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A Travel Guide I Made For You
The best decision I
ever made was studying
abroad. I spent the sum-
mer of 2015 in London,
England. I’ve always
wanted to visit, and I
knew that the only way to
properly experience Lon-
don was to live there.
I always thought study-
ing abroad was a myth.
Surely people went, but
not me. One day I sat with
my parents and told them
I wanted to study abroad
, and shockingly, they
thought it was a good idea.
So I attended my
school’s study abroad fair
and contacted the coor-
dinator to make my trip
to London possible. With
the help of my mom and
dad, I was able to turn this
dream into a reality.
I was going to London.
In just a few short
months after applying, I
was on the plane flying to
my new home for the next
few weeks.
When the plane land-
ed, it was something I
couldn’t wrap my head
At first I thought it
wasn’t real. How could I
have traveled eight hours
on a plane and be in an-
other country without my
parents and no cellphone
That first week I had
my tourist meter on at
full blast wanting to see
anything and everything I
Then I realized I need-
ed to slow down because
I had three more weeks in
This trip marked the
first time in my life that I
had been away from my
parents for so long. No
one was there to cook din-
ner for me or help me find
my way around the city. I
truly felt lost.
It was the days I sat on
the tube alone that I re-
alized that I might, no I
could do this on my own.
I matured tremendously
in just one month. I was
cooking and caring for
myself, taking the tube to
a random station just to
walk around, and taking in
London Calling--Destined to discover new place in the world, Kacie Diaz disccusses her first weeks of travel
the culture all while main-
taining my school work.
Needless to say, finding a
balance wasn’t easy.
I say it all the time -- I
found myself in London.
On the plane ride back I
realized that I liked who I
was in London; someone
who was mature, cultured,
and well spoken. No one
knew me, and maybe the
Kacie I was there is the
Kacie I truly am.
© Kacie Diaz
1 2
Have you ever spoken to someone who just came
back from backpacking around Europe? If you
have, you know that they can never stop talking
about their travels. Well of course they can’t -- its
an amazing experience. Some people might not
understand its importance, but I’m here to give
you the five reasons to inspire you to travel.
1. Experience A Different Culture
Do you know of a better way to understand a
culture than living in it? The answer is no. When
you’re visiting countries you get to eat all of the
food, which the culture has to offer. First hand ex-
periences are the number one learning key. Trav-
eling offers you the knowledge that is not taught in
textbooks. The best way to learn about a culture
is to live it.
2. Travel To Another Country For Cheap
Once you’re abroad in Europe, the travel bug
would have sunk its teeth in you and the urge to
see more will be apparent. The best part about
Europe is that all the countries are super close to
one another. So say “bye” to driving eight hours
through the same state and say “hello” to another
country in just a few hours or less. With sites like, round trip rail passes between
countries start as low as $50. If that doesn’t make
you want to travel more, I don’t know what will.
3. Make New Friends
Traveling is about seeing places and of course
meeting new people. Whether your in a tourist
spot, a restaurant, or bar there will always be one
thing in common, people. The same way you meet
people at home you can meet them abroad. The
best place to make new relationships is abroad.
Connecting with locals or even world travelers like
yourself is a great way to start a bond. Making
connections is lways important no matter where
you go. Of course, having place to stay when trav-
eling to a place outside home is also a plus.
4. Make Memories
After you’ve seen the sights in postcards and
shared a drink with friends at the Trevi Fountain
its going to be a moment you will never forget.
The best and worst experiences will always be
the most memorable. No one likes hostels and as
horrible as your stay at one might be, its going to
be a time you never forget. Sometimes the worst
experiences make for great memories. So while
you’re having a terrible time think about the story
you get to tell your friends back at home.
5. The Want to Travel More
Before your trip is even over the want to travel
again will be stronger than ever. As sad as you
might be to come home, you will never lose the
things you learned, the photos you took, the
friends you made, or the memories you have.
That flight back home might be the saddest ride,
but as you sit and watch the inflight tv to track the
plane’s journey, you won’t be able to stop yourself
from planning your next vacation.
Don’t you think its time that you become one of
those people who backpack across Europe? Its
your turn to tell the stories and share the memo-
ries. Pack your bags, get your passport and take
risks to learn new things!
Five Reasons Why Traveling
to Europe Is Worth It
3 4
Old Spitafields Market
South Bank
Canary Wharf
The Time To Travel Is Now
I bet you’ve been
told that you have your
whole life to travel. I can’t
stress it enough to you
enough that it is the fur-
thest thing from the truth.
If anyone is going to be
honest to you, its going to
be me. The time to travel
is now!
Don’t let others con-
vince you that you have
your whole life left to
travel. Sure it might be
true, but you won’t have
the same experience trav-
eling now.
What excuses do you
have not to travel now?
The answer is none. If
you’re still living at home
and have no responsibili-
ties, then that’s the perfect
excuse you need to go
Don’t think about work-
ing and saving money so
you can travel.
You have you’re
entire life to work. You
won’t have the time to
travel for more than two
weeks at a time if your job
lets you. If you don’t have
the time to travel during
college, then find the time
after you graduate.
Give yourself a grace pe-
riod to find yourself. Trav-
el and don’t be afraid to
do it by yourself. There’s
not always going to be a
person holding your hand
throughout every step of
your life.
Step out of your comfort
zone and do things you
never thought of doing,
because the reward will be
much greater. Nothing is
better than having a con-
versation about the time
you backpacked through
Spain alone. Or the time
you looked down at all of
Paris from the top of the
Eiffel Tower.
So stop coming up
with excuses to keep you
from traveling. Don’t tell
yourself that you’ll travel
eventually, because in a
short 20 or even 40 years
down the line you will
look back and think to
your self, “I should have
traveled when I had the
Don’t let that person be
Tick Tock--Why it is better to travel at an earlier date?
© Kacie Diaz
© Kacie Diaz
5 6
Six Travel Essentials
You Don’t Want To Forget
I’ve traveled enough and had travel disasters so
you don’t have to.
Here’s a few of my travel essentials that I can’t
go without
Just admit it, carrying around your passport in a
foreign country is not the best thing to do. A safer
alternative is photocopying your passport so you
don’t need to worry about losing it.
A photo copy of the first two pages -- the ones
with your personal information and photo -- is
a valid form of identification without having the
physical copy in your presence.
Photocopy of Your Passport
This may seem like a no brainer, but when it
comes time to filling out the customs form on the
airplane or train you don’t want to be the passen-
ger who asks around to borrow one.
Instead, pack a pen in every bag so you know
you have one somewhere. Plus, when the pas-
senger to your left asks if you have a pen you’ll
be glad to say you do.
Bring Pens
Ziplock Bags
A travel life save: Ziplock bags. Pack all your liq-
uid travel essentials in plastic ziplock bags to be
organized and, most importantly, prevent spills.
Limit your ziplock bags to four items. Make sure
they don’t break during travel, and don’t forget to
bring extra just incase some do break. You don’t
want to end up purchasing some other liquids
that might break.
First Aid Kit
You may not injure yourself, but the slight chanc-
es that you will be prepared. Save yourself time
and pain by having supplies hands on.
An important must have in your first aid kit is pain
relievers. 10-hour flights are painfully long and
an intense headache is not something you need.
Bringing your own medication is a penny saver.
Be honest, you get the munchies at the worsts
time. Whats worse than getting the cravings in
the middle of a flight or in the middle of the night
when everything in the city is closed.
Packed snacks will be your life saver. Whether its
chips, cookies, or even an instant meal to save
yourself from your late night cravings, it’s always
good to have extra food at your disposal.
Universal Adapter
If you’re traveling around Europe its probably
wise that you carry around a universal adapter.
Its the 21st Century and you need to make sure
all your electronics are charged.
A universal adapter may be a bit pricier than a
standard one, but it’ll be worth it when you hop
from the United Kingdom to Spain. Get one that
you know you can use anywhere around the
7 8
I Left My Heart In London
LOST BUT FOUND-- The story where I know I lost myself © Kacie Diaz
Traveling Europe
has been on my bucket
list for as long as I can
remember. I always want-
ed to see new places and
faces while making mem-
ories that no one else but I
could have.
After travelling to Spain
and France I became ob-
sessed with the idea of
traveling to London. It
was like New York yet en-
tirely different, and I just
needed to make it there
some how.
There was this never-end-
ing desire I had to go to
England that I could not
even begin to explain.
The more I tried to con-
tain it, the more obsessed
I became with the Brits.
There was no escape for
me. I started following the
culture from bed in New
York and I knew about
London as if I already
traveled there.
This past summer I was
able to live out a fantasy
that I always created in
my mind. I spent a month
in London and I’ve never
been happier. I did go for
a summer course, but that
just added to the experi-
It was my first time away
from my parents for over a
week, the first time I was
living on my own, and the
first time I felt free.
At first it was so surreal
I could not believe it was
actually there. Once my
initial shock was over ev-
erything just felt right.
I was only there for one
month, but in that one
month I cooked, cleaned,
and did everything by my-
self. Halfway through my
stay I asked myself; how
I could picture myself liv-
ing there?
I wanted to live in
Shoreditch and ride the
tube to Oxford everyday
for longer than just one
Sadly, my trip had to
come to an end. I packed
my bags back up and I
flew back home. I thought
that I got London out of
my system. You know? I
went there, I don’t need to
go again.
Oh was I wrong.
My obsession became ex-
cessive. I started looking
for “flatemates” and the
average rent rates in all
parts of the city. I was de-
termined to move there. I
came up with a plan.
This was my plan: I would
first transfer within my
current job (Topshop) and
work in the Oxford Circus
location (aka the biggest
and best Topshop known
to man). That was going
to be my foot into the
country. Then I thought
that I’m going to school,
I should probably try to
make use of my degree,
So I told myself that
since that I would work
at Topshop and during the
week I will try to get work
experience at BBC (the
dream job in my opinion).
I thought this plan was
fool proof. Use Topshop
to get to London and once
I’m there further my ca-
But then I hit a stump.
Topshop is one to help
you grow and move with-
in the company. The one
thing they don’t tell you,
they won’t sponsor you.
I quickly started to talk
myself out of moving to
“I can’t afford a visa.”
“What if I transfer as a
part time employee? I
can’t survive on that pay-
“I can’t afford rent.”
“I should stay in New
I convinced myself that
I didn’t need to move to
London. Sure I want in-
stant gratification, but I
can get there someday. I
need to focus on myself. I
need to get experience to
get the job I want.
Here I am, almost a year
after my one month in
London and I’ve never
been more torn.
After I quickly talked my-
self out of moving, put a
hold on searching for Visa
information, and talking
to HR about transferring, I
decided I should focus on
I’m graduating this com-
ing May, and the pressure
to get a job after college
never felt harder than in
this moment.
I started seeing others
around me progressing
and succeeding, and I
want to be just like them.
There’s people in my class
that had an internship over
the summer and got of-
fered a full time position.
What if that could happen
to me?
What if I was the lucky
one who got a good job
straight out of college? So
I’ve been applying to in-
ternships after internships
after internships, in hopes
of getting this final intern-
ship that can lead towards
my career.
I’m extremely torn with
what I want to do with
myself. Do I stay in New
York (The best place to
be for TV) and get the
job I always wanted or do
I make my way to Lon-
don and find myself? It’s
a hard decision when I’m
physically in New York
City, but my heart was left
in London.
Surely I need my heart
back, but when will I re-
trieve it?
9 10
Places You
Want To Go
If you’ve never been to Toronto or even upstate New
York, your first stop needs to be Niagara Falls. Take a
day to spend it at one of the worlds iconic waterfall.
There are different ways to see the falls: the classic
cruise ride, a beautiful helicopter ride, a daring whirl-
pool jet (If you don’t mind getting soaking wet), and a
viewing deck 775ft above the falls in the Skylon Tower.
You can even get into the falls with the attraction “Jour-
ney Behind the Falls” where a tunnel of bedrock canals
put you behind the falls to experience the thundering
waterfall first hand.
Travel Tip: Make sure to bring your umbrella!
Make sure you visit the tallest free standing structure
in the western hemisphere when you Toronto. The CN
Tower is a Canadian symbol and a staple in the Toronto
Skyline. Take an impressive glass elevator straight to
the top to experience the height of the tower at three
different levels! If you’re feeling adventurous, stand
above the glass floor and see 1,122 feet straight down.
Experience the highest observation platform in the
world by taking an elevator 1,465 feet above the ground
to the sky pod. If your feeling daring than make sure
you get yourself a ticket to the edge walk (the highest
free hand walk around an edge). Look out into the city
or even down at the Rogers Stadium.
On a good day, you can even see Niagara Falls which is
only 100 miles away.
Visit the home of the Toronto Blue Jays at Rogers Sta-
dium. Its just southwest of the CN Tower. Its a mul-
tifunctional stadium where they host Major League
Baseball games, Canadian Football League games, Ma-
jor League Soccer games and iconic concerts.
Rogers stadium is also the first stadium to have a mo-
torized retractable dome that can open or close in a
short 20 minutes.
The coolest part about the stadium, if you’re inside on
a good day when the dome is open you can look up and
see the CN Tower and wave to all the braving souls on
the EdgeWalk above.
Step back in time and visit the former home to Sir Hen-
ry Mill Pellatt. This gothic style home is complete with
98 rooms with decorated suites and secret passages.
Explore all aspects of the museum and you will not be
Walk the grounds, smell the flowers the garden, and
walk through different parts of the house on three dif-
ferent floors and a lower level.
The home is a great tourist attraction to wander through
the halls, tunnels, and old libraries. If you have the buck
to spend you can even host weddings and events at this
Your Guide To Running Through
The Six With Your Woes
11 12
Places You
Canada, eh?
The most iconic place you can visit in Montreal is
Olympic Stadium. The stadium was built in 1970 for
the 1976 olympics, and today you can take a quick tour
around to learn about all the historic games and events
that took place.
Outside the stadium you can admire flags from all
around the world as well as take a picture of the five
olympic rings.
Attached to the Olympic Stadium is the Montreal Tow-
er, the world’s tallest inclined tower. The structure
stands 541 feet tall at a 45 degree incline. Tourist are
encourage to climb to the top.
Explore the impressive collection of 22,000 plant spe-
cies and 10 exhibition greenhouses in the Montreal Bo-
tanical Garden. There are plenty of reasons to experi-
ence everything at the Botanical Garden.
One exhibition thats phenomenal is “A Caterpillar’s
life” where you can walk around and fly with the but-
terflies (of course only the butterflies fly).
After watching a caterpillar spread its wings step out-
side and walk through the 20 thematic gardens where
you will find beautiful plant sculptures.
A Fun Fact: Visit the botanical gardens in the winter
and you can ski along its three kilometres of groomed
cross-country ski trails.
Take a walk through a replica of the four ecosystems in
The Montreal Biodome allows you to take a self-guided
tour through the tropical rainforest, Laurentian Maple
Forest, Gulf of Lawrence, and Sub-Polar Regions. Each
room feels like you have stepped into another world.
Feel the humidity of the rain forest and the heat of the
maple forest for yourself and understand what it is like
to live in certain climates.
Get yourself a ticket today to see all the wonderful an-
imals of our world.
Mount Royal park is the largest park (and highest point)
in the city. It was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted,
who also co designed New York City’s Central Park.
Take a stroll and admire the beautiful greenery that is
Mount Royal, or hike up to the very top to ski down or
look out into the city.
After a 45 minute hike, a 30 minute bike ride, or a 15
minute drive you will be standing 764 ft above the city.
The top of the park is a gorgeous view of the skyline
that is iconic to Montreal.
13 14
Hear The Summer
Do you like music?
Do you like traveling? If
you answered yes, then
I’m here to tell you that
a music festival is proba-
bly the right thing for you.
The travel experience of
going to a music festival is
something you might have
not experienced before.
The air smells different,
the people seem nicer, and
the music sounds better.
What better way to chill
out and socialize with
friends than listening to
music everyone enjoys?
There are different types
of music festivals that
take place all over the
world, but I have a few for
you that happen right here
in the US.
Starting the list of in our
backyard is Governors
Ball that takes place in
the Big Apple. Governors
Ball is a three-day music
festival that happens in
Randall’s Island. There’s
plenty to expect in music
festivals like this. There’s
plenty of food, lawn
games, face painting, si-
lent disco, and the most
important, the music. The
festival features music
such as indie, pop, folk,
rock, electronic, and much
Fancy a music festival
with an edgier sound?
Then maybe Lollapalooza
is more for you. This Chi-
cago born music festival
started in 1991 and fea-
tures bands and solo artist
all around the world that
specialize in punk rock,
heavy metal, hip-hop and
EDM. Lollapalooza nor-
mally runs for four days,
and comedy shows in be-
tween their headlining
If you want to listen to
fewer musicians and more
DJs, you should get a tick-
et to one of the five loca-
tions the Electric Daisy
Carnival (EDC) travels to
throughout the US. EDC
features some of the best
EDM DJs from all over
Europe. It is one of the
largest electronic festivals
outside Europe. It stays
true to its name because
there’s plenty of carnival
rides spread throughout
the grounds.
One of the most popular
music festivals in North
America that has risen in
popularity over the last
few years is Coachella.
Coachella is a two-week-
end music and art festival
that takes place in the des-
sert. Celebrities and music
fanatics around the world
travel to Indio, California
to be apart of this “hippie”
experience. What have
made Coachella so pop-
ular are its campgrounds.
Partygoers set up tents
and camp out all through-
out the festival.
Have no fear! If you don’t
want to spend all dates at
the festival (or if you can-
not afford the dates) you
can always buy a one-day
general admission ticket.
All festivals release their
lineup and dates prior be-
fore ticket sales so you
can make your decision.
These tickets sell out fast
so get yours today!
15 16
A Groupie
© Kacie Diaz
© Kacie Diaz
The best thing I
ever did in my last few
years as a teen, and my
first few years as an adult
was being a fan girl.
Some might even say
I’m a groupie, a person
who tends to follow their
adored celebrities from
place to place. I have to
agree that it might be true
because I’ve done exact-
ly that and I must say it’s
been a great experience.
Music is something that
is so important to me be-
cause it’s a way people
can express them. It’s also
something that can pro-
vide an escape from reali-
ty for us listeners. There’s
no better feeling in the
world than seeing your fa-
vorite musician come on
stage with the lights and
the atmosphere. You’re
taken out of singing alone
in your bedroom or car,
and you’re placed in a gi-
ant arena filled with peo-
ple who love the one thing
you do.
I’ve always been one to
attend concerts of my fa-
vorite musicians and even
attended multiple concert
dates to see the same show.
I’ve been asked before if
I ever get tired of seeing
the same show more than
once and the answer is no.
Are you ever tired of lis-
tening to the same song at
home or even re-watching
one of your favorite mov-
As of last summer I did
something I never did be-
fore, I travelled for a con-
cert. I was waiting for my
favorite band or artist to
come to my city so I fol-
lowed them. I packed my
bags and left the state to
listen to my favorite mu-
sic live.
It doesn’t matter who I
saw or what music I liked,
what matters is the expe-
rience I had, which I’m
encouraging you to have.
I realized on my first trip
to Toronto (yes, I left the
country for a concert) that
I should have done this
Not only was I going
to see a concert I’ve been
waiting for, but I was able
to explore the world with
my friends while doing it.
We made it a weekend trip
so we can explore the city
before and after the show.
My most memorable ex-
perience was my trip to
Toronto. I went there with
nothing in mind but to see
a concert. While walking
around the city, I passed
by the CN Tower and
found out that they do the
edge walk there.
I immediately knew I had
to do it.
Its rewarding to look back
now and think that I would
have never gone to Toron-
to, let alone walk along
the edge of a building if
it wasn’t for music. Music
has given me so much in
my life. Music gave me
enjoyment, friends, and
my personal favorite, an
excuse to travel.
17 18
JFK TO LAX-- 48 hour trip west © GETTY IMAGES
Ispent 48 hours in
California. I’ve always
seen contests for a trip for
two to places around the
world and I never believed
I would be one in of them.
My friend entered a con-
test from a clothing line
called Candies, who was
promoting Fifth Harmo-
ny and she won a free trip
for 2 to LA California to
attend the teen choice
This was my first time
traveling alone so I was
super nervous. I have nev-
er travelled that far before
so it was a new experience
for me, but I wouldn’t
trade it for anything.
I had the best time of my
So we left on Saturday,
August 15. Our flight was
at 5pm, which I wasn’t
too happy about because
I wanted to get there ear-
ly and spend the day. We
only had two nights to
spend in L.A., but I still
had a great time.
We got off of our flight at
10pm and went straight to
the most popular burger
joint on the west coast; In-
n-Out Burger.
We took an Uber to our
hotel and stayed at the
JW Marriot, which was
such a beautiful hotel. We
walked around the hotel
to check it out, and then
went to bed because we
had an early morning the
next day.
We set our alarm for
7:00am since this was our
only day to explore, and
so we went to the Holly-
wood Walk of Fame. We
walked around and got to
see all the stars and the
Chinese Theatre.
Then we went to
get our makeup done at
Sephora for the awards
We just so happened to be
staying at the same hotel
as Fifth Harmony and got
to see them leave while
we waited for our car to
pick us up and take us to
the awards.
We had amazing seats
and it was my first award
It was the best experience
We go to go to the after
party and saw a bunch of
celebrities. We had fun
dancing and then it was
time to go back to the ho-
tel as our flight was early
the next morning.
Time always flies when
you’re having fun. The
time I spent in California
was the best 48 hours I’ve
ever experienced.
Spontaneous trips are the
ones that end up being the
most memorable.
19 20
Broke Friends Who Travel Traveling when you’re broke is
Start saving your pennies
because this is how I travel with
an empty wallet.
Traveling with
friends can always be fun,
but when doing so you
need to make sure you all
are on the same page when
it comes to certain things.
Going on a trip can be very
pricey, and if you’re broke
(like me) then you’re go-
ing to be on a tight budget.
For example, if you’re
traveling in a group you
can always split the cost
of a hotel, transportation,
and food. Finding some-
one in the same situation
as you is beneficial be-
cause you are able to save
money and they’ll under-
I recently went to Canada
with a group of friends for
a concert and we planned
this trip throughout the
year. We bought tickets to
see our favorite band One
Direction early in October
and the concert would be
in August. This was one
of the first big purchas-
es I had made because I
was leaving the country.
Fast forward a couple of
months, we purchased
our plane tickets in April
and then booked a hotel,
which we split two ways.
Make sure the people you
are traveling with have
the same bank as you or
at least have apps where
they can transfer money
in case of an emergency
where you need to split
the cost of something.
QuickPay is a lifesaver in
all situations!
In order to save money,
plan out exactly what you
are going to do and how
much these things are go-
ing to cost you.
A good tip is to write
down everything you are
wasting money on in or-
der to keep track of how
much you are spending.
It helps you save money
and control your spending
habits as opposed to reck-
lessly swiping your credit
Not only this, but skip-
ping meals also helps! Be
real, you’re only going
to spend your money on
drinks anyways! The cost
of drinks will be practi-
cally nothing because you
can also get those for free.
What I always do is buy a
bunch of snacks the first
night while you’re there
and just make them last
throughout the whole stay,
or maybe you’ll get lucky
and you find free food
somehow. It’s happened
to me before!
Overall, being cheap is the
struggle, so find friends
that are just as cheap as
you and you’ll be fine.
You can always slave
your days away at work
when you get back from
vacation to save up all
that money you just spent
while doing God knows
what in another country.
21 22
A Travel Guide I Made For You

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  • 1. L O N D O N L A D I E S A Travel Guide I Made For You
  • 2. MY EXPERIENCE ABROAD LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM BY KACIE DIAZ PHOTOGRAPH: TRAFALGAR SQUARE The best decision I ever made was studying abroad. I spent the sum- mer of 2015 in London, England. I’ve always wanted to visit, and I knew that the only way to properly experience Lon- don was to live there. I always thought study- ing abroad was a myth. Surely people went, but not me. One day I sat with my parents and told them I wanted to study abroad , and shockingly, they thought it was a good idea. So I attended my school’s study abroad fair and contacted the coor- dinator to make my trip to London possible. With the help of my mom and dad, I was able to turn this dream into a reality. I was going to London. In just a few short months after applying, I was on the plane flying to my new home for the next few weeks. When the plane land- ed, it was something I couldn’t wrap my head around. At first I thought it wasn’t real. How could I have traveled eight hours on a plane and be in an- other country without my parents and no cellphone service? That first week I had my tourist meter on at full blast wanting to see anything and everything I could. Then I realized I need- ed to slow down because I had three more weeks in London. This trip marked the first time in my life that I had been away from my parents for so long. No one was there to cook din- ner for me or help me find my way around the city. I truly felt lost. It was the days I sat on the tube alone that I re- alized that I might, no I could do this on my own. I matured tremendously in just one month. I was cooking and caring for myself, taking the tube to a random station just to walk around, and taking in London Calling--Destined to discover new place in the world, Kacie Diaz disccusses her first weeks of travel the culture all while main- taining my school work. Needless to say, finding a balance wasn’t easy. I say it all the time -- I found myself in London. On the plane ride back I realized that I liked who I was in London; someone who was mature, cultured, and well spoken. No one knew me, and maybe the Kacie I was there is the Kacie I truly am. © Kacie Diaz 1 2
  • 3. Have you ever spoken to someone who just came back from backpacking around Europe? If you have, you know that they can never stop talking about their travels. Well of course they can’t -- its an amazing experience. Some people might not understand its importance, but I’m here to give you the five reasons to inspire you to travel. 1. Experience A Different Culture Do you know of a better way to understand a culture than living in it? The answer is no. When you’re visiting countries you get to eat all of the food, which the culture has to offer. First hand ex- periences are the number one learning key. Trav- eling offers you the knowledge that is not taught in textbooks. The best way to learn about a culture is to live it. 2. Travel To Another Country For Cheap Once you’re abroad in Europe, the travel bug would have sunk its teeth in you and the urge to see more will be apparent. The best part about Europe is that all the countries are super close to one another. So say “bye” to driving eight hours through the same state and say “hello” to another country in just a few hours or less. With sites like, round trip rail passes between countries start as low as $50. If that doesn’t make you want to travel more, I don’t know what will. 3. Make New Friends Traveling is about seeing places and of course meeting new people. Whether your in a tourist spot, a restaurant, or bar there will always be one thing in common, people. The same way you meet people at home you can meet them abroad. The best place to make new relationships is abroad. Connecting with locals or even world travelers like yourself is a great way to start a bond. Making connections is lways important no matter where you go. Of course, having place to stay when trav- eling to a place outside home is also a plus. 4. Make Memories After you’ve seen the sights in postcards and shared a drink with friends at the Trevi Fountain its going to be a moment you will never forget. The best and worst experiences will always be the most memorable. No one likes hostels and as horrible as your stay at one might be, its going to be a time you never forget. Sometimes the worst experiences make for great memories. So while you’re having a terrible time think about the story you get to tell your friends back at home. 5. The Want to Travel More Before your trip is even over the want to travel again will be stronger than ever. As sad as you might be to come home, you will never lose the things you learned, the photos you took, the friends you made, or the memories you have. That flight back home might be the saddest ride, but as you sit and watch the inflight tv to track the plane’s journey, you won’t be able to stop yourself from planning your next vacation. Don’t you think its time that you become one of those people who backpack across Europe? Its your turn to tell the stories and share the memo- ries. Pack your bags, get your passport and take risks to learn new things! Five Reasons Why Traveling to Europe Is Worth It ©GETTY IMAGES 3 4
  • 4. BLEECKER BURGER Old Spitafields Market South Bank Canary Wharf The Time To Travel Is Now I bet you’ve been told that you have your whole life to travel. I can’t stress it enough to you enough that it is the fur- thest thing from the truth. If anyone is going to be honest to you, its going to be me. The time to travel is now! Don’t let others con- vince you that you have your whole life left to travel. Sure it might be true, but you won’t have the same experience trav- eling now. What excuses do you have not to travel now? The answer is none. If you’re still living at home and have no responsibili- ties, then that’s the perfect excuse you need to go travel. Don’t think about work- ing and saving money so you can travel. You have you’re entire life to work. You won’t have the time to travel for more than two weeks at a time if your job lets you. If you don’t have the time to travel during college, then find the time after you graduate. Give yourself a grace pe- riod to find yourself. Trav- el and don’t be afraid to do it by yourself. There’s not always going to be a person holding your hand throughout every step of your life. Step out of your comfort zone and do things you never thought of doing, because the reward will be much greater. Nothing is better than having a con- versation about the time you backpacked through Spain alone. Or the time you looked down at all of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower. So stop coming up with excuses to keep you from traveling. Don’t tell yourself that you’ll travel eventually, because in a short 20 or even 40 years down the line you will look back and think to your self, “I should have traveled when I had the chance.” Don’t let that person be you. Tick Tock--Why it is better to travel at an earlier date? © Kacie Diaz © Kacie Diaz 5 6
  • 5. Six Travel Essentials You Don’t Want To Forget I’ve traveled enough and had travel disasters so you don’t have to. Here’s a few of my travel essentials that I can’t go without Just admit it, carrying around your passport in a foreign country is not the best thing to do. A safer alternative is photocopying your passport so you don’t need to worry about losing it. A photo copy of the first two pages -- the ones with your personal information and photo -- is a valid form of identification without having the physical copy in your presence. Photocopy of Your Passport This may seem like a no brainer, but when it comes time to filling out the customs form on the airplane or train you don’t want to be the passen- ger who asks around to borrow one. Instead, pack a pen in every bag so you know you have one somewhere. Plus, when the pas- senger to your left asks if you have a pen you’ll be glad to say you do. Bring Pens Ziplock Bags A travel life save: Ziplock bags. Pack all your liq- uid travel essentials in plastic ziplock bags to be organized and, most importantly, prevent spills. Limit your ziplock bags to four items. Make sure they don’t break during travel, and don’t forget to bring extra just incase some do break. You don’t want to end up purchasing some other liquids that might break. First Aid Kit You may not injure yourself, but the slight chanc- es that you will be prepared. Save yourself time and pain by having supplies hands on. An important must have in your first aid kit is pain relievers. 10-hour flights are painfully long and an intense headache is not something you need. Bringing your own medication is a penny saver. Snacks Be honest, you get the munchies at the worsts time. Whats worse than getting the cravings in the middle of a flight or in the middle of the night when everything in the city is closed. Packed snacks will be your life saver. Whether its chips, cookies, or even an instant meal to save yourself from your late night cravings, it’s always good to have extra food at your disposal. Universal Adapter If you’re traveling around Europe its probably wise that you carry around a universal adapter. Its the 21st Century and you need to make sure all your electronics are charged. A universal adapter may be a bit pricier than a standard one, but it’ll be worth it when you hop from the United Kingdom to Spain. Get one that you know you can use anywhere around the world. © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES 7 8
  • 6. I Left My Heart In London LOST BUT FOUND-- The story where I know I lost myself © Kacie Diaz Traveling Europe has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. I always want- ed to see new places and faces while making mem- ories that no one else but I could have. After travelling to Spain and France I became ob- sessed with the idea of traveling to London. It was like New York yet en- tirely different, and I just needed to make it there some how. There was this never-end- ing desire I had to go to England that I could not even begin to explain. The more I tried to con- tain it, the more obsessed I became with the Brits. There was no escape for me. I started following the culture from bed in New York and I knew about London as if I already traveled there. This past summer I was able to live out a fantasy that I always created in my mind. I spent a month in London and I’ve never been happier. I did go for a summer course, but that just added to the experi- ence. It was my first time away from my parents for over a week, the first time I was living on my own, and the first time I felt free. At first it was so surreal I could not believe it was actually there. Once my initial shock was over ev- erything just felt right. I was only there for one month, but in that one month I cooked, cleaned, and did everything by my- self. Halfway through my stay I asked myself; how I could picture myself liv- ing there? I wanted to live in Shoreditch and ride the tube to Oxford everyday for longer than just one month. Sadly, my trip had to come to an end. I packed my bags back up and I flew back home. I thought that I got London out of my system. You know? I went there, I don’t need to go again. Oh was I wrong. My obsession became ex- cessive. I started looking for “flatemates” and the average rent rates in all parts of the city. I was de- termined to move there. I came up with a plan. This was my plan: I would first transfer within my current job (Topshop) and work in the Oxford Circus location (aka the biggest and best Topshop known to man). That was going to be my foot into the country. Then I thought that I’m going to school, I should probably try to make use of my degree, right? So I told myself that since that I would work at Topshop and during the week I will try to get work experience at BBC (the dream job in my opinion). I thought this plan was fool proof. Use Topshop to get to London and once I’m there further my ca- reer. But then I hit a stump. Topshop is one to help you grow and move with- in the company. The one thing they don’t tell you, they won’t sponsor you. I quickly started to talk myself out of moving to London. “I can’t afford a visa.” “What if I transfer as a part time employee? I can’t survive on that pay- check.” “I can’t afford rent.” “I should stay in New York.” I convinced myself that I didn’t need to move to London. Sure I want in- stant gratification, but I can get there someday. I need to focus on myself. I need to get experience to get the job I want. Here I am, almost a year after my one month in London and I’ve never been more torn. After I quickly talked my- self out of moving, put a hold on searching for Visa information, and talking to HR about transferring, I decided I should focus on graduating. I’m graduating this com- ing May, and the pressure to get a job after college never felt harder than in this moment. I started seeing others around me progressing and succeeding, and I want to be just like them. There’s people in my class that had an internship over the summer and got of- fered a full time position. What if that could happen to me? What if I was the lucky one who got a good job straight out of college? So I’ve been applying to in- ternships after internships after internships, in hopes of getting this final intern- ship that can lead towards my career. I’m extremely torn with what I want to do with myself. Do I stay in New York (The best place to be for TV) and get the job I always wanted or do I make my way to Lon- don and find myself? It’s a hard decision when I’m physically in New York City, but my heart was left in London. Surely I need my heart back, but when will I re- trieve it? 9 10
  • 7. Places You Want To Go TORONTO : NIAGARA FALLS If you’ve never been to Toronto or even upstate New York, your first stop needs to be Niagara Falls. Take a day to spend it at one of the worlds iconic waterfall. There are different ways to see the falls: the classic cruise ride, a beautiful helicopter ride, a daring whirl- pool jet (If you don’t mind getting soaking wet), and a viewing deck 775ft above the falls in the Skylon Tower. You can even get into the falls with the attraction “Jour- ney Behind the Falls” where a tunnel of bedrock canals put you behind the falls to experience the thundering waterfall first hand. Travel Tip: Make sure to bring your umbrella! CN TOWER CASA LOMA ROGERS CENTRE Make sure you visit the tallest free standing structure in the western hemisphere when you Toronto. The CN Tower is a Canadian symbol and a staple in the Toronto Skyline. Take an impressive glass elevator straight to the top to experience the height of the tower at three different levels! If you’re feeling adventurous, stand above the glass floor and see 1,122 feet straight down. Experience the highest observation platform in the world by taking an elevator 1,465 feet above the ground to the sky pod. If your feeling daring than make sure you get yourself a ticket to the edge walk (the highest free hand walk around an edge). Look out into the city or even down at the Rogers Stadium. On a good day, you can even see Niagara Falls which is only 100 miles away. Visit the home of the Toronto Blue Jays at Rogers Sta- dium. Its just southwest of the CN Tower. Its a mul- tifunctional stadium where they host Major League Baseball games, Canadian Football League games, Ma- jor League Soccer games and iconic concerts. Rogers stadium is also the first stadium to have a mo- torized retractable dome that can open or close in a short 20 minutes. The coolest part about the stadium, if you’re inside on a good day when the dome is open you can look up and see the CN Tower and wave to all the braving souls on the EdgeWalk above. Step back in time and visit the former home to Sir Hen- ry Mill Pellatt. This gothic style home is complete with 98 rooms with decorated suites and secret passages. Explore all aspects of the museum and you will not be disspointed. Walk the grounds, smell the flowers the garden, and walk through different parts of the house on three dif- ferent floors and a lower level. The home is a great tourist attraction to wander through the halls, tunnels, and old libraries. If you have the buck to spend you can even host weddings and events at this Your Guide To Running Through The Six With Your Woes © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES© GETTY IMAGES© GETTY IMAGES 11 12
  • 8. Places You Want To Go : MONTREAL Canada, eh? OLYMPIC STADIUM © GETTY IMAGES BOTANICAL GARDEN BIODOME MOUNT ROYAL LOOKOUT The most iconic place you can visit in Montreal is Olympic Stadium. The stadium was built in 1970 for the 1976 olympics, and today you can take a quick tour around to learn about all the historic games and events that took place. Outside the stadium you can admire flags from all around the world as well as take a picture of the five olympic rings. Attached to the Olympic Stadium is the Montreal Tow- er, the world’s tallest inclined tower. The structure stands 541 feet tall at a 45 degree incline. Tourist are encourage to climb to the top. Explore the impressive collection of 22,000 plant spe- cies and 10 exhibition greenhouses in the Montreal Bo- tanical Garden. There are plenty of reasons to experi- ence everything at the Botanical Garden. One exhibition thats phenomenal is “A Caterpillar’s life” where you can walk around and fly with the but- terflies (of course only the butterflies fly). After watching a caterpillar spread its wings step out- side and walk through the 20 thematic gardens where you will find beautiful plant sculptures. A Fun Fact: Visit the botanical gardens in the winter and you can ski along its three kilometres of groomed cross-country ski trails. Take a walk through a replica of the four ecosystems in America. The Montreal Biodome allows you to take a self-guided tour through the tropical rainforest, Laurentian Maple Forest, Gulf of Lawrence, and Sub-Polar Regions. Each room feels like you have stepped into another world. Feel the humidity of the rain forest and the heat of the maple forest for yourself and understand what it is like to live in certain climates. Get yourself a ticket today to see all the wonderful an- imals of our world. Mount Royal park is the largest park (and highest point) in the city. It was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, who also co designed New York City’s Central Park. Take a stroll and admire the beautiful greenery that is Mount Royal, or hike up to the very top to ski down or look out into the city. After a 45 minute hike, a 30 minute bike ride, or a 15 minute drive you will be standing 764 ft above the city. The top of the park is a gorgeous view of the skyline that is iconic to Montreal. © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES 13 14
  • 9. Hear The Summer FROM GOVERNORS BALL TO COACHELLA-- travel for music © GETTY IMAGES © GETTY IMAGES Do you like music? Do you like traveling? If you answered yes, then I’m here to tell you that a music festival is proba- bly the right thing for you. The travel experience of going to a music festival is something you might have not experienced before. The air smells different, the people seem nicer, and the music sounds better. What better way to chill out and socialize with friends than listening to music everyone enjoys? There are different types of music festivals that take place all over the world, but I have a few for you that happen right here in the US. Starting the list of in our backyard is Governors Ball that takes place in the Big Apple. Governors Ball is a three-day music festival that happens in Randall’s Island. There’s plenty to expect in music festivals like this. There’s plenty of food, lawn games, face painting, si- lent disco, and the most important, the music. The festival features music such as indie, pop, folk, rock, electronic, and much more. Fancy a music festival with an edgier sound? Then maybe Lollapalooza is more for you. This Chi- cago born music festival started in 1991 and fea- tures bands and solo artist all around the world that specialize in punk rock, heavy metal, hip-hop and EDM. Lollapalooza nor- mally runs for four days, and comedy shows in be- tween their headlining musicians. If you want to listen to fewer musicians and more DJs, you should get a tick- et to one of the five loca- tions the Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) travels to throughout the US. EDC features some of the best EDM DJs from all over Europe. It is one of the largest electronic festivals outside Europe. It stays true to its name because there’s plenty of carnival rides spread throughout the grounds. One of the most popular music festivals in North America that has risen in popularity over the last few years is Coachella. Coachella is a two-week- end music and art festival that takes place in the des- sert. Celebrities and music fanatics around the world travel to Indio, California to be apart of this “hippie” experience. What have made Coachella so pop- ular are its campgrounds. Partygoers set up tents and camp out all through- out the festival. Have no fear! If you don’t want to spend all dates at the festival (or if you can- not afford the dates) you can always buy a one-day general admission ticket. All festivals release their lineup and dates prior be- fore ticket sales so you can make your decision. These tickets sell out fast so get yours today! 15 16
  • 10. More Than A Groupie AT THECN TOWER © Kacie Diaz © Kacie Diaz The best thing I ever did in my last few years as a teen, and my first few years as an adult was being a fan girl. Some might even say I’m a groupie, a person who tends to follow their adored celebrities from place to place. I have to agree that it might be true because I’ve done exact- ly that and I must say it’s been a great experience. Music is something that is so important to me be- cause it’s a way people can express them. It’s also something that can pro- vide an escape from reali- ty for us listeners. There’s no better feeling in the world than seeing your fa- vorite musician come on stage with the lights and the atmosphere. You’re taken out of singing alone in your bedroom or car, and you’re placed in a gi- ant arena filled with peo- ple who love the one thing you do. I’ve always been one to attend concerts of my fa- vorite musicians and even attended multiple concert dates to see the same show. I’ve been asked before if I ever get tired of seeing the same show more than once and the answer is no. Are you ever tired of lis- tening to the same song at home or even re-watching one of your favorite mov- ies? As of last summer I did something I never did be- fore, I travelled for a con- cert. I was waiting for my favorite band or artist to come to my city so I fol- lowed them. I packed my bags and left the state to listen to my favorite mu- sic live. It doesn’t matter who I saw or what music I liked, what matters is the expe- rience I had, which I’m encouraging you to have. I realized on my first trip to Toronto (yes, I left the country for a concert) that I should have done this sooner. Not only was I going to see a concert I’ve been waiting for, but I was able to explore the world with my friends while doing it. We made it a weekend trip so we can explore the city before and after the show. My most memorable ex- perience was my trip to Toronto. I went there with nothing in mind but to see a concert. While walking around the city, I passed by the CN Tower and found out that they do the edge walk there. I immediately knew I had to do it. Its rewarding to look back now and think that I would have never gone to Toron- to, let alone walk along the edge of a building if it wasn’t for music. Music has given me so much in my life. Music gave me enjoyment, friends, and my personal favorite, an excuse to travel. 17 18
  • 11. 48 HOURS IN HOLLYWOOD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA BY KACIE DIAZ JFK TO LAX-- 48 hour trip west © GETTY IMAGES Ispent 48 hours in California. I’ve always seen contests for a trip for two to places around the world and I never believed I would be one in of them. My friend entered a con- test from a clothing line called Candies, who was promoting Fifth Harmo- ny and she won a free trip for 2 to LA California to attend the teen choice awards. This was my first time traveling alone so I was super nervous. I have nev- er travelled that far before so it was a new experience for me, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I had the best time of my life. So we left on Saturday, August 15. Our flight was at 5pm, which I wasn’t too happy about because I wanted to get there ear- ly and spend the day. We only had two nights to spend in L.A., but I still had a great time. We got off of our flight at 10pm and went straight to the most popular burger joint on the west coast; In- n-Out Burger. We took an Uber to our hotel and stayed at the JW Marriot, which was such a beautiful hotel. We walked around the hotel to check it out, and then went to bed because we had an early morning the next day. We set our alarm for 7:00am since this was our only day to explore, and so we went to the Holly- wood Walk of Fame. We walked around and got to see all the stars and the Chinese Theatre. Then we went to get our makeup done at Sephora for the awards show. We just so happened to be staying at the same hotel as Fifth Harmony and got to see them leave while we waited for our car to pick us up and take us to the awards. We had amazing seats and it was my first award show. It was the best experience ever. We go to go to the after party and saw a bunch of celebrities. We had fun dancing and then it was time to go back to the ho- tel as our flight was early the next morning. Time always flies when you’re having fun. The time I spent in California was the best 48 hours I’ve ever experienced. Spontaneous trips are the ones that end up being the most memorable. 19 20
  • 12. Broke Friends Who Travel Traveling when you’re broke is tough. Start saving your pennies because this is how I travel with an empty wallet. © GETTY IMAGES Traveling with friends can always be fun, but when doing so you need to make sure you all are on the same page when it comes to certain things. Going on a trip can be very pricey, and if you’re broke (like me) then you’re go- ing to be on a tight budget. For example, if you’re traveling in a group you can always split the cost of a hotel, transportation, and food. Finding some- one in the same situation as you is beneficial be- cause you are able to save money and they’ll under- stand. I recently went to Canada with a group of friends for a concert and we planned this trip throughout the year. We bought tickets to see our favorite band One Direction early in October and the concert would be in August. This was one of the first big purchas- es I had made because I was leaving the country. Fast forward a couple of months, we purchased our plane tickets in April and then booked a hotel, which we split two ways. Make sure the people you are traveling with have the same bank as you or at least have apps where they can transfer money in case of an emergency where you need to split the cost of something. QuickPay is a lifesaver in all situations! In order to save money, plan out exactly what you are going to do and how much these things are go- ing to cost you. A good tip is to write down everything you are wasting money on in or- der to keep track of how much you are spending. It helps you save money and control your spending habits as opposed to reck- lessly swiping your credit card! Not only this, but skip- ping meals also helps! Be real, you’re only going to spend your money on drinks anyways! The cost of drinks will be practi- cally nothing because you can also get those for free. What I always do is buy a bunch of snacks the first night while you’re there and just make them last throughout the whole stay, or maybe you’ll get lucky and you find free food somehow. It’s happened to me before! Overall, being cheap is the struggle, so find friends that are just as cheap as you and you’ll be fine. You can always slave your days away at work when you get back from vacation to save up all that money you just spent while doing God knows what in another country. 21 22
  • 13. L O N D O N L A D I E S A Travel Guide I Made For You