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                                                Stay on Top of Best in Business Knowledge

                                                                                                                January 6, 2011

10 Steps to Successful
ASTD Editors

©2008 by American Society for Training & Development
Adapted by permission of ASTD
ISBN: 978-1-56286-514-6

It is not unusual for today’s business professional to                 alike, it is wise to periodically review the basics about
be expected to deliver effective communication and                     structuring and presenting information.
presentation skills. Ten Steps to Successful Presen-                   Step One: Know the Audience and Purpose:
tations by the American Society for Training and                       The Five Ws and More
Development provides a framework that will help
business people create an effective presentation in a                  When planning a presentation it is essential to under-
short period of time. The tips and examples will help                  stand: who, what, where, when, and why before
with both large and small presentations. Potential                     beginning to create the presentation. This information
presenters will learn skills such as: how to conduct                   will provide the direction for creating the presenta-
an audience analysis, plan the presentation outline,                   tion outline.
develop content, select visual aids, demonstrate                       1.	 Start with asking the question, who will be in the
polished presentation skills, and use facilitation tech-                   audience? Analyzing the make-up of the people
niques to engage the audience.                                             who will be on the receiving end of the infor-
PART I: Preparing for the Presentation                                     mation will provide key insights for developing
                                                                           the presentation’s content. No two audiences are
Standing in front of a group of people who expect
                                                                           alike, so a presentation that works for one audi-
to see an effective presentation can be a frightening
                                                                           ence might miss the mark with another. Knowing
experience. For seasoned professionals and novices
                                                                           who will hear the presentation helps determine
Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved
10 Steps to Successful Presentations	                                                                                 ASTD Editors

    the purpose of the presentation and also allows
    the presenter to anticipate what the hot topics
    might be. Some of the key questions to ask about                       Key Concepts
    the audience are:
                                                                           There are ten steps to follow to quickly plan,
    •	 Are members of the audience affiliated with a                       develop, and deliver a successful presentation.
       particular industry or profession?
                                                                           Step One: Know the audience and purpose.
    •	 Are they required to attend the presentation
       or is it optional?                                                  Step Two: Develop and structure the presenta-
    •	 What is known about their background and
       knowledge of the topic?                                             Step Three: Create appropriate visual aids

2.	 Once the audience analysis is complete, research                       Step Four: Make it memorable
    on the what of the presentation. This involves a                       Step Five: Make sure the venue and environ-
    thorough education on the content and subject                          ment are favorable
    matter of the presentation. This can involve a
                                                                           Step Six: Review basic communication tech-
    basic Internet search or it could require conduct-
    ing interviews with subject matter experts. Armed
    with the knowledge of who is in the audience, the                      Step Seven: Build in facilitation techniques
    content can be designed to build upon what the
                                                                           Step Eight: Practice, practice, practice
    audience already knows or believes about the
    topic.                                                                 Step Nine: Pause and refresh

3.	 While audience and topic are at the top of the                         Step Ten: Deliver a flawless presentation, no
    list when preparing for a presentation, where the                      matter what
    presentation will take place is an important factor                                           g g g g
    as well. The best prepared speaker can still fail if
    the facility is sub-par. Difficulties can arise if the
    sound or lighting is bad, or if it is too cold, hot,                   Information about this book and other business titles:
    or overcrowded. An ideal facility ensures that the                             
    audience can listen in safety and comfort.
4.	 When the presentation occurs, is another piece of                            Related summaries in the BBS Library:
    the presentation puzzle. It can affect not only                               Speak with Power and Confidence
    the structure of the presentation, but also the                                 Tested Ideas for Becoming a More
    types of activities, breakouts, or facilitation tech-                               Powerful Communicator
    niques that will be necessary to keep the audience                                       Patrick Collins
    actively engaged.
                                                                                          Words That Work
5.	 The analysis of the audience will provide the                             It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear
    bulk of the information required for tailoring the                                      Dr. Frank Luntz
    presentation, but another part of the planning
                                                                                        How to Sell Yourself
    equation should focus on why the audience is there.
                                                                            Using Leadership, Likeability, and Luck to Succeed
    Is there a specific action that the audience needs                                      Arch Lustberg
    to take or a point of view that they should hold
    when they leave? Knowledge of the desired out-
    come will play in part in the content development
    and the structure of the presentation.
The information gathered in the who, what, where,
Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved                       Page 2
10 Steps to Successful Presentations	                                                                             ASTD Editors

when, and why analysis will also play a big factor in                  easier for the audience to remember them.
determining the type of presentation. If it is a short
                                                                       Closing: It should be memorable, provide a brief
presentation and the audience has some knowledge
                                                                       review of key points, and, if appropriate, a call to
of the topic or situation, then a briefing might suffice.
If the audience needs to be persuaded or motivated,
a speech might be most effective. If it is a conference                When developing the presentation there specific
or training session, then a more elaborate, interactive                aspects that should be a part of it. It should be valu-
presentation may be required.                                          able to the audience. Listeners expect substance
                                                                       and new insights. Also, it must have clarity and be
Step Two: Develop and Structure the Presentation
                                                                       tailored for the audience. This means that the key
Every part of the presentation should be thoroughly                    points are clearly delineated for the audience and
planned; there should be an attention-grabbing intro-                  developed based on the audience analysis. The pre-
duction, then layering transitions between content                     sentation should also follow a logical sequence where
elements. It should end by rounding out the final                      information is provided in a way that is clearly under-
summation and closing of the presentation. No matter                   standable.
what the purpose, every presen-
tation should include:              A successful presentation         begins by grabbing the audi-
Meeting and greeting the audi-             ence’s attention. If you grab them early, you will keep
ence: This might include meeting
individual participants as they
                                           them engaged
walk into the facility or room or, for larger groups, a                Part II: Developing the Presentation
more general greeting at the beginning of the presen-                  Analyzing the audience and determining the struc-
tation.                                                                ture and content of the presentation are two important
An opening sequence: Effectively opening a presen-                     steps, but they are only part of what makes a presen-
tation is crucial. It should establish the credibility of              tation effective.
the speaker, grab the audience’s attention, and set                    Step Three: Create Appropriate Visual Aids
                                                                       Chances are at least one visual aid will be included
Transitions between sections of content: Smooth                        in the presentation, because visuals can help provide
transitions from point to point help link the presenta-                clarity. However, if not planned carefully, they can
tion as a whole piece.                                                 distract from the presentation rather than add value.
Content: The content should specifically support the                   Visual aids, when used well, help reinforce the points
purpose and main point of the presentation and meet                    in a presentation and may help the audience remem-
the needs of the audience. It is best to limit the sup-                ber them. They also help:
porting points to between three and five to make it
                                                                       •	 the presenter control the flow and structure of the
                                                                          information and maintain the audience’s attention

   About the Author                                                    •	 communicate messages more efficiently

   ASTD provides professional development                              •	 define relationships within the presentation
   opportunities, content, networking, and                             •	 add interest, variety, and excitement
   resources for workplace learning and perfor-
   mance professionals. The organization sets the                      In order for visual aids to be most effective, selection
   standards for best practices within the profes-                     is important. In going back to the audience analy-
   sion.                                                               sis, try determining the audience’s learning profile.
                                                                       What is their current level of expertise with the sub-
                                                                       ject matter? Why are they attending the presentation?

Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved                  Page 3
10 Steps to Successful Presentations	                                                                            ASTD Editors

Also, look at what is known about the facility. What is                     audience.
the room size? What equipment is available?
                                                                       •	 Use humor to be inclusive not exclusive.
Visual aids can be overused and misused, so there are
                                                                       Step Five: Make Sure the Venue and Environment
some guidelines to follow. Using more visual aids is
                                                                       are Favorable
not always better. That same also holds true for the
content illustrated within a visual aid. Try and keep                  The physical environment for a presentation can
to one point per visual and avoid redundant informa-                   derail the best speaker with the best presentation. The
tion. For example, do not read aloud the information                   physical setting should match the goals of the presen-
that appears on a visual aid. The aid is there to com-                 tation and the size and needs of the audience.
pliment and clarify the message.                          Seating is a critical factor from the perspective of
                                                                              the audience. From chairs that
Getting the audience physically involved keeps them                           are comfortable enough to their
                                                                              arrangement in the room, they
engaged and helps them remember your messages                                 are an important factor that can
                                                                              influence the success of a presen-
Step Four: Make it Memorable-Add Pizzazz to the           tation. There is not a one-size fits all to set up for a
Presentation                                              presentation, but some set-ups work better for certain
                                                          presentations. Rounds are better for larger groups or
Adding elements of surprise and interest to the pre-
                                                          when there will be team or group work. Classroom
sentation help to capture and keep the audience
                                                          style makes it easier to see visual aids and helps to
engaged throughout the speech. Attention-grabbing
                                                          focus attention on the speaker. A u-shape creates a
openers, icebreakers, stories, analogies, tables, graphs,
                                                          more open environment for sharing and interaction.
and demonstrations are all things that can help make
a presentation memorable.                                 Other elements to consider when determining the
                                                          appropriate venue and set up for a presentation, if
But, just like visual aids, having the right quantity of
                                                          there are audio visuals, include the positioning of
these elements without going overboard is crucial.
                                                          screens and speakers within the room. Are screens
Avoid the temptation to “wing it.” Ad-libbing can
                                                          viewable from all of the seats? Are the speakers ade-
take a presentation off schedule and off point very
                                                          quate? If someone is seated near a speaker, will it be
                                                          too loud? Peripheral facilities, such as restrooms and a
Consider the strengths of the speaker when planning       central place for messages, temperature, lighting, and
how to make a presentation memorable. Someone             noise level should all be considered in this process.
who does not tell jokes well or cannot remember
                                                          When preparing for the presentation, information
punch lines should not try to add them to a presenta-
                                                          needs to be gathered about the time of day and length
tion. However, humor does not have to take the form
                                                          of presentation. This will help inform the need for
of a joke, and it can be effective when driving home
                                                          food and for breaks during the presentation. If food
a point. If humor is to be a part of the presentation,
                                                          is included, then make sure set up does not interfere
there are some guidelines for using it effectively.
                                                          with the presentation, and it is positioned where it is
•	 Use topic-related cartoons, stories, puns, and         easily accessible.
    anecdotes to reinforce points.
                                                          Step Six: Review Basic Communication Techniques
•	 Make sure the humorous item is relevant to the
                                                          Even with a well-researched and crafted presentation
    presentation and to the point it illustrates.
                                                          and the best possible facility, a presentation can still
•	 Avoid humor that might offend or alienate or that      fail if the presenter’s delivery style is not fine-tuned.
    is stereotypical.                                     Experienced presenters communicate effectively
                                                          through both verbal and non-verbal techniques.
•	 Practice the use of it before getting in front of the

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10 Steps to Successful Presentations	                                                                             ASTD Editors

Voice inflection can be one of the best assets for cap-                •	 Asking open-ended questions that encourage
turing and holding an audience’s attention. There are                     audience members to ask for clarification and
four key skills to consider:                                              allow for the speaker to determine understanding
                                                                          of certain key points.
•	 Projection: Everyone in the audience must be able
   to hear the speaker consistently throughout the                     •	 Listening to what participants say and repeating
   presentation.                                                          key points to show understanding of their view-
•	 Pitch: A monotone is sure to lull the audience
   to sleep. A well-modulated voice that highlights                    •	 Accepting differing opinions and views and being
   points in the presentation helps keep the audi-                        prepared to disagree with participants and to cor-
   ence’s attention.                                                      rect any misinformation that is shared
•	 Pronunciation: Clear diction is a must. If the                      •	 Use of silence to elicit a response from the audi-
   audience cannot understand what is being said,                         ence as pausing gives audience members time to
   they will tune out very quickly.                                       form their own thoughts and opinions
•	 Pace: Good speakers adjust their rate of speak-                     Step Eight: Practice, Practice, Practice
   ing to accentuate a feeling or mood. Nerves make
                                                                       Practice provides the opportunity to polish the
   some speakers speed up, so it is important to be
                                                                       content, rethink the structure, and to rehearse the
   attentive to the speed of the presentation.
                                                                       materials and presentation dynamics such as visual
Non-verbal communication skills speak just as loudly                   aids and transitions. For some memorizing the open-
as communication. Body language and gestures can                       ing is a way to help establish calm and confidence in
add emphasis or distraction to the presentation. They                  the beginning of a presentation when nerves can often
should emphasize a point or allow the speaker to                       be at their worst.
connect with the audience. Some
speakers are comfortable walking Do not forget to smile!                          A smile can pay dividends—it
around so that they can interact can be interpreted as a                          sign of your confidence, com-
with different people in the audi-
                                    mitment, and interest
In general, it is best to use quick, positive, and pur-                Although, relying on memory for an entire presen-
poseful movements of the hands, arms, and head to                      tation might not be the best plan. Have notecards or
emphasize points and connect with the audience. All                    a piece of paper with the outline and key points of
movements and gestures should look natural and                         your presentation on it and place this near the top of
help demonstrate enthusiasm and passion about the                      the table or lectern so that it does not require bending
topic.                                                                 over too far to read them. Practice using this aid so
                                                                       that it does not become a distraction during the pre-
Step Seven: Build in Facilitation Techniques to
Engage the Audience
                                                                       Some other keys to successful practice sessions
Audience participation in a presentation can be both
difficult to elicit and difficult to control. A successful
presenter knows how to use their communication                         •	 Practice in front of a mirror
skills to encourage and manage participation. Effec-
                                                                       •	 Record and play back the presentation
tive facilitators are able to create an open environment,
set guidelines for participation, acknowledge those                    •	 Ask someone to watch and provide feedback
who participate, and create transitions between par-                   •	 Read the presentation out loud
ticipation and presentation.
                                                                       •	 Focus on both verbal and nonverbal aspects
Some basic facilitation techniques include:

Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved                  Page 5
10 Steps to Successful Presentations	                                                                              ASTD Editors

•	 Have a dress rehearsal with all equipment and                            tor bulbs, jump drive
   visual aids
                                                                       •	 Extra extension cord and power strips
Part III: Giving the Presentation                                      •	 Phone numbers for the organizer and facility con-
It is natural to be nervous at the start of a presenta-                   tacts
tion. The trick is harnessing that nervous energy and
directing it toward the presentation.                                  Logistical issues are in the hands of the organizers.
                                                                       That is why arriving early to check on things, such as
Step Nine: Pause and Refresh                                           room set up, is critical. Tables and chairs can be easily
Even though it is normal to be nervous before a pre-                   rearranged or adapted to as long as there is enough
sentation, it is possible to minimize the nerves with                  time to do so. Knowing who to call to make changes
some preparation. Wear something that is comfortable                   to the room set up is important, if the problem will
and confidence-inspiring. Arrive early so that there is                prevent an effective presentation.
time to become familiar with the surroundings. Have                    The audience can also pose some challenges. Disrup-
a preparation checklist that includes checking the                     tive audience members can be one such challenge. By
equipment, room set up, getting a bottle of water, etc.                and large the audience wants the speaker to succeed
Just before the presentation do some deep-breathing                    so that their goal for obtaining information is met.
or warm up exercises to help with focus. Some speak-                   Sometimes the rest of the audience will help curb the
ers do a mental rehearsal envisioning the presentation                 disruptive member. However, they also are looking to
in their mind and they incorporate positive thinking                   see how well the speaker handles the disruption and
in their preparation. This allows them to be optimistic                moves on with the presentation.
in their approach and attitude.                                        The most unobtrusive way to handle a disruption
•	 Keep in mind: No matter how large, the audience                     is to look at the misbehaving audience member for
   is made up of individuals.                                          several seconds and to move in their direction, if pos-
                                                                       sible. It is almost a non-verbal way of saying, “stop
•	 It is rare that a speaker pleases every member of
                                                                       it.” If this does not work, pause and ask if that person
   the audience every time.
                                                                       has a question. If it continues, it might be time to take
•	 The preparation that has gone into the presenta-                    a break and to deal with the participant directly and
   tion.                                                               offline.
                                                                                            There is a perfect blend of audi-
Positive thinking focuses on being positive in your                                         ence attention and questions. But
approach and attitude. Don’t waste energy imagining                                         too many questions or too much
everything that could go wrong                                                              silence can be a distraction. Some-
                                                                                            times a single participant might
Step Ten: Deliver a Flawless Presentation-No Matter                    dominate a discussion. Acknowledge that while the
What Happens                                                           interest is appreciated, there are others in the audi-
                                                                       ence who might have questions or comments as well,
Even with intense preparation, it is impossible to
                                                                       or offer to stay after the session to ensure that the per-
anticipate everything that can happen. However, it is
                                                                       son’s questions are answered.
possible to be prepared for the unexpected. Develop-
ing a contingency tool kit will help with managing                     Dead silence is awkward as well, especially when a
and mitigating risk. Components of this toolkit should                 certain amount of time is allotted for questions and
include:                                                               answers. Sometimes audience members might be
                                                                       trying to process the information from the presenta-
•	 Duplicate set of notes and handouts, if applicable
                                                                       tion and a short break is all that is needed. Another
•	 Tape and other office supplies that might be                        technique is to ask the audience questions and see if
   needed-whiteboard markers and erasers, projec-                      that will trigger others to ask questions in return.

Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved                    Page 6
10 Steps to Successful Presentations	                                                                     ASTD Editors
                          g g g g

Features of the Book
Reading Time 3-4 hours, 188 Pages in Book
If the idea of making a presentation is overwhelming,
10 Steps to Successful Presentations by the Ameri-
can Society for Training and Development provides
a guide for developing a great presentation and han-
dling any issues that might arise. With step-by-step
guidelines, worksheets, and checklists, it is sure
to steady anyone’s nerves, and it provides a great
resource for even the most seasoned presenter.

Step One: Know Your Audience and Purpose: The 5
Ws and More
Step Two: Develop and Structure Your Presentation
Step Three: Create Appropriate Visual Aids
Step Four: Make It Memorable-Add Pizzazz to the
Step Five: Make Sure the Venue and Environment
Work in Your Favor
Step Six: Stop-Review Basic Communication Tech-
Step Seven: Build in Facilitation Techniques to Engage
Your Audience
Step Eight: Practice, Practice, Practice
Step Nine: Pause and Refresh-Relax, You’ll Do Fine
Step Ten: Deliver a Flawless Presentation-No Matter
What Happens
About ASTD

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10 Steps to Successful Presentations	                                                                                 ASTD Editors

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  • 1. BUSINESS BOOK SUMMARIES ® Stay on Top of Best in Business Knowledge SM January 6, 2011 10 Steps to Successful Presentations ASTD Editors ©2008 by American Society for Training & Development Adapted by permission of ASTD ISBN: 978-1-56286-514-6 Introduction It is not unusual for today’s business professional to alike, it is wise to periodically review the basics about be expected to deliver effective communication and structuring and presenting information. presentation skills. Ten Steps to Successful Presen- Step One: Know the Audience and Purpose: tations by the American Society for Training and The Five Ws and More Development provides a framework that will help business people create an effective presentation in a When planning a presentation it is essential to under- short period of time. The tips and examples will help stand: who, what, where, when, and why before with both large and small presentations. Potential beginning to create the presentation. This information presenters will learn skills such as: how to conduct will provide the direction for creating the presenta- an audience analysis, plan the presentation outline, tion outline. develop content, select visual aids, demonstrate 1. Start with asking the question, who will be in the polished presentation skills, and use facilitation tech- audience? Analyzing the make-up of the people niques to engage the audience. who will be on the receiving end of the infor- PART I: Preparing for the Presentation mation will provide key insights for developing the presentation’s content. No two audiences are Standing in front of a group of people who expect alike, so a presentation that works for one audi- to see an effective presentation can be a frightening ence might miss the mark with another. Knowing experience. For seasoned professionals and novices who will hear the presentation helps determine Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved
  • 2. 10 Steps to Successful Presentations ASTD Editors the purpose of the presentation and also allows the presenter to anticipate what the hot topics might be. Some of the key questions to ask about Key Concepts the audience are: There are ten steps to follow to quickly plan, • Are members of the audience affiliated with a develop, and deliver a successful presentation. particular industry or profession? Step One: Know the audience and purpose. • Are they required to attend the presentation or is it optional? Step Two: Develop and structure the presenta- tion • What is known about their background and knowledge of the topic? Step Three: Create appropriate visual aids 2. Once the audience analysis is complete, research Step Four: Make it memorable on the what of the presentation. This involves a Step Five: Make sure the venue and environ- thorough education on the content and subject ment are favorable matter of the presentation. This can involve a Step Six: Review basic communication tech- basic Internet search or it could require conduct- niques ing interviews with subject matter experts. Armed with the knowledge of who is in the audience, the Step Seven: Build in facilitation techniques content can be designed to build upon what the Step Eight: Practice, practice, practice audience already knows or believes about the topic. Step Nine: Pause and refresh 3. While audience and topic are at the top of the Step Ten: Deliver a flawless presentation, no list when preparing for a presentation, where the matter what presentation will take place is an important factor g g g g as well. The best prepared speaker can still fail if the facility is sub-par. Difficulties can arise if the sound or lighting is bad, or if it is too cold, hot, Information about this book and other business titles: or overcrowded. An ideal facility ensures that the audience can listen in safety and comfort. 4. When the presentation occurs, is another piece of Related summaries in the BBS Library: the presentation puzzle. It can affect not only Speak with Power and Confidence the structure of the presentation, but also the Tested Ideas for Becoming a More types of activities, breakouts, or facilitation tech- Powerful Communicator niques that will be necessary to keep the audience Patrick Collins actively engaged. Words That Work 5. The analysis of the audience will provide the It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear bulk of the information required for tailoring the Dr. Frank Luntz presentation, but another part of the planning How to Sell Yourself equation should focus on why the audience is there. Using Leadership, Likeability, and Luck to Succeed Is there a specific action that the audience needs Arch Lustberg to take or a point of view that they should hold when they leave? Knowledge of the desired out- come will play in part in the content development and the structure of the presentation. The information gathered in the who, what, where, Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved Page 2
  • 3. 10 Steps to Successful Presentations ASTD Editors when, and why analysis will also play a big factor in easier for the audience to remember them. determining the type of presentation. If it is a short Closing: It should be memorable, provide a brief presentation and the audience has some knowledge review of key points, and, if appropriate, a call to of the topic or situation, then a briefing might suffice. action. If the audience needs to be persuaded or motivated, a speech might be most effective. If it is a conference When developing the presentation there specific or training session, then a more elaborate, interactive aspects that should be a part of it. It should be valu- presentation may be required. able to the audience. Listeners expect substance and new insights. Also, it must have clarity and be Step Two: Develop and Structure the Presentation tailored for the audience. This means that the key Every part of the presentation should be thoroughly points are clearly delineated for the audience and planned; there should be an attention-grabbing intro- developed based on the audience analysis. The pre- duction, then layering transitions between content sentation should also follow a logical sequence where elements. It should end by rounding out the final information is provided in a way that is clearly under- summation and closing of the presentation. No matter standable. what the purpose, every presen- tation should include: A successful presentation begins by grabbing the audi- Meeting and greeting the audi- ence’s attention. If you grab them early, you will keep ence: This might include meeting individual participants as they them engaged walk into the facility or room or, for larger groups, a Part II: Developing the Presentation more general greeting at the beginning of the presen- Analyzing the audience and determining the struc- tation. ture and content of the presentation are two important An opening sequence: Effectively opening a presen- steps, but they are only part of what makes a presen- tation is crucial. It should establish the credibility of tation effective. the speaker, grab the audience’s attention, and set Step Three: Create Appropriate Visual Aids expectations. Chances are at least one visual aid will be included Transitions between sections of content: Smooth in the presentation, because visuals can help provide transitions from point to point help link the presenta- clarity. However, if not planned carefully, they can tion as a whole piece. distract from the presentation rather than add value. Content: The content should specifically support the Visual aids, when used well, help reinforce the points purpose and main point of the presentation and meet in a presentation and may help the audience remem- the needs of the audience. It is best to limit the sup- ber them. They also help: porting points to between three and five to make it • the presenter control the flow and structure of the information and maintain the audience’s attention About the Author • communicate messages more efficiently ASTD provides professional development • define relationships within the presentation opportunities, content, networking, and • add interest, variety, and excitement resources for workplace learning and perfor- mance professionals. The organization sets the In order for visual aids to be most effective, selection standards for best practices within the profes- is important. In going back to the audience analy- sion. sis, try determining the audience’s learning profile. What is their current level of expertise with the sub- ject matter? Why are they attending the presentation? Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved Page 3
  • 4. 10 Steps to Successful Presentations ASTD Editors Also, look at what is known about the facility. What is audience. the room size? What equipment is available? • Use humor to be inclusive not exclusive. Visual aids can be overused and misused, so there are Step Five: Make Sure the Venue and Environment some guidelines to follow. Using more visual aids is are Favorable not always better. That same also holds true for the content illustrated within a visual aid. Try and keep The physical environment for a presentation can to one point per visual and avoid redundant informa- derail the best speaker with the best presentation. The tion. For example, do not read aloud the information physical setting should match the goals of the presen- that appears on a visual aid. The aid is there to com- tation and the size and needs of the audience. pliment and clarify the message. Seating is a critical factor from the perspective of the audience. From chairs that Getting the audience physically involved keeps them are comfortable enough to their arrangement in the room, they engaged and helps them remember your messages are an important factor that can influence the success of a presen- Step Four: Make it Memorable-Add Pizzazz to the tation. There is not a one-size fits all to set up for a Presentation presentation, but some set-ups work better for certain presentations. Rounds are better for larger groups or Adding elements of surprise and interest to the pre- when there will be team or group work. Classroom sentation help to capture and keep the audience style makes it easier to see visual aids and helps to engaged throughout the speech. Attention-grabbing focus attention on the speaker. A u-shape creates a openers, icebreakers, stories, analogies, tables, graphs, more open environment for sharing and interaction. and demonstrations are all things that can help make a presentation memorable. Other elements to consider when determining the appropriate venue and set up for a presentation, if But, just like visual aids, having the right quantity of there are audio visuals, include the positioning of these elements without going overboard is crucial. screens and speakers within the room. Are screens Avoid the temptation to “wing it.” Ad-libbing can viewable from all of the seats? Are the speakers ade- take a presentation off schedule and off point very quate? If someone is seated near a speaker, will it be quickly. too loud? Peripheral facilities, such as restrooms and a Consider the strengths of the speaker when planning central place for messages, temperature, lighting, and how to make a presentation memorable. Someone noise level should all be considered in this process. who does not tell jokes well or cannot remember When preparing for the presentation, information punch lines should not try to add them to a presenta- needs to be gathered about the time of day and length tion. However, humor does not have to take the form of presentation. This will help inform the need for of a joke, and it can be effective when driving home food and for breaks during the presentation. If food a point. If humor is to be a part of the presentation, is included, then make sure set up does not interfere there are some guidelines for using it effectively. with the presentation, and it is positioned where it is • Use topic-related cartoons, stories, puns, and easily accessible. anecdotes to reinforce points. Step Six: Review Basic Communication Techniques • Make sure the humorous item is relevant to the Even with a well-researched and crafted presentation presentation and to the point it illustrates. and the best possible facility, a presentation can still • Avoid humor that might offend or alienate or that fail if the presenter’s delivery style is not fine-tuned. is stereotypical. Experienced presenters communicate effectively through both verbal and non-verbal techniques. • Practice the use of it before getting in front of the Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved Page 4
  • 5. 10 Steps to Successful Presentations ASTD Editors Voice inflection can be one of the best assets for cap- • Asking open-ended questions that encourage turing and holding an audience’s attention. There are audience members to ask for clarification and four key skills to consider: allow for the speaker to determine understanding of certain key points. • Projection: Everyone in the audience must be able to hear the speaker consistently throughout the • Listening to what participants say and repeating presentation. key points to show understanding of their view- point. • Pitch: A monotone is sure to lull the audience to sleep. A well-modulated voice that highlights • Accepting differing opinions and views and being points in the presentation helps keep the audi- prepared to disagree with participants and to cor- ence’s attention. rect any misinformation that is shared • Pronunciation: Clear diction is a must. If the • Use of silence to elicit a response from the audi- audience cannot understand what is being said, ence as pausing gives audience members time to they will tune out very quickly. form their own thoughts and opinions • Pace: Good speakers adjust their rate of speak- Step Eight: Practice, Practice, Practice ing to accentuate a feeling or mood. Nerves make Practice provides the opportunity to polish the some speakers speed up, so it is important to be content, rethink the structure, and to rehearse the attentive to the speed of the presentation. materials and presentation dynamics such as visual Non-verbal communication skills speak just as loudly aids and transitions. For some memorizing the open- as communication. Body language and gestures can ing is a way to help establish calm and confidence in add emphasis or distraction to the presentation. They the beginning of a presentation when nerves can often should emphasize a point or allow the speaker to be at their worst. connect with the audience. Some speakers are comfortable walking Do not forget to smile! A smile can pay dividends—it around so that they can interact can be interpreted as a sign of your confidence, com- with different people in the audi- ence. mitment, and interest In general, it is best to use quick, positive, and pur- Although, relying on memory for an entire presen- poseful movements of the hands, arms, and head to tation might not be the best plan. Have notecards or emphasize points and connect with the audience. All a piece of paper with the outline and key points of movements and gestures should look natural and your presentation on it and place this near the top of help demonstrate enthusiasm and passion about the the table or lectern so that it does not require bending topic. over too far to read them. Practice using this aid so that it does not become a distraction during the pre- Step Seven: Build in Facilitation Techniques to sentation. Engage the Audience Some other keys to successful practice sessions Audience participation in a presentation can be both include: difficult to elicit and difficult to control. A successful presenter knows how to use their communication • Practice in front of a mirror skills to encourage and manage participation. Effec- • Record and play back the presentation tive facilitators are able to create an open environment, set guidelines for participation, acknowledge those • Ask someone to watch and provide feedback who participate, and create transitions between par- • Read the presentation out loud ticipation and presentation. • Focus on both verbal and nonverbal aspects Some basic facilitation techniques include: Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved Page 5
  • 6. 10 Steps to Successful Presentations ASTD Editors • Have a dress rehearsal with all equipment and tor bulbs, jump drive visual aids • Extra extension cord and power strips Part III: Giving the Presentation • Phone numbers for the organizer and facility con- It is natural to be nervous at the start of a presenta- tacts tion. The trick is harnessing that nervous energy and directing it toward the presentation. Logistical issues are in the hands of the organizers. That is why arriving early to check on things, such as Step Nine: Pause and Refresh room set up, is critical. Tables and chairs can be easily Even though it is normal to be nervous before a pre- rearranged or adapted to as long as there is enough sentation, it is possible to minimize the nerves with time to do so. Knowing who to call to make changes some preparation. Wear something that is comfortable to the room set up is important, if the problem will and confidence-inspiring. Arrive early so that there is prevent an effective presentation. time to become familiar with the surroundings. Have The audience can also pose some challenges. Disrup- a preparation checklist that includes checking the tive audience members can be one such challenge. By equipment, room set up, getting a bottle of water, etc. and large the audience wants the speaker to succeed Just before the presentation do some deep-breathing so that their goal for obtaining information is met. or warm up exercises to help with focus. Some speak- Sometimes the rest of the audience will help curb the ers do a mental rehearsal envisioning the presentation disruptive member. However, they also are looking to in their mind and they incorporate positive thinking see how well the speaker handles the disruption and in their preparation. This allows them to be optimistic moves on with the presentation. in their approach and attitude. The most unobtrusive way to handle a disruption • Keep in mind: No matter how large, the audience is to look at the misbehaving audience member for is made up of individuals. several seconds and to move in their direction, if pos- sible. It is almost a non-verbal way of saying, “stop • It is rare that a speaker pleases every member of it.” If this does not work, pause and ask if that person the audience every time. has a question. If it continues, it might be time to take • The preparation that has gone into the presenta- a break and to deal with the participant directly and tion. offline. There is a perfect blend of audi- Positive thinking focuses on being positive in your ence attention and questions. But approach and attitude. Don’t waste energy imagining too many questions or too much everything that could go wrong silence can be a distraction. Some- times a single participant might Step Ten: Deliver a Flawless Presentation-No Matter dominate a discussion. Acknowledge that while the What Happens interest is appreciated, there are others in the audi- ence who might have questions or comments as well, Even with intense preparation, it is impossible to or offer to stay after the session to ensure that the per- anticipate everything that can happen. However, it is son’s questions are answered. possible to be prepared for the unexpected. Develop- ing a contingency tool kit will help with managing Dead silence is awkward as well, especially when a and mitigating risk. Components of this toolkit should certain amount of time is allotted for questions and include: answers. Sometimes audience members might be trying to process the information from the presenta- • Duplicate set of notes and handouts, if applicable tion and a short break is all that is needed. Another • Tape and other office supplies that might be technique is to ask the audience questions and see if needed-whiteboard markers and erasers, projec- that will trigger others to ask questions in return. Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved Page 6
  • 7. 10 Steps to Successful Presentations ASTD Editors g g g g Features of the Book Reading Time 3-4 hours, 188 Pages in Book If the idea of making a presentation is overwhelming, 10 Steps to Successful Presentations by the Ameri- can Society for Training and Development provides a guide for developing a great presentation and han- dling any issues that might arise. With step-by-step guidelines, worksheets, and checklists, it is sure to steady anyone’s nerves, and it provides a great resource for even the most seasoned presenter. Contents Preface Introduction Step One: Know Your Audience and Purpose: The 5 Ws and More Step Two: Develop and Structure Your Presentation Step Three: Create Appropriate Visual Aids Step Four: Make It Memorable-Add Pizzazz to the Presentation Step Five: Make Sure the Venue and Environment Work in Your Favor Step Six: Stop-Review Basic Communication Tech- niques Step Seven: Build in Facilitation Techniques to Engage Your Audience Step Eight: Practice, Practice, Practice Step Nine: Pause and Refresh-Relax, You’ll Do Fine Step Ten: Deliver a Flawless Presentation-No Matter What Happens Bibliography Index About ASTD Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved Page 7
  • 8. 10 Steps to Successful Presentations ASTD Editors A Note to Our Readers We at BBS encourage our readers to purchase the business books we summarize. BBS Summaries are intended as a service to busy professionals, as we recommend only those books that are worth your time to read in their entirety. We apply stringent criteria in selecting only the best business books, and in that selection process, strive to help you make informed book-purchasing decisions. This book is available at bookstores and online booksellers. Business Book Summaries® is a service of EBSCO Publishing, Inc. For more information about BBS, to subscribe to BBS, or to provide us feedback, visit our Web site. EBSCO Publishing Inc. 10 Estes Street Ipswich, MA 01938 USA Copyright of Business Book Review and Business Book Summaries is property of EBSCO Publishing Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print, download or email articles for individual use. Business Book Summaries® January 6, 2011 • Copyright © 2011 EBSCO Publishing Inc. • All Rights Reserved Page 8
  • 9. Copyright of 10 Steps to Successful Presentations - Business Book Summaries is the property of Great Neck Publishing and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.