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                                   Mining and Sustainability
                                                             R. Anthony Hodge

INTRODUCTION                                                                  address not only the what, or the substantive part of human
The 1987 publication of the report, Our Common Future by                      action, but also the how, or the process part. In other words, in
the United Nations (UN) World Commission on Environment                       the practical application of sustainable development concepts,
and Development (WCED), brought the concept of sustainable                    not only what we do is important but how we do it.
development into the limelight. Chaired by the former Prime                        Thus, the ideas of sustainable development and sustain-
Minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland, and following                      ability are different but synchronous. Sustainability is a more
hearings held across the world, the commission proposed an                    general term that captures the idea that we need to maintain
agenda for world development that would enhance security                      certain important aspects of the world over the long term.
and reduce North–South disparities. It would be development                   Sustainable development is the human or action part of this
“which meets the needs of the present without compromis-                      set of ideas: As a society, we want to make choices about our
ing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”                actions that allow us to provide for the present without under-
(WCED 1987).                                                                  mining the possibility for future generations to provide for
     Since then, a rich debate has ensued about what this                     themselves.
means in practical terms. Though many other sets of words                          Together, these ideas are very appealing. However, their
have been suggested for defining the phrase sustainable devel-                translation to practical action remains much debated. This is
opment, the Brundtland Commission definition has stood the                    not surprising. Human society is complex. There are about
test of time and remains the anchor. For a rich discussion,                   10,000 cells in the standard industrial classification—our way
see the “definitions” portal of the International Institute for               of classifying human activities within the market economy.
Sustainable Development, or IISD (SD Gateway n.d.)                            This does not account for many more activities outside the
     In recent years, the word sustainability has also found its              market economy. There are about 200 countries across the
way into common use. The idea is simple. Sustainability is the                world, and the global ecosystem is complex and not fully
persistence over a long time—indefinitely—of certain neces-                   understood.
sary and/or desired characteristics of both human society and                      For its part, the mining, minerals, and metals industry has
the enveloping ecosystem (Robinson et al. 1990). These char-                  been a particularly active locus of sustainability-related policy
acteristics range from primary needs such as air, water, food,                and practice innovations because
clothing, shelter, and basic human rights to a host of condi-
                                                                                 • The potential implications—both positive and negative—
tions that would collectively be called quality of life, not only
                                                                                   of mining activities and the minerals and metals that
for people but for other life forms as well.
                                                                                   result are significant;
     It is here that the definitional issue becomes difficult
                                                                                 • Many interests are touched by mining;
for some, because the choice of which characteristics are to
                                                                                 • The role of many of these interests in decision making is
be sustained and the degree to which they will be sustained
                                                                                   growing (e.g., communities and indigenous people);
depends on the particular values that are applied. In turn, these
                                                                                 • The nature of contemporary communications systems has
depend on who is doing the applying. In other words, it is not
                                                                                   brought the often dramatic nature of mining operations
a closed definition. What a company CEO chooses as impor-
                                                                                   into the public eye; and
tant may be different than a politician, doctor, or librarian;
                                                                                 • Industry, governments, civil society organizations, and
what a Mexican chooses may be different from, for example,
                                                                                   the public, in general, are all anxious to ensure mining
a Tanzanian or Australian. Because of these potential differ-
                                                                                   makes a positive contribution that is fairly shared.
ences, a fair and effective process of interaction and seek-
ing consensus is critical to the practical application of these               Importantly, the concept of sustainable development has not
ideas. Herein lies the rationale for why it is essential to always            disappeared like so many “flavor of the month” ideas. Rather,

R. Anthony Hodge, President, International Council on Mining & Metals; Professor, Mining & Sustainability, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

1666                                              SME Mining Engineering Handbook

it has grown in prominence and is now deeply entrenched in           of the world’s largest mining companies took an unprec-
legislation, government, and corporate policy and practice.          edented step.
Sustainability is the subject of university curricula, given as a          Working through the World Business Council for
label to vice presidents and departments of mining companies,        Sustainable Development, they initiated the Global Mining
incorporated into the names of service providers, and included       Initiative (GMI). As part of GMI, they commissioned the
as an element of key performance indicators.                         International Institute for Environment and Development
      This chapter provides an overview that links the ideas         (London) to undertake a global review that would lead to the
of sustainable development and sustainability to the mining,         identification of how mining and minerals can best contribute
minerals, and metals industry. To do so, a particular template       to the global transition to sustainable development. The result-
is used for organizing the many interlinked bodies of knowl-         ing project, Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development
edge that must be brought together: the Seven Questions to           (MMSD), sparked a large and rich literature, including the
Sustainability (7QS) (MMSD North America 2002).                      project’s final report, Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals
      This template is pragmatic though much informed by the         and Sustainable Development (MMSD 2002).
theoretical foundation of systems theory. It recognizes that to            Before the GMI was completed, participants moved
bring sustainability ideas into practice for the mining, min-        to create an organization that would carry the resulting rec-
erals, and metals industry, the hard (well-defined) and the soft     ommendations forward to implementation. Thus, in 2001
(ill-defined) systems of the real world must both be addressed,      and building on the foundation established by ICME, the
as well as the objective (independent of judgment) and the           International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) was
subjective (dependent on judgment). In doing so, all must be         created. Many of the ideas summarized in this chapter have
treated, if not exactly scientifically (which is not always pos-     emerged from or been refined through subsequent work of
sible), at least in a way that is characterized by intellectual      ICMM.
rigor (see discussion of systems theory and sustainability in              Almost simultaneously with these events, NGO pressure
Hodge 1995 and 1996). The 7QS template weaves together               on the World Bank Group led to the initiation in 2001 of a
ideas from many disciplines but recognizes that deeper explo-        multi-interest review of the group’s involvement in extrac-
ration is often warranted depending on site-specific condi-          tive industries. The Extractive Industries Review sought to
tions. In this context, the objective of this chapter is to open a   test whether or not industry projects could be compatible with
door as a first step to practical application.                       the World Bank Group’s goal of sustainable development and
                                                                     poverty reduction. In its final report, Striking a Better Balance
MINING AND METALS INDUSTRY RESPONSE TO                               (Salim 2003), the review concluded in the affirmative but only
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                              if three enabling conditions were in place:
The 1970s and 1980s were a time of reaction to dramatic
                                                                       1. Public and corporate governance advocacy for the poor,
change for mining. Echoing increasing concern for the envi-
                                                                          including proactive planning and management to maxi-
ronment across society, the late 1980s saw a number of lead-
                                                                          mize poverty alleviation through sustainable development
ing mining companies publish “state-of-environment” reports
                                                                       2. Much more effective social and environmental policies
related to their operations. Taking another important step, 30
                                                                       3. Respect for human rights
leading mining and metals companies from across the world
came together in 1991 to create the International Council on               The resulting refocused World Bank policy emphasizes
Metals and the Environment (ICME). ICME would give the               strengthened governance and transparency, ensuring that ben-
industry an international voice on environmental matters.            efits reach the poor, mitigating environmental and social risks,
     Also in the early 1990s, many of these same companies           protecting human rights, and promoting renewable energy and
joined with senior governments, labor unions, aboriginal             efficiency to combat climate change. This refocusing has in
peoples, and environmental nongovernmental organizations             turn influenced mining approaches to implementing sustain-
(NGOs) in a broad review of mining practices in Canada.              able development on the ground. In sum, this process has
The Whitehorse Mining Initiative turned out to be a precur-          served to elucidate and reinforce the concepts of sustainable
sor of a number of initiatives convened to bring sustainability      development addressed in this discussion.
ideas to practical application around the world. The resulting
Leadership Accord (Whitehorse Mining Initiative Leadership           MINING’S CONTRIBUTION TO SUSTAINABLE
Council Accord 1993) is a summons to change, framed within           DEVELOPMENT
the context of a commitment to social and environmen-                At the base of the interlinked ideas of sustainability and sus-
tal goals. It seeks a sustainable mining industry within the         tainable development lies the simple idea that any human
framework of an evolving and sustainable society. The ideas          activity—including mining—should be undertaken in such a
it champions and the multi-interest process it uses elegantly        way that the activity itself and the products produced together
capture sustainable development in practice.                         provide a net contribution to human and ecosystem well-being
     For the mining industry, the decade of the 1990s was            over the long term.
a bleak period. Commodity prices dropped while public                     From an engineering design perspective in general and a
criticism skyrocketed, much driven by a civil society that           mine design perspective in particular, this simple idea gives
was quick to take advantage of newly available and quickly           rise to an overarching two-dimensional design criterion. That
evolving computer-based communications. As a whole, the              is, mining activity (or any human endeavour for that matter)
industry found itself under attack and in a defensive pos-           should be designed to achieve (through the activity itself and
ture. Its social license to operate was threatened (though           the products that result) a net contribution to both human and
that particular label was to come later). In the late 1990s and      ecosystem well-being over the long term. The achievement of
faced with growing concern about access to capital, land,            design success should, in turn, be tested against this design
and human resources, the chief executive officers of nine            criterion.
Mining and Sustainability                                                   1667

                    Ten Principles for Sustainable Development                                          Seven Position Statements

              1. Implement ethical business practices and apply                               1. Mining and protected areas
                 good corporate governance.
                                                                                              2. Mining partnerships for development
              2. Integrate sustainable development in corporate
                                                                                              3. Climate change
                 decision making.
                                                                                              4. Mining and indigenous peoples
              3. Uphold fundamental human rights.
                                                                                              5. Mercury risk management
              4. Manage risks based on sound science.
                                                                                              6. Transparency of mineral revenues
       5. and 6. Improve environment, health, and safety
                 performance continuously.                                                    7. Mineral resources and economic development
              7. Conserve biodiversity and contribute to integrated
                 land-use planning.
              8. Encourage a life-cycle approach to materials
              9. Contribute to community development.
            10. Publicly report, independently assure, and engage
                openly and transparently.

Figure 16.2-1 Principles and position statements that comprise the sustainable development framework of ICMM

      Thus, the focus here is not on how mining can be                          concentrating and refining. However, in an overarching sense,
sustainable—any mining project as a discrete activity cannot                    the ideas of sustainability and sustainable development call
continue indefinitely—but on how mining, minerals, and met-                     for both human and ecosystem well-being to be maintained or
als can contribute to sustainable development. This is a con-                   improved over the long term. Doing one at the expense of the
ceptual shift away from a singular analysis and mitigation of                   other is not acceptable because, either way, the foundation of
impacts to a more comprehensive analysis and encouragement                      life is undermined.
of contribution.
      The focus on contribution is a tougher but fairer approach.               PRINCIPLES AND FRAMEWORKS
It demands consideration of both the good and the bad. (The                     The nature of applied sustainability is evident from the many
idea that the mining and metals industry should be designed                     attempts to articulate sustainable development principles. For
for and tested against its contribution to the well-being of peo-               a listing of more than 100 such principles, see the the “prin-
ple and the environment—to sustainable development—was                          ciples” portal of the IISD (n.d.). In short, there is no one-size-
first proposed by Professor Robert Gibson in 2000 and later                     fits-all approach to defining, framing, and characterizing the
taken up in development of the 7QS template [MMSD North                         ideas of sustainable development and sustainability. One set
America 2002; Hodge 2004].) That a mining activity might                        of principles of particular relevance to the mining industry is
be challenged to make a positive contribution to the ecosys-                    the 10-part set developed by the ICMM, along with its com-
tem over the long term may seem a tough, even impossible                        plementary set of position statements. ICMM brings together
challenge to some. However, articulating explicit engineering                   19 of the largest mining companies of the world and, on an
design criteria in this way sets a design objective that is essen-              annual basis, member companies assess performance against
tial if mining and metals-related activity and the resulting                    these commitments using a procedure that includes third-party
products are to achieve the sustainable development contribu-                   independent assurance (ICMM 2010a).
tion that is being demanded by society.                                               The ICMM principles and position statements as of 2010
      Application of these ideas is not simply a greening phe-                  are summarized in Figure 16.2-1. Just as many definitions and
nomenon; it is related as much to well-being and security of                    principles have been proposed, so too have many organizing
people as the environment. And, interestingly, the mining                       frameworks been designed to bring theory to action. A com-
industry’s capacity to deal with the environmental aspects                      parative analysis of about 30 such characterizations or frame-
is currently stronger than its ability to address the full range                works is found in Hodge 1997.
of social aspects. This is likely because many environmental                          Almost three decades before the popularization of sustain-
issues can be addressed through hard scientific and technical                   able development ideas, geographer Walter Firey pointed out
solutions, whereas social issues often require soft behavioral-                 that three broad groupings of knowledge were pertinent to natu-
type solutions, which can be much harder to design and imple-                   ral resource use (Firey 1960; and see discussion in Hodge 1997):
ment—and which often fall outside the engineer’s training.
                                                                                  1. Ecological (environmental)
      These ideas also veer sharply away from thinking in
                                                                                  2. Ethnological (social/culture)
terms of a trade-off between human and ecosystem well-
                                                                                  3. Economic
being—it is not a balancing act that pits people against the
environment. There are obviously many small trade-offs in                       In the late 1980s, Firey’s three-part model of natural resource
any practical application: between interests, between compo-                    use was adopted by a number of those attempting to opera-
nents of the ecosystem, across time, and across space. This                     tionalize the concept of sustainable development (Mitchell
is particularly the case for mining and the related process of                  1991). Since then, the three-part environmental–social–
1668                                                       SME Mining Engineering Handbook

                                                                                As with all sustainable development frameworks, a broad
          Components                                    Results
                                                                           range of topics is captured. However, this example is particu-
    • Environmental
                                                                           larly useful for another reason. It is clear that the simultaneous
                                                                           treatment of all objectives sets up tensions that must ulti-
    • Social                                                               mately be resolved: In a comparative analysis of alternatives,
      — Cultural                                • Human Well-being
                                                                           different value sets might well judge performance differently
      — Political
      — Health
                                                • Ecosystem Well-being     and, at the same time, place greater weight on certain objec-
                                                                           tives. This is a poignant example of applied sustainability in
    • Economic
      — Institutional                                                      practice. Here again the process of finding common ground
                                                                           can be seen as critical to practical implementation of sustain-
                                                                           able development ideas.
          Capitals: Natural, Built, Human, Knowledge, Institutional
                                                                                From a different but important perspective, as part of
                                                                           the World Bank Group response to the Extractive Industries
Figure 16.2-2 Different characterizations of sustainable                   Review, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) prepared
development                                                                and adopted a sustainability framework that consists of (1)
                                                                           the Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability, (2) the
                                                                           Policy on Disclosure of Information; and (3) a set of perfor-
economic characterization of sustainable development has                   mance standards on social and environmental sustainability.
gained broad usage. A significant limitation of this approach,                  In its performance standards, the IFC addresses eight
however, arises because of the lack of common treatment for                topics:
the social element.
                                                                             1. Social and environmental assessment and management
      Many other frameworks have also emerged that make
sense for the particular application: population health, healthy
                                                                             2. Labor and working conditions
communities, sustainable communities, foreign aid, urban
                                                                             3. Pollution prevention and abatement
design, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, indigenous peoples’
                                                                             4. Community health, safety, and security
needs, and so forth. From one particularly important perspec-
                                                                             5. Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement
tive, the World Bank Group has used the lens and insights of
                                                                             6. Biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural
economics to offer a “capitals” model to apply sustainable
                                                                                resource management
development ideas: natural, built, human, knowledge, and
                                                                             7. Indigenous peoples
institutional. Figure 16.2-2 is a synthesis that brings a number
                                                                             8. Cultural heritage
of the alternatives together.
      Another perspective that offers practical insight comes                   Here again is another definition of what is appropriate to
from an analysis of mine closure options that was undertaken               include in addressing application of sustainability concepts to
for the Faro mine project in the Yukon Territory, Canada                   mining. The IFC sustainability framework is currently under
(Hodge and Merkhofer 2008). In this case, a sophisticated                  review with the expectation that a revised package is targeted
multi-attribute utility analysis—driven by a multistakeholder              for release in 2011. The IFC has also published a number of
process—was used to assess the alternatives. Multi-attribute               Good Practice Notes/Handbooks (IFC 2006) relevant to the
utility analysis is a form of decision analysis in which a set of          practical issues of sustainability. Most importantly, the per-
objectives is articulated and each alternative’s performance is            formance standards along with the World Bank Group’s
assessed against those objectives. The underlying principle is             Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines form the basis
that the alternative that best performs against the objectives             of the Equator Principles, which have been adopted by 67
is the best one. The foundation of this kind of analysis is the            lending institutions worldwide (the Equator Principles lend-
articulation of objectives that can be translated to a scale, which        ing institutions), many of whom provide financing for min-
can be assessed in terms of a direction (e.g., more is better, less        ing activities. The Equator Principles are a voluntary set of
is worse) and magnitude (e.g., how much better or worse).                  standards for determining, assessing, and managing social and
      The rigorous scaling and multi-interest process of assess-           environmental risk in project financing. They are considered
ing and judging are complex. In the Faro analysis, two time                the financial industry gold standard for sustainable project
horizons were used in the assessment: (1) short, 15–40 years;              finance.
and (2) long, 500–1,000 years. Of relevance to this discus-                     Another important framework is the Global Compact, a
sion is the framework of closure objectives, because it was                principle-based framework for businesses, which was estab-
set to reflect an overarching government policy of sustainable             lished by the United Nations in 2000. The Global Compact is
development. Eight objectives were used for assessing closure              the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative
alternative at the Faro mine (Yukon Territory, Canada):                    and states 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the
                                                                           environment, and anticorruption. Members are committed to
  1. Maximize public health and safety
                                                                           aligning their operations and strategies with the 10 principles
  2. Maximize worker health and safety
                                                                           (United Nations Global Compact n.d.).
  3. Maximize restoration, protection and enhancement of the
                                                                                For their part, the Millennium Development Goals are
                                                                           eight international development goals that all 192 UN member
  4. Maximize local socioeconomic benefits
                                                                           states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed
  5. Maximize Yukon socioeconomic benefits
                                                                           to achieve by the year 2015:
  6. Minimize cost
  7. Minimize restrictions on traditional land use                           1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
  8. Minimize restrictions on local land use                                 2. Achieving universal primary education
Mining and Sustainability                                                     1669

        1a                                                                   4a

             Suspension or                                                         Temporary
              Termination                                                            Closure

         1                     2                      3                       4                        5                   6
                                    Detailed Site                                   Operation            Final Closure
              Exploration          Investigation,                                 2–100 years                and                Postclosure
              1–10 years            Design, and                                    progressive         Decommissioning         in perpetuity
                                     Estimating                                   rehabilitation           1–5 years

                                           Typically 1–3 years


                                   Suspension or
                                    Termination                           Mine life cycle 1960s
                                                                          Mine life cycle 1970s +
                                                                          Mine life cycle 2000

Source: Adapted from John Gadsby (personal communication) and MMSD North America 2002.
Figure 16.2-3 Mine project life cycle

  3.   Promoting gender equity and empowering women                            society to walk more lightly on the earth. For example, all the
  4.   Reducing child mortality                                                strategies needed for development, transmission, and use of
  5.   Improving maternal health                                               renewable energy sources depend on mined metals and miner-
  6.   Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases                         als. Similarly, strategies to move to a carbon-reduced econ-
  7.   Ensuring environmental sustainability                                   omy are only possible through creative uses of mined minerals
  8.   Developing a global partnership for development                         and metals.
                                                                                     Thus, the sustainability-related focus is now appropriately
     Each of the approaches to capturing what sustainability
                                                                               on mining as an activity and its implications for the communi-
means in terms of principles and frameworks is useful for the
                                                                               ties and ecosystem within which minerals are embedded. At
relevant driving application. There is no single panacea that
                                                                               any given site, whether a mining, smelting, refining, primary
applies in all cases. However, taken together they capture the
                                                                               metals manufacturing, or recycling operation, there is a begin-
breadth of issues and topics that must be considered.
                                                                               ning and end: No mining/mineral activity can be expected
                                                                               to have an indefinite life span. However, the implications of
                                                                               that activity (not only as a direct result of the activity but also
                                                                               through the product that is produced) go on indefinitely.
Much of the literature through the 1980s and 1990s focused
                                                                                     In that sense, mining/mineral activities serve as a bridge
on renewable resource management and the idea of living off
                                                                               to the future. The sustainability challenge is to ensure that the
the interest of a continuing core stock. For some, nonrenew-
                                                                               implications of mining activities and the products that result
able resource-related activities such as mining simply did not
                                                                               are net positive for people and ecosystems over the long term:
fit into the sustainability concept, although the hat might be
                                                                               It is the well-being of human society and the enveloping eco-
tipped toward recycling and reuse of nonrenewable materials
                                                                               systems that need sustaining. Limited-term mining projects
as helpful strategies.
                                                                               can serve sustainability objectives if they are designed and
      One result of this early emphasis was the marginaliza-
                                                                               implemented in ways that ensure they meet that challenge.
tion, to a great extent, of concerns and perspectives about non-
renewable resources. Interestingly, the fact that minerals are
                                                                               BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR APPLYING
nonrenewable (or stock) resources and, in some sense, fixed
                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY TO MINING
in absolute quantity turns out to be relatively unimportant
                                                                               Bringing sustainability ideas into mine design has a signifi-
from a sustainability perspective—at least at the macro scale
                                                                               cant impact on mine design boundary conditions. Four aspects
(MMSD North America 2002). The nonrenewable character
                                                                               of boundary conditions apply in this case, each of which
of minerals received a great deal of attention in the literature
                                                                               has implications for setting the time and space dimensions
from 1950 into the 1970s. However, the long statistical record
                                                                               and helps to identify the system components that must be
of continued output at relatively constant prices, together with
growing understanding first of environmental issues and then
of sustainability, has served to deemphasize this concern. At                      1.   Mine project life cycle (Figure 16.2-3)
the same time, recognition is growing that the products of                         2.   Mineral life cycle (Figure 16.2-4)
mining are needed both to provide for the world’s popula-                          3.   Time horizon (Table 16.2-1)
tion and, even more so, to support approaches that will allow                      4.   Communities of interest
1670                                                                                            SME Mining Engineering Handbook

                                                                                                                 Table 16.2-1 Perspectives on the time horizons for applied
                                                                                                                 Perspective                                 Typical Time Horizon
   Waste, Environmental, and Social Stress and Restoration

                                                                                                                 Financial/tax cycle                         Annual or quarterly
                                                                  Reserves                                       Election cycle                              2, 4, or 5 years
                                                                                                                 Standard engineering design life            Up to 50 years
                                                             Mining and Milling                                  Social time horizon (seven generations)     Up to 200 years
                                                                                                                 Environmental time horizon                  200 to 10,000+ years

                                                                Concentrate                                      Source: Adapted from Freeze 1987.

                                                              Primary Smelting    Secondary Smelting
                                                                and Refining         and Refining                and civil society organizations—and is not yet fully under-
                                                                                                                 stood or appreciated.
                                                                                                                      The fourth and final aspect of defining the boundary con-
                                                               First Products                                    ditions for applying sustainability relates to identifying the

                                                                                                                 communities of interest that must be considered in the mine
                                                                                                                 design, operation, and closure process. In times past, a com-
                                                                                                                 pany and government would simply come to a bilateral agree-
                                                                                                                 ment on conditions that would govern mine activities. Today
                                                               Final Products:                                   that is no longer the case. Many interests play active roles, and
                                                                  End Uses                                       the definition of those roles itself requires great care and atten-
                                                                                                                 tion. Interests important to mining are

Figure 16.2-4 Mineral life cycle                                                                                    • Industry (investors, employees, industry associations,
                                                                                                                      other companies);
                                                                                                                    • Support services (financial, consultants, contractors,
      First, the mine design process must take into consider-                                                         suppliers);
ation the full life cycle of a mine project. Many of the greatest                                                   • Government (federal, state/provincial, county/regional
problems facing the mining industry today stem from the fact                                                          district, local);
that this has not been done in the past. In the 1960s, the mine                                                     • Indigenous people and their organizations;
design process was limited to the end of operations. In the                                                         • Organized labor;
1970s and driven by rising environmental consciousness, the                                                         • Mining-affected communities (by economic, social, and/
need for mine reclamation gave rise to concerns about clo-                                                            or environmental [e.g., watershed] dependency);
sure, which at the time focused on cleaning and grooming a                                                          • NGOs or civil society organizations; and
site, with revegetation being a key activity. It is only in the                                                     • Academic, learning, and research and development sup-
last decade that the realization has set in that a postclosure                                                        port (universities, technical schools, private and public
phase can in some cases extend indefinitely because of the                                                            research centers).
geochemical processes at work in waste rock piles, tailings,
and exposed workings. These give rise to potential liabilities                                                   SEVEN QUESTIONS TO SUSTAINABILITY
that must be factored into annual financial statements and the                                                   One product of the mining industry’s MMSD project was a
calculation of share value.                                                                                      template aimed at assessing the compatibility between mining
      Second, the mine design process must consider the min-                                                     operations and sustainability criteria (MMSD North America
eral life cycle. The mining industry has come to learn that it                                                   2002; Hodge 2004, 2006). The 7QS offers seven queries for
must not only consider the production of minerals and met-                                                       consideration in the mine design and assessment process. Each
als but also their use. Too often in the past, the mine design                                                   question is the interrogative form of a goal statement. Seen in
process has limited its perspective in time and space to the                                                     another light, these seven goals define the application of sus-
immediate mine operation. In fact, many significant implica-                                                     tainability concepts. The technique of using the interrogative
tions extend across space and time in a kind of ripple effect                                                    form in this way is drawn from the accounting profession’s
(Figure 16.2-5). Some of these—both positive and negative—                                                       approach to auditing and assuring the validity and accuracy of
are significant. And all must be taken into consideration to                                                     financial statements.
ensure that the full contribution is accounted for.                                                                   The focus on applying the 7QS approach is not on how a
      Third, the time horizon to be used needs particular men-                                                   given mine can be sustainable—mining as a discrete activity
tion. Table 16.2-1 lists different perspectives on the time                                                      cannot continue indefinitely—but on how the process of min-
horizons relevant to applied sustainability. This element of                                                     ing and the products it produces can best contribute to sus-
the boundary conditions for the mine design, operation, and                                                      tainable development. Thus it enshrines the conceptual shift
closure processes has changed dramatically in the last few                                                       away from analysis and mitigation of impacts to analysis and
decades. The mine project life cycle shown in Figure 16.2-3                                                      encouragement of contribution.
illustrates how the time horizon evolved after the 1970s to                                                           The seven questions are summarized in Figure 16.2-6. In
eventually take into considerations the postclosure phase,                                                       this section, the 7QS template is used to systematically orga-
which can sometimes stretch environmental and social obliga-                                                     nize the parts of applied sustainability, rendering their applica-
tions of mining operations into perpetuity. This is new terrain                                                  tion more practical. (The material presented in this section is
for all interests—industry, government, host communities,                                                        modified from MMSD North America 2002.) In applying this
Mining and Sustainability                                                          1671

                                                                                          Direct Outputs

                                                                                           Benefits and
                                                                                          Costs to People
                                                                                         (Employees and their
                                                                                        families, shareholders
                                                                                             and investors,
                                                                                      subcontractors, suppliers,
                                                                                     community, region, nation,
                                                                                          future generations)

                                                                                                                       Indirect Outputs
         Indirect Inputs            Direct Inputs
                                                                                                                      (Benefits and costs to
        (Benefits and costs           (Stakeholder
                                                                                         Metals, Minerals,           downstream consumers,
           to upstream            engagement, labor,        Metals and Minerals
                                                                                           and Related              operations, communities,
      consumers, operations,      land, water, energy,            Industry
                                                                                            Products                and ecosystems because
         communities, and        feedstocks, reagents,
                                                                                                                      of enhanced supply of
      ecosystems because of          and supplies)
                                                                                                                    metal- and mineral-linked
        demand for inputs)
                                                                                                                   commodities and products)

                                                                                           Benefits and
                                                                                           Costs to the
                                                                                       (Environmental stress
                                                                                         and restoration,
                                                                                        chemical, physical,

Figure 16.2-5 Ripple effect

template, attention must be paid to the compilation and analy-            2. Ends. Questions 2 (people) and 3 (environment) focus on
sis of both quantitative and qualitative insights. Ultimately in             the end results that must be achieved and against which
assessing effectiveness, efficiency, and progress, four distinct             the success of any project must be tested—human and
steps are essential (Hodge 2007):                                            ecosystem well-being over the long term.
                                                                          3. Means to achieving ends. Questions 4 (economy), 5 (tra-
  1. Drawing the qualitative insight that comes through under-
                                                                             ditional and nonmarket activities), and 6 (governance and
     standing the story that is relevant to the object(s) of the
                                                                             institutions) cover the various means of achieving human
                                                                             and ecosystem well-being.
  2. Undertaking and compiling the relevant quantitative
                                                                          4. Feedback. Lastly, Question 7 (synthesis and continuous
                                                                             learning) provides the feedback mechanism that allows
  3. Applying a systemic approach to synthesizing, setting
                                                                             managers and others to ensure accountability and to learn
     criteria, and judging significance
                                                                             from the inevitable mistakes, adapt and improve designs
  4. Effectively communicating the results to different key
                                                                             as necessary, and celebrate the successes, giving credit
                                                                             where due.
The 7QS approach encompasses four categories of insight:
                                                                        Effective Engagement
  1. Relationships. Question 1 in Figure 16.2-6 (engagement)
                                                                        If relationships with those important to a mining/minerals/
     deals with the state of relationships that are important
                                                                        metals project are unhealthy, the chance of achieving a suc-
     to any given project or within any region that is being
                                                                        cessful project—one that contributes to sustainability—is
     assessed (see Thomson and Joyce 2000 for a succinct dis-
                                                                        greatly reduced. Although this is a simple idea and one that
     cussion of this topic). A key issue facing many projects is
                                                                        is key to many successful nonmining businesses around the
     the sense that the distribution of costs, benefits, and risk
                                                                        world, application of this idea is only now gaining momentum
     is unfair. This sense can cause stakeholder reactions that
                                                                        across the industry.
     range from feelings of discontent to outright civil disobe-
                                                                             At any point in time, mining activities must align with
     dience and damage to persons and property. Although
                                                                        the norms and values of society as a whole. When it does, a
     detailed procedures will vary from site to site, the 7QS
                                                                        social license to operate is the result—an unwritten approval.
     approach calls for addressing this issue early and in a way
                                                                        If that alignment is not apparent, the social license will be
     that facilitates constructive relationships achieved over
                                                                        challenged. Within the mining industry, elucidation of this
     the full project life cycle.
                                                                        concept has been led by Ian Thomson and Susan Joyce (2008).
1672                                                      SME Mining Engineering Handbook

                                                                                 1. Engagement
                                                                                 Are engagement processes
                                                                                 in place and working effectively?

                                                                                                  2. People
                                                        Assessing for                             Will people’s well-being
                                                        Sustainability                            be maintained or improved?

                                                                                                     3. Environment
                                            7. Synthyesis and                                        Is the integrity of the environment
                                        Continuous Learning                                          assured over the long term?
                          Does a full synthesis show that the
                    net result will be positive or negative in                                  4. Economy
                            the long term, and will there be                                    Is the economic viability of the project or
                                     periodic reassessments?                                    operation assured, and will the economy
                                                                                                of the community and beyond be
                                     6. Institutional Arrangements
                                                                                                better off as a result?
                                                   and Governance
                             Are rules, incentives, programs, and
                            capacities in place to address project       5. Traditional and Nonmarket Activities
                                   or operational consequences?          Are traditional and nonmarket activities in
                                                                         the community and surrounding area accounted for
                                                                         in a way that is acceptable to the local people?

                 Courtesy of the International Institute for Sustainable Development.
                 Figure 16.2-6 Seven Questions to Sustainability

Thomson and Joyce (2006) have also played a lead role in
recognizing the central role of the explorationist and junior
companies (that are the first to enter an area) in either creating                                                   Engagement
lasting positive relationships or a climate of long-term tension.
Working to entrench such acceptance is an insurance policy
that includes both the ability to recognize meaningful change
and the ability to consider accommodating these changes.                                               Dispute         Reporting                     Informed
                                                                                        Engagement                                    Adequate
      Building a constructive engagement with the local com-                             Processes
                                                                                                      Resolution          and
munity involves a series of challenging steps to (1) identify key                                     Mechanism       Verification                    Consent
interests, (2) learn how to listen to each interest’s concerns amid
all the noise of existing pressures, and (3) develop a way for-                    Courtesy of the International Institute for Sustainable Development.
ward for mining and metals operations based on mutual respect,                     Figure 16.2-7 Assessing the effectiveness of relationships
trust, and integrity. It requires effort and resources, sometimes                  between operations and other interests
just as much as many technical aspects of a project. And today,
with the changing and growing role of many interests in society,
if care is not taken to build the needed relationships, implica-                        A particularly important issue for the mining industry
tions for proceeding effectively and efficiently on a project can                  is building effective relationships with indigenous people. A
be seriously undermined. At worst, physical conflict can occur.                    useful overview of issues relevant to this topic can be found
      A leading example of addressing community relationship                       in Render 2006. A current perspective on how to best achieve
issues has been completed by Newmont Gold Corporation                              effective working relationships with indigenous people is pro-
(2009). In this case, concerns over conflict led an ethical                        vided in ICMM 2010b. This is especially relevant for countries
investor to ask for a complete review of the relationships                         where the legal system does not provide strong protections for
between Newmont operations and its host communities. The                           indigenous peoples. In the last decade, indigenous peoples’
initial work, completed over 2 years, included an independent                      concerns have led to the emergence of special impact benefit
review panel. Building on existing and past attempts to build                      agreements that formally entrench special arrangements for
effective relationships, it led to a series of company–host com-                   participation. A current tool kit addressing such agreements is
munity interactions that, in turn, changed Newmont’s own                           now available (Gibson and O’Faircheallaigh 2010).
internal management system. One result was that, in 2010,                               Considerations important to building effective relation-
Newmont was ranked 16th in Corporate Responsibility mag-                           ships are shown in Figure 16.2-7. Table 16.2-2 is modified from
azine’s 11th Annual List of 100 Best Corporate Citizens in                         the 7QS work and lists the ideal answer to the question,“Are
the United States (Corporate Responsibility 2010), the only                        engagement processes in place and working effectively?,”and
mining company in the top 20 and joining such businesses as                        offers example indicators that can be considered for compila-
Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Gap, IBM, and Microsoft.                                   tion in order to assess how close a given mining or metals
Mining and Sustainability                                                                     1673

Table 16.2-2 Engagement: Are engagement processes in place and working effectively?

Question (Goal)                                Ideal Answer (Objectives)                                                   Example Indicators
Are processes of engagement committed          Satisfactory processes of engagement have been designed and
to, designed, and implemented that             implemented that                                                                             Input
  • Ensure all affected communities of           • Ensure all affected communities of interest (including vulnerable                          ⇓
     interest (including vulnerable or             or disadvantaged subpopulations due to, for example, gender,                             Output
     disadvantaged subpopulations due              ethnicity, or poverty) are well informed and have the opportunity                          ⇓
     to, for example, minority status,             to participate in the decisions that influence their own future; and                     Result
     gender, ethnicity, or poverty) are well     • Are understood, agreed upon, and consistent with the legal,
     informed and have the opportunity to          institutional, and cultural characteristics of the community and
     participate in decisions that influence       country where the project is located.
     their own future;
  • Are understood and agreed upon by          As indicated by:
     implicated communities of interest;       Engagement processes. Engagement processes are in place for all             • Comprehensive mapping of interests
     and                                       phases of the project/operation life cycle to serve as a mechanism for        completed.
  • Are consistent with the legal, institu-      • Collaboratively identifying desired objectives, best approaches for     • Design of engagement strategy
     tional, and cultural characteristics of       gathering evidence in support of achieving objectives (quantitative       completed, including guidelines that
     the community and country where the           and qualitative), assessment criteria, trade-offs and the bases for       are agreed upon by all interests
     project is located?                           judging trade-offs; and                                                 • Full and satisfactory disclosure of
                                                 • Overseeing the application of the approach to assessing the               project-related information
                                                   contribution to sustainability articulated here.                        • Effective implementation as signaled
                                                                                                                             by participant satisfaction

                                               Dispute resolution mechanism. An agreed upon, affordable dispute            • Dispute resolution mechanism(s)
                                               resolution mechanism (or set) exists and is understood by and               • Effective mechanisms as signaled by
                                               accessible to all communities of interest.                                    participant satisfaction

                                               Reporting and verification. Appropriate systems of reporting and            • Systems in place
                                               verification are in place.                                                  • Systems working effectively from
                                                                                                                             perspective of various interests

                                               Adequate resources. Adequate resources have been made available             • Adequate resources available
                                               to ensure that all communities of interest can effectively participate as   • Satisfaction with level of support
                                               needed.                                                                     • Effective participation achieved as

                                               Note: Responsibility for ensuring that this capacity is in place rests        assessed by company, community,
                                               with a mix of government, company, and the local community itself.            indigenous peoples, and government
                                               The exact distribution of this responsibility should be worked out

                                               Informed and voluntary consent. The informed and voluntary consent          • Broad community support
                                               of those affected by the project or operation has been given.
                                               Note: Inclusion of this factor does not imply that consent be given
                                               as a requirement for a project to proceed. The responsibility for
                                               approval lies with the relevant regulatory agency that is mandated
                                               by the laws of the country. Rather, this factor is included as a means
                                               to assess the extent of concurrence of those affected by a project. If
                                               that concurrence is high, the potential for achieving a net positive
                                               contribution to sustainability is greatly enhanced. In contrast, if
                                               negative feeling toward a project or operation is extensive, that
                                               potential is greatly reduced.

Source: Adapted from MMSD North America 2002.

operation is to achieving the ideal answer. In turn, the breadth                     movement came close examination of the social and economic
of knowledge that Table 16.2-2 spans provides an indica-                             implications of mining activities, particularly in emerging
tion of what any mining operation might be expected to take                          nations. One observation that emerged was that examples of
into consideration when addressing this aspect of sustainable                        developing economies suggested a link between mining activ-
development.                                                                         ity and ongoing poverty. In these instances, was the presence
                                                                                     of natural resources in fact a “resource curse” resulting from
Contributing to Human Well-Being                                                     a combination of poor governance, corruption, and civil war?
Most inside the mining industry take it for granted that min-                        There is a large amount of literature on this subject (e.g., see
ing activities contribute to society in general, to investors that                   Davis 2009, Crowson 2009, Auty 1993, and Sachs and Warner
risk their capital, to management and workers who are gain-                          1995).
fully employed as a result, and to the many host communi-                                 More recently, work completed by the ICMM (McPhail
ties who experience the secondary and tertiary benefits that                         2008) has demonstrated that the resource curse needn’t occur
ripple out from any mining activity. However, following hard                         if appropriate collaborative action is taken. The ICMM work
on the heels of the rise of the contemporary environmental                           has identified six key areas of focus: (1) poverty reduction,
1674                                                     SME Mining Engineering Handbook


                       Individuals                                                            Communities

                                                                                             Distribution of
                   Population health,                         Social and                                                           Responsibilities
                                                                                             costs, benefits,
                      safety, and                          cultural integrity                                                      and sureties are
                                                                                                risks, and
                     well-being are                          are assured                                                            assigned and
                        assured                                                                                                       adequate
                                                                                                   is fair

                                                                            Full social and                     organization,
                                        Worker health                        cultural costs,                        capacity,
                                        and safety are                     benefits, and risks                   infrastructure,
                                           assured                            have been                         resiliency, and
                                                                              considered                          dependency

             Courtesy of the International Institute for Sustainable Development.
             Figure 16.2-8 Example factors to consider in assessing the contributions of mining and/or metals
             operations to human well-being

(2) revenue management, (3) regional development, (4) local                         operation? These factors draw on the foundation provided by
content (the use of local labor and locally derived services                        socioeconomic impact analysis but use the lens of contribu-
and supplies), (5) social investment, and (6) dispute resolu-                       tion. Table 16.2-3 then provides both the ideal answer as well
tion. The key to success is the use of collaborative approaches                     as examples of the kind of indicators that might be consid-
involving host governments, companies, civil society, and                           ered in assessing how close a given operation is to meeting the
donor agencies.                                                                     ideal answer. As in the previous section, the range of topics
     One spin-off of the emergence of sustainability ideas                          provides a sense of what sustainable development means to
starting in the mid-1980s, the resource curse debate of the                         mining from this particular perspective.
1990s and 2000s, and the ongoing challenging of the mining
industry by NGOs and in some cases host governments is a                            Contributing to Ecosystem Well-Being
realization that much greater effort is required to understand,                     The relationship between a mining operation and its host envi-
capture, and share the nature and extent of mining and metal’s                      ronment is the focus of the environmental impact assessment
contribution to human well-being. No longer can it simply be                        and the resulting environmental management plan and related
taken for granted.                                                                  environmental management systems. The approach used here
     A key issue requiring attention in emerging economies is                       builds on this foundation.
a documented gender bias in mining whereby benefits (such                                Figure 16.2-9 shows one way of conceptualizing the
as employment, income, training, education, and health care)                        environmental implications of a mining operation. It looks at
accrue largely to men and the local elite while most risks (such                    chemical, physical, and biological implications from both the
as family and social disruption, domestic violence, alcohol-                        generation of environmental stress and the linked potential for
ism, HIV/AIDS, increased prostitution, loss of gardens for                          ecosystem restoration. The concept of restoration that is used
subsistence agriculture, pollution, and water losses) fall on the                   here is not the idea that everything needs to be returned to a
poorer women, the less advantaged, and the families they care                       chemical, physical, and biological premining state. Rather, a
for (see Eftimie et al. 2009a and 2009b). A company purchas-                        robust ecosystem is sought that is naturally reproducing and sus-
ing the bulk or all of its produce needs locally can be benefi-                     tainable. This is the domain of the emerging science and art of
cial for local farmers and landowners who see prices increase                       restoration ecology.
for their produce, but this can also have the unintended effect                          A chemical, physical, and biological characterization of
of worsening the situation for the poor community women                             environmental implications is traditional and helpful from
who may be unable to afford the higher food prices. These are                       several perspectives, including (1) often regulatory require-
complex issues that require careful management approaches                           ments are organized in this manner; (2) the professional
for any mining company.                                                             expertise that must be drawn on is often organized in this
     Figure 16.2-8 offers example factors to be considered in                       way; and (3) traditional education is offered in this way and
answering the question—“Will people’s well-being be main-                           therefore management’s understanding is often aided by this
tained or improved” by a given mining, minerals or metals                           approach.
Mining and Sustainability                                                                       1675

Table 16.2-3 People: Will people’s well-being be maintained or improved?
Question (Goal)                               Ideal Answer (Objectives)                                          Example Indicators

Will the project/operation lead directly or   The project or operation will lead directly or indirectly to
indirectly to maintenance of people’s well-   the maintenance or improvement of people’s well-being                                       Input
being, preferably an improvement                • During the life of the project or operation or                                            ⇓
  • During the life of the project or           • In postclosure                                                                          Output
    operation, or                                                                                                                           ⇓
  • In postclosure?                                                                                                                       Result
                                              As indicated by:

                                              Community organization and capacity. Effective and                  • Presence of an organizational structure that links
                                              representative community organization and capacity                    and represents the community in project-related
                                              (knowledge, skills, and resources) are in place in the local          decision-making processes
                                              community, including representation of women and the                • Training facilities in place
                                              disadvantaged in community leadership and decision                  • Local education/skills level to serve project
                                              making.                                                               needs and provide basis for postclosure
                                              Note: Responsibility for ensuring this capacity is in place           activities
                                                                                                                  • Community access to the information and
                                              rests with a mix of government, company, and the local
                                              community itself. The exact distribution of this responsibility       expertise needed to ensure that properly
                                              should be worked out collaboratively.                                 informed decisions are made

                                              Social/cultural integrity. All communities of interest have a       • Existence of community and regional visions
                                              reasonable degree of confidence that social and cultural                expressed explicitly in development and land-
                                              integrity will be maintained or preferably improved in a                use plans
                                              way that is consistent with the vision and aspirations of the       •   Presence of key indicative social structures and
                                              community.                                                              their states
                                                                                                                  •   Sense of satisfaction signaled by all interests that
                                              Involuntary resettlement and other interventions will be                social and cultural integrity will be maintained
                                              undertaken in such as way as to maintain or preferably                  or improved (including separate consultations
                                              improve social and cultural integrity.                                  with community women and representatives of
                                              Note: This category is particularly dynamic and will change             disadvantaged groups in the community)
                                              as a project proceeds.                                              •   Social and cultural indicators identified as
                                                                                                                      significant by the community
                                                                                                                  •   Preparation and implementation of community-
                                                                                                                      supported and project-induced migration
                                                                                                                      management plans to help manage the impacts
                                                                                                                      of the inflow of outsiders that occurs when a
                                                                                                                      mining development is expected or announced

                                              Worker and population health, safety, and well-being.               • Baseline studies completed that include basic
                                              Improvement of indicators of worker and population health,              demographics to track population change
                                              safety, and well-being are maintained or improved.                      (birth rate, infant mortality, morbidity rates,
                                              Note: Responsibility for gathering this data and information            in/out-migration), household incomes, and so
                                              lies with a mix of company (in terms of workers), community,            forth, including gender disaggregated data
                                              and government. However, statistics on population health,           •   Worker health and safety
                                              training and education, jobs, income, poverty, debt,                •   Population health
                                              community resiliency, and community dependency typically            •   Training and education
                                              fall to government.                                                 •   Jobs, income, poverty, debt
                                                                                                                  •   Crime and security
                                                                                                                  •   Community resiliency
                                                                                                                  •   Community dependency

                                              Availability of basic infrastructure. The infrastructure to meet    • Water supply, sewage and wastewater treat-
                                              basic needs is available to workers and residents.                      ment, power, communications, transportation,
                                                                                                                      education, health services

                                              Consideration of all direct, indirect, and induced or diffuse       • Direct, indirect, and induced or diffuse eco-
                                              effects. All communities of interest have a reasonable degree           nomic, social, and cultural effects of project
                                              of confidence that all direct, indirect, and induced or diffuse     • Changes in social behavior as a result of the
                                              effects have been considered and addressed.                             project
                                              Note: Requirements will change through the project.

                                              Full social/cultural costs, benefits, and risks. All communities    • Satisfaction that all social/cultural costs,
                                              of interest have a reasonable degree of confidence that the             benefits, and risks found across the full life cycle
                                              full costs, benefits, and risks to people have been identified          from exploration through postclosure have been
                                              and factored into project or operation-related decision                 identified and addressed
                                              making (as it applies throughout the full project or operation
                                              life cycle).

Source: Adapted from MMSD North America 2002.
1676                                                          SME Mining Engineering Handbook

                                                                              of Mining

                          Chemical                                             Physical                                         Biological

             Stress                  Restoration                   Stress                    Restoration             Stress                  Restoration

    • Discharge of              • Closure of facilities to • Alteration of surface   • Closure of facilities• Introduction of exotic   • Closure of facilities
       contaminants to           ensure human safety        water or ground-           to ensure human        species                    to ensure human
       surface water in          and ecosystem              water flow systems         safety and ecosystem                              safety and ecosystem
                                                                                                            • Wildlife mortality:
       operational effluent      integrity                • Restructuring of land,
                                                                                       integrity                                         integrity including
       and runoff                                                                                                                        revegetation of
                                • Cleanup of                alteration of            • Restoration of         ingestion and/or
                                                                                                                                         disturbed areas
    • Discharge of               previously                 topography and             topography and         roadkill
       contaminants to           contaminated sites,        landscapes                 landscapes           • Alteration of habitat
                                                                                                                                       • Restoration/
       groundwater in            natural or human-                                                                                       improvement of
                                                          • Instability leading to   • Increased stability
       seepage                   made                                                                       • Provision of access        wildlife habitat in
                                                            failure (slope, dam,       of slopes and
                                                                                                              leading to increased       adjacent areas
    • Discharge of                                          tunnel, stream             watercourses
       contaminants to air in                               crossing, foundation)                                                      • Enhancement of
                                                                                     • Restoration of
       operational emissions                                                                                                             human–wildlife
                                                          • Noise generation           surface and
       and dust                                                                                                                          interaction
                                                                                       groundwater flow
    • Discharge of                                                                     systems
       contaminants in
       accidental spills to
       waterways and land
    • Transfer of solid
       waste to landfills and
       hazardous waste to
       treatment or storage

Figure 16.2-9 Chemical, physical, and biological implications of mining/metals operations

      However, the ecological system does not function in                                 typical economics of a mine is such that the first few years
such a compartmentalized way, and those expert in ecology                                 (generally, years 1 to 5) are usually very profitable, which is
in general and ecological restoration in particular have offered                          necessary to serve investors who require a return on invested
alternative ways of addressing this challenge. Figure 16.2-10                             capital. Middle years are moderately profitable (generally,
offers such an approach, and Table 16.2-4 addresses the                                   years 6 to 15), and older mines are usually marginally viable.
question—“Is the integrity of the environment assured over                                Company managers strategize from this perspective because
the long term?”—and provides both an ideal answer to this                                 it is their legal responsibility to protect the investors. If a
question as well as an example set of indicators that, if com-                            large number of operating mines within their system are in
piled, would serve to facilitate an assessment of how com-                                the older phase, a company can be vulnerable. However, from
patible a mining/metals operation would be with sustainable                               the perspective of an employee or service provider, the mine
development An increasingly important emerging issue is                                   is meaningful as long as it operates and provides employ-
understanding the full life-cycle environmental contribution                              ment. And the concern from the local, regional, or national
of the metals. Much remains to be learned about the technique                             government is that the mine leads to a lasting contribution—
of life-cycle analysis.                                                                   however that is achieved. These different perspectives all fac-
                                                                                          tor into the sustainable development equation.
Economic Viability: Project, Community, Nation                                                 However, they do not imply that a project/company should
Understanding the economics of a project lies at the heart of                             be assuming responsibility for the local, regional, or national
successful mining from a management and investment per-                                   economy. Rather, it is often possible that by working in col-
spective. Two key factors govern project economic stability:                              laboration with in-country partners, benefits can be achieved
(1) the licensing and fiscal regimes under which mining takes                             for the host community, region, or country that involve little
place—that they are efficient, noncorrupt, and result in secu-                            cost to the company but have significant benefits for the host.
rity of tenure; and (2) an equitable sharing of costs, benefits,                          Further, if unintended economic consequences related to this
risks, and responsibilities between the host country and the                              broader perspective arise and are not recognized, they may
investor.                                                                                 result in a liability to the company over the long term that
     For any project to be successful, the deposit, the com-                              can have grave consequences, including the possibility of the
pany, and industry must all be economically viable. The                                   national/local business environment deteriorating to the point

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  • 1. CHAPTER 16.2 Mining and Sustainability R. Anthony Hodge INTRODUCTION address not only the what, or the substantive part of human The 1987 publication of the report, Our Common Future by action, but also the how, or the process part. In other words, in the United Nations (UN) World Commission on Environment the practical application of sustainable development concepts, and Development (WCED), brought the concept of sustainable not only what we do is important but how we do it. development into the limelight. Chaired by the former Prime Thus, the ideas of sustainable development and sustain- Minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland, and following ability are different but synchronous. Sustainability is a more hearings held across the world, the commission proposed an general term that captures the idea that we need to maintain agenda for world development that would enhance security certain important aspects of the world over the long term. and reduce North–South disparities. It would be development Sustainable development is the human or action part of this “which meets the needs of the present without compromis- set of ideas: As a society, we want to make choices about our ing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” actions that allow us to provide for the present without under- (WCED 1987). mining the possibility for future generations to provide for Since then, a rich debate has ensued about what this themselves. means in practical terms. Though many other sets of words Together, these ideas are very appealing. However, their have been suggested for defining the phrase sustainable devel- translation to practical action remains much debated. This is opment, the Brundtland Commission definition has stood the not surprising. Human society is complex. There are about test of time and remains the anchor. For a rich discussion, 10,000 cells in the standard industrial classification—our way see the “definitions” portal of the International Institute for of classifying human activities within the market economy. Sustainable Development, or IISD (SD Gateway n.d.) This does not account for many more activities outside the In recent years, the word sustainability has also found its market economy. There are about 200 countries across the way into common use. The idea is simple. Sustainability is the world, and the global ecosystem is complex and not fully persistence over a long time—indefinitely—of certain neces- understood. sary and/or desired characteristics of both human society and For its part, the mining, minerals, and metals industry has the enveloping ecosystem (Robinson et al. 1990). These char- been a particularly active locus of sustainability-related policy acteristics range from primary needs such as air, water, food, and practice innovations because clothing, shelter, and basic human rights to a host of condi- • The potential implications—both positive and negative— tions that would collectively be called quality of life, not only of mining activities and the minerals and metals that for people but for other life forms as well. result are significant; It is here that the definitional issue becomes difficult • Many interests are touched by mining; for some, because the choice of which characteristics are to • The role of many of these interests in decision making is be sustained and the degree to which they will be sustained growing (e.g., communities and indigenous people); depends on the particular values that are applied. In turn, these • The nature of contemporary communications systems has depend on who is doing the applying. In other words, it is not brought the often dramatic nature of mining operations a closed definition. What a company CEO chooses as impor- into the public eye; and tant may be different than a politician, doctor, or librarian; • Industry, governments, civil society organizations, and what a Mexican chooses may be different from, for example, the public, in general, are all anxious to ensure mining a Tanzanian or Australian. Because of these potential differ- makes a positive contribution that is fairly shared. ences, a fair and effective process of interaction and seek- ing consensus is critical to the practical application of these Importantly, the concept of sustainable development has not ideas. Herein lies the rationale for why it is essential to always disappeared like so many “flavor of the month” ideas. Rather, R. Anthony Hodge, President, International Council on Mining & Metals; Professor, Mining & Sustainability, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 1665
  • 2. 1666 SME Mining Engineering Handbook it has grown in prominence and is now deeply entrenched in of the world’s largest mining companies took an unprec- legislation, government, and corporate policy and practice. edented step. Sustainability is the subject of university curricula, given as a Working through the World Business Council for label to vice presidents and departments of mining companies, Sustainable Development, they initiated the Global Mining incorporated into the names of service providers, and included Initiative (GMI). As part of GMI, they commissioned the as an element of key performance indicators. International Institute for Environment and Development This chapter provides an overview that links the ideas (London) to undertake a global review that would lead to the of sustainable development and sustainability to the mining, identification of how mining and minerals can best contribute minerals, and metals industry. To do so, a particular template to the global transition to sustainable development. The result- is used for organizing the many interlinked bodies of knowl- ing project, Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development edge that must be brought together: the Seven Questions to (MMSD), sparked a large and rich literature, including the Sustainability (7QS) (MMSD North America 2002). project’s final report, Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals This template is pragmatic though much informed by the and Sustainable Development (MMSD 2002). theoretical foundation of systems theory. It recognizes that to Before the GMI was completed, participants moved bring sustainability ideas into practice for the mining, min- to create an organization that would carry the resulting rec- erals, and metals industry, the hard (well-defined) and the soft ommendations forward to implementation. Thus, in 2001 (ill-defined) systems of the real world must both be addressed, and building on the foundation established by ICME, the as well as the objective (independent of judgment) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) was subjective (dependent on judgment). In doing so, all must be created. Many of the ideas summarized in this chapter have treated, if not exactly scientifically (which is not always pos- emerged from or been refined through subsequent work of sible), at least in a way that is characterized by intellectual ICMM. rigor (see discussion of systems theory and sustainability in Almost simultaneously with these events, NGO pressure Hodge 1995 and 1996). The 7QS template weaves together on the World Bank Group led to the initiation in 2001 of a ideas from many disciplines but recognizes that deeper explo- multi-interest review of the group’s involvement in extrac- ration is often warranted depending on site-specific condi- tive industries. The Extractive Industries Review sought to tions. In this context, the objective of this chapter is to open a test whether or not industry projects could be compatible with door as a first step to practical application. the World Bank Group’s goal of sustainable development and poverty reduction. In its final report, Striking a Better Balance MINING AND METALS INDUSTRY RESPONSE TO (Salim 2003), the review concluded in the affirmative but only SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT if three enabling conditions were in place: The 1970s and 1980s were a time of reaction to dramatic 1. Public and corporate governance advocacy for the poor, change for mining. Echoing increasing concern for the envi- including proactive planning and management to maxi- ronment across society, the late 1980s saw a number of lead- mize poverty alleviation through sustainable development ing mining companies publish “state-of-environment” reports 2. Much more effective social and environmental policies related to their operations. Taking another important step, 30 3. Respect for human rights leading mining and metals companies from across the world came together in 1991 to create the International Council on The resulting refocused World Bank policy emphasizes Metals and the Environment (ICME). ICME would give the strengthened governance and transparency, ensuring that ben- industry an international voice on environmental matters. efits reach the poor, mitigating environmental and social risks, Also in the early 1990s, many of these same companies protecting human rights, and promoting renewable energy and joined with senior governments, labor unions, aboriginal efficiency to combat climate change. This refocusing has in peoples, and environmental nongovernmental organizations turn influenced mining approaches to implementing sustain- (NGOs) in a broad review of mining practices in Canada. able development on the ground. In sum, this process has The Whitehorse Mining Initiative turned out to be a precur- served to elucidate and reinforce the concepts of sustainable sor of a number of initiatives convened to bring sustainability development addressed in this discussion. ideas to practical application around the world. The resulting Leadership Accord (Whitehorse Mining Initiative Leadership MINING’S CONTRIBUTION TO SUSTAINABLE Council Accord 1993) is a summons to change, framed within DEVELOPMENT the context of a commitment to social and environmen- At the base of the interlinked ideas of sustainability and sus- tal goals. It seeks a sustainable mining industry within the tainable development lies the simple idea that any human framework of an evolving and sustainable society. The ideas activity—including mining—should be undertaken in such a it champions and the multi-interest process it uses elegantly way that the activity itself and the products produced together capture sustainable development in practice. provide a net contribution to human and ecosystem well-being For the mining industry, the decade of the 1990s was over the long term. a bleak period. Commodity prices dropped while public From an engineering design perspective in general and a criticism skyrocketed, much driven by a civil society that mine design perspective in particular, this simple idea gives was quick to take advantage of newly available and quickly rise to an overarching two-dimensional design criterion. That evolving computer-based communications. As a whole, the is, mining activity (or any human endeavour for that matter) industry found itself under attack and in a defensive pos- should be designed to achieve (through the activity itself and ture. Its social license to operate was threatened (though the products that result) a net contribution to both human and that particular label was to come later). In the late 1990s and ecosystem well-being over the long term. The achievement of faced with growing concern about access to capital, land, design success should, in turn, be tested against this design and human resources, the chief executive officers of nine criterion.
  • 3. Mining and Sustainability 1667 Ten Principles for Sustainable Development Seven Position Statements 1. Implement ethical business practices and apply 1. Mining and protected areas good corporate governance. 2. Mining partnerships for development 2. Integrate sustainable development in corporate 3. Climate change decision making. 4. Mining and indigenous peoples 3. Uphold fundamental human rights. 5. Mercury risk management 4. Manage risks based on sound science. 6. Transparency of mineral revenues 5. and 6. Improve environment, health, and safety performance continuously. 7. Mineral resources and economic development 7. Conserve biodiversity and contribute to integrated land-use planning. 8. Encourage a life-cycle approach to materials management. 9. Contribute to community development. 10. Publicly report, independently assure, and engage openly and transparently. Figure 16.2-1 Principles and position statements that comprise the sustainable development framework of ICMM Thus, the focus here is not on how mining can be concentrating and refining. However, in an overarching sense, sustainable—any mining project as a discrete activity cannot the ideas of sustainability and sustainable development call continue indefinitely—but on how mining, minerals, and met- for both human and ecosystem well-being to be maintained or als can contribute to sustainable development. This is a con- improved over the long term. Doing one at the expense of the ceptual shift away from a singular analysis and mitigation of other is not acceptable because, either way, the foundation of impacts to a more comprehensive analysis and encouragement life is undermined. of contribution. The focus on contribution is a tougher but fairer approach. PRINCIPLES AND FRAMEWORKS It demands consideration of both the good and the bad. (The The nature of applied sustainability is evident from the many idea that the mining and metals industry should be designed attempts to articulate sustainable development principles. For for and tested against its contribution to the well-being of peo- a listing of more than 100 such principles, see the the “prin- ple and the environment—to sustainable development—was ciples” portal of the IISD (n.d.). In short, there is no one-size- first proposed by Professor Robert Gibson in 2000 and later fits-all approach to defining, framing, and characterizing the taken up in development of the 7QS template [MMSD North ideas of sustainable development and sustainability. One set America 2002; Hodge 2004].) That a mining activity might of principles of particular relevance to the mining industry is be challenged to make a positive contribution to the ecosys- the 10-part set developed by the ICMM, along with its com- tem over the long term may seem a tough, even impossible plementary set of position statements. ICMM brings together challenge to some. However, articulating explicit engineering 19 of the largest mining companies of the world and, on an design criteria in this way sets a design objective that is essen- annual basis, member companies assess performance against tial if mining and metals-related activity and the resulting these commitments using a procedure that includes third-party products are to achieve the sustainable development contribu- independent assurance (ICMM 2010a). tion that is being demanded by society. The ICMM principles and position statements as of 2010 Application of these ideas is not simply a greening phe- are summarized in Figure 16.2-1. Just as many definitions and nomenon; it is related as much to well-being and security of principles have been proposed, so too have many organizing people as the environment. And, interestingly, the mining frameworks been designed to bring theory to action. A com- industry’s capacity to deal with the environmental aspects parative analysis of about 30 such characterizations or frame- is currently stronger than its ability to address the full range works is found in Hodge 1997. of social aspects. This is likely because many environmental Almost three decades before the popularization of sustain- issues can be addressed through hard scientific and technical able development ideas, geographer Walter Firey pointed out solutions, whereas social issues often require soft behavioral- that three broad groupings of knowledge were pertinent to natu- type solutions, which can be much harder to design and imple- ral resource use (Firey 1960; and see discussion in Hodge 1997): ment—and which often fall outside the engineer’s training. 1. Ecological (environmental) These ideas also veer sharply away from thinking in 2. Ethnological (social/culture) terms of a trade-off between human and ecosystem well- 3. Economic being—it is not a balancing act that pits people against the environment. There are obviously many small trade-offs in In the late 1980s, Firey’s three-part model of natural resource any practical application: between interests, between compo- use was adopted by a number of those attempting to opera- nents of the ecosystem, across time, and across space. This tionalize the concept of sustainable development (Mitchell is particularly the case for mining and the related process of 1991). Since then, the three-part environmental–social–
  • 4. 1668 SME Mining Engineering Handbook As with all sustainable development frameworks, a broad Components Results range of topics is captured. However, this example is particu- • Environmental larly useful for another reason. It is clear that the simultaneous treatment of all objectives sets up tensions that must ulti- • Social mately be resolved: In a comparative analysis of alternatives, — Cultural • Human Well-being different value sets might well judge performance differently — Political — Health • Ecosystem Well-being and, at the same time, place greater weight on certain objec- tives. This is a poignant example of applied sustainability in • Economic — Institutional practice. Here again the process of finding common ground can be seen as critical to practical implementation of sustain- able development ideas. Capitals: Natural, Built, Human, Knowledge, Institutional From a different but important perspective, as part of the World Bank Group response to the Extractive Industries Figure 16.2-2 Different characterizations of sustainable Review, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) prepared development and adopted a sustainability framework that consists of (1) the Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability, (2) the Policy on Disclosure of Information; and (3) a set of perfor- economic characterization of sustainable development has mance standards on social and environmental sustainability. gained broad usage. A significant limitation of this approach, In its performance standards, the IFC addresses eight however, arises because of the lack of common treatment for topics: the social element. 1. Social and environmental assessment and management Many other frameworks have also emerged that make systems sense for the particular application: population health, healthy 2. Labor and working conditions communities, sustainable communities, foreign aid, urban 3. Pollution prevention and abatement design, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, indigenous peoples’ 4. Community health, safety, and security needs, and so forth. From one particularly important perspec- 5. Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement tive, the World Bank Group has used the lens and insights of 6. Biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural economics to offer a “capitals” model to apply sustainable resource management development ideas: natural, built, human, knowledge, and 7. Indigenous peoples institutional. Figure 16.2-2 is a synthesis that brings a number 8. Cultural heritage of the alternatives together. Another perspective that offers practical insight comes Here again is another definition of what is appropriate to from an analysis of mine closure options that was undertaken include in addressing application of sustainability concepts to for the Faro mine project in the Yukon Territory, Canada mining. The IFC sustainability framework is currently under (Hodge and Merkhofer 2008). In this case, a sophisticated review with the expectation that a revised package is targeted multi-attribute utility analysis—driven by a multistakeholder for release in 2011. The IFC has also published a number of process—was used to assess the alternatives. Multi-attribute Good Practice Notes/Handbooks (IFC 2006) relevant to the utility analysis is a form of decision analysis in which a set of practical issues of sustainability. Most importantly, the per- objectives is articulated and each alternative’s performance is formance standards along with the World Bank Group’s assessed against those objectives. The underlying principle is Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines form the basis that the alternative that best performs against the objectives of the Equator Principles, which have been adopted by 67 is the best one. The foundation of this kind of analysis is the lending institutions worldwide (the Equator Principles lend- articulation of objectives that can be translated to a scale, which ing institutions), many of whom provide financing for min- can be assessed in terms of a direction (e.g., more is better, less ing activities. The Equator Principles are a voluntary set of is worse) and magnitude (e.g., how much better or worse). standards for determining, assessing, and managing social and The rigorous scaling and multi-interest process of assess- environmental risk in project financing. They are considered ing and judging are complex. In the Faro analysis, two time the financial industry gold standard for sustainable project horizons were used in the assessment: (1) short, 15–40 years; finance. and (2) long, 500–1,000 years. Of relevance to this discus- Another important framework is the Global Compact, a sion is the framework of closure objectives, because it was principle-based framework for businesses, which was estab- set to reflect an overarching government policy of sustainable lished by the United Nations in 2000. The Global Compact is development. Eight objectives were used for assessing closure the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative alternative at the Faro mine (Yukon Territory, Canada): and states 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anticorruption. Members are committed to 1. Maximize public health and safety aligning their operations and strategies with the 10 principles 2. Maximize worker health and safety (United Nations Global Compact n.d.). 3. Maximize restoration, protection and enhancement of the For their part, the Millennium Development Goals are environment eight international development goals that all 192 UN member 4. Maximize local socioeconomic benefits states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed 5. Maximize Yukon socioeconomic benefits to achieve by the year 2015: 6. Minimize cost 7. Minimize restrictions on traditional land use 1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger 8. Minimize restrictions on local land use 2. Achieving universal primary education
  • 5. Mining and Sustainability 1669 1a 4a Suspension or Temporary Termination Closure 1 2 3 4 5 6 Detailed Site Operation Final Closure Exploration Investigation, 2–100 years and Postclosure Construction 1–10 years Design, and progressive Decommissioning in perpetuity Estimating rehabilitation 1–5 years Typically 1–3 years 2a Suspension or Termination Mine life cycle 1960s Mine life cycle 1970s + Mine life cycle 2000 Source: Adapted from John Gadsby (personal communication) and MMSD North America 2002. Figure 16.2-3 Mine project life cycle 3. Promoting gender equity and empowering women society to walk more lightly on the earth. For example, all the 4. Reducing child mortality strategies needed for development, transmission, and use of 5. Improving maternal health renewable energy sources depend on mined metals and miner- 6. Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases als. Similarly, strategies to move to a carbon-reduced econ- 7. Ensuring environmental sustainability omy are only possible through creative uses of mined minerals 8. Developing a global partnership for development and metals. Thus, the sustainability-related focus is now appropriately Each of the approaches to capturing what sustainability on mining as an activity and its implications for the communi- means in terms of principles and frameworks is useful for the ties and ecosystem within which minerals are embedded. At relevant driving application. There is no single panacea that any given site, whether a mining, smelting, refining, primary applies in all cases. However, taken together they capture the metals manufacturing, or recycling operation, there is a begin- breadth of issues and topics that must be considered. ning and end: No mining/mineral activity can be expected to have an indefinite life span. However, the implications of NONRENEWABLE NATURE OF MINING, MINERALS, that activity (not only as a direct result of the activity but also AND METALS through the product that is produced) go on indefinitely. Much of the literature through the 1980s and 1990s focused In that sense, mining/mineral activities serve as a bridge on renewable resource management and the idea of living off to the future. The sustainability challenge is to ensure that the the interest of a continuing core stock. For some, nonrenew- implications of mining activities and the products that result able resource-related activities such as mining simply did not are net positive for people and ecosystems over the long term: fit into the sustainability concept, although the hat might be It is the well-being of human society and the enveloping eco- tipped toward recycling and reuse of nonrenewable materials systems that need sustaining. Limited-term mining projects as helpful strategies. can serve sustainability objectives if they are designed and One result of this early emphasis was the marginaliza- implemented in ways that ensure they meet that challenge. tion, to a great extent, of concerns and perspectives about non- renewable resources. Interestingly, the fact that minerals are BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR APPLYING nonrenewable (or stock) resources and, in some sense, fixed SUSTAINABILITY TO MINING in absolute quantity turns out to be relatively unimportant Bringing sustainability ideas into mine design has a signifi- from a sustainability perspective—at least at the macro scale cant impact on mine design boundary conditions. Four aspects (MMSD North America 2002). The nonrenewable character of boundary conditions apply in this case, each of which of minerals received a great deal of attention in the literature has implications for setting the time and space dimensions from 1950 into the 1970s. However, the long statistical record and helps to identify the system components that must be of continued output at relatively constant prices, together with considered: growing understanding first of environmental issues and then of sustainability, has served to deemphasize this concern. At 1. Mine project life cycle (Figure 16.2-3) the same time, recognition is growing that the products of 2. Mineral life cycle (Figure 16.2-4) mining are needed both to provide for the world’s popula- 3. Time horizon (Table 16.2-1) tion and, even more so, to support approaches that will allow 4. Communities of interest
  • 6. 1670 SME Mining Engineering Handbook Table 16.2-1 Perspectives on the time horizons for applied sustainability Exploration Perspective Typical Time Horizon Waste, Environmental, and Social Stress and Restoration Financial/tax cycle Annual or quarterly Reserves Election cycle 2, 4, or 5 years Standard engineering design life Up to 50 years Mining and Milling Social time horizon (seven generations) Up to 200 years Environmental time horizon 200 to 10,000+ years Concentrate Source: Adapted from Freeze 1987. Primary Smelting Secondary Smelting and Refining and Refining and civil society organizations—and is not yet fully under- stood or appreciated. The fourth and final aspect of defining the boundary con- First Products ditions for applying sustainability relates to identifying the Recycle communities of interest that must be considered in the mine Manufacturing design, operation, and closure process. In times past, a com- pany and government would simply come to a bilateral agree- ment on conditions that would govern mine activities. Today Final Products: that is no longer the case. Many interests play active roles, and End Uses the definition of those roles itself requires great care and atten- tion. Interests important to mining are Figure 16.2-4 Mineral life cycle • Industry (investors, employees, industry associations, other companies); • Support services (financial, consultants, contractors, First, the mine design process must take into consider- suppliers); ation the full life cycle of a mine project. Many of the greatest • Government (federal, state/provincial, county/regional problems facing the mining industry today stem from the fact district, local); that this has not been done in the past. In the 1960s, the mine • Indigenous people and their organizations; design process was limited to the end of operations. In the • Organized labor; 1970s and driven by rising environmental consciousness, the • Mining-affected communities (by economic, social, and/ need for mine reclamation gave rise to concerns about clo- or environmental [e.g., watershed] dependency); sure, which at the time focused on cleaning and grooming a • NGOs or civil society organizations; and site, with revegetation being a key activity. It is only in the • Academic, learning, and research and development sup- last decade that the realization has set in that a postclosure port (universities, technical schools, private and public phase can in some cases extend indefinitely because of the research centers). geochemical processes at work in waste rock piles, tailings, and exposed workings. These give rise to potential liabilities SEVEN QUESTIONS TO SUSTAINABILITY that must be factored into annual financial statements and the One product of the mining industry’s MMSD project was a calculation of share value. template aimed at assessing the compatibility between mining Second, the mine design process must consider the min- operations and sustainability criteria (MMSD North America eral life cycle. The mining industry has come to learn that it 2002; Hodge 2004, 2006). The 7QS offers seven queries for must not only consider the production of minerals and met- consideration in the mine design and assessment process. Each als but also their use. Too often in the past, the mine design question is the interrogative form of a goal statement. Seen in process has limited its perspective in time and space to the another light, these seven goals define the application of sus- immediate mine operation. In fact, many significant implica- tainability concepts. The technique of using the interrogative tions extend across space and time in a kind of ripple effect form in this way is drawn from the accounting profession’s (Figure 16.2-5). Some of these—both positive and negative— approach to auditing and assuring the validity and accuracy of are significant. And all must be taken into consideration to financial statements. ensure that the full contribution is accounted for. The focus on applying the 7QS approach is not on how a Third, the time horizon to be used needs particular men- given mine can be sustainable—mining as a discrete activity tion. Table 16.2-1 lists different perspectives on the time cannot continue indefinitely—but on how the process of min- horizons relevant to applied sustainability. This element of ing and the products it produces can best contribute to sus- the boundary conditions for the mine design, operation, and tainable development. Thus it enshrines the conceptual shift closure processes has changed dramatically in the last few away from analysis and mitigation of impacts to analysis and decades. The mine project life cycle shown in Figure 16.2-3 encouragement of contribution. illustrates how the time horizon evolved after the 1970s to The seven questions are summarized in Figure 16.2-6. In eventually take into considerations the postclosure phase, this section, the 7QS template is used to systematically orga- which can sometimes stretch environmental and social obliga- nize the parts of applied sustainability, rendering their applica- tions of mining operations into perpetuity. This is new terrain tion more practical. (The material presented in this section is for all interests—industry, government, host communities, modified from MMSD North America 2002.) In applying this
  • 7. Mining and Sustainability 1671 Direct Outputs Benefits and Costs to People (Employees and their families, shareholders and investors, subcontractors, suppliers, community, region, nation, future generations) Indirect Outputs Indirect Inputs Direct Inputs (Benefits and costs to (Benefits and costs (Stakeholder Metals, Minerals, downstream consumers, to upstream engagement, labor, Metals and Minerals and Related operations, communities, consumers, operations, land, water, energy, Industry Products and ecosystems because communities, and feedstocks, reagents, of enhanced supply of ecosystems because of and supplies) metal- and mineral-linked demand for inputs) commodities and products) Benefits and Costs to the Environment (Environmental stress and restoration, chemical, physical, biological) Figure 16.2-5 Ripple effect template, attention must be paid to the compilation and analy- 2. Ends. Questions 2 (people) and 3 (environment) focus on sis of both quantitative and qualitative insights. Ultimately in the end results that must be achieved and against which assessing effectiveness, efficiency, and progress, four distinct the success of any project must be tested—human and steps are essential (Hodge 2007): ecosystem well-being over the long term. 3. Means to achieving ends. Questions 4 (economy), 5 (tra- 1. Drawing the qualitative insight that comes through under- ditional and nonmarket activities), and 6 (governance and standing the story that is relevant to the object(s) of the institutions) cover the various means of achieving human assessment and ecosystem well-being. 2. Undertaking and compiling the relevant quantitative 4. Feedback. Lastly, Question 7 (synthesis and continuous measurement learning) provides the feedback mechanism that allows 3. Applying a systemic approach to synthesizing, setting managers and others to ensure accountability and to learn criteria, and judging significance from the inevitable mistakes, adapt and improve designs 4. Effectively communicating the results to different key as necessary, and celebrate the successes, giving credit interests where due. The 7QS approach encompasses four categories of insight: Effective Engagement 1. Relationships. Question 1 in Figure 16.2-6 (engagement) If relationships with those important to a mining/minerals/ deals with the state of relationships that are important metals project are unhealthy, the chance of achieving a suc- to any given project or within any region that is being cessful project—one that contributes to sustainability—is assessed (see Thomson and Joyce 2000 for a succinct dis- greatly reduced. Although this is a simple idea and one that cussion of this topic). A key issue facing many projects is is key to many successful nonmining businesses around the the sense that the distribution of costs, benefits, and risk world, application of this idea is only now gaining momentum is unfair. This sense can cause stakeholder reactions that across the industry. range from feelings of discontent to outright civil disobe- At any point in time, mining activities must align with dience and damage to persons and property. Although the norms and values of society as a whole. When it does, a detailed procedures will vary from site to site, the 7QS social license to operate is the result—an unwritten approval. approach calls for addressing this issue early and in a way If that alignment is not apparent, the social license will be that facilitates constructive relationships achieved over challenged. Within the mining industry, elucidation of this the full project life cycle. concept has been led by Ian Thomson and Susan Joyce (2008).
  • 8. 1672 SME Mining Engineering Handbook 1. Engagement Are engagement processes in place and working effectively? 2. People Assessing for Will people’s well-being Sustainability be maintained or improved? 3. Environment 7. Synthyesis and Is the integrity of the environment Continuous Learning assured over the long term? Does a full synthesis show that the net result will be positive or negative in 4. Economy the long term, and will there be Is the economic viability of the project or periodic reassessments? operation assured, and will the economy of the community and beyond be 6. Institutional Arrangements better off as a result? and Governance Are rules, incentives, programs, and capacities in place to address project 5. Traditional and Nonmarket Activities or operational consequences? Are traditional and nonmarket activities in the community and surrounding area accounted for in a way that is acceptable to the local people? Courtesy of the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Figure 16.2-6 Seven Questions to Sustainability Thomson and Joyce (2006) have also played a lead role in recognizing the central role of the explorationist and junior companies (that are the first to enter an area) in either creating Engagement lasting positive relationships or a climate of long-term tension. Working to entrench such acceptance is an insurance policy that includes both the ability to recognize meaningful change and the ability to consider accommodating these changes. Dispute Reporting Informed Engagement Adequate Building a constructive engagement with the local com- Processes Resolution and Resources Voluntary munity involves a series of challenging steps to (1) identify key Mechanism Verification Consent interests, (2) learn how to listen to each interest’s concerns amid all the noise of existing pressures, and (3) develop a way for- Courtesy of the International Institute for Sustainable Development. ward for mining and metals operations based on mutual respect, Figure 16.2-7 Assessing the effectiveness of relationships trust, and integrity. It requires effort and resources, sometimes between operations and other interests just as much as many technical aspects of a project. And today, with the changing and growing role of many interests in society, if care is not taken to build the needed relationships, implica- A particularly important issue for the mining industry tions for proceeding effectively and efficiently on a project can is building effective relationships with indigenous people. A be seriously undermined. At worst, physical conflict can occur. useful overview of issues relevant to this topic can be found A leading example of addressing community relationship in Render 2006. A current perspective on how to best achieve issues has been completed by Newmont Gold Corporation effective working relationships with indigenous people is pro- (2009). In this case, concerns over conflict led an ethical vided in ICMM 2010b. This is especially relevant for countries investor to ask for a complete review of the relationships where the legal system does not provide strong protections for between Newmont operations and its host communities. The indigenous peoples. In the last decade, indigenous peoples’ initial work, completed over 2 years, included an independent concerns have led to the emergence of special impact benefit review panel. Building on existing and past attempts to build agreements that formally entrench special arrangements for effective relationships, it led to a series of company–host com- participation. A current tool kit addressing such agreements is munity interactions that, in turn, changed Newmont’s own now available (Gibson and O’Faircheallaigh 2010). internal management system. One result was that, in 2010, Considerations important to building effective relation- Newmont was ranked 16th in Corporate Responsibility mag- ships are shown in Figure 16.2-7. Table 16.2-2 is modified from azine’s 11th Annual List of 100 Best Corporate Citizens in the 7QS work and lists the ideal answer to the question,“Are the United States (Corporate Responsibility 2010), the only engagement processes in place and working effectively?,”and mining company in the top 20 and joining such businesses as offers example indicators that can be considered for compila- Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Gap, IBM, and Microsoft. tion in order to assess how close a given mining or metals
  • 9. Mining and Sustainability 1673 Table 16.2-2 Engagement: Are engagement processes in place and working effectively? Question (Goal) Ideal Answer (Objectives) Example Indicators Are processes of engagement committed Satisfactory processes of engagement have been designed and to, designed, and implemented that implemented that Input • Ensure all affected communities of • Ensure all affected communities of interest (including vulnerable ⇓ interest (including vulnerable or or disadvantaged subpopulations due to, for example, gender, Output disadvantaged subpopulations due ethnicity, or poverty) are well informed and have the opportunity ⇓ to, for example, minority status, to participate in the decisions that influence their own future; and Result gender, ethnicity, or poverty) are well • Are understood, agreed upon, and consistent with the legal, informed and have the opportunity to institutional, and cultural characteristics of the community and participate in decisions that influence country where the project is located. their own future; • Are understood and agreed upon by As indicated by: implicated communities of interest; Engagement processes. Engagement processes are in place for all • Comprehensive mapping of interests and phases of the project/operation life cycle to serve as a mechanism for completed. • Are consistent with the legal, institu- • Collaboratively identifying desired objectives, best approaches for • Design of engagement strategy tional, and cultural characteristics of gathering evidence in support of achieving objectives (quantitative completed, including guidelines that the community and country where the and qualitative), assessment criteria, trade-offs and the bases for are agreed upon by all interests project is located? judging trade-offs; and • Full and satisfactory disclosure of • Overseeing the application of the approach to assessing the project-related information contribution to sustainability articulated here. • Effective implementation as signaled by participant satisfaction Dispute resolution mechanism. An agreed upon, affordable dispute • Dispute resolution mechanism(s) resolution mechanism (or set) exists and is understood by and • Effective mechanisms as signaled by accessible to all communities of interest. participant satisfaction Reporting and verification. Appropriate systems of reporting and • Systems in place verification are in place. • Systems working effectively from perspective of various interests Adequate resources. Adequate resources have been made available • Adequate resources available to ensure that all communities of interest can effectively participate as • Satisfaction with level of support needed. • Effective participation achieved as Note: Responsibility for ensuring that this capacity is in place rests assessed by company, community, with a mix of government, company, and the local community itself. indigenous peoples, and government The exact distribution of this responsibility should be worked out collaboratively. Informed and voluntary consent. The informed and voluntary consent • Broad community support of those affected by the project or operation has been given. Note: Inclusion of this factor does not imply that consent be given as a requirement for a project to proceed. The responsibility for approval lies with the relevant regulatory agency that is mandated by the laws of the country. Rather, this factor is included as a means to assess the extent of concurrence of those affected by a project. If that concurrence is high, the potential for achieving a net positive contribution to sustainability is greatly enhanced. In contrast, if negative feeling toward a project or operation is extensive, that potential is greatly reduced. Source: Adapted from MMSD North America 2002. operation is to achieving the ideal answer. In turn, the breadth movement came close examination of the social and economic of knowledge that Table 16.2-2 spans provides an indica- implications of mining activities, particularly in emerging tion of what any mining operation might be expected to take nations. One observation that emerged was that examples of into consideration when addressing this aspect of sustainable developing economies suggested a link between mining activ- development. ity and ongoing poverty. In these instances, was the presence of natural resources in fact a “resource curse” resulting from Contributing to Human Well-Being a combination of poor governance, corruption, and civil war? Most inside the mining industry take it for granted that min- There is a large amount of literature on this subject (e.g., see ing activities contribute to society in general, to investors that Davis 2009, Crowson 2009, Auty 1993, and Sachs and Warner risk their capital, to management and workers who are gain- 1995). fully employed as a result, and to the many host communi- More recently, work completed by the ICMM (McPhail ties who experience the secondary and tertiary benefits that 2008) has demonstrated that the resource curse needn’t occur ripple out from any mining activity. However, following hard if appropriate collaborative action is taken. The ICMM work on the heels of the rise of the contemporary environmental has identified six key areas of focus: (1) poverty reduction,
  • 10. 1674 SME Mining Engineering Handbook People Individuals Communities Distribution of Population health, Social and Responsibilities costs, benefits, safety, and cultural integrity and sureties are risks, and well-being are are assured assigned and responsibilities assured adequate is fair Community, Full social and organization, Worker health cultural costs, capacity, and safety are benefits, and risks infrastructure, assured have been resiliency, and considered dependency Courtesy of the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Figure 16.2-8 Example factors to consider in assessing the contributions of mining and/or metals operations to human well-being (2) revenue management, (3) regional development, (4) local operation? These factors draw on the foundation provided by content (the use of local labor and locally derived services socioeconomic impact analysis but use the lens of contribu- and supplies), (5) social investment, and (6) dispute resolu- tion. Table 16.2-3 then provides both the ideal answer as well tion. The key to success is the use of collaborative approaches as examples of the kind of indicators that might be consid- involving host governments, companies, civil society, and ered in assessing how close a given operation is to meeting the donor agencies. ideal answer. As in the previous section, the range of topics One spin-off of the emergence of sustainability ideas provides a sense of what sustainable development means to starting in the mid-1980s, the resource curse debate of the mining from this particular perspective. 1990s and 2000s, and the ongoing challenging of the mining industry by NGOs and in some cases host governments is a Contributing to Ecosystem Well-Being realization that much greater effort is required to understand, The relationship between a mining operation and its host envi- capture, and share the nature and extent of mining and metal’s ronment is the focus of the environmental impact assessment contribution to human well-being. No longer can it simply be and the resulting environmental management plan and related taken for granted. environmental management systems. The approach used here A key issue requiring attention in emerging economies is builds on this foundation. a documented gender bias in mining whereby benefits (such Figure 16.2-9 shows one way of conceptualizing the as employment, income, training, education, and health care) environmental implications of a mining operation. It looks at accrue largely to men and the local elite while most risks (such chemical, physical, and biological implications from both the as family and social disruption, domestic violence, alcohol- generation of environmental stress and the linked potential for ism, HIV/AIDS, increased prostitution, loss of gardens for ecosystem restoration. The concept of restoration that is used subsistence agriculture, pollution, and water losses) fall on the here is not the idea that everything needs to be returned to a poorer women, the less advantaged, and the families they care chemical, physical, and biological premining state. Rather, a for (see Eftimie et al. 2009a and 2009b). A company purchas- robust ecosystem is sought that is naturally reproducing and sus- ing the bulk or all of its produce needs locally can be benefi- tainable. This is the domain of the emerging science and art of cial for local farmers and landowners who see prices increase restoration ecology. for their produce, but this can also have the unintended effect A chemical, physical, and biological characterization of of worsening the situation for the poor community women environmental implications is traditional and helpful from who may be unable to afford the higher food prices. These are several perspectives, including (1) often regulatory require- complex issues that require careful management approaches ments are organized in this manner; (2) the professional for any mining company. expertise that must be drawn on is often organized in this Figure 16.2-8 offers example factors to be considered in way; and (3) traditional education is offered in this way and answering the question—“Will people’s well-being be main- therefore management’s understanding is often aided by this tained or improved” by a given mining, minerals or metals approach.
  • 11. Mining and Sustainability 1675 Table 16.2-3 People: Will people’s well-being be maintained or improved? Question (Goal) Ideal Answer (Objectives) Example Indicators Will the project/operation lead directly or The project or operation will lead directly or indirectly to indirectly to maintenance of people’s well- the maintenance or improvement of people’s well-being Input being, preferably an improvement • During the life of the project or operation or ⇓ • During the life of the project or • In postclosure Output operation, or ⇓ • In postclosure? Result As indicated by: Community organization and capacity. Effective and • Presence of an organizational structure that links representative community organization and capacity and represents the community in project-related (knowledge, skills, and resources) are in place in the local decision-making processes community, including representation of women and the • Training facilities in place disadvantaged in community leadership and decision • Local education/skills level to serve project making. needs and provide basis for postclosure Note: Responsibility for ensuring this capacity is in place activities • Community access to the information and rests with a mix of government, company, and the local community itself. The exact distribution of this responsibility expertise needed to ensure that properly should be worked out collaboratively. informed decisions are made Social/cultural integrity. All communities of interest have a • Existence of community and regional visions reasonable degree of confidence that social and cultural expressed explicitly in development and land- integrity will be maintained or preferably improved in a use plans way that is consistent with the vision and aspirations of the • Presence of key indicative social structures and community. their states • Sense of satisfaction signaled by all interests that Involuntary resettlement and other interventions will be social and cultural integrity will be maintained undertaken in such as way as to maintain or preferably or improved (including separate consultations improve social and cultural integrity. with community women and representatives of Note: This category is particularly dynamic and will change disadvantaged groups in the community) as a project proceeds. • Social and cultural indicators identified as significant by the community • Preparation and implementation of community- supported and project-induced migration management plans to help manage the impacts of the inflow of outsiders that occurs when a mining development is expected or announced Worker and population health, safety, and well-being. • Baseline studies completed that include basic Improvement of indicators of worker and population health, demographics to track population change safety, and well-being are maintained or improved. (birth rate, infant mortality, morbidity rates, Note: Responsibility for gathering this data and information in/out-migration), household incomes, and so lies with a mix of company (in terms of workers), community, forth, including gender disaggregated data and government. However, statistics on population health, • Worker health and safety training and education, jobs, income, poverty, debt, • Population health community resiliency, and community dependency typically • Training and education fall to government. • Jobs, income, poverty, debt • Crime and security • Community resiliency • Community dependency Availability of basic infrastructure. The infrastructure to meet • Water supply, sewage and wastewater treat- basic needs is available to workers and residents. ment, power, communications, transportation, education, health services Consideration of all direct, indirect, and induced or diffuse • Direct, indirect, and induced or diffuse eco- effects. All communities of interest have a reasonable degree nomic, social, and cultural effects of project of confidence that all direct, indirect, and induced or diffuse • Changes in social behavior as a result of the effects have been considered and addressed. project Note: Requirements will change through the project. Full social/cultural costs, benefits, and risks. All communities • Satisfaction that all social/cultural costs, of interest have a reasonable degree of confidence that the benefits, and risks found across the full life cycle full costs, benefits, and risks to people have been identified from exploration through postclosure have been and factored into project or operation-related decision identified and addressed making (as it applies throughout the full project or operation life cycle). Source: Adapted from MMSD North America 2002.
  • 12. 1676 SME Mining Engineering Handbook Environmental Implications of Mining Chemical Physical Biological Stress Restoration Stress Restoration Stress Restoration • Discharge of • Closure of facilities to • Alteration of surface • Closure of facilities• Introduction of exotic • Closure of facilities contaminants to ensure human safety water or ground- to ensure human species to ensure human surface water in and ecosystem water flow systems safety and ecosystem safety and ecosystem • Wildlife mortality: operational effluent integrity • Restructuring of land, integrity integrity including contaminant and runoff revegetation of • Cleanup of alteration of • Restoration of ingestion and/or disturbed areas • Discharge of previously topography and topography and roadkill contaminants to contaminated sites, landscapes landscapes • Alteration of habitat • Restoration/ groundwater in natural or human- improvement of • Instability leading to • Increased stability seepage made • Provision of access wildlife habitat in failure (slope, dam, of slopes and leading to increased adjacent areas • Discharge of tunnel, stream watercourses harvesting contaminants to air in crossing, foundation) • Enhancement of • Restoration of operational emissions human–wildlife • Noise generation surface and and dust interaction groundwater flow • Discharge of systems contaminants in accidental spills to waterways and land • Transfer of solid waste to landfills and hazardous waste to treatment or storage facilities Figure 16.2-9 Chemical, physical, and biological implications of mining/metals operations However, the ecological system does not function in typical economics of a mine is such that the first few years such a compartmentalized way, and those expert in ecology (generally, years 1 to 5) are usually very profitable, which is in general and ecological restoration in particular have offered necessary to serve investors who require a return on invested alternative ways of addressing this challenge. Figure 16.2-10 capital. Middle years are moderately profitable (generally, offers such an approach, and Table 16.2-4 addresses the years 6 to 15), and older mines are usually marginally viable. question—“Is the integrity of the environment assured over Company managers strategize from this perspective because the long term?”—and provides both an ideal answer to this it is their legal responsibility to protect the investors. If a question as well as an example set of indicators that, if com- large number of operating mines within their system are in piled, would serve to facilitate an assessment of how com- the older phase, a company can be vulnerable. However, from patible a mining/metals operation would be with sustainable the perspective of an employee or service provider, the mine development An increasingly important emerging issue is is meaningful as long as it operates and provides employ- understanding the full life-cycle environmental contribution ment. And the concern from the local, regional, or national of the metals. Much remains to be learned about the technique government is that the mine leads to a lasting contribution— of life-cycle analysis. however that is achieved. These different perspectives all fac- tor into the sustainable development equation. Economic Viability: Project, Community, Nation However, they do not imply that a project/company should Understanding the economics of a project lies at the heart of be assuming responsibility for the local, regional, or national successful mining from a management and investment per- economy. Rather, it is often possible that by working in col- spective. Two key factors govern project economic stability: laboration with in-country partners, benefits can be achieved (1) the licensing and fiscal regimes under which mining takes for the host community, region, or country that involve little place—that they are efficient, noncorrupt, and result in secu- cost to the company but have significant benefits for the host. rity of tenure; and (2) an equitable sharing of costs, benefits, Further, if unintended economic consequences related to this risks, and responsibilities between the host country and the broader perspective arise and are not recognized, they may investor. result in a liability to the company over the long term that For any project to be successful, the deposit, the com- can have grave consequences, including the possibility of the pany, and industry must all be economically viable. The national/local business environment deteriorating to the point