in overall renewal rates. over the past year. These results are significantly better compared to both 2010 and 2009. Percentage Change in NEW-Member Acquisition Over Past Year 2011 2010 2009 Percentage Increased Overall 57% 42% 49% Percentage Unchanged Overall 21% 20% 22% Percentage Declined Overall 16% 26% 21% Not Sure 8% 12% 10% Percentage Change in Member RENEWALS Over Past Year 2011 2010 2009 3 Percentage Increased Overall 32% 21% 22% Percentage Unchanged Overall 37% 27% 39% Percentage Declined Overall 24% 44% 31% Not Sure 7% 8% 9%
  • 4. THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES TO The data indicates that if an organization MEMBERSHIP GROWTH reported weak product and service offerings, insufficient budget, or a lack of But even with improving numbers, marketing expertise as their biggest challenges still exist for many groups challenge, then membership growth was in growing their membership. To gain less likely to have been achieved. a better understanding of these challenges, this year we asked association On the other hand, if an organization said executives to tell us what they perceived that its biggest challenge was the lack of as the biggest impediments to growth. a strategy or plan, then membership was more likely to have remained static. We then took their answers and cross- tabulated them with the reported However, there may be hope for membership performance for their membership growth even if an organizations over the past five years. organization is faced with insufficient staff, market saturation, an inadequate What we wanted to discover was which association management database, or challenges hurt membership growth the inadequate research to understand the most and which were painful, but tended market they serve. Organizations not to impede growth. Here is what we reporting these problems were more found: likely to have seen membership growth 4 over the past five years. Challenges Faced by Five Year Membership Growth Five Year Five Year Five Year Challenge Membership Membership Membership Increased Unchanged Decreased Insufficient staff Weak product or service offering Insufficient budget Lack of strategy or plan Market saturation Inadequate association management database Lack of marketing expertise Inadequate research
  • 5. ENGAGING MEMBERS WITH in an activity, the higher the likelihood of PRODUCTS AND SERVICES increased renewals for that organization. Engaging members is also a critical Specifically, organizations with members in component of building a strong the following activities were more likely to membership. So our research this year have renewal rates over 80% compared to included a question to try and gauge the organizations that did not offer these participation level that organizations have programs: attendance at an annual achieved in a variety of programs and convention, attendance at a professional services that are commonly provided by development meeting, attendance at a membership organizations. webinar, volunteering, participation in the private social network, participation in a Beyond just the proportion of young professionals program, purchase of a membership using an association’s book or directory, certification, purchasing products and services, the data insurance, and purchase of a miscellaneous highlighted that organizations that had at non-dues product or service. least some members involved in almost all of these activities were more likely to Participation in a public social network enjoy higher renewal rates than those and upgrading a membership were the organizations not offering a specific only activities that did not correlate with program. And in general, the higher the renewal rates over 80%. 5 proportion of members who participated Percentage of Members Engaged With Each Type of Activity 1% - 6% - 11% 16% 21% 31% 41% Over N 0% 5% 10% -15% -20% -30% -40% -50% 50% Mean Attend your annual convention 592 7% 15% 14% 10% 13% 14% 8% 8% 12% 22% Attend at least one of your professional 19% 540 10% 18% 12% 9% 14% 13% 9% 7% 8% development meetings Acquire or maintain a certification with 480 47% 14% 9% 6% 7% 4% 2% 3% 8% 11% your organization Attend at least one of your webinars 519 25% 27% 14% 10% 7% 7% 6% 3% 3% 11% Participate in your public social network 539 12% 35% 23% 9% 7% 7% 3% 2% 2% 10% Purchase a non-dues product (other than previously checked) 494 29% 25% 16% 10% 5% 5% 4% 1% 4% 10% Volunteer with your organization 581 8% 39% 25% 10% 9% 5% 2% 1% 1% 9% Purchase a book or directory 505 34% 24% 16% 8% 6% 5% 3% 2% 4% 9% Participate in your private social network 511 34% 24% 16% 8% 5% 4% 4% 2% 3% 9% Purchase a non-dues service 473 36% 27% 13% 8% 5% 3% 2% 2% 4% 9% (other than previously checked) Purchase or maintain insurance 479 52% 22% 8% 7% 3% 3% 2% 1% 4% 7% through your organization Upgrade their membership 472 48% 24% 12% 4% 3% 4% 2% 1% 2% 6% Participate in your young professional program 447 57% 25% 9% 4% 3% 1% 0% 0% 0% 3%
  • 6. RAISING DUES LEVELS Another new area that we added to our What we found is that 30% of research this year was the practices organizations report that they have or around raising membership dues. will raise their membership dues in 2011 and 71% will increase dues rates between We asked: “How often does your 1% and 10%. The majority of associations association raise membership dues?”, raise dues on an as-needed basis and “When was the last time your association do not have a regular dues increase raised membership dues?”, and “What schedule. was the average percentage of your last membership dues increase across all membership categories?” How often does your asso o ociation raise membership due e es? How often does your association raise membership dues? 12% 17% 9% 4% Annually A 6 Every other yea E ar As A needed 58% Never N Other O 201 (N=644) 11 * The dues increase questions in the 2011 Benchmarking Research mirror questions from the 2007 Marketing General Incorporated study titled, Membership Dues Increase Study: Best Practices in the Why, How, and Outcomes of Raising Membership Dues. Despite the dramatic economic events of recent years, the frequency and amount of dues increases vary only slightly from the findings of our 2007 report.
  • 7. REPORT BACKGROUND declining membership or better renewal rates, we are not claiming that any one The 2011 Membership Marketing behavior in and of itself causes this outcome. Benchmarking Report marks the third year There are literally thousands of variables that that Marketing General Incorporated (MGI) impact membership results. has surveyed associations to better understand the strategies and tactics they Nevertheless, if as a marketer one sees that use to recruit members, engage new organizations with certain behaviors or members, renew existing members, and practices tend to be doing better, one at reinstate former members. least will want to explore the issue and see if there is something that can be applied to his However, beyond cataloging membership or her organization. practices, this Benchmarking Report also takes these practices and cross-tabulates The report includes dozens of key findings them with the membership results that can provide insights and direction for associations are experiencing. membership marketing programs. We hope that you find it of help as you seek to The comparison of practices and outcomes in maximize the membership results for your membership provides strong directional organization. information on what tactics and strategies might be added or dropped to help improve If you have questions or need assistance a membership program. with your membership marketing, the team at Marketing General Incorporated is There is an important disclaimer that readers 7 pleased to be of help. Our website is: should be aware of as they evaluate this Please find report. Because an activity or practice has a our individual contact information on the statistical correlation with a growing or back panel of this report.
  • 8. INTRODUCTION SURVEY OBJECTIVE What is the margin of error? The margin of error is a statistical measurement used to assess the The 2011 Membership Marketing Benchmarking accuracy of the data compared to the universe of Report is the third installment of our annual respondents. Since it is impossible to survey all tracking study. Our tracking research continues to association executives, statisticians rely on a provide perspective on the tactics and strategies random sample of individuals from the “universe” that organizations use to recruit new members, of association executives to estimate what the engage and renew existing members, and results of the entire population would be. In reinstate former members. Additionally, we essence, a randomly-generated sample provides compare the effectiveness of different tactics and a statistical “snapshot” of the universe. The strategies from year to year and assess changes in margin of error, therefore, measures the random association membership levels. While some fluctuations or changes inherent in any sample. questions from the 2010 study were removed, The smaller the margin of error means the more new questions were added to the study as various accurate the measurement of the universe. other issues and queries were brought to light. This study’s significant level of .05 carries with it a 95% confidence interval, meaning that if this METHODOLOGY study was conducted 100 times, the same results, plus or minus the margin of error (3.8%, in this The 2011 Membership Marketing Benchmarking case) would occur 95 out of 100 times. The Study was conducted online and was launched on confidence interval is established as the February 14, 2011, and was accessible to likelihood that the same results would be respondents through March 7, 2011. Email replicated, and that differences are not due to invitations were sent to approximately 5,719 chance or random fluctuations. 8 association professionals. In addition, respondents had access to the survey through our company blog site, if they did not receive a RESPONSE RATE formal invitation. Close to 700 association professionals responded to this year’s survey Email invitations were sent to 5,719 association providing data and information about their professionals. There were 196 email addresses membership marketing efforts and experiences. that “bounced,” resulting in a total of 5,523 delivered emails. 663 individual association To ensure that only one response per association executives responded to the online survey was included, “duplicate” association responses invitation, and another 29 completed the survey were removed. For example, if more than one via the survey link on the blog post, resulting in person from the same association completed the 692 completed surveys. The survey produced a survey, the responses of the individual most 13% response rate overall, the same as the 2010 closely associated with the membership study. After removing the duplicate associations, marketing responsibilities were used. Forty-two findings from a net of 650 respondents are duplicate association responses were removed included in this report. from the final results of this study, resulting in a total of 650 respondents for this study, with a margin of error of +/- 3.8%.
  • 9. Which social media does your organization officially use? (Please check all that apply.) Faceboo ok 91% 75% TwiƩe er 71% 66% 2011 (N=641) LinkedIn (Public c) 53% 2010 (N=405) 59% YouTub be % 45% 35% LinkedIn (AssociaƟon Members Only n y) 28% Not asked in 201 10 27% AssociaƟon Blo A og 30% 24% Asso ociaƟon Listser rv 31% Private AssociaƟon Social Networ rk 18 8% 7% 17 Flick kr 15% % Not asked in 2010 Wikis 9% 13% % te Ning/Groupsit 4% 6% Second Lif fe 2% 3% MySpac ce 1% 9 4% None 6% 8% 2011 (N=641) er Othe 4% 6% 2010 (N=405) Similar to the previous study, Social media declines are seen Associations showing an the top social media platforms with the use of Association increase in membership overall officially used by associations Blogs and Listservs, and the and an increase in renewals include Facebook (91%), use of Wikis. over the past year are Twitter (71%), and LinkedIn significantly more likely to use Only 4% of individual (53%), although there has been an association blog and a membership associations and a slight drop in the percentage private association social 9% of organizational/trade of LinkedIn use by network, compared to associations report that they associations, compared to an associations showing no do not officially use social increase in the use of change or declines in media platforms. Facebook and Twitter. membership and renewals. Interestingly, associations with There has also been an an 80% or higher renewal rate increase in associations’ use of are significantly more likely to use YouTube over the past year a Members-Only LinkedIn site. (45% in 2011 vs. 35% in 2010).
  • 10. Of the social media your association uses, which has been the most effective in achieving your membership goals? Most EffecƟve Social Media Outlets in Reaching Membership Goals? N % Rank 1 % Rank 2 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 Facebook 329 307 29% 30% 22% 28% LinkedIn (Public) 161 242 15% 33% 10% 23% AssociaƟon Listserv 91 125 11% 59% 3% 14% LinkedIn (AssociaƟon Members Only) 89 NA 8% NA 6% NA TwiƩer 175 267 7% 10% 20% 26% Private AssociaƟon Social Network 58 70 5% 39% 4% 27% AssociaƟon Blog 57 123 5% 19% 4% 16% YouTube 55 141 3% 6% 6% 16% Ning/Groupsite 13* 23* 1% 13% 1% 9% Wikis 6* 55 -- 9% 1% 13% Flickr 6* NA -- NA 1% NA Second Life 1* 10* -- -- -- -- MySpace 0 15* -- -- -- -- 10 Other 10* 25* 1% 24% -- 4% * Small cell sizes can result in inflated percentages. Facebook is now considered LinkedIn (public access) is also rated as an effective outlet by the most effective media rated one of the top two most a higher percentage of outlet for reaching specified effective social media outlets, association professionals in the membership goals. While the but by far fewer respondents, last study (20% vs. 26% in percentage of respondents compared to the previous 2010). Private association rating it first has not changed study (15% vs. 33% in 2010). social networks are not much from the previous study This may be because we considered as effective as they (29% vs. 30% in 2010), other added a second LinkedIn were in the prior research (4% outlets that were previously option in the 2011 survey. vs. 27% in 2010). considered most effective Facebook is also rated as the Associations with renewal rates (association listserv and private second most effective media less than 80%, and those with association social network) are outlet, but at a slightly lower individual memberships, are perceived as significantly less percentage than in the 2010 significantly more likely to effective than reported in the study (22% vs. 28% in 2010). consider Facebook their most previous study. effective social network outlet. Twitter is considered one of the top two most effective social media outlets. It was
  • 11. How do prospective new members learn about or become aware of your organization? How ProspecƟve Members Learn or Become Aware of Your OrganizaƟon 2011 2010 2009 (N=638) (N=405) (N=599) Member word-of-mouth recommendaƟons 90% 91% 77% AssociaƟon website 87% 88% 85% Email to prospects 71% 67% 61% PromoƟon to/at your own conference/convenƟon 65% 66% 65% Co-worker or colleague recommendaƟons 64% 67% 54% Direct mail to prospects 62% 66% 76% AssociaƟon-sponsored events 57% 56% 37% Cross-sell to non-members who buy your products or aƩend 56% 59% 52% your conferences Local events/meeƟngs 53% NA NA AssociaƟon-sponsored social networking websites 51% 56% 35% (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) ExhibiƟng at other conferences 50% 51% 53% AdverƟsing in your own publicaƟons 48% 56% 51% RecommendaƟons from/connecƟons with other associaƟons 47% 50% 40% Search engines (organic) 45% 47% 34% Public relaƟons 40% 39% 29% Chapters 38% 46% 39% Employer recommendaƟons 33% 37% 30% AdverƟsing in outside publicaƟons 31% 31% 28% Faculty recommendaƟons 28% 32% 35% Personal sales calls 25% 22% 24% Job board 24% 23% 23% AccreditaƟon promoƟon 18% 20% 14% TelemarkeƟng to prospects 16% 18% 18% 11 Search engine ads (paid or pay-per-click) 14% 20% 8% Upward Paid banners on other websites 12% 13% 12% Trend Radio or TV 7% 5% 7% Other 4% 3% 3% Downward Do not know 0% 0% 1% Trend Continuing the trend from the previous two studies, • Chapters (38% in 2011 vs. 46% in 2010) member word-of-mouth recommendations (90%), an • Employer recommendation (33% in 2011 vs. association website (87%), and email to prospects 37% in 2010) are the three most common means by which • Association-sponsored social networking prospective members learn of an organization. websites (51% in 2011 vs. 56% in 2010) However, email to prospects is the only method of • Advertising in own publications (48% in 2011 the top three that has shown a continued increasing vs. 56% in 2010) trend over the three studies. • Search engines (paid or pay-per-click) (14% in More than 60% of association professionals indicate 2011 vs. 20% in 2010) that prospects learn of their organization through promotion to/at their conferences (65%), through a co- Associations with an 80% renewal rate or higher worker or colleague (64%), or through direct mail (62%). are more likely to rely on member word-of- However, direct mail is the only method of these three mouth recommendations or personal sales calls, showing a continuous decline from year to year. compared to those with a lower renewal rate. Recommendations through faculty members have also Those associations that rely on email to showed a declining trend over the past three years. prospects, local meetings or events, and/or association-sponsored networking sites to Other methods that show a decrease in generating increase association awareness are significantly association awareness from the 2010 study include: more likely to show increases in renewal rates over the previous year.
  • 12. What are the two most effective membership recruitment marketing channels you have used? Most EffecƟve Membership Recruitment Channels N % Rank 1 % Rank 2 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 Member word-of-mouth recommendaƟons 222 371 22% 27% 13% 19% Direct mail to prospects 171 268 15% 27% 11% 17% Email to prospects 125 272 10% 10% 9% 14% PromoƟon to/at your own conference/convenƟon 84 266 8% 11% 5% 8% Co-worker or colleague recommendaƟons 92 270 7% 13% 7% 13% Personal sales calls 70 90 7% 23% 4% 16% AssociaƟon website 94 359 5% 8% 9% 11% Cross-sell to non-members who buy your products or 85 238 5% 6% 8% 12% aƩend your conferences AssociaƟon-sponsored events 94 226 3% 2% 5% 8% Employer recommendaƟons 29 150 3% 8% 2% 5% Faculty recommendaƟons 27 128 2% 6% 2% 7% Chapters 34 188 2% 10% 3% 9% ExhibiƟng at other conferences 32 208 1% 3% 4% 5% AdverƟsing in your own publicaƟons 7 226 1% 0% 1% 1% RecommendaƟons from/connecƟons with other 16 202 1% 2% 2% 5% associaƟons Search engines (organic) 19 192 1% 1% 2% 5% Public relaƟons 9 158 1% 3% 1% 3% AssociaƟon-sponsored social networking websites 12 (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) 16 226 1% 0% 2% 0% Local events/meeƟngs 29 NA 1% NA 4% NA AccreditaƟon promoƟon 9 82 1% 6% 1% 4% TelemarkeƟng to prospects 18 73 1% 7% 2% 7% AdverƟsing in outside publicaƟons 7 128 -- 2% 1% 3% Radio or TV 4 19 -- -- 1% -- Job board 2 94 -- -- -- -- Search engine ads (paid or pay-per-click) 4 80 -- -- -- -- Paid banners on other websites 0 51 -- -- -- -- Other 15 13 2% 15% 1% -- While the percentages have A significantly higher A significantly higher fallen somewhat, the top two proportion of individual percentage of larger most effective recruitment member associations rank associations (5,000 or more channels are still considered direct mail to prospects as the members) consider direct mail member word-of-mouth most effective membership to be the most effective recommendations and direct recruitment channel, recruitment channel, mail to prospects. compared to trade compared to smaller associations (19% vs. 12%), associations. Small while association executives from associations (up to 1,000 trade associations are significantly members) are significantly more likely to rate personal sales more likely to rate personal calls as most effective for sales calls as the most effective recruitment (16% vs. 2%). recruitment channel.
  • 13. What do you believe is the ONE TOP reason members JOIN your organization? 25% Networking wit others in the field N th 24% 22% Ac alized and/or current ccess to specia 14% 4 13% info ormaƟon 23% 2011 (N=641) ) 10% vocacy Adv 11% 2010 (N=400) ) Not asked in 2009 2009 (N=303) ) 7% ConƟnuing educaƟon C 11% 5% 7% Learning best pracƟce in their profession es 9% 8% 8 Discounts on products or me eeƟng 5% 6% urchases pu 9% 5% Prest of belongin to the assoc tige ng ciaƟon Not asked in 2009/2010 5% erences/trade shows Confe Not asked in 2009/2010 4% aƟon or cerƟficaƟon Accredita 4% 2% 3% ociaƟon publicaƟons Asso 6% 3% 2% Adva ancing their po osiƟon 2% 4% 1% % Access to career reso s ources 3% 1% % 1% % Acc to industry benchmark studies cess y 1% % Not asked in 2009 Insurance (Affinity prog e grams) 1% % 13 Not asked in 2009/2010 1% % Access to industry thought le A eaders Not ask in 2009/2010 ked 1% % No sure ot 2% 2011 (N=641) ) Not aske in 2009 ed 2010 (N=400) ) 8% 8 Other 9% 2009 (N=303) ) 10% One-quarter of respondents the main reason members join vs. 10% showing no change, indicate that the top reason their association. This and 6% showing declines). they joined was to network percentage did not shift much There is a downward trend in with others in the field (25%). from the 2010 study (up from the percentage of respondents This represents a continued 13%), but still represents a who believe that discounts on trend upward, suggesting that substantial decline from the products and meeting networking events and result in 2009 (23%). purchases are a strong opportunities are becoming Advocacy is considered a membership driver. increasingly more important strong membership driver by Respondents are also less for members. This is about 10% of association likely to believe that specifically evident for smaller professionals, on par with the continuing education, best associations, those with fewer 2010 findings. This is especially practices, association than 5,000 paid members. true for associations with publications, and career Fourteen percent of renewal rates at or above 80% resources are strong association professionals (14% vs. 5%) and those with an membership motivators. believe access to specialized increase in membership counts and/or current information is over the past five years (13%
  • 14. Who is most likely to pay the dues for your membership? 8% 4% Employyer/Company Employyer/Company 51% % Member Member 37% 7 Both (p parƟal reimburrsement) Both (p parƟal reimburrsement) Not sure Not sure 2011 (N N=643) 2011 (N N=643) About half of the respondents associations with renewal rates Looking at industry, indicate that dues are most below 80% are significantly associations more likely to likely paid by a member’s more likely to report dues are have employer/company employer or company (51%), paid by the member, partially financial backing include: and 37% report that the or in full. • Finance/Accounting (68%) member pays the dues However, associations where themselves. Only 8% of • Professional Services (63%) 14 the member pays his or her association professionals • Building/Construction (90%) own dues are more likely to indicate that members have seen membership growth • Manufacturing (68%) typically receive a partial in the past year (53% vs. 46%) reimbursement for their • Travel/Hospitality (74%) and are more likely to have membership. seen membership growth Associations, by industry, most Associations that indicate that in the past five years likely to have members paying an employer/company are (53% vs. 47%). their own dues include: most likely to pay membership Organizational/trade • Philanthropic (52%) dues realized a greater associations are more likely to decrease in renewal rates than • Healthcare (52%) have employer/company associations that indicate that financial support for • Scientific/Engineering (47%) the individual member pays membership dues (80% vs. the dues for themselves (50% 32% for individual membership vs. 38%). associations). Conversely, Associations with renewal rates individual membership at or above 80% are organizations are significantly significantly more likely to more likely to have members report that the who pay their own dues, employer/company pays compared to trade membership dues, while associations (52% vs. 16%).
  • 15. Which of the following communication methods do you use to help onboard or engage new members in the association? 71% Email welco ome 72% 62% 67% Mailed welcome kit e 68% 2011 (N N=643) 83% 2010 (N N=402) 51% Membership card or cerƟfic c cate 599% 2009 (N N=337) 58% 30% Volunt elcome phone call teer or staff we 32% % 26% 25% ember introductory email series New-me 27% 14% In-pe erson new-mem mber recepƟon or n 23% 20% orienta aƟon 19% 23% Special discou on purcha unts ases 23% 17% 18% Invite to chapter meet o ting 25% 23% 17% New w-member sur rvey 18% 20% Ne ew-member ne ewsleƩer (Mai or il 15% 20% elect tronic) 1 11% 12% Tele elcome phone call emarkeƟng we 10% 4% New-member giŌ (i.e., giŌ ca N ard, 1 11% 0% calendar, or notepad) 0% 10% Custo new-memb renewal series om ber 1 11% 7% 5% Early or "at birth" renewal " 4% 2% 15 2% 2011 (N N=643) No specia communicat al tion 2% 2% 2010 (N N=402) 5% Ot ther 5% 2009 (N N=337) 8%% The most commonly used from the previous years (59% in those with less than 80% methods for onboarding or 2010 and 58% in 2009). renewal rates are significantly engaging new members are an more likely to use membership The use of in-person new- email welcome (71%) and a cards/certificates (57% vs. 47%) member reception or mailed welcome kit (67%). and/or new-member gifts (15% orientation has increased Neither shows shifts in vs. 9%). slightly from the previous percentage of usage from the studies (23% vs. 20% in 2010 Furthermore, associations 2010 study, but the percentage and 19% in 2009). showing an overall increase in of associations that use an membership over the past five email welcome continues to However, the popularity of years are significantly more remain above the initial 2009 invitations to chapter meetings likely to include a custom new- benchmark (62%), while the and new-member newsletters member renewal series as an percentage of associations has shown a decline from the onboarding tool (12% vs. 6%). using a mailed welcome kit previous findings. remains below the 2009 Associations reporting benchmark (83%). Associations with 80% renewal increases in renewal rates are or higher are significantly more significantly more likely to About half of association likely to include a volunteer or incorporate an email welcome professionals provide a staff welcome phone call as into their engagement tool kit membership card or certificate part of their onboarding (80% vs. 71%). to members (51%), a decline methods (34% vs. 24%), while
  • 16. What proportion of your members do you estimate engage with your organization in the following areas EACH YEAR? Percentage of Members Engaged With Each Type of AcƟvity 1% - 6% - 11% - 16% - 21% - 31% - 41% - Over N 0% Mean 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% AƩend your annual 592 7% 15% 14% 10% 13% 14% 8% 8% 12% 22% convenƟon AƩend at least one of your professional development 540 10% 18% 12% 9% 14% 13% 9% 7% 8% 19% meeƟngs Acquire or maintain a cerƟficaƟon with your 480 47% 14% 9% 6% 7% 4% 2% 3% 8% 11% organizaƟon AƩend at least one of your 519 25% 27% 14% 10% 7% 7% 6% 3% 3% 11% webinars ParƟcipate in your public 539 12% 35% 23% 9% 7% 7% 3% 2% 2% 10% social network Purchase a non-dues product (other than 494 29% 25% 16% 10% 5% 5% 4% 1% 4% 10% previously checked) Volunteer with your 581 8% 39% 25% 10% 9% 5% 2% 1% 1% 9% organizaƟon 16 Purchase a book or 505 34% 24% 16% 8% 6% 5% 3% 2% 4% 9% directory ParƟcipate in your private 511 34% 24% 16% 8% 5% 4% 4% 2% 3% 9% social network Purchase a non-dues service (other than 473 36% 27% 13% 8% 5% 3% 2% 2% 4% 9% previously checked) Purchase or maintain insurance through your 479 52% 22% 8% 7% 3% 3% 2% 1% 4% 7% organizaƟon Upgrade their 472 48% 24% 12% 4% 3% 4% 2% 1% 2% 6% membership ParƟcipate in your young 447 57% 25% 9% 4% 3% 1% 0% 0% 0% 3% professional program
  • 17. The two most engaging activities (by mean) are Greater than one-third of associations report that the annual conventions (22%) and the up to 5% of their members either volunteer professional development meetings (19%). within the organization (39%) and/or participate in the association’s public social network (35%). 20% of association professionals indicate that more than 40% of their members attend their Findings indicate that associations with more annual convention. than 80% in renewals and those with increases in membership over the past year are significantly Greater than 10% of respondents report that more likely to have over 50% of their members more than 40% of their members attend at least attend the annual conference. one of their association’s professional development meetings and/or acquire or Associations with renewal rates at 80% or higher maintain a certification with the organization. are significantly more likely to have about 11% to 15% of their members volunteer within the More than half of the associations report that organization, compared to associations with none of their members engage with their lower renewals (12% vs. 7%). association through a young professionals program (57%) and/or purchase insurance through the association (52%). 17
  • 18. What is your overall membership renewal rate? 3% 3 Unde 50% er 3% 3 2% % 2011 (N=643) 2010 (N=403) 6% 50% t 59% to 4% 2009 (N=337) 4% 10% 60% t 69% to % 11% 7% 23 3% 70% t 79% to 21% 16% 4% 34 80% t 89% to 40% 37% 18 23 3% 90% or h higher 18% 29% 2% % No sure ot 3% 3 4%
  • 19. In the current study, there is an Small associations with up to Association industries most increase in the percentage of 1,000 members are likely to show renewal rates at associations reporting overall significantly more likely to 90% or higher include: renewal rates of 90% or higher. report renewal rates above This percentage shows a 90%, while associations with • Finance/Accounting (41%) substantial rebound from the more than 1,000 paid • Manufacturing (43%) precipitous drop between the members are significantly • Education (23%) 2009 and 2010 study. more likely to indicate renewal rates between 70% to 79%. There is a decrease in the Association industries most percentage of associations Organizational/trade likely to show renewal rates reporting renewal rates associations are significantly between 80% and 89% between 80% to 89%, more likely to report renewal include: suggesting that some of the rates above 90% compared to • Building/Construction (45%) associations reporting an 80%- individual member • Scientific/Engineering (44%) 89% renewal rate in the 2010 associations or those with both research may have been able types of members (36%: trade • Healthcare (37%) to increase their renewal rates vs. 16%: individual; 14%: both). • Professional Services (31%) past 90%. • Philanthropic (30%) There is an increasing trend in the number of associations reporting renewal rates between 70%-79%. 19
  • 20. Renewal Rates by AssociaƟon Member Size Under 50% to 60% to 70% to 80% to 90% or N 50% 59% 69% 79% 89% higher Up to 1,000 190 4% 5% 6% 15% 34% 33% 1,001 to 5,000 179 2% 6% 10% 27% 34% 20% 5,001 to 20,000 159 3% 6% 11% 26% 33% 19% Over 20,000 109 1% 6% 12% 28% 38% 15% Associations with more than 1,000 members are trade/organizational associations are significantly significantly more likely to report renewal rates more likely to show renewal rates above 90%, it between 70% to 79%, compared to the small- is highly probable that the small-sized sized associations. Considering that associations are trade associations. Renewal Rates by Percentage of Last Dues Increase Under 50% to 60% to 70% to 80% to 90% or N 50% 59% 69% 79% 89% higher 1% to 10% 423 2% 6% 9% 23% 34% 25% 11% to 20% 112 2% 5% 10% 29% 34% 20% 21% or more 59 9% 5% 15% 20% 36% 12% 20 Associations whose last dues increase was higher, compared to associations whose dues between 1% and 10% are also significantly increase was more than 10%. more likely to show renewal rates at 90% or
  • 21. How many membership renewal CONTACTS (such as mailings, emails, phone calls) do you make before a membership expires with your organization? 2% None 2% 1% 23% 1 to 3 t 22% 21% 44% 4 to 6 t 44% 46% 18% 7 to 9 t 20% 19% 7% 10 to 12 o 6% 7% 1% 13 to 15 o 2% 2% 1% 16 to 18 o 1% 21 1% 2% More than 18 n 2% 1% 2011 ( ( (N=642) 2011 (N=642) 2010 ( ( (N=404) 2010 (N=404) 1% Not sure s 2% 2009 ( ( (N=337) 2009 (N=337) % 3% Overall, there is very little Fewer than 10% of associations Associations with more than change from the previous make 10 or more membership 1,000 members are studies in the number of renewal contacts before a significantly more likely to renewal contacts made before membership expires. make from four to six renewal a membership expires. More contacts compared to those Organizations with 10 or more than 40% of associations make with 1,000 members or fewer. renewal contacts are slightly four to six contacts before a more likely to have renewal membership expires (44%). rates over 80% (11% to 9%). About one-quarter of Organizations with nine or associations only make one to fewer renewal contacts are three contact attempts, while slightly more likely to have close to 20% make seven to renewal rates less than 80% nine contact attempts. (87% to 84%).
  • 22. When do you start the renewal effort? 8% Im mmediately aft welcoming ter 6% 10% 2011 (N=6 641) 6% 2010 (N=4 405) Prior to 6 months befo expiraƟon ore 8% 8% 2009 (N=3 336) 7% At 6 months prior to expiraƟon r 5% % 7% 4% 5 months prior to expiraƟon r 3% % 5% 12% 4 months prior to expiraƟon r 14% % 13% 33% 3 3 months prior to expiraƟon r 35% 33% 3 16% 2 months prior to expiraƟon r 15% 13% 22 8% 1 month prior to expiraƟon r 7% 5% % 3% The month of expiraƟon h 3% 4% 2011 (N=6 641) 3% 2010 (N=4 405) Not sure 3% 2009 (N=3 336) 5% % Compared to the two previous studies, there are Associations with renewal rates below 80% are basically no changes with regard to when significantly more likely to begin renewal efforts at associations begin their renewal effort. About one- three months prior to membership expiration (39% third of associations begin their renewal effort three vs. 29%). months prior to membership expiration. Associations with renewal rates at 80% or higher are Just over 10 percent of associations either begin more likely to begin renewal efforts from their renewal effort at four months prior to expiration “immediately after welcoming a member” to the (12%) or two months prior to expiration (16%). six months prior to expiration (24% to 19%). There is a slight upward trend to start renewal Organizational/trade associations are significantly efforts closer to the date of membership expiration more likely to start renewal efforts at two months, (one or two months prior to expiration). compared to individual membership associations (22% vs. 13%: individual), and as noted earlier, trade associations have higher renewal rates compared to individual membership associations.
  • 23. When do you end renewal efforts (stop renewal contacts to the member)? 2% At the mon of expiraƟo nth on 1% 2% 2011 (N=639) 1 8% 2010 (N=404) 0 1 month aŌer expiraƟo on 9% 9% 2009 (N=336) 9 13% 2 months aŌer expiraƟo on 14% 13% 24% 3 months aŌer expiraƟo on 23% 21% 7% 4 months aŌer expiraƟo on 7% 13% 3%% 5 months aŌer expiraƟo on 2% Not asked in 2 2009 8% 6 months aŌer expiraƟo on 8% 23 Not asked in 2 2009 11 1% More t than 6 months aŌer expiraƟo on 14% Not asked in 2 2009 22% We do stop contact on't 19% 21% 3% 2011 (N=639) 1 Not sur re 3% % 4% 4 2010 (N=404) 0 2009 (N=336) 9 About one-quarter of association professionals after membership expiration (23% vs. 20%). indicate they end renewal efforts three months Additionally, associations with an increase in after membership expiration (24%). This membership over the past five years are represents a continued upward trend. significantly more likely than associations with five- year declines in membership to report that they 22% of associations indicate they do not stop do not stop contact for renewals (25% vs. 16%). contact for renewal efforts, a slight increase over the previous year’s decline. Associations with dues increases up to 20% are significantly more likely to indicate they do not Directionally, associations with renewal rates at stop contacting lapsed members compared to 80% or higher are more likely to report they do those with dues increases above 20%. not stop contacting members for renewal even
  • 24. Which of the following marketing channels do you use for membership renewals? 88% Email markeƟng 88% 83% 82% % Direct mail t 85% 8 91% 52% Staff phone calls e 49% 56% 24 4% TelemarkeƟng 23% % 27% 20% Pee member con er ntacts 24 4% 31% 18% Board phone calls e 15% 28% 15% Magazine cover wraps w Not aske in 2010/2009 ed 14% Chapter phone calls C e 14% 15% 13% Social media con ntacts Not aske in 2010/2009 ed 10% Fax 11% 17% 2011 (N=644) 24 Employer con ntacts 8% 7% 7 2011 (N=644) 2010 (N=405) % 4% 2010 (N=405) 2009 (N=333) 3% Other O 3% 2009 (N=333) 4% % Email marketing and direct mail are still the most Associations reporting increases in overall common marketing channels for membership membership over the past year are significantly renewals, although direct mail shows a more likely to use social media contacts continued drop in usage for renewals. compared to associations showing declines in membership (16% vs. 8%). Staff phone calls are used by more than half of the associations (52%), showing a slight increase Associations with increases in renewals are over the previous year’s drop. significantly more likely to use email compared to associations showing declines in their About 2 in 10 association professionals indicate renewals over the past year (92% vs. 84%). that their organization uses peer member contacts for renewal marketing, although this Individual membership associations are channel has also shown steady declines in usage. significantly more inclined to use email marketing and direct mail compared to trade Associations with an 80% renewal rate or higher associations. However, the trade associations are significantly more likely to use staff phone show a significantly higher percentage of use for calls for renewal marketing (60% vs. 40%) and channels such as staff phone calls, peer member directionally are more likely to also use peer contacts, and board member phone calls. member contacts (22% vs. 18%).