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Beginners of c
About C
• C was found by Dennis Ritchie in the year
• C is a structured programming language.This
means that is a proper collection of modules
would make a complete program.
Module 1
Module 2
Module n
A Program
no etc.,
To Add Two Numbers
Get B
Get A
About C…
• C is a high level language.
• There are only 32 keywords in ANSI C.
• C is highly portable. This means that C
programs written for one computer can run
on another with little or no modification.
Complete Structure of c program
Document Section
Link Section
Global Declaration Section
Sub Program Section
Declaration Part
Execution Part
Function 1
Function 2
Function n
Simple Structure of C
header Files
void main()
variable declaration;
program statements;
Header Files
• It is called as preprocessor(predefined or in built or
• It is one of the important function or one of the main
feature of ’c’.
• Header files are included in hash(#).
• Syntax:
#<directive name> <files (or) variables>
• Example
Predefined header Files
• Stdio.h-Standard Input Output.header file
• The stdio.h header file should be used in a
program when printf and scanf statements are
• conio.h-console Input Output.header file
• The conio.h header file should be used for
storing purpose and retriving it back.It is used
when clrscr() and getch() functions are used.
void main() function
• void-returns nothing
• It is a special function in ‘c’ which informs the
computer about the starting position of the
program.It is a combination of variable
declaration and program statements.
• Every program should have one main() function
void main()
Start of main() function
End of the main()
Program Statements
• Print function
• Scan function(We shall see this in the next
Print function
• It is used to print the expected output in the user screen.
• Syntax:
printf(“message (or) string”);
printf(“control string”,variable 1,variable2,variable n);
• Now,We shall deal about the 1st
• Example
printf(“hai doakians”);
• Every Statement in C should end with SEMICOLON(;).
• There should be no space between ‘print’ and ‘f’.It is a single
word printf.
Write a program to print a
void main()
printf(“Hai doakians”);
Hai doakians
• clrscr();-used to clear the output screen.
• getch();-used to run the program by getting
any character as input.
• Comment is a note that can be put into the source code.
• It is ignored by the compiler.
• Single line comment-Starts with //
• Example:
//Print a message
void main()
printf(“Hai doakians”);
• The commented line would be ignored during execution.
• Multi line comment-starts with/*…….*/
• Example:
void main()
printf(“good morning”);*/
printf(“Hai doakians”);
How to run a program?
• The blue screen appears.
Step 1:-
-Select File
-Then select new
-Then select file again and click save
-Then save it with a file name
suffixed with the extension .c
Step 2:-
Then type the coding line by line
Step 3:-
Again save the program with the keyboard
shortcut f2
Step 4:-
Compile the program with the
keyboard shortcut alt+f9.
Step 5:-
Correct the errors if any-then repeat
step2 to step4.
Step 6:-
Run the program with the keyboard
shortcut ctrl+f9
How to open and access the saved
Step 1:-
Select File and then Open
Step 2:-
Then type your saved file name with
the extension.c
Important points to be noted….
• Every program should have a header file
• Every statement in the program should end with the
semicolon(;) except header files, main()function or
any other functions.
• A program can also be run without getch() function by
using the shortcut alt+f5 instead of ctrl+f9
• C is case sensitive i.e., lower case(small letters) or
upper case(capital letters) can be used. In order to
avoid errors its better to use lower case(small letters).
• There should be no space between ‘print’ and ‘f’.It is a
single word printf.
• Write a c program to display a set of
statements related to your college.
Chapter 2
Character constants
• It is a combination of letters(A to Z ,a to z),
digits, special characters and white spaces.
• Digits may be of 3 types
1.Octal (0 to 7)(base=8)
2.Decimal(0 to 9)(base=10)
3.Hexadecimal (0 to 9,A,B,C,D,E,F)(base=16)
Special characters
, Comma
. Period
; Semicolon
: colon
? Question
‘ Apostrophe
“ Quotation
! Exclamatio
n mark
~ Tilde
/ Slash
| Vertical
_ Underscor
$ Dollar sign
% Percent
& Ampersand
^ Caret
* Asterisk
- Minus sign
+ Plus sign
< Less than
angle bracket
> greater than
angle bracket
) Right
( Left
[ Left bracket
] Right
{ Left brace
} Right brace
# Number sign
White spaces
• Blank space
• Horizontal tab
• Carriage return
• Newline
• Form feed
Trigraph characters
• It is used to enter certain characters that are
not available on some keyboard.
• Each trigraph sequence consists of 3
characters(two question marks followed by
another character).
• Eg:
??= #number sign
• It is the smallest individual units
Keywords Identifiers Constants Strings Special
• All keywords have fixed meanings and these
meanings cannot be changed.
• They serve as a basic building blocks for
program statements.
• They should be written in lower case.
C keywords
auto double int struct
break else long switch
case enum register typedef
char extern return union
const float short unsigned
continue for signed void
default goto sizeof volatile
do if static while
• It refers to the name of variables,functions
and arrays.
• These are user defined names and consist of a
sequence of letters and digits,with a letter as
first character.
Rules for identifier
1. First character must be an alphabet(or
2. Must consist of only letters, digits or
3. Only first 31 characters are significant.
4. Cannot use a keyword
5. Must not contain white space
6. It is case sensitive
Difference between keywords and
Keywords Identifiers
All keywords have fixed meanings and
these meanings cannot be changed.
It refers to the name of
variables,functions and arrays.
It is predefined. These are user defined names
They should be written in lower case. Both lower and upper case letters are
It consist of letters, digits or underscore. It consist of only letters
Example: int Example: int a;
• Constants are fixed values that do not change
during the execution of program.
Backslash character constants
• C supports some backslash character
constants that are used in output functions.
• These character combinations are known as
escape sequence.
Backslash character constants
Constant Meaning
a Audible alert
b backspace
f’ Form feed
n newline
r Carriage return
’ Single quote
” Double quote
? Question mark
0 Null
Example:- printf(“Hai”);
printf(“n Doakians”);
Write a program to display some
statements in the following way using
backslash character constants.
• The following output should be displayed:
1 2
void main()
printf(“Hi n”);
Printf(“1 t 2 n”);
Printf(“n welcome);
1 2
Try and look some difference
• Try these statements
printf(“ hai /n”);
printf(“n hai”);
• output:-
• New line will not be created as the back
slash() is not used. So, it would print as it is
just as a part of the message. The compiler
does not generates any errors for wrong
usage of slash.
• Write a c program to display the numbers in a
matrix form
Data Type
Data type
data types
User defined
data type
data types
Primary data types
• Data type specifies the type of the data that
the variable hold.
Data type Description
int Whole numbers
float Decimal numbers
char Characters
User defined and derived data types will be discussed later.
• A variable is a data name that may be used to
store data value.
• A variable may take different values at
different times during execution.
• A variable name can be chosen by the
programmer in a meaningful way so as to
reflect its function or nature in the program.
Rules of variables
Variable names may consist of letters, digits and
underscore(_) characters. The following are rules:
1.They must begin with a letter. Some systems
permit underscore as the first character.
2.Only first 31 characters are recognized. However,
length should not normally more than 8
characters are treated significant by many
3.Uppercase and lower case are significant. That is,
the variable Total is not the same as total or
Rules of variables
4. It should not be a keyword.
5. White space is not allowed.
In short,
1. First character must be an alphabet(or
2. Must consist of only letters, digits or
3. Only first 31 characters are significant.
4. Cannot use a keyword
5. Must not contain white space
6. It is case sensitive
• Some valid variable names
• Some invalid variable names
Variable declaration
• The declaration of variables are done before
they are used in the program.
• Declaration does two things:
1.It tells the compiler what the variable name is.
2.It specifies what type of data the variable will
data-type variable1,variable2,variable n;
• Example for variable declaration:-
int a,b,c;
float a1;
char d;
Assigning values to variables
data from
(i.e., scanf)
Assignment statement
• Values are assigned to the variables using the assignment operators
• Syntax
data-type variable_name=constant;
int a;
• This statement assigns the number 10 to the variable a.
int p,q,r;
int b=20;
• It is used to gives values to variables through keyboard
• In simple term, it is used to get the values from the
user at the run time.
• Syntax
• The ampersand symbol & before each variable is an
operator that specifies the variable name’s address .
• NOTE: We must always use the ampersand symbol
&(Except for character data type),otherwise
unexpected results may occur.
Control string or format string
• It contains the format of the data being
Control string Data type/data given by user
%d int(Integer)
%ld long int(Long integer)
%f float(Float)
%c char(Character)
%e double(Double)
%s char(String)
• Example for scanf:
int a;
float b;
char c;
printf(“enter 2 numbers and a
printf(“the 2 numbers are %d %f”,a,b);
printf(“the character is %c”c);
Write a c program to perform simple
void main()
int p,n,r,si;
printf(“enter the principal,number of years and rate
of interest”);
printf(“nthe simple interest is %d”,si);
enter the principal,number of years and rate of interest
the simple interest is1000
• Write a c program to perform arithematic
operation(like +,-,*,/)
• Write a c program to convert centigrade to
• Write a c program to convert Fahrenheit to
• Write a c program to find average of numbers
• Write a c program to find simple interest using
assignment statements
General debugging techniques
• Errors would be specified along with the line numbers
• Some of the common errors:
1. Error:
Unable to open header files
Fatal Error
First select option menu and then
select directories and then delete the path given in
output directories.
2. Error:
Multiple choice questions
1. Almost every c program begins with the
a) main()
b) printf()
c) #include<stdio.h>
d) scanf()
e) None of the above
2. The function scanf() reads
a) A single character
b) Characters and strings
c) Any possible number
d) Any possible variable type
e) None of the above
3. Which of the following is an invalid variable
a) first_tag
b) group one
c) int_type
d) value
4. Which of the following is a valid variable
a) price$
b) char
c) j5*1
d) %$
5. # directives must be present
a) Before the main() function
b) After the main() function
c) At the end of the program
d) Anywhere in the function body
e) None of the above
6. Which of the following are valid characters
a) ‘n’
b) ‘’
c) ‘0’
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
7. Which of the following scanf statements is
a) scanf(“%f”,float-var-name);
b) scanf(“%d”,&number);
c) scanf(“%d &sum”);
d) scanf(“%d”,&int-var-name);
e) None of the above
8. The preprocessor directive always starts with
the symbol
a) %
b) &
c) #
d) “”
e) None of the above
9. The conversion specification for the string
type of data is
a) %d
b) %s
c) %f
d) %c
10.The statement
int i=0123;
a) Assigns the number 123 to i
b) Assigns the number 0123 to i
c) Assigns the number i to 0123
d) Assigns the number i to 123
e) None of the above
11.Which of the following pairs of identifier(s)
are(is) considered to be identical?
a) name,names
b) Smith,johnsmith
c) Identifier_1,identifier_2
d) Char1,char_1
e) None of the above
12.A C program contains the following
int I,j,k;
Assume all variables represent decimal integers,
what will be the printf function for the group
of variables:
i,j and k;
a) printf(“%d%d%d”,i,j,k);
b) printf(“%d%d”,(i+j),(i-k));
c) printf(“%f%d”,sqrt(i+j),abs(i-k));
d) printf(“%5d%5d%5d”,i,j,k);
e) None of the above
13.The comments in a program in the c
language can extend over
a) Only one line
b) Several lines
c) Two adjacent lines
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
14.The comments in a c language program are
placed between
a) * and*
b) */and*
c) /*and*/
d) #and #
e) None of the above
Multiple choice questions -Answers
Fill up
1. scanf() uses Of variables rather
than variable names.
2. statement is used in ‘c’ to gives
values to variables.
3. Escape sequences start with a
4. ‘c’ is a level language.
5. The C language was developed by
Fill up answers
1. Address
2. Assignment
3. Back slash
4. High
5. Dennis ritchie

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Chap 1 and 2

  • 3. About C • C was found by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1970. • C is a structured programming language.This means that is a proper collection of modules would make a complete program.
  • 6. To Add Two Numbers Get B Get A C=a+b Addition
  • 7. About C… • C is a high level language. • There are only 32 keywords in ANSI C. • C is highly portable. This means that C programs written for one computer can run on another with little or no modification.
  • 8. Complete Structure of c program Document Section Link Section Global Declaration Section Main()Function { } Sub Program Section Declaration Part Execution Part Function 1 Function 2 Function n
  • 9. Simple Structure of C header Files void main() { variable declaration; program statements; }
  • 10. Header Files • It is called as preprocessor(predefined or in built or default) • It is one of the important function or one of the main feature of ’c’. • Header files are included in hash(#). • Syntax: #<directive name> <files (or) variables> • Example #include<stdio.h> Predefined header Files #include<conio.h>
  • 11. • Stdio.h-Standard Input Output.header file • The stdio.h header file should be used in a program when printf and scanf statements are used. • conio.h-console Input Output.header file • The conio.h header file should be used for storing purpose and retriving it back.It is used when clrscr() and getch() functions are used.
  • 12. void main() function • void-returns nothing • It is a special function in ‘c’ which informs the computer about the starting position of the program.It is a combination of variable declaration and program statements. • Every program should have one main() function void main() { } Start of main() function End of the main() function
  • 13. Program Statements • Print function • Scan function(We shall see this in the next section)
  • 14. Print function • It is used to print the expected output in the user screen. • Syntax: printf(“message (or) string”); printf(“control string”,variable 1,variable2,variable n); • Now,We shall deal about the 1st syntax • Example printf(“hai doakians”); • Every Statement in C should end with SEMICOLON(;). • There should be no space between ‘print’ and ‘f’.It is a single word printf.
  • 15. Write a program to print a message #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); printf(“Hai doakians”); getch(); } Output:- Hai doakians
  • 16. • clrscr();-used to clear the output screen. • getch();-used to run the program by getting any character as input.
  • 17. Comment • Comment is a note that can be put into the source code. • It is ignored by the compiler. • Single line comment-Starts with // • Example: //Print a message #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); printf(“Hai doakians”); getch(); }
  • 18. • The commented line would be ignored during execution. • Multi line comment-starts with/*…….*/ • Example: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); /*printf(“welcome”); printf(“good morning”);*/ printf(“Hai doakians”); getch(); } Output:
  • 19. How to run a program? • The blue screen appears. Step 1:- -Select File -Then select new -Then select file again and click save -Then save it with a file name suffixed with the extension .c -eg:-printhai.c
  • 20. Step 2:- Then type the coding line by line Step 3:- Again save the program with the keyboard shortcut f2 Step 4:- Compile the program with the keyboard shortcut alt+f9. Step 5:- Correct the errors if any-then repeat step2 to step4.
  • 21. Step 6:- Run the program with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+f9
  • 22. How to open and access the saved file? Step 1:- Select File and then Open Step 2:- Then type your saved file name with the extension.c
  • 23. Important points to be noted…. • Every program should have a header file • Every statement in the program should end with the semicolon(;) except header files, main()function or any other functions. • A program can also be run without getch() function by using the shortcut alt+f5 instead of ctrl+f9 • C is case sensitive i.e., lower case(small letters) or upper case(capital letters) can be used. In order to avoid errors its better to use lower case(small letters). • There should be no space between ‘print’ and ‘f’.It is a single word printf.
  • 24. Exercise • Write a c program to display a set of statements related to your college.
  • 26. Character constants • It is a combination of letters(A to Z ,a to z), digits, special characters and white spaces. • Digits may be of 3 types 1.Octal (0 to 7)(base=8) 2.Decimal(0 to 9)(base=10) 3.Hexadecimal (0 to 9,A,B,C,D,E,F)(base=16)
  • 27. Special characters Special characters Description , Comma . Period ; Semicolon : colon ? Question mark ‘ Apostrophe “ Quotation mark ! Exclamatio n mark ~ Tilde / Slash Backslash | Vertical bar _ Underscor e $ Dollar sign % Percent sign
  • 28. Contd.. Special characters Description & Ampersand ^ Caret * Asterisk - Minus sign + Plus sign < Less than sign/opening angle bracket > greater than sign/closing angle bracket ) Right parenthesis ( Left parenthesis [ Left bracket ] Right bracket { Left brace } Right brace # Number sign
  • 29. White spaces • Blank space • Horizontal tab • Carriage return • Newline • Form feed
  • 30. Trigraph characters • It is used to enter certain characters that are not available on some keyboard. • Each trigraph sequence consists of 3 characters(two question marks followed by another character). • Eg: ??= #number sign
  • 31. Tokens • It is the smallest individual units Tokens Keywords Identifiers Constants Strings Special symbols Operators
  • 32. Keywords • All keywords have fixed meanings and these meanings cannot be changed. • They serve as a basic building blocks for program statements. • They should be written in lower case.
  • 33. C keywords auto double int struct break else long switch case enum register typedef char extern return union const float short unsigned continue for signed void default goto sizeof volatile do if static while
  • 34. Identifiers • It refers to the name of variables,functions and arrays. • These are user defined names and consist of a sequence of letters and digits,with a letter as first character.
  • 35. Rules for identifier 1. First character must be an alphabet(or underscore). 2. Must consist of only letters, digits or underscore. 3. Only first 31 characters are significant. 4. Cannot use a keyword 5. Must not contain white space 6. It is case sensitive
  • 36. Difference between keywords and identifiers Keywords Identifiers All keywords have fixed meanings and these meanings cannot be changed. It refers to the name of variables,functions and arrays. It is predefined. These are user defined names They should be written in lower case. Both lower and upper case letters are permitted. It consist of letters, digits or underscore. It consist of only letters Example: int Example: int a;
  • 37. Constants • Constants are fixed values that do not change during the execution of program.
  • 38. Backslash character constants • C supports some backslash character constants that are used in output functions. • These character combinations are known as escape sequence.
  • 39. Backslash character constants Constant Meaning a Audible alert b backspace f’ Form feed n newline r Carriage return ’ Single quote ” Double quote ? Question mark Backslash 0 Null Example:- printf(“Hai”); printf(“n Doakians”);
  • 40. Write a program to display some statements in the following way using backslash character constants. • The following output should be displayed: Hi 1 2 hello welcome Program: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() {
  • 41. Contd.. clrscr(); printf(“Hi n”); Printf(“1 t 2 n”); Printf(“Hello”); Printf(“n welcome); getch(); } Output:- Hi 1 2 hello welcome
  • 42. Try and look some difference • Try these statements printf(“ hai /n”); printf(“welcome”); printf(“n hai”);
  • 43. • output:- hai/nwelcome hai • New line will not be created as the back slash() is not used. So, it would print as it is just as a part of the message. The compiler does not generates any errors for wrong usage of slash.
  • 44. Exercise • Write a c program to display the numbers in a matrix form
  • 45. Data Type Data type Primary(or fundamental) data types User defined data type Derived data types
  • 46. Primary data types • Data type specifies the type of the data that the variable hold. Data type Description int Whole numbers float Decimal numbers char Characters User defined and derived data types will be discussed later.
  • 47. Variables • A variable is a data name that may be used to store data value. • A variable may take different values at different times during execution. • A variable name can be chosen by the programmer in a meaningful way so as to reflect its function or nature in the program.
  • 48. Rules of variables Variable names may consist of letters, digits and underscore(_) characters. The following are rules: 1.They must begin with a letter. Some systems permit underscore as the first character. 2.Only first 31 characters are recognized. However, length should not normally more than 8 characters are treated significant by many compilers. 3.Uppercase and lower case are significant. That is, the variable Total is not the same as total or TOTAL
  • 49. Rules of variables 4. It should not be a keyword. 5. White space is not allowed.
  • 50. In short, 1. First character must be an alphabet(or underscore). 2. Must consist of only letters, digits or underscore. 3. Only first 31 characters are significant. 4. Cannot use a keyword 5. Must not contain white space 6. It is case sensitive
  • 51. • Some valid variable names average height ph_value x1 sum1 john delhi
  • 52. • Some invalid variable names 123 % (area) 25th
  • 53. Variable declaration • The declaration of variables are done before they are used in the program. • Declaration does two things: 1.It tells the compiler what the variable name is. 2.It specifies what type of data the variable will hold. Syntax: data-type variable1,variable2,variable n;
  • 54. • Example for variable declaration:- int a,b,c; float a1; char d;
  • 55. Assigning values to variables Assignment Statement (ie.,=) Reading data from keyboard (i.e., scanf)
  • 56. Assignment statement • Values are assigned to the variables using the assignment operators • Syntax variable_name=constant; (or) data-type variable_name=constant; Example: int a; a=10; • This statement assigns the number 10 to the variable a. Examples: int p,q,r; int b=20; p=q=r=100.45;
  • 57. scanf • It is used to gives values to variables through keyboard • In simple term, it is used to get the values from the user at the run time. • Syntax scanf(“control string”,&variable1,&variable2….); • The ampersand symbol & before each variable is an operator that specifies the variable name’s address . • NOTE: We must always use the ampersand symbol &(Except for character data type),otherwise unexpected results may occur.
  • 58. Control string or format string • It contains the format of the data being received. Control string Data type/data given by user %d int(Integer) %ld long int(Long integer) %f float(Float) %c char(Character) %e double(Double) %s char(String)
  • 59. • Example for scanf: int a; float b; char c; printf(“enter 2 numbers and a character”); scanf(“%d%f%c”,&a,&b,c); printf(“the 2 numbers are %d %f”,a,b); printf(“the character is %c”c);
  • 60. Write a c program to perform simple interest #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int p,n,r,si; clrscr(); printf(“enter the principal,number of years and rate of interest”); scanf(“%d%d%d”&p,&n,&r);
  • 61. si=p*n*r/100; printf(“nthe simple interest is %d”,si); getch(); } Output: enter the principal,number of years and rate of interest 10000 1 10 the simple interest is1000
  • 62. Exercise • Write a c program to perform arithematic operation(like +,-,*,/) • Write a c program to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit • Write a c program to convert Fahrenheit to centigrade • Write a c program to find average of numbers • Write a c program to find simple interest using assignment statements
  • 63. General debugging techniques • Errors would be specified along with the line numbers • Some of the common errors: 1. Error: Unable to open header files (or) Fatal Error Solution: First select option menu and then select directories and then delete the path given in output directories.
  • 65. Multiple choice questions 1. Almost every c program begins with the statement a) main() b) printf() c) #include<stdio.h> d) scanf() e) None of the above
  • 66. 2. The function scanf() reads a) A single character b) Characters and strings c) Any possible number d) Any possible variable type e) None of the above
  • 67. 3. Which of the following is an invalid variable name? a) first_tag b) group one c) int_type d) value
  • 68. 4. Which of the following is a valid variable name? a) price$ b) char c) j5*1 d) %$
  • 69. 5. # directives must be present a) Before the main() function b) After the main() function c) At the end of the program d) Anywhere in the function body e) None of the above
  • 70. 6. Which of the following are valid characters constants? a) ‘n’ b) ‘’ c) ‘0’ d) All of the above e) None of the above
  • 71. 7. Which of the following scanf statements is correct a) scanf(“%f”,float-var-name); b) scanf(“%d”,&number); c) scanf(“%d &sum”); d) scanf(“%d”,&int-var-name); e) None of the above
  • 72. 8. The preprocessor directive always starts with the symbol a) % b) & c) # d) “” e) None of the above
  • 73. 9. The conversion specification for the string type of data is a) %d b) %s c) %f d) %c
  • 74. 10.The statement int i=0123; a) Assigns the number 123 to i b) Assigns the number 0123 to i c) Assigns the number i to 0123 d) Assigns the number i to 123 e) None of the above
  • 75. 11.Which of the following pairs of identifier(s) are(is) considered to be identical? a) name,names b) Smith,johnsmith c) Identifier_1,identifier_2 d) Char1,char_1 e) None of the above
  • 76. 12.A C program contains the following statements; #include<stdio.h> int I,j,k; Assume all variables represent decimal integers, what will be the printf function for the group of variables: i,j and k;
  • 77. a) printf(“%d%d%d”,i,j,k); b) printf(“%d%d”,(i+j),(i-k)); c) printf(“%f%d”,sqrt(i+j),abs(i-k)); d) printf(“%5d%5d%5d”,i,j,k); e) None of the above
  • 78. 13.The comments in a program in the c language can extend over a) Only one line b) Several lines c) Two adjacent lines d) All of the above e) None of the above
  • 79. 14.The comments in a c language program are placed between a) * and* b) */and* c) /*and*/ d) #and # e) None of the above
  • 81. Fill up 1. scanf() uses Of variables rather than variable names. 2. statement is used in ‘c’ to gives values to variables. 3. Escape sequences start with a 4. ‘c’ is a level language. 5. The C language was developed by
  • 82. Fill up answers 1. Address 2. Assignment 3. Back slash 4. High 5. Dennis ritchie