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               Competing in the Global Economy

 A Case Study in Public Policies: Who can drive a cluster programme?

A critical review of the Magellan Lamb Programme, Chile, 1998 - 2002.

                        Brighton, 16th April 2007


Introduction……………………………………………………………………                                                        3

1.         Industrial policy and cluster ………………………………………...                                  5

1.1.             Industrial policy……………………………………………..                                        5

1.2.             Clusters……………………………………………………...                                             8

2.         Magellan Lamb Programme, CHILE 1998-2002……………………                                  11

2.1.             Chile and its Industrial policy: the roll of CORFO…………..                    12

2.2.             The Lamb Programme: an experiment?.......................................   12

2.2.1.                    Framework of diagnosis……………………………..                                14

2.2.2.                    Implementation: inventing a new route……………...                      15

2.2.3.                    Results: successful, problems and lacks……………...                    17

3.         Conclusion………………………………………………………….                                                 20

References……………………………………………………………………...                                                      21


Figure 1     Stages in the use of Industrial Policy…………………………………                             6

Figure 2     Ten Principles for Industrial Policies…………………………………                             7

Figure 3     Innovation and SMEs Grants from CORFO, main offer 1998-2002…..                  13

Figure 4     Magellan Lamb Programme, Porter’s diamond……………………….                             14

Figure 5     Magellan Lamb Programme, Regional Value Chain………………….                           15

Figure 6     Summarise of implementation actions………………………………..                               17

Figure 7     Summarise of results by line of actions……………………………….                            18

Figure 8     Results, successful, problems and lacks……………………………...                           18

Figure 9     Institutional architecture & Principles for Industrial Policies, a contrast….   19


Cluster policy seems to be a panacea. Everybody works together towards a common goal: industries

with suppliers, research institutes and government. But, successful public policies depend on

successful implementation and this looks difficult to manage. In addition Porter’s ideas demand a

State coherent enough (to fit) with the clusters, and sometimes the administrative division is different

to production localization. On the other hand, neo-classical theories - about “zero intervention” of

the state in regional or sector development – seem to have limitations in countries that go from

middle income to the stage of development where science, technology and knowledge must lead the

growth and they do not have the aid of low wages. In addition, a lot of industrial policies rather than

planned “top-down” policies are answers to “bottom up” claims, therefore “zero intervention” is

politically unrealistic for many governments.

The essay shows a case of use of cluster framework in a region of Chile: the Magellan Lamb

Programme. This arises as an answer for a traditional sector with difficulties and the necessity for

government to order the regional industrial policy. The work was developed from 1998 to 2002, the

year when the government returned to a neutral policy. The Programme was the first action taken

over a specific sector by a Chilean government agency. This had wide support from the private

sector, creating a new way of discussion between government and producers, and generated many

innovative projects in different areas. In addition, this programme was supported by the recovery of

the ovine price in the early 2000’s. This has been recognized as a successful case of government

intervention. Due to the lack of evaluation skills and knowledge (and consensus) about clusters it

was not possible to determinate how much was luck and how much was a correct public


This paper argues that it is possible and desirable to work with a cluster framework in the regional

context, but there are lacks in the institutional context (public institutional decentralization) and skills

analysis (learning and knowledge capabilities) that limit the reach of these policies. This essay reviews

information about industrial policy and cluster, aiming to establish a framework of analysis. Next, it

organizes the most relevant information about the Magellan Lamb Programme and presents its

assessments and achievements organised in several tables and placed in four groups: absorptive firm

technology capabilities, capabilities of learning from institutional framework, cumulative knowledge

in human resources and integration with global markets in technology and trade. In this section, we

compare academic information and empirical results. Finally, the essay presents a conclusion and

policy implications derived from this case study.

1. Industrial policy and cluster

This essay is focused on industrial policy in the regional context. Specifically, it considers the use of

the cluster model and its institutional requirements. Therefore we begin with the construction of a

framework, in order to give the context to the case. We review academic information about:

industrial policies cluster, and take some points that constitute the analytical framework.

1.1. Industrial policy

Pack and Saggi (2006: 2) define industrial policy as:

         Basically any type of selective intervention or government policy that attempts to alter the sectoral
         structure of production toward sectors that are expected to offer better prospects for economic
         growth than would occur in absence of such intervention, i.e., in the market equilibrium.

Rodrick (2004: 2) “uses the term to apply to restructuring policies in favour of more dynamic

activities generally, regardless of whether those are located within industry or manufacturing per se”.

Then, we understand industrial policy as, the set of public selective interventions within the economy

structure – in any sector - that seeks to improve the productive capabilities.

Although the scholars of one current of economic thought – monetarism – think that industrial

policy does not get clear evidence of success1 and there are many good examples of bad practices

like corruption, inefficiency and rent-seeking (Pack and Saggi, 2006 2-3). Other scholars think that

there are no good examples of countries that reached their development without the sequential use

of selective industrial policies (Chang, 2003: 22-27; Rodrick, 2004: 15-16; Porter et al. 2002: 17). The

starting point for industrial policy is the existence of externalities. But, externalities have an ethereal

definition which - according to Pack and Saggi (2006: 2) – says that “(people) who believe strongly in

the efficient working of markets view any argument in favour of industrial policy as fiction…” and

“people who believe market failures are pervasive think that any path to economic development

requires a liberal dose of industrial policy” (Pack and Saggi, 2006: 2). However in the last few years, it

1 In addition, the actual paradigm of “zero intervention” example are China and India, it seems difficult to accept that

there are not intervention and this examples are in progress.

has been limited; Rodrick (2004: 7-8) focuses his arguments on only two externalities: information

externalities and coordination externalities that would allow the use of one set of best practice in

public policies and a recommended institutional design (Rodrick, 2004: 19-25). Porter et al. (2002:

17) deepens this and suggests one sequence of industrial policies in the country development

process, he says, “Countries face very different challenges and priorities as they move from

resources-based to knowledge-based economies”. Figure 1 summarises Porter’s suggestion.

Figure 1: Stages in the use of Industrial Policy

      Country Income Level                                Strategy                           Description
Low income to middle income               Investment-driven, as economic          Mobilization of primary factors of
Factor driven to                          growth is increasingly achieved by      production: land, primary
Investment driven                         harnessing global technologies to       commodities, and unskilled labour
                                          local production.
                                          Government provide overall
                                          political and macroeconomic
                                          stability. It focuses increasingly on
                                          improvements in physical
                                          infrastructure and regulatory
                                          arrangements and attracts FDI.
Middle income to high income              This requires a direct government       Transition to technology-imported
Investment driven to                      role in fostering a high rate of        to a technology-generating
Innovation driven                         innovation, through public as well      economy, one that innovates in at
                                          as private investment in R&D,           least some sectors at the global
                                          higher education, and                   frontier.
                                          improvement capital markets and
                                          regulatory system that support the
                                          start up of high technology
High income                               Innovation-driven stage of
Innovation driven                         economic development, global
                                          competitiveness is critically linked
                                          to high rates of social learning
                                          (specially science-based learning)
                                          and the rapid ability to shift to
                                          new technologies
Source: Porter, M. Sachs, J. and Mcarthur, J. (2002: 17-18)

Accepting the use of industrial policies, Rodrick (2004: 19-20) proposes three primary elements

within its institutional architecture: political leadership, coordination and deliberation councils, and

mechanism of transparency and accountability. These elements could constitute a framework of

analysis to check “good policies”. But, is it enough? In this essay, we will consider that it is not,

because there are differences of performance between regions or sectors within the countries. For

example, economic performance in the south of China is totally different of the north, or Monterrey

region compares with Chiapas – both in México. In some countries, technological sectors compared

with agriculture, or, for example in Chile, whether we consider a comparison between aquiculture

(global player) and fishery (traditional sector). Therefore, a good framework needs to define its reach.

This paper argues industrial policy needs regional understanding as well as a national framework.

Thus Porter’s suggestion could be adapted to a more exact reality. Rodrick (2004: 21-25) completes

his work with some suggestions about principles for industrial policy design. Figure 2 summarises

these points.

Figure 2: Ten Principles for Industrial Policies

Principle                                                     Explanation
Incentives should be provided only to “new”                   One could be understand that Rodrick does not
activities                                                    discard intervention in traditional sector
                                                              (restructuring), but the object of the intervention
                                                              must be a “new” thing. He does not justify public
                                                              intervention without innovation.
There should be clear benchmark/criteria for success          He argues that is necessary to get a idea about what is
and failure                                                   a successful result, and propose a benchmark with
                                                              similar countries
There must be a built-in sunset clause                        Put limits to a public support

Public support must target activities, not sectors            This could be a reinforcement to the first clause,
                                                              because Rodrick argues that the object of public
                                                              support must be a new technology or a new product,
                                                              but not any sector per se
Activities that are subsidised must have the clear            Public money should go to finance public goods
potential of providing spill over and demonstration           (information, examples), or activities with higher
effects                                                       externalities
The authority for carrying out industrial policies must       He demands efficiency in the public support
be vested in agencies with demonstrated
The implementing agencies must be monitored                   The CEO of the policy must be motivated by the
closely by a principal with clear stake in the outcomes       goals of the policy and must have political support
and who has political authority at the highest level          and independence of private stakeholders
The agencies carrying out promotion must maintain             Bureaucrats must maintain a relationship with
of communication with the private sector                      entrepreneurs and investors. A policy from the
                                                              bureaucracy do not have many possibilities to arise
Optimally, mistakes that results in “picking the              Build safeguards against this and learn of the mistakes
losers” will occur
Promotion activities need to have the capacity to             The agencies must have capabilities for: flexibility,
renew themselves, so that the cycle of discovery              reinvention, refashion
becomes and ongoing one
Source: Rodrick (2004)

In summary, industrial policy is not free of risk. Although it has detractors, many scholars affirm that

there are no real examples of countries that have reached their development without industrial

policy. In this essay we use the ideas of Porter et al. (2001) and Rodrick (2004) who suggest that the

design of the intervention and its implementation (and the institution) is relevant for its success.

1.2. Clusters

The idea of the regional industrial agglomeration or cluster is relatively old. Alfred Marshall (1842-

1924) a British economist is considered the precursor of geographic economy. Caniels and Romijn

(2005: 504) indicate that good starting points to understand the awaited advantages by the firms in

these agglomerations are the marshallian reasons:

           (1) the presence of a labour pool with specialised skills; (2) the phenomenon that ‘an industrial centre
           allows the provision of non-traded inputs specific to an industry in a greater variety and at lower cost’
           (quoted from Krugman, 1991); and (3) the occurrence of technology spillovers—currently known as
           pure knowledge spillovers. When firms settle into an agglomeration, they expect to realise advantages
           arising from these three phenomena.

However, the active use of these principles in public policies could be linked to Porter’s ideas

published in 19902 (Martin and Sunley, 2003: 5-6). Porter (1998: 71) argues that the determinants of

national advantage in a particular industry are four: factor conditions, talking about raw materials and

base conditions for the production; demand conditions “the nature of home demand for the

industry’s product or service”; related and supporting industries that is the offer of specialised

suppliers - internationally competitive; and firm strategy, structure and rivalry, defined as the

condition of the domestic competitiveness. He adds these four drivers to Marshall’s ideas and

indicates that the nature of and relationship between these factors define the level of the

competitiveness of the system. Moreover, he thinks that the potential and expression of

competitiveness of this cluster define the competitiveness of the nation. Therefore, he says

“Government’s real role in national competitive advantage is in influencing the four determinants”

(Porter, 1998: 126-127), by assigning an active roll to the industrial policy.

However, this is not so clear for policy makers because national economic structure does not have

only one cluster and could have agglomerations that are not an example of competitiveness

2   Michael Porter, 1990, 1st Edition “The Competitive Advantage of Nations”.

(traditional industries), or another single industry leader around the world which could be important

for a country’s competitiveness. Rodrick (2004: 14) quoting to Rodriguez-Clare indicates:

           All the industries in principles have the characteristic that could produce clusters. Moreover, many
           industries can in principle operate at some level in the absence of clusters…The appropriated policy
           intervention is focused not on industries or sectors, but on the activity or technologies that produce
           the characteristics of coordination failure3.

In addition, Pack and Saggi (2006: 11) quoting Klimenko’s work indicate that “an optimally designed

industrial policy can actually lead a country to specialize in sectors in which it does not have

comparative advantage”. Rodrick (2004: 10) comments on patterns of specialization in Pakistan,

Bangladesh and Korea where “It is impossible to ascribe these patterns of specialization to

comparative advantage”. Finally, examples of FDI impact - like the automobile industry in Mexico

and Intel in Costa Rica - show industries without a previous history in a country could be successful

and create spill over in time (Pack and Saggi, 2006: 25-27). Caniels and Romijn (2005) who stress

local knowledge spillovers (LKS) - as a main driver to accelerate innovativeness within cluster –

mention two problems in its activity that could affect the effectiveness of cluster theory: First,

“Feldman’s discussion about the expected relationship between the industry life cycle and the

tendency of innovative activities to agglomerate” which indicate that LKS activity is dependent on

the maturity of the cluster – more than Porter’s four determinants- and second, Pavitt’s idea about

“the inherent variations in the sectoral patterns of technological change exhibited by different types

of industries” the same. Finally, Carlson and Mudambi (2003: 113) indicate that governments fail in

the long term when they try to do “micro management” in industrial policies because “technology

trajectories are highly un predictable”. And, governments which invest and stimulate absorptive key

capacities could be “highly effective”. Thus, Porter’s framework seems to lose power. Martin and

Sunley (2003: 5) warn:

           Seductive though the cluster concept is, there is much about that is problematic, and the rush to
           employ “cluster ideas” has run ahead of many fundamental conceptual, theoretical and empirical
           questions…Whilst we do not debunk the cluster idea outright, we do argue for a more cautious and

3   Standardization policies could be accepted as “good policies”, they help to decrease transaction cost.

       circumspect use of the notion, especially within a policy context: the cluster concept should carry a
       public policy health warning.

Bearing in mind this review, the essay studies a programme of public action based on Porter’s ideas

and tries to see which are the problems and institutional demands to use is complex and seductive


2. Magellan Lamb Programme, CHILE 1998 - 20024

In the 1980’s, Chile was an example of a neo-classical economy and centralized government; its

industrial policy considered a small quantity of neutral subsidies that stimulated R&D investment in

private companies - without discrimination between sectors - and all of them by demand - against

company request. A government making decisions over the production and institutions with regional

biases was unthinkable and considered dangerous.

During the last part of the 1990’s, the Magellan region of Chile suffered from the decline of oil

reserves and a persistent fall in export prices of ovine meat and wool. While new investments in

methanol production from natural gas minimized the effect of oil depression, new innovation

policies did not generate a good replacement for lamb production. CORFO, The Chilean Agency of

Economic Development, developed a new system of industrial policy grounded in subsidies for

specific issues: innovation projects - matching funds with industries -, SMEs partnerships and studies

for productivity improvements. However, several of these policies were negatively affected by

different biases. Policy makers’ opinion about novel topics distorted the innovation programme, and

SMEs policies were partially captured by traditional unions. In 1997, The Magellan Regional

Direction of CORFO made a strategic plan grounded in cluster theory to overcome these biases. A

special part of this plan was to consider a new scheme for action in a very traditional sector of the

regional economy: the lamb production. The plan was to totally change its strategy in innovation that

in previous years had granted projects in flowers vegetables and ostrich production, which were

unsuitable for the conditions of a cold region. This plan was conceived in 1998 and was called “The

Magellan Lamb Programme: Modernization of ovine production sector”.

 The author worked four years in this programme as executive secretary that’s why some comments are based on
experience and not referencing information

2.1. Chile and its Industrial policy: the roll of CORFO

In 1998, Chile had administrative division in the form of regions, twelve regions sorted from north

to south (with numbers) and one additional metropolitan region (where the capital – Santiago - is).

However, the Chilean government is institutionally centralised, this means that executive power

resides in each institutional head and these institution are tied to the presidential cabinet. CORFO -

the Chilean agency of economic development – was founded in the 1939 to apply industrial policy in

the country. Thus - in its long history – it had applied a different model of industrial policy, created

large industries in the 50’s and 60’s, commanded the national economy in the early 1970’s and

provided loans in the 1980’s. Finally, the government decided in the 1990’s on the restructuring as a

modern agency of development which could grant firms, stimulating innovation activities,

partnership, standardization and R&D investments. Therefore, CORFO achieved a simple

operational structure in the late 1990’s that had the advantage of being very flexible and cross-

sectional in the national economy (based on CORFO, 2007). Figure 3 shows the main grants in the

stage of the case.

2.2. The Lamb Programme: an experiment?

As Nunez and Ilabaca (1998: 2) indicate “The Lamb Programme” was a reaction rather than an

opportunity. Changes in consumption and purchase habits had reduced the demand for carcass lamb

that traditionally was associated with traditional slaughterhouses rather than supermarkets, and

familiar events rather than single consumption. This radical change produced a general decrease in

the price of lamb. However in sophisticated markets like Europe, the price increased thanks to New

Zealand national promotion (Nunez and Ilabaca, 1998: 4, 11). In order to reach these sophisticated

markets, two conditions acted as a bottle neck: certificated slaughterhouses that could export to

Europe and heavy lambs that could produce prime cuts. The region only has one certificated

slaughterhouse and the number of heavy lambs was reduced (Nunez and Ilabaca, 1998).

Figure 3: Innovation and SMEs Grants from CORFO, main offer 1998-2002

Instrument of public support      Requirements                                     Amounts and times
FONTEC innovation grants for      An innovation project that:                      50% of the total
firms                                 • Present a novelty product or process       amount of the
                                      • Economic viability                         project. Generally,
                                      • Presented by a confident company           government grants
                                                                                   reach an average of
                                      • Research capabilities consistent with
                                                                                   support of
                                         features of the project
                                                                                   MM$30.000. Until 3
PROFO grants to support           A partnership project:                           In average
partnership between SMEs              • More than 5 SMEs                           government support
                                      • Lines of work, goals and indicators        60% total cost of the
                                      • Presented by confident firms               project during 3 years.
                                                                                   Average cost
                                  Request:                                         MM$25.000 per year
                                  Contract a manager that drive the project and
                                  establish office like a independent company

FAT support to specialised        A project of consultancy:                        Until MM$ 1.500 per
consulting for SMEs                   • A consultant                               project. Less than 1
                                      • An objective for this technical advice     year.
                                      • A confident SMEs

FDI large grant for R&D in        A R&D project that:                              60 % of the total
partnership between R&D              • Present a novelty product or process        amount. Large
suppliers and firms                  • Economic viability                          projects, MM$300.000
                                     • Presented by confident companies            or more. In general, 3
                                     • Associated to Research institute with
                                        capabilities consistent with features of
                                        the project

Source: CORFO (2007)

Why was the Lamb Programme an experiment? Basically, the programme was an experiment because

it changed the neutral public policy that had driven CORFO in these years, and this was based in a

relatively new theory. Although, CORFO prepared the diagnosis and planned the intervention,

everything was did using the same package of neutral policies. How did CORFO direct an industrial

policy using grants by demand? And how can this experience be understood using the Porter and

Rodrick frameworks? We present the case in three stages: diagnostic elements, implementation and


2.2.1. Framework of diagnosis

The main model used in the diagnosis was Porter’s diamond. This had the virtue of ordering in a

logical structure the different components of the problem and heightening the relationships between

determinants as important to improve general cluster’s conditions. Nevertheless, value chain analysis

was more effective to determine bottlenecks and technological challenges. This analysis enabled the

design of better messages and works directly with information and coordination failures. Probably,

this affected the determination of the role of the technological suppliers and a deeper vision of the

knowledge in the system.

Figure 4: Magellan Lamb Programme, Porter’s diamond (Nunez and Ilabaca, 1998: 7)

                                                   •Low competence among domestic companies
                                                   •High rivalry within meat market
     •Magellan Lamb Programme                      •Technology level heterogeneous
     •Promotion campaign, regional brand
                                                   •There is a public company competing
                                                   •Higher exit barriers
                                                   •There are international competition

                                                          Firm strategy,
                                                      structure and rivalry

                                                                                      •Fashion of the Mediterranean food
                                                                                      •Increasing consumption of wine and olive oil
                                                                                      •New Zealand lamb meat consider as elite
        Factor condition                                                              •Domestic consumption with a large range of expansion
                                                                                      •Many attractive international markets
     •Large farms                                                                     •Increasing value for products with origin denomination
     •Shepherd tradition
     •Good genetic base
     •Lower level in education
     •Over shepherded prairie
     •Do not have good technological support
     •Lower productive specialised                                                      Demand conditions

                                        Related and supporting
                                                                                                  •New trade protections
                                      •Main supplier of technology is a monopoly (public)         •Climate events
                                      •Do not have the best offer in technological materials
                                      •Do not have highly specialised consultants office

Figure 5 shows the value chain analysis. The first bottleneck was the technology and investment in

slaughterhouses, as “Simunovic” was the only certificated industry, which exports to the elite

markets with less than 30% of the total production. The second bottleneck was the supply of heavy

lambs; prime cuts only reach less than 10% of the total production. Considering these limitations,

The Programme design was structured through four lines of action (CORFO, 1998: 3): strong

messages to promote industrial investments; broad aid to improve technology, pasture and genetics

at the farmers’ level; institutional up-grading and support for farmers’ partnerships, because the

Government considered this as a base condition; and promotion at the national and international


Figure 5: Magellan Lamb Programme, Regional Value Chain

Source: Nunez and Ilabaca (1998: 9)

2.2.2. Implementation: inventing a new route

The first action was to create a new structure of association among farmers, this was considered

fundamental because a cluster policy should have a strong relationship between the private and

public sector and the creation of different powers among industries improves competence. The

traditional union – in this case – has had problems of internal leaderships and supported “old” ideas

about government support. The government increased the promotion of its grant PROFO and

began the promotion of the “big” programme, generating a feeling that “the company that does not

participate in this new association loses influence in the decisions (a programme board)”. The

programme constituted three new organisations that grouped 64 farmers with 512.000 animals, close

to the 35% of the total animal mass. In addition, CORFO added a partnership with the Minister of

Agriculture, the participation of all slaughterhouses in the region and support from Fundación Chile

– an institution that had substantial experience in creating new products. All these institutions and

association constituted the board of the Programme that met every 3 or 4 months. The programme

in CORFO had a executive secretary and leaders in other institutions, but the public leadership was

always a problem among even institutions. The second stage was massively promoting the use of

grants for innovation in this sector. Thus in three years, the programme added more than 7

innovation projects (INIA, 2005), seminars in innovation from New Zealand, and farmers and

slaughterhouses technological capture trips to New Zealand. Another course of action was a

domestic promotion campaign that changed the position in the market of lamb meat and created a

new brand, “Cordero de Magallanes”. This was considered fundamental because Porter’s ideas

include the importance of creating a sophisticated local demand, similar to a close tested laboratory.

In addition, the government negotiated an increase in the EU quota for lamb meat to Chile from 3

tons to 5 tons. Finally, at an industrial level, the Government decided on important investment in the

public company and after it privatised this. Also, some slaughterhouse owners were put in contact

with specialised companies in New Zealand’s meat industry. The CORFO’s programme actions were

undertaken during the period 1998 to 2002.

Figure 6 shows a summary of implementation actions. Probably, the greatest weaknesses were

public association and R&D institution improvements. The first weakness was because institutional

structure in Chile is centralised and different ministers compete for importance and relevance in their

actions, and although in the regional level there are coordination, it is not strong. Secondly, there was

no radical change in terms of R&D capabilities because the programme goals were focussed on short

and medium term goals and perhaps human resources improvements and R&D regional structure

needed long term plans.

Figure 6: Summarise of implementation actions

Line of Actions        Descriptions                                                     Grants
Promote     industrial Public direct investment and privatization                       Technological        missions,
investments            Contact with NZ manufactures                                     FONTEC
                       Information about markets in the long term                       Grants for preinvestments
                       Information about farmers support and evidence of                studies (similar to FAT)
                       impact in heavy lamb
Farmers technology Promotion of innovation projects: genetic,                           FAT
improvements           management pastures nutrition, irrigation and new                FONTEC
                       seeds.                                                           FDI and FIA5
                                                                                        Grants      of    Agriculture
                                                                                        Minister      for     pasture,
                                                                                        irrigation and others

Institutional          up Restructuring private organization                            PROFO
grading                   Association between public organizations

Promotion                   National campaign                                           FNDR 6 and Agriculture
                                                                                        Minister special funds

2.2.3. Results: successful, problems and lacks

Probably, the main weakness of this programme is a lack of indicators that indicate the impact of

public actions. This could be explained by the absence of formal operation unit because it is based

on public servants with other topics; the Lamb Programme did not have a manager and was a

“virtual” programme. Therefore we will try to rescue some data from INIA (2005) evaluation. Figure

7 shows some direct results: more world class slaughterhouses, an important increase in meat exports

– almost 130% -, better private organisation and coordination and an original brand for the region.

Figure 8 shows the improvements of four areas important in knowledge economy. Although the

programme generated more institutional and human resources capabilities and farmers achieved a

better technology receptivity, this seems not to be enough for a cluster programme. Maybe the

design was not aggressive enough in terms of technology promotion. Finally, Figure 9 shows a

contrast with Rodrick’s ideas about institutions and principles and this initiative could be considered

a “good” industrial policy but with a lack of technological and institutional focus.

5   FIA is a grant commanded by Agriculture Minister, similar to FDI
6   FNDR are public funds for regional investments that conform a medium term portfolio of investment projects

Figure 7: Summarise of direct results by line of actions

Line of Actions                          Indicators
Promote industrial investments           In the period 1998 – 2006, region increased the number of certificated
                                         slaughterhouses from 1 to 4

Farmers technology improvements          The were many improvements in the farmer’s level that means a
                                         increase of meat export from US$ 6,857,000 to US$ 15,669,000
                                         explained by: increase in heavy lambs that means more lambs to prime
                                         cuts, increased in international prices and accessed to better markets.

Institutional up grading                 The private association that were born during the programme
                                         continuing. There are not important improvements in public institution
                                         and R&D institutions

Promotion                                The image of Lamb meat achieved a better position as brand recognised
                                         and position like elite product.

Source: based in INIA (2005: 30-60)

Figure 8: Results, successful, problems and lacks

Area of improvement                      Indicators and evidences
Absorptive firm technology               According INIA (2005, 122) the use of technology increased during the
capabilities                             programme period in a 31.1%. Too, we found data that indicate a better
                                         receptivity to technology after the programme.

Capabilities of learning from            Respect of the institutions that participated within the programme:
institutional framework                  CORFO began new programmes with this structure, PTI – Integrated
                                         Territorial Programmes
                                         Fundación Chile continue with lambs programmes in other places:
                                         Mexico, central area of Chile
                                         Agriculture Minister, although it did some programme of promotion
                                         and integrated offers, there were not new programmes with the same
                                         INIA, this institution focused its strategy in ovine sector and continue
                                         with other projects, especially in technology transfer. But possibly it did
                                         not deep enough in R&D and global partnerships.
                                         UMAG, the local university was not relevant

Cumulative knowledge in human            Although the projects mean more human resources because INIA,
resources                                Fundación Chile and big industries contract more specialised
                                         professionals, this was not a revolution, only enough

Integration with global markets in       There was more integration within the regional value chain and more
technology and trade                     integration with global elite value chain demonstrated by the increase in
                                         exportation. Too, there was more integration with New Zealand and
                                         Australia in terms of technical support.

Source: Based in INIA (2005)

Figure 9: Institutional architecture & Principles for Industrial Policies, a contrast

Institutional architecture                                       Magellan Lamb Programme
Political leadership                                             Maybe, considering that the Programme involved 3
                                                                 leaders institution, this could be a successful. But, the
                                                                 absence of regional power limited institutional

Coordination and deliberation councils                           No doubts this point was strengths in this
                                                                 programme because was strongly supported by
                                                                 private and public sector. But, the leadership - within
                                                                 sectors, public and private – always was a problem.

Mechanism of transparency and accountability                     The programme gave periodic information and
                                                                 results. But, cluster model is difficult to understand
                                                                 for the majority. Always there was problem to explain
                                                                 the programme.

Principle                                   Magellan Lamb Programme
Incentives should be provided only to “new” All the programme was made with neutral grants for
activities                                  innovation

There should be clear benchmark/criteria for success Although New Zealand was the example, it was
and failure                                          difficult to translate this benchmark in objective
                                                     indicators. Cluster programme could be wide

There must be a built-in sunset clause                           The limits do not clear. But, the individual grants
                                                                 considered specific contracts.

Public support must target activities, not sectors               It is difficult to separate in cluster policy

Activities that are subsidised must have the clear               Yes, Projects - that were granted – had spill over and
potential of providing spill over and demonstration              demonstration effects
The authority for carrying out industrial policies must          CORFO had and has good reputation among
be vested in agencies with demonstrated                          companies and authorities
The implementing agencies must be monitored                      The programme was monitored by The Department
closely by a principal with clear stake in the outcomes          of Strategic Development from CORFO
and who has political authority at the highest level             headquarters.
The agencies carrying out promotion must maintain                The board constituted for this programme monitored
of communication with the private sector                         the actions.

Optimally, mistakes that results in “picking the There were mistakes among projects and these were
losers” will occur                               detected early.

Promotion activities need to have the capacity to The Programme was evolved and had stages.
renew themselves, so that the cycle of discovery
becomes and ongoing one
Source: grounded Rodrick (2004), Nunez and Ilabaca (1998) and INIA (2005)

3. Conclusion

This essay reviews some aspects of the use of industrial policy. While some scholars think that the

use of industrial policy does not have strong evidence in economic theory (Pack and Saggi, 2006),

other authors indicate that do not have empirical evidence of development without the sequential

use of industrial policy (Chang, 2003). Rodrick (2004) give us a group of institutional architecture

indications and ten principles that command “good” public policies in this area. Porter´s opinion is

stronger: he says that the countries between middle income and high income must use pro-

innovation policies and the cluster framework is a special pro-innovation model for regional

agglomerations (Porter et al. 2001; Porter, 1998).

In this case, we describe the use of the cluster model by a local development agency. Although, The

Magellan Lamb Programme had some problems of administration - as Martin and Sunley (2003) had

warned respect of cluster -, the programme was able to restructure and to harness a traditional

sector. However, the results could be more important in areas like institutional coordination and

regulation, R&D capabilities and human resources, but a lack of design tools and political power

limit these lines of action.

Finally, we could say that Rodrick’s principles are enough but the truth is that the importance of

strategic vision is given for Porter’s model, although nobody can drive it.


Caniels, M. and Romijn, H. (2005) What drives innovativeness in industrial clusters? Transcending

      the debate. Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol. 29. Cambridge, UK.

Carlson, B. Mudambi, R. (2003) Globalization, Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: A System view.

      Industry and Innovation. Vol. 10, Number 1.

Chang, J. (2003) Kicking Away the ladder: Infant Industry Promotion in Historical Perspective,

      Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 21-32

CORFO (1998) Programa Cordero de Magallanes. Modernización del sector productor ovino de la XII región.

      CORFO. Punta Arenas, Región de Magallanes.

CORFO (2007) Historia de CORFO. [on line] [Accessed 10 April 2007] Available from

INIA (2005) El Programa Cordero de Magallanes: Resultados e Impactos en el ámbito de la Gestión de CORFO

      Duodécima Región. CORFO. Punta Arenas, Chile.

Martin, R. and Sunley, P. (2003) Deconstructing clusters: chaotic concept or policy panacea?. Journal

      of Economic Geography, Vol. 3. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK.

Nuñez, I. and Ilabaca, J. (1998) Estudio de Caso Programa Cordero de Magallanes. CORFO. Santiago,


Pack, H. and Saggi, K. (2006) The case for Industrial Policy: a critical Survey, World Bank Policy

      Research Working Paper 3839, The World Bank, Washington DC.

Porter, M. (1998) The Competitive Advantage of Nations. 2nd Edition. Great Britain. MacMillan Press Ltd.

Porter, M. Sachs, J. and Mcarthur, J. (2002) Executive Summary: Competitiveness and Stages of Economic

      Development, pp. 16-25 in Porter, M. Sachs, J. Cornelius, P. Mcarthur, J. and Schwab, K. The

      Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002, Oxford University Press

Rodrik, D. (2004) Industrial Policy for the Twenty-first century. John F. Kennedy School of Government.

      Cambridge, MA.

Appendix 1: Other used diagnosis models

                                                                                   Support Physical                                              INTA Argentina
                          Corporation                                               infrastructure                                               R&D institute in Argentina

                                                                                                                     Airport                          Investment in mode
                                                                               Support Institutional
                                                                                 Infrastructure                                                   Specialised service in reproduction
                                                              ASOGAMA                                                                             And improvements
                                        Roads                   Union                                               INIA
                                                                               Specialised supplie rs               R&D supplier                 Specialised transport

                                                                         Farmers                    Raw materia l
            Companies between                                                                       suppliers                                         Specialised Financia l
            individuals farmers
                                                                                     Main firms                                                       Management centres
                                                UMAG                                 Tres Puentes                          MINAGRI       Port
                                                Regional                               SACOR                               Minister of
                                                                                        Bories             Consulting
                                                University     Leather                                                     Agriculture                  Specialised consulting
                                                               buye rs                 Rio Side

                                                                                                                                                        Technology transfer centres
                                                                                     INIA                               domestic
                                                                                     R&D Supplier                       banks                       High tech laboratories:
                                                             CORFO                                                                                  Meat and wool
            Other associated                                 Agenc of de
                                                                 y     velopme
            industries                                                                Other uni ns

                                                                                                                                                International banks


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20091114 Cge Term Paper Review Cluster

  • 1. TERM PAPER Competing in the Global Economy A Case Study in Public Policies: Who can drive a cluster programme? A critical review of the Magellan Lamb Programme, Chile, 1998 - 2002. Brighton, 16th April 2007
  • 2. 2 INDEX Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3 1. Industrial policy and cluster ………………………………………... 5 1.1. Industrial policy…………………………………………….. 5 1.2. Clusters……………………………………………………... 8 2. Magellan Lamb Programme, CHILE 1998-2002…………………… 11 2.1. Chile and its Industrial policy: the roll of CORFO………….. 12 2.2. The Lamb Programme: an experiment?....................................... 12 2.2.1. Framework of diagnosis…………………………….. 14 2.2.2. Implementation: inventing a new route……………... 15 2.2.3. Results: successful, problems and lacks……………... 17 3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………. 20 References……………………………………………………………………... 21 Figures Figure 1 Stages in the use of Industrial Policy………………………………… 6 Figure 2 Ten Principles for Industrial Policies………………………………… 7 Figure 3 Innovation and SMEs Grants from CORFO, main offer 1998-2002….. 13 Figure 4 Magellan Lamb Programme, Porter’s diamond………………………. 14 Figure 5 Magellan Lamb Programme, Regional Value Chain…………………. 15 Figure 6 Summarise of implementation actions……………………………….. 17 Figure 7 Summarise of results by line of actions………………………………. 18 Figure 8 Results, successful, problems and lacks……………………………... 18 Figure 9 Institutional architecture & Principles for Industrial Policies, a contrast…. 19
  • 3. 3 Introduction Cluster policy seems to be a panacea. Everybody works together towards a common goal: industries with suppliers, research institutes and government. But, successful public policies depend on successful implementation and this looks difficult to manage. In addition Porter’s ideas demand a State coherent enough (to fit) with the clusters, and sometimes the administrative division is different to production localization. On the other hand, neo-classical theories - about “zero intervention” of the state in regional or sector development – seem to have limitations in countries that go from middle income to the stage of development where science, technology and knowledge must lead the growth and they do not have the aid of low wages. In addition, a lot of industrial policies rather than planned “top-down” policies are answers to “bottom up” claims, therefore “zero intervention” is politically unrealistic for many governments. The essay shows a case of use of cluster framework in a region of Chile: the Magellan Lamb Programme. This arises as an answer for a traditional sector with difficulties and the necessity for government to order the regional industrial policy. The work was developed from 1998 to 2002, the year when the government returned to a neutral policy. The Programme was the first action taken over a specific sector by a Chilean government agency. This had wide support from the private sector, creating a new way of discussion between government and producers, and generated many innovative projects in different areas. In addition, this programme was supported by the recovery of the ovine price in the early 2000’s. This has been recognized as a successful case of government intervention. Due to the lack of evaluation skills and knowledge (and consensus) about clusters it was not possible to determinate how much was luck and how much was a correct public intervention. This paper argues that it is possible and desirable to work with a cluster framework in the regional context, but there are lacks in the institutional context (public institutional decentralization) and skills analysis (learning and knowledge capabilities) that limit the reach of these policies. This essay reviews information about industrial policy and cluster, aiming to establish a framework of analysis. Next, it
  • 4. 4 organizes the most relevant information about the Magellan Lamb Programme and presents its assessments and achievements organised in several tables and placed in four groups: absorptive firm technology capabilities, capabilities of learning from institutional framework, cumulative knowledge in human resources and integration with global markets in technology and trade. In this section, we compare academic information and empirical results. Finally, the essay presents a conclusion and policy implications derived from this case study.
  • 5. 5 1. Industrial policy and cluster This essay is focused on industrial policy in the regional context. Specifically, it considers the use of the cluster model and its institutional requirements. Therefore we begin with the construction of a framework, in order to give the context to the case. We review academic information about: industrial policies cluster, and take some points that constitute the analytical framework. 1.1. Industrial policy Pack and Saggi (2006: 2) define industrial policy as: Basically any type of selective intervention or government policy that attempts to alter the sectoral structure of production toward sectors that are expected to offer better prospects for economic growth than would occur in absence of such intervention, i.e., in the market equilibrium. Rodrick (2004: 2) “uses the term to apply to restructuring policies in favour of more dynamic activities generally, regardless of whether those are located within industry or manufacturing per se”. Then, we understand industrial policy as, the set of public selective interventions within the economy structure – in any sector - that seeks to improve the productive capabilities. Although the scholars of one current of economic thought – monetarism – think that industrial policy does not get clear evidence of success1 and there are many good examples of bad practices like corruption, inefficiency and rent-seeking (Pack and Saggi, 2006 2-3). Other scholars think that there are no good examples of countries that reached their development without the sequential use of selective industrial policies (Chang, 2003: 22-27; Rodrick, 2004: 15-16; Porter et al. 2002: 17). The starting point for industrial policy is the existence of externalities. But, externalities have an ethereal definition which - according to Pack and Saggi (2006: 2) – says that “(people) who believe strongly in the efficient working of markets view any argument in favour of industrial policy as fiction…” and “people who believe market failures are pervasive think that any path to economic development requires a liberal dose of industrial policy” (Pack and Saggi, 2006: 2). However in the last few years, it 1 In addition, the actual paradigm of “zero intervention” example are China and India, it seems difficult to accept that there are not intervention and this examples are in progress.
  • 6. 6 has been limited; Rodrick (2004: 7-8) focuses his arguments on only two externalities: information externalities and coordination externalities that would allow the use of one set of best practice in public policies and a recommended institutional design (Rodrick, 2004: 19-25). Porter et al. (2002: 17) deepens this and suggests one sequence of industrial policies in the country development process, he says, “Countries face very different challenges and priorities as they move from resources-based to knowledge-based economies”. Figure 1 summarises Porter’s suggestion. Figure 1: Stages in the use of Industrial Policy Country Income Level Strategy Description Low income to middle income Investment-driven, as economic Mobilization of primary factors of Factor driven to growth is increasingly achieved by production: land, primary Investment driven harnessing global technologies to commodities, and unskilled labour local production. Government provide overall political and macroeconomic stability. It focuses increasingly on improvements in physical infrastructure and regulatory arrangements and attracts FDI. Middle income to high income This requires a direct government Transition to technology-imported Investment driven to role in fostering a high rate of to a technology-generating Innovation driven innovation, through public as well economy, one that innovates in at as private investment in R&D, least some sectors at the global higher education, and frontier. improvement capital markets and regulatory system that support the start up of high technology enterprises. High income Innovation-driven stage of Innovation driven economic development, global competitiveness is critically linked to high rates of social learning (specially science-based learning) and the rapid ability to shift to new technologies Source: Porter, M. Sachs, J. and Mcarthur, J. (2002: 17-18) Accepting the use of industrial policies, Rodrick (2004: 19-20) proposes three primary elements within its institutional architecture: political leadership, coordination and deliberation councils, and mechanism of transparency and accountability. These elements could constitute a framework of analysis to check “good policies”. But, is it enough? In this essay, we will consider that it is not, because there are differences of performance between regions or sectors within the countries. For example, economic performance in the south of China is totally different of the north, or Monterrey
  • 7. 7 region compares with Chiapas – both in México. In some countries, technological sectors compared with agriculture, or, for example in Chile, whether we consider a comparison between aquiculture (global player) and fishery (traditional sector). Therefore, a good framework needs to define its reach. This paper argues industrial policy needs regional understanding as well as a national framework. Thus Porter’s suggestion could be adapted to a more exact reality. Rodrick (2004: 21-25) completes his work with some suggestions about principles for industrial policy design. Figure 2 summarises these points. Figure 2: Ten Principles for Industrial Policies Principle Explanation Incentives should be provided only to “new” One could be understand that Rodrick does not activities discard intervention in traditional sector (restructuring), but the object of the intervention must be a “new” thing. He does not justify public intervention without innovation. There should be clear benchmark/criteria for success He argues that is necessary to get a idea about what is and failure a successful result, and propose a benchmark with similar countries There must be a built-in sunset clause Put limits to a public support Public support must target activities, not sectors This could be a reinforcement to the first clause, because Rodrick argues that the object of public support must be a new technology or a new product, but not any sector per se Activities that are subsidised must have the clear Public money should go to finance public goods potential of providing spill over and demonstration (information, examples), or activities with higher effects externalities The authority for carrying out industrial policies must He demands efficiency in the public support be vested in agencies with demonstrated competences The implementing agencies must be monitored The CEO of the policy must be motivated by the closely by a principal with clear stake in the outcomes goals of the policy and must have political support and who has political authority at the highest level and independence of private stakeholders The agencies carrying out promotion must maintain Bureaucrats must maintain a relationship with of communication with the private sector entrepreneurs and investors. A policy from the bureaucracy do not have many possibilities to arise Optimally, mistakes that results in “picking the Build safeguards against this and learn of the mistakes losers” will occur Promotion activities need to have the capacity to The agencies must have capabilities for: flexibility, renew themselves, so that the cycle of discovery reinvention, refashion becomes and ongoing one Source: Rodrick (2004) In summary, industrial policy is not free of risk. Although it has detractors, many scholars affirm that there are no real examples of countries that have reached their development without industrial
  • 8. 8 policy. In this essay we use the ideas of Porter et al. (2001) and Rodrick (2004) who suggest that the design of the intervention and its implementation (and the institution) is relevant for its success. 1.2. Clusters The idea of the regional industrial agglomeration or cluster is relatively old. Alfred Marshall (1842- 1924) a British economist is considered the precursor of geographic economy. Caniels and Romijn (2005: 504) indicate that good starting points to understand the awaited advantages by the firms in these agglomerations are the marshallian reasons: (1) the presence of a labour pool with specialised skills; (2) the phenomenon that ‘an industrial centre allows the provision of non-traded inputs specific to an industry in a greater variety and at lower cost’ (quoted from Krugman, 1991); and (3) the occurrence of technology spillovers—currently known as pure knowledge spillovers. When firms settle into an agglomeration, they expect to realise advantages arising from these three phenomena. However, the active use of these principles in public policies could be linked to Porter’s ideas published in 19902 (Martin and Sunley, 2003: 5-6). Porter (1998: 71) argues that the determinants of national advantage in a particular industry are four: factor conditions, talking about raw materials and base conditions for the production; demand conditions “the nature of home demand for the industry’s product or service”; related and supporting industries that is the offer of specialised suppliers - internationally competitive; and firm strategy, structure and rivalry, defined as the condition of the domestic competitiveness. He adds these four drivers to Marshall’s ideas and indicates that the nature of and relationship between these factors define the level of the competitiveness of the system. Moreover, he thinks that the potential and expression of competitiveness of this cluster define the competitiveness of the nation. Therefore, he says “Government’s real role in national competitive advantage is in influencing the four determinants” (Porter, 1998: 126-127), by assigning an active roll to the industrial policy. However, this is not so clear for policy makers because national economic structure does not have only one cluster and could have agglomerations that are not an example of competitiveness 2 Michael Porter, 1990, 1st Edition “The Competitive Advantage of Nations”.
  • 9. 9 (traditional industries), or another single industry leader around the world which could be important for a country’s competitiveness. Rodrick (2004: 14) quoting to Rodriguez-Clare indicates: All the industries in principles have the characteristic that could produce clusters. Moreover, many industries can in principle operate at some level in the absence of clusters…The appropriated policy intervention is focused not on industries or sectors, but on the activity or technologies that produce the characteristics of coordination failure3. In addition, Pack and Saggi (2006: 11) quoting Klimenko’s work indicate that “an optimally designed industrial policy can actually lead a country to specialize in sectors in which it does not have comparative advantage”. Rodrick (2004: 10) comments on patterns of specialization in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Korea where “It is impossible to ascribe these patterns of specialization to comparative advantage”. Finally, examples of FDI impact - like the automobile industry in Mexico and Intel in Costa Rica - show industries without a previous history in a country could be successful and create spill over in time (Pack and Saggi, 2006: 25-27). Caniels and Romijn (2005) who stress local knowledge spillovers (LKS) - as a main driver to accelerate innovativeness within cluster – mention two problems in its activity that could affect the effectiveness of cluster theory: First, “Feldman’s discussion about the expected relationship between the industry life cycle and the tendency of innovative activities to agglomerate” which indicate that LKS activity is dependent on the maturity of the cluster – more than Porter’s four determinants- and second, Pavitt’s idea about “the inherent variations in the sectoral patterns of technological change exhibited by different types of industries” the same. Finally, Carlson and Mudambi (2003: 113) indicate that governments fail in the long term when they try to do “micro management” in industrial policies because “technology trajectories are highly un predictable”. And, governments which invest and stimulate absorptive key capacities could be “highly effective”. Thus, Porter’s framework seems to lose power. Martin and Sunley (2003: 5) warn: Seductive though the cluster concept is, there is much about that is problematic, and the rush to employ “cluster ideas” has run ahead of many fundamental conceptual, theoretical and empirical questions…Whilst we do not debunk the cluster idea outright, we do argue for a more cautious and 3 Standardization policies could be accepted as “good policies”, they help to decrease transaction cost.
  • 10. 10 circumspect use of the notion, especially within a policy context: the cluster concept should carry a public policy health warning. Bearing in mind this review, the essay studies a programme of public action based on Porter’s ideas and tries to see which are the problems and institutional demands to use is complex and seductive framework.
  • 11. 11 2. Magellan Lamb Programme, CHILE 1998 - 20024 In the 1980’s, Chile was an example of a neo-classical economy and centralized government; its industrial policy considered a small quantity of neutral subsidies that stimulated R&D investment in private companies - without discrimination between sectors - and all of them by demand - against company request. A government making decisions over the production and institutions with regional biases was unthinkable and considered dangerous. During the last part of the 1990’s, the Magellan region of Chile suffered from the decline of oil reserves and a persistent fall in export prices of ovine meat and wool. While new investments in methanol production from natural gas minimized the effect of oil depression, new innovation policies did not generate a good replacement for lamb production. CORFO, The Chilean Agency of Economic Development, developed a new system of industrial policy grounded in subsidies for specific issues: innovation projects - matching funds with industries -, SMEs partnerships and studies for productivity improvements. However, several of these policies were negatively affected by different biases. Policy makers’ opinion about novel topics distorted the innovation programme, and SMEs policies were partially captured by traditional unions. In 1997, The Magellan Regional Direction of CORFO made a strategic plan grounded in cluster theory to overcome these biases. A special part of this plan was to consider a new scheme for action in a very traditional sector of the regional economy: the lamb production. The plan was to totally change its strategy in innovation that in previous years had granted projects in flowers vegetables and ostrich production, which were unsuitable for the conditions of a cold region. This plan was conceived in 1998 and was called “The Magellan Lamb Programme: Modernization of ovine production sector”. 4 The author worked four years in this programme as executive secretary that’s why some comments are based on experience and not referencing information
  • 12. 12 2.1. Chile and its Industrial policy: the roll of CORFO In 1998, Chile had administrative division in the form of regions, twelve regions sorted from north to south (with numbers) and one additional metropolitan region (where the capital – Santiago - is). However, the Chilean government is institutionally centralised, this means that executive power resides in each institutional head and these institution are tied to the presidential cabinet. CORFO - the Chilean agency of economic development – was founded in the 1939 to apply industrial policy in the country. Thus - in its long history – it had applied a different model of industrial policy, created large industries in the 50’s and 60’s, commanded the national economy in the early 1970’s and provided loans in the 1980’s. Finally, the government decided in the 1990’s on the restructuring as a modern agency of development which could grant firms, stimulating innovation activities, partnership, standardization and R&D investments. Therefore, CORFO achieved a simple operational structure in the late 1990’s that had the advantage of being very flexible and cross- sectional in the national economy (based on CORFO, 2007). Figure 3 shows the main grants in the stage of the case. 2.2. The Lamb Programme: an experiment? As Nunez and Ilabaca (1998: 2) indicate “The Lamb Programme” was a reaction rather than an opportunity. Changes in consumption and purchase habits had reduced the demand for carcass lamb that traditionally was associated with traditional slaughterhouses rather than supermarkets, and familiar events rather than single consumption. This radical change produced a general decrease in the price of lamb. However in sophisticated markets like Europe, the price increased thanks to New Zealand national promotion (Nunez and Ilabaca, 1998: 4, 11). In order to reach these sophisticated markets, two conditions acted as a bottle neck: certificated slaughterhouses that could export to Europe and heavy lambs that could produce prime cuts. The region only has one certificated slaughterhouse and the number of heavy lambs was reduced (Nunez and Ilabaca, 1998).
  • 13. 13 Figure 3: Innovation and SMEs Grants from CORFO, main offer 1998-2002 Instrument of public support Requirements Amounts and times FONTEC innovation grants for An innovation project that: 50% of the total firms • Present a novelty product or process amount of the • Economic viability project. Generally, • Presented by a confident company government grants reach an average of • Research capabilities consistent with support of features of the project MM$30.000. Until 3 years. PROFO grants to support A partnership project: In average partnership between SMEs • More than 5 SMEs government support • Lines of work, goals and indicators 60% total cost of the • Presented by confident firms project during 3 years. Average cost Request: MM$25.000 per year Contract a manager that drive the project and establish office like a independent company FAT support to specialised A project of consultancy: Until MM$ 1.500 per consulting for SMEs • A consultant project. Less than 1 • An objective for this technical advice year. • A confident SMEs FDI large grant for R&D in A R&D project that: 60 % of the total partnership between R&D • Present a novelty product or process amount. Large suppliers and firms • Economic viability projects, MM$300.000 • Presented by confident companies or more. In general, 3 years. • Associated to Research institute with capabilities consistent with features of the project Source: CORFO (2007) Why was the Lamb Programme an experiment? Basically, the programme was an experiment because it changed the neutral public policy that had driven CORFO in these years, and this was based in a relatively new theory. Although, CORFO prepared the diagnosis and planned the intervention, everything was did using the same package of neutral policies. How did CORFO direct an industrial policy using grants by demand? And how can this experience be understood using the Porter and Rodrick frameworks? We present the case in three stages: diagnostic elements, implementation and results.
  • 14. 14 2.2.1. Framework of diagnosis The main model used in the diagnosis was Porter’s diamond. This had the virtue of ordering in a logical structure the different components of the problem and heightening the relationships between determinants as important to improve general cluster’s conditions. Nevertheless, value chain analysis was more effective to determine bottlenecks and technological challenges. This analysis enabled the design of better messages and works directly with information and coordination failures. Probably, this affected the determination of the role of the technological suppliers and a deeper vision of the knowledge in the system. Figure 4: Magellan Lamb Programme, Porter’s diamond (Nunez and Ilabaca, 1998: 7) •Low competence among domestic companies •High rivalry within meat market •Magellan Lamb Programme •Technology level heterogeneous •Promotion campaign, regional brand •There is a public company competing •Higher exit barriers •There are international competition Firm strategy, structure and rivalry •Fashion of the Mediterranean food •Increasing consumption of wine and olive oil •New Zealand lamb meat consider as elite Factor condition •Domestic consumption with a large range of expansion •Many attractive international markets •Large farms •Increasing value for products with origin denomination •Shepherd tradition •Good genetic base •Lower level in education •Over shepherded prairie •Do not have good technological support •Lower productive specialised Demand conditions Related and supporting industries •New trade protections •Main supplier of technology is a monopoly (public) •Climate events •Do not have the best offer in technological materials •Do not have highly specialised consultants office Figure 5 shows the value chain analysis. The first bottleneck was the technology and investment in slaughterhouses, as “Simunovic” was the only certificated industry, which exports to the elite markets with less than 30% of the total production. The second bottleneck was the supply of heavy
  • 15. 15 lambs; prime cuts only reach less than 10% of the total production. Considering these limitations, The Programme design was structured through four lines of action (CORFO, 1998: 3): strong messages to promote industrial investments; broad aid to improve technology, pasture and genetics at the farmers’ level; institutional up-grading and support for farmers’ partnerships, because the Government considered this as a base condition; and promotion at the national and international level. Figure 5: Magellan Lamb Programme, Regional Value Chain Source: Nunez and Ilabaca (1998: 9) 2.2.2. Implementation: inventing a new route The first action was to create a new structure of association among farmers, this was considered fundamental because a cluster policy should have a strong relationship between the private and public sector and the creation of different powers among industries improves competence. The traditional union – in this case – has had problems of internal leaderships and supported “old” ideas about government support. The government increased the promotion of its grant PROFO and began the promotion of the “big” programme, generating a feeling that “the company that does not
  • 16. 16 participate in this new association loses influence in the decisions (a programme board)”. The programme constituted three new organisations that grouped 64 farmers with 512.000 animals, close to the 35% of the total animal mass. In addition, CORFO added a partnership with the Minister of Agriculture, the participation of all slaughterhouses in the region and support from Fundación Chile – an institution that had substantial experience in creating new products. All these institutions and association constituted the board of the Programme that met every 3 or 4 months. The programme in CORFO had a executive secretary and leaders in other institutions, but the public leadership was always a problem among even institutions. The second stage was massively promoting the use of grants for innovation in this sector. Thus in three years, the programme added more than 7 innovation projects (INIA, 2005), seminars in innovation from New Zealand, and farmers and slaughterhouses technological capture trips to New Zealand. Another course of action was a domestic promotion campaign that changed the position in the market of lamb meat and created a new brand, “Cordero de Magallanes”. This was considered fundamental because Porter’s ideas include the importance of creating a sophisticated local demand, similar to a close tested laboratory. In addition, the government negotiated an increase in the EU quota for lamb meat to Chile from 3 tons to 5 tons. Finally, at an industrial level, the Government decided on important investment in the public company and after it privatised this. Also, some slaughterhouse owners were put in contact with specialised companies in New Zealand’s meat industry. The CORFO’s programme actions were undertaken during the period 1998 to 2002. Figure 6 shows a summary of implementation actions. Probably, the greatest weaknesses were public association and R&D institution improvements. The first weakness was because institutional structure in Chile is centralised and different ministers compete for importance and relevance in their actions, and although in the regional level there are coordination, it is not strong. Secondly, there was no radical change in terms of R&D capabilities because the programme goals were focussed on short and medium term goals and perhaps human resources improvements and R&D regional structure needed long term plans.
  • 17. 17 Figure 6: Summarise of implementation actions Line of Actions Descriptions Grants Promote industrial Public direct investment and privatization Technological missions, investments Contact with NZ manufactures FONTEC Information about markets in the long term Grants for preinvestments Information about farmers support and evidence of studies (similar to FAT) impact in heavy lamb Farmers technology Promotion of innovation projects: genetic, FAT improvements management pastures nutrition, irrigation and new FONTEC seeds. FDI and FIA5 Grants of Agriculture Minister for pasture, irrigation and others Institutional up Restructuring private organization PROFO grading Association between public organizations Promotion National campaign FNDR 6 and Agriculture Minister special funds 2.2.3. Results: successful, problems and lacks Probably, the main weakness of this programme is a lack of indicators that indicate the impact of public actions. This could be explained by the absence of formal operation unit because it is based on public servants with other topics; the Lamb Programme did not have a manager and was a “virtual” programme. Therefore we will try to rescue some data from INIA (2005) evaluation. Figure 7 shows some direct results: more world class slaughterhouses, an important increase in meat exports – almost 130% -, better private organisation and coordination and an original brand for the region. Figure 8 shows the improvements of four areas important in knowledge economy. Although the programme generated more institutional and human resources capabilities and farmers achieved a better technology receptivity, this seems not to be enough for a cluster programme. Maybe the design was not aggressive enough in terms of technology promotion. Finally, Figure 9 shows a contrast with Rodrick’s ideas about institutions and principles and this initiative could be considered a “good” industrial policy but with a lack of technological and institutional focus. 5 FIA is a grant commanded by Agriculture Minister, similar to FDI 6 FNDR are public funds for regional investments that conform a medium term portfolio of investment projects
  • 18. 18 Figure 7: Summarise of direct results by line of actions Line of Actions Indicators Promote industrial investments In the period 1998 – 2006, region increased the number of certificated slaughterhouses from 1 to 4 Farmers technology improvements The were many improvements in the farmer’s level that means a increase of meat export from US$ 6,857,000 to US$ 15,669,000 explained by: increase in heavy lambs that means more lambs to prime cuts, increased in international prices and accessed to better markets. Institutional up grading The private association that were born during the programme continuing. There are not important improvements in public institution and R&D institutions Promotion The image of Lamb meat achieved a better position as brand recognised and position like elite product. Source: based in INIA (2005: 30-60) Figure 8: Results, successful, problems and lacks Area of improvement Indicators and evidences Absorptive firm technology According INIA (2005, 122) the use of technology increased during the capabilities programme period in a 31.1%. Too, we found data that indicate a better receptivity to technology after the programme. Capabilities of learning from Respect of the institutions that participated within the programme: institutional framework CORFO began new programmes with this structure, PTI – Integrated Territorial Programmes Fundación Chile continue with lambs programmes in other places: Mexico, central area of Chile Agriculture Minister, although it did some programme of promotion and integrated offers, there were not new programmes with the same structure INIA, this institution focused its strategy in ovine sector and continue with other projects, especially in technology transfer. But possibly it did not deep enough in R&D and global partnerships. UMAG, the local university was not relevant Cumulative knowledge in human Although the projects mean more human resources because INIA, resources Fundación Chile and big industries contract more specialised professionals, this was not a revolution, only enough Integration with global markets in There was more integration within the regional value chain and more technology and trade integration with global elite value chain demonstrated by the increase in exportation. Too, there was more integration with New Zealand and Australia in terms of technical support. Source: Based in INIA (2005)
  • 19. 19 Figure 9: Institutional architecture & Principles for Industrial Policies, a contrast Institutional architecture Magellan Lamb Programme Political leadership Maybe, considering that the Programme involved 3 leaders institution, this could be a successful. But, the absence of regional power limited institutional improvements. Coordination and deliberation councils No doubts this point was strengths in this programme because was strongly supported by private and public sector. But, the leadership - within sectors, public and private – always was a problem. Mechanism of transparency and accountability The programme gave periodic information and results. But, cluster model is difficult to understand for the majority. Always there was problem to explain the programme. Principle Magellan Lamb Programme Incentives should be provided only to “new” All the programme was made with neutral grants for activities innovation There should be clear benchmark/criteria for success Although New Zealand was the example, it was and failure difficult to translate this benchmark in objective indicators. Cluster programme could be wide There must be a built-in sunset clause The limits do not clear. But, the individual grants considered specific contracts. Public support must target activities, not sectors It is difficult to separate in cluster policy Activities that are subsidised must have the clear Yes, Projects - that were granted – had spill over and potential of providing spill over and demonstration demonstration effects effects The authority for carrying out industrial policies must CORFO had and has good reputation among be vested in agencies with demonstrated companies and authorities competences The implementing agencies must be monitored The programme was monitored by The Department closely by a principal with clear stake in the outcomes of Strategic Development from CORFO and who has political authority at the highest level headquarters. The agencies carrying out promotion must maintain The board constituted for this programme monitored of communication with the private sector the actions. Optimally, mistakes that results in “picking the There were mistakes among projects and these were losers” will occur detected early. Promotion activities need to have the capacity to The Programme was evolved and had stages. renew themselves, so that the cycle of discovery becomes and ongoing one Source: grounded Rodrick (2004), Nunez and Ilabaca (1998) and INIA (2005)
  • 20. 20 3. Conclusion This essay reviews some aspects of the use of industrial policy. While some scholars think that the use of industrial policy does not have strong evidence in economic theory (Pack and Saggi, 2006), other authors indicate that do not have empirical evidence of development without the sequential use of industrial policy (Chang, 2003). Rodrick (2004) give us a group of institutional architecture indications and ten principles that command “good” public policies in this area. Porter´s opinion is stronger: he says that the countries between middle income and high income must use pro- innovation policies and the cluster framework is a special pro-innovation model for regional agglomerations (Porter et al. 2001; Porter, 1998). In this case, we describe the use of the cluster model by a local development agency. Although, The Magellan Lamb Programme had some problems of administration - as Martin and Sunley (2003) had warned respect of cluster -, the programme was able to restructure and to harness a traditional sector. However, the results could be more important in areas like institutional coordination and regulation, R&D capabilities and human resources, but a lack of design tools and political power limit these lines of action. Finally, we could say that Rodrick’s principles are enough but the truth is that the importance of strategic vision is given for Porter’s model, although nobody can drive it.
  • 21. 21 References Caniels, M. and Romijn, H. (2005) What drives innovativeness in industrial clusters? Transcending the debate. Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol. 29. Cambridge, UK. Carlson, B. Mudambi, R. (2003) Globalization, Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: A System view. Industry and Innovation. Vol. 10, Number 1. Chang, J. (2003) Kicking Away the ladder: Infant Industry Promotion in Historical Perspective, Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 21-32 CORFO (1998) Programa Cordero de Magallanes. Modernización del sector productor ovino de la XII región. CORFO. Punta Arenas, Región de Magallanes. CORFO (2007) Historia de CORFO. [on line] [Accessed 10 April 2007] Available from INIA (2005) El Programa Cordero de Magallanes: Resultados e Impactos en el ámbito de la Gestión de CORFO Duodécima Región. CORFO. Punta Arenas, Chile. Martin, R. and Sunley, P. (2003) Deconstructing clusters: chaotic concept or policy panacea?. Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 3. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK. Nuñez, I. and Ilabaca, J. (1998) Estudio de Caso Programa Cordero de Magallanes. CORFO. Santiago, Chile. Pack, H. and Saggi, K. (2006) The case for Industrial Policy: a critical Survey, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3839, The World Bank, Washington DC. Porter, M. (1998) The Competitive Advantage of Nations. 2nd Edition. Great Britain. MacMillan Press Ltd. Porter, M. Sachs, J. and Mcarthur, J. (2002) Executive Summary: Competitiveness and Stages of Economic Development, pp. 16-25 in Porter, M. Sachs, J. Cornelius, P. Mcarthur, J. and Schwab, K. The Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002, Oxford University Press Rodrik, D. (2004) Industrial Policy for the Twenty-first century. John F. Kennedy School of Government. Cambridge, MA.
  • 22. 22 Appendix 1: Other used diagnosis models Support Physical INTA Argentina Corporation infrastructure R&D institute in Argentina Airport Investment in mode rnization Support Institutional Infrastructure Specialised service in reproduction ASOGAMA And improvements Roads Union INIA Specialised supplie rs R&D supplier Specialised transport Farmers Raw materia l Companies between suppliers Specialised Financia l individuals farmers Main firms Management centres Simunovic Transport Agromar UMAG Tres Puentes MINAGRI Port Regional SACOR Minister of Bories Consulting University Leather Agriculture Specialised consulting MacLean buye rs Rio Side Tanneries Technology transfer centres PROFO INIA domestic R&D Supplier banks High tech laboratories: CORFO Meat and wool Other associated Agenc of de y velopme nt industries Other uni ns o International banks roads Ferries