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TwoSues Inspiring and practical training for school libraries Reading Pictures  ExploringVisual Literacy Hertfordshire Schools Library Service  Thursday 13th October 2011 Visual Literacy
Human beings first attempts at passing information on to future generations took the form of paintings.  The oldest known cave painting is that of the Chauvet Cave, dating to around 30,000 BC From Cave Paintings
 To early script in the form ofhieroglyphics
 The Ancient Egyptians along with many others told stories in pictures
Through hand written Illuminated manuscripts
To Gutenberg and the printing press
Trace the development from pictures to words and pictures to today when....
“All of us are watchers - of television, of time clocks, of traffic on the freeway - but few of us are observers. Everyone is looking, not many are seeing."- Peter M. Leschak Video
Visual messages are all around us
In the form of ... Books
Videos/Computer Games
Printed Or electronic
Or Non-Fiction Fiction
Books with things to do
Three dimensional pop up books
Three dimensional objects
Today the ratio  of visual image to text is increasing...
We no longer expect pupils to be inspired by this.......
Book pages are now presented like web pages
The same with Newspapers
Light reading in 1908
The world pupils inhabit has become increasingly visual
‘Young people learn more than half of what they know from visual information, but few schools have an explicit curriculum to show students how to think critically about visual data.’ Mary Alice White, researcher at  Columbia Teachers’ College
So what do we mean by Visual Literacy ?
Visual Literacy     Visual literacy is the ability to interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image. Visual literacy is based on the idea that pictures can be “read” and that meaning can be communicated through a process of reading. John Debes, co-founder of the International Visual Literacy Association, 1969 (Wikipedia 2010)
Words are used to recall things we have seen and experienced  Different parts of the brain are used when we are exposed to words and pictures  Combination of visuals and text increases comprehension
Draw a cat
Civet cat
Children are increasingly dependent on visual images as a way of learning 	Many children find it easier to visualise images rather than read words TV, film, computer games are a bigger part of their lives than  the written word As a result are more visually literate
Who benefits from including visual images ? ,[object Object]
English as a second language
Visual learners
Reluctant readers and learners
In fact, most people!,[object Object]
So visual literacy has become more important Visual images are becoming a predominate form of communication Pupils need to be able to make critical judgements when looking at and using images There are no guide lines to help interpret images the meaning results from the context
“Our students must learn to process both words and pictures. To be visually literate they must learn to “read” (consume and interpret) images and write (produce and use) visually rich communications”Frey Nancy  and Douglas Fisher
It is important that pupils learn to question images in the same way they question written text.
Seeing cannot always be believing
Developing  critical thinking skills through images Pupils are able to interpret images on a literal level The higher order thinking skills of analyzing, synthesizing, and interpreting the image does not come naturally  To do this the viewer must be helped to develop the necessary abstract thinking skills Goldstone 1989
Thinking Skills in the National Curriculum ,[object Object]
Reasoning skills
Enquiry skills
Creative thinking skills
Evaluation skillsDepartment for Children, Schools & Families 2009
Using the 5 Ws (&H) at all levels What happened ? Who were the people involved ? When did it happen ? Where did it happen ? Why did it happen ? How did it happen? Answers bring up more questions i.e. What were the motives ? What influenced those involved? What were the consequences of their decisions? Objective Questions – dates, places, names Subjective Questions- opinion – motives, influences
Using Pictures to Encourage Questioning Skills In groups – have a look at the picture and ask as many questions as you can about it What do you know ?  What do you want to find out?
Now look at all your questions: 1. Which 3 questions are most interesting  to you ? 2. If you were a newspaper reporter, which 3 questions do you think are the most important ? Why ? 3. How would you find out the answers to your questions?
Images can be manipulative  The way the image is presented affects themessage the creator wishes to impart Light Juxtaposition of images Perspective Location Size  of items Scale Frame Dimension Depth Background/Foreground Colour
Questions that need to be asked when studying  images What message are the images trying to convey? Do you agree with the way the message is being depicted? Where has the information come from? What has been left out? What is the relationship between the image and the text? What effect does the size of the images have?
Interpreting the image Caption 1: On a hot summer day in 1947, these spectators watch the final moments of a tense baseball game.  Some fans are yelling in disapproval at the umpire because they don’t like the decision.
Interpreting the image Caption 2: Entertainer Paul Robeson sings to labourers working at the racially integrated Moore Shipyards in Oakland, California on 21st September 1942.
Interpreting the image Caption 3: A mournful crowd gathers to watch the funeral procession of  Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior, drive past.
Interpreting the image Did it seem that all the captions could fit the image or did some make more sense than others ? Did hearing three captions about the same image make it more confusing to figure out what was really happening ?  Why or why not ? Words can sway how we think about the picture.  Captions help us “pin down” meaning.  Captions and our own expectations influence what we see or read into an image. The right caption was: Entertainer Paul Robeson singing to labourers
How can visual images help literacy Stimulates creativity and inspires children to write their own stories Develops empathy  Encourages children to explore texts further by making information or stories more accessible  Develops social and cultural awareness Develops thinking and questioning skills
Inspire creativity
Close up images can inspire poetryhaikus are a “close-up”
Copper Coin
Ball point nib
Knife blade
Use images to develop pupils’ social and cultural knowledge
Cartoons can highlight topical subjects for discussion
Gerald Scarfe depicts Prince Charles as a genetically modified weed  Why? Background knowledge is needed
Bad Bad news I’m afraid Adam you’re a monkey! monkey Wouldyou Adam and Eve it? Adam and Eve it Charles Darwin Cultural knowledge is assumed
Chris Riddell
Use images to pass on personal information and develop self awareness
Based on a Victorian parlour game, each contributor described themselves with images of their favourite things.
Donald Urquhart
Emma Chichester Clarke
Mary Fedden
Eric Clapton
Add LVS work on this
What are you like ? Helps get to know new pupils  Helps pupils to analyse themselves Less threatening than “write about yourself” – children can be given the option Anthony Browne says “everyone can draw!” Great joint project with Art department What would you draw ?
Using film Children spend a lot of time watching  TV and filmthis is not going to change so we need to tap into this resource Sequencing, predicting, recounting, supposition Music, light, sound and colour create mood The camera is the eye of the viewer, angles, close ups, long shots resting on details all in form the viewer and add atmosphere
“The Motorist” film from BFI with activity: ,[object Object]
What adjectives would you use to describe the couple driving, the policeman ?
Work in small groups to write bullet points for what happens next
Could form the basis of a lesson in which students develop their ideas into a piece of creative writing      Write a sentence explaining what you think the film is about – how do your interpretations differ link
Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley
Need the rest of these slides
Graphic novels & comic booksin the curriculum
Comics, Graphic Novels and Manga All use 'sequential art’ frames  with speech bubbles Cinematic format reflects film and computer games  Have visual ‘permanence’ unlike film, time moves at the pace of the reader Manga originated in Japan and subversively reads from right to left from back to front which appeals to pupils No longer seen as controversial a growing number are suitable for children (list of publishers and titles in pack)
One of the earlier graphic novels Will Eisner coined the phrase ‘graphic novel 'in 1978 to describe his collection of short stories ‘A contact with God’
  Graphic Artists Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon produced a version of ‘9/11 Commission Report’ as a comic book Jacobson maintained ‘the graphic art format helps people particularly younger readers, to grasp what happened’
Marjane Satrapi’s  Graphic Novel ‘Persepolis’ gave her the freedom to tell a wider audience  her tale of revolution in Iran
Words and pictures help to make more difficult texts accessible
‘Self Made Hero’ has produced  Manga versions of Shakespeare’s  plays ‘It is a very visual medium. We thought that Manga would work well with Shakespeare because he wrote the stories to be played out on a stage rather than just read aloud. Manga brings that visual element into play’         Emma Hayley   Self Made Hero
Classical Stories Classic Crime Biographies
Evidence from one school librarian ‘I was chatting to one of our less able Y10 boys a few days ago, and he starting discussing a ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’ throwing in references to the characters, plot, etc. This surprised me (especially since he's not in a group which 'does‘ Shakespeare) , but turns out he got the info and  interest - if not a love for Will from reading Gaiman's 'Sandman' comics.’                          Adrian Thompson
Outlaw: The Legend of Robin Hood Written by Tony Lee Illustrated by Sam Hart
Now there are Graphic Novels to suit both boys and girls of all ages  Glister Series by Andi Watson
Graphic Novels now have a valid place in the Library! Create interest in a variety of literary genre and range of topics Increased interest in reading Ability to discuss art and writing Understanding meaning in visual phenomena Increase literacy in all senses Increased understanding of popular culture Development of language skills and vocabulary
How to Exploit Your Collection Invite  staff from local comic book shop to give a talk Have a session with an artist drawing Manga Compare a graphic version with original work of literature Organise a book talk around your collection Get pupils involved in selection of new titles, start a discussion on censorship Start a Graphic Novel book group Pupils  produce their own comic book. There are free online websites  -  Invent your ownsuper hero reflects classical heroes from the past on - heromachine
Manga deals with almost every theme imaginable, not just sci-fi and fantasy.’ Manga is linked to the Japanese animation style known as ‘Anime’... drawn animation which will be familiar to pupils from film and TV  Excellent introduction to Japanese culture
Using Picture Books
A picture book is one in  which pictures play a significant role in the telling of the story Either a wordless story told only in pictures or one in which pictures and words work together An illustrated  book is one in which the words provide the story which is only decorated by the illustrations
“What is the use of a book” thought Alice “without pictures” Printed word and pictures together are  effective when telling stories and delivering information Use across the curriculum  Use when introducing a new topic so add to book boxes   Pictures can be read on lots of different levels so have something for all ages and abilities Other languages and cultures
War and Peas
A simple explanation of sustainability
George saves the world by lunchtime
Geography Scan of George saves the world by lunchtime – children to write down everything they find and what they would do with it
Picture books are special. They are not like anything else. The best ones leave a tantalising gap between the pictures and the text— a gap that is filled by the reader’s imagination.’ “These are not books to be left behind as we grow older. I would like to encourage the act of looking.”
Paintings on the walls tell another part of the story Use of cinematic icons such as King Kong and Marilyn Monroe Ordinary objects morph into fantastic ones Jokes or surrealist elements in background always have a relevance to the story
Paintings on the walls tell another part of the story
Get paintings from  Hertfordshire art collection Escher to complement Anthony Brown Use Picture This and also get pictures from Herts if possible
Skills Developed References to art, culture, and ideas enrich the story and make his books ideal for opening  conversations  Ask the question  ‘What is surrealism?’ Talk about the symbolism There are many different ways to interpret the stories the pictures often telling a different story from the words thus developing the imagination A sophisticated level of humour, characterization and plot mean the books appeal to children and adults
End of Anthony Browne
Picture This
Example of the Power of Words and Pictures ‘Blake's drawings have taken Rosen's personal text and made it universal, a template for grief and recovery’ Guardian
How Blake Interprets Rosen’s Sadness How do the pictures make you feel? Cartoonish pictures soften what is a very emotional subject Sadness is depicted in four drawings where the background gets greyer and greyer until suddenly it’s raining. Beneath a drawing of him smiling the statement 'This is me being sad’  Make comparison between the words and the pictures
The Heart and the Bottle
The Heart in the Bottle Picture Link to app ad – Alice app
An Amusing Slant on Nature Frank and funny. Takes young children, skipping and whooping, out from under the gooseberry bush. Independent
There are sneaking, creeping, crumpling noises coming frominside the walls’ "This is a picture book for the twenty-first century child: visually and emotionally sophisticated, accessible, and inspired." --ALA Booklist “Gaiman has one creepy imagination, and his goose bump-inducing tale is given full visual throttle by McKean’sillustrations”Independent
Lucy’s fears are ignored by her family Use of photography, painting, drawing and collage It is atmospheric, sinister, scary and funny
Benefit of no words Pupils have to look for visual clues to create a meaningful story line This requires sophisticated thinking and develops imagination. Experience has to be read in the pictures so a need to engage and get involved emotionally
Shaun Tan The Arrival The homely and familiar             The new and strange
Get pupils to write their interpretation of the story Use the illustrations to explore narrative structure Think about what happened before the story begins For PSHE start a discussion on poverty and wealth Speech bubble the narrative Tell the story from the point of view of different characters Make a  play of the story Ideas for the Arrival
Opens Discussion On Many Levels ,[object Object]
Deals with the problem of ‘belonging’
No text so no guidance like a new immigrant with no language or knowledge of customs
Opens  discussion on new realities – a new school, job, relationship or country
 Set out in same format as Graphic Novel,[object Object]
Discuss what medium has been  used - watercolour, pen and ink, collage etc...  How has the artist created mood with colours and light  How are the images placed on the page Read the story without showing pictures and get pupils to draw their ‘mind pictures’ How has illustration changed over the years?  Research an illustrator Compare books across the age range More ideas at Book Trust ‘Big Picture’ and ‘House of Illustration Ideas for Using Picture Books
Kate Greenaway Award Short listed books form backbone of good collection of picture books and illustrated texts Website offers help in analysing  picture books Local and national involvement In school voting creates interest in illustration In school competitions – bookmarks, posters
Using Non-Fiction texts Use non fiction picture books with all ages to present new topics Printed word and pictures used together  can be very effective at delivering information Helps pupils  grasp the essence of more complex subjects by working from simpler  examples  Make use of factual comic books and manga Include in book boxes
Maps and Diagrams
Imagine you are a giant looking down into your  bedroom or kitchen  draw a map – you have to ‘visualise’ to do this
Finding your way round the library
Examples of non fiction text books
Non-Fiction texts
Online resources
Maths uses visual images all the time
And Science
Body and Movement
Anatomy and Health
IDEas slide Book boxes for curriculum topics – include graphic novels and picture books Publicise visual aspect of your stock  Deliver INSET Leaflets ? End of morning 15 mins short as at 15.8

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15th aug presentation

  • 1. TwoSues Inspiring and practical training for school libraries Reading Pictures ExploringVisual Literacy Hertfordshire Schools Library Service Thursday 13th October 2011 Visual Literacy
  • 2. Human beings first attempts at passing information on to future generations took the form of paintings. The oldest known cave painting is that of the Chauvet Cave, dating to around 30,000 BC From Cave Paintings
  • 3. To early script in the form ofhieroglyphics
  • 4. The Ancient Egyptians along with many others told stories in pictures
  • 5. Through hand written Illuminated manuscripts
  • 6. To Gutenberg and the printing press
  • 7. Trace the development from pictures to words and pictures to today when....
  • 8. “All of us are watchers - of television, of time clocks, of traffic on the freeway - but few of us are observers. Everyone is looking, not many are seeing."- Peter M. Leschak Video
  • 9. Visual messages are all around us
  • 10. In the form of ... Books
  • 22. Maps
  • 23. Today the ratio of visual image to text is increasing...
  • 24. We no longer expect pupils to be inspired by this.......
  • 25.
  • 26. Book pages are now presented like web pages
  • 27. The same with Newspapers
  • 29. The world pupils inhabit has become increasingly visual
  • 30. ‘Young people learn more than half of what they know from visual information, but few schools have an explicit curriculum to show students how to think critically about visual data.’ Mary Alice White, researcher at Columbia Teachers’ College
  • 31. So what do we mean by Visual Literacy ?
  • 32. Visual Literacy Visual literacy is the ability to interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image. Visual literacy is based on the idea that pictures can be “read” and that meaning can be communicated through a process of reading. John Debes, co-founder of the International Visual Literacy Association, 1969 (Wikipedia 2010)
  • 33. Words are used to recall things we have seen and experienced Different parts of the brain are used when we are exposed to words and pictures Combination of visuals and text increases comprehension
  • 34.
  • 37. Children are increasingly dependent on visual images as a way of learning Many children find it easier to visualise images rather than read words TV, film, computer games are a bigger part of their lives than the written word As a result are more visually literate
  • 38.
  • 39. English as a second language
  • 42. Boys
  • 43.
  • 44. So visual literacy has become more important Visual images are becoming a predominate form of communication Pupils need to be able to make critical judgements when looking at and using images There are no guide lines to help interpret images the meaning results from the context
  • 45. “Our students must learn to process both words and pictures. To be visually literate they must learn to “read” (consume and interpret) images and write (produce and use) visually rich communications”Frey Nancy and Douglas Fisher
  • 46. It is important that pupils learn to question images in the same way they question written text.
  • 47. Seeing cannot always be believing
  • 48. Developing critical thinking skills through images Pupils are able to interpret images on a literal level The higher order thinking skills of analyzing, synthesizing, and interpreting the image does not come naturally To do this the viewer must be helped to develop the necessary abstract thinking skills Goldstone 1989
  • 49.
  • 53. Evaluation skillsDepartment for Children, Schools & Families 2009
  • 54. Using the 5 Ws (&H) at all levels What happened ? Who were the people involved ? When did it happen ? Where did it happen ? Why did it happen ? How did it happen? Answers bring up more questions i.e. What were the motives ? What influenced those involved? What were the consequences of their decisions? Objective Questions – dates, places, names Subjective Questions- opinion – motives, influences
  • 55. Using Pictures to Encourage Questioning Skills In groups – have a look at the picture and ask as many questions as you can about it What do you know ? What do you want to find out?
  • 56. Now look at all your questions: 1. Which 3 questions are most interesting to you ? 2. If you were a newspaper reporter, which 3 questions do you think are the most important ? Why ? 3. How would you find out the answers to your questions?
  • 57. Images can be manipulative The way the image is presented affects themessage the creator wishes to impart Light Juxtaposition of images Perspective Location Size of items Scale Frame Dimension Depth Background/Foreground Colour
  • 58. Questions that need to be asked when studying images What message are the images trying to convey? Do you agree with the way the message is being depicted? Where has the information come from? What has been left out? What is the relationship between the image and the text? What effect does the size of the images have?
  • 59. Interpreting the image Caption 1: On a hot summer day in 1947, these spectators watch the final moments of a tense baseball game. Some fans are yelling in disapproval at the umpire because they don’t like the decision.
  • 60. Interpreting the image Caption 2: Entertainer Paul Robeson sings to labourers working at the racially integrated Moore Shipyards in Oakland, California on 21st September 1942.
  • 61. Interpreting the image Caption 3: A mournful crowd gathers to watch the funeral procession of Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior, drive past.
  • 62. Interpreting the image Did it seem that all the captions could fit the image or did some make more sense than others ? Did hearing three captions about the same image make it more confusing to figure out what was really happening ? Why or why not ? Words can sway how we think about the picture. Captions help us “pin down” meaning. Captions and our own expectations influence what we see or read into an image. The right caption was: Entertainer Paul Robeson singing to labourers
  • 63. How can visual images help literacy Stimulates creativity and inspires children to write their own stories Develops empathy Encourages children to explore texts further by making information or stories more accessible Develops social and cultural awareness Develops thinking and questioning skills
  • 65. Close up images can inspire poetryhaikus are a “close-up”
  • 69. Use images to develop pupils’ social and cultural knowledge
  • 70. Cartoons can highlight topical subjects for discussion
  • 71. Gerald Scarfe depicts Prince Charles as a genetically modified weed Why? Background knowledge is needed
  • 72. Bad Bad news I’m afraid Adam you’re a monkey! monkey Wouldyou Adam and Eve it? Adam and Eve it Charles Darwin Cultural knowledge is assumed
  • 74. Use images to pass on personal information and develop self awareness
  • 75. Based on a Victorian parlour game, each contributor described themselves with images of their favourite things.
  • 80. Add LVS work on this
  • 81. What are you like ? Helps get to know new pupils Helps pupils to analyse themselves Less threatening than “write about yourself” – children can be given the option Anthony Browne says “everyone can draw!” Great joint project with Art department What would you draw ?
  • 82. Using film Children spend a lot of time watching TV and filmthis is not going to change so we need to tap into this resource Sequencing, predicting, recounting, supposition Music, light, sound and colour create mood The camera is the eye of the viewer, angles, close ups, long shots resting on details all in form the viewer and add atmosphere
  • 83.
  • 84. What adjectives would you use to describe the couple driving, the policeman ?
  • 85. Work in small groups to write bullet points for what happens next
  • 86. Could form the basis of a lesson in which students develop their ideas into a piece of creative writing Write a sentence explaining what you think the film is about – how do your interpretations differ link
  • 87. Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley
  • 88. Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley
  • 89. Need the rest of these slides
  • 90. Graphic novels & comic booksin the curriculum
  • 91. Comics, Graphic Novels and Manga All use 'sequential art’ frames with speech bubbles Cinematic format reflects film and computer games Have visual ‘permanence’ unlike film, time moves at the pace of the reader Manga originated in Japan and subversively reads from right to left from back to front which appeals to pupils No longer seen as controversial a growing number are suitable for children (list of publishers and titles in pack)
  • 92. One of the earlier graphic novels Will Eisner coined the phrase ‘graphic novel 'in 1978 to describe his collection of short stories ‘A contact with God’
  • 93.   Graphic Artists Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon produced a version of ‘9/11 Commission Report’ as a comic book Jacobson maintained ‘the graphic art format helps people particularly younger readers, to grasp what happened’
  • 94. Marjane Satrapi’s Graphic Novel ‘Persepolis’ gave her the freedom to tell a wider audience her tale of revolution in Iran
  • 95. Words and pictures help to make more difficult texts accessible
  • 96. ‘Self Made Hero’ has produced Manga versions of Shakespeare’s plays ‘It is a very visual medium. We thought that Manga would work well with Shakespeare because he wrote the stories to be played out on a stage rather than just read aloud. Manga brings that visual element into play’ Emma Hayley Self Made Hero
  • 97. Classical Stories Classic Crime Biographies
  • 98. Evidence from one school librarian ‘I was chatting to one of our less able Y10 boys a few days ago, and he starting discussing a ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’ throwing in references to the characters, plot, etc. This surprised me (especially since he's not in a group which 'does‘ Shakespeare) , but turns out he got the info and interest - if not a love for Will from reading Gaiman's 'Sandman' comics.’ Adrian Thompson
  • 99. Outlaw: The Legend of Robin Hood Written by Tony Lee Illustrated by Sam Hart
  • 100. Now there are Graphic Novels to suit both boys and girls of all ages Glister Series by Andi Watson
  • 101. Graphic Novels now have a valid place in the Library! Create interest in a variety of literary genre and range of topics Increased interest in reading Ability to discuss art and writing Understanding meaning in visual phenomena Increase literacy in all senses Increased understanding of popular culture Development of language skills and vocabulary
  • 102. How to Exploit Your Collection Invite staff from local comic book shop to give a talk Have a session with an artist drawing Manga Compare a graphic version with original work of literature Organise a book talk around your collection Get pupils involved in selection of new titles, start a discussion on censorship Start a Graphic Novel book group Pupils produce their own comic book. There are free online websites - Invent your ownsuper hero reflects classical heroes from the past on - heromachine
  • 103. Manga deals with almost every theme imaginable, not just sci-fi and fantasy.’ Manga is linked to the Japanese animation style known as ‘Anime’... drawn animation which will be familiar to pupils from film and TV Excellent introduction to Japanese culture
  • 105. A picture book is one in which pictures play a significant role in the telling of the story Either a wordless story told only in pictures or one in which pictures and words work together An illustrated book is one in which the words provide the story which is only decorated by the illustrations
  • 106. “What is the use of a book” thought Alice “without pictures” Printed word and pictures together are effective when telling stories and delivering information Use across the curriculum Use when introducing a new topic so add to book boxes Pictures can be read on lots of different levels so have something for all ages and abilities
  • 109. A simple explanation of sustainability
  • 110. George saves the world by lunchtime
  • 111. Geography Scan of George saves the world by lunchtime – children to write down everything they find and what they would do with it
  • 112. Picture books are special. They are not like anything else. The best ones leave a tantalising gap between the pictures and the text— a gap that is filled by the reader’s imagination.’ “These are not books to be left behind as we grow older. I would like to encourage the act of looking.”
  • 113. Paintings on the walls tell another part of the story Use of cinematic icons such as King Kong and Marilyn Monroe Ordinary objects morph into fantastic ones Jokes or surrealist elements in background always have a relevance to the story
  • 114. Paintings on the walls tell another part of the story
  • 115.
  • 116. Get paintings from Hertfordshire art collection Escher to complement Anthony Brown Use Picture This and also get pictures from Herts if possible
  • 117. Skills Developed References to art, culture, and ideas enrich the story and make his books ideal for opening conversations Ask the question ‘What is surrealism?’ Talk about the symbolism There are many different ways to interpret the stories the pictures often telling a different story from the words thus developing the imagination A sophisticated level of humour, characterization and plot mean the books appeal to children and adults
  • 118. End of Anthony Browne
  • 120. Example of the Power of Words and Pictures ‘Blake's drawings have taken Rosen's personal text and made it universal, a template for grief and recovery’ Guardian
  • 121. How Blake Interprets Rosen’s Sadness How do the pictures make you feel? Cartoonish pictures soften what is a very emotional subject Sadness is depicted in four drawings where the background gets greyer and greyer until suddenly it’s raining. Beneath a drawing of him smiling the statement 'This is me being sad’ Make comparison between the words and the pictures
  • 122. The Heart and the Bottle
  • 123. The Heart in the Bottle Picture Link to app ad – Alice app
  • 124. An Amusing Slant on Nature Frank and funny. Takes young children, skipping and whooping, out from under the gooseberry bush. Independent
  • 125. There are sneaking, creeping, crumpling noises coming frominside the walls’ "This is a picture book for the twenty-first century child: visually and emotionally sophisticated, accessible, and inspired." --ALA Booklist “Gaiman has one creepy imagination, and his goose bump-inducing tale is given full visual throttle by McKean’sillustrations”Independent
  • 126. Lucy’s fears are ignored by her family Use of photography, painting, drawing and collage It is atmospheric, sinister, scary and funny
  • 128. Benefit of no words Pupils have to look for visual clues to create a meaningful story line This requires sophisticated thinking and develops imagination. Experience has to be read in the pictures so a need to engage and get involved emotionally
  • 129. Shaun Tan The Arrival The homely and familiar The new and strange
  • 130. Get pupils to write their interpretation of the story Use the illustrations to explore narrative structure Think about what happened before the story begins For PSHE start a discussion on poverty and wealth Speech bubble the narrative Tell the story from the point of view of different characters Make a play of the story Ideas for the Arrival
  • 131.
  • 132. Deals with the problem of ‘belonging’
  • 133. No text so no guidance like a new immigrant with no language or knowledge of customs
  • 134. Opens discussion on new realities – a new school, job, relationship or country
  • 135.
  • 136. Discuss what medium has been used - watercolour, pen and ink, collage etc... How has the artist created mood with colours and light How are the images placed on the page Read the story without showing pictures and get pupils to draw their ‘mind pictures’ How has illustration changed over the years? Research an illustrator Compare books across the age range More ideas at Book Trust ‘Big Picture’ and ‘House of Illustration Ideas for Using Picture Books
  • 137. Kate Greenaway Award Short listed books form backbone of good collection of picture books and illustrated texts Website offers help in analysing picture books Local and national involvement In school voting creates interest in illustration In school competitions – bookmarks, posters
  • 138. Using Non-Fiction texts Use non fiction picture books with all ages to present new topics Printed word and pictures used together can be very effective at delivering information Helps pupils grasp the essence of more complex subjects by working from simpler examples Make use of factual comic books and manga Include in book boxes
  • 140.
  • 141. Imagine you are a giant looking down into your bedroom or kitchen draw a map – you have to ‘visualise’ to do this
  • 142. Finding your way round the library
  • 143. Examples of non fiction text books
  • 146. Maths uses visual images all the time
  • 150. IDEas slide Book boxes for curriculum topics – include graphic novels and picture books Publicise visual aspect of your stock Deliver INSET Leaflets ? End of morning 15 mins short as at 15.8
  • 151. Afternoon activities Watson & the shark followed by group exercise using picture from Herts collection The shape Game Finish with Harris Burdock pictures – groups read out stories Plenary
  • 152. Using works of art
  • 153. Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley
  • 154. 4 slides to go in here from previous presentation
  • 155. Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley
  • 156. Ideas on using paintings Information on the Herts Art collection Information on Ashmolean Museum and National Gallery Take One Picture
  • 157. Using images to stimulate imagination and curiosity “Picture This” gives excellent examples of what you can do Opportunity to use lots of books in your library which are not often used. Try setting quizzes round any non-fiction books with pictures Have a bit of fun!
  • 158. Every picture tells a story! Each group has an illustration What is your story ? 10 mins Characters, feelings, actions ? Storytelling Create Your Story
  • 159. Using visual inspiration to create a story
  • 160.
  • 161. Resources Booktrust House of Illustration The Big Picture Carnegie/Greenaway Shadowing Anthony Browne JISC resources – echalk, scran ?
  • 162. Publishers and Useful Links Titan Books - Self Made Hero - graphic novel adaptations of classic literature - TokyoPop - Viz Media major publisher of manga in English who give age appropriate signs Resources for librarians - Hero machine - make your own superheros - Makebeliefsscomix - Make your own comic Research on comics and graphic novels - Graphic Novel Reporter News about comics and graphic novels creating your own graphic novels
  • 163. Bibliography Reading is Fundamental, Tips for Looking at Picture Books in the Classroom Shadowing Site – Carnegie/Greenaway Medals, -, Youngman, Angela, Inspiring Interest in Literature with Manga - Mary Purdon, Lessons from Anthony Browne Julia Bartel, Graphic Novels for Kids, Tweens and Teens Madelyn Travis, Extending Storytelling Boundaries Librarian’s Guide to Manga Paul Gravett, Manga Sixty Years of Japanese Comics Scott McCloud (1994) Understanding Comics Mel Gibson, Graphic Novels Across the Curriculum - Google Images Learning Live – Visual Literacy Image of cloud - - The Big Picture - Booktrust - House of Illustration –
  • 164. Bibliography The Big Picture ‘Looking at Books’ Bowkett, Steve ‘ Countdown to Non-Fiction Writing’, Routledge 2010 Buzan, Tony ‘Buzan’siMindmap’ 2010 Carel Press: Great Library Ideas, 2008 Copley, John Singleton: Watson and the Shark (1777-1778) Department for Children, Schools & Families,, accessed 26/4/09 Frey Nancy and Douglas Fisher ‘Teaching Visual Literacy’Corwin Press 2008 Dodo image Google Images Hopson, Ingrid, “Transition from Year 6 to Year 7” House of Illustration – Mary Glasgow Magazines – ‘Bonjour’ (French) & ‘Schuss’ (German) National Gallery of Art (Washington) website - Picture This - Reading is Fundamental – Scarfe, Gerald Heros and Villains Shadowing Site – Carnegie/Greenaway Medals,, accessed May 2010 Youngman,Angela “Inspiring interest in literature with Manga” Wormworks - Helen Cooper’s speeches and articles

Editor's Notes

  1. Introduce ourselvesLink to video/embed video – stop at 1.105 mins
  4. expertaccess.cincom.comMade more accessable
  5. 7.30Play videoLink to video/embed video – stop at 1.10 – after Flash star with VISUAL LITERACY IN YOUR SUBJECT AREAS mins
  6. Sue BasA visual text can be in many forms
  7. More exciting resources for information – MFL magazines - scan
  8. Need scan of non-fiction bookChildren are as interested in information as they are in storiesReading for information is different skill
  9. Books with flaps and things to do encourage the child to stay longer on each page just simply looking
  10. Sue Bow to insert painting here – from Ashmolean ? & explain14m
  11. History book?
  12. 12 mins
  13. 13 mins
  14. Sue BowStart interpreting images from a very early age. Babies recognise parents faces
  15. More apt to remember a persons face than their
  17. Draw a cat. Point ears, whiskers, long tail. Would you recognised the person next to you drawing as a cat. Now draw a CIVAT CAT?????? More like a mongoose.Immpssible to draw something you haventseen20 mins
  18. Sue BowAll ideas can be used at different levels depending on group – adding an extra dimension – good way of involving departments
  19. Sue Bow
  20. Pupils should be encouraged to use images in their work
  22. All these skills can be developed using visual images25m
  23. Familiar from primary schoolApparently first used by Journalists and the police
  24. 5 mins more discussion then feedback40mins
  25. Sort out animation
  26. Individual slides for each question with image – use different types of images i.e. Film, posters , war propaganda etc. AdvertisingCosmetics43m
  27. Discussion timeYou might have found this easy but children would not have the cultural knowledge. Using simuilar types of images, children could write their own captions to embed learning50 mins
  28. image
  29. brain‑power‑and‑creative‑thinking‑ (image)
  30. Close ups Quiz – can use to encourage discussion, brainstorm adjectives etc.Delegates to offer descriptive words – write on flip chart then guess what it is – for each slide
  32. A way of examining current topics, opinion forming
  33. Sue Bow to add images from Chris Riddell’s political cartoons and children’s illustration inc Gulliver65 mins
  34. image
  35. Good to introduce with new pupilsCompetition with Art (book week)
  36. AFTER COFFEE11.30Pretty up the slide with pictures
  37. 20 m (11.50)CoffeeEncouraging creative writing:Processing informationReasoning skills – what is happening ?Creative thinking – what might happen next ? Ask delegates for reactions, write adjectives on boardEach delegate to write a sentence explaining what you think the film is about – then discuss in group how they differ.Work in groups to write short synopsis of what happens next.Feedback to all Show rest of filmFew minutes for discussion30 minutes for this slide15 mins more needed before coffeeCheck/register for BFI – can I still get the film – stop film before becomes fantasy – change questions – use as group activity –
  38. Using a still image – deconstructing the picture:What is happening in the picture – ask delegatesWhat adjectives can we use to describe what is happeningWhat is true ?What can you guess ?What would you like to know ?Write up on flip chartWe all look at images in different ways – different interpretations – all are validWatson and the Shark - 12-15 mins in total
  39. Copley chose to depict the moment of highest dramatic intensity -- the instant just prior to the third, presumably fatal, attack. Viewers had no way of knowing that the lad would be plucked from the jaws of death by his stalwart companions.20 mins
  40. twentysevenletters.comAFTER COFFEE ?
  41. Many of the same benefits as picture booksAppeal to children because... Similar to cinema Brings together different mediaAward-winning, critically acclaimed graphic novels such as BONE, Persepolis, Maus, and The Tale of One Bad Rat are prime examples of this new type of contemporary literature.Move curriculum-content graphic novels material to morning session
  42. Splattering words like Whooom! and Blam! across cartoon versions of the burning Twin Towers might seem like a risky way to depict the worst ever attack on American soil. Unsurprisingly, a few eyebrows were raised when graphic artists Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon decided to produce their version of the 9/11 Commission Report in that most American of media - the comic book. Their 144-page book recounts the horrific events which led to the devastation of the World Trade Centre in parallel with reactions from the government. The Arabs may be dastardly and the firemen heroic, but it makes an impressive read, distilling a complex story into a series of timelines. Jacobson insists that the book remains faithful to the Commission's findings, arguing that the graphic art helps people, particularly younger readers, to grasp what happened. Elaine HakeIllustrated 9/11 Commission Report, Penguin, ÂŁ15.99 9/11 - the comic book Splattering words like Whooom! and Blam! across cartoon versions of the burning Twin Towers might seem like a risky way to depict the worst ever attack on American soil. Unsurprisingly, a few eyebrows were raised when graphic artists Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon decided to produce their version of the 9/11 Commission Report in that most American of media - the comic book. Their 144-page book recounts the horrific events which led to the devastation of the World Trade Centre in parallel with reactions from the government. Read more:,news-comment,news-politics,911-the-comic-book#ixzz0p3V1VvnN
  43. ’ was inspired by Maus Pulitzer Prize winner 1992 Maus BY Art Spiegelman
  44. Shakespeare had good story lines which get lost in the need to understand the language – use pm for practical exercise around these (Sba has lots at school)
  45. So here are some of the reasons and arguments for including the graphic novel in your libraryNot just superhero , science fiction storiesSlides 78-87 – 5 MINS
  46. Have to counter any negative attitudesAnother dimension to the libraryInvestigate online comic sitesKev Sutherland – comic books from LVS
  47. Paul Gravett10 mins from coffeeExposure to different cultures
  48. List some non fiction picture books also can be used to convey factsExcellent way of introducing a new topic without jumping in at the deep end.12 m
  49. European picture book website
  50. Extra books on difficult topicsWar and Peas
  51. 20m
  52. George saves the world by lunchtime – scan penultimate picture – children to write down everything they find and what they would do with itIraq Words and Pictures book – find at school and decide how to use
  53. Can’t talk about picture books with out reference to..................... Not to be left behind as we grow upCreate a dialogue between adults and children Lots of articles and references to visual literacy recently
  54. A.B’s books perfect to engage older childrenSo many different dimensions
  55. Sue Bow to expand on Anthony Browne’s “Willy’s Pictures” in connnection with paintings from Herts collectionSue Bas to do slides using Picture This
  56. Surrealism introduce the artists e.g. Magritte What does the symbolism in Browne’s books mean hidden language things aren’t what they seemShape gameHumour FeelingsMention the Shape GamePlay the shape GameCharacters connect in different books
  57. 30mins
  58. Slides by Sue Bas using this book and paintings from Herts (look at some of the activities for the afternoon)35m
  59. Story of how it came aboutExample of how to use illustrations to decode meaning from textPictures and text together work well
  60. How does the art work generate those feelingsrelationship between behaviour and emotions What are emotionsHow sadness relates to behavior
  61. Does all this reduce the child’s ability to imagine ?55min
  62. Read the story ?
  63. Very sophisticated and artistically interesting a potential classicexperimentation and different ways of telling a story. All About fear
  64. Very sophisticated and artistically interestingAsk what lives in your walls Speak in different ways according to the scriptSound scrapes noises heard around you all dayRhythm of the language All about fearexperimentation and different ways of telling a story. 48mins
  65. As you discovered with the previous activity you really had to engage with the picture and use your imagination to form a plausible story Have to use a similar set of skills when using a book with no words
  66. A more complex sophisticated story with no wordsA link from the picture book to the graphic novel
  67. Narrative structure 

series of events beginning , middle , endPlot
 the ordering of incidentsGenre, character, form, timeWhat happens before the story begins........ Explain and show first page
  68. 53 mins
  69. 55 mins
  70. Need picture of non fiction text – this slide needs changing
  71. Close up of section of Mappi Mundi
  72. We find it easier to visualise using maps and plans
  73. Get children to do this – or draw a map of the library
  74. Good lesson for induction or Geography!Helps teacher/librarian to assess spatial awareness – left/right etc.Children need to use maps to find their way round schoolLife skill – though sat navs are taking away the skill!67m
  75. Non-fiction books are now more visual – encourage use of books like this – what can you find out from each box ?A good way of encouraging children to include visual text in their own workNon-fiction books now imitate websites in layout and designUse of 3D books – one for each group – how can these inspire ? What can you learn?Books from LVS ?Archie’s WarHuman BodyPlanetsBuildings/Castles70 mins
  76. E-chalk – excellent subscription resource for teachers with games and visual resources for all subjects
  77. Piecharts and graphs show information in a visual format – again useful tools on e-chalk
  78. E-chalk
  79. PEScran online resource -360,000 copyright cleared images, videos and sound on all curriculum topics
  80. 75 mins
  81. Google Art can take you to any galleryGo into the picturesShow online
  82. Using a still image – deconstructing the picture:What is happening in the picture – ask delegatesWhat adjectives can we use to describe what is happeningWhat is true ?What can you guess ?What would you like to know ?Write up on flip chartWe all look at images in different ways – different interpretations – all are validJohn Singleton Copley’s Watson and the Shark was inspired by an event that took place in Havana, Cuba in 1749. Fourteen year old Brook Watson, an orphan serving as a crew member on a trading ship, was attached by a shark while swimming alone in the harbour. His shipmates, who had been waiting on board to escort their captain ashore, launched a valiant rescue effort.
  83. In April 1778, while Copley’s painting was on exhibit in London’s Royal Academy, a detailed description of these horrific events was published in a London newspaper. The text, believed to have been penned by Brook Watson himself, describes the scene in excruciating detail, ultimately reassuring readers that thanks to the surgeon’s skill, “after suffering an amputation of the limb, a little below the knee, the youth received a perfect cure in about three months”.Copley chose to depict the moment of highest dramatic intensity -- the instant just prior to the third, presumably fatal, attack. Viewers had no way of knowing that the lad would be plucked from the jaws of death by his stalwart companions.36 mins
  84. WHAT IS THIS?Title change? Picture This is a book of paintings with activitiesUse in the afternoon
  85. Unsolved mystery30 years ago man called Harris Burdick took 14 drawings from the storieshe had written into a children’s publisher.........Antiquarian bookseller 1963 collected the books from an old lady who had died bought the whole library including a mirrorwhose frame was carved with pictures from Alice through the looking glass. Fell from the wall to reveal the drawing of the young magian
  86. Book trust