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15 tips to lose weight and lose
weight... without dieting!
Lose weight, that's the goal. Maybe you'll find it more interesting if we complete it with
"without dieting." Better now, right? Believe it or not, it can be achieved by putting these
practical tips into practice.
● How to lose weight and get rid of bloating in 30 days: the perfect diet
● How to lose 3 kilos in a month without dieting
● The 6-day diet to de-bloat and lose volume
There are tricks and keys to losing weight that have nothing to do with following a strict diet
or counting calories. And when it comes to losing a little weight and getting rid of bloating, it
is often enough to adopt good eating habits , carry out a more conscious diet and increase
exercise . This last point is something tremendously beneficial, since physical activity will not
only help you take care of your body and prevent numerous conditions, but also your mind,
improving your mood and fighting problems such as stress and anxiety .
“Small weight losses can often be produced simply by improving certain (bad) habits that we
have at the table, in the kitchen, when shopping or in the restaurant,” says
dietitian-nutritionist Magda Carlas, author of the book ' The diet can wait' (Libros Cúpula).
Even if we don't need to lose weight, a review of our habits can help us regain balance,
practice 'mindful eating' and learn the keys to a healthy dish to use daily.
The best tricks to lose weight
without dieting
It seems that it is difficult for us to believe that it is possible to lose weight - be careful, it is
not the same as losing fluids or losing fat - leaving aside the most strict diets or strict eating
regimens, but the truth is that YES, IT CAN. Losing weight while taking care of our health is
easy, as long as we know those good gestures that help us, without requiring much effort, to
feel better inside and out. Below we will tell you what these 15 tips consist of that will help
you lose weight easily , simply by changing some of your habits and adopting others that are
more beneficial for your health.
1. Reduce the hours between meals
In Spain we allow more than four hours to pass between breakfast and lunch , or between
lunch and dinner. We also eat dinner late and sleep fewer hours than necessary - something
that even affects our skin . The consequence of all this is that we have an excessive appetite
between meals , a greater predisposition to obesity, a decrease in the effectiveness of the
immune system, as well as our physical and mental performance, and a lower cognitive
capacity, according to Carlas. In addition, eating dinner two hours before going to bed and
including foods with tryptophan in this last meal of the day are two of the tricks to sleep well
that people who rest soundly practice.
How can you reduce the hours between meals?
Dedicate yes or yes 15-20 minutes a day to having breakfast, dividing the daily diet into 5
meals without allowing more than four hours to pass between them. If we see that this is
going to happen, “it is important to have a second breakfast or a healthy snack mid-morning
and mid-afternoon,” says Carlas.
2. Eat consciously and more slowly
We eat in less than 10 minutes, in front of the computer or in environments that are
too noisy , overwhelming or unpleasant (due to company or conversation). Not in vain in
Spain 4% of the population suffers from binge eating disorder and 2-3% have bulimia.
Furthermore, eating too quickly causes us to swallow more air , eat more, have a lower
feeling of satiety and cause digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, flatulence,
abdominal pain, gastritis or ulcus, lists Carlas.
Tricks for eating consciously
You should try to eat, at least, in about 20 minutes, never less. In a quiet and pleasant
environment, and in good company. Drink generously - sparkling water with a few drops of
lemon juice and ice, to reduce appetite. Eating foods that require peeling - shellfish -,
chewing and fragmentation, which slow down the speed of intake. In small cutlery that
contains a smaller amount of food. And you should try to reduce anxiety and stress by
listening to soft music (classical, jazz, soul or blues), or taking relaxing infusions of valerian
or lemon balm that will also help you sleep soundly if you take them at night.
3. Control the quantities of food
“Quantities can be the origin of numerous dietary errors and, possibly, in many cases, one of
the causes of overweight,” says the expert. We tend to eat larger portions of pasta, cereals
and meat than desirable , we use larger than desirable amounts of dressings and, on the
contrary, we fall short on fish or raw vegetables . Without forgetting that "in Spain they take
twice as much salt as recommended" and that the consumption of sugar and light products
is excessive.
How to have greater control of the amount of food we eat?
You should take daily: 4 to 6 servings of whole grains (pasta, rice and bread), 2 of
vegetables, 3 of fruits, 3 to 6 servings of 10 ml of olive oil, 2 to 4 of milk and derivatives, and
4 to 8 servings of water. And throughout the week: 3 to 4 servings of fish, lean meats, poultry
and eggs, 2 to 4 of legumes, and 3 to 7 of nuts. In addition to having a glass of red wine or
beer from time to time and practicing 30 minutes of exercise a day . If we do it with these
exercises to burn fat that really lose weight , we will have largely achieved the goal of losing
a little weight and staying in shape.
4. Pay attention to the seasonings of your dishes
Aromatic sauces or spices add practically no energy to dishes, but pure fats such as oils,
butters or margarines, dressings such as cheeses, nuts, seeds or fried bread tostones have
a very high caloric content . In addition, our country is a major consumer of oil and sauces.
“Olive oil is the preferred condiment, and when it comes to sauces it seems that mayonnaise
is the most liked and consumed,” says Carlas. Solution: if it is a question of obtaining the
benefits and properties of extra virgin olive oil , it is sensible to use a tablespoon per dish. In
the restaurant it is advisable to order the sauce separately and avoid using sauce boats. It
is preferable to use light mayonnaise or lighten it in house . “Mayonaise can be easily
lightened with natural yogurt or by adding more lemon juice . ” Mustard , soy sauce,
ketchup and ketchupThey are probably the lightest sauces that exist. Of course, when you
choose soy you have to avoid salt, since this in itself provides a lot of sodium. And it is
preferable to make sauces from vegetables, mushrooms or legumes.
5. Make a light dinner
In Spain there is a delay of 2 or 3 hours in relation to other countries in the European
community and dinner is really late. In addition, a lot is eaten, improvised and in front of
screens (TV, computer, tablet) instead of opting for light and healthy dinners . Added to that
we go to bed right away, usually in the middle of digesting dinner.
What should a dinner menu be like?
“ The dinner menu should be austere, digestive, soft and provide a restful sleep. According
to experts, dinner should provide 25%, maximum 30% of the daily energy. " What foods
should be part of your low-calorie weight loss dinners ? " Vegetables (vegetable soups and
vegetable purees, salads, steamed or roasted vegetables), white or blue fish, poultry or eggs
cooked gently and without added fat (grilled, oven, steamed or roasted). And for dessert,
fruit or low-fat dairy .
6. Drink plenty of water
No soft drinks, no alcoholic drinks, no packaged juices, no fruit or dairy smoothies, no
vegetable milks. Drinking water is very important (even if you are not thirsty) . “ Water is what
should be our base drink .” It does not provide energy or additives and, furthermore, has no
contraindications. We can opt for tap water or bottled water, both options are correct,”
according to the dietitian-nutritionist. Women should drink 1.6 liters of water a day. Some
tricks: before eating, the feeling of satiety increases and appetite decreases. If it is between
10-15ºC it is more hydrating. And diluting a sauce with water, for example, also helps to
lighten the menu. The same as lightening drinks or soups with water. Do you need more
reasons? Drinking water makes you more beautiful! Healthier hair, radiant skin, fight and
eliminate cellulite …
7. Plan your food purchases
It is known that currently 30% of the food purchased ends up being thrown away and,
furthermore, food is the second most important expense in any home, after housing. It's
worth planning!
How to plan grocery purchases
What foods should not be missing from your shopping list? Seasonal fruits and vegetables,
low-fat dairy products (natural yogurt, kefir and fresh cheese), lean meats (rabbit, chicken,
turkey), eggs, white and blue fish, legumes, extra virgin olive oil, pasta, rice and whole wheat
bread and quinoa for its healthy benefits , aromatic herbs (parsley, basil, oregano, bay leaf,
mint, rosemary or thyme), spices (pepper, paprika, turmeric or ginger), water and infusions
(chamomile, lemon verbena, rooibos, pennyroyal). The rest is dispensable. And when you
go shopping, make a list and stick to it , leave without an appetite or after eating, without
rushing, with enough time to choose calmly, and don't use your mobile phone while
8. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle
Goodbye sedentary lifestyle! It seems that comfort is gaining followers and that we all aim for
the minimum effort, Carlas denounces. Well, being sedentary predisposes you to more
eating, more snacking and more stress .
How do we get out of the sedentary loop?
How to create a habit with exercise ? As Carlas states, it is essential to “try to do an exercise
appropriate to our age, that we like, since exercising has to be pleasant, with a frequency of
2 or 3 times a week for 45 minutes, without forgetting to start with a previous warm-up. and
adequate stretching, and increasing the difficulty and intensity progressively.” If you are
looking for a truly effective ally, we recommend a routine of 10 exercises to speed up your
metabolism and burn fat .
9. Drink more tea (and less coffee)
Practicing 'teoxing' (or drinking tea and infusions to lose weight ), especially after meals, will
help you stimulate fat loss and increase satiety . Of course, if you choose well.
The best teas for losing weight
Choose those that contain guarana, green tea (slows down the absorption of fats and
carbohydrates), French nettle (which is also a diuretic), mint or ginger, which help prevent
Coffee time
If you prefer coffee to tea, try to make it black . And of course, without sugar or sweeteners.
The maximum: two or three coffees a day, at most.
10. Avoid sweets
Industrial pastries are absolutely prohibited . Of course, instead you have a lot of options that
are just as delicious and, above all, healthier. Change your indulgences for other foods rich
in fiber and antioxidants such as coconut, dark chocolate , nuts or fresh, seasonal fruit.
11. Eat more protein
Protein intake has a high capacity to control appetite since it affects several hormones that
intervene in the feeling of hunger, increasing satiety and helping us consume fewer calories.
Some examples of foods rich in protein are poultry, meat, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils, quinoa,
and almonds, among others. If you want to know more, take note of the 35 foods rich in
protein that you can add to your daily menu.
12. Increase fiber consumption
Eating foods rich in fiber also ensures that we feel fuller for longer , reducing food intake and
the temptation to snack on other less healthy things. Try introducing fiber-rich plant-based
foods such as oatmeal, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges or flax seeds into your diet. If
you want to know more, we compiled a list of 50 foods with fiber that you should include in
your diet .
Breatheology ESSENTIALS
13. Prepare satisfying and healthy menus
There are satisfying foods and menus that make us feel full, prevent us from snacking
between meals and help us lose weight . Among the most satiating foods are those that
contain a higher proportion of fiber - such as vegetables - or healthy fats - nuts, avocado or
coconut -, always eaten in moderation. They will make it easier for us to stop eating on
14. Be careful with hidden sugar
White sugar lacks nutrients and the only thing it provides to our body is calories. But,
contrary to what we usually think, it is not only found in sweets such as industrial pastries , in
fact, you would be surprised by certain types of foods that also have white sugar among their
ingredients. Start reading the labels of what you consume because you may be ingesting it
in sliced ​
bread, cold cuts or even through packaged purees.
15. Toma has matcha tea
Before we named the infusions, but in the case of matcha tea it deserves a separate
mention. It is one of the three star foods of nutritionists - along with avocado and chickpeas -
because it has no shortage of benefits. In fact, we dedicated an article to it telling you about
its properties, how to prepare it and why to take it if you want to lose weight . This tea is rich
in antioxidants, proteins, calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins of group A, B2, C, DE and K.
In addition, according to studies, taking it daily can multiply calorie loss by 4 .
Supercharge Your Body
​ The 5% diet
​ The Okinawa diet that is sweeping Pinterest
​ Todo sobre la dieta puente

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15 tips to lose weight and lose weight... without dieting! (1).pdf

  • 1. 15 tips to lose weight and lose weight... without dieting! Lose weight, that's the goal. Maybe you'll find it more interesting if we complete it with "without dieting." Better now, right? Believe it or not, it can be achieved by putting these practical tips into practice. BY AMOR SAEZ AND VIDEO: DIANA VILLAR UPDATED: 03/24/2023 ● How to lose weight and get rid of bloating in 30 days: the perfect diet ● How to lose 3 kilos in a month without dieting ● The 6-day diet to de-bloat and lose volume There are tricks and keys to losing weight that have nothing to do with following a strict diet or counting calories. And when it comes to losing a little weight and getting rid of bloating, it is often enough to adopt good eating habits , carry out a more conscious diet and increase exercise . This last point is something tremendously beneficial, since physical activity will not only help you take care of your body and prevent numerous conditions, but also your mind, improving your mood and fighting problems such as stress and anxiety . “Small weight losses can often be produced simply by improving certain (bad) habits that we have at the table, in the kitchen, when shopping or in the restaurant,” says dietitian-nutritionist Magda Carlas, author of the book ' The diet can wait' (Libros Cúpula). Even if we don't need to lose weight, a review of our habits can help us regain balance, practice 'mindful eating' and learn the keys to a healthy dish to use daily. The best tricks to lose weight without dieting It seems that it is difficult for us to believe that it is possible to lose weight - be careful, it is not the same as losing fluids or losing fat - leaving aside the most strict diets or strict eating regimens, but the truth is that YES, IT CAN. Losing weight while taking care of our health is easy, as long as we know those good gestures that help us, without requiring much effort, to feel better inside and out. Below we will tell you what these 15 tips consist of that will help you lose weight easily , simply by changing some of your habits and adopting others that are more beneficial for your health. 1. Reduce the hours between meals
  • 2. In Spain we allow more than four hours to pass between breakfast and lunch , or between lunch and dinner. We also eat dinner late and sleep fewer hours than necessary - something that even affects our skin . The consequence of all this is that we have an excessive appetite between meals , a greater predisposition to obesity, a decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system, as well as our physical and mental performance, and a lower cognitive capacity, according to Carlas. In addition, eating dinner two hours before going to bed and including foods with tryptophan in this last meal of the day are two of the tricks to sleep well that people who rest soundly practice. How can you reduce the hours between meals? Dedicate yes or yes 15-20 minutes a day to having breakfast, dividing the daily diet into 5 meals without allowing more than four hours to pass between them. If we see that this is going to happen, “it is important to have a second breakfast or a healthy snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon,” says Carlas. 2. Eat consciously and more slowly We eat in less than 10 minutes, in front of the computer or in environments that are too noisy , overwhelming or unpleasant (due to company or conversation). Not in vain in Spain 4% of the population suffers from binge eating disorder and 2-3% have bulimia. Furthermore, eating too quickly causes us to swallow more air , eat more, have a lower feeling of satiety and cause digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, gastritis or ulcus, lists Carlas. Tricks for eating consciously You should try to eat, at least, in about 20 minutes, never less. In a quiet and pleasant environment, and in good company. Drink generously - sparkling water with a few drops of lemon juice and ice, to reduce appetite. Eating foods that require peeling - shellfish -, chewing and fragmentation, which slow down the speed of intake. In small cutlery that contains a smaller amount of food. And you should try to reduce anxiety and stress by listening to soft music (classical, jazz, soul or blues), or taking relaxing infusions of valerian or lemon balm that will also help you sleep soundly if you take them at night. 3. Control the quantities of food “Quantities can be the origin of numerous dietary errors and, possibly, in many cases, one of the causes of overweight,” says the expert. We tend to eat larger portions of pasta, cereals and meat than desirable , we use larger than desirable amounts of dressings and, on the contrary, we fall short on fish or raw vegetables . Without forgetting that "in Spain they take twice as much salt as recommended" and that the consumption of sugar and light products is excessive. How to have greater control of the amount of food we eat? You should take daily: 4 to 6 servings of whole grains (pasta, rice and bread), 2 of vegetables, 3 of fruits, 3 to 6 servings of 10 ml of olive oil, 2 to 4 of milk and derivatives, and
  • 3. 4 to 8 servings of water. And throughout the week: 3 to 4 servings of fish, lean meats, poultry and eggs, 2 to 4 of legumes, and 3 to 7 of nuts. In addition to having a glass of red wine or beer from time to time and practicing 30 minutes of exercise a day . If we do it with these exercises to burn fat that really lose weight , we will have largely achieved the goal of losing a little weight and staying in shape. 4. Pay attention to the seasonings of your dishes Aromatic sauces or spices add practically no energy to dishes, but pure fats such as oils, butters or margarines, dressings such as cheeses, nuts, seeds or fried bread tostones have a very high caloric content . In addition, our country is a major consumer of oil and sauces. “Olive oil is the preferred condiment, and when it comes to sauces it seems that mayonnaise is the most liked and consumed,” says Carlas. Solution: if it is a question of obtaining the benefits and properties of extra virgin olive oil , it is sensible to use a tablespoon per dish. In the restaurant it is advisable to order the sauce separately and avoid using sauce boats. It is preferable to use light mayonnaise or lighten it in house . “Mayonaise can be easily lightened with natural yogurt or by adding more lemon juice . ” Mustard , soy sauce, ketchup and ketchupThey are probably the lightest sauces that exist. Of course, when you choose soy you have to avoid salt, since this in itself provides a lot of sodium. And it is preferable to make sauces from vegetables, mushrooms or legumes.
  • 4. 5. Make a light dinner In Spain there is a delay of 2 or 3 hours in relation to other countries in the European community and dinner is really late. In addition, a lot is eaten, improvised and in front of screens (TV, computer, tablet) instead of opting for light and healthy dinners . Added to that we go to bed right away, usually in the middle of digesting dinner. What should a dinner menu be like? “ The dinner menu should be austere, digestive, soft and provide a restful sleep. According to experts, dinner should provide 25%, maximum 30% of the daily energy. " What foods should be part of your low-calorie weight loss dinners ? " Vegetables (vegetable soups and vegetable purees, salads, steamed or roasted vegetables), white or blue fish, poultry or eggs cooked gently and without added fat (grilled, oven, steamed or roasted). And for dessert, fruit or low-fat dairy . 6. Drink plenty of water No soft drinks, no alcoholic drinks, no packaged juices, no fruit or dairy smoothies, no vegetable milks. Drinking water is very important (even if you are not thirsty) . “ Water is what should be our base drink .” It does not provide energy or additives and, furthermore, has no contraindications. We can opt for tap water or bottled water, both options are correct,” according to the dietitian-nutritionist. Women should drink 1.6 liters of water a day. Some tricks: before eating, the feeling of satiety increases and appetite decreases. If it is between 10-15ºC it is more hydrating. And diluting a sauce with water, for example, also helps to
  • 5. lighten the menu. The same as lightening drinks or soups with water. Do you need more reasons? Drinking water makes you more beautiful! Healthier hair, radiant skin, fight and eliminate cellulite … 7. Plan your food purchases It is known that currently 30% of the food purchased ends up being thrown away and, furthermore, food is the second most important expense in any home, after housing. It's worth planning! How to plan grocery purchases What foods should not be missing from your shopping list? Seasonal fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products (natural yogurt, kefir and fresh cheese), lean meats (rabbit, chicken, turkey), eggs, white and blue fish, legumes, extra virgin olive oil, pasta, rice and whole wheat bread and quinoa for its healthy benefits , aromatic herbs (parsley, basil, oregano, bay leaf, mint, rosemary or thyme), spices (pepper, paprika, turmeric or ginger), water and infusions (chamomile, lemon verbena, rooibos, pennyroyal). The rest is dispensable. And when you go shopping, make a list and stick to it , leave without an appetite or after eating, without rushing, with enough time to choose calmly, and don't use your mobile phone while shopping. 8. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle Goodbye sedentary lifestyle! It seems that comfort is gaining followers and that we all aim for the minimum effort, Carlas denounces. Well, being sedentary predisposes you to more eating, more snacking and more stress .
  • 6. How do we get out of the sedentary loop? How to create a habit with exercise ? As Carlas states, it is essential to “try to do an exercise appropriate to our age, that we like, since exercising has to be pleasant, with a frequency of 2 or 3 times a week for 45 minutes, without forgetting to start with a previous warm-up. and adequate stretching, and increasing the difficulty and intensity progressively.” If you are looking for a truly effective ally, we recommend a routine of 10 exercises to speed up your metabolism and burn fat . 9. Drink more tea (and less coffee) Practicing 'teoxing' (or drinking tea and infusions to lose weight ), especially after meals, will help you stimulate fat loss and increase satiety . Of course, if you choose well. The best teas for losing weight Choose those that contain guarana, green tea (slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates), French nettle (which is also a diuretic), mint or ginger, which help prevent bloating. Coffee time If you prefer coffee to tea, try to make it black . And of course, without sugar or sweeteners. The maximum: two or three coffees a day, at most. 10. Avoid sweets Industrial pastries are absolutely prohibited . Of course, instead you have a lot of options that are just as delicious and, above all, healthier. Change your indulgences for other foods rich in fiber and antioxidants such as coconut, dark chocolate , nuts or fresh, seasonal fruit. 11. Eat more protein Protein intake has a high capacity to control appetite since it affects several hormones that intervene in the feeling of hunger, increasing satiety and helping us consume fewer calories. Some examples of foods rich in protein are poultry, meat, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils, quinoa, and almonds, among others. If you want to know more, take note of the 35 foods rich in protein that you can add to your daily menu. MITATHIN 12. Increase fiber consumption Eating foods rich in fiber also ensures that we feel fuller for longer , reducing food intake and the temptation to snack on other less healthy things. Try introducing fiber-rich plant-based
  • 7. foods such as oatmeal, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges or flax seeds into your diet. If you want to know more, we compiled a list of 50 foods with fiber that you should include in your diet . Breatheology ESSENTIALS 13. Prepare satisfying and healthy menus There are satisfying foods and menus that make us feel full, prevent us from snacking between meals and help us lose weight . Among the most satiating foods are those that contain a higher proportion of fiber - such as vegetables - or healthy fats - nuts, avocado or coconut -, always eaten in moderation. They will make it easier for us to stop eating on impulse. 14. Be careful with hidden sugar White sugar lacks nutrients and the only thing it provides to our body is calories. But, contrary to what we usually think, it is not only found in sweets such as industrial pastries , in fact, you would be surprised by certain types of foods that also have white sugar among their ingredients. Start reading the labels of what you consume because you may be ingesting it in sliced ​ ​ bread, cold cuts or even through packaged purees. 15. Toma has matcha tea Before we named the infusions, but in the case of matcha tea it deserves a separate mention. It is one of the three star foods of nutritionists - along with avocado and chickpeas -
  • 8. because it has no shortage of benefits. In fact, we dedicated an article to it telling you about its properties, how to prepare it and why to take it if you want to lose weight . This tea is rich in antioxidants, proteins, calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins of group A, B2, C, DE and K. In addition, according to studies, taking it daily can multiply calorie loss by 4 . AND IF YOU WANT TO DIET... Supercharge Your Body ​ The 5% diet ​ The Okinawa diet that is sweeping Pinterest ​ Todo sobre la dieta puente