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Case Study: How Cloud Extend for Salesforce Integrates
Complex Sales Efforts for PSA Insurance & Financial
A sponsored podcast discussion on how a cloud integration helped a major financial services
company provide productivity tools for account executives.

Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod. Sponsor: Active Endpoints

Dana Gardner: Hi. This is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, and you're
listening to BriefingsDirect.

                    Today, we present a sponsored podcast discussion on creating business
                    process integration, extension, and coordination even in a diverse cloud-
                    services environment.

                    We'll examine a case study that shows how account executives for a financial
                    services firm are integrating their sales and fulfillment efforts across
           customer relationship management (CRM) and other
business applications resources.

And, we'll see how the new Cloud Extend for Salesforce solution from Active Endpoints further
supports a range of business development and consulting achievements. These managed
processes, in essence, bind together critical sales and financial product delivery goals to better
support a long-term business engagement.

I'm here with the IT Director and the Marketing Director from PSA Insurance & Financial
Services to better understand how they've accomplished their vision for greater control and
management of diverse and dynamic sales and consulting processes using Cloud Extend for
Salesforce. [Disclosure: Active Endpoints is a sponsor of BriefingsDiret podcasts.]

Please join me now in welcoming our panel. We're here with Andrew Bartels, IT Director for
PSA Insurance and Financial Services. Welcome to the show, Andrew.

Andrew Bartels: Thank you, Dana.

Gardner: We’re also here with Justin Hoffman, Marketing Director for PSA Insurance and
Financial Services. Welcome Justin.

Justin Hoffman: Thank you very much, Dana, glad to be here.

Gardner: We're also here with Eric Egertson. He is the Vice President, Business Development
and Strategic Accounts at Active Endpoints. Welcome, Eric.
Eric Egertson: Thanks Dana, it’s a pleasure to be here.

Gardner: It seems like you at PSA have been thinking for quite some time about how to do
things better and it sounds like you’ve had success with Salesforce in moving into a software-as-
a-service (SaaS) and cloud services capability and recognizing some of the advantages that
comes with that, but it seems like something was missing.

I’d like to go first to Justin. What was it that you wanted to do as marketing director? What was
missing from the way in which you were engaging with your clients? We're also going to find out
some more about PSA in a moment?

Stalled initiative

Hoffman: We actually had tried a Salesforce implementation two or so years ago and we found
that our adoption was not nearly what we would have hoped it to be. There were several reasons
                  for that. One, we really didn’t customize Salesforce to the degree that we
                  needed to. Two, there wasn't integration with any other systems. And, three, the
                  participation was voluntary. There was some interest, but it was somewhat
                  sporadic, and overall the initiative just petered out.

                  We did know that that having right CRM for PSA is critical for how we do
                  business and could help us capitalize on some lost opportunities and better
                  manage our existing client base.

We didn’t give up on the effort. We said to ourselves that we needed to get this right the second
time. We were open to staying with Salesforce and we were open to looking at other CRMs, but
we’ve learned a lot on our first round and we knew that we had to do better the second time.

Gardner: And what, in a nutshell, was missing? What is it that you really weren’t getting from
this that you wish you had?

Hoffman: We were sitting in a room with the whiteboard and said, "What should this thing be.
What should this CRM system do for us, our account executives, our sales and service people
that are going to be using it?" One of the things that really rung through was that it needed to be
easy and unintimidating.

We have some people who are very progressive technology users and they very much embrace it.
And we have other portions of the population for whom there is a bit of an intimidation factor.
We knew that if we did it right, we'd have to find a way to wash that away, put things in plain
English, make it simple and intuitive for people, and that would help drive adoption.

Gardner: As I understand it, this has been a challenge because you have a very diverse group of
services. You span insurance and financial services. You've been around for over 80 years. Tell us
a little bit about PSA, what you do, and then why it’s been such a challenge given the breadth
and depth of your portfolio?
Hoffman: We're an independent, multidiscipline financial services firm based in Hunt Valley,
Maryland. We also have two satellite offices, one in York, Pennsylvania and one in the DC Metro
Area, and we do a lot of things for a lot of different people.

On the business side of the house, we provide property and casualty insurance for businesses.
We’re also brokers and consultants for employee benefit plans and retirement plans.

For individuals we offer every kind of insurance you could ever need, from homeowners and
auto, to life, long-term care, and disability. We also have a private-client division that serves very
up-market consumers, those that have multiple homes, exotic cars, special collections, and need
very sophisticated insurance programs and advice. Finally, we also offer wealth management

Different audiences

We do a whole lot of different things for a whole lot of different audiences. For organizations
that are laser-focused, that are in one industry, that serve one specific audience, I’d imagine
pretty much everything is easier for them. We need to develop systems, protocols, plans, sales
                            systems, and things of that nature that can work in all these diverse
                              circumstances to support these different clients and support them all

                             Gardner: Let's go to Andrew. As IT Director, you were hearing what
                             your marketing director was saying. I imagine that you were eager to
try to find a solution for him. What is it that you did in terms of trying to fulfill this, and how did
you end up being able to get closer to the true vision that he had?

Bartels: As Justin has very eloquently put, we really present a value proposition at PSA, which
is a truly integrated set of services. That’s a phrase or a word that you hear a lot, but
unfortunately, in my experience, a lot of organizations fail to deliver where the rubber meets the
                   road, which ultimately is the actual transactional systems that they have in
                   place. What you find is that a lot of those systems are completely segregated,
                   and we at PSA faced that challenge. We obviously have a lot of transactional
                   systems on the back end to support various business units that present the
                   services to our clients.

                  Ultimately from Justin’s vision and from the corporation’s vision, we wanted a
                  system that could bring all of this together. We went out and looked at a number
                 of different products knowing all the time that we had Salesforce in house, but
that we had a troublesome initial rollout. Ultimately, we came to a conclusion that Salesforce
was the right product for us, but we really had to roll it out in a different way, shape, or form.

Part of Justin’s vision, though, was that he and Senior Vice President-Business Development Ed
Kushlis felt that even though Salesforce is a relatively easy user interface, because of the
challenges that some of our users have, they felt it had to be easier. They felt it just had to, as I
like to say, lead us down the garden path.

So Justin and Ed brought the idea to me of what we call a "Warm-up Plan," and I'm sure Justin is
going to address that more, but the more I looked at this, the more I realized that, given native
Salesforce functionality, what they wanted to do wasn’t going to be possible. We weren’t going
to be able to do it without a lot of custom code.

This was a path that I wasn’t really all that keen to go down, because in my past experience,
when you attempt to custom code, a lot of money is invested upfront to develop a relatively static
product. In my experience, the idea didn’t stay static. Ultimately, people wanted to change what
had been created.

So you’d invested a lot of money to create something that then had to be changed and modified
again, and I was very, very against this concept. Justin, would you say we had our moments

Hoffman: That’s right. We felt like we really knew what we wanted. A very large portion of
what we do is work with the salespeople to coach them, to help them make sure that they stay on
top of their opportunities, and really work their leads to fruition.

So we felt so strongly about it, but when we were presenting Andrew with our need, there didn’t
seem to be an option that made sense. Once he educated us in what it really meant to bring to life
our vision, we started to get our heads around it and to recognize that it wasn’t going to be
something that we weren’t going to be able to build one time, invest all of these resources in this
code and development, and then never be able to touch it again, never be able to evolve it.

Fluid and flexible

Just knowing us, knowing our organization, the way we're opportunistic, the way markets shift,
the way dynamics change, we needed to be fluid and have flexibility. Andrew helped us
understand how we were really going to be painting ourselves into corner, if we were to push
forward with the custom code route.

Gardner: So Andrew, you decided not to go custom code. You wanted this to be fluid and
dynamic. You wanted the folks to be able to relate to it, tease out the value and then improve on
that, sort of an iterative improvement over time. What did you find? What’s fulfilled that need?

Bartels: First, we looked at a product from Salesforce, which was something called Visual
Process Manager, which I saw demoed at Dreamforce in San Francisco last year for the first
time. I was very excited when I initially saw it. After we delved into it, for various reasons,
including the maturity of the product and the fact that it wasn’t a true cloud-based product, we
soon realized that Visual Process Manager at that time wasn't going to fulfill our needs. We really
needed something that was fully integrated into Salesforce.
As an organization, we spent a tremendous amount of time and resources getting our users
comfortable with the Salesforce UI. I had obviously invested a lot of time myself in looking at

Finally, I'm quite a follower of Twitter. There are a number of people that I follow that I respect. I
came across a tweet about something called Cloud Extend. It was literally one tweet by
somebody that I follow on Twitter.

I clicked through and there I was on the Cloud Extend website. As I read about it, I suddenly said
-- obviously dealing with a webpage I clicked through to from a tweet -- "You know what, if this
does what they said can do, this is exactly what we need in order to achieve the goal of creating
warm-up plans" that Justin referred to earlier.

I filled out the web form, and the next day in the office, I called Justin and Ed into my office and
said, "You know guys, I’ve got to show you something." I must admit I was almost giddy. I said I
don’t want to get ahead of myself yet, but if this product does what I think it does, they’ve nailed
it. This is exactly what we at PSA have been looking for to help drive adoption.

I can’t emphasize enough how important driving adoption is when it comes to the
implementation of any CRM, never mind Salesforce. At PSA, we're dealing with very successful
individuals. We're not dealing with anybody that’s got a broken system, that’s doing something
that doesn’t work. Every single one of our associates has been successful in his career. So our
objective with rolling out Salesforce was to improve their effectiveness, to make them more

As Justin mentioned earlier, adoption is tough. When I looked at what I saw is the potential of
Cloud Extend, as it was defined there, I thought "Wow, this really is going to help us drive
adoption across the organization."

Gardner: I’d like to hear more about that adoption, but I think it’s important for us to dig in a
little bit deeper on what Cloud Extend for Salesforce is and does. So, let’s go to Eric.

Eric, how did this product come about? I'm sure you are probably delighted to hear the way that
it’s being described. But give us a little history about how you came to realize what was missing
and how an organization like PSA could benefit?

Moving to the cloud

Egertson: Dana, I’d be happy to do that. Andrew’s comments here really illustrate the benefit of
moving to the cloud for business process management (BPM) software like the software that
Active Endpoints develops.

Active Endpoints has been developing a commercial-grade process automation platform called
ActiveVOS since 2003, and our customers use this process automation platform to develop really
high-value applications. They deploy those applications on premises, and they get very high
                     return on investment (ROI) and very high value from those applications.

                     The barrier, though, to broader and faster adoption of products like
                     ActiveVOS is that with on-premise software you have to go through
                     acquiring the licenses and getting the capital expense approved and you also
                     have to go in and interface ActiveVOS to the systems that you want to use
                     in your process automation.

By moving to the cloud, there are two big benefits, and we’ve heard Andrew talk about those so
far. One is that you can get started at much lower cost and much faster because you don’t have to
provision hardware. You don’t have to acquire licenses through CAPEX expenditures, but
probably, even more importantly, Active Endpoints does the interfacing of ActiveVOS to the
systems that you want to use for process automation.

So with our product, Cloud Extend for Salesforce, which we are formally introducing at
Dreamforce at the end of August 2011, we built that product on top of the commercial-grade
platform, ActiveVOS, and we pre-integrated it with the Salesforce web services interfaces.

So people like Andrew and Justin can get started with the product very quickly. They don’t have
to worry about any integration or interfacing. They can just start building out their process
automation flows, testing them and, as Andrew said, you can quickly change those around. Those
interfaces use all open standards.

So they are very reusable, and it gives you a flexible platform, where Andrew and Justin can
tweak, change, and modify their process flows. It’s all done in the cloud. They don’t have to buy
licenses, but more importantly, they don’t have to integrate the services to the systems they want
to use in their process automation flows.

Gardner: When I first saw the demo of this, what jumped out at me was the fact that you don’t
know that you're in Cloud Extend. You feel like you're still in Salesforce that there is this visual
acuity, because I think you leverage the application programming interfaces (APIs) that you live
and breathe Salesforce, which is fine, but you get a lot more in the process -- and I guess that’s a

What is this visual benefit and how does that extend to other process elements that you might
want to bring into Salesforce that you couldn’t otherwise?

Egertson: Andrew, and Justin can speak to the user experience as well, but the user experience,
when using Cloud Extend, is directly integrated into the UI. As Andrew
mentioned, you don’t have to go out of Salesforce at all. As you're working on something in
Salesforce, there is a section in the Salesforce screen, where you can choose what type of process
flow you want to run as the user. You just click on a button and then you're stepped through a
series of screens, all of which appear within a pane within the Salesforce UI.
Direct integration

Developing the process flows is also integrated directly into the Salesforce UI. You go in and,
through a set of guidance trees, set up the series of steps that you want to walk a sales rep or
producer through. The sales manager, somebody like Justin working hand-in-hand with Andrew,
do that directly in the Salesforce user interface.

Gardner: Let's go back to Justin. You had this great thing that Andrew developed for you come
in. How is it that using Cloud Extend with Salesforce with your account execs led them down
this garden path? What did it do that got this adoption jump started and then into overdrive?

Hoffman: We believe ease of use to be a huge driver in adoption, being able to just ask questions
in plain English, present simple answers for them to choose or select, which then drives the next
set of questions that they’re going to be asked.

It just couldn’t be easier. It couldn’t be less intimidating. It washes away any anxiety that people
might have or any perception of "This Salesforce thing is a pain to use." The way that you’re
able to craft these guides is so straightforward, so easy to use, all that goes away.

I liken it to the concept of the airport kiosk. When you go to check-in, you punch in a few pieces
of information and all you’re doing is answering the questions that are presented clearly and
simply on the screen. There is actually very complex work that’s being done behind the scenes,
but you, as the user, don’t have to have any comfort level with technology, it's just there. There
are questions. You answer them, and all the information falls into the right place.

That concept is working for us and Salesforce and it just drives the general perception of, "This
thing is really easy to use and we’re getting all the information where it needs to be." All of the
reporting, all of the workflows, all of the views are populated sufficiently to support how we sell.

I’d like to elaborate on how we’re going to be using the warm-up plans. We knew that we didn’t
want to automate to the degree that we take this thinking out of the hands of our account

We're in a business where there is very long lead cycle. You might meet someone and you might
not get a first meeting with them where you actually come in and talk to them about their
business, what you can do for them for many, many months. After that, you might not get the
business for a year-and-a-half.

So it's really important to stay in touch with people, to build trust, to establish credibility, and to
work yourself along this very long lead cycle to stay focused, stay driving ahead, to get yourself
that first appointment. That’s where people really shine. Our hit ratio is quite high, once people
have gotten that first appointment.

These guides are really good about prompting people to take action, giving them options as far as
how they’d like to warm up this lead. Use your discretion as a salesperson. Are you going to
make a phone call? Then go ahead and here’s some coaching for that phone call. Are you going
to send an email? Well, we make it really, really easy to send an HTML email through
Salesforce. Are you going to invite them to one of our proprietary events? We make it really easy
to do that through our guides.

Guiding, not forcing

But, we don’t tell them how to heir prospecting and we’re not directly reaching out to the
prospect without our account executives because they know the relationship. They know the
stage it's in. They know the conversations they’ve had with the people. They know their pain
points. We’re really guiding them, but we’re not forcing them. We’re not overriding. We’re
respecting the fact that these are seasoned sales professionals.

Gardner: Back to you Andrew, I get this about how the sales folks, the account execs, can work
this the way that they work, that they don’t have to adapt their behavior and patterns to the
application. There is much of a meeting between them. At the same time, I’ve heard that as IT
Director, you didn’t have to get involved with defining how that would happen.

So help me understand how that works? How is it that you can outsource this, have it as a true
SaaS service, but also get that level of granular adaptability to these individual wants and

Bartels: I think everybody can appreciate that. The corporate IT departments really have a lot
going on. Nobody is sitting around doing nothing. One of the challenges that many organizations
confront, when marketing or business development comes to them with an IT need, is where
does that fall in the priority queue when it comes to the priorities that are in front of IT?

One of the things was really refreshing about Cloud Extend is that it literally is as simple as
point-and-click. I am sure a lot of people listening to this have installed apps from the Salesforce
AppExchange. Getting Cloud Extend up and running in your Salesforce Org really is as simple
as installing one of those managed packages from the AppExchange. You click through it, and
boom, bang, it's done. It was amazing to me that it was as easy as they said it would be, and it
truly, truly was.

It's as simple as dropping the Cloud Extend UI into the various object pages that you’re looking
to use it in. Something that is really worth mentioning is that Cloud Extend is truly cross-object.
You get a lot of apps out there that you can use in leads, but you can't use in accounts, or you can
use them in opportunities and you can't use them in leads.

One of the things that was amazing about Cloud Extend is they thought through that. They said,
"Look, this workflow engine can be applied to almost any object in Salesforce and we need to
make it point-and-click easy to get it in and make it happen." From my point of view, it's the
ability to easily deploy an application this powerful straight into the Salesforce Org and then be
able to hand it over to the marketing and business development folks and say, "Go wild."
Justin and I have had a conversation backwards and forwards about how much support they
would need. The wonderful thing is that when you install Cloud Extend straight into Org, it
comes with a set of predefined guides that just work. You can pull up the guide design and say,
"Okay, how did they do this?" It literally is point-and-click.

Salesforce likes to sell itself as 80 percent clicks, 20 percent code. I can say that Cloud Extend,
to my amazement, was truly point-and-click. You don’t even have to install a separate application
onto a PC. The entire experience, both from the user point of view and from the designer point of
view, exists within the Salesforce UI. It is simply another app to click and select.

It ties into all your Salesforce profile permissions, and it just works. From an IT point of view,
from having to support the myriad of applications that we support, I can't tell you how refreshing
it is. I think Justin would agree with me here. If you can design a process on a whiteboard, you
can most likely design a process using Cloud Extend and the guide designer within the UI of

Simple deployment

So from our point of view, the fact that we could deploy a workflow tool with the lineage that
Cloud Extend has, coming from its roots in Socrates and things like that, and plug it in without
deploying a single server or installing a single application was amazing for me and somebody
that was responsible for prioritizing the tasks that my team need to focus on.

This was truly eye-opening and I said to Justin that when I see products like this I really realize
that the cloud is coming of age. This is the future and this is what the future will look like.

Hoffman: To piggyback on what Andrew is saying here, I'm really excited that I'm going to be
able to sit down with, say, our Senior Vice President-Business Development Ed Kushlis and talk
through new ideas, changes in markets, and new opportunities. We can sit down with these
guides and play with them, and you don’t have to have an IT background. I don’t know anything
about code and I don’t have to, all I have to understand is what opportunity we’re seeing in the
market and how our people sell.

We can get a good way down the road of building a guide without having to grab Andrew and
engage him at least on the front-end. He is someone at the organization whose time is in very
high demand. He is not your average IT person and when I say that, he has got a great strategic
mind. He has got good business sense, it's true, and there are a lot of different people from the
ops side, from the business development side, from the administrative side who are coming to
him and asking for his help, his assistance on how we streamline things and how we can be
smarter about things at PSA.

So if Ed and I have to get in that queue, well, we have to get in that queue. Alternatively, we can
get right in, work on these guides and get ourselves a good way towards creating these new
guides that will be dropped into Salesforce. If we can’t get it 100 percent ourselves, we are going
to get it pretty darn close. That gives us a lot of freedom and a lot of agility.
Gardner: Thanks for that, Justin. Let’s go to you, Eric. It sounds like you are making Andrew
look good because he doesn’t have to go through lot of clicks and spin his wheels getting this
thing running. You're making Justin look good because he is able to help his sales executives do
their job better. And you're making Salesforce look good, because you're able to exploit
Salesforce and all the resources that they have added to it and the single sign on, what have you.

So tell us little bit, Eric, what is going to happen at Dreamforce? We're here in August, and it’s
coming up fast. What’s going to happen at Dreamforce and where do you go next with this?

Egertson: At Dreamforce, at the end of August 2011, we'll make Cloud Extend commercially
available. We've been working with PSA in our early access program and, as you’ve heard,
they’ve had some success there rolling out the warm-up plans using Cloud Extend. I really liked
what Andrew said toward the end of his last comment there, where cloud computing is what
enables us to deliver the ease of use that customers always expect, but oftentimes do not receive.

If we had to roll this out all on premise and then have somebody like Andrew assign a
development team to make the interfaces work, that’s a big barrier to adoption. That’s a big
delay. By delivering this in the cloud, pre-integrated with Salesforce, it all just works. We’re able
to get our customers up and running quickly.

Back to your question though, Dana, at Dreamforce, the product will become commercially
available. We expect to sign up many customers at the show and immediately thereafter, we will
go live with this.

Cloud enabled

All of the Cloud Extend technology is already cloud enabled. It’s all based on open standards,
knows all about web services. It’s multi-tenanted, so that we can host hundreds of customers and
all of the data is segregated. It’s mobile-enabled. All of Cloud Extend guides will run on an iPad
just as well as on laptop or a desktop and it’s socially enabled.

We work with Salesforce Chatter. We work with Jigsaw, and we can work with LinkedIn. So all
of those things are there, as far as where we will take the product. We will continue to develop
along the lines of social and mobile, but we also have the capability to pull in other SaaS

Just as we’ve improved the usability and the sophistication of what you can do with Salesforce,
we plan to do that for other SaaS applications as well. Cloud Extend for Salesforce is built on a
commercial-grade development platform, and we can very easily, almost trivially, port this to
other SaaS applications to enable process automation within any SaaS application.

In terms of where we'll take this, we'll keep our eye on the trends in mobile computing and social
computing, as well as the plethora of SaaS applications that are out there. We'll be enabling
process automation and workflow in those SaaS applications as well.
Gardner: So Eric, the big question for me is, you are able to provide these process innovation
and flexibility benefits within those specific SaaS applications. How about across them? Is there
going to be an opportunity to extend business process value among and between different SaaS
that would be sort of that multiple cloud of clouds integration capability?

Egertson: That’s exactly the big picture, Dana. You’ve hit the nail on the head there. Even today,
as we work with PSA and other Cloud Extend for Salesforce customers, if they need to reach out
of Salesforce to another SaaS application or to an on-premises application again because the
underlying technology is our ActiveVOS process automation platform, it’s very easy for us to
enable that.

You can envision, in the very near future, an ecosystem where Cloud Extend is set up to integrate
with an interface to many different SaaS applications. With a little consulting work from us,
we're able to interface that to on-premise applications and do exactly what you described, Dana,
which would be to integrate across cloud applications, from a workflow or process automation

You would probably always have one SaaS application as your host, say Salesforce, but it would
be pulling data from other systems, perhaps NetSuite, if it’s an ERP system, or Workday for HR
information. But, the host SaaS application could be one of those other applications that pulls
data from Salesforce.

The future, and it’s a near future for us, is that we will enable integration and process automation
across SaaS applications in the cloud.

Gardner: We're just about out of time. I want to circle back to Andrew and Justin. I know it’s
early, I know you are early adopters and it’s hard to quantify benefits when you’ve got such a
long lead value proposition that you are focused on, but are there any metrics of success here?
Do you have any either anecdotal or quantitative measurement that you can point to and say, this
is working for us in the following way?

Sales statistics

Hoffman: As you pointed out, it's a little bit early to point to that, but when you talk about the
metrics that mean something to us, there’s something that we knew to be intuitively true that I
came across in an article, and I’d like to read it to you. These are just some quick stats regarding
sales, what it takes, and where actually sales come from. They very much back up the concept of
the warm-up plan.

Again, these warm-up plans not only help guide people towards what they are going to do, but
they are going to keep people on track. They are going to keep people diligent about their follow-
up, so I’ll read them off to you quickly.
About 48 percent of salespeople never follow-up with the prospect, these are not industry
specific or PSA specific, they are just general sales stats. So, 48 percent of people never follow-
up with the prospect. Only 25 percent make a second contact. Only 12 percent make three
contacts. Only 10 percent make more than three contacts.

Now, if you look at where sales come from, only 2 percent of sales are made on the second
contact, 5 percent on the third, 10 percent on the fourth, and 80 percent of sales are made
between the fifth and twelfth contact.

Knowing that to be true in our guts and then to see these stats that we have just recently come
across, it makes us very certain that having these warm-up plans and the other guides that are
going to be available to us now are going to be huge difference makers for PSA.

Bartels: From my point of view, I look at the amount of investment of time and resources that
we have put into integrating our back-end systems and bringing data that is critical to the whole
sales process into Salesforce, any tool, Cloud Extend being one of them, that really allows us to
get the maximum return on investment on what we have done with Salesforce is huge. It’s
absolutely huge.

Anybody who's used Salesforce, customized Salesforce, and added custom fields that are specific
to their vertical realize very quickly that Salesforce can become a very deep product. Cloud
Extend really enables us to ensure that our account executives, even though they may not be
technology efficient, are really applying best practices when it comes to utilizing Salesforce and
collecting the information that we as an organization know is absolutely critical to collect.

So anything that helps and makes that process simpler is going to drive return on investment,
both in Cloud Extend, but most of all in the huge investment that we've put into Salesforce.
That’s just a big, big plus for us at PSA.

Gardner: Very good. I'm afraid we're going to have to leave it there. You have been listening to
a sponsored podcast discussion on the new Cloud Extend for Salesforce solution from Active
Endpoints. We've seen how it’s enabled PSA Insurance & Financial Services to manage their
diverse processes and bind together critical sales and financial product delivery resources for
better business results.

I’d like to thank our guests. We have been joined here by Andrew Bartels, IT Director at PSA.
Thank you so much, Andrew.

Bartels: Thank you, Dana.

Gardner: We have also been here with Justin Hoffman, Marketing Director at PSA. Thanks so
much, Justin.

Hoffman: My pleasure. Thank you.
Gardner: And lastly, Eric Egertson, he is the Vice President, Business Development and
Strategic Accounts at Active Endpoints. Thank you, Eric.

Egertson: Dana, thank you very much.

Gardner: This is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions. Thanks again for
listening, and come back next time.

Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod. Sponsor: Active Endpoints

A sponsored podcast discussion on how a cloud integration helped a major financial services
company provide productivity tools for account executives. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC,
2005-2011. All rights reserved.

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Case Study: How Cloud Extend for Salesforce Integrates Complex Sales Efforts for PSA Insurance & Financial Services

  • 1. Case Study: How Cloud Extend for Salesforce Integrates Complex Sales Efforts for PSA Insurance & Financial Services A sponsored podcast discussion on how a cloud integration helped a major financial services company provide productivity tools for account executives. Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod. Sponsor: Active Endpoints Dana Gardner: Hi. This is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, and you're listening to BriefingsDirect. Today, we present a sponsored podcast discussion on creating business process integration, extension, and coordination even in a diverse cloud- services environment. We'll examine a case study that shows how account executives for a financial services firm are integrating their sales and fulfillment efforts across customer relationship management (CRM) and other business applications resources. And, we'll see how the new Cloud Extend for Salesforce solution from Active Endpoints further supports a range of business development and consulting achievements. These managed processes, in essence, bind together critical sales and financial product delivery goals to better support a long-term business engagement. I'm here with the IT Director and the Marketing Director from PSA Insurance & Financial Services to better understand how they've accomplished their vision for greater control and management of diverse and dynamic sales and consulting processes using Cloud Extend for Salesforce. [Disclosure: Active Endpoints is a sponsor of BriefingsDiret podcasts.] Please join me now in welcoming our panel. We're here with Andrew Bartels, IT Director for PSA Insurance and Financial Services. Welcome to the show, Andrew. Andrew Bartels: Thank you, Dana. Gardner: We’re also here with Justin Hoffman, Marketing Director for PSA Insurance and Financial Services. Welcome Justin. Justin Hoffman: Thank you very much, Dana, glad to be here. Gardner: We're also here with Eric Egertson. He is the Vice President, Business Development and Strategic Accounts at Active Endpoints. Welcome, Eric.
  • 2. Eric Egertson: Thanks Dana, it’s a pleasure to be here. Gardner: It seems like you at PSA have been thinking for quite some time about how to do things better and it sounds like you’ve had success with Salesforce in moving into a software-as- a-service (SaaS) and cloud services capability and recognizing some of the advantages that comes with that, but it seems like something was missing. I’d like to go first to Justin. What was it that you wanted to do as marketing director? What was missing from the way in which you were engaging with your clients? We're also going to find out some more about PSA in a moment? Stalled initiative Hoffman: We actually had tried a Salesforce implementation two or so years ago and we found that our adoption was not nearly what we would have hoped it to be. There were several reasons for that. One, we really didn’t customize Salesforce to the degree that we needed to. Two, there wasn't integration with any other systems. And, three, the participation was voluntary. There was some interest, but it was somewhat sporadic, and overall the initiative just petered out. We did know that that having right CRM for PSA is critical for how we do business and could help us capitalize on some lost opportunities and better manage our existing client base. We didn’t give up on the effort. We said to ourselves that we needed to get this right the second time. We were open to staying with Salesforce and we were open to looking at other CRMs, but we’ve learned a lot on our first round and we knew that we had to do better the second time. Gardner: And what, in a nutshell, was missing? What is it that you really weren’t getting from this that you wish you had? Hoffman: We were sitting in a room with the whiteboard and said, "What should this thing be. What should this CRM system do for us, our account executives, our sales and service people that are going to be using it?" One of the things that really rung through was that it needed to be easy and unintimidating. We have some people who are very progressive technology users and they very much embrace it. And we have other portions of the population for whom there is a bit of an intimidation factor. We knew that if we did it right, we'd have to find a way to wash that away, put things in plain English, make it simple and intuitive for people, and that would help drive adoption. Gardner: As I understand it, this has been a challenge because you have a very diverse group of services. You span insurance and financial services. You've been around for over 80 years. Tell us a little bit about PSA, what you do, and then why it’s been such a challenge given the breadth and depth of your portfolio?
  • 3. Hoffman: We're an independent, multidiscipline financial services firm based in Hunt Valley, Maryland. We also have two satellite offices, one in York, Pennsylvania and one in the DC Metro Area, and we do a lot of things for a lot of different people. On the business side of the house, we provide property and casualty insurance for businesses. We’re also brokers and consultants for employee benefit plans and retirement plans. For individuals we offer every kind of insurance you could ever need, from homeowners and auto, to life, long-term care, and disability. We also have a private-client division that serves very up-market consumers, those that have multiple homes, exotic cars, special collections, and need very sophisticated insurance programs and advice. Finally, we also offer wealth management services. Different audiences We do a whole lot of different things for a whole lot of different audiences. For organizations that are laser-focused, that are in one industry, that serve one specific audience, I’d imagine pretty much everything is easier for them. We need to develop systems, protocols, plans, sales systems, and things of that nature that can work in all these diverse circumstances to support these different clients and support them all well. Gardner: Let's go to Andrew. As IT Director, you were hearing what your marketing director was saying. I imagine that you were eager to try to find a solution for him. What is it that you did in terms of trying to fulfill this, and how did you end up being able to get closer to the true vision that he had? Bartels: As Justin has very eloquently put, we really present a value proposition at PSA, which is a truly integrated set of services. That’s a phrase or a word that you hear a lot, but unfortunately, in my experience, a lot of organizations fail to deliver where the rubber meets the road, which ultimately is the actual transactional systems that they have in place. What you find is that a lot of those systems are completely segregated, and we at PSA faced that challenge. We obviously have a lot of transactional systems on the back end to support various business units that present the services to our clients. Ultimately from Justin’s vision and from the corporation’s vision, we wanted a system that could bring all of this together. We went out and looked at a number of different products knowing all the time that we had Salesforce in house, but that we had a troublesome initial rollout. Ultimately, we came to a conclusion that Salesforce was the right product for us, but we really had to roll it out in a different way, shape, or form. Part of Justin’s vision, though, was that he and Senior Vice President-Business Development Ed Kushlis felt that even though Salesforce is a relatively easy user interface, because of the
  • 4. challenges that some of our users have, they felt it had to be easier. They felt it just had to, as I like to say, lead us down the garden path. So Justin and Ed brought the idea to me of what we call a "Warm-up Plan," and I'm sure Justin is going to address that more, but the more I looked at this, the more I realized that, given native Salesforce functionality, what they wanted to do wasn’t going to be possible. We weren’t going to be able to do it without a lot of custom code. This was a path that I wasn’t really all that keen to go down, because in my past experience, when you attempt to custom code, a lot of money is invested upfront to develop a relatively static product. In my experience, the idea didn’t stay static. Ultimately, people wanted to change what had been created. So you’d invested a lot of money to create something that then had to be changed and modified again, and I was very, very against this concept. Justin, would you say we had our moments there? Hoffman: That’s right. We felt like we really knew what we wanted. A very large portion of what we do is work with the salespeople to coach them, to help them make sure that they stay on top of their opportunities, and really work their leads to fruition. So we felt so strongly about it, but when we were presenting Andrew with our need, there didn’t seem to be an option that made sense. Once he educated us in what it really meant to bring to life our vision, we started to get our heads around it and to recognize that it wasn’t going to be something that we weren’t going to be able to build one time, invest all of these resources in this code and development, and then never be able to touch it again, never be able to evolve it. Fluid and flexible Just knowing us, knowing our organization, the way we're opportunistic, the way markets shift, the way dynamics change, we needed to be fluid and have flexibility. Andrew helped us understand how we were really going to be painting ourselves into corner, if we were to push forward with the custom code route. Gardner: So Andrew, you decided not to go custom code. You wanted this to be fluid and dynamic. You wanted the folks to be able to relate to it, tease out the value and then improve on that, sort of an iterative improvement over time. What did you find? What’s fulfilled that need? Bartels: First, we looked at a product from Salesforce, which was something called Visual Process Manager, which I saw demoed at Dreamforce in San Francisco last year for the first time. I was very excited when I initially saw it. After we delved into it, for various reasons, including the maturity of the product and the fact that it wasn’t a true cloud-based product, we soon realized that Visual Process Manager at that time wasn't going to fulfill our needs. We really needed something that was fully integrated into Salesforce.
  • 5. As an organization, we spent a tremendous amount of time and resources getting our users comfortable with the Salesforce UI. I had obviously invested a lot of time myself in looking at options. Finally, I'm quite a follower of Twitter. There are a number of people that I follow that I respect. I came across a tweet about something called Cloud Extend. It was literally one tweet by somebody that I follow on Twitter. I clicked through and there I was on the Cloud Extend website. As I read about it, I suddenly said -- obviously dealing with a webpage I clicked through to from a tweet -- "You know what, if this does what they said can do, this is exactly what we need in order to achieve the goal of creating warm-up plans" that Justin referred to earlier. I filled out the web form, and the next day in the office, I called Justin and Ed into my office and said, "You know guys, I’ve got to show you something." I must admit I was almost giddy. I said I don’t want to get ahead of myself yet, but if this product does what I think it does, they’ve nailed it. This is exactly what we at PSA have been looking for to help drive adoption. I can’t emphasize enough how important driving adoption is when it comes to the implementation of any CRM, never mind Salesforce. At PSA, we're dealing with very successful individuals. We're not dealing with anybody that’s got a broken system, that’s doing something that doesn’t work. Every single one of our associates has been successful in his career. So our objective with rolling out Salesforce was to improve their effectiveness, to make them more productive. As Justin mentioned earlier, adoption is tough. When I looked at what I saw is the potential of Cloud Extend, as it was defined there, I thought "Wow, this really is going to help us drive adoption across the organization." Gardner: I’d like to hear more about that adoption, but I think it’s important for us to dig in a little bit deeper on what Cloud Extend for Salesforce is and does. So, let’s go to Eric. Eric, how did this product come about? I'm sure you are probably delighted to hear the way that it’s being described. But give us a little history about how you came to realize what was missing and how an organization like PSA could benefit? Moving to the cloud Egertson: Dana, I’d be happy to do that. Andrew’s comments here really illustrate the benefit of moving to the cloud for business process management (BPM) software like the software that Active Endpoints develops. Active Endpoints has been developing a commercial-grade process automation platform called ActiveVOS since 2003, and our customers use this process automation platform to develop really
  • 6. high-value applications. They deploy those applications on premises, and they get very high return on investment (ROI) and very high value from those applications. The barrier, though, to broader and faster adoption of products like ActiveVOS is that with on-premise software you have to go through acquiring the licenses and getting the capital expense approved and you also have to go in and interface ActiveVOS to the systems that you want to use in your process automation. By moving to the cloud, there are two big benefits, and we’ve heard Andrew talk about those so far. One is that you can get started at much lower cost and much faster because you don’t have to provision hardware. You don’t have to acquire licenses through CAPEX expenditures, but probably, even more importantly, Active Endpoints does the interfacing of ActiveVOS to the systems that you want to use for process automation. So with our product, Cloud Extend for Salesforce, which we are formally introducing at Dreamforce at the end of August 2011, we built that product on top of the commercial-grade platform, ActiveVOS, and we pre-integrated it with the Salesforce web services interfaces. So people like Andrew and Justin can get started with the product very quickly. They don’t have to worry about any integration or interfacing. They can just start building out their process automation flows, testing them and, as Andrew said, you can quickly change those around. Those interfaces use all open standards. So they are very reusable, and it gives you a flexible platform, where Andrew and Justin can tweak, change, and modify their process flows. It’s all done in the cloud. They don’t have to buy licenses, but more importantly, they don’t have to integrate the services to the systems they want to use in their process automation flows. Gardner: When I first saw the demo of this, what jumped out at me was the fact that you don’t know that you're in Cloud Extend. You feel like you're still in Salesforce that there is this visual acuity, because I think you leverage the application programming interfaces (APIs) that you live and breathe Salesforce, which is fine, but you get a lot more in the process -- and I guess that’s a pun. What is this visual benefit and how does that extend to other process elements that you might want to bring into Salesforce that you couldn’t otherwise? Egertson: Andrew, and Justin can speak to the user experience as well, but the user experience, when using Cloud Extend, is directly integrated into the UI. As Andrew mentioned, you don’t have to go out of Salesforce at all. As you're working on something in Salesforce, there is a section in the Salesforce screen, where you can choose what type of process flow you want to run as the user. You just click on a button and then you're stepped through a series of screens, all of which appear within a pane within the Salesforce UI.
  • 7. Direct integration Developing the process flows is also integrated directly into the Salesforce UI. You go in and, through a set of guidance trees, set up the series of steps that you want to walk a sales rep or producer through. The sales manager, somebody like Justin working hand-in-hand with Andrew, do that directly in the Salesforce user interface. Gardner: Let's go back to Justin. You had this great thing that Andrew developed for you come in. How is it that using Cloud Extend with Salesforce with your account execs led them down this garden path? What did it do that got this adoption jump started and then into overdrive? Hoffman: We believe ease of use to be a huge driver in adoption, being able to just ask questions in plain English, present simple answers for them to choose or select, which then drives the next set of questions that they’re going to be asked. It just couldn’t be easier. It couldn’t be less intimidating. It washes away any anxiety that people might have or any perception of "This Salesforce thing is a pain to use." The way that you’re able to craft these guides is so straightforward, so easy to use, all that goes away. I liken it to the concept of the airport kiosk. When you go to check-in, you punch in a few pieces of information and all you’re doing is answering the questions that are presented clearly and simply on the screen. There is actually very complex work that’s being done behind the scenes, but you, as the user, don’t have to have any comfort level with technology, it's just there. There are questions. You answer them, and all the information falls into the right place. That concept is working for us and Salesforce and it just drives the general perception of, "This thing is really easy to use and we’re getting all the information where it needs to be." All of the reporting, all of the workflows, all of the views are populated sufficiently to support how we sell. I’d like to elaborate on how we’re going to be using the warm-up plans. We knew that we didn’t want to automate to the degree that we take this thinking out of the hands of our account executives. We're in a business where there is very long lead cycle. You might meet someone and you might not get a first meeting with them where you actually come in and talk to them about their business, what you can do for them for many, many months. After that, you might not get the business for a year-and-a-half. So it's really important to stay in touch with people, to build trust, to establish credibility, and to work yourself along this very long lead cycle to stay focused, stay driving ahead, to get yourself that first appointment. That’s where people really shine. Our hit ratio is quite high, once people have gotten that first appointment. These guides are really good about prompting people to take action, giving them options as far as how they’d like to warm up this lead. Use your discretion as a salesperson. Are you going to
  • 8. make a phone call? Then go ahead and here’s some coaching for that phone call. Are you going to send an email? Well, we make it really, really easy to send an HTML email through Salesforce. Are you going to invite them to one of our proprietary events? We make it really easy to do that through our guides. Guiding, not forcing But, we don’t tell them how to heir prospecting and we’re not directly reaching out to the prospect without our account executives because they know the relationship. They know the stage it's in. They know the conversations they’ve had with the people. They know their pain points. We’re really guiding them, but we’re not forcing them. We’re not overriding. We’re respecting the fact that these are seasoned sales professionals. Gardner: Back to you Andrew, I get this about how the sales folks, the account execs, can work this the way that they work, that they don’t have to adapt their behavior and patterns to the application. There is much of a meeting between them. At the same time, I’ve heard that as IT Director, you didn’t have to get involved with defining how that would happen. So help me understand how that works? How is it that you can outsource this, have it as a true SaaS service, but also get that level of granular adaptability to these individual wants and requirements? Bartels: I think everybody can appreciate that. The corporate IT departments really have a lot going on. Nobody is sitting around doing nothing. One of the challenges that many organizations confront, when marketing or business development comes to them with an IT need, is where does that fall in the priority queue when it comes to the priorities that are in front of IT? One of the things was really refreshing about Cloud Extend is that it literally is as simple as point-and-click. I am sure a lot of people listening to this have installed apps from the Salesforce AppExchange. Getting Cloud Extend up and running in your Salesforce Org really is as simple as installing one of those managed packages from the AppExchange. You click through it, and boom, bang, it's done. It was amazing to me that it was as easy as they said it would be, and it truly, truly was. It's as simple as dropping the Cloud Extend UI into the various object pages that you’re looking to use it in. Something that is really worth mentioning is that Cloud Extend is truly cross-object. You get a lot of apps out there that you can use in leads, but you can't use in accounts, or you can use them in opportunities and you can't use them in leads. One of the things that was amazing about Cloud Extend is they thought through that. They said, "Look, this workflow engine can be applied to almost any object in Salesforce and we need to make it point-and-click easy to get it in and make it happen." From my point of view, it's the ability to easily deploy an application this powerful straight into the Salesforce Org and then be able to hand it over to the marketing and business development folks and say, "Go wild."
  • 9. Justin and I have had a conversation backwards and forwards about how much support they would need. The wonderful thing is that when you install Cloud Extend straight into Org, it comes with a set of predefined guides that just work. You can pull up the guide design and say, "Okay, how did they do this?" It literally is point-and-click. Salesforce likes to sell itself as 80 percent clicks, 20 percent code. I can say that Cloud Extend, to my amazement, was truly point-and-click. You don’t even have to install a separate application onto a PC. The entire experience, both from the user point of view and from the designer point of view, exists within the Salesforce UI. It is simply another app to click and select. It ties into all your Salesforce profile permissions, and it just works. From an IT point of view, from having to support the myriad of applications that we support, I can't tell you how refreshing it is. I think Justin would agree with me here. If you can design a process on a whiteboard, you can most likely design a process using Cloud Extend and the guide designer within the UI of Salesforce. Simple deployment So from our point of view, the fact that we could deploy a workflow tool with the lineage that Cloud Extend has, coming from its roots in Socrates and things like that, and plug it in without deploying a single server or installing a single application was amazing for me and somebody that was responsible for prioritizing the tasks that my team need to focus on. This was truly eye-opening and I said to Justin that when I see products like this I really realize that the cloud is coming of age. This is the future and this is what the future will look like. Hoffman: To piggyback on what Andrew is saying here, I'm really excited that I'm going to be able to sit down with, say, our Senior Vice President-Business Development Ed Kushlis and talk through new ideas, changes in markets, and new opportunities. We can sit down with these guides and play with them, and you don’t have to have an IT background. I don’t know anything about code and I don’t have to, all I have to understand is what opportunity we’re seeing in the market and how our people sell. We can get a good way down the road of building a guide without having to grab Andrew and engage him at least on the front-end. He is someone at the organization whose time is in very high demand. He is not your average IT person and when I say that, he has got a great strategic mind. He has got good business sense, it's true, and there are a lot of different people from the ops side, from the business development side, from the administrative side who are coming to him and asking for his help, his assistance on how we streamline things and how we can be smarter about things at PSA. So if Ed and I have to get in that queue, well, we have to get in that queue. Alternatively, we can get right in, work on these guides and get ourselves a good way towards creating these new guides that will be dropped into Salesforce. If we can’t get it 100 percent ourselves, we are going to get it pretty darn close. That gives us a lot of freedom and a lot of agility.
  • 10. Gardner: Thanks for that, Justin. Let’s go to you, Eric. It sounds like you are making Andrew look good because he doesn’t have to go through lot of clicks and spin his wheels getting this thing running. You're making Justin look good because he is able to help his sales executives do their job better. And you're making Salesforce look good, because you're able to exploit Salesforce and all the resources that they have added to it and the single sign on, what have you. So tell us little bit, Eric, what is going to happen at Dreamforce? We're here in August, and it’s coming up fast. What’s going to happen at Dreamforce and where do you go next with this? Egertson: At Dreamforce, at the end of August 2011, we'll make Cloud Extend commercially available. We've been working with PSA in our early access program and, as you’ve heard, they’ve had some success there rolling out the warm-up plans using Cloud Extend. I really liked what Andrew said toward the end of his last comment there, where cloud computing is what enables us to deliver the ease of use that customers always expect, but oftentimes do not receive. If we had to roll this out all on premise and then have somebody like Andrew assign a development team to make the interfaces work, that’s a big barrier to adoption. That’s a big delay. By delivering this in the cloud, pre-integrated with Salesforce, it all just works. We’re able to get our customers up and running quickly. Back to your question though, Dana, at Dreamforce, the product will become commercially available. We expect to sign up many customers at the show and immediately thereafter, we will go live with this. Cloud enabled All of the Cloud Extend technology is already cloud enabled. It’s all based on open standards, knows all about web services. It’s multi-tenanted, so that we can host hundreds of customers and all of the data is segregated. It’s mobile-enabled. All of Cloud Extend guides will run on an iPad just as well as on laptop or a desktop and it’s socially enabled. We work with Salesforce Chatter. We work with Jigsaw, and we can work with LinkedIn. So all of those things are there, as far as where we will take the product. We will continue to develop along the lines of social and mobile, but we also have the capability to pull in other SaaS applications. Just as we’ve improved the usability and the sophistication of what you can do with Salesforce, we plan to do that for other SaaS applications as well. Cloud Extend for Salesforce is built on a commercial-grade development platform, and we can very easily, almost trivially, port this to other SaaS applications to enable process automation within any SaaS application. In terms of where we'll take this, we'll keep our eye on the trends in mobile computing and social computing, as well as the plethora of SaaS applications that are out there. We'll be enabling process automation and workflow in those SaaS applications as well.
  • 11. Gardner: So Eric, the big question for me is, you are able to provide these process innovation and flexibility benefits within those specific SaaS applications. How about across them? Is there going to be an opportunity to extend business process value among and between different SaaS that would be sort of that multiple cloud of clouds integration capability? Egertson: That’s exactly the big picture, Dana. You’ve hit the nail on the head there. Even today, as we work with PSA and other Cloud Extend for Salesforce customers, if they need to reach out of Salesforce to another SaaS application or to an on-premises application again because the underlying technology is our ActiveVOS process automation platform, it’s very easy for us to enable that. You can envision, in the very near future, an ecosystem where Cloud Extend is set up to integrate with an interface to many different SaaS applications. With a little consulting work from us, we're able to interface that to on-premise applications and do exactly what you described, Dana, which would be to integrate across cloud applications, from a workflow or process automation perspective. You would probably always have one SaaS application as your host, say Salesforce, but it would be pulling data from other systems, perhaps NetSuite, if it’s an ERP system, or Workday for HR information. But, the host SaaS application could be one of those other applications that pulls data from Salesforce. The future, and it’s a near future for us, is that we will enable integration and process automation across SaaS applications in the cloud. Gardner: We're just about out of time. I want to circle back to Andrew and Justin. I know it’s early, I know you are early adopters and it’s hard to quantify benefits when you’ve got such a long lead value proposition that you are focused on, but are there any metrics of success here? Do you have any either anecdotal or quantitative measurement that you can point to and say, this is working for us in the following way? Sales statistics Hoffman: As you pointed out, it's a little bit early to point to that, but when you talk about the metrics that mean something to us, there’s something that we knew to be intuitively true that I came across in an article, and I’d like to read it to you. These are just some quick stats regarding sales, what it takes, and where actually sales come from. They very much back up the concept of the warm-up plan. Again, these warm-up plans not only help guide people towards what they are going to do, but they are going to keep people on track. They are going to keep people diligent about their follow- up, so I’ll read them off to you quickly.
  • 12. About 48 percent of salespeople never follow-up with the prospect, these are not industry specific or PSA specific, they are just general sales stats. So, 48 percent of people never follow- up with the prospect. Only 25 percent make a second contact. Only 12 percent make three contacts. Only 10 percent make more than three contacts. Now, if you look at where sales come from, only 2 percent of sales are made on the second contact, 5 percent on the third, 10 percent on the fourth, and 80 percent of sales are made between the fifth and twelfth contact. Knowing that to be true in our guts and then to see these stats that we have just recently come across, it makes us very certain that having these warm-up plans and the other guides that are going to be available to us now are going to be huge difference makers for PSA. Bartels: From my point of view, I look at the amount of investment of time and resources that we have put into integrating our back-end systems and bringing data that is critical to the whole sales process into Salesforce, any tool, Cloud Extend being one of them, that really allows us to get the maximum return on investment on what we have done with Salesforce is huge. It’s absolutely huge. Anybody who's used Salesforce, customized Salesforce, and added custom fields that are specific to their vertical realize very quickly that Salesforce can become a very deep product. Cloud Extend really enables us to ensure that our account executives, even though they may not be technology efficient, are really applying best practices when it comes to utilizing Salesforce and collecting the information that we as an organization know is absolutely critical to collect. So anything that helps and makes that process simpler is going to drive return on investment, both in Cloud Extend, but most of all in the huge investment that we've put into Salesforce. That’s just a big, big plus for us at PSA. Gardner: Very good. I'm afraid we're going to have to leave it there. You have been listening to a sponsored podcast discussion on the new Cloud Extend for Salesforce solution from Active Endpoints. We've seen how it’s enabled PSA Insurance & Financial Services to manage their diverse processes and bind together critical sales and financial product delivery resources for better business results. I’d like to thank our guests. We have been joined here by Andrew Bartels, IT Director at PSA. Thank you so much, Andrew. Bartels: Thank you, Dana. Gardner: We have also been here with Justin Hoffman, Marketing Director at PSA. Thanks so much, Justin. Hoffman: My pleasure. Thank you.
  • 13. Gardner: And lastly, Eric Egertson, he is the Vice President, Business Development and Strategic Accounts at Active Endpoints. Thank you, Eric. Egertson: Dana, thank you very much. Gardner: This is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions. Thanks again for listening, and come back next time. Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod. Sponsor: Active Endpoints A sponsored podcast discussion on how a cloud integration helped a major financial services company provide productivity tools for account executives. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC, 2005-2011. All rights reserved. You may also be interested in: • BriefingsDirect Analysts Discuss Solutions for Bringing Human Interaction into Business Process Workflows • BriefingsDirect Analysts Debate the 'Imminent Death' of Enterprise IT as Cloud Models Ascend • Analysts Define Growing Requirements List for Governance in Any Move to Cloud Computing • BriefingsDirect Analysts Pick Winners and Losers of Cloud Computing's Economic Disruption and Enterprise Impact