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Technological Infrastructure 502
Discussion about the implementation of virtualization,
cloud and green computing technologies in an organization .
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Executive Summary..............................................................................................................................2
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3
2. Company’s Background...............................................................................................................4
2.1. The Current Situation ..........................................................................................................4
2.2. New Technologies to be Applied..........................................................................................5
2.3. Why Shift To New Technologies..........................................................................................5
3. Virtualization.................................................................................................................................6
3.1. What is Virtualization ..........................................................................................................6
3.2. Virtualisation disadvantages................................................................................................7
4. Cloud Computing..........................................................................................................................7
4.1. What is Cloud Computing....................................................................................................7
4.1.1. Software as a Service (SaaS) ........................................................................................8
4.1.2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)........................................................................................8
4.1.3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)................................................................................8
5. Green Computing..........................................................................................................................9
5.1. What is Green Computing ...................................................................................................9
6. Relationship Between Virtualization, Cloud and Green Computing.....................................10
7. Recommendation.........................................................................................................................10
7.1. Why Virtualization .............................................................................................................11
7.1.1. Improving personnel performance............................................................................11
7.1.2. Maximizing number of projects.................................................................................11
7.1.3. Reducing physical space with I.T. infrastructure ....................................................12
7.2. Why Cloud Computing.......................................................................................................12
7.2.1. Benefits of Cloud Computing.....................................................................................14
7.3. Why Green Computing ......................................................................................................15
7.3.1. Improve green working environment........................................................................16
7.3.2. Fulfil corporate social responsibilities.......................................................................16
7.3.3. Conserve more energy ................................................................................................16
7.3.4. Develop positive corporate image..............................................................................17
8. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................17
9. References....................................................................................................................................18
9.1. Appendix A..........................................................................................................................20
9.2. Appendix B ..........................................................................................................................21
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Executive Summary
This document is based on the statement made by the author Andy Ingram, which says “The
eternal challenge of the data centre is balancing the quality of the user experience against the
economics of building and operating the centre. One of the most significant trends today is
the use of infrastructure Virtualization to improve the economics”.
In order to prove the trueness of this statement, this report discuss about the implementation
of virtualization, cloud computing and green computing technologies in an organization and
gives an idea of what those new technologies are about and its impact in the company. It is
hoped that the findings in this document will illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of
implementing those trends in a business and why should a company shift to those new
technologies. Moreover, the main aspect of this report is to bring a conscious use of
technology regarding modern environmental issues discussed by different groups, nowadays.
With the purpose of making this report as realistic as possible, it has been done intensive
research throughout many websites, journals and academic books, expecting to prove the
veracity of the statements within this report.
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1. Introduction
It is known by now that technology has been changing the way that people interact,
communicate and exchange information with each other. So, many companies - such as
Microsoft and Apple - have been investing large sum of money in technology researches,
aiming to bring the latest products into the market that they act.
In addition, business and people are becoming even more dependent on computers, as well as
the Internet. This is because those tools, especially if combined, give all business much more
efficiency and better results, since information and work done by staff are performed
considerably faster.
Therefore, it is easy to imagine how beneficial is to automate the way information is
processed and to improve communication between businesses and people. On the other hand,
with the increasing volume of computers being used worldwide, the amount of carbon
emitted into our environment is becoming a concern.
Having the fact that businesses are seeking for a well prepared I.T. infrastructure, in order to
communicate with other businesses more efficiently, companies end up having to set up
different types of computers for different types of operational system (OS), increasing the
quantity of carbon produced and emitted into the atmosphere. This is a result of the lack of
integration that an OS have with each other, especially the product from Microsoft, which
poorly team up with others.
However, as technology develops, new concepts are brought up with it. Virtualization is the
new trend in IT, and is promising to change the way that OS’s interact with each other, by
working with different OS interfaces at the same time in the same computer. So, how can
virtualization be implemented in order to help the environment? Can it bring better results to
companies? Can virtualization really make enterprises more efficient, thus giving them better
Besides virtualization, another trend that is boosting up the computer market is the use of
cloud computing, which enables access of data from wherever you are and whenever you
need it. It gives you mobility to store private files and information in a different server and
connect to those data from a cafe, home or anywhere you are, giving great flexibility to users.
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This report will discuss each one of technologies mentioned, an indentify their benefits and
drawbacks. In addition, it will be discussed the connection or relationship between
virtualisation, cloud and green computing, and how they can work together for helping the
2. Company’s Background
For the simplicity of this assignment, the concepts of Virtualization, Cloud Computing and
Green Computing will be applied on an invented company named Archi-E.
Archi-E is a successful architecture company that deals with customers and suppliers mainly
through the internet. The business’ executives do meetings with stakeholders electronically
and very occasionally have to meet face-to-face.
In order to better picture the scenario in this example, it is relevant to identify who are the
suppliers and customers for Archi-E.
 Suppliers: All the businesses that Archi-E needs to hire to build up a house. A few
examples are: construction, electricity and interior design companies.
 Customers: Small business and regular people that wants to plan and construct a
small size building or residential houses.
2.1. The Current Situation
Archi-E has opportunity to increase their share in the marketplace. However, their I.T.
infrastructure has been the main issue that is stopping it to grow.
Archi-E executives want to improve and update the I.T. infrastructure that they have in
order to solve a few issues that the company is currently facing. Firstly, Archi-E does not
have a proper I.T. infrastructure, thus they have been missing out many relevant
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contracts from customers. Therefore, with this area improved, it is most likely that the
company will maximize their number of projects.
Secondly, they need to improve their relationship with customers and suppliers and have
a more efficient way to communicate with them. Those measures would increase
customer satisfaction and business credibility with suppliers.
Thirdly, the company is over-crowded with technological appliances, which is not only
giving a bad aesthetical looking, but also an unpleasant working environment. Therefore,
Archi-E needs to reduce physical space with I.T infrastructure, as well as its direct and
indirect costs.
Finally, but not less important, the company also wants to improve its staff performance
with new computer technologies. That can be a contributing factor to maximize the
business’ workload capacity.
2.2. New Technologies to be Applied
There are three new technologies that can help Archi-E to solve the issues beforehand
mentioned, such as:
 Virtualization
 Cloud Computing
 Green Computing
2.3. Why Shift To New Technologies
There are many reasons why a company should merge to new technologies. However,
the company in this matter is aiming to maximize its income, and to assist the business to
achieve their goals by moving to new technologies to do their job. This technology will
provide up-to-date information to business and make it ready for future events and trends
in computing.
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3. Virtualization
3.1. What is Virtualization
It is found many types of definition for Virtualization. However, it can be simply
described as the ability to create different virtual servers and combine them in a single
physical server (Dorf 2010). For example, if a company posses separated servers for
printers, database, applications, files and e-mail, it is possible to “virtualize” each one of
them and consolidate them in one concrete machine, using dedicated software to do so.
Moreover, the same idea of virtualization can be applied to computers that runs an
Operational System (OS). Assuming that a computer has Windows OS installed in its
hardware, it is possible to run, through virtualization, a different desktop from a different
OS (such as MAC, Linux, Solaris, Chrome, etc.) at the same time in the same machine.
However, it is important to mention that virtualized Operational Systems are not installed
in the computer’s hardware, they are generated by a software, which runs as an
application over the OS (VMware, for example).
Figure 1 illustrates how a virtual machine works inside a computer.
Figure 1 – Virtualization diagram
Therefore, virtualization can be a powerful tool for business to reduce not only physical
space within their company (Dorf 2010), as well as cost with I.T. infrastructure and
carbon footprint (VIA 2006).
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3.2. Virtualisation disadvantages
Virtualisation can be very handy method for managing data centre and operational
systems. However, it has relevant drawbacks that still are stopping many companies to
make use of this new technology. The main disadvantages are:
 One point of failure: if the physical server crashes, all virtualised machines will
fail, causing a major problem to the entire company.
 Demands powerful machines: the physical computer has to be capable to
operate every virtual machine or sever. Virtualisation can save money, if the
company has I.T. infrastructure enough to support it. Otherwise, they need to
previously invest on powerful machines.
 May decrease performance: even if the computer is sufficiently powerful to
run virtual applications, it might lead to lower performance of this same
 Application malfunction: there are many applications that are not yet adapted
to be used in a virtual environment. Therefore, they end up crashing and
bugging, stopping the whole organisation to procedure staff’s day-to-day
tasks. Thus, it is important to virtualise only softwares that are not crucial to
the company’s operations.
4. Cloud Computing
4.1. What is Cloud Computing
Although virtualization can be used to provide cloud computing, the latter is quite
different from the former. In virtualization, data storage is done within the company’s
server, while cloud computing allows the company to store any sort of data in a third
party server, via the Internet. In other words, any sort of data retained in the company’s
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server can be allocated in another corporation’s server, thus reducing disk space of the
company’s hardware, and then decreasing costs with data storage.
A major benefit of cloud computing is the pay-as-you-go method, which allows
consumers to pay for hardware and computing resources as they need them. This is what
is called “elasticity” in cloud computing, in which individuals users or companies can
expand those resources accordingly to their necessities.
The major disadvantage of cloud computing is the fact that the company does not control
the cloud server. So, there is a considerably risk when storing files and important data in
a third party server, because if it collapses, all information that was thrown in this same
server will be lost. Therefore, is extremely important that a solid backup plan be
implemented in the company, in order to reduce the risk with data loss.
Many companies are offering cloud computing as a service, such as Amazon, Google,
and Microsoft. However, it is relevant to mention that there are three different ways of
doing cloud computing. It can be offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a
Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
4.1.1. Software as a Service (SaaS)
This is “a low-cost way for business people to interact with applications over the
internet” (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS 2009). Therefore, it will not be necessary to install
any sort of programs in the user’s computer. Examples of SaaS are applications for
word-processing, spreadsheets, email, etc.
4.1.2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
This category is in a higher level of complexity than SaaS, because instead of giving
users access to only one application, PaaS provides an entire environment (or
platform) ready to run different types of applications over the Internet.
4.1.3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
If PaaS is more complex than SaaS, IaaS is the most complete type of cloud
computing. Depending on the company’s necessities, their I.T. infrastructure, such
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as data centre space, servers, network equipments and softwares can be placed over
the Internet and make use of those resources as a service.
Figure 2 – types of cloud computing and companies.
5. Green Computing
5.1. What is Green Computing
As previously mentioned, there are many positive impacts that virtualization and cloud
computing can bring to a business. Green computing is another result from those two
technologies. Although they can help it to reduce cost and physical space with I.T.
infrastructure and as well improve personnel performance, customer and supplier
relationship, etc. they can also make the company more socially responsible, bring not
only more benefits to the business, but mostly important to the environment.
According to an article extracted from IBM website, electricity consumption and day-
today activities related to staff are the biggest sources of carbon emission in an
organisation, i.e. ‘electricity accounts for 90%, the single biggest consumer of energy in
the business being the data centre.’ (IBM n.d.). Therefore, when a company applies
virtualization and cloud computing concepts within its business, it means that less
physical servers and computers would be running, then less energy would be consumed.
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6. Relationship Between Virtualization, Cloud and Green Computing
Virtualization, cloud and green computing are three distinct emerging technologies that can
be linked together. They are mostly used to reduce costs with data centre space and improve
the company economics.
Andy Ingram affirms “the eternal challenge of the data centre is balancing the quality of the
user experience against the economics of building and operating the centre. One of the most
significant trends today is the use of infrastructure Virtualization to improve the economics”
(Ingram 2010). This statement should be considered as true since it is proved to be possible
the centralisation of multiple machines and data storage though virtualisation and cloud
computing. When analysed closely, cloud computing can be considered as a virtualisation
method, because when a third party server is hired by a company, it means that the company
is virtualising this same server and integrating in the organisation computing system. The
only different between virtualises the server using the cloud is that you do not have control of
the server where the data was stored, whereas in virtualisation you do.
Therefore, when a company uses those two technologies (or even one of them), they are
practicing also green computing. If the amount of hardware running is reduced, so is the
dioxide carbon emitted. This is how you can connect virtualisation and cloud directly with
green computing, although it also can be related indirectly. For example, if the corporate
economics is relatively improved by the modern way of managing its data centre, managers
can execute actions that are more socially responsible or invest on existing hardware that are
environment wise, with the money that was saved. As an example, VIA is a hardware vendor
that manufactures a processor that emits 85% less carbon than other processors, because it is
more energy efficient than other competitors (VIA n.d.).
7. Recommendation
Since Archi-E is in a constant growing, and deals directly with high-tech resources and
hardware, it is strongly recommended the use of the two new technologies, which will lead to
the practice of green computing.
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7.1. Why Virtualization
Archi-E has been working with multiple OS, thus using separated machines for each type
of them. This can be a very costing action, since the company have to buy two distinct
computers for each type of OS (MAC and Windows). As a result, a large sum of money is
spent in powerful machines and wind up not using their full capacity. However, if a
software, such as VMware is installed in the company’s server, it will enable each
computer to operate MAC and Windows simultaneously.
Therefore, this technology can help Archi-E by improving personnel performance,
maximizing number of projects and reducing physical space with I.T. infrastructure.
7.1.1. Improving personnel performance
When staff starts to work with multiple operational systems at the same time, they
will be able to perform their tasks more efficiently. For example, if a customer
named John has in his machine Windows as an OS, all the project environment will
be based on Windows format, in order to make the project compatible to John’s
computer. On the other hand, another customer named Eddie uses MAC instead
Windows, so the same team that was dealing with John’s project can now deal with
Eddie’s at the same computer, without the trouble to change computers every time
they needed to use a different OS.
7.1.2. Maximizing number of projects
Virtualization can help to increase the company’s workload capacity, thus
maximizing the quantity of projects that staff can deal at the same time. If
employees are working more efficiently, meaning to say that they can deal with a
bigger volume of work. Furthermore, if all the enterprise’s computers are now able
to run two different types of OS, it means that everyone can work and assist on any
type of project, whether it will be based on MS Windows or MAC.
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7.1.3. Reducing physical space with I.T. infrastructure
Through virtualization, it is possible to reduce physical space with I.T.
infrastructure. Therefore, Archi-E is planning to create virtual machines, thus
consolidating its database and other servers in a single server and reducing the
numbers of desktop computers within the company. Those measures are contributing
factors for rearranging the company’s rooms, as well as reducing costs with I.T.
7.2. Why Cloud Computing
The correct use of cloud computing can bring many benefits to an organisation.
Therefore, Archi-E aims to develop an even better customer and supplier relationship
with the use of this new technology.
The company’s customers would have access to Archi-E’s server in order to follow up
their ongoing project. So the customers would connect to the organisation’s database to
view and analyse the work that is being done by Archi-E. This measure would encourage
client’s active participation on their ongoing projects and give to the project team
valuable information from their sponsor. So, it is easy to picture how contributing this
action can be to improve customer care and satisfaction, because they can control and
track the project progress anytime they want.
Similar to that, cloud computing can also be applied to Archi-E’s suppliers in order to
improve the relationship between both parts. However, the way how it is going to be
applied is slightly different from how it is done with customers. Each part will have
access to the other’s server, helping both of them to increase speed as they need to
exchange information. For example, an Archi-E team is designing a project to John, so
they need to manage budget and quality according to John’s necessities. Therefore, if
Archi-E is connected to the supplier’s servers that means they can have instant access to
information about materials and its prices, in order to choose the appropriate one for
John’s house, meeting both budget and quality.
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In addition, Archi-E would also allow suppliers to have access to the company database
helping them to organise and plan the required materials for a finalized project before
send the items. Using the same example, if John’s project is tagged as finalized and
ready to be executed, the construction company would check on Archi-E files to identify
what are the required materials and the quantity necessary to build John’s house.
Figure 3 shows a simple diagram of how cloud computing would be implemented on
both customers and suppliers.
Figure 2 – Applying cloud computing (Martins, 2011)
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7.2.1. Benefits of Cloud Computing
Besides all the benefits beforehand mentioned, there are another positive impacts
when cloud computing is applied. According to I.T. specialists from the company
AUS-IP SecurVault (What is the Cloud? 2011), “Cloud computing can completely
change the way organisations use technology to service their IT needs.” Besides
many others advantages, it will help Archi-E to obtain:
 Online Storage;
 Online Office;
 Online Collaboration from suppliers;
 Online Collaboration from customers;
 3rd
party integration;
 Shared Calendars.
Online storage
Archi-E can store supplier’s data on the internet without occupying space on the
company’s server. This type of information can be easily stored on a cloud
computing company server (Amazon for example), because even if this same
server crashes, it will not be a major problem to Archi-E to carry on with their day-
to-day tasks.
Online Office
Once cloud computing is established within the company, an online office can be
created, which gives employees access to Archi-E database anywhere and anytime.
This can improve work flexibility to staff members and, therefore, improve
personnel performance in order to reduce time spent with projects.
Online Collaboration from suppliers
All suppliers can access Archi-E database in order to check finalized house plans
and take whatever operational actions they need to. Moreover, with regular
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checking on Archi-E projects, they can send professional opinion about what is the
best material to meet quality and customer budget.
Online collaboration from customers
All the clients can have access to Archi-E server, in order to check their respective
house plans and give valuable information about their projects. They can track if
what is being done is according to their expectations, thus improving customer
Third party integration
Archi-E’s and Supplier’s server are integrated as one. This measure enables both
parts to have access to information “on-demand” or as they need it.
Shared Calendars
With both servers consolidate, Archi-E suppliers can have efficient access to
projects timeframes in order to identify and organise the materials and resources
required for the project execution. Thus, sharing calendars can help both
companies to accomplish even faster each project, improving their turnovers.
7.3. Why Green Computing
It can be very advantageous for Archi-E to apply environmental-wise actions inside its
business. As previously stated, not only it is going to bring benefits to the company, but
also have a major impact in the environment.
According to Digiweb specialists, each server can produce a tonne of carbon emissions
in one year (IBM n.d.). So, considering that Archi-E data centre has multiple servers
(printer, database, application, e-mail), it would be fair to consider that consolidate all
those servers on a single machine would reduce tonnes of carbon emissions, thus
reducing the company’s CO2 footprint.
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The electronic journal, The Independent, affirms that a single PC “generates 0.1 tons of
carbon dioxide in a typical year.” (Cyber warming 2007), and the I.T. industry
(worldwide) is responsible for 2% of CO2 emissions, almost the same as the aviation,
when compared. Thus, applying green computing can help to reduce those figures and
make the company less harmful to the environment.
Among numerous advantages that green computing can bring to Archi-E, there are four
major reasons why the company should go green.
I. Improve green working environment;
II. Fulfil corporate social responsibilities;
III. Develop positive corporate image;
IV. Conserve more energy.
7.3.1. Improve green working environment
When the new concept of green computing is applied to the company’s culture, it is
believed that it creates a green working environment and enhances staff members
comfort and morale. If morale of employees is elevated, so will be their
7.3.2. Fulfil corporate social responsibilities
Green computing can be the first time that Archi-E implements a social
responsibility action. This measure can help employees to gain a better
understanding of energy conservation for further cost savings.
7.3.3. Conserve more energy
If servers are virtualized, that means that Archi-E can save energy in a few ways.
Firstly, the data centre cooling system would be less powerful, since less machines
would be running. According to Ian Falconer, Digiweb’s general manager, “While
the power consumption typically goes up on that server because of the load, the
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overall reduction is positive.” (Digiweb goes green 2011). Secondly, the
virtualization of operational system will reduce the quantity of computers running in
7.3.4. Develop positive corporate image
Green computing can help Archi-E to settle a better corporate image in the
marketplace, thus improving the chances to make a better deal with suppliers and
8. Conclusion
It is always important to identify the new technologies released in the marketplace and verify
if it is time for your company to adopt those improvements. Virtualisation, cloud and green
computing are the currently emerging technologies and they can be very helpful for a
business to maintain a balance between company’s performance and its impact on the
Moreover, the development for green actions are constantly growing, and, as a result,
companies are being even more pressured by the marketplace, in order to take actions that
will not only be beneficial to its business, but as well as to the environment. Therefore,
managing the data centre with a virtualised approach is a major progress in computing and
still there is much to be developed.
In conclusion, there are many procedures that a company can do to reduce energy
consumption of its computers (see Appendix A) and virtualisation is one new technology that
was developed to act on top of all those actions helping to improve organisation expenditures
on data centres management and encourage executives to start acting more positively towards
nature. It is time to prove that technology appliances can be integrated on people’s lives
maintaining the health and balance of our environment.
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9. References
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Albatal, Fadi. Database: Virtualization Desktop Infrastructure - Realizing Its Benefits Without Falling
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AUS-IP’s SecurVault. What is the Cloud?
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Dorf, Michael. Learn Computer: Cloud Computing vs. Virtualization. 23 April 2010. (accessed April 16,
Georgieva, Tsveti. Suite101: Disadvantages of Virtualizaition. 17 November 2009. (accessed May
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Gingichashvili, Sarah. The Future of Things: Green Computing. 19 November 2007. (accessed April 5, 2011).
Gruber, Ralf, and Vincent Keller. HPC@green IT : green high performance computing methods. New
York: Heidelberg, 2010.
Herbert Smith. Cloud Computing: key regulatory and contractual issues. October 2010.
83A2CF00F7EE/16802/IPTMTNewsletterEOctober2010.pdf (accessed April 1, 2011).
IBM. Digiweb goes green.
(accessed May 2, 2011).
Ingram, Andy. Unleashing the promise of virtualization by re-architecting the network. 16 September
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Intel. Cloud Computing Technology.
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Page 19 of 22
Issa, Tomayess. “Lecture 1: Virtualisation, Cloud and Green Computing.” PowerPoint lecture. Perth:
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Linux and Friends. Linux Used in Cloud Computing. 23 September 2008. (accessed
May 4, 2011).
The Independent. Cyber warming: PCs produce same CO2 emissions as airlines. 10 June 2007.
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Thomas, Keir. PCWorld: 10 Cool Things Virtualization Lets You Do. 25 February 2011.
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virtualize.html (accessed April 1, 2011).
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9.1. Appendix A
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9.2. Appendix B
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15527769_Pedro Martins_Final Report_edit

  • 1. PEDRO SAO THIAGO MARTINS CURTIN UNIVERSITY Technological Infrastructure 502 VIRTUALIZATION, CLOUD AND GREEN COMPUTING Discussion about the implementation of virtualization, cloud and green computing technologies in an organization .
  • 2. Page 1 of 22 Contents Executive Summary..............................................................................................................................2 1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3 2. Company’s Background...............................................................................................................4 2.1. The Current Situation ..........................................................................................................4 2.2. New Technologies to be Applied..........................................................................................5 2.3. Why Shift To New Technologies..........................................................................................5 3. Virtualization.................................................................................................................................6 3.1. What is Virtualization ..........................................................................................................6 3.2. Virtualisation disadvantages................................................................................................7 4. Cloud Computing..........................................................................................................................7 4.1. What is Cloud Computing....................................................................................................7 4.1.1. Software as a Service (SaaS) ........................................................................................8 4.1.2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)........................................................................................8 4.1.3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)................................................................................8 5. Green Computing..........................................................................................................................9 5.1. What is Green Computing ...................................................................................................9 6. Relationship Between Virtualization, Cloud and Green Computing.....................................10 7. Recommendation.........................................................................................................................10 7.1. Why Virtualization .............................................................................................................11 7.1.1. Improving personnel performance............................................................................11 7.1.2. Maximizing number of projects.................................................................................11 7.1.3. Reducing physical space with I.T. infrastructure ....................................................12 7.2. Why Cloud Computing.......................................................................................................12 7.2.1. Benefits of Cloud Computing.....................................................................................14 7.3. Why Green Computing ......................................................................................................15 7.3.1. Improve green working environment........................................................................16 7.3.2. Fulfil corporate social responsibilities.......................................................................16 7.3.3. Conserve more energy ................................................................................................16 7.3.4. Develop positive corporate image..............................................................................17 8. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................17 9. References....................................................................................................................................18 9.1. Appendix A..........................................................................................................................20 9.2. Appendix B ..........................................................................................................................21
  • 3. Page 2 of 22 Executive Summary This document is based on the statement made by the author Andy Ingram, which says “The eternal challenge of the data centre is balancing the quality of the user experience against the economics of building and operating the centre. One of the most significant trends today is the use of infrastructure Virtualization to improve the economics”. In order to prove the trueness of this statement, this report discuss about the implementation of virtualization, cloud computing and green computing technologies in an organization and gives an idea of what those new technologies are about and its impact in the company. It is hoped that the findings in this document will illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of implementing those trends in a business and why should a company shift to those new technologies. Moreover, the main aspect of this report is to bring a conscious use of technology regarding modern environmental issues discussed by different groups, nowadays. With the purpose of making this report as realistic as possible, it has been done intensive research throughout many websites, journals and academic books, expecting to prove the veracity of the statements within this report.
  • 4. Page 3 of 22 1. Introduction It is known by now that technology has been changing the way that people interact, communicate and exchange information with each other. So, many companies - such as Microsoft and Apple - have been investing large sum of money in technology researches, aiming to bring the latest products into the market that they act. In addition, business and people are becoming even more dependent on computers, as well as the Internet. This is because those tools, especially if combined, give all business much more efficiency and better results, since information and work done by staff are performed considerably faster. Therefore, it is easy to imagine how beneficial is to automate the way information is processed and to improve communication between businesses and people. On the other hand, with the increasing volume of computers being used worldwide, the amount of carbon emitted into our environment is becoming a concern. Having the fact that businesses are seeking for a well prepared I.T. infrastructure, in order to communicate with other businesses more efficiently, companies end up having to set up different types of computers for different types of operational system (OS), increasing the quantity of carbon produced and emitted into the atmosphere. This is a result of the lack of integration that an OS have with each other, especially the product from Microsoft, which poorly team up with others. However, as technology develops, new concepts are brought up with it. Virtualization is the new trend in IT, and is promising to change the way that OS’s interact with each other, by working with different OS interfaces at the same time in the same computer. So, how can virtualization be implemented in order to help the environment? Can it bring better results to companies? Can virtualization really make enterprises more efficient, thus giving them better results? Besides virtualization, another trend that is boosting up the computer market is the use of cloud computing, which enables access of data from wherever you are and whenever you need it. It gives you mobility to store private files and information in a different server and connect to those data from a cafe, home or anywhere you are, giving great flexibility to users.
  • 5. Page 4 of 22 This report will discuss each one of technologies mentioned, an indentify their benefits and drawbacks. In addition, it will be discussed the connection or relationship between virtualisation, cloud and green computing, and how they can work together for helping the environment. 2. Company’s Background For the simplicity of this assignment, the concepts of Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Green Computing will be applied on an invented company named Archi-E. Archi-E is a successful architecture company that deals with customers and suppliers mainly through the internet. The business’ executives do meetings with stakeholders electronically and very occasionally have to meet face-to-face. In order to better picture the scenario in this example, it is relevant to identify who are the suppliers and customers for Archi-E.  Suppliers: All the businesses that Archi-E needs to hire to build up a house. A few examples are: construction, electricity and interior design companies.  Customers: Small business and regular people that wants to plan and construct a small size building or residential houses. 2.1. The Current Situation Archi-E has opportunity to increase their share in the marketplace. However, their I.T. infrastructure has been the main issue that is stopping it to grow. Archi-E executives want to improve and update the I.T. infrastructure that they have in order to solve a few issues that the company is currently facing. Firstly, Archi-E does not have a proper I.T. infrastructure, thus they have been missing out many relevant
  • 6. Page 5 of 22 contracts from customers. Therefore, with this area improved, it is most likely that the company will maximize their number of projects. Secondly, they need to improve their relationship with customers and suppliers and have a more efficient way to communicate with them. Those measures would increase customer satisfaction and business credibility with suppliers. Thirdly, the company is over-crowded with technological appliances, which is not only giving a bad aesthetical looking, but also an unpleasant working environment. Therefore, Archi-E needs to reduce physical space with I.T infrastructure, as well as its direct and indirect costs. Finally, but not less important, the company also wants to improve its staff performance with new computer technologies. That can be a contributing factor to maximize the business’ workload capacity. 2.2. New Technologies to be Applied There are three new technologies that can help Archi-E to solve the issues beforehand mentioned, such as:  Virtualization  Cloud Computing  Green Computing 2.3. Why Shift To New Technologies There are many reasons why a company should merge to new technologies. However, the company in this matter is aiming to maximize its income, and to assist the business to achieve their goals by moving to new technologies to do their job. This technology will provide up-to-date information to business and make it ready for future events and trends in computing.
  • 7. Page 6 of 22 3. Virtualization 3.1. What is Virtualization It is found many types of definition for Virtualization. However, it can be simply described as the ability to create different virtual servers and combine them in a single physical server (Dorf 2010). For example, if a company posses separated servers for printers, database, applications, files and e-mail, it is possible to “virtualize” each one of them and consolidate them in one concrete machine, using dedicated software to do so. Moreover, the same idea of virtualization can be applied to computers that runs an Operational System (OS). Assuming that a computer has Windows OS installed in its hardware, it is possible to run, through virtualization, a different desktop from a different OS (such as MAC, Linux, Solaris, Chrome, etc.) at the same time in the same machine. However, it is important to mention that virtualized Operational Systems are not installed in the computer’s hardware, they are generated by a software, which runs as an application over the OS (VMware, for example). Figure 1 illustrates how a virtual machine works inside a computer. Figure 1 – Virtualization diagram Therefore, virtualization can be a powerful tool for business to reduce not only physical space within their company (Dorf 2010), as well as cost with I.T. infrastructure and carbon footprint (VIA 2006).
  • 8. Page 7 of 22 3.2. Virtualisation disadvantages Virtualisation can be very handy method for managing data centre and operational systems. However, it has relevant drawbacks that still are stopping many companies to make use of this new technology. The main disadvantages are:  One point of failure: if the physical server crashes, all virtualised machines will fail, causing a major problem to the entire company.  Demands powerful machines: the physical computer has to be capable to operate every virtual machine or sever. Virtualisation can save money, if the company has I.T. infrastructure enough to support it. Otherwise, they need to previously invest on powerful machines.  May decrease performance: even if the computer is sufficiently powerful to run virtual applications, it might lead to lower performance of this same software.  Application malfunction: there are many applications that are not yet adapted to be used in a virtual environment. Therefore, they end up crashing and bugging, stopping the whole organisation to procedure staff’s day-to-day tasks. Thus, it is important to virtualise only softwares that are not crucial to the company’s operations. 4. Cloud Computing 4.1. What is Cloud Computing Although virtualization can be used to provide cloud computing, the latter is quite different from the former. In virtualization, data storage is done within the company’s server, while cloud computing allows the company to store any sort of data in a third party server, via the Internet. In other words, any sort of data retained in the company’s
  • 9. Page 8 of 22 server can be allocated in another corporation’s server, thus reducing disk space of the company’s hardware, and then decreasing costs with data storage. A major benefit of cloud computing is the pay-as-you-go method, which allows consumers to pay for hardware and computing resources as they need them. This is what is called “elasticity” in cloud computing, in which individuals users or companies can expand those resources accordingly to their necessities. The major disadvantage of cloud computing is the fact that the company does not control the cloud server. So, there is a considerably risk when storing files and important data in a third party server, because if it collapses, all information that was thrown in this same server will be lost. Therefore, is extremely important that a solid backup plan be implemented in the company, in order to reduce the risk with data loss. Many companies are offering cloud computing as a service, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. However, it is relevant to mention that there are three different ways of doing cloud computing. It can be offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). 4.1.1. Software as a Service (SaaS) This is “a low-cost way for business people to interact with applications over the internet” (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS 2009). Therefore, it will not be necessary to install any sort of programs in the user’s computer. Examples of SaaS are applications for word-processing, spreadsheets, email, etc. 4.1.2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) This category is in a higher level of complexity than SaaS, because instead of giving users access to only one application, PaaS provides an entire environment (or platform) ready to run different types of applications over the Internet. 4.1.3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) If PaaS is more complex than SaaS, IaaS is the most complete type of cloud computing. Depending on the company’s necessities, their I.T. infrastructure, such
  • 10. Page 9 of 22 as data centre space, servers, network equipments and softwares can be placed over the Internet and make use of those resources as a service. Figure 2 – types of cloud computing and companies. Source: 5. Green Computing 5.1. What is Green Computing As previously mentioned, there are many positive impacts that virtualization and cloud computing can bring to a business. Green computing is another result from those two technologies. Although they can help it to reduce cost and physical space with I.T. infrastructure and as well improve personnel performance, customer and supplier relationship, etc. they can also make the company more socially responsible, bring not only more benefits to the business, but mostly important to the environment. According to an article extracted from IBM website, electricity consumption and day- today activities related to staff are the biggest sources of carbon emission in an organisation, i.e. ‘electricity accounts for 90%, the single biggest consumer of energy in the business being the data centre.’ (IBM n.d.). Therefore, when a company applies virtualization and cloud computing concepts within its business, it means that less physical servers and computers would be running, then less energy would be consumed.
  • 11. Page 10 of 22 6. Relationship Between Virtualization, Cloud and Green Computing Virtualization, cloud and green computing are three distinct emerging technologies that can be linked together. They are mostly used to reduce costs with data centre space and improve the company economics. Andy Ingram affirms “the eternal challenge of the data centre is balancing the quality of the user experience against the economics of building and operating the centre. One of the most significant trends today is the use of infrastructure Virtualization to improve the economics” (Ingram 2010). This statement should be considered as true since it is proved to be possible the centralisation of multiple machines and data storage though virtualisation and cloud computing. When analysed closely, cloud computing can be considered as a virtualisation method, because when a third party server is hired by a company, it means that the company is virtualising this same server and integrating in the organisation computing system. The only different between virtualises the server using the cloud is that you do not have control of the server where the data was stored, whereas in virtualisation you do. Therefore, when a company uses those two technologies (or even one of them), they are practicing also green computing. If the amount of hardware running is reduced, so is the dioxide carbon emitted. This is how you can connect virtualisation and cloud directly with green computing, although it also can be related indirectly. For example, if the corporate economics is relatively improved by the modern way of managing its data centre, managers can execute actions that are more socially responsible or invest on existing hardware that are environment wise, with the money that was saved. As an example, VIA is a hardware vendor that manufactures a processor that emits 85% less carbon than other processors, because it is more energy efficient than other competitors (VIA n.d.). 7. Recommendation Since Archi-E is in a constant growing, and deals directly with high-tech resources and hardware, it is strongly recommended the use of the two new technologies, which will lead to the practice of green computing.
  • 12. Page 11 of 22 7.1. Why Virtualization Archi-E has been working with multiple OS, thus using separated machines for each type of them. This can be a very costing action, since the company have to buy two distinct computers for each type of OS (MAC and Windows). As a result, a large sum of money is spent in powerful machines and wind up not using their full capacity. However, if a software, such as VMware is installed in the company’s server, it will enable each computer to operate MAC and Windows simultaneously. Therefore, this technology can help Archi-E by improving personnel performance, maximizing number of projects and reducing physical space with I.T. infrastructure. 7.1.1. Improving personnel performance When staff starts to work with multiple operational systems at the same time, they will be able to perform their tasks more efficiently. For example, if a customer named John has in his machine Windows as an OS, all the project environment will be based on Windows format, in order to make the project compatible to John’s computer. On the other hand, another customer named Eddie uses MAC instead Windows, so the same team that was dealing with John’s project can now deal with Eddie’s at the same computer, without the trouble to change computers every time they needed to use a different OS. 7.1.2. Maximizing number of projects Virtualization can help to increase the company’s workload capacity, thus maximizing the quantity of projects that staff can deal at the same time. If employees are working more efficiently, meaning to say that they can deal with a bigger volume of work. Furthermore, if all the enterprise’s computers are now able to run two different types of OS, it means that everyone can work and assist on any type of project, whether it will be based on MS Windows or MAC.
  • 13. Page 12 of 22 7.1.3. Reducing physical space with I.T. infrastructure Through virtualization, it is possible to reduce physical space with I.T. infrastructure. Therefore, Archi-E is planning to create virtual machines, thus consolidating its database and other servers in a single server and reducing the numbers of desktop computers within the company. Those measures are contributing factors for rearranging the company’s rooms, as well as reducing costs with I.T. infrastructure. 7.2. Why Cloud Computing The correct use of cloud computing can bring many benefits to an organisation. Therefore, Archi-E aims to develop an even better customer and supplier relationship with the use of this new technology. The company’s customers would have access to Archi-E’s server in order to follow up their ongoing project. So the customers would connect to the organisation’s database to view and analyse the work that is being done by Archi-E. This measure would encourage client’s active participation on their ongoing projects and give to the project team valuable information from their sponsor. So, it is easy to picture how contributing this action can be to improve customer care and satisfaction, because they can control and track the project progress anytime they want. Similar to that, cloud computing can also be applied to Archi-E’s suppliers in order to improve the relationship between both parts. However, the way how it is going to be applied is slightly different from how it is done with customers. Each part will have access to the other’s server, helping both of them to increase speed as they need to exchange information. For example, an Archi-E team is designing a project to John, so they need to manage budget and quality according to John’s necessities. Therefore, if Archi-E is connected to the supplier’s servers that means they can have instant access to information about materials and its prices, in order to choose the appropriate one for John’s house, meeting both budget and quality.
  • 14. Page 13 of 22 In addition, Archi-E would also allow suppliers to have access to the company database helping them to organise and plan the required materials for a finalized project before send the items. Using the same example, if John’s project is tagged as finalized and ready to be executed, the construction company would check on Archi-E files to identify what are the required materials and the quantity necessary to build John’s house. Figure 3 shows a simple diagram of how cloud computing would be implemented on both customers and suppliers. Figure 2 – Applying cloud computing (Martins, 2011) Archi-e Databas e Suppli ers Databa Custom ers I N T E R N E T I N T E R N E T
  • 15. Page 14 of 22 7.2.1. Benefits of Cloud Computing Besides all the benefits beforehand mentioned, there are another positive impacts when cloud computing is applied. According to I.T. specialists from the company AUS-IP SecurVault (What is the Cloud? 2011), “Cloud computing can completely change the way organisations use technology to service their IT needs.” Besides many others advantages, it will help Archi-E to obtain:  Online Storage;  Online Office;  Online Collaboration from suppliers;  Online Collaboration from customers;  3rd party integration;  Shared Calendars. Online storage Archi-E can store supplier’s data on the internet without occupying space on the company’s server. This type of information can be easily stored on a cloud computing company server (Amazon for example), because even if this same server crashes, it will not be a major problem to Archi-E to carry on with their day- to-day tasks. Online Office Once cloud computing is established within the company, an online office can be created, which gives employees access to Archi-E database anywhere and anytime. This can improve work flexibility to staff members and, therefore, improve personnel performance in order to reduce time spent with projects. Online Collaboration from suppliers All suppliers can access Archi-E database in order to check finalized house plans and take whatever operational actions they need to. Moreover, with regular
  • 16. Page 15 of 22 checking on Archi-E projects, they can send professional opinion about what is the best material to meet quality and customer budget. Online collaboration from customers All the clients can have access to Archi-E server, in order to check their respective house plans and give valuable information about their projects. They can track if what is being done is according to their expectations, thus improving customer satisfaction. Third party integration Archi-E’s and Supplier’s server are integrated as one. This measure enables both parts to have access to information “on-demand” or as they need it. Shared Calendars With both servers consolidate, Archi-E suppliers can have efficient access to projects timeframes in order to identify and organise the materials and resources required for the project execution. Thus, sharing calendars can help both companies to accomplish even faster each project, improving their turnovers. 7.3. Why Green Computing It can be very advantageous for Archi-E to apply environmental-wise actions inside its business. As previously stated, not only it is going to bring benefits to the company, but also have a major impact in the environment. According to Digiweb specialists, each server can produce a tonne of carbon emissions in one year (IBM n.d.). So, considering that Archi-E data centre has multiple servers (printer, database, application, e-mail), it would be fair to consider that consolidate all those servers on a single machine would reduce tonnes of carbon emissions, thus reducing the company’s CO2 footprint.
  • 17. Page 16 of 22 The electronic journal, The Independent, affirms that a single PC “generates 0.1 tons of carbon dioxide in a typical year.” (Cyber warming 2007), and the I.T. industry (worldwide) is responsible for 2% of CO2 emissions, almost the same as the aviation, when compared. Thus, applying green computing can help to reduce those figures and make the company less harmful to the environment. Among numerous advantages that green computing can bring to Archi-E, there are four major reasons why the company should go green. I. Improve green working environment; II. Fulfil corporate social responsibilities; III. Develop positive corporate image; IV. Conserve more energy. 7.3.1. Improve green working environment When the new concept of green computing is applied to the company’s culture, it is believed that it creates a green working environment and enhances staff members comfort and morale. If morale of employees is elevated, so will be their performance. 7.3.2. Fulfil corporate social responsibilities Green computing can be the first time that Archi-E implements a social responsibility action. This measure can help employees to gain a better understanding of energy conservation for further cost savings. 7.3.3. Conserve more energy If servers are virtualized, that means that Archi-E can save energy in a few ways. Firstly, the data centre cooling system would be less powerful, since less machines would be running. According to Ian Falconer, Digiweb’s general manager, “While the power consumption typically goes up on that server because of the load, the
  • 18. Page 17 of 22 overall reduction is positive.” (Digiweb goes green 2011). Secondly, the virtualization of operational system will reduce the quantity of computers running in Archi-E. 7.3.4. Develop positive corporate image Green computing can help Archi-E to settle a better corporate image in the marketplace, thus improving the chances to make a better deal with suppliers and customers. 8. Conclusion It is always important to identify the new technologies released in the marketplace and verify if it is time for your company to adopt those improvements. Virtualisation, cloud and green computing are the currently emerging technologies and they can be very helpful for a business to maintain a balance between company’s performance and its impact on the environment. Moreover, the development for green actions are constantly growing, and, as a result, companies are being even more pressured by the marketplace, in order to take actions that will not only be beneficial to its business, but as well as to the environment. Therefore, managing the data centre with a virtualised approach is a major progress in computing and still there is much to be developed. In conclusion, there are many procedures that a company can do to reduce energy consumption of its computers (see Appendix A) and virtualisation is one new technology that was developed to act on top of all those actions helping to improve organisation expenditures on data centres management and encourage executives to start acting more positively towards nature. It is time to prove that technology appliances can be integrated on people’s lives maintaining the health and balance of our environment.
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  • 21. Page 20 of 22 9.1. Appendix A
  • 22. Page 21 of 22 9.2. Appendix B