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AS Revision
Each day different questions…..Click
on the photo and name them to see
the answers!!!
Advent Calendar
2nd May
Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful
men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they
don't quit. Conrad Hilton
• Skill
• Socio Cultural
Describe the mechanisms of venous return that ensure
enough blood is returned to the heart during the
training run 4 MARKS
The long term memory is almost limitless in its capacity and
information can be retained in there for many years.
Describe four strategies that could help a performer retain
information in the long term memory. 4 MARKS
How can both funding and the media help to
develop sporting excellence in the UK?
3rd May
“The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will,
and I am”
Waitely. D
• Anatomy
• Skill
• Socio Cultural
Identify two ways in which carbon dioxide is carried in the
blood during aerobic performance
Marks 2
Identify and explain three factors that can influence a
performer's reaction time
Marks 3
What are the characteristics of physical recreation
Marks 3
4th May
The difference between the impossible and the
possible lies in a person’s determination” Lasorda, T
• Anatomy
• Skill
• Socio Cultural
During sub maximal exercise (aerobic) the predominant muscle
fibre type would be slow oxidative (type I). Give one structural
and one functional characteristic of this fibre type
Marks 2
Explain why selective attention is important to the short
term memory
Marks 2
Name each stage of the performance pyramid
Marks 4
5th May
For every finish-line tape a runner there are the hours of hard
and often lonely work that rarely gets talked about.
Grete Waitz
• Skill
• Socio Cultural
How will a cool down aid the vascular system
Marks 2
Give three characteristics of the short term memory
Marks 3
What are the positive effects of fair play on sport or
a sporting situation
Marks 4
6th May
My main focus is on my game.
Woods. T
• Anatomy
• Skill
• Socio Cultural
A cool down has a number of effects on the vascular system
which aid the performer. One effect is the prevention of blood
pooling. Identify two other effects.
Marks 2
Why is variability of practice important to schema theory?
Marks 1
What is meant by the terms physical prowess and
physical endeavour
Marks 2
7th May
Most of us who aspire to be tops in our fields don't really
consider the amount of work required to stay tops.
Althea Gibson
• Skill
• Socio Cultural
Identify the name and blood pressure value for an adult at rest
in both phases of the cardiac cycle.
Marks 4
Identify the three different types of reinforcement used in
acquiring movement skills.
Marks 3
Describe the nature of sport in the USA.
Marks 5
8th May
For every pass I caught in a game, I caught a thousand
in practice. Don Hutson
• Skill
• Socio Cultural
Why do the changes in pressure at altitude reduce performance
Marks 4
Name the 4 main aspects of Bandura’s observational
learning theory
Marks 4
How do National Governing Bodies support
performers at the top of the performance pyramid?
Marks 5
9th May
"Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think
big goals and win big success."
David Joseph Schwartz
Socio Cultural
Identify 4 roles of a National Governing Body
Marks 4
Explain how oxygen is transported in the blood to the working muscle
Marks 2
Use the example of a gymnast performing a handstand to explain
closed loop control
Marks 4
10th May
"By working hard, you get to play hard guilt-free"
Rohn, J.
Socio Cultural
Explain how education, physical recreation and sport can all exist
within a school PE programme
Marks 3
Explain the conduction system of the heart
Marks 3
Use an example from Physical Education or sport to explain recall and
recognition schema
Marks 4
11th May
“Hard work brings prosperity, playing around brings poverty”
The Bible
Socio Cultural
What can young people gain as a result of a positive Outdoor
Education experience
Marks 4
Identify two mechanisms that aid venous return during exercise
Marks 2
Use a practical example to explain the stages of the psychological
refractory period
Marks 5
12th May
You need to be able to.........
Describe the different types of guidance
Evaluate critically the types of guidance
4 types.......................Draw a picture to help remember
They are all best suited for the different phases of learning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the first phase. Performances are often _ _ _ _ _ and uncoordinated. They need to have _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ feedback as they are beginners. They rely heavily on _ _ _ _ _ _ guidance, for example a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ which must be accurate so it can be copied. It also provides the learner with a
_ _ _ _ _ _ image of the skill. This is often backed up and reinforced with _ _ _ _ _ _ guidance. This cannot be
too much or it will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the performer.
’pain is temporary. quitting lasts
Lance Armstrong
13th May
“Follow your dreams and enjoy the ride!”
Father of Davis Love III
Socio Cultural
Define sports sponsorship and identify possible negative effects of
sponsorship to sports performers
Marks 4
Why would endurance performance decrease when performing at
Marks 2
Explain the term motor programme
Marks 3
14th May
“Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.”
George Edward Woodberry
Socio Cultural
Identify two roles of the media
Marks 2
How would a warm up benefit the strength of muscle contractions
when performing the strengthening exercise
Marks 3
Explain proactive and retroactive transfer and give an example of
Marks 4
15th May
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
George S. Patton
Socio Cultural
Discuss both the positive and negative effects of the media on sport
Marks 4
Identify two ways in which carbon dioxide is carried in the blood
during aerobic performance
Marks 2
Use an example from Physical Education or sport to explain how a
performer learns by operant conditioning
Marks 4
16th May
"I've never known anybody to achieve anything without
overcoming adversity."
---Lou Holtz
Socio Cultural
Describe public, private and voluntary funding of sport
Marks 3
Identify 2 structures of the hip joint and describe their role during
physical performance
Marks 4
What strategies are used to ensure that information can be stored
and easily retrieved from the long term memory
Marks 3
17th May
Success isn't something that just happens - success is learned, success
is practiced and then it is shared.
-- Sparky Anderson
Socio Cultural
What is meant by the term American Dream?
Marks 1
Describe how cardiac output is increased during endurance activities
Marks 4
Use a practical example to illustrate Thorndike's Laws of Learning and
how each law can be applied to Physical Education or sport. 1) Law
of Effect 2) Law of exercise 3) Law of readiness
Marks 6
18th May
The Six W's: Work will win when wishing won't.
-- Todd Blackledge
Socio Cultural
Why might negative transfer occur
Marks 2
Explain how gas exchange is increased at the lungs to ensure that a
greater amount of oxygen is diffused into the blood during exercise
Marks 4
Negative transfer can adversely affect the learning of movement skills.
Give three ways in which negative transfer a can be avoided
Marks 3
19th May
The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and
doing it exactly right.
-- Edward C. Simmons
Socio Cultural
What are some of the possible causes of crowd violence at sporting
Marks 3
During the training run blood needs to be diverted away from non-
essential organs to the working muscles. Explain how the vasomotor
centre controls this distribution.
Marks 3
Explain what is meant by an open skill and a closed skill
Marks 4
2nd May – Amy Williams
1. Skeletal muscle pump - muscles contract to squeeze
blood back to the heart
2. Valves prevent backflow
3. Respiratory pump - changes in pressure around
abdominal cavity squeezes blood back to the heart
4. Blood above the heart will return due to gravity
5. Venoconstriction of veins returning blood back to the
1. Practice/Overlearning/Repetition
2. Link information to that already
stored/relate to past experiences / Association
3. Make information meaningful/relevant
4. Experience is enjoyable/novel/interesting
5. Use of visual imagery/mental rehearsal
6. Reward and reinforce success
7. Chunking / Chaining / group information together
8. Intensify the stimulus
9. Make information unique/unusual
Socio Cultural
1. performers can: concentrate on sport / train full time / become professional
2. performers can compete more equally with those from better funded countries
3. provision of or money for high level or specialist facilities or equipment or clothing
4. provision of or money for high level training or coaching
5. fund: UK Sport / UKSI (EIS) / NGBs / H.C. councils / YST / Sports Colleges 6.
6. attracts or provides world class events or competitions
7. scholarships / World Class (Performance) Programme / TASS / gifted and talented
8. raises profile or awareness of sport/s / promotes sport/s
9. positive role models / raises profile or awareness of performers
10. sponsorship / money to sport/s or performer/s
11. influence on : rules or timings or seasons or format or structure of sport
12. use of dvds or videos or websites
13. Increases participation / mass participation / build base of performance pyramid / shatter stereotypes / money / to clubs
3rd May – Steven Redgrave
1. Dissolves in the plasma
2. Combines with
3. Forms
4. Dissolves in water
1. RT deteriorates with age
2. Males have faster RT then females
3. Experience of a skill speeds up RT
4. Anticipation of the stimulus,
5. The strength/clarity of the stimulus
6. Expecting a particular response to a
7. Expecting a stimulus to be presented,
8. PRP - presentation of a second stimulus
before a first is cleared
9. Arms react quicker than legs - length of
neural pathway
10. Drugs/Alcohol can affect RT
11. Number of choices affect RT - Hicks Law
Socio Cultural
1. Limited skill/fitness
2. Limited organisation/no officials
3. Flexible rules
4. Limited competition
5. Enjoyable/Non serious
6. Basic equipment
7. Time decided by participants
8. Amateur/Hobby/Choice
9. Space decided by participants
4th May Answers - AP McCoy
• Structural - 1. Size - Small
• 2. Colour - Red
• 3. Capillaries - Many
• Function 4. Slow to fatigue
• 5. Slow contractile speed
• 7. Low force output
• 8. High aerobic capacity
• 1. Limited capacity/5-9 items/Up to
30 seconds
• 2. Only allows relevant information
through/filters irrelevant information
• 3. Brain operates as a single channel
organ/bottleneck occurs when more
than one item tries to pass through
• 4. STM initiates movement therefore
the quicker the relevant detail enters
the STM the quicker the response
Socio Cultural
•1. Excellence/elite
•2. Performance
•3. Participation
•4. Foundation
5th May – Mo Farraw
1. Flushes
out lactic
2. Keeps
ains blood
flow to
3. Maintains
lar pump
4. Prevents
5. Maintains
6. Maintains
ac output
7. Maintains
8. Gradually
heart rate
1. Limited capacity/5-9 items, 2.
Up to 30 seconds
3. Initiates movement/working
memory/two way process between
4. Chunking information can
extend capacity, 5. Information is
encoded/passed onto LTM
1. helps officials
2. helps the flow
of the
spirit of the game
3. increases
ill amongst
4. increases
5. raises status
of the
6. produces
positive role
s positive
6th May – Ronnie O Sullivan
1. Maintain stroke volume/cardiac output
2. Gradual decrease in temperature
3. Maintain blood pressure
4. Removal of waste products/carbon
dioxide/lactic acid
5. Keeps capillaries dilated/maintains blood
flow/oxygen to muscles/reduces oxygen
6. Maintains skeletal pump/respiratory pump
7. Maintains venous return
Different experiences in
practice situations will
build up/extend the
schema/schema will be
able to be used in many
transfer of skills
Socio Cultural
Physical Prowess - Physical skill/expertise/proficiency/fitness
Physical Endeavour - Effort/commitment/determination
7th May – Andy Murray
• Contraction Phase
• 1. Systolic 100-130 mmHg
• Relaxation Phase
• 2. Diastolic 70 – 90 mmHg
1. Positive (reinforcement)
2. Negative (reinforcement)
3. Punishment.
Socio Cultural
1. (American Dream)Sport a vehicle for achieving the American Dream or going from rags to riches or achieving upward social
2. (win ethic) (Driven by) ‘win ethic’ or Lombardian ethic / win at all costs / very competitive / no draws
3. (commercialism) Commercialism / sport is (big) business /
sport or performers make money / used to promote or advertise products / performers or sports or teams heavily sponsored or
endorsed / performer as commodity or billboards
4. Media media (& advertising) fund pro. sport or influence it e.g. influence rules or timings or dictate commercial breaks
5. (golden triangle) Golden triangle / relationship between sport, sponsorship and media / sport linked with sponsorship
6. (entertainment) Sport is entertainment or part of entertainment industry /
e.g. marching band or ‘pom pom’ girls or cheerleading squads or other suitable example
7. (capitalist) Reflects capitalism or free enterprise or private enterprise
8. (dominates) ‘Big 4’ or professional sport dominates / little mass participation / limited or no system of local sports clubs
9. (school / uni sport) High status of high school or uni sport / high school players local stars / scholarships to universities /
university sport feeds professional sport /large crowds at high school or uni ‘games’
10. (draft) (Importance of the) draft system / (top) college athletes drafted into professional sport.
11. (hero worship) Sport stars as heroes
8th May – Toby Flood
1. Less oxygen available,
2. Partial pressure of oxygen is reduced
3. Increased rate of
4. A reduction in the diffusion gradient occurs
5. Haemoglobin saturation depends on the
partial pressure of oxygen
6. Haemoglobin is not fully saturated,
7. Less oxygen is carried in the blood
8. Less oxygen available for the muscles,
9. Fatigue sets in quicker
1. Attention
2. Retention
3. Motor Re-production
4. Motivation
Socio Cultural
1. select or manage national team / talent ID / select for World Class Programme
2. provide funding
3. provide sports science information
4. high level coaching or training / performance directors / national coach / train high performance coaches or officials / academies
5. seek sponsorship or develop commercial links / obtain media coverage / negotiate with media
6. give access to high level facilities or equipment.
7. Work with UK SPORT or UKSI or HCSCs eg Sp England or sports colleges or high level clubs
8. organise or provide or inform about competitions
9. provide anti-doping education
10. encourage or support academic education / provide lifestyle or career advice
9th Answers – Jessica Ennis
• 1. attached to haemoglobin
• 2. forms oxyhaemoglobin
• 3. dissolved in plasma
• 1.
feedback informs performer about
position of the body
• 3. Comparison is made between
actual movement (perceptual trace)
and memory trace
• 4. Changes that may be required are
initiated by effector mechanism
• 5. Muscular system adjusts the body
• 6.
feedback occurs again
Socio Cultural
1. Encourage participation/develop grassroots, 2. Select national team, 3.
Talent identification/select performers for world class programme
4. Trains coaches/officials, 5. Controls the finance of their sport/seeks
sponsorship, 6. Maintains rules/oversees rule changes
7. Deal with discipline issues, 8. work with other organisations, 9. Organises
10. Obtains media coverage, 11. Gives information/supports clubs, 12.
Improves facilities for participation
10th Answers – Andrew Flintoff
• 1. attached to haemoglobin
• 2. forms oxyhaemoglobin
• 3. dissolved in plasma
• 1. (initial conditions)Information
about the environment - eg, stance
needed when serving in tennis
• 2.(response specification) How hard
the pass needs to be - what direction
• 3.(Sensory consequences) Sensory
information during or after the
movement - eg, overbalancing during
a headstand (KP)
• 4. (Response outcome) - eg ball
landed on the green in golf (KR)
Socio Cultural
1. Education - theory/things learnt/exams/NC
2. Physical recreation - PE run clubs for all/school trips/free time in lessons
3. Sport - inter school fixtures/competitive part of PE
11th Answers – Paul Gascoigne
• 1. Valves
• 2. Respiratory Pump
• 3. Skeletal Muscle Pump
• 4. Gravity forces blood from above
the heart
• 1. First stimulus is identified/detected
(GK sees free kick struck)
• 2. Response to first stimulus is
initiated (Keeper moves to his left)
• 3. Second stimulus received (Ball
strikes the wall and is deflected)
• 4. Second response is initiated
(Keeper tries to move back right
towards the ball)
• 5. Delay is second response caused
by the bottleneck in the brain/First
response is not cleared before
second stimulus is received
Socio Cultural
1. Health/Fitness, 2. Outdoor Education specific skills, 3. Leadership
4. Personal well being/increased self esteem/confidence, 5. Decision
making/problem solving
6. Team work/co-operation/communication, 7. Preparation for active
leisure/career in outdoor education
8. Appreciation of the natural environment
12th – Lance Armstrong
4 types.......................Draw a picture to help remember
They are all best suited for the different phases of learning.
COGNITIVE is the first phase. Performances are often JERKY and uncoordinated. They need
to have EXTRINSIC feedback as they are beginners. They rely heavily on VISUAL guidance,
for example a DEMONSTRATION which must be accurate so it can be copied. It also
provides the learner with a CORRECT image of the skill. This is often backed up and
reinforced with VERBAL guidance. This cannot be too much or it will OVERLOAD the
13th Answers – Lewis Hamilton
• 1. The partial pressure of oxygen is reduced
• 2. Less oxygen available at high altitude
• 3. Hyperventilation/ performer breathes faster
• 4. A reduction in the diffusion gradient occurs
• 5. Haemoglobin saturation depends on the partial
pressure of oxygen
• 6. Haemoglobin is not fully saturated
• 7. Less oxygen is carried in the blood
• 8. Less oxygen is available for muscles/aerobic
• 9. Fatigue sets in quicker
• 1. Generalised series of movements/Plan of a skill
• 2. Stored in LTM
• 3. Made up of sub routines
• 5. Initaited by one stimuli / decision
• 6. Programme created through practice
• 7. Put into action by effector mechanism
• 9. Modified after each attempt
Socio Cultural
Description - The money/other support to individuals/teams/events to gain
Negative affects, 1. Money can be withdrawn/limited time, 2. Some
sponsorship can give poor image (alcohol, tobacco)
3. Sponsors can control/manipulate performer, 4. Performers may be/feel
5. Not always available/not available to all, 6. Performers may become reliant
on a particular sponsor, 7. Pressure to win/cheating
14th Answers – Shane Warne
• 1. Increase in muscle temperature
• 2. Allows greater stretch/elasticity
• 3. Decreases risk of injury/increase in blood
• 4. Nerve impulse conduction is quicker
• 5. Improves co-ordination/increases strength
of contraction
• 6. Less resistance within muscle
• 7. Increased enzyme activity
• 8. More energy available for muscles
• 1. Proactive - a skill currently being learnt has
an effect on a skill in the future
• 2. Retroactive - a skill currently being learned
has an effect on a skill already learned
Socio Cultural
1. Inform
2. Educate
3. Advertise/promote/publicise
4. Entertain
15th Answers – Tom Daley
• 1. Dissolves in the plasma
• 2. Combines with haemoglobin
• 3. Forms carbaminohaemoglobin
• 4. Dissolves in water
• 1. Trial and error
• Creating a stimulus response bond
• 2. Behaviour is modified through
• 3. Reinforcement such as positive and
negative reinforcement strengthen
the SR bond
• 4. Punishment weakens the SR bond
• 5. The stronger the SR bond the
greater likely hood of the dominant
• 6. Behaviour is shaped - Shaping
Socio Cultural
1. Role modes produced, 2. Stereotypes can be shattered
3. Can increase participation, 4. Can highlight minority sports/groups
5. Sport is now part of the entertainment industry, 6. Money to the sport/money to the clubs
7. Rule changes which have been positive for the sport
8. Focus on negative behaviour/poor role models, 9. Stereotypes can be reinforced
10. Reduces participation, 11. Usually focuses on few sports (football)/unequal coverage
12. Financial rewards for only those at the very top
16th Answers – Tanni Grey Thompson
• Shape of bone/socket - wide range of movement
• Ligaments - hold bone in place/stability/join bone
to bone
• Cartilage - Prevents wear and tear/friction/absorb
• Tendon - provides strength/support
• Synovial Fluid - lubricates joint
• Pads of fat - absorbs shock/protect from wear and
• Synovial Membrane - secretes Synovial fluid
• 1. PRACTICE/Overlearning/Repetition
• 2. Link information to that already stored/relate to
past experiences
• 3. Make information meaningful/relevant /
• 4. Experience is enjoyable/novel/interesting
• 5. Use of visual imagery/MENTAL REHEARSAL
• 6. Reward and reinforce success
• 7. CHUNKING/ CHAINING/ group information
• 8. Intensify the stimulus
• 9. Performer is MOTIVATED
Socio Cultural
1. Public - money from government or local authority
2. Private - Money from sponsorship/businesses
3. Voluntary - Money or donations from individuals and charities/fundraising
17th Answers – Graeme McDowell
• 1. Increase Heart Rate, 2. Increase in stroke
volume, 3. Adrenaline is released
• 4. Increase in venous return, 5. Stretches wall
of right atrium which increases firing of SA
• 6. Starlings Law, 7. Information sent by
rs to Cardiac Control Centre
• 8. Increase in sympathetic control, 9.
Increase in temperature which speeds up
nerve impulses
• Effect
• 1. If response is followed by a satisfier then
the S-R bond is strengthened
• 2. eg - A rugby player is pleased to see a
successful conversion
• 3. If the response is followed by an annoyer
the S-R bond will be weakened
• 4. eg - The rugby conversion is not a success
• Exercise
• 5. The S-R bond will be strengthened by
• 6. eg - A badminton player practices serving
• Readiness
• 7. The performer must be
physically/mentally capable of attempting
the skill
• 8. eg - A young footballer must be able top
grasp the principles of offside before he is
taught it/the high jump bar must be low
enough for the athlete to be able to clear it
Socio Cultural
1. Anyone can achieve success/wealth/status
2. Rags to Riches
3. Everyone has an equal chance of success,
4. happiness is achieved through wealth
5. Hard work will be rewarded
6. Land of opportunity
18th Answers – Graham Swann
• 1. There is high partial pressure of oxygen in
the lungs/alveoli
• 2. There is a low partial pressure oxygen in
the blood
• 3. During exercise there is a greater diffusion
• 4. Faster diffusion will occur
• 5. Increased blood supply/temperature
• 6. Increased surface area of lungs/respiration
• 7. Reduced resistance to diffusion
• 1. Ensure performer understands the task
• 2. Performers attention drawn to aspects
that may cause negative transfer
• 3. Ensure practice to match/skill to skill as
similar as possible
• 4. First skill thoroughly learned before
introducing a second skill
• 5. Focus on similar aspects
• 6. Avoid teaching conflicting skills close to
each other
Socio Cultural
1. builds muscles/lose or gain weight/increase energy
2. Reduce pain/recover from injury
3. steady nerves/increase aggression or motivation
4. pressure to win
5. to look good/aesthetic
6. rewards/money/win at all costs ethic
7. lack of education/unaware of dangers
8. Belief that everyone else is doing it/level playing field
9. Belief that they will get away with it
19th Answers – Strictly come dancing!
• 1. Vasodilation of arteries supplying the
working muscles/Vascular shunt
• 2. Opening/Vasodilation of the precapillary
sphincters supplying the working muscles
• 3. Vasoconstriction of arteries supplying non-
essential organs
• 4. Closing/Vasoconstriction of precapillary
sphincters supplying non-essential organs
• 5. Sympathetic stimulation/reduction
• Open skill
• 1. The environment is constantly
changing/affected by the environment
• 2. The performer needs to adapt the
changing conditions/performer is reactive
• 3. The skill is externally paced
• 4. The skill is mainly perceptual
• Closed Skill
• 5. The skill is self paced/internally paced
• 6. The environment does not affect the
skill/environment unchanged
• 7. The skill is habitual
• 8. Movements follow a set pattern/pre-
Socio Cultural
1. Alcohol/Drugs
2. Frustration at the score or officials
3. Rivalry/local derbies/religion
4. Verbal abuse/provocation/racism
5. Pre-match hype/over excitement/importance of game
6. Large number of fans/poor policing or stewarding
7. Hooliganism at football
8. Mass culture/Tribal nature of event/peer group pressure
9. Violence or poor behaviour on the pitch copied by crowd
10. Lack of suitable punishment or deterrent.

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  • 1. AS Revision Each day different questions…..Click on the photo and name them to see the answers!!!
  • 3. 2nd May Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. Conrad Hilton Anatomy • Skill • Socio Cultural Describe the mechanisms of venous return that ensure enough blood is returned to the heart during the training run 4 MARKS The long term memory is almost limitless in its capacity and information can be retained in there for many years. Describe four strategies that could help a performer retain information in the long term memory. 4 MARKS How can both funding and the media help to develop sporting excellence in the UK? 6 MARKS
  • 4. 3rd May “The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am” Waitely. D • Anatomy • Skill • Socio Cultural Identify two ways in which carbon dioxide is carried in the blood during aerobic performance Marks 2 Identify and explain three factors that can influence a performer's reaction time Marks 3 What are the characteristics of physical recreation Marks 3
  • 5. 4th May The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination” Lasorda, T • Anatomy • Skill • Socio Cultural During sub maximal exercise (aerobic) the predominant muscle fibre type would be slow oxidative (type I). Give one structural and one functional characteristic of this fibre type Marks 2 Explain why selective attention is important to the short term memory Marks 2 Name each stage of the performance pyramid Marks 4
  • 6. 5th May For every finish-line tape a runner there are the hours of hard and often lonely work that rarely gets talked about. Grete Waitz Anatomy • Skill • Socio Cultural How will a cool down aid the vascular system Marks 2 Give three characteristics of the short term memory Marks 3 What are the positive effects of fair play on sport or a sporting situation Marks 4
  • 7. 6th May My main focus is on my game. Woods. T • Anatomy • Skill • Socio Cultural A cool down has a number of effects on the vascular system which aid the performer. One effect is the prevention of blood pooling. Identify two other effects. Marks 2 Why is variability of practice important to schema theory? Marks 1 What is meant by the terms physical prowess and physical endeavour Marks 2
  • 8. 7th May Most of us who aspire to be tops in our fields don't really consider the amount of work required to stay tops. Althea Gibson Anatomy • Skill • Socio Cultural Identify the name and blood pressure value for an adult at rest in both phases of the cardiac cycle. Marks 4 Identify the three different types of reinforcement used in acquiring movement skills. Marks 3 Describe the nature of sport in the USA. Marks 5
  • 9. 8th May For every pass I caught in a game, I caught a thousand in practice. Don Hutson Anatomy • Skill • Socio Cultural Why do the changes in pressure at altitude reduce performance Marks 4 Name the 4 main aspects of Bandura’s observational learning theory Marks 4 How do National Governing Bodies support performers at the top of the performance pyramid? Marks 5
  • 10. 9th May "Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success." David Joseph Schwartz Socio Cultural Identify 4 roles of a National Governing Body Marks 4 Anatomy Explain how oxygen is transported in the blood to the working muscle tissues Marks 2 Skill Use the example of a gymnast performing a handstand to explain closed loop control Marks 4
  • 11. 10th May "By working hard, you get to play hard guilt-free" Rohn, J. Socio Cultural Explain how education, physical recreation and sport can all exist within a school PE programme Marks 3 Anatomy Explain the conduction system of the heart Marks 3 Skill Use an example from Physical Education or sport to explain recall and recognition schema Marks 4
  • 12. 11th May “Hard work brings prosperity, playing around brings poverty” The Bible Socio Cultural What can young people gain as a result of a positive Outdoor Education experience Marks 4 Anatomy Identify two mechanisms that aid venous return during exercise Marks 2 Skill Use a practical example to explain the stages of the psychological refractory period Marks 5
  • 13. 12th May Guidance You need to be able to......... Describe the different types of guidance Evaluate critically the types of guidance 4 types.......................Draw a picture to help remember V_________________ V_________________ M________________ M_________________ They are all best suited for the different phases of learning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the first phase. Performances are often _ _ _ _ _ and uncoordinated. They need to have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ feedback as they are beginners. They rely heavily on _ _ _ _ _ _ guidance, for example a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ which must be accurate so it can be copied. It also provides the learner with a _ _ _ _ _ _ image of the skill. This is often backed up and reinforced with _ _ _ _ _ _ guidance. This cannot be too much or it will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the performer. VERBAL JERKY OVERLOAD VISUAL COGNITIVE CORRECT DEMONSTRATION ’pain is temporary. quitting lasts forever’’ Lance Armstrong
  • 14. 13th May “Follow your dreams and enjoy the ride!” Father of Davis Love III Socio Cultural Define sports sponsorship and identify possible negative effects of sponsorship to sports performers Marks 4 Anatomy Why would endurance performance decrease when performing at altitude Marks 2 Skill Explain the term motor programme Marks 3
  • 15. 14th May “Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.” George Edward Woodberry Socio Cultural Identify two roles of the media Marks 2 Anatomy How would a warm up benefit the strength of muscle contractions when performing the strengthening exercise Marks 3 Skill Explain proactive and retroactive transfer and give an example of each Marks 4
  • 16. 15th May Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. George S. Patton Socio Cultural Discuss both the positive and negative effects of the media on sport Marks 4 Anatomy Identify two ways in which carbon dioxide is carried in the blood during aerobic performance Marks 2 Skill Use an example from Physical Education or sport to explain how a performer learns by operant conditioning Marks 4
  • 17. 16th May "I've never known anybody to achieve anything without overcoming adversity." ---Lou Holtz Socio Cultural Describe public, private and voluntary funding of sport Marks 3 Anatomy Identify 2 structures of the hip joint and describe their role during physical performance Marks 4 Skill What strategies are used to ensure that information can be stored and easily retrieved from the long term memory Marks 3
  • 18. 17th May Success isn't something that just happens - success is learned, success is practiced and then it is shared. -- Sparky Anderson Socio Cultural What is meant by the term American Dream? Marks 1 Anatomy Describe how cardiac output is increased during endurance activities Marks 4 Skill Use a practical example to illustrate Thorndike's Laws of Learning and how each law can be applied to Physical Education or sport. 1) Law of Effect 2) Law of exercise 3) Law of readiness Marks 6
  • 19. 18th May The Six W's: Work will win when wishing won't. -- Todd Blackledge Socio Cultural Why might negative transfer occur Marks 2 Anatomy Explain how gas exchange is increased at the lungs to ensure that a greater amount of oxygen is diffused into the blood during exercise Marks 4 Skill Negative transfer can adversely affect the learning of movement skills. Give three ways in which negative transfer a can be avoided Marks 3
  • 20. 19th May The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right. -- Edward C. Simmons Socio Cultural What are some of the possible causes of crowd violence at sporting events Marks 3 Anatomy During the training run blood needs to be diverted away from non- essential organs to the working muscles. Explain how the vasomotor centre controls this distribution. Marks 3 Skill Explain what is meant by an open skill and a closed skill Marks 4
  • 21. 2nd May – Amy Williams Anatomy 1. Skeletal muscle pump - muscles contract to squeeze blood back to the heart 2. Valves prevent backflow 3. Respiratory pump - changes in pressure around abdominal cavity squeezes blood back to the heart 4. Blood above the heart will return due to gravity 5. Venoconstriction of veins returning blood back to the heart Skill 1. Practice/Overlearning/Repetition 2. Link information to that already stored/relate to past experiences / Association 3. Make information meaningful/relevant 4. Experience is enjoyable/novel/interesting 5. Use of visual imagery/mental rehearsal 6. Reward and reinforce success 7. Chunking / Chaining / group information together 8. Intensify the stimulus 9. Make information unique/unusual PACCM Socio Cultural 1. performers can: concentrate on sport / train full time / become professional 2. performers can compete more equally with those from better funded countries 3. provision of or money for high level or specialist facilities or equipment or clothing 4. provision of or money for high level training or coaching 5. fund: UK Sport / UKSI (EIS) / NGBs / H.C. councils / YST / Sports Colleges 6. 6. attracts or provides world class events or competitions 7. scholarships / World Class (Performance) Programme / TASS / gifted and talented 8. raises profile or awareness of sport/s / promotes sport/s 9. positive role models / raises profile or awareness of performers 10. sponsorship / money to sport/s or performer/s 11. influence on : rules or timings or seasons or format or structure of sport 12. use of dvds or videos or websites 13. Increases participation / mass participation / build base of performance pyramid / shatter stereotypes / money / to clubs
  • 22. 3rd May – Steven Redgrave Anatomy 1. Dissolves in the plasma 2. Combines with haemoglobin 3. Forms carbaminohaemoglobin 4. Dissolves in water Skill 1. RT deteriorates with age 2. Males have faster RT then females 3. Experience of a skill speeds up RT 4. Anticipation of the stimulus, 5. The strength/clarity of the stimulus 6. Expecting a particular response to a stimulus 7. Expecting a stimulus to be presented, 8. PRP - presentation of a second stimulus before a first is cleared 9. Arms react quicker than legs - length of neural pathway 10. Drugs/Alcohol can affect RT 11. Number of choices affect RT - Hicks Law Socio Cultural 1. Limited skill/fitness 2. Limited organisation/no officials 3. Flexible rules 4. Limited competition 5. Enjoyable/Non serious 6. Basic equipment 7. Time decided by participants 8. Amateur/Hobby/Choice 9. Space decided by participants
  • 23. 4th May Answers - AP McCoy Anatomy • Structural - 1. Size - Small • 2. Colour - Red • 3. Capillaries - Many • Function 4. Slow to fatigue • 5. Slow contractile speed • 7. Low force output • 8. High aerobic capacity Skill • 1. Limited capacity/5-9 items/Up to 30 seconds • 2. Only allows relevant information through/filters irrelevant information • 3. Brain operates as a single channel organ/bottleneck occurs when more than one item tries to pass through • 4. STM initiates movement therefore the quicker the relevant detail enters the STM the quicker the response Socio Cultural •1. Excellence/elite •2. Performance •3. Participation •4. Foundation
  • 24. 5th May – Mo Farraw 1. Flushes out lactic acid/waste products 2. Keeps capillaries dilated/maint ains blood flow to muscles 3. Maintains skeletal pump/muscu lar pump 4. Prevents blood pooling 5. Maintains venous return 6. Maintains stroke volume/cardi ac output 7. Maintains blood pressure 8. Gradually decreases heart rate 1. Limited capacity/5-9 items, 2. Up to 30 seconds 3. Initiates movement/working memory/two way process between STSS/STM/LTM 4. Chunking information can extend capacity, 5. Information is encoded/passed onto LTM 1. helps officials 2. helps the flow of the game/improves spirit of the game 3. increases enjoyment/goodw ill amongst players 4. increases enjoyment amongst crowd/prevents hooliganism 5. raises status of the sport/positive image 6. produces positive role models/reinforce s positive behaviour
  • 25. 6th May – Ronnie O Sullivan Anatomy 1. Maintain stroke volume/cardiac output 2. Gradual decrease in temperature 3. Maintain blood pressure 4. Removal of waste products/carbon dioxide/lactic acid 5. Keeps capillaries dilated/maintains blood flow/oxygen to muscles/reduces oxygen debt 6. Maintains skeletal pump/respiratory pump 7. Maintains venous return Skill Different experiences in practice situations will build up/extend the schema/schema will be able to be used in many situations/greater transfer of skills Socio Cultural Physical Prowess - Physical skill/expertise/proficiency/fitness Physical Endeavour - Effort/commitment/determination
  • 26. 7th May – Andy Murray Anatomy • Contraction Phase • 1. Systolic 100-130 mmHg • Relaxation Phase • 2. Diastolic 70 – 90 mmHg Skill 1. Positive (reinforcement) 2. Negative (reinforcement) 3. Punishment. Socio Cultural 1. (American Dream)Sport a vehicle for achieving the American Dream or going from rags to riches or achieving upward social mobility 2. (win ethic) (Driven by) ‘win ethic’ or Lombardian ethic / win at all costs / very competitive / no draws 3. (commercialism) Commercialism / sport is (big) business / sport or performers make money / used to promote or advertise products / performers or sports or teams heavily sponsored or endorsed / performer as commodity or billboards 4. Media media (& advertising) fund pro. sport or influence it e.g. influence rules or timings or dictate commercial breaks 5. (golden triangle) Golden triangle / relationship between sport, sponsorship and media / sport linked with sponsorship 6. (entertainment) Sport is entertainment or part of entertainment industry / e.g. marching band or ‘pom pom’ girls or cheerleading squads or other suitable example 7. (capitalist) Reflects capitalism or free enterprise or private enterprise 8. (dominates) ‘Big 4’ or professional sport dominates / little mass participation / limited or no system of local sports clubs 9. (school / uni sport) High status of high school or uni sport / high school players local stars / scholarships to universities / university sport feeds professional sport /large crowds at high school or uni ‘games’ 10. (draft) (Importance of the) draft system / (top) college athletes drafted into professional sport. 11. (hero worship) Sport stars as heroes
  • 27. 8th May – Toby Flood Anatomy 1. Less oxygen available, 2. Partial pressure of oxygen is reduced 3. Increased rate of breathing/hyperventilation, 4. A reduction in the diffusion gradient occurs 5. Haemoglobin saturation depends on the partial pressure of oxygen 6. Haemoglobin is not fully saturated, 7. Less oxygen is carried in the blood 8. Less oxygen available for the muscles, 9. Fatigue sets in quicker Skill 1. Attention 2. Retention 3. Motor Re-production 4. Motivation Socio Cultural 1. select or manage national team / talent ID / select for World Class Programme 2. provide funding 3. provide sports science information 4. high level coaching or training / performance directors / national coach / train high performance coaches or officials / academies 5. seek sponsorship or develop commercial links / obtain media coverage / negotiate with media 6. give access to high level facilities or equipment. 7. Work with UK SPORT or UKSI or HCSCs eg Sp England or sports colleges or high level clubs 8. organise or provide or inform about competitions 9. provide anti-doping education 10. encourage or support academic education / provide lifestyle or career advice
  • 28. 9th Answers – Jessica Ennis Anatomy • 1. attached to haemoglobin • 2. forms oxyhaemoglobin • 3. dissolved in plasma Skill • 1. Kinaesthetic/Proprioceptive/Internal feedback informs performer about position of the body • 3. Comparison is made between actual movement (perceptual trace) and memory trace • 4. Changes that may be required are initiated by effector mechanism • 5. Muscular system adjusts the body • 6. Kinaesthetic/Proprioceptive/Internal feedback occurs again Socio Cultural 1. Encourage participation/develop grassroots, 2. Select national team, 3. Talent identification/select performers for world class programme 4. Trains coaches/officials, 5. Controls the finance of their sport/seeks sponsorship, 6. Maintains rules/oversees rule changes 7. Deal with discipline issues, 8. work with other organisations, 9. Organises leagues/cups/competitions 10. Obtains media coverage, 11. Gives information/supports clubs, 12. Improves facilities for participation
  • 29. 10th Answers – Andrew Flintoff Anatomy • 1. attached to haemoglobin • 2. forms oxyhaemoglobin • 3. dissolved in plasma Skill • 1. (initial conditions)Information about the environment - eg, stance needed when serving in tennis • 2.(response specification) How hard the pass needs to be - what direction • 3.(Sensory consequences) Sensory information during or after the movement - eg, overbalancing during a headstand (KP) • 4. (Response outcome) - eg ball landed on the green in golf (KR) Socio Cultural 1. Education - theory/things learnt/exams/NC 2. Physical recreation - PE run clubs for all/school trips/free time in lessons 3. Sport - inter school fixtures/competitive part of PE
  • 30. 11th Answers – Paul Gascoigne Anatomy • 1. Valves • 2. Respiratory Pump • 3. Skeletal Muscle Pump • 4. Gravity forces blood from above the heart Skill • 1. First stimulus is identified/detected (GK sees free kick struck) • 2. Response to first stimulus is initiated (Keeper moves to his left) • 3. Second stimulus received (Ball strikes the wall and is deflected) • 4. Second response is initiated (Keeper tries to move back right towards the ball) • 5. Delay is second response caused by the bottleneck in the brain/First response is not cleared before second stimulus is received Socio Cultural 1. Health/Fitness, 2. Outdoor Education specific skills, 3. Leadership 4. Personal well being/increased self esteem/confidence, 5. Decision making/problem solving 6. Team work/co-operation/communication, 7. Preparation for active leisure/career in outdoor education 8. Appreciation of the natural environment
  • 31. 12th – Lance Armstrong 4 types.......................Draw a picture to help remember V__ISUAL V__ERBAL M_ANUAL M_ECHANICAL They are all best suited for the different phases of learning. COGNITIVE is the first phase. Performances are often JERKY and uncoordinated. They need to have EXTRINSIC feedback as they are beginners. They rely heavily on VISUAL guidance, for example a DEMONSTRATION which must be accurate so it can be copied. It also provides the learner with a CORRECT image of the skill. This is often backed up and reinforced with VERBAL guidance. This cannot be too much or it will OVERLOAD the performer. VERBAL JERKY OVERLOAD VISUAL COGNITIVE CORRECT DEMONSTRATION
  • 32. 13th Answers – Lewis Hamilton Anatomy • 1. The partial pressure of oxygen is reduced • 2. Less oxygen available at high altitude • 3. Hyperventilation/ performer breathes faster • 4. A reduction in the diffusion gradient occurs • 5. Haemoglobin saturation depends on the partial pressure of oxygen • 6. Haemoglobin is not fully saturated • 7. Less oxygen is carried in the blood • 8. Less oxygen is available for muscles/aerobic respiration • 9. Fatigue sets in quicker Skill • 1. Generalised series of movements/Plan of a skill • 2. Stored in LTM • 3. Made up of sub routines • 5. Initaited by one stimuli / decision • 6. Programme created through practice • 7. Put into action by effector mechanism • 9. Modified after each attempt Socio Cultural Description - The money/other support to individuals/teams/events to gain publicity Negative affects, 1. Money can be withdrawn/limited time, 2. Some sponsorship can give poor image (alcohol, tobacco) 3. Sponsors can control/manipulate performer, 4. Performers may be/feel exploited 5. Not always available/not available to all, 6. Performers may become reliant on a particular sponsor, 7. Pressure to win/cheating
  • 33. 14th Answers – Shane Warne Anatomy • 1. Increase in muscle temperature • 2. Allows greater stretch/elasticity • 3. Decreases risk of injury/increase in blood flow/oxygen • 4. Nerve impulse conduction is quicker • 5. Improves co-ordination/increases strength of contraction • 6. Less resistance within muscle • 7. Increased enzyme activity • 8. More energy available for muscles Skill • 1. Proactive - a skill currently being learnt has an effect on a skill in the future • 2. Retroactive - a skill currently being learned has an effect on a skill already learned Socio Cultural 1. Inform 2. Educate 3. Advertise/promote/publicise 4. Entertain
  • 34. 15th Answers – Tom Daley Anatomy • 1. Dissolves in the plasma • 2. Combines with haemoglobin • 3. Forms carbaminohaemoglobin • 4. Dissolves in water Skill • 1. Trial and error • Creating a stimulus response bond • 2. Behaviour is modified through reinforcement • 3. Reinforcement such as positive and negative reinforcement strengthen the SR bond • 4. Punishment weakens the SR bond • 5. The stronger the SR bond the greater likely hood of the dominant response • 6. Behaviour is shaped - Shaping Socio Cultural Positive 1. Role modes produced, 2. Stereotypes can be shattered 3. Can increase participation, 4. Can highlight minority sports/groups 5. Sport is now part of the entertainment industry, 6. Money to the sport/money to the clubs 7. Rule changes which have been positive for the sport Negative 8. Focus on negative behaviour/poor role models, 9. Stereotypes can be reinforced 10. Reduces participation, 11. Usually focuses on few sports (football)/unequal coverage 12. Financial rewards for only those at the very top
  • 35. 16th Answers – Tanni Grey Thompson Anatomy • Shape of bone/socket - wide range of movement allowed • Ligaments - hold bone in place/stability/join bone to bone • Cartilage - Prevents wear and tear/friction/absorb compression • Tendon - provides strength/support • Synovial Fluid - lubricates joint • Pads of fat - absorbs shock/protect from wear and tear • Synovial Membrane - secretes Synovial fluid Skill • 1. PRACTICE/Overlearning/Repetition • 2. Link information to that already stored/relate to past experiences • 3. Make information meaningful/relevant / ASSOCIATION • 4. Experience is enjoyable/novel/interesting • 5. Use of visual imagery/MENTAL REHEARSAL • 6. Reward and reinforce success • 7. CHUNKING/ CHAINING/ group information together • 8. Intensify the stimulus • 9. Performer is MOTIVATED PACCM Socio Cultural 1. Public - money from government or local authority 2. Private - Money from sponsorship/businesses 3. Voluntary - Money or donations from individuals and charities/fundraising
  • 36. 17th Answers – Graeme McDowell Anatomy • 1. Increase Heart Rate, 2. Increase in stroke volume, 3. Adrenaline is released • 4. Increase in venous return, 5. Stretches wall of right atrium which increases firing of SA node • 6. Starlings Law, 7. Information sent by proprioceptors/baroreceptors/chemorecepto rs to Cardiac Control Centre • 8. Increase in sympathetic control, 9. Increase in temperature which speeds up nerve impulses Skill • Effect • 1. If response is followed by a satisfier then the S-R bond is strengthened • 2. eg - A rugby player is pleased to see a successful conversion • 3. If the response is followed by an annoyer the S-R bond will be weakened • 4. eg - The rugby conversion is not a success • Exercise • 5. The S-R bond will be strengthened by practice • 6. eg - A badminton player practices serving • Readiness • 7. The performer must be physically/mentally capable of attempting the skill • 8. eg - A young footballer must be able top grasp the principles of offside before he is taught it/the high jump bar must be low enough for the athlete to be able to clear it Socio Cultural 1. Anyone can achieve success/wealth/status 2. Rags to Riches 3. Everyone has an equal chance of success, 4. happiness is achieved through wealth 5. Hard work will be rewarded 6. Land of opportunity
  • 37. 18th Answers – Graham Swann Anatomy • 1. There is high partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs/alveoli • 2. There is a low partial pressure oxygen in the blood • 3. During exercise there is a greater diffusion gradient • 4. Faster diffusion will occur • 5. Increased blood supply/temperature • 6. Increased surface area of lungs/respiration rate • 7. Reduced resistance to diffusion Skill • 1. Ensure performer understands the task requirements • 2. Performers attention drawn to aspects that may cause negative transfer • 3. Ensure practice to match/skill to skill as similar as possible • 4. First skill thoroughly learned before introducing a second skill • 5. Focus on similar aspects • 6. Avoid teaching conflicting skills close to each other Socio Cultural 1. builds muscles/lose or gain weight/increase energy 2. Reduce pain/recover from injury 3. steady nerves/increase aggression or motivation 4. pressure to win 5. to look good/aesthetic 6. rewards/money/win at all costs ethic 7. lack of education/unaware of dangers 8. Belief that everyone else is doing it/level playing field 9. Belief that they will get away with it
  • 38. 19th Answers – Strictly come dancing! Anatomy • 1. Vasodilation of arteries supplying the working muscles/Vascular shunt • 2. Opening/Vasodilation of the precapillary sphincters supplying the working muscles • 3. Vasoconstriction of arteries supplying non- essential organs • 4. Closing/Vasoconstriction of precapillary sphincters supplying non-essential organs • 5. Sympathetic stimulation/reduction Skill • Open skill • 1. The environment is constantly changing/affected by the environment • 2. The performer needs to adapt the changing conditions/performer is reactive • 3. The skill is externally paced • 4. The skill is mainly perceptual • Closed Skill • 5. The skill is self paced/internally paced • 6. The environment does not affect the skill/environment unchanged • 7. The skill is habitual • 8. Movements follow a set pattern/pre- planned Socio Cultural 1. Alcohol/Drugs 2. Frustration at the score or officials 3. Rivalry/local derbies/religion 4. Verbal abuse/provocation/racism 5. Pre-match hype/over excitement/importance of game 6. Large number of fans/poor policing or stewarding 7. Hooliganism at football 8. Mass culture/Tribal nature of event/peer group pressure 9. Violence or poor behaviour on the pitch copied by crowd 10. Lack of suitable punishment or deterrent.