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The Uber Advantage
by Norman P Vojtaskovic
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by
any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written
permission of Norman P. Vojtaskovic and I reserve all rights to reuse
this material in future publications or any manner I see fit.
Copyright © 2015
Table of Contents
1. Introduction - Please start here
2. First things first - The good news
3. What you will be doing to earn your money
4. About the Author
5. Land Mine Map
6. Our Inner Enemy
7. The Importance of Having a Plan
8. A Fresh Start
8.1. Advantage #1 | A Higher Bar
8.2. Advantage #2 | Top Pay
8.3. Advantage #3 | Getting web traffic much easier
8.4. Advantage #4 | Your commissions are protected
8.5. Advantage #5 | You don't have to go it alone.
9. Closing Notes
1. Introduction - Please start here
Hello and welcome to the Uber advantage. In this short and too the point book I will reveal
information that isn't commonly taught. Most material concerning the Uber or Lyft is focused on
how to earn money as a driver. I must be up front with you right from the start of this exciting and
rewarding adventure. Although I do drive for both Uber and Lyft that is not what my primary focus
is on. In fact, there is an easier and more profitable to earn good profits without relying on surge
pricing. I'll bet that flies in the face of everything you have been told to this point. No worries, I will
explain in detail so stick with me.
First it's of up most importance to accept one premise as fact. That is, we can earn extra money
driving, but our living comes from referrals we collect from the Internet. Everyone who is an active
driver for Uber and/or Lyft has at their disposal an incredible advantage over the masses out there
that are trying to earn an income from an Internet based business. The one catch is, you must fully
understand the problems most Internet entrepreneurs face and why you have an almost unfair
advantage over them to be able to fully capitalize. That is the purpose of this work, and if you do
apply what you learn you will soon be in position to get the most out of your Uber advantage. Your
dream income very well may be more achievable that you ever thought possible. The best part is, I
can tell you the truth because I am not trying to sell you anything. I earn my cabbage from
referrals and there is plenty of that cabbage to go around when it comes to Uber. That's great
because it means I can forgo all the usual BS. I like that and I'm sure you will, too. It is very
important that you do not skip ahead. I will use a building block approach to presenting the material
and if you miss anything you will likely end up quite confused.
2. First things first - The good news
First I would like to start off with a little known fact that should be cause for great optimism.
Uber's business model will soon be expanded greatly. They plan on entering Logistics. Now that it
has been proven this Business model works very well in the transportation of people, the company is
ready to expand into the enormous delivery and Logistics industry.
(just a couple stories linked here, there are lots more if you care to look)
Look out UPS, FedEx, USPS, Quicksilver and everyone else. This model works and will be
expanding very soon. No doubt Lyft and others will join in as well. Do you know what that means?
The demand for new drivers is going to be both huge and long term. Right now Uber pays $200-
$500 for each new driver referred by a partner. Lyft pays $200-$750. The future is going to be
bright indeed for the select few who know how to capitalize on this unique opportunity.
have to know how. That's where I come it if you chose to follow me along this path. This is going to
be a fun ride so let's get started.
3. What you will be doing to earn your
Getting paid to refer people to a product or service via the Internet is known as affiliate marketing.
It is a sub-niche of Internet marketing. In a very broad sense, we are Internet Marketers. From here
on, I'll call it IM. Please don't let the terminology trouble you at all. You won't actually be selling
anything. Uber will pay you well for sending them new drivers and also new passengers. They even
provide the incentives in the form of sign on bonuses for new drivers and ride credits. I am going to
focus on Uber but keep in mind almost everything that applies to Uber goes for Lyft as well and I do
recommend promoting both. When done properly, getting referrals is easier and more profitable than
driving. However, you must be a driver in good standing to participate in the affiliate program.
This may seem like a bad thing, however I assure you it is not. Quite to the contrary it is the fuel
that drives our Uber advantage. By the time you finish reading this ebook, it will become self
evident as to why this is so.
4. About the Author
My name is Norman "Pat" Vojtaskovic and I have been involved in IM since 1999. I have made just
about every mistake possible, experienced countless setbacks, disappointments and failures. I've also
waisted a lot of time and money trying to figure this IM thing out. I have learned a lot of lessons
from past woes and minor successes and am willing to share it all with you. There is no need for you
to repeat my past mistakes. I also found a lot of land mines along the way. None of them killed me,
but some of them hurt quite a bit. I'll gladly point them out along the way. I have also formed some
very strong opinions that everyone will not agree with.
Agree or not I can assure you none of them were formed without cause. All of them are formed
from my personal experiences and are at the very least educated opinions. Unfortunately, there is a
dark side to IM that I must warn you about. I'm not going to drop any names, it will be a if the shoe
fits wear it presentation. There are lots of wonderful people involved in IM and all are not bad.
Some things that go on are bad and I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't tell you what I
know. If I come across as harsh sometimes in my telling, I apologize ahead of time. My intent it to
get across how well disguised some of the traps out there are. You will need to know these things to
maximize your chances of success and minimize the pains and shorten the learning curve.
5. Land Mine Map
Internet Marketing can be quite lucrative under certain circumstances. It's also fraught with many
perils that most of us learn the hard way. You however, have at your disposal this map to help you
navigate the treacherous waters. Let's have a look at what usually happens to a newcomer of
Internet Marketing.
It's inevitable that when you first start researching the subject, you will end up on a number of
email lists. There will always be a number of irresistible offers out there sure to pull you it. It could
be some kind of free system sure to fill your pockets with cash quickly. Or some software that with
the push of a button spits out incredible data that's sure to make you a fortune overnight. What ever
the hook, you will wine up on a number of lists. That's when the real fun begins.
Now you have something to look forward to everyday. One offer after the other, every one
seemingly better than the one before. All of them sound so good, it's hard to pick just one.
So you don't, you get 2 or 3 to start with. Within a few days, and before you have even had a chance
to digest/use what you already have something else that's brand new comes out at an early bird
discount and you just can't pass it up. After all the email said these are selling like hotcakes and soon
the offer will be closed and you may not even be able to get it at all ever again. It's a good thing you
are one of the "in the know" crowd and have been given the chance to get this one before it's gone
and at deep discount at that. How could you possibly pass it up?
I call this cycle the shiny object syndrome and it costs you a lot more that just time and money.
It's a constant distraction that in effect keeps you an opportunity seeker instead of a serious
Internet entrepreneur. The guys sending you the emails will talk to you as if you are a serious
Business person, after all they have a vested interest in promoting that illusion. The reality is that it
is just an illusion and you are still an opportunity seeker. Those guys are going to keep it that way as
long as they possibly can, too. The worst part is, the shiny object syndrome (SOS) keeps you from
ever focusing on anything long enough to get good at it. This is a high price tag indeed because you
are not going to make any decent money until you do become good at something.
You don't know it yet but you are being subjected to a bag of dirty psychological tricks that work
very well for the ones using them on you. I explain this in detail soon. First I want to warn you about
another thing closely related to the SOS is what is known as mining the miners. This scheme dates
back to the Gold Rush days when a few clever Businessmen realized it was a lot less risky and a lot
more profitable to sell mining supplies to the miners that it was to be a miner themselves. So they
set up shops and sold the miners picks, shovels, maps, pans and anything else a miner could possibly
need or want. A lot more people got rich doing this that doing the actual prospecting. Mining the
miners is alive and well yet to this day. It's often implemented as follows. First, you are given or
sold a "system" that's sure to make you a ton of fast cash. The "pitch" however, fails to mention the
fact that you are going to need some specific tools to make the system work. Those are sold
separately, but if you hurry you can get them at a discount. There are other hooks used to suck you
into this trap, but at least now you will know it when you see it.
I could go on and on about all the various schemes out there designed to separate you from your
money and keep you coming back for more. That really won't be necessary once you understand
exact who or what the enemy is and how to deal with it accordingly. For the longest time I thought
the enemy was all the guys and gals doing the things described above. That is not true at all. While
those ethics can and perhaps should be called into question, those people are not your enemy. I
know that may not sound right to you. Those people have to be stopped, right? I believed that for a
long time. I made some enemies along the way fighting what I thought was the good fight. A few
more years passed before I finally figured out who or more precisely what the enemy truly is. The
funny thing is, it happen when I least expected it. I was studying copywriting in an attempt to
discover the comment elements of the most successful sales letters ever written. That doesn't seem
to have much to do with what we have discussed so far, does it? Well, actually it has everything to
do with it and also reveals where our true enemy resides. Until this enemy is subdued (daily) we
have a very low chance of achieving a higher level of success in Business or even life itself for that
6. Our Inner Enemy
It would be easy to say to this point I have painted a picture full of victims. For a long time I
believed that myself along with countless others we being victimized daily by evil thugs
masquerading as teachers of IM known as "gurus". Then one day quite by accident I discovered that
the real enemy was looking back at me in the mirror. It finally dawned on me that the truth of the
matter was that I myself was the source of my problems. The final verdict I arrived at is that all
humans have an innate vulnerability that I will summarize as follows:
"Anything I find desirable I want more of as quickly and easily as possible"
Most of us find money desirable, including myself. This is the root cause of many of our problems.
We want more, quickly. There are some out there who know how to exploit this weakness for
personal gain. I believe we are born with this weakness or develop it at a very young age. Almost
every scam out there now or in the past is based on the exploitation of our "inner enemy". It's also
the common thread I was looking for that every good sales letter ever written has. They all use
emotional triggers to exploit our enemy. I changed my mind about the possibility of earning money
as a copyrighter although the top earners on the Internet do it. I have no doubt just about anyone
could earn a substantial income as a copyrighter if willing to study psychology and practice until
you get good at it. I have a moral objection I just can't get past so it's not for me.
If you take a few minutes to think about it, I'll bet this will explain some other things that until now
have been difficult. One example is the guy who has it all, a great career with a fantastic home and
beautiful wife and kids waiting for him there. Then he gets caught soliciting a prostitute. He brings
great shame on himself and his family. His wonderful wife wonders where she went wrong. His kids
get made fun of at school. Things are never the same after that. It wasn't that his wife did anything
wrong or failed to fulfill his needs. He failed to keep his weakness subdued. Chances are he wasn't
even fully aware it has been there all along and had caused him numerous smaller problems in the
past. You see, the prostitute had something he found desirable and was able to deliver it quickly and
easily. No excuse for him, what he did was wrong and unfortunately innocent people will suffer
because of it. I'm simply trying to drive home the point that this beast, our inner enemy must be
acknowledged and controlled. If not, there will be consequences. The only questions are, how severe
will they be and when will they come?
I could spend a lot of time on this, but I'm not going to. I would like to just say one more thing.
I think it runs even deeper than this and affects us in ways not covered by the highlighted quote
above. It's the voice that talks you out of your good ideas. It stifles your creativity and causes you to
doubt yourself constantly. Mine is telling me right now that this work will fail. Nobody is going to
buy it save a few. And the ones who do will hate it and leave it one star reviews. I going to go ahead
and do it anyway and my enemy hates me for it. GOOD!
I'm going to close this segment with this. Just knowing about your inner enemy is not going to be
enough. It's a daily fight and sometimes you'll feel like you are losing. Keep fighting. I would
suggest printing this chapter out and putting it in a conspicuous spot. Your enemy is going to tell
you not to do it and will give you a ton of reasons why you shouldn't. Do it anyway.
7. The Importance of Having a Plan
While laying out the land mine map, I may have given you the impression that there are no tools or
training material out there worth purchasing. If so, that was not my intent. There are plenty of
worthwhile items to consider once you decide what you intend to do. Discipline and due diligence
will always be in order. However, investing in education and proper tools for the job at hand will be
a good idea after you decide what you are trying to accomplish.
A GPS won't be of much help if you haven't decided where you want to go. If you are going to
build a home, it would not be wise to purchase building materials before you have your building
plans in hand. If you did you will wind up with windows that don't fit and a lot of stuff you don't
need. You will also find you don't have a lot of the things you do need. As obvious as this all may
sound, it is still very easy to fall prey to the shiny object syndrome. If you do, chances are it will go
for you very much as I previously described so always be on guard. Another thing to be careful of is
paralysis by analysis. It's very easy to become fearful that you are going make a bad decision so you
analyze it to death and eventually make no decision at all. Your hidden enemy is real good at
feeding this very real phenomenon. There is no need for this to happen to you. You can develop a
plan incorporating all the advantages Uber and Lyft have to offer. Let's take a look at them, shall
8. A Fresh Start
Now that we have made the commitment to battle our inner enemy, we have a fresh start.
No more excuses. I will now proceed to present to you a real, legitimate path you can take to
develop any level of income your heart desires. So let's go. I'll lay out for you all the advantages
that the Uber and Lyft referral programs offer as compared to typical affiliate marketing programs.
It is my honest opinion that these two program are the very finest and offer you the greatest chances
of success of the following reasons:
8.1. Advantage #1 | A Higher Bar
Do you recall earlier I mentioned that you must be a driver in good standing to participate in their
affiliate programs and that it is a good thing? Here is why. It's outside the norm. People are used to
being able to sign up and get their affiliate links quickly and with very little or no qualifying. Their
inner enemy is going to tell them it's not worth the time and trouble, besides they don't have time.
That little bit of extra effort is just enough to filter out a ton of would- be affiliates. That's too bad
for them, and great for us. This goes a long way towards fixing the really common problem of
finding a profitable niche. Usually anything that pays even reasonably well is saturated to the gills
with competition. That is, unless it's not as easy and takes a little longer to get started. This is major
plus #1 of your Uber advantage. Much less competition. By the way, you only have to do one trip a
month to stay in good standing, so after you pass your background check you will get your affiliate
link and can start promoting. You will want to make sure to initially do the minimum number of
trips required within 30 days in order to get your sign on bonus.
8.2. Advantage #2 | Top Pay
New driver referral commission starts at $200 and goes as high as $500 for Uber and up to $750 for
Lyft. This varies from month to month and city to city. It's important to note that Uber pays a higher
bonus if you are or have driven before for Lyft. I strongly recommend maximizing your profits by
signing up for Lyft first. After you qualify for and receive your bonus, then sign up for Uber. Here is
the other thing you must be aware of. You absolutely must make sure the referral code is in the
appropriate box before submitting the form as you are applying to drive. If a valid referral code is
not inserted you will not get your bonus. My Lyft code is NORMAN558358 and Uber cu0er
I am offering a really sweet bonus for anyone who signs up through my link(s) and complete the
requirements to receive your bonus. More on that in a moment.
8.3. Advantage #3 | Getting web traffic much
Developing a website means nothing without traffic. It does you no good if nobody can find it. The
first 2 advantages really give this one a big boost. Finding a profitable niche is usually difficult.
Finding a highly profitable niche with low competition is thought to be impossible. it is not you
found it right here, although your enemy within will tell you otherwise. Here is the reality, the high
pay coupled with the relatively low level of competition gives you the option of buying traffic.
Most of the time, this option is reserved for only the most skilled because pay per click (PPC) can be
one of the quickest ways to go broke. This is different because with few affiliates and very high
commissions it makes paid traffic a viable option. That's good because getting very much "free"
traffic takes quite a bit of time and effort. It's really not free at all if you count your time as being
worth anything. If you decide to go for this, my bonus will help you out greatly in this area.
8.4. Advantage #4 | Your comissions are
One very big problem with affiliate marketing up until now has been lost commissions. As web
users become more savvy, lost commissions become more and more of a problem. Some virus
protection programs now watch for and delete tracking cookies. Others get wiped out by cleaning
programs such as cc cleaner. Sometimes users will intentionally clear their cookies or strip the code
off the affiliate link and insert their own. There are normally a lot of ways to lose your commissions.
That is not the case with Uber and Lyft. Users must make sure the referral code you give them is in
place before submitting their applications. If they aren't, no sign on bonus or free rides for them
period. I am happy to report to you this has been tested and confirmed. If fact, Uber will flat tell you
if you submitted the form without the referral code, there is nothing they can do for you. No bonus,
sorry! That's good for us, because even those who hate being referred by anybody will do it because
it costs them if they don't. I like that!
8.5. Advantage #5 | You don't have to go it
By now you probably have a feel for who I am and what I stand for. Honesty and Integrity are high
on my priority list. I have been honest with you and told you the truth even if it wasn't what you
wanted to hear. I am going to offer you something I wish I would have had when I started but
frankly wasn't available yet. That is, someone who has been there and done that to show you the
ropes. I guess you could call it a mentoring program. I hesitate to do that because there are a
thousand of them out there now, some pretty good, some not so much. I've already shared more
usable information with you that many of them will provide in a year.
What I am willing to do is provide support and additional training for life at no cost to you.
The catch? You have to be willing to do it. I can't do it for you. You will have to sign up.
You will have to make sure my referral code is in place. You will have to make sure to complete
all the application requirements, get approved and do at least the minimum number of trips in the
allotted time. Then you will get your bonus, I'll get my bonus (commission) and you will have me
available to you for life. I'll provide support as needed and valuable training that you can't buy
elsewhere at any price. But it will be up to you to battle your inner enemy while I'm busy battling
mine. You do not have to go it alone, though. One more thing, when you sign up, make sure you
give them your best email address. That's the one I'll be contacting you at. You'll also want to read
all the emails you get from Uber/ Lyft. They keep you up to date on new promotions and earing
Furthermore, I'm here to help you anytime before, during or after the sign up process.
You can always reach me by email at and please do visit the site at There is a contact form there also you can use to reach me if you
prefer. Fell free to contact me with your questions, concerns or anything that is on your mind.
Perhaps you just need a little encouragement or some advice. I am aware that everyone has
their own unique circumstances and this may not be the best opportunity for everyone. Let's talk
about it if you are in doubt. I promise I will give you my honest opinion based on the details you
give me. I do respect your privacy and will never share any info given with anyone else, ever.
If you do decide to sign up to drive for either Uber, Lyft or both I will give you access to the
underground section of the website.
9. Closing Notes
Here I'll cover a few things I haven't mentioned yet, or perhaps wasn't clear enough on. First, i have
spoken in generalities about Uber and Lyft because their pay scale, sign up process, and so on varies
from city to city and state to state. I live in Colorado and the sign up process for Uber and Lyft here
in Denver is one of the toughest in the nation. I had to get a physical exam, pass a background check
including a DMV report, get my vehicle inspected and in good enough shape to pass. I also had to
provide proof of insurance with my name on it. I signed up for Uber first and Lyft accepted the
vehicle inspection and physical exam paperwork I already had. Lyft also required me to meet with a
mentor for a test ride. It was a piece of cake and only took 30 minutes. The mentor just wants to take
a picture, show you how the app works and make sure you can drive safely. It took about one week
each to complete the sign up process and get approved to start driving. That's when I got my all
important referral links as well. All in all, it was pretty easy and in most places it's much easier than
what I did.
Both pay me once a week by direct deposit. I have never had a problem and pay is always right on
time. Lyft pays on Wednesday, Uber on Thursday. Any bonuses or referral fees they owe are paid to
you right along with any driving pay they owe you. What I really like is, to refer new drivers or
passengers to the respective services, you don't have to be a salesman. No pressure, no lies nothing
shady at all. That's what I had been looking for all those years. You can promote these with a clear
conscience. You get to offer incentives to people to try the services! And that's exactly what I do.
I'll says something like this;
"Here in Denver right now, Lyft is offering a $750 sign on bonus to new drivers. all you have to do
is complete 50 trips in 30 days and you get paid for the trips plus $750 extra just for giving it a try.
By then, you'll know if it's something you want to continue to do or not. Either way you get to keep
all the money. "
No pressure and no lies. Be willing to answer questions and the answers are easy to find if you don't
know. Lyft and Uber both have email support and love it when you are working to get them a new
driver or passenger. Never hesitate to just ask them if in doubt about something. Or you always have
me to help as well.
“In the long run no individual prospers beyond the measure of his faith.” - Bruce Barton, 1921
I know If IM is new to you, I'm asking you to take a leap of faith. Even if you have been or are
involved in Internet Marketing right now, this is a bit different than anything else out there. I have
done everything I can to minimize your risk. It is now your decision if you would like to join me or
not. You might want to take a ride with an Uber and or Lyft driver first before deciding. That is if
you have never used either service. I can give you free ride credits for both:
When you are ready to sign up to drive, please use these links:
Thank you and I do hope to hear from you in the near future.

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The Uber Advantage

  • 1. The Uber Advantage by Norman P Vojtaskovic
  • 2. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of Norman P. Vojtaskovic and I reserve all rights to reuse this material in future publications or any manner I see fit. Copyright © 2015
  • 3. Table of Contents 1. Introduction - Please start here 2. First things first - The good news 3. What you will be doing to earn your money 4. About the Author 5. Land Mine Map 6. Our Inner Enemy 7. The Importance of Having a Plan 8. A Fresh Start 8.1. Advantage #1 | A Higher Bar 8.2. Advantage #2 | Top Pay 8.3. Advantage #3 | Getting web traffic much easier 8.4. Advantage #4 | Your commissions are protected 8.5. Advantage #5 | You don't have to go it alone. 9. Closing Notes
  • 4. 1. Introduction - Please start here Hello and welcome to the Uber advantage. In this short and too the point book I will reveal information that isn't commonly taught. Most material concerning the Uber or Lyft is focused on how to earn money as a driver. I must be up front with you right from the start of this exciting and rewarding adventure. Although I do drive for both Uber and Lyft that is not what my primary focus is on. In fact, there is an easier and more profitable to earn good profits without relying on surge pricing. I'll bet that flies in the face of everything you have been told to this point. No worries, I will explain in detail so stick with me. First it's of up most importance to accept one premise as fact. That is, we can earn extra money driving, but our living comes from referrals we collect from the Internet. Everyone who is an active driver for Uber and/or Lyft has at their disposal an incredible advantage over the masses out there that are trying to earn an income from an Internet based business. The one catch is, you must fully understand the problems most Internet entrepreneurs face and why you have an almost unfair advantage over them to be able to fully capitalize. That is the purpose of this work, and if you do apply what you learn you will soon be in position to get the most out of your Uber advantage. Your dream income very well may be more achievable that you ever thought possible. The best part is, I can tell you the truth because I am not trying to sell you anything. I earn my cabbage from referrals and there is plenty of that cabbage to go around when it comes to Uber. That's great because it means I can forgo all the usual BS. I like that and I'm sure you will, too. It is very important that you do not skip ahead. I will use a building block approach to presenting the material and if you miss anything you will likely end up quite confused.
  • 5. 2. First things first - The good news First I would like to start off with a little known fact that should be cause for great optimism. Uber's business model will soon be expanded greatly. They plan on entering Logistics. Now that it has been proven this Business model works very well in the transportation of people, the company is ready to expand into the enormous delivery and Logistics industry. (just a couple stories linked here, there are lots more if you care to look) Look out UPS, FedEx, USPS, Quicksilver and everyone else. This model works and will be expanding very soon. No doubt Lyft and others will join in as well. Do you know what that means? The demand for new drivers is going to be both huge and long term. Right now Uber pays $200- $500 for each new driver referred by a partner. Lyft pays $200-$750. The future is going to be bright indeed for the select few who know how to capitalize on this unique opportunity. have to know how. That's where I come it if you chose to follow me along this path. This is going to be a fun ride so let's get started.
  • 6. 3. What you will be doing to earn your money Getting paid to refer people to a product or service via the Internet is known as affiliate marketing. It is a sub-niche of Internet marketing. In a very broad sense, we are Internet Marketers. From here on, I'll call it IM. Please don't let the terminology trouble you at all. You won't actually be selling anything. Uber will pay you well for sending them new drivers and also new passengers. They even provide the incentives in the form of sign on bonuses for new drivers and ride credits. I am going to focus on Uber but keep in mind almost everything that applies to Uber goes for Lyft as well and I do recommend promoting both. When done properly, getting referrals is easier and more profitable than driving. However, you must be a driver in good standing to participate in the affiliate program. This may seem like a bad thing, however I assure you it is not. Quite to the contrary it is the fuel that drives our Uber advantage. By the time you finish reading this ebook, it will become self evident as to why this is so.
  • 7. 4. About the Author My name is Norman "Pat" Vojtaskovic and I have been involved in IM since 1999. I have made just about every mistake possible, experienced countless setbacks, disappointments and failures. I've also waisted a lot of time and money trying to figure this IM thing out. I have learned a lot of lessons from past woes and minor successes and am willing to share it all with you. There is no need for you to repeat my past mistakes. I also found a lot of land mines along the way. None of them killed me, but some of them hurt quite a bit. I'll gladly point them out along the way. I have also formed some very strong opinions that everyone will not agree with. Agree or not I can assure you none of them were formed without cause. All of them are formed from my personal experiences and are at the very least educated opinions. Unfortunately, there is a dark side to IM that I must warn you about. I'm not going to drop any names, it will be a if the shoe fits wear it presentation. There are lots of wonderful people involved in IM and all are not bad. Some things that go on are bad and I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't tell you what I know. If I come across as harsh sometimes in my telling, I apologize ahead of time. My intent it to get across how well disguised some of the traps out there are. You will need to know these things to maximize your chances of success and minimize the pains and shorten the learning curve.
  • 8. 5. Land Mine Map Internet Marketing can be quite lucrative under certain circumstances. It's also fraught with many perils that most of us learn the hard way. You however, have at your disposal this map to help you navigate the treacherous waters. Let's have a look at what usually happens to a newcomer of Internet Marketing. It's inevitable that when you first start researching the subject, you will end up on a number of email lists. There will always be a number of irresistible offers out there sure to pull you it. It could be some kind of free system sure to fill your pockets with cash quickly. Or some software that with the push of a button spits out incredible data that's sure to make you a fortune overnight. What ever the hook, you will wine up on a number of lists. That's when the real fun begins. Now you have something to look forward to everyday. One offer after the other, every one seemingly better than the one before. All of them sound so good, it's hard to pick just one. So you don't, you get 2 or 3 to start with. Within a few days, and before you have even had a chance to digest/use what you already have something else that's brand new comes out at an early bird discount and you just can't pass it up. After all the email said these are selling like hotcakes and soon the offer will be closed and you may not even be able to get it at all ever again. It's a good thing you are one of the "in the know" crowd and have been given the chance to get this one before it's gone and at deep discount at that. How could you possibly pass it up? I call this cycle the shiny object syndrome and it costs you a lot more that just time and money. It's a constant distraction that in effect keeps you an opportunity seeker instead of a serious Internet entrepreneur. The guys sending you the emails will talk to you as if you are a serious Business person, after all they have a vested interest in promoting that illusion. The reality is that it is just an illusion and you are still an opportunity seeker. Those guys are going to keep it that way as long as they possibly can, too. The worst part is, the shiny object syndrome (SOS) keeps you from ever focusing on anything long enough to get good at it. This is a high price tag indeed because you are not going to make any decent money until you do become good at something. You don't know it yet but you are being subjected to a bag of dirty psychological tricks that work very well for the ones using them on you. I explain this in detail soon. First I want to warn you about another thing closely related to the SOS is what is known as mining the miners. This scheme dates back to the Gold Rush days when a few clever Businessmen realized it was a lot less risky and a lot more profitable to sell mining supplies to the miners that it was to be a miner themselves. So they set up shops and sold the miners picks, shovels, maps, pans and anything else a miner could possibly need or want. A lot more people got rich doing this that doing the actual prospecting. Mining the miners is alive and well yet to this day. It's often implemented as follows. First, you are given or sold a "system" that's sure to make you a ton of fast cash. The "pitch" however, fails to mention the fact that you are going to need some specific tools to make the system work. Those are sold separately, but if you hurry you can get them at a discount. There are other hooks used to suck you into this trap, but at least now you will know it when you see it. I could go on and on about all the various schemes out there designed to separate you from your money and keep you coming back for more. That really won't be necessary once you understand exact who or what the enemy is and how to deal with it accordingly. For the longest time I thought the enemy was all the guys and gals doing the things described above. That is not true at all. While
  • 9. those ethics can and perhaps should be called into question, those people are not your enemy. I know that may not sound right to you. Those people have to be stopped, right? I believed that for a long time. I made some enemies along the way fighting what I thought was the good fight. A few more years passed before I finally figured out who or more precisely what the enemy truly is. The funny thing is, it happen when I least expected it. I was studying copywriting in an attempt to discover the comment elements of the most successful sales letters ever written. That doesn't seem to have much to do with what we have discussed so far, does it? Well, actually it has everything to do with it and also reveals where our true enemy resides. Until this enemy is subdued (daily) we have a very low chance of achieving a higher level of success in Business or even life itself for that matter.
  • 10. 6. Our Inner Enemy It would be easy to say to this point I have painted a picture full of victims. For a long time I believed that myself along with countless others we being victimized daily by evil thugs masquerading as teachers of IM known as "gurus". Then one day quite by accident I discovered that the real enemy was looking back at me in the mirror. It finally dawned on me that the truth of the matter was that I myself was the source of my problems. The final verdict I arrived at is that all humans have an innate vulnerability that I will summarize as follows: "Anything I find desirable I want more of as quickly and easily as possible" Most of us find money desirable, including myself. This is the root cause of many of our problems. We want more, quickly. There are some out there who know how to exploit this weakness for personal gain. I believe we are born with this weakness or develop it at a very young age. Almost every scam out there now or in the past is based on the exploitation of our "inner enemy". It's also the common thread I was looking for that every good sales letter ever written has. They all use emotional triggers to exploit our enemy. I changed my mind about the possibility of earning money as a copyrighter although the top earners on the Internet do it. I have no doubt just about anyone could earn a substantial income as a copyrighter if willing to study psychology and practice until you get good at it. I have a moral objection I just can't get past so it's not for me. If you take a few minutes to think about it, I'll bet this will explain some other things that until now have been difficult. One example is the guy who has it all, a great career with a fantastic home and beautiful wife and kids waiting for him there. Then he gets caught soliciting a prostitute. He brings great shame on himself and his family. His wonderful wife wonders where she went wrong. His kids get made fun of at school. Things are never the same after that. It wasn't that his wife did anything wrong or failed to fulfill his needs. He failed to keep his weakness subdued. Chances are he wasn't even fully aware it has been there all along and had caused him numerous smaller problems in the past. You see, the prostitute had something he found desirable and was able to deliver it quickly and easily. No excuse for him, what he did was wrong and unfortunately innocent people will suffer because of it. I'm simply trying to drive home the point that this beast, our inner enemy must be acknowledged and controlled. If not, there will be consequences. The only questions are, how severe will they be and when will they come? I could spend a lot of time on this, but I'm not going to. I would like to just say one more thing. I think it runs even deeper than this and affects us in ways not covered by the highlighted quote above. It's the voice that talks you out of your good ideas. It stifles your creativity and causes you to doubt yourself constantly. Mine is telling me right now that this work will fail. Nobody is going to buy it save a few. And the ones who do will hate it and leave it one star reviews. I going to go ahead and do it anyway and my enemy hates me for it. GOOD! I'm going to close this segment with this. Just knowing about your inner enemy is not going to be enough. It's a daily fight and sometimes you'll feel like you are losing. Keep fighting. I would suggest printing this chapter out and putting it in a conspicuous spot. Your enemy is going to tell you not to do it and will give you a ton of reasons why you shouldn't. Do it anyway.
  • 11. 7. The Importance of Having a Plan While laying out the land mine map, I may have given you the impression that there are no tools or training material out there worth purchasing. If so, that was not my intent. There are plenty of worthwhile items to consider once you decide what you intend to do. Discipline and due diligence will always be in order. However, investing in education and proper tools for the job at hand will be a good idea after you decide what you are trying to accomplish. A GPS won't be of much help if you haven't decided where you want to go. If you are going to build a home, it would not be wise to purchase building materials before you have your building plans in hand. If you did you will wind up with windows that don't fit and a lot of stuff you don't need. You will also find you don't have a lot of the things you do need. As obvious as this all may sound, it is still very easy to fall prey to the shiny object syndrome. If you do, chances are it will go for you very much as I previously described so always be on guard. Another thing to be careful of is paralysis by analysis. It's very easy to become fearful that you are going make a bad decision so you analyze it to death and eventually make no decision at all. Your hidden enemy is real good at feeding this very real phenomenon. There is no need for this to happen to you. You can develop a plan incorporating all the advantages Uber and Lyft have to offer. Let's take a look at them, shall we?
  • 12. 8. A Fresh Start Now that we have made the commitment to battle our inner enemy, we have a fresh start. No more excuses. I will now proceed to present to you a real, legitimate path you can take to develop any level of income your heart desires. So let's go. I'll lay out for you all the advantages that the Uber and Lyft referral programs offer as compared to typical affiliate marketing programs. It is my honest opinion that these two program are the very finest and offer you the greatest chances of success of the following reasons:
  • 13. 8.1. Advantage #1 | A Higher Bar Do you recall earlier I mentioned that you must be a driver in good standing to participate in their affiliate programs and that it is a good thing? Here is why. It's outside the norm. People are used to being able to sign up and get their affiliate links quickly and with very little or no qualifying. Their inner enemy is going to tell them it's not worth the time and trouble, besides they don't have time. That little bit of extra effort is just enough to filter out a ton of would- be affiliates. That's too bad for them, and great for us. This goes a long way towards fixing the really common problem of finding a profitable niche. Usually anything that pays even reasonably well is saturated to the gills with competition. That is, unless it's not as easy and takes a little longer to get started. This is major plus #1 of your Uber advantage. Much less competition. By the way, you only have to do one trip a month to stay in good standing, so after you pass your background check you will get your affiliate link and can start promoting. You will want to make sure to initially do the minimum number of trips required within 30 days in order to get your sign on bonus.
  • 14. 8.2. Advantage #2 | Top Pay New driver referral commission starts at $200 and goes as high as $500 for Uber and up to $750 for Lyft. This varies from month to month and city to city. It's important to note that Uber pays a higher bonus if you are or have driven before for Lyft. I strongly recommend maximizing your profits by signing up for Lyft first. After you qualify for and receive your bonus, then sign up for Uber. Here is the other thing you must be aware of. You absolutely must make sure the referral code is in the appropriate box before submitting the form as you are applying to drive. If a valid referral code is not inserted you will not get your bonus. My Lyft code is NORMAN558358 and Uber cu0er I am offering a really sweet bonus for anyone who signs up through my link(s) and complete the requirements to receive your bonus. More on that in a moment.
  • 15. 8.3. Advantage #3 | Getting web traffic much easier Developing a website means nothing without traffic. It does you no good if nobody can find it. The first 2 advantages really give this one a big boost. Finding a profitable niche is usually difficult. Finding a highly profitable niche with low competition is thought to be impossible. it is not you found it right here, although your enemy within will tell you otherwise. Here is the reality, the high pay coupled with the relatively low level of competition gives you the option of buying traffic. Most of the time, this option is reserved for only the most skilled because pay per click (PPC) can be one of the quickest ways to go broke. This is different because with few affiliates and very high commissions it makes paid traffic a viable option. That's good because getting very much "free" traffic takes quite a bit of time and effort. It's really not free at all if you count your time as being worth anything. If you decide to go for this, my bonus will help you out greatly in this area.
  • 16. 8.4. Advantage #4 | Your comissions are protected One very big problem with affiliate marketing up until now has been lost commissions. As web users become more savvy, lost commissions become more and more of a problem. Some virus protection programs now watch for and delete tracking cookies. Others get wiped out by cleaning programs such as cc cleaner. Sometimes users will intentionally clear their cookies or strip the code off the affiliate link and insert their own. There are normally a lot of ways to lose your commissions. That is not the case with Uber and Lyft. Users must make sure the referral code you give them is in place before submitting their applications. If they aren't, no sign on bonus or free rides for them period. I am happy to report to you this has been tested and confirmed. If fact, Uber will flat tell you if you submitted the form without the referral code, there is nothing they can do for you. No bonus, sorry! That's good for us, because even those who hate being referred by anybody will do it because it costs them if they don't. I like that!
  • 17. 8.5. Advantage #5 | You don't have to go it alone. By now you probably have a feel for who I am and what I stand for. Honesty and Integrity are high on my priority list. I have been honest with you and told you the truth even if it wasn't what you wanted to hear. I am going to offer you something I wish I would have had when I started but frankly wasn't available yet. That is, someone who has been there and done that to show you the ropes. I guess you could call it a mentoring program. I hesitate to do that because there are a thousand of them out there now, some pretty good, some not so much. I've already shared more usable information with you that many of them will provide in a year. What I am willing to do is provide support and additional training for life at no cost to you. The catch? You have to be willing to do it. I can't do it for you. You will have to sign up. You will have to make sure my referral code is in place. You will have to make sure to complete all the application requirements, get approved and do at least the minimum number of trips in the allotted time. Then you will get your bonus, I'll get my bonus (commission) and you will have me available to you for life. I'll provide support as needed and valuable training that you can't buy elsewhere at any price. But it will be up to you to battle your inner enemy while I'm busy battling mine. You do not have to go it alone, though. One more thing, when you sign up, make sure you give them your best email address. That's the one I'll be contacting you at. You'll also want to read all the emails you get from Uber/ Lyft. They keep you up to date on new promotions and earing opportunities. Furthermore, I'm here to help you anytime before, during or after the sign up process. You can always reach me by email at and please do visit the site at There is a contact form there also you can use to reach me if you prefer. Fell free to contact me with your questions, concerns or anything that is on your mind. Perhaps you just need a little encouragement or some advice. I am aware that everyone has their own unique circumstances and this may not be the best opportunity for everyone. Let's talk about it if you are in doubt. I promise I will give you my honest opinion based on the details you give me. I do respect your privacy and will never share any info given with anyone else, ever. If you do decide to sign up to drive for either Uber, Lyft or both I will give you access to the underground section of the website.
  • 18. 9. Closing Notes Here I'll cover a few things I haven't mentioned yet, or perhaps wasn't clear enough on. First, i have spoken in generalities about Uber and Lyft because their pay scale, sign up process, and so on varies from city to city and state to state. I live in Colorado and the sign up process for Uber and Lyft here in Denver is one of the toughest in the nation. I had to get a physical exam, pass a background check including a DMV report, get my vehicle inspected and in good enough shape to pass. I also had to provide proof of insurance with my name on it. I signed up for Uber first and Lyft accepted the vehicle inspection and physical exam paperwork I already had. Lyft also required me to meet with a mentor for a test ride. It was a piece of cake and only took 30 minutes. The mentor just wants to take a picture, show you how the app works and make sure you can drive safely. It took about one week each to complete the sign up process and get approved to start driving. That's when I got my all important referral links as well. All in all, it was pretty easy and in most places it's much easier than what I did. Both pay me once a week by direct deposit. I have never had a problem and pay is always right on time. Lyft pays on Wednesday, Uber on Thursday. Any bonuses or referral fees they owe are paid to you right along with any driving pay they owe you. What I really like is, to refer new drivers or passengers to the respective services, you don't have to be a salesman. No pressure, no lies nothing shady at all. That's what I had been looking for all those years. You can promote these with a clear conscience. You get to offer incentives to people to try the services! And that's exactly what I do. I'll says something like this; "Here in Denver right now, Lyft is offering a $750 sign on bonus to new drivers. all you have to do is complete 50 trips in 30 days and you get paid for the trips plus $750 extra just for giving it a try. By then, you'll know if it's something you want to continue to do or not. Either way you get to keep all the money. " No pressure and no lies. Be willing to answer questions and the answers are easy to find if you don't know. Lyft and Uber both have email support and love it when you are working to get them a new driver or passenger. Never hesitate to just ask them if in doubt about something. Or you always have me to help as well. “In the long run no individual prospers beyond the measure of his faith.” - Bruce Barton, 1921 I know If IM is new to you, I'm asking you to take a leap of faith. Even if you have been or are involved in Internet Marketing right now, this is a bit different than anything else out there. I have done everything I can to minimize your risk. It is now your decision if you would like to join me or not. You might want to take a ride with an Uber and or Lyft driver first before deciding. That is if you have never used either service. I can give you free ride credits for both: When you are ready to sign up to drive, please use these links: Lyft: Uber:
  • 19. Thank you and I do hope to hear from you in the near future.