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In my life, the most
important things are
family, baseball and
school. I am also a
centigon and I will be
explaining that.
By Aaron
I think I am like a centigon
because a centigon seems like it
never ends, and when I put effort
into something I try really hard and
persevere. I try so hard my effort is
as large as a centigon. Also, whenever
I really try, I do well. A centigon is
big because it has 100 sides and it is
one of the biggest shapes in the
world. 100 sides are really large so
that means my effort is huge! That is
why I think I am a centigon.
This is my name poem.
The top one is the
adjectives poem about
me and the bottom one
is a noun poem about
One other thing that is
Important in my life is school.
School is not the most fun thing in
life but it teaches you a lot of
things. At school we learn all the
subjects that you would learn in
other schools but you also learn
about respect and responsibility.
That is why Punahou is also a
good school.
In my life, the most important thing
is my family. My family always helps
me whenever I need help. My brother
always shares his things with me, my
mom always helps me with homework
and my dad helps me with baseball.
My brother's name is Jared, and he goes to
Punahou and he is a junior. He always
shares his things with me when I ask if I
can use something and he never says no.
Whenever I have homework, he helps me if
I ask him. I think he is the best brother in
the world!
I'm so lucky to have a mom like my mom!
She cleans everything for me and she says
I don’t have to do chores! I think she says
that because she doesn’t want me to get
hurt with anything so she does it and it is
like she is sacrificing herself for me!
Sometimes when I get a cut and I don’t
clean it my mom starts worrying a lot so
I get annoyed but she just cares and
doesn’t want me to get sick.
My dad is very nice and always helps me.
Whenever I ask for something he will
usually get it for me because he knows
that I appreciate things. I'm so lucky that
I got a dad like him because I know that
he cares about me.
My family members support me by helping
me with everything I ask them to help me
with. Even if I did something bad that
day they will forgive and help me with
whatever I need help with and I think not
a lot of parents and brothers would do
One thing that is really
important to me is baseball.
Baseball is my favorite sport. I
practice like 24/7 because we have
really hardcore coaches that are
Saint Louis J V coaches. We have to
run and train a lot because we are
a traveling team and we have to be
prepared so we don’t get tired and
we have to get mentally tough. Our
team is called the Honolulu Saints
and we are going to try for the
Little League World Series. In July,
we are going to go to Arizona to
play for the regionals. We already
won the states against Kona. If we
win the regionals, we will go to
the super regionals and then go on
to the World Series. My teammates
are really nice and always support
me. That’s why I like this team
because we cheer n each other and
support each other. When I grow up
I really want to try to get to the
MLB to play.
I'm a centagon, a shape
with one hundred sides. I
choose this shape because
I have 25 goals and 25
expectations. Some of
my goals are to finish
college and become a
great inventor. Also two
of my expectations is to
be kind to everyone I
meet and I do not want to
be a try hard. A try hard
is someone who brags
because their life is easier
or brags about being
smarter then another. I
also have 50 things I
want to do. For example
I would like to go
skydiving, Bunji
jumping, and I want to
see the Grand Canyon or
go to Disneyland. I am a
6/18: The cow
jumped over the
The young cow
leaped over the
fence but, since
Jake was so far
away, it looked like
the calf went over
the Moon.
I'm a centagon, a shape
with one hundred sides. I
choose this shape because
I have 25 goals and 25
expectations. Some of
my goals are to finish
college and become a
great inventor. Also two
of my expectations is to
be kind to everyone I
meet and I do not want to
be a try hard. A try hard
is someone who brags
because their life is easier
or brags about being
smarter then another. I
also have 50 things I
want to do. For example
I would like to go
skydiving, Bunji
jumping, and I want to
see the Grand Canyon or
go to Disneyland. I am a
6/18: The cow
jumped over the
The young cow
leaped over the
fence but, since
Jake was so far
away, it looked like
the calf went over
the Moon.
Important to me
My family is important because they are my whole life. My family is
essential to me because when I need help with homework they help me until
I am done. They are also are very supportive for me when I am trying new
things. An example are trying new foods, like chicken pop pie. My dad
helps me with technology and math. My mom helps me with spelling words
and reading. My mom also makes my dinner. These are the reasons why my
family is so important to me.
If I were a shape my shape would be a box because my
ideas will be filling up to the top. My box will have to be
bigger to fit all my ideas. Sometimes my ideas will float
off, but they will come together. An example when I am
talking about family I tend to flow to another thing about
technology, but It comes together at the end. When I
brainstorm, the first the three ideas will be slow, but
when I get into it the box will start to over flow. When
the idea box is I filled up things ideas just to flow out and
get stuck I my head for a while.
- Ipsum
My brother is important to me because with out him I would be bored. If I did not have a bother there would be
nothing to do but even we fight sometimes, we still are family. I look up to him and wish I could do something
that I cant do. Example are when he is playing baseball. When we fight we get angry, but we make up at the
end. These are the reasons why my bother is important to me.
! "
! "
N-obleI am a square. A four
sided shape. I am this
because I like 4 different
animals; tigers, lions,
sharks, and whales. I have
4 favorite foods; salad,
pizza, mashed potatoes,
and pineapple. I also have
4 favorite colors; blue,
purple, green, and black.
Lastly, I have 4 best
friends; Audrey, Mari,
Siena, and Madison. This
is why I chose to be a
square because I feel that
it represents me.
I love swimming!
Without it I could not fly
through the waves. I could not
see all the wonders in the deep
blue sea when I snorkel at
Hanauma Bay. Swimming is
part of me, without it I do not
think I would feel complete,
there would be a skill or passion
missing from my life.
Swimming makes me happy, for
example one time I was
snorkeling at Hanauma Bay and
I saw my first Morey Eel I was
so exited and scared at the same
time. That moment made me
like swimming and snorkeling
even more. One of my dreams is
to scuba dive and see a great
white shark. Swimming is
important to me because it lets
me fly through waves, it is my
Karate is very important to me as well. Karate
is one of my favorite sports, I just became a
green belt and am going up for sies or swords
very soon. Karate is a big part of my life. I
have been doing it for three years going on to
my fourth year. Karate makes me feel proud
like when I score a point in sparing or get a
"Good job" in my kata. Karate makes me feel
good let's me show my inner me to the world.
My dojo
Family is important to me because they let
you go to good schools. They do so much
more then you even think about. My family
helps let me make my dreams come true.
When I was young and wanted to how to
swim my parents got me lessons and taught
me them selves as well. I always try to too
give them respect. But I don’t always succeed.
Sometimes I get into fights with them and get
mad at them even through I know they are just
trying to help me. Like when my mom had to
stick a needle in my foot to get a thorn out it
was painful but I felt I lot better after words
but I still regret how I treated my dad when he
did that. I love my family and I will always be
grateful for all they have done for me
I feel like a pentagon because I
am involved in five activities as of the
present. My schedule consists of
playing piano, violin, tennis, and golf. I
also have to do math on the computer.
There are 5 things I just listed. That’s
just like a pentagon with five sides.
What I mean by that in case you don't
understand is that I am a pentagon and
that one side represents piano, one side
represents violin, and so on. Right now,
I have tennis about 5 times a week. On
a regular basis this summer, I have
violin lessons twice a week. I have to
do math almost every day. I am glad
because my schedule makes it so I am
not bored. Right now, I am involved in
five activities like a pentagon has 5
sides, which is why I feel like a
! Creative
! Happy
! Awesome
! Resourceful
! Literate
! Empathetic
! Super
If I were a shape, I
would feel like a
pentagon because…
Academics Exercise
The second of the three things that I believe that are
fundamental to life is academics. I think academics
are important because academics are your life skills
that adults use after they get out of college and get a
job. Learning reading, writing, math, science and also
music is very important because reading is a skill that
I use throughout of your life. Reading is important
because if you cannot read I will be considered
illiterate. Illiterate means the lack of the ability to read
or write. Writing is important because writing is a form
of communication, like talking. By the way, if I cannot
write, I will also be illiterate. Math is very important
because I need to budget your money otherwise if
you overspend I might go bankrupt for not budgeting
my money. Science is also very important because I
learned about how your body changes and how the
human body works in puberty education. Music is
also important because playing music makes me
more intelligent because it is a proven fact that music
makes a brain grow larger. I value academics
because they are skills children learn and use
through adulthood and throughout their entire lives.
My Family
The first of the three things that are most important to me is
family. My family takes care of me by giving me food to eat, a
bed to sleep in, and a place to live. My family also supports me
by paying for my education and extracurricular activities. I think
family is very important to a person because family members will
support each other no matter what. Even though I feel bad after
losing something like a tennis or golf tournament, my parents
make me feel better by telling me that it’s OK as long as I did my
best. Family members are also important because they will
always help each other improve on their weakest areas in life. My
mother signed me up for the class Art of Writing 6 during my
2013 summer school season. Writing is one of my weaker
subjects I am thankful of my parents who support me in the ways
they can. To me, family is very important because I love my
family and my family loves me.
The third thing I value is exercise.
Exercise is very good for me
because it helps my body stay
healthy. Exercising also helps me
burn body fat and calories and is
also good for me because after a
couple hours of hard office work,
it's a good idea to go blow off
some steam by running around
the block. Playing a sport like
tennis and golf also helps develop
my strategy skills because in
tennis I can pick a spot that you
want to hit the ball. I can also do
that in golf. Sports like that also
help with hand-eye coordination.
These sports not only help my
body exercise, but the help my
brain exercise by you developing
your strategy. Make sure you
exercise well. Have fun working
out. Exercise is very important to
me because exercise is how I stay
healthy and fit.
All about me!I am a circle because I like getting
things right. When I get things right, I
check it by using a circle. I also like
playing sports that include a ball for
example I like soccer, tennis and
basketball, which is a circle. A circle is
different from other shape in many
ways, for example a circle has one side
and you cannot get the real area of it,
and like a circle I also want to be
different from everyone else. A circle
will roll and roll and it will never stop,
and I would never give up like a rolling
circle. If you put a smaller circle in a
bigger circle it will eventually become
like a dartboard and I enjoy throwing
darts. I am a circle for many of reasons.
One of the most important
things to me is my family, including
my pets! I have one brother and my
parents. There are not any other
people on the Earth that will care for
me more than my family. There are
plenty of reasons why I like my
family. Firstly, they care and love me
like I do to them. Also, when I have
a hard time they will come and help
you and comfort you. My family and
I sometimes fight but we always get
over it by saying, "sorry." My parents
have taken care of me for more than
11years, I know them better than
anyone else. Also, I have two pets. I have one fish and one
quail (quail is a type of a small bird). I have been taking care
of them for one year and they are like a family to me. Without
my family I might not even be in this Summer School.
Sport is also one of the most
important things to me. I have always
loved sports but I like soccer, tennis and
basketball more than anything else. I
always liked moving around and
running. For some reason, I like sports
using a ball. I played soccer since I was
7 and I am on my school's soccer team.
I played tennis for about 2 years. I have
tennis class in Punahou Summer
School, and I will even go to a tennis
camp after Punahou Summer School.
Sports are important to me just like
my family.
Finally, the last important thing
to me is my friend because like my
family they sometimes comfort me. For
example when I make a mistake they
say it is okay. They also play sports
with me and they make it more
enjoyable. I sometimes have fights with
them, but we always get over it like it
was nothing. In the end, I think that
friends are very, very
important to me just like
my family and sports.
Important to me
One of the
most important
things in my life is love.
Love is important because it
makes me who I am. For me,
love looks like hugs and
kisses, love can also look
like respect and kindness.
Respect looks like listening
and under standing what
others say. When people love
me I feel like a million
bucks and a super hero all
in one. When I am not loved
I get grumpy, and I do not
like to be grumpy. For
example, when my parents
are mad at me I get grumpy,
and I do not like to be
Air is one of the most
important things in my
life. One of the reasons air
is important is because it
is everywhere, so I always
have it with me. An
example, is when I hold my
breath, I realize how much
we need air. Most of the
time us humans take air
for granted, but I know
important the air is.
The Earth
One of the most important
things in life is the Earth.
I think the Earth is
important because it is
where we live and with out
it we would die. For
example, I was on a plane
to Hong Kong the flight
was 12 hours and it felt
like there was no earth.
Another example is when I
was dreaming about space,
and I did not have the
earth in my dream and I
was crying in my sleep. I
think the earth is really
! ! ! ! ! ! Hendecagon!
! I!am!a!hendecagon!(an!eleven!sided!shape)!because!I!am!eleven!and!I!have!lots!of!
! Enthusiastic
! Elephant
My family is
important to me
because they help with
my homework and
they help me with
things I do not know.
They are also important
to me because they
keep me working hard
and they cook for me
and they pay for my
tech, food, clothes,
water, and other things
that I need to survive. I
think that everything
my family does for me
is important to me.
Whenever I am in
trouble or need help
my family will almost
always be there for me.
I think
basketball is one of
the most important
things to me. The
reason why I picked
this sport is because
when I was little my
dad used to like
playing basketball a
lot so I thought I could
try it. My dad said he
would bring me to the
park when we get a
basketball. I think it
was a few days till I
got my first basketball.
When we got to the
park my dad taught
me how to shoot a
ball I didn’t make it at
first but I finally made
Tech is important
to me because it helps me
in my life. The tech helps
me on things I do not know
like my homework or if I
need tips on how to defeat
a boss I would look it up. It
is also important to me
because it could help me
finish a project or I can look
up funny videos on it.
Without the tech that I
have today I my life would
completely change.
The big cow
jumped over
the moon to
get away
from the wolf.
I think I am a
square because I have tough corners
meaning I have tough problems in my
life. I have problems that are hard to
face and challenging to get away from
like a square that has tough corners.
Some tough problems are I mostly
fight with my friend, my sister, my
problem with my ugly elbow, and my
family's problem with all of them
getting really sick. These problems are
hard to face but apparently squares are
whole so I have to face my corners and
I need to be strong and sturdy. Squares
may have really tough corners to turn
but they are not always impossible.
Jordyn Kobayashi's
Acrostic poems
J ubilant
O bedient
R esponsible
D elightful
Y oung
N eat
J okes
O ptions
R eligon
D ay
Y ear
N ews
Religion is a very important thing to me. Without religion we will be useless, have no great
life, nothing to worship, and no great miracles from a God if you get sick. Everyone would
be a really big nothing. We would not have a point to be on earth and no reason to be alive.
I think that no religion means no life, no reason, and no point. Religion is very important to
me and should be very important to everyone.
One other thing that is very special to me
is family. It is important because living
without a family is very lonely. If I were
alone in a house by myself I would have
nobody to talk to. I cannot take care of
myself just yet, so without a family I
could be in an orphanage. My family
helps me gives me shelter, food,
company, and clothes. Without them life
would be hard for me to survive by
myself. Family is very important for
everyone and without a family everyone
would be lonely.
Sports are very important because without
it we will all be big people. We will be
really chubby because we will not
workout and lose all the calories that we
gain, unless we get to run. We also be
very disgusting and then we will not be
able to walk around. I think without any
sports in the world than we will also not
be able to have a lot of fun playing or
practicing with our friends. Without any
sports than we will not be healthy. These
three things are important to me because a
life without these things would be boring
and sad.
A!Little!Circle!I feel like a circle, which is a simple,
yet complicated shape that never ends. A
circle is complicated, like my thoughts that are
always growing and multiplying. A circle does
not have any sharp or pointy edges. I am soft,
no sharpness to me. With a circle, you can add
many things to make it better, like me. When
you two dots, and a curved arc at the bottom
of a circle, you get a happy face. With a little
extra things added to me, such as love, and
many other important things, I can bring other
things to others, like happiness. A circle can
take form of many different things, if you put
a little imagination into it. I have many
different feelings, emotions, expressions, and
personalities, like a circle has many different
forms. I am also like a circle because a circle
can also stand for a whole, like my heart big
and whole. A circle is also the shape of a
tennis ball, and I compete in tennis quite
often, and I enjoy doing tennis. I also compete
in piano, and to play piano, you have to use
your fingertips, which is in the shape of a
circle. Many parts of me that I have to use to
do the things that I enjoy doing and that I
have to use during school, working, playing,
and mostly everything that I do. I enjoy peace,
and a balance of many things, and within a
circle, you can make yin and yang, which
represents a balance, peace, and yin and yang
is also Chinese, like I am. A circle is what I am,
which if you only glance at it seems to be just
a simple shape, but if you look closer and
deeper, a circle has many more special things
to it, just like me.
TALENTED Technology
The most important value in life to me would be family. The people who make up my inner
family are my parents, Katie and Clark Huang, my older sister, Clarise, who is only 15 months
older than me but is a whole lot taller, my little brother, at two, Marcus, who is very smart. I also
have 15 cousins too, and five families on my mom's side, and my dad who only has a brother who
has two twin boys. I also count my pets and my close friends as my family, because they match
my definition of family: the people, (or creatures, in terms of pets), who are closest to you, the
ones you trust, the ones that trust you, and chose to stay with you and be there for you whenever
you need them, no matter what. All of the people that I have just mentioned are important to me
because of what they do for me. What they do for me is help me along in life, and give me my
wants and my needs. My family is always there for me when I need them, such as when I am
scared, lonely, or in need of help, love, or other essential things. The ones who give you love and
hope when you most need it, the ones who will be the only ones to help you up, the ones who
help you to fulfill your wishes and dreams. I think that people really need to have family, people
who will keep them safe, happy, loved, and respected. Even though most people do not like the
criticism that comes from their parents, that means they really care about you. If they never
criticize you, that means they do not pay attention to you enough to know that you are doing
something wrong or that you are doing something that will hurt you later in life, unless, you are
perfect, but nobody is. They do these things because they want to protect you, because they love
and care about you. Family also does these things, whereas others, who are not family, will not.
These are the reasons why family is really important to me, and that is why we should love them,
as they love us. (Plus, our parents give us life!)
Happiness is very important in life because if you look around you many people are distressed,
depressed, scared, or lonely. They are like that because they do not have much happiness in their life.
Happiness is just as important as family, friends, or love. Without happiness in your life, you would be
miserable, and I do not think that other people around you will enjoy being around you either. Your
miserableness will be turned into depression, which could lead to suicide, which would affect many people.
Nobody would want that, so that is why it is important to keep happiness in your life. Now I have spoken
enough about miserableness and unhappiness. What happiness looks like is seeing peoples' smiles, laughter,
and couples being together. You can see families having fun. Happiness can look different for everyone, which
is another reason why it is so important to have it, so that you can experience the happy feeling. Everyone
would hope for happiness, which is why it is important. You may have heard somebody say that laughter is the
best medicine. I agree with that. Laughter helps so much. Without happiness, this world would be a terrible,
dark, hateful place, which is why happiness is so important to me.
Love. Some may say it is just a word, but it
is much more than that. Many different people
have different definitions of love. Some say it
means having someone always there for you,
which I agree with. Some say that love means
care, someone who will provide you with shelter,
food, and all the care that you need, which I also
agree that it is true. What I think love means is
that feeling you get when someone shows
kindness to you, when they smile at you, when
someone truly understands you, when they care
for you. Love is a strong emotion that you can feel
for someone, but what makes love truly
exceptional is that it is priceless, and in order to
receive love, you have to deserve it, and also, you
have to give love to receive it. You need love
because without love you would be lonely and
sad, and love is a connection between two or more
people, it is something that brings friends and
families together. Love is something that makes
friendships, gives people happiness, and makes
others feel special. These are the powers that love
has. So keep love in your heart. It is important
because without love in your life, it is like a
sunless garden where the flowers are dead.
My acrostic
My shape My brochure
I feel like a pentagon because
there are only five things that
I do most days in the
summer. I have to go to
school, summer homework,
play with my family, and do
sports like golf, swimming,
soccer, and basketball. The
last thing is making friends.
Pentagons have five sides
like I have five things to do
most days. On the weekends
it may be different but most
of a week I have these things
to finish. I like having these
five things to do because they
are all the stuff that I like
doing, and I hope that this
could also happen to regular
school days so I can study
and get a good and healthy
exercise. Doing these five
things maybe hard, but I
enjoy these five things and
also proud to be like a
Josh Lee
Important things to me
To me family is a very important thing in life. They are not strangers, they are people who care
for you and raise you. They also love you and so your parents would keep you safe and away from
any horrible stuff. There are many reasons why they are important but I will name the ones that are
important to me. First of all they look after me Without parents or siblings there would be no fun for
you in life. We have fun by doing stuff together. Like cooking together or golfing together. Having
a family helps you feel happy and you feel like you are not alone. They guide you through mostly
everything. Some times fights may occur, but that does not mean you are not a family anymore.
People should say sorry, and then they can all forget about the bad things between them. I also think pets
are family. They like you like you would like them. Caring is very important. Including caring for pets.
Remember, they also have feelings and if you don’t take care of it the pet would know that you don’t care
about it.
Secondly, your family love's you so if you hurt them they will start disliking or stop providing you with
the stuff they got for you and it’s the same for pets. They also like you very much so if you make them do to
hard stuff, they will not be as nice as before. Every living thing has an emotion. So if you hurt their feelings
then they will treat you the way you treated them. There was a saying that I heard that changed my feelings
about family. The saying was like there is no good in life without family.
Lastly, listen to parents because they will guide you to the good choices instead of the bad. Since
parents have actually learned which are good and bad choices in life, listening to them is the best thing to do
in your school years. They will keep you away from drugs and such. If you listen to them carefully, then you
will have a good life as a great person!
I am a circle
I am a circle because in my life I keep
moving on and I never stop, just like if
you trace a circle you will not be able to
stop because there are no corners.
Another reason why I picked a circle is
because it is part of symbol in one of
my ethnicities which is Filipino. It is a
sun symbol. Sometimes, the circle can
mean protection because on some
shields there are circles, and that is like
me because I am very protective of my
family. How in support my brother is a
good example of this. When I notice
that his friends are being mean to him I
stand up for him and say, "That is not
so nice. You should not be rude to your
friend and my brother." My last reason
why I am a circle is because a circle is a
symbol of everlasting love, that is why
people exchange rings for their wedding
and I and I am very loving to my family
when they are in trouble. Being a circle
really shows my colors out of myself
and that is why I choose a circle.
The life of Kiara
! "
I feel like a triskaidecagon, a
triskaidecagon is a 13 sided
shape. Many people have
triskaidekaphobia, but I think
13 is a great number. I am not
in the majority about many
thoughts. In fact, I am a
triscadecaphil. I feel like I am a
triskaidecagon because I am a
good person, I did not do any
thing bad, and a triskaidecagon
did not do anything bad neither
it is just unlucky. A
triskaidecagon I think if a
triskaidecagon was a person it
would be a lot like me. Another
reason is we are infamous for
undeserved things. A
triskaidecagon is infamous for
bringing bad luck. I am
infamous for reading out parts
of books that I think is very
funny, but most others think it
is boring. I am like a
triskaidecagon, an infamous,
normal shape.
! "
3 things important to me
Acrostic poems
TriskaidecagonThat’s me..
I think my cat is one of the best things in
the world, because he is so lovable and he
was a gift to me on my birthday. He was
given to me for my birthday present from
my parents, because my mom and I have
always wanted a cat. He is a Russian blue
cat, meaning he has a blue gray pelt. He
never scratches any one. I love him
because he is so furry and nice and likes to
sleep next to me at night. My cat is special
to me in many ways.
3 things which are important to me
Friends and friends and helpers and
My friends are important to me, because they help
me, talk to me, and listen to me. In other words,
they answer my questions as best as they can, and
play with me at times and be serious at times.
Many times we do group projects, for example
once my friends and I did an ancient Egyptian
project and we brought posters to reses and made
info boards. We do a lot of things together and we
help each other so, I think friends are important.
In my life, one of my most
important things is family. My
family does many things for me.
For example, my dad makes
breakfast, my mom washes my
clothes, and my sister usually
plays games with me when I am
bored. My mom and dad take me
to practices, games, and even to
fun places like the bookstore. My
family supports me by
encouraging me, giving me big
meals that get my brain going,
and helping me follow my dreams
by explaining what I want to
know. Family gives me ideas and
helps me with my education. For
example, when I want to build
something they give suggestions.
My mom also helps me with my
homework. Family is one of the
most important things in my life
because my family loves me and
they help me with my everyday
If you come across a chance to go to a
spelling bee or a good college, you need
to know how to read and spell. This is
why books that you can read are
important to me. They help me with
vocabulary and give me some thing to do
when I am bored. They give something
to think about. Books build my
imagination so I can create a picture in
my head. Building my imagination helps
me because I also like to draw. If I can
create a picture in my head, I can draw it
easier. Books can help you go into
college and if you like them, you may do
very well in your life.
Last but not least, math is important to
me. If you come across a math problem
that is really hard, you just need to know
the basics and logical reasoning and you
can figure it out. This is why math is
important. If you can add and subtract,
you can do pretty much anything. Later
on in life, you will need math at almost
any job. To be a scientist you need to
know how to measure liquids. To be a
sailor, you need to know coordinates.
Math also gives something to do. If I am
not reading or studying my other subjects
in my head, I am usually reading my
math book or doing problems in my head.
Math is also connected to all your other
subjects. For example in science you can
use logical reasoning to find out why an
ecosystem dies or thrives. Math gives
you problem solving and logical
reasoning which helps you throughout
your life.
In my life, one of my most
important things is family. My
family does many things for me.
For example, my dad makes
breakfast, my mom washes my
clothes, and my sister usually
plays games with me when I am
bored. My mom and dad take me
to practices, games, and even to
fun places like the bookstore. My
family supports me by
encouraging me, giving me big
meals that get my brain going,
and helping me follow my dreams
by explaining what I want to
know. Family gives me ideas and
helps me with my education. For
example, when I want to build
something they give suggestions.
My mom also helps me with my
homework. Family is one of the
most important things in my life
because my family loves me and
they help me with my everyday
If you come across a chance to go to a
spelling bee or a good college, you need
to know how to read and spell. This is
why books that you can read are
important to me. They help me with
vocabulary and give me some thing to do
when I am bored. They give something
to think about. Books build my
imagination so I can create a picture in
my head. Building my imagination helps
me because I also like to draw. If I can
create a picture in my head, I can draw it
easier. Books can help you go into
college and if you like them, you may do
very well in your life.
Last but not least, math is important to
me. If you come across a math problem
that is really hard, you just need to know
the basics and logical reasoning and you
can figure it out. This is why math is
important. If you can add and subtract,
you can do pretty much anything. Later
on in life, you will need math at almost
any job. To be a scientist you need to
know how to measure liquids. To be a
sailor, you need to know coordinates.
Math also gives something to do. If I am
not reading or studying my other subjects
in my head, I am usually reading my
math book or doing problems in my head.
Math is also connected to all your other
subjects. For example in science you can
use logical reasoning to find out why an
ecosystem dies or thrives. Math gives
you problem solving and logical
reasoning which helps you throughout
your life.

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1010 brochures

  • 1. IMPORTANT THINGS TO ME Family In my life, the most important things are family, baseball and school. I am also a centigon and I will be explaining that. Shapes By Aaron I think I am like a centigon because a centigon seems like it never ends, and when I put effort into something I try really hard and persevere. I try so hard my effort is as large as a centigon. Also, whenever I really try, I do well. A centigon is big because it has 100 sides and it is one of the biggest shapes in the world. 100 sides are really large so that means my effort is huge! That is why I think I am a centigon. Awesome Artistic Real Original Nice Athlete Atom Respect Oath Nephew This is my name poem. The top one is the adjectives poem about me and the bottom one is a noun poem about me. Brochure
  • 2. Punahou One other thing that is Important in my life is school. School is not the most fun thing in life but it teaches you a lot of things. At school we learn all the subjects that you would learn in other schools but you also learn about respect and responsibility. That is why Punahou is also a good school. Family In my life, the most important thing is my family. My family always helps me whenever I need help. My brother always shares his things with me, my mom always helps me with homework and my dad helps me with baseball. My brother's name is Jared, and he goes to Punahou and he is a junior. He always shares his things with me when I ask if I can use something and he never says no. Whenever I have homework, he helps me if I ask him. I think he is the best brother in the world! I'm so lucky to have a mom like my mom! She cleans everything for me and she says I don’t have to do chores! I think she says that because she doesn’t want me to get hurt with anything so she does it and it is like she is sacrificing herself for me! Sometimes when I get a cut and I don’t clean it my mom starts worrying a lot so I get annoyed but she just cares and doesn’t want me to get sick. My dad is very nice and always helps me. Whenever I ask for something he will usually get it for me because he knows that I appreciate things. I'm so lucky that I got a dad like him because I know that he cares about me. My family members support me by helping me with everything I ask them to help me with. Even if I did something bad that day they will forgive and help me with whatever I need help with and I think not a lot of parents and brothers would do that. One thing that is really important to me is baseball. Baseball is my favorite sport. I practice like 24/7 because we have really hardcore coaches that are Saint Louis J V coaches. We have to run and train a lot because we are a traveling team and we have to be prepared so we don’t get tired and we have to get mentally tough. Our team is called the Honolulu Saints and we are going to try for the Little League World Series. In July, we are going to go to Arizona to play for the regionals. We already won the states against Kona. If we win the regionals, we will go to the super regionals and then go on to the World Series. My teammates are really nice and always support me. That’s why I like this team because we cheer n each other and support each other. When I grow up I really want to try to get to the MLB to play. Baseball
  • 3. ! Academic Zealous Unique Rebellious Exuberant Hyper Observant I'm a centagon, a shape with one hundred sides. I choose this shape because I have 25 goals and 25 expectations. Some of my goals are to finish college and become a great inventor. Also two of my expectations is to be kind to everyone I meet and I do not want to be a try hard. A try hard is someone who brags because their life is easier or brags about being smarter then another. I also have 50 things I want to do. For example I would like to go skydiving, Bunji jumping, and I want to see the Grand Canyon or go to Disneyland. I am a centagon! 6/18: The cow jumped over the moon. The young cow leaped over the fence but, since Jake was so far away, it looked like the calf went over the Moon.
  • 4. ! Academic Zealous Unique Rebellious Exuberant Hyper Observant I'm a centagon, a shape with one hundred sides. I choose this shape because I have 25 goals and 25 expectations. Some of my goals are to finish college and become a great inventor. Also two of my expectations is to be kind to everyone I meet and I do not want to be a try hard. A try hard is someone who brags because their life is easier or brags about being smarter then another. I also have 50 things I want to do. For example I would like to go skydiving, Bunji jumping, and I want to see the Grand Canyon or go to Disneyland. I am a centagon! 6/18: The cow jumped over the moon. The young cow leaped over the fence but, since Jake was so far away, it looked like the calf went over the Moon.
  • 6. 3 My family is important because they are my whole life. My family is essential to me because when I need help with homework they help me until I am done. They are also are very supportive for me when I am trying new things. An example are trying new foods, like chicken pop pie. My dad helps me with technology and math. My mom helps me with spelling words and reading. My mom also makes my dinner. These are the reasons why my family is so important to me. 1 If I were a shape my shape would be a box because my ideas will be filling up to the top. My box will have to be bigger to fit all my ideas. Sometimes my ideas will float off, but they will come together. An example when I am talking about family I tend to flow to another thing about technology, but It comes together at the end. When I brainstorm, the first the three ideas will be slow, but when I get into it the box will start to over flow. When the idea box is I filled up things ideas just to flow out and get stuck I my head for a while. - Ipsum
  • 7. 5 My brother is important to me because with out him I would be bored. If I did not have a bother there would be nothing to do but even we fight sometimes, we still are family. I look up to him and wish I could do something that I cant do. Example are when he is playing baseball. When we fight we get angry, but we make up at the end. These are the reasons why my bother is important to me.
  • 8. Square ! " ! " B-rilliant R-eal Y-oung N-ormal N-obleI am a square. A four sided shape. I am this because I like 4 different animals; tigers, lions, sharks, and whales. I have 4 favorite foods; salad, pizza, mashed potatoes, and pineapple. I also have 4 favorite colors; blue, purple, green, and black. Lastly, I have 4 best friends; Audrey, Mari, Siena, and Madison. This is why I chose to be a square because I feel that it represents me.
  • 9. Swimming! I love swimming! Without it I could not fly through the waves. I could not see all the wonders in the deep blue sea when I snorkel at Hanauma Bay. Swimming is part of me, without it I do not think I would feel complete, there would be a skill or passion missing from my life. Swimming makes me happy, for example one time I was snorkeling at Hanauma Bay and I saw my first Morey Eel I was so exited and scared at the same time. That moment made me like swimming and snorkeling even more. One of my dreams is to scuba dive and see a great white shark. Swimming is important to me because it lets me fly through waves, it is my passion. karate Karate is very important to me as well. Karate is one of my favorite sports, I just became a green belt and am going up for sies or swords very soon. Karate is a big part of my life. I have been doing it for three years going on to my fourth year. Karate makes me feel proud like when I score a point in sparing or get a "Good job" in my kata. Karate makes me feel good let's me show my inner me to the world. My dojo Family is important to me because they let you go to good schools. They do so much more then you even think about. My family helps let me make my dreams come true. When I was young and wanted to how to swim my parents got me lessons and taught me them selves as well. I always try to too give them respect. But I don’t always succeed. Sometimes I get into fights with them and get mad at them even through I know they are just trying to help me. Like when my mom had to stick a needle in my foot to get a thorn out it was painful but I felt I lot better after words but I still regret how I treated my dad when he did that. I love my family and I will always be grateful for all they have done for me Dad Cutie Mom Brynn Bellla family
  • 10. I feel like a pentagon because I am involved in five activities as of the present. My schedule consists of playing piano, violin, tennis, and golf. I also have to do math on the computer. There are 5 things I just listed. That’s just like a pentagon with five sides. What I mean by that in case you don't understand is that I am a pentagon and that one side represents piano, one side represents violin, and so on. Right now, I have tennis about 5 times a week. On a regular basis this summer, I have violin lessons twice a week. I have to do math almost every day. I am glad because my schedule makes it so I am not bored. Right now, I am involved in five activities like a pentagon has 5 sides, which is why I feel like a pentagon. ! Creative ! Happy ! Awesome ! Resourceful ! Literate ! Empathetic ! Super If I were a shape, I would feel like a pentagon because…
  • 11. Academics Exercise The second of the three things that I believe that are fundamental to life is academics. I think academics are important because academics are your life skills that adults use after they get out of college and get a job. Learning reading, writing, math, science and also music is very important because reading is a skill that I use throughout of your life. Reading is important because if you cannot read I will be considered illiterate. Illiterate means the lack of the ability to read or write. Writing is important because writing is a form of communication, like talking. By the way, if I cannot write, I will also be illiterate. Math is very important because I need to budget your money otherwise if you overspend I might go bankrupt for not budgeting my money. Science is also very important because I learned about how your body changes and how the human body works in puberty education. Music is also important because playing music makes me more intelligent because it is a proven fact that music makes a brain grow larger. I value academics because they are skills children learn and use through adulthood and throughout their entire lives. My Family 1 The first of the three things that are most important to me is family. My family takes care of me by giving me food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and a place to live. My family also supports me by paying for my education and extracurricular activities. I think family is very important to a person because family members will support each other no matter what. Even though I feel bad after losing something like a tennis or golf tournament, my parents make me feel better by telling me that it’s OK as long as I did my best. Family members are also important because they will always help each other improve on their weakest areas in life. My mother signed me up for the class Art of Writing 6 during my 2013 summer school season. Writing is one of my weaker subjects I am thankful of my parents who support me in the ways they can. To me, family is very important because I love my family and my family loves me. 2 The third thing I value is exercise. Exercise is very good for me because it helps my body stay healthy. Exercising also helps me burn body fat and calories and is also good for me because after a couple hours of hard office work, it's a good idea to go blow off some steam by running around the block. Playing a sport like tennis and golf also helps develop my strategy skills because in tennis I can pick a spot that you want to hit the ball. I can also do that in golf. Sports like that also help with hand-eye coordination. These sports not only help my body exercise, but the help my brain exercise by you developing your strategy. Make sure you exercise well. Have fun working out. Exercise is very important to me because exercise is how I stay healthy and fit.
  • 12. Developing Awesome Noble Intelligent Excellent Loyal Dynamite Athlete Nature Idea Earth Law All about me!I am a circle because I like getting things right. When I get things right, I check it by using a circle. I also like playing sports that include a ball for example I like soccer, tennis and basketball, which is a circle. A circle is different from other shape in many ways, for example a circle has one side and you cannot get the real area of it, and like a circle I also want to be different from everyone else. A circle will roll and roll and it will never stop, and I would never give up like a rolling circle. If you put a smaller circle in a bigger circle it will eventually become like a dartboard and I enjoy throwing darts. I am a circle for many of reasons.
  • 13. One of the most important things to me is my family, including my pets! I have one brother and my parents. There are not any other people on the Earth that will care for me more than my family. There are plenty of reasons why I like my family. Firstly, they care and love me like I do to them. Also, when I have a hard time they will come and help you and comfort you. My family and I sometimes fight but we always get over it by saying, "sorry." My parents have taken care of me for more than 11years, I know them better than anyone else. Also, I have two pets. I have one fish and one quail (quail is a type of a small bird). I have been taking care of them for one year and they are like a family to me. Without my family I might not even be in this Summer School. Sport is also one of the most important things to me. I have always loved sports but I like soccer, tennis and basketball more than anything else. I always liked moving around and running. For some reason, I like sports using a ball. I played soccer since I was 7 and I am on my school's soccer team. I played tennis for about 2 years. I have tennis class in Punahou Summer School, and I will even go to a tennis camp after Punahou Summer School. Sports are important to me just like my family. Finally, the last important thing to me is my friend because like my family they sometimes comfort me. For example when I make a mistake they say it is okay. They also play sports with me and they make it more enjoyable. I sometimes have fights with them, but we always get over it like it was nothing. In the end, I think that friends are very, very important to me just like my family and sports. Family Sports Friends Important to me
  • 14. ! Ellie Hawkes Love One of the most important things in my life is love. Love is important because it makes me who I am. For me, love looks like hugs and kisses, love can also look like respect and kindness. Respect looks like listening and under standing what others say. When people love me I feel like a million bucks and a super hero all in one. When I am not loved I get grumpy, and I do not like to be grumpy. For example, when my parents are mad at me I get grumpy, and I do not like to be grumpy Air Air is one of the most important things in my life. One of the reasons air is important is because it is everywhere, so I always have it with me. An example, is when I hold my breath, I realize how much we need air. Most of the time us humans take air for granted, but I know important the air is. ELLIE HAWKES The Earth One of the most important things in life is the Earth. I think the Earth is important because it is where we live and with out it we would die. For example, I was on a plane to Hong Kong the flight was 12 hours and it felt like there was no earth. Another example is when I was dreaming about space, and I did not have the earth in my dream and I was crying in my sleep. I think the earth is really important.
  • 15. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Hendecagon! ! I!am!a!hendecagon!(an!eleven!sided!shape)!because!I!am!eleven!and!I!have!lots!of! sided!to!me.!For!example,!I!am!crazy!and!calm!at!the!same!time!because!I!have!more!than!one! side.!(I!also,!like!to!say!the!word!Hendecagon!)!The!eleven!sides!of!me!are!crazy,!hungry,! loving,!happy,!funny,!bored,!calm,!helpful,!annoyed,!angry,!and!weird.!For!example,!when!I!am! mad!at!my!sisters!I!am!also!loving!them!because!of!my!eleven!sides.!My!favorite!side!is!happy! because!I!like!to!be!happy!!For!me!that!is!smiling!and!having!lots!of!fun!!I!surly!am!a! hendecagon.! ! Enthusiastic Loud Loving Intelligent Exciting ! Elephant Lollipop Love Ice Entertainment !
  • 16. ! My family is important to me because they help with my homework and they help me with things I do not know. They are also important to me because they keep me working hard and they cook for me and they pay for my tech, food, clothes, water, and other things that I need to survive. I think that everything my family does for me is important to me. Whenever I am in trouble or need help my family will almost always be there for me. I think basketball is one of the most important things to me. The reason why I picked this sport is because when I was little my dad used to like playing basketball a lot so I thought I could try it. My dad said he would bring me to the park when we get a basketball. I think it was a few days till I got my first basketball. When we got to the park my dad taught me how to shoot a ball I didn’t make it at first but I finally made Tech is important to me because it helps me in my life. The tech helps me on things I do not know like my homework or if I need tips on how to defeat a boss I would look it up. It is also important to me because it could help me finish a project or I can look up funny videos on it. Without the tech that I have today I my life would completely change.
  • 18. ! I think I am a square because I have tough corners meaning I have tough problems in my life. I have problems that are hard to face and challenging to get away from like a square that has tough corners. Some tough problems are I mostly fight with my friend, my sister, my problem with my ugly elbow, and my family's problem with all of them getting really sick. These problems are hard to face but apparently squares are whole so I have to face my corners and I need to be strong and sturdy. Squares may have really tough corners to turn but they are not always impossible. Jordyn!Kobayashi! Jordyn Kobayashi's Brochure Acrostic poems J ubilant O bedient R esponsible D elightful Y oung N eat J okes O ptions R eligon D ay Y ear N ews
  • 19. ! Other!Important!Things! Important!Things!to!Me! Religion is a very important thing to me. Without religion we will be useless, have no great life, nothing to worship, and no great miracles from a God if you get sick. Everyone would be a really big nothing. We would not have a point to be on earth and no reason to be alive. I think that no religion means no life, no reason, and no point. Religion is very important to me and should be very important to everyone. One other thing that is very special to me is family. It is important because living without a family is very lonely. If I were alone in a house by myself I would have nobody to talk to. I cannot take care of myself just yet, so without a family I could be in an orphanage. My family helps me gives me shelter, food, company, and clothes. Without them life would be hard for me to survive by myself. Family is very important for everyone and without a family everyone would be lonely. Sports are very important because without it we will all be big people. We will be really chubby because we will not workout and lose all the calories that we gain, unless we get to run. We also be very disgusting and then we will not be able to walk around. I think without any sports in the world than we will also not be able to have a lot of fun playing or practicing with our friends. Without any sports than we will not be healthy. These three things are important to me because a life without these things would be boring and sad.
  • 20. ! A!Little!Circle!I feel like a circle, which is a simple, yet complicated shape that never ends. A circle is complicated, like my thoughts that are always growing and multiplying. A circle does not have any sharp or pointy edges. I am soft, no sharpness to me. With a circle, you can add many things to make it better, like me. When you two dots, and a curved arc at the bottom of a circle, you get a happy face. With a little extra things added to me, such as love, and many other important things, I can bring other things to others, like happiness. A circle can take form of many different things, if you put a little imagination into it. I have many different feelings, emotions, expressions, and personalities, like a circle has many different forms. I am also like a circle because a circle can also stand for a whole, like my heart big and whole. A circle is also the shape of a tennis ball, and I compete in tennis quite often, and I enjoy doing tennis. I also compete in piano, and to play piano, you have to use your fingertips, which is in the shape of a circle. Many parts of me that I have to use to do the things that I enjoy doing and that I have to use during school, working, playing, and mostly everything that I do. I enjoy peace, and a balance of many things, and within a circle, you can make yin and yang, which represents a balance, peace, and yin and yang is also Chinese, like I am. A circle is what I am, which if you only glance at it seems to be just a simple shape, but if you look closer and deeper, a circle has many more special things to it, just like me. ! JOYFUL Jaguar OPTIMISTIC Ocean SMART Sun ETRAORDINARY Excellence TALENTED Technology THANKFUL Teachers EXCEPTIONAL Earth Family,!Love,!Happiness,! and!a!Circle! Josette&Huang& Josette!
  • 21. ! Family! The most important value in life to me would be family. The people who make up my inner family are my parents, Katie and Clark Huang, my older sister, Clarise, who is only 15 months older than me but is a whole lot taller, my little brother, at two, Marcus, who is very smart. I also have 15 cousins too, and five families on my mom's side, and my dad who only has a brother who has two twin boys. I also count my pets and my close friends as my family, because they match my definition of family: the people, (or creatures, in terms of pets), who are closest to you, the ones you trust, the ones that trust you, and chose to stay with you and be there for you whenever you need them, no matter what. All of the people that I have just mentioned are important to me because of what they do for me. What they do for me is help me along in life, and give me my wants and my needs. My family is always there for me when I need them, such as when I am scared, lonely, or in need of help, love, or other essential things. The ones who give you love and hope when you most need it, the ones who will be the only ones to help you up, the ones who help you to fulfill your wishes and dreams. I think that people really need to have family, people who will keep them safe, happy, loved, and respected. Even though most people do not like the criticism that comes from their parents, that means they really care about you. If they never criticize you, that means they do not pay attention to you enough to know that you are doing something wrong or that you are doing something that will hurt you later in life, unless, you are perfect, but nobody is. They do these things because they want to protect you, because they love and care about you. Family also does these things, whereas others, who are not family, will not. These are the reasons why family is really important to me, and that is why we should love them, as they love us. (Plus, our parents give us life!) Happiness! Happiness is very important in life because if you look around you many people are distressed, depressed, scared, or lonely. They are like that because they do not have much happiness in their life. Happiness is just as important as family, friends, or love. Without happiness in your life, you would be miserable, and I do not think that other people around you will enjoy being around you either. Your miserableness will be turned into depression, which could lead to suicide, which would affect many people. Nobody would want that, so that is why it is important to keep happiness in your life. Now I have spoken enough about miserableness and unhappiness. What happiness looks like is seeing peoples' smiles, laughter, and couples being together. You can see families having fun. Happiness can look different for everyone, which is another reason why it is so important to have it, so that you can experience the happy feeling. Everyone would hope for happiness, which is why it is important. You may have heard somebody say that laughter is the best medicine. I agree with that. Laughter helps so much. Without happiness, this world would be a terrible, dark, hateful place, which is why happiness is so important to me. !
  • 22. ! ! Love! Love. Some may say it is just a word, but it is much more than that. Many different people have different definitions of love. Some say it means having someone always there for you, which I agree with. Some say that love means care, someone who will provide you with shelter, food, and all the care that you need, which I also agree that it is true. What I think love means is that feeling you get when someone shows kindness to you, when they smile at you, when someone truly understands you, when they care for you. Love is a strong emotion that you can feel for someone, but what makes love truly exceptional is that it is priceless, and in order to receive love, you have to deserve it, and also, you have to give love to receive it. You need love because without love you would be lonely and sad, and love is a connection between two or more people, it is something that brings friends and families together. Love is something that makes friendships, gives people happiness, and makes others feel special. These are the powers that love has. So keep love in your heart. It is important because without love in your life, it is like a sunless garden where the flowers are dead.
  • 23. ! My acrostic poem My shape My brochure I feel like a pentagon because there are only five things that I do most days in the summer. I have to go to school, summer homework, play with my family, and do sports like golf, swimming, soccer, and basketball. The last thing is making friends. Pentagons have five sides like I have five things to do most days. On the weekends it may be different but most of a week I have these things to finish. I like having these five things to do because they are all the stuff that I like doing, and I hope that this could also happen to regular school days so I can study and get a good and healthy exercise. Doing these five things maybe hard, but I enjoy these five things and also proud to be like a pentagon. Josh Lee
  • 24. ! Important things to me To me family is a very important thing in life. They are not strangers, they are people who care for you and raise you. They also love you and so your parents would keep you safe and away from any horrible stuff. There are many reasons why they are important but I will name the ones that are important to me. First of all they look after me Without parents or siblings there would be no fun for you in life. We have fun by doing stuff together. Like cooking together or golfing together. Having a family helps you feel happy and you feel like you are not alone. They guide you through mostly everything. Some times fights may occur, but that does not mean you are not a family anymore. People should say sorry, and then they can all forget about the bad things between them. I also think pets are family. They like you like you would like them. Caring is very important. Including caring for pets. Remember, they also have feelings and if you don’t take care of it the pet would know that you don’t care about it. Secondly, your family love's you so if you hurt them they will start disliking or stop providing you with the stuff they got for you and it’s the same for pets. They also like you very much so if you make them do to hard stuff, they will not be as nice as before. Every living thing has an emotion. So if you hurt their feelings then they will treat you the way you treated them. There was a saying that I heard that changed my feelings about family. The saying was like there is no good in life without family. Lastly, listen to parents because they will guide you to the good choices instead of the bad. Since parents have actually learned which are good and bad choices in life, listening to them is the best thing to do in your school years. They will keep you away from drugs and such. If you listen to them carefully, then you will have a good life as a great person!
  • 25. ! ! 1 Nouns!!!!!!!!!!!Adjectives! Jolly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jungle! Ultra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Unicorn! Loving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Leader! Interesting!!!!!!!Ice!cream!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Big!Island! The!Big!Island!is!super! important!to!me!because!it!makes!me! feel!like!I!am!safe!and!it!makes!me!feel! so!welcomed.!When!I!go!to!the!Big! Island!I!feel!like!I!was!meant!to!live! there.!I!also!feel!heart!warmed!and!it! just!gives!me!an!awesome!feeling!that!I! could!never!feel!anywhere!else!but!the! Big!Island.!It!makes!me!feel!so! Hawaiian!and!that!means!a!lot!to!me.!I! just!love!the!Big!Island!so!much.!I!hope! to!go!to!the!Big!Island!someday!to!have! fun!again.! 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Family! Family!is!super!important!to!me! because!without!them!I!would!not!have! been!born.!I!can't!live!without!my! family!because!in!all!the!experiences!I! have!ever!had!in!my!life,!they!were! always!there!to!protect!me!and!watch! over!me.!They!have!made!the!greatest! impact!on!my!life!by!helping!me!out! with!hard!times!like!my!homework.!We! may!have!had!a!lot!of!fights,!but!we! made!up.!I!can!just!think!about!all!the! times!that!I!was!there!for!them!and! they!were!there!for!me.!I!would!not!be! where!I!am!now!and!feel!what!I!do! now,!same!goes!with!my!family.!Like!if! it!were!not!for!my!parents!to!sign!me! up!for!Summer!School!I!would!not!have! been!here,!that!is!why!family!is!so! important.! !!!!!!!!Laws! Laws!are!incredibly!important! because!if!we!did!not!have!them!a!lot! of!bad!things!could!probably!happen! and!not!much!people!would!really!care.! Also,!without!laws!people!might!not! have!much!resources!like!food!or! maybe!even!money!if!someone!were!to! brake!into!your!store!and!take!it!all.! With!laws,!people!do!bad!things!but! not!as!bad!as!if!it!were!forever!that!we! would!not!have!laws.!With!laws!people! are!more!aware!of!what!might!happen! to!them!if!they!brake!the!laws.! ! I am a circle I am a circle because in my life I keep moving on and I never stop, just like if you trace a circle you will not be able to stop because there are no corners. Another reason why I picked a circle is because it is part of symbol in one of my ethnicities which is Filipino. It is a sun symbol. Sometimes, the circle can mean protection because on some shields there are circles, and that is like me because I am very protective of my family. How in support my brother is a good example of this. When I notice that his friends are being mean to him I stand up for him and say, "That is not so nice. You should not be rude to your friend and my brother." My last reason why I am a circle is because a circle is a symbol of everlasting love, that is why people exchange rings for their wedding and I and I am very loving to my family when they are in trouble. Being a circle really shows my colors out of myself and that is why I choose a circle.
  • 26. Aliquam Kiara brochure Kindhearted Intelligent Artistic Reliable Adventurous Kimono I Act Reading Arctic The life of Kiara ! " I feel like a triskaidecagon, a triskaidecagon is a 13 sided shape. Many people have triskaidekaphobia, but I think 13 is a great number. I am not in the majority about many thoughts. In fact, I am a triscadecaphil. I feel like I am a triskaidecagon because I am a good person, I did not do any thing bad, and a triskaidecagon did not do anything bad neither it is just unlucky. A triskaidecagon I think if a triskaidecagon was a person it would be a lot like me. Another reason is we are infamous for undeserved things. A triskaidecagon is infamous for bringing bad luck. I am infamous for reading out parts of books that I think is very funny, but most others think it is boring. I am like a triskaidecagon, an infamous, normal shape. ! " 3 things important to me Acrostic poems TriskaidecagonThat’s me.. Triscadecagon
  • 27. MY CAT I think my cat is one of the best things in the world, because he is so lovable and he was a gift to me on my birthday. He was given to me for my birthday present from my parents, because my mom and I have always wanted a cat. He is a Russian blue cat, meaning he has a blue gray pelt. He never scratches any one. I love him because he is so furry and nice and likes to sleep next to me at night. My cat is special to me in many ways. 3 things which are important to me Friends and friends and helpers and friends My friends are important to me, because they help me, talk to me, and listen to me. In other words, they answer my questions as best as they can, and play with me at times and be serious at times. Many times we do group projects, for example once my friends and I did an ancient Egyptian project and we brought posters to reses and made info boards. We do a lot of things together and we help each other so, I think friends are important.
  • 28. Books In my life, one of my most important things is family. My family does many things for me. For example, my dad makes breakfast, my mom washes my clothes, and my sister usually plays games with me when I am bored. My mom and dad take me to practices, games, and even to fun places like the bookstore. My family supports me by encouraging me, giving me big meals that get my brain going, and helping me follow my dreams by explaining what I want to know. Family gives me ideas and helps me with my education. For example, when I want to build something they give suggestions. My mom also helps me with my homework. Family is one of the most important things in my life because my family loves me and they help me with my everyday life. If you come across a chance to go to a spelling bee or a good college, you need to know how to read and spell. This is why books that you can read are important to me. They help me with vocabulary and give me some thing to do when I am bored. They give something to think about. Books build my imagination so I can create a picture in my head. Building my imagination helps me because I also like to draw. If I can create a picture in my head, I can draw it easier. Books can help you go into college and if you like them, you may do very well in your life. Last but not least, math is important to me. If you come across a math problem that is really hard, you just need to know the basics and logical reasoning and you can figure it out. This is why math is important. If you can add and subtract, you can do pretty much anything. Later on in life, you will need math at almost any job. To be a scientist you need to know how to measure liquids. To be a sailor, you need to know coordinates. Math also gives something to do. If I am not reading or studying my other subjects in my head, I am usually reading my math book or doing problems in my head. Math is also connected to all your other subjects. For example in science you can use logical reasoning to find out why an ecosystem dies or thrives. Math gives you problem solving and logical reasoning which helps you throughout your life. Family
  • 29. Books In my life, one of my most important things is family. My family does many things for me. For example, my dad makes breakfast, my mom washes my clothes, and my sister usually plays games with me when I am bored. My mom and dad take me to practices, games, and even to fun places like the bookstore. My family supports me by encouraging me, giving me big meals that get my brain going, and helping me follow my dreams by explaining what I want to know. Family gives me ideas and helps me with my education. For example, when I want to build something they give suggestions. My mom also helps me with my homework. Family is one of the most important things in my life because my family loves me and they help me with my everyday life. If you come across a chance to go to a spelling bee or a good college, you need to know how to read and spell. This is why books that you can read are important to me. They help me with vocabulary and give me some thing to do when I am bored. They give something to think about. Books build my imagination so I can create a picture in my head. Building my imagination helps me because I also like to draw. If I can create a picture in my head, I can draw it easier. Books can help you go into college and if you like them, you may do very well in your life. Last but not least, math is important to me. If you come across a math problem that is really hard, you just need to know the basics and logical reasoning and you can figure it out. This is why math is important. If you can add and subtract, you can do pretty much anything. Later on in life, you will need math at almost any job. To be a scientist you need to know how to measure liquids. To be a sailor, you need to know coordinates. Math also gives something to do. If I am not reading or studying my other subjects in my head, I am usually reading my math book or doing problems in my head. Math is also connected to all your other subjects. For example in science you can use logical reasoning to find out why an ecosystem dies or thrives. Math gives you problem solving and logical reasoning which helps you throughout your life. Family