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F. Y. B. A. Optional English(w. e. f. 2022-23) Optional English:
OENG 101 and 201:
Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry
Sem. I: OENG: 01: DSC 1(A): Introduction to Literature: Short Story
Unit 1: Introduction to Short Story: Definitions and Elements
Unit 2: Types of Short Story: Fable, Parable, Drabble, Anecdote and Adventurous Story
Unit 3: Study in Texts:
a) The Barber’s Trade Union- Mulk Raj Anand
b) A Horse and Two Goats- R. K. Narayan
Unit 4: Study in Texts:
a)The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant
b) The Romance of a Busy Broker- O’Henry
Unit I: Short Story: Definitions and Elements:
What is Literature?
The word ‘literature’ is used in two different senses. In a broad or loose sense literature is
“anything which is written”. In this sense a newspaper, magazine, Identity Card, Aadhar Card,
Ration Card, PAN Card and Hall-Ticket are literature. In a narrow or serious sense literature is
“a writing which expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings and attitudes towards life”. In
other words, literature is “a writing about human life”. This type of literature includes novel,
poem, short story, literary essay, drama, biography, autobiography etc.
Forms of Literature:
Literature has three major forms. They are as follows:
1) Poetry
2) Prose
3) Drama
1) Poetry includes the sub-types like Lyric, Sonnet, Ode, Elegy, Satire, Ballad, Epic,
Dramatic Monologue and Idyll.
2) Prose form includes Novel, Short story, Essay (literary), Biography, Autobiography,
Travelogue, Critical writing (criticism)
3) Drama form includes Comedy, Tragedy, Tragic-comedy, History (historical play), Romance,
Farce, Melodrama, Mask/Masque, Opera, Pantomime etc.
Short Story: Definitions:
Short Story is a prose form of literature. The short story has been defined differently.
Some definitions of short story are as follows:
1) A Short story is “a prose narrative requiring from half an hour to one hour for its
2) A Short story is “a brief prose narrative involving certain moments in the life of specific
3) A Short story is “a prose narrative that contains a minimum number of characters and
These definitions of short story show that a short story is a narrative (tale) narrated in
prose. These are minimum number of characters and events in a short story.
The Nature of Short Story (Short Story and Novel):
A Short story is not a novel. A novel can narrate many events and present many
characters. A novel can present life in its variety. A novel shows a gradual change in character. A
Short story writer has limitations of space and time. A Short story shows only one or two aspects
or qualities of a character. A Short story writer has to use every word and sentence carefully.
Long sentences should be avoided. The writer should concentrate on a particular event or a
particular aspect or quality of a character.
Examples of Short Story:
1) “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a famous short story by Mulk Raj Anand. There are only
two or three main characters in the story: Chandu, the Landlord and the narrator. A single event
in the story is Chandu’s revolt against the orthodox and inhuman traditions in the Indian society.
2) Another famous short story is “A Horse and Two Goats” by R. K. Narayan. In this story
there are only two important characters: Muni and an American man. A single event in the
story is Muni’s encounter (sudden meeting) with an American man. The story throws light on
cultural differences and on poverty and wealth.
Thus, Short story is a distinct form of prose. A short story is marked by single aim,
economy of words and limited characters and events.
Short Story: Elements or Aspects of Short Story:
Short story is a prose form of literature. Short story has a very long history. There were
stories in the period of “The Ramayana”, “The Mahabharata” and “The Panchatantras”. Every
human being likes to hear stories. This is because a short story provides entertainment and also
teaches some moral lesson. The story in the ancient Age did not have any systematic form. Short
story has developed as a distinctive form of literature in the modern Age.
Elements or Aspects of Short Story:
Short story is a distinctive form of literature. Short story has developed as a distinct form
of literature in the modern Age. It has its own aspects or elements. Short story is different from
novel, poem and drama (play). The following are the important aspects of short story:
1) Theme
2) Plot
3) Character
4) Setting
Rising Action/Complications 2 4 Anti-Climax / Falling Action
Introduction/Exposition 1 5 Resolution/Denouement
5) Conflict
1) Theme: Theme is an important aspect of short story. The word ‘theme’ basically means ‘an
abstract doctrine’. In simple words theme means ‘subject or subject matter. Theme is the subject
matter of a literary work (novel, poem, drama, film). Sometimes the theme is stated clearly. In
some cases the theme is not stated clearly. Theme can also mean a controlling or central idea or
insight into life. A work of literature may have one theme or subject. There may be more than
one theme or subject in a novel, a poem or a short story or a drama.
For example-the themes of the story “A Horse and Two Goats” are culture clash,
miscommunication, poverty and wealth.
The themes of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” are romance (love) and
forgetfulness caused by the money-minded and busy financial world of New York.
2) Plot:
The word ‘plot’ is used in literature with a specific meaning. Plot means “a chain of
events having logical link with one another”. In other words plot is “a sequence of events
causally linked with one another”. In simple words, plot shows ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ relationship
among the events in a story / novel / drama.
There are five stages in a typical plot. These stages are as follows:
For example-the plot of the story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant can be shown
as follows:
1) Introduction / Exposition: Matilda’s (Madame Loisel) character is introduced.
2) Rising Action: Her husband brings an invitation to a party. Matilda is upset. She
borrows a diamond necklace from her friend Madame Forestier.
3)Climax: Matilda and her husband attend the party /Ball. She is admired by all and
desired for Ball. The necklace is lost.
4) Falling Action/Anti-Climax: The couple buys a new necklace and returns it to
Forestier. The couple works hard for ten years to repay the borrowed money.
Matilda’s beauty is lost. She does household works.
5) Resolution/Conclusion: Matilda confesses to Forestier about the borrowed necklace.
Forestier tells that her diamond necklace was an imitation / fake.
3) Character: A character is a person in a short story, novel, poem or drama. The character in a
novel or drama or story is an agent of action. The writer reveals the plot through characters.
According to E. M. Forster the characters in a story, novel or drama can be divided into the
following two types:
1) Flat character /Simple character/static character
2) Round character /Complex character/dynamic character
A Flat character or static character has only one or two qualities portrayed. The flat character is
static. It remains the same throughout the novel/story/drama. A Round character is the character
with various traits or qualities. A round character is dynamic. It undergoes change in the course
of action.
For example- 1) Chandu’s character in the story “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a round or
dynamic character. The landlord, the Subedar, the lawyer and Kalan Khan are the flat characters
in the story. Matilda’s character in the story “The Necklace” is a round or dynamic character.
2) The character of Muni in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” is a round or dynamic
character. The characters like Muni’s wife and Ruth are flat characters.
Setting is an important aspect of a short story. The word ‘setting’ is used with different
meanings. The simplest meaning of setting is ‘background or backdrop’. Setting is the
background in which the events take place. The setting may be natural or man-made. The setting
is the social, political, cultural or religious atmosphere of the action.
The word ‘setting’ also implies time and place of action/event. The place of action/event may
be natural or man-made. The natural setting is the location like forest, sea/ocean, mountain, farm,
valley and desert. The man-made setting is the location like a street, office, bur stand, railway
station, air port, college office/library etc.
For example- the event in the story “The Barber’s Trade Union” takes place in a village
of Chandu. The event in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” takes place at Muni’s home and at
the statue outside the village.
5) Conflict: The word ‘conflict’ means ‘struggle. There are two types of conflict. They are as
1) External conflict
2) Internal conflict
The external conflict is the conflict between two forces. The following are the examples of
external conflict:
1) between man and God
2) between man and man (hero-villain)
3) between man and Nature
The internal conflict is the conflict within a person’s mind. When a person is torn between two
thoughts, it is an internal conflict. For example- when Rosemary Fell meets a beggar girl Miss
Smith, she thinks whether to give the girl the money or to take the girl home for a cup of tea.
Thus, short story is a distinct and popular form of literature today. It has the aspects like
theme, plot, character, setting and conflict.
Unit 2: Types of Short Story: Fable, Parable, Drabble, Anecdote and Adventurous Story
Short story is a prose form of literature. Short story is the product of 20th
century. Short
story is a popular form of literature. The features like brevity, economy of words and single
theme have made short story a favourite form of literature among the readers. A short story is “a
prose narrative requiring from half an hour to one hour for its perusal”.
There are various traditional types of short story. They are as follows:
1) Fable
2) Parable
3) Drabble
4) Anecdote
5) Adventurous Story
1) Fable:
The English word ‘Fable’ is derived from a Latin word ‘Fabula’. ‘Fabula’ means
‘discourse’ or ‘tale’. Fable is a small tale that enshrouds a moral. It is a fictional story that
uses animals, plants or inanimate objects that are shown to have human qualities. Such tales
called ‘fables’ were invented by a Greek slave named Aesop in the 6th
century B. C. (Before
Features of Fable: A fable has the following distinctive features:
1) A fable has characters who are animals, plants or inanimate objects.
2) A fable has no more than 2 or 3 characters.
3) The theme of a fable is stated at the end as a moral lesson.
4) A fable generally has one man event/incident.
The stories written by Aesop are well-known fables. They are known as ‘Aesop’s
Fables”. A famous fable by Aesop is “The Fox and the Crow”. The moral of this fable is-
“Don’t believe in everything you hear”. Another famous fable by Aesop is “The Hare and the
Tortoise”. The moral of this fable is “Slow and steady wins the race”.
4) Parable:
The English word “Parable” is derived from a Greek word “Parabolee”. The Greek word ‘Para’
means ‘beside’ and ‘bolee’ means ‘to throw or cast’. Thus, Parabolee means ‘to cast or throw
aside’. A Parable is defined as “a succinct and didactic story in prose or in verse that illustrates
an instructive lesson or principle”. In simple words Parable is a short tale/story that illustrates
a universal or moral truth. A Parable is different from a fable. A fable has characters who are
animals, plants or inanimate objects. A Parable has characters who are human beings.
Features of Parable:
A Parable has the following distinctive features:
1) A Parable is a didactic story (a story with a moral).
2) A Parable explains ethical or spiritual texts.
3) A Parable is difficult to understand because it uses figures of speech and symbols (symbolic
4) A Parable sometimes coveys a universal truth.
There is a famous parable of “Blind Man”. The Blind Man tries to guide another blind
man. They both fall into a ditch. This Parable illustrates the universal truth that “A man with his
own shortcoming cannot help another man”.
There are many Parables in “The Bible” narrated by Jesus Christ. The famous Parable is
“The Parable of the Good Samaritan”. The Samaritan helps a traveler lying half dead
alongside the road. Some Christians believe that the Samaritan symbolizes Jesus Christ who
shows mercy on the injured traveler.
5) Drabble:
Drabble: Introduction: The word ‘Drabble’ is from the German word
‘Drabbeln’ and the Middle English word ‘Drabelen’. Used as a verb ‘drabble’ means
‘To become or to make dirty or wet’. It also means ‘to wade or walk in mud’. The word
was first used by Monty Python in the book “Big Red Book” (1971). Drabble was a
word game. The participant who wrote a novel in 100 words was a winner. The
participants in the game were given a theme (topic/ subject) and certain amount of time to
write. Such contests or games were popular in Science Fiction (Sci-Fi). The Science
Fiction writers who wrote drabbles were the writers like Brian Aldis and Gene Wolfe for
the “The Drabble Project” (1988).
Definitions of Drabble:
The word ‘drabble’ is also used for a short story. The following are a few
definitions of drabble:
1) A drabble is “a short fictional writing, sometimes exactly 100 words long”.
2) A drabble is “an extremely short work of fiction of exactly hundred words
length”. (Edulingo)
3) A drabble is “a very short story of exactly 100 words”. (Paul Johnson)
Features of Drabble: A drabble has the following distinctive features:
1) A drabble is a work of fiction.
2) A drabble is a writing of exactly 100 words.
3) A drabble is marked by brevity or conciseness.
4) A drabble requires the writer’s ability to express idea in a concise or brief way.
5) A drabble tells a complete story. It has a beginning, a middle and an end (twist at the
Examples of Drabble: Some examples of drabble short story are as follows:
Example 1): “The Dark woods”:
A walk in the woods helps me relax and release tension. The fact that I am
dragging a body should be irrelevant. She always pestered me with stupid questions. Is
my butt too big in these?” Do you think I could do with losing a few pounds?”.
Standing here.sweating after dragging her fat arse up the hill, I wish I’d bought
her that gym membership she was always harping on about. My lumber was starting to
feel the effects of all this heavy lifting. Nearly there, I think, I wish she hadn’t passed out
so far from the car.
Example 2): “On the Tip of the Tongue”
Unspoken words are usually better than words spoken in anger and yet, they lie
awake at nigh, weeping, wanting to be set free. They are like flowers that will never
open, denied of their moment of glory in the morning sun.
They are the dusty manuscripts that never get read, let alone published. They can
be the key to unlock the revolution that is going on inside your head. They can be your
path to Eldorado.
They can be simply, No or stop or I don’t think that’s a great idea. If let fly, they
might save someone’s life.
4) Anecdote:
The English word ‘Anecdote’ is derived from a Greek word “Anekdota”. The word
“Anekdota” means “secret or unpublished”. It means a story not fit for publication’. An
anecdote is defined as “an amusing or funny story of a happening (incident)”. An anecdote is
used to explain a point in an essay, an article or a chapter.
Features of Anecdote:
An anecdote is a type of short story commonly found in literature, film, television or theatre. An
anecdote has the following salient features:
1) An anecdote is an amusing or humorous account of a happening.
2) An anecdote is used to explain or support a point in essay/article / a chapter
3) An anecdote is generally told orally, not written down.
4) The purpose of an anecdote is to create laughter as well as to reveal a truth.
5) An anecdote is very brief or short.
Example of Anecdote:
A famous example of anecdote is the story “The Donkey and the Dog”. The washer
man in this story thrashes the donkey because the donkey brays/cries at midnight. He tries to
imitate the dog that barks at the thieves. The story reveals a truth –“It is always better to do our
duty than to try to imitate others”.
5)Adventurous Story:
Introduction: Adventure story is an important and popular type of short story. The word
‘Adventure” is derived from a French word “aventure”. Aventure means ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ of a
person. The word ‘adventure’ means something exciting that happens to someone. We always
like something exciting happening to in our life. In literature adventure story describes some
adventure or journey of the protagonist (hero). An adventure story is “a story which shows or
describes the adventure of the protagonist (hero)”.
Features of Adventure Story: An adventure story has the following distinctive features:
1) An adventure story depicts the adventure /courage of the protagonist(hero).
2) An adventure story involves danger or risk for the hero. The story involves exciting and
dangerous action (by the hero).
3) And adventure story takes the reader to some exotic (unknown/distant) geographical place.
4) The protagonist in an adventure story overcomes the problem or danger.
5) The exotic (unknown) pace creates suspense in the story. The readers don’t know what will
happen to the hero at the end.
6) The setting of a adventure story is a jungle (forest), a mountain, a valley, a sea or ocean or a
Examples of Adventure Story:
Some examples of famous adventure story (adventure fiction) are as follows:
1) “The Lord of the Rings” by Tolkein. This is a series of three books. 1) ”The Fellowship of
the Ring” 2) “The Two Towers” and 3) “The Return of the King”.
2) “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. This novel has a group of English boys on an
unknown land. These boys are Ralph (hero), Jack, Piggy, Simon, Sam, Roger and Eric.
3) “Treasure Island” by R. L. Stevenson. This is the story of Jim Hawkins.
Adventure story is a popular type of story. It gives exciting and thrilling experience to the
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):
Question: Complete the following sentences choosing the correct alternative from those given
Unit I: Definitions and Elements of Short Story:
1) A short story is a ----------form of literature.
a) literary b) poetic c) prose d) new
2) A short story is a prose ---------- involving certain moments in the life of specific people.
a) tale b) narrative c) story d) form
3) There are-------------characters and events in a short story.
a) optimum b) maximum c)minimum d) minimal
4) A short story requires from half an hour to one hour for its ------------.
a) writing b) perusal c) criticism d) presentation
5) A short story is marked by economy of --------------.
a) aim b) words and sentences c) setting d) characters
6) The word ‘theme’ means---------- of a literary work.
a) aspect b) subject/subject matter c) structure d) style
7) Plot is a chain of events having ---------link with one another.
a) rational b) illogical c) logical d) regular
8) The plot of a short story or novel shows ‘cause and --------- relationship among the
a) effect b) effective c) affective d) reason
9) A character is a -------------in a short story, novel or drama.
a) person b) agent c) factor d) part
10) According to E. M. Forster the two types of character are ----------.
a) flat and round b) simple and static c) dynamic and complex d) round and dynamic
11) The characters in a short story are generally------------.
a) vague b) flat c) dynamic d) two
12) The main objective of writing a short story is to create an ---------- work of art.
a) universal b) imaginary c) enjoyable d) appealing
13) The setting of a short story implies ----------.
a) atmosphere/background b) fixing c) final decision d) conclusion
14) The word ‘conflict’ means --------------------of some kind.
a) struggle b) fear c) action d) character
15) The climax in a short story, novel or drama is the ------------ of action.
a) humorous point b) critical point c) interesting point d) highest point
16) The two types of conflict are-------------.
a) general and particular b) personal and universal
c) internal and external d) heroic and villainous
17) The setting of a short story also implies-------- of events.
a) description b) number c) time and place d) minimum number
18) A flat character has only----------- of its qualities portrayed.
a) a few b) minimum c) one or two d) general
19) There are --------- characters in a short story.
a) maximum b) minimum c) various d) dynamic
20) A Short story is not a / an-------- --.
a) parable b) fable c) anecdote d) novel
Unit II: Types of Short Story:
1) A fable is a story in which the characters are ------- --.
a) humans b) animals c) birds d) beasts
2) The well-known examples of Western fables are ----------fables.
a) Aesop’s b) Henry’s c) Greek d) European
3) A fable conveys a---------lesson.
a) moral b) religious c) spiritual d) social
4) The best examples of fables in India are-----------.
a) The Panchatantra and Jataka Tales b) Aesop’s Fables
c) Arabian Nights Stories d) Song of the South Stories (Africa)
5) A parable is a story that illustrates a-----------truth.
a) local b) universal c) national d) regional
6) The word ‘Parable’ comes from Greek and means----------.
a) comparison b) contrast c) parallel d) similarity
7) A parable shows how a person should------------.
a) react b) enjoy life c) behave/believe d) speak
8) There numerous examples of parable in ---------- --.
a) The Bible b) The Bhagwad Gita c) The Ramayana d) The Mahabharata
9) An anecdote is an -------------account of a person or an incident.
a) amusing b) attractive c) analytical d) informal
10) The word ‘anecdote’ is of --------------origin.
a) Latin b) Roman c) Italian d) Greek
11) An anecdote involves------------ persons.
a) actual/real b) imaginary c) typical d) ordinary
12) The primary purpose / aim of an anecdote is to reveal a------------ --.
a) truth b) place c) person d) situation
13) The word ‘Drabble’ was first used by -------.
a) Mulk Raj Anand b) O’Henry c) Brian Aldis d) Monty Python
14) A drabble is a very short story of exactly --------- words.
a) 150 b) 100 c) 300 d) 1000
15) A drabble is a work of---------.
a) reality b) theatre c) fiction d) every writer
16) A drabble is marked by -------- --.
a) violence b) long sentences c) brevity d) complexity
17) An adventure story shows the protagonist’s adventure in an---------- location.
a) familiar b) imaginary c) exotic d) easy
18) The most important element of an adventure story is ----- --.
a) Hero and heroine b) danger or risk c) romance d) fighting
19) An adventure story is marked by the---------- in the protagonist (hero).
a) fault b) fear c) transformation d) inferiority complex
20) A key element in an adventure story is the------------plot.
a) simple b) complex c) action-driven d) normal
Answer Key: Unit-I: Definitions and Elements of Short Story:
1) c) prose 2) b) narrative 3) c) minimum 4) b) perusal 5) b) words and sentences
6) b) subject/subject matter 7) c) logical 8) a) effect 9) a) person 10) a) flat and round
11) d) two 12) b) imaginary 13) a) atmosphere/background 14) a) struggle
15) d) highest point 16) c) internal and external 17) c) time and place 18) c) one or two
19) b) minimum 20) d) novel
Unit II:Types of Short Story:
1) b) animals 2) a) Aesop’s 3) a) moral 4) a) The Panchatantra and Jataka Tales
5) b) universal 6) a) comparison 7) c) behave/believe 8) a) The Bible 9) a) amusing
10) d) Greek 11) a) actual (real) 12) a) truth 13) d) Monty Python 14) b) 100
15) c) fiction 16) c) brevity 17) c) exotic 18) b) danger or risk 19) c) transformation
20) c) action-driven
Unit 3: Study in Texts:
a) The Barber’s Trade Union- Mulk Raj Anand
b) A Horse and Two Goats- R. K. Narayan
a) The Barber’s Trade Union- Mulk Raj Anand:
A) Answer the following questions in 100 words each:
Question 1) Why does Chandu go on strike? OR
What is the effect of Chandu’s strike?
Answer:“The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story
about a village barber boy named Chandu. After his father’s death Chandu takes up the
responsibility of his father’s profession as a barber. He goes to people’s houses to cut hair and
shave their beards. He starts to go to the town. He earns money by cutting the hair and shave
people’s beards. One day, he is back from the town putting on a doctor’s dress. The landlord, the
Sahukar and the Subedar belong to the high class. Chandu belongs to a lower caste.
The landlord calls Chandu the son of a pig. He asks Chandu to get out of his house. The
Sahukar also abuses Chandu in the foulest words. The other villages also laugh at Chandu.
Chandu decides to teach the villagers a lesson. He goes on to the strike. He stops going to their
houses for hair cutting. The landlord looks older in his unshaved beard. His wife threatens to run
away with someone. The Sahukar also looks like a leper with the brown tinge of tobacco on his
Thus, Chandu revolts against the orthodox traditions in the village. This forces the
villagers to come to his house for hair cutting. Chandu’s strike makes their condition ridiculous.
Question 2) Attempt a character-sketch of Chandu in the story “The Barber’s Trade
Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story
about a village barber boy named Chandu. Chandu belongs to a lower caste. He is expert at
making kites. He is good at reciting poetry but poor at Mathematics. After his father’s death he
takes up his father’s profession as a barber.
Chandu is a self-respecting and hard working boy. He buys a cycle. He goes to the town
to cut people’s hair and shave their beards. He earns more money. He puts on the dress of a
doctor. He takes a round in the village.
Chandu is a modern and leading boy. The upper-class villagers do not like him in
doctor’s dress. They abuse him and treat him badly. Chandu refuses to go to their houses for hair
cutting. He gathers the support of the barbers in the neighbouring villages. He forms the barber’s
trade union. He forces the villagers to come to his house for cutting hair and shaving. He fights
against the orthodox mentality of the villagers and the class-discrimination.
Thus, Chandu emerges as ‘one of the Makers of Modern India.’
Question 3) Attempt a character-sketch of Chandu’s mother.
Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story
about a village barber boy named Chandu. Another important character in the story is Chandu’s
mother. She is a woman of sixty odd years. She is a widow. She is a low caste woman. Chandu is
her only son.
Chandu’s mother is a quarrelsome and ill-tempered woman. She dares to see in the eyes
of the upper class people. The sufferings and humiliations of sixty odd years have made her
acquire this habit.
Another important quality in Chandu’s mother is her kindness. She is very kind to the
narrator and talks to him very politely. The narrator does not regard Chandu as a low caste boy.
She loves this innocence of the narrator. She does not like the narrator’s mother to cast her evil
eye on this innocent boy.
Thus, the personality of Chandu’s mother is characterized by ill-temper, lovingness,
kindness and innocence.
Question 4) Discuss briefly the themes of the story “The Barber’s Trade Union”.
Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story
about a village barber boy named Chandu. After his father’s death Chandu takes up the
profession as a barber. He goes to the town for hair cutting and shaving beards. He earns more
money. He returns to the village putting on the doctor’s dress. The orthodox and upper class
people in the village do not like this. They abuse and treat Chandu badly. He revolts against this.
He forms a barber’s trade union named ‘Rajkot District Barber Brother’s Hair Dressing and
Shaving Salon’ with the support of the barbers in the neighbouring villages. This forces the
villagers to come to his house for hair cutting and shaving.
The story of Chandu underlies a number of themes. These are the themes like victory, the
conflict between Chandu and orthodox society, justice, respect and freedom. The upper class
villagers do not like Chandu in a white dress and turban. They abuse him and treat him badly.
Chandu revolts against this. He stops going to the houses of these people for hair cutting and
shaving. He forms a barber’s trade union. This forces the villagers to come to his house for hair
cutting and shaving.
Thus, Chandu gets justice and victory. He gets respect or dignity as a human being. The
story deals with the themes like victory, justice, class-discrimination, freedom and orthodox
traditions in the Indian society. Therefore, the narrator respects Chandu as one of the Makers of
Modern India.
B) Short Notes:
1) Chandu’s revolt in “The Barber’s Trade Union” OR
The title of the story “The Barber’s Trade Union”
Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story
about a village boy named Chandu. Chandu is the son of a barber. He belongs to the lower-caste
of society. He is not allowed to take education in school. His only work is to cut the villagers’
hair and shave them. He is not allowed to wear the clothes like the upper class people. The
upper-caste villagers abuse Chandu.
Chandu revolts against these orthodox traditions in the Indian society. He stops going to
villagers’ house for hair cutting and shaving. He wears the dress like a doctor—a white rubber
coat, a white turban and carried a leather bag in his hand. He buys a bicycle and took round in
the village. He brings the barbers in the neighbouring villagers together and forms their trade
union named “‘Rajkot District Barber Brother’s Hair Dressing and Shaving Salon’. This forces
the upper caste villagers to come to Chandu’s house for haircut and shave.
Thus, the title “The Barber’s Trade Union” is apt and symbolic. It is a symbol of
Chandu’s revolt against the orthodox traditions in the Indian society.
2) The element of humour in “The Barber’s Trade Union”:
Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story
about a village boy named Chandu. Chandu is the son of a barber. He belongs to the lower-caste
of society. Chandu revolts against the orthodox traditions in the Indian society. He stops going to
the house of the upper caste villagers for haircut and shave.
Chandu shows to the narrator the condition of the unshaved upper-caste villagers. The
landlord’s mustache is dyed in red. He looks like a sick lion. His wife threatens to run away with
somebody. The Sahukar has a brown colour like tobacco on his mustache. He looks like a leper
( Leper=a person suffering from leprosy). The narrator shouts at him and says:”Beavers !
Beavears !!. ( Beaver= a small animal like a rat, rabbit or mouse with sharp front teeth).
Chandu’s revolt forces the upper caste villagers to come to his house for haircut and shave.
Thus, the condition of the unshaved villagers and the narrator’s remarks create humour in
the story.
C) The Barber’s Trade Union- Mulk Raj Anand: MCQs:
1) According to the narrator’s mother Chandu is a /an ---------barber’s son.
a) lower caste b) middle class c) poor caste d) upper caste
2) Chandu wears a cap which once belonged to the lawyer named------ --.
a) Subedar b) Lalla Hukam Chand c) Padre Sahib d) Kalan Khan
3) -------- was a well-known dentist in the town.
a) Kalan Khan b) Subedar c) Devi d) Bijay Chand
4)runs a grocer’s store/ shop at the end of the lane.
a) The narrator b) Thanu Ram c) Pandit Permanand d) Nrinjan Das
5) Chandu’s mother was an old woman of --------------years.
a) 72 b) 50 c) 60 odd d) 65
6) Chandu buys a------- bicycle from Lalla Hukam Chand’s son.
a) Chinese b) Korean c) European d) Japanese
7)The landlord’s wife was younger than the landlord by ---------years
a) six b) ten c) five d) twenty
8)is the protagonist of the story “The Barber’s Trade Union”.
a) Devi b) Chandu c) The narrator d) The Modern India
9) The Trade Union formed by Chandu and other barbers is named -----.
a) Rajkot District Barber Brothers’ Hair Dressing and Shaving Salon
b) The Village Barbers’ Trade Union
c) The Modern Indian Barbers’ Trade Union
d) The Verka Village Barbers’ Trade Union
10) Chandu decides to go on a strike and stop shaving the upper caste people because---------
a) they had been abusing Chandu
b) they treated Chandu’s mother badly.
c) they treated Chandu’s friend badly
d) the upper caste people asked Chandu to leave the school
11) Chandu is expert at making --------.
a) kites b) dolls c) paper-bicycles d) clay animals
12) The narrator respects Chandu as-------------
a) one of the makers of Modern India b) an expert artist
c) as a leader d) an expert barber
13) The themes of the story “The Barber’s Trade Union” are---------
a) class, appearance, alienation, arrogance and freedom
b) money, abuses and a feeling of superiority
c) the villages, the towns and their people
d) mothers, sons, barbers and upper class people
14) The writer Mulk Raj Anand satirises the orthodox and inhuman traditions in the—
a) Indian society b) towns as well as villages
c) town lawyers d) educated doctors and lawyers
15) Chandu is poor at Mathematics but good at -----------.
a) singing b) cycling c) reciting poetry d) leading people
b) A Horse and Two Goats- R. K. Narayan:
A) Answer the following questions in 100 words each:
Question 1) Describe the village in the story “A Horse and Two Goats”.
Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a
villager named Muni. He lives in a small village named ‘Kritam’. The Tamil word ‘Kritam’
means ‘crown or coronet’ in English. Kritam is a very small village in Tamil Nadu. There are
less than thirty houses. Only one house is built with brick and cement. This house is painted in
bright yellow and blue. There are carvings of Gods on its pillars. This is called a Big House.
The other houses are distributed in four streets. They are made of bamboo thatch, straw
and mud. There are stretched fields beyond the four streets. People are divided into upper class
and lower class. Muni belongs to the lower class/caste. His house is the last house in the fourth
Question 2) Describe the life and condition of Muni and his wife. OR
Describe the daily routine of Muni in the story “A Horse and Two Goats”.
Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a
villager named Muni. Muni and his wife live in a small village named Kritam. Once he had a
flock of forty sheep and goats. Now he has only two goats. He ties his goats to the trunk of the
drumstick tree in front of his house. Every morning Muni sets out for grazing his goats a couple
of miles away from the village.
There is a statue of a horse. Muni sits on the pedestal of the statue. With his hook at the
end of a bamboo he snaps the foliage of the trees to feed his goats. He collects a bundle of sticks
and carries home for fuel. His wife does the house hold works. In the morning she lights the fire,
boils water in mud pot, puts some millet flour, adds salt and then gives to Muni for breakfast.
Thus, Muni and his wife’s economic condition is miserable. Their daily routine is
Question 3) Write a brief description of the horse statue in “A Horse and Two Goats”.
Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a
villager named Muni. Muni takes his goats to the fields for grazing. There is a statue of a horse
by the highway. Muni sits on the pedestal of the statue. The statue is very huge and made of clay.
The horse is as white as the dhobi washed sheet. It prances its forelegs in the air. Beside the
statue there stands a warrior with his curved nose. The statue is untouched by the young
vagabonds of the village.
According to the mythology the horse in the statue referred to the mythical horse Kalki.
According to the legend Kalki will come to life when the world will end and trample all the bad
Thus, the horse statue throws light on the Indian mythology. The story of the horse statue
creates curiosity in the mind of the American man.
Question 4) Attempt a character-sketch of Muni in the story “A Horse and Two Goats”.
Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a
villager named Muni. Muni and his wife live in a small village named Kritam. He and his wife
live at the end of the fourth street in the village. His house is made of bamboo thatch, straw and
mud. Once he had a flock of forty sheep and goats. Now he has only two goats. His economic
condition is very miserable.
Muni is a food lover. He is fond of good food and smoking bidis. He wants to eat the
drumsticks cooked in sauce. His wife cannot cook the drumsticks because Muni cannot buy the
ingredients like chilly, gingerly oil, mustard and curry leaves. In the past he had a flock of forty
sheep and goats. At the present he has only two goats.
Muni has knowledge of Indian scriptures. He knows of the epics like “The Ramayana”
and “The Mahabharata”. He knows of the songs of Lord Krishna. He is superstitious. He believes
in the story about the earth told by the Pandit. Muni is ignorant of English language. He does not
understand what the American tells him.
Thus, Muni’s character is the central character in the story.
Question 5) Compare and contrast the character of Muni and an American in the story “A
Horse and Two Goats”. OR
Explain the themes of the story “A Horse and Two Goats”.
Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a
villager named Muni. Another main character in the story is an American man. Muni and his
wife live in a small village named Kritam. He and his wife live at the end of the fourth street in
the village. His house is made of bamboo thatch, straw and mud. Once he had a flock of forty
sheep and goats. Now he has only two goats. His economic condition is very miserable.
The story “A Horse and Two Goats” has three main themes. They are cultural clash,
poverty and wealth and ignorance and knowledge. Muni belongs to the Indian (Eastern) culture.
The American belongs to the Western culture. For the American man the horse statue is a
material thing to buy. For Muni the horse in the statue refers to a mythical horse named Kalki.
Another theme is poverty and wealth. Muni is a very poor man. He lives in a thatched
house. He has now only two goats. He has no money to buy the ingredients like chilly, mustard,
curry leaves and gingery oil for cooking the drumsticks. The American man is educated and rich.
He has a car. He smokes cigarette. He enjoys the luxuries of electricity and air conditioner.
There is also the theme of ignorance and knowledge. Muni is a lower caste man. He has
no formal education. He has not travelled beyond his village. The American man is educated. His
room is full of books. He is aware of the world around him.
Thus, the story deals with the themes like cultural clash, poverty and wealth and
ignorance and knowledge.
B) Short Notes:
1) Muni and his wife’s life style in “A Horse and Two Goats” OR
The relationship between Muni and wife in “A Horse and Two Goats”
Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a
villager named Muni. Muni and his wife live in small village named “Kritam”. They have a
small house. They have only a handful of millet to satisfy their appetite. Muni had forty goats in
the past. Now he has only two goats. Muni desires to eat the drumsticks cooked in sauce. His
wife cannot cook them in the sauce because she has no ingredients like chilly, curry leaves,
coriander seeds, mustard, gingerly oil and potato.
When Muni returns from the shop without these ingredients, his wife is angry with him.
When Muni leaves the two goats grazing and returns with a hundred rupee note given to him by
an American man, his wife thinks that he has stolen the money from somewhere. She scolds at
Muni. She works in the Big House and somehow brings the food for the evening.
Thus, Muni and his wife live a life of poverty. The relationship between them is not
good. She is short-tempered. But still Muni loves her and cares for her.
2) The encounter (meeting) between Muni and the American man in “A Horse and Two
Goats” OR
The Element of humour in the story “A Horse and Two Goats”
Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a
villager named Muni. Muni and his wife live in a small village named “Kritam”. They have a
small house. The story narrates an event in Muni’s life.
Once Muni was grazing his goats outside the village. He was sitting on the pedestal of a
horse statue. Suddenly a red-faced man got down from his car and walked towards Muni. He was
an American man in khaki clothes. He spoke with Muni about the statue in English. He liked the
statue and appreciated it. Muni thought that the American man was a policeman. He wanted to
arrest Muni for a murder. Muni was uneducated and did not know English.
When the American man gave Muni a hundred rupee note for the statue, Muni thought
that the money was given to buy his two goats. Muni was happy. He left his two goats grazing
and returned home. The American man also carried off in his motor car.
Thus, the meeting between Muni and the American man creates misunderstandings and
also humour in the story. This throws light on the cultural and linguistic differences.
C) A Horse and Two Goats- R. K. Narayan: MCQs:
1) The central characters in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” are--------.
a) An American and Ruth b) a horse and two goats
c) Muni and an American man d) Muni and his wife
2) Muni wishes to eat the------------cooked in sauce.
a) spinach b) cabbages c) tomato d) drumsticks
3) The American man is a trader or businessman in -------.
a) tea b) vegetables c) hard ware d) coffee
4) The event in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” takes place in a village named--------.
a) Kritam b) Kirtam c) Kirtan d) Kritan
5) There are only---------houses in the village Kritam.
a) sixty b) twenty c) thirty d) fifteen
6) The horse in the statue referred to a mythical horse named-------.
a) Kali b) Kalika c) Kalki d) Kathali
7) The American man buys the statue from Muni for-------- rupees.
a) hundred b) seventy c) ninety d) sixty
8) The main themes in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” are------------
a) culture-clash, miscommunication, poverty and wealth
b) Muni’s village, horses and goats
c) Muni, his wife and their goats d) Muni, an American man and their wives
9) Muni has-------- goats at the present.
a) forty b) many c) two d) ten
10) Muni’s house is made up of----------.
a) bricks b) bricks and cement c) bamboos, thatch and mud d) R. C. C.
11) Muni was not allowed to go to school because---------
a) he belonged to a lower caste b) he was married
c) he was poor d) he was mentally dull
12) The American man offers Muni a ------- --.
a) bottle of wine b) cigarette c) bag of coffee powder d) Khaki dress
13) The Tamil word “Kritam” means -----------in English.
a) bhajan b) holy song c) crown or coronet d) grand home
14) The American man asks Muni about----------.
a) the statue b) Muni’s wife c) Muni’s goats d) gas station
15) Muni thinks that the American man is a--------.
a) businessman b) policeman c) drunkard d) tourist
Unit 4: Study in Texts:
a) The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant
b) The Romance of a Busy Broker- O’ Henry
a) The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant:
A) Answer the following questions in 100 words each:
Question 1) What does Madame Loisel (Matilda) dream of? OR
Why is Madame Loisel always unhappy ?
Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. The protagonist in the story
is Madame Loisel (Matilda). Madame Loisel is a young, pretty but unhappy girl. She comes
from poor and middle-class family. Her father has no dowry. She has no hope of getting married
with a rich boy. Therefore, she marries Monsieur Loisel. He is an average or ordinary young
man. He works as a clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction (Education).
Madame Loisel dreams of riches and luxuries. She dreams of exquisite furniture and fine
dinners. She dreams of beautiful and rich dresses and jewels. Her dream is also about adoration
and a life of glory. She is unhappy because of her poverty. She avoids to visit her friends.
Question 2) What type of person is Madame Loisel’s husband Monsieur Loisel ? OR
Attempt a brief character-sketch of Monsieur Loisel.
Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. The protagonist in the story
is Madame Loisel. Another important character in the story is Monsieur Loisel. He is an
ordinary man. He is a clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction (Education). He is a caring
husband. He tries to provide Madame Loisel a modest life.
Monsieur Loisel understands the feelings of his wife. He gets an invitation to the party of
the elite people. He tells Matilda that she will see all the important people there. When he shows
her the invitation, she is disappointed. She has no beautiful dress and jewels for the party. He
gives her his saved money for buying a new dress. He also works hard to repay the borrowed
Thus, Monsieur Loisel wins our sympathy due to his selflessness, sacrifice, hard work
and lovingness.
Question 3) How do Monsieur Loisel and Madame Loisel (Matilda) manage to repay the
borrowed money ?
Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. There are two main
characters in the story. They are Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur Loisel. They are
a poor and ordinary couple. Monsieur Loisel gets an invitation to a party to make his wife happy.
She borrows her friend’s diamond necklace for the party. After returning home from the party
she realizes that the necklace has been lost.
Monsieur Loisel borrows money from the money-lenders.Madame Loisel and her
husband Monsieur Loisel buy a new diamond necklace for 36,000 Francs and return it to
Madame Forestier. The couple works hard for ten years to repay the borrowed money. They
change their lodging and shift to a cheap rented room. He also works late at night after his office
hours. Their house-maid is dismissed. Madame Loisel does the household works like washing
dishes, grocery shopping and carrying water upstairs.
Thus, Madame Loisel and Monsieur Loisel work hard for ten years and make various
sacrifices. This changes their life completely.
Question 4) Attempt a character-sketch of Madame Loisel (Matilda).
Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. There are two main
characters in the story. They are Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur Loisel. Madame
Loisel (Matilda) is the central character in the story. She borrows a diamond necklace from her
friend Madame Forestier. She loses the necklace. She and her husband buy a new necklace and
return it to Madame Forestier.
The first striking trait in Madame Loisel is that she is unsatisfied and dreamy. She comes
from a poor and middle-class family. She gets married with Monsieur Loisel. He is an ordinary
clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction. Madame Loisel is not satisfied with her ordinary life.
She dreams of riches and luxuries. She dreams of exquisite furniture and fine dinners. She
dreams of beautiful and rich dresses and jewels. Her dream is also about adoration and a life of
Another trait of Madame Loisel is that she is happy at the party or Ball. She and her
husband go to the party of the elite people. Everybody is attracted by Madame Loisel’s dress,
beauty and jewels. She is desired by every one for the Ball (dance). She enjoys fully at the party.
After returning home she realizes that the borrowed necklace has been lost. Her happiness turns
out to be temporary.
Madame Loisel is a sufferer. After losing the borrowed necklace she and her husband buy
a new diamond necklace for 36,000 Francs. This necklace is returned to Forestier. Madame
Loisel and Monsieur Loisel work hard for ten years to repay the borrowed money. Their house-
maid is dismissed. Madame Loisel herself does the household works. Monsieur Loisel works late
at night after his office hours. This changes their life completely.
In short, Madame Loisel’s character is marked by her greed, dissatisfaction, dreams, hard
work and sufferings.
Question 5) What lesson do we learn from the story “The Necklace”? OR
What is the message of the story “The Necklace”?
Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. There are two main
characters in the story. They are Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur Loisel. They are a
poor and ordinary couple. Monsieur Loisel gets an invitation to a party to make his wife happy.
She borrows her friend’s diamond necklace for the party. After returning home from the party
she realizes that the necklace has been lost.
Monsieur Loisel borrows money from the money-lenders. Madame Loisel and her
husband Monsieur Loisel buy a new diamond necklace for 36,000 Francs and return it to
Madame Forestier. The couple works hard for ten years to repay the borrowed money. They
change their lodging and shift to a cheap rented room. He also works late at night after his office
hours. Their house-maid is dismissed. Madame Loisel does the household works like washing
dishes, grocery shopping and carrying water upstairs. Madame Loisel and Monsieur Loisel work
hard for ten years and make various sacrifices. This changes their life completely.
The story gives us a valuable message that we should be happy with what we have. We
should not be greedy like Madame Loisel. The story teaches us that we should live within our
means (economic means=income).
B) Short Notes:
1) The Party of the elite people in “The Necklace” OR
Madame Loisel and Mr. Loisel at the Ball Party
Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by a French writer Guy de Maupassant. This is a
story about couple- Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur (Mr.) Loisel. Mr. Loisel is a
clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction (Education). One day, he brings an invitation to the
party of the elite people at the Minister’s residence. Madame Loisel borrows a diamond necklace
for the party from her friend Madame Jeanne Forestier.
Madame Loisel and Mr. Loisel go to the Ball party. Madame Loisel looka very beautiful.
Her beauty, dress and necklace attract everyone. She catches the attention of everyone. The Ball
(dance) is in progress. Everyone wants to dance with her. All the men admire her. She is mad
with pleasure. Her husband enjoys the drink and the dance.
Thus, Madame Loisel and Mr. Loisel enjoy the Ball party fully. The Ball party throws
light on the lavish life style of the elite people in the French society.
2) The Ending of the Story “The Necklace” OR
The element of surprise in the story “The Necklace”
Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by a French writer Guy de Maupassant. This is a
story about a couple- Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur (Mr.) Loisel. Once they are
invited to the elite Ball party. They enjoy the party fully. Madame Loisel has borrowed a
diamond necklace from her friend Jeanne Forestier.
After returning home from the party Madame Loisel and Mr. Loisel realize that the
borrowed necklace has been lost. They buy a new diamond necklace for 36,000 Francs and
return it to Forestier. One Sunday, Madame Loisel is walking in the Champs-Elysses (a popular
commercial street in Paris).She sees Madame Forestier.
Madame Loisel tells Foretier that they have replaced the borrowed necklace with a new
necklace costing 36,000 Francs. They have worked hard for ten years to repay the money
borrowed for buying the necklace. Jeanne Forestier tells Madame Loisel that her necklace was an
imitation. It cost not more than 500 Francs.
Thus, the ending of the story is surprising. It reveals the truth about the borrowed
C) The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant: MCQs:
1) Matilda’s husband was a clerk in the Minister of Public -------- --.
a) Education b) Women’s Welfare c) Social Welfare d) Public Welfare
2) When her husband brings an invitation to a party, Matilda was---------.
a) very excited b) undecided c) very happy d) upset
3) Matilda Loisel borrows a diamond necklace from -------.
a) her mother b) her sister c) her neighbor d) Jeanne Forestier
4) Matilda and her husband purchase a necklace for------ Francs.
a) 20,000 b) 25,000 c) 36,000 d) 30,000
5) Matilda and her husband work hard for---------years to repay the borrowed money.
a) five b) ten c) seven d) twenty
6) Madame Jeanne Forestier’s necklace was actually an / a -----------.
a) imitation b) attractive one c) borrowed one d) hereditary gift
7) Forestier’s diamond necklace cost her not more than-------Francs.
a) 400 b) 500 c) 300 d) 350
8) Matilda’s husband Monsieur Loisel advises Matilda to wear ------for the party.
a) pretty gown b) black dress c) brown dress d) flowers
9) After returning from the party Matilda realizes that----------
a) her husband is not with her
b) the borrowed necklace has been lost
c) she has been very exhausted (tired)
d) their carriage driver has taken her necklace with him
10) The story “The Necklace” teaches us that-----------
a) we must desire for things beyond our income
b) we must attend the parties with the high class people
c) we must borrow from friends when we are in need
d) we must be happy with what we have
11) is the protagonist in the story “The Necklace”.
a) Monsieur Loisel b) Madame Forestier c) Matilda Loisel d) The diamond necklace
12) The theme or central idea of the story “The Necklace” is----------
a) jewellery b) money c) greed d) married life
b) The Romance of a Busy Broker- O’ Henry:
A) Answer the following questions in 100 words each:
Question 1) Attempt a character-sketch of Harvey Maxwell in the story “The Romance of a
Busy Broker”
Answer” “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney
Porter). The protagonist in the story is Harvey Maxwell. Maxwell is a broker in New York city.
He is a very busy broker. There are continuous telephone calls. There are heaps of telegrams and
letters on the desk. People crown round his table. He works like a machine.
Harvey Maxwell is an absent-minded man. He asks his clerk Pitcher to advertise for the
post of a Secretary. When the next morning, a boldly dressed woman appears for the interview,
Maxwell tells Pitcher that he did not ask Pitcher to advertise for the post. Maxwell has married
his secretary Miss Leslie the previous day. But he asks her if she would marry him. Thus, he
forgets what he has said or done before.
In short, Harvey Maxwell is a busy and hard working man. He works like a machine. He
is absent-minded and gets impatient due to overstress.
Question 2) Attempt a character-sketch of Miss Leslie in the story “The Romance of a Busy
Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney
Porter).There are two main characters in the story. One is Harvey Maxwell- a broker in New
York city. Another character is Miss Leslie. Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer.
Miss Leslie has a charming personality. She has bright, kind and frank eyes and peach
blow cheeks. She is dressed beautifully. Her perfume spreads in the office. She has a distinct
Lilac perfume.
Miss Leslie acts in a dramatic manner. Harvey Maxwell asks her if she would marry him.
Miss Leslie sheds tears. She spreads her arms round his neck. She tells Maxwell that they have
already got married in a Church the previous evening. She says that he has become absent-
minded due to his overwork.
Thus, Leslie’s character creates suspense and surprise in the story.
Question 3) Explain the theme of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker”. OR
What is the message of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker”?
Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney
Porter). There are three characters in the story. Harvey Maxwell is a broker in New York city.
Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Pitcher is his clerk. This is a story about
the people who have no time for rest. The story has surprising end.
Harvey Maxwell is a busy broker in New York city. There are continuous telephone calls.
There are heaps of telegrams and letters on his table. He is surrounded by people. He asks his
clerk Pitcher to advertise for the post of secretary. When a boldly dressed woman comes for the
interview, Maxwell tells Pitcher he did not ask to advertise for the post. In the lunch time he ask
Miss Leslie if she would marry him. He has forgotten that they have already got married the
previous evening.
Thus, the theme of the story is love (romance). The story gives us the message that we
should not always think that work is everything. We should spend time together with others.
Question 4) Attempt a character-sketch of Pitcher in the story “The Romance of a Busy
Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney
Porter). There are three characters in the story. Harvey Maxwell is a broker in New York city.
Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Pitcher is his clerk. This is a story about
the people who have no time for rest. The story has surprising end.
Pitcher is a confidential clerk in Maxwell’s office. Pitcher rarely shows any emotion on
his face. He tells Maxwell that a boldly dressed woman has come for the interview. Maxwell
replies that he did not ask Pitcher to invite anyone for the post. Pitcher is confused. He is
helpless. He cannot do anything. He tells his colleague that Maxwell is losing his mind.
Pitcher is a keen observer. He notices that Leslie is behaving differently. She has a new
glow to her. He observes her eyes, dress and senses her perfume. Pitcher is also busy like
Maxwell. He also runs around and attends Maxwell, Leslie and the boldly dressed woman who
appears for the interview.
Thus, Pitcher symbolizes the people who are busy, emotionless and at times helpless.
B) Short Notes:
1) Harvey Maxwell’s Office in “The Romance of a Busy Broker”
Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney
Porter). There are three characters in the story. Harvey Maxwell is a broker in New York city.
Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Pitcher is his clerk. This is a story about
the people who have no time for rest. The story has a surprising end.
Harvey Maxwell’s office is always crowded with people. There are telephone calls and
telegrams coming in. Stocks and bonds are bought and sold. Loans and mortgages are being
tended to. Everyone in the office works like a machine. Messenger boys run in and out with
messages and telegrams. The clerk Pitcher is also busy. He runs around as fast as he can be. The
day gets busier until lunch time. The madness declines around the lunch time.
In this way, Maxwell’s office is symbolic of the busy and machine-like life and world of
people in the Stock / Share market. In this world of finance one gets absent-minded and forgets
his or her personal things like marriage.
2) The Ending of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” OR
The Element of surprise in the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker”
Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney
Porter). There are three characters in the story. Harvey Maxwell is a broker in New York city.
Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Pitcher is his clerk. This is a story about
the people who have no time for rest. The story has surprising end.
Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary. In the lunch time Maxwell gets time to talk with
Leslie. He asks her if she would marry him. Leslie is confused. Tears flow from her eyes and she
puts her arms around Maxwell’s neck. She tells him that they have already got married in the
Little Church the previous evening.
Thus, the ending of the story is surprising. It surprises Maxwell and also the readers.
C) The Romance of a Busy Broker- O’ Henry: MCQs:
1) A broker is a person or firm who buys and sells--------for other for a commission.
a) stamp tickets b) property documents c) banking information d) shares and goods
2) Harvey Maxwell is a broker in the city of---------.
a) Washington b) Virginia c) New York d) London
3) Miss Leslie is Harvey Maxwell’s------- --.
a) Personal Assistant(PA) b) Personal Officer c) Secretary/ stenographer d) Office Cashier
4) Maxwell tells Pitcher that Miss Leslie is --------for the job.
a) not perfect b) perfect c) unwilling d) unqualified
5) Everyone in Maxwell’s office works like an/ a------- --.
a) machine b) boss c) servant d) officer
6) Pitcher informs Maxwell about --------------who has come for the job interview.
a) Leslie b) a young man c) a boldly dressed woman d) a young girl
7) Harvey Maxwell walks up to Leslie and asks her to -------- --.
a) leave her job b) continue her job c) marry him d) bring his tiffin
8) Miss Leslie tells Maxwell that his overwork has made him ----------.
a) very rich b)forgetful c) very confused d) very happy
9) Pitcher is a /an -------- in the office of Harvey Maxwell.
a) agent b) stenographer c) clerk d) assistant broker
10) The main theme of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is----------
a) share market b) New York city life style c) love /romance d) boss-servant relationship
11) The story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” teaches us a moral value that---------
a) We should not always think that job is everything
b) We should devote fully to our work like Maxwell
c) We should love the Secretary in our office
d) We should always behave like a boss
12) Pitcher calls Harvey Maxwell a /an--------man.
a) hard working b) very sincere c) absent-minded d) romantic
Answer Key: Short stories:
1) The Barber’s Trade Union:
1) a) lower caste 2) b) Lalla Hukam Chand 3) a) Kalan Khan 4) b) Thanu Ram 5) c) 60 odd
6) d) Japanese 7) d) twenty 8) b) Chandu 9) a) Rajkot District Barber Brothers’ Hair Dressing
and Shaving Salon 10) a) they had been abusing Chandu 11) a) kites 12) a) one of the makers of
Modern India 13) a) class, appearance, alienation, arrogance and freedom
14) a) Indian society 15) c) reciting poetry
2) A Horse and Two Goats:
1) c) Muni and an American man 2) d) drumsticks 3) d) coffee 4) a) Kritam5) c) thirty
6) c) Kalki 7) a) hundred 8) a) culture-clash, miscommunication, poverty and wealth
9) c) two 10) c) bamboos, thatch and mud 11) a) he belonged to a lower caste
12) b) cigarette 13) c) crown or coronet 14) d) gas station 15) b) policeman
3) The Necklace:
1) a) Education 2) d) upset 3) d) Jeanne Forestier 4) c) 36,000 5) b) ten
6) a) imitation 7) b) 500 8) d) flowers 9) b) the borrowed necklace has been lost
10) d) we must be happy with what we have 11) c) Matilda Loisel 12) c) greed
4) The Romance of a Busy Broker:
1) d) shares and goods 2) c) New York 3) c) Secretary/ stenographer 4) b) perfect
5) a) machine 6) c) a boldly dressed woman 7) c) marry him 8) b) forgetful 9) c) clerk
10) c) love/romance 11) a) we should not always think that job (work) is everything
12) c) absent-minded

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Add.eng.notes sem1.docx

  • 1. F. Y. B. A. Optional English(w. e. f. 2022-23) Optional English: OENG 101 and 201: Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry Sem. I: OENG: 01: DSC 1(A): Introduction to Literature: Short Story = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Syllabus: Unit 1: Introduction to Short Story: Definitions and Elements Unit 2: Types of Short Story: Fable, Parable, Drabble, Anecdote and Adventurous Story Unit 3: Study in Texts: a) The Barber’s Trade Union- Mulk Raj Anand b) A Horse and Two Goats- R. K. Narayan Unit 4: Study in Texts: a)The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant b) The Romance of a Busy Broker- O’Henry ================================================================= Unit I: Short Story: Definitions and Elements: What is Literature? The word ‘literature’ is used in two different senses. In a broad or loose sense literature is “anything which is written”. In this sense a newspaper, magazine, Identity Card, Aadhar Card, Ration Card, PAN Card and Hall-Ticket are literature. In a narrow or serious sense literature is “a writing which expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings and attitudes towards life”. In other words, literature is “a writing about human life”. This type of literature includes novel, poem, short story, literary essay, drama, biography, autobiography etc. Forms of Literature: Literature has three major forms. They are as follows: 1) Poetry 2) Prose 3) Drama 1) Poetry includes the sub-types like Lyric, Sonnet, Ode, Elegy, Satire, Ballad, Epic, Dramatic Monologue and Idyll.
  • 2. 2) Prose form includes Novel, Short story, Essay (literary), Biography, Autobiography, Travelogue, Critical writing (criticism) 3) Drama form includes Comedy, Tragedy, Tragic-comedy, History (historical play), Romance, Farce, Melodrama, Mask/Masque, Opera, Pantomime etc. Short Story: Definitions: Short Story is a prose form of literature. The short story has been defined differently. Some definitions of short story are as follows: 1) A Short story is “a prose narrative requiring from half an hour to one hour for its perusal”. 2) A Short story is “a brief prose narrative involving certain moments in the life of specific people”. 3) A Short story is “a prose narrative that contains a minimum number of characters and events”. These definitions of short story show that a short story is a narrative (tale) narrated in prose. These are minimum number of characters and events in a short story. The Nature of Short Story (Short Story and Novel): A Short story is not a novel. A novel can narrate many events and present many characters. A novel can present life in its variety. A novel shows a gradual change in character. A Short story writer has limitations of space and time. A Short story shows only one or two aspects or qualities of a character. A Short story writer has to use every word and sentence carefully. Long sentences should be avoided. The writer should concentrate on a particular event or a particular aspect or quality of a character.
  • 3. Examples of Short Story: 1) “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a famous short story by Mulk Raj Anand. There are only two or three main characters in the story: Chandu, the Landlord and the narrator. A single event in the story is Chandu’s revolt against the orthodox and inhuman traditions in the Indian society. 2) Another famous short story is “A Horse and Two Goats” by R. K. Narayan. In this story there are only two important characters: Muni and an American man. A single event in the story is Muni’s encounter (sudden meeting) with an American man. The story throws light on cultural differences and on poverty and wealth. Thus, Short story is a distinct form of prose. A short story is marked by single aim, economy of words and limited characters and events. Short Story: Elements or Aspects of Short Story: Short story is a prose form of literature. Short story has a very long history. There were stories in the period of “The Ramayana”, “The Mahabharata” and “The Panchatantras”. Every human being likes to hear stories. This is because a short story provides entertainment and also teaches some moral lesson. The story in the ancient Age did not have any systematic form. Short story has developed as a distinctive form of literature in the modern Age. Elements or Aspects of Short Story: Short story is a distinctive form of literature. Short story has developed as a distinct form of literature in the modern Age. It has its own aspects or elements. Short story is different from novel, poem and drama (play). The following are the important aspects of short story: 1) Theme 2) Plot 3) Character 4) Setting
  • 4. Climax 3 Rising Action/Complications 2 4 Anti-Climax / Falling Action Introduction/Exposition 1 5 Resolution/Denouement 5) Conflict 1) Theme: Theme is an important aspect of short story. The word ‘theme’ basically means ‘an abstract doctrine’. In simple words theme means ‘subject or subject matter. Theme is the subject matter of a literary work (novel, poem, drama, film). Sometimes the theme is stated clearly. In some cases the theme is not stated clearly. Theme can also mean a controlling or central idea or insight into life. A work of literature may have one theme or subject. There may be more than one theme or subject in a novel, a poem or a short story or a drama. For example-the themes of the story “A Horse and Two Goats” are culture clash, miscommunication, poverty and wealth. The themes of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” are romance (love) and forgetfulness caused by the money-minded and busy financial world of New York. 2) Plot: The word ‘plot’ is used in literature with a specific meaning. Plot means “a chain of events having logical link with one another”. In other words plot is “a sequence of events causally linked with one another”. In simple words, plot shows ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ relationship among the events in a story / novel / drama. There are five stages in a typical plot. These stages are as follows:
  • 5. For example-the plot of the story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant can be shown as follows: 1) Introduction / Exposition: Matilda’s (Madame Loisel) character is introduced. 2) Rising Action: Her husband brings an invitation to a party. Matilda is upset. She borrows a diamond necklace from her friend Madame Forestier. 3)Climax: Matilda and her husband attend the party /Ball. She is admired by all and desired for Ball. The necklace is lost. 4) Falling Action/Anti-Climax: The couple buys a new necklace and returns it to Forestier. The couple works hard for ten years to repay the borrowed money. Matilda’s beauty is lost. She does household works. 5) Resolution/Conclusion: Matilda confesses to Forestier about the borrowed necklace. Forestier tells that her diamond necklace was an imitation / fake. 3) Character: A character is a person in a short story, novel, poem or drama. The character in a novel or drama or story is an agent of action. The writer reveals the plot through characters. According to E. M. Forster the characters in a story, novel or drama can be divided into the following two types: 1) Flat character /Simple character/static character 2) Round character /Complex character/dynamic character A Flat character or static character has only one or two qualities portrayed. The flat character is static. It remains the same throughout the novel/story/drama. A Round character is the character with various traits or qualities. A round character is dynamic. It undergoes change in the course of action.
  • 6. For example- 1) Chandu’s character in the story “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a round or dynamic character. The landlord, the Subedar, the lawyer and Kalan Khan are the flat characters in the story. Matilda’s character in the story “The Necklace” is a round or dynamic character. 2) The character of Muni in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” is a round or dynamic character. The characters like Muni’s wife and Ruth are flat characters. 4)Setting: Setting is an important aspect of a short story. The word ‘setting’ is used with different meanings. The simplest meaning of setting is ‘background or backdrop’. Setting is the background in which the events take place. The setting may be natural or man-made. The setting is the social, political, cultural or religious atmosphere of the action. The word ‘setting’ also implies time and place of action/event. The place of action/event may be natural or man-made. The natural setting is the location like forest, sea/ocean, mountain, farm, valley and desert. The man-made setting is the location like a street, office, bur stand, railway station, air port, college office/library etc. For example- the event in the story “The Barber’s Trade Union” takes place in a village of Chandu. The event in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” takes place at Muni’s home and at the statue outside the village. 5) Conflict: The word ‘conflict’ means ‘struggle. There are two types of conflict. They are as follows: 1) External conflict 2) Internal conflict The external conflict is the conflict between two forces. The following are the examples of external conflict:
  • 7. 1) between man and God 2) between man and man (hero-villain) 3) between man and Nature The internal conflict is the conflict within a person’s mind. When a person is torn between two thoughts, it is an internal conflict. For example- when Rosemary Fell meets a beggar girl Miss Smith, she thinks whether to give the girl the money or to take the girl home for a cup of tea. Thus, short story is a distinct and popular form of literature today. It has the aspects like theme, plot, character, setting and conflict. Unit 2: Types of Short Story: Fable, Parable, Drabble, Anecdote and Adventurous Story Short story is a prose form of literature. Short story is the product of 20th century. Short story is a popular form of literature. The features like brevity, economy of words and single theme have made short story a favourite form of literature among the readers. A short story is “a prose narrative requiring from half an hour to one hour for its perusal”. There are various traditional types of short story. They are as follows: 1) Fable 2) Parable 3) Drabble 4) Anecdote 5) Adventurous Story 1) Fable: The English word ‘Fable’ is derived from a Latin word ‘Fabula’. ‘Fabula’ means ‘discourse’ or ‘tale’. Fable is a small tale that enshrouds a moral. It is a fictional story that uses animals, plants or inanimate objects that are shown to have human qualities. Such tales called ‘fables’ were invented by a Greek slave named Aesop in the 6th century B. C. (Before Christ). Features of Fable: A fable has the following distinctive features:
  • 8. 1) A fable has characters who are animals, plants or inanimate objects. 2) A fable has no more than 2 or 3 characters. 3) The theme of a fable is stated at the end as a moral lesson. 4) A fable generally has one man event/incident. The stories written by Aesop are well-known fables. They are known as ‘Aesop’s Fables”. A famous fable by Aesop is “The Fox and the Crow”. The moral of this fable is- “Don’t believe in everything you hear”. Another famous fable by Aesop is “The Hare and the Tortoise”. The moral of this fable is “Slow and steady wins the race”. 4) Parable: The English word “Parable” is derived from a Greek word “Parabolee”. The Greek word ‘Para’ means ‘beside’ and ‘bolee’ means ‘to throw or cast’. Thus, Parabolee means ‘to cast or throw aside’. A Parable is defined as “a succinct and didactic story in prose or in verse that illustrates an instructive lesson or principle”. In simple words Parable is a short tale/story that illustrates a universal or moral truth. A Parable is different from a fable. A fable has characters who are animals, plants or inanimate objects. A Parable has characters who are human beings. Features of Parable: A Parable has the following distinctive features: 1) A Parable is a didactic story (a story with a moral). 2) A Parable explains ethical or spiritual texts. 3) A Parable is difficult to understand because it uses figures of speech and symbols (symbolic language). 4) A Parable sometimes coveys a universal truth. There is a famous parable of “Blind Man”. The Blind Man tries to guide another blind man. They both fall into a ditch. This Parable illustrates the universal truth that “A man with his own shortcoming cannot help another man”. There are many Parables in “The Bible” narrated by Jesus Christ. The famous Parable is “The Parable of the Good Samaritan”. The Samaritan helps a traveler lying half dead alongside the road. Some Christians believe that the Samaritan symbolizes Jesus Christ who shows mercy on the injured traveler. 5) Drabble: Drabble: Introduction: The word ‘Drabble’ is from the German word
  • 9. ‘Drabbeln’ and the Middle English word ‘Drabelen’. Used as a verb ‘drabble’ means ‘To become or to make dirty or wet’. It also means ‘to wade or walk in mud’. The word was first used by Monty Python in the book “Big Red Book” (1971). Drabble was a word game. The participant who wrote a novel in 100 words was a winner. The participants in the game were given a theme (topic/ subject) and certain amount of time to write. Such contests or games were popular in Science Fiction (Sci-Fi). The Science Fiction writers who wrote drabbles were the writers like Brian Aldis and Gene Wolfe for the “The Drabble Project” (1988). Definitions of Drabble: The word ‘drabble’ is also used for a short story. The following are a few definitions of drabble: 1) A drabble is “a short fictional writing, sometimes exactly 100 words long”. (Wiktionary) 2) A drabble is “an extremely short work of fiction of exactly hundred words length”. (Edulingo) 3) A drabble is “a very short story of exactly 100 words”. (Paul Johnson) Features of Drabble: A drabble has the following distinctive features: 1) A drabble is a work of fiction. 2) A drabble is a writing of exactly 100 words. 3) A drabble is marked by brevity or conciseness. 4) A drabble requires the writer’s ability to express idea in a concise or brief way. 5) A drabble tells a complete story. It has a beginning, a middle and an end (twist at the end). Examples of Drabble: Some examples of drabble short story are as follows: Example 1): “The Dark woods”: A walk in the woods helps me relax and release tension. The fact that I am dragging a body should be irrelevant. She always pestered me with stupid questions. Is my butt too big in these?” Do you think I could do with losing a few pounds?”. Standing here.sweating after dragging her fat arse up the hill, I wish I’d bought her that gym membership she was always harping on about. My lumber was starting to
  • 10. feel the effects of all this heavy lifting. Nearly there, I think, I wish she hadn’t passed out so far from the car. Example 2): “On the Tip of the Tongue” Unspoken words are usually better than words spoken in anger and yet, they lie awake at nigh, weeping, wanting to be set free. They are like flowers that will never open, denied of their moment of glory in the morning sun. They are the dusty manuscripts that never get read, let alone published. They can be the key to unlock the revolution that is going on inside your head. They can be your path to Eldorado. They can be simply, No or stop or I don’t think that’s a great idea. If let fly, they might save someone’s life. 4) Anecdote: The English word ‘Anecdote’ is derived from a Greek word “Anekdota”. The word “Anekdota” means “secret or unpublished”. It means a story not fit for publication’. An anecdote is defined as “an amusing or funny story of a happening (incident)”. An anecdote is used to explain a point in an essay, an article or a chapter. Features of Anecdote: An anecdote is a type of short story commonly found in literature, film, television or theatre. An anecdote has the following salient features: 1) An anecdote is an amusing or humorous account of a happening. 2) An anecdote is used to explain or support a point in essay/article / a chapter 3) An anecdote is generally told orally, not written down. 4) The purpose of an anecdote is to create laughter as well as to reveal a truth. 5) An anecdote is very brief or short. Example of Anecdote:
  • 11. A famous example of anecdote is the story “The Donkey and the Dog”. The washer man in this story thrashes the donkey because the donkey brays/cries at midnight. He tries to imitate the dog that barks at the thieves. The story reveals a truth –“It is always better to do our duty than to try to imitate others”. 5)Adventurous Story: Introduction: Adventure story is an important and popular type of short story. The word ‘Adventure” is derived from a French word “aventure”. Aventure means ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ of a person. The word ‘adventure’ means something exciting that happens to someone. We always like something exciting happening to in our life. In literature adventure story describes some adventure or journey of the protagonist (hero). An adventure story is “a story which shows or describes the adventure of the protagonist (hero)”. Features of Adventure Story: An adventure story has the following distinctive features: 1) An adventure story depicts the adventure /courage of the protagonist(hero). 2) An adventure story involves danger or risk for the hero. The story involves exciting and dangerous action (by the hero). 3) And adventure story takes the reader to some exotic (unknown/distant) geographical place. 4) The protagonist in an adventure story overcomes the problem or danger. 5) The exotic (unknown) pace creates suspense in the story. The readers don’t know what will happen to the hero at the end. 6) The setting of a adventure story is a jungle (forest), a mountain, a valley, a sea or ocean or a desert. Examples of Adventure Story: Some examples of famous adventure story (adventure fiction) are as follows:
  • 12. 1) “The Lord of the Rings” by Tolkein. This is a series of three books. 1) ”The Fellowship of the Ring” 2) “The Two Towers” and 3) “The Return of the King”. 2) “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. This novel has a group of English boys on an unknown land. These boys are Ralph (hero), Jack, Piggy, Simon, Sam, Roger and Eric. 3) “Treasure Island” by R. L. Stevenson. This is the story of Jim Hawkins. Adventure story is a popular type of story. It gives exciting and thrilling experience to the readers. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): Question: Complete the following sentences choosing the correct alternative from those given below: Unit I: Definitions and Elements of Short Story: 1) A short story is a ----------form of literature. a) literary b) poetic c) prose d) new 2) A short story is a prose ---------- involving certain moments in the life of specific people. a) tale b) narrative c) story d) form 3) There are-------------characters and events in a short story. a) optimum b) maximum c)minimum d) minimal 4) A short story requires from half an hour to one hour for its ------------. a) writing b) perusal c) criticism d) presentation 5) A short story is marked by economy of --------------. a) aim b) words and sentences c) setting d) characters 6) The word ‘theme’ means---------- of a literary work. a) aspect b) subject/subject matter c) structure d) style 7) Plot is a chain of events having ---------link with one another.
  • 13. a) rational b) illogical c) logical d) regular 8) The plot of a short story or novel shows ‘cause and --------- relationship among the events/episodes. a) effect b) effective c) affective d) reason 9) A character is a -------------in a short story, novel or drama. a) person b) agent c) factor d) part 10) According to E. M. Forster the two types of character are ----------. a) flat and round b) simple and static c) dynamic and complex d) round and dynamic 11) The characters in a short story are generally------------. a) vague b) flat c) dynamic d) two 12) The main objective of writing a short story is to create an ---------- work of art. a) universal b) imaginary c) enjoyable d) appealing 13) The setting of a short story implies ----------. a) atmosphere/background b) fixing c) final decision d) conclusion 14) The word ‘conflict’ means --------------------of some kind. a) struggle b) fear c) action d) character 15) The climax in a short story, novel or drama is the ------------ of action. a) humorous point b) critical point c) interesting point d) highest point 16) The two types of conflict are-------------. a) general and particular b) personal and universal c) internal and external d) heroic and villainous 17) The setting of a short story also implies-------- of events. a) description b) number c) time and place d) minimum number 18) A flat character has only----------- of its qualities portrayed. a) a few b) minimum c) one or two d) general 19) There are --------- characters in a short story. a) maximum b) minimum c) various d) dynamic 20) A Short story is not a / an-------- --. a) parable b) fable c) anecdote d) novel Unit II: Types of Short Story:
  • 14. 1) A fable is a story in which the characters are ------- --. a) humans b) animals c) birds d) beasts 2) The well-known examples of Western fables are ----------fables. a) Aesop’s b) Henry’s c) Greek d) European 3) A fable conveys a---------lesson. a) moral b) religious c) spiritual d) social 4) The best examples of fables in India are-----------. a) The Panchatantra and Jataka Tales b) Aesop’s Fables c) Arabian Nights Stories d) Song of the South Stories (Africa) 5) A parable is a story that illustrates a-----------truth. a) local b) universal c) national d) regional 6) The word ‘Parable’ comes from Greek and means----------. a) comparison b) contrast c) parallel d) similarity 7) A parable shows how a person should------------. a) react b) enjoy life c) behave/believe d) speak 8) There numerous examples of parable in ---------- --. a) The Bible b) The Bhagwad Gita c) The Ramayana d) The Mahabharata 9) An anecdote is an -------------account of a person or an incident. a) amusing b) attractive c) analytical d) informal 10) The word ‘anecdote’ is of --------------origin. a) Latin b) Roman c) Italian d) Greek 11) An anecdote involves------------ persons. a) actual/real b) imaginary c) typical d) ordinary 12) The primary purpose / aim of an anecdote is to reveal a------------ --. a) truth b) place c) person d) situation
  • 15. 13) The word ‘Drabble’ was first used by -------. a) Mulk Raj Anand b) O’Henry c) Brian Aldis d) Monty Python 14) A drabble is a very short story of exactly --------- words. a) 150 b) 100 c) 300 d) 1000 15) A drabble is a work of---------. a) reality b) theatre c) fiction d) every writer 16) A drabble is marked by -------- --. a) violence b) long sentences c) brevity d) complexity 17) An adventure story shows the protagonist’s adventure in an---------- location. a) familiar b) imaginary c) exotic d) easy 18) The most important element of an adventure story is ----- --. a) Hero and heroine b) danger or risk c) romance d) fighting 19) An adventure story is marked by the---------- in the protagonist (hero). a) fault b) fear c) transformation d) inferiority complex 20) A key element in an adventure story is the------------plot. a) simple b) complex c) action-driven d) normal Answer Key: Unit-I: Definitions and Elements of Short Story: 1) c) prose 2) b) narrative 3) c) minimum 4) b) perusal 5) b) words and sentences 6) b) subject/subject matter 7) c) logical 8) a) effect 9) a) person 10) a) flat and round 11) d) two 12) b) imaginary 13) a) atmosphere/background 14) a) struggle 15) d) highest point 16) c) internal and external 17) c) time and place 18) c) one or two 19) b) minimum 20) d) novel Unit II:Types of Short Story: 1) b) animals 2) a) Aesop’s 3) a) moral 4) a) The Panchatantra and Jataka Tales
  • 16. 5) b) universal 6) a) comparison 7) c) behave/believe 8) a) The Bible 9) a) amusing 10) d) Greek 11) a) actual (real) 12) a) truth 13) d) Monty Python 14) b) 100 15) c) fiction 16) c) brevity 17) c) exotic 18) b) danger or risk 19) c) transformation 20) c) action-driven Unit 3: Study in Texts: a) The Barber’s Trade Union- Mulk Raj Anand b) A Horse and Two Goats- R. K. Narayan a) The Barber’s Trade Union- Mulk Raj Anand: A) Answer the following questions in 100 words each: Question 1) Why does Chandu go on strike? OR What is the effect of Chandu’s strike? Answer:“The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story about a village barber boy named Chandu. After his father’s death Chandu takes up the responsibility of his father’s profession as a barber. He goes to people’s houses to cut hair and shave their beards. He starts to go to the town. He earns money by cutting the hair and shave people’s beards. One day, he is back from the town putting on a doctor’s dress. The landlord, the Sahukar and the Subedar belong to the high class. Chandu belongs to a lower caste. The landlord calls Chandu the son of a pig. He asks Chandu to get out of his house. The Sahukar also abuses Chandu in the foulest words. The other villages also laugh at Chandu. Chandu decides to teach the villagers a lesson. He goes on to the strike. He stops going to their houses for hair cutting. The landlord looks older in his unshaved beard. His wife threatens to run away with someone. The Sahukar also looks like a leper with the brown tinge of tobacco on his mustache. Thus, Chandu revolts against the orthodox traditions in the village. This forces the villagers to come to his house for hair cutting. Chandu’s strike makes their condition ridiculous. Question 2) Attempt a character-sketch of Chandu in the story “The Barber’s Trade Union”.
  • 17. Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story about a village barber boy named Chandu. Chandu belongs to a lower caste. He is expert at making kites. He is good at reciting poetry but poor at Mathematics. After his father’s death he takes up his father’s profession as a barber. Chandu is a self-respecting and hard working boy. He buys a cycle. He goes to the town to cut people’s hair and shave their beards. He earns more money. He puts on the dress of a doctor. He takes a round in the village. Chandu is a modern and leading boy. The upper-class villagers do not like him in doctor’s dress. They abuse him and treat him badly. Chandu refuses to go to their houses for hair cutting. He gathers the support of the barbers in the neighbouring villages. He forms the barber’s trade union. He forces the villagers to come to his house for cutting hair and shaving. He fights against the orthodox mentality of the villagers and the class-discrimination. Thus, Chandu emerges as ‘one of the Makers of Modern India.’ Question 3) Attempt a character-sketch of Chandu’s mother. Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story about a village barber boy named Chandu. Another important character in the story is Chandu’s mother. She is a woman of sixty odd years. She is a widow. She is a low caste woman. Chandu is her only son. Chandu’s mother is a quarrelsome and ill-tempered woman. She dares to see in the eyes of the upper class people. The sufferings and humiliations of sixty odd years have made her acquire this habit. Another important quality in Chandu’s mother is her kindness. She is very kind to the narrator and talks to him very politely. The narrator does not regard Chandu as a low caste boy. She loves this innocence of the narrator. She does not like the narrator’s mother to cast her evil eye on this innocent boy. Thus, the personality of Chandu’s mother is characterized by ill-temper, lovingness, kindness and innocence.
  • 18. Question 4) Discuss briefly the themes of the story “The Barber’s Trade Union”. Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story about a village barber boy named Chandu. After his father’s death Chandu takes up the profession as a barber. He goes to the town for hair cutting and shaving beards. He earns more money. He returns to the village putting on the doctor’s dress. The orthodox and upper class people in the village do not like this. They abuse and treat Chandu badly. He revolts against this. He forms a barber’s trade union named ‘Rajkot District Barber Brother’s Hair Dressing and Shaving Salon’ with the support of the barbers in the neighbouring villages. This forces the villagers to come to his house for hair cutting and shaving. The story of Chandu underlies a number of themes. These are the themes like victory, the conflict between Chandu and orthodox society, justice, respect and freedom. The upper class villagers do not like Chandu in a white dress and turban. They abuse him and treat him badly. Chandu revolts against this. He stops going to the houses of these people for hair cutting and shaving. He forms a barber’s trade union. This forces the villagers to come to his house for hair cutting and shaving. Thus, Chandu gets justice and victory. He gets respect or dignity as a human being. The story deals with the themes like victory, justice, class-discrimination, freedom and orthodox traditions in the Indian society. Therefore, the narrator respects Chandu as one of the Makers of Modern India. B) Short Notes: 1) Chandu’s revolt in “The Barber’s Trade Union” OR The title of the story “The Barber’s Trade Union” Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story about a village boy named Chandu. Chandu is the son of a barber. He belongs to the lower-caste of society. He is not allowed to take education in school. His only work is to cut the villagers’ hair and shave them. He is not allowed to wear the clothes like the upper class people. The upper-caste villagers abuse Chandu. Chandu revolts against these orthodox traditions in the Indian society. He stops going to villagers’ house for hair cutting and shaving. He wears the dress like a doctor—a white rubber
  • 19. coat, a white turban and carried a leather bag in his hand. He buys a bicycle and took round in the village. He brings the barbers in the neighbouring villagers together and forms their trade union named “‘Rajkot District Barber Brother’s Hair Dressing and Shaving Salon’. This forces the upper caste villagers to come to Chandu’s house for haircut and shave. Thus, the title “The Barber’s Trade Union” is apt and symbolic. It is a symbol of Chandu’s revolt against the orthodox traditions in the Indian society. 2) The element of humour in “The Barber’s Trade Union”: Answer: “The Barber’s Trade Union” is a short story by Mulk Raj Anand. This is a story about a village boy named Chandu. Chandu is the son of a barber. He belongs to the lower-caste of society. Chandu revolts against the orthodox traditions in the Indian society. He stops going to the house of the upper caste villagers for haircut and shave. Chandu shows to the narrator the condition of the unshaved upper-caste villagers. The landlord’s mustache is dyed in red. He looks like a sick lion. His wife threatens to run away with somebody. The Sahukar has a brown colour like tobacco on his mustache. He looks like a leper ( Leper=a person suffering from leprosy). The narrator shouts at him and says:”Beavers ! Beavears !!. ( Beaver= a small animal like a rat, rabbit or mouse with sharp front teeth). Chandu’s revolt forces the upper caste villagers to come to his house for haircut and shave. Thus, the condition of the unshaved villagers and the narrator’s remarks create humour in the story. C) The Barber’s Trade Union- Mulk Raj Anand: MCQs: 1) According to the narrator’s mother Chandu is a /an ---------barber’s son. a) lower caste b) middle class c) poor caste d) upper caste 2) Chandu wears a cap which once belonged to the lawyer named------ --. a) Subedar b) Lalla Hukam Chand c) Padre Sahib d) Kalan Khan 3) -------- was a well-known dentist in the town. a) Kalan Khan b) Subedar c) Devi d) Bijay Chand 4)runs a grocer’s store/ shop at the end of the lane.
  • 20. a) The narrator b) Thanu Ram c) Pandit Permanand d) Nrinjan Das 5) Chandu’s mother was an old woman of --------------years. a) 72 b) 50 c) 60 odd d) 65 6) Chandu buys a------- bicycle from Lalla Hukam Chand’s son. a) Chinese b) Korean c) European d) Japanese 7)The landlord’s wife was younger than the landlord by ---------years a) six b) ten c) five d) twenty 8)is the protagonist of the story “The Barber’s Trade Union”. a) Devi b) Chandu c) The narrator d) The Modern India 9) The Trade Union formed by Chandu and other barbers is named -----. a) Rajkot District Barber Brothers’ Hair Dressing and Shaving Salon b) The Village Barbers’ Trade Union c) The Modern Indian Barbers’ Trade Union d) The Verka Village Barbers’ Trade Union 10) Chandu decides to go on a strike and stop shaving the upper caste people because--------- a) they had been abusing Chandu b) they treated Chandu’s mother badly. c) they treated Chandu’s friend badly d) the upper caste people asked Chandu to leave the school 11) Chandu is expert at making --------. a) kites b) dolls c) paper-bicycles d) clay animals 12) The narrator respects Chandu as------------- a) one of the makers of Modern India b) an expert artist c) as a leader d) an expert barber 13) The themes of the story “The Barber’s Trade Union” are--------- a) class, appearance, alienation, arrogance and freedom b) money, abuses and a feeling of superiority
  • 21. c) the villages, the towns and their people d) mothers, sons, barbers and upper class people 14) The writer Mulk Raj Anand satirises the orthodox and inhuman traditions in the— a) Indian society b) towns as well as villages c) town lawyers d) educated doctors and lawyers 15) Chandu is poor at Mathematics but good at -----------. a) singing b) cycling c) reciting poetry d) leading people b) A Horse and Two Goats- R. K. Narayan: A) Answer the following questions in 100 words each: Question 1) Describe the village in the story “A Horse and Two Goats”. Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a villager named Muni. He lives in a small village named ‘Kritam’. The Tamil word ‘Kritam’ means ‘crown or coronet’ in English. Kritam is a very small village in Tamil Nadu. There are less than thirty houses. Only one house is built with brick and cement. This house is painted in bright yellow and blue. There are carvings of Gods on its pillars. This is called a Big House. The other houses are distributed in four streets. They are made of bamboo thatch, straw and mud. There are stretched fields beyond the four streets. People are divided into upper class and lower class. Muni belongs to the lower class/caste. His house is the last house in the fourth street. Question 2) Describe the life and condition of Muni and his wife. OR Describe the daily routine of Muni in the story “A Horse and Two Goats”. Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a villager named Muni. Muni and his wife live in a small village named Kritam. Once he had a flock of forty sheep and goats. Now he has only two goats. He ties his goats to the trunk of the drumstick tree in front of his house. Every morning Muni sets out for grazing his goats a couple of miles away from the village. There is a statue of a horse. Muni sits on the pedestal of the statue. With his hook at the end of a bamboo he snaps the foliage of the trees to feed his goats. He collects a bundle of sticks
  • 22. and carries home for fuel. His wife does the house hold works. In the morning she lights the fire, boils water in mud pot, puts some millet flour, adds salt and then gives to Muni for breakfast. Thus, Muni and his wife’s economic condition is miserable. Their daily routine is monotonous. Question 3) Write a brief description of the horse statue in “A Horse and Two Goats”. Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a villager named Muni. Muni takes his goats to the fields for grazing. There is a statue of a horse by the highway. Muni sits on the pedestal of the statue. The statue is very huge and made of clay. The horse is as white as the dhobi washed sheet. It prances its forelegs in the air. Beside the statue there stands a warrior with his curved nose. The statue is untouched by the young vagabonds of the village. According to the mythology the horse in the statue referred to the mythical horse Kalki. According to the legend Kalki will come to life when the world will end and trample all the bad men. Thus, the horse statue throws light on the Indian mythology. The story of the horse statue creates curiosity in the mind of the American man. Question 4) Attempt a character-sketch of Muni in the story “A Horse and Two Goats”. Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a villager named Muni. Muni and his wife live in a small village named Kritam. He and his wife live at the end of the fourth street in the village. His house is made of bamboo thatch, straw and mud. Once he had a flock of forty sheep and goats. Now he has only two goats. His economic condition is very miserable. Muni is a food lover. He is fond of good food and smoking bidis. He wants to eat the drumsticks cooked in sauce. His wife cannot cook the drumsticks because Muni cannot buy the ingredients like chilly, gingerly oil, mustard and curry leaves. In the past he had a flock of forty sheep and goats. At the present he has only two goats.
  • 23. Muni has knowledge of Indian scriptures. He knows of the epics like “The Ramayana” and “The Mahabharata”. He knows of the songs of Lord Krishna. He is superstitious. He believes in the story about the earth told by the Pandit. Muni is ignorant of English language. He does not understand what the American tells him. Thus, Muni’s character is the central character in the story. Question 5) Compare and contrast the character of Muni and an American in the story “A Horse and Two Goats”. OR Explain the themes of the story “A Horse and Two Goats”. Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a villager named Muni. Another main character in the story is an American man. Muni and his wife live in a small village named Kritam. He and his wife live at the end of the fourth street in the village. His house is made of bamboo thatch, straw and mud. Once he had a flock of forty sheep and goats. Now he has only two goats. His economic condition is very miserable. The story “A Horse and Two Goats” has three main themes. They are cultural clash, poverty and wealth and ignorance and knowledge. Muni belongs to the Indian (Eastern) culture. The American belongs to the Western culture. For the American man the horse statue is a material thing to buy. For Muni the horse in the statue refers to a mythical horse named Kalki. Another theme is poverty and wealth. Muni is a very poor man. He lives in a thatched house. He has now only two goats. He has no money to buy the ingredients like chilly, mustard, curry leaves and gingery oil for cooking the drumsticks. The American man is educated and rich. He has a car. He smokes cigarette. He enjoys the luxuries of electricity and air conditioner. There is also the theme of ignorance and knowledge. Muni is a lower caste man. He has no formal education. He has not travelled beyond his village. The American man is educated. His room is full of books. He is aware of the world around him. Thus, the story deals with the themes like cultural clash, poverty and wealth and ignorance and knowledge. B) Short Notes:
  • 24. 1) Muni and his wife’s life style in “A Horse and Two Goats” OR The relationship between Muni and wife in “A Horse and Two Goats” Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a villager named Muni. Muni and his wife live in small village named “Kritam”. They have a small house. They have only a handful of millet to satisfy their appetite. Muni had forty goats in the past. Now he has only two goats. Muni desires to eat the drumsticks cooked in sauce. His wife cannot cook them in the sauce because she has no ingredients like chilly, curry leaves, coriander seeds, mustard, gingerly oil and potato. When Muni returns from the shop without these ingredients, his wife is angry with him. When Muni leaves the two goats grazing and returns with a hundred rupee note given to him by an American man, his wife thinks that he has stolen the money from somewhere. She scolds at Muni. She works in the Big House and somehow brings the food for the evening. Thus, Muni and his wife live a life of poverty. The relationship between them is not good. She is short-tempered. But still Muni loves her and cares for her. 2) The encounter (meeting) between Muni and the American man in “A Horse and Two Goats” OR The Element of humour in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” Answer: “A Horse and Two Goats” is a short story by R. K. Narayan. This is a story about a villager named Muni. Muni and his wife live in a small village named “Kritam”. They have a small house. The story narrates an event in Muni’s life. Once Muni was grazing his goats outside the village. He was sitting on the pedestal of a horse statue. Suddenly a red-faced man got down from his car and walked towards Muni. He was an American man in khaki clothes. He spoke with Muni about the statue in English. He liked the statue and appreciated it. Muni thought that the American man was a policeman. He wanted to arrest Muni for a murder. Muni was uneducated and did not know English.
  • 25. When the American man gave Muni a hundred rupee note for the statue, Muni thought that the money was given to buy his two goats. Muni was happy. He left his two goats grazing and returned home. The American man also carried off in his motor car. Thus, the meeting between Muni and the American man creates misunderstandings and also humour in the story. This throws light on the cultural and linguistic differences. C) A Horse and Two Goats- R. K. Narayan: MCQs: 1) The central characters in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” are--------. a) An American and Ruth b) a horse and two goats c) Muni and an American man d) Muni and his wife 2) Muni wishes to eat the------------cooked in sauce. a) spinach b) cabbages c) tomato d) drumsticks 3) The American man is a trader or businessman in -------. a) tea b) vegetables c) hard ware d) coffee 4) The event in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” takes place in a village named--------. a) Kritam b) Kirtam c) Kirtan d) Kritan 5) There are only---------houses in the village Kritam. a) sixty b) twenty c) thirty d) fifteen 6) The horse in the statue referred to a mythical horse named-------. a) Kali b) Kalika c) Kalki d) Kathali 7) The American man buys the statue from Muni for-------- rupees. a) hundred b) seventy c) ninety d) sixty 8) The main themes in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” are------------ a) culture-clash, miscommunication, poverty and wealth b) Muni’s village, horses and goats c) Muni, his wife and their goats d) Muni, an American man and their wives 9) Muni has-------- goats at the present. a) forty b) many c) two d) ten
  • 26. 10) Muni’s house is made up of----------. a) bricks b) bricks and cement c) bamboos, thatch and mud d) R. C. C. 11) Muni was not allowed to go to school because--------- a) he belonged to a lower caste b) he was married c) he was poor d) he was mentally dull 12) The American man offers Muni a ------- --. a) bottle of wine b) cigarette c) bag of coffee powder d) Khaki dress 13) The Tamil word “Kritam” means -----------in English. a) bhajan b) holy song c) crown or coronet d) grand home 14) The American man asks Muni about----------. a) the statue b) Muni’s wife c) Muni’s goats d) gas station 15) Muni thinks that the American man is a--------. a) businessman b) policeman c) drunkard d) tourist Unit 4: Study in Texts: a) The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant b) The Romance of a Busy Broker- O’ Henry a) The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant: A) Answer the following questions in 100 words each: Question 1) What does Madame Loisel (Matilda) dream of? OR Why is Madame Loisel always unhappy ? Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. The protagonist in the story is Madame Loisel (Matilda). Madame Loisel is a young, pretty but unhappy girl. She comes from poor and middle-class family. Her father has no dowry. She has no hope of getting married with a rich boy. Therefore, she marries Monsieur Loisel. He is an average or ordinary young man. He works as a clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction (Education).
  • 27. Madame Loisel dreams of riches and luxuries. She dreams of exquisite furniture and fine dinners. She dreams of beautiful and rich dresses and jewels. Her dream is also about adoration and a life of glory. She is unhappy because of her poverty. She avoids to visit her friends. Question 2) What type of person is Madame Loisel’s husband Monsieur Loisel ? OR Attempt a brief character-sketch of Monsieur Loisel. Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. The protagonist in the story is Madame Loisel. Another important character in the story is Monsieur Loisel. He is an ordinary man. He is a clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction (Education). He is a caring husband. He tries to provide Madame Loisel a modest life. Monsieur Loisel understands the feelings of his wife. He gets an invitation to the party of the elite people. He tells Matilda that she will see all the important people there. When he shows her the invitation, she is disappointed. She has no beautiful dress and jewels for the party. He gives her his saved money for buying a new dress. He also works hard to repay the borrowed money. Thus, Monsieur Loisel wins our sympathy due to his selflessness, sacrifice, hard work and lovingness. Question 3) How do Monsieur Loisel and Madame Loisel (Matilda) manage to repay the borrowed money ? Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. There are two main characters in the story. They are Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur Loisel. They are a poor and ordinary couple. Monsieur Loisel gets an invitation to a party to make his wife happy. She borrows her friend’s diamond necklace for the party. After returning home from the party she realizes that the necklace has been lost. Monsieur Loisel borrows money from the money-lenders.Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur Loisel buy a new diamond necklace for 36,000 Francs and return it to Madame Forestier. The couple works hard for ten years to repay the borrowed money. They change their lodging and shift to a cheap rented room. He also works late at night after his office
  • 28. hours. Their house-maid is dismissed. Madame Loisel does the household works like washing dishes, grocery shopping and carrying water upstairs. Thus, Madame Loisel and Monsieur Loisel work hard for ten years and make various sacrifices. This changes their life completely. Question 4) Attempt a character-sketch of Madame Loisel (Matilda). Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. There are two main characters in the story. They are Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur Loisel. Madame Loisel (Matilda) is the central character in the story. She borrows a diamond necklace from her friend Madame Forestier. She loses the necklace. She and her husband buy a new necklace and return it to Madame Forestier. The first striking trait in Madame Loisel is that she is unsatisfied and dreamy. She comes from a poor and middle-class family. She gets married with Monsieur Loisel. He is an ordinary clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction. Madame Loisel is not satisfied with her ordinary life. She dreams of riches and luxuries. She dreams of exquisite furniture and fine dinners. She dreams of beautiful and rich dresses and jewels. Her dream is also about adoration and a life of glory. Another trait of Madame Loisel is that she is happy at the party or Ball. She and her husband go to the party of the elite people. Everybody is attracted by Madame Loisel’s dress, beauty and jewels. She is desired by every one for the Ball (dance). She enjoys fully at the party. After returning home she realizes that the borrowed necklace has been lost. Her happiness turns out to be temporary. Madame Loisel is a sufferer. After losing the borrowed necklace she and her husband buy a new diamond necklace for 36,000 Francs. This necklace is returned to Forestier. Madame Loisel and Monsieur Loisel work hard for ten years to repay the borrowed money. Their house- maid is dismissed. Madame Loisel herself does the household works. Monsieur Loisel works late at night after his office hours. This changes their life completely. In short, Madame Loisel’s character is marked by her greed, dissatisfaction, dreams, hard work and sufferings.
  • 29. Question 5) What lesson do we learn from the story “The Necklace”? OR What is the message of the story “The Necklace”? Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. There are two main characters in the story. They are Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur Loisel. They are a poor and ordinary couple. Monsieur Loisel gets an invitation to a party to make his wife happy. She borrows her friend’s diamond necklace for the party. After returning home from the party she realizes that the necklace has been lost. Monsieur Loisel borrows money from the money-lenders. Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur Loisel buy a new diamond necklace for 36,000 Francs and return it to Madame Forestier. The couple works hard for ten years to repay the borrowed money. They change their lodging and shift to a cheap rented room. He also works late at night after his office hours. Their house-maid is dismissed. Madame Loisel does the household works like washing dishes, grocery shopping and carrying water upstairs. Madame Loisel and Monsieur Loisel work hard for ten years and make various sacrifices. This changes their life completely. The story gives us a valuable message that we should be happy with what we have. We should not be greedy like Madame Loisel. The story teaches us that we should live within our means (economic means=income). B) Short Notes: 1) The Party of the elite people in “The Necklace” OR Madame Loisel and Mr. Loisel at the Ball Party Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by a French writer Guy de Maupassant. This is a story about couple- Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur (Mr.) Loisel. Mr. Loisel is a clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction (Education). One day, he brings an invitation to the party of the elite people at the Minister’s residence. Madame Loisel borrows a diamond necklace for the party from her friend Madame Jeanne Forestier. Madame Loisel and Mr. Loisel go to the Ball party. Madame Loisel looka very beautiful. Her beauty, dress and necklace attract everyone. She catches the attention of everyone. The Ball
  • 30. (dance) is in progress. Everyone wants to dance with her. All the men admire her. She is mad with pleasure. Her husband enjoys the drink and the dance. Thus, Madame Loisel and Mr. Loisel enjoy the Ball party fully. The Ball party throws light on the lavish life style of the elite people in the French society. 2) The Ending of the Story “The Necklace” OR The element of surprise in the story “The Necklace” Answer: “The Necklace” is a short story by a French writer Guy de Maupassant. This is a story about a couple- Madame Loisel and her husband Monsieur (Mr.) Loisel. Once they are invited to the elite Ball party. They enjoy the party fully. Madame Loisel has borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend Jeanne Forestier. After returning home from the party Madame Loisel and Mr. Loisel realize that the borrowed necklace has been lost. They buy a new diamond necklace for 36,000 Francs and return it to Forestier. One Sunday, Madame Loisel is walking in the Champs-Elysses (a popular commercial street in Paris).She sees Madame Forestier. Madame Loisel tells Foretier that they have replaced the borrowed necklace with a new necklace costing 36,000 Francs. They have worked hard for ten years to repay the money borrowed for buying the necklace. Jeanne Forestier tells Madame Loisel that her necklace was an imitation. It cost not more than 500 Francs. Thus, the ending of the story is surprising. It reveals the truth about the borrowed necklace. C) The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant: MCQs: 1) Matilda’s husband was a clerk in the Minister of Public -------- --. a) Education b) Women’s Welfare c) Social Welfare d) Public Welfare 2) When her husband brings an invitation to a party, Matilda was---------. a) very excited b) undecided c) very happy d) upset 3) Matilda Loisel borrows a diamond necklace from -------.
  • 31. a) her mother b) her sister c) her neighbor d) Jeanne Forestier 4) Matilda and her husband purchase a necklace for------ Francs. a) 20,000 b) 25,000 c) 36,000 d) 30,000 5) Matilda and her husband work hard for---------years to repay the borrowed money. a) five b) ten c) seven d) twenty 6) Madame Jeanne Forestier’s necklace was actually an / a -----------. a) imitation b) attractive one c) borrowed one d) hereditary gift 7) Forestier’s diamond necklace cost her not more than-------Francs. a) 400 b) 500 c) 300 d) 350 8) Matilda’s husband Monsieur Loisel advises Matilda to wear ------for the party. a) pretty gown b) black dress c) brown dress d) flowers 9) After returning from the party Matilda realizes that---------- a) her husband is not with her b) the borrowed necklace has been lost c) she has been very exhausted (tired) d) their carriage driver has taken her necklace with him 10) The story “The Necklace” teaches us that----------- a) we must desire for things beyond our income b) we must attend the parties with the high class people c) we must borrow from friends when we are in need d) we must be happy with what we have 11) is the protagonist in the story “The Necklace”. a) Monsieur Loisel b) Madame Forestier c) Matilda Loisel d) The diamond necklace 12) The theme or central idea of the story “The Necklace” is---------- a) jewellery b) money c) greed d) married life b) The Romance of a Busy Broker- O’ Henry: A) Answer the following questions in 100 words each:
  • 32. Question 1) Attempt a character-sketch of Harvey Maxwell in the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” Answer” “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney Porter). The protagonist in the story is Harvey Maxwell. Maxwell is a broker in New York city. He is a very busy broker. There are continuous telephone calls. There are heaps of telegrams and letters on the desk. People crown round his table. He works like a machine. Harvey Maxwell is an absent-minded man. He asks his clerk Pitcher to advertise for the post of a Secretary. When the next morning, a boldly dressed woman appears for the interview, Maxwell tells Pitcher that he did not ask Pitcher to advertise for the post. Maxwell has married his secretary Miss Leslie the previous day. But he asks her if she would marry him. Thus, he forgets what he has said or done before. In short, Harvey Maxwell is a busy and hard working man. He works like a machine. He is absent-minded and gets impatient due to overstress. Question 2) Attempt a character-sketch of Miss Leslie in the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker”. Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney Porter).There are two main characters in the story. One is Harvey Maxwell- a broker in New York city. Another character is Miss Leslie. Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Miss Leslie has a charming personality. She has bright, kind and frank eyes and peach blow cheeks. She is dressed beautifully. Her perfume spreads in the office. She has a distinct Lilac perfume. Miss Leslie acts in a dramatic manner. Harvey Maxwell asks her if she would marry him. Miss Leslie sheds tears. She spreads her arms round his neck. She tells Maxwell that they have already got married in a Church the previous evening. She says that he has become absent- minded due to his overwork. Thus, Leslie’s character creates suspense and surprise in the story. Question 3) Explain the theme of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker”. OR What is the message of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker”?
  • 33. Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney Porter). There are three characters in the story. Harvey Maxwell is a broker in New York city. Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Pitcher is his clerk. This is a story about the people who have no time for rest. The story has surprising end. Harvey Maxwell is a busy broker in New York city. There are continuous telephone calls. There are heaps of telegrams and letters on his table. He is surrounded by people. He asks his clerk Pitcher to advertise for the post of secretary. When a boldly dressed woman comes for the interview, Maxwell tells Pitcher he did not ask to advertise for the post. In the lunch time he ask Miss Leslie if she would marry him. He has forgotten that they have already got married the previous evening. Thus, the theme of the story is love (romance). The story gives us the message that we should not always think that work is everything. We should spend time together with others. Question 4) Attempt a character-sketch of Pitcher in the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker”. Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney Porter). There are three characters in the story. Harvey Maxwell is a broker in New York city. Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Pitcher is his clerk. This is a story about the people who have no time for rest. The story has surprising end. Pitcher is a confidential clerk in Maxwell’s office. Pitcher rarely shows any emotion on his face. He tells Maxwell that a boldly dressed woman has come for the interview. Maxwell replies that he did not ask Pitcher to invite anyone for the post. Pitcher is confused. He is helpless. He cannot do anything. He tells his colleague that Maxwell is losing his mind. Pitcher is a keen observer. He notices that Leslie is behaving differently. She has a new glow to her. He observes her eyes, dress and senses her perfume. Pitcher is also busy like Maxwell. He also runs around and attends Maxwell, Leslie and the boldly dressed woman who appears for the interview. Thus, Pitcher symbolizes the people who are busy, emotionless and at times helpless.
  • 34. B) Short Notes: 1) Harvey Maxwell’s Office in “The Romance of a Busy Broker” Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney Porter). There are three characters in the story. Harvey Maxwell is a broker in New York city. Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Pitcher is his clerk. This is a story about the people who have no time for rest. The story has a surprising end. Harvey Maxwell’s office is always crowded with people. There are telephone calls and telegrams coming in. Stocks and bonds are bought and sold. Loans and mortgages are being tended to. Everyone in the office works like a machine. Messenger boys run in and out with messages and telegrams. The clerk Pitcher is also busy. He runs around as fast as he can be. The day gets busier until lunch time. The madness declines around the lunch time. In this way, Maxwell’s office is symbolic of the busy and machine-like life and world of people in the Stock / Share market. In this world of finance one gets absent-minded and forgets his or her personal things like marriage. 2) The Ending of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” OR The Element of surprise in the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” Answer: “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is a short story by O’ Henry (William Sydney Porter). There are three characters in the story. Harvey Maxwell is a broker in New York city. Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary and stenographer. Pitcher is his clerk. This is a story about the people who have no time for rest. The story has surprising end. Miss Leslie is Maxwell’s Secretary. In the lunch time Maxwell gets time to talk with Leslie. He asks her if she would marry him. Leslie is confused. Tears flow from her eyes and she puts her arms around Maxwell’s neck. She tells him that they have already got married in the Little Church the previous evening. Thus, the ending of the story is surprising. It surprises Maxwell and also the readers. C) The Romance of a Busy Broker- O’ Henry: MCQs:
  • 35. 1) A broker is a person or firm who buys and sells--------for other for a commission. a) stamp tickets b) property documents c) banking information d) shares and goods 2) Harvey Maxwell is a broker in the city of---------. a) Washington b) Virginia c) New York d) London 3) Miss Leslie is Harvey Maxwell’s------- --. a) Personal Assistant(PA) b) Personal Officer c) Secretary/ stenographer d) Office Cashier 4) Maxwell tells Pitcher that Miss Leslie is --------for the job. a) not perfect b) perfect c) unwilling d) unqualified 5) Everyone in Maxwell’s office works like an/ a------- --. a) machine b) boss c) servant d) officer 6) Pitcher informs Maxwell about --------------who has come for the job interview. a) Leslie b) a young man c) a boldly dressed woman d) a young girl 7) Harvey Maxwell walks up to Leslie and asks her to -------- --. a) leave her job b) continue her job c) marry him d) bring his tiffin 8) Miss Leslie tells Maxwell that his overwork has made him ----------. a) very rich b)forgetful c) very confused d) very happy 9) Pitcher is a /an -------- in the office of Harvey Maxwell. a) agent b) stenographer c) clerk d) assistant broker 10) The main theme of the story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is---------- a) share market b) New York city life style c) love /romance d) boss-servant relationship 11) The story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” teaches us a moral value that--------- a) We should not always think that job is everything b) We should devote fully to our work like Maxwell c) We should love the Secretary in our office d) We should always behave like a boss 12) Pitcher calls Harvey Maxwell a /an--------man. a) hard working b) very sincere c) absent-minded d) romantic
  • 36. Answer Key: Short stories: 1) The Barber’s Trade Union: 1) a) lower caste 2) b) Lalla Hukam Chand 3) a) Kalan Khan 4) b) Thanu Ram 5) c) 60 odd 6) d) Japanese 7) d) twenty 8) b) Chandu 9) a) Rajkot District Barber Brothers’ Hair Dressing and Shaving Salon 10) a) they had been abusing Chandu 11) a) kites 12) a) one of the makers of Modern India 13) a) class, appearance, alienation, arrogance and freedom 14) a) Indian society 15) c) reciting poetry 2) A Horse and Two Goats: 1) c) Muni and an American man 2) d) drumsticks 3) d) coffee 4) a) Kritam5) c) thirty 6) c) Kalki 7) a) hundred 8) a) culture-clash, miscommunication, poverty and wealth 9) c) two 10) c) bamboos, thatch and mud 11) a) he belonged to a lower caste 12) b) cigarette 13) c) crown or coronet 14) d) gas station 15) b) policeman 3) The Necklace: 1) a) Education 2) d) upset 3) d) Jeanne Forestier 4) c) 36,000 5) b) ten 6) a) imitation 7) b) 500 8) d) flowers 9) b) the borrowed necklace has been lost 10) d) we must be happy with what we have 11) c) Matilda Loisel 12) c) greed 4) The Romance of a Busy Broker: 1) d) shares and goods 2) c) New York 3) c) Secretary/ stenographer 4) b) perfect 5) a) machine 6) c) a boldly dressed woman 7) c) marry him 8) b) forgetful 9) c) clerk 10) c) love/romance 11) a) we should not always think that job (work) is everything 12) c) absent-minded ============================================END========