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Sains dan Teknologi
Dr. Afrizal Mayub, M.Kom
Teknologi Energi terbarukan Semester I 2
Memahami masalah energi, dasar-dasar energi terbarukan
Daftar Pustaka:
1.Prof.Dr. Zuhal, "Dasar Teknik Tenaga Listrik"
2.BL. Theraja, "A Text Book of Electrical Technology”
0. Teknologi Energi Terbarukan
1. Sistem Tenaga Listrik
2. Energi Alternatif dan permasalahannya
4. Solar Parabolic Troughs dan Solar
Power Towers
8. Energi nuklir
World energy consumption
World power usage in terawatts (TW), 1965-2015. [1]
Energy, Ability to do work
Natural gas (22.2%)
Biofuels and waste (9.5%)
Hydro electricity (2.5%)
Others (renewables) (1.8%)
Nuclear (4.9%)
World energy resources
Worldwide energy supply in TW[4]
Fossil Fuel
 Fossil fuels or mineral fuels are fossil source fuels, this is,
hydrocarbons found within the top layer of the earth’s crust.
 There are three major forms of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas
 Bahan bakar fosil atau bahan bakar mineral adalah sumber bahan
bakar fosil, yaitu hidrokarbon yang ditemukan di lapisan atas kerak
 Ada tiga bentuk utama
bahan bakar fosil:
batu bara, minyak,
dan gas alam..
Fossil Fuel
 It is generally accepted that they formed from
the fossilized remains of dead plants and
animals[1] by exposure to heat and pressure in
the Earth's crust over hundreds of millions of
 Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources
because they take millions of years to form and
reserves are being depleted much faster than
new ones are being formed.
 Fossil Fuel, terbentuk dari sisa-sisa fosil
tanaman mati dan hewan [1] oleh paparan
panas dan tekanan di kerak Bumi selama
ratusan juta tahun.
 Bahan bakar fosil adalah sumber daya tak
terbarukan karena fosil memerlukan waktu
jutaan tahun untuk terbentuk dan cadangannya
lebih cepat habis daripada pembentukannya
Fossil Fuel
 It was estimated by the Energy Information
Administration that in 2005 86% of primary energy
production in the world came from burning fossil
 tahun 2005 86% diper
kirakan produksi energi
primer di dunia berasal
dari pembakaran bahan
bakar fosil.
Worldwide energy supply in TW[4]
Energy Problems: Environmental Problems
Problems caused by the burning of fossil fuels:
 Emissions build up during the output, processing, transport and burning
of the sources of energy. Sulphur dioxide, soot, carbon monoxide (CO).
-> toxic for the people & environment.
 Emisi keluaran pemroses meningkat, saat pembakaran sumber energi
dan transportasi. Sulfur dioksida, jelaga, karbon monoksida (CO).
->Toksik bagi masyarakat & lingkungan.
Energy Problems: Environmental Problems: Green house effect (1)
 By the action of different natural trace gases in the atmosphere, like
steam or CO2, the arriving sunlight is held back as in a hothouse.
 The greenhouse effect is the process in which the emission of
infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet's surface.
 Prilaku gas-gas alam yang berbeda di atmosfer, seperti uap atau CO2,
sinar matahari yang tiba dan dipantulkan kembali sperti di rumah kaca.
 Efek rumah kaca adalah proses, emisi radiasi inframerah oleh
atmosfer menghangatkan permukaan planet.
Energy Problems: Environmental Problems: Green house effect (2)
 Burning fossil fuel produces large amount of greenhouse
gases, especially CO2.
 Global warming, a recent warming of the Earth's lower
atmosphere, is believed to be the result of an enhanced
greenhouse effect due to increased concentrations of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
 Pembakaran bahan bakar fosil menghasilkan sejumlah
besar gas rumah kaca, terutama CO2.
 Pemanasan global, pemanasan akhir-akhir ini dari
atmosfer bumi yang lebih rendah, diyakini sebagai hasil
dari efek rumah kaca yang meninggi karena meningkatnya
konsentrasi gas rumah kaca di atmosfer.
Energy Problems: Energy Crisis
 Natural reserves of fossil energy sources will only last for a
few more generations.
 The shortage of fossil fuels will cause rising prices.
 Cadangan alam sumber energi fosil hanya akan bertahan
selama beberapa generasi lagi.
 Kekurangan bahan
bakar fosil akan
menyebabkan kenai
kan harga.
 In response to energy crisis and environmental issue, the
principles of green energy and sustainable living
movements gain popularity.
 This has led to increasing interest in alternate power/fuel
research such as fuel cell technology, liquid nitrogen
economy, hydrogen fuel, biomethanol, biodiesel, Karrick
process, solar energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy,
wave power, and wind energy, and fusion power.
 Sebagai tanggapan terhadap krisis energi dan isu
lingkungan, prinsip-prinsip energi hijau dan gerakan hidup
berkelanjutan mendapatkan popularitas.
 Hal ini telah menyebabkan meningkatnya minat dalam
penelitian tenaga / bahan bakar alternatif seperti teknologi
sel bahan bakar, ekonomi nitrogen cair, bahan bakar
hidrogen, biomethanol, biodiesel, proses Karrick, energi
surya, energi panas bumi, energi pasang surut, kekuatan
gelombang, dan energi angin, dan energi fusi.
World renewable energy in 2005
(except 2004 data for items marked* or **).[3]
Worldwide energy supply in TW[4]
Available renewable energy.
• The volume of the cubes represent the amount of
available wind and solar energy. The small red cube
shows the proportional global energy consumption.
• Volume kubus mewakili jumlah energi angin dan
energi matahari yang tersedia. Kubus merah kecil
menunjukkan konsumsi energi global proporsional.
Energy Conversion
 Tab. 1-4
Electricity Generation (next topic)
 Electricity generation is the process of
converting some form of energy into
Methods of generating electricity
 Turbines
 Rotating turbines attached to electrical
generators produce most commercially
available electricity. Turbines are driven by a
fluid which acts as an intermediate energy
 Steam:
 the burning of fossil fuels
 nuclear fission
 solar parabolic troughs and solar power
 Geothermal power.
 Water (hydroelectric):
 Wind
 Hot gas (gas turbine)
Methods of generating electricity
 Turbines
 turbin yang berputar terhubung dengan
generator menghasilkan listrik yang tersedia
secara komer sial. Turbin didorong oleh fluida
yang bertindak sebagai pembawa energi
 Uap:
 pembakaran bahan bakar fosil
 fisi nuklir
 palung parabola matahari dan menara
tenaga surya Tenaga panas bumi.
 Air (hidroelektrik)
 Angin
 Gas panas (turbin gas)
Methods of generating electricity
 Reciprocating engines
 A reciprocating engine, also
often known as a piston engine,
is a heat engine that uses one
or more pistons to convert
pressure into a rotating motion.
 Mesin reciprocating
 Mesin reciprocating, juga sering
dikenal sebagai mesin piston,
adalah mesin panas yang
menggunakan satu atau lebih
piston untuk mengubah tekanan
menjadi gerakan berputar.
Methods of generating electricity
 Photovoltaic panels
 Others
 Electrochemical (Fuel cell)
 Assignment: presentation of 1 electricity
generation method can be based on Abdul
Kadir’s book.
 How it works
 Efficiency, Cost, Positive & negative effects
 Current trends & energy policy regarding this
method (world & Indonesia)
 State the reference!
 Tugas 1 Sem Ganjil 18/19
 Cari artikel dari media cetak/internet, min thn
2005, mengenai berbagai tipe pembangkit listrik
(lihat slide selanjutnya).
 Tuliskan referensi / linknya.
 Tuliskan poin-poin kesimpulan/ide dari artikel
 Tugas dkumpulkan sebelum kuliah tg 29 Agus
Maret 2018, atau dikirim ke
 Tugas dikumpulkan dlm bentuk,
 1. file html atau mht.
 2. file ppt : 1. anggota kelompok, judul, poin2
kesimpulan/ide, 3. link/referensi
Contoh: File ContohPLTAngin.mht, Kompas Sept 2006
Contoh: File bioenergiedorf.pdf, Gatra April 2006
 Thank You!
 Primary energy is energy that has not been
subjected to any conversion or transforma-
tion process. (Energi primer adalah energi
yang belum mengalami proses konversi atau
transformasi apa pun.
 Examples of primary energy resources
include coal, crude oil, sunlight, wind,
running rivers, vegetation, and uranium.
 Primary energy includes non-renewable
energy and renewable energy.
Primary energies are transformed in
energy conversion processes to more
convenient forms of energy, such as
electrical energy and cleaner fuels. In
energy statistics these forms are called
secondary energy. (Energi primer
diubah dalam proses konversi energi
menjadi bentuk energi yang lebih
nyaman, seperti energi listrik dan
bahan bakar yang lebih bersih. Dalam
statistik energi, bentuk ini disebut
energi sekunder.)
Nuclear Power
 Nuclear Energy is energy that is directly
released from the atomic nucleus.
 Nuclear energy is released by three
exoenergetic (or exothermic) processes:
 Radioactive decay, where a neutron or
proton in the radioactive nucleus decays
spontaneously by emitting either particles,
electromagnetic radiation (gamma rays),
neutrinos (or all of them)
 Fusion, two atomic nuclei fuse together to
form a heavier nucleus
 Fission, the breaking of an heavy nucleus
into two (more rarely three) lighter nuclei.
 Nuclear power is a type of nuclear
technology involving the controlled use of
nuclear fission to release energy for work
including propulsion, heat, and the
generation of electricity.
 Nuclear energy is produced by a controlled
nuclear chain reaction and creates heat—
which is used to boil water, produce steam,
and drive a steam turbine.
 The turbine can be used for mechanical
work and also to generate electricity.
Renewable Energy: Hydropower
 Worldwide hydroelectricity consumption reached
816 GW in 2005, consisting of 750 GW of large
plants, and 66 GW of small hydro installations.
Large hydro capacity totaling 10.9 GW was added
by China, Brazil and India during the year, but
there was a much faster growth (8%) in small
hydro, with 5 GW added, mostly in China where
some 58% of the world's small hydro plants are
now located.[3]
 In the Western world, although Canada is the
largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world,
the construction of large hydro plants has
stagnated due to environmental concerns.[24]
Renewable Energy: Biomass & biofuel
 Until the end of the nineteenth century biomass was the
predominant fuel, today it has only a small share of the
overall energy supply. Electricity produced from biomass
sources was estimated at 44 GW for 2005. Biomass
electricity generation increased by over 100% in Germany,
Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain. A further
220 GW was used for heating (in 2004), bringing the total
energy consumed from biomass to around 264 GW. The
use of biomass fires for cooking is excluded.[3]
 World production of bioethanol increased by 8% in 2005 to
reach 33 billion litres (8.72 billion US gallons), with most of
the increase in the United States, bringing it level to the
levels of consumption in Brazil.[3] Biodiesel increased by
85% to 3.9 billion litres (1.03 billion US gallons), making it
the fastest growing renewable energy source in 2005. Over
50% is produced in Germany.[3]
Renewable Energy: Wind power
 According to the Global Wind Energy Council, the
installed capacity of wind power increased by
25.6% in from the end of 2005 to end of 2006 to
total 74 GW with over half the increase in the
United States, Germany, India and Spain.[25]
Doubling of capacity took about three and half
years. The total installed capacity is approximately
three times that of the actual average power
produced as the nominal capacity represents peak
output; actual capacity is generally from 25-40% of
the nominal capacity.[citation needed]
Renewable Energy: Solar power
 Solar energy used during 2005 was approximately 93.4 GW; however,
the available resources are 3.8 YJ/yr (120,000 TW). Only a small
fraction of available resources are sufficient to entirely replace fossil
fuels and nuclear power as an energy source. Assuming that our
current rate of usage remains constant, we will run out of conventional
oil in 35 years, coal in 200 yrs. In practice neither will actually run out,
as natural constraints will force production to decline as the remaining
reserves dwindle.[26][27]
 In 2005 grid-connected photovoltaic electricity was the fastest growing
renewable energy after biodiesel. During the year consumption
increased by 55% on 2004 to bring the installed capacity to 3.1 GW.
Over half of the increase was in Germany, now the world's largest
consumer of photovoltaic electricity (followed by Japan). It was
estimated that there was a further 2.3 GW of off-grid electricity
produced, bringing the total to 5.4 GW.[3]
 Portugal has opened the world's most powerful photovoltaic solar
power plant. The 11 megawatt solar power plant, comprising 52,000
photovoltaic modules is based in southern Portugal which is one of the
sunniest places in Europe. It produces sufficient energy to power 8000
homes (see Renewable energy in Portugal).[28]
 The consumption of solar hot water and solar space heating was
estimated at 88 GWt (gigawatts of thermal power) in 2004. The heating
of water for unglazed swimming pools is excluded.[3]
Renewable Energy: Geothermal
Geothermal energy is used
commercially in over 70 countries.[29]
By the end of 2005 worldwide use for
electricity had reached 9.3 GW, with an
additional 28 GW used directly for
heating.[3] If heat recovered by ground
source heat pumps is included, the
non-electric use of geothermal energy
is estimated at more than 100 GW.[29]
Environmental effect of fossil fuel burning -
> global warming

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0 Sains dan Teknologi (3).pptx

  • 1. 1 Sains dan Teknologi Dr. Afrizal Mayub, M.Kom
  • 2. 2 Teknologi Energi terbarukan Semester I 2 SKS Tujuan: Memahami masalah energi, dasar-dasar energi terbarukan Prasyarat: Daftar Pustaka: 1.Prof.Dr. Zuhal, "Dasar Teknik Tenaga Listrik" 2.BL. Theraja, "A Text Book of Electrical Technology” SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI
  • 3. SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI 0. Teknologi Energi Terbarukan 1. Sistem Tenaga Listrik 2. Energi Alternatif dan permasalahannya 3. PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS 4. Solar Parabolic Troughs dan Solar Power Towers 5. TIDAL AND WAVE ENERGY 6. WIND ENERGY 8. Energi nuklir
  • 4. 4 World energy consumption World power usage in terawatts (TW), 1965-2015. [1] Energy, Ability to do work
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 9. 9 Natural gas (22.2%) Biofuels and waste (9.5%) Hydro electricity (2.5%) Others (renewables) (1.8%) Nuclear (4.9%)
  • 10. 10 World energy resources Worldwide energy supply in TW[4]
  • 11. 11 Fossil Fuel  Fossil fuels or mineral fuels are fossil source fuels, this is, hydrocarbons found within the top layer of the earth’s crust.  There are three major forms of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas  Bahan bakar fosil atau bahan bakar mineral adalah sumber bahan bakar fosil, yaitu hidrokarbon yang ditemukan di lapisan atas kerak bumi.  Ada tiga bentuk utama bahan bakar fosil: batu bara, minyak, dan gas alam..
  • 12. 12 Fossil Fuel  It is generally accepted that they formed from the fossilized remains of dead plants and animals[1] by exposure to heat and pressure in the Earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years.  Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources because they take millions of years to form and reserves are being depleted much faster than new ones are being formed.  Fossil Fuel, terbentuk dari sisa-sisa fosil tanaman mati dan hewan [1] oleh paparan panas dan tekanan di kerak Bumi selama ratusan juta tahun.  Bahan bakar fosil adalah sumber daya tak terbarukan karena fosil memerlukan waktu jutaan tahun untuk terbentuk dan cadangannya lebih cepat habis daripada pembentukannya
  • 13. 13 Fossil Fuel  It was estimated by the Energy Information Administration that in 2005 86% of primary energy production in the world came from burning fossil fuels.  tahun 2005 86% diper kirakan produksi energi primer di dunia berasal dari pembakaran bahan bakar fosil. Worldwide energy supply in TW[4]
  • 14. 14 Energy Problems: Environmental Problems Problems caused by the burning of fossil fuels:  Emissions build up during the output, processing, transport and burning of the sources of energy. Sulphur dioxide, soot, carbon monoxide (CO). -> toxic for the people & environment.  Emisi keluaran pemroses meningkat, saat pembakaran sumber energi dan transportasi. Sulfur dioksida, jelaga, karbon monoksida (CO). ->Toksik bagi masyarakat & lingkungan.
  • 15. 15 Energy Problems: Environmental Problems: Green house effect (1)  By the action of different natural trace gases in the atmosphere, like steam or CO2, the arriving sunlight is held back as in a hothouse.  The greenhouse effect is the process in which the emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet's surface.  Prilaku gas-gas alam yang berbeda di atmosfer, seperti uap atau CO2, sinar matahari yang tiba dan dipantulkan kembali sperti di rumah kaca.  Efek rumah kaca adalah proses, emisi radiasi inframerah oleh atmosfer menghangatkan permukaan planet.
  • 16. 16 Energy Problems: Environmental Problems: Green house effect (2)  Burning fossil fuel produces large amount of greenhouse gases, especially CO2.  Global warming, a recent warming of the Earth's lower atmosphere, is believed to be the result of an enhanced greenhouse effect due to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  Pembakaran bahan bakar fosil menghasilkan sejumlah besar gas rumah kaca, terutama CO2.  Pemanasan global, pemanasan akhir-akhir ini dari atmosfer bumi yang lebih rendah, diyakini sebagai hasil dari efek rumah kaca yang meninggi karena meningkatnya konsentrasi gas rumah kaca di atmosfer.
  • 17. 17 Energy Problems: Energy Crisis  Natural reserves of fossil energy sources will only last for a few more generations.  The shortage of fossil fuels will cause rising prices.  Cadangan alam sumber energi fosil hanya akan bertahan selama beberapa generasi lagi.  Kekurangan bahan bakar fosil akan menyebabkan kenai kan harga.
  • 18. 18  In response to energy crisis and environmental issue, the principles of green energy and sustainable living movements gain popularity.  This has led to increasing interest in alternate power/fuel research such as fuel cell technology, liquid nitrogen economy, hydrogen fuel, biomethanol, biodiesel, Karrick process, solar energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy, wave power, and wind energy, and fusion power.  Sebagai tanggapan terhadap krisis energi dan isu lingkungan, prinsip-prinsip energi hijau dan gerakan hidup berkelanjutan mendapatkan popularitas.  Hal ini telah menyebabkan meningkatnya minat dalam penelitian tenaga / bahan bakar alternatif seperti teknologi sel bahan bakar, ekonomi nitrogen cair, bahan bakar hidrogen, biomethanol, biodiesel, proses Karrick, energi surya, energi panas bumi, energi pasang surut, kekuatan gelombang, dan energi angin, dan energi fusi.
  • 19. 19 World renewable energy in 2005 (except 2004 data for items marked* or **).[3] Worldwide energy supply in TW[4]
  • 20. 20 Available renewable energy. • The volume of the cubes represent the amount of available wind and solar energy. The small red cube shows the proportional global energy consumption. • Volume kubus mewakili jumlah energi angin dan energi matahari yang tersedia. Kubus merah kecil menunjukkan konsumsi energi global proporsional.
  • 22. 22 Electricity Generation (next topic)  Electricity generation is the process of converting some form of energy into electricity.
  • 23. 23 Methods of generating electricity  Turbines  Rotating turbines attached to electrical generators produce most commercially available electricity. Turbines are driven by a fluid which acts as an intermediate energy carrier.  Steam:  the burning of fossil fuels  nuclear fission  solar parabolic troughs and solar power towers  Geothermal power.  Water (hydroelectric):  Wind  Hot gas (gas turbine)
  • 24. 24 Methods of generating electricity  Turbines  turbin yang berputar terhubung dengan generator menghasilkan listrik yang tersedia secara komer sial. Turbin didorong oleh fluida yang bertindak sebagai pembawa energi menengah.  Uap:  pembakaran bahan bakar fosil  fisi nuklir  palung parabola matahari dan menara tenaga surya Tenaga panas bumi.  Air (hidroelektrik)  Angin  Gas panas (turbin gas)
  • 25. 25 Methods of generating electricity  Reciprocating engines  A reciprocating engine, also often known as a piston engine, is a heat engine that uses one or more pistons to convert pressure into a rotating motion.  Mesin reciprocating  Mesin reciprocating, juga sering dikenal sebagai mesin piston, adalah mesin panas yang menggunakan satu atau lebih piston untuk mengubah tekanan menjadi gerakan berputar.
  • 26. 26 Methods of generating electricity  Photovoltaic panels  Others  Electrochemical (Fuel cell)
  • 27. 27  Assignment: presentation of 1 electricity generation method can be based on Abdul Kadir’s book.  How it works  Efficiency, Cost, Positive & negative effects  Current trends & energy policy regarding this method (world & Indonesia)  State the reference!
  • 28.  Tugas 1 Sem Ganjil 18/19  Cari artikel dari media cetak/internet, min thn 2005, mengenai berbagai tipe pembangkit listrik (lihat slide selanjutnya).  Tuliskan referensi / linknya.  Tuliskan poin-poin kesimpulan/ide dari artikel tersebut.  Tugas dkumpulkan sebelum kuliah tg 29 Agus Maret 2018, atau dikirim ke  Tugas dikumpulkan dlm bentuk,  1. file html atau mht.  2. file ppt : 1. anggota kelompok, judul, poin2 kesimpulan/ide, 3. link/referensi
  • 29. Contoh: File ContohPLTAngin.mht, Kompas Sept 2006 29
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  • 39. 39  Primary energy is energy that has not been subjected to any conversion or transforma- tion process. (Energi primer adalah energi yang belum mengalami proses konversi atau transformasi apa pun.  Examples of primary energy resources include coal, crude oil, sunlight, wind, running rivers, vegetation, and uranium.  Primary energy includes non-renewable energy and renewable energy.
  • 40. 40 Primary energies are transformed in energy conversion processes to more convenient forms of energy, such as electrical energy and cleaner fuels. In energy statistics these forms are called secondary energy. (Energi primer diubah dalam proses konversi energi menjadi bentuk energi yang lebih nyaman, seperti energi listrik dan bahan bakar yang lebih bersih. Dalam statistik energi, bentuk ini disebut energi sekunder.)
  • 42. 42  Nuclear Energy is energy that is directly released from the atomic nucleus.  Nuclear energy is released by three exoenergetic (or exothermic) processes:  Radioactive decay, where a neutron or proton in the radioactive nucleus decays spontaneously by emitting either particles, electromagnetic radiation (gamma rays), neutrinos (or all of them)  Fusion, two atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus  Fission, the breaking of an heavy nucleus into two (more rarely three) lighter nuclei.
  • 43. 43  Nuclear power is a type of nuclear technology involving the controlled use of nuclear fission to release energy for work including propulsion, heat, and the generation of electricity.  Nuclear energy is produced by a controlled nuclear chain reaction and creates heat— which is used to boil water, produce steam, and drive a steam turbine.  The turbine can be used for mechanical work and also to generate electricity.
  • 44. 44 Renewable Energy: Hydropower  Worldwide hydroelectricity consumption reached 816 GW in 2005, consisting of 750 GW of large plants, and 66 GW of small hydro installations. Large hydro capacity totaling 10.9 GW was added by China, Brazil and India during the year, but there was a much faster growth (8%) in small hydro, with 5 GW added, mostly in China where some 58% of the world's small hydro plants are now located.[3]  In the Western world, although Canada is the largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world, the construction of large hydro plants has stagnated due to environmental concerns.[24]
  • 45. 45 Renewable Energy: Biomass & biofuel  Until the end of the nineteenth century biomass was the predominant fuel, today it has only a small share of the overall energy supply. Electricity produced from biomass sources was estimated at 44 GW for 2005. Biomass electricity generation increased by over 100% in Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain. A further 220 GW was used for heating (in 2004), bringing the total energy consumed from biomass to around 264 GW. The use of biomass fires for cooking is excluded.[3]  World production of bioethanol increased by 8% in 2005 to reach 33 billion litres (8.72 billion US gallons), with most of the increase in the United States, bringing it level to the levels of consumption in Brazil.[3] Biodiesel increased by 85% to 3.9 billion litres (1.03 billion US gallons), making it the fastest growing renewable energy source in 2005. Over 50% is produced in Germany.[3]
  • 46. 46 Renewable Energy: Wind power  According to the Global Wind Energy Council, the installed capacity of wind power increased by 25.6% in from the end of 2005 to end of 2006 to total 74 GW with over half the increase in the United States, Germany, India and Spain.[25] Doubling of capacity took about three and half years. The total installed capacity is approximately three times that of the actual average power produced as the nominal capacity represents peak output; actual capacity is generally from 25-40% of the nominal capacity.[citation needed]
  • 47. 47 Renewable Energy: Solar power  Solar energy used during 2005 was approximately 93.4 GW; however, the available resources are 3.8 YJ/yr (120,000 TW). Only a small fraction of available resources are sufficient to entirely replace fossil fuels and nuclear power as an energy source. Assuming that our current rate of usage remains constant, we will run out of conventional oil in 35 years, coal in 200 yrs. In practice neither will actually run out, as natural constraints will force production to decline as the remaining reserves dwindle.[26][27]  In 2005 grid-connected photovoltaic electricity was the fastest growing renewable energy after biodiesel. During the year consumption increased by 55% on 2004 to bring the installed capacity to 3.1 GW. Over half of the increase was in Germany, now the world's largest consumer of photovoltaic electricity (followed by Japan). It was estimated that there was a further 2.3 GW of off-grid electricity produced, bringing the total to 5.4 GW.[3]  Portugal has opened the world's most powerful photovoltaic solar power plant. The 11 megawatt solar power plant, comprising 52,000 photovoltaic modules is based in southern Portugal which is one of the sunniest places in Europe. It produces sufficient energy to power 8000 homes (see Renewable energy in Portugal).[28]  The consumption of solar hot water and solar space heating was estimated at 88 GWt (gigawatts of thermal power) in 2004. The heating of water for unglazed swimming pools is excluded.[3]
  • 48. 48 Renewable Energy: Geothermal Geothermal energy is used commercially in over 70 countries.[29] By the end of 2005 worldwide use for electricity had reached 9.3 GW, with an additional 28 GW used directly for heating.[3] If heat recovered by ground source heat pumps is included, the non-electric use of geothermal energy is estimated at more than 100 GW.[29]
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  • 51. 51 Environmental effect of fossil fuel burning - > global warming
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