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cleared in
Gray case
Prosecutors fail for
the second time to
hold Baltimore police
accountable for the
death of Freddie
Gray when an officer
is acquitted in the
case that triggered
riots. Page A9
to expand its
campus north
The University of
plans to buy a
large swath of land
north of its campus
for an expansion
that will bring it
new academic and
student life facilities.
Page B1
Ex-VP for police
credit union
gets prison term
A retired vice
president for the
Houston Police
Federal Credit Union
is ordered to pay
$1.2 million in
restitution for
embezzling. Page A3
candidate loses
in Austria
A pro-European
Union candidate ekes
out a victory over a
right-wing rival to
become the next
president. Page A10
The legacy of Ima Hogg
includes the Houston
Symphony and much
Page A6
Houston Chronicle
The Main Street
campus will grow to
40 acres after deal.
Tammy Huynh didn’t
recognize her dad when
she saw him for the first
time after eight years.
Like many of her South
Vietnamese friends, she’d
grown up fatherless while
the men served time in
communist re-education
camps, where many were
“It was terrible,” said
the 42-year-old Houston
real estate agent who came
to the United States with
Even for the hundreds
of thousands of Vietnam-
ese who escaped the new
Hanoi government, risk-
boats or holing up in refu-
gee camps in the Philip-
pines, their memories of
traumatic. Fleeing it and
starting over with nothing
is the defining feature of
So President Barack
Obama’s announcement
Monday that Washington
would lift a decades-old
arms embargo and al-
low Vietnam to buy lethal
military equipment was
met with mixed feelings: a
grudging recognition that
geopolitics in the region
had changed but also a re-
By Lomi Kriel
Vietnam continues on A13
Members of Houston community
express concern about human rights
›› See how immigrants from around the world transform the city at
Lifting Vietnam arms ban
stirs mixed feelings
President Barack Obama and national security adviser Susan Rice meet Vietnamese officials Monday in Hanoi.
Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press
›› Obama’s decision to sell
arms to Vietnam is seen as a
warning to China. Page A10
Angela Sugarek plays with her foster child Monday
after he and his brother were returned to Sugarek
and her wife, Carol Jeffery, by Child Protective
Services. Lisa Falkenberg column on page A3.
Family together again
Michael Ciaglo / Houston Chronicle
Republicans start to co-
alesce around Donald
Trump’s presidential
campaign, a high-stakes
game is playing out over
what role defeated rival
party’s July national con-
Almost three weeks
that knocked Cruz out of
continues to withhold his
real estate mogul, whom
moral” and a “pathologi-
At stake for Cruz is a
coveted speaking slot at
that served as a launch
pad to the White House
for Presidents Ron-
ald Reagan and Barack
With his eye on 2020,
Cruz faces a difficult time
of choosing between his
conservative principles
and the pragmatic need
for party unity in the face
of the coming fall clash
with presumptive Demo-
cratic nominee Hillary
Officials in the Trump
and Cruz camps — the
top two rivals in the GOP
nomination battle — de-
clined to comment on
their plans for a possible
role in
up in air
By Kevin Diaz
Cruz continues on A13
Houston’s school board
removed its chief auditor
after he reported potential
violations of state law to
police, shared information
with the FBI and called
out a board member for
breaking competitive bid-
ding rules, newly obtained
documents and interviews
At one point last fall,
after the auditor, Richard
Patton, released an audit
blaming cost overruns in
the Houston Independent
School District’s $2 billion
construction program on
insufficient competitive
bidding and inadequate
monitoring, he was cas-
tigated by the school dis-
trict administration for
recklessness and “flawed
Patton fired back in an
email, recently obtained
by the Houston Chronicle:
“I am going to say this only
once — this district does
not want the real dirt to be
published. ... What is the
value in having a gunfight
that you seem to desire?”
Three days before his
March 10 suspension, Pat-
ton received an email from
the district’s treasurer,
asking him whether HISD
had been the subject of any
significant civil or crimi-
nal investigations in the
last two years. The trea-
surer was seeking infor-
mation that may need to be
disclosed to potential in-
vestors as HISD prepared
for a $757 million bond of-
fering as part of its ongo-
By Ericka Mellon
HISD continues on A14
Documents show Patton talked with
law enforcement over contracting
After slipping for three
straight months, regional
ed by more than 30 percent
in April from a year earlier,
suggesting that economic
jitters in the oil patch have
consumers in Houston
hunkering down for leaner
“When auto sales start
to fall, that’s a suggestion
that consumer confidence
is falling as well,” said Pat-
rick Jankowski, senior vice
president of research with
the Greater Houston Part-
Year to date, sales are
down 13.2 percent — a far
steeper decline than the
4 percent annual dip that
was forecast at the begin-
The numbers stand in
stark contrast to national
figures showing Ameri-
cans brought 3.5 percent
more new cars, trucks and
By Mike D. Smith
Auto continues on A13
Plunge in auto sales suggests
economic jitters rising here
By the numbers
-13.2%: Year-to-date
decline in new vehicle
sales in the Houston area.
23,652: Number of
new vehicles sold in the
Houston area in April.
-11,600: Drop in sales
of new vehicles in April
compared to last year.
-3.2%: Sales of vehicles
priced under $30,000
took the biggest hit here.
Houston Chronicle | Tuesday, May 24, 2016 | and Section B xx
DOW 17,492.93, down 8.01 (-0.0 %)
S&P 500 2,048.04, down 4.28 (-0.2 %)
CRUDE OIL $48.08, down 33¢ (-0.7 %)
NATURAL GAS $2.055, down 0.7¢ (-0.3 %)
@HoustonChronHouston Chronicle
Germany’s Bayer
offers $62 billion
for Monsanto.
Page B3
A federal appeals court
dealt a blow to the federal
Bank of America account-
able for the sale of shoddy
mortgages before the fi-
nancial crisis, overturning
a $1.27 billion penalty the
bank had been ordered to
pay in the so-called “hus-
A three-judge panel
ruled on Monday that
federal prosecutors had
failed to prove that Bank
of America’s Countrywide
unit had defrauded Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac, the
government-backed mort-
gage firms, when it sold
The judges said that
while Countrywide em-
Bank of
By Michael Corkery
‘Hustle’ on B2
A small movie theater
chain tallied another win
toward its lawsuit alleging
that AMC Entertainment
Holdings and Regal En-
tertainment Group are col-
laborating and pressuring
studios to restrict access to
On Monday, iPic Enter-
tainment announced that
AMC’s requests to end
the lawsuit were denied.
Hamid Hashemi, CEO of
iPic, said AMC denied it
conspired with Regal and
also claimed state District
Court in Harris County
“It’s really exciting for
us and other smaller ex-
hibitors because for the
first time a court is look-
ing at it,” he said. Florida-
based iPic operates 13 lux-
Small theater
chain wins ruling
By Andrea Rumbaugh
Brett Coomer /
Houston Chronicle
Hamid Hash-
emi, iPic En-
CEO, tried
out a seat
before one
of his the-
aters opened
in Houston
last fall. His
company is
suing two
major theater
Theater continues on B2
of Houston-Down-
large swath of land
north of its Main
Street campus for an expan-
sion that will bring new aca-
demic and student life facili-
The school received ap-
proval from the University
of Houston System Board of
Regents to pay $13.2 million
for the 17-acre property cur-
rently ownedby a partnership
The partnership, Welling-
ton Fisher, has owned the
acreage for more than a de-
cade, after buying it from Ha-
keem Olajuwon, the former
Houston Rocket star who’s
“This land has been on the
university’s radar for a long
time,” said David Bradley,
UHD’s vice president for ad-
ministration and finance. “We
hoped one day we could own
It was once being consid-
ered for a intermodal transit
project, but Metro abandoned
UH-Downtown to expand
School wins OK for purchase of 17 acres
north of its campus for $13.2 million;
science and technology building planned
Metro’s light rail serves the UH-Downtown campus. The school plans to buy land north of its Main Street home.
Houston Chronicle file
UHD continues on B2
By Nancy Sarnoff
of Houston -
500 ft.
School site
The oil drillers that
scour the world for new
sources of petroleum
stayed home last year,
discovering the lowest
amount of oil outside of
North America in more
Dissuaded by a severe
energy downturn that
made survival the high-
est priority for many
companies, the industry
discovered 2.8 billion bar-
rels of crude outside of
North America last year,
the lowest amount since
1952, according to a report
released Monday by the
research firm IHS Energy.
Most of the new reserves
Last year’s discoveries
amounted to just a fraction
of the historical average
of about 13 billion barrels
a year, according to IHS.
For the first time, oil dis-
consecutive years, IHS
said, meaning that in a few
years, despite the current
glut, it will be difficult for
the industry to restock the
“Exploration has been
charged with providing a
quarter (of the oil and gas
the world demands), but it
has fallen short,” said Bob
Fryklund, chief upstream
strategist at IHS Energy.
More than 70 publicly
traded oil companies cut
their exploration spend-
ing by a third last year to
cope with the plunge in oil
Petroleum Corp. and EOG
Resources cut spending
for the search for crude by
a combined $15 billion last
year. ConocoPhillips, the
third-largest U.S. oil com-
pany, said last year that
it plans to wind down its
deep-water exploration
Another Houston com-
pany, Apache Corp., cut
exploration spending
by nearly two thirds, to
Meanwhile, Mara-
thon Oil Corp., also based
in Houston, reduced its
By Collin Eaton
Drillers in 2015 found lowest amount
of oil outside of North America
in more than 60 years, report says
Crude exploration wanes amid the energy downturn
Ocean continues on B2
The hostile takeover bid
by Houston-based West-
lake Chemical to acquire
Atlanta’s Axiall Corp.
could become a bit more
amicable now that Axiall
is expressing a new open-
Westlake President and
CEO Albert Chao has cov-
eted the Atlanta-based Ax-
a proxy battle to replace
Axiall board members
who have blocked West-
lake’s bid with his own
Axiall’s chief financial
officer, Gregory Thomp-
son, has asked Westlake
to submit a new offer by
day. Axiall rejected an ini-
tial $1.4 billion offer from
to a deal
By Jordan Blum
Westlake continues on B2
B2 | Tuesday, May 24, 2016 | Houston Chronicle | and x x
Monday’s appeals court ruling in the “hustle” case represented a departure for Bank of America, which
settled most of its mortgage-related charges before they went to trial. The bank is based in Charlotte, N.C.
Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images file
‘Hustle’ from page B1
‘Hustle’ mortgage ruling
goes against prosecutors
ployees may have sold
loans in 2007 and 2008
that were not of the quality
that was promised in the
contracts with Fannie and
Freddie, there was no evi-
dence that these sales — an
element of a loan program
at Countrywide that was
known informally as hus-
“The trial evidence fails
to demonstrate the con-
temporaneous fraudulent
intent necessary to prove a
scheme to defraud,” Judge
Richard Wesley wrote in a
The ruling by the 2nd
U.S. Circuit Court of Ap-
peals is one of a few set-
backs in the Justice De-
partment’s prosecution
of Wall Street after the
mortgage crisis. It is also a
disappointment for Preet
Bharara, the U.S. attorney
for the Southern District
of New York, who brought
the prosecution against
Bank of America and
called its practice of rub-
ber-stamping risky loans
and selling them to Fan-
nie Mae and Freddie Mac
The bad lending ulti-
mately required a taxpay-
er-financed bailout of the
nation’s biggest banks, in-
of the U.S. District Court
in Manhattan ordered the
bank to pay a $1.27 billion
penalty in the hustle case.
But that sum is a small
fraction of the tens of bil-
lions of dollars the bank
has paid in legal fees and
settlements related to
Countrywide, which Bank
Since 2010, Bank of Amer-
ica has spent $37 billion on
The hustle case stood
out because in addition to
Bank of America, pros-
ecutors had sought to hold
Countrywide executive, li-
It also represented a de-
mortgage-related charges
before they went to trial.
But from the beginning,
the bank’s lawyers were
betting they could win the
“The 2nd Circuit under-
stood this was a massive
government overreach
from the beginning,” said
Josh Rosenkranz, who
represents Mairone. “The
message is that govern-
ment should stop looking
for fraud where it doesn’t
The U.S. can ask the en-
tire panel of the appeals
court judges to reconsider
the ruling. A spokesman
for Bharara declined to
The case was called
hustle because the gov-
ernment’s case involved a
program at Countrywide
known as the High-Speed
Swim Lane that the lender
Fannie and Freddie as the
subprime mortgage mar-
ber 2013, federal prosecu-
tors accused Mairone of
overseeing the high-speed
lane program that pushed
through loans to unquali-
fied buyers and ultimately
failed, causing more than
$1 billion in losses. The
faster that employees orig-
inated loans, the higher
The appeals court ruled
that Countrywide’s con-
tracts with Fannie and
Freddie may have includ-
ing false statements. But
fraud on the part of the
The ruling is also a
vindication for Mairone,
who worked at JPMorgan
Chase at the time of the tri-
al and had to leave her job
on one count of fraud, her
means Mairone does not
have to pay the $1 million
penalty that the district
The government’s case
was based on a whistle-
blower complaint origi-
nally brought by Edward
O’Donnell, a former Coun-
O’Donnell received $57
million from the govern-
ment for his role in bring-
ing the issues to light. His
lawyer said the appeals
court ruling would not af-
tied more broadly to his
work helping federal pros-
ecutors reach a $16.65 bil-
lion settlement with Bank
Paul Yetter of Hous-
ton-based Yetter Cole-
man, which is represent-
ing iPic, called the ruling
important because it
allows the plaintiffs to
gal and AMC conspired
“The court’s ruling
allows us to expose this
conspiracy at trial,” he
River Oaks District
The lawsuit was filed
in November, the same
month that iPic opened
an eight-screen, 578-seat
theater in Houston’s Riv-
er Oaks District luxury
shopping and residential
development on West-
ie studios, iPic alleges, by
telling them it wouldn’t
play recently released
movies at Edwards
Greenway Grand Pal-
ace Stadium 24 & RPX if
studios also licensed the
films to iPic Houston.
IPic won an injunction
in January to stop such
The boutique theater
chain likewise alleges
that AMC is using the
same tactic toward a
theater it’s building in
Frisco, about 25 miles
north of downtown Dal-
las. That theater is slated
AMC, Regal
An AMC spokesman
said in an email that the
company doesn’t com-
ment on pending litiga-
tion, and Regal didn’t
respond to requests for
comment. In court fil-
ings, AMC said there
is “not a scintilla of evi-
dence of any conspiracy
between AMC and Re-
gal. Instead, the evidence
that has been uncovered
affirmatively refutes any
communication or coor-
dination between AMC
and Regal regarding iPic
Hashemi said he’s go-
ing to court for damages
— some studios didn’t
license movies to iPic be-
to get protection for iPic
“They’re using their
size and power to stop
takes on
2 bigger
Theater from page B1
those plans several years
ago after spending $41 mil-
The authority owns the
land in partnership with
developer Rocky Stevens.
Metro referred questions
about the sale to Stevens,
who was not immediately
“I believe that the new
campus footprint will be
viewed as among the most
significant developments
in the university’s insti-
tutional history,” board
Vice Chairman Welcome
Wilson Jr. said in an an-
nouncement Monday.
“This land acquisition as-
sures UHD has the needed
acreage for enrollment
growth, campus expan-
sion and development
of new academic pro-
The land is expected to
house a new science and
technology building, ap-
proved by the Texas Legis-
The university is in the
process of selecting an ar-
chitectural firm to design
the building, which UHD
hopes to have open by
Much of the land is in
the 100-year floodplain, so
development will require
approval from the Harris
County Flood Control Dis-
“Our plan is to leave a
lot of it green for the fore-
seeable future,” Bradley
The acquisition will in-
crease the size of the uni-
versity’s downtown digs
to 40 acres on both sides of
The 17-acre tract an-
nounced Monday will give
the university control of
27 contiguous acres bor-
to the west, North Main to
the east, the Union Pacific
The land, once owned
by the Union Pacific Rail-
Bradley said the univer-
sity is aware of a plan by
the Texas Department of
Transportation to expand
and rebuild highways
around downtown, which
potentially could affect the
He said the portion of
the acreage the school
wants most would not be
come more clear, the land
used for green space and
The land deal is expect-
UHD says land assures the space to grow
UHD from page B1
spending by more than
“The first thing that
always gets cut is explo-
ration because it’s discre-
Companies drilled
4,300 conventional explo-
ration and appraisal wells
last year, IHS says, com-
Oil companies also
retreated from the ocean
depths. Deep-water
drilling, defined as drill-
ing in 1,000 to 5,000 feet of
water, dropped by 20 per-
cent last year, while drill-
ing in waters more than
5,000 feet deep declined
Shale revolution
But it’s hard to over-
energy boom on interna-
The so-called shale
revolution drew oil pro-
ducers to North America,
away from more expen-
in international waters,
From 2000 to 2010, all
international exploration
yielded 246 billion barrels
in discovered resources,
while shale formations
in the United States alone
added nearly 200 billion
‘Down the road’
“Still, if you curtail
exploration by the mas-
sive amounts that we’re
seeing, then it’s going to
affect things — not today,
not tomorrow, but five
Fryklund, noting that re-
newable sources such as
wind and solar will have
“It’s all part of the tran-
sition to the future,” he
Ocean from page B1
The two petrochemical
that make plastics, vinyls,
building materials and
Westlake previously
made a run at buying the
company in 2012, when
it was still called Georgia
Gulf Corp. Westlake re-
ported revenues of more
than $1 billion last year,
compared to $755 million
“The Westlake guys are
very serious,” said Has-
san Ahmed, an analyst at
New York equity research
firm Alembic Global Ad-
visors. “It’s very different
from 2012. The difference
is this time they actually
assembled a board. That’s
Axiall said its leaders
remain open to continu-
ing negotiations, but they
believe Westlake’s offers
thus far are inadequate.
Westlake said it will either
submit a new offer or reaf-
firm the previous offer of
lion. Westlake would also
assume $1.5 billion in Axi-
Westlake first made
the offer in January, when
Axiall’s stock fell below
$10 a share. Axiall’s stock
surged when Chao soon
after disclosed the offer
rejected by Westlake, and
it closed Monday at $22.65
a share, up 36 cents on the
Ahmed said Westlake is
in a position of strength as
it heads toward the proxy
vote. Axiall shareholders
are frustrated by the com-
in recent years, Ahmed
said, and many are open to
its offer to more than $25
Westlake started with
low-ball numbers, so a
stronger offer will be need-
“Westlake has a far bet-
ter track record of manag-
Earlier this year, it
looked like the Westlake-
Axiall saga would play out
as it had in the past, with
the bid becoming hostile,
years ago, Georgia Gulf
Corp., which became Axi-
Westlake Chemical has sought Axiall for years
Westlake from page B1
all in 2013, rejected offers
of $1 billion and $1.2 billion
before Westlake withdrew
But the proxy fight
changes things, said

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  • 1. Partly sunny: High 87, Low 76Tuesday, May 24, 2016 | and | Vol. 115, No. 224 | $2.00 xxx Clowneysayshefeels‘great’ asTexansstartOTAsPAGE C1 Index Business ... B1 Comics......D4 Crossword ..D3 Directory ...A2 Editorials. A15 Horoscope .D5 Lottery ...... C5 Markets.....B4 Obituaries . B7 Sports....... C1 TV ............D3 Weather ... B8 NATION Baltimore officer cleared in Gray case Prosecutors fail for the second time to hold Baltimore police accountable for the death of Freddie Gray when an officer is acquitted in the case that triggered riots. Page A9 BUSINESS UH-Downtown to expand its campus north The University of Houston-Downtown plans to buy a large swath of land north of its campus for an expansion that will bring it new academic and student life facilities. Page B1 CITY | STATE Ex-VP for police credit union gets prison term A retired vice president for the Houston Police Federal Credit Union is ordered to pay $1.2 million in restitution for embezzling. Page A3 WORLD Anti-migrant candidate loses in Austria A pro-European Union candidate ekes out a victory over a right-wing rival to become the next president. Page A10 1151901-2016 Houston Legends: The legacy of Ima Hogg includes the Houston Symphony and much more. Page A6 SPONSORED BY Houston Chronicle The Main Street campus will grow to 40 acres after deal. Tammy Huynh didn’t recognize her dad when she saw him for the first time after eight years. Like many of her South Vietnamese friends, she’d grown up fatherless while the men served time in communist re-education camps, where many were tortured. “It was terrible,” said the 42-year-old Houston real estate agent who came to the United States with herfamilyin1990. Even for the hundreds of thousands of Vietnam- ese who escaped the new Hanoi government, risk- ingtheirlivesonmakeshift boats or holing up in refu- gee camps in the Philip- pines, their memories of thecommunistcountryare traumatic. Fleeing it and starting over with nothing is the defining feature of theirlives. So President Barack Obama’s announcement Monday that Washington would lift a decades-old arms embargo and al- low Vietnam to buy lethal military equipment was met with mixed feelings: a grudging recognition that geopolitics in the region had changed but also a re- By Lomi Kriel Vietnam continues on A13 Members of Houston community express concern about human rights ›› See how immigrants from around the world transform the city at Lifting Vietnam arms ban stirs mixed feelings President Barack Obama and national security adviser Susan Rice meet Vietnamese officials Monday in Hanoi. Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press ›› Obama’s decision to sell arms to Vietnam is seen as a warning to China. Page A10 Angela Sugarek plays with her foster child Monday after he and his brother were returned to Sugarek and her wife, Carol Jeffery, by Child Protective Services. Lisa Falkenberg column on page A3. Family together again Michael Ciaglo / Houston Chronicle WASHINGTON — As Republicans start to co- alesce around Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, a high-stakes game is playing out over what role defeated rival TedCruzcouldplayatthe party’s July national con- ventioninCleveland. Almost three weeks sincetheIndianaprimary that knocked Cruz out of therace,theTexassenator continues to withhold his supportfortheoutspoken real estate mogul, whom heattackedas“utterlyim- moral” and a “pathologi- calliar.” At stake for Cruz is a coveted speaking slot at theconvention,aplatform that served as a launch pad to the White House for Presidents Ron- ald Reagan and Barack Obama. With his eye on 2020, Cruz faces a difficult time of choosing between his conservative principles and the pragmatic need for party unity in the face of the coming fall clash with presumptive Demo- cratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Officials in the Trump and Cruz camps — the top two rivals in the GOP nomination battle — de- clined to comment on their plans for a possible Cruz’s role in Cleveland up in air By Kevin Diaz Cruz continues on A13 HISDsuspendedauditorafterheateddispute Houston’s school board removed its chief auditor after he reported potential violations of state law to police, shared information with the FBI and called out a board member for breaking competitive bid- ding rules, newly obtained documents and interviews show. At one point last fall, after the auditor, Richard Patton, released an audit blaming cost overruns in the Houston Independent School District’s $2 billion construction program on insufficient competitive bidding and inadequate monitoring, he was cas- tigated by the school dis- trict administration for recklessness and “flawed methodology.” Patton fired back in an email, recently obtained by the Houston Chronicle: “I am going to say this only once — this district does not want the real dirt to be published. ... What is the value in having a gunfight that you seem to desire?” Three days before his March 10 suspension, Pat- ton received an email from the district’s treasurer, asking him whether HISD had been the subject of any significant civil or crimi- nal investigations in the last two years. The trea- surer was seeking infor- mation that may need to be disclosed to potential in- vestors as HISD prepared for a $757 million bond of- fering as part of its ongo- By Ericka Mellon HISD continues on A14 Documents show Patton talked with law enforcement over contracting After slipping for three straight months, regional newvehiclesalesplummet- ed by more than 30 percent in April from a year earlier, suggesting that economic jitters in the oil patch have consumers in Houston hunkering down for leaner times. “When auto sales start to fall, that’s a suggestion that consumer confidence is falling as well,” said Pat- rick Jankowski, senior vice president of research with the Greater Houston Part- nership. Year to date, sales are down 13.2 percent — a far steeper decline than the 4 percent annual dip that was forecast at the begin- ningoftheyear. The numbers stand in stark contrast to national figures showing Ameri- cans brought 3.5 percent more new cars, trucks and By Mike D. Smith Auto continues on A13 Plunge in auto sales suggests economic jitters rising here By the numbers -13.2%: Year-to-date decline in new vehicle sales in the Houston area. 23,652: Number of new vehicles sold in the Houston area in April. -11,600: Drop in sales of new vehicles in April compared to last year. -3.2%: Sales of vehicles priced under $30,000 took the biggest hit here.
  • 2. Houston Chronicle | Tuesday, May 24, 2016 | and Section B xx BUSINESS AT A GLANCE DOW 17,492.93, down 8.01 (-0.0 %) S&P 500 2,048.04, down 4.28 (-0.2 %) CRUDE OIL $48.08, down 33¢ (-0.7 %) NATURAL GAS $2.055, down 0.7¢ (-0.3 %) @HoustonChronHouston Chronicle Germany’s Bayer offers $62 billion for Monsanto. INSIDE Page B3 A federal appeals court dealt a blow to the federal government’sefforttohold Bank of America account- able for the sale of shoddy mortgages before the fi- nancial crisis, overturning a $1.27 billion penalty the bank had been ordered to pay in the so-called “hus- tle”case. A three-judge panel ruled on Monday that federal prosecutors had failed to prove that Bank of America’s Countrywide unit had defrauded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-backed mort- gage firms, when it sold themtroubledloans. The judges said that while Countrywide em- Court backs Bank of America MORTGAGES By Michael Corkery NEW YORK TIMES ‘Hustle’ on B2 A small movie theater chain tallied another win toward its lawsuit alleging that AMC Entertainment Holdings and Regal En- tertainment Group are col- laborating and pressuring studios to restrict access to majorreleases. On Monday, iPic Enter- tainment announced that AMC’s requests to end the lawsuit were denied. Hamid Hashemi, CEO of iPic, said AMC denied it conspired with Regal and also claimed state District Court in Harris County wasnottherightvenue. “It’s really exciting for us and other smaller ex- hibitors because for the first time a court is look- ing at it,” he said. Florida- based iPic operates 13 lux- Small theater chain wins ruling NEW MOVIES By Andrea Rumbaugh Brett Coomer / Houston Chronicle Hamid Hash- emi, iPic En- tertainment CEO, tried out a seat before one of his the- aters opened in Houston last fall. His company is suing two major theater chains. Theater continues on B2 T HE UNIVERSITY of Houston-Down- townplanstobuya large swath of land north of its Main Street campus for an expan- sion that will bring new aca- demic and student life facili- tiestotheuniversity. The school received ap- proval from the University of Houston System Board of Regents to pay $13.2 million for the 17-acre property cur- rently ownedby a partnership thatincludestheMetropolitan TransitAuthorityandaHous- tonrealestatedeveloper. The partnership, Welling- ton Fisher, has owned the acreage for more than a de- cade, after buying it from Ha- keem Olajuwon, the former Houston Rocket star who’s alsobeenarealestateinvestor. “This land has been on the university’s radar for a long time,” said David Bradley, UHD’s vice president for ad- ministration and finance. “We hoped one day we could own it.” It was once being consid- ered for a intermodal transit project, but Metro abandoned UH-Downtown to expand REAL ESTATE School wins OK for purchase of 17 acres north of its campus for $13.2 million; science and technology building planned Metro’s light rail serves the UH-Downtown campus. The school plans to buy land north of its Main Street home. Houston Chronicle file UHD continues on B2 By Nancy Sarnoff Chronicle 45 45 10 W hiteOakBayou Naylor Burnett Franklin University of Houston - Downtown Commerce Main MilamTravis Fra 500 ft. 5 W School site The oil drillers that scour the world for new sources of petroleum stayed home last year, discovering the lowest amount of oil outside of North America in more than60years. Dissuaded by a severe energy downturn that made survival the high- est priority for many companies, the industry discovered 2.8 billion bar- rels of crude outside of North America last year, the lowest amount since 1952, according to a report released Monday by the research firm IHS Energy. Most of the new reserves werefoundoffshore. Last year’s discoveries amounted to just a fraction of the historical average of about 13 billion barrels a year, according to IHS. For the first time, oil dis- coverieshavedeclinedfour consecutive years, IHS said, meaning that in a few years, despite the current glut, it will be difficult for the industry to restock the world’senergysupplies. “Exploration has been charged with providing a quarter (of the oil and gas the world demands), but it has fallen short,” said Bob Fryklund, chief upstream strategist at IHS Energy. “We’regoingtohavetorely onotherresourcestomake upthedifference.” More than 70 publicly traded oil companies cut their exploration spend- ing by a third last year to cope with the plunge in oil prices. Houstoncompanieslike ConocoPhillips,Anadarko Petroleum Corp. and EOG Resources cut spending for the search for crude by a combined $15 billion last year. ConocoPhillips, the third-largest U.S. oil com- pany, said last year that it plans to wind down its deep-water exploration businessin2017. Another Houston com- pany, Apache Corp., cut exploration spending by nearly two thirds, to $4.5billion. Meanwhile, Mara- thon Oil Corp., also based in Houston, reduced its By Collin Eaton Drillers in 2015 found lowest amount of oil outside of North America in more than 60 years, report says Crude exploration wanes amid the energy downturn Ocean continues on B2 The hostile takeover bid by Houston-based West- lake Chemical to acquire Atlanta’s Axiall Corp. could become a bit more amicable now that Axiall is expressing a new open- nesstoconsideringrevised offers. Westlake President and CEO Albert Chao has cov- eted the Atlanta-based Ax- iallforyears,andlaunched a proxy battle to replace Axiall board members who have blocked West- lake’s bid with his own slateofcandidates.Axiall’s shareholdersmeetJune17. Axiall’s chief financial officer, Gregory Thomp- son, has asked Westlake to submit a new offer by June3,WestlakesaidMon- day. Axiall rejected an ini- tial $1.4 billion offer from Axiall more open to a deal WESTLAKE CHEMICAL By Jordan Blum Westlake continues on B2
  • 3. B2 | Tuesday, May 24, 2016 | Houston Chronicle | and x x Monday’s appeals court ruling in the “hustle” case represented a departure for Bank of America, which settled most of its mortgage-related charges before they went to trial. The bank is based in Charlotte, N.C. Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images file ‘Hustle’ from page B1 ‘Hustle’ mortgage ruling goes against prosecutors ployees may have sold loans in 2007 and 2008 that were not of the quality that was promised in the contracts with Fannie and Freddie, there was no evi- dence that these sales — an element of a loan program at Countrywide that was known informally as hus- tle—werepartofadeliber- atedeception. “The trial evidence fails to demonstrate the con- temporaneous fraudulent intent necessary to prove a scheme to defraud,” Judge Richard Wesley wrote in a 31-pageruling. The ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- peals is one of a few set- backs in the Justice De- partment’s prosecution of Wall Street after the mortgage crisis. It is also a disappointment for Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who brought the prosecution against Bank of America and called its practice of rub- ber-stamping risky loans and selling them to Fan- nie Mae and Freddie Mac “spectacularlybrazen.” The bad lending ulti- mately required a taxpay- er-financed bailout of the nation’s biggest banks, in- cludingBankofAmerica. In2014,JudgeJedRakoff of the U.S. District Court in Manhattan ordered the bank to pay a $1.27 billion penalty in the hustle case. But that sum is a small fraction of the tens of bil- lions of dollars the bank has paid in legal fees and settlements related to Countrywide, which Bank ofAmericaboughtin2008. Since 2010, Bank of Amer- ica has spent $37 billion on litigationexpenses,mostof itrelatedtothelegalfallout fromthefinancialcrisis. The hustle case stood out because in addition to Bank of America, pros- ecutors had sought to hold RebeccaMairone,aformer Countrywide executive, li- ableforthefaultyloans. It also represented a de- partureforBankofAmeri- ca,whichsettledmostofits mortgage-related charges before they went to trial. But from the beginning, the bank’s lawyers were betting they could win the hustlecase. “The 2nd Circuit under- stood this was a massive government overreach from the beginning,” said Josh Rosenkranz, who represents Mairone. “The message is that govern- ment should stop looking for fraud where it doesn’t exist.” The U.S. can ask the en- tire panel of the appeals court judges to reconsider the ruling. A spokesman for Bharara declined to commentonthedecision. The case was called hustle because the gov- ernment’s case involved a program at Countrywide known as the High-Speed Swim Lane that the lender createdtosellmortgagesto Fannie and Freddie as the subprime mortgage mar- ketwasimploding. Duringthetrial,inOcto- ber 2013, federal prosecu- tors accused Mairone of overseeing the high-speed lane program that pushed through loans to unquali- fied buyers and ultimately failed, causing more than $1 billion in losses. The faster that employees orig- inated loans, the higher theirbonuses,accordingto testimony. The appeals court ruled that Countrywide’s con- tracts with Fannie and Freddie may have includ- ing false statements. But even“intentional”contract breachesdidnotconstitute fraud on the part of the lender,therulingsaid. The ruling is also a vindication for Mairone, who worked at JPMorgan Chase at the time of the tri- al and had to leave her job afterthejuryconvictedher on one count of fraud, her lawyersaid. Theappealscourtruling means Mairone does not have to pay the $1 million penalty that the district courthadordered. The government’s case was based on a whistle- blower complaint origi- nally brought by Edward O’Donnell, a former Coun- trywideexecutive. O’Donnell received $57 million from the govern- ment for his role in bring- ing the issues to light. His lawyer said the appeals court ruling would not af- fectthatpayout,whichwas tied more broadly to his work helping federal pros- ecutors reach a $16.65 bil- lion settlement with Bank ofAmericainAugust2014. urytheatersnationwide. Paul Yetter of Hous- ton-based Yetter Cole- man, which is represent- ing iPic, called the ruling important because it allows the plaintiffs to presentevidencethatRe- gal and AMC conspired againstiPic. “The court’s ruling allows us to expose this conspiracy at trial,” he said.Thetrialisslatedfor Oct.3. River Oaks District The lawsuit was filed in November, the same month that iPic opened an eight-screen, 578-seat theater in Houston’s Riv- er Oaks District luxury shopping and residential development on West- heimer. Regalthreatenedmov- ie studios, iPic alleges, by telling them it wouldn’t play recently released movies at Edwards Greenway Grand Pal- ace Stadium 24 & RPX if studios also licensed the films to iPic Houston. IPic won an injunction in January to stop such practices. The boutique theater chain likewise alleges that AMC is using the same tactic toward a theater it’s building in Frisco, about 25 miles north of downtown Dal- las. That theater is slated toopeninlate2017. AMC, Regal An AMC spokesman said in an email that the company doesn’t com- ment on pending litiga- tion, and Regal didn’t respond to requests for comment. In court fil- ings, AMC said there is “not a scintilla of evi- dence of any conspiracy between AMC and Re- gal. Instead, the evidence that has been uncovered affirmatively refutes any communication or coor- dination between AMC and Regal regarding iPic orclearances.” Hashemi said he’s go- ing to court for damages — some studios didn’t license movies to iPic be- foretheinjunction—and to get protection for iPic nationally. “They’re using their size and power to stop competition,”hesaid. Theater chain takes on 2 bigger rivals Theater from page B1 those plans several years ago after spending $41 mil- liononit. The authority owns the land in partnership with developer Rocky Stevens. Metro referred questions about the sale to Stevens, who was not immediately availableforcomment. “I believe that the new campus footprint will be viewed as among the most significant developments in the university’s insti- tutional history,” board Vice Chairman Welcome Wilson Jr. said in an an- nouncement Monday. “This land acquisition as- sures UHD has the needed acreage for enrollment growth, campus expan- sion and development of new academic pro- grams.” The land is expected to house a new science and technology building, ap- proved by the Texas Legis- laturelastspring. The university is in the process of selecting an ar- chitectural firm to design the building, which UHD hopes to have open by summer2019. Much of the land is in the 100-year floodplain, so development will require approval from the Harris County Flood Control Dis- tricts,Bradleysaid. “Our plan is to leave a lot of it green for the fore- seeable future,” Bradley added. The acquisition will in- crease the size of the uni- versity’s downtown digs to 40 acres on both sides of Interstate10. The 17-acre tract an- nounced Monday will give the university control of 27 contiguous acres bor- deredbyWhiteOakBayou to the west, North Main to the east, the Union Pacific railroadtrackstothenorth andtheexistingUHDcam- pustothesouth. The land, once owned by the Union Pacific Rail- road,usedtocontainware- housesandarailline. Bradley said the univer- sity is aware of a plan by the Texas Department of Transportation to expand and rebuild highways around downtown, which potentially could affect the newlyacquiredsite. He said the portion of the acreage the school wants most would not be affected. UntilTxDOT’splansbe- come more clear, the land initsproposedpathwillbe used for green space and ballfields. The land deal is expect- edtocloseinAugust. UHD says land assures the space to grow UHD from page B1 spending by more than half,to$2.8billion. “The first thing that always gets cut is explo- ration because it’s discre- tionary,”Fryklundsaid. Companies drilled 4,300 conventional explo- ration and appraisal wells last year, IHS says, com- paredto5,300in2012. Oil companies also retreated from the ocean depths. Deep-water drilling, defined as drill- ing in 1,000 to 5,000 feet of water, dropped by 20 per- cent last year, while drill- ing in waters more than 5,000 feet deep declined 40percent. Shale revolution But it’s hard to over- statetheimpactoftheU.S. energy boom on interna- tionalexploration. The so-called shale revolution drew oil pro- ducers to North America, away from more expen- siveandriskyinvestments in international waters, Fryklundsaid. From 2000 to 2010, all international exploration yielded 246 billion barrels in discovered resources, while shale formations in the United States alone added nearly 200 billion barrels. ‘Down the road’ “Still, if you curtail exploration by the mas- sive amounts that we’re seeing, then it’s going to affect things — not today, not tomorrow, but five yearsdowntheroad,”said Fryklund, noting that re- newable sources such as wind and solar will have toplayabiggerrole. “It’s all part of the tran- sition to the future,” he added. Ocean depths drew fewer crude drillers Ocean from page B1 WestlakeinJanuary,thena subsequent$1.6billionbid. The two petrochemical companiesarecompetitors that make plastics, vinyls, building materials and otherproducts. Westlake previously made a run at buying the company in 2012, when it was still called Georgia Gulf Corp. Westlake re- ported revenues of more than $1 billion last year, compared to $755 million forAxiall. “The Westlake guys are very serious,” said Has- san Ahmed, an analyst at New York equity research firm Alembic Global Ad- visors. “It’s very different from 2012. The difference is this time they actually assembled a board. That’s apainstakingprocess.” Axiall said its leaders remain open to continu- ing negotiations, but they believe Westlake’s offers thus far are inadequate. Westlake said it will either submit a new offer or reaf- firm the previous offer of $23.35pershare,or$1.6bil- lion. Westlake would also assume $1.5 billion in Axi- alldebt. Westlake first made the offer in January, when Axiall’s stock fell below $10 a share. Axiall’s stock surged when Chao soon after disclosed the offer rejected by Westlake, and it closed Monday at $22.65 a share, up 36 cents on the day. Ahmed said Westlake is in a position of strength as it heads toward the proxy vote. Axiall shareholders are frustrated by the com- pany’sunder-performance in recent years, Ahmed said, and many are open to adealifWestlakeincreases its offer to more than $25 pershare. Westlake started with low-ball numbers, so a stronger offer will be need- edtoclosethedeal,hesaid. “Westlake has a far bet- ter track record of manag- ingassets,”Ahmedadded. Earlier this year, it looked like the Westlake- Axiall saga would play out as it had in the past, with the bid becoming hostile, butultimatelyfailing.Four years ago, Georgia Gulf Corp., which became Axi- Westlake Chemical has sought Axiall for years Westlake from page B1 all in 2013, rejected offers of $1 billion and $1.2 billion before Westlake withdrew itsbid. But the proxy fight changes things, said Ahmed.“Somethingisdef- initelygoingtohappen.” FROM THE COVER 3.01%