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          2004 ANNUAL REPORT                                                          John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

FROM                  PRESIDENT
STATEMENT                OF     PURPOSE

       he John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

T      was established in 1950 as a private founda-
       tion independent of the Knight brothers’
newspaper enterprises. It is dedicated to further-
ing their ideals of service to community, to the
highest standards of journalistic excellence and
to the defense of a free press.
     In both their publishing and philanthropic
undertakings, the Knight brothers shared a broad
vision and an uncommon devotion to the common
welfare. It is those ideals, as well as their philan-
thropic interests, to which the foundation remains
     To heighten the impact of our grant making,
Knight Foundation’s trustees have elected to focus
on two signature programs, Journalism Initiatives
and Community Partners, each with its own eligi-
bility requirements. A third program, the National
Venture Fund, nurtures innovation, leadership
and experimentation with investments that advance
Knight Foundation’s objectives and can benefit
Knight communities.
     In a rapidly changing world, the foundation
also remains flexible enough to respond to unique
challenges, ideas and projects that lie beyond
its identified program areas, yet would fulfill the
broad vision of its founders.
     None of the grant making would be possible
without a sound financial base. Thus, preserving
and enhancing the foundation’s assets through
prudent investment management continues to be
of paramount importance.
          Pronunciation: 'net-quot;wurk
          Function: noun
          1: an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system
             <a network of hotels>

          2: a system of lines or channels resembling a network

             Networks are two-way exchanges of power, resources, knowledge.
             Silicon Valley pioneer Robert Metcalfe talked about networks and their relevance
          to 21st century technology. Metcalfe’s Law says, in essence, that the community
          value of a network grows as the square of the number of its users increases.
             Put another way, “the power of the network increases exponentially by the
          number of computers connected to it.”
             We think “the power of the network” exemplifies the Knight Foundation model
          of grant making pretty well.

          TABLE         OF     CONTENTS

          From the Chairman                                                                              2
          From the President                                                                             4
          2004 Programs                                                                                  8
          Journalism Initiatives
             q The Knight Chairholders connect creatively through News University.
             q The AP’s Tom Curley helps fight for access to information.
          Community Partners Program
            q Boulder’s nonprofit partners find power in working together.
            q Former Mayor Harvey Gantt pushes Charlotte residents on race.
          National Venture Fund
             q Knight’s early childhood grantees meet in person and in cyberspace.
             q David Skaggs helps lead a campaign for more civics and journalism.
          Web Special: The Internet connects East Little Havana residents to the community.

          Trustees, Officers, Staff              36      Financial Statements                           46
          History                                38      Letter of Inquiry                              52
          Investment Report                      44      Grants                                         53
30   34   Auditors’ Report                       45      Acknowledgments                  Inside Back Cover

                                                         2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT                   1
FROM THE                      CHAIRMAN

Supporting Networks
      his annual report focuses on the great                                                                         has demonstrated great wisdom and com-

T     value and power of networks. Sup-                                                                              mon sense as well as an outstanding com-
      porting networks has been extremely                                                                            mitment to the goals of Knight Foundation.
important in Knight Foundation’s two                                                                                 He is the chairman emeritus and former
major programs, Community Partners and                                                                               CEO of Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs
Journalism Initiatives, as well as in our                                                                            in Akron, one of the largest law firms in
National Venture Fund.                                                                                               Ohio. He serves the region well as a trustee
    In late January 2004, for example, the                                                                           of the Cleveland Orchestra, the Catholic
Community Partners Program invited to                                                                                Diocese of Cleveland Foundation and the
Miami two representatives from each of                                                                               Northeast Ohio Technology Coalition. He
the foundation’s community advisory                                                                                  is trustee and board chair of the National
committees that serve the 26 cities and                                                                              Inventors Hall of Fame, and co-trustee and
towns where Jack and Jim Knight owned                                                                                executive director of the GAR Foundation.
newspapers.                                                                                                          Rob also serves as chair of the newly
    The advisory committees’ chairs, along                                                                           formed Fund for Our Economic Future, a
                                                                                  W. Gerald Austen, M.D.
with representatives of the community                                                                                collaborative of more than 60 funders,
foundations with whom they work closely,                                 Establishing or supporting networks of      including Knight Foundation, focusing on
reported over two days on the grant-                                 shared values and interests nicely describes    regional economic development in
making investments recommended by                                    the foundation’s grant-making philosophy.       Northeast Ohio.
their committees’ members. The retreat                               To encourage collaborative work, across             We have been joined recently by two
gave those of us who attended a good                                 town or across the nation, Knight Founda-       outstanding new trustees. Jim Crutchfield,
sense of how each committee ensures that                             tion disbursed $90.4 million and approved       publisher and president of the Akron
the grantees’ various projects are initiated                         329 new grants in 2004.                         Beacon Journal, was elected to the board
and monitored. Our major community                                       Not all of our activities rely on founda-   in June 2004, having served as chair of the
interests – local early childhood projects,                          tion funding. Perhaps equally as important      foundation’s Akron Community Advisory
programs for vulnerable teens, asset-                                as the dollars, we provide the ability to       Committee. Jim is involved with a number
building assistance to poor families, support                        convene, the time and space for grantees        of local nonprofit organizations including
for new affordable housing, economic                                 to plan, the imprimatur of a trusted name,      the Akron Community Foundation,
development, education, greater access to                            the latitude to take risks, the research to     the United Way of Summit County, the
the arts, and the promotion of voting and                            generate or confirm ideas, the technology       Greater Akron Chamber and the Ohio
volunteerism – have presented promising                              to keep the conversations going and a play-     Coalition for Open Government. In addi-
opportunities as well as frustrating road-                           ing field that’s fair for everyone.             tion to Akron, Jim’s newspaper career has
blocks. Participants have continued their                                Many of these operating assumptions         taken him to the Knight communities
dialogue with one another, and the foun-                             were set out in a five-year strategic plan      of Detroit, Long Beach and Philadelphia.
dation’s staff has pledged to keep the infor-                        that owes much credit to Dr. Jill Ker Conway,   Professional affiliations include the
mation flowing.                                                      our retiring vice chair and a Knight trustee    American Society of Newspaper Editors,
    The retreat confirmed for me that the                            since 1991. We were fortunate that Jill,        the National Association of Black Journal-
Knight advisory committees, comprising                               renowned as a wonderful writer and former       ists, the Ohio Newspaper Association and
an exceptional national network of some                              president of Smith College, joined Knight       the National Association of Minority
240 local leaders and experts, are our                               Foundation’s Education Advisory Committee       Media Executives. He is a board member
strongest links yet to the Knight communi-                           in September 1988 and the board in 1991.        of his alma mater, Duquesne University.
ties. Akron’s Jim Crutchfield, then an advi-                         From the very beginning of Jill’s tenure,           Dr. Mary Sue Coleman, president
sory committee chairman and now a                                    she proved to be an extraordinarily intelli-    of the University of Michigan, began her
Knight trustee, said it best: “Knight’s com-                         gent and thoughtful trustee with the            service on the Knight board in March
munity advisory committee members are                                unique ability to express herself in a won-     2005. Mary Sue was a member of the Knight
catalysts for change; that’s why we’re here.”                        derfully balanced and effective way. She        Foundation Commission on Intercollegiate
    You will find similar sentiments on the                          became vice chair of the board and chair        Athletics from 2000 until 2004 and has
merits of strong networks in the field of                            of our Planning and Program Committee           been a leader in sports reform efforts in
journalism. Says Rich Oppel, editor of the                           in 1996. We are extremely grateful to Jill      the NCAA. She served as president of the
Austin American-Statesman and the new                                for her truly invaluable service.               University of Iowa from 1995 to 2002
chair of Knight’s Journalism Advisory                                    Succeeding Jill as vice chair as of March   before moving on to Ann Arbor. From stu-
Committee: “We’re encouraging our                                    2005 is Rob Briggs. Rob, who became a           dent life to ethics in society to athletics to
grantees to unite, and it’s working.”                                Knight Foundation trustee in June 2002,         financial aid, Mary Sue is actively engaged

2   J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
FROM THE               CHAIRMAN

   Conway              Briggs          Crutchfield             Coleman          Ibargüen             Carter                    Friday   Crowe

in the issues of the day that affect the             grantee, in the protection of journalists         has provided impetus for NCAA adoption
world of academics and beyond. A profes-             whose lives are at risk in the hemisphere.        of higher academic performance standards
sor of chemistry and biological chemistry,               Hodding Carter’s essay on the follow-         for college athletes, welcomed new chair
Mary Sue previously held senior academic             ing pages reflects on his eight years at the      Dr. Thomas K. Hearn Jr., the retiring presi-
administrative appointments at the Univer-           helm of this organization. We are immense-        dent of Wake Forest University.
sity of North Carolina, where she was the            ly grateful to Hodding; he has given Knight           Finally, Timothy J. Crowe, Knight’s vice
vice chancellor for graduate studies and             Foundation, the community of journalism           president and chief investment officer since
research, and at the University of New               and the field of philanthropy visionary and       1990, retired in March 2005. We respect
Mexico, where she was provost and vice               superb leadership. He has been a gifted           and appreciate his outstanding work at
president for academic affairs.                      communicator about the power and prom-            Knight Foundation. Last fall, when Tim
    A major change in leadership at Knight           ise of philanthropy and the need to help          announced his plan to retire after 15 years
Foundation will occur this year. In January          the neediest among us. During his tenure          here, the foundation’s board of trustees
2005, the board of trustees elected Alberto          the foundation’s assets increased from $1.2       took the opportunity to thoroughly recon-
Ibargüen, publisher and chairman of The              billion to $1.9 billion and our annual            sider our investment practices. We sought
Miami Herald Publishing Co., to become               grants payments more than doubled to              advice from Ennis Knupp + Associates, an
president and chief executive officer of the         $90 million.                                      independent investment consulting firm.
foundation. He will start as president-elect             Very importantly, he led Knight’s staff       After considering numerous options, we
in July 2005, then formally succeed Hodding          through a complex and successful implemen-        ultimately selected Cambridge Associates
Carter III in September 2005. We are for-            tation of our new Community Partners              to oversee the investment of the founda-
tunate in this long-planned transition.              Program, and he shaped the local-national         tion’s $1.9 billion endowment, effective
Alberto’s interests in philanthropy and              strategy of the National Venture Fund.            March 1, 2005. The outsourcing decision
journalism are a perfect match with those            He helped retool what is now Living Cities:       was based on Cambridge’s outstanding
of the foundation. He is a member and                the National Community Development                investment experience, resources and organi-
past chair of Knight’s Miami-Dade/                   Initiative, which is an urban development         zational strengths. Our 18-year relationship
Broward Community Advisory Committee.                consortium working in 23 U.S. cities.             with Cambridge as the foundation’s invest-
Alberto has been a newspaper executive               Hodding is also a founding partner of the         ment consultant, as well as the knowledge
since 1984, first at The Hartford Courant,           Florida Philanthropic Network, a coalition        that Cambridge co-founder Jim Bailey will
then at Newsday in New York, before join-            of Florida’s leading grant-makers seeking to      lead the team handling our investments,
ing Knight Ridder in 1995 as publisher               advance philanthropy in the Sunshine State.       were also important considerations.
of El Nuevo Herald. As Miami Herald                      We also said farewell and thanks in               The Knight Foundation trustees look
publisher since 1998, Alberto has led a              February 2005 to William C. Friday, who           forward to our forthcoming planning
business revival that has made the newspa-           chaired the Knight Commission on Inter-           retreat in December 2005 when we will
per among the most successful in the                 collegiate Athletics with distinction and         review our programs and set our strategic
industry. He is recognized as an outstand-           great moral authority for 15 years. As pres-      plans for the next five years.
ing leader and communicator. He has been             ident emeritus of the University of North
very involved in supporting worthy non-              Carolina and past president of the William
profit entities, serving as a trustee of the         R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust, Bill Friday is
University of Miami, a member of the                 respected throughout higher education             W. Gerald Austen, M.D.
Trustees’ Council of the National Gallery            and philanthropy. The commission, which           Chairman
of Art, and the Council on Foreign Relations,
as well as the boards of overseers of the
                                                     The Year in Review                                Jan. 1, 2004 – Dec. 31, 2004
journalism school of Columbia University
and the law school of the University of
                                                     Assets:                                           $ 1.94 billion
Pennsylvania. He is past chairman of the
Public Broadcasting System (PBS) and the             Grants paid out:                                  $ 90,358,608
Florida Philharmonic Orchestra. Alberto              New grants approved:                              $ 99,905,480 (329 grants)
has led the efforts of the Inter American
                                                     Average grant size:                               $ 303,664
Press Association, a longtime Knight

                                                                                                       2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT             3

Distinct Steps in the Right Direction
                                                                                                                       maneuvers. Unless everyone agrees that the
                                                                                                                       past was a disaster, to alter direction signif-
                                                                                                                       icantly takes time, thought and consensus.
                                                                                                                            Which is what we put together.
                                                                                                                            We came out of our five-year strategic
                                                                                                                       review in 2000 with a mandate for sharp-
                                                                                                                       ened focus and a considerable devolution
                                                                                                                       of power. Knight’s new community advisory
                                                                                                                       committees became the creators, facilita-
                                                                                                                       tors and overseers of local programs using
                                                                                                                       our grant dollars. We put 10 liaisons into
                                                                                                                       the field, charged with working closely
                                                                                                                       with each of the 26 community groups to
                                                                                                                       devise long-term programs of work. Our
                                                                                                                       operating assumptions explicitly stated
                                                                                                                       that the quality of life of those most in need
                                                                                                                       was among our central concerns.
                                                                                                                            The journalism program was encouraged
                                                                                                                       to look to the new forms of communica-
                                                                                                                       tion and journalism as well as try to improve
                                                                                                                       and protect the old. The new National
                                                                                                                       Venture Fund worked its way toward ful-
                                                                                                                       filling its mandate to support innovation
In October, Knight Foundation teamed with the U.S. Conference of Mayors at its fall leadership conference in Akron,
                                                                                                                       at the national and local levels in all areas
Ohio, to launch the Immigrant Integration Initiative. Hodding Carter chats here with Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic,
                                                                                                                       of board-designated interest.
president of the mayors’ conference.
                                                                                                                            We took even more distinct steps away
                                                                          The only comparable time in my life          from our old way of doing business. The
‘ We need to keep asking ourselves a                                  began 46 years ago, when I left the Marines.     board agreed that the fledgling community
                                                                      I went home to a newspaper job in Missis-        advisory committees could concentrate
  simple question. When we’re sitting
                                                                      sippi, just as the civil rights revolution was   on as few as one and no more than three
  by the fireplace with a grandchild                                  beginning, and spent the next 17-plus years      of our six areas of interest. It decided
  on one knee, do we want to say we                                   navigating the shoals of massive resistance      Knight would commit financial and tech-
                                                                      and onrushing change. It was an exciting,        nical resources for up to five years behind
  helped put the American dream back
                                                                      fulfilling and life-altering experience.         these community decisions, so long as the
  on track? Or do we want to say we                                       So, too, this gift of almost eight years     community plans included concrete ways
  were the first generation in American                               at Knight’s helm. I doubt that either the        to determine how things were going,
                                                                      board or I fully realized what these years
  history not to leave the country in
                                                                      would hold when they offered and I
  better shape than it was left to us?’                               accepted the post in 1997. There was noth-
                                                                      ing broken here and therefore nothing that
– Eric Schwarz, president, Citizen Schools
                                                                      cried out for fixing. Nor, when I came
                                                                      aboard, did I urge that we suddenly rush
        s my time as Knight Foundation’s

                                                                      off in new directions just to prove there
        president and CEO comes to an                                 was a new hand on the tiller. Ignorant of
        end, I can honestly say that only one                         so much that foundation life entailed,
other job in my somewhat peripatetic                                  almost equally uneducated about Knight’s
vocational life has ever matched it for intel-                        culture and long-term goals, I was in no
lectual challenge, job satisfaction and the                           hurry to try to put a new stamp on its
                                                                                                                       A January 2004 retreat for the Community Partners
opportunity to do meaningful work. In                                 public face.                                     Program gave Knight Foundation and representatives
fact, now that I am leaving and it is safe to                             It was just as well. Foundations may         from our community advisory committees a chance to
say so, there were times when I thought I                             not exactly be the proverbial supertanker,       assess progress. Palm Beach County committee chair
should have been paying the board of                                  slow to change course, but they do tend          Reuben B. Johnson III, left, talks with W. Gerald Austen,
trustees for the privilege.                                           to be unresponsive to abrupt and radical         M.D., chairman of Knight’s board of trustees.

4    J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N

year in and year out, as well as at the end
of each grant cycle.
    The board also partially devolved grant
decision-making in another way, giving the
president – and therefore, indirectly, pro-
gram officers – the authority to commit up
to $250,000 per grant without prior board
approval. That effectively meant that while
the board would still approve well over
two-thirds of all the grants money, since
the size of many multiyear grants was
growing dramatically, the president and
staff had approval rights over somewhat
the same percentage of actual grants. This
allowed for faster response time, more
first-step experimentation and a height-
ened level of staff empowerment.
    For these five years, the board has built
on its earlier willingness to endorse part-
nerships at every level. In community
development and in attempts to build inter-
change between museums, to give two
examples, Knight was already well launched
as a willing partner with other foundations
before 2000. Thereafter, our partnerships
exploded and, we believe, so did our
    We remain bound in what is a 14-year-
old, multipartner enterprise, Living Cities,
aimed at improving the living conditions
of neighborhoods and cities in 23 commu-
nities. Thanks to Lisa Versaci, director
of the National Venture Fund, we are also
well under way with multiple partners in
civic education and immigrant integration
campaigns, to name only two of our fresh
    Eric Newton, director of Journalism
                                                Miami City Commissioner Jeffery Allen, bottom center, greets neighborhood children at an October event in the city’s
Initiatives, working closely with our Jour-     historic black downtown of Overtown. Dorothy Jenkins Fields, founder of the Black Archives, stands at right. Knight
nalism Advisory Committee, has Knight           community funding and support from Living Cities will help the Black Archives complete renovation of the Lyric Theater,
Foundation interwined with what seem to         allowing it to serve as the centerpiece of a $93 million mixed-use plan to provide housing, shops, entertainment and
be legions of other funders and multitudes      a hotel. The intent: restore the neighborhood and provide residents affordable housing and a way to participate in the
of initiatives concerning a free press in a     neighborhood’s long-awaited boom.
free society. We always said journalism was
                                                launched a counterattack against the new                      tual hurdles in the post-2000 period.
at the center of Knight Foundation’s con-
                                                layers of government secrecy that have                        We began, quite self-consciously and after
cerns; there can still be no doubt about
                                                recently been piled on old. In this nation,                   thorough board discussion and debate,
that claim today. What we have done, how-
                                                the government is meant to be servant of                      to encourage grant recipients to advocate
ever, is not only spend more money as our
                                                the people, not vice versa, but popular                       on their own behalf and to support organ-
corpus has grown, but widen and deepen
                                                sovereignty is toothless without full access                  izations that could help them do so.
what we mean by journalism and what
                                                to information about what the government                      Second, we decided that building capacity
we expect its effects to be. Additionally the
                                                is doing.                                                     mattered, sometimes as much as program-
press groups with which we work have,

                                                    Knight surmounted two other concep-                       matic dollars. These were not small
with our encouragement and support,

                                                                                                              2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT                          5

May 2004 brought the dedication of a new wing named for the Knight Foundation founders at the Harvard home of the Nieman Fellows. Carter, far right, joined a panel discussion
including 2004 Nieman Fellows Mauricio Lloreda of Colombia and Erin Hoover Barnett of The Oregonian in Portland.

decisions, but we hope they will pay big                              needle of progress they have chosen toward              Consequently, we can make few claims
dividends for the causes and institutions                             achievement. That ordinarily requires               about long-term success and can easily
the foundation supports.                                              monitoring, feedback and constant adjust-           point to short-term failures. What we do
    “Trust, but verify,” Ronald Reagan                                ment – which, of course, is the way most            know is that feedback from our grant
famously said of agreements with the Soviet                           of us make our way through life.                    recipients and partners about the new way
Union, and so it is with each of our fresh                                This has been a sketchy account of what         of doing business has been overwhelming-
starts. There are no guarantees in this line                          has been a hard, often extremely frustrat-          ly positive. Even with the grain of salt such
of work. Foundations that trail intimations                           ing, attempt to improve the way we meet             public reactions require – people do not
of infallibility off their announcements of                           our responsibility to the Knight brothers’          often take issue with those bringing gifts –
new initiatives are either setting themselves                         largesse and vision. Despite the fact that          we are heartened by their enthusiasm.
up for a fall or revealing that they are not                          it has been five years since the last strategic         Unfortunately, what we also know is
serious about their work. We are, which is                            plan, the new way of doing business has             that the national environment in which we
why so many of our grants have evaluation                             not actually been in operation for that             work has altered considerably, frequently
and annual benchmarks built in. The point                             entire time. As noted earlier, you do not           to the detriment of the people and organi-
is not just to get the money out the door.                            simply pick up a venture as complex as              zations Knight seeks to serve. The federal
The point is to allocate our money in ways                            ours, give it a good shake, set it off in a         government, both as a matter of deliberate
that help those we support move whatever                              new direction and dust off your hands.              policy and in response to the changed

6    J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N

Carter introduces Alberto Ibargüen, right, to the foundation staff in January. Ibargüen, publisher of The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald, will join Knight as president-elect
in July 2005.

landscape after 9/11, has been systematically                 respect for the worth of every single per-                     one smiling broadly as I tell my grandchil-
cutting back its financial commitment to                      son – a system that has been the light of                      dren about what we tried to accomplish
social welfare and other discretionary pro-                   the world. That has been the context in                        and how fortunate I was to have been
grams. Many of those cuts have the effect                     which we have sought partners and sup-                         given these eight years at Knight.
of all but obliterating our grant dollars’                    ported their good ideas.
impact in important arenas. They under-                          If we are not as wise and wonderful as
score the need for those adversely affected                   we sometimes seem to believe, the people
to speak as vigorously in their own behalf                    who are doing the actual work of making                        Hodding Carter III
as those who are making the changes. That                     real the American dream are. That’s where                      President and CEO
is what a free society founded on freedom                     the satisfaction and the rewards of this job
of speech is all about.                                       come in.
    America has always been at its best                          I cannot possibly list all those who, at
when it has maintained a dynamic tension                      Knight and across the country, have helped
between the drive for individual gain – a                     make my years here so challenging and
drive that has helped create an economy                       fruitful. Let this be a heartfelt collective
that is the wonder of the world – and the                     thank you to each and every one. When
demands of a social compact based on                          you see me in the years to come, I’ll be the

                                                                                                                             2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT                       7
e encourage our nonprofit partners and fellow funders to

W            connect, to link, to share information and resources. When
             national organizations reach out to members, and when local
affiliates share successes with national headquarters, everyone wins.
    Strong networks emerged as a common element in Knight Foundation’s
2004 journalism, community and national funding efforts. We believe they
contribute to the nation’s civic health.

8   J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N

                                           A Network in Action

                                                                Chicago,                                                       Brooklyn,
                                                                  Ill.                                                            N.Y.

                                                                                                                          phia, Pa.

                                                                                                                   ton, D.C.


In Dearborn, Mich., the Arab
Community Center for Economic
                                                     Houston,                                                  Orlando,
and Social Services (ACCESS) exempli-
                                                      Texas                                                      Fla.
fies the networked approach day in,
day out. The largest Arab-American
community-based organization
in the nation, ACCESS serves not just
the 300,000 residents of Arab and
Chaldean heritage in the greater
Detroit region, but citizens of all cul-
tures and heritages.
     Knight Foundation initially funded
ACCESS to set up a computer lab for
language classes and job training. At
right, Nosoud Alemarah helps Herman
Dodson of Detroit apply for a job
online through the Michigan Works
Program. A 2004 grant of $500,000
covers permanent exhibits and pro-
grams at the new Arab American
National Museum (facing page), which
opens beneath its imposing dome in
May 2005.
     Knight (as well as its partners in
the Four Freedoms Fund) has also
helped ACCESS share what it knows

and strengthen Arab-American voices
nationally by building a network link-
ing similar organizations in 10 other
U.S. cities.

                                                                            2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT                            9

A Network in Action

                                                                      Murals depicting the history of Arab culture, above,
                                                                      decorate the lobby of the Michigan Works One Stop
                                                                      Center in Dearborn where ACCESS runs employment

                                                                      At far left, lab assistant Maryam Asoufy draws blood
                                                                      from Wesley Smith at the ACCESS Community Health
                                                                      and Research Center. The Detroit Medical Center
                                                                      University lab is located inside the ACCESS clinic.

                                                                      ACCESS runs an after-school homework assistance
                                                                      program at Dearborn’s Salina Elementary School.
                                                                      At left, Henry Ford Community College student Eman
                                                                      Hammoud plays checkers with Mohammed Alsaadi,
                                                                      age 12.

10   J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
he ultimate test of Knight

    T      Foundation’s involvement may be a
           lasting, networked system, its virtual
    whole greater than its tangible parts. And the
    stronger the network, with its increased
    value and expanded choices, the more likely
    the idea upon which it is based will live on.
        Knight’s distinctive place in U.S. philan-
    thropy – our competitive advantage as a
    long-term grant-making institution – comes
    from having the ability to forge and nurture
    networks offering both community focus and
    national reach.
        In the following narratives and features,
    you’ll see why we believe networks make
    possible the previously impossible.

    2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT              11
      JOR N                  N I I AT V N A I A T V V

                                                                                                                                                                                   Knight Chairs Peggy Kuhr and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ed Wasserman debate a point during
                                                                                                                                                                                   a discussion about the future of
                                                                                                                                                                                   journalism during a November
                                                                                                                                                                                   gathering of the Knight Chairs in
                                                                                                                                                                                   Journalism and their colleagues
                                                                                                                                                                                   at The Poynter Institute in St.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Petersburg, Fla. The chairs work
                                                                                                                                                                                   together to develop effective
                                                                                                                                                                                   ways to teach, research and write
                                                                                                                                                                                   about journalism.

                                                                                                             ED WASSERMAN
                                                                                                       Knight Chair in Journalism Ethics
                                                                          PEGGY KUHR                                                                 JACK M. BALKIN
                                                                Knight Chair for the Press,                                                          Knight Professor of Constitutional Law
                                                                                                                Lexington,                  New
                                                               Leadership and Community                                                              and the First Amendment
                                                                                              Lawrence,            Va.                     Haven,
                                                                                                Kan.                                       Conn.
                                           MELINDA McADAMS                                                                                                                 WILLIAM RASPBERRY
                                                                          Gaines-                                                                         Durham,
                           Knight Chair in Journalism Technologies                                                                                                         Knight Chair in
                                                                          ville, Fla.                                                                       N.C.
                                       and the Democratic Process                                                                                                          Communications and Journalism

                               MICHAEL POLLAN            Berkeley,                                                                                                                         DIANE WINSTON
                         Knight Chair in Science and
                                                           Calif.                                                                                                                          Knight Chair in Media and Religion
                             Technology Reporting                                                                                                                          Calif.

               JACQUI BANASZYNSKI                                                                                                                                                                    STUART LOORY
                                               Columbia,                                                                                                                            Columbia,
                  Knight Chair in Editing                                                                                                                                                            Lee Hills Chair in Free Press Studies
                                                  Mo.                                                                                                                                  Mo.

                WILLIAM GAINES                                                                                                                                                                           PATRICIA THOMAS
                                                                                                                CHAIRS                                                                    Athens,
    Knight Chair in Investigative and                                                                                                                                                                    Knight Chair in Health and
                                                                                                                  IN                                                                        Ga.
               Enterprise Reporting                                                                                                                                                                      Medical Journalism

                                                                                                                                                                                                     JOE RITCHIE
                     ROSENTAL ALVES
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Knight Chair for Journalism
                                                                                                                                                                                     see, Fla.
Knight Chair in International Journalism                                                                                                                                                             Student Enhancement

                                                           East                                                                                                                            PHIL MEYER
                                      JIM DETJEN         Lansing,                                                                                                                          Knight Chair in Mass
                                                                                                                                                                          Hill, N.C.
           Knight Chair in Environmental Journalism       Mich.                                                                                                                            Communication Research

                                                 STEPHEN K. DOIG                                                                                         Syracuse,         CHARLOTTE GRIMES
                                            Knight Chair in Computer-                                                                                      N.Y.            Knight Chair in Political Reporting
                                                 Assisted Journalism
                                                                                              New York,                                     Park,
                                                                          SYLVIA NASAR                                                               HAYNES JOHNSON
                                                       Knight Chair in Business Journalism                                                           Knight Chair in Public Affairs Journalism

                                                                                                            (Search under way)
                                                                                                     Knight Chair in Broadcast Journalism

       2      J O H N S O H N D. J A M EA M E SKLN I G HG HF OFU NN D ATIIO N
                      J . A N S A N D J S L . . K N I T T O U D AT O

                                        Just Plain Old Good Work

                                            t isn’t always easy to work (or some-           The 18th Knight Chair in Journalism,
                                            times even to talk) with each other.        an endowment of $1.5 million, also prom-
                                                Knight Foundation has 170 active        ises a healthy dose of networking. Trustees
                                        journalism grantees, fanned out across the      awarded the Knight Chair in Health and

                                        nation and world. If each talked – just         Medical Journalism to the University of
                                        once a year – with each of the others, the      Georgia because of an innovative proposal
                                        number of conversations would total             to improve the flow of health news among
                                        28,730. That’s a tall order.                    the nation’s poor. In March 2005, the uni-
                                             We try to help. Our web site details       versity named author, journalist and editor
                                        every grant, every contact. We start e-mail     Patricia Thomas to the post.
                                        conversations in listservs. We meet regularly       The need for accurate, understandable
                                        with grantees. We do it because we know         information is particularly acute in the
                                        that when people work together they can         Southern Black Belt, a rural strip of hun-
                                        take on the really big jobs.                    dreds of impoverished counties that winds
                                             Rich Oppel, editor of the Austin           through 11 states, including Georgia. A
                                        American-Statesman and chair of Knight’s        third of the nation’s 34.6 million poor live
                                        Journalism Advisory Committee, puts it          in the region, where there are not enough
                                        this way: “With journalism today under          family doctors or adequate health insur-
                                        full-throated assault, there is no more         ance. Thomas will work with several med-
                                        powerful force for promoting excellence in      ical schools and hospitals, as well as the
                                        scholarship, training and standards than        Centers for Disease Control, to increase
                                        when Knight grantees work together. This        health news in the Black Belt.
                                        is not an abstract concept – they’re doing          An equally innovative, $1.475 million
                                        it in enormously important ways.”               grant went to the University of Alabama
                                             Accordingly, 2004 saw increasing co-       for a first-of-its-kind collaboration to create
                                        operation and coordination in the founda-       a master’s degree in community journal-
                                        tion’s five journalism priority areas:          ism at a “teaching newspaper.” Editors of
                                                                                        the award-winning Anniston Star and uni-
                                        1. Journalism Education and Training            versity leaders are “setting aside their egos”
                                           In all, Knight Foundation reached a          (as Dean E. Culpepper Clark put it) to work
                                        record 14,000 journalists through midca-        with community news experts nationwide
Jacqui Banaszynski, Knight Chair        reer training programs. Reporters found         to create a university education within a
in Editing at the University of
                                        do-it-yourself classes on the web at News       working newsroom, based on the medical
Missouri, serves as a trainer during
                                        University. (See feature on page 14.)           profession’s model of a “teaching hospital.”
a gathering in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.,
                                        Editors visited local stops of the traveling
as part of NewsTrain. Created by the
                                                                                        2. Free Press and Freedom of Information
                                        NewsTrain. Newsrooms solved their
Associated Press Managing Editors,
NewsTrain is a network of two-day       problems with the Traveling Curriculum.            In 2004, leaders of The Associated
regional seminars that expects to       Executives planned training programs            Press, the American Society of Newspaper
train 3,000 editors over three years.
                                        with Tomorrow’s Workforce. Expanded             Editors and the Newspaper Association
                                        programs reached out from Knight                of America decried the trend of excessive
                                        Centers at leading journalism schools.          government secrecy. (See feature on page 18.)
                                           Beyond that, journalism training in          To fight back, Knight grantees started two
                                        general rebounded in 2004, as industry          Washington, D.C.-based coalitions.
                                        investment increased and dozens of pro-            A $500,000 grant to the Reporters
                                        grams shared resources, cross-promoted          Committee for Freedom of the Press created
                                        and even helped each other increase the         the Coalition of Journalists for Open Gov-
                                        quantity, quality and diversity of their        ernment, an alliance of 25 top journalism
                                        recruits.                                                                        Continued on Page 16

                                                                                        2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT                     13

The Poynter Institute’s director of
interactive learning, Howard Finberg,
enjoys a laugh with the development
staff of NewsU, Poynter’s e-learning
site for journalists launching in April
2005 with Knight support. From left,
Elizabeth Ferris, Finberg, J. Paige
West and Casey Frechette. Interactive
classes and content on the site will
come from varied sources, including
the Knight Chairs. At right, Arizona
State Knight Chair Stephen Doig
makes a point while Duke’s William
Raspberry listens.

14   J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N

‘A World Full of Connections’

       T. PETERSBURG, Fla. – In 1990, then-foundation president Creed Black         “Collaboration greatly enriched my teaching and research,” Grimes said.
       announced the creation of the Knight Chair program by saying it would    “I discovered that quite vividly with the Center for Responsive Politics –
       strengthen the quality of American journalism education “by bolster-     they were a delight to work with and their expertise is just invaluable.”
ing core curricular values and encouraging innovation.”                             The Center for Responsive Politics is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research
    These endowed journalism chairs at the nation’s top colleges and            group in Washington that tracks money in politics and its effect on elections
universities would be filled by professional journalists who would inspire      and public policy. Grimes and the center created a glossary of campaign-
excellence, collaborators who would create innovative classes, catalysts        finance terms and a syllabus for journalism schools to teach students how to
around whom the schools would build expanded programs or centers, and           report on political money. She also uses the material for her own political
visionaries who would strive to have a major impact on American journalism.     reporting classes.
     Fifteen years later, the vision lives on, not only through the $28.5           In the largest gathering ever of Knight Chairs, the group traveled in 2004
million in endowments supporting the chairs’ individual programs, but also      to The Poynter Institute in Florida to learn about News University, a five-
through their growing cooperation with each other and with other Knight         year, $2.8 million project to develop an e-learning program for journalists.
journalism partners.                                                            The program is a partnership between Knight and Poynter, rated the nation’s
                                                                                top journalism training organization by the Where’s the Investment? study.
Examples:                                                                           NewsU ( will show hundreds of thousands of news indus-
                                                                                try users of the Poynter web site the best of what great journalism schools
q Rosental Alves, Knight Chair in International Journalism at the University    have to offer, including the work of the Knight Chairs. It will offer interactive
  of Texas at Austin and director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the    e-learning courses for all levels of experience and across all media platforms
  Americas, started six professional journalists’ groups in Latin America.      – print, broadcast, online. Some of the courses will have online teachers,
  To date, 2,300 journalists have been trained by the center’s programs.        others will be available around the clock.
  Alves also helped the groups form relationships with other foundations             At their Poynter meeting, the Knight Chairs brainstormed about NewsU
  to help diversify their support.                                              classes, coming up with ideas for teaching how to analyze government data
                                                                                and how to understand scientific claims. NewsU director Howard Finberg
q Jim Detjen, Knight Chair in Environmental Journalism at Michigan State,       immediately began work with William Gaines, the Knight Chair in Investiga-
  worked with Alves on a major conference on air pollution and environ-         tive and Enterprise Reporting at the University of Illinois, to create an inves-
  mental journalism in Mexico. It resulted in the birth of a Mexican environ-   tigative documents class.
  mental journalists’ organization.                                                 The individual web sites of Knight Chairs will be promoted through the
                                                                                Learning Links page at NewsU, and Poynter users will be able to quickly find
q Charlotte Grimes, Knight Chair in Political Reporting at Syracuse,            out about Knight Chair activities, such as a book, a seminar, a syllabus.
  worked with the Center for Responsive Politics on a training conference           News University’s official launch at the April 2005 American Society of
  in Washington and to develop a syllabus and teaching materials on             Newspaper Editors convention was designed to make the case that it is not
  campaign finance for journalism students.                                     just informative, but a fun resource – like thousands of journalists at a din-
                                                                                ner party – featuring the best material from 18 Knight Chairs in Journalism,
q Melinda McAdams, Knight Chair in Journalism Technologies and the              a Lee Hills Chair in Free Press Studies and a Knight Professor in Constitu-
  Democratic Process at the University of Florida, helped the Western           tional Law and First Amendment.
  Knight Center for Specialized Journalism train midcareer professionals            Said environmental chair Detjen: “We all have a lot of experience and
  in the latest online journalism techniques.                                   respect for one another and this makes it possible for us to work together
q Jacqui Banaszynski, Knight Chair in Editing at the Missouri School of             News University hopes to spread the word about the Knight Chairs so
  Journalism, helped develop programs for thousands of front-line editors       that, like the tales told by Chaucer’s disparate Canterbury pilgrims, their
  for the Associated Press Managing Editors’ NewsTrain project, funded          stories will reach far beyond the sound of their voices.
                                                                                    “Journalism,” Finberg said, “is a world full of connections.” q
  by Knight.

q Haynes Johnson, Knight Chair in Public Affairs Journalism, helped write
  the Knight-funded study, Newsroom Training: Where’s the Investment?
  aimed at increasing the news industry’s investment in the training and
  professional development of its own people.

                                                                                                           2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT                     15

Continued from Page 16

groups representing more than 15,000
members. The group issues joint releases,
maintains a web site and crusades against
secrecy that goes beyond the bounds
required for national security. Its “Keeping
Secrets” cover story in The American Editor
magazine received national attention.
     A second $500,000 went to The Fund
for Constitutional Government to create a
coalition of 32 nonjournalism groups,
from librarians to civil liberty advocates,
who would support the journalists’ goals –
the point being, open government benefits
all. The group is named after its web site,
     These coalitions joined with news lead-
ers nationwide in March 2005 for the first
national Sunshine Week – aimed at getting
journalists across the country to focus on
the benefits to self-government of the free
flow of information. “We’re encouraging
our grantees to unite,” Oppel says, “and it’s
     A different type of system was applied
in 2004 in Latin America to fight a different
kind of problem: the murder of journal-
ists. Hundreds of publishers donated more
than $3 million in advertising space to
condemn the uninvestigated murders
of journalists. The Inter American Press
Association’s Impunity campaign has led
to new laws and new attitudes that are
resulting in the increasing prosecution of
those who would try to suppress news by
killing the messenger.
                                                                      Farai Chideya, a multimedia journalist and author and member of Knight’s Journalism Advisory Committee, addresses
3. News and Newsroom Diversity                                        a Knight-sponsored diversity gathering in July at the Washington, D.C., offices of National Public Radio.
    Networks come in all shapes and sizes.
                                                                      munity events long-distance, working for                    to develop a distance-learning course on
Witness Reznet, an online student newspa-
                                                                      a web site? The answer is yes. Though                       reporting and editing with the help of
per for Native Americans attending tribal
                                                                      American daily newspapers employ only                       The Poynter Institute’s News University.
colleges, where just a few years ago there
                                                                      300 Native American journalists, in just                    “Working with Poynter makes sense,” says
were no student media. Reznet is based at
                                                                      two years, Reznet ( helped                   McAuliffe. “It will give instant credibility
the University of Montana, where professor
                                                                      24 Native American students get summer                      and a whole lot of home-run-hitting
Dennis McAuliffe Jr. supervises 35 student
                                                                      internships at dailies and helped start                     muscle to our little experiment. And we
reporters and photographers spread over
                                                                      online news sites at three tribal colleges.                 bring something NewsU doesn’t have:
25 tribes in 15 states.
                                                                          Created in 2002 with a Knight grant,                    Native Americans, and lots of ’em.”
    Can these young journalists really learn
                                                                      Reznet won a $475,000 grant in 2004
how it’s done by covering school and com-

16   J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N

4. Electronic and New Media                     make some of your own. That’s certainly
                                                the motto of former 60 Minutes producer
    Good connections can last. In 2004,
                                                Chuck Lewis, who founded the nonparti-
Consumers Union agreed to use a
                                                san, nonprofit Center for Public Integrity.
$500,000 Knight grant to permanently
                                                From 1989 to 2004, when he stepped down
continue its web credibility program,
                                                to turn over the center to Roberta Baskin,
Consumer WebWatch, which campaigns
                                                Lewis’ crew won virtually every important
against unethical information practices
                                                investigative reporting award.
on the web and promotes standards and
                                                     The center provides high-quality inves-
best practices for credible information
                                                tigations directly to the public in books,
online (
                                                magazine articles and now on the web. Its
More than 100 companies, including some
                                                latest book, The Buying of the President 2004,
of the largest doing business on the web,
                                                made The New York Times best-seller list.
have adopted the Consumer WebWatch
                                                It won the first George Polk Award for
                                                Internet Reporting for “The Windfalls of
    The connections of the future are the
                                                War,” a six-month investigation of American
subject of New Voices, a pioneering pro-
                                                postwar contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
gram at the University of Maryland’s
                                                     A $2 million Knight grant will help
J-Lab. With $1 million from Knight, it will
                                                the center continue operations, release one
seed innovative community news ventures
                                                report each year in multimedia form and,
throughout the United States. Over the
                                                perhaps most important, raise an endow-
next two years, New Voices will help fund
                                                ment. For the last job, it will need plenty
the startup of 20 intensely local news proj-
                                                of partners, and it has already found a
ects. It will favor projects that have good
                                                big one: the John D. and Catherine T.
plans to become self-sustaining.
                                                MacArthur Foundation matched Knight’s
5. News in the Public Interest                  contribution with $2 million of its own.
                                                     Working together. When companies do
    If journalism is to work, so should good
                                                it, they call it merger, or convergence, or
journalism about journalism. The founda-
                                                synergy. When it happens in the name of
tion granted $500,000 each to the Columbia
                                                private gain, we call it increasing quarterly
Journalism Review and the American
                                                                                                 The Center for Public Integrity, with support from
                                                profit, capitalism, progress, the American
Journalism Review to continue to be the
                                                                                                 Knight, used public records to document the financial
                                                way. But we can celebrate just as much, if
consciences of the news industry, reporting,                                                     interests of all leading candidates for president,
                                                not more, when it happens in the name
revealing and prodding journalists and                                                           including incumbent George W. Bush. Federal Elections
                                                                                                 Commission data and Freedom of Information Act
                                                of the public good. When nonprofits do it,
their companies to give citizens the news
                                                                                                 requests yielded a profile that included the source of
                                                instead of calling it networking, or capaci-
they need to run their lives and this nation.
                                                                                                 every donation over $100, all holdings, assets and
                                                ty building, or building infrastructure,
A new fund-raising campaign run by the
                                                                                                 income information.
                                                maybe we should call it cooperation. Or
legendary editor Gene Roberts and new
                                                perhaps we should call it just plain old
partnerships with journalism schools are
                                                good work.
expanding the reach of the reviews.
                                                     For descriptions and a complete listing
    But some are not willing to wait for all
                                                of 2004 journalism grants, please turn to
this training, campaigning, diversifying,

                                                page 55. q
electrifying and criticizing to take hold. If
you don’t like the news, they say, go out and

                                                                                                 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT                       17

Pushing Back to Defend Our Freedoms
Tom Curley is president and CEO of The Associated Press. Founded in 1848, The AP is the world’s largest news organization, serving more than a billion people every day. The AP is a key
partner in the Knight Foundation-funded Sunshine Week, a national campaign to raise public awareness about open government. The campaign, which kicked off on March 13, 2005, was
spearheaded by the American Society of Newspaper Editors, the Radio and Television News Directors Association, the National Newspaper Association and 50 other journalism groups.

                                                                                                                  Troubling? Certainly. Grounds for a review of some public school curricula?

          EW YORK, N.Y. – We the People are a pretty disappointing bunch
                                                                                                              Without a doubt. Another wake-up call for friends of the First Amendment?
          when it comes to learning our civics lessons, especially the ones that
          teach us why self-government depends on access to information
                                                                                                                  Ill-informed teen-age disrespect for rights we hold dear is certainly not
about the people’s business.
                                                                                                              going to bring down the temple of freedom. Thanks to the vision of the peo-
     Surveys routinely demonstrate that Americans think the First Amendment
                                                                                                              ple who designed our system, it has withstood far greater insult.
has made speech too free for the common good and the media in particular
                                                                                                                  From the Alien and Sedition Acts to the Civil War suspension of habeas
could stand to be taken down a peg.
                                                                                                              corpus to the ordeal of the Nisei, from Jim Crow to the McCarthy era to the
     It’s dismaying, but at least until recently you could tell yourself these
                                                                                                              immigration dragnet that followed 9/11, political factions have repeatedly
respondents have been out of school so long they were bound to fail a pop
                                                                                                              used government authority to push the limits of the protections afforded
quiz on democracy and citizenship.
                                                                                                              Americans by their Constitution.
     Knight Foundation has punctured that balloon with its study of First
                                                                                                                  The founders wisely assumed this sort of thing would happen and planned
Amendment awareness among high school students, presumably fresh from
                                                                                                              accordingly. When defenders of civil liberties have stood up in the midst of
class and fully briefed on their civil liberties.
                                                                                                              each crisis to push back, they have always found the law of the land on their
     Not fully enough, it seems. Too many kids expressed the view that the
                                                                                                              side and they have ultimately restored a tolerable balance.
Bill of Rights “goes too far,” and a good number seem to have calmly accept-
                                                                                                                  We’ve never been a nation of civics scholars. But we’ve always liked our
ed the mistaken notion that government can regulate Internet decency and
                                                                                                              independence, and we’ve always had a healthy skepticism as to whether the
restrain flag burners.
                                                                                                              government could be trusted with the power and the money we give to it.
                                                                                                              When our skepticism turns out to be justified, we react.
                                                                                                                  The disturbing specter raised by those high school survey results is the
                                                                                                              possibility that some day when it’s time again for defenders of liberty to stand
Nearly three-quarters of high school students say they don’t know how they feel
about the First Amendment or take it for granted, according to a recent survey.                               up, the legal tools will still be there but nobody will feel like using them.
                                                                                                                  That can’t be allowed to happen, and there are three ways in which news
The rights guaranteed by the First Amendment:
                                                                                                              organizations can help make sure it doesn’t.
Do you personally think about them or take them for granted?
                                                                                                                  First, we can do our energetic best to hold the line in our own sector on
     Personally think about them                        Take for granted                    Don’t know        the civil liberties front, the First Amendment and the Freedom of Information
                                                                                                              (FOI) and Shield Law statutes.
                 STUDENTS                                                  TEACHERS
                                                                                                                  We’re under heavy fire right now. Courts are closing proceedings in
       27%             36                  37                                50                   46      4
                                                                                                              celebrity and other high-profile trials without bothering to say why, or in
                                                                                                              some cases even to think very long about it. Government agencies are deny-
                                                 56                  43     1
                                                                                                              ing FOI requests on the flimsiest of pretexts. The FOI laws themselves are
                                                                                                              under assault since 9/11 in the form of broad new exceptions imposed by the
Do you agree with the following statements?
                                                                                                              Homeland Security and Patriot acts in the name of national security.
     Students                          Teachers                              Principals
                                                                                                                  Equally troubling is the growing tendency of the authorities to assert
                                                                                                              information-gathering rights against the news media, including the right to
People should be allowed to express unpopular opinions.
                                                                                                              demand the identities of confidential sources. More that 30 states have
                       83%                                       97                                      99
                                                                                                              shield laws that provide some protection against these intrusions. But the
                                                                                                              Constitution-based reporter privilege that has shielded journalists in federal
Newspapers should be allowed to publish freely without government approval of stories.
                                                                                                              cases is weakening, and there is no federal shield law to backstop it.
              51                                           80                                     80
                                                                                                                  News organizations need to be prepared to fight hard and persistently
                                                                                                              for access, resist all efforts by the government to force its way into our
Musicians should be allowed to sing songs with lyrics which others may find offensive.
                                                                                                              newsrooms, and adjust our budgets to the fact that doing this will require us
                      70                           58                               43
                                                                                                              to spend money on lawyers and lawsuits more often than we used to.
                                                                                                                  Second, we can work toward more favorable conditions for access to gov-
Students should be allowed to report controversial issues in their student newspapers
                                                                                                              ernment, not just for us but for every citizen.
without the approval of school authorities.
                                                                                                                  We all need to do whatever is in our power to support the efforts now
                 58                        39                                25
                                                                                                              beginning in the Congress to update the Freedom of Information Act
                                                                                                              and enact a statute that prevents the forced disclosure by reporters of their
NOTE: Project surveyed more than 100,000 high school students, nearly 8,000 teachers and more than 500
                                                                                                              confidential sources.
administrators and principals at 544 schools across the country.

                              SOURCE: Knight Foundation
18     J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
“We are aggressive users of FOI
                                                                                                                                     rights, and we do not hesitate to lit-
                                                                                                                                     igate those rights and other access
                                                                                                                                     issues when the stakes justify it,”
                                                                                                                                     says Tom Curley, president and CEO
                                                                                                                                     of The Associated Press. The AP is
                                                                                                                                     a key partner in the Knight-funded
                                                                                                                                     Sunshine Week, a national campaign
                                                                                                                                     to raise public awareness about
                                                                                                                                     open government.

     Even more important, as the Knight survey shows, is the need for much         look to us for more than momentary distraction from their iPods.
greater public awareness of the values and interests they have at stake in             The AP is doing more than ever on all three fronts. We are aggressive
the struggle against government secrecy and all the abuses that can follow.        users of FOI rights, and we do not hesitate to litigate those rights and other
It’s clear that the public schools need to do a far better job of preparing stu-   access issues when the stakes justify it.
dents for citizenship. The media must also seize every opportunity to remind           We’re also providing active support through the Newspaper Association
our audience how vulnerable they would be without the free exercise of their       of America and other groups for laws and regulations that promote open gov-
right to express and hear ideas and information.                                   ernment and restrict secrecy to the limited areas where the public interest
     Third, we need to make sure we’re doing our basic jobs well. We can under-    absolutely requires it.
mine everything else we do if we give our readers and viewers reason to believe        And like others, we’re constantly at work on news products for the rising
that news and entertainment are interchangeable, or that news outlets are will-    generations of younger citizens who both engage the expanding gamut of
ing to serve as cheerleaders for the government or for popular agendas.            their interests and fill their need for reliable information about the things
     For the sake of our own futures as well as the public good, we need to        that affect their lives.
keep news in its distinct and special place on the ever-lengthening menu               The challenges for our industry and our profession have never been
of information available to everyone in the digital age. If we lose that, if we    greater. But I think I’m speaking for many when I say that the excitement of
                                                                                   meeting them has never been greater either. q
become just another frantic bidder for audience share in a 500-channel
world, we’re unlikely to convince those high school students they should

                                                                                                              2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT                            19
2004 KF Annual Report
2004 KF Annual Report
2004 KF Annual Report
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2004 KF Annual Report
2004 KF Annual Report
2004 KF Annual Report
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2004 KF Annual Report

  • 1. Wachovia Financial Center, Suite 3300 200 South Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Fla. 33131-2349 2004 ANNUAL REPORT John S. and James L. Knight Foundation 2004 ANNUAL REPORT
  • 2. FROM PRESIDENT THE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE he John S. and James L. Knight Foundation T was established in 1950 as a private founda- tion independent of the Knight brothers’ newspaper enterprises. It is dedicated to further- ing their ideals of service to community, to the highest standards of journalistic excellence and to the defense of a free press. In both their publishing and philanthropic undertakings, the Knight brothers shared a broad vision and an uncommon devotion to the common welfare. It is those ideals, as well as their philan- thropic interests, to which the foundation remains faithful. To heighten the impact of our grant making, Knight Foundation’s trustees have elected to focus on two signature programs, Journalism Initiatives and Community Partners, each with its own eligi- bility requirements. A third program, the National Venture Fund, nurtures innovation, leadership and experimentation with investments that advance Knight Foundation’s objectives and can benefit Knight communities. In a rapidly changing world, the foundation also remains flexible enough to respond to unique challenges, ideas and projects that lie beyond its identified program areas, yet would fulfill the broad vision of its founders. None of the grant making would be possible without a sound financial base. Thus, preserving and enhancing the foundation’s assets through prudent investment management continues to be of paramount importance.
  • 3. Network Pronunciation: 'net-quot;wurk Function: noun 1: an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system <a network of hotels> Network 2: a system of lines or channels resembling a network Networks are two-way exchanges of power, resources, knowledge. Silicon Valley pioneer Robert Metcalfe talked about networks and their relevance to 21st century technology. Metcalfe’s Law says, in essence, that the community value of a network grows as the square of the number of its users increases. Put another way, “the power of the network increases exponentially by the number of computers connected to it.” We think “the power of the network” exemplifies the Knight Foundation model of grant making pretty well. TABLE OF CONTENTS From the Chairman 2 From the President 4 2004 Programs 8 12 Journalism Initiatives 14 q The Knight Chairholders connect creatively through News University. 18 12 18 q The AP’s Tom Curley helps fight for access to information. 20 Community Partners Program 22 q Boulder’s nonprofit partners find power in working together. 26 q Former Mayor Harvey Gantt pushes Charlotte residents on race. 28 National Venture Fund 30 q Knight’s early childhood grantees meet in person and in cyberspace. 34 q David Skaggs helps lead a campaign for more civics and journalism. 26 22 43 Web Special: The Internet connects East Little Havana residents to the community. q Trustees, Officers, Staff 36 Financial Statements 46 History 38 Letter of Inquiry 52 Investment Report 44 Grants 53 30 34 Auditors’ Report 45 Acknowledgments Inside Back Cover 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 1
  • 4. FROM THE CHAIRMAN Supporting Networks his annual report focuses on the great has demonstrated great wisdom and com- T value and power of networks. Sup- mon sense as well as an outstanding com- porting networks has been extremely mitment to the goals of Knight Foundation. important in Knight Foundation’s two He is the chairman emeritus and former major programs, Community Partners and CEO of Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs Journalism Initiatives, as well as in our in Akron, one of the largest law firms in National Venture Fund. Ohio. He serves the region well as a trustee In late January 2004, for example, the of the Cleveland Orchestra, the Catholic Community Partners Program invited to Diocese of Cleveland Foundation and the Miami two representatives from each of Northeast Ohio Technology Coalition. He the foundation’s community advisory is trustee and board chair of the National committees that serve the 26 cities and Inventors Hall of Fame, and co-trustee and towns where Jack and Jim Knight owned executive director of the GAR Foundation. newspapers. Rob also serves as chair of the newly The advisory committees’ chairs, along formed Fund for Our Economic Future, a W. Gerald Austen, M.D. with representatives of the community collaborative of more than 60 funders, foundations with whom they work closely, Establishing or supporting networks of including Knight Foundation, focusing on reported over two days on the grant- shared values and interests nicely describes regional economic development in making investments recommended by the foundation’s grant-making philosophy. Northeast Ohio. their committees’ members. The retreat To encourage collaborative work, across We have been joined recently by two gave those of us who attended a good town or across the nation, Knight Founda- outstanding new trustees. Jim Crutchfield, sense of how each committee ensures that tion disbursed $90.4 million and approved publisher and president of the Akron the grantees’ various projects are initiated 329 new grants in 2004. Beacon Journal, was elected to the board and monitored. Our major community Not all of our activities rely on founda- in June 2004, having served as chair of the interests – local early childhood projects, tion funding. Perhaps equally as important foundation’s Akron Community Advisory programs for vulnerable teens, asset- as the dollars, we provide the ability to Committee. Jim is involved with a number building assistance to poor families, support convene, the time and space for grantees of local nonprofit organizations including for new affordable housing, economic to plan, the imprimatur of a trusted name, the Akron Community Foundation, development, education, greater access to the latitude to take risks, the research to the United Way of Summit County, the the arts, and the promotion of voting and generate or confirm ideas, the technology Greater Akron Chamber and the Ohio volunteerism – have presented promising to keep the conversations going and a play- Coalition for Open Government. In addi- opportunities as well as frustrating road- ing field that’s fair for everyone. tion to Akron, Jim’s newspaper career has blocks. Participants have continued their Many of these operating assumptions taken him to the Knight communities dialogue with one another, and the foun- were set out in a five-year strategic plan of Detroit, Long Beach and Philadelphia. dation’s staff has pledged to keep the infor- that owes much credit to Dr. Jill Ker Conway, Professional affiliations include the mation flowing. our retiring vice chair and a Knight trustee American Society of Newspaper Editors, The retreat confirmed for me that the since 1991. We were fortunate that Jill, the National Association of Black Journal- Knight advisory committees, comprising renowned as a wonderful writer and former ists, the Ohio Newspaper Association and an exceptional national network of some president of Smith College, joined Knight the National Association of Minority 240 local leaders and experts, are our Foundation’s Education Advisory Committee Media Executives. He is a board member strongest links yet to the Knight communi- in September 1988 and the board in 1991. of his alma mater, Duquesne University. ties. Akron’s Jim Crutchfield, then an advi- From the very beginning of Jill’s tenure, Dr. Mary Sue Coleman, president sory committee chairman and now a she proved to be an extraordinarily intelli- of the University of Michigan, began her Knight trustee, said it best: “Knight’s com- gent and thoughtful trustee with the service on the Knight board in March munity advisory committee members are unique ability to express herself in a won- 2005. Mary Sue was a member of the Knight catalysts for change; that’s why we’re here.” derfully balanced and effective way. She Foundation Commission on Intercollegiate You will find similar sentiments on the became vice chair of the board and chair Athletics from 2000 until 2004 and has merits of strong networks in the field of of our Planning and Program Committee been a leader in sports reform efforts in journalism. Says Rich Oppel, editor of the in 1996. We are extremely grateful to Jill the NCAA. She served as president of the Austin American-Statesman and the new for her truly invaluable service. University of Iowa from 1995 to 2002 chair of Knight’s Journalism Advisory Succeeding Jill as vice chair as of March before moving on to Ann Arbor. From stu- Committee: “We’re encouraging our 2005 is Rob Briggs. Rob, who became a dent life to ethics in society to athletics to grantees to unite, and it’s working.” Knight Foundation trustee in June 2002, financial aid, Mary Sue is actively engaged 2 J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
  • 5. FROM THE CHAIRMAN Conway Briggs Crutchfield Coleman Ibargüen Carter Friday Crowe in the issues of the day that affect the grantee, in the protection of journalists has provided impetus for NCAA adoption world of academics and beyond. A profes- whose lives are at risk in the hemisphere. of higher academic performance standards sor of chemistry and biological chemistry, Hodding Carter’s essay on the follow- for college athletes, welcomed new chair Mary Sue previously held senior academic ing pages reflects on his eight years at the Dr. Thomas K. Hearn Jr., the retiring presi- administrative appointments at the Univer- helm of this organization. We are immense- dent of Wake Forest University. sity of North Carolina, where she was the ly grateful to Hodding; he has given Knight Finally, Timothy J. Crowe, Knight’s vice vice chancellor for graduate studies and Foundation, the community of journalism president and chief investment officer since research, and at the University of New and the field of philanthropy visionary and 1990, retired in March 2005. We respect Mexico, where she was provost and vice superb leadership. He has been a gifted and appreciate his outstanding work at president for academic affairs. communicator about the power and prom- Knight Foundation. Last fall, when Tim A major change in leadership at Knight ise of philanthropy and the need to help announced his plan to retire after 15 years Foundation will occur this year. In January the neediest among us. During his tenure here, the foundation’s board of trustees 2005, the board of trustees elected Alberto the foundation’s assets increased from $1.2 took the opportunity to thoroughly recon- Ibargüen, publisher and chairman of The billion to $1.9 billion and our annual sider our investment practices. We sought Miami Herald Publishing Co., to become grants payments more than doubled to advice from Ennis Knupp + Associates, an president and chief executive officer of the $90 million. independent investment consulting firm. foundation. He will start as president-elect Very importantly, he led Knight’s staff After considering numerous options, we in July 2005, then formally succeed Hodding through a complex and successful implemen- ultimately selected Cambridge Associates Carter III in September 2005. We are for- tation of our new Community Partners to oversee the investment of the founda- tunate in this long-planned transition. Program, and he shaped the local-national tion’s $1.9 billion endowment, effective Alberto’s interests in philanthropy and strategy of the National Venture Fund. March 1, 2005. The outsourcing decision journalism are a perfect match with those He helped retool what is now Living Cities: was based on Cambridge’s outstanding of the foundation. He is a member and the National Community Development investment experience, resources and organi- past chair of Knight’s Miami-Dade/ Initiative, which is an urban development zational strengths. Our 18-year relationship Broward Community Advisory Committee. consortium working in 23 U.S. cities. with Cambridge as the foundation’s invest- Alberto has been a newspaper executive Hodding is also a founding partner of the ment consultant, as well as the knowledge since 1984, first at The Hartford Courant, Florida Philanthropic Network, a coalition that Cambridge co-founder Jim Bailey will then at Newsday in New York, before join- of Florida’s leading grant-makers seeking to lead the team handling our investments, ing Knight Ridder in 1995 as publisher advance philanthropy in the Sunshine State. were also important considerations. of El Nuevo Herald. As Miami Herald We also said farewell and thanks in The Knight Foundation trustees look publisher since 1998, Alberto has led a February 2005 to William C. Friday, who forward to our forthcoming planning business revival that has made the newspa- chaired the Knight Commission on Inter- retreat in December 2005 when we will per among the most successful in the collegiate Athletics with distinction and review our programs and set our strategic industry. He is recognized as an outstand- great moral authority for 15 years. As pres- plans for the next five years. ing leader and communicator. He has been ident emeritus of the University of North very involved in supporting worthy non- Carolina and past president of the William profit entities, serving as a trustee of the R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust, Bill Friday is University of Miami, a member of the respected throughout higher education W. Gerald Austen, M.D. Trustees’ Council of the National Gallery and philanthropy. The commission, which Chairman of Art, and the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as the boards of overseers of the The Year in Review Jan. 1, 2004 – Dec. 31, 2004 journalism school of Columbia University and the law school of the University of Assets: $ 1.94 billion Pennsylvania. He is past chairman of the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) and the Grants paid out: $ 90,358,608 Florida Philharmonic Orchestra. Alberto New grants approved: $ 99,905,480 (329 grants) has led the efforts of the Inter American Average grant size: $ 303,664 Press Association, a longtime Knight 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 3
  • 6. FROM THE PRESIDENT Distinct Steps in the Right Direction maneuvers. Unless everyone agrees that the past was a disaster, to alter direction signif- icantly takes time, thought and consensus. Which is what we put together. We came out of our five-year strategic review in 2000 with a mandate for sharp- ened focus and a considerable devolution of power. Knight’s new community advisory committees became the creators, facilita- tors and overseers of local programs using our grant dollars. We put 10 liaisons into the field, charged with working closely with each of the 26 community groups to devise long-term programs of work. Our operating assumptions explicitly stated that the quality of life of those most in need was among our central concerns. The journalism program was encouraged to look to the new forms of communica- tion and journalism as well as try to improve and protect the old. The new National Venture Fund worked its way toward ful- filling its mandate to support innovation In October, Knight Foundation teamed with the U.S. Conference of Mayors at its fall leadership conference in Akron, at the national and local levels in all areas Ohio, to launch the Immigrant Integration Initiative. Hodding Carter chats here with Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic, of board-designated interest. president of the mayors’ conference. We took even more distinct steps away The only comparable time in my life from our old way of doing business. The ‘ We need to keep asking ourselves a began 46 years ago, when I left the Marines. board agreed that the fledgling community I went home to a newspaper job in Missis- advisory committees could concentrate simple question. When we’re sitting sippi, just as the civil rights revolution was on as few as one and no more than three by the fireplace with a grandchild beginning, and spent the next 17-plus years of our six areas of interest. It decided on one knee, do we want to say we navigating the shoals of massive resistance Knight would commit financial and tech- and onrushing change. It was an exciting, nical resources for up to five years behind helped put the American dream back fulfilling and life-altering experience. these community decisions, so long as the on track? Or do we want to say we So, too, this gift of almost eight years community plans included concrete ways were the first generation in American at Knight’s helm. I doubt that either the to determine how things were going, board or I fully realized what these years history not to leave the country in would hold when they offered and I better shape than it was left to us?’ accepted the post in 1997. There was noth- ing broken here and therefore nothing that – Eric Schwarz, president, Citizen Schools cried out for fixing. Nor, when I came aboard, did I urge that we suddenly rush s my time as Knight Foundation’s A off in new directions just to prove there president and CEO comes to an was a new hand on the tiller. Ignorant of end, I can honestly say that only one so much that foundation life entailed, other job in my somewhat peripatetic almost equally uneducated about Knight’s vocational life has ever matched it for intel- culture and long-term goals, I was in no lectual challenge, job satisfaction and the hurry to try to put a new stamp on its A January 2004 retreat for the Community Partners opportunity to do meaningful work. In public face. Program gave Knight Foundation and representatives fact, now that I am leaving and it is safe to It was just as well. Foundations may from our community advisory committees a chance to say so, there were times when I thought I not exactly be the proverbial supertanker, assess progress. Palm Beach County committee chair should have been paying the board of slow to change course, but they do tend Reuben B. Johnson III, left, talks with W. Gerald Austen, trustees for the privilege. to be unresponsive to abrupt and radical M.D., chairman of Knight’s board of trustees. 4 J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
  • 7. FROM THE PRESIDENT year in and year out, as well as at the end of each grant cycle. The board also partially devolved grant decision-making in another way, giving the president – and therefore, indirectly, pro- gram officers – the authority to commit up to $250,000 per grant without prior board approval. That effectively meant that while the board would still approve well over two-thirds of all the grants money, since the size of many multiyear grants was growing dramatically, the president and staff had approval rights over somewhat the same percentage of actual grants. This allowed for faster response time, more first-step experimentation and a height- ened level of staff empowerment. For these five years, the board has built on its earlier willingness to endorse part- nerships at every level. In community development and in attempts to build inter- change between museums, to give two examples, Knight was already well launched as a willing partner with other foundations before 2000. Thereafter, our partnerships exploded and, we believe, so did our effectiveness. We remain bound in what is a 14-year- old, multipartner enterprise, Living Cities, aimed at improving the living conditions of neighborhoods and cities in 23 commu- nities. Thanks to Lisa Versaci, director of the National Venture Fund, we are also well under way with multiple partners in civic education and immigrant integration campaigns, to name only two of our fresh undertakings. Eric Newton, director of Journalism Miami City Commissioner Jeffery Allen, bottom center, greets neighborhood children at an October event in the city’s Initiatives, working closely with our Jour- historic black downtown of Overtown. Dorothy Jenkins Fields, founder of the Black Archives, stands at right. Knight nalism Advisory Committee, has Knight community funding and support from Living Cities will help the Black Archives complete renovation of the Lyric Theater, Foundation interwined with what seem to allowing it to serve as the centerpiece of a $93 million mixed-use plan to provide housing, shops, entertainment and be legions of other funders and multitudes a hotel. The intent: restore the neighborhood and provide residents affordable housing and a way to participate in the of initiatives concerning a free press in a neighborhood’s long-awaited boom. free society. We always said journalism was launched a counterattack against the new tual hurdles in the post-2000 period. at the center of Knight Foundation’s con- layers of government secrecy that have We began, quite self-consciously and after cerns; there can still be no doubt about recently been piled on old. In this nation, thorough board discussion and debate, that claim today. What we have done, how- the government is meant to be servant of to encourage grant recipients to advocate ever, is not only spend more money as our the people, not vice versa, but popular on their own behalf and to support organ- corpus has grown, but widen and deepen sovereignty is toothless without full access izations that could help them do so. what we mean by journalism and what to information about what the government Second, we decided that building capacity we expect its effects to be. Additionally the is doing. mattered, sometimes as much as program- press groups with which we work have, v Knight surmounted two other concep- matic dollars. These were not small with our encouragement and support, 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 5
  • 8. FROM THE PRESIDENT May 2004 brought the dedication of a new wing named for the Knight Foundation founders at the Harvard home of the Nieman Fellows. Carter, far right, joined a panel discussion including 2004 Nieman Fellows Mauricio Lloreda of Colombia and Erin Hoover Barnett of The Oregonian in Portland. decisions, but we hope they will pay big needle of progress they have chosen toward Consequently, we can make few claims dividends for the causes and institutions achievement. That ordinarily requires about long-term success and can easily the foundation supports. monitoring, feedback and constant adjust- point to short-term failures. What we do “Trust, but verify,” Ronald Reagan ment – which, of course, is the way most know is that feedback from our grant famously said of agreements with the Soviet of us make our way through life. recipients and partners about the new way Union, and so it is with each of our fresh This has been a sketchy account of what of doing business has been overwhelming- starts. There are no guarantees in this line has been a hard, often extremely frustrat- ly positive. Even with the grain of salt such of work. Foundations that trail intimations ing, attempt to improve the way we meet public reactions require – people do not of infallibility off their announcements of our responsibility to the Knight brothers’ often take issue with those bringing gifts – new initiatives are either setting themselves largesse and vision. Despite the fact that we are heartened by their enthusiasm. up for a fall or revealing that they are not it has been five years since the last strategic Unfortunately, what we also know is serious about their work. We are, which is plan, the new way of doing business has that the national environment in which we why so many of our grants have evaluation not actually been in operation for that work has altered considerably, frequently and annual benchmarks built in. The point entire time. As noted earlier, you do not to the detriment of the people and organi- is not just to get the money out the door. simply pick up a venture as complex as zations Knight seeks to serve. The federal The point is to allocate our money in ways ours, give it a good shake, set it off in a government, both as a matter of deliberate that help those we support move whatever new direction and dust off your hands. policy and in response to the changed 6 J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
  • 9. FROM THE PRESIDENT Carter introduces Alberto Ibargüen, right, to the foundation staff in January. Ibargüen, publisher of The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald, will join Knight as president-elect in July 2005. landscape after 9/11, has been systematically respect for the worth of every single per- one smiling broadly as I tell my grandchil- cutting back its financial commitment to son – a system that has been the light of dren about what we tried to accomplish social welfare and other discretionary pro- the world. That has been the context in and how fortunate I was to have been grams. Many of those cuts have the effect which we have sought partners and sup- given these eight years at Knight. of all but obliterating our grant dollars’ ported their good ideas. impact in important arenas. They under- If we are not as wise and wonderful as score the need for those adversely affected we sometimes seem to believe, the people to speak as vigorously in their own behalf who are doing the actual work of making Hodding Carter III as those who are making the changes. That real the American dream are. That’s where President and CEO is what a free society founded on freedom the satisfaction and the rewards of this job of speech is all about. come in. America has always been at its best I cannot possibly list all those who, at when it has maintained a dynamic tension Knight and across the country, have helped between the drive for individual gain – a make my years here so challenging and drive that has helped create an economy fruitful. Let this be a heartfelt collective that is the wonder of the world – and the thank you to each and every one. When demands of a social compact based on you see me in the years to come, I’ll be the 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 7
  • 10. e encourage our nonprofit partners and fellow funders to W connect, to link, to share information and resources. When national organizations reach out to members, and when local affiliates share successes with national headquarters, everyone wins. Strong networks emerged as a common element in Knight Foundation’s 2004 journalism, community and national funding efforts. We believe they contribute to the nation’s civic health. 8 J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
  • 11. 2004 PROGRAMS A Network in Action Flint, Mich. DEARBORN, Chicago, Brooklyn, Cleveland, MICH. Ill. N.Y. Ohio Philadel- phia, Pa. Washing- ton, D.C. San Francisco, Calif. Anaheim, Calif. In Dearborn, Mich., the Arab Community Center for Economic Houston, Orlando, and Social Services (ACCESS) exempli- Texas Fla. fies the networked approach day in, day out. The largest Arab-American community-based organization in the nation, ACCESS serves not just the 300,000 residents of Arab and Chaldean heritage in the greater Detroit region, but citizens of all cul- tures and heritages. Knight Foundation initially funded ACCESS to set up a computer lab for language classes and job training. At right, Nosoud Alemarah helps Herman Dodson of Detroit apply for a job online through the Michigan Works Program. A 2004 grant of $500,000 covers permanent exhibits and pro- grams at the new Arab American National Museum (facing page), which opens beneath its imposing dome in May 2005. Knight (as well as its partners in the Four Freedoms Fund) has also helped ACCESS share what it knows Network and strengthen Arab-American voices nationally by building a network link- ing similar organizations in 10 other U.S. cities. 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 9
  • 12. 2004 PROGRAMS A Network in Action Murals depicting the history of Arab culture, above, decorate the lobby of the Michigan Works One Stop Center in Dearborn where ACCESS runs employment classes. At far left, lab assistant Maryam Asoufy draws blood from Wesley Smith at the ACCESS Community Health and Research Center. The Detroit Medical Center University lab is located inside the ACCESS clinic. ACCESS runs an after-school homework assistance program at Dearborn’s Salina Elementary School. At left, Henry Ford Community College student Eman Hammoud plays checkers with Mohammed Alsaadi, age 12. 10 J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
  • 13. he ultimate test of Knight T Foundation’s involvement may be a lasting, networked system, its virtual whole greater than its tangible parts. And the stronger the network, with its increased value and expanded choices, the more likely the idea upon which it is based will live on. Knight’s distinctive place in U.S. philan- thropy – our competitive advantage as a long-term grant-making institution – comes from having the ability to forge and nurture networks offering both community focus and national reach. In the following narratives and features, you’ll see why we believe networks make possible the previously impossible. Network 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 11
  • 14. J O U U NRA L I SAML I I ST M I I E S INT R R AT I I E E S N A R R A T I V E JOR N N I I AT V N A I A T V V Knight Chairs Peggy Kuhr and Ed Wasserman debate a point during a discussion about the future of journalism during a November gathering of the Knight Chairs in Journalism and their colleagues at The Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Fla. The chairs work together to develop effective ways to teach, research and write about journalism. ED WASSERMAN Knight Chair in Journalism Ethics PEGGY KUHR JACK M. BALKIN Knight Chair for the Press, Knight Professor of Constitutional Law Lexington, New Leadership and Community and the First Amendment Lawrence, Va. Haven, Kan. Conn. MELINDA McADAMS WILLIAM RASPBERRY Gaines- Durham, Knight Chair in Journalism Technologies Knight Chair in ville, Fla. N.C. and the Democratic Process Communications and Journalism Los MICHAEL POLLAN Berkeley, DIANE WINSTON Angeles, Knight Chair in Science and Calif. Knight Chair in Media and Religion Technology Reporting Calif. JACQUI BANASZYNSKI STUART LOORY Columbia, Columbia, Knight Chair in Editing Lee Hills Chair in Free Press Studies Mo. Mo. KNIGHT WILLIAM GAINES PATRICIA THOMAS CHAIRS Athens, Urbana, Knight Chair in Investigative and Knight Chair in Health and IN Ga. Ill. Enterprise Reporting Medical Journalism JOURNALISM JOE RITCHIE Tallahas- Austin, ROSENTAL ALVES Knight Chair for Journalism see, Fla. Texas Knight Chair in International Journalism Student Enhancement East PHIL MEYER Chapel JIM DETJEN Lansing, Knight Chair in Mass Hill, N.C. Knight Chair in Environmental Journalism Mich. Communication Research Tempe, STEPHEN K. DOIG Syracuse, CHARLOTTE GRIMES Ariz. Knight Chair in Computer- N.Y. Knight Chair in Political Reporting Assisted Journalism College New York, Park, Evanston, N.Y. SYLVIA NASAR HAYNES JOHNSON Md. Ill. Knight Chair in Business Journalism Knight Chair in Public Affairs Journalism (Search under way) Knight Chair in Broadcast Journalism 12 2 J O H N S O H N D. J A M EA M E SKLN I G HG HF OFU NN D ATIIO N J . A N S A N D J S L . . K N I T T O U D AT O
  • 15. JOURNALISM INITIATIVES NARRATIVE Just Plain Old Good Work I t isn’t always easy to work (or some- The 18th Knight Chair in Journalism, times even to talk) with each other. an endowment of $1.5 million, also prom- Knight Foundation has 170 active ises a healthy dose of networking. Trustees journalism grantees, fanned out across the awarded the Knight Chair in Health and Journalism nation and world. If each talked – just Medical Journalism to the University of once a year – with each of the others, the Georgia because of an innovative proposal number of conversations would total to improve the flow of health news among 28,730. That’s a tall order. the nation’s poor. In March 2005, the uni- We try to help. Our web site details versity named author, journalist and editor every grant, every contact. We start e-mail Patricia Thomas to the post. conversations in listservs. We meet regularly The need for accurate, understandable with grantees. We do it because we know information is particularly acute in the that when people work together they can Southern Black Belt, a rural strip of hun- take on the really big jobs. dreds of impoverished counties that winds Rich Oppel, editor of the Austin through 11 states, including Georgia. A American-Statesman and chair of Knight’s third of the nation’s 34.6 million poor live Journalism Advisory Committee, puts it in the region, where there are not enough this way: “With journalism today under family doctors or adequate health insur- full-throated assault, there is no more ance. Thomas will work with several med- powerful force for promoting excellence in ical schools and hospitals, as well as the scholarship, training and standards than Centers for Disease Control, to increase when Knight grantees work together. This health news in the Black Belt. is not an abstract concept – they’re doing An equally innovative, $1.475 million it in enormously important ways.” grant went to the University of Alabama Accordingly, 2004 saw increasing co- for a first-of-its-kind collaboration to create operation and coordination in the founda- a master’s degree in community journal- tion’s five journalism priority areas: ism at a “teaching newspaper.” Editors of the award-winning Anniston Star and uni- 1. Journalism Education and Training versity leaders are “setting aside their egos” In all, Knight Foundation reached a (as Dean E. Culpepper Clark put it) to work record 14,000 journalists through midca- with community news experts nationwide Jacqui Banaszynski, Knight Chair reer training programs. Reporters found to create a university education within a in Editing at the University of do-it-yourself classes on the web at News working newsroom, based on the medical Missouri, serves as a trainer during University. (See feature on page 14.) profession’s model of a “teaching hospital.” a gathering in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Editors visited local stops of the traveling as part of NewsTrain. Created by the 2. Free Press and Freedom of Information NewsTrain. Newsrooms solved their Associated Press Managing Editors, NewsTrain is a network of two-day problems with the Traveling Curriculum. In 2004, leaders of The Associated regional seminars that expects to Executives planned training programs Press, the American Society of Newspaper train 3,000 editors over three years. with Tomorrow’s Workforce. Expanded Editors and the Newspaper Association programs reached out from Knight of America decried the trend of excessive Centers at leading journalism schools. government secrecy. (See feature on page 18.) Beyond that, journalism training in To fight back, Knight grantees started two general rebounded in 2004, as industry Washington, D.C.-based coalitions. investment increased and dozens of pro- A $500,000 grant to the Reporters grams shared resources, cross-promoted Committee for Freedom of the Press created and even helped each other increase the the Coalition of Journalists for Open Gov- quantity, quality and diversity of their ernment, an alliance of 25 top journalism recruits. Continued on Page 16 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 13
  • 16. JOURNALISM FEATURE Journalism The Poynter Institute’s director of interactive learning, Howard Finberg, enjoys a laugh with the development staff of NewsU, Poynter’s e-learning site for journalists launching in April 2005 with Knight support. From left, Elizabeth Ferris, Finberg, J. Paige West and Casey Frechette. Interactive classes and content on the site will come from varied sources, including the Knight Chairs. At right, Arizona State Knight Chair Stephen Doig makes a point while Duke’s William Raspberry listens. 14 J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
  • 17. JOURNALISM FEATURE ‘A World Full of Connections’ S T. PETERSBURG, Fla. – In 1990, then-foundation president Creed Black “Collaboration greatly enriched my teaching and research,” Grimes said. announced the creation of the Knight Chair program by saying it would “I discovered that quite vividly with the Center for Responsive Politics – strengthen the quality of American journalism education “by bolster- they were a delight to work with and their expertise is just invaluable.” ing core curricular values and encouraging innovation.” The Center for Responsive Politics is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research These endowed journalism chairs at the nation’s top colleges and group in Washington that tracks money in politics and its effect on elections universities would be filled by professional journalists who would inspire and public policy. Grimes and the center created a glossary of campaign- excellence, collaborators who would create innovative classes, catalysts finance terms and a syllabus for journalism schools to teach students how to around whom the schools would build expanded programs or centers, and report on political money. She also uses the material for her own political visionaries who would strive to have a major impact on American journalism. reporting classes. Fifteen years later, the vision lives on, not only through the $28.5 In the largest gathering ever of Knight Chairs, the group traveled in 2004 million in endowments supporting the chairs’ individual programs, but also to The Poynter Institute in Florida to learn about News University, a five- through their growing cooperation with each other and with other Knight year, $2.8 million project to develop an e-learning program for journalists. journalism partners. The program is a partnership between Knight and Poynter, rated the nation’s top journalism training organization by the Where’s the Investment? study. Examples: NewsU ( will show hundreds of thousands of news indus- try users of the Poynter web site the best of what great journalism schools q Rosental Alves, Knight Chair in International Journalism at the University have to offer, including the work of the Knight Chairs. It will offer interactive of Texas at Austin and director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the e-learning courses for all levels of experience and across all media platforms Americas, started six professional journalists’ groups in Latin America. – print, broadcast, online. Some of the courses will have online teachers, To date, 2,300 journalists have been trained by the center’s programs. others will be available around the clock. Alves also helped the groups form relationships with other foundations At their Poynter meeting, the Knight Chairs brainstormed about NewsU to help diversify their support. classes, coming up with ideas for teaching how to analyze government data and how to understand scientific claims. NewsU director Howard Finberg q Jim Detjen, Knight Chair in Environmental Journalism at Michigan State, immediately began work with William Gaines, the Knight Chair in Investiga- worked with Alves on a major conference on air pollution and environ- tive and Enterprise Reporting at the University of Illinois, to create an inves- mental journalism in Mexico. It resulted in the birth of a Mexican environ- tigative documents class. mental journalists’ organization. The individual web sites of Knight Chairs will be promoted through the Learning Links page at NewsU, and Poynter users will be able to quickly find q Charlotte Grimes, Knight Chair in Political Reporting at Syracuse, out about Knight Chair activities, such as a book, a seminar, a syllabus. worked with the Center for Responsive Politics on a training conference News University’s official launch at the April 2005 American Society of in Washington and to develop a syllabus and teaching materials on Newspaper Editors convention was designed to make the case that it is not campaign finance for journalism students. just informative, but a fun resource – like thousands of journalists at a din- ner party – featuring the best material from 18 Knight Chairs in Journalism, q Melinda McAdams, Knight Chair in Journalism Technologies and the a Lee Hills Chair in Free Press Studies and a Knight Professor in Constitu- Democratic Process at the University of Florida, helped the Western tional Law and First Amendment. Knight Center for Specialized Journalism train midcareer professionals Said environmental chair Detjen: “We all have a lot of experience and in the latest online journalism techniques. respect for one another and this makes it possible for us to work together easily.” q Jacqui Banaszynski, Knight Chair in Editing at the Missouri School of News University hopes to spread the word about the Knight Chairs so Journalism, helped develop programs for thousands of front-line editors that, like the tales told by Chaucer’s disparate Canterbury pilgrims, their for the Associated Press Managing Editors’ NewsTrain project, funded stories will reach far beyond the sound of their voices. “Journalism,” Finberg said, “is a world full of connections.” q by Knight. q Haynes Johnson, Knight Chair in Public Affairs Journalism, helped write the Knight-funded study, Newsroom Training: Where’s the Investment? aimed at increasing the news industry’s investment in the training and professional development of its own people. 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 15
  • 18. JOURNALISM INITIATIVES NARRATIVE Continued from Page 16 groups representing more than 15,000 members. The group issues joint releases, maintains a web site and crusades against secrecy that goes beyond the bounds required for national security. Its “Keeping Secrets” cover story in The American Editor magazine received national attention. A second $500,000 went to The Fund for Constitutional Government to create a coalition of 32 nonjournalism groups, from librarians to civil liberty advocates, who would support the journalists’ goals – the point being, open government benefits all. The group is named after its web site, These coalitions joined with news lead- ers nationwide in March 2005 for the first national Sunshine Week – aimed at getting journalists across the country to focus on the benefits to self-government of the free flow of information. “We’re encouraging our grantees to unite,” Oppel says, “and it’s working.” A different type of system was applied in 2004 in Latin America to fight a different kind of problem: the murder of journal- ists. Hundreds of publishers donated more than $3 million in advertising space to condemn the uninvestigated murders of journalists. The Inter American Press Association’s Impunity campaign has led to new laws and new attitudes that are resulting in the increasing prosecution of those who would try to suppress news by killing the messenger. Farai Chideya, a multimedia journalist and author and member of Knight’s Journalism Advisory Committee, addresses 3. News and Newsroom Diversity a Knight-sponsored diversity gathering in July at the Washington, D.C., offices of National Public Radio. Networks come in all shapes and sizes. munity events long-distance, working for to develop a distance-learning course on Witness Reznet, an online student newspa- a web site? The answer is yes. Though reporting and editing with the help of per for Native Americans attending tribal American daily newspapers employ only The Poynter Institute’s News University. colleges, where just a few years ago there 300 Native American journalists, in just “Working with Poynter makes sense,” says were no student media. Reznet is based at two years, Reznet ( helped McAuliffe. “It will give instant credibility the University of Montana, where professor 24 Native American students get summer and a whole lot of home-run-hitting Dennis McAuliffe Jr. supervises 35 student internships at dailies and helped start muscle to our little experiment. And we reporters and photographers spread over online news sites at three tribal colleges. bring something NewsU doesn’t have: 25 tribes in 15 states. Created in 2002 with a Knight grant, Native Americans, and lots of ’em.” Can these young journalists really learn Reznet won a $475,000 grant in 2004 how it’s done by covering school and com- 16 J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
  • 19. JOURNALISM INITIATIVES NARRATIVE 4. Electronic and New Media make some of your own. That’s certainly the motto of former 60 Minutes producer Good connections can last. In 2004, Chuck Lewis, who founded the nonparti- Consumers Union agreed to use a san, nonprofit Center for Public Integrity. $500,000 Knight grant to permanently From 1989 to 2004, when he stepped down continue its web credibility program, to turn over the center to Roberta Baskin, Consumer WebWatch, which campaigns Lewis’ crew won virtually every important against unethical information practices investigative reporting award. on the web and promotes standards and The center provides high-quality inves- best practices for credible information tigations directly to the public in books, online ( magazine articles and now on the web. Its More than 100 companies, including some latest book, The Buying of the President 2004, of the largest doing business on the web, made The New York Times best-seller list. have adopted the Consumer WebWatch It won the first George Polk Award for standards. Internet Reporting for “The Windfalls of The connections of the future are the War,” a six-month investigation of American subject of New Voices, a pioneering pro- postwar contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. gram at the University of Maryland’s A $2 million Knight grant will help J-Lab. With $1 million from Knight, it will the center continue operations, release one seed innovative community news ventures report each year in multimedia form and, throughout the United States. Over the perhaps most important, raise an endow- next two years, New Voices will help fund ment. For the last job, it will need plenty the startup of 20 intensely local news proj- of partners, and it has already found a ects. It will favor projects that have good big one: the John D. and Catherine T. plans to become self-sustaining. MacArthur Foundation matched Knight’s 5. News in the Public Interest contribution with $2 million of its own. Working together. When companies do If journalism is to work, so should good it, they call it merger, or convergence, or journalism about journalism. The founda- synergy. When it happens in the name of tion granted $500,000 each to the Columbia private gain, we call it increasing quarterly Journalism Review and the American The Center for Public Integrity, with support from profit, capitalism, progress, the American Journalism Review to continue to be the Knight, used public records to document the financial way. But we can celebrate just as much, if consciences of the news industry, reporting, interests of all leading candidates for president, not more, when it happens in the name revealing and prodding journalists and including incumbent George W. Bush. Federal Elections Commission data and Freedom of Information Act of the public good. When nonprofits do it, their companies to give citizens the news requests yielded a profile that included the source of instead of calling it networking, or capaci- they need to run their lives and this nation. every donation over $100, all holdings, assets and ty building, or building infrastructure, A new fund-raising campaign run by the income information. maybe we should call it cooperation. Or legendary editor Gene Roberts and new perhaps we should call it just plain old partnerships with journalism schools are good work. expanding the reach of the reviews. For descriptions and a complete listing But some are not willing to wait for all of 2004 journalism grants, please turn to this training, campaigning, diversifying, Journalism page 55. q electrifying and criticizing to take hold. If you don’t like the news, they say, go out and 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 17
  • 20. JOURNALISM FEATURE Pushing Back to Defend Our Freedoms Tom Curley is president and CEO of The Associated Press. Founded in 1848, The AP is the world’s largest news organization, serving more than a billion people every day. The AP is a key partner in the Knight Foundation-funded Sunshine Week, a national campaign to raise public awareness about open government. The campaign, which kicked off on March 13, 2005, was spearheaded by the American Society of Newspaper Editors, the Radio and Television News Directors Association, the National Newspaper Association and 50 other journalism groups. Troubling? Certainly. Grounds for a review of some public school curricula? N EW YORK, N.Y. – We the People are a pretty disappointing bunch Without a doubt. Another wake-up call for friends of the First Amendment? when it comes to learning our civics lessons, especially the ones that Absolutely. teach us why self-government depends on access to information Ill-informed teen-age disrespect for rights we hold dear is certainly not about the people’s business. going to bring down the temple of freedom. Thanks to the vision of the peo- Surveys routinely demonstrate that Americans think the First Amendment ple who designed our system, it has withstood far greater insult. has made speech too free for the common good and the media in particular From the Alien and Sedition Acts to the Civil War suspension of habeas could stand to be taken down a peg. corpus to the ordeal of the Nisei, from Jim Crow to the McCarthy era to the It’s dismaying, but at least until recently you could tell yourself these immigration dragnet that followed 9/11, political factions have repeatedly respondents have been out of school so long they were bound to fail a pop used government authority to push the limits of the protections afforded quiz on democracy and citizenship. Americans by their Constitution. Knight Foundation has punctured that balloon with its study of First The founders wisely assumed this sort of thing would happen and planned Amendment awareness among high school students, presumably fresh from accordingly. When defenders of civil liberties have stood up in the midst of class and fully briefed on their civil liberties. each crisis to push back, they have always found the law of the land on their Not fully enough, it seems. Too many kids expressed the view that the side and they have ultimately restored a tolerable balance. Bill of Rights “goes too far,” and a good number seem to have calmly accept- We’ve never been a nation of civics scholars. But we’ve always liked our ed the mistaken notion that government can regulate Internet decency and independence, and we’ve always had a healthy skepticism as to whether the restrain flag burners. government could be trusted with the power and the money we give to it. When our skepticism turns out to be justified, we react. The disturbing specter raised by those high school survey results is the STUDENTS UNSURE OF FIRST AMENDMENT possibility that some day when it’s time again for defenders of liberty to stand Nearly three-quarters of high school students say they don’t know how they feel about the First Amendment or take it for granted, according to a recent survey. up, the legal tools will still be there but nobody will feel like using them. That can’t be allowed to happen, and there are three ways in which news The rights guaranteed by the First Amendment: organizations can help make sure it doesn’t. Do you personally think about them or take them for granted? First, we can do our energetic best to hold the line in our own sector on Personally think about them Take for granted Don’t know the civil liberties front, the First Amendment and the Freedom of Information (FOI) and Shield Law statutes. STUDENTS TEACHERS We’re under heavy fire right now. Courts are closing proceedings in 27% 36 37 50 46 4 celebrity and other high-profile trials without bothering to say why, or in PRINCIPALS some cases even to think very long about it. Government agencies are deny- 56 43 1 ing FOI requests on the flimsiest of pretexts. The FOI laws themselves are under assault since 9/11 in the form of broad new exceptions imposed by the Do you agree with the following statements? Homeland Security and Patriot acts in the name of national security. Students Teachers Principals Equally troubling is the growing tendency of the authorities to assert information-gathering rights against the news media, including the right to People should be allowed to express unpopular opinions. demand the identities of confidential sources. More that 30 states have 83% 97 99 shield laws that provide some protection against these intrusions. But the Constitution-based reporter privilege that has shielded journalists in federal Newspapers should be allowed to publish freely without government approval of stories. cases is weakening, and there is no federal shield law to backstop it. 51 80 80 News organizations need to be prepared to fight hard and persistently for access, resist all efforts by the government to force its way into our Musicians should be allowed to sing songs with lyrics which others may find offensive. newsrooms, and adjust our budgets to the fact that doing this will require us 70 58 43 to spend money on lawyers and lawsuits more often than we used to. Second, we can work toward more favorable conditions for access to gov- Students should be allowed to report controversial issues in their student newspapers ernment, not just for us but for every citizen. without the approval of school authorities. We all need to do whatever is in our power to support the efforts now 58 39 25 beginning in the Congress to update the Freedom of Information Act and enact a statute that prevents the forced disclosure by reporters of their NOTE: Project surveyed more than 100,000 high school students, nearly 8,000 teachers and more than 500 confidential sources. administrators and principals at 544 schools across the country. SOURCE: Knight Foundation 18 J O H N S . A N D J A M E S L . K N I G H T F O U N D AT I O N
  • 21. “We are aggressive users of FOI rights, and we do not hesitate to lit- igate those rights and other access issues when the stakes justify it,” says Tom Curley, president and CEO of The Associated Press. The AP is a key partner in the Knight-funded Sunshine Week, a national campaign to raise public awareness about open government. Journalism Even more important, as the Knight survey shows, is the need for much look to us for more than momentary distraction from their iPods. greater public awareness of the values and interests they have at stake in The AP is doing more than ever on all three fronts. We are aggressive the struggle against government secrecy and all the abuses that can follow. users of FOI rights, and we do not hesitate to litigate those rights and other It’s clear that the public schools need to do a far better job of preparing stu- access issues when the stakes justify it. dents for citizenship. The media must also seize every opportunity to remind We’re also providing active support through the Newspaper Association our audience how vulnerable they would be without the free exercise of their of America and other groups for laws and regulations that promote open gov- right to express and hear ideas and information. ernment and restrict secrecy to the limited areas where the public interest Third, we need to make sure we’re doing our basic jobs well. We can under- absolutely requires it. mine everything else we do if we give our readers and viewers reason to believe And like others, we’re constantly at work on news products for the rising that news and entertainment are interchangeable, or that news outlets are will- generations of younger citizens who both engage the expanding gamut of ing to serve as cheerleaders for the government or for popular agendas. their interests and fill their need for reliable information about the things For the sake of our own futures as well as the public good, we need to that affect their lives. keep news in its distinct and special place on the ever-lengthening menu The challenges for our industry and our profession have never been of information available to everyone in the digital age. If we lose that, if we greater. But I think I’m speaking for many when I say that the excitement of meeting them has never been greater either. q become just another frantic bidder for audience share in a 500-channel world, we’re unlikely to convince those high school students they should 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 19