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JJuunnee 22001177
RRoottaarryy CClluubb ooff PPrreettoorriiaa EEaasstt
Founded 28 March 1961
South Africa
District Governor:
Rotary Fellowship
The Four-Way Test
Of the things we think,
say or do
1. Is it the TRUTH
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned
3. Will it build GOODWILL &
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to
all concerned?
ZZoonnee 2200AA
IInnssttiittuuttee 22001177
The Rotary Zone 20A Institute is an annual conference held somewhere in a sub-Sahara African
country that is within Zone 20A. Its purpose is for senior Rotarians from the Zone to discuss
Rotary and Rotary related matters as well as share common interests and fellowship.
This year, the Institute will be
held at the Misty Hills County
Hotel and Con-ference Centre
in Mulders-drift, west of
The Institute will be held over
three days from Thursday the
to Saturday 16th
The theme is “World Peace
through Understanding”.
It will be preceded by two days
of training for District
Governors Elect, Nominees and
their partners, as well as the
District Membership Chairs.
The Institute will be attended by RIP Ian Risely, RIVP Dean Rohrs, Rotary Foundation Trustee
Örscelik Balkan and other senior Rotary leaders from outside of Zone 20A. The co-convenors
RID Corneliu Dincă and RIDE Yinka Babalola warmly invite all Rotarians in Zone 20A to
RIP Ian Risely
RI President 2017-18,
Rotary Club of Sandringham,
RID Corneliu Dincă,
Rotary Institute Convenor,
Rotary Club of Craiova
District 2241, ROMANIA
RIDE Yinka Babalola,
Rotary Institute Co-convenor,
Rotary Club of Trans Amadi,
District 9140, NIGERIA
7 Mariana Purnell
13 Grant Adam
3 Allan & Jennifer Joss
Connie Swart 1991
Grant Adam 2002
Anastasia Demertzis 1998
There will be nine plenary sessions with keynote speakers focusing on the various contributions
that Rotary and Rotarians can make through activities aligned with the theme such as promoting
the Rotary organisation, membership, engaging young leaders, the Rotary Foundation, Rotary
service and Rotary Action. Confirmed Keynote speakers over and above the Rotary VIPs include
Prof Theo Veldsman from the University of Johannesburg on the psychology of leadership and
Dr Marilyn Fitzgerald from the USA on project sustainability based on her
experiences in Indonesia that are documented in her book “If I had a
Waterbuffalo”. There will also be six break-out meetings led by panels of
experts on the Friday afternoon.
There will be an exhibition of projects at club, District and national level
(e.g. Rotary Family Health Day) and partners (both current and future) on the
Saturday afternoon after the final Plenary session. This will be an
opportunity for the delegates to engage with exhibitors, to exchange ideas
and possibly establish partnerships with NGOs and Corporates interested in
establishing projects in other parts of Africa. The exhibition will be an
integral part of the Institute programme and is designed to maximise delegate
and exhibitor interaction.
Evening events will include a Meet and Greet with live music on Wednesday
evening, a Welcome Dinner on Thursday, a Theme Dinner on Friday in the
famous Carnivore Restaurant and a Gala Banquet with dancing to live music
Dr Marilyn
Rotary Club of
Travers City
District 6290,
on Saturday. A lunch meeting of the Rotary Club of Johannesburg on Thursday 16th
will give
delegates the opportunity to attend a meeting of the first Rotary Club in Africa and receive a
make-up certificate. A Major Donor lunch will be held on Friday 17th
September. The Institute
will conclude with an interfaith service on Sunday 18th
To register, please go to the webpage:
For Rotarians unable to attend the full three days of the Institute, there will be a Saturday only
registration. This will enable a delegate to attend the final two plenary sessions on Saturday
morning, the Exhibition in the afternoon and the Gala Banquet in the evening
222222 --- 222555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111777 @@@ BBBooollliiivvviiiaaa LLLooodddgggeee
The District Annual Conference (DISCON) is in June! Please note the following:
Registration is now open
Register now. Invoices will be sent when registration is received.
All relevant information is available on the District website:
OR, to make it easier here are the links to the forms:
i. Registration
ii. Accommodation
iii. Skid & Project Registration
Please make sure your fellow club members know about the DISCON forms and where to get them!
PPPeeeaaaccceee aaannnddd cccooonnnfffllliiicccttt
ppprrreeevvveeennntttiiiooonnn ///
ppprrreeevvveeennntttiiiooonnn aaannnddd
WWWaaattteeerrr aaannnddd
MMMaaattteeerrrnnnaaalll aaannnddd
ccchhhiiilllddd hhheeeaaalllttthhh
BBBaaasssiiiccc eeeddduuucccaaatttiiiooonnn
aaannnddd llliiittteeerrraaacccyyy
EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc aaannnddd
May 2017
By Aiden Robertson
It is almost with disbelief that I find myself writing my last Message from the President article
for the Clarion, so please forgive me for using the opportunity for some personal reflection on the
year that has passed by so quickly. I entered my year with a great deal of trepidation and self-
doubt, but vacate the chair wondering what I was so hesitant about – yes, it has required a lot of
my time and the wonderful support and understanding that I have received from my wife Rose.
Overall, looking back it was a very uplifting experience and one that every Rotarian needs to
experience at least one in their Rotary careers.
June is Rotary Fellowship month and we have a number of fellowship occasions planned, starting
with the partners evening on Monday May 29, when Cheryl and Judy will surprise us with an
“Elvis Bingo” evening – not sure what to expect, but knowing these two ladies I am sure we are
going to be in for a great time. On Sunday June 4, a memorial luncheon is planned at Niche in
honour of our Past President Dr Bernard de Winter to give us an opportunity to reflect on this
great fellow Rotarian’s life – detailed arrangements will be circulated shortly. Please also read
the Eulogy to Bernard on the last page of this Clarion.
Then, of course, it’s the RI Convention in Atlanta for those Rotarians who are fortunate enough
to attend and for the rest of us it DISCON 2017 in Polokwane from June 22 to 25. The Club will
be well represented with four Club members in attendance as well as three Anns.
Two important issues need our attention in the weeks leading up to the Induction of our incoming
President, Robin Jones, on Monday July 3 – firstly the remaining outstanding issues that need to
be addressed if the Rotary Club of Pretoria East is to qualify for a Presidential Citation. Firstly,
the incorrect allocation of our contributions to the RI Foundation need to be corrected, the
Rotaract Club needs to be chartered before the end of June and at least 50% of the Club members
must have updated their personal profiles on the ‘My Rotary’ web site to include their individual
skills and interests. All members are asked to assist please as it would be extremely disappointing
to miss out on a citation for not fulfilling such an easy citation goal.
Club members raised more than R 8 000 for the annual blanket drive. Additional blankets were
received from Nellie van Staden Properties and Steelwings Motorcycle Club. Amongst the other
activities, we plan to distribute the blankets by the end of May. Hopefully, we will find an
alternate venue to hold our Boerewors Roll sale before the year-end as well!
We were saddened to learn of the passing of another Past President of the Rotary Club of Pretoria
East, Tom Wheeler who was President of the in 1993/94. We have passed on our condolences to
his family. To lose three PP in one year leaves us all with a lot to reflect on.
Bernard de Winter Deon Lotter Tom Wheeler
222000111666 ––– 222000111777
aaattttttrrraaaccctttiiiooonnn aaannnddd
FFFooouuunnndddaaatttiiiooonnn gggiiivvviiinnnggg
OOOnnnllliiinnneee tttoooooolll
NNNeeewww gggeeennneeerrraaatttiiiooonnnsss
PPPuuubbbllliiiccc iiimmmaaagggeee
TTTooo dddiiissstttrrriiiccctttsss ttthhhaaattt:::
HHHaaavvveee aaattt llleeeaaasssttt 555111
pppeeerrrccceeennnttt ooofff cccllluuubbbsss
eeeaaarrrnnniiinnnggg ttthhheee
CCCooonnntttrrriiibbbuuuttteee aaattt
llleeeaaasssttt 222000 pppeeerrrccceeennnttt ooofff
ttthhheeeiiirrr DDDiiissstttrrriiicccttt
DDDeeesssiiigggnnnaaattteeeddd FFFuuunnnddd
tttooo PPPooollliiioooPPPllluuusss
IIInnncccrrreeeaaassseee AAAnnnnnnuuuaaalll
FFFuuunnnddd gggiiivvviiinnnggg bbbyyy 555
pppeeerrrccceeennnttt ooovvveeerrr lllaaasssttt
yyyeeeaaarrr’’’sss tttoootttaaalll
AAAccchhhiiieeevvveee aaa 333
pppeeerrrccceeennnttt iiinnncccrrreeeaaassseee
iiinnn mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrssshhhiiippp
May 2017
1. Presidential Matters
1.1 Board Appointments for 2017/18 –The ten
Directors of the 2017/18 Board listed in the
minutes of the April Board meeting minutes
were confirmed. A template has been received
from District to provide the full membership
details of all of the Club members including
Honorary members for the District Database.
Aiden will ask AG Riana Pretorius for clarity
on some issues and prepare a draft template for
the Board’s approval at the June 14 Board
meeting, to ensure that the June 23 deadline for
the submission of the data is met.
1.2 Presidential Citation – No District 9400 Club
has qualified for a Presidential Citation as yet,
but Pretoria East is one of the 16 short-listed
Clubs that are close to qualifying at this stage.
Two areas need to be addressed, firstly
Foundation Giving, while the Club has met the
overall qualifying criteria there are some
discrepancies in the allocations and Robin
undertook to address this matter once again
with the Foundation Chair. The second is an
On-Line Tool adoption - 50 % of members are
to identify their skill and interests on their My
Rotary profile – Aiden will follow up.
Secondly, one initiative must be posted on
Rotary Showcase – Robin undertook to attend
to this and thirdly at least two members must
participate in a discussion group on My Rotary
- at this stage we only have one and Aiden will
follow up. Robin will also investigate
submitting a District Merit Award application.
1.3 Flexible Club Membership Options – agreed to
continue the new MOU flexible club
membership discussions and the possible
changes to the constitution into the new year.
Robin reminded the Board that the current
Constitution already allows for a minimum
attendance of 50%
1.4 District NPO training May 27 in Middleburg–a
further very important NPO/PBO training
session has been scheduled. Should no Board
members be available to attend, Aiden was
asked to raise this at the May 22 Business
1.5 Region 5 Joint Induction Dinner to be held on
July 1 - Five Clubs are participating, details will
be sent to us in due course. Pretoria East will
continue with a separate Induction Dinner for
Robin on Monday July 3, at the Willows
Country Lodge.
1.6 DG Pretoria Club visit October 23 to 28 –
details to follow, we will need to set aside a
budget of R 1200 for the occasion.
1.7 Discon June 22 to 25, 2017 – the four members
of the Club that will be attending are reminded
that the deadline for the payment of the
registration fees is May 31, 2017.
1.8 Year End Administration - MOU signed by the
President and President Elect, to be forwarded
to District. Membership records at the yearend,
namely June 30 to accurately record the Club’s
membership profile.
1.9 Strategic Planning Meeting for 2017/18 –
Sunday July 2, at Niche’ starting at 10 am. All
2017/18 Board members to diarise please.
Details to be confirmed
2. Financial Report
2.1 Monthly Financial Reports –the Financial
Reports for Club Admin and Service Projects
were tabled by the Treasurer and discussed by
the Board members. Anastasia will liaise with
the various portfolio directors and prepare a
budget for the 2017/18 Rotary year which will
be tabled at the June 14 Board meeting and to
the Club on June 19.
2.2 Members Subscription Dues – all paid, thanks
2.3 The 2016/17 Financial Statement – Anastasia
will assist with the preparation and hand over of
the financial accounts to the incoming
Treasurer, Tatenda, as well as the audit process
and the submission of the various statutory
3. Service Projects
3.1 SOUNS – GG 26276
• 9 sets remain in stock, allocated to PEN 2,
SA Cares 2 and ABBA Pride 2.
• Local Set Manufacture – considering the
• GG 1326276 –final approval pending.
• New Global Grant – the application
process has been initiated, with Kurt and
Barbro agreeing to be the international
host partners.
• Training – SA Cares on May 16.
• 3.2 Winterveldt Site Development Plan
• Kitchen Upgrade – The upgrading
including the installation of the solar
geyser is complete. Clive is ready to do
a brief presentation to the Club
members. The installation of an
Continue on next page
LLLeeeaaa PPPrrriiinnnsssllloooooo
extractor fan is under review and the
alternative plan to use the balance of
the funds available to concrete the sand
floor area outside the kitchen is being
investigated. A detailed budget will be
presented to the Service Projects
committee before a final decision can
be taken
• Site Registration – unchanged.
• Food Parcel Scheme – the monthly
food parcel deliveries will continue for
the time being, thanks to Clive and the
support of the donors who support the
program. The Board proposed that
other self-sustaining schemes to
supplement the food hampers should
also be considered.
3.3Wheelchairs – one large wheelchair has been
allocated to Karen Marais’ father.
3.4 2016 Blanket Drive – Over R 7000 has been
raised this far by the Club members and Aiden
was tasked with placing the order for the
blankets with Sesli, the manufacturers. The
2017 blanket drive has been boosted by the
generous donations of over 130 blankets by
Nellie Van Staden Eiendomme as well as the
members of the Steel Wings Zambezi Motor
Cycle Club, with both donors visiting the Club
on Monday May 15. Aiden was asked to send a
letter of thanks to both donors. It was agreed
that blankets be allocated to:Danville 60,
Winterveldt 60, Home for the Needy 40,
Boschkop Primary School 40.
3.5 Meerhof School – Allen Joss is recovering
from the nasty fall he had the week before the
Golf Day on April 24, but as soon as the
proceeds of the day have been finalised he will
advise us of the amount raised on the day.
3.6 Mahindra Sponsorship– A follow-up visit to
the school was made and the progress made by
the school with the ongoing painting of the
classrooms was disappointing with only one
further classroom painted! During the visit
Owen Maroleni and Aiden inspected the
kitchen facilities at the school which are in a
desperate state, as an option for the allocation
of the R 10 000 CSI donation made by his
company. Owen, however, has expressed
certain reservations based on the overall lack
of commitment by the staff members and
wishes to consider other alternatives.
3.7 Home for the Needy – the bread rolls ordered
for the cancelled Garscom Fete were delivered
to the Home. The Board agreed to their
request for a new name board and paint for the
3.8 SafeWater Project – in conjunction with the
Rotary Club of Sea Point, an installation at a
school in Mamelodi sponsored by the Viva
Foundation is scheduled to take place at noon
on Friday May 26 and it was agreed that
Pretoria East join them on the day and consider
collaborating with them on this project going
4. Public Relations
4.1 Contact with the media – ongoing.
4.2 Facebook and Web page – updated
4.3 The Clarion was distributed to club and
honorary members.
4.4 Members “wallet cards” will be updated twice
during the Rotary year. The next update will
thus be in July.
4.4 Club Brochure – Mariana will develop a new
Club brochure and Cheryl offered to assist with
the printing. Contact with the media
5. Youth Services
5.1 Youth Development - Jan Visagie assisted by
Lisa, Michael and Francis will continue to
oversee our Youth Development program for
the rest of the current Rotary year.
5.2 Rotaract Club – The Rotaractor Club
Certification Form has been given to Ruvi to be
completed by them and sent back to us to send
to the DG for signing before it can be submitted,
together with the $ 50 organisation fee, to RI
Zurich before the official chartering of the Club
can take place, hopefully sometime in June. A
RCPE member needs to be appointed as the
official Rotaract Club mentor!
5.3 Robotics Project – Michael Ngake will be
attending a Robotics workshop on May 20 and
has been asked to submit a budget needed to get
the project started.
5.4 RYLA – plans to send two students to the
RYLA camp in September 2017 or the March
2018 is being arranged.
5.5 Rotary Exchange Student –Jan is arranging a
meeting with Arnold Magezi, a Pretoria Boys
High pupil, who is interested in the program.
6. Membership
6.1 New Member Drive – applications have been
sent to both Owen Maroleni and Peter Kaufman.
Mariana will follow up
6.2 Leave of Absence – Grant Adam (end of May)
6.3 “My Rotary” Membership Records at the Year
End – all terminations and additions need to be
accurately recorded in the Clubs records as at
June 30 2017
7. Club Admin
7.1 Meal Arrangements – Judy has requested once
again that all members respond to the Meal
Menu requests timeously please!
7.2 Guest Speaker Program –May 8 and May 15
guest speaker arrangements need to be clarified
soonest with those responsible, as per the Year
Continue on next page
All ages,
male & female
222222 --- 222555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111777
@@@ BBBooollliiivvviiiaaa LLLooodddgggeee
Rotarian Action
for Endangered
Read more about RAGES
8. Foundation
8.1 Covered under Youth Developments amongst
9. Fundraising
9.1 May 13 2017– Garscom Boerewors Braai – due
to the inclement weather the fete had to be
cancelled at the last minute. All the meat and
provisions are in Aiden and Rose’s deep freeze
and the non-perishable items taken back to
storage at Niche. All Club members should
please investigate alternative opportunities for
a “Boerewors Braai” day. The Garscom
committee is meeting on May 29, maybe they
will reschedule the Fete?
9.2 Cathy Specific – Cheryl is waiting for the date
for a one night only blockbuster show by Cathy
Specific and his team at the Barnyard theatre.
This promises to be a sell-out occasion for us.
9.3 Potjiekos Competition – August 9 at Robin and
Edie’s home.
9.4 Annual Scrabble Day at Niche - July 1, 2017.
10. General
10.1 Jimmy van Wolleghem Trophy – a lunch time
tribute to PP Bernard De Winter at Niche on
June 4 is being planned. Other Pretoria Clubs
to be invited. Cheryl will provide us all with a
comprehensive program for the day.SSPPEEAAKKEERRSSCCOORRNNEERR
Guest speaker Dr Moses Lubinga
with PE Robin Jones. Moses shared
his passion for teaching children
about agriculture and using natural
products to make tourism items.
He is a former Rotaractor from
Uganda and now works at the NAMC.
The representative
from the Steelwings
Motorcycle Club gave
a short talk on their
club and social
GGGEEETTTSSS::: MMMooonnndddaaayyy 111111 ––– WWWeeedddnnneeesssdddaaayyy 111333 SSSeeepppttteeemmmbbbeeerrr 222000111777
RRROOOTTTAAARRRYYY IIINNNSSSTTTIIITTTUUUTTTEEE::: TTThhhuuurrrsssdddaaayyy 111444 ––– SSSuuunnndddaaayyy 111777 SSSeeepppttteeemmmbbbeeerrr
Need More
Contact Aiden
000888:::000000 fffooorrr 000888:::222000
CCCooonnntttaaacccttt AAAnnnaaassstttaaasssiiiaaa:::
CCaauugghhtt bbyy tthhee ccaammeerraa tthhiiss mmoonntthh
Visitors Amber Rampton and Danye Courtenay-Clack
with President Aiden
Patrick Kain and Henry Sher
Owen Maroleni and Tatenda Clive and Francis
Reception Sergeant 4 Way Test
Object of
5 June Patrick Lisa Grant Patrick
12 June Anastasia Lisa Henry Anastasia
19 June Jenny Lisa Mariana Jenny Robin
26 June Joyce Lisa Robin Joyce
3 July Formal event - RCPE President’s Induction Dinner
10 July Clive Sandy Joyce Clive
17 July Connie Sandy Jenny Connie
24 July Francis Sandy Jan Francis Anastasia
31 July Judy Sandy Patrick Judy
7 August Aiden Henry Tatendo Aiden
14 August Cheryl Henry Sandy Cheryl
21 August Lisa Henry Mariana Lisa Jan
28 August Sandy Henry Aiden Sandy
4 September Mariana Joyce Anastasia Mariana
11 September Grant Joyce Clive Grant
18 September Jan Joyce Connie Jan Cheryl
25 September Jenny Joyce Francis Jenny
Please note: If you are not able to do your duty please find another member to do your duty
and let Judy Warren know either by e-mail or by a call / SMS / WhatsApp to 074215 1490.
Reception duty You must be there 45 minutes before the start of the meeting and vacate the
reception table when all members have arrived and the money has been counted and is correct.
Money collected and the completed list of payments must be handed to treasurer, PP Anastasia.
The raffle and attendance lists must be given to Judy Warren.
The guest list must be handed to the President before the meeting starts.
1188hh3300 oonn FFrriiddaayy
22 JJuunnee
RR115500 //ppeerrssoonn
NNGG KKeerrkk LLyynnnnwwoooodd,,
SSuusssseexx SSttrreeeett
BBooookk wwiitthh
RRRCCCPPPEEE hhhooossstttsss eee---cccllluuubbb iiinnnddduuuccctttiiiooonnn
Left: Twelve e-club members
and their two new members
who were inducted in the
presence of RCPE members
Below left: President Aiden
with Johan Snyman, Janke
Tolmay, Annemarie Mostert
and Sanet Fagan after their
Below right: Annemarie
Mostert, e-club President
and husband Hans Mostert
Left: Wilma
and Gawie
Tjaart and
Hanlie le
Left: Riaan van
Heerden and
Koos Bronkhorst
Right: Johan
Snyman and
Estelle Barnard
Left: Grant
Adam and
Right: Liana van
der Walt and
Let’s fill the
box with
Fines, Happy
Rands, Sad
Postal Address:
Rotary Club of
Pretoria East
PO Box 28833
Sunnyside 0132
E-mail addresses:
Website address:
And Other Dates To Keep In Mind
June Rotary Fellowship
Thursday 1 Service Projects Meeting
Sunday 4 Jimmy von Wellighem Trophy lunch in memory of Bernard Niche
Monday 5 Guest Speaker- Tatenda Willows Country Lodge
10-14 Rotary Convention Atlanta USA Atlanta USA
Monday 12 Guest Speaker- Lisa Willows Country Lodge
Wednesday 14 Board Meeting (June 16 - Public Holiday) Aiden
Monday 19 Business Meeting Willows Country Lodge
22-25 DISCON Polokwane Polokwane
Monday 26 DISCON Feedback/ Fellowship Willows Country Lodge
NNNeeewww RRRoootttaaarrryyy yyyeeeaaarrr bbbeeegggiiinnnsss PPPrrreeesssiiidddeeennnttt RRRooobbbiiinnn JJJooonnneeesss
July Literacy, IT Tools and Applications
Saturday 1 Annual Scrabble Competition Niche
Saturday 1 Region 5 - Joint Presidential Induction Irene Country Lodge
Sunday 2 Board - Strategic Planning Session Robin Jones
Monday 3 Pretoria East Presidential Induction Dinner Willows Country Lodge
Monday 10 Strategic Planning Feedback Willows Country Lodge
Monday 17 Guest Speaker – Service Projects Willows Country Lodge
Thursday 20 Board meeting
Monday 24 Business meeting Willows Country Lodge
Monday 31 Fellowship evening with spouses & partners Willows Country Lodge
August Membership & Extension
Monday 7 Meeting Willows Country Lodge
Saturday 9 Potjie Kos Competition Robin Jones
Monday 14 Guest Speaker – Club Admin Willows Country Lodge
Thursday 17 Board meeting
Monday 21 Business meeting Willows Country Lodge
Monday 28 Speaker evening, spouses & partners Willows Country Lodge
September Basic Education and Literacy
Monday 4 Guest Speaker – Public Relations Willows Country Lodge
Monday 11 Guest Speaker – Service Projects Willows Country Lodge
Thursday 14 Board meeting
Monday 18 Business Meeting Willows Country Lodge
Monday 25 Guest Speaker – Foundation Willows Country Lodge
October Economic and Community Development
Monday 2 Guest Speaker – Membership Willows Country Lodge
Monday 9 Guest Speaker – Youth Willows Country Lodge
11-13 Rotary Family Health Day TBA
Monday 16 Guest Speaker – Service Projects Willows Country Lodge
Thursday 19 Board meeting
Monday 23 Business Meeting Willows Country Lodge
23 - 28 District Governor’s Visit
Monday 30 Fellowship evening, spouses & partners Willows Country Lodge
November Rotary Foundation
Monday 6 Guest Speaker – Service Projects Willows Country Lodge
Monday 13 Guest Speaker – Vice President Willows Country Lodge
Thursday 16 Board meeting
Monday 20 Business Meeting Willows Country Lodge
Monday 27 Club Assembly – Progress on Presidential Citation Willows Country Lodge
December Disease Prevention and Treatment
Monday 4 Guest Speaker – Foundation Willows Country Lodge
Monday 11 Guest Speaker – Youth Willows Country Lodge
Monday 18 Year End Fellowship evening Willows Country Lodge
The 2017 blanket drive was boosted by the generous donations of over 25 blankets by Nellie Van Staden Eiendomme as
well as 130 blankets by the members of the Steel Wings Zambezi Motor Cycle Club. The Steelwings Zambesi Motorcycle
club would have delivered the blankets to our stall at the Garscom fete on 13 May, but due to icy cold weather and rain,
the fete was cancelled.
Left: Nellie van Staden (in
blue) with some of the
bikers and President Aiden
who was totally in awe of
the generosity of the group
Right: The heap of blankets
in the corner of the room –
all shapes, sizes and
Nellie van Staden Properties and the
Steel Wings Zambezi Motor Cycle Club
The additional blankets were received from
Nellie van Staden Properties and Steel-
wings Motorcycle Club when they visited
the Club on Monday evening May 15.
Club blanket drive
Club members raised more than R 8 000 for
the annual blanket drive by the deadline on
Monday May 8 and our club’s order for the
blankets has been placed with Sesli, the
Distribution of the blankets
Amongst the other activities, we plan to
distribute the blankets by the end of May. It
was agreed that blankets be allocated to:
Danville 60, Winterveldt 60, Home for the
Needy 40, Boschkop Primary School 40.
EEuullooggyy ffoorr BBeerrnnaarrdd
By Cheryl Jute
Afternoon family, friends and Rotarians.
On behalf of President Aiden and Rose Robertson and all the members of the Rotary Club of
Pretoria East, I stand before you humbled and deeply honoured to have been invited to say a few
words on behalf of our Rotarian and friend Bernard de Winter.
Often eulogies describe a person and everyone in the congregation sits and wonders – who in heaven’s name are you talking about??
Well, this will not be the case today.
For everything I am about to say about Bernard conforms to the 4 Way Test of Rotary – which was very dear to him:
• Is it the truth?
• Is it fair to all concerned?
• Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
• Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
God uses good people to do great things. Bernard was a man who used his life to serve and through that managed what very few of us
might achieve. He changed lives. He always saw the glass half full. Half empty did not exist for Bernard. He was filled with optimism.
As much as he loved the good parts of life, he also embraced life’s many challenges.
Bernard worked tirelessly as a member of Round Table and Rotary. Unfortunately, I can only tell you about him from a Rotary
Bernard was a member of the Rotary Club of Pretoria East since 01 November 1969 and served the club and the organization with
distinction for 48 years. He served as President twice - in 1977/78 and 1990/91. He was a Paul Harris Fellow, served on the Board in
various capacities and was the champion of, and participated in, many club projects. His willing hands toiled at many a project and
fellowship. He also served as the Chairman of the Centennial District Conference Board. And boy, did he need his qualities of
leadership, patience, kindness and humour during those weekly meetings that took place.
Bernard was also the recipient of an award from Rotary International for his service to the community. One of only a handful that are
awarded on an annual basis internationally.
Bernard approached me to become a Rotarian after being a Rotary Ann for 5 years. I was not ready for the responsibility of being a
Rotarian. However, wise and gentle man that he was, he bided his time, nurtured the seed he had planted within me and a year later,
knew I was ready to take the step.
From March 2000, he has been a sounding board during stressful Rotary times and a wise councillor. He always gave me various
options and solutions and never ever was any one of them subjective, discriminatory or for his own gain.
I had the privilege of sitting next to him at many a Rotary meeting, sharing a laugh and a glass of wine.
This coming Monday, that chair will be empty next to me. Perhaps I will need to have my own glass of wine and an additional one for
him. Just this once!
Great men often lead with their egos. Not Bernard de Winter. He led with his heart. His compassion and most importantly, his honour.
We are all united, not only in our desire to pay our respects to Bernard, but rather in our need to do so.
As individuals, we might not be able to match Bernard’s abilities for strength, but we can all strive to match his humanity and
compassion for others.
His values were strong. They are timeless. And they will endure.
Bernard – you have left a vacant place that can never be filled.
You have left inside each of us, a beloved voice that will never be stilled.
You were part of God’s grand design, but you were such a big presence here on this earth.
Today Bernard, we bid you farewell. We will miss your integrity, fine intellect, humour and humanity.
Goodbye warm, kind and gentle gentleman.

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Clarion 201706

  • 1. 1 JJuunnee 22001177 RRoottaarryy CClluubb ooff PPrreettoorriiaa EEaasstt Founded 28 March 1961 DISTRICT 9400 Botswana Mozambique South Africa Swaziland District Governor: GRANT DALY JUNE Rotary Fellowship Month The Four-Way Test Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned 3. Will it build GOODWILL & BETTER FRIENDSHIPS 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? RRoottaarryy ZZoonnee 2200AA IInnssttiittuuttee 22001177 The Rotary Zone 20A Institute is an annual conference held somewhere in a sub-Sahara African country that is within Zone 20A. Its purpose is for senior Rotarians from the Zone to discuss Rotary and Rotary related matters as well as share common interests and fellowship. This year, the Institute will be held at the Misty Hills County Hotel and Con-ference Centre in Mulders-drift, west of Johannesburg. The Institute will be held over three days from Thursday the 14th to Saturday 16th September. The theme is “World Peace through Understanding”. It will be preceded by two days of training for District Governors Elect, Nominees and their partners, as well as the District Membership Chairs. The Institute will be attended by RIP Ian Risely, RIVP Dean Rohrs, Rotary Foundation Trustee Örscelik Balkan and other senior Rotary leaders from outside of Zone 20A. The co-convenors RID Corneliu Dincă and RIDE Yinka Babalola warmly invite all Rotarians in Zone 20A to attend. RIP Ian Risely RI President 2017-18, Rotary Club of Sandringham, Victoria, AUSTRALIA RID Corneliu Dincă, Rotary Institute Convenor, Rotary Club of Craiova District 2241, ROMANIA RIDE Yinka Babalola, Rotary Institute Co-convenor, Rotary Club of Trans Amadi, District 9140, NIGERIA
  • 2. 2 BIRTHDAYS JUNE 7 Mariana Purnell 13 Grant Adam WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES JUNE 3 Allan & Jennifer Joss INDUCTION ANNIVERSARIES JUNE Connie Swart 1991 Grant Adam 2002 Anastasia Demertzis 1998 ATTENDANCE There will be nine plenary sessions with keynote speakers focusing on the various contributions that Rotary and Rotarians can make through activities aligned with the theme such as promoting the Rotary organisation, membership, engaging young leaders, the Rotary Foundation, Rotary service and Rotary Action. Confirmed Keynote speakers over and above the Rotary VIPs include Prof Theo Veldsman from the University of Johannesburg on the psychology of leadership and Dr Marilyn Fitzgerald from the USA on project sustainability based on her experiences in Indonesia that are documented in her book “If I had a Waterbuffalo”. There will also be six break-out meetings led by panels of experts on the Friday afternoon. There will be an exhibition of projects at club, District and national level (e.g. Rotary Family Health Day) and partners (both current and future) on the Saturday afternoon after the final Plenary session. This will be an opportunity for the delegates to engage with exhibitors, to exchange ideas and possibly establish partnerships with NGOs and Corporates interested in establishing projects in other parts of Africa. The exhibition will be an integral part of the Institute programme and is designed to maximise delegate and exhibitor interaction. Evening events will include a Meet and Greet with live music on Wednesday evening, a Welcome Dinner on Thursday, a Theme Dinner on Friday in the famous Carnivore Restaurant and a Gala Banquet with dancing to live music Dr Marilyn Fitzgerald Rotary Club of Travers City District 6290, USA on Saturday. A lunch meeting of the Rotary Club of Johannesburg on Thursday 16th will give delegates the opportunity to attend a meeting of the first Rotary Club in Africa and receive a make-up certificate. A Major Donor lunch will be held on Friday 17th September. The Institute will conclude with an interfaith service on Sunday 18th September. To register, please go to the webpage: For Rotarians unable to attend the full three days of the Institute, there will be a Saturday only registration. This will enable a delegate to attend the final two plenary sessions on Saturday morning, the Exhibition in the afternoon and the Gala Banquet in the evening DDDIIISSSTTTRRRIIICCCTTT CCCOOONNNFFFEEERRREEENNNCCCEEE 222222 --- 222555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111777 @@@ BBBooollliiivvviiiaaa LLLooodddgggeee RRR EEE GGG III SSS TTT EEE RRR NNN OOO WWW !!! The District Annual Conference (DISCON) is in June! Please note the following: Registration is now open Register now. Invoices will be sent when registration is received. All relevant information is available on the District website: OR, to make it easier here are the links to the forms: i. Registration ii. Accommodation iii. Skid & Project Registration Please make sure your fellow club members know about the DISCON forms and where to get them!
  • 3. 3 RRROOOTTTAAARRRYYY’’’SSS 666 AAARRREEEAAASSS OOOFFF FFFOOOCCCUUUSSS PPPeeeaaaccceee aaannnddd cccooonnnfffllliiicccttt ppprrreeevvveeennntttiiiooonnn /// rrreeesssooollluuutttiiiooonnn DDDiiissseeeaaassseee ppprrreeevvveeennntttiiiooonnn aaannnddd tttrrreeeaaatttmmmeeennnttt WWWaaattteeerrr aaannnddd sssaaannniiitttaaatttiiiooonnn MMMaaattteeerrrnnnaaalll aaannnddd ccchhhiiilllddd hhheeeaaalllttthhh BBBaaasssiiiccc eeeddduuucccaaatttiiiooonnn aaannnddd llliiittteeerrraaacccyyy EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc aaannnddd cccooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy dddeeevvveeelllooopppmmmeeennnttt AAARRREEE WWWEEE SSSTTTIIILLLLLL HHHAAAVVVIIINNNGGG MESSAGE from the PRESIDENT May 2017 By Aiden Robertson It is almost with disbelief that I find myself writing my last Message from the President article for the Clarion, so please forgive me for using the opportunity for some personal reflection on the year that has passed by so quickly. I entered my year with a great deal of trepidation and self- doubt, but vacate the chair wondering what I was so hesitant about – yes, it has required a lot of my time and the wonderful support and understanding that I have received from my wife Rose. Overall, looking back it was a very uplifting experience and one that every Rotarian needs to experience at least one in their Rotary careers. June is Rotary Fellowship month and we have a number of fellowship occasions planned, starting with the partners evening on Monday May 29, when Cheryl and Judy will surprise us with an “Elvis Bingo” evening – not sure what to expect, but knowing these two ladies I am sure we are going to be in for a great time. On Sunday June 4, a memorial luncheon is planned at Niche in honour of our Past President Dr Bernard de Winter to give us an opportunity to reflect on this great fellow Rotarian’s life – detailed arrangements will be circulated shortly. Please also read the Eulogy to Bernard on the last page of this Clarion. Then, of course, it’s the RI Convention in Atlanta for those Rotarians who are fortunate enough to attend and for the rest of us it DISCON 2017 in Polokwane from June 22 to 25. The Club will be well represented with four Club members in attendance as well as three Anns. Two important issues need our attention in the weeks leading up to the Induction of our incoming President, Robin Jones, on Monday July 3 – firstly the remaining outstanding issues that need to be addressed if the Rotary Club of Pretoria East is to qualify for a Presidential Citation. Firstly, the incorrect allocation of our contributions to the RI Foundation need to be corrected, the Rotaract Club needs to be chartered before the end of June and at least 50% of the Club members must have updated their personal profiles on the ‘My Rotary’ web site to include their individual skills and interests. All members are asked to assist please as it would be extremely disappointing to miss out on a citation for not fulfilling such an easy citation goal. Club members raised more than R 8 000 for the annual blanket drive. Additional blankets were received from Nellie van Staden Properties and Steelwings Motorcycle Club. Amongst the other activities, we plan to distribute the blankets by the end of May. Hopefully, we will find an alternate venue to hold our Boerewors Roll sale before the year-end as well! We were saddened to learn of the passing of another Past President of the Rotary Club of Pretoria East, Tom Wheeler who was President of the in 1993/94. We have passed on our condolences to his family. To lose three PP in one year leaves us all with a lot to reflect on. 333 PPPAAASSSTTT PPPRRREEESSSIIIDDDEEENNNTTTSSS ooofff RRRCCCPPPEEE CCCAAALLLLLLEEEDDD TTTOOO HHHIIIGGGHHHEEERRR SSSEEERRRVVVIIICCCEEE DDDUUURRRIIINNNGGG TTTHHHEEE 222000111666///222000111777 RRROOOTTTAAARRRYYY YYYEEEAAARRR Bernard de Winter Deon Lotter Tom Wheeler
  • 4. 4 222000111666 ––– 222000111777 PPPrrreeesssiiidddeeennntttiiiaaalll CCCiiitttaaatttiiiooonnn MMMeeemmmbbbeeerrrssshhhiiippp aaattttttrrraaaccctttiiiooonnn aaannnddd eeennngggaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt FFFooouuunnndddaaatttiiiooonnn gggiiivvviiinnnggg OOOnnnllliiinnneee tttoooooolll aaadddoooppptttiiiooonnn HHHuuummmaaannniiitttaaarrriiiaaannn ssseeerrrvvviiiccceee NNNeeewww gggeeennneeerrraaatttiiiooonnnsss PPPuuubbbllliiiccc iiimmmaaagggeee SSSPPPEEECCCIIIAAALLL DDDIIISSSTTTRRRIIICCCTTT CCCIIITTTAAATTTIIIOOONNN TTTooo dddiiissstttrrriiiccctttsss ttthhhaaattt::: HHHaaavvveee aaattt llleeeaaasssttt 555111 pppeeerrrccceeennnttt ooofff cccllluuubbbsss eeeaaarrrnnniiinnnggg ttthhheee PPPrrreeesssiiidddeeennntttiiiaaalll CCCiiitttaaatttiiiooonnn CCCooonnntttrrriiibbbuuuttteee aaattt llleeeaaasssttt 222000 pppeeerrrccceeennnttt ooofff ttthhheeeiiirrr DDDiiissstttrrriiicccttt DDDeeesssiiigggnnnaaattteeeddd FFFuuunnnddd tttooo PPPooollliiioooPPPllluuusss IIInnncccrrreeeaaassseee AAAnnnnnnuuuaaalll FFFuuunnnddd gggiiivvviiinnnggg bbbyyy 555 pppeeerrrccceeennnttt ooovvveeerrr lllaaasssttt yyyeeeaaarrr’’’sss tttoootttaaalll AAAccchhhiiieeevvveee aaa 333 pppeeerrrccceeennnttt iiinnncccrrreeeaaassseee iiinnn mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrssshhhiiippp BOARD REPORT May 2017 1. Presidential Matters 1.1 Board Appointments for 2017/18 –The ten Directors of the 2017/18 Board listed in the minutes of the April Board meeting minutes were confirmed. A template has been received from District to provide the full membership details of all of the Club members including Honorary members for the District Database. Aiden will ask AG Riana Pretorius for clarity on some issues and prepare a draft template for the Board’s approval at the June 14 Board meeting, to ensure that the June 23 deadline for the submission of the data is met. 1.2 Presidential Citation – No District 9400 Club has qualified for a Presidential Citation as yet, but Pretoria East is one of the 16 short-listed Clubs that are close to qualifying at this stage. Two areas need to be addressed, firstly Foundation Giving, while the Club has met the overall qualifying criteria there are some discrepancies in the allocations and Robin undertook to address this matter once again with the Foundation Chair. The second is an On-Line Tool adoption - 50 % of members are to identify their skill and interests on their My Rotary profile – Aiden will follow up. Secondly, one initiative must be posted on Rotary Showcase – Robin undertook to attend to this and thirdly at least two members must participate in a discussion group on My Rotary - at this stage we only have one and Aiden will follow up. Robin will also investigate submitting a District Merit Award application. 1.3 Flexible Club Membership Options – agreed to continue the new MOU flexible club membership discussions and the possible changes to the constitution into the new year. Robin reminded the Board that the current Constitution already allows for a minimum attendance of 50% 1.4 District NPO training May 27 in Middleburg–a further very important NPO/PBO training session has been scheduled. Should no Board members be available to attend, Aiden was asked to raise this at the May 22 Business meeting. 1.5 Region 5 Joint Induction Dinner to be held on July 1 - Five Clubs are participating, details will be sent to us in due course. Pretoria East will continue with a separate Induction Dinner for Robin on Monday July 3, at the Willows Country Lodge. 1.6 DG Pretoria Club visit October 23 to 28 – details to follow, we will need to set aside a budget of R 1200 for the occasion. 1.7 Discon June 22 to 25, 2017 – the four members of the Club that will be attending are reminded that the deadline for the payment of the registration fees is May 31, 2017. 1.8 Year End Administration - MOU signed by the President and President Elect, to be forwarded to District. Membership records at the yearend, namely June 30 to accurately record the Club’s membership profile. 1.9 Strategic Planning Meeting for 2017/18 – Sunday July 2, at Niche’ starting at 10 am. All 2017/18 Board members to diarise please. Details to be confirmed 2. Financial Report 2.1 Monthly Financial Reports –the Financial Reports for Club Admin and Service Projects were tabled by the Treasurer and discussed by the Board members. Anastasia will liaise with the various portfolio directors and prepare a budget for the 2017/18 Rotary year which will be tabled at the June 14 Board meeting and to the Club on June 19. 2.2 Members Subscription Dues – all paid, thanks everyone. 2.3 The 2016/17 Financial Statement – Anastasia will assist with the preparation and hand over of the financial accounts to the incoming Treasurer, Tatenda, as well as the audit process and the submission of the various statutory documentation. 3. Service Projects 3.1 SOUNS – GG 26276 • 9 sets remain in stock, allocated to PEN 2, SA Cares 2 and ABBA Pride 2. • Local Set Manufacture – considering the alternatives. • GG 1326276 –final approval pending. • New Global Grant – the application process has been initiated, with Kurt and Barbro agreeing to be the international host partners. • Training – SA Cares on May 16. • 3.2 Winterveldt Site Development Plan • Kitchen Upgrade – The upgrading including the installation of the solar geyser is complete. Clive is ready to do a brief presentation to the Club members. The installation of an Continue on next page
  • 5. 5 SSSPPPEEEAAAKKKEEERRR PPPRRROOOGGGRRRAAAMMM JJJuuunnneee 888ttthhh LLLeeeaaa PPPrrriiinnnsssllloooooo GGGeeerrrmmmaaannnyyy extractor fan is under review and the alternative plan to use the balance of the funds available to concrete the sand floor area outside the kitchen is being investigated. A detailed budget will be presented to the Service Projects committee before a final decision can be taken • Site Registration – unchanged. • Food Parcel Scheme – the monthly food parcel deliveries will continue for the time being, thanks to Clive and the support of the donors who support the program. The Board proposed that other self-sustaining schemes to supplement the food hampers should also be considered. 3.3Wheelchairs – one large wheelchair has been allocated to Karen Marais’ father. 3.4 2016 Blanket Drive – Over R 7000 has been raised this far by the Club members and Aiden was tasked with placing the order for the blankets with Sesli, the manufacturers. The 2017 blanket drive has been boosted by the generous donations of over 130 blankets by Nellie Van Staden Eiendomme as well as the members of the Steel Wings Zambezi Motor Cycle Club, with both donors visiting the Club on Monday May 15. Aiden was asked to send a letter of thanks to both donors. It was agreed that blankets be allocated to:Danville 60, Winterveldt 60, Home for the Needy 40, Boschkop Primary School 40. 3.5 Meerhof School – Allen Joss is recovering from the nasty fall he had the week before the Golf Day on April 24, but as soon as the proceeds of the day have been finalised he will advise us of the amount raised on the day. 3.6 Mahindra Sponsorship– A follow-up visit to the school was made and the progress made by the school with the ongoing painting of the classrooms was disappointing with only one further classroom painted! During the visit Owen Maroleni and Aiden inspected the kitchen facilities at the school which are in a desperate state, as an option for the allocation of the R 10 000 CSI donation made by his company. Owen, however, has expressed certain reservations based on the overall lack of commitment by the staff members and wishes to consider other alternatives. 3.7 Home for the Needy – the bread rolls ordered for the cancelled Garscom Fete were delivered to the Home. The Board agreed to their request for a new name board and paint for the Home. 3.8 SafeWater Project – in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Sea Point, an installation at a school in Mamelodi sponsored by the Viva Foundation is scheduled to take place at noon on Friday May 26 and it was agreed that Pretoria East join them on the day and consider collaborating with them on this project going forward. 4. Public Relations 4.1 Contact with the media – ongoing. 4.2 Facebook and Web page – updated 4.3 The Clarion was distributed to club and honorary members. 4.4 Members “wallet cards” will be updated twice during the Rotary year. The next update will thus be in July. 4.4 Club Brochure – Mariana will develop a new Club brochure and Cheryl offered to assist with the printing. Contact with the media 5. Youth Services 5.1 Youth Development - Jan Visagie assisted by Lisa, Michael and Francis will continue to oversee our Youth Development program for the rest of the current Rotary year. 5.2 Rotaract Club – The Rotaractor Club Certification Form has been given to Ruvi to be completed by them and sent back to us to send to the DG for signing before it can be submitted, together with the $ 50 organisation fee, to RI Zurich before the official chartering of the Club can take place, hopefully sometime in June. A RCPE member needs to be appointed as the official Rotaract Club mentor! 5.3 Robotics Project – Michael Ngake will be attending a Robotics workshop on May 20 and has been asked to submit a budget needed to get the project started. 5.4 RYLA – plans to send two students to the RYLA camp in September 2017 or the March 2018 is being arranged. 5.5 Rotary Exchange Student –Jan is arranging a meeting with Arnold Magezi, a Pretoria Boys High pupil, who is interested in the program. 6. Membership 6.1 New Member Drive – applications have been sent to both Owen Maroleni and Peter Kaufman. Mariana will follow up 6.2 Leave of Absence – Grant Adam (end of May) 6.3 “My Rotary” Membership Records at the Year End – all terminations and additions need to be accurately recorded in the Clubs records as at June 30 2017 7. Club Admin 7.1 Meal Arrangements – Judy has requested once again that all members respond to the Meal Menu requests timeously please! 7.2 Guest Speaker Program –May 8 and May 15 guest speaker arrangements need to be clarified soonest with those responsible, as per the Year Planner. Continue on next page
  • 6. 6 CLOTHES URGENTLY NEEDED FOR WESPOORT/ DANVILLE All ages, male & female CONTACT CONNIE DDDIIISSSCCCOOONNN 222222 --- 222555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111777 @@@ BBBooollliiivvviiiaaa LLLooodddgggeee PPPOOOLLLOOOKKKWWWAAANNNEEE RRREEEGGGIIISSSTTTEEERRR NNNOOOWWW!!! Join RAGES Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species Read more about RAGES 8. Foundation 8.1 Covered under Youth Developments amongst others. 9. Fundraising 9.1 May 13 2017– Garscom Boerewors Braai – due to the inclement weather the fete had to be cancelled at the last minute. All the meat and provisions are in Aiden and Rose’s deep freeze and the non-perishable items taken back to storage at Niche. All Club members should please investigate alternative opportunities for a “Boerewors Braai” day. The Garscom committee is meeting on May 29, maybe they will reschedule the Fete? 9.2 Cathy Specific – Cheryl is waiting for the date for a one night only blockbuster show by Cathy Specific and his team at the Barnyard theatre. This promises to be a sell-out occasion for us. 9.3 Potjiekos Competition – August 9 at Robin and Edie’s home. 9.4 Annual Scrabble Day at Niche - July 1, 2017. 10. General 10.1 Jimmy van Wolleghem Trophy – a lunch time tribute to PP Bernard De Winter at Niche on June 4 is being planned. Other Pretoria Clubs to be invited. Cheryl will provide us all with a comprehensive program for the day.SSPPEEAAKKEERRSSCCOORRNNEERR Guest speaker Dr Moses Lubinga with PE Robin Jones. Moses shared his passion for teaching children about agriculture and using natural products to make tourism items. He is a former Rotaractor from Uganda and now works at the NAMC. The representative from the Steelwings Motorcycle Club gave a short talk on their club and social responsibility activities. GGGEEETTTSSS::: MMMooonnndddaaayyy 111111 ––– WWWeeedddnnneeesssdddaaayyy 111333 SSSeeepppttteeemmmbbbeeerrr 222000111777 RRROOOTTTAAARRRYYY IIINNNSSSTTTIIITTTUUUTTTEEE::: TTThhhuuurrrsssdddaaayyy 111444 ––– SSSuuunnndddaaayyy 111777 SSSeeepppttteeemmmbbbeeerrr REGISTER NOW at
  • 7. 7 Need More TOMS Shoes? Contact Aiden AAANNNNNNUUUAAALLL SSSCCCRRRAAABBBBBBLLLEEE CCC OOO MMM PPP EEETTT III TTT III OOONNN SSSAAATTTUUURRRDDDAAAYYY 111 JJJUUULLLYYY 000888:::000000 fffooorrr 000888:::222000 @@@ NNNIIICCCHHHEEE CCCooonnntttaaacccttt AAAnnnaaassstttaaasssiiiaaa::: anastasia.demertzis CCaauugghhtt bbyy tthhee ccaammeerraa tthhiiss mmoonntthh Visitors Amber Rampton and Danye Courtenay-Clack with President Aiden Patrick Kain and Henry Sher Owen Maroleni and Tatenda Clive and Francis DUTY ROSTER Date Welcoming Officer Reception Sergeant 4 Way Test Object of Rotary 5 June Patrick Lisa Grant Patrick 12 June Anastasia Lisa Henry Anastasia 19 June Jenny Lisa Mariana Jenny Robin 26 June Joyce Lisa Robin Joyce 3 July Formal event - RCPE President’s Induction Dinner 10 July Clive Sandy Joyce Clive 17 July Connie Sandy Jenny Connie 24 July Francis Sandy Jan Francis Anastasia 31 July Judy Sandy Patrick Judy 7 August Aiden Henry Tatendo Aiden 14 August Cheryl Henry Sandy Cheryl 21 August Lisa Henry Mariana Lisa Jan 28 August Sandy Henry Aiden Sandy 4 September Mariana Joyce Anastasia Mariana 11 September Grant Joyce Clive Grant 18 September Jan Joyce Connie Jan Cheryl 25 September Jenny Joyce Francis Jenny Please note: If you are not able to do your duty please find another member to do your duty and let Judy Warren know either by e-mail or by a call / SMS / WhatsApp to 074215 1490. Reception duty You must be there 45 minutes before the start of the meeting and vacate the reception table when all members have arrived and the money has been counted and is correct. Money collected and the completed list of payments must be handed to treasurer, PP Anastasia. The raffle and attendance lists must be given to Judy Warren. The guest list must be handed to the President before the meeting starts.
  • 8. 8 FFUUNNDDRRAAIISSEERR FFOORR DDAANNVVIILLLLEE SSSOOOUUUPPP &&& SSSHHHEEERRRRRRYYY EEEvvveeennniiinnnggg 1188hh3300 oonn FFrriiddaayy 22 JJuunnee RR115500 //ppeerrssoonn NNGG KKeerrkk LLyynnnnwwoooodd,, SSuusssseexx SSttrreeeett BBooookk wwiitthh CCoonnnniiee RRRCCCPPPEEE hhhooossstttsss eee---cccllluuubbb iiinnnddduuuccctttiiiooonnn Left: Twelve e-club members and their two new members who were inducted in the presence of RCPE members Below left: President Aiden with Johan Snyman, Janke Tolmay, Annemarie Mostert and Sanet Fagan after their induction Below right: Annemarie Mostert, e-club President and husband Hans Mostert Left: Wilma and Gawie Lotter Right: Tjaart and Hanlie le Roux Left: Riaan van Heerden and Koos Bronkhorst Right: Johan Snyman and Estelle Barnard Left: Grant Adam and Annemarie Mostert Right: Liana van der Walt and Annemarie Featherstone
  • 9. 9 Let’s fill the box with Fines, Happy Rands, Sad Rands ROTARY CLUB OF PRETORIA CONTACT DETAILS Postal Address: Rotary Club of Pretoria East PO Box 28833 Sunnyside 0132 SOUTH AFRICA E-mail addresses: Website address: CLUB CALENDAR … … 2017 And Other Dates To Keep In Mind June Rotary Fellowship Thursday 1 Service Projects Meeting Sunday 4 Jimmy von Wellighem Trophy lunch in memory of Bernard Niche Monday 5 Guest Speaker- Tatenda Willows Country Lodge 10-14 Rotary Convention Atlanta USA Atlanta USA Monday 12 Guest Speaker- Lisa Willows Country Lodge Wednesday 14 Board Meeting (June 16 - Public Holiday) Aiden Monday 19 Business Meeting Willows Country Lodge 22-25 DISCON Polokwane Polokwane Monday 26 DISCON Feedback/ Fellowship Willows Country Lodge NNNeeewww RRRoootttaaarrryyy yyyeeeaaarrr bbbeeegggiiinnnsss PPPrrreeesssiiidddeeennnttt RRRooobbbiiinnn JJJooonnneeesss July Literacy, IT Tools and Applications Saturday 1 Annual Scrabble Competition Niche Saturday 1 Region 5 - Joint Presidential Induction Irene Country Lodge Sunday 2 Board - Strategic Planning Session Robin Jones Monday 3 Pretoria East Presidential Induction Dinner Willows Country Lodge Monday 10 Strategic Planning Feedback Willows Country Lodge Monday 17 Guest Speaker – Service Projects Willows Country Lodge Thursday 20 Board meeting Monday 24 Business meeting Willows Country Lodge Monday 31 Fellowship evening with spouses & partners Willows Country Lodge August Membership & Extension Monday 7 Meeting Willows Country Lodge Saturday 9 Potjie Kos Competition Robin Jones Monday 14 Guest Speaker – Club Admin Willows Country Lodge Thursday 17 Board meeting Monday 21 Business meeting Willows Country Lodge Monday 28 Speaker evening, spouses & partners Willows Country Lodge September Basic Education and Literacy Monday 4 Guest Speaker – Public Relations Willows Country Lodge Monday 11 Guest Speaker – Service Projects Willows Country Lodge Thursday 14 Board meeting Monday 18 Business Meeting Willows Country Lodge Monday 25 Guest Speaker – Foundation Willows Country Lodge October Economic and Community Development Monday 2 Guest Speaker – Membership Willows Country Lodge Monday 9 Guest Speaker – Youth Willows Country Lodge 11-13 Rotary Family Health Day TBA Monday 16 Guest Speaker – Service Projects Willows Country Lodge Thursday 19 Board meeting Monday 23 Business Meeting Willows Country Lodge 23 - 28 District Governor’s Visit Monday 30 Fellowship evening, spouses & partners Willows Country Lodge November Rotary Foundation Monday 6 Guest Speaker – Service Projects Willows Country Lodge Monday 13 Guest Speaker – Vice President Willows Country Lodge Thursday 16 Board meeting Monday 20 Business Meeting Willows Country Lodge Monday 27 Club Assembly – Progress on Presidential Citation Willows Country Lodge December Disease Prevention and Treatment Monday 4 Guest Speaker – Foundation Willows Country Lodge Monday 11 Guest Speaker – Youth Willows Country Lodge Monday 18 Year End Fellowship evening Willows Country Lodge
  • 10. 10 ATTENDANCE REPORT PPPRRROOOJJJEEECCCTTT AAACCCTTTIIIOOONNN 22001177 BBLLAANNKKEETT DDRRIIVVEE The 2017 blanket drive was boosted by the generous donations of over 25 blankets by Nellie Van Staden Eiendomme as well as 130 blankets by the members of the Steel Wings Zambezi Motor Cycle Club. The Steelwings Zambesi Motorcycle club would have delivered the blankets to our stall at the Garscom fete on 13 May, but due to icy cold weather and rain, the fete was cancelled. Left: Nellie van Staden (in blue) with some of the bikers and President Aiden who was totally in awe of the generosity of the group Right: The heap of blankets in the corner of the room – all shapes, sizes and colours!
  • 11. 11 SteelWingsZambeziMotorCycleClub HEARTS OF GOLD Nellie van Staden Properties and the Steel Wings Zambezi Motor Cycle Club The additional blankets were received from Nellie van Staden Properties and Steel- wings Motorcycle Club when they visited the Club on Monday evening May 15. Club blanket drive Club members raised more than R 8 000 for the annual blanket drive by the deadline on Monday May 8 and our club’s order for the blankets has been placed with Sesli, the manufacturers. Distribution of the blankets Amongst the other activities, we plan to distribute the blankets by the end of May. It was agreed that blankets be allocated to: Danville 60, Winterveldt 60, Home for the Needy 40, Boschkop Primary School 40.
  • 12. 12 EEuullooggyy ffoorr BBeerrnnaarrdd By Cheryl Jute Afternoon family, friends and Rotarians. On behalf of President Aiden and Rose Robertson and all the members of the Rotary Club of Pretoria East, I stand before you humbled and deeply honoured to have been invited to say a few words on behalf of our Rotarian and friend Bernard de Winter. Often eulogies describe a person and everyone in the congregation sits and wonders – who in heaven’s name are you talking about?? Well, this will not be the case today. For everything I am about to say about Bernard conforms to the 4 Way Test of Rotary – which was very dear to him: • Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned? God uses good people to do great things. Bernard was a man who used his life to serve and through that managed what very few of us might achieve. He changed lives. He always saw the glass half full. Half empty did not exist for Bernard. He was filled with optimism. As much as he loved the good parts of life, he also embraced life’s many challenges. Bernard worked tirelessly as a member of Round Table and Rotary. Unfortunately, I can only tell you about him from a Rotary perspective. Bernard was a member of the Rotary Club of Pretoria East since 01 November 1969 and served the club and the organization with distinction for 48 years. He served as President twice - in 1977/78 and 1990/91. He was a Paul Harris Fellow, served on the Board in various capacities and was the champion of, and participated in, many club projects. His willing hands toiled at many a project and fellowship. He also served as the Chairman of the Centennial District Conference Board. And boy, did he need his qualities of leadership, patience, kindness and humour during those weekly meetings that took place. Bernard was also the recipient of an award from Rotary International for his service to the community. One of only a handful that are awarded on an annual basis internationally. Bernard approached me to become a Rotarian after being a Rotary Ann for 5 years. I was not ready for the responsibility of being a Rotarian. However, wise and gentle man that he was, he bided his time, nurtured the seed he had planted within me and a year later, knew I was ready to take the step. From March 2000, he has been a sounding board during stressful Rotary times and a wise councillor. He always gave me various options and solutions and never ever was any one of them subjective, discriminatory or for his own gain. I had the privilege of sitting next to him at many a Rotary meeting, sharing a laugh and a glass of wine. This coming Monday, that chair will be empty next to me. Perhaps I will need to have my own glass of wine and an additional one for him. Just this once! Great men often lead with their egos. Not Bernard de Winter. He led with his heart. His compassion and most importantly, his honour. We are all united, not only in our desire to pay our respects to Bernard, but rather in our need to do so. As individuals, we might not be able to match Bernard’s abilities for strength, but we can all strive to match his humanity and compassion for others. His values were strong. They are timeless. And they will endure. Bernard – you have left a vacant place that can never be filled. You have left inside each of us, a beloved voice that will never be stilled. You were part of God’s grand design, but you were such a big presence here on this earth. Today Bernard, we bid you farewell. We will miss your integrity, fine intellect, humour and humanity. Goodbye warm, kind and gentle gentleman.