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T O G E T H E R L E T ’ S H E L P t h e m G R O W
Nothing makes us more
equal than human rights.
No matter how we look,
where we are born,
what faith we follow,
whether we are rich or
poor, human rights
protects us all equally.
What is Human
Rights Education?
Human rights education
is about equipping all
stakeholders with the
knowledge, attitudes, values
and skills needed to enjoy and
exercise their rights, and to
respect and uphold the rights
of others. It requires the
participation of everyone
involved in school life – from
students, to teachers, staff,
as well as parents and the
communities that surround
the school.
Human rights education
encourages using human rights
as a frame of reference in our
relationships with others. It
encourages an inquiring mind,
it informs arguments, helps in
decision-making, cooperating,
evaluating, sharing and living
according to values.
Human rights education
encourages us to critically
examine our own attitudes
and behaviours, ultimately
transforming them in order
to advance respect for
the rights of all.
Put another way, Human Rights Education is:
ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS – I need to know the
principles and values that lie at the heart of
human rights before I can begin to understand
what it means to me.
THROUGH HUMAN RIGHTS – I learn about human
rights by putting it into practice. Through
inclusive, participatory and democratic
methods that respect the rights of others.
FOR HUMAN RIGHTS – We teach, learn and
internalise human rights in such a way
that it becomes part of our
daily lives, influencing
every interaction,
conversation and
Visiting a school anywhere in India
is a fascinating education in diversity
of dress, language, religion, culture and
history. Yet that same richness of
difference is hurtfully divisive when
members of the school community do not
understand how they should be treated,
and how they should treat others.
The awareness and practice of human
rights through school is the greatest
learning for life. It advances the impact
of a school from being a place of
education to becoming a nurturing space
for rights-respecting, responsible adults.
In keeping with the UN World
Programme for Human Rights Education,
Amnesty International has launched a
Human Rights for Education programme
to make schools across the world
‘human rights friendly’. By encouraging
and supporting the integration of human
rights values and principles into key
areas of school life, Amnesty is
determined to gather together a global
community of schools where human
rights is celebrated.
In our society that is
challenged by our ever
increasing diversity,
it is vital to sow the seeds
for Human Rights in schools
so that young people can
confidently grow into
open-minded & empathetic
citizens of the world.
Human rights education can give schools
a shared language of equality,
non-discrimination, inclusion, respect,
dignity and participation. It is an effective
means of communicating the values of human
rights to the school community and assisting in
integrating those values into the attitude and
behaviours of every member.
A school that welcomes human rights education
is an exciting place to be in. Besides positively
impacting the performance of teachers and
students in class, human rights education
enhances the social and emotional well being of
all those involved in school life. The outcome is
always: greater empathy, tolerance and respect,
and increased confidence to address bullying,
prejudice and discrimination.
Human rights provide for good inter-personal
relations and for making informed and
balanced choices – from the playground, into
the classroom and back home.
Why is Human Rights Education important to schools?
If we respect the environment by reusing, recycling and reducing, we
are being eco-friendly. If we create a safe and secure place for children
to be in, we are child friendly. So then, what does it take to be human
rights friendly?
A place that is ‘friendly’ to human rights is one in which all are
included yet every indivdual is unique. Everyone is encouraged to
take part, regardless of who they are, where they come from and
what they have.
It is an environment where human rights are learned, taught,
practiced, respected, protected and promoted.
A school that is human rights friendly embraces human rights
and ensures that its values and principles are at the heart of the
learning experience and present in all major areas of school life -
curriculum, relationships, environment and governance. A whole school
approach focuses not just on what is being taught, but how it is taught,
with the aim of creating a culture of human rights.
What is a Human Rights Friendly School?
As students, staff and the wider school
community become involved in school
decision-making processes, their sense of
belonging and responsibility to the school
Transparency and accountability
improve, and relationships are enhanced.
Greater respect, co-operation and
acceptance reduce anti-social
behaviour, such as bullying.
Becoming human rights friendly
transforms schools into safer
and more inclusive places to
learn, especially for those
who are marginalized or
from disadvantaged
Teachers trained in both
human rights content and methodology
report greater confidence in creating a
positive classroom environment, as well as
improved interaction with students.
Students exhibit increased capacity
for critical thinking, and a better understanding
of their rights as well as responsibilities.
Students begtin to have heightened awareness
of broader community and social issues, as well
as develop the leadership skills they need to
effectively participate in, and influence,
school policies and activities.
Teachers and students have enhanced
ability to work and learn collaboratively.
To quantify the development of a culture of human rights isn’t easy. But it is possible
to identify tangible changes as a result of becoming a Human Rights Friendly School.
Read about the impact on different stakeholders of the school community and
experience the ripple effect.
The benefits of being a Human Rights Friendly School
Members of the wider
community become involved in
school life, developing and
implementing school policies and
activities that promote human rights.
As everyone becomes more aware of
human rights, young people work
twith their wider community to
bring about real human rights
change beyond the
A Human Rights Friendly School builds
partnerships with local and national
organizations to find collective ways of taking
action for human rights.
It is a model educational system, proving the benefits
of integrating human rights education into the
formal education system.
How does it work?
The action plan of the human rights friendly schools programme is unique to each school
we work with. We believe each school must introspect and self generate how and into which
area of school life (more about that a little later) it would like to explore and integrate human
rights. We see ourselves as the facilitators and the mentors. It is entirely up to your
school to set the goals, determine the pace and make it happen.
Remember, there is no finishing line in the journey to becoming a human rights friendly
school. The excitement, fulfillment and challenge is the journey itself. It is a dynamic,
ever-changing process of discovery that makes this travel rewarding and worthwhile.
Amnesty International India will be with you in whatever way is deemed suitable for the
programme to develop effectively. Experience has shown that there is often a need for some
organizational support in the initial stages, but as the school community begins to take more
ownership of the programme, our partnership can evolve accordingly.
The Human Rights for Education
The Amnesty International Human Rights for Education
programme aims to build and sustain a rights-respecting
society through the integration of human rights into
education and the community. The programme seeks to
achieve its goal in three phases: start by engaging directly
with schools, follow it up by networking all stakeholders to
help scale the programme, and finally, widen the debate
on the significance of human rights for education to
the larger community.
To initiate the Human Rights for Education Programme in
India, Amnesty International India has begun the process
of school engagement through the Human Rights
Friendly Schools programme, which will lay the
foundation for taking the overall
programme to the next level.
The Human Rights Friendly Schools
programme aims to transform a
school into a place where human
rights are an integral part of
everything the school community
does. From the way decisions are
made, to the activities that are
conducted, to the environment in
which students are taught, the
school becomes an exemplary
model for human rights education.
It also empowers schools to join
The Human Rights Friendly School
Network that already spans
21 countries across the world.
Encourages all members
of the school community
to participate freely &
meaningfully in school
life, shaping school
policies and practices.
Is fair, accountable
and transparent in
all of its planning,
processes, policies
and practices.
Integrates human rights
into all aspects of teaching
and the curriculum.
Ensures that
everyone in the
school community
has the information
and resources they
need to participate
fully in school life.
Protects all
members of the
school community
by making safety
and security a
shared priority and
Empowers students and
staff to become active
members of a global
community, sharing
knowledge, understanding
and learning with others
and taking action to create
a better world.
Works to empower all
students to reach their full
potential through education,
in particular those who are
marginalized due to their
gender, status or difference.
Our Human Rights Friendly
Schools programme is rooted
in 10 Global Principles which
are distilled from international
human rights standards, norms
and instruments, including the
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR).
We believe these fundamental
principles must inform thought
and action of every member of the
school community, permeating
through the four key areas of
school life: Governance,
Relationships, Curriculum, and
the Environment. For a school to
become truly ‘friendly’ to human
rights, these principles must enter
policy as well as practice; it must
touch at the very heart of the
school and ultimately, radiate out
to the larger community.
The Human Rights Friendly
Schools of the world have begun
to reap the rewards of
implementing this programme in
school life. The global network of
schools awaits your participation,
looks forward to sharing its
outcomes with you, and in good
time, learning from your unique
experiences as a committed
Human Rights Friendly School.
Is a community where
equality, non-discrimination,
dignity and respect underpin
all aspects of school life.
Provides a learning
environment where all
human rights are
respected, protected
and promoted.
Embraces inclusion
in all aspects of
school life.
the environment. These four areas are not mutually exclusive, rather they are overlapping, and
some activities a school carries out may touch on more than one key area.
It is important to note that integrating human rights into the four areas of school life must be a
gradual process. The ultimate objective of a Human Rights Friendly School will be the integration of
human rights across all four key areas, but this should be achieved at a pace defined by your school
with support from Amnesty International India.
Environment Learning about human rights is most effective if it takes place in an environment
that is respectful of the principles being taught. Human Rights Friendly Schools are physically transformed
into places which reflect, or are an expression of, human rights values. Activities in this area can range
from designating corridors and buildings with human rights names, inviting the community to join in
repairs and refurbishment of existing buildings, to building a human rights area in your school, such as a
garden or discussion room.
human rights fun
Saint Catherine’s School, Ireland
By developing a human rights
friendly playground, the school
discovered an excellent way to
promote human rights in an
informal, outside-the-classroom
setting. Playgrounds can
become a place for active and
authentic human rights
learning by giving students the
opportunity to identify and
stop bullying and violent
behaviour, and to peacefully
mediate conflicts among
each other.
Becoming a Human Rights Friendly School goes far beyond learning and teaching about human
rights. A school must work to integrate human rights principles into all aspects of its
operations and activities, essentially everything it does as a school. This is called a whole
school approach to human rights education.
For better understanding, we have divided school life into four key areas that reflect the broad
spectrum of work a school focuses on day-to-day: relationships, curriculum, governance and
Relationships An atmosphere of equality, nondiscrimination, inclusion, respect, and dignity
across the whole school community. A wide variety of activities can be employed to achieve this,
including trainings or open meetings on rights and responsibilities; outreach projects in the
community; trainings on communication and conflict resolution; school open days; exhibitions with
human rights themes; and partnerships with other Human Rights Friendly Schools around the world.
Empowering schools to
resolve conflicts more
Presentation Secondary School
Warrenmount, Ireland
The entire staff took part in a training day
on restorative justice - a method of
conflict resolution where all disputing
parties are invited to the table and become
part of the solution. Participants were
challenged to recognise alternative ways of
dealing with conflict and to encourage
more positive forms of discipline, in line
with the principles of human rights and
restorative justice. The training day
created a shared language of justice across
the school for teachers to use in their daily
teaching practice.
Governance The way a school is governed plays an important role
in how members of the school community participate in school life.
A Human Rights Friendly School ensures that all people in the school
community contribute towards and have a role to play in the way the school
is governed and managed. Sharing responsibility for governance can often
provide opportunities to cultivate a culture of trust and respect among
school community members.
Sharing rights and
responsibilities in school
KonTiki Skolen, Denmark
The journey to becoming human rights
friendly begins every day with a morning
school assembly which includes students,
teachers and parents. These
whole-school community meetings
provide a forum for updates and
announcements, also serving as a venue
to strengthen a human rights framework
that meets the entire community’s
specific needs. Meetings are chaired by
students on a rotating basis.
Curriculum Opportunities for students to engage in
learning about human rights can be offered both through the
curriculum and through extra-curricular clubs and activities.
Teachers are trained in both human rights and human rights
education methodologies to effectively employ human
rights-based approaches in the classroom.
Bringing human rights into
content and methodology
India Joint Secondary School, Mongolia
With the help of special training,
teachers across the school worked
within their academic department to
develop lesson plans. As a result,
46 new lesson plans which integrated
human rights were implemented in
subjects like Math, Chemistry, History,
Mongolian Literature and English. The
success of this initiative encouraged the
Government of Mongolia to work more
collaboratively with Amnesty
International Mongolia and other
education NGOs to review the national
secondary education curriculum.
Great to have
you back on track!
Keep going. The journey
We are
facilitators. The
ideas are yours
and you are the
owner of your
plan. As you know
your school best,
you make your
plan and we
support you to
implement it.6
There’s more! As an
aspiring Human Rights Friendly
School, you can draw on the
incredible resources of the global
network of Human Right Friendly
Schools! That’s a world of
information and experiences at your
Now, let’s
the plan.
If it’s going well, good job!
Let’s share your successes
with the global network.
If it’s not, let’s
introspect and learn
from our challenges.
This could also be a
good time to check on
how schools within
the global network
tackled similar issues.
Pause: It’s
to continuously
self assess and
evaluate your
So, Review, reject,
modify, and move
on ahead.
5We invite a 3-4 member
team from your school
(comprising leadership and
senior teachers) to attend a
workshop conducted by us.
Bring together
teachers, students,
parents, management,
etc. to collaboratively
map out an annual
action plan for
your school.
Amnesty International India
approaches your school
you’ve heard of our programme
and have contacted us.
1 Based on that action plan,
we do our homework! Why? So
that we can bring back great
resources, including lesson
plans, teacher training,,
material, and
lots more.
Open your mind to the
various fun and
effective activities you
can initiate to get the
human rights friendly
ball rolling.
help you to assess
how human rights friendly
your school already is and
how much more can be done
assist you in creating
a preliminary action plan
3At the workshop, we:
aintroduce you
to the programme
Amnesty International is a
nobel prize winning global
movement with more than
three million supporters in
150 countries who work to
protect human rights.
For more information about the programme
visit us:
Twitter: Rights4Edu
Come join us for your school to become part
of this global network.
Call: +91 (0) 9590226565
Or you can fill the form provided and mail it to:
Amnesty International in India
1074/B-1, First Floor,
11th Main, HAL 2nd Stage,
Indira Nagar,
Bangalore, Karnataka,
India – 560 008
The Human Rights Friendly School Network spans 21 countries across the world:
Benin, Bermuda, Chile, Cote D’Ivoire, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ghana, Hungary, India,
Ireland, Isreal/OT/PA, Italy, Kenya, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Paraguay, Poland,
Senegal, South Africa, United Kingdom.
© Amnesty International India
For more information about the programme contact us: Amnesty International in India,
1074/B-1, First Floor, 11th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indira Nagar, Bangalore - 560 008, Karnataka,
India. Telephone: +91 (0) 9590226565 Email:

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Amnesty brochure

  • 2. Nothing makes us more equal than human rights. No matter how we look, where we are born, what faith we follow, whether we are rich or poor, human rights protects us all equally. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia ©AmnestyInternationalIndia
  • 3. WHATISHUMANRIGHTSEDUCATION? What is Human Rights Education? Human rights education is about equipping all stakeholders with the knowledge, attitudes, values and skills needed to enjoy and exercise their rights, and to respect and uphold the rights of others. It requires the participation of everyone involved in school life – from students, to teachers, staff, as well as parents and the communities that surround the school. Human rights education encourages using human rights as a frame of reference in our relationships with others. It encourages an inquiring mind, it informs arguments, helps in decision-making, cooperating, evaluating, sharing and living according to values. Human rights education encourages us to critically examine our own attitudes and behaviours, ultimately transforming them in order to advance respect for the rights of all. Put another way, Human Rights Education is: ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS – I need to know the principles and values that lie at the heart of human rights before I can begin to understand what it means to me. THROUGH HUMAN RIGHTS – I learn about human rights by putting it into practice. Through inclusive, participatory and democratic methods that respect the rights of others. FOR HUMAN RIGHTS – We teach, learn and internalise human rights in such a way that it becomes part of our daily lives, influencing every interaction, conversation and relationship. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia Visiting a school anywhere in India is a fascinating education in diversity of dress, language, religion, culture and history. Yet that same richness of difference is hurtfully divisive when members of the school community do not understand how they should be treated, and how they should treat others. The awareness and practice of human rights through school is the greatest learning for life. It advances the impact of a school from being a place of education to becoming a nurturing space for rights-respecting, responsible adults. In keeping with the UN World Programme for Human Rights Education, Amnesty International has launched a Human Rights for Education programme to make schools across the world ‘human rights friendly’. By encouraging and supporting the integration of human rights values and principles into key areas of school life, Amnesty is determined to gather together a global community of schools where human rights is celebrated. In our society that is challenged by our ever increasing diversity, it is vital to sow the seeds for Human Rights in schools so that young people can confidently grow into rights-respecting, open-minded & empathetic citizens of the world. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia
  • 4. Human rights education can give schools a shared language of equality, non-discrimination, inclusion, respect, dignity and participation. It is an effective means of communicating the values of human rights to the school community and assisting in integrating those values into the attitude and behaviours of every member. A school that welcomes human rights education is an exciting place to be in. Besides positively impacting the performance of teachers and students in class, human rights education enhances the social and emotional well being of all those involved in school life. The outcome is always: greater empathy, tolerance and respect, and increased confidence to address bullying, prejudice and discrimination. Human rights provide for good inter-personal relations and for making informed and balanced choices – from the playground, into the classroom and back home. Why is Human Rights Education important to schools? ©AmnestyInternationalIndia WHATISAHUMANRIGHTSFRIENDLYSCHOOL? If we respect the environment by reusing, recycling and reducing, we are being eco-friendly. If we create a safe and secure place for children to be in, we are child friendly. So then, what does it take to be human rights friendly? A place that is ‘friendly’ to human rights is one in which all are included yet every indivdual is unique. Everyone is encouraged to take part, regardless of who they are, where they come from and what they have. It is an environment where human rights are learned, taught, practiced, respected, protected and promoted. A school that is human rights friendly embraces human rights and ensures that its values and principles are at the heart of the learning experience and present in all major areas of school life - curriculum, relationships, environment and governance. A whole school approach focuses not just on what is being taught, but how it is taught, with the aim of creating a culture of human rights. What is a Human Rights Friendly School? ©AmnestyInternationalIndia
  • 5. TO SCHOOLS As students, staff and the wider school community become involved in school decision-making processes, their sense of belonging and responsibility to the school increases. Transparency and accountability improve, and relationships are enhanced. Greater respect, co-operation and acceptance reduce anti-social behaviour, such as bullying. Becoming human rights friendly transforms schools into safer and more inclusive places to learn, especially for those who are marginalized or from disadvantaged backgrounds. TO INDIVIDUALS Teachers trained in both human rights content and methodology report greater confidence in creating a positive classroom environment, as well as improved interaction with students. Students exhibit increased capacity for critical thinking, and a better understanding of their rights as well as responsibilities. Students begtin to have heightened awareness of broader community and social issues, as well as develop the leadership skills they need to effectively participate in, and influence, school policies and activities. Teachers and students have enhanced ability to work and learn collaboratively. To quantify the development of a culture of human rights isn’t easy. But it is possible to identify tangible changes as a result of becoming a Human Rights Friendly School. Read about the impact on different stakeholders of the school community and experience the ripple effect. The benefits of being a Human Rights Friendly School ©AmnestyInternationalIndia TO COMMUNITIES Members of the wider community become involved in school life, developing and implementing school policies and activities that promote human rights. As everyone becomes more aware of human rights, young people work twith their wider community to bring about real human rights change beyond the classroom. TO THE NATION A Human Rights Friendly School builds partnerships with local and national organizations to find collective ways of taking action for human rights. It is a model educational system, proving the benefits of integrating human rights education into the formal education system. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia
  • 6. How does it work? The action plan of the human rights friendly schools programme is unique to each school we work with. We believe each school must introspect and self generate how and into which area of school life (more about that a little later) it would like to explore and integrate human rights. We see ourselves as the facilitators and the mentors. It is entirely up to your school to set the goals, determine the pace and make it happen. Remember, there is no finishing line in the journey to becoming a human rights friendly school. The excitement, fulfillment and challenge is the journey itself. It is a dynamic, ever-changing process of discovery that makes this travel rewarding and worthwhile. Amnesty International India will be with you in whatever way is deemed suitable for the programme to develop effectively. Experience has shown that there is often a need for some organizational support in the initial stages, but as the school community begins to take more ownership of the programme, our partnership can evolve accordingly. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia HOWDOESTHEHUMANRIGHTSFRIENDLYSCHOOLSPROGRAMMEWORK? The Human Rights for Education Programme The Amnesty International Human Rights for Education programme aims to build and sustain a rights-respecting society through the integration of human rights into education and the community. The programme seeks to achieve its goal in three phases: start by engaging directly with schools, follow it up by networking all stakeholders to help scale the programme, and finally, widen the debate on the significance of human rights for education to the larger community. To initiate the Human Rights for Education Programme in India, Amnesty International India has begun the process of school engagement through the Human Rights Friendly Schools programme, which will lay the foundation for taking the overall programme to the next level. The Human Rights Friendly Schools programme aims to transform a school into a place where human rights are an integral part of everything the school community does. From the way decisions are made, to the activities that are conducted, to the environment in which students are taught, the school becomes an exemplary model for human rights education. It also empowers schools to join The Human Rights Friendly School Network that already spans 21 countries across the world. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia
  • 7. 10GLOBALPRINCIPLESFORHUMANRIGHTSFRIENDLYSCHOOLS Encourages all members of the school community to participate freely & meaningfully in school life, shaping school policies and practices. Is fair, accountable and transparent in all of its planning, processes, policies and practices. Integrates human rights into all aspects of teaching and the curriculum. Ensures that everyone in the school community has the information and resources they need to participate fully in school life. Protects all members of the school community by making safety and security a shared priority and responsibility. Empowers students and staff to become active members of a global community, sharing knowledge, understanding and learning with others and taking action to create a better world. Works to empower all students to reach their full potential through education, in particular those who are marginalized due to their gender, status or difference. HUMAN RIGHTS FRIENDLY SCHOOL... PARTICIPATION ACCOUNTABILITY EMPOWERMENT A Our Human Rights Friendly Schools programme is rooted in 10 Global Principles which are distilled from international human rights standards, norms and instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). We believe these fundamental principles must inform thought and action of every member of the school community, permeating through the four key areas of school life: Governance, Relationships, Curriculum, and the Environment. For a school to become truly ‘friendly’ to human rights, these principles must enter policy as well as practice; it must touch at the very heart of the school and ultimately, radiate out to the larger community. The Human Rights Friendly Schools of the world have begun to reap the rewards of implementing this programme in school life. The global network of schools awaits your participation, looks forward to sharing its outcomes with you, and in good time, learning from your unique experiences as a committed Human Rights Friendly School. Is a community where equality, non-discrimination, dignity and respect underpin all aspects of school life. Provides a learning environment where all human rights are respected, protected and promoted. Embraces inclusion in all aspects of school life. NON-DISCRIMINATION mnestyInternationalIndia
  • 8. the environment. These four areas are not mutually exclusive, rather they are overlapping, and some activities a school carries out may touch on more than one key area. It is important to note that integrating human rights into the four areas of school life must be a gradual process. The ultimate objective of a Human Rights Friendly School will be the integration of human rights across all four key areas, but this should be achieved at a pace defined by your school with support from Amnesty International India. Environment Learning about human rights is most effective if it takes place in an environment that is respectful of the principles being taught. Human Rights Friendly Schools are physically transformed into places which reflect, or are an expression of, human rights values. Activities in this area can range from designating corridors and buildings with human rights names, inviting the community to join in repairs and refurbishment of existing buildings, to building a human rights area in your school, such as a garden or discussion room. Making human rights fun Saint Catherine’s School, Ireland By developing a human rights friendly playground, the school discovered an excellent way to promote human rights in an informal, outside-the-classroom setting. Playgrounds can become a place for active and authentic human rights learning by giving students the opportunity to identify and stop bullying and violent behaviour, and to peacefully mediate conflicts among each other. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia Becoming a Human Rights Friendly School goes far beyond learning and teaching about human rights. A school must work to integrate human rights principles into all aspects of its operations and activities, essentially everything it does as a school. This is called a whole school approach to human rights education. For better understanding, we have divided school life into four key areas that reflect the broad spectrum of work a school focuses on day-to-day: relationships, curriculum, governance and Relationships An atmosphere of equality, nondiscrimination, inclusion, respect, and dignity across the whole school community. A wide variety of activities can be employed to achieve this, including trainings or open meetings on rights and responsibilities; outreach projects in the community; trainings on communication and conflict resolution; school open days; exhibitions with human rights themes; and partnerships with other Human Rights Friendly Schools around the world. Empowering schools to resolve conflicts more amicably Presentation Secondary School Warrenmount, Ireland The entire staff took part in a training day on restorative justice - a method of conflict resolution where all disputing parties are invited to the table and become part of the solution. Participants were challenged to recognise alternative ways of dealing with conflict and to encourage more positive forms of discipline, in line with the principles of human rights and restorative justice. The training day created a shared language of justice across the school for teachers to use in their daily teaching practice. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia Governance The way a school is governed plays an important role in how members of the school community participate in school life. A Human Rights Friendly School ensures that all people in the school community contribute towards and have a role to play in the way the school is governed and managed. Sharing responsibility for governance can often provide opportunities to cultivate a culture of trust and respect among school community members. Sharing rights and responsibilities in school KonTiki Skolen, Denmark The journey to becoming human rights friendly begins every day with a morning school assembly which includes students, teachers and parents. These whole-school community meetings provide a forum for updates and announcements, also serving as a venue to strengthen a human rights framework that meets the entire community’s specific needs. Meetings are chaired by students on a rotating basis. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia Curriculum Opportunities for students to engage in learning about human rights can be offered both through the curriculum and through extra-curricular clubs and activities. Teachers are trained in both human rights and human rights education methodologies to effectively employ human rights-based approaches in the classroom. Bringing human rights into content and methodology India Joint Secondary School, Mongolia With the help of special training, teachers across the school worked within their academic department to develop lesson plans. As a result, 46 new lesson plans which integrated human rights were implemented in subjects like Math, Chemistry, History, Mongolian Literature and English. The success of this initiative encouraged the Government of Mongolia to work more collaboratively with Amnesty International Mongolia and other education NGOs to review the national secondary education curriculum. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia
  • 9. STEPSTOBECOMINGAHUMANRIGHTSFRIENDLYSCHOOL Great to have you back on track! Keep going. The journey continues…. PS: We are facilitators. The ideas are yours and you are the owner of your plan. As you know your school best, you make your plan and we support you to implement it.6 7 8 9 10 There’s more! As an aspiring Human Rights Friendly School, you can draw on the incredible resources of the global network of Human Right Friendly Schools! That’s a world of information and experiences at your doorstep! 6 Now, let’s activate the plan. 7 If it’s going well, good job! Let’s share your successes with the global network. 8 If it’s not, let’s introspect and learn from our challenges. This could also be a good time to check on how schools within the global network tackled similar issues. 9 Pause: It’s important to continuously self assess and evaluate your progress. So, Review, reject, modify, and move on ahead. 10 ©AmnestyInternationalIndia 1 2 3a 3b 3c 3d 4 5We invite a 3-4 member team from your school (comprising leadership and senior teachers) to attend a workshop conducted by us. 2 Bring together teachers, students, parents, management, etc. to collaboratively map out an annual action plan for your school. 4 Amnesty International India approaches your school or you’ve heard of our programme and have contacted us. 1 Based on that action plan, we do our homework! Why? So that we can bring back great resources, including lesson plans, teacher training,, audio-visual material, and lots more. 5 Open your mind to the various fun and effective activities you can initiate to get the human rights friendly ball rolling. d help you to assess how human rights friendly your school already is and how much more can be done b assist you in creating a preliminary action plan c 3At the workshop, we: aintroduce you to the programme ©AmnestyInternationalIndia
  • 10. Amnesty International is a nobel prize winning global movement with more than three million supporters in 150 countries who work to protect human rights. For more information about the programme visit us: Webpage: Facebook: Twitter: Rights4Edu Come join us for your school to become part of this global network. Email: Call: +91 (0) 9590226565 Or you can fill the form provided and mail it to: Amnesty International in India 1074/B-1, First Floor, 11th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indira Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, India – 560 008 ©AmnestyInternationalIndia The Human Rights Friendly School Network spans 21 countries across the world: Benin, Bermuda, Chile, Cote D’Ivoire, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ghana, Hungary, India, Ireland, Isreal/OT/PA, Italy, Kenya, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Paraguay, Poland, Senegal, South Africa, United Kingdom. ©AmnestyInternationalIndia
  • 12. © Amnesty International India For more information about the programme contact us: Amnesty International in India, 1074/B-1, First Floor, 11th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indira Nagar, Bangalore - 560 008, Karnataka, India. Telephone: +91 (0) 9590226565 Email: