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The Lean Startup Research Project

                       Results of the Lean Startup Approach survey

Christian Kählig – Executive MBA in Innovation and Business Creation (TUM, HHL, UC Berkeley)

           FACEBOOK: @ideasenabled -- LINKEDIN:   -- WEB:

                                                                                                                May 10, 2011

                • The following report contains elements of the research conducted as part
                  of a three month Executive MBA master thesis with the following topic

                                                 Facilitating Opportunity Development:
                                                    Increasing Understanding of the
                                                        Lean Startup Approach in
                                                Early Stage High-Tech Entrepreneurship

                • The focus of this presentation is on the Lean Startup Approach survey
                  which did not strive for statistical significance but qualitative data.
                • The presentation is primarily designed to be read which is why it contains
                  more text than recommended for an in-person presentation.
                • In case you are interested in the complete Lean Startup research results,
                  please contact me via email.

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                  2

                Executive Summary
                Complete Results

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig   3
The Lean Startup Approach survey was one of four data collection
means used to gather data about the Lean Startup phenomenon
                       February 2011                               March 2011
                       CW   M   T   W    T     F   S   S M         CW   T   W    T    F   S   S    CW   M    T     W   T   F   S   S   CW   M   T     W   T   F   S   S
                       8    21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28                 9   1   2    3    4   5   6    10   7    8     9   10 11 12 13     11   14 15 16 17 18 19 20

                                             Lean Startup Approach survey (web-based)
                                              Lean Startup Approach survey (web-based)


                                              LSM-BO LSM post-event survey (web-based)
                                               LSM-BO LSM post-event survey (web-based)


                                                                                                        Semi-structured interviews (via skype)
                                                                                                         Semi-structured interviews (via skype)

                       Friday                  Saturday         Sunday
                      • Lean Startup briefing • 2nd checkpoint • Team work
                      • Participant Pitches   • Challenges &   • Final presentation
                      • Team forming            new tactics    • Announcement of
                      • 1st checkpoint        • 3rd checkpoint

                                                       Note: LSM-BO = Lean Startup Machine Boston; (1) 30 out of 78 responses were
                                                       completely filled in; (2) 11 out of 14 responses were filled in by LSM Boston
                                                       event participants; (3) 7 LSM-BO event participants, 1 LSM-BO event mentor;

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                                                             4

                        The Lean Startup Approach survey was conducted between February 24th and March
                        16th 2011.

                        A web-based SaaS was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data from former,
                        current and prospective LSM participants interested in the Lean Startup Approach.

                        78 people participated in the survey – 40% filled in the questionnaire completely.

                        The questionnaire was comprised of 10 mandatory and 18 optional questions and
                        covered three main areas of interest:
                        • Lean Startup methodology knowledge, experience and resources used
                        • Startup development progress determination and metrics
                        • Business model documentation
                        The survey was announced in the LS circle group, the LSM Alumni group, the LSM
                        Boston facebook fanpage and tweeted to current and former LSM event participants.

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                 5
Executive Summary – Major Findings
                               • The basic profile of all survey participants revealed 18 LSM Boston attendees and overall middle-aged, well-
                                 educated US citizens
                               • The majority declared extensive professional experience and considerable scalable startup experience
         profile               • While many noted theoretical knowledge, only a few declared extensive practical experience with the Lean
                                 Startup methodology

                               • “Question your assumptions” and “Talk to your customers” were the two most important LS principles in the
                                 eyes of the participants
                               • At the same time, “Question your assumptions” was seen as most difficult to implement together with “Get out
      Lean Startup               of the building”
       principles              • Comparing the views of advanced and less LS experienced participants yielded notable differences only
                                 regarding iteration speed and pivoting
                               • “Validate learning” appeared to be especially difficult to implement for less experienced LS practitioners

                               • A notable third claimed to not document any business model related assumptions despite the stated
  Assumptions doc                importance of Question your assumption

       Startup                 • Among the huge variety of elaborated startup development progress metrics, LS principles played a certain role
                                 but did not dominate
     development               • Among the different customer interest measures, no clearly dominating theme could be identified
     progress and              • Customer related metrics dominated the most important metrics of strategic decision making about the future
       metrics                   direction of the startup

                               • Blogs and tweets of Eric Ries and Steve Blank were the two most frequently noted sources of expert
         Helpful                 information
        resources              • Expert advice and local meetups were indicated as most helpful resources for startup and opportunity

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                                     6
Executive Summary – Discussion
                                • The principles “Question your assumptions”, “Getting out of the building” and “Talk to customers” were
                                  recognized as very important, but at the same time also stated as most difficult to implement. Furthermore, no
                                  additional principles were mentioned although – for example – Eric Ries mentions “Build-Measure-Learn” as a
                                  core principle on his upcoming book landing page. Given the fact that nearly half of the answers (18) came from
                                  LSM event participants, the choice of the more customer development related principles in the “most
      Lean Startup                important” part might be related to the nature of the LSM event with its increased emphasis on the customer
       principles                 development part of the LS approach potentially causing some kind of bias.
                                • None of the chosen top three principles are actually core LS principles, but rather subordinated tenets or
                                  principles belonging to the customer development (CD) model. A likely reason for that result could be that the
                                  demarcation between the LS Approach principles as such and the subordinated CD related tenets (or principles)
                                  is not strictly differentiated by the practitioners.
                                • A notable third of the participants stated to not document any assumptions with regard to the proposed
                                  business model areas at all. Given the stated importance of related principles like “Question your assumptions”
                                  and “Pivot as necessary” where one changes direction but stays grounded in what was learned before actually
                                  gave reasons to expect a certain, pragmatic degree of model related assumption documentation and ultimately
  Assumptions doc                 a higher number of people stating that behavior. A possible explanation that the notion of documentation
                                  might have mistakenly evoked the business plan style of documentation – which was not the intention of
                                  course – has not been confirmed according to the email feedback of one case interviewee.
                                • The fact that “value propositions” and “customer segments” were among the “most documented” assumptions
                                  was not a real surprise and is expected to be in line with other research findings.
                                • Although a variety of approaches, metrics and tools were mentioned when it comes to startup development
       Startup                    progress measures and strategic decision making, yet the customer and its attributes appeared to take a
                                  central role given the different kind of noted elements. Additionally, not only quantitative, but also qualitative
     development                  and even hybrid measures were declared reflecting the variety of approaches and potentially the people’s
     progress and                 different mindsets (number-focused vs. people-focused). Only a few people directly referred to LS principles
       metrics                    and concepts like validated learning and pivoting which could be related to a lack of awareness, experience or
                                  acceptance as a valid means of progress measure.

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                                          7

                Executive Summary
                Complete Results

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig   8
Profile of the Survey   participants

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                     9
The basic profile of all survey participants revealed 18 LSM Boston
attendees and overall middle-aged, well-educated US citizens
                                                                                  n=28, one answ er only
                                                                                                                       11                          11



                                                                                            16-24                     25-34                       35-49                    50-64

 Note. * Mandatory question. LSM Boston participants are highlighted in orange.

                                                                                  Highest degree
                                                                                  n=28, one answ er only



                                                                                      High school       Professional degree   Bachelor's degree      Master's degree     Doctorate degree
                                                                                      graduate or       (e.g. MD, DDS, DVM,   (e.g. BA, AB, BS)    (e.g. MA, MS, MEng,    (e.g. PhD, EdD)
                                                                                     equivalent (e.g.          LLB, JD)                             MEd, MSW, MBA)

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                                                                               10
The majority declared extensive professional experience and
considerable scalable startup experience

 Professional experience
 n=28, one answ er only                                                  # of scalabe startups (among first 5, > 6 months)
                                                                         n=29, one answ er only

                                                                                                  10   10



            2                                                                                                                2

         1-2 years         3-5 years            6-10 years   11+ years
                                                                                 0                1    2-3        4-5        6+

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                     11
While many noted theoretical knowledge, only a few declared
extensive practical experience with the Lean Startup methodology
  Breadth of practical Lean Startup knowledge *                                                                         Depth of practical LS knowledge *
  n=41, one answ er only                                                                                                n=41, one answ er only

                                                                    16                                                                                             20


                                                                                               4                                                                                                                               5

     Not used in a project /   Uesd in 2-4 projects /   Used in 1 project / startup   Used in more than 5                 No integration into startup   Little to some integration   Advanced integration w ith     Strong integration w ith
          startup yet                startups                                          projects / startups                         activities             w ith startup activities       startup activities       almost all startup activities

Note. * Mandatory question.                                                                                                                                                                          Note. * Mandatory question.
                                                              Degree of theoretical Lean Startup knowledge *
                                                              n=41, one answ er only


                                                                            6                                                                                6

                                                                          None             Read/know some of the    Read/know all of the pre-     Consider myself a Lean
                                                                                            pre-event information      event information              Startup expert

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                      Note. * Mandatory question.                                                                                                                    12
Most important and most difficult Lean   Startup principles

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                   13
Question your assumptions and Talk to customers were the two most
important LS principles in the eyes of the participants

                Key Lean Startup principles in your view
                n=40, m ultiple answ ers possible

                  Question your assumptions                                             73%

                           Talk to customers                                      68%

                        Get out of the building                             60%

                              Validate learning                           58%

               Build minimum viable products                              58%

                                 Iterate rapidly                    53%

                           Pivot as necessary                 48%

                      Avoid premature scaling           20%

                   Another principle not listed    0%

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                 14
At the same time, Question your assumptions was seen as most difficult
to implement together with Get out of the building

                Most difficult Lean Startup principles to implement
                n=38, m ultiple answ ers possible

                        Get out of the building                                            39%

                  Question your assumptions                                          37%

                              Validate learning                                29%

                Build minimum viable products                            26%

                            Talk to customers                            26%

                           Pivot as necessary                      21%

                      Avoid premature scaling                13%

                                 Iterate rapidly        8%

                    Another principle not listed   0%

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                    15
Comparing the views of advanced and less LS experienced participants
yielded notable differences only regarding iteration speed and pivoting

                      Lean Startup principles: most important (advanced/strong vs. little experience)
                     n=14 (little experience), n=9 (advanced/strong experience)

                                Most important - group 'advanced/strong
                                Most important - group 'little experience'

                         Question your assumptions                                                                    78%

                                  Talk to customers                                                                   78%

                     Build minimum viable products                                                         67%

                                         Iterate rapidly                                                   67%

                                   Pivot as necessary                                                      67%

                              Get out of the building                                               56%

                                     Validate learning                                  44%

                             Avoid premature scaling                  11%

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                               16
Validate learning appeared to be especially difficult to implement for
less experienced LS practitioners

                       Lean Startup principles: most difficult (advanced/strong vs. little experience)
                      n=14 (little experience), n=9 (advanced/strong experience)

                        Most difficult - group 'advanced/strong experience'

                        Most difficult - group 'little experience'

                          Question your assumptions                                                   56%

                                    Talk to customers                                                 56%

                      Build minimum viable products                                22%

                                          Iterate rapidly                          22%

                                    Pivot as necessary                              22%

                                Get out of the building                            22%

                                       Validate learning                  11%

                              Avoid premature scaling        0%

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                               17
Documentation of Business   Model assumptions

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                 18
A notable third claimed to not document any business model related
assumptions despite the stated importance of Question your assumption

                Documentation of business model related assumptions
                n=34, multiple answ ers possible

                     Value propositions                                      53%

                   Customer segments                                         53%

                      Revenue streams                                  38%

                           Cost structure                              38%

                            Key activities                         35%

                I do not document them                           32%

                               Channels                    26%

                          Key resources              24%

                Customer relationships               24%

                            Key partners           21%

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                      19
Startup development progress, customer interest and metrics

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                              20
Among the huge variety of elaborated startup development progress
metrics, LS principles played a certain role but did not dominate
       Determination or measures of startup development progress                  (n=29, sorted alphabetically)

       Categories                         Elements

       Classic project metrics            roadmap milestones, assignments, working releases

                                          #, feedback (+/-), feedback conversion rate, health, value added, # of talks with important results,
       Customer metrics
                                          consider product must-have

       Lean startup principles            validated learning, pivots, # of interviews before P/S fit, first MVP

       Products/Services metrics          level of functionality, transactions per user

       Revenue metrics                    general, per customer, # of paying customers

       Self-assessment                    actionable steps, degree of focus, qualitiative

       Time/Cost metrics                  time and cost to deploy first minimum viable solution, time and cost for subsequent value-adds

       Tools                              dashboard, Pivotal Tracker

       Web(-related) metrics              AARRR*, unique visitors, users, activity, bounces, unbounces, social media mentions

       Note. * AARRR is a term coined by Dave McClure and represents: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue

     Note. Inductive category creation (Flick, 2009) was used to compile the categories and elements (sub-categories) above based on the
     participants‘ answers to the respective open-ended question.
LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                                    21
Among the different customer interest measures, no clearly dominating
theme could be identified

       Determination or measures of customer interest                  (n=26, sorted alphabetically)

       Categories                        Elements

       AARRR                             acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue

       Commitment                        willingness-to-use, -pay, -refer

       Conversion                        funnel, cost

       Interviews                        qualitative, face-to-face, phone, reaction, follow-ups, feedback quality, positive feedback, surveys

       Landing page                      traffic, activitiy, signups

       Problem                           significant pain solved, degree of disappointment in case product/service would disappear

     Note. Inductive category creation (Flick, 2009) was used to compile the categories and elements (sub-categories) above based on the
     participants‘ answers to the respective open-ended question.

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                                   22
Customer related metrics dominated the most important metrics of
strategic decision making about the future direction of the startup

       Metrics for important strategic decisions about startup direction              (n=27, sorted alphabetically)

       Categories                          Elements

                                           feedback, interest, passion, problem assumptions validation, scalable acquisition strategy,
       Customer                            willingness-to-pay, new per segment, actions vs. expectations, value recognition, types
                                           understanding, service cost, new adoption rate

       Learning                            pace
                                           market size, marketplace awareness, general funnel thinking, product/market fit, main area of
       Marketing and Sales
       Others                              business specific, assumed landscape in 6 months, meeting with stakeholders

       Product and Solution                time and cost for first minimum viable solution, problem/solution fit

       Revenue/Profit                      general, early profit

       Strategic positioning               change relative to customers and competitors

       User                                #, activity, signups, # of signups vs. users, conversion

     Note. Inductive category creation (Flick, 2009) was used to compile the categories and elements (sub-categories) above based on the
     participants‘ answers to the respective open-ended question.

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                              23
Helpful Resources

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                       24
Blogs and tweets of Eric Ries and Steve Blank were the two most
frequently noted sources of expert information
                           Expert blogs or tweets read by practitioners
                           n=32, m ultiple answ ers possible

                                        Eric Ries                                              91%

                                     Steve Blank                                              88%

                                   Dave McClure                                         66%

                                      Ash Maurya                                  53%

                                Patrick Vlaskovits                               50%

                                    Brant Cooper                           44%

                                       Sean Ellis                    38%

                          Alexander Osterwalder                28%

                                    Andrew Chen          6%

                                    Cindy Alvarez        6%

                                   Tor Gronsund       3%

                                     Nathan Furr      3%

                                Tom Eisenmann         3%

                                   Trevor Owens       3%

                                    Jason Cohen       3%

                                        Neil Patel    3%

                                      Hiten Shah      3%

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                        25
Expert advice and local meetups were indicated as most helpful
resources for startup and opportunity development

        Most helpful resources so far           (n=23, sorted alphabetically)

        Categories                         Elements

        Expert advice                      blogs (14), books (10), lsc group (4), videos (2), tweets (1)

        Local meetups                      local lean startup meetups (3)

        Tools                              business model canvas (1)

        Note. Number of mentions in parantheses. Elements ordered from most to least frequent mentions.

     Note. Inductive category creation (Flick, 2009) was used to compile the categories and elements (sub-categories) above based on the
     participants‘ answers to the respective open-ended question.

LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                                                              26
Christian Kählig

                                                     … for your contribution to this research endeavor!

     LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig                                                   27

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The Lean Startup Approach ... reviewed!

  • 1. The Lean Startup Research Project Results of the Lean Startup Approach survey Christian Kählig – Executive MBA in Innovation and Business Creation (TUM, HHL, UC Berkeley) FACEBOOK: @ideasenabled -- LINKEDIN: -- WEB: May 10, 2011
  • 2. Preface • The following report contains elements of the research conducted as part of a three month Executive MBA master thesis with the following topic Facilitating Opportunity Development: Increasing Understanding of the Lean Startup Approach in Early Stage High-Tech Entrepreneurship • The focus of this presentation is on the Lean Startup Approach survey which did not strive for statistical significance but qualitative data. • The presentation is primarily designed to be read which is why it contains more text than recommended for an in-person presentation. • In case you are interested in the complete Lean Startup research results, please contact me via email. LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 2
  • 3. Agenda Executive Summary Complete Results LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 3
  • 4. The Lean Startup Approach survey was one of four data collection means used to gather data about the Lean Startup phenomenon February 2011 March 2011 CW M T W T F S S M CW T W T F S S CW M T W T F S S CW M T W T F S S 8 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Lean Startup Approach survey (web-based) Lean Startup Approach survey (web-based) n=78 (1) LSM-BO LSM post-event survey (web-based) LSM-BO LSM post-event survey (web-based) n=14 (2) Semi-structured interviews (via skype) Semi-structured interviews (via skype) Friday Saturday Sunday • Lean Startup briefing • 2nd checkpoint • Team work • Participant Pitches • Challenges & • Final presentation n=8 (3) • Team forming new tactics • Announcement of • 1st checkpoint • 3rd checkpoint winners Note: LSM-BO = Lean Startup Machine Boston; (1) 30 out of 78 responses were completely filled in; (2) 11 out of 14 responses were filled in by LSM Boston event participants; (3) 7 LSM-BO event participants, 1 LSM-BO event mentor; LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 4
  • 5. Briefing The Lean Startup Approach survey was conducted between February 24th and March 16th 2011. A web-based SaaS was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data from former, current and prospective LSM participants interested in the Lean Startup Approach. 78 people participated in the survey – 40% filled in the questionnaire completely. The questionnaire was comprised of 10 mandatory and 18 optional questions and covered three main areas of interest: • Lean Startup methodology knowledge, experience and resources used • Startup development progress determination and metrics • Business model documentation The survey was announced in the LS circle group, the LSM Alumni group, the LSM Boston facebook fanpage and tweeted to current and former LSM event participants. LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 5
  • 6. Executive Summary – Major Findings • The basic profile of all survey participants revealed 18 LSM Boston attendees and overall middle-aged, well- educated US citizens Participants’ • The majority declared extensive professional experience and considerable scalable startup experience profile • While many noted theoretical knowledge, only a few declared extensive practical experience with the Lean Startup methodology • “Question your assumptions” and “Talk to your customers” were the two most important LS principles in the eyes of the participants • At the same time, “Question your assumptions” was seen as most difficult to implement together with “Get out Lean Startup of the building” principles • Comparing the views of advanced and less LS experienced participants yielded notable differences only regarding iteration speed and pivoting • “Validate learning” appeared to be especially difficult to implement for less experienced LS practitioners • A notable third claimed to not document any business model related assumptions despite the stated Assumptions doc importance of Question your assumption Startup • Among the huge variety of elaborated startup development progress metrics, LS principles played a certain role but did not dominate development • Among the different customer interest measures, no clearly dominating theme could be identified progress and • Customer related metrics dominated the most important metrics of strategic decision making about the future metrics direction of the startup • Blogs and tweets of Eric Ries and Steve Blank were the two most frequently noted sources of expert Helpful information resources • Expert advice and local meetups were indicated as most helpful resources for startup and opportunity development LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 6
  • 7. Executive Summary – Discussion • The principles “Question your assumptions”, “Getting out of the building” and “Talk to customers” were recognized as very important, but at the same time also stated as most difficult to implement. Furthermore, no additional principles were mentioned although – for example – Eric Ries mentions “Build-Measure-Learn” as a core principle on his upcoming book landing page. Given the fact that nearly half of the answers (18) came from LSM event participants, the choice of the more customer development related principles in the “most Lean Startup important” part might be related to the nature of the LSM event with its increased emphasis on the customer principles development part of the LS approach potentially causing some kind of bias. • None of the chosen top three principles are actually core LS principles, but rather subordinated tenets or principles belonging to the customer development (CD) model. A likely reason for that result could be that the demarcation between the LS Approach principles as such and the subordinated CD related tenets (or principles) is not strictly differentiated by the practitioners. • A notable third of the participants stated to not document any assumptions with regard to the proposed business model areas at all. Given the stated importance of related principles like “Question your assumptions” and “Pivot as necessary” where one changes direction but stays grounded in what was learned before actually gave reasons to expect a certain, pragmatic degree of model related assumption documentation and ultimately Assumptions doc a higher number of people stating that behavior. A possible explanation that the notion of documentation might have mistakenly evoked the business plan style of documentation – which was not the intention of course – has not been confirmed according to the email feedback of one case interviewee. • The fact that “value propositions” and “customer segments” were among the “most documented” assumptions was not a real surprise and is expected to be in line with other research findings. • Although a variety of approaches, metrics and tools were mentioned when it comes to startup development Startup progress measures and strategic decision making, yet the customer and its attributes appeared to take a central role given the different kind of noted elements. Additionally, not only quantitative, but also qualitative development and even hybrid measures were declared reflecting the variety of approaches and potentially the people’s progress and different mindsets (number-focused vs. people-focused). Only a few people directly referred to LS principles metrics and concepts like validated learning and pivoting which could be related to a lack of awareness, experience or acceptance as a valid means of progress measure. LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 7
  • 8. Agenda Executive Summary Complete Results LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 8
  • 9. Profile of the Survey participants LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 9
  • 10. The basic profile of all survey participants revealed 18 LSM Boston attendees and overall middle-aged, well-educated US citizens Age n=28, one answ er only 11 11 4 2 16-24 25-34 35-49 50-64 Note. * Mandatory question. LSM Boston participants are highlighted in orange. Highest degree n=28, one answ er only 12 10 3 2 1 High school Professional degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Doctorate degree graduate or (e.g. MD, DDS, DVM, (e.g. BA, AB, BS) (e.g. MA, MS, MEng, (e.g. PhD, EdD) equivalent (e.g. LLB, JD) MEd, MSW, MBA) GED) LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 10
  • 11. The majority declared extensive professional experience and considerable scalable startup experience Professional experience n=28, one answ er only # of scalabe startups (among first 5, > 6 months) n=29, one answ er only 17 10 10 7 6 3 2 2 0 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 11+ years 0 1 2-3 4-5 6+ LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 11
  • 12. While many noted theoretical knowledge, only a few declared extensive practical experience with the Lean Startup methodology Breadth of practical Lean Startup knowledge * Depth of practical LS knowledge * n=41, one answ er only n=41, one answ er only 16 20 13 8 9 7 4 5 Not used in a project / Uesd in 2-4 projects / Used in 1 project / startup Used in more than 5 No integration into startup Little to some integration Advanced integration w ith Strong integration w ith startup yet startups projects / startups activities w ith startup activities startup activities almost all startup activities Note. * Mandatory question. Note. * Mandatory question. Degree of theoretical Lean Startup knowledge * n=41, one answ er only 15 14 6 6 None Read/know some of the Read/know all of the pre- Consider myself a Lean pre-event information event information Startup expert LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig Note. * Mandatory question. 12
  • 13. Most important and most difficult Lean Startup principles LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 13
  • 14. Question your assumptions and Talk to customers were the two most important LS principles in the eyes of the participants Key Lean Startup principles in your view n=40, m ultiple answ ers possible Question your assumptions 73% Talk to customers 68% Get out of the building 60% Validate learning 58% Build minimum viable products 58% Iterate rapidly 53% Pivot as necessary 48% Avoid premature scaling 20% Another principle not listed 0% LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 14
  • 15. At the same time, Question your assumptions was seen as most difficult to implement together with Get out of the building Most difficult Lean Startup principles to implement n=38, m ultiple answ ers possible Get out of the building 39% Question your assumptions 37% Validate learning 29% Build minimum viable products 26% Talk to customers 26% Pivot as necessary 21% Avoid premature scaling 13% Iterate rapidly 8% Another principle not listed 0% LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 15
  • 16. Comparing the views of advanced and less LS experienced participants yielded notable differences only regarding iteration speed and pivoting Lean Startup principles: most important (advanced/strong vs. little experience) n=14 (little experience), n=9 (advanced/strong experience) Most important - group 'advanced/strong experience' Most important - group 'little experience' Question your assumptions 78% 71% Talk to customers 78% 64% Build minimum viable products 67% 50% Iterate rapidly 67% 43% Pivot as necessary 67% 36% Get out of the building 56% 64% Validate learning 44% 64% Avoid premature scaling 11% 14% LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 16
  • 17. Validate learning appeared to be especially difficult to implement for less experienced LS practitioners Lean Startup principles: most difficult (advanced/strong vs. little experience) n=14 (little experience), n=9 (advanced/strong experience) Most difficult - group 'advanced/strong experience' Most difficult - group 'little experience' Question your assumptions 56% 36% Talk to customers 56% 36% Build minimum viable products 22% 43% Iterate rapidly 22% 14% Pivot as necessary 22% 21% Get out of the building 22% 7% Validate learning 11% 43% Avoid premature scaling 0% 7% LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 17
  • 18. Documentation of Business Model assumptions LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 18
  • 19. A notable third claimed to not document any business model related assumptions despite the stated importance of Question your assumption Documentation of business model related assumptions n=34, multiple answ ers possible Value propositions 53% Customer segments 53% Revenue streams 38% Cost structure 38% Key activities 35% I do not document them 32% Channels 26% Key resources 24% Customer relationships 24% Key partners 21% LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 19
  • 20. Startup development progress, customer interest and metrics LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 20
  • 21. Among the huge variety of elaborated startup development progress metrics, LS principles played a certain role but did not dominate Determination or measures of startup development progress (n=29, sorted alphabetically) Categories Elements Classic project metrics roadmap milestones, assignments, working releases #, feedback (+/-), feedback conversion rate, health, value added, # of talks with important results, Customer metrics consider product must-have Lean startup principles validated learning, pivots, # of interviews before P/S fit, first MVP Products/Services metrics level of functionality, transactions per user Revenue metrics general, per customer, # of paying customers Self-assessment actionable steps, degree of focus, qualitiative Time/Cost metrics time and cost to deploy first minimum viable solution, time and cost for subsequent value-adds Tools dashboard, Pivotal Tracker Web(-related) metrics AARRR*, unique visitors, users, activity, bounces, unbounces, social media mentions Note. * AARRR is a term coined by Dave McClure and represents: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue Note. Inductive category creation (Flick, 2009) was used to compile the categories and elements (sub-categories) above based on the participants‘ answers to the respective open-ended question. LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 21
  • 22. Among the different customer interest measures, no clearly dominating theme could be identified Determination or measures of customer interest (n=26, sorted alphabetically) Categories Elements AARRR acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue Commitment willingness-to-use, -pay, -refer Conversion funnel, cost Interviews qualitative, face-to-face, phone, reaction, follow-ups, feedback quality, positive feedback, surveys Landing page traffic, activitiy, signups Problem significant pain solved, degree of disappointment in case product/service would disappear Note. Inductive category creation (Flick, 2009) was used to compile the categories and elements (sub-categories) above based on the participants‘ answers to the respective open-ended question. LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 22
  • 23. Customer related metrics dominated the most important metrics of strategic decision making about the future direction of the startup Metrics for important strategic decisions about startup direction (n=27, sorted alphabetically) Categories Elements feedback, interest, passion, problem assumptions validation, scalable acquisition strategy, Customer willingness-to-pay, new per segment, actions vs. expectations, value recognition, types understanding, service cost, new adoption rate Learning pace market size, marketplace awareness, general funnel thinking, product/market fit, main area of Marketing and Sales growth Others business specific, assumed landscape in 6 months, meeting with stakeholders Product and Solution time and cost for first minimum viable solution, problem/solution fit Revenue/Profit general, early profit Strategic positioning change relative to customers and competitors User #, activity, signups, # of signups vs. users, conversion Note. Inductive category creation (Flick, 2009) was used to compile the categories and elements (sub-categories) above based on the participants‘ answers to the respective open-ended question. LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 23
  • 24. Helpful Resources LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 24
  • 25. Blogs and tweets of Eric Ries and Steve Blank were the two most frequently noted sources of expert information Expert blogs or tweets read by practitioners n=32, m ultiple answ ers possible Eric Ries 91% Steve Blank 88% Dave McClure 66% Ash Maurya 53% Patrick Vlaskovits 50% Brant Cooper 44% Sean Ellis 38% Alexander Osterwalder 28% Andrew Chen 6% Cindy Alvarez 6% Tor Gronsund 3% Nathan Furr 3% Tom Eisenmann 3% Trevor Owens 3% Jason Cohen 3% Neil Patel 3% Hiten Shah 3% LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 25
  • 26. Expert advice and local meetups were indicated as most helpful resources for startup and opportunity development Most helpful resources so far (n=23, sorted alphabetically) Categories Elements Expert advice blogs (14), books (10), lsc group (4), videos (2), tweets (1) Local meetups local lean startup meetups (3) Tools business model canvas (1) Note. Number of mentions in parantheses. Elements ordered from most to least frequent mentions. Note. Inductive category creation (Flick, 2009) was used to compile the categories and elements (sub-categories) above based on the participants‘ answers to the respective open-ended question. LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 26
  • 27. Christian Kählig f: w: l: … for your contribution to this research endeavor! LS Approach Survey Results © Christian Kählig 27

Editor's Notes

  1. Source1: Source2:,1199375067,1/stock-photo-purple-curtain-8209939.jpg
  2. Source: