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                 The Giving and Receiving of Forgivness…

                         Memorization Verses:
Confession has two parts. First that we confess our sins, and second, that we
receive absolution, that is, forgiveness, from the pastor as from God Himself,
not doubting, but firmly believing that by it our sins are forgiven before God
in heaven.
LSB LSB 611 lutheran-                   Faith and hope to walk with God        In the way that Enoch trod.
1 Chief of sinners though I be,         4 Chief of sinners though I be,
Jesus shed His blood for me;            Christ is all in all to me;
Died that I might live on high,         All my wants to Him are known,
Lived that I might never die.           All my sorrows are His own.
As the branch is to the vine,           He sustains the hidden life
I am His and He is mine.                Safe with Him from earthly strife.
2 Oh, the height of Jesus' love,        5 O my Savior, help afford
Higher than the heav'ns above,          By Your Spirit and Your Word!
Deeper than the depths of sea,          When my wayward heart would stray,
Lasting as eternity!                    Keep me in the narrow way;
Love that found me--wondrous thought!   Grace in time of need supply
Found me when I sought Him not.         While I live and when I die.
3 Only Jesus can impart
Balm to heal the wounded heart,
Peace that flows from sin forgiv'n,
Joy that lifts the soul to heav'n;
Confess your sins.
Take it to the cross.
Hear your absolution: you are forgiven.
Watch God forget by drowning them in Christ’s blood.
Pray: O God, behold my grief and care. I
 PRAYER            would serve You with a glad and cheerful
                   face but I cannot do it. No matter how
• Confession       much I fight and struggle against my
                   sadness, I am too weak for this painful
• Pleading Guilt   conflict. Help me in my weakness, O
• Confess to       mighty God! Give me Your Holy Spirit to
others             refresh and comfort me in my sorrow.
                   Amid all my fears and grief I still know
•Absolution        that I am Yours in life and death, and
• Sins Removed     that nothing can really separate me from
P raise            You; neither things present, nor things to
                   come, neither trial, nor fear, nor pain.
R epentance        And therefore, O Lord, I will still trust in
A ppreciation      Your grace. You will now send me away
Y ou               unheard. Sooner or later You will lift this
E veryone          burden from my heart, and put a new
                   song on my lips. And I will praise Your
R esolve           goodness, and thank and serve You here
                   and forevermore. Amen. (Sigismund
                   Scheretz, 1584-1639).
LSB 773
Hear us, Father, when we pray, through       By Your Spirit now attend to our
  Your Son and in Your Spirit. By Your       prayers and supplications, as like
  Spirit's Word convey all that we           incense they ascend to Your heav'nly
  through Christ inherit, that as baptized   habitations. May their fragrance waft
  heirs we may truly pray.                   above, God of love.

  When we know not what to say and our         Heb 4:15 For we have not a high
  wounded souls are pleading, my Your          priest that cannot be touched with
  Spirit, night and day, groan within us       the feeling of our infirmities; but
  interceding; by His sighs, too deep for      one that hath been in all points
  words, we are heard.                         tempted like as we are,
                                               yet without sin. 16Let us therefore
                                               draw near with boldness unto the
  Jesus, advocate on high, sacrificed on
                                               throne of grace, that we may
  Calvry's altar, through Your priestly        receive mercy, and may find grace
  blood we cry: hear our prayers, though       to help us in time of need.
  they may falter; place them on Your
  Father's throne as your own.
 "When I urge you to go
  to confession, I am
  simply urging you to be
  a Christian.”
 (Large Catechism,
  Brief Exhortation, 32)
If you've just been validly baptized, you
don't need Confession, because Baptism
wipes away all guilt of sin (and the
temporal effects of sin, by the way). If,
however, you were validly baptized years
ago and are just now coming to this
Sacrament for the first time, you might
want to schedule an appointment with
your priest to make what's known as a
"General Confession," which includes
sins of one's entire life, since it might take
a bit longer than usual (do the same if you
are a returning Catholic and haven't been
to Confession for many, many years).
"General Confessions" are also often
made before before marriage or
My most amusing confession moment was one time when I was in a long
line before Mass. I had waited almost an hour and as the time for Mass
approached two silver-haired people behind me started complaining about
how long the line was taking. They worried that it wouldn’t go fast enough
because young people have so many sins that they take a long time. I was the
only young person in front of them and found this amusing because I often
feel the same dread of older women in front of me because of the stereotype
that older women talk for hours in confession about who-knows-what that
they have already confessed every week for the last 50 years.

I still don’t get the older people’s concern. Even if we young people do sin
more, how long does it take to say “I killed three firemen, had sex with 18
married men, and lied more times than I can count… maybe twice an hour
while awake. For these and all my sins I am very sorry?” Amount of sin has
nothing to do with how long it takes to confess it.
 • What is confession?
 •What sins should we confess?
 •Which are these?
 •What is the first part of confession?
 •What sins should we confess before God?
 •What sins should we confess before our neighbor?
 •What sins are we encouraged to confess privately before our pastor or
 •What is the second part of confession?
 •How should we regard the absolution (forgiveness) spoken by the
  pastor?                                Say         Mean         Matter
 •______________________________
 SS Confession
                                         Key phrases Own words Answer the
 M Pleading Guilt
 T Confess to others                                         application
 W Absolution
 Confession has two parts. First that we         Pray: O my dear Lord Jesus Christ, I find
  confess our sins, and second, that we            that I do not have the kind of will and
  receive absolution, that is, forgiveness,        resolution I certainly ought to have. I am
  from the pastor as from God Himself, not         daily falling as a failing, sinful human
  doubting, but firmly believing that by it        being. And You know that I desire to have
  our sins are forgiven before God in heaven.      such will and resolution, but my enemy
 Before God we should plead guilty of all         leads me bound and captive. Redeem me,
  sins, even those we are not aware of, as we      a poor sinner, according to Your divine
  do in the Lord's Prayer; but before the          will, from every evil and temptation.
  pastor we should confess only those sins         Strengthen and increase in me the true
  which we know and feel in our hearts.            Christian faith; grant me grace to love my
                                                   neighbor with all my heart, honestly and
 Consider your place in life according to the
                                                   also do for my brother as I do for myself.
  Ten Commandments: Are you a father,
                                                   Grant me patience in persecution and in
  mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, or
                                                   every adversity. You told St. Peter that he
  worker? Have you been disobedient,
                                                   should forgive not just seven times; You
  unfaithful, or lazy? Have you been hot-
                                                   bid us ask You with confidence. So I come
  tempered, rude, or quarrelsome? Have you
                                                   in reliance on this command and promise
  hurt someone by your words or deeds?
                                                   of Yours and confess and deplore before
  Have you stolen, been negligent, wasted
                                                   You all my trouble. For You are my true
  anything, or done any harm?
                                                   Pastor and the Bishop of my soul. Your
 •                                                will be done and be blessed forever. Amen.
 Luther writes a series of lectures that
  become the basis for the Large Catechism
    Luther omits the ministry of the keys, and
      contains only the five chief parts
 First edition of the small catechism
  contains an appendix with instruction on
  confession and absolution
    Meant as part of the liturgy
    A time for PRIVATE confession was
 Subsequent editions omit this appendix,
  modernize the optional nature of
  confession for our audiences.
    Loses the scope of the intent of
      Concord’s treatment of the subject
 What is a sacrament?
    A gift of God that binds the words
      of forgiveness to a visible object
    Instituted by Christ
 Is confession a sacrament?
    Yes, although Luther does not make
      it explicit due to the abuses within
    Luther laments its neglect among
      the other reformers
 Today, it seems to depend more on
  our “defintion” of sacrament,
 The first part of confession is that we           Forgive my hidden faults.
  confess, or acknowledge, our sins.             Prov. 28:13 He who conceals his sins does
 Ps. 32:3, 5 When I kept silent, my bones          not prosper, but whoever confesses and
  wasted away through my groaning all day           renounces them finds mercy.
  long. . . . Then I acknowledged my sin to        1 John 1:8-9 If we claim to be without sin,
  You and did not cover up my iniquity. I said,     we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in
  "I will confess my transgressions to the          us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and
  Lord" and You forgave the guilt of my sin.        just and will forgive us our sins and purify
 Ps. 51:1-4 Have mercy on me, 0 God,               us from all unrighteousness.
  according to Your unfailing love; according      •
  to Your great compassion blot out my
                                                   Pray: These eyes long steeped in tears,
  transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity
                                                    will ever flow at pity’s call. My life has
  and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my
                                                    been an age of sorrow: God has taught
  transgressions, and my sin is always before
                                                    me how to feel. Where will it end? Teach
  me. Against You, You only, have I sinned
                                                    me, O Word Divine! O may I reach that
  and done what is evil in Your sight, that You
                                                    blessed home of peace, which no rude
  are proved right when You speak and
                                                    winds perturb, no storms annoy. There
  justified when You judge.
                                                    shines the luster of that Triune God,
 Before God we should plead guilty of all          beneath whose fostering shade, we rest in
  sins, even those we are not aware of, as we       hope. Amen. (Gregory of Nazianzus, c.
  do in the Lord's Prayer.                          329-c. 390)
 Ps. 19:12 Who can discern his errors?
 God absolves Adam and Eve even without
  a proper confession
    While they admit to sin, they defend
      their actions
    God is just to punish and to cut off,
      but instead sets up a promise fulfilled
      in Christ in keeping with His
      sovereign plan
 Moses makes intercession on behalf of
  the Hebrews sin.”
    Oh, what a great sin these people have
     committed! … please forgive their sin—
     but if not, then blot me out of the book
     you have written. (Ex. 32)
 And Nathan said to David,
  "The LORD also has put away your
  sin; you shall not die.
 Christ gives the auspices of
  the church to the apostles
  (Mt. 16:19)
    The Apostles begin to appoint
     deacons and a system of basic
     governance for orderly worship
 One of the marks of the Church
  given to men is the declarative
  word of God, both for
  judgement and forgiveness
    Law/Gospel preaching
    Binding/loosing sins for the
     sake of discipline and comfort
    Declaration of the Gospel
     within the liturgy
 “Peter answered, “you are  Christos: annointed,
 the Messiah, the Son of the     Apokalupto: something hidden
 living God.” Jesus replied,      that has a veil removed
 “blessed are you, Simon,        oti su ei Petrov, kai epi
 for this was not revealed to     tauth th petra oikodom
 you by flesh and blood,          hsw: “This rock” is a pronoun
 but by my Father in              with a 3rd person antecedent.
 heaven. And I tell you that      “This” is different than “you”
 you are Peter and on this
 rock I will build my            katisxu/w: to be superior in
 church, the gates of Hades       strength. Confession is mighty!
 will not overcome it.
 Kleiðv
 I will give you the
                          deÑw: To bind or put under
 keys of the kingdom       the authority of; requirement
 of heaven; and           lu/w: to set free from a
 whatever you bind on      decree or requirement
                          Majority of scholars apply
 earth shall have been     “binding” and “loosing” to
 bound in heaven, and      the application of the law to
                           specific circumstances
 whatever you loose         Rabbi’s chief role (one of
 on earth shall have         Jesus’ roles as well)
                            A form of Law/Gospel applied
 been loosed in              to different people.
 Peace be with you! As the  enefushsen (5656) kai l
                              egei , Labete pneuma a
  Father has sent me, I am    gion;
 sending you. And with that  “breathed” is only used once
                                   before by the LXX, when
 he breathed on them and           God breathed on Adam
 said, “receive the Holy          “Receiving the Spirit” is
                                   declaring the truth of the
 Spirit. If you forgive            Spirit (“to lay hold of”)
 anyone’s sins, their sins are afhte tav amartiav af
                                ewntai autoiv,an tinw
 forgiven; if you do not        n krathte kekrathntai.
 forgive them, they are not       Aphete means to send away
                                  Kratete means to have
 forgiven.”                        power
 Before our neighbor we should confess all                gleamed, no pitying star peeked forth to
    sins we have committed against him or her.             guide this woe-worn mariner—that dread
   James 5:16 Confess your sins to each other.            hour, what was my high resolve? How did I
   Matt. 5:23-24 If you are offering your gift at         shun the gloomy gates of death? Renouncing
    the altar and there remember that your brother         earthly aid, to You I looked, my life, my
    has something against you, leave your gift there       breath, my light, my strength, my safety. At
    in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to   once appalling, thrilling, smiling, healing,
    your brother; then come and offer your gift.           with misery’s cup commingling comfort!
   Before the pastor or confessor we confess those        Yours have I been, O Lord, and still I am
    sins which we know and feel in our hearts,             Yours. Amen. (Gregory of Nazianzus, c. 329-
    especially those that trouble us.                      390).
   2 Sam. 12:13 David said to Nathan, "I have
    sinned against the Lord." Nathan replied, "The
    Lord has taken away your sin."
   James 5:16 Confess your sins to each other and
    pray for each other so that you may be healed.
   Note: No one may be forced to make private
   •
   Pray: You were, O Christ, my great deliverer
    in the past. You now preserve me from the
    waves of life. When no dawn of glimmering
    hope appeared, no island, continent, or
    mountain’s brown was seen; when no beacon
1.    Papist (Roman Catholic):
      Incorrectly interprets Mt.
       16 as relinquishing power
       to Peter
      Does not regard the
       confession as greater than
       the Peter (or the others)
      Visible and Invisible
       Church are united
      Confession becomes a
       source of power for the
       RC church.
1. Anabaptist
   Incorrectly interprets Mt. 16
     as having no focus upon a
     visible church authority
     invested in people
   Turns confession into an
     inward emotion, or worse, a
     good work that I do.
   Focuses on “personal faith”
     over Christ’s declaritive
     absolution spoken in
1.       The impenitent
          A false believer who
           asserts that visible
           confession literalistically
           absolves sin ex opera
          Hopes to avoid both
           physical and spiritual
           of sin.
          True repentance is not
           found in one who
           delights in sin
1. The guilt ridden
   A true believer that has been
     withheld the benefit and
     comfort of spoken
   Constant fear that he has not
     “confessed” all his sins, and
     is somehow under judgment
     for unknown sin
   Turns confession into a
     good work to ease a
 The believer to rest
  assured that Christ is in the
  midst of our sin
   Whether or not we
    confess all are sins
   Whether or not we feel
    “perfectly” sorry for
    every sin we commit
   Whether or not we could
    possible “work” to cancel
    our sins or make things
 Absolution is the spoken
  sacrament that
   delivers the word of God
      to our ears
     looses the pain of guilt
     Creates a contrite, yet
      comforted spirit
     Invigorates real and active
      work in the world without
     Puts of a sign (like lenten
      ash) upon our souls
 The second part of confession is that we      they are forgiven.
  receive absolution, that is, forgiveness of  •
  sins.                                        Pray: Most merciful God, we confess
 Is. 1:18 "Come now, let us reason             that we are by nature sinful and
  together," says the Lord. "Though your sins unclean. We have sinned against You in
  are like scarlet, they shall be as white as   thought, word, and deed, by what we
  snow; though they are red as crimson, they have done and by what we have left
  shall be like wool."                          undone. We have not loved you with our
 We should receive the pastor's absolution     whole heart; we have not loved our
  as from God Himself, not doubting, but        neighbors as ourselves. We justly
  firmly believing that by it our sins are      deserve Your present and eternal
  forgiven before God in heaven.                punishment. For the sake of Your Son,
 "It is not the voice or word of the man       Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive
  who speaks it, but it is the Word of God, us, renew us, and lead us, so that we
  who forgives sin, for it is spoken in         may delight in Your will and walk in
  God's stead and by God's command"             Your ways to the glory of Your holy
  (Augsburg Confession XXV 3).                  name. Grant that we may rely on Your
 Matt. 18:18 Whatever you loose on earth       Word and forgiveness, spoken to us
  will be loosed in heaven.                     through Your called and ordained
 Luke 10:16 He who listens to you listens      servant of the Word. Amen. (LW; Earl
  to Me                                         Gaulke)
 John 20:23 If you forgive anyone his sins,
 The Pastor to maintain an
  orderly worship amongst his
   Called to hear private
   Leads in confession of sins,
    and declares Forgiveness in
    the stead of Christ
   Maintains proper
    Law/Gospel application
   Binds people and
 The Church
   To self-identify as a
    corporal body of forgiven
   To hear one another
    confess sins, despite our
    grievances with one
   To call out and expose
    false doctrines and
 Repentance means to “turn the
    Contrition is a change of mind
     regarding sin
    Contrite sinners find no profit
     in their sin
    Repentance is a recognition of
     sin not necessarily a perfect
     removal of it.
 Faith is like a change of mind
  about salvation
    When a sinner stops thinking
     he can save himself through
     proper repentance
    Receives the perfect grace of
 The pastor is pledged not to tell anyone else of       taken away your sin."
    sins told him in private confession, for those  Matt. 9:2 Take heart, son; your sins are
    sins have been removed.                              forgiven.
   Ps. 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so  •
    far has He removed our transgressions from us.  O Lord, I am not worthy of Your consolatio
   Prov.11:13 A gossip betrays a confidence, but a      nor of any spiritual visitation. Therefore, de
    trustworthy man keeps a secret.                      justly with me, when You leave me poor and
   1 Tim. 3:1-2 Here is a trustworthy saying: If        desolate. For though I could shed a sea of
    anyone sets his heart on being an overseer           tears, yet I would not be worthy of Your
    [pastor], he desires a noble task. Now the           consolation. I deserved nothing but to be
    overseer must be above reproach.                     scourged and punished, in that I have
   In private confession and absolution, God            grievously and often offended You, and in
    Himself through the pastor forgives each             many things have sinned greatly. All things
    individual the sins that are confessed.              therefore duly considered, I am not worthy
   "If there is a heart that feels its sin and          even of the least comfort. But You, O gracio
    desires consolation, it has here a sure refuge       and merciful God, do not will that Your wor
    when it hears in God's Word that through a           should perish. You desire to show the riches
    man God looses and absolves him from his             of Your goodness upon the vessels for mercy
    sins" (Large Catechism, Brief Exhortation,           Beyond all Your servant deserves, grant
    14).                                                 comfort that differs from the manner of me
   Ps. 32:2 Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord       Amen. (Thomas a Kempis, c. 1380-1471).
    does not count against him.
   2 Sam. 12:13 Nathan replied, "The Lord has
For our God, the God we have, is not so niggardly that he
has left us with only one comfort or strengthening for our
conscience, or only one absolution, but we have many
absolutions in the gospel and we are richly showered with
many absolutions. See, my Lord, I have been baptized in
thy name so that I may be assured of thy grace and mercy.
Then we have private confession, when I go and receive a
sure absolution as if God himself spoke it, so that I may be
assured that my sins are forgiven. Finally, I take to myself
the blessed sacrament, when I eat his body and drink his
blood as a sign that I am rid of my sins and God has freed
me from all my frailties; and in order to make me sure of
this, he gives me his body to eat and his blood to drink, so
that I shall not and cannot doubt that I have a gracious God.

Thus you see that confession must not be despised, but that
it is a comforting thing.
 Pray: I acknowledge, O Lord,       of my sins be charged upon me
  that I am a most guilty sinner,    to my condemnation. Let me
  altogether unable to help          through faith in His blood be
  myself, and unworthy that You      freely justified by Your grace,
  should help me. My own             and let not any of my sins be
  conscience condemns me. But        charged upon me to my
  O God, God of mercy, forsake       condemnation. Let me by His
  me not, nor leave me under the     merits and righteousness be so
  piercing thoughts of my sad and    delivered from the guilt of
  sinful condition. In the           them, that I may serve You in
  multitude of Your compassions,     righteousness and holiness of all
  make good Your promise to a        the days of my life. Christ died
  returning sinner. I earnestly      for me while I lay under the
  beg Your grace to a serious and    sentence of death. May I no
  genuine repentance. I lay          longer live unto myself, but
  myself before You, destitute of    unto Him who died for me and
  any merits of my own. Apply        rose again, even Jesus Christ,
  the merits of Your dear Son to     my Redeemer. Amen. (Johann
  all the wants and necessities of   Gerhard, 1582-1637).
  my soul. Let me through faith
  in His blood be freely justified
  by Your grace, and let not any
 Jesus loves me! This I know,
  For the Bible tells me so;       Jesus loves me! loves me still,
  Little ones to Him belong,        When I'm very weak and ill;
  They are weak but He is           From His shining throne on
  strong.                           high,
  Yes, Jesus loves me!              Comes to watch me where I lie.
  Yes, Jesus loves me!              Yes, Jesus loves me!
  Yes, Jesus loves me!              Yes, Jesus loves me!
  The Bible tells me so.            Yes, Jesus loves me!
                                    The Bible tells me so.
  Jesus loves me! He who died,
  Heaven's gate to open wide;       Jesus loves me! He will stay,
  He will wash away my sin,         Close beside me all the way;
  Let His little child come in.     He's prepared a home for me,
  Yes, Jesus loves me!              And some day His face I'll see.
  Yes, Jesus loves me!              Yes, Jesus loves me!
  Yes, Jesus loves me!              Yes, Jesus loves me!
  The Bible tells me so.            Yes, Jesus loves me!
                                    The Bible tells me so.
"When I urge you to go to confession, I am simply        Before the pastor or confessor we confess those sins
urging you to be a Christian.” -Large Cat                which we know and feel in our hearts, especially those
Confession has two parts. First that we confess our      that trouble us.
sins, and second, that we receive absolution, that is,   Note: No one may be forced to make private
forgiveness, from the pastor as from God Himself, not    confession.
doubting, but firmly believing that by it our sins are   The second part of confession is that we receive
forgiven before God in heaven.                           absolution, that is, forgiveness of sins.
Before God we should plead guilty of all sins, even      We should receive the pastor's absolution as from God
those we are not aware of, as we do in the Lord's        Himself, not doubting, but firmly believing that by it
Prayer; but before the pastor we should confess only     our sins are forgiven before God in heaven.
those sins which we know and feel in our hearts.         "It is not the voice or word of the man who speaks it,
Consider your place in life according to the Ten         but it is the Word of God, who forgives sin, for it is
Commandments: Are you a father, mother, son,             spoken in God's stead and by God's command" (Augs
daughter, husband, wife, or worker? Have you been        Conf).
disobedient, unfaithful, or lazy? Have you been hot-     The pastor is pledged not to tell anyone else of sins
tempered, rude, or quarrelsome? Have you hurt            told him in private confession, for those sins have
someone by your words or deeds? Have you stolen,         been removed.
been negligent, wasted anything, or done any harm?       In private confession and absolution, God Himself
The first part of confession is that we confess, or      through the pastor forgives each individual the sins
acknowledge, our sins.                                   that are confessed.
Before God we should plead guilty of all sins, even      "If there is a heart that feels its sin and desires
those we are not aware of, as we do in the Lord's        consolation, it has here a sure refuge when it hears in
Prayer.                                                  God's Word that through a man God looses and
Before our neighbor we should confess all sins we        absolves him from his sins" (Large Cat).
have committed against him.
 A Short Form of

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12.02.10 confession definition

  • 1. Confession Definition The Giving and Receiving of Forgivness… Memorization Verses: Confession has two parts. First that we confess our sins, and second, that we receive absolution, that is, forgiveness, from the pastor as from God Himself, not doubting, but firmly believing that by it our sins are forgiven before God in heaven.
  • 2. LSB LSB 611 lutheran- Faith and hope to walk with God In the way that Enoch trod. 1 Chief of sinners though I be, 4 Chief of sinners though I be, Jesus shed His blood for me; Christ is all in all to me; Died that I might live on high, All my wants to Him are known, Lived that I might never die. All my sorrows are His own. As the branch is to the vine, He sustains the hidden life I am His and He is mine. Safe with Him from earthly strife. 2 Oh, the height of Jesus' love, 5 O my Savior, help afford Higher than the heav'ns above, By Your Spirit and Your Word! Deeper than the depths of sea, When my wayward heart would stray, Lasting as eternity! Keep me in the narrow way; Love that found me--wondrous thought! Grace in time of need supply Found me when I sought Him not. While I live and when I die. 3 Only Jesus can impart Balm to heal the wounded heart, Peace that flows from sin forgiv'n, Joy that lifts the soul to heav'n;
  • 3. Confess your sins. Take it to the cross. Hear your absolution: you are forgiven. Watch God forget by drowning them in Christ’s blood.
  • 4. Pray: O God, behold my grief and care. I PRAYER would serve You with a glad and cheerful face but I cannot do it. No matter how • Confession much I fight and struggle against my sadness, I am too weak for this painful • Pleading Guilt conflict. Help me in my weakness, O • Confess to mighty God! Give me Your Holy Spirit to others refresh and comfort me in my sorrow. Amid all my fears and grief I still know •Absolution that I am Yours in life and death, and • Sins Removed that nothing can really separate me from P raise You; neither things present, nor things to come, neither trial, nor fear, nor pain. R epentance And therefore, O Lord, I will still trust in A ppreciation Your grace. You will now send me away Y ou unheard. Sooner or later You will lift this E veryone burden from my heart, and put a new song on my lips. And I will praise Your R esolve goodness, and thank and serve You here and forevermore. Amen. (Sigismund Scheretz, 1584-1639).
  • 5. LSB 773 Hear us, Father, when we pray, through By Your Spirit now attend to our Your Son and in Your Spirit. By Your prayers and supplications, as like Spirit's Word convey all that we incense they ascend to Your heav'nly through Christ inherit, that as baptized habitations. May their fragrance waft heirs we may truly pray. above, God of love. When we know not what to say and our Heb 4:15 For we have not a high wounded souls are pleading, my Your priest that cannot be touched with Spirit, night and day, groan within us the feeling of our infirmities; but interceding; by His sighs, too deep for one that hath been in all points words, we are heard. tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16Let us therefore draw near with boldness unto the Jesus, advocate on high, sacrificed on throne of grace, that we may Calvry's altar, through Your priestly receive mercy, and may find grace blood we cry: hear our prayers, though to help us in time of need. they may falter; place them on Your Father's throne as your own.
  • 6.  "When I urge you to go to confession, I am simply urging you to be a Christian.”  (Large Catechism, Brief Exhortation, 32)
  • 7. If you've just been validly baptized, you don't need Confession, because Baptism wipes away all guilt of sin (and the temporal effects of sin, by the way). If, however, you were validly baptized years ago and are just now coming to this Sacrament for the first time, you might want to schedule an appointment with your priest to make what's known as a "General Confession," which includes sins of one's entire life, since it might take a bit longer than usual (do the same if you are a returning Catholic and haven't been to Confession for many, many years). "General Confessions" are also often made before before marriage or ordination.
  • 8. My most amusing confession moment was one time when I was in a long line before Mass. I had waited almost an hour and as the time for Mass approached two silver-haired people behind me started complaining about how long the line was taking. They worried that it wouldn’t go fast enough because young people have so many sins that they take a long time. I was the only young person in front of them and found this amusing because I often feel the same dread of older women in front of me because of the stereotype that older women talk for hours in confession about who-knows-what that they have already confessed every week for the last 50 years. I still don’t get the older people’s concern. Even if we young people do sin more, how long does it take to say “I killed three firemen, had sex with 18 married men, and lied more times than I can count… maybe twice an hour while awake. For these and all my sins I am very sorry?” Amount of sin has nothing to do with how long it takes to confess it.
  • 9.  • What is confession?  •What sins should we confess?  •Which are these?  •What is the first part of confession?  •What sins should we confess before God?  •What sins should we confess before our neighbor?  •What sins are we encouraged to confess privately before our pastor or confessor?  •What is the second part of confession?  •How should we regard the absolution (forgiveness) spoken by the pastor? Say Mean Matter  •______________________________  SS Confession Key phrases Own words Answer the questions/  M Pleading Guilt Personal  T Confess to others application  W Absolution
  • 10.  Confession has two parts. First that we  Pray: O my dear Lord Jesus Christ, I find confess our sins, and second, that we that I do not have the kind of will and receive absolution, that is, forgiveness, resolution I certainly ought to have. I am from the pastor as from God Himself, not daily falling as a failing, sinful human doubting, but firmly believing that by it being. And You know that I desire to have our sins are forgiven before God in heaven. such will and resolution, but my enemy  Before God we should plead guilty of all leads me bound and captive. Redeem me, sins, even those we are not aware of, as we a poor sinner, according to Your divine do in the Lord's Prayer; but before the will, from every evil and temptation. pastor we should confess only those sins Strengthen and increase in me the true which we know and feel in our hearts. Christian faith; grant me grace to love my neighbor with all my heart, honestly and  Consider your place in life according to the also do for my brother as I do for myself. Ten Commandments: Are you a father, Grant me patience in persecution and in mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, or every adversity. You told St. Peter that he worker? Have you been disobedient, should forgive not just seven times; You unfaithful, or lazy? Have you been hot- bid us ask You with confidence. So I come tempered, rude, or quarrelsome? Have you in reliance on this command and promise hurt someone by your words or deeds? of Yours and confess and deplore before Have you stolen, been negligent, wasted You all my trouble. For You are my true anything, or done any harm? Pastor and the Bishop of my soul. Your  • will be done and be blessed forever. Amen. (Luther).
  • 11.  Luther writes a series of lectures that become the basis for the Large Catechism (1528)  Luther omits the ministry of the keys, and contains only the five chief parts  First edition of the small catechism contains an appendix with instruction on confession and absolution  Meant as part of the liturgy  A time for PRIVATE confession was preferred  Subsequent editions omit this appendix, modernize the optional nature of confession for our audiences.  Loses the scope of the intent of Concord’s treatment of the subject
  • 12.  What is a sacrament?  A gift of God that binds the words of forgiveness to a visible object  Instituted by Christ  Is confession a sacrament?  Yes, although Luther does not make it explicit due to the abuses within Catholicism  Luther laments its neglect among the other reformers  Today, it seems to depend more on our “defintion” of sacrament, unfortunately.
  • 13.  The first part of confession is that we Forgive my hidden faults. confess, or acknowledge, our sins.  Prov. 28:13 He who conceals his sins does  Ps. 32:3, 5 When I kept silent, my bones not prosper, but whoever confesses and wasted away through my groaning all day renounces them finds mercy. long. . . . Then I acknowledged my sin to  1 John 1:8-9 If we claim to be without sin, You and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in "I will confess my transgressions to the us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and Lord" and You forgave the guilt of my sin. just and will forgive us our sins and purify  Ps. 51:1-4 Have mercy on me, 0 God, us from all unrighteousness. according to Your unfailing love; according  • to Your great compassion blot out my  Pray: These eyes long steeped in tears, transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity will ever flow at pity’s call. My life has and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my been an age of sorrow: God has taught transgressions, and my sin is always before me how to feel. Where will it end? Teach me. Against You, You only, have I sinned me, O Word Divine! O may I reach that and done what is evil in Your sight, that You blessed home of peace, which no rude are proved right when You speak and winds perturb, no storms annoy. There justified when You judge. shines the luster of that Triune God,  Before God we should plead guilty of all beneath whose fostering shade, we rest in sins, even those we are not aware of, as we hope. Amen. (Gregory of Nazianzus, c. do in the Lord's Prayer. 329-c. 390)  Ps. 19:12 Who can discern his errors?
  • 14.  God absolves Adam and Eve even without a proper confession  While they admit to sin, they defend their actions  God is just to punish and to cut off, but instead sets up a promise fulfilled in Christ in keeping with His sovereign plan  Moses makes intercession on behalf of the Hebrews sin.”  Oh, what a great sin these people have committed! … please forgive their sin— but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written. (Ex. 32)  And Nathan said to David, "The LORD also has put away your sin; you shall not die.
  • 15.  Christ gives the auspices of the church to the apostles (Mt. 16:19)  The Apostles begin to appoint deacons and a system of basic governance for orderly worship  One of the marks of the Church given to men is the declarative word of God, both for judgement and forgiveness  Law/Gospel preaching  Binding/loosing sins for the sake of discipline and comfort  Declaration of the Gospel within the liturgy
  • 16.  “Peter answered, “you are  Christos: annointed, the Messiah, the Son of the  Apokalupto: something hidden living God.” Jesus replied, that has a veil removed “blessed are you, Simon,  oti su ei Petrov, kai epi for this was not revealed to tauth th petra oikodom you by flesh and blood, hsw: “This rock” is a pronoun but by my Father in with a 3rd person antecedent. heaven. And I tell you that “This” is different than “you” you are Peter and on this rock I will build my  katisxu/w: to be superior in church, the gates of Hades strength. Confession is mighty! will not overcome it.
  • 17.  Kleiðv  I will give you the  deÑw: To bind or put under keys of the kingdom the authority of; requirement of heaven; and  lu/w: to set free from a whatever you bind on decree or requirement  Majority of scholars apply earth shall have been “binding” and “loosing” to bound in heaven, and the application of the law to specific circumstances whatever you loose  Rabbi’s chief role (one of on earth shall have Jesus’ roles as well)  A form of Law/Gospel applied been loosed in to different people. heaven.”
  • 18.  Peace be with you! As the  enefushsen (5656) kai l egei , Labete pneuma a Father has sent me, I am gion; sending you. And with that  “breathed” is only used once before by the LXX, when he breathed on them and God breathed on Adam said, “receive the Holy  “Receiving the Spirit” is declaring the truth of the Spirit. If you forgive Spirit (“to lay hold of”) anyone’s sins, their sins are afhte tav amartiav af ewntai autoiv,an tinw forgiven; if you do not n krathte kekrathntai. forgive them, they are not  Aphete means to send away  Kratete means to have forgiven.” power
  • 19.  Before our neighbor we should confess all gleamed, no pitying star peeked forth to sins we have committed against him or her. guide this woe-worn mariner—that dread  James 5:16 Confess your sins to each other. hour, what was my high resolve? How did I  Matt. 5:23-24 If you are offering your gift at shun the gloomy gates of death? Renouncing the altar and there remember that your brother earthly aid, to You I looked, my life, my has something against you, leave your gift there breath, my light, my strength, my safety. At in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to once appalling, thrilling, smiling, healing, your brother; then come and offer your gift. with misery’s cup commingling comfort!  Before the pastor or confessor we confess those Yours have I been, O Lord, and still I am sins which we know and feel in our hearts, Yours. Amen. (Gregory of Nazianzus, c. 329- especially those that trouble us. 390).  2 Sam. 12:13 David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan replied, "The Lord has taken away your sin."  James 5:16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  Note: No one may be forced to make private confession.  •  Pray: You were, O Christ, my great deliverer in the past. You now preserve me from the waves of life. When no dawn of glimmering hope appeared, no island, continent, or mountain’s brown was seen; when no beacon
  • 20. 1. Papist (Roman Catholic):  Incorrectly interprets Mt. 16 as relinquishing power to Peter  Does not regard the confession as greater than the Peter (or the others)  Visible and Invisible Church are united inseparably  Confession becomes a source of power for the RC church.
  • 21. 1. Anabaptist  Incorrectly interprets Mt. 16 as having no focus upon a visible church authority invested in people  Turns confession into an inward emotion, or worse, a good work that I do.  Focuses on “personal faith” over Christ’s declaritive absolution spoken in community
  • 22. 1. The impenitent  A false believer who asserts that visible confession literalistically absolves sin ex opera operato  Hopes to avoid both physical and spiritual punishment/consequence of sin.  True repentance is not found in one who delights in sin
  • 23. 1. The guilt ridden  A true believer that has been withheld the benefit and comfort of spoken absolution  Constant fear that he has not “confessed” all his sins, and is somehow under judgment for unknown sin  Turns confession into a good work to ease a conscience.
  • 24.  The believer to rest assured that Christ is in the midst of our sin  Whether or not we confess all are sins  Whether or not we feel “perfectly” sorry for every sin we commit  Whether or not we could possible “work” to cancel our sins or make things right
  • 25.  Absolution is the spoken sacrament that  delivers the word of God to our ears  looses the pain of guilt  Creates a contrite, yet comforted spirit  Invigorates real and active work in the world without command  Puts of a sign (like lenten ash) upon our souls
  • 26.  The second part of confession is that we they are forgiven. receive absolution, that is, forgiveness of  • sins.  Pray: Most merciful God, we confess  Is. 1:18 "Come now, let us reason that we are by nature sinful and together," says the Lord. "Though your sins unclean. We have sinned against You in are like scarlet, they shall be as white as thought, word, and deed, by what we snow; though they are red as crimson, they have done and by what we have left shall be like wool." undone. We have not loved you with our  We should receive the pastor's absolution whole heart; we have not loved our as from God Himself, not doubting, but neighbors as ourselves. We justly firmly believing that by it our sins are deserve Your present and eternal forgiven before God in heaven. punishment. For the sake of Your Son,  "It is not the voice or word of the man Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive who speaks it, but it is the Word of God, us, renew us, and lead us, so that we who forgives sin, for it is spoken in may delight in Your will and walk in God's stead and by God's command" Your ways to the glory of Your holy (Augsburg Confession XXV 3). name. Grant that we may rely on Your  Matt. 18:18 Whatever you loose on earth Word and forgiveness, spoken to us will be loosed in heaven. through Your called and ordained  Luke 10:16 He who listens to you listens servant of the Word. Amen. (LW; Earl to Me Gaulke)  John 20:23 If you forgive anyone his sins,
  • 27.  The Pastor to maintain an orderly worship amongst his congregants  Called to hear private confession  Leads in confession of sins, and declares Forgiveness in the stead of Christ  Maintains proper Law/Gospel application  Binds people and excommunicates
  • 28.  The Church  To self-identify as a corporal body of forgiven sinners  To hear one another confess sins, despite our grievances with one another.  To call out and expose false doctrines and teachers
  • 29.  Repentance means to “turn the mind”  Contrition is a change of mind regarding sin  Contrite sinners find no profit in their sin  Repentance is a recognition of sin not necessarily a perfect removal of it.  Faith is like a change of mind about salvation  When a sinner stops thinking he can save himself through proper repentance  Receives the perfect grace of Christ.
  • 30.  The pastor is pledged not to tell anyone else of taken away your sin." sins told him in private confession, for those  Matt. 9:2 Take heart, son; your sins are sins have been removed. forgiven.  Ps. 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so  • far has He removed our transgressions from us.  O Lord, I am not worthy of Your consolatio  Prov.11:13 A gossip betrays a confidence, but a nor of any spiritual visitation. Therefore, de trustworthy man keeps a secret. justly with me, when You leave me poor and  1 Tim. 3:1-2 Here is a trustworthy saying: If desolate. For though I could shed a sea of anyone sets his heart on being an overseer tears, yet I would not be worthy of Your [pastor], he desires a noble task. Now the consolation. I deserved nothing but to be overseer must be above reproach. scourged and punished, in that I have  In private confession and absolution, God grievously and often offended You, and in Himself through the pastor forgives each many things have sinned greatly. All things individual the sins that are confessed. therefore duly considered, I am not worthy  "If there is a heart that feels its sin and even of the least comfort. But You, O gracio desires consolation, it has here a sure refuge and merciful God, do not will that Your wor when it hears in God's Word that through a should perish. You desire to show the riches man God looses and absolves him from his of Your goodness upon the vessels for mercy sins" (Large Catechism, Brief Exhortation, Beyond all Your servant deserves, grant 14). comfort that differs from the manner of me  Ps. 32:2 Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord Amen. (Thomas a Kempis, c. 1380-1471). does not count against him.  2 Sam. 12:13 Nathan replied, "The Lord has
  • 31. For our God, the God we have, is not so niggardly that he has left us with only one comfort or strengthening for our conscience, or only one absolution, but we have many absolutions in the gospel and we are richly showered with many absolutions. See, my Lord, I have been baptized in thy name so that I may be assured of thy grace and mercy. Then we have private confession, when I go and receive a sure absolution as if God himself spoke it, so that I may be assured that my sins are forgiven. Finally, I take to myself the blessed sacrament, when I eat his body and drink his blood as a sign that I am rid of my sins and God has freed me from all my frailties; and in order to make me sure of this, he gives me his body to eat and his blood to drink, so that I shall not and cannot doubt that I have a gracious God. Thus you see that confession must not be despised, but that it is a comforting thing.
  • 32.  Pray: I acknowledge, O Lord, of my sins be charged upon me that I am a most guilty sinner, to my condemnation. Let me altogether unable to help through faith in His blood be myself, and unworthy that You freely justified by Your grace, should help me. My own and let not any of my sins be conscience condemns me. But charged upon me to my O God, God of mercy, forsake condemnation. Let me by His me not, nor leave me under the merits and righteousness be so piercing thoughts of my sad and delivered from the guilt of sinful condition. In the them, that I may serve You in multitude of Your compassions, righteousness and holiness of all make good Your promise to a the days of my life. Christ died returning sinner. I earnestly for me while I lay under the beg Your grace to a serious and sentence of death. May I no genuine repentance. I lay longer live unto myself, but myself before You, destitute of unto Him who died for me and any merits of my own. Apply rose again, even Jesus Christ, the merits of Your dear Son to my Redeemer. Amen. (Johann all the wants and necessities of Gerhard, 1582-1637). my soul. Let me through faith in His blood be freely justified by Your grace, and let not any
  • 33.  Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so;  Jesus loves me! loves me still, Little ones to Him belong, When I'm very weak and ill; They are weak but He is From His shining throne on strong. high, Yes, Jesus loves me! Comes to watch me where I lie. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! He who died, Heaven's gate to open wide; Jesus loves me! He will stay, He will wash away my sin, Close beside me all the way; Let His little child come in. He's prepared a home for me, Yes, Jesus loves me! And some day His face I'll see. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
  • 34. "When I urge you to go to confession, I am simply Before the pastor or confessor we confess those sins urging you to be a Christian.” -Large Cat which we know and feel in our hearts, especially those Confession has two parts. First that we confess our that trouble us. sins, and second, that we receive absolution, that is, Note: No one may be forced to make private forgiveness, from the pastor as from God Himself, not confession. doubting, but firmly believing that by it our sins are The second part of confession is that we receive forgiven before God in heaven. absolution, that is, forgiveness of sins. Before God we should plead guilty of all sins, even We should receive the pastor's absolution as from God those we are not aware of, as we do in the Lord's Himself, not doubting, but firmly believing that by it Prayer; but before the pastor we should confess only our sins are forgiven before God in heaven. those sins which we know and feel in our hearts. "It is not the voice or word of the man who speaks it, Consider your place in life according to the Ten but it is the Word of God, who forgives sin, for it is Commandments: Are you a father, mother, son, spoken in God's stead and by God's command" (Augs daughter, husband, wife, or worker? Have you been Conf). disobedient, unfaithful, or lazy? Have you been hot- The pastor is pledged not to tell anyone else of sins tempered, rude, or quarrelsome? Have you hurt told him in private confession, for those sins have someone by your words or deeds? Have you stolen, been removed. been negligent, wasted anything, or done any harm? In private confession and absolution, God Himself The first part of confession is that we confess, or through the pastor forgives each individual the sins acknowledge, our sins. that are confessed. Before God we should plead guilty of all sins, even "If there is a heart that feels its sin and desires those we are not aware of, as we do in the Lord's consolation, it has here a sure refuge when it hears in Prayer. God's Word that through a man God looses and Before our neighbor we should confess all sins we absolves him from his sins" (Large Cat). have committed against him.
  • 35.  A Short Form of Confession