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Introduction 1
What are the Rights ofWife over Her Husband
What are the Rights of Husband over HisWife?
What are Parents’ Rights in Islam?
What are Children’s rights in
(From Birth to Age 7)
What are Children’s rights in Islam?
Maintaining FamilyTies?
(From Middle Childhood to Adolescence)
What are Children’s rights in Islam?
Islam? (From Birth to Age 7)
of Husband over His Wife?
Family is the cornerstone of a healthy
community in which we learn social
of Islam there are teachings with regard
to family and importance of family life in
order to create a peaceful environment
for a better living. A Family could be as
small as a couple or as big as parents with
many children. The people considered to
form the pillars of a family are husband,
wife, father, mother and children. In this
short e-book you will learn about the
role and statues each of these members
has in the family and the rights they are
entitled to. Islamic families, observe
these teachings and fulfil their rightful
duties to live a more peaceful life.
In the religion of Islam
there are teachings with
regard to family and
importance of family
life in order to create a
peaceful environment
for a better living.
•Living Expenses (Nafaqah)
A man is financially obligated to pay for the living
expenses of his spouse (Nafaqah) including food,
clothes, shelter, living necessities and the things that a
wife usually needs in her life [3].
his spouse earns money out of work or not, since she is
not required to provide for the family [4].
What are the Rights of Wife over Her
1. Financial Rights
•Marriage Portion (Sedaq)
It is obligatory upon a man to pay marriage
portion (Sedaq) to his spouse. This is a property
which a husband gives his spouse upon marriage and
is upon till the time he fulfills it. In due course, his wife
has the right to either ask for or forgo it. A marriage
without a fixed marriage portion is also correct [1].
••How much should the marriage portion be?
Islam has not specified the exact amount of the
silver coins (Derham), which is equal to today’s
724.5$ [i], fixed by the Prophet (PBUH) for his wives
and daughters is an encouraged model for Muslims.
Nevertheless, any amount of marriage portion that
both parties agree upon is allowed by Islam [2].
About the rights of a wife over her husband, he said:
a major mistake then he should forgive her.” [10]
According to Imam Sajjad (A.S): “The right of your
wife is that you know that God has made her a repose
and comfort for you; you should know that she isGod’s
favor towards you, so you should honor her and treat
her gently.” [11]
[i] This amount has been calculated based on the price of silver on 11th of November
2016. It may need further modification in future.
[1] Islamic View on Human Rights: Viewpoints of Iranian Scholar; this book is available
[3] Ali Ibn Hussein Zaynul Abidin, A commentary on Imam Sajjad’s “The Treaties of
Rights”, translated byAli Peiravi, Ansariyan Publication; this book is available at: https://
[4] Islamic View on Human Rights: Viewpoints of Iranian Scholar; this book is available
[5] Makarem Shirazi, Naser, 180 Questions Enquiries about Islam, translated by
Shahnawaz Mahdavi, vol. 1; this book is available at:
[6] Khorasani, HusseinVahid, Islamic Laws, Create Space Independent Publishing, 2014,
p. 393.
[7] Shabir Khan, Muhammad, Status ofWomen in Islam, APH Publishing, 1996, p. 50.
[8] Rizvi, Athar Hussein, Islamic Marriage, World Islamic Network; this book is available
[9] Ali Ibn HusseinZaynulAbidin, As-SahifaAl-KamilahAl-Sajjadiyya, MuhammadiTrust
of Great Bretain and Northern Ireland; this book is available at:
have the right to take the outcome of her efforts into
his possession [5]. Even if the wife asks wages for her
works inside the house, the husband is supposed to
pay, due to the Islamic laws [6].
When the husband dies his spouse inherits from him
as well. According to the Islamic rules of inheritance,
the woman is entitled to one-fourth of her spouse’s
property in case that he leaves no child as heir. But, if
her spouse has any children she is just entitled to one-
eight of her spouse’s property [7].
2. Non-financial Rights
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says:
“The best of you are the ones who treat their family
the best; and I am the best of you towards my family.”
In various occasions herecommendedhiscompanions
2.Husband’s Rights:
•Respect and Obedience (4:34)
Modern studies have focused more on the similarities
of men and women rather than their different roles, in
to build the history [2]. However, they are two ‘unique’
creatures of God, each of them possessing their own
beauty and strengths that fit well with his or her own
purpose of being (30:21).
What are the Rights of Husband over
His Wife?
When you hear this question the first thing that comes
to your mind is probably the following: “Do husbands
the issue of rights is discussed, particular groups are
considered; mainly women and children.
Here we want to pay our attention to MEN and
specifically those men who are involved in a family
life, say husbands!
1.Husband’s Status in Family
When a man is called ‘husband’, it means so much to
him. He has to provide, has to fulfil his wife’s needs
emotionally and economically. The only provider in
Islam is considered to be the husband, and wife has
no responsibility whatsoever to provide for the family
[4:34( ,]1). Accordingly, the reason for men to be the
managers is due to their financial role in the family.
To put it differently, men are created to be fathers,
the same way that women are created to be mothers!
Is it not enough to understand their different duties,
rights and responsibilities?
According to Alexis Carrel, men and women have
been made differently according to the law of creation
and these dissimilarities make their duties and rights
dissimilar [2].
•Sexual Availability
The husband has a number of rights over his wife.
Sexual satisfaction is one of them. A wife has to
sexually submit herself to her husband unless during
the wife’s state of menstruation (2:222).
This is indeed one of the advantages that Islam gives
to women in order to protect them. In Islam wife
is considered as husband’s mate towards whom
husband take comfort (30:21).
From Islamic point of view, if a man is sexually and
emotionally satisfied at home he will be protected
against corruption outside. Same goes with women
of course; hence we have many instructions for men on
how to care for their wives and pay attention to their
sexual needs.
Last word...
We can never talk solely on husband or wife’s rights.
They are members of one social unit called ‘family’;
a unit that is of high value and importance in Islamic
teachings. Husband, like wife, has his own rights and
[1] Mustadrak, vol 2, p 550.
[2] Mutahhari Murtadha, The Rights of Women in Islam, available at
exemptedfrom[2]. Healsosaidthat:“Whoeversatisfies
the parents has satisfied God; and whoever annoys
them, has annoyed God” [3].
2.Parents’ Rights
These rights include:
•Obedience to parents as far as it is not against God’s
orders or unjust
•Respecting them deeply,looking at them with
affection, being humble and talking to them with a
gentle voice and kind words (31:15)
•Being humble regarding parents (17:24).
What are Parents’ Rights in Islam?
1.The Importance of Parents’ Rights
in Islam
to, right after Monotheism (Tawhid) in several verses
of theQuran [i].
•In the Surah Maryam, where some moral virtues of
ProphetYahya (PBUH) are mentioned, it is said that he
was “good to his parents” (19:14).
•Prophet Jesus (PBUH) introduces himself as the
servant of Allah who: “[made me] be good to my
mother” (19:32).
•In a narration, Imam Sadiq (AS) is asked about the
best deeds and mentions “goodness towards parents”
as one of them [1].
•According to Imam Sadiq (AS), doing good to
parents, whether they are among believers (Mu›min)
or disbelievers (Kafir), is a duty that no one can be
•Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) admits that one can
never (repeats this two times) pay back the rights of
the mother; even if he attempts as many times as the
number of the raindrops and the desert sands of the
•It is said that when your mothers call upon you, you
should respond to her even if you are in the middle of
prayer (Salat) and should break your prayer [7].
4.Exclusive Rights of Fathers
The right of the father are:
•Recognizing him as the root that has given existence
to his children. Whenever one is proud of him/herself
for a blessing, he/she should remember that he/she has
inherited it from his/her father [5].
•Imam Reza (AS) said: “offer your property, honour
and life to your father, since you have received them
from him. Do good to him and ask for the blessing and
forgiveness for him after his death” [8].
3.Exclusive Rights of Mothers
•Imam Sajjad (AS) invites us to show gratitude to
the mother, but he adds in the end that one cannot
reciprocate what she had done unless God helps him
to succeed [5].
•Treat them well (2:83).
•Being beneficent to them [4].
• And be thankful to them (31:14).
•Praying and asking mercy for them [iii] (17:24).
5.What Does Parents’ Satisfaction Bring
Of the effects of parents› satisfaction with their
children are:
•Gaining God’s satisfaction [9].
•Long-lasting life [12].
•Receiving good deeds from their own
children [11].
•Easy death [13].
•Being rewarded the highest levels in
Heaven [10].
6.What does Mistreating Parents Lead
It is known from Islamic teachings that:
•Even if one’s parents have done something unfair
to him, he is not allowed to look at them with a
sharp angry gaze, otherwise, even a single prayer
(Salat) of him will not be accepted [14].
of Insolence to the parents[15].
[i] (14-31:13( ,)6:151( ,)4:36( ,)17:23( ,)83: 2).
[ii] Doing prayer (Salat) and fasting (Swam) in place of parents, especially after their
death, is highly advised in Islamic teachings. This is due to the importance of having
respect for parents and these two Islamic practices. This also helps to maintain the
emotional links between children and parents, even after their death.
[iii] Praying for parents and asking mercy on them is a duty on children that is
emphasized in the Quran and Islamic narrations. If parents have committed some
sins or have been sometimes disobedient, praying for them might be beneficial to
[1]. M. B. Majlesi, “Bihar al-Anwar”, vol. 74, p. 85.
[2]. M. H. Tusi, «Tahdhib al-Ahkam», vol. 6, p. 350.
[3]. A. Q. Payande, “Nahj Al-Fasahah”, T. 2963.
[4]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 198.
[5]. Imam Zayn al-›Abidin (AS), “Treatise On Rights (Risalat al-Huquq)”.
[6]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 203.
[7]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 181.
[9]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 176
[10]. Sheikh al-Mufid, “Al-Amali”, p.167.
[11]. F. H. Tabarsi, “Mishkat ul-Anwar Fi Ghurar il-Akhbar”, p. 280.
[12]. F. H. Tabarsi, “Mishkat ul-Anwar Fi Ghurar il-Akhbar”, p. 282.
[13]. F. H. Tabarsi, “Mishkat ul-Anwar Fi Ghurar il-Akhbar”, p. 281.
[14]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 204.
[15]. N. Makarim Shirazi, “Tafsir Nemouneh”, vol. 12, p. 80.
occupied with religious acts such as reading Quran,
praying, etc.
•The mother should be careful about her diet, since
••Acts that are not recommended during
conception are:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “Speaking during
the actual act, leads to confusion in the child” [1].
And: “Making love when the man is muhtalim (i.e.
become in the state of Janabat [ii] during his sleep)
and before doing ablution (Wudu or Ghusl), as this
results in the child becoming insane” [2].
What are Children’s rights in Islam?
(From Conception to Birth)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): «There are as many
rights of children necessary upon parents as there
are rights of parents necessary upon children».
1.Upbringing and Hygiene of Fetus
(Before conception and during
•Rights of children begins before conception
and will continue during pregnancy. In this period,
thoughts, actions, and nutrition of the parents
(specially the mother) have an impact on the spirit,
essence, character, and health of the unborn child.
•Emotional and respectful relations between
parents and also mental relaxation of the mother
are really important in this stage.
•Healthy relationship between parents and a
strong physical attraction is beneficial in order to
conceive a pure and good child.
•The mother should try her best to keep herself
2.The recitation of The Call to Prayer
(At birth)
•In the earliest time possible, a new born child
should hear the remembrance (Zikr) of Allah upon
his/her arrival into this world.
Adhan should be said in the right ear and Iqama
should be said in the left one by a competent person
such as the father [iii] [3].
[i] “Those who have faith and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah.’
Behold! The hearts find rest in Allah’s remembrance!” (13:28)
[ii] «Janabat» is a ritual impurity caused by the discharge of semen or by sexual
intercourse; and the person on whom ghusl janabat becomes wajib is known as
«junub» [6].
[iii] Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Whenever you had a newborn boy or girl,
sayAdhan to his or her right ear and also say Iqamah in the left ear. So theSatan will
not harm the baby».
[1] Al-Khisal, p.520.
[2] Ilal al-sharayi, p.514.
[3] Tuhaf al-›uqul. p. 13.
What are Children’s rights in Islam?
(From Birth to Age 7)
1.Naming (At birth)
Having a worthy name is one of the important
rights of children.This is because a good name has
an effect on the one›s mind. Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) has said: “It is the responsibility of every
father to choose a good name for his child»[1].
2.Male Circumcision (The age of seven
According to the researchers, male circumcision
reduces manypossiblediseasesinman›sreproductive
organ. It is recommended that the boy be circumcised
on the seventh day of his birth. But it is obligatory to
circumcise before the boy reaches puberty [i].
3.Breastfeeding (Birth to 2 years old)
Breastfeeding is one of the factors affecting the
physical, psychological and ethical characteristics
of a baby. According to the Holy Quran: “Mothers
shall breastfeed their children for two whole years…”
It is narrated from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
“For a child, there is no milk better than the milk of
the mother” [2].
4.Instruction for the Infancy and early
childhood (Birth to 7 years old)
•As it is noted in Holly Quran,“God has brought you
from the wombs of your mothers while you did not
know anything and He gave you hearing and sight
and hearts that you may give thanks” (16:78)
Consequently, the atmosphere of family and society
continuously influence the child›s mind, although
he/she is not aware of this process. Children are
reflections of their parents.
•Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Respect your
children and behave them with a nice manner” [3].
•Although there is no compulsion on children to
do religious duties, it is praised to gradually give
children religious training. In this stage, the best
way of familiarizing child with religious teachings is
performing religious duties in front of him; children
are the mirrors of their surroundings.
[i] Imam Sadiq (AS) said: «Circumcise your sons when they are seven days old as it
is cleaner and the flesh grows faster and because the earth hates the urine of the
uncircumcised» [2].
[1] Al-Hurr al-Aamili , Wasail al-shiah, vol. 2, p. 618.
[2] Mirza Hussayn Nuri ,Mustadrak al-Wasāil, vol. 15, p.156.
[3] Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshari,Mizan al-Hikmah, vol, 1 , p. 7109.
What are Children’s rights in Islam?
(From Middle Childhood to
1.Instruction for middle childhood
(8 to 14 years old)
•According to Islam, in this period a child should
first be given necessary religious education so that
he/she may not be misinformed and misled by
anyone in belief or action.
•Puberty in most girls will begin at around 14-8
years. If a girl has reached puberty in this period of
time, she must do all acts of worship that an adult is
required to do. So she must fast in Ramadan and she
must also cover her head when she prays and thus
must be in full Islamic prayer clothing.
•Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the
teachings of two things to male children.
He said: “It is the right of the male child on his father
to teach him the Book of God (Holy Quran), riding,
and swimming.”[1]. It is also narrated that the
prophet believed the duty of a father to be teaching
his son to write [2].
2.Instruction for adolescence
(after 14 years old)
•It is the right of adolescent to be involved in
every decision making in family and parents should
consider their opinions. As Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) mentioned the child is the master for seven
years and a slave for seven years and a vizier for seven
years [3].
•One of the rights that children have over their
parents is to be provided with marriage when they
are old enough, without delaying it.Indeed, the Holy
Quran and the Prophet (PBUH) advise that young
people be married when they are old enough [4].
•The prophet (PBUH) said: “Among the rights of
the child over the parents are three: To give him a
good name, to teach him to write and to help him
marry when he comes of pubescence [5].
[1] Muhammad ibnYa‘qūb al-Kulaynī, Furū al-Kāfī, vol 6, p. 187.
[2] Abul Qasem Payandeh, Nahj-al feṣāḥa , p. 447.
[3] Muhammad ibnYa‘qūb al-Kulaynī, Rawda al-Kafi , vol 6, p. 47.
[5] Fattal Neyshaburi , Rawdat al-wa›izin , p. 369.
What Does Islam Say about
Maintaining FamilyTies?
Various Qur›anic verses and narrations (Hadiths)
have emphasized maintaining the bonds of kinship
(called Silatur-Rahim in Islam) and instruct Muslims
to be kind, merciful, affectionate and caring towards
parents and relatives; even to non-Muslim relatives
or to those who are harsh to them.
1.What is family ties (Silatur-Rahim)?
•Rahim [i] is anyone who becomes a relative
through blood ties with one’s father, mother, uncle
•Muslims are also told to worshipGod and be good
to parents and the relatives in another verse (4:36).
•In a narration, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said
that: “I command all the people of my followers
(Umma), whether present or not, and those
generations which are to come till the Day of
Judgement (Qiyama), …, to maintain family kinship
even if they live at a distance of a year›s journey.” [2].
•In another narration, Prophet (PBUH) states that
the best of people in morality and behaviour are the
ones who resume their relationships with a relative
who has cut the relation with them [3].
2.Family ties: who are concerned?
•ImamSadiq (AS) was asked about the rights of the
relatives over one, he (AS) answered: “If they are of
the opposite religious ideas, they have family rights
and aunt, or through marriage [1].
•Silat means kindness and affection. Simply
said, Silatur-Rahim means being kind to family and
relatives, and keeping good relationship with them
2.The Importance of family ties
•In Surah Nisa it is said: “Be wary of Allah, in whose
Name you adjure one another and [of severing ties
with] blood relations.” (4:1).
•In another verse of the Quran, the pledge taken
from the Children of Israel that includes worshipping
God and being good to relatives, is reminded (2:8)
that nothing can stop it; and if they are of the same
religious believes, they have two rights: family rights
and Islamic rights»[4].
•When a man asked Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
about how to treat a relative who had harmed and
your relationship with the one who has broken family
bonds with you, grant the one who has deprived you
and forgive the one who has harmed you. Whenever
you do so, God will protect you against them” [5].
•However, the relationship with unfaithful and
irreligious relatives can be maintained as far as it
does not lead to committing an unlawful (Haram) act
or disobeying other divine commands [6].
3.Family ties: Priorities
The priorities are as follows in Islam:
•Sisters and brothers; relatives through blood ties
(uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.);
•Relatives through marriage (in-law family,etc.)
4.How to maintain family ties?
•Silatur-Rahim is not limited to visiting relatives,
but also includes trying to satisfy their needs and
strengthening emotional bonds with them.
•Some of the examples of Silatur-Rahim are:
••visiting relatives;
••greeting and honouring them;
••inviting them even to a cup of coffee or tea;
••giving them good advice in case of a problem;
••not harming them by talking behind their back,
••insulting or accusing them, or by interfering in
••being kind and caring about them;
••visiting them when they are sick;
their personal affairs;
••giving them gifts in different occasions;
••fulfilling their needs before others do;
••Participating in their funerals [8].
5.Maintaining family kinship: Benefits
•Having the social and emotional support of family
•Having an immediate reward [10].
Increase in wealth [11].
•Having some of the sins vanished [12].
•Having an easy death and a long life [,]14 ,]12[ ,]13
6.Severing family kinship: consequences
•Having a shorter life than it would be [17[ ,]16].
•Quickly receiving a punishment [18].
•Being cursed by God [ii] and deprived of his mercy
•Being doomed to the hell [19].
•One’s prayers (Dua) will not be accepted anymore
after severing family ties [20].
•One’s good deeds will be rejected [21].
[i] Rahim is a word derived from Allah›s special quality, Ar-Rahman (The
Compassionate One).
[ii] (23-47:22( ,)13:25( ,)2:27).
[1]. Ibn Babawayh, “Al-Khisal”, p. 124.
[2]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 151.
[3]. A. Javadi Amoli, “Mafatih al-hayat”, p. 212.
[4]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 157.
[5]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 150.
[6]. A. Javadi Amoli, “TasneemTafsir”, vol. 2, p. 561-560.
[7]. A. Javadi Amoli, “Mafatih al-hayat”, p. 219.
[8]. A. Javadi Amoli, “Mafatih al-hayat”, p. 217.
[9]. Imam Ali (AS), “Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim”, vol. 4, p. 209, T. 5825.
[10]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 152.
[11]. Shaykh al-Saduq, “Uyun akhbar al-Rida(AS)”, vol. 2, p. 37.
[12]. Imam Ali (AS), “Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim”, vol. 4, p. 635, T. 7258.
[13]. Fattal Neyshaburi, “Rawdat al-wa›izin wa basirat al-mutta›izin”, vol. 2, p. 370.
[14]. Ibn Shu’bah, “Tuhaf al-Uqul”, p. 299.
[15]. ShaykhTusi, “Al-Amali”, p. 481.
[16]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 153.
[17]. Shaykh al-Saduq, “Illal Al Sharaie”, p. 584.
[18]. Ibn Babawayh, “Al-Khisal”, p. 230.
[19]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 349.
[20]. H. T. Nuri Ṭabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 185.
[21]. A. Javadi Amoli, “Mafatih al-hayat”, p. 215.
According to the Islamic teachings above, the family
is not a mere means of satisfying physical needs.
Rather, it is an educational environment where
every member can experience love, peace, kindness,
mutual understanding, the exchanging of views and
cooperation. The holy Quran says:
“And of His signs is that He created for you mates
from your own selves that you may take comfort in
you” (30:21)
It is also narrated from prophet Muhammad: “The
best of you are the best to their families, and I am the
best to my family”.
It is clear from the words above that Islam attaches
great importance to family life. Therefore, a happy
and peaceful family in the eyes of Islam is the one
which builds its foundation on firm Islamic principles,
some of which have been mentioned throughout this
mates from your own selves that you may
take comfort in them, and He ordained
affection and mercy between you” (30:21)
Salam Islam is an attempt to pave the way for those
who are willing to step in the path of holy religion of
Islam and embrace light and happiness. In order to
help you in this journey, we provide you with clear-
cut and comprehensive contents ranging from the
most basic tenets of Islamic beliefs, introducing the
axioms – e.g. monotheism (Tawhid), prophethood
(Nubuwwah), etc. - as well as practical principles such
useful guidelines for an Islamic way of life including
lifestyle, family and women’s concerns. In addition,
we are sincerely willing to share the experiences
and stories of those who are newly embraced Islam.
This website, has no commercial purposes and
appreciates any support or assistance and is open to
your feedbacks regardless of your religion or beliefs.
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What Are the Rights of Each Family Member in Islam?

  • 2. Introduction 1 What are the Rights ofWife over Her Husband What are the Rights of Husband over HisWife? What are Parents’ Rights in Islam? What are Children’s rights in (From Birth to Age 7) What are Children’s rights in Islam? Maintaining FamilyTies? Conclusion 11 3 33 26 20 13 24 7 (From Middle Childhood to Adolescence) What are Children’s rights in Islam? Islam? (From Birth to Age 7) of Husband over His Wife? Husband
  • 3. Introduction Family is the cornerstone of a healthy community in which we learn social principlesandmoralvalues.Inthereligion of Islam there are teachings with regard to family and importance of family life in order to create a peaceful environment for a better living. A Family could be as small as a couple or as big as parents with many children. The people considered to form the pillars of a family are husband, wife, father, mother and children. In this short e-book you will learn about the role and statues each of these members has in the family and the rights they are entitled to. Islamic families, observe these teachings and fulfil their rightful duties to live a more peaceful life. In the religion of Islam there are teachings with regard to family and importance of family life in order to create a peaceful environment for a better living. 1
  • 4. •Living Expenses (Nafaqah) A man is financially obligated to pay for the living expenses of his spouse (Nafaqah) including food, clothes, shelter, living necessities and the things that a wife usually needs in her life [3]. Itmakesnodifferencesinthisdutyofhusband,whether his spouse earns money out of work or not, since she is not required to provide for the family [4]. 3 What are the Rights of Wife over Her Husband? 1. Financial Rights •Marriage Portion (Sedaq) It is obligatory upon a man to pay marriage portion (Sedaq) to his spouse. This is a property which a husband gives his spouse upon marriage and is upon till the time he fulfills it. In due course, his wife has the right to either ask for or forgo it. A marriage without a fixed marriage portion is also correct [1]. ••How much should the marriage portion be? Islam has not specified the exact amount of the marriageportion,however,theamountoffivehundred silver coins (Derham), which is equal to today’s 724.5$ [i], fixed by the Prophet (PBUH) for his wives and daughters is an encouraged model for Muslims. Nevertheless, any amount of marriage portion that both parties agree upon is allowed by Islam [2].
  • 5. About the rights of a wife over her husband, he said: “Heshouldoverlookherminorfaultsandifshecommits a major mistake then he should forgive her.” [10] According to Imam Sajjad (A.S): “The right of your wife is that you know that God has made her a repose and comfort for you; you should know that she isGod’s favor towards you, so you should honor her and treat her gently.” [11] Notes: [i] This amount has been calculated based on the price of silver on 11th of November 2016. It may need further modification in future. References: [1] Islamic View on Human Rights: Viewpoints of Iranian Scholar; this book is available at: [2] [3] Ali Ibn Hussein Zaynul Abidin, A commentary on Imam Sajjad’s “The Treaties of Rights”, translated byAli Peiravi, Ansariyan Publication; this book is available at: https:// [4] Islamic View on Human Rights: Viewpoints of Iranian Scholar; this book is available at: [5] Makarem Shirazi, Naser, 180 Questions Enquiries about Islam, translated by Shahnawaz Mahdavi, vol. 1; this book is available at: [6] Khorasani, HusseinVahid, Islamic Laws, Create Space Independent Publishing, 2014, p. 393. [7] Shabir Khan, Muhammad, Status ofWomen in Islam, APH Publishing, 1996, p. 50. [8] Rizvi, Athar Hussein, Islamic Marriage, World Islamic Network; this book is available at: [9] Ali Ibn HusseinZaynulAbidin, As-SahifaAl-KamilahAl-Sajjadiyya, MuhammadiTrust of Great Bretain and Northern Ireland; this book is available at: org/. Asforthewoman’sproperty,herhusbandalsodoesn’t have the right to take the outcome of her efforts into his possession [5]. Even if the wife asks wages for her works inside the house, the husband is supposed to pay, due to the Islamic laws [6]. •Inheritance When the husband dies his spouse inherits from him as well. According to the Islamic rules of inheritance, the woman is entitled to one-fourth of her spouse’s property in case that he leaves no child as heir. But, if her spouse has any children she is just entitled to one- eight of her spouse’s property [7]. 2. Non-financial Rights Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: “The best of you are the ones who treat their family the best; and I am the best of you towards my family.” [8] In various occasions herecommendedhiscompanions tohelptheirwivesinthehouseholdchoresandoutlined manyrewardsforthemregardingthisact[9]. 5
  • 6. 2.Husband’s Rights: •Respect and Obedience (4:34) Modern studies have focused more on the similarities of men and women rather than their different roles, in ordertoshowthatwomenhavethesamepowerasmen to build the history [2]. However, they are two ‘unique’ creatures of God, each of them possessing their own beauty and strengths that fit well with his or her own purpose of being (30:21). 7 What are the Rights of Husband over His Wife? When you hear this question the first thing that comes to your mind is probably the following: “Do husbands haverightstoo?”Intoday’smodernsocietieswhenever the issue of rights is discussed, particular groups are considered; mainly women and children. Here we want to pay our attention to MEN and specifically those men who are involved in a family life, say husbands! 1.Husband’s Status in Family When a man is called ‘husband’, it means so much to him. He has to provide, has to fulfil his wife’s needs emotionally and economically. The only provider in Islam is considered to be the husband, and wife has no responsibility whatsoever to provide for the family [4:34( ,]1). Accordingly, the reason for men to be the managers is due to their financial role in the family.
  • 7. To put it differently, men are created to be fathers, the same way that women are created to be mothers! Is it not enough to understand their different duties, rights and responsibilities? According to Alexis Carrel, men and women have been made differently according to the law of creation and these dissimilarities make their duties and rights dissimilar [2]. •Sexual Availability The husband has a number of rights over his wife. Sexual satisfaction is one of them. A wife has to sexually submit herself to her husband unless during the wife’s state of menstruation (2:222). This is indeed one of the advantages that Islam gives to women in order to protect them. In Islam wife is considered as husband’s mate towards whom husband take comfort (30:21). From Islamic point of view, if a man is sexually and emotionally satisfied at home he will be protected against corruption outside. Same goes with women of course; hence we have many instructions for men on how to care for their wives and pay attention to their sexual needs. Last word... We can never talk solely on husband or wife’s rights. They are members of one social unit called ‘family’; a unit that is of high value and importance in Islamic teachings. Husband, like wife, has his own rights and duties. References: [1] Mustadrak, vol 2, p 550. [2] Mutahhari Murtadha, The Rights of Women in Islam, available at family-rights#woman-nature 9
  • 8. exemptedfrom[2]. Healsosaidthat:“Whoeversatisfies the parents has satisfied God; and whoever annoys them, has annoyed God” [3]. 2.Parents’ Rights These rights include: •Obedience to parents as far as it is not against God’s orders or unjust •Respecting them deeply,looking at them with affection, being humble and talking to them with a gentle voice and kind words (31:15) •Being humble regarding parents (17:24). 11 What are Parents’ Rights in Islam? 1.The Importance of Parents’ Rights in Islam •Islamplacesastrongemphasisontheparents’rights andworth.Showinggratitudetothemarecommanded to, right after Monotheism (Tawhid) in several verses of theQuran [i]. •In the Surah Maryam, where some moral virtues of ProphetYahya (PBUH) are mentioned, it is said that he was “good to his parents” (19:14). •Prophet Jesus (PBUH) introduces himself as the servant of Allah who: “[made me] be good to my mother” (19:32). •In a narration, Imam Sadiq (AS) is asked about the best deeds and mentions “goodness towards parents” as one of them [1]. •According to Imam Sadiq (AS), doing good to parents, whether they are among believers (Mu›min) or disbelievers (Kafir), is a duty that no one can be
  • 9. •Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) admits that one can never (repeats this two times) pay back the rights of the mother; even if he attempts as many times as the number of the raindrops and the desert sands of the world[6]. •It is said that when your mothers call upon you, you should respond to her even if you are in the middle of prayer (Salat) and should break your prayer [7]. 4.Exclusive Rights of Fathers The right of the father are: •Recognizing him as the root that has given existence to his children. Whenever one is proud of him/herself for a blessing, he/she should remember that he/she has inherited it from his/her father [5]. •Imam Reza (AS) said: “offer your property, honour and life to your father, since you have received them from him. Do good to him and ask for the blessing and forgiveness for him after his death” [8]. 3.Exclusive Rights of Mothers •Imam Sajjad (AS) invites us to show gratitude to the mother, but he adds in the end that one cannot reciprocate what she had done unless God helps him to succeed [5]. •Treat them well (2:83). •Being beneficent to them [4]. • And be thankful to them (31:14). •Praying and asking mercy for them [iii] (17:24). 13
  • 10. 5.What Does Parents’ Satisfaction Bring about? Of the effects of parents› satisfaction with their children are: •Gaining God’s satisfaction [9]. •Long-lasting life [12]. •Receiving good deeds from their own children [11]. •Easy death [13]. •Being rewarded the highest levels in Heaven [10]. 6.What does Mistreating Parents Lead to? It is known from Islamic teachings that: •Even if one’s parents have done something unfair to him, he is not allowed to look at them with a sharp angry gaze, otherwise, even a single prayer (Salat) of him will not be accepted [14]. •Prophet(PBUH)haswarnedabouttheconsequences of Insolence to the parents[15]. Notes: [i] (14-31:13( ,)6:151( ,)4:36( ,)17:23( ,)83: 2). [ii] Doing prayer (Salat) and fasting (Swam) in place of parents, especially after their death, is highly advised in Islamic teachings. This is due to the importance of having respect for parents and these two Islamic practices. This also helps to maintain the emotional links between children and parents, even after their death. [iii] Praying for parents and asking mercy on them is a duty on children that is emphasized in the Quran and Islamic narrations. If parents have committed some sins or have been sometimes disobedient, praying for them might be beneficial to them. References: [1]. M. B. Majlesi, “Bihar al-Anwar”, vol. 74, p. 85. [2]. M. H. Tusi, «Tahdhib al-Ahkam», vol. 6, p. 350. [3]. A. Q. Payande, “Nahj Al-Fasahah”, T. 2963. [4]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 198. [5]. Imam Zayn al-›Abidin (AS), “Treatise On Rights (Risalat al-Huquq)”. [6]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 203. [7]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 181. [9]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 176 [10]. Sheikh al-Mufid, “Al-Amali”, p.167. [11]. F. H. Tabarsi, “Mishkat ul-Anwar Fi Ghurar il-Akhbar”, p. 280. [12]. F. H. Tabarsi, “Mishkat ul-Anwar Fi Ghurar il-Akhbar”, p. 282. [13]. F. H. Tabarsi, “Mishkat ul-Anwar Fi Ghurar il-Akhbar”, p. 281. [14]. H. T. NuriTabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 204. [15]. N. Makarim Shirazi, “Tafsir Nemouneh”, vol. 12, p. 80. 15
  • 11. occupied with religious acts such as reading Quran, praying, etc. •The mother should be careful about her diet, since itwillinfluencethechild,physicallyandspiritually ••Acts that are not recommended during conception are: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “Speaking during the actual act, leads to confusion in the child” [1]. And: “Making love when the man is muhtalim (i.e. become in the state of Janabat [ii] during his sleep) and before doing ablution (Wudu or Ghusl), as this results in the child becoming insane” [2]. 17 What are Children’s rights in Islam? (From Conception to Birth) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): «There are as many rights of children necessary upon parents as there are rights of parents necessary upon children». 1.Upbringing and Hygiene of Fetus (Before conception and during pregnancy) •Rights of children begins before conception and will continue during pregnancy. In this period, thoughts, actions, and nutrition of the parents (specially the mother) have an impact on the spirit, essence, character, and health of the unborn child. •Emotional and respectful relations between parents and also mental relaxation of the mother are really important in this stage. •Healthy relationship between parents and a strong physical attraction is beneficial in order to conceive a pure and good child. •The mother should try her best to keep herself
  • 12. 2.The recitation of The Call to Prayer (AdhanandIqama)intheearofanewborn (At birth) •In the earliest time possible, a new born child should hear the remembrance (Zikr) of Allah upon his/her arrival into this world. Adhan should be said in the right ear and Iqama should be said in the left one by a competent person such as the father [iii] [3]. 19 Notes: [i] “Those who have faith and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah.’ Behold! The hearts find rest in Allah’s remembrance!” (13:28) [ii] «Janabat» is a ritual impurity caused by the discharge of semen or by sexual intercourse; and the person on whom ghusl janabat becomes wajib is known as «junub» [6]. [iii] Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Whenever you had a newborn boy or girl, sayAdhan to his or her right ear and also say Iqamah in the left ear. So theSatan will not harm the baby». References: [1] Al-Khisal, p.520. [2] Ilal al-sharayi, p.514. [3] Tuhaf al-›uqul. p. 13. What are Children’s rights in Islam? (From Birth to Age 7) 1.Naming (At birth) Having a worthy name is one of the important rights of children.This is because a good name has an effect on the one›s mind. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said: “It is the responsibility of every father to choose a good name for his child»[1].
  • 13. 2.Male Circumcision (The age of seven days) According to the researchers, male circumcision reduces manypossiblediseasesinman›sreproductive organ. It is recommended that the boy be circumcised on the seventh day of his birth. But it is obligatory to circumcise before the boy reaches puberty [i]. 3.Breastfeeding (Birth to 2 years old) Breastfeeding is one of the factors affecting the physical, psychological and ethical characteristics of a baby. According to the Holy Quran: “Mothers shall breastfeed their children for two whole years…” (2:233). It is narrated from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “For a child, there is no milk better than the milk of the mother” [2]. 4.Instruction for the Infancy and early childhood (Birth to 7 years old) •As it is noted in Holly Quran,“God has brought you from the wombs of your mothers while you did not know anything and He gave you hearing and sight and hearts that you may give thanks” (16:78) Consequently, the atmosphere of family and society continuously influence the child›s mind, although he/she is not aware of this process. Children are reflections of their parents. •Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Respect your children and behave them with a nice manner” [3]. •Although there is no compulsion on children to do religious duties, it is praised to gradually give 21
  • 14. children religious training. In this stage, the best way of familiarizing child with religious teachings is performing religious duties in front of him; children are the mirrors of their surroundings. Notes: [i] Imam Sadiq (AS) said: «Circumcise your sons when they are seven days old as it is cleaner and the flesh grows faster and because the earth hates the urine of the uncircumcised» [2]. References: [1] Al-Hurr al-Aamili , Wasail al-shiah, vol. 2, p. 618. [2] Mirza Hussayn Nuri ,Mustadrak al-Wasāil, vol. 15, p.156. [3] Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshari,Mizan al-Hikmah, vol, 1 , p. 7109. 23 What are Children’s rights in Islam? (From Middle Childhood to Adolescence) 1.Instruction for middle childhood (8 to 14 years old) •According to Islam, in this period a child should first be given necessary religious education so that he/she may not be misinformed and misled by anyone in belief or action. •Puberty in most girls will begin at around 14-8 years. If a girl has reached puberty in this period of time, she must do all acts of worship that an adult is required to do. So she must fast in Ramadan and she must also cover her head when she prays and thus must be in full Islamic prayer clothing. •Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the teachings of two things to male children. He said: “It is the right of the male child on his father to teach him the Book of God (Holy Quran), riding, and swimming.”[1]. It is also narrated that the prophet believed the duty of a father to be teaching
  • 15. his son to write [2]. 2.Instruction for adolescence (after 14 years old) •It is the right of adolescent to be involved in every decision making in family and parents should consider their opinions. As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned the child is the master for seven years and a slave for seven years and a vizier for seven years [3]. •One of the rights that children have over their parents is to be provided with marriage when they are old enough, without delaying it.Indeed, the Holy Quran and the Prophet (PBUH) advise that young 25 people be married when they are old enough [4]. •The prophet (PBUH) said: “Among the rights of the child over the parents are three: To give him a good name, to teach him to write and to help him marry when he comes of pubescence [5]. References: [1] Muhammad ibnYa‘qūb al-Kulaynī, Furū al-Kāfī, vol 6, p. 187. [2] Abul Qasem Payandeh, Nahj-al feṣāḥa , p. 447. [3] Muhammad ibnYa‘qūb al-Kulaynī, Rawda al-Kafi , vol 6, p. 47. [4] [5] Fattal Neyshaburi , Rawdat al-wa›izin , p. 369. What Does Islam Say about Maintaining FamilyTies? Various Qur›anic verses and narrations (Hadiths) have emphasized maintaining the bonds of kinship (called Silatur-Rahim in Islam) and instruct Muslims to be kind, merciful, affectionate and caring towards parents and relatives; even to non-Muslim relatives or to those who are harsh to them. 1.What is family ties (Silatur-Rahim)? •Rahim [i] is anyone who becomes a relative through blood ties with one’s father, mother, uncle
  • 16. •Muslims are also told to worshipGod and be good to parents and the relatives in another verse (4:36). •In a narration, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that: “I command all the people of my followers (Umma), whether present or not, and those generations which are to come till the Day of Judgement (Qiyama), …, to maintain family kinship even if they live at a distance of a year›s journey.” [2]. •In another narration, Prophet (PBUH) states that the best of people in morality and behaviour are the ones who resume their relationships with a relative who has cut the relation with them [3]. 2.Family ties: who are concerned? •ImamSadiq (AS) was asked about the rights of the relatives over one, he (AS) answered: “If they are of the opposite religious ideas, they have family rights and aunt, or through marriage [1]. •Silat means kindness and affection. Simply said, Silatur-Rahim means being kind to family and relatives, and keeping good relationship with them [1]. 2.The Importance of family ties •In Surah Nisa it is said: “Be wary of Allah, in whose Name you adjure one another and [of severing ties with] blood relations.” (4:1). •In another verse of the Quran, the pledge taken from the Children of Israel that includes worshipping God and being good to relatives, is reminded (2:8) 27
  • 17. that nothing can stop it; and if they are of the same religious believes, they have two rights: family rights and Islamic rights»[4]. •When a man asked Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about how to treat a relative who had harmed and insultedhim,theProphet(PBUH)answered:“Resume your relationship with the one who has broken family bonds with you, grant the one who has deprived you and forgive the one who has harmed you. Whenever you do so, God will protect you against them” [5]. •However, the relationship with unfaithful and irreligious relatives can be maintained as far as it does not lead to committing an unlawful (Haram) act or disobeying other divine commands [6]. 3.Family ties: Priorities The priorities are as follows in Islam: •parents(andmotheristheprioritybetweenthem); •Sisters and brothers; relatives through blood ties (uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.); •Relatives through marriage (in-law family,etc.) [7]. 4.How to maintain family ties? •Silatur-Rahim is not limited to visiting relatives, but also includes trying to satisfy their needs and strengthening emotional bonds with them. •Some of the examples of Silatur-Rahim are: ••visiting relatives; ••greeting and honouring them; ••inviting them even to a cup of coffee or tea; ••giving them good advice in case of a problem; ••not harming them by talking behind their back, ••insulting or accusing them, or by interfering in ••being kind and caring about them; ••visiting them when they are sick; 29 their personal affairs;
  • 18. ••giving them gifts in different occasions; ••fulfilling their needs before others do; ••Participating in their funerals [8]. 5.Maintaining family kinship: Benefits •Having the social and emotional support of family [9], •Having an immediate reward [10]. Increase in wealth [11]. •Having some of the sins vanished [12]. •Having an easy death and a long life [,]14 ,]12[ ,]13 15[]. 6.Severing family kinship: consequences •Having a shorter life than it would be [17[ ,]16]. •Quickly receiving a punishment [18]. •Being cursed by God [ii] and deprived of his mercy (13:25). •Being doomed to the hell [19]. •One’s prayers (Dua) will not be accepted anymore after severing family ties [20]. •One’s good deeds will be rejected [21]. Notes: [i] Rahim is a word derived from Allah›s special quality, Ar-Rahman (The Compassionate One). [ii] (23-47:22( ,)13:25( ,)2:27). References: [1]. Ibn Babawayh, “Al-Khisal”, p. 124. [2]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 151. [3]. A. Javadi Amoli, “Mafatih al-hayat”, p. 212. [4]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 157. [5]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 150. [6]. A. Javadi Amoli, “TasneemTafsir”, vol. 2, p. 561-560. [7]. A. Javadi Amoli, “Mafatih al-hayat”, p. 219. [8]. A. Javadi Amoli, “Mafatih al-hayat”, p. 217. [9]. Imam Ali (AS), “Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim”, vol. 4, p. 209, T. 5825. [10]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 152. [11]. Shaykh al-Saduq, “Uyun akhbar al-Rida(AS)”, vol. 2, p. 37. [12]. Imam Ali (AS), “Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim”, vol. 4, p. 635, T. 7258. [13]. Fattal Neyshaburi, “Rawdat al-wa›izin wa basirat al-mutta›izin”, vol. 2, p. 370. [14]. Ibn Shu’bah, “Tuhaf al-Uqul”, p. 299. [15]. ShaykhTusi, “Al-Amali”, p. 481. [16]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 153. [17]. Shaykh al-Saduq, “Illal Al Sharaie”, p. 584. [18]. Ibn Babawayh, “Al-Khisal”, p. 230. [19]. Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 349. [20]. H. T. Nuri Ṭabarsi, “Mustadrak al-Wasail”, vol. 15, p. 185. [21]. A. Javadi Amoli, “Mafatih al-hayat”, p. 215. 31
  • 19. According to the Islamic teachings above, the family is not a mere means of satisfying physical needs. Rather, it is an educational environment where every member can experience love, peace, kindness, mutual understanding, the exchanging of views and cooperation. The holy Quran says: “And of His signs is that He created for you mates from your own selves that you may take comfort in them,andHeordainedaffectionandmercybetween you” (30:21) It is also narrated from prophet Muhammad: “The best of you are the best to their families, and I am the best to my family”. It is clear from the words above that Islam attaches great importance to family life. Therefore, a happy and peaceful family in the eyes of Islam is the one which builds its foundation on firm Islamic principles, some of which have been mentioned throughout this e-book. “AndofHissignsisthatHecreatedforyou mates from your own selves that you may take comfort in them, and He ordained affection and mercy between you” (30:21) 33
  • 20. Salam Islam is an attempt to pave the way for those who are willing to step in the path of holy religion of Islam and embrace light and happiness. In order to help you in this journey, we provide you with clear- cut and comprehensive contents ranging from the most basic tenets of Islamic beliefs, introducing the axioms – e.g. monotheism (Tawhid), prophethood (Nubuwwah), etc. - as well as practical principles such asprayer(Salat)andfasting(Sawm),etc.,tothemost useful guidelines for an Islamic way of life including lifestyle, family and women’s concerns. In addition, we are sincerely willing to share the experiences and stories of those who are newly embraced Islam. This website, has no commercial purposes and appreciates any support or assistance and is open to your feedbacks regardless of your religion or beliefs. If you had any questions, you can contact us through . Follow Us: 35 About Us