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The Secret's to Losing Belly Fat Fast!
Discover The Ancient Japanese Tonic Mix
Now Before It’s Censored!
Table of Contents
Belly Fat Cause - What is Keeping You Fat?
Why Belly Fat is Unhealthy
Common Myths About Belly Fat Loss
How to Choose a Diet to Lose Belly Fat
How to Set Up Your Exercises to Lose Belly Fat
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People are called fat if they have bigger body than
anyone else, much more when they have belly fat.
As such, losing belly fat is one of the concerns
among many today. it doesn't only impose a health
risk, but a psychological torture for them seeing
themselves not pleasing to look at.
Body fat in general is not that all bad to be
considered. To some extent, fat is needed by the
body for some functions. However, you need to
understand the difference between the good and
bad fat. Good fat can give you essential vitamins
such as A, D, E and K which our body benefits from.
On the other note, when fat is accumulated more
than what our body requires, then that is already a
bad fat, you can be considered obese or overweight.
As such is the case, losing some fat is required
because fat has the tendency to accumulate in the
There are a lot of major factors contributing to belly
fat. These are overeating, no exercise, and lack of
balanced diet. When you eat often to restaurants
serving bigger than required, or you eat even when
not hungry, or having midnight snacks over movie
marathon, going to parties and celebrating holidays
with bunch of foods. All these and more can add to
belly fat. Even those that you do daily, like driving
instead of walking, or using stairs than the elevator
are an added factor.
There could have been a lot of fats burnt when you
use the stairs or walk instead, but people are busy
and becoming lazy these days. Those fast food
chains can also increase fats, sugars and
carbohydrates in your diets. Your simple disregard
of vegetables and fruits is a big factor. Your belly fat
can even be more when you have a high calorie
intake. Adding more calories than what are only
needed by the body, the more fats to be stored. How
sedentary your lifestyle can slow down your
Really, it is tough losing belly fat, you have to make
a sacrifice and determination to do it. It will never
happen overnight or even a week. The process will
take long. However, so long as you set your goals
realistically and you have been keeping your eye on
the goal, you will see the desired result soon. Here
are some tips for everyone to get rid of belly and say
hello to a flat and sexy tummy.
To get yourself motivated to do necessary ways to
lose belly fat, you have to understand what are the
risks associated with it, most especially the health
risks. Belly fat has always been linked with
cardiovascular diseases (heart conditions), diabetes
(high sugar) and cancer. This is so because fat cells
from the belly fat would produce hormones and
other substances that are detrimental to health. On
the other note, since belly is close to the liver, fatty
liver is also common among fat people. For you to
be able to know if you are unhealthy or not, here's
how to measure.
With the use of tape measure, wrap it around your
waist at the level of your navel. A measurement of
more than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for
men is considered to be unhealthy/ obese/
Exercise for weight loss all over the body especially
in the belly is important. Again, spot-reduction is
not advised. Do not focus only on your belly to
flatten it, instead, do a total body work out. Do
calorie burning exercises rather than just sit-ups or
crunches. Abdominal exercises are not an effective
way to lose belly fat because it only strengthens your
abdominals. A good cardiovascular or aerobic
exercise is more beneficial. It is also proven that a
combination of resistance training and
cardiovascular exercise works better. A study would
even show that those who lifted weights and did
cardio at the same time lost twice as much belly fat
than those who did cardio alone. Exercise can also
reduce stress, thus, decreasing the hormone that
cause more belly fat deposits.
It is important to know how to structure the
workouts. Don't waste all the time doing abdominal
exercise targeting only the stomach area because it
would not be very effective. It is quite unfortunate
that many people still do not understand this and
spend so much time doing exercise that targets the
belly. Majority of the workout time must be spent
doing multi-joint exercises with different parts of
the body such as legs, chest, back, etc. as that would
increase metabolic rate during and after the
Changing your diet is also very important to
consider. Do not restrict calorie intake, just reduce
what are unnecessary.
It is also important to switch refined grains to whole
grains. Eating whole grains with an additional
serving of fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy
products, lean meats (fish or pultry) can help lose
more belly fat than eating refined grains.
Remember, whole grains can change the glucose
response of the body that can speed up melting of
the deep layer of fat in the stomach which in turn
can be easier for the body to burn the fats under the
Losing belly fat as always is not an easy thing to do.
The more you do something worth the effort, the
more you will succeed. Most people fail in their
want to lose a belly fat because they stop at the
middle as they cannot bear the exhaustion, and the
most who succeeded are the persons who can take
the challenge as in a positive way, those who find
exhaustion a challenge, those who are very
persevering to do it whatever it takes. So, when you
want to be fit and with a flat tummy, be a positive
person who can fit in into the newly adopted
lifestyle for a healthier and sexier you.
Belly Fat Cause
What is Keeping You Fat?
Are you wondering what the belly fat cause is? Are
you struggling to lose weight and everything that
you do does not seem to work? Well the only cause
to belly fat is making the wrong choices in the types
of foods that you eat and not exercising enough.
This chapter is going to explain the belly fat cause
that can keep you overweight and struggling to lose
the weight that you want to.
Even though people think that there is a secret to
losing weight; the truth is that there is no secret.
Research has shown that while we are the laziest
people around; there are some things that you can
change in your life right now so that you are not
producing any belly fat causes that are keeping you
Most people just blindly follow belly fat-buster
programs without knowing what had caused their
belly fat to develop in the first place. To be more
effective and efficient in burning abdominal fat, you
must learn to understand how your body actually
works and the reason for those bulges.
Most people believe that lack of exercise and
improper eating are the two primary belly fat
causes. Health and fitness experts agree but also
add the following 5 belly fat causes:
1) Menopause
Women who are way pass menopause are more
likely to store fat in most areas faster than at any
age. In fact, it is during this period that women
would have to notice their metabolism rate slowing
down, therefore making it more difficult for their
body to burn calories and fat. And, those who have
wrong food choices will inevitably see additional
inches being added around their tummy at a faster
2) Genes
Women know that there are two body types, and
that being genetically blessed with the 'safer' one
makes you relatively clear from having fat as one of
your many major concerns. A person who gains and
stores fats in the lower parts of their body is
considered as pear-shaped while an apple-shaped
stores fat in the middle section more than anywhere
else. One of the primary belly fat causes is your
genes; if your family have a tendency to be middle-
heavy, it should not be a surprise if you have a
bigger belly as well.
3) Stress
We all know that stress is not good for you -
especially for your stomach. Stress induces your
body to release a hormone known as 'cortisol',
which in return causes your liver to produce
excessive sugar that is not needed by your body.
This sugar tells your body to send the signal that
you are hungry - even if you're not. Your body tend
to 'masks' this signal as a 'true hunger' when, in fact,
it is just one of those hunger pangs.
4) Improper digestion
This could lead to other gastrointestinal problems,
such as being bloated and having gas build up. In
fact, most health experts point to improper
digestion as one of the major belly fat causes that
are common to a majority of people. Those who
actually complain about abdominal fat most of their
lives often report feeling bloated and have persistent
feeling of having gas in their stomach.
5)Poor posture
Wasn't expecting this, were you? Poor posture is
also one of the most common yet neglected belly fat
causes. But poor posture does not directly cause
belly fat but primarily makes it more noticeable. If
you have stood hunched in the mirror, then, you'll
see that your belly seem to grow out of nowhere.
Now, stand straight and you'll see your belly being
slightly flatter.
Why Belly Fat is
If you are carrying a few extra pounds whether in
the form of belly fat, love handles, a beer gut or
potbelly, you're not alone. In recent years, the
number of people who are overweight has increased
dramatically worldwide. Two-thirds of American
men are overweight or obese. But this is one case
where following the crowd is not the best idea,
because extra weight especially belly fat can be
downright risky. And while women often put on
extra pounds in the hips, thighs and legs, men are
much more likely to gain belly fat.
Why is losing belly fat important?
Although the link between belly fat and health is not
entirely clear, experts do know that people with a lot
of belly fat are at higher risk of health problems
than are people who accumulate fat in other areas
and men are more likely than women to put on
weight around the waist.
Our bodies are designed to store fat for release
during times when there is not enough food. But
when we put on weight and never have these lean
times, fat cells begin to release fat molecules into
the blood at a higher rate. This affects normal
metabolism and the way the body uses insulin.
These metabolic changes can worsen or increase
your risk of health problems, including:
- Diabetes
- Some types of cancers
- High blood pressure
- Abnormal lipids
- Insulin resistance
- Metabolic syndrome
When you lose fat through exercise and improved
eating habits, you improve your metabolism. This
reduces your risk of health problems and may
improve existing health problems.
i) How can you tell if you have too much
belly fat?
Not surprisingly, how big around you are at the
waist is a good indicator of whether you have too
much belly fat. Although measurements that
compare your hip and waist circumference (waist-
to-hip ratio) or compare your height and weight
(body mass index) are more precise and can be
useful for research, your waist size alone can give
you a pretty good idea of how much belly fat you
For most men, the risk factors for heart disease and
other diseases increase with a waist size over 40
To accurately measure your waist:
- Place a tape measure around your bare abdomen
just above your hipbone.
- The tape measure should be snug but not so tight
it pushes into your skin.
- Check to make sure the tape measure is level all
the way around.
- Relax, and measure your waist after you breathe
out no sucking in your belly!
ii) What role does exercise play in losing
belly fat?
To lose weight and keep it off you have to get
regular exercise. This means doing something active
most days of the week. Most people need at least 30
minutes a day of moderate exercise to stay healthy.
But to shed the pounds in the first place, you may
need longer periods of activity.
iii) Can you reduce belly fat with sit-ups?
Sit-ups will make your abdominal muscles stronger,
sure. And, you may look thinner by building your
abdominal muscles because you can hold in your
belly fat better. But strengthening your stomach
muscles alone will not specifically reduce belly fat.
iv) Does age play a role in gaining belly fat?
Men tend to put on more belly fat as they get older.
While some men struggle with their weight their
whole life, a lot of men start to notice their
increasing waistline in their 30s and gradually put
on pounds as the years go by. For many men, the
eating and exercise habits that kept them thin in
their youth are just not enough to keep the weight
off as they get older. As you get older, you have to
change the way you eat and how active you are to
stay slim or lose weight.
v) What role does diet play in losing belly
Diet plays an important part in losing weight.
Getting more exercise is important, but it is really
tough to get enough physical activity to lose belly fat
without changing your eating habits.
vi) Can you really get a beer belly from
We do know that there is a link between drinking
excess alcohol and gaining belly fat the "beer belly."
However, it isn't just beer that can increase belly fat.
Drinking too much of any kind of alcohol can have
that effect. We know that alcohol is high in calories
and increases appetite, but still aren't exactly sure
why drinking too much causes increased belly fat in
vii) Is belly fat inherited?
While some men are more likely to put on extra
pounds because of their genes, for the vast majority
of men, the problem has a lot more to do with
lifestyle than inherited traits. Simply put, when you
take in more calories than you burn the excess
calories are stored as fat.
viii) What is the secret to losing belly fat?
More activity and eating less are key. The good news
is that while there's no easy trick or shortcut, with
more exercise and fewer calories, belly fat is the first
kind of fat to go.
The only tried-and-true method to lose fat of any
kind is:
a) Reduce the amount of calories you take in. You
can do this by eating smaller amounts of food, or
stick to foods that have fewer calories.
b) Burn fat by making physical activity part of your
daily routine.
An important part of staying healthy is not only
losing weight, but also keeping it off, this means
after you lose weight, you still need to watch what
and how much you eat and get regular exercise.
However, it takes more effort to lose weight in the
first place than it does to keep it off.
Don't despair, you can lose the spare tire it just
takes patience and effort. And once you shed even a
few extra pounds, you'll feel better and lower your
risk of health problems.
Common Myths
About Belly Fat Loss
All fitness gurus, models and movie stars share one
similar, physical trait- they all have a flat, firm belly
and abs! Yet for many of us, a flat belly is just a
dream. No matter how hard we try, we can't seem to
get rid of this stubborn fat.
If if you're frustrated with the lack of results until
now, don't give up! Sure, what you've been doing to
date isn't working. So simply become better
informed. To begin, you need to find out just what
the best approach to shedding this fat really is -
exercise or dieting. This is probably the most
misunderstood area of belly fat loss.
Let's look at the myths and the truth, so you can
take some viable steps to reaching your goal of a
leaner waistline.
Here are the Myths and the Truth about
Belly Fat Loss:
Myth #1: If you're an apple shape, you're
stuck with belly fat.
Truth: Belly fat is made of a fat called visceral fat.
Visceral fat is the fat that lies deep under the skin,
tucked around the organs. Since it's often found
largely around the belly, yet is metabolically active,
you'll lose more fat from this area as you lose weight
everywhere else. This fact is true with 98% of
people, regardless of their shape.
Myth #2: Doing crunches will target belly
fat and slim your waist.
Truth: This is probably the biggest myth out there!
Unfortunately, crunches won't touch that belly fat or
give you six-pack abs by themselves. In order to slim
your waistline, you need to reduce your body fat
percentage. Think about it. You can tighten your abs
all day long, but if you have a thick blanket of fat
covering them, you'll never see your lean waistline.
Fact: A flat belly is accomplished by controlling your
diet! A slimmer body has a slimmer waist.
Myth #3: If you want to lose weight
(especially around your middle), you need
to eliminate or reduce your carb intake.
Truth: To lose fat, reduce your intake of refined
carbohydrates. Continue to eat your veggies and
fruits, as well as sprouted grains or other complex
carbohydrates. Studies show that people who ate a
diet of complex carbs, plenty of fresh fruits and
veggies, and low fat fish, poultry and healthy yogurt
lost more weight than those who ate no carbs.
Myth #4: All fats are created equal and
must be largely eliminated in order to lose
Truth: Mono-unsaturated fats are healthier than
saturated or polyunsaturated fats. Avocados, nuts,
olive oils and canola oils belong to this list of
healthy fats that can help you lose weight, (as long
as you're not overdoing it, and downing a bag of
nuts per day.)
Now that you're familiar with the myths and truth
about belly fat loss, here's another thing. There's a
lot of controversy about how you can best tell if you
have too much? Here's a pretty solid rule of thumb.
Measure your waist, and check it against these
guidelines. A woman with a 35″ waist, and a man
with 40″ waist is carrying too much belly fat. Of
course, height is a factor here -- if you're a 6'-8"
man, or a 4'-10" woman, you might be the
Ultimately, there's a reason that celebrities and
other high-profile people have a lean waist. They
have access to the best trainers, nutritionists and
up-to-date health news. By learning the truth about
belly fat loss, you can get the results you want, too.
Stay with it, and all the best in your journey to
greater fitness and health!
How to Choose a Diet
To Lose Belly Fat
A fat belly poses an additional health risk for people
with a BMI of 34 or less. Intra-abdominal or visceral
fat, that is, the fatty tissue which is stored around
the stomach and abdomen is associated with higher
health risk than fat located in the lower body around
the butt and thighs. Studies show that people with
abdominal fat are more prone to high blood
pressure, high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar,
insulin resistance syndrome (metabolic syndrome
X) and heart disease. This is the reason why some
experts believe that waist circumference and fat
distribution are more important than one's actual
weight in forecasting potential health risks.
A combination of factors like gender, age and
genetic inheritance, determine the location in which
your surplus calories get stored as fat. It is generally
observed that most men tend to store fat around
their middle region; and this is known as the apple
shape body. Whereas, women tend to store fat
around the pelvic region, hips, butt and thighs; and
this is known as the pear shape body.
Moreover, there are also different types of belly fat,
and there are different types of diets to lose belly fat.
Upper Belly Fat: You tend to have an upper fat
belly if your metabolism slows down, you lack
exercise and you feed a lot on desserts and cold
drinks. As a remedy to this kind of belly fat, it is
better that you switch to natural sugar, as it is hard
on your part to shun sweets all of a sudden. Begin by
using honey as an alternative to white sugar, and
gradually try to change your taste in order to
achieve the target of losing belly fat.
Lower Belly Fat: This kind of belly is yours if you
sit all day long at your office, sit down straight away
after your meals, don't drink water, and often suffer
from constipation. As a solution, we advise you to
drink more lactobacillus beverage, as lactobacillus
and cellulose can help your constipation ease,
accelerate gastrointestinal motility and excrete
waste from your body. We also recommend that you
lower your salt intake as salinity can make your
body assimilate more starchiness, and cause
hydrops in your body. Keeping away from or
lowering your salt intake will prevent abdominal
Thick waist: This kind of belly fat makes you look
terrible as fat gets accumulated in your waist region.
The reason behind is that you tend to eat too much.
Try to take a control over the amount that you eat
from today onwards. Slow down, enjoy the taste and
chew well before you swallow your food. This will
make you feel full early. Avoid fried and oily food.
Try having a plate of green salad before having the
main course. It is better that you take steamed food.
Here are some general diet rules.
Rule no. 1: Include some foods in your diet
Eat more than two of the following foods at every
meal. Legumes such as beans and bean pods; green
vegetables such as spinage, spinach, etc; nuts such
as almond, hazelnut, walnut; milk (fat-free, low-fat
milk or acidophilus milk); instant oatmeal that has
low sugar content; non-veg items like turkey meat,
eggs and other lean meats; MUFA rich foods like
olive oil, flax oil, sun flower oil and avocado; Breads
having whole grains like as wheat, millet and oat;
and; fruits like grapes, strawberries, carambolas and
Rule no. 2: Have meals 5 to 6 times a day
As a consequence of a lack in nourishment and
powerful feeling of hunger when you are dieting,
your body would be accumulating more fat in a
rapid manner. You can prevent fat accumulation by
having 5 to 6 frequent small meals than the usual
three larger meals.
Rule no. 3: Watch out what you drink
Beverages that are carbonated and that are alcoholic
contain high calorie content besides lacking
nutrition. They also make your system store more
fat by slowing down the process of burning fat. So,
its better you switch to drinks such as acidophilus
milk, fruit juices, vegetable juices, low-fat milk,
vegetable soups, etc. These help you lose weight
besides being nutritious.
Prepare fruit juices yourself at home, so that you
can make choices of fruits and restrict the addition
of sugar. This will prevent the intake of extra
calories. Take about 250 ml of fresh fruit juice per
Drinking acidophilus milk also triggers weight loss
in some way. In an experiment, a set of people were
made to drink acidophilus milk at the rate of three
cups a day, while another set of people were not.
When a comparison was made between these two
sets of people 12 weeks later, it was found that the
people who were fed on acidophilus milk had lost
sixty one percentage of their fat.
Rule no. 4: Drink lots of water
Drink lots of water at frequent intervals every day.
Though it is said drinking eight glasses of water
every day is beneficial, drinking more than 8 glasses
will help in weight loss. Drinking ice cold water or
hot lemon water is found to be of more significance
in weight loss.
Drinking water helps you lose weight by ensuring
proper digestion, facilitating a good nutrient uptake,
enhancing metabolism and boosting your energy
Rule no. 5: Make a diary of your changes
Don't go for calorie counting. Instead, make a
written record of all the changes that your body
undergoes during your weight loss program in
terms of your size and of your weight. Along with
that you can record the foods that helped you lose
Rule no. 6: Never go hungry
You are only dieting, so you need not starve
yourself. Never miss your meals. Eat within four
hours of your previous meals. Take a nutritious and
heavy breakfast, as your breakfast fuels you for the
rest of the day. You may reduce the size of your
Rule no. 7: Keep away from stress
When your body is stressed, it generates cortisol, a
hormone that is responsible for your belly fat.
Therefore avoid stress. Take help when the work
load upon you is beyond your bearing capacity. Also
get adequate sleep.
How to Set Up Your
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat
Without a doubt, if you want to get a flat belly, you
should start doing some exercises to lose belly fat.
Remember, the best ways to lose stomach fat is with
reducing your calorie intake and by burning off
more calories through exercise. If you combine good
healthy eating with exercises to lose belly fat, you'll
get the flat stomach you want in no time.
The best way to exercise to lose belly fat is by
choosing these exercises where you can keep
increasing your intensity. If you've walked 30
minutes, three times a week for a few weeks, it's
time to start jogging or running so you can increase
the intensity level. When doing weight training
exercises to lose fat, try adding more weight to your
lift or doing an extra rep or two. When doing your
exercises, you always want to be challenging your
muscles. If you do, you'll continuously add lean
muscle mass which will help with increasing your
metabolism and burning off belly fat. So on all your
exercises to lose belly fat, try and increase your
resistance, intensity, or the number of reps you do.
If you get bored with your exercise routine, switch it
up and try some different exercises, or switch the
muscle groups you pair up together. By doing the
same workout and exercises all the time, your body
can get used to it and cause you to plateau.
Keep striving to increase intensity and improve your
lifts. If that means changing things up or doing
different exercises to lose fat, that's fine.
Consistency in your workouts and always trying to
outdo yourself will get you better results than
anything else. If you're serious about losing belly fat,
you should definitely include some form of
exercises, 4 to 5 times a week.
Now, one thing will happen when you start doing
exercises like weight training. You'll start to gain
some lean muscle mass, which is a good thing. As
you lift weights, your body will add some lean
muscle to handle this additional demand of lifting.
And the more lean muscle you have, the more
calories you'll burn at rest. Again, that's a good
thing! One thing will happen when you start to lift
weights, and that is, your scale weight may go up a
little bit. But don't worry, that's perfectly normal!
As you gain some lean muscle, your scale weight
may go up, since lean muscle weighs more than fat.
But as your lean muscle goes up, causing your scale
weight to go up a bit... your body fat percentage will
If you're using the best exercises to lose belly fat,
make sure you're eating supportively to get the
results you want. You want to be eating small,
frequent meals every 3 hour or so. This will give
your metabolism a boost.
As you continue to lift and do exercises to lose belly
fat, keep a written journal that has your weights
listed. This will help you keep track of the amount of
weight you lift, so you can always try to outdo
yourself. If you go on just memory, you may forget
what your weights were that you lifted... and doing
that will cause you to go backwards and not
forwards. So use a Journal to keep track of your
exercises and the weights you lift.
If you start keeping track of your exercises to lose
belly fat and you try and get better at them... you'll
definitely improve your physique... as long as you
eat healthy.
With a good nutritional strategy and workout plan
that has some food exercises, you'll achieve your
goals of getting a flat belly in no time. Focus on
simple, daily steps to reach your goals. Always try to
challenge yourself into becoming better at your
workouts or your eating. Include daily resistance
training and cardio for at least 30-45 minutes, three
to five days a week. Do your exercises to lose belly
fat each day you're scheduled to work out and don't
let yourself talk yourself out of it. Replace fatty and
sugary foods with more healthy foods like fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Start
making the process fun. If you associate exercise
with pain, you won't want to do it very much. So
start having fun when doing your exercise routine.
When eating, make sure you have 6 small meals a
day to increase your metabolism. When you eat
well, you'll get more results from those exercises to
lose belly fat that you do.

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Belly fat loss the secret's to losing belly fat fast!

  • 1. 1 The Secret's to Losing Belly Fat Fast! Discover The Ancient Japanese Tonic Mix Now Before It’s Censored!
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents Disclaimer Introduction Belly Fat Cause - What is Keeping You Fat? Why Belly Fat is Unhealthy Common Myths About Belly Fat Loss How to Choose a Diet to Lose Belly Fat How to Set Up Your Exercises to Lose Belly Fat
  • 3. 3 Disclaimer Reasonable care hаѕ bееn tаkеn tо ensure thаt thе information presented in thiѕ book iѕ accurate. However, thе reader ѕhоuld understand thаt thе information provided dоеѕ nоt constitute legal, medical оr professional advice оf аnу kind. The information contained in this book is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this book, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. Nо Liability: thiѕ product iѕ supplied “as is” аnd withоut warranties. All warranties, express оr implied, аrе hеrеbу disclaimed. Uѕе оf thiѕ product constitutes acceptance оf thе“No Liability” policy. If уоu dо nоt agree with thiѕ policy, уоu аrе nоt permitted tо uѕе оr distribute thiѕ product. Wе ѕhаll nоt bе liable fоr аnу losses оr damages whatsoever (including, withоut limitation, consequential loss оr damage) directly оr indirectly arising frоm thе uѕе оf thiѕ product. As always, the advice of a competent professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of ideas/methods in this book.
  • 4. 4 Introduction People are called fat if they have bigger body than anyone else, much more when they have belly fat. As such, losing belly fat is one of the concerns among many today. it doesn't only impose a health risk, but a psychological torture for them seeing themselves not pleasing to look at. Body fat in general is not that all bad to be considered. To some extent, fat is needed by the body for some functions. However, you need to understand the difference between the good and bad fat. Good fat can give you essential vitamins such as A, D, E and K which our body benefits from. On the other note, when fat is accumulated more than what our body requires, then that is already a bad fat, you can be considered obese or overweight. As such is the case, losing some fat is required because fat has the tendency to accumulate in the belly. There are a lot of major factors contributing to belly fat. These are overeating, no exercise, and lack of balanced diet. When you eat often to restaurants serving bigger than required, or you eat even when not hungry, or having midnight snacks over movie marathon, going to parties and celebrating holidays with bunch of foods. All these and more can add to belly fat. Even those that you do daily, like driving
  • 5. 5 instead of walking, or using stairs than the elevator are an added factor. There could have been a lot of fats burnt when you use the stairs or walk instead, but people are busy and becoming lazy these days. Those fast food chains can also increase fats, sugars and carbohydrates in your diets. Your simple disregard of vegetables and fruits is a big factor. Your belly fat can even be more when you have a high calorie intake. Adding more calories than what are only needed by the body, the more fats to be stored. How sedentary your lifestyle can slow down your metabolism.
  • 6. 6 Really, it is tough losing belly fat, you have to make a sacrifice and determination to do it. It will never happen overnight or even a week. The process will take long. However, so long as you set your goals realistically and you have been keeping your eye on the goal, you will see the desired result soon. Here are some tips for everyone to get rid of belly and say hello to a flat and sexy tummy. To get yourself motivated to do necessary ways to lose belly fat, you have to understand what are the risks associated with it, most especially the health risks. Belly fat has always been linked with cardiovascular diseases (heart conditions), diabetes (high sugar) and cancer. This is so because fat cells from the belly fat would produce hormones and other substances that are detrimental to health. On the other note, since belly is close to the liver, fatty liver is also common among fat people. For you to be able to know if you are unhealthy or not, here's how to measure. With the use of tape measure, wrap it around your waist at the level of your navel. A measurement of more than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men is considered to be unhealthy/ obese/ overweight. Exercise for weight loss all over the body especially in the belly is important. Again, spot-reduction is not advised. Do not focus only on your belly to flatten it, instead, do a total body work out. Do
  • 7. 7 calorie burning exercises rather than just sit-ups or crunches. Abdominal exercises are not an effective way to lose belly fat because it only strengthens your abdominals. A good cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is more beneficial. It is also proven that a combination of resistance training and cardiovascular exercise works better. A study would even show that those who lifted weights and did cardio at the same time lost twice as much belly fat than those who did cardio alone. Exercise can also reduce stress, thus, decreasing the hormone that cause more belly fat deposits. It is important to know how to structure the workouts. Don't waste all the time doing abdominal exercise targeting only the stomach area because it would not be very effective. It is quite unfortunate that many people still do not understand this and spend so much time doing exercise that targets the belly. Majority of the workout time must be spent doing multi-joint exercises with different parts of the body such as legs, chest, back, etc. as that would increase metabolic rate during and after the workout. Changing your diet is also very important to consider. Do not restrict calorie intake, just reduce what are unnecessary. It is also important to switch refined grains to whole grains. Eating whole grains with an additional serving of fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy
  • 8. 8 products, lean meats (fish or pultry) can help lose more belly fat than eating refined grains. Remember, whole grains can change the glucose response of the body that can speed up melting of the deep layer of fat in the stomach which in turn can be easier for the body to burn the fats under the body. Losing belly fat as always is not an easy thing to do. The more you do something worth the effort, the more you will succeed. Most people fail in their want to lose a belly fat because they stop at the middle as they cannot bear the exhaustion, and the most who succeeded are the persons who can take the challenge as in a positive way, those who find exhaustion a challenge, those who are very persevering to do it whatever it takes. So, when you want to be fit and with a flat tummy, be a positive person who can fit in into the newly adopted lifestyle for a healthier and sexier you.
  • 9. 9 Belly Fat Cause What is Keeping You Fat? Are you wondering what the belly fat cause is? Are you struggling to lose weight and everything that you do does not seem to work? Well the only cause to belly fat is making the wrong choices in the types of foods that you eat and not exercising enough. This chapter is going to explain the belly fat cause that can keep you overweight and struggling to lose the weight that you want to. Even though people think that there is a secret to losing weight; the truth is that there is no secret. Research has shown that while we are the laziest people around; there are some things that you can change in your life right now so that you are not producing any belly fat causes that are keeping you fat. Most people just blindly follow belly fat-buster programs without knowing what had caused their belly fat to develop in the first place. To be more effective and efficient in burning abdominal fat, you must learn to understand how your body actually works and the reason for those bulges. Most people believe that lack of exercise and improper eating are the two primary belly fat
  • 10. 10 causes. Health and fitness experts agree but also add the following 5 belly fat causes: 1) Menopause Women who are way pass menopause are more likely to store fat in most areas faster than at any age. In fact, it is during this period that women would have to notice their metabolism rate slowing down, therefore making it more difficult for their body to burn calories and fat. And, those who have wrong food choices will inevitably see additional inches being added around their tummy at a faster rate.
  • 11. 11 2) Genes Women know that there are two body types, and that being genetically blessed with the 'safer' one makes you relatively clear from having fat as one of your many major concerns. A person who gains and stores fats in the lower parts of their body is considered as pear-shaped while an apple-shaped stores fat in the middle section more than anywhere else. One of the primary belly fat causes is your genes; if your family have a tendency to be middle- heavy, it should not be a surprise if you have a bigger belly as well. 3) Stress We all know that stress is not good for you - especially for your stomach. Stress induces your body to release a hormone known as 'cortisol', which in return causes your liver to produce excessive sugar that is not needed by your body. This sugar tells your body to send the signal that you are hungry - even if you're not. Your body tend to 'masks' this signal as a 'true hunger' when, in fact, it is just one of those hunger pangs. 4) Improper digestion This could lead to other gastrointestinal problems, such as being bloated and having gas build up. In fact, most health experts point to improper digestion as one of the major belly fat causes that
  • 12. 12 are common to a majority of people. Those who actually complain about abdominal fat most of their lives often report feeling bloated and have persistent feeling of having gas in their stomach. 5)Poor posture Wasn't expecting this, were you? Poor posture is also one of the most common yet neglected belly fat causes. But poor posture does not directly cause belly fat but primarily makes it more noticeable. If you have stood hunched in the mirror, then, you'll see that your belly seem to grow out of nowhere. Now, stand straight and you'll see your belly being slightly flatter.
  • 13. 13 Why Belly Fat is Unhealthy If you are carrying a few extra pounds whether in the form of belly fat, love handles, a beer gut or potbelly, you're not alone. In recent years, the number of people who are overweight has increased dramatically worldwide. Two-thirds of American men are overweight or obese. But this is one case where following the crowd is not the best idea, because extra weight especially belly fat can be downright risky. And while women often put on extra pounds in the hips, thighs and legs, men are much more likely to gain belly fat. Why is losing belly fat important? Although the link between belly fat and health is not entirely clear, experts do know that people with a lot of belly fat are at higher risk of health problems than are people who accumulate fat in other areas and men are more likely than women to put on weight around the waist. Our bodies are designed to store fat for release during times when there is not enough food. But when we put on weight and never have these lean times, fat cells begin to release fat molecules into the blood at a higher rate. This affects normal
  • 14. 14 metabolism and the way the body uses insulin. These metabolic changes can worsen or increase your risk of health problems, including: - Diabetes - Some types of cancers - High blood pressure - Abnormal lipids - Insulin resistance - Metabolic syndrome When you lose fat through exercise and improved eating habits, you improve your metabolism. This reduces your risk of health problems and may improve existing health problems. i) How can you tell if you have too much belly fat? Not surprisingly, how big around you are at the waist is a good indicator of whether you have too much belly fat. Although measurements that compare your hip and waist circumference (waist- to-hip ratio) or compare your height and weight (body mass index) are more precise and can be useful for research, your waist size alone can give
  • 15. 15 you a pretty good idea of how much belly fat you have. For most men, the risk factors for heart disease and other diseases increase with a waist size over 40 inches To accurately measure your waist: - Place a tape measure around your bare abdomen just above your hipbone. - The tape measure should be snug but not so tight it pushes into your skin. - Check to make sure the tape measure is level all the way around. - Relax, and measure your waist after you breathe out no sucking in your belly! ii) What role does exercise play in losing belly fat? To lose weight and keep it off you have to get regular exercise. This means doing something active most days of the week. Most people need at least 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise to stay healthy. But to shed the pounds in the first place, you may need longer periods of activity.
  • 16. 16 iii) Can you reduce belly fat with sit-ups? Sit-ups will make your abdominal muscles stronger, sure. And, you may look thinner by building your abdominal muscles because you can hold in your belly fat better. But strengthening your stomach muscles alone will not specifically reduce belly fat. iv) Does age play a role in gaining belly fat? Men tend to put on more belly fat as they get older. While some men struggle with their weight their whole life, a lot of men start to notice their increasing waistline in their 30s and gradually put on pounds as the years go by. For many men, the eating and exercise habits that kept them thin in their youth are just not enough to keep the weight off as they get older. As you get older, you have to change the way you eat and how active you are to stay slim or lose weight. v) What role does diet play in losing belly fat? Diet plays an important part in losing weight. Getting more exercise is important, but it is really tough to get enough physical activity to lose belly fat without changing your eating habits.
  • 17. 17 vi) Can you really get a beer belly from drinking? We do know that there is a link between drinking excess alcohol and gaining belly fat the "beer belly." However, it isn't just beer that can increase belly fat. Drinking too much of any kind of alcohol can have that effect. We know that alcohol is high in calories and increases appetite, but still aren't exactly sure why drinking too much causes increased belly fat in particular. vii) Is belly fat inherited? While some men are more likely to put on extra pounds because of their genes, for the vast majority of men, the problem has a lot more to do with lifestyle than inherited traits. Simply put, when you take in more calories than you burn the excess calories are stored as fat. viii) What is the secret to losing belly fat? More activity and eating less are key. The good news is that while there's no easy trick or shortcut, with more exercise and fewer calories, belly fat is the first kind of fat to go. The only tried-and-true method to lose fat of any kind is:
  • 18. 18 a) Reduce the amount of calories you take in. You can do this by eating smaller amounts of food, or stick to foods that have fewer calories. b) Burn fat by making physical activity part of your daily routine. An important part of staying healthy is not only losing weight, but also keeping it off, this means after you lose weight, you still need to watch what and how much you eat and get regular exercise. However, it takes more effort to lose weight in the first place than it does to keep it off. Don't despair, you can lose the spare tire it just takes patience and effort. And once you shed even a few extra pounds, you'll feel better and lower your risk of health problems.
  • 19. 19 Common Myths About Belly Fat Loss All fitness gurus, models and movie stars share one similar, physical trait- they all have a flat, firm belly and abs! Yet for many of us, a flat belly is just a dream. No matter how hard we try, we can't seem to get rid of this stubborn fat. If if you're frustrated with the lack of results until now, don't give up! Sure, what you've been doing to date isn't working. So simply become better informed. To begin, you need to find out just what the best approach to shedding this fat really is - exercise or dieting. This is probably the most misunderstood area of belly fat loss. Let's look at the myths and the truth, so you can take some viable steps to reaching your goal of a leaner waistline. Here are the Myths and the Truth about Belly Fat Loss: Myth #1: If you're an apple shape, you're stuck with belly fat. Truth: Belly fat is made of a fat called visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat that lies deep under the skin,
  • 20. 20 tucked around the organs. Since it's often found largely around the belly, yet is metabolically active, you'll lose more fat from this area as you lose weight everywhere else. This fact is true with 98% of people, regardless of their shape. Myth #2: Doing crunches will target belly fat and slim your waist. Truth: This is probably the biggest myth out there! Unfortunately, crunches won't touch that belly fat or give you six-pack abs by themselves. In order to slim your waistline, you need to reduce your body fat percentage. Think about it. You can tighten your abs all day long, but if you have a thick blanket of fat covering them, you'll never see your lean waistline. Fact: A flat belly is accomplished by controlling your diet! A slimmer body has a slimmer waist.
  • 21. 21 Myth #3: If you want to lose weight (especially around your middle), you need to eliminate or reduce your carb intake. Truth: To lose fat, reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates. Continue to eat your veggies and fruits, as well as sprouted grains or other complex carbohydrates. Studies show that people who ate a diet of complex carbs, plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, and low fat fish, poultry and healthy yogurt lost more weight than those who ate no carbs. Myth #4: All fats are created equal and must be largely eliminated in order to lose fat. Truth: Mono-unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated or polyunsaturated fats. Avocados, nuts, olive oils and canola oils belong to this list of healthy fats that can help you lose weight, (as long as you're not overdoing it, and downing a bag of nuts per day.) Now that you're familiar with the myths and truth about belly fat loss, here's another thing. There's a lot of controversy about how you can best tell if you have too much? Here's a pretty solid rule of thumb. Measure your waist, and check it against these guidelines. A woman with a 35″ waist, and a man with 40″ waist is carrying too much belly fat. Of course, height is a factor here -- if you're a 6'-8"
  • 22. 22 man, or a 4'-10" woman, you might be the exception. Ultimately, there's a reason that celebrities and other high-profile people have a lean waist. They have access to the best trainers, nutritionists and up-to-date health news. By learning the truth about belly fat loss, you can get the results you want, too. Stay with it, and all the best in your journey to greater fitness and health!
  • 23. 23 How to Choose a Diet To Lose Belly Fat A fat belly poses an additional health risk for people with a BMI of 34 or less. Intra-abdominal or visceral fat, that is, the fatty tissue which is stored around the stomach and abdomen is associated with higher health risk than fat located in the lower body around the butt and thighs. Studies show that people with abdominal fat are more prone to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, insulin resistance syndrome (metabolic syndrome X) and heart disease. This is the reason why some experts believe that waist circumference and fat distribution are more important than one's actual weight in forecasting potential health risks. A combination of factors like gender, age and genetic inheritance, determine the location in which your surplus calories get stored as fat. It is generally observed that most men tend to store fat around their middle region; and this is known as the apple shape body. Whereas, women tend to store fat around the pelvic region, hips, butt and thighs; and this is known as the pear shape body. Moreover, there are also different types of belly fat, and there are different types of diets to lose belly fat.
  • 24. 24 Upper Belly Fat: You tend to have an upper fat belly if your metabolism slows down, you lack exercise and you feed a lot on desserts and cold drinks. As a remedy to this kind of belly fat, it is better that you switch to natural sugar, as it is hard on your part to shun sweets all of a sudden. Begin by using honey as an alternative to white sugar, and gradually try to change your taste in order to achieve the target of losing belly fat. Lower Belly Fat: This kind of belly is yours if you sit all day long at your office, sit down straight away after your meals, don't drink water, and often suffer from constipation. As a solution, we advise you to drink more lactobacillus beverage, as lactobacillus and cellulose can help your constipation ease, accelerate gastrointestinal motility and excrete waste from your body. We also recommend that you lower your salt intake as salinity can make your body assimilate more starchiness, and cause hydrops in your body. Keeping away from or lowering your salt intake will prevent abdominal distension. Thick waist: This kind of belly fat makes you look terrible as fat gets accumulated in your waist region. The reason behind is that you tend to eat too much. Try to take a control over the amount that you eat from today onwards. Slow down, enjoy the taste and chew well before you swallow your food. This will make you feel full early. Avoid fried and oily food.
  • 25. 25 Try having a plate of green salad before having the main course. It is better that you take steamed food. Here are some general diet rules. Rule no. 1: Include some foods in your diet Eat more than two of the following foods at every meal. Legumes such as beans and bean pods; green vegetables such as spinage, spinach, etc; nuts such as almond, hazelnut, walnut; milk (fat-free, low-fat milk or acidophilus milk); instant oatmeal that has low sugar content; non-veg items like turkey meat, eggs and other lean meats; MUFA rich foods like olive oil, flax oil, sun flower oil and avocado; Breads having whole grains like as wheat, millet and oat; and; fruits like grapes, strawberries, carambolas and guavas.
  • 26. 26 Rule no. 2: Have meals 5 to 6 times a day As a consequence of a lack in nourishment and powerful feeling of hunger when you are dieting, your body would be accumulating more fat in a rapid manner. You can prevent fat accumulation by having 5 to 6 frequent small meals than the usual three larger meals. Rule no. 3: Watch out what you drink Beverages that are carbonated and that are alcoholic contain high calorie content besides lacking nutrition. They also make your system store more fat by slowing down the process of burning fat. So, its better you switch to drinks such as acidophilus milk, fruit juices, vegetable juices, low-fat milk, vegetable soups, etc. These help you lose weight besides being nutritious. Prepare fruit juices yourself at home, so that you can make choices of fruits and restrict the addition of sugar. This will prevent the intake of extra calories. Take about 250 ml of fresh fruit juice per day. Drinking acidophilus milk also triggers weight loss in some way. In an experiment, a set of people were made to drink acidophilus milk at the rate of three cups a day, while another set of people were not. When a comparison was made between these two sets of people 12 weeks later, it was found that the
  • 27. 27 people who were fed on acidophilus milk had lost sixty one percentage of their fat. Rule no. 4: Drink lots of water Drink lots of water at frequent intervals every day. Though it is said drinking eight glasses of water every day is beneficial, drinking more than 8 glasses will help in weight loss. Drinking ice cold water or hot lemon water is found to be of more significance in weight loss. Drinking water helps you lose weight by ensuring proper digestion, facilitating a good nutrient uptake, enhancing metabolism and boosting your energy level. Rule no. 5: Make a diary of your changes Don't go for calorie counting. Instead, make a written record of all the changes that your body undergoes during your weight loss program in terms of your size and of your weight. Along with that you can record the foods that helped you lose weight. Rule no. 6: Never go hungry You are only dieting, so you need not starve yourself. Never miss your meals. Eat within four hours of your previous meals. Take a nutritious and heavy breakfast, as your breakfast fuels you for the
  • 28. 28 rest of the day. You may reduce the size of your dinner. Rule no. 7: Keep away from stress When your body is stressed, it generates cortisol, a hormone that is responsible for your belly fat. Therefore avoid stress. Take help when the work load upon you is beyond your bearing capacity. Also get adequate sleep.
  • 29. 29 How to Set Up Your Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Without a doubt, if you want to get a flat belly, you should start doing some exercises to lose belly fat. Remember, the best ways to lose stomach fat is with reducing your calorie intake and by burning off more calories through exercise. If you combine good healthy eating with exercises to lose belly fat, you'll get the flat stomach you want in no time. The best way to exercise to lose belly fat is by choosing these exercises where you can keep increasing your intensity. If you've walked 30 minutes, three times a week for a few weeks, it's time to start jogging or running so you can increase the intensity level. When doing weight training exercises to lose fat, try adding more weight to your lift or doing an extra rep or two. When doing your exercises, you always want to be challenging your muscles. If you do, you'll continuously add lean muscle mass which will help with increasing your metabolism and burning off belly fat. So on all your exercises to lose belly fat, try and increase your resistance, intensity, or the number of reps you do. If you get bored with your exercise routine, switch it up and try some different exercises, or switch the muscle groups you pair up together. By doing the
  • 30. 30 same workout and exercises all the time, your body can get used to it and cause you to plateau. Keep striving to increase intensity and improve your lifts. If that means changing things up or doing different exercises to lose fat, that's fine. Consistency in your workouts and always trying to outdo yourself will get you better results than anything else. If you're serious about losing belly fat, you should definitely include some form of exercises, 4 to 5 times a week. Now, one thing will happen when you start doing exercises like weight training. You'll start to gain some lean muscle mass, which is a good thing. As
  • 31. 31 you lift weights, your body will add some lean muscle to handle this additional demand of lifting. And the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn at rest. Again, that's a good thing! One thing will happen when you start to lift weights, and that is, your scale weight may go up a little bit. But don't worry, that's perfectly normal! As you gain some lean muscle, your scale weight may go up, since lean muscle weighs more than fat. But as your lean muscle goes up, causing your scale weight to go up a bit... your body fat percentage will decrease. If you're using the best exercises to lose belly fat, make sure you're eating supportively to get the results you want. You want to be eating small, frequent meals every 3 hour or so. This will give your metabolism a boost. As you continue to lift and do exercises to lose belly fat, keep a written journal that has your weights listed. This will help you keep track of the amount of weight you lift, so you can always try to outdo yourself. If you go on just memory, you may forget what your weights were that you lifted... and doing that will cause you to go backwards and not forwards. So use a Journal to keep track of your exercises and the weights you lift. If you start keeping track of your exercises to lose belly fat and you try and get better at them... you'll
  • 32. 32 definitely improve your physique... as long as you eat healthy. With a good nutritional strategy and workout plan that has some food exercises, you'll achieve your goals of getting a flat belly in no time. Focus on simple, daily steps to reach your goals. Always try to challenge yourself into becoming better at your workouts or your eating. Include daily resistance training and cardio for at least 30-45 minutes, three to five days a week. Do your exercises to lose belly fat each day you're scheduled to work out and don't let yourself talk yourself out of it. Replace fatty and sugary foods with more healthy foods like fruits,
  • 33. 33 vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Start making the process fun. If you associate exercise with pain, you won't want to do it very much. So start having fun when doing your exercise routine. When eating, make sure you have 6 small meals a day to increase your metabolism. When you eat well, you'll get more results from those exercises to lose belly fat that you do.