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Bifm Economic Review                                                                                               4th Quarter 2006

                                                                 Economic Review
                                                   a result, inflation is currently being measured    Bank of Botswana s desired range of 4% -
Summary of                                         by a combination of the old and new baskets,       7%, and there is unlikely to be any significant
                                                                                                      reduction in interest rates while this remains
Economic                                           which could introduce some unpredictability
                                                   into the measurement of inflation through to       the case. The prospects for any reduction in

Developments                                       September 2007, by which time the new
                                                   basket will have been in operation for a full
                                                                                                      interest rates will be balanced by the
                                                                                                      resurgence in credit growth, which reached
                                                   year.                                              14.9% over the 12 months to November,
Dr Keith Jefferis,                                 Having said that, inflation has continued its
                                                                                                      above the BoB s range of 11% - 14%. Recent
                                                                                                      growth has largely been driven by credit to
Chairman of                                        steady decline, falling to 8.8% in November
                                                   2006, down from 9.2% in October (see
                                                                                                      the private business sector, at over 20%,
                                                                                                      while credit to households grew by 15% in
Bifm Investment                                    Fig.1). There were a number of reasons for
                                                   this, including the reduction in fuel prices,
                                                                                                      the year to November. Nevertheless, annual
                                                                                                      credit growth may begin to fall soon, as
Committee                                          which now have a larger weight in the revised
                                                   CPI basket. However, the softening of price
                                                                                                      shorter term (quarterly) growth rates have
                                                                                                      already peaked (see Fig.2).
                                                   pressures was more broadly based than this,
                                                   with 5 of the 12 CPI basket categories             The reduction in inflation, while international

I                                                  experiencing price reductions between              and regional inflation has been rising, has
                                                   October and November, and besides lower            also helped to close the gap between
                                                   fuel prices, there was a noticeable reduction      Botswana s inflation rate and the average of
   ntroduction                                     in food costs. While the reduction in inflation    its trading partners (see Fig.3), thus supporting
                                                   was anticipated, the weakness of international     Botswana s international competitiveness.
Economic conditions were substantially better      oil prices means that the decline in inflation
by the end of 2006 than they were at the                                                              Exchange Rates
                                                   has been faster than expected. Our current
beginning of the year, with declining inflation,                                                      Exchange rates have stabilised somewhat
                                                   forecast is for inflation to continue to decline
strong exports, improved business confidence,                                                         recently, with the rand recovering much of
                                                   during the first half of 2007, to around 7%,
and several major investment projects given                                                           the ground that it lost against the US dollar
                                                   although if there is a further significant
the go-ahead. These factors are likely to                                                             during the third quarter of 2006. The pula
                                                   reduction in fuel prices inflation could fall
persist during 2007, which should see a                                                               ended the year at R1.16, and P6.03 to the
                                                   below this level. In addition, although it is
continued improvement in economic activity.                                                           US dollar, with the overall trade-weighted
                                                   too early to assess the impact of the new
Inflation and Monetary Policy                      basket on inflation, the likelihood is that the    exchange rate depreciating by 4.5% over
                                                   new basket will itself lead to a reduction in      the year (see Fig.4). Compared to our
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has                                                               forecasts a year ago, the pula (and rand)
                                                   measured inflation.
introduced a new Consumer Price Index (CPI)                                                           have been weaker than expected against the
basket, rebased to September 2006 and with         While the continued decline in inflation is
a much expanded coverage (see feature). As         good news, it still remains well above the                                         continue...

                            Figure 1: Inflation                                         Figure 2: Credit Growth Rates (quarterly, annualised)
2                                                             Economic Review
           Figure 3: Botswana and Trading Partner Inflation                                 Figure 4: Pula Exchange Rates

dollar, and as a result the pula has been       Further investigation, however, reveals that     revenues have been rapid growth in revenues
stronger against the rand.                      the underlying situation may not be quite so     from the Southern African Customs Union
                                                encouraging. While overall employment has        (which was expected) and from non-mineral
Given the volatility that characterises the
                                                increased by 203,000 over the ten years          income tax receipts. On the spending side,
rand, to which the pula is partially pegged,
                                                between the two Labour Force Surveys, more       the poor performance of development
predicting exchange rate movements during
                                                than half of this increase (116,000) was due     spending is clear — down 13% compared to
2007 is a risky business — probably the most
                                                to a rise in employment in own farms, lands      the previous year — especially when compared
reliable forecast is that forecasts will be
                                                and cattle posts . This in turn reflects last    with a budgeted 38% increase in 2006/07
wrong. The consensus of opinion is that the
                                                year s relatively good rains and the resulting   as a whole.
rand will on average weaken again during
                                                temporary increase in subsistence agricultural
2007; however, South Africa s relatively                                                         The 2007 Budget, due to be delivered in
                                                activities. Whether this really counts as
large current account deficit, and                                                               early February, will contain final revenue and
                                                 employment , however, is questionable,
dependence upon short term portfolio                                                             expenditure figures for the full 2005/06 fiscal
                                                as the survey methodology counts as
capital flows to finance it, may well cause                                                      year, as well as revised figures for 2006/07
                                                employed someone who did one hour or
the rand to fluctuate widely again. Our                                                          and projections for 2007/08. Data for
                                                more of work over a seven day reference
forecast is that the pula will weaken by                                                         2005/06 are likely to show a budget surplus
                                                period. Furthermore, the increase in recorded
around 10% against the dollar during 2007,                                                       larger than the P1.5 billion (3% of GDP) that
                                                agricultural employment contrasts with the
to finish the year around 6.70, but will                                                         was indicated last year, and likewise a surplus
                                                results of other surveys, which show a long-
remain fairly stable against the rand (at                                                        for 2006/07 larger than the P0.9 bn that
                                                term decline.
around 1.16-1.17), albeit with some                                                              was initially estimated, with revenue above
fluctuations along the way.                     The rise in non-agricultural employment has      budget and expenditure below. Given the
                                                been less impressive, although at 2.7%           poor expenditure performance, the Budget
                                                annual average growth, it has at least kept      Speech will no doubt devote considerable
The Central Statistics Office has released      pace with (or slightly exceeded) the growth      attention to why government has been
preliminary results from the 2005/06 Labour     of the population and the labour force.          unable to spend the additional resources
Force Survey (LFS), providing data on           Nevertheless, if it had not been for the         provided for in 2006/07, especially for
employment and unemployment in                  fortunate rains during the LFS survey period,    development projects, thus inhibiting the
Botswana. The CSO is to be commended for        recorded unemployment would most likely          anticipated recovery in economic growth. It
getting these preliminary results out quickly   have remained between 20% and 30% of             is likely that most of these projects will be
after the completion of the survey in June      the labour force.                                carried forward to 2007/08, hopefully
2006. The headline results of the LFS                                                            accompanied by concrete measures to
                                                Government Budget
provide encouraging information: since the                                                       improve the efficiency of project
previous LFS in 1995/96, overall employment     Recent data on government revenue and            implementation and public procurement
has been growing rapidly, at an average rate    spending are patchy, but the data that are       processes. No major policy initiatives are
of 4.7% a year, which is substantially faster   available suggest that revenues have been        expected in the Budget, although there may
than the growth of the population and the       rising at a steady pace, up 15.1% in the first   be some indication of the likely response to
labour force. As a result, the measured         half of the 2006/07 fiscal year (April-          the report of the Business and Economic
unemployment rate has declined, from 21.5%      September) compared to the same period in        Advisory Council (BEAC), which government
of the labour force in 1995/96 to 17.3% in      2005/06 (see Fig.6). Expenditure rose by only    is now considering.
2005/06 (and compares with recorded             7.3% over the same period, leading to a
unemployment rates of 19.5% in the 2001         half-year budget surplus of P2.1billion
Census and 23.8% in the 2002/03 HIES) (see      (compared to a P1.3bn surplus in H1
Fig.5).                                         2005/06). The main drivers of increased                                         continue...
3                                                              Economic Review
               Figure 5: Employment & Unemployment                                Figure 4: Government Revenue & Spending (quarterly)


Prospects for 2007                              developments will contribute positively           2006 should materialise in 2007.
                                                towards economic diversification.
The likelihood of continued above-trend                                                           As a result it should be possible to sustain
global economic growth, combined with           On the macroeconomic front, inflation should      economic growth in the 4%-5% range, not
strong economic performance in South            continue to decline slowly and this will in       particularly high by Botswana s historical
Africa, should provide a supportive             turn provide some room for lower interest         standards but reasonably good by the
environment for a continued improvement         rates, which will in turn support investment
                                                                                                  standards of middle income developing
in Botswana s economic growth                   and growth. However, it would not be
                                                                                                  countries. With population growth estimated
performance. Recent movements in                realistic to expect dramatic reductions in
commodity prices have also been favourable,     either inflation or interest rates during 2007.   at barely over 1%, economic growth at this
with falling oil prices helping to bring down   Government finances are likely to remain          rate will support a meaningful increase in
inflation, and although other commodity         healthy, and the increase in spending on          real per capita incomes, as well as a reduction
prices (notably copper and nickel) have also    development projects that was expected in         in unemployment and poverty.
fallen, they remain above long-term levels
which will support continued mineral
                                                Table 1: Key variables and forecasts
exploration an development in Botswana.
Three major mining-related projects (Tati                                                                          2006                   2007
Nickel mine expansion and Activox nickel                                                                     actual / est.             forecast
refinery near Francistown, the Dukwe copper
mine, and the Martin s Drift diamond mine),
as well as one or more diamond-cutting          CPI                                    average                   11.6%                   7.2%
operations, will be implemented during          CPI                               end of year                      8.8%                  7.0%
2007, while final decisions will be taken on
at least two others (African Diamonds AK7       Interest Rates
project near Orapa, and the CIC                 Prime lending                     end of year                    16.5%                    16%
Energy/International Power Mmamabula            Exchange rates
coal mine and power station project). These
will all provide a boost for various related    Rand per Pula                     end of year                       1.16                   1.17
activities, including construction, utilities   Pula per US$                      end of year                       6.03                   6.67
(water, electricity and telecoms),
                                                Economic Growth                                                      4%                     5%
transportation as well as other suppliers of
goods and services. Other exports should        Source: Econsult
continue the growth seen in 2006,
supported by the improved competitiveness
that resulted from the devaluations of 2004
and 2005, and textiles should benefit from
the five-year extension to the developing
county concessions under the US Africa                                                            Feature:
Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA)
announced in late 2006. The economy                                                               The New Consumer Price Index
should also benefit from the liberalisation
measures in the telecommunications sector
                                                                                                  (CPI) Basket
announced in 2006. All of these                                                                   see following pages
4                                                                 Economic Review
The New
Consumer Price Index (CPI) Basket
A         new CPI basket was introduced in
the October 2006 CPI report from the Central
Statistics Office. The index has a base of
September 2006=100, and replaces the old
                                                    will help to make measured price changes
                                                    more internationally comparable), and
                                                    changes the way in which item substitution
                                                    takes place.
                                                                                                      additions include new health items (X-rays,
                                                                                                      consultations with traditional doctors, hospital
                                                                                                      stays), transport (combi fares, car rental),
                                                                                                      recreational items (TV decoders, DVDs,
index which had a November 1996 base.                                                                 computers), education (college & university
                                                    Table 2: CPI Basket Coverage
The new basket is derived from expenditure                                                            fees) and telecommunications (cellphone
patterns recorded in the 2002/03 Household                                        New         Old     purchase and call charges, internet caf and
Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES), and           Items in basket                384        256     home connections) and funeral costs. Some
therefore updated the previous basket which                                                           items have disappeared (e.g. telegrams and
was based on the 1993/94 HIES.                      Areas surveyed                   46        21     safari suits). The main changes for item and
                                                    Outlets surveyed              1235        550     group weights include much increased weights
As we had previously commented, the old                                                               for fuel (petrol & diesel), restaurant meals,
index and basket had become increasingly            Price quotes obtained       30˚000      8 100     medical aid premiums, telecommunications,
problematic as it became more and more                                                                leisure goods & services, and clothing. The
out of date, and hence less accurate when           Coverage of prices in rural areas has been        main reductions in weights have been for
used to measure inflation. A particular             enhanced, with 26 rural areas now surveyed,       food and alcohol & tobacco. Notwithstanding
problem had the omission of items which             compared to 5 in the old basket (see table 3).    the latter, beer (consumed in various forms
had recently become important in                    However, expenditure patterns are dominated       and locations) remains the largest single
expenditure patterns (e.g. cellphones and           by urban areas (with a 47% weight in total        consumption item. Within food consumption,
airtime), but more generally the CPI basket         spending) and urban villages (34%), while         we are spending proportionately more on
had become less representative of                   rural areas account for only 19%. Given this,     fruit and vegetables, and have shifted meat
expenditure patterns in the economy. Analysis       and the expense involved in surveying prices      consumption from beef to chicken.
from other countries suggests that this type        in rural areas, it is questionable whether such
of problem leads to an upward bias in               a large increase in the geographical survey       The treatment of rent in the CPI basket has
measured inflation, and hence it is likely that     coverage of rural prices is justified.            also been much improved. Previously, BHC
the old index was exaggerating Botswana s                                                             rentals were used as proxy for almost all
                                                    Table 3: Geographical Coverage (No. of            rentals, including private rentals, such that
inflation. A second problem had been
                                                    areas surveyed)                                   any change in BHC rents — an administered
experienced when items in the basket had
                                                                                                      price determined by government — had a
become unavailable, requiring the
                                                                                  ˚New       Old      disproportionate effect on inflation. In the
substitution of new items, and there had
                                                                                                      revised basket, the weight of BHC rentals
been a number of errors (and subsequent             Urban                              5        5
                                                                                                      has been reduced and that of private rentals
revisions) in the inflation calculation resulting
                                                    Urban village                    16        11     significantly increased, to reflect more
from such item substitution.
                                                                                                      appropriately the pattern of actual expenditure.
In updating the basket, its coverage has been       Rural                            26         5
                                                                                                      Overall, the new index marks a considerable
considerably expanded in terms of numbers
                                                                                                      improvement over the old one, being more
of items included, the number of price quotes       There has been extensive change in the items      up to date, comprehensive and with
obtained each month, and its geographical           making up the basket, and their weights (see      improved methodology. It should provide a
coverage (see table 2). This should help the        table 4). While the new basket contains 12        more accurate measurement of inflation.
CPI to provide a more representative (and           groups, like the old basket, the groups have      Nevertheless, it would be particularly helpful
hence more accurate) record of price changes        been re-arranged and because of the               if the CSO continued recording and
in the economy. The methodology of CPI              changed item composition they are not fully       calculating inflation using both the old and
calculation has been improved in various            comparable between the two baskets. Many
ways; specifically, it uses internationally         new items have been introduced, reflecting
agreed criteria for classifying items (which        changed lifestyles and economic activities:                                       continue...
5                                                                   Economic Review
The New Consumer Price Index (CPI) Basket

the new baskets over a period of, say, 12 months, so that a more accurate assessment of the divergence between the two could be

Table 4: CPI Basket Weights (total 100)
                                                                              Old Basket                  New Basket
                                                                                     (1996)                       (2006)          Change
Increased Weights
Clothing                                                                               5.84                         7.52            29%
Recreation                                                                             1.55                         2.22            43%
Telecommunications                                                                     1.60                         2.97            86%
Fuel (petrol, diesel, paraffin)                                                        3.10                         7.74           150%
Medical aid premiums                                                                   1.16                         5.18           347%
Restaurant & take-away meals                                                           0.35                         3.08           780%
Funeral expenses                                                                            -                       1.74             n/a
Reduced Weights
Food (excl. purch. meals)                                                             25.18                        21.84           -13%
  o/w fruit & vegetables                                                               2.42                         2.61           7.9%
  o/w beef                                                                             4.18                         1.79          -57.2%
  o/w chicken                                                                          0.69                         1.33           92.8%
Alcohol & tobacco                                                                     13.49                         9.29           -31%
  o/w beer (incl. chibuku)                                                             9.57                         8.21           -14%
Rent                                                                                  6.88                         5.68            -17%
  o/w BHC                                                                             5.50                         1.64            -70%
  o/w private                                                                         1.38                         4.04            193%

                   Bifm Botswana Limited
                   Asset Management. Property Management. Private Equity. Corporate Advisory Services.
                   Private Bag BR 185, Broadhurst, Botswana Tel: +(267) 395 1564. Fax: +(267) 390 0358. Website:

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2006:Q4: Feature on the New CPI Basket

  • 1. Bifm Economic Review 4th Quarter 2006 Economic Review a result, inflation is currently being measured Bank of Botswana s desired range of 4% - Summary of by a combination of the old and new baskets, 7%, and there is unlikely to be any significant reduction in interest rates while this remains Economic which could introduce some unpredictability into the measurement of inflation through to the case. The prospects for any reduction in Developments September 2007, by which time the new basket will have been in operation for a full interest rates will be balanced by the resurgence in credit growth, which reached year. 14.9% over the 12 months to November, Dr Keith Jefferis, Having said that, inflation has continued its above the BoB s range of 11% - 14%. Recent growth has largely been driven by credit to Chairman of steady decline, falling to 8.8% in November 2006, down from 9.2% in October (see the private business sector, at over 20%, while credit to households grew by 15% in Bifm Investment Fig.1). There were a number of reasons for this, including the reduction in fuel prices, the year to November. Nevertheless, annual credit growth may begin to fall soon, as Committee which now have a larger weight in the revised CPI basket. However, the softening of price shorter term (quarterly) growth rates have already peaked (see Fig.2). pressures was more broadly based than this, with 5 of the 12 CPI basket categories The reduction in inflation, while international I experiencing price reductions between and regional inflation has been rising, has October and November, and besides lower also helped to close the gap between fuel prices, there was a noticeable reduction Botswana s inflation rate and the average of ntroduction in food costs. While the reduction in inflation its trading partners (see Fig.3), thus supporting was anticipated, the weakness of international Botswana s international competitiveness. Economic conditions were substantially better oil prices means that the decline in inflation by the end of 2006 than they were at the Exchange Rates has been faster than expected. Our current beginning of the year, with declining inflation, Exchange rates have stabilised somewhat forecast is for inflation to continue to decline strong exports, improved business confidence, recently, with the rand recovering much of during the first half of 2007, to around 7%, and several major investment projects given the ground that it lost against the US dollar although if there is a further significant the go-ahead. These factors are likely to during the third quarter of 2006. The pula reduction in fuel prices inflation could fall persist during 2007, which should see a ended the year at R1.16, and P6.03 to the below this level. In addition, although it is continued improvement in economic activity. US dollar, with the overall trade-weighted too early to assess the impact of the new Inflation and Monetary Policy basket on inflation, the likelihood is that the exchange rate depreciating by 4.5% over new basket will itself lead to a reduction in the year (see Fig.4). Compared to our The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has forecasts a year ago, the pula (and rand) measured inflation. introduced a new Consumer Price Index (CPI) have been weaker than expected against the basket, rebased to September 2006 and with While the continued decline in inflation is a much expanded coverage (see feature). As good news, it still remains well above the continue... Figure 1: Inflation Figure 2: Credit Growth Rates (quarterly, annualised)
  • 2. 2 Economic Review Figure 3: Botswana and Trading Partner Inflation Figure 4: Pula Exchange Rates dollar, and as a result the pula has been Further investigation, however, reveals that revenues have been rapid growth in revenues stronger against the rand. the underlying situation may not be quite so from the Southern African Customs Union encouraging. While overall employment has (which was expected) and from non-mineral Given the volatility that characterises the increased by 203,000 over the ten years income tax receipts. On the spending side, rand, to which the pula is partially pegged, between the two Labour Force Surveys, more the poor performance of development predicting exchange rate movements during than half of this increase (116,000) was due spending is clear — down 13% compared to 2007 is a risky business — probably the most to a rise in employment in own farms, lands the previous year — especially when compared reliable forecast is that forecasts will be and cattle posts . This in turn reflects last with a budgeted 38% increase in 2006/07 wrong. The consensus of opinion is that the year s relatively good rains and the resulting as a whole. rand will on average weaken again during temporary increase in subsistence agricultural 2007; however, South Africa s relatively The 2007 Budget, due to be delivered in activities. Whether this really counts as large current account deficit, and early February, will contain final revenue and employment , however, is questionable, dependence upon short term portfolio expenditure figures for the full 2005/06 fiscal as the survey methodology counts as capital flows to finance it, may well cause year, as well as revised figures for 2006/07 employed someone who did one hour or the rand to fluctuate widely again. Our and projections for 2007/08. Data for more of work over a seven day reference forecast is that the pula will weaken by 2005/06 are likely to show a budget surplus period. Furthermore, the increase in recorded around 10% against the dollar during 2007, larger than the P1.5 billion (3% of GDP) that agricultural employment contrasts with the to finish the year around 6.70, but will was indicated last year, and likewise a surplus results of other surveys, which show a long- remain fairly stable against the rand (at for 2006/07 larger than the P0.9 bn that term decline. around 1.16-1.17), albeit with some was initially estimated, with revenue above fluctuations along the way. The rise in non-agricultural employment has budget and expenditure below. Given the been less impressive, although at 2.7% poor expenditure performance, the Budget Employment annual average growth, it has at least kept Speech will no doubt devote considerable The Central Statistics Office has released pace with (or slightly exceeded) the growth attention to why government has been preliminary results from the 2005/06 Labour of the population and the labour force. unable to spend the additional resources Force Survey (LFS), providing data on Nevertheless, if it had not been for the provided for in 2006/07, especially for employment and unemployment in fortunate rains during the LFS survey period, development projects, thus inhibiting the Botswana. The CSO is to be commended for recorded unemployment would most likely anticipated recovery in economic growth. It getting these preliminary results out quickly have remained between 20% and 30% of is likely that most of these projects will be after the completion of the survey in June the labour force. carried forward to 2007/08, hopefully 2006. The headline results of the LFS accompanied by concrete measures to Government Budget provide encouraging information: since the improve the efficiency of project previous LFS in 1995/96, overall employment Recent data on government revenue and implementation and public procurement has been growing rapidly, at an average rate spending are patchy, but the data that are processes. No major policy initiatives are of 4.7% a year, which is substantially faster available suggest that revenues have been expected in the Budget, although there may than the growth of the population and the rising at a steady pace, up 15.1% in the first be some indication of the likely response to labour force. As a result, the measured half of the 2006/07 fiscal year (April- the report of the Business and Economic unemployment rate has declined, from 21.5% September) compared to the same period in Advisory Council (BEAC), which government of the labour force in 1995/96 to 17.3% in 2005/06 (see Fig.6). Expenditure rose by only is now considering. 2005/06 (and compares with recorded 7.3% over the same period, leading to a unemployment rates of 19.5% in the 2001 half-year budget surplus of P2.1billion Census and 23.8% in the 2002/03 HIES) (see (compared to a P1.3bn surplus in H1 Fig.5). 2005/06). The main drivers of increased continue...
  • 3. 3 Economic Review Figure 5: Employment & Unemployment Figure 4: Government Revenue & Spending (quarterly) BoB Prospects for 2007 developments will contribute positively 2006 should materialise in 2007. towards economic diversification. The likelihood of continued above-trend As a result it should be possible to sustain global economic growth, combined with On the macroeconomic front, inflation should economic growth in the 4%-5% range, not strong economic performance in South continue to decline slowly and this will in particularly high by Botswana s historical Africa, should provide a supportive turn provide some room for lower interest standards but reasonably good by the environment for a continued improvement rates, which will in turn support investment standards of middle income developing in Botswana s economic growth and growth. However, it would not be countries. With population growth estimated performance. Recent movements in realistic to expect dramatic reductions in commodity prices have also been favourable, either inflation or interest rates during 2007. at barely over 1%, economic growth at this with falling oil prices helping to bring down Government finances are likely to remain rate will support a meaningful increase in inflation, and although other commodity healthy, and the increase in spending on real per capita incomes, as well as a reduction prices (notably copper and nickel) have also development projects that was expected in in unemployment and poverty. fallen, they remain above long-term levels which will support continued mineral Table 1: Key variables and forecasts exploration an development in Botswana. Three major mining-related projects (Tati 2006 2007 Nickel mine expansion and Activox nickel actual / est. forecast refinery near Francistown, the Dukwe copper Inflation mine, and the Martin s Drift diamond mine), as well as one or more diamond-cutting CPI average 11.6% 7.2% operations, will be implemented during CPI end of year 8.8% 7.0% 2007, while final decisions will be taken on at least two others (African Diamonds AK7 Interest Rates project near Orapa, and the CIC Prime lending end of year 16.5% 16% Energy/International Power Mmamabula Exchange rates coal mine and power station project). These will all provide a boost for various related Rand per Pula end of year 1.16 1.17 activities, including construction, utilities Pula per US$ end of year 6.03 6.67 (water, electricity and telecoms), Economic Growth 4% 5% transportation as well as other suppliers of goods and services. Other exports should Source: Econsult continue the growth seen in 2006, supported by the improved competitiveness that resulted from the devaluations of 2004 and 2005, and textiles should benefit from the five-year extension to the developing county concessions under the US Africa Feature: Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA) announced in late 2006. The economy The New Consumer Price Index should also benefit from the liberalisation measures in the telecommunications sector (CPI) Basket announced in 2006. All of these see following pages
  • 4. 4 Economic Review Feature: The New Consumer Price Index (CPI) Basket A new CPI basket was introduced in the October 2006 CPI report from the Central Statistics Office. The index has a base of September 2006=100, and replaces the old will help to make measured price changes more internationally comparable), and changes the way in which item substitution takes place. additions include new health items (X-rays, consultations with traditional doctors, hospital stays), transport (combi fares, car rental), recreational items (TV decoders, DVDs, index which had a November 1996 base. computers), education (college & university Table 2: CPI Basket Coverage The new basket is derived from expenditure fees) and telecommunications (cellphone patterns recorded in the 2002/03 Household New Old purchase and call charges, internet caf and Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES), and Items in basket 384 256 home connections) and funeral costs. Some therefore updated the previous basket which items have disappeared (e.g. telegrams and was based on the 1993/94 HIES. Areas surveyed 46 21 safari suits). The main changes for item and Outlets surveyed 1235 550 group weights include much increased weights As we had previously commented, the old for fuel (petrol & diesel), restaurant meals, index and basket had become increasingly Price quotes obtained 30˚000 8 100 medical aid premiums, telecommunications, problematic as it became more and more leisure goods & services, and clothing. The out of date, and hence less accurate when Coverage of prices in rural areas has been main reductions in weights have been for used to measure inflation. A particular enhanced, with 26 rural areas now surveyed, food and alcohol & tobacco. Notwithstanding problem had the omission of items which compared to 5 in the old basket (see table 3). the latter, beer (consumed in various forms had recently become important in However, expenditure patterns are dominated and locations) remains the largest single expenditure patterns (e.g. cellphones and by urban areas (with a 47% weight in total consumption item. Within food consumption, airtime), but more generally the CPI basket spending) and urban villages (34%), while we are spending proportionately more on had become less representative of rural areas account for only 19%. Given this, fruit and vegetables, and have shifted meat expenditure patterns in the economy. Analysis and the expense involved in surveying prices consumption from beef to chicken. from other countries suggests that this type in rural areas, it is questionable whether such of problem leads to an upward bias in a large increase in the geographical survey The treatment of rent in the CPI basket has measured inflation, and hence it is likely that coverage of rural prices is justified. also been much improved. Previously, BHC the old index was exaggerating Botswana s rentals were used as proxy for almost all Table 3: Geographical Coverage (No. of rentals, including private rentals, such that inflation. A second problem had been areas surveyed) any change in BHC rents — an administered experienced when items in the basket had price determined by government — had a become unavailable, requiring the ˚New Old disproportionate effect on inflation. In the substitution of new items, and there had revised basket, the weight of BHC rentals been a number of errors (and subsequent Urban 5 5 has been reduced and that of private rentals revisions) in the inflation calculation resulting Urban village 16 11 significantly increased, to reflect more from such item substitution. appropriately the pattern of actual expenditure. In updating the basket, its coverage has been Rural 26 5 Overall, the new index marks a considerable considerably expanded in terms of numbers improvement over the old one, being more of items included, the number of price quotes There has been extensive change in the items up to date, comprehensive and with obtained each month, and its geographical making up the basket, and their weights (see improved methodology. It should provide a coverage (see table 2). This should help the table 4). While the new basket contains 12 more accurate measurement of inflation. CPI to provide a more representative (and groups, like the old basket, the groups have Nevertheless, it would be particularly helpful hence more accurate) record of price changes been re-arranged and because of the if the CSO continued recording and in the economy. The methodology of CPI changed item composition they are not fully calculating inflation using both the old and calculation has been improved in various comparable between the two baskets. Many ways; specifically, it uses internationally new items have been introduced, reflecting agreed criteria for classifying items (which changed lifestyles and economic activities: continue...
  • 5. 5 Economic Review Feature: The New Consumer Price Index (CPI) Basket continued the new baskets over a period of, say, 12 months, so that a more accurate assessment of the divergence between the two could be obtained. Table 4: CPI Basket Weights (total 100) Old Basket New Basket (1996) (2006) Change Increased Weights Clothing 5.84 7.52 29% Recreation 1.55 2.22 43% Telecommunications 1.60 2.97 86% Fuel (petrol, diesel, paraffin) 3.10 7.74 150% Medical aid premiums 1.16 5.18 347% Restaurant & take-away meals 0.35 3.08 780% Funeral expenses - 1.74 n/a Reduced Weights Food (excl. purch. meals) 25.18 21.84 -13% o/w fruit & vegetables 2.42 2.61 7.9% o/w beef 4.18 1.79 -57.2% o/w chicken 0.69 1.33 92.8% Alcohol & tobacco 13.49 9.29 -31% o/w beer (incl. chibuku) 9.57 8.21 -14% Rent 6.88 5.68 -17% o/w BHC 5.50 1.64 -70% o/w private 1.38 4.04 193% Bifm Botswana Limited Asset Management. Property Management. Private Equity. Corporate Advisory Services. Private Bag BR 185, Broadhurst, Botswana Tel: +(267) 395 1564. Fax: +(267) 390 0358. Website: