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100 Surefire Places to Take a Date That Are

                             Guaranteed to Win a Woman’s Heart and

                          Make Her Want to Become Intimate with You



100 Surefire Places to Take a Date

Drive Women Wild for Sex with New Scientific Discovery!

* Products to Help You Meet, Date, Attract, and Seduce Women

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own risk!

Copyright 2005 by Don Diebel

3102 W. Bay Area Blvd., Suite 707
Friendswood, TX 77546

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The main purpose of this report is to give you a gold mine of creative dating ideas that will make a lasting
impression on women and make them crave to be with you.
By showing women a good time, it can create intimacy and romance. Plus, you will gain an unfair
advantage over other men pursuing her affections.

A lot of men have a hard time thinking of what to do and where to go on a date. So, they settle for the
standard routine of dinner and a movie, which doesn't leave a lasting impression or create enough
intimacy. .

If you really want to impress a date and make her fall for you, take her on a unique date she will never
forget. Just look through this report and you'll discover tons of information on fun and romantic things to
do. By being unique and creative, you'll stand out among the other guys she's dated and she will want to
be with you again and again.

Just keep taking a girl you're attracted to on one fun and creative date after another and she's bound to fall
for you and want to make mad passionate love to you. Try it. It works!

There's a lot of men who have limited finances for dating, so I've included lots of fun things to do on a
date that are inexpensive or don't cost anything. There's an abundance of things you can do that involve
nature and the great outdoors that are free, too.

In closing, keep this report handy. Use it over and over again to plan your dates and seductive strategies.
Keep notes on places and things you did on dates that seemed to impress your dates the most and make
them want to become intimate with you. This can be some real valuable information for many tomorrows
filled with hot and sexy women craving to be with you again and again.

One last tip. When taking a date to a restaurant, take her to the most romantic and intimate restaurant in
town. This is very important because most women love anything romantic and your ultimate goal is to get
her into a romantic mood to respond to your advances.

Good luck and may this report bring lots of fun, excitement and romance into your life.

                            100 Surefire Places to Take a Date That Are

                             Guaranteed to Win a Woman’s Heart and

                           Make Her Want to Become Intimate with You

1. AIR SHOW – If you have an annual air show near you. By all means don’t pass this up for a fantastic
dating idea.

2. AMUSEMENT PARKS -This really makes for a fun date, especially if you both enjoy thrill-seeking
rides such as roller coasters, etc. Also, don't forget to try and win her a teddy bear or other keepsake.

3. ANNUAL EVENTS -Most larger towns and cities offer many annual events and are great places to go
on a date. These events include festivals, chili cook-offs, firework displays, contests, ethnic festivals,
sporting tournaments, arts & craft shows, horse shows, concerts, fairs, etc.
4. ANTIQUES -Most women like antiques and they would really enjoy looking at them and shopping for

5. ARCHERY RANGES -Remember when you were a kid and played bows and arrows? Well, now you
can do it for real with real bows and arrows. Check your area out for indoor and outdoor archery ranges
where you and your date can shoot to your heart’s content. Who knows, just maybe Cupid will hit you
both with his arrow. .

6. ART GALLERIES -This is a great idea for a unique and real interesting date. Discover the beautiful
world of art. You both will certainly have more of an appreciation for art after touring a few galleries.

7. AUTO SHOWS -I think there's a little bit of new car fever in all of us and even if we can't afford a
new car/truck we still like to look at them and dream. This is a most enjoyable experience to share with a

8. BALLOON RIDES -I am referring to hot-air balloon rides. This is a breath-taking experience you
both will never forget. It's very romantic and some rides even come with champagne.

9. BASEBALL BATTING CAGES -I'm sure you've probably seen these fenced in cages where a
machine throws balls at you and you hit them with a bat. This is a real fun and challenging thing to do to
test your batting skills.

10. BAZAARS -Bazaars are a real fun thing to do and feature a variety of food, entertainment, crafts,
plants, auctions, fun & games for children, jewelry, antiques, home-baked goods, prizes, games, clothes,
bingo, and refreshments. So, if you're looking for something different to do to break the monotony, go to
these bazaars on a date.

11. BEACH OR LAKE -This is one of my favorite places to take a date, especially at night: There's
nothing more romantic than taking a moonlight stroll along the beach or lake.

12. BEACH HOUSE RENTAL -Great for getting away from the hectic life in the city for some rest and

13. BED & BREAKFAST INNS -For a change of pace from regular motels and hotels, try a bed &
breakfast inn where you will be treated like royalty. They offer rooms where you feel like you're at home
instead of a dreary motel room. Also, you will be treated to a tasty, elegant breakfast and have the option
of many other amenities.

14. BILLARD PARLORS (POOL HALLS) -Do you like to play pool? This is a great place to go to
have a good time, shoot a few rounds of pool, have a few drinks, and some offer food.

15. BINGO -This is one fun date you can go on and come home with some extra cash in your pocket.

16. BOAT RENTAL -This makes for a unique experience and it's so relaxing and enjoyable. You can
charter a boat with captain and crew or rent a powerboat for skiing, fishing, or just for cruising.

17. BOAT SHOW -If you live near a large city, this makes for an interesting date. You will get to see all
the latest boats, sailboats, and yachts on the market.
18. BOOGIE BOARDS -Can't go surfing or don't have a desire to? Well, boogie boards are just as much
fun and don't require any skill. A boogie board is a body board that's less than half the size of a surfboard
and is used for body surfing. You just lie on this board and ride the waves. They are tons of fun and you
can buy them at any Toys R' Us stores. At some seashores they are available for rent.

19. BOWLING -What a great way to have some fun and exercise at the same time. The best time to bowl
is during the day on weekends and weekdays. The lanes are usually taken up by bowling leagues in the
evenings. Just be sure to call ahead of time to make sure some lanes are available.

20. BRUNCH -Here's your opportunity to have a breakfast and lunch feast. Just be sure and go on an
empty stomach. Most brunches are held on Sundays, with a few on Saturdays. Here in Houston, a lot of
the major hotels offer brunches.

21. CAMPING - What a great way to enjoy the great outdoors! Things really get cozy and romantic
sitting in front of an open fire! This is sure to melt her heart and make her want to share your sleeping

22. CANOEING -This is a great way to get next to Mother Nature. It's so relaxing and a good way to
escape the pressures of city life. You can even rent a canoe if you don't own one.

23. CAR RACES -This is a thrilling experience to share with another and offers the thrills and spills of
competitive car racing. .

24. CARRIAGE RIDES -This is one of the most ultimate romantic experiences. Just you and your lover
or date in a horse-drawn carriage enjoying the scenery.

25. CIRCUS -Everybody loves the circus and makes for a great fun date.

26. COLLEGE SPORTING EVENT - Have you ever been to a college sporting event? It's just as much
fun as watching professional sports. The crowds provide a lot of excitement and enthusiasm.

27. COMEDY CLUBS -I think everyone should make a date to go to a comedy club at least once a
month. Laughing is so good for you and it's a lot of fun.

28. COOKING CLASSES -Most women like to cook and it would be a fun experience to learn some
new recipes.

29. CRUISES -If there are any cruises in your area (riverboat, dinner cruises, yacht cruises, gambling
cruises, sunset cruises, or just any kind of a cruise) don't pass up this opportunity for one of the best ways
to impress a date.

30. DINNER AT YOUR PLACE -Back in my old dating days, one of my favorite things t9 do was to
invite a date over for a candlelight steak dinner and champagne. I would do all the cooking and wait on
my date hand and foot. I really made my date feel special. So, if you really want to make someone feel
special and have a romantic evening, do this for a very special date.

31. DINNER THEATRE -There's nothing like good entertainment while you're eating. Your date will
really be impressed and this is one of my top choices to take a date to.
32. DOG SHOW -Most women just love dogs and going to a dog show will really put her in a fun mood.

33. DRIVE-IN MOVIE -Back when I was in high school in the 50's and 60's this was the place to go on
a date. It's still a great place to go to really get intimate. I sure had some good times at drive-ins and
hardly ever watched the movie.

34. FISHING LAKES & PONDS -What I'm referring to are stocked fishing lakes and ponds where you
can go to catch fish and take them home for a delicious fish-fry. There's a fee for admission and usually
there's no fishing license required. Also, most of them have these services available: Bait, ice, cold drinks,
chairs, rental poles, filet service, and no limit on your catch.

35. FISHING PARTIES -These are fishing trips available on large party boats that go offshore. You can
go with a large group of people or charter your own fishing trip. They are listed in the Yellow Pages
under Fishing Parties. .

36. FLEA MARKETS -Even if you don't buy anything, it's interesting to look at the many different
items for sale. I especially think this is the perfect date for men to ask women out on. Women just love to
browse and shop.

37. FLIGHT MUSEUM -If you have one of these in your area, by all means check it out. It's very
interesting to look at the old military fighters, bombers, and passenger aircraft from the past.

38. GARAGE SALES -As I mentioned before, women really love to shop. This is another ideal place to
take dates.

39. GO-CARTS -These are a lot of fun for adults too. Why not challenge your date to a race around the

40. GOLF COURSES (MINIATURE) -This is a real popular activity for dating and highly

41. HAYRIDES -Have you ever been on a hayride? It's a lot of fun and something very different to do.

42. HELICOPTER RIDES -This was one of the most exciting dates I ever went on. My date and I took
a helicopter tour of downtown Houston and the Astrodome area. I was especially fascinated flying over
the skyscrapers and looking down on them. This will be an expensive date because to charter a helicopter
can cost you up to $500 an hour. If you can afford it, it's worth the money just for the experience.

43. HIKING -Enjoy the great outdoors by going on the hiking trails in your area. Bring a backpack and
have a romantic picnic in a secluded area.

44. HIGH SCHOOL SPORTING EVENTS -Find out what high school your date went to and invite her
to attend a football game, baseball game, basketball game, etc. She's sure to enjoy it and have a good time
and going back to your old high school brings back a lot of good memories and good times.

45. HORSE RACES -Here's another fun activity you can both share and make some money too if your
46. HORSEBACK RIDING -This is something everyone enjoys, especially if you love horses like I do.
There's probably a stable near you somewhere that rent horses by the hour.

47. HOTEL NIGHT CLUB -Don't overlook these as a place to take a date. It's a great place to take a
date for drinks and dancing. Some of them even have live entertainment. Also, some of them offer free
buffet dinners and drink specials in the evening.

48. ICE SKATING -Don't know how to skate? No problem, It's a lot of fun just learning. Sure, you're
going to take a few spills on the ice. It's all part of the fun! This is great place to go on a date even if you
don't know how to ice skate. You can always take lessons too.

49. THE IMAX THEATRE -If you have one of these near you don't miss this thrill of a lifetime. You
will see special movies viewed on a screen six stories high. IMAX movie images are far sharper than
ordinary movies. You feel like you're there in person. Also the theatre has state-of-the-art surround stereo.
These special movies only last around 30 minutes but are well worth the experience.

50. INDIAN RESERVATION -If you have any Indian reservations near you don't pass this up as a
dating experience. They are usually rich in history and the one near Houston offers educational activities,
fishing, canoeing, camping, tours, natural beauty and family fun. Also, you can watch them do tribal

51. JET SKIS -This is like riding a motorcycle on the water and your date can ride on the back. Take my
word for it; this is the ultimate joy ride while having some great fun on the water. You can rent them for
about $20 for a half hour.

52. JOGGING -Do you like to jog? Well, it really doesn't matter. Just take your date to the local jogging
trails and I'm sure you will learn to like jogging when you see her cute little ass bouncing in front of you.

53. KITE FLYING -Stop by any toy store and pick up a kite and go on a kite date. Head for your local
park, beach, or any wide-open space. Kites are not just for kids. It's a fun experience for all ages and it's
kind of romantic. So, get your date and go fly a kite.

54. LIMOUSINE DATE -When you want to tell someone they're special, what better way to do it than
with the unexpected. Sending flowers is nice, but sending flowers with a limousine is unforgettable. This
is a great way to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary or just let someone know they make a difference to

55. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL - This will be a date filled with lots of entertainment and laughter.
These little guys are so much fun to watch, especially when they make errors and mistakes.

56. LIVE MUSIC -This will put you and your date in a good mood, especially if the band is good. Check
out your area for places that offer live music.

57. MALLS -Take your date to the mall and she will love you for it. They just love to go to shopping
malls even if they don't buy anything. They just love to look around and browse.
58. MODEL HOMES -Do you like to look at beautiful homes? This is a fun thing to share. Check out
any new subdivisions in your area for model homes. My favorite ones to look at are the mansions. Even if
you can't afford one they are still interesting to look at.

59. MOONLIGHT STROLLS -When there's a full moon and clear skies, head for any lake or seashore.
It's so romantic to take your shoes off and wade along the shore with the full moon gleaming on the water.

60. MUSEUMS -These are great places to take a date no matter what kind of museum they are. My
personal favorite is art museums.

61. OBSERVATION DECKS -In most major cities the tallest skyscrapers offer spectacular views of the
city from their observation decks open to the public. For breath-taking views, be sure and visit these
skyscrapers. Even better are restaurants at the top of sky scrapers that offer scenic views of the city.

62. PADDLE BOAT RIDES -This is a fun thing to do, especially on a hot summer day. A lot of public
lakes offer paddleboat rentals.

63. PARACHUTE JUMPING -If you've both got the guts, this is an experience you will never forget! I
know this may seem a little scary to you but it's really a very safe sport. Check out your area for
companies that offer parachute jumping. You can train and jump all in one day.

64. PARKS -There's nothing quite like spending a fun day at the park. Be sure and bring a blanket, radio,
ice chest filled with drinks, and picnic supplies.

65. PERFORMING ARTS -From operas, ballets, symphonies, to plays, musicals and concerts you just
can't go wrong by taking a date to these.

66. PICNICS -This is tops on my list for dating ideas. It is especially great for first dates. Just bring a
bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, or even better just pick up some fried chicken and potato salad. Don't
forget the blanket and radio!

67. RACQUETBALL COURTS -This is a great way to have some competitive fun and get plenty of
exercise at the same time. Consult your telephone directory for the racquetball clubs in your area. Some
YMCA's offer racquetball too.

68. RANCHES -A lot of people have never visited a ranch and I highly recommend that you take a date
here. There are ranches that are open to the public that offer tons of fun activities such as horseback
riding, swimming, moonlight hayrides, petting zoos, softball, volleyball, horseshoes, miniature golf, ping
pong, fishing, mechanical horse, etc.

69. RESORTS -There's probably a resort area near you to get away from it all for some romance,
recreation, and relaxation. They offer a variety of activities such as golf, boating, water sports, tennis,
fishing, casual and elegant dining, swimming, lodging, dancing, movies, live entertainment, health spas,

70. RIFLE & PISTOL RANGES -This is certainly a fun experience to share. You can bring your own
gun or just rent one for target practice.
71. RODEOS -If you have rodeos in your area be sure and go here for a date.

72. ROMANTIC RESTAURANTS -If you really want to make a good impression on your date, take
her to a cozy and romantic restaurant. It's even better if they have a piano bar or live entertainment or soft
music, dim lighting, roaring fireplaces, scenic views while you're eating, etc. So, spice up your love-life
or impress a date by going to a romantic restaurant.

73. SAILBOAT RENTAL -There's nothing like the feel of gliding along the water on a sailboat. Learn
how to sail and take your date on a sailboat ride that she will never forget.

74. SEMINARS -This is an interesting and educational experience to share with someone. Just select a
seminar both of you would be interested in. Check your local newspapers for seminar listings.

75. SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITIES -If you are a senior citizen there may be a senior citizen center in
your area that you could take a female to for some free activities and a free lunch. Some centers even
provide free transportation.

76. SKATEBOARDING -Try this for some real fun. Rent a couple of skateboards for some thrills. Some
larger cities even have skateboard parks.

77. SKATING RINKS -Roller skating is one of America's favorite pastimes. It's a lot of fun whether
you're a beginner or pro. Also, it makes for a fun evening with a date. It's easy to learn once you get the
hang of it.

78. SNOW SKIING -This is an expensive date, especially if you live a great distance from any ski
resorts. It's worth it though for an experience you will take to your grave. Don't worry if you don't know
how to ski. You can take lessons when you get there and just take the easy slopes. So what if you fall a
few times, it's all in fun.

79. SOFTBALL GAMES -Most towns have softball leagues and a softball game is good entertainment.
It's a cheap date too because it's free.

80. SPIRITUALISTS -These are palm readers, psychic readers, and astrologers. I think everyone would
like to know what the future holds for him or her. Of course, none of these spiritualists can be 100%
accurate all of the time, but just look at it as entertainment and a fun thing to do. Going to a spiritualist
would be a unique and different thing to do on a date. They also give advice on personal problems, health,
business, marriage, job, etc.

81. SPORTING EVENTS (PROFESSIONAL) -This is always a good option for a date, especially if
your date is into sports.

82. SPORTS BARS -This is a lot better than sitting at home watching sports. It's an experience almost
equal to being at the game, fight, etc. You have the excitement of the crowd pulling for the home team.
Also, you can watch the games on big screen TV's. Also, the sports bars offer food and all kinds of
drinks. Some even off free popcorn.

83. SQUARE DANCING -Do you know how to square dance? If not you can always learn and make a
date of it.
84. STAR GAZING -Have you ever looked at the universe through a gigantic telescope at an
observatory? Well this is an out-of-this-world experience you and your date will never forget. If there's an
observatory in your area, check it out for a close-up view of the planets and stars.

85. STATE PARKS -Do you have any State Parks near you? If you do this is the perfect ideal place to
go to enjoy the great outdoors. You can go for a daytime date or camp overnight.

86. SURFING -This can be a fun thing to share even if you don't know how to surf. Just buy a surfboard
or rent one. Along the beachfronts you will find places where you can rent a surfboard. Even better,
borrow one from a friend. What I like to do when I go on a surfing date is for both of us to get up on the
board together and ride a wave. It's not that easy to do but lots of fun trying.

87. SWIMMING -Just invite her to go swimming at your apartment pool, public pool, a friend or
relatives pool, or just go swimming at a lake, river, or ocean.

88. TATAMI ROOMS -These are private rooms at Japanese restaurants where diners sit on the floor for
a very unique and romantic dining experience. Call your Japanese restaurants to see if they have these
rooms available.

89. TATOOING -Have you ever heard of a tattoo date? Why not the both of you go to a tattoo parlor and
get a tattoo together? If you're embarrassed by tattoos, you can always have one where it will be hidden
by clothes.

90. TENNIS -This is a good way to have some fun and get some exercise. You can join a tennis club or
just use a public tennis court. If you can afford it, join a private tennis club. They offer state of the art
courts, lighted courts, pro shop, lessons, leagues & tournaments, fitness center, nursery, etc.

91. THEATRE (LIVE) -larger towns offer live theatre performances that can be just as good as a
Broadway play in New York City. Attending live theatre on a date ranks at the top of the list for things to
do on a date in my opinion.

92. THEATRES (MOVIE) -This is probably the most popular thing to do for entertainment. However, I
don't recommend it for a first date. You can't really get to know someone while you're watching a movie.
May I suggest, on a first date, go to the most romantic restaurant you can find.

93. TOURS -Discover your area by going on any sightseeing tours. You would be surprised to find out
that there are a lot of things you have not seen in your area.

94. TRAIN RIDES -If there are any scenic train rides available in your area, this would be a great idea
for a date. Here in Houston we have a train that goes on a scenic tour to Galveston.

95. VIDEO DATE -Why not visit your local video store and rent some movies. This makes a great date
and don't forget the popcorn! You may not be aware of it, but some libraries offer free movie rentals.
Also, may I recommend renting, "Body Heat" to get her in a hot mood.

96. WATER PARKS -larger cities have water parks that offer water slides, man-made waves, swimming
pools, tubing, etc. If you want to have a real fun date, go to a water park and spend the day.
97. WATER SKIING -You can rent a boat with skis at most marinas if you don't have your own. If your
date doesn't know how to water-ski, she will have a lot of fun trying.

98. WILDLIFE PARKS -Check these out to discover the world of animals. You can tour these wildlife
habitats by tram or your own car. I toured a wildlife park in South Dakota with a date and it was one of
my most memorable dates. We even had big bears come right up to our car.

99. FIREWORKS - Go see a fireworks display on July 4th or New Year’s Eve.

100. ZOO -A popular and enjoyable way to spend the day on a date.

In conclusion, keep this report handy as your constant reference on where to go and what to do on a date.
These creative dating ideas will make her crave to see you because you know how to give her a good

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100 Places to Take a Date

  • 1. 100 Surefire Places to Take a Date That Are Guaranteed to Win a Woman’s Heart and Make Her Want to Become Intimate with You Contents: Introduction 100 Surefire Places to Take a Date Drive Women Wild for Sex with New Scientific Discovery! * Products to Help You Meet, Date, Attract, and Seduce Women WARNING! APPLY ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Don Diebel and Gemini Publishing Company are in no way directly or indirectly responsible for ANY consequences, situations, or results you may encounter from the use of this material. By reading this material, you fully understand this agreement, and hold no person beside yourself, responsible for your actions. Read at your own risk! Copyright 2005 by Don Diebel GEMINI PUBLISHING COMPANY 3102 W. Bay Area Blvd., Suite 707 Friendswood, TX 77546 Email: Web Site: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in an information retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use without written permission of the publisher. Introduction The main purpose of this report is to give you a gold mine of creative dating ideas that will make a lasting impression on women and make them crave to be with you.
  • 2. By showing women a good time, it can create intimacy and romance. Plus, you will gain an unfair advantage over other men pursuing her affections. A lot of men have a hard time thinking of what to do and where to go on a date. So, they settle for the standard routine of dinner and a movie, which doesn't leave a lasting impression or create enough intimacy. . If you really want to impress a date and make her fall for you, take her on a unique date she will never forget. Just look through this report and you'll discover tons of information on fun and romantic things to do. By being unique and creative, you'll stand out among the other guys she's dated and she will want to be with you again and again. Just keep taking a girl you're attracted to on one fun and creative date after another and she's bound to fall for you and want to make mad passionate love to you. Try it. It works! There's a lot of men who have limited finances for dating, so I've included lots of fun things to do on a date that are inexpensive or don't cost anything. There's an abundance of things you can do that involve nature and the great outdoors that are free, too. In closing, keep this report handy. Use it over and over again to plan your dates and seductive strategies. Keep notes on places and things you did on dates that seemed to impress your dates the most and make them want to become intimate with you. This can be some real valuable information for many tomorrows filled with hot and sexy women craving to be with you again and again. One last tip. When taking a date to a restaurant, take her to the most romantic and intimate restaurant in town. This is very important because most women love anything romantic and your ultimate goal is to get her into a romantic mood to respond to your advances. Good luck and may this report bring lots of fun, excitement and romance into your life. 100 Surefire Places to Take a Date That Are Guaranteed to Win a Woman’s Heart and Make Her Want to Become Intimate with You 1. AIR SHOW – If you have an annual air show near you. By all means don’t pass this up for a fantastic dating idea. 2. AMUSEMENT PARKS -This really makes for a fun date, especially if you both enjoy thrill-seeking rides such as roller coasters, etc. Also, don't forget to try and win her a teddy bear or other keepsake. 3. ANNUAL EVENTS -Most larger towns and cities offer many annual events and are great places to go on a date. These events include festivals, chili cook-offs, firework displays, contests, ethnic festivals, sporting tournaments, arts & craft shows, horse shows, concerts, fairs, etc.
  • 3. 4. ANTIQUES -Most women like antiques and they would really enjoy looking at them and shopping for them. 5. ARCHERY RANGES -Remember when you were a kid and played bows and arrows? Well, now you can do it for real with real bows and arrows. Check your area out for indoor and outdoor archery ranges where you and your date can shoot to your heart’s content. Who knows, just maybe Cupid will hit you both with his arrow. . 6. ART GALLERIES -This is a great idea for a unique and real interesting date. Discover the beautiful world of art. You both will certainly have more of an appreciation for art after touring a few galleries. 7. AUTO SHOWS -I think there's a little bit of new car fever in all of us and even if we can't afford a new car/truck we still like to look at them and dream. This is a most enjoyable experience to share with a date. 8. BALLOON RIDES -I am referring to hot-air balloon rides. This is a breath-taking experience you both will never forget. It's very romantic and some rides even come with champagne. 9. BASEBALL BATTING CAGES -I'm sure you've probably seen these fenced in cages where a machine throws balls at you and you hit them with a bat. This is a real fun and challenging thing to do to test your batting skills. 10. BAZAARS -Bazaars are a real fun thing to do and feature a variety of food, entertainment, crafts, plants, auctions, fun & games for children, jewelry, antiques, home-baked goods, prizes, games, clothes, bingo, and refreshments. So, if you're looking for something different to do to break the monotony, go to these bazaars on a date. 11. BEACH OR LAKE -This is one of my favorite places to take a date, especially at night: There's nothing more romantic than taking a moonlight stroll along the beach or lake. 12. BEACH HOUSE RENTAL -Great for getting away from the hectic life in the city for some rest and relaxation. 13. BED & BREAKFAST INNS -For a change of pace from regular motels and hotels, try a bed & breakfast inn where you will be treated like royalty. They offer rooms where you feel like you're at home instead of a dreary motel room. Also, you will be treated to a tasty, elegant breakfast and have the option of many other amenities. 14. BILLARD PARLORS (POOL HALLS) -Do you like to play pool? This is a great place to go to have a good time, shoot a few rounds of pool, have a few drinks, and some offer food. 15. BINGO -This is one fun date you can go on and come home with some extra cash in your pocket. 16. BOAT RENTAL -This makes for a unique experience and it's so relaxing and enjoyable. You can charter a boat with captain and crew or rent a powerboat for skiing, fishing, or just for cruising. 17. BOAT SHOW -If you live near a large city, this makes for an interesting date. You will get to see all the latest boats, sailboats, and yachts on the market.
  • 4. 18. BOOGIE BOARDS -Can't go surfing or don't have a desire to? Well, boogie boards are just as much fun and don't require any skill. A boogie board is a body board that's less than half the size of a surfboard and is used for body surfing. You just lie on this board and ride the waves. They are tons of fun and you can buy them at any Toys R' Us stores. At some seashores they are available for rent. 19. BOWLING -What a great way to have some fun and exercise at the same time. The best time to bowl is during the day on weekends and weekdays. The lanes are usually taken up by bowling leagues in the evenings. Just be sure to call ahead of time to make sure some lanes are available. 20. BRUNCH -Here's your opportunity to have a breakfast and lunch feast. Just be sure and go on an empty stomach. Most brunches are held on Sundays, with a few on Saturdays. Here in Houston, a lot of the major hotels offer brunches. 21. CAMPING - What a great way to enjoy the great outdoors! Things really get cozy and romantic sitting in front of an open fire! This is sure to melt her heart and make her want to share your sleeping bag. 22. CANOEING -This is a great way to get next to Mother Nature. It's so relaxing and a good way to escape the pressures of city life. You can even rent a canoe if you don't own one. 23. CAR RACES -This is a thrilling experience to share with another and offers the thrills and spills of competitive car racing. . 24. CARRIAGE RIDES -This is one of the most ultimate romantic experiences. Just you and your lover or date in a horse-drawn carriage enjoying the scenery. 25. CIRCUS -Everybody loves the circus and makes for a great fun date. 26. COLLEGE SPORTING EVENT - Have you ever been to a college sporting event? It's just as much fun as watching professional sports. The crowds provide a lot of excitement and enthusiasm. 27. COMEDY CLUBS -I think everyone should make a date to go to a comedy club at least once a month. Laughing is so good for you and it's a lot of fun. 28. COOKING CLASSES -Most women like to cook and it would be a fun experience to learn some new recipes. 29. CRUISES -If there are any cruises in your area (riverboat, dinner cruises, yacht cruises, gambling cruises, sunset cruises, or just any kind of a cruise) don't pass up this opportunity for one of the best ways to impress a date. 30. DINNER AT YOUR PLACE -Back in my old dating days, one of my favorite things t9 do was to invite a date over for a candlelight steak dinner and champagne. I would do all the cooking and wait on my date hand and foot. I really made my date feel special. So, if you really want to make someone feel special and have a romantic evening, do this for a very special date. 31. DINNER THEATRE -There's nothing like good entertainment while you're eating. Your date will really be impressed and this is one of my top choices to take a date to.
  • 5. 32. DOG SHOW -Most women just love dogs and going to a dog show will really put her in a fun mood. 33. DRIVE-IN MOVIE -Back when I was in high school in the 50's and 60's this was the place to go on a date. It's still a great place to go to really get intimate. I sure had some good times at drive-ins and hardly ever watched the movie. 34. FISHING LAKES & PONDS -What I'm referring to are stocked fishing lakes and ponds where you can go to catch fish and take them home for a delicious fish-fry. There's a fee for admission and usually there's no fishing license required. Also, most of them have these services available: Bait, ice, cold drinks, chairs, rental poles, filet service, and no limit on your catch. 35. FISHING PARTIES -These are fishing trips available on large party boats that go offshore. You can go with a large group of people or charter your own fishing trip. They are listed in the Yellow Pages under Fishing Parties. . 36. FLEA MARKETS -Even if you don't buy anything, it's interesting to look at the many different items for sale. I especially think this is the perfect date for men to ask women out on. Women just love to browse and shop. 37. FLIGHT MUSEUM -If you have one of these in your area, by all means check it out. It's very interesting to look at the old military fighters, bombers, and passenger aircraft from the past. 38. GARAGE SALES -As I mentioned before, women really love to shop. This is another ideal place to take dates. 39. GO-CARTS -These are a lot of fun for adults too. Why not challenge your date to a race around the track. 40. GOLF COURSES (MINIATURE) -This is a real popular activity for dating and highly recommended. 41. HAYRIDES -Have you ever been on a hayride? It's a lot of fun and something very different to do. 42. HELICOPTER RIDES -This was one of the most exciting dates I ever went on. My date and I took a helicopter tour of downtown Houston and the Astrodome area. I was especially fascinated flying over the skyscrapers and looking down on them. This will be an expensive date because to charter a helicopter can cost you up to $500 an hour. If you can afford it, it's worth the money just for the experience. 43. HIKING -Enjoy the great outdoors by going on the hiking trails in your area. Bring a backpack and have a romantic picnic in a secluded area. 44. HIGH SCHOOL SPORTING EVENTS -Find out what high school your date went to and invite her to attend a football game, baseball game, basketball game, etc. She's sure to enjoy it and have a good time and going back to your old high school brings back a lot of good memories and good times. 45. HORSE RACES -Here's another fun activity you can both share and make some money too if your lucky.
  • 6. 46. HORSEBACK RIDING -This is something everyone enjoys, especially if you love horses like I do. There's probably a stable near you somewhere that rent horses by the hour. 47. HOTEL NIGHT CLUB -Don't overlook these as a place to take a date. It's a great place to take a date for drinks and dancing. Some of them even have live entertainment. Also, some of them offer free buffet dinners and drink specials in the evening. 48. ICE SKATING -Don't know how to skate? No problem, It's a lot of fun just learning. Sure, you're going to take a few spills on the ice. It's all part of the fun! This is great place to go on a date even if you don't know how to ice skate. You can always take lessons too. 49. THE IMAX THEATRE -If you have one of these near you don't miss this thrill of a lifetime. You will see special movies viewed on a screen six stories high. IMAX movie images are far sharper than ordinary movies. You feel like you're there in person. Also the theatre has state-of-the-art surround stereo. These special movies only last around 30 minutes but are well worth the experience. 50. INDIAN RESERVATION -If you have any Indian reservations near you don't pass this up as a dating experience. They are usually rich in history and the one near Houston offers educational activities, fishing, canoeing, camping, tours, natural beauty and family fun. Also, you can watch them do tribal dances. 51. JET SKIS -This is like riding a motorcycle on the water and your date can ride on the back. Take my word for it; this is the ultimate joy ride while having some great fun on the water. You can rent them for about $20 for a half hour. 52. JOGGING -Do you like to jog? Well, it really doesn't matter. Just take your date to the local jogging trails and I'm sure you will learn to like jogging when you see her cute little ass bouncing in front of you. 53. KITE FLYING -Stop by any toy store and pick up a kite and go on a kite date. Head for your local park, beach, or any wide-open space. Kites are not just for kids. It's a fun experience for all ages and it's kind of romantic. So, get your date and go fly a kite. 54. LIMOUSINE DATE -When you want to tell someone they're special, what better way to do it than with the unexpected. Sending flowers is nice, but sending flowers with a limousine is unforgettable. This is a great way to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary or just let someone know they make a difference to you. 55. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL - This will be a date filled with lots of entertainment and laughter. These little guys are so much fun to watch, especially when they make errors and mistakes. 56. LIVE MUSIC -This will put you and your date in a good mood, especially if the band is good. Check out your area for places that offer live music. 57. MALLS -Take your date to the mall and she will love you for it. They just love to go to shopping malls even if they don't buy anything. They just love to look around and browse.
  • 7. 58. MODEL HOMES -Do you like to look at beautiful homes? This is a fun thing to share. Check out any new subdivisions in your area for model homes. My favorite ones to look at are the mansions. Even if you can't afford one they are still interesting to look at. 59. MOONLIGHT STROLLS -When there's a full moon and clear skies, head for any lake or seashore. It's so romantic to take your shoes off and wade along the shore with the full moon gleaming on the water. 60. MUSEUMS -These are great places to take a date no matter what kind of museum they are. My personal favorite is art museums. 61. OBSERVATION DECKS -In most major cities the tallest skyscrapers offer spectacular views of the city from their observation decks open to the public. For breath-taking views, be sure and visit these skyscrapers. Even better are restaurants at the top of sky scrapers that offer scenic views of the city. 62. PADDLE BOAT RIDES -This is a fun thing to do, especially on a hot summer day. A lot of public lakes offer paddleboat rentals. 63. PARACHUTE JUMPING -If you've both got the guts, this is an experience you will never forget! I know this may seem a little scary to you but it's really a very safe sport. Check out your area for companies that offer parachute jumping. You can train and jump all in one day. 64. PARKS -There's nothing quite like spending a fun day at the park. Be sure and bring a blanket, radio, ice chest filled with drinks, and picnic supplies. 65. PERFORMING ARTS -From operas, ballets, symphonies, to plays, musicals and concerts you just can't go wrong by taking a date to these. 66. PICNICS -This is tops on my list for dating ideas. It is especially great for first dates. Just bring a bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, or even better just pick up some fried chicken and potato salad. Don't forget the blanket and radio! 67. RACQUETBALL COURTS -This is a great way to have some competitive fun and get plenty of exercise at the same time. Consult your telephone directory for the racquetball clubs in your area. Some YMCA's offer racquetball too. 68. RANCHES -A lot of people have never visited a ranch and I highly recommend that you take a date here. There are ranches that are open to the public that offer tons of fun activities such as horseback riding, swimming, moonlight hayrides, petting zoos, softball, volleyball, horseshoes, miniature golf, ping pong, fishing, mechanical horse, etc. 69. RESORTS -There's probably a resort area near you to get away from it all for some romance, recreation, and relaxation. They offer a variety of activities such as golf, boating, water sports, tennis, fishing, casual and elegant dining, swimming, lodging, dancing, movies, live entertainment, health spas, etc. 70. RIFLE & PISTOL RANGES -This is certainly a fun experience to share. You can bring your own gun or just rent one for target practice.
  • 8. 71. RODEOS -If you have rodeos in your area be sure and go here for a date. 72. ROMANTIC RESTAURANTS -If you really want to make a good impression on your date, take her to a cozy and romantic restaurant. It's even better if they have a piano bar or live entertainment or soft music, dim lighting, roaring fireplaces, scenic views while you're eating, etc. So, spice up your love-life or impress a date by going to a romantic restaurant. 73. SAILBOAT RENTAL -There's nothing like the feel of gliding along the water on a sailboat. Learn how to sail and take your date on a sailboat ride that she will never forget. 74. SEMINARS -This is an interesting and educational experience to share with someone. Just select a seminar both of you would be interested in. Check your local newspapers for seminar listings. 75. SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITIES -If you are a senior citizen there may be a senior citizen center in your area that you could take a female to for some free activities and a free lunch. Some centers even provide free transportation. 76. SKATEBOARDING -Try this for some real fun. Rent a couple of skateboards for some thrills. Some larger cities even have skateboard parks. 77. SKATING RINKS -Roller skating is one of America's favorite pastimes. It's a lot of fun whether you're a beginner or pro. Also, it makes for a fun evening with a date. It's easy to learn once you get the hang of it. 78. SNOW SKIING -This is an expensive date, especially if you live a great distance from any ski resorts. It's worth it though for an experience you will take to your grave. Don't worry if you don't know how to ski. You can take lessons when you get there and just take the easy slopes. So what if you fall a few times, it's all in fun. 79. SOFTBALL GAMES -Most towns have softball leagues and a softball game is good entertainment. It's a cheap date too because it's free. 80. SPIRITUALISTS -These are palm readers, psychic readers, and astrologers. I think everyone would like to know what the future holds for him or her. Of course, none of these spiritualists can be 100% accurate all of the time, but just look at it as entertainment and a fun thing to do. Going to a spiritualist would be a unique and different thing to do on a date. They also give advice on personal problems, health, business, marriage, job, etc. 81. SPORTING EVENTS (PROFESSIONAL) -This is always a good option for a date, especially if your date is into sports. 82. SPORTS BARS -This is a lot better than sitting at home watching sports. It's an experience almost equal to being at the game, fight, etc. You have the excitement of the crowd pulling for the home team. Also, you can watch the games on big screen TV's. Also, the sports bars offer food and all kinds of drinks. Some even off free popcorn. 83. SQUARE DANCING -Do you know how to square dance? If not you can always learn and make a date of it.
  • 9. 84. STAR GAZING -Have you ever looked at the universe through a gigantic telescope at an observatory? Well this is an out-of-this-world experience you and your date will never forget. If there's an observatory in your area, check it out for a close-up view of the planets and stars. 85. STATE PARKS -Do you have any State Parks near you? If you do this is the perfect ideal place to go to enjoy the great outdoors. You can go for a daytime date or camp overnight. 86. SURFING -This can be a fun thing to share even if you don't know how to surf. Just buy a surfboard or rent one. Along the beachfronts you will find places where you can rent a surfboard. Even better, borrow one from a friend. What I like to do when I go on a surfing date is for both of us to get up on the board together and ride a wave. It's not that easy to do but lots of fun trying. 87. SWIMMING -Just invite her to go swimming at your apartment pool, public pool, a friend or relatives pool, or just go swimming at a lake, river, or ocean. 88. TATAMI ROOMS -These are private rooms at Japanese restaurants where diners sit on the floor for a very unique and romantic dining experience. Call your Japanese restaurants to see if they have these rooms available. 89. TATOOING -Have you ever heard of a tattoo date? Why not the both of you go to a tattoo parlor and get a tattoo together? If you're embarrassed by tattoos, you can always have one where it will be hidden by clothes. 90. TENNIS -This is a good way to have some fun and get some exercise. You can join a tennis club or just use a public tennis court. If you can afford it, join a private tennis club. They offer state of the art courts, lighted courts, pro shop, lessons, leagues & tournaments, fitness center, nursery, etc. 91. THEATRE (LIVE) -larger towns offer live theatre performances that can be just as good as a Broadway play in New York City. Attending live theatre on a date ranks at the top of the list for things to do on a date in my opinion. 92. THEATRES (MOVIE) -This is probably the most popular thing to do for entertainment. However, I don't recommend it for a first date. You can't really get to know someone while you're watching a movie. May I suggest, on a first date, go to the most romantic restaurant you can find. 93. TOURS -Discover your area by going on any sightseeing tours. You would be surprised to find out that there are a lot of things you have not seen in your area. 94. TRAIN RIDES -If there are any scenic train rides available in your area, this would be a great idea for a date. Here in Houston we have a train that goes on a scenic tour to Galveston. 95. VIDEO DATE -Why not visit your local video store and rent some movies. This makes a great date and don't forget the popcorn! You may not be aware of it, but some libraries offer free movie rentals. Also, may I recommend renting, "Body Heat" to get her in a hot mood. 96. WATER PARKS -larger cities have water parks that offer water slides, man-made waves, swimming pools, tubing, etc. If you want to have a real fun date, go to a water park and spend the day.
  • 10. 97. WATER SKIING -You can rent a boat with skis at most marinas if you don't have your own. If your date doesn't know how to water-ski, she will have a lot of fun trying. 98. WILDLIFE PARKS -Check these out to discover the world of animals. You can tour these wildlife habitats by tram or your own car. I toured a wildlife park in South Dakota with a date and it was one of my most memorable dates. We even had big bears come right up to our car. 99. FIREWORKS - Go see a fireworks display on July 4th or New Year’s Eve. 100. ZOO -A popular and enjoyable way to spend the day on a date. In conclusion, keep this report handy as your constant reference on where to go and what to do on a date. These creative dating ideas will make her crave to see you because you know how to give her a good time. Drive Women Wild for Sex with New Scientific Discovery Would you like to turn beautiful women on instantly? Would you like beautiful women to ignore your face and stare at your pants? Can you picture yourself with a harem of horny girls wondering what it is about you that they can't resist? What would it be worth to you for sexy females to want to share their warm, writhing bodies with you? How would it be to have women get hot and horny just from a whiff of your aroma? You can get the right answers to all these questions when you discover LIQUID MAGNET, the rare distilled Hawaiian pheromone formula that feminist are trying to deprive you of. Can you blame these uptight women? Here we have an incredible formula of pheromonic essence that triggers the cave woman sexual response of gals from 18 to 80...short, tall, thin or full figured...and they may not even have a clue what's getting them so hot and bothered!!! Are you in luck! LIQUID MAGNET works on blondes, brunettes, redheads, whites, blacks, Orientals, Indians, and Hispanics...virtually any dancer who comes within "sniffing distance" of your undeniably masculine scent. And, the powerful sex magnet pheromone is distilled with the special Liquid-Love cologne essence to get her even more excited and anxious to unleash her passions on you, again and again! Scientists discovered that our skin was dotted with hormonal scent enabling the opposite sex to seek us out. The stronger the scent, the deeper the attraction. Unfortunately, some of the same aromas causing sexual excitement were far too strong, causing distancing due to the powerful muskiness. The great news about LIQUID MAGNET is this: It contains only distilled pheromones, blended very carefully with aromatic oils, to produce great attraction, stimulation and prompt response. Without any negative reactions at all! It actually smells good!!
  • 11. American chemists actually came up with a blend that was overwhelming to many women. It turned them on so fast, so easily; they called it LIQUID MAGNET! Test after test was done. Experiment after experiment. Women who volunteered for testing said they "Can't get enough" after inhaling LIQUID MAGNET. There are countless case histories about pheromones used in LIQUID MAGNET. Merchant marines who've had women line up in bars just to be kissed by them. Cab drivers who've had wild-eyed women climb into the front seat and go for their zipper! Husbands whose wives beg for sexual favors. Unfair to women? Sure it is. But, isn't it about time? Use Liquid Magnet for a Few Weeks and You May Notice: -> Hot & sexy women you don't know edging closer to you. ->Women will try to touch you, and may reach for your private parts! ->Some women may actually offer their bodies to you, and some may offer you money to have sex with them. ->Females may want to have sex with you quickly, sometimes even in public places, in cars, trains, planes and other conveyances!!! ASK YOURSELF THESE 5 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: 1. Would you like the attention of a woman you love, or simply meet new women? ___Yes ___No 2. Have you ever been too shy or afraid to approach a beautiful woman, fearing rejection? ___Yes ___No 3. Do you believe that knockout women might like you if they got close enough to find out what you were like? ___Yes ___No 4. If you had the power to turn women on, would you enjoy making love to a woman over and over again? ___Yes ___No 5. Would you feel happy if a beautiful woman became your Love Slave? ___Yes ___No If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you must try LIQUID MAGNET, completely at no risk for the next 90 days. Order your no-risk trial supply now. Before some stud beats you to all the action in the neighborhood. If you don't get some action within 90 days, send your Liquid Magnet back for a full refund! To order Liquid Magnet and more information please go to: Meet, Date, Attract, and Seduce More Hot & Sexy Women with Our Fantastic Books, CD’s, DVD’s, Pheromone Products, and Cassettes Pheromones to Drive Women Wild for Sex:
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