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    EXODUS 6 & 15
   DECEMBER 2, 2012
The most widely accepted
pronunciation of Yahweh

   YOH vah = LORD

  ye HO vah (Jehovah).
Next week:


   Psalm 103:1-18
December 16

     December 23
Today we are in
EXODUS 6 & 15

Reference material:
Christian Resources
    of the SBC
Focal Passages:
Yahweh Promises
         Exodus 6:2-8
Yahweh Keeps His
Promises Exodus 15:1-3
Yahweh Stands Alone
         Exodus 15:11-13
This Lesson Is About:

the name by which God
reveals Himself—Yahweh
—a name that shows His
sovereign and powerful
*In the most ancient Old
Testament manuscripts,
God's true name is
depicted as YHWH,
(a Hebrew theonym
known as the
tetragrammaton ).
*In English, we know
God’s name as Yahweh.
This lesson can help us
trust God as the One
faithful God Who is able.
*In Hebrew thought, a
name revealed something
of the inner person.
*Names often reflect the
parents’ desire that as
their children grow they
will develop exemplary
*They want the names to
reflect the children’s
uniqueness, their

*The Scriptures contain
many names for God.
*These multiple names
suggest that God cannot
be pressed into the
perimeters of human
*He is much more than
any name or number of
names can express.
*Yet the name by which
He makes Himself known
foundational in our
limited understanding of
The name Yahweh stresses
that God is personal,
has always existed,
is the Creator,
is the only God,
is adequate to meet needs,
and does not change.
Focal Passages:
Yahweh Promises
         Exodus 6:2-8
Yahweh Keeps His
Promises Exodus 15:1-3
Yahweh Stands Alone
         Exodus 15:11-13
Yahweh Promises
Exodus 6:2-8      HCSB
2 “Then God spoke to
Moses, telling him, “I am
3 I appeared to Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob as God
Almighty, but I did not
reveal My name Yahweh
to them.
4 I also established My
covenant with them to
give them the land of
Canaan, the land they
lived in as foreigners.
5 Furthermore, I have
heard the groaning of the
Israelites, whom the
Egyptians are forcing to
work as slaves, and I
have remembered My
6 “Therefore tell the
Israelites: I am Yahweh,
and I will deliver you
from the forced labor of
the Egyptians and free
you from slavery to them.
I will redeem you with
an outstretched arm and
great acts of judgment.
7 I will take you as My
people, and I will be
your God. You will know
that I am Yahweh your
God, Who delivered you
from the forced labor of
the Egyptians.
8 I will bring you to the
land that I swore to give
to Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, and I will give it to
you as a possession. I am

            Exodus 6:2-8
*Later, as part of the Ten
Commandments in
Exodus 20:7, God
prohibited the misuse of
His name (taking His
name in vain).
Exodus 20:7 HCSB
7 “Do not misuse the
name of the Lord your
God, because
the Lord will not leave
anyone unpunished who
misuses His name.”
*The Jews came to
consider the name Yahweh
so sacred they would not
use it but substituted the
word Adonai (Lord) for it.
*The name Yahweh is
based on the Hebrew verb
“to be” and is a
combination of the
consonants YHWH and
the vowels of the word
Adonai (translated Lord).
Suggested translations
“I am what I am,”
“I will be what I will be,”
“I will continue to be Who
 I always have been,” and
“I am He Who is.”
*An appealing suggestion
is that the name means
“I am what I will reveal to
you I am.”
*The difficulty of arriving
at a definite translation
demonstrates the mystery
God retains for Himself
and the inadequacy of
words to express His
indescribable greatness.
*The name Yahweh first
appears in Genesis 2:4.
Genesis 2:4
4 “These are the records of
the heavens and the earth,
concerning their creation at
the time that the LORD
God made the earth and
the heavens.”
*The Amplified Bible uses
the name Yahweh for God
in Exodus 6:3  and calls it :
the redemptive name of
*The Holman Christian
Standard Bible uses
"Yahweh" over 50 times.
*The only OT books it
does not appear in are:
Ecclesiastes, the Book of
Esther, and Song of Songs.
*The name expresses God’s
exclusiveness and
covenant loyalty.
1 Kings 8:23 NIV
23 “O Lord, God of Israel,
there is no God like You in
heaven above or on earth
below—You Who keep
Your covenant of
love with Your servants
who continue
wholeheartedly in Your
       1 Kings 8:23 NIV
*It also indicated that God
is not just a superior
power or force but He is a
In the Old Testament, the
name came to describe the
God Who was present to
save and supremely able
to deal with all
*In Genesis 17:1, God
identified Himself to
Abram as
“God Almighty,”
Who would establish His
covenant with Abram and
fulfill His promise of a
son for Abram and Sarai.

*The Hebrew term
rendered God conveys the
sense of strength, power,
and separateness from
*The word almighty has
the idea of self-sufficiency.
*The patriarchs (“first
fathers”) had known God
primarily as the one and
only true God Who could
and would do what He
said He would do and
was to be approached
*God’s statement that He
had not revealed His
name Yahweh to them
did not mean they were
totally unaware of the
name (see Gen. 15:7).
Genesis 15:7

7 “He also said to him, ‘I
am Yahweh Who brought
you from Ur of the
Chaldeans to give you
this land to possess.’”
*He likely meant He
related to them in terms of
His power to keep His
promises to Abraham.
*They may have known
the name Yahweh but not
what it revealed about
God’s nature.

*In Exodus, He would
relate to His people not
only in terms of might but
also in terms of His
presence with them.
Yesterday is the past,
tomorrow is the future,
today is a gift from God,
that’s why we call it the
*In relationship with Him,
they would continue to
learn about His nature as
He made Himself known
to them.
*God had established a
covenant with Abraham
and extended it through
Isaac and Jacob, in which
He promised to give them
the land of Canaan.
*Canaan lay between the
Mediterranean Sea and
the Jordan River.
*From south to north, it
stretched roughly from
the Brook of Egypt to the
Euphrates River.
*In Genesis 17:8, God
promised to give Canaan
to Abraham and his
*Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
and their families had
lived in the land as
foreigners (literally, “the
land of their sojourning”).

*They owned
considerable resources
but still were aliens in the
*In addition to having
established His covenant
with the patriarchs, God
had heard the groaning
of the Israelites as they
toiled in forced labor
under the Egyptians.
*That God heard meant
He was attentive to the
Israelites’ plight, implying
an answer of help.
*His statement, “I have
remembered My
covenant,” does not mean
the covenant had slipped
His mind, that He had
*Remembered has the
sense of readiness to act.
*God was about to fulfill
His covenant promises.
*God directed Moses to
tell the Israelites that
Yahweh—the covenant-
making, covenant-
keeping God—would
rescue them from
Egyptian slavery.
*Their forced labor was
about to end.
*By His sovereign power
(outstretched arm) and
mighty acts of judgment
on Egypt, Yahweh would
redeem them from the
Egyptians’ iron grip.
*Redeem comes from a
Hebrew term that means
“kinsman redeemer,” the
closest of kin whose
responsibilities included
avenging his kinsman’s
death, marrying his
kinsman’s widow to
produce a son to extend
the family name, buying
back land that had been
sold, and freeing his
kinsman from bondage.
*That God would act as
the Israelites’ kinsman-
redeemer stressed two
(1) The relationship
between God and His
people was as close and
personal as family

(2) God would go to any
lengths and make any
sacrifice to free His
*The kinsman-redeemer is
also seen in the book of
Ruth where Boaz is the
kinsman-redeemer who
marries Ruth.
*The kinsman-redeemer is
a picture of Jesus Christ!
*The exodus of the
Hebrews from Egypt and
their return to the
promised land constitutes
on of the most remarkable
liberations in world
*The exodus makes up an
integral part of Biblical
faith in both Testaments.
*There arose a Pharaoh
who knew not Joseph
(Exodus 1:8) and had no
appreciation that Joseph
had interpreted a
dream for a previous
Pharaoh that averted a
national crisis (Genesis
The land of Goshen in
Egypt, was located east of
the Nile River (otherwise
the Israelites would have
had to also cross the Nile
at the time of the Exodus).
Goshen was the capital
region and the
agricultural heartland of
the nation.
*The geographical
location of the Hebrews
caused additional concern
for this new Pharaoh since
they lived east of Egypt in
*Most of Egypt’s enemies
came from the east and
the Pharaoh knew that the
numerous Hebrews might
unite with an enemy that
came from the east.
*Inexplicably and
mercilessly, Pharaoh
enslaved them!
*Exodus 1:9-14 says: 
9  “Pharaoh said to his
people, “Look, the
Israelite people are more
numerous and powerful
than we are.
10 Let us deal shrewdly
with them; otherwise they
will multiply further, and
if war breaks out, they
may join our enemies,
fight against us, and leave
the country.” 
11 So the Egyptians
assigned taskmasters over
the Israelites to oppress
them with forced labor.
12 But the more they
oppressed them, the more
they multiplied and
spread so that the
Egyptians came to
dread the Israelites. 
13 They worked the
Israelites ruthlessly 
14 and made their lives
bitter with difficult labor
in brick and mortar and
in all kinds of fieldwork.
They ruthlessly imposed
all this work on them.”

           Exodus 1:9-14
Exodus 3:11-16

11 “But Moses asked God,
“Who am I that I should
go to Pharaoh and that I
should bring the Israelites
out of Egypt?”
12 He answered, “I will
certainly be with you, and
this will be the sign to you
that I have sent you: when
you bring the people out
of Egypt, you will all
worship God at this
13 Then Moses asked God,
“If I go to the Israelites and
say to them: The God of
your fathers has sent me to
you, and they ask me,
‘What is His name?’
what should I tell them?”
14 God replied to Moses,
This is what you are to
say to the Israelites: I AM
has sent me to you.”
15 God also said to Moses,
“Say this to the Israelites:
Yahweh, the God of your
fathers, the God of
Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of
Jacob, has sent me to you.
This is My name
forever; this is how I am
to be remembered in
every generation.
16 “Go and assemble the
elders of Israel and say to
them: Yahweh, the God of
your fathers, the God of
Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, has appeared to me
and said: I have paid close
attention to you and to
what has been done to
you in Egypt.”

          Exodus 3:11-16
Exodus 5:1-2
1 “Later, Moses and
Aaron went in and said to
Pharaoh, “This is what
Yahweh, the God of Israel,
says: Let My people go, so
that they may hold a
festival for Me in the
2 But Pharaoh responded,
“Who is Yahweh that I
should obey Him by
letting Israel go? I do not
know anything about
Yahweh, and besides, I
will not let Israel go.”

              Exodus 5:1-2
*Each of the ten plaques
corresponded to a god
that the Egyptians
worshiped so God was
showing His absolute
authority over each one of
In addition to the death
knell for Egyptian beliefs,
might the plaques have
served another purpose?
The answer is, yes.
Loudly and clearly, the
plagues answered
Pharaoh’s question:
“Who is Yahweh?”
*Two conclusions appear
obvious: The plagues
Yahweh’s sovereignty and
Yahweh’s power.
*The plagues changed
Pharaoh’s belief regarding
the power and the
sovereignty of Yahweh.
*When the plagues
concluded, Pharaoh had
the answer to his
“Who is Yahweh?”
*The Exodus occurred
about 1446 B.C.
*The Exodus, with the
plagues, represent more
than the central event of
the OT.
*They remind subsequent
generations of God’s
sovereignty and power.
In delivering the Israelites
from Egyptian slavery,
God would make them
His covenant people.
*The covenant involved
mutual responsibilities:
God would take them as
His people.

*The Hebrew word
translated take could have
the ideas of buying,
taking in marriage, and
acquiring for oneself.
*God would redeem the
Israelites for relationship
with Him.

*In turn, they would
recognize Him as their
“I will be your God”
expressed God’s close
relationship with His
people and His singular
right to them.
*Through His redemptive
activity, the Israelites
would know by
experience He was their
covenant God.
*Delivering them from the
forced labor of the
Egyptians would
demonstrate His reality
and power as the one true

*It also would stand as
irrefutable historical
evidence of His entering a
covenant with them.
*God stressed He would
take the Israelites to
Canaan, the land He had
sworn to give the
*He would fulfill the
covenant promise to
which He referred in
verse 4.
*The Hebrew term
rendered swore is
*It means “lifted up the
hand” as a gesture in
affirming an oath.
*God vowed to keep His
word that He would give
Canaan to the Israelites as
a possession.
*For the fourth time in
verses 2-8, God affirmed:
“I am Yahweh” (see vv.
*He is; He is the only God;
and He is the God Who
makes and keeps
covenant promises.
*Proverbs 3:5-6 discloses a
foundational truth in
relationship with God.
Under His inspiration, the
writer advised:
5 “Trust in the Lord with
all your heart
And do not lean on your
own understanding.
6 In all your
ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your
paths straight.”
    Proverbs 3:5-6 NASB
*Faith in the covenant
God—focusing life on
Him—will be met with
His provision for right
*He is present and active
in His people’s lives.
We can count on that
Scriptural promise!

*God wants a personal,
covenant relationship
with all people, including
you and me.
*His promises to us
demonstrate He wants to
be involved in our lives.

*We discover His
promises by reading and
studying His Word.
Focal Passages:
Yahweh Promises
         Exodus 6:2-8
Yahweh Keeps His
Promises Exodus 15:1-3
Yahweh Stands Alone
         Exodus 15:11-13
Exodus 15:1-3
1 “Then Moses and the
Israelites sang this song
to the Lord. They said:
‘I will sing to the Lord,
for He is highly exalted;
He has thrown the horse
and its rider into the sea.
2 The Lord is my strength
and my song;
He has become my
This is my God, and I
will praise Him,
my father’s God, and I
will exalt Him.
3 The Lord is a warrior;
Yahweh is His name.”

           Exodus 15:1-3
*Pharaoh refused to free
the Israelites, but through
a series of 10 plagues
(blows or strokes) against
the Egyptians, God
effected their release.
*Pharaoh and his people
urged the Israelites to
leave; they did so quickly.
*As the Israelites traveled
toward the Red Sea,
Pharaoh had second
thoughts about losing
such a large number of
forced laborers.
*He and a large military
contingent pursued the
Israelites, overtaking
them on the Red Sea
*God miraculously parted
the sea so His people
could cross safely to the
other side.
*When the Egyptians
pursued them, the walls
of water collapsed,
drowning Pharaoh’s
entire force.
*Rescued from their
oppressors, the Israelites
celebrated God’s great
victory on their behalf.
Perhaps it would be good to
remember that just as God
cared for His ancient
people, He cares for us
today!  David, the Shepherd
King of Israel once declared
-- "This I know, that God is
FOR me."  Psalm 56:9
*Moses and the Israelites
sang a song to the Lord
*With profound relief, joy,
and gratitude, they lifted
their voices in praise to
God for His mighty
redemptive act.
*It probably is the oldest
written record of the
exodus event.
*The singers addressed
their hymn to the Lord—
Yahweh, Who had kept
His promise to free them
from slavery (see Ex. 6:6).
*The song was about Him,
not them.
“For He is highly exalted”
can be translated “for He
has triumphed
*The Hebrew term
rendered exalted means
“has risen up” (as a wave,
the swelling of the sea)
and projects a majestic
The Red Sea’s sweeping
over Pharaoh’s forces
demonstrated Yahweh’s
majestic sovereignty.
*Verses 2-3 constitute a
statement concerning
God’s nature.
*The singers celebrated
the Lord (Yah, a
shortened form of
Yahweh) as the Source of
their strength (might) and
as their song—either the
reason for or the subject of
their song.

*He had become their
*Here the term salvation
specifies liberation in a
political or military sense.

*It comes from a word
that means “to make wide
or spacious.”
*The term the singers
used presents the idea of
victory God had gained.
*The Israelites enjoyed
freedom or ease because
of God’s work on their
*He had acted for their
welfare and safety.

*This mighty Deliverer
was the people’s God, the
God the patriarchs
*The Hebrew words for
God reflect His strength
or power (see 6:3).

*The sovereign God also
was the covenant,
redeemer God.
*The singers depicted God
as a mighty warrior Who
wielded His power to
vanquish His enemies.
*They affirmed that
through the exodus, their
covenant God had given
clear evidence of His
sovereign might.
*God keeps every promise
He makes.
*His consistency in doing
so gives us strength and
*It provides confidence as
we face the future.

*Our proper response to
His keeping His word is
continuing praise.
Focal Passages:
Yahweh Promises
         Exodus 6:2-8
Yahweh Keeps His
Promises Exodus 15:1-3
Yahweh Stands Alone
         Exodus 15:11-13
Exodus 15:11-13
11 “Lord, who is like You
among the gods?
Who is like You, glorious
in holiness,
revered with praises,
performing wonders?
12 You stretched out Your
right hand, and the earth
swallowed them.
13 You will lead the
people You have
redeemed with Your
faithful love;
You will guide them to
Your holy dwelling
with Your strength.”

        Exodus 15:11-13
In verses 4-10, in
picturesque, poetic
language, the joyful song
of praise to Yahweh
chronicled the destruction
of Pharaoh’s army in the
Red Sea.
*Throughout the hymn,
the focus is on Yahweh
and His redemptive
*Verse 11 contains two
rhetorical questions
(“Who is like You … ?”)
whose expected answers
are “No one!”
*No one among the gods
was like Yahweh.
*He was in a class by
Himself, with no peers.
1 Kings 8:23 NIV
23“O Lord, God of Israel,
there is no God like You
in heaven above or on
earth below—You Who
keep Your covenant of
with Your servants who
continue wholeheartedly
in Your way.”

       1 Kings 8:23 NIV
*The Israelites did not
acknowledge other gods’
existence; other nations’
so-called gods were
*Yahweh alone is the true,
living God; all other
proposed gods were false.
*Only Yahweh is glorious
in holiness.

*The Hebrew term
rendered glorious means
great, high, noble.
*It conveys the sense of
unparalleled exaltation.

*The word holiness has
the idea of God’s
separateness, His being
other than human.
*He was to be approached
with reverential caution
and praises (recognition
of His awe-inspiring
deeds), for He had
performed wonders
(extraordinary acts).
*Yahweh stretched out
His right hand (exerted
His might), and the
Egyptians perished.
*The singers used human
terms to describe God’s
redeeming act for them.
*Because most people
were right-handed and
used that hand for
weapons, the phrase right
hand signified strength
and victory.
Hebrews 1:3     NIV
3 “The Son is the radiance
of God’s glory and the
exact representation of
His being, sustaining all
things by His powerful
After He had provided
purification for sins, He
sat down at the right hand
of the Majesty in heaven.”

      Hebrews 1:3    NIV
Seated at God's Right
Hand -
has less to do with seating
arrangement and
everything to do with
“My right hand man"
comes from this concept
because if you are at
someone's "right hand",
you are working under
the authority of the one
you represent.
We know from many
verses in the New
Testament that Christ is
now seated at the right
hand of God.
Romans 8:34
34“Christ Jesus is the One
Who died, but even more,
has been raised;
He also is at the right
hand of God
and intercedes for us.”
Ephesians 1:20
20 “He demonstrated this
power in the Messiah by
raising Him from the
dead and seating Him at
His right hand in the
Once this concept is
established, take a walk
through the Old
Testament and find the
verses that mention God's
right hand.
*We know Christ was
with God before His First
Advent on earth.

*Therefore, Christ was
always at God's right
*Since this is the case,
many many verses of the
OT open up to a new

*The book of Psalms is
amazingly prophetic!
Psalm 20:6
6 “Now I know that the
Lord gives victory to His
anointed; He will answer
him from His holy heaven
with mighty victories
from His right hand.”
Who saves mankind?

Who's the saving might of
God's right hand?
Psalm 60:5

5 “Save with Your right
hand, and answer me,
so that those You love
may be rescued.”
Salvation is through
Christ alone, as there is no
other name under
Heaven, given among
men, by which we must
be saved!
Psalm 80:17
17 “Let Your hand be with
the Man at Your right
with the Son of Man
You have made strong for
Psalm 110:1
1 This is the declaration of
the Lord (Yahweh – God)
to my Lord (Yeshua): “Sit
at My right hand until I
make Your enemies Your
Ephesians 1:3
3 “Praise the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, Who has blessed
us in Christ with every
spiritual blessing in the
Ephesians 2:6

6 “Together with Christ
Jesus He also raised us up
and seated us in the
Revelation 3:20-21
20 “Listen! I stand at the
door and knock. If anyone
hears My voice and opens
the door, I will come in to
him and have dinner with
him, and he with Me.
21 The victor: I will give
him the right to sit with
Me on My throne, just as I
also won the victory and
sat down with My Father
on His throne.”
*This one verse is
revolutionary in
understanding our FULL
*We have established that
Christ sat down at the
right hand of God.
*This means He has all the
authority of God.
*Christ grants His Church
to sit at His right hand,
thus giving the Church all
the authority of Christ!
*This is amazing.
*Something every
Christian needs to
*We're not just purchased
out of Hell, but given a
glorious seat in the
heavenlies, right next to
Christ, Who is right next
to the Father.

*Not even the angels can
boast of that!
*When we accept Him, we
become like Him.

*Not "gods", but sons of
God, and co-heirs with
Christ (Romans 8:17).
*God exercised His
awesome power to free
His people.
*The words the earth
swallowed them could
refer to the Red Sea’s
rolling over the Egyptians
or to their entering Sheol,
the place of the departed
The Israelites expressed
their confidence that
Yahweh, Who had freed
them from slavery, would
continue to lead them
with His faithful love.
The Hebrew term
rendered faithful love
almost eludes translation.
It conveys the sense of
God’s covenant loyalty,
His unfailing constancy in
His relationship with the
*It has been rendered
“steadfast love,” and
*It is the closest OT
equivalent to the NT term
*Coupled with Yahweh’s
constant love would be
His sovereign power
(strength), which would
guide them to His holy
*One view is that the
phrase holy dwelling
refers to the future
Jerusalem sanctuary.

*The reference could also
be to Canaan.
*The Hebrew term
rendered dwelling means
“meadow” or “pasture”
and then poetically
*Thus the whole land of
Canaan, the land God had
promised the Israelites,
was the place set apart for
God’s residing in the
midst of His people.

*They had begun their
journey to their home.
*Verses 14-17 of the
Israelites’ song rehearses
how God “will … plant”
His people in the land.
*In Hebrew, verses 14-16
can read as presenting the
journey through the
wilderness as already
accomplished, and verse
17 pictures the fulfillment
of God’s purpose: to bring
His people to Canaan and
establish them there,
perhaps with specific
reference to Jerusalem.
Some interpreters have
suggested references to
Mount Zion and
Solomon’s temple, while
others have opted for the
more general reference to
the Israelites’ settling in
the whole land of Canaan.

*Moses and the Israelites’
song concluded with a
resounding affirmation of
God’s absolute rule.
*“The Lord” (Yahweh)
would reign as King
“forever and ever” (v. 18).

*Implied was the
Israelites’ submission to
His authority.
*They did not always live
up to their covenant
obligation to be God’s
loyal subjects, but they
began with a recognition
of His kingship.
*Verse 19 is a narrative
account reemphasizing
God’s making a way
through the sea for the
*In response to His
redemptive act, Miriam,
“Aaron’s sister” and a
“prophetess,” led the
women as they played
tambourines and she sang
a song exalting God for
His victory over
Pharaoh’s forces (vv. 20-
*Miriam’s song reflects
the words Moses and the
people sang in verse 1.
*In ancient times, women
often went out to greet
returning victorious
warriors, singing and
rejoicing in triumph.

*Here the action likely
was spontaneous, and the
song celebrated God’s
*In the hymn, “How Great
Thou Art,” the writer
began stanza one by
addressing God in
wonder, then he reflected
on God’s creative power
and His displays of that
power in the universe.
*When the writer did so,
he exulted into song much
as the Israelites did.

*Then he repeated the
words for emphasis.
*We celebrate God’s
greatness as our Lord and
our God—and the One
Who has provided our
*The Bible makes clear
that God is God alone.
*He is the only One we
should worship.
*Other religions’ claims
need not intimidate us.
*The Christian faith’s
exclusivity means we do
not accept the idea of
other gods, but we respect
others’ right to hold
differing views.
*Praise God as the One
Who stands alone, like
whom there is no other.
*If God has answered a
promise to you,
incorporate that into your
Biblical Truths

• God has made Himself
known as the sovereign,
covenant-keeping God.
• God’s promises
demonstrate that He
wants to be involved in
our lives.
• God always keeps His
promises, and His doing
so gives us
encouragement and
• Because God is God
alone, He is the only One
we should worship.
• The one true God
extends His
lovingkindness, His
mercy, to us.

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12 December 2, 2012 Exodus 6 & 15, Yahweh

  • 2. The most widely accepted pronunciation of Yahweh is: YOH vah = LORD ye HO vah (Jehovah).
  • 3. Next week: YAHWEH OUR FATHER Psalm 103:1-18
  • 5. Today we are in EXODUS 6 & 15 Reference material: LifeWay Christian Resources of the SBC
  • 6. Focal Passages: Yahweh Promises Exodus 6:2-8 Yahweh Keeps His Promises Exodus 15:1-3 Yahweh Stands Alone Exodus 15:11-13
  • 7. This Lesson Is About: the name by which God reveals Himself—Yahweh —a name that shows His sovereign and powerful character.
  • 8. *In the most ancient Old Testament manuscripts, God's true name is depicted as YHWH, (a Hebrew theonym known as the tetragrammaton ).
  • 9.
  • 10. *In English, we know God’s name as Yahweh.
  • 11. This lesson can help us trust God as the One faithful God Who is able.
  • 12. *In Hebrew thought, a name revealed something of the inner person.
  • 13. *Names often reflect the parents’ desire that as their children grow they will develop exemplary character.
  • 14. *They want the names to reflect the children’s uniqueness, their individuality. *The Scriptures contain many names for God.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. *These multiple names suggest that God cannot be pressed into the perimeters of human language.
  • 19. *He is much more than any name or number of names can express.
  • 20. *Yet the name by which He makes Himself known —Yahweh—is foundational in our limited understanding of Him.
  • 21. The name Yahweh stresses that God is personal, has always existed, is the Creator, is the only God, is adequate to meet needs, and does not change.
  • 22. Focal Passages: Yahweh Promises Exodus 6:2-8 Yahweh Keeps His Promises Exodus 15:1-3 Yahweh Stands Alone Exodus 15:11-13
  • 23. Yahweh Promises Exodus 6:2-8 HCSB 2 “Then God spoke to Moses, telling him, “I am Yahweh. 3 I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God
  • 24. Almighty, but I did not reveal My name Yahweh to them. 4 I also established My covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land they
  • 25. lived in as foreigners. 5 Furthermore, I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are forcing to work as slaves, and I have remembered My
  • 26. covenant. 6 “Therefore tell the Israelites: I am Yahweh, and I will deliver you from the forced labor of the Egyptians and free you from slavery to them.
  • 27. I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and great acts of judgment. 7 I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. You will know that I am Yahweh your
  • 28. God, Who delivered you from the forced labor of the Egyptians. 8 I will bring you to the land that I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I will give it to
  • 29. you as a possession. I am Yahweh.” Exodus 6:2-8
  • 30. *Later, as part of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:7, God prohibited the misuse of His name (taking His name in vain).
  • 31. Exodus 20:7 HCSB 7 “Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God, because the Lord will not leave anyone unpunished who misuses His name.”
  • 32. *The Jews came to consider the name Yahweh so sacred they would not use it but substituted the word Adonai (Lord) for it.
  • 33. *The name Yahweh is based on the Hebrew verb “to be” and is a combination of the consonants YHWH and the vowels of the word Adonai (translated Lord).
  • 34. Suggested translations include: “I am what I am,” “I will be what I will be,” “I will continue to be Who I always have been,” and “I am He Who is.”
  • 35. *An appealing suggestion is that the name means “I am what I will reveal to you I am.”
  • 36. *The difficulty of arriving at a definite translation demonstrates the mystery God retains for Himself and the inadequacy of words to express His indescribable greatness.
  • 37. *The name Yahweh first appears in Genesis 2:4.
  • 38. Genesis 2:4 4 “These are the records of the heavens and the earth, concerning their creation at the time that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.”
  • 39. *The Amplified Bible uses the name Yahweh for God in Exodus 6:3  and calls it : the redemptive name of God.
  • 40. *The Holman Christian Standard Bible uses "Yahweh" over 50 times. *The only OT books it does not appear in are: Ecclesiastes, the Book of Esther, and Song of Songs.
  • 41. *The name expresses God’s exclusiveness and covenant loyalty. 1 Kings 8:23 NIV 23 “O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth
  • 42. below—You Who keep Your covenant of love with Your servants who continue wholeheartedly in Your way.” 1 Kings 8:23 NIV
  • 43. *It also indicated that God is not just a superior power or force but He is a Person.
  • 44. In the Old Testament, the name came to describe the God Who was present to save and supremely able to deal with all circumstances.
  • 45. *In Genesis 17:1, God identified Himself to Abram as “God Almighty,” Who would establish His covenant with Abram and fulfill His promise of a
  • 46. son for Abram and Sarai. *The Hebrew term rendered God conveys the sense of strength, power, and separateness from humans.
  • 47. *The word almighty has the idea of self-sufficiency. *The patriarchs (“first fathers”) had known God primarily as the one and only true God Who could and would do what He
  • 48. said He would do and was to be approached reverently.
  • 49. *God’s statement that He had not revealed His name Yahweh to them did not mean they were totally unaware of the name (see Gen. 15:7).
  • 50. Genesis 15:7 7 “He also said to him, ‘I am Yahweh Who brought you from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to possess.’”
  • 51. *He likely meant He related to them in terms of His power to keep His promises to Abraham. *They may have known the name Yahweh but not what it revealed about
  • 52. God’s nature. *In Exodus, He would relate to His people not only in terms of might but also in terms of His presence with them.
  • 53. Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, today is a gift from God, that’s why we call it the Present!
  • 54.
  • 55. *In relationship with Him, they would continue to learn about His nature as He made Himself known to them.
  • 56.
  • 57. *God had established a covenant with Abraham and extended it through Isaac and Jacob, in which He promised to give them the land of Canaan.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. *Canaan lay between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. *From south to north, it stretched roughly from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates River.
  • 61. *In Genesis 17:8, God promised to give Canaan to Abraham and his descendants. *Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their families had lived in the land as
  • 62. foreigners (literally, “the land of their sojourning”). *They owned considerable resources but still were aliens in the land.
  • 63. *In addition to having established His covenant with the patriarchs, God had heard the groaning of the Israelites as they toiled in forced labor under the Egyptians.
  • 64. *That God heard meant He was attentive to the Israelites’ plight, implying an answer of help. *His statement, “I have remembered My covenant,” does not mean
  • 65. the covenant had slipped His mind, that He had forgotten. *Remembered has the sense of readiness to act. *God was about to fulfill His covenant promises.
  • 66. *God directed Moses to tell the Israelites that Yahweh—the covenant- making, covenant- keeping God—would rescue them from Egyptian slavery.
  • 67.
  • 68. *Their forced labor was about to end. *By His sovereign power (outstretched arm) and mighty acts of judgment on Egypt, Yahweh would redeem them from the
  • 69. Egyptians’ iron grip. *Redeem comes from a Hebrew term that means “kinsman redeemer,” the closest of kin whose responsibilities included avenging his kinsman’s
  • 70. death, marrying his kinsman’s widow to produce a son to extend the family name, buying back land that had been sold, and freeing his kinsman from bondage.
  • 71. *That God would act as the Israelites’ kinsman- redeemer stressed two truths: (1) The relationship between God and His people was as close and
  • 72. personal as family relationships. (2) God would go to any lengths and make any sacrifice to free His people.
  • 73. *The kinsman-redeemer is also seen in the book of Ruth where Boaz is the kinsman-redeemer who marries Ruth. *The kinsman-redeemer is a picture of Jesus Christ!
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 76. *The exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt and their return to the promised land constitutes on of the most remarkable liberations in world history.
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81. *The exodus makes up an integral part of Biblical faith in both Testaments. *There arose a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph (Exodus 1:8) and had no appreciation that Joseph
  • 82. had interpreted a dream for a previous Pharaoh that averted a national crisis (Genesis 41).
  • 83. The land of Goshen in Egypt, was located east of the Nile River (otherwise the Israelites would have had to also cross the Nile at the time of the Exodus).
  • 84. Goshen was the capital region and the agricultural heartland of the nation.
  • 85. *The geographical location of the Hebrews caused additional concern for this new Pharaoh since they lived east of Egypt in Goshen.
  • 86. *Most of Egypt’s enemies came from the east and the Pharaoh knew that the numerous Hebrews might unite with an enemy that came from the east.
  • 87. *Inexplicably and mercilessly, Pharaoh enslaved them! *Exodus 1:9-14 says:  9  “Pharaoh said to his people, “Look, the Israelite people are more
  • 88. numerous and powerful than we are. 10 Let us deal shrewdly with them; otherwise they will multiply further, and if war breaks out, they may join our enemies,
  • 89. fight against us, and leave the country.”  11 So the Egyptians assigned taskmasters over the Israelites to oppress them with forced labor.
  • 90. 12 But the more they oppressed them, the more they multiplied and spread so that the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites. 
  • 91. 13 They worked the Israelites ruthlessly  14 and made their lives bitter with difficult labor in brick and mortar and in all kinds of fieldwork.
  • 92. They ruthlessly imposed all this work on them.” Exodus 1:9-14
  • 93. Exodus 3:11-16 11 “But Moses asked God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
  • 94. 12 He answered, “I will certainly be with you, and this will be the sign to you that I have sent you: when you bring the people out of Egypt, you will all worship God at this
  • 95. mountain.” 13 Then Moses asked God, “If I go to the Israelites and say to them: The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’
  • 96. what should I tell them?” 14 God replied to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.  This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.”
  • 97. 15 God also said to Moses, “Say this to the Israelites: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.
  • 98. This is My name forever; this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.
  • 99. 16 “Go and assemble the elders of Israel and say to them: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has appeared to me and said: I have paid close
  • 100. attention to you and to what has been done to you in Egypt.” Exodus 3:11-16
  • 101. Exodus 5:1-2 1 “Later, Moses and Aaron went in and said to Pharaoh, “This is what Yahweh, the God of Israel, says: Let My people go, so that they may hold a
  • 102. festival for Me in the wilderness.” 2 But Pharaoh responded, “Who is Yahweh that I should obey Him by letting Israel go? I do not know anything about
  • 103. Yahweh, and besides, I will not let Israel go.” Exodus 5:1-2
  • 104.
  • 105.
  • 106. *Each of the ten plaques corresponded to a god that the Egyptians worshiped so God was showing His absolute authority over each one of them.
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 109. In addition to the death knell for Egyptian beliefs, might the plaques have served another purpose? The answer is, yes. Loudly and clearly, the plagues answered
  • 110. Pharaoh’s question: “Who is Yahweh?” *Two conclusions appear obvious: The plagues communicated Yahweh’s sovereignty and Yahweh’s power.
  • 111. *The plagues changed Pharaoh’s belief regarding the power and the sovereignty of Yahweh.
  • 112. *When the plagues concluded, Pharaoh had the answer to his question, “Who is Yahweh?” *The Exodus occurred about 1446 B.C.
  • 113. *The Exodus, with the plagues, represent more than the central event of the OT. *They remind subsequent generations of God’s sovereignty and power.
  • 114. In delivering the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, God would make them His covenant people. *The covenant involved mutual responsibilities: God would take them as
  • 115. His people. *The Hebrew word translated take could have the ideas of buying, taking in marriage, and acquiring for oneself.
  • 116. *God would redeem the Israelites for relationship with Him. *In turn, they would recognize Him as their God.
  • 117. “I will be your God” expressed God’s close relationship with His people and His singular right to them. *Through His redemptive activity, the Israelites
  • 118. would know by experience He was their covenant God. *Delivering them from the forced labor of the Egyptians would demonstrate His reality
  • 119. and power as the one true God. *It also would stand as irrefutable historical evidence of His entering a covenant with them.
  • 120. *God stressed He would take the Israelites to Canaan, the land He had sworn to give the patriarchs. *He would fulfill the covenant promise to
  • 121. which He referred in verse 4. *The Hebrew term rendered swore is picturesque. *It means “lifted up the hand” as a gesture in
  • 122. affirming an oath. *God vowed to keep His word that He would give Canaan to the Israelites as a possession. *For the fourth time in verses 2-8, God affirmed:
  • 123. “I am Yahweh” (see vv. 2,6,7). *He is; He is the only God; and He is the God Who makes and keeps covenant promises.
  • 124. *Proverbs 3:5-6 discloses a foundational truth in relationship with God. Under His inspiration, the writer advised: 5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart
  • 125. And do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NASB
  • 126. *Faith in the covenant God—focusing life on Him—will be met with His provision for right living. *He is present and active in His people’s lives.
  • 127. We can count on that Scriptural promise! *God wants a personal, covenant relationship with all people, including you and me.
  • 128. *His promises to us demonstrate He wants to be involved in our lives. *We discover His promises by reading and studying His Word.
  • 129. Focal Passages: Yahweh Promises Exodus 6:2-8 Yahweh Keeps His Promises Exodus 15:1-3 Yahweh Stands Alone Exodus 15:11-13
  • 130. Exodus 15:1-3 1 “Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord. They said: ‘I will sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted; He has thrown the horse
  • 131. and its rider into the sea. 2 The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation. This is my God, and I will praise Him,
  • 132. my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. 3 The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is His name.” Exodus 15:1-3
  • 133. *Pharaoh refused to free the Israelites, but through a series of 10 plagues (blows or strokes) against the Egyptians, God effected their release.
  • 134. *Pharaoh and his people urged the Israelites to leave; they did so quickly. *As the Israelites traveled toward the Red Sea, Pharaoh had second thoughts about losing
  • 135. such a large number of forced laborers. *He and a large military contingent pursued the Israelites, overtaking them on the Red Sea shores.
  • 136.
  • 137. *God miraculously parted the sea so His people could cross safely to the other side.
  • 138.
  • 139.
  • 140.
  • 141. *When the Egyptians pursued them, the walls of water collapsed, drowning Pharaoh’s entire force.
  • 142.
  • 143.
  • 144.
  • 145. *Rescued from their oppressors, the Israelites celebrated God’s great victory on their behalf.
  • 146. Perhaps it would be good to remember that just as God cared for His ancient people, He cares for us today!  David, the Shepherd King of Israel once declared -- "This I know, that God is FOR me."  Psalm 56:9
  • 147. *Moses and the Israelites sang a song to the Lord (Yahweh). *With profound relief, joy, and gratitude, they lifted their voices in praise to God for His mighty
  • 148. redemptive act. *It probably is the oldest written record of the exodus event. *The singers addressed their hymn to the Lord— Yahweh, Who had kept
  • 149. His promise to free them from slavery (see Ex. 6:6). *The song was about Him, not them. “For He is highly exalted” can be translated “for He has triumphed
  • 150. gloriously.” *The Hebrew term rendered exalted means “has risen up” (as a wave, the swelling of the sea) and projects a majestic image.
  • 151. The Red Sea’s sweeping over Pharaoh’s forces demonstrated Yahweh’s majestic sovereignty.
  • 152. *Verses 2-3 constitute a statement concerning God’s nature. *The singers celebrated the Lord (Yah, a shortened form of Yahweh) as the Source of
  • 153. their strength (might) and as their song—either the reason for or the subject of their song. *He had become their salvation.
  • 154. *Here the term salvation specifies liberation in a political or military sense. *It comes from a word that means “to make wide or spacious.”
  • 155. *The term the singers used presents the idea of victory God had gained. *The Israelites enjoyed freedom or ease because of God’s work on their behalf.
  • 156. *He had acted for their welfare and safety. *This mighty Deliverer was the people’s God, the God the patriarchs worshiped.
  • 157. *The Hebrew words for God reflect His strength or power (see 6:3). *The sovereign God also was the covenant, redeemer God.
  • 158. *The singers depicted God as a mighty warrior Who wielded His power to vanquish His enemies. *They affirmed that through the exodus, their covenant God had given
  • 159. clear evidence of His sovereign might. *God keeps every promise He makes. *His consistency in doing so gives us strength and encouragement.
  • 160. *It provides confidence as we face the future. *Our proper response to His keeping His word is continuing praise.
  • 161. Focal Passages: Yahweh Promises Exodus 6:2-8 Yahweh Keeps His Promises Exodus 15:1-3 Yahweh Stands Alone Exodus 15:11-13
  • 162. Exodus 15:11-13 11 “Lord, who is like You among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, revered with praises, performing wonders?
  • 163. 12 You stretched out Your right hand, and the earth swallowed them. 13 You will lead the people You have redeemed with Your faithful love;
  • 164. You will guide them to Your holy dwelling with Your strength.” Exodus 15:11-13
  • 165. In verses 4-10, in picturesque, poetic language, the joyful song of praise to Yahweh chronicled the destruction of Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea.
  • 166.
  • 167. *Throughout the hymn, the focus is on Yahweh and His redemptive action. *Verse 11 contains two rhetorical questions (“Who is like You … ?”)
  • 168. whose expected answers are “No one!” *No one among the gods was like Yahweh. *He was in a class by Himself, with no peers.
  • 169. 1 Kings 8:23 NIV 23“O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth below—You Who keep Your covenant of love
  • 170. with Your servants who continue wholeheartedly in Your way.” 1 Kings 8:23 NIV
  • 171. *The Israelites did not acknowledge other gods’ existence; other nations’ so-called gods were fictional. *Yahweh alone is the true, living God; all other
  • 172. proposed gods were false. *Only Yahweh is glorious in holiness. *The Hebrew term rendered glorious means great, high, noble.
  • 173. *It conveys the sense of unparalleled exaltation. *The word holiness has the idea of God’s separateness, His being other than human.
  • 174. *He was to be approached with reverential caution and praises (recognition of His awe-inspiring deeds), for He had performed wonders (extraordinary acts).
  • 175. *Yahweh stretched out His right hand (exerted His might), and the Egyptians perished. *The singers used human terms to describe God’s redeeming act for them.
  • 176. *Because most people were right-handed and used that hand for weapons, the phrase right hand signified strength and victory.
  • 177.
  • 178. Hebrews 1:3 NIV 3 “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word.
  • 179. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” Hebrews 1:3 NIV
  • 180.
  • 181. Seated at God's Right Hand - has less to do with seating arrangement and everything to do with authority.
  • 182. “My right hand man" comes from this concept because if you are at someone's "right hand", you are working under the authority of the one you represent.
  • 183. We know from many verses in the New Testament that Christ is now seated at the right hand of God.
  • 184. Romans 8:34 34“Christ Jesus is the One Who died, but even more, has been raised; He also is at the right hand of God and intercedes for us.”
  • 185. Ephesians 1:20 20 “He demonstrated this power in the Messiah by raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His right hand in the heavens”
  • 186. Once this concept is established, take a walk through the Old Testament and find the verses that mention God's right hand.
  • 187. *We know Christ was with God before His First Advent on earth. *Therefore, Christ was always at God's right hand.
  • 188. *Since this is the case, many many verses of the OT open up to a new understanding. *The book of Psalms is amazingly prophetic!
  • 189. Psalm 20:6 6 “Now I know that the Lord gives victory to His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with mighty victories from His right hand.”
  • 190. Who saves mankind? Christ! Who's the saving might of God's right hand? Christ!
  • 191. Psalm 60:5 5 “Save with Your right hand, and answer me, so that those You love may be rescued.”
  • 192. Salvation is through Christ alone, as there is no other name under Heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved!
  • 193. Psalm 80:17 17 “Let Your hand be with the Man at Your right hand, with the Son of Man You have made strong for Yourself.”
  • 194. Psalm 110:1 1 This is the declaration of the Lord (Yahweh – God) to my Lord (Yeshua): “Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
  • 195. Ephesians 1:3 3 “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens”
  • 196. Ephesians 2:6 6 “Together with Christ Jesus He also raised us up and seated us in the heavens,”
  • 197. Revelation 3:20-21 20 “Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me.
  • 198. 21 The victor: I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I also won the victory and sat down with My Father on His throne.”
  • 199. *This one verse is revolutionary in understanding our FULL INHERITANCE in Christ. *We have established that Christ sat down at the right hand of God.
  • 200. *This means He has all the authority of God. *Christ grants His Church to sit at His right hand, thus giving the Church all the authority of Christ! *This is amazing.
  • 201.
  • 202. *Astounding! *Something every Christian needs to understand. *We're not just purchased out of Hell, but given a glorious seat in the
  • 203. heavenlies, right next to Christ, Who is right next to the Father. *Not even the angels can boast of that!
  • 204. *When we accept Him, we become like Him. *Not "gods", but sons of God, and co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).
  • 205.
  • 206. *God exercised His awesome power to free His people. *The words the earth swallowed them could refer to the Red Sea’s rolling over the Egyptians
  • 207. or to their entering Sheol, the place of the departed dead.
  • 208. The Israelites expressed their confidence that Yahweh, Who had freed them from slavery, would continue to lead them with His faithful love.
  • 209. The Hebrew term rendered faithful love almost eludes translation. It conveys the sense of God’s covenant loyalty, His unfailing constancy in His relationship with the
  • 210. Israelites. *It has been rendered “lovingkindness,” “steadfast love,” and “mercy.” *It is the closest OT equivalent to the NT term
  • 211. grace. *Coupled with Yahweh’s constant love would be His sovereign power (strength), which would guide them to His holy dwelling.
  • 212. *One view is that the phrase holy dwelling refers to the future Jerusalem sanctuary. *The reference could also be to Canaan.
  • 213. *The Hebrew term rendered dwelling means “meadow” or “pasture” and then poetically “home.” *Thus the whole land of Canaan, the land God had
  • 214. promised the Israelites, was the place set apart for God’s residing in the midst of His people. *They had begun their journey to their home.
  • 215. *Verses 14-17 of the Israelites’ song rehearses how God “will … plant” His people in the land. *In Hebrew, verses 14-16 can read as presenting the journey through the
  • 216. wilderness as already accomplished, and verse 17 pictures the fulfillment of God’s purpose: to bring His people to Canaan and establish them there, perhaps with specific
  • 217. reference to Jerusalem. Some interpreters have suggested references to Mount Zion and Solomon’s temple, while others have opted for the more general reference to
  • 218. the Israelites’ settling in the whole land of Canaan. *Moses and the Israelites’ song concluded with a resounding affirmation of God’s absolute rule.
  • 219. *“The Lord” (Yahweh) would reign as King “forever and ever” (v. 18). *Implied was the Israelites’ submission to His authority.
  • 220. *They did not always live up to their covenant obligation to be God’s loyal subjects, but they began with a recognition of His kingship.
  • 221. *Verse 19 is a narrative account reemphasizing God’s making a way through the sea for the Israelites.
  • 222. *In response to His redemptive act, Miriam, “Aaron’s sister” and a “prophetess,” led the women as they played tambourines and she sang a song exalting God for
  • 223. His victory over Pharaoh’s forces (vv. 20- 21).
  • 224. *Miriam’s song reflects the words Moses and the people sang in verse 1. *In ancient times, women often went out to greet returning victorious warriors, singing and
  • 225. rejoicing in triumph. *Here the action likely was spontaneous, and the song celebrated God’s victory.
  • 226. *In the hymn, “How Great Thou Art,” the writer began stanza one by addressing God in wonder, then he reflected on God’s creative power and His displays of that
  • 227. power in the universe. *When the writer did so, he exulted into song much as the Israelites did. *Then he repeated the words for emphasis.
  • 228. *We celebrate God’s greatness as our Lord and our God—and the One Who has provided our salvation.
  • 229. *The Bible makes clear that God is God alone. *He is the only One we should worship. *Other religions’ claims need not intimidate us.
  • 230. *The Christian faith’s exclusivity means we do not accept the idea of other gods, but we respect others’ right to hold differing views.
  • 231. *Praise God as the One Who stands alone, like whom there is no other. *If God has answered a promise to you, incorporate that into your praise.
  • 232. Biblical Truths • God has made Himself known as the sovereign, covenant-making, covenant-keeping God.
  • 233. • God’s promises demonstrate that He wants to be involved in our lives.
  • 234. • God always keeps His promises, and His doing so gives us encouragement and strength.
  • 235. • Because God is God alone, He is the only One we should worship. • The one true God extends His lovingkindness, His mercy, to us.