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Interactions in Multi Agent Systems
Dr. Sara Manzoni
Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence research center
Department of Computer Science, Systems and
University of Milano-Bicocca
Summer School AACIMP-2009
Achievements and Applications of
Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and
Lecture 2 – 12.08.2009
Multi Agent System (MAS)
“A modeling and computational approach
considering that simple or complex
activities can be the fruits of interaction
between autonomous and independent
entities (i.e. agents) which operate within
communities (i.e. organized structures) in
accordance with modes of cooperation (=
collaboration + coordination + conflict
resolution) in order to fulfill given goals”
How to describe a phenomenon (solve
a problem) as the result of collective
• Modeling the problem as a structured set of
entities (i.e. organization) able to
– Act in an environment
– Interact: communicate and cooperate in order to fulfill
(common) tasks
– Perceive (locally) the environment and adapt their
behavior according to perceptions
– Possess their own resources, skills, tendencies and
objectives (explicit or implicit)
– Behave (e.g. plan actions) tending towards the
satisfaction of objectives, taking into account available
resources, according to their skills, and depending on
their perceptions
Design of a MAS
What should be modeled?
• Agents
• Organization
• Interactions
• Environment
Design of a MAS (1)
• Agent architecture (Internal structure)
and agent behavior (Agent model)
– actions that can be undertaken
– environment perception
– adaptation mechanism
– goal fulfillment mechanism
• Tools: operative modeling, formalization
and specification languages, knowledge
representation languages
– E.g. production rules, Petri nets
Design of a MAS
(2) Organization
Leaving aside the dynamic dimension, an
organization can be defined and analyzed
– Functionally (roles, tasks, capacities)
– Structurally (divisions, interconnections,
structure (e.g.
Variable according to
mechanisms (e.g.
auction protocols)
emerging from
system behaviour
Design of a MAS (3)
Interactions (1/3)
• An interaction occur when two or more agents
are brought into a dynamic relationship through
a set of reciprocal actions
• Interactions develop out of a series of actions
whose consequences in turn have an influence
on the future behavior of agents
• During interactions, agents are in contact with
each other
– Directly
– Through another agent
– Through the environment
Interactions assume ...
• Presence of agents capable of interacting
and/or communicating
• Situations which can serve as meeting
point of agents
• Dynamic elements allowing local and
temporary relationships between agents
• “slack” in relationships between agents
enabling them to detach themselves from
it (agent autonomy)
Interactions and organizations
• Interactions are an element necessary for
the setting up of social organization
• Groups are
– the result of interactions
– the preferred locations in which interactions
• Interaction is the crucial element in
organizations  Source and Product of
the permanence of the organization
Interaction situation
• A concept introduced to describe activities of agents in
order to identify different types of interactions by linking
interactions to the elements of which they are composed
• Defines abstract interaction categories independent of
their concrete realizations, by distinguishing them
according to
– Main invariables that we find everywhere
– Differences between situations
An assembly of behaviors resulting from the grouping of
agents which have to act in order to attain their
objectives, with attention being paid to the more or less
resources which are available to them and their
individual skills
Example – Building of a house
• Type of interaction  Cooperation situation
requiring coordination of actions
• Interaction situation in which the assembly of
behaviors of the agents (i.e. workforce, architect,
owner, project manager, ...) is characterized by
their own objectives (the same house looked at
from the viewpoints of different agents) and their
skills (know-how of the architect and of different
skilled workers) with attention being paid to the
available resources (raw materials, financing,
tooling, building site)
Collective robotics
Bio-inspired opt algorithms
A classification of
Interaction situations
• According to compatibility of goals
– Agents cooperate when their goals are compatible 
positive interaction situations
– Agents compete when their goals are incompatible 
negative interaction situations
• According to agent ability to available resources
– Conflict arises when resources are insufficient 
negative interaction situations
• According to agent ability to fulfill tasks
– Collaboration arises when agents have insufficient
ability to solve complex problems  positive
interaction situations
Compatibility of goals in reactive
• Negative interaction: the survival
behavior of the one entail the death of
the other
• Positive interaction: the behavior of the
one is not negatively affected by that of
the other
– Cooperation: the behavior of the one is
reinforced by the behavior of the other
• Indifference: the behavior of the one is
not affected at all (neither positively nor
negatively) by the behavior of the other
Symbiosis and prey-predator
• Symbiosis between organisms A and B (e.g. A
nourishes B and B defends A from predators):
reactive cooperation
– Heterogeneous organisms cooperate since each
organism is reinforced by the presence and behavior of
other one
• Prey-predator model: antagonistic cooperation
– Predators cooperate (e.g. group formation) to hunt the
– Antagonistic relationship between predators and their
preys – the survival of preys entails the failure of
• All the environmental
and material
elements that can be
used by agents to
carry out their
• Conflicts arise when
two or more agents
need the same
resources at the same
time and in the same
wanted by A
wanted by B
Conflict zone for
accessing resources
Solving conflict situations
with coordination
• Synchronization (from distributed
systems research)
– of movements
– of access to resources
• Coordination by planning (from
AI): Multi-agent planning
– Centralized planning for multiple
agents – one planner
– Centralized coordination for
partial planning – one coordinator
– Distributed planning
• Reactive coordination
– Coordination by situated actions
(potential fields or marking the
• Coordination by regulation: rules
– to anticipate and eliminate a-
priori conflict situations
– to manage conflict resolution
Coordination in forest ecosystem
Competition on available
resources, needed for
survival and reproduction
Each portion of the territory
- can be inhabited by a tree
- contains a given amount of resources
needed by plants to sprout, grow, survive,
and reproduce themselves
C = {R, P, M, T, S}, where:
R = {R1,…,Rm} – amount of resources
M = {M1,…,Mm} – maximum amount of each
P = {P1,…, Pm} – amount of each resource
produced by the cell at each update step
T – plant state (if any)
S = {s1,...,sn} – number of seeds of each
species present in the cell
Different plant species can inhabit
the same area and compete for
the same resources
Interaction through resources
• The presence of a plant limits the
sunlight diffusion to neighbours and
seeds’ growth
• Different species have different needs
in terms of resources
• Resources are produced and
consumed by plants
• Resource distribution on the territory
Agents skills and tasks
• Tasks
– can be carried out by a single alone (no interaction
– can be carried out alone but the accomplishment
is facilitated by the support of other agents
– need several agents to be accomplished
• In cases of interaction, the resulting system
posses new properties that can be described
as new emerging functionalities
– the produced object is more than the simple sum
of the skills of each of the agents
– interactions between agents enhance the result
Types of interaction (1)
Goals Resources Skills Type
Compatible Sufficient Sufficient Independence
Compatible Insufficient Sufficient Obtrusion
Compatible Insufficient Insufficient Coordinate
Incompatible Sufficient Sufficient Individual Competition
Incompatible Sufficient Insufficient Collective Competition
Incompatible Insufficient Sufficient Individual Conflict on
Incompatible Insufficient Insufficient Collective Conflict on
J. Ferber, “Multi-Agent Systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence”, 1999
Types of interaction (2)
• Independence (G, R, S): simple juxtaposition of actions
carried out by agent independently without effective
• Simple collaboration (G, R, s): simple addition of skills,
without requiring coordination of actions (e.g. When
knowledge is shared among agents)
• Obstruction (G, r, S): agents get in touch in
accomplishing their tasks, but they do not need one
• Coordinated collaboration (G, r, s): agents have to
coordinate their actions to have synergic advantages of
pooled skills (e.g. industrial activities, network control,
design and manufacturing of product) – most complex
Types of interaction (3)
• Pure individual competition (g, R, S): resources are not
limited and the competition is not related to them (e.g.
running racing)
• Pure collective competition (g, R, s): agents have to group
into coalitions or associations to be able to achieve their
goals. Two phase process: individuals ally into groups +
groups are set one against another (e.g. sailing
• Individual conflict over resources (g, r, S): the object of
conflict is the insufficient resource (e.g. Territory,
financial position, animals defending their territory,
humans willing to obtain a better job)
• Collective conflicts over resources (g, r, s): all forms of
collective conflicts in which the objective is to obtain
possession of territory or a resource (e.g. Wars, monopoly
of a good) – collective competition + individual conflict on
• Agent internal architecture can be separated by the
(interaction) model that defines the way agents communicate
• This approach allows the modelling, design and
implementation of heterogeneous entities, sharing an
environment in which they can interact
• Many different interaction models have been defined and
• Often inspired by other disciplines (e.g., social science,
linguistics, biology)
With a-priori
Agent discovery
through middle agents
Middle agents &
acquaintance models
by artifacts
Spatially founded
Direct interaction models
• Agents are able to directly exchange
• Information exchange
– Communication/conversation rules (“protocol”) 
Agent Communication Language (ACL)
– Message structure (shared ontology)  Content
• Information exchange is indiscriminate
– Once an agent knows another one, it will be able
to communicate with it
– No external, contextual factors are considered
Direct interaction model example: KQML
• Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) and
Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) are results of the
ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort
– KQML is an ACL, a high level interaction language
– KIF is a content language, defining syntax of contents
• KQML defines performatives (basic messages to compose
conversations among agents)
• KIF allows to represent information and knowledge about
agents, beliefs, desires, intentions, perceptions plans and
thus their environment
• Agents must share an ontology, in terms a common
vocabulary and agreed upon meanings to describe a
domain subject
KQML Message (speech act)
A KQML speech act is described by a list of
attribute/value pairs e.g. :content,
:language, :from, :in-reply-to.
(tell :sender bookShopAgent123
:receiver ksAgent
:in-reply-to id7.34.96.45391
:ontology books
:language Prolog
:content “price(ISBN3429459,24.95)”)
A KQML Dialogue
Agents A and B “talking” about the prices of
books bk1 and bk2:
A to B: (ask-if (> (price bk1) (price bk2)))
B to A: (reply true)
B to A: (inform (= (price bk1) 25.50))
B to A: (inform (= (price bk2) 19.99))
For convenience message format above is simplified and
attribute/value pairs for :ontology etc. are omitted.
KQML performatives
Some requirements
• Agents need to know their communication partners
– Common approach is to have specific facilitators that are
known by every agent and allow them to get acquainted
– Problems: how many of those ‘middle agents’
(robustness) ? How to keep the aligned ?
• A semantic must be defined to obtain/enforce
meaningful conversations
– Agent considered as a logical reasoner with beliefs, desires
and intentions
– Pre and post conditions defined in terms of a of logic
– Actualization of postconditions triggers preconditions of
other performatives
– What about autonomy ?
Other tools for communication
• The specification of conversations can be
done through several formal models
– Finite State Machines based
– Petri nets based
• The former approach has been widely
used to model, analyze and demonstrate
properties of network protocols
• These appraches also limit agents’
Direct interaction models: pros
• Similarity to existing protocols for distributed
– Point-to-point message passing
– Easy implementation on top of existing middleware
• Simple integration with deliberative agents approach
– Agents exchange facts conforming to some kind of
formally defined ontology
• Formal semantics of ACLs can be easily specified
– Communication semantics is related to agents’ beliefs,
decisions, intentions
Direct interaction models: cons
• Information exchange occurs according to specific rules
– Network protocol like issues (conversation rules, message
 Semantical issues
• communication semantics related to agent internals (beliefs,
decisions, intentions)
• normative semantics limits agents’ autonomy
• Exchanged information must conform to an ontology
that is somehow shared by the agents
 Ontology issue
• Agents need to be aware of the presence of a
communication partner
 Discovery issue
• Direct interaction models do not provide abstractions to
represent elements of agents context
Direct interaction models:
some enhancements
• Discovery issue and agent context
– Middle agents as specific agents collecting
and providing acquaintance information to
entities of the system
– Not a single middle agent, but a network of
them, organized in order to provide
robustness and structure
– Not just mere agent name service, but
information on provided services
With a-priori
Agent discovery
through middle agents
Middle agents &
acquaintance models
by artifacts
Spatially founded
Indirect interaction models
• Agents interact through an intermediate entity
• This medium supplies specific interaction
mechanisms and access rules
• These rules and mechanisms define agent local
context and perception
• Time and space uncoupling
• Name uncoupling
With a-priori
Agent discovery
through middle agents
Middle agents &
acquaintance models
by artifacts
Spatially founded
Artifact-mediated interaction
• Agents access a shared artifact that
– they can observe
– they can modify
• Such artifact is a communication channel
characterized by an intrinsically broadcast
• Specific laws regulating access to this medium
• It represents a part of agents’ environment
Blackboard systems
“Metaphorically we can think of a set of workers,
all looking at the same blackboard: each is able to
read everything that is on it, and to judge when he
has something worthwhile to add to it.”
(A. Newell, 1962)
W1 W2 Wn
Concurrent access control
Linda: a specific blackboard based system
• Tuple space: a sort of blackboard in which tuples
(record-like data structures) can be inserted,
inspected and extracted by agents
• Operations
– out(t) puts a new tuple in the Tuple Space, after
evaluating all fields; the caller agent continues
– in(t) looks for a tuple in the Tuple Space; if not found the
agent suspends; when found, reads and deletes it
– rd(t) looks for a tuple in the Tuple Space; if not found the
agent suspends; when found, reads it
– inp(t) looks for a tuple in the Tuple Space; if found,
deletes it and returns TRUE; if not found, returns FALSE
– rdp(t) looks for a tuple in the Tuple Space; if found, copies
it and returns TRUE; if not found, returns FALSE
Matching rules in Linda
• Example:
out("string", 10.1, 24, "another string")
real f; int i;
rd("string", ?f, ?i, "another string")  succeeds
in("string", ?f, ?i, "another string")  succeeds
rd("string", ?f, ?i, "another string")  does NOT
• Example:
rd(?i,?i)  does not succeed (whatever is the type of i)
From Linda, to mobility and beyond
• Distributed tuple spaces: these systems
allow to have a conceptually shared tuple
space that is spread in a distributed
• More than just distribution
– Programmable, reactive tuple spaces: adding a
behaviour to tuple spaces
– Including organizational abstractions (roles,
policies) to enhance access rules
• References: M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli
Artifact-mediated interaction
models: pros and cons
• Advantages
– The artifact represents an abstraction of agents’
environment, and the burden of interaction is
moved from the agents to their environment
– Interaction is mediated, and can thus be
controlled (enforcement/enactment of
organizational rules)
• Issues
– Complex implementation (in distributed
– How to integrate different artifacts and contexts ?
With a-priori
Agent discovery
through middle agents
Middle agents &
acquaintance models
by artifacts
Spatially founded
Spatially founded interaction
• Artifact mediated interaction are a first step in
agents’ environment modelling
• Such artifacts represent very focused parts of the
environment, and cannot consider the parts of
agents’ context that does not pertain the specific
– They represent a single specific context of interaction
• Other approaches bring the environment
metaphor to a deeper level, providing spatially
founded interaction mechanisms
• Spatial features of the environment are explicitily
considered by interaction mechanisms
Ancestors of Spatial Interaction: CAs
• A Cellular Automata (CA) is a set of homogeneous cells,
evolving in discrete time steps
• Cells form a regular n-dimensional lattice
– Homogeneous neighborhood (e.g. Von Neumann, Moore)
• Cells characterized by
– A state, belonging to a finite set representing possible cell states
– A transition rule, describing cell state dynamics
• Cell  sort of reactive agent
– Which cannot move in the environment
– Can only interact with neighbouring cells according to precisely
defined rules
von Neumann
Moore Neighbourhood
Swarm (and the likes) agent
• Swarm and many derived projects
provide specific environments in which
agents may be placed and interact
• Regular lattices supporting diffusion of
signals that are
– Emitted by entities
– Spread in the spatial structure
– Affecting other entities
– Evaporating over time
• Diffusion strictly related to specific
environmental structures
Agents and
A coordination model for
self-organizing agents
[S. Bandini, S. Manzoni, C. Simone, Dealing with Space in Multi-Agent System: a model for Situated
MAS, in Proc. of AAMAS 2002, ACM Press, New York, 2002]
Formal and computational
framework where to
describe, represent and
simulate complex systems
according to a situated
MAS approach
Coordination as result of interactions
Field-based interaction model
- Indirect interaction model between
- Intrinsically multicast
- Agent interactions occur when
agent states are “compatible”
Interaction through Fields
• Fields are generated by agents to interact at-a-distance and
• f = <Wf, Diffusionf, Comparef, Composef>
– Wf: set of field values
– Diffusionf: P X Wf X P Wf X…XWf
field distribution function
– Composef: Wf …XWf Wf
field composition function
– Comparef: Wf X Wf  {True, False}
field comparison function
Agents Perception
T  < ∑T, PerceptionT, ActionT>
Set of states that agents of type T can assume
Set of allowed actions for agents of type T
PerceptionT: ∑T [N X Wf1] …[N X Wf|F|]
•PerceptionT(s) = (cT(s), tT(s))
•cT(s): coefficient applied to field values
•tT(s): sensibility threshold to fields
•An agent perceives a field fi when
T(s)) is True
Field based interaction: emission & perception
• Fields are signals
emitted by agents and
diffused in the
• Their intensity is
possibly modulated in
their diffusion
• Other agents may
perceive these signals
according to their
perceptive capability,
state and the signal
value they receive
• Effect of perception
defined by agent
CompareT(f×c,t) = false
CompareT(f×c,t) = true
CompareT(f×c,t) = false
Agent Coordination Language:
action: emit(s,f,p)
condit: state(s)
effect: present(f, p)
action: trigger(s,fi,s’)
condit: state(s), perceive(fi)
effect: state(s’)
Subway station scenario
• Various crowd behaviors can take
• Passengers' behaviors difficult to
• Crowding dynamics emerges
– Social interactions between
passengers  social rules
– Interactions between single
passengers and the environment
(signs, doors, constraints)
action: transport(p,fi,q)
condit: position(p), empty(q), near(p,q), perceive(fi)
effect: position(q), empty(p)
Coordinated movement in space

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Mathmodsocsys3 090827155611-phpapp02

  • 1. Interactions in Multi Agent Systems Dr. Sara Manzoni Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence research center Department of Computer Science, Systems and Communication University of Milano-Bicocca 4th Summer School AACIMP-2009 Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics Lecture 2 – 12.08.2009
  • 2. Multi Agent System (MAS) “A modeling and computational approach considering that simple or complex activities can be the fruits of interaction between autonomous and independent entities (i.e. agents) which operate within communities (i.e. organized structures) in accordance with modes of cooperation (= collaboration + coordination + conflict resolution) in order to fulfill given goals”
  • 3. How to describe a phenomenon (solve a problem) as the result of collective behavior • Modeling the problem as a structured set of entities (i.e. organization) able to – Act in an environment – Interact: communicate and cooperate in order to fulfill (common) tasks – Perceive (locally) the environment and adapt their behavior according to perceptions – Possess their own resources, skills, tendencies and objectives (explicit or implicit) – Behave (e.g. plan actions) tending towards the satisfaction of objectives, taking into account available resources, according to their skills, and depending on their perceptions
  • 4. Design of a MAS What should be modeled? • Agents • Organization • Interactions • Environment
  • 5. Design of a MAS (1) Agents • Agent architecture (Internal structure) and agent behavior (Agent model) – actions that can be undertaken – environment perception – adaptation mechanism – goal fulfillment mechanism • Tools: operative modeling, formalization and specification languages, knowledge representation languages – E.g. production rules, Petri nets
  • 6. Design of a MAS (2) Organization Leaving aside the dynamic dimension, an organization can be defined and analyzed – Functionally (roles, tasks, capacities) – Structurally (divisions, interconnections, relationships) Fixed, predefined structure (e.g. Hierarchy) Variable according to predefined mechanisms (e.g. auction protocols) Variable, structure emerging from system behaviour
  • 7. Design of a MAS (3) Interactions (1/3) • An interaction occur when two or more agents are brought into a dynamic relationship through a set of reciprocal actions • Interactions develop out of a series of actions whose consequences in turn have an influence on the future behavior of agents • During interactions, agents are in contact with each other – Directly – Through another agent – Through the environment
  • 8. Interactions assume ... • Presence of agents capable of interacting and/or communicating • Situations which can serve as meeting point of agents • Dynamic elements allowing local and temporary relationships between agents • “slack” in relationships between agents enabling them to detach themselves from it (agent autonomy)
  • 9. Interactions and organizations • Interactions are an element necessary for the setting up of social organization • Groups are – the result of interactions – the preferred locations in which interactions occur • Interaction is the crucial element in organizations  Source and Product of the permanence of the organization
  • 10. Interaction situation • A concept introduced to describe activities of agents in order to identify different types of interactions by linking interactions to the elements of which they are composed • Defines abstract interaction categories independent of their concrete realizations, by distinguishing them according to – Main invariables that we find everywhere – Differences between situations An assembly of behaviors resulting from the grouping of agents which have to act in order to attain their objectives, with attention being paid to the more or less resources which are available to them and their individual skills
  • 11. Example – Building of a house • Type of interaction  Cooperation situation requiring coordination of actions • Interaction situation in which the assembly of behaviors of the agents (i.e. workforce, architect, owner, project manager, ...) is characterized by their own objectives (the same house looked at from the viewpoints of different agents) and their skills (know-how of the architect and of different skilled workers) with attention being paid to the available resources (raw materials, financing, tooling, building site)
  • 12.
  • 14. A classification of Interaction situations • According to compatibility of goals – Agents cooperate when their goals are compatible  positive interaction situations – Agents compete when their goals are incompatible  negative interaction situations • According to agent ability to available resources – Conflict arises when resources are insufficient  negative interaction situations • According to agent ability to fulfill tasks – Collaboration arises when agents have insufficient ability to solve complex problems  positive interaction situations
  • 15. Compatibility of goals in reactive agents • Negative interaction: the survival behavior of the one entail the death of the other • Positive interaction: the behavior of the one is not negatively affected by that of the other – Cooperation: the behavior of the one is reinforced by the behavior of the other • Indifference: the behavior of the one is not affected at all (neither positively nor negatively) by the behavior of the other
  • 16. Symbiosis and prey-predator • Symbiosis between organisms A and B (e.g. A nourishes B and B defends A from predators): reactive cooperation – Heterogeneous organisms cooperate since each organism is reinforced by the presence and behavior of other one • Prey-predator model: antagonistic cooperation – Predators cooperate (e.g. group formation) to hunt the prey – Antagonistic relationship between predators and their preys – the survival of preys entails the failure of predators
  • 17. Resources • All the environmental and material elements that can be used by agents to carry out their actions • Conflicts arise when two or more agents need the same resources at the same time and in the same place Resources wanted by A Resources wanted by B Conflict zone for accessing resources When? Where?
  • 18. Solving conflict situations with coordination • Synchronization (from distributed systems research) – of movements – of access to resources • Coordination by planning (from AI): Multi-agent planning – Centralized planning for multiple agents – one planner – Centralized coordination for partial planning – one coordinator – Distributed planning • Reactive coordination – Coordination by situated actions (potential fields or marking the environment) • Coordination by regulation: rules – to anticipate and eliminate a- priori conflict situations – to manage conflict resolution
  • 19. Coordination in forest ecosystem Competition on available resources, needed for survival and reproduction Each portion of the territory - can be inhabited by a tree - contains a given amount of resources needed by plants to sprout, grow, survive, and reproduce themselves C = {R, P, M, T, S}, where: R = {R1,…,Rm} – amount of resources M = {M1,…,Mm} – maximum amount of each resource P = {P1,…, Pm} – amount of each resource produced by the cell at each update step T – plant state (if any) S = {s1,...,sn} – number of seeds of each species present in the cell Different plant species can inhabit the same area and compete for the same resources
  • 20. Interaction through resources • The presence of a plant limits the sunlight diffusion to neighbours and seeds’ growth • Different species have different needs in terms of resources • Resources are produced and consumed by plants • Resource distribution on the territory
  • 21. Agents skills and tasks • Tasks – can be carried out by a single alone (no interaction required) – can be carried out alone but the accomplishment is facilitated by the support of other agents – need several agents to be accomplished • In cases of interaction, the resulting system posses new properties that can be described as new emerging functionalities – the produced object is more than the simple sum of the skills of each of the agents – interactions between agents enhance the result
  • 22. Types of interaction (1) Goals Resources Skills Type Compatible Sufficient Sufficient Independence Compatible Insufficient Sufficient Obtrusion Compatible Insufficient Insufficient Coordinate Collaboration Incompatible Sufficient Sufficient Individual Competition Incompatible Sufficient Insufficient Collective Competition Incompatible Insufficient Sufficient Individual Conflict on resources Incompatible Insufficient Insufficient Collective Conflict on resources J. Ferber, “Multi-Agent Systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence”, 1999
  • 23. Types of interaction (2) • Independence (G, R, S): simple juxtaposition of actions carried out by agent independently without effective interaction • Simple collaboration (G, R, s): simple addition of skills, without requiring coordination of actions (e.g. When knowledge is shared among agents) • Obstruction (G, r, S): agents get in touch in accomplishing their tasks, but they do not need one another • Coordinated collaboration (G, r, s): agents have to coordinate their actions to have synergic advantages of pooled skills (e.g. industrial activities, network control, design and manufacturing of product) – most complex coordination
  • 24. Types of interaction (3) • Pure individual competition (g, R, S): resources are not limited and the competition is not related to them (e.g. running racing) • Pure collective competition (g, R, s): agents have to group into coalitions or associations to be able to achieve their goals. Two phase process: individuals ally into groups + groups are set one against another (e.g. sailing competition) • Individual conflict over resources (g, r, S): the object of conflict is the insufficient resource (e.g. Territory, financial position, animals defending their territory, humans willing to obtain a better job) • Collective conflicts over resources (g, r, s): all forms of collective conflicts in which the objective is to obtain possession of territory or a resource (e.g. Wars, monopoly of a good) – collective competition + individual conflict on resources
  • 25. INTERACTION MODELS IN MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS • Agent internal architecture can be separated by the (interaction) model that defines the way agents communicate • This approach allows the modelling, design and implementation of heterogeneous entities, sharing an environment in which they can interact • Many different interaction models have been defined and implemented • Often inspired by other disciplines (e.g., social science, linguistics, biology)
  • 26. INTERACTION MODELS IN MAS: A TAXONOMY Agent interaction Direct interaction Indirect interaction With a-priori acquaintance Agent discovery through middle agents Middle agents & acquaintance models Guided/mediated by artifacts Spatially founded interaction
  • 27. Direct interaction models • Agents are able to directly exchange information • Information exchange – Communication/conversation rules (“protocol”)  Agent Communication Language (ACL) – Message structure (shared ontology)  Content Language • Information exchange is indiscriminate – Once an agent knows another one, it will be able to communicate with it – No external, contextual factors are considered
  • 28. Direct interaction model example: KQML • Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) and Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) are results of the ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort – KQML is an ACL, a high level interaction language – KIF is a content language, defining syntax of contents • KQML defines performatives (basic messages to compose conversations among agents) • KIF allows to represent information and knowledge about agents, beliefs, desires, intentions, perceptions plans and thus their environment • Agents must share an ontology, in terms a common vocabulary and agreed upon meanings to describe a domain subject
  • 29. KQML Message (speech act) A KQML speech act is described by a list of attribute/value pairs e.g. :content, :language, :from, :in-reply-to. (tell :sender bookShopAgent123 :receiver ksAgent :in-reply-to id7.34.96.45391 :ontology books :language Prolog :content “price(ISBN3429459,24.95)”) performative parameter value
  • 30. A KQML Dialogue Agents A and B “talking” about the prices of books bk1 and bk2: A to B: (ask-if (> (price bk1) (price bk2))) B to A: (reply true) B to A: (inform (= (price bk1) 25.50)) B to A: (inform (= (price bk2) 19.99)) For convenience message format above is simplified and attribute/value pairs for :ontology etc. are omitted.
  • 32. Some requirements • Agents need to know their communication partners – Common approach is to have specific facilitators that are known by every agent and allow them to get acquainted – Problems: how many of those ‘middle agents’ (robustness) ? How to keep the aligned ? • A semantic must be defined to obtain/enforce meaningful conversations – Agent considered as a logical reasoner with beliefs, desires and intentions – Pre and post conditions defined in terms of a of logic formalization – Actualization of postconditions triggers preconditions of other performatives – What about autonomy ?
  • 33. Other tools for communication semantics • The specification of conversations can be done through several formal models – Finite State Machines based – Petri nets based • The former approach has been widely used to model, analyze and demonstrate properties of network protocols • These appraches also limit agents’ autonomy
  • 34. Direct interaction models: pros • Similarity to existing protocols for distributed systems – Point-to-point message passing – Easy implementation on top of existing middleware platforms • Simple integration with deliberative agents approach – Agents exchange facts conforming to some kind of formally defined ontology • Formal semantics of ACLs can be easily specified – Communication semantics is related to agents’ beliefs, decisions, intentions
  • 35. Direct interaction models: cons • Information exchange occurs according to specific rules – Network protocol like issues (conversation rules, message formats)  Semantical issues • communication semantics related to agent internals (beliefs, decisions, intentions) • normative semantics limits agents’ autonomy • Exchanged information must conform to an ontology that is somehow shared by the agents  Ontology issue • Agents need to be aware of the presence of a communication partner  Discovery issue • Direct interaction models do not provide abstractions to represent elements of agents context
  • 36. Direct interaction models: some enhancements • Discovery issue and agent context – Middle agents as specific agents collecting and providing acquaintance information to entities of the system – Not a single middle agent, but a network of them, organized in order to provide robustness and structure – Not just mere agent name service, but information on provided services
  • 37. Agent interaction Direct interaction Indirect interaction With a-priori acquaintance Agent discovery through middle agents Middle agents & acquaintance models Guided/mediated by artifacts Spatially founded interaction INTERACTION MODELS IN MAS: A TAXONOMY
  • 38. Indirect interaction models • Agents interact through an intermediate entity • This medium supplies specific interaction mechanisms and access rules • These rules and mechanisms define agent local context and perception • Time and space uncoupling • Name uncoupling
  • 39. Agent interaction Direct interaction Indirect interaction With a-priori acquaintance Agent discovery through middle agents Middle agents & acquaintance models Guided/mediated by artifacts Spatially founded interaction INTERACTION MODELS IN MAS: A TAXONOMY
  • 40. Artifact-mediated interaction • Agents access a shared artifact that – they can observe – they can modify • Such artifact is a communication channel characterized by an intrinsically broadcast transmission • Specific laws regulating access to this medium • It represents a part of agents’ environment
  • 41. Blackboard systems “Metaphorically we can think of a set of workers, all looking at the same blackboard: each is able to read everything that is on it, and to judge when he has something worthwhile to add to it.” (A. Newell, 1962) Blackboard W1 W2 Wn Concurrent access control
  • 42. Linda: a specific blackboard based system • Tuple space: a sort of blackboard in which tuples (record-like data structures) can be inserted, inspected and extracted by agents • Operations – out(t) puts a new tuple in the Tuple Space, after evaluating all fields; the caller agent continues immediately – in(t) looks for a tuple in the Tuple Space; if not found the agent suspends; when found, reads and deletes it – rd(t) looks for a tuple in the Tuple Space; if not found the agent suspends; when found, reads it – inp(t) looks for a tuple in the Tuple Space; if found, deletes it and returns TRUE; if not found, returns FALSE – rdp(t) looks for a tuple in the Tuple Space; if found, copies it and returns TRUE; if not found, returns FALSE
  • 43. Matching rules in Linda • Example: out("string", 10.1, 24, "another string") real f; int i; rd("string", ?f, ?i, "another string")  succeeds in("string", ?f, ?i, "another string")  succeeds rd("string", ?f, ?i, "another string")  does NOT succeed • Example: out(1,2) rd(?i,?i)  does not succeed (whatever is the type of i)
  • 44. From Linda, to mobility and beyond • Distributed tuple spaces: these systems allow to have a conceptually shared tuple space that is spread in a distributed environment • More than just distribution – Programmable, reactive tuple spaces: adding a behaviour to tuple spaces – Including organizational abstractions (roles, policies) to enhance access rules • References: M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli
  • 45. Artifact-mediated interaction models: pros and cons • Advantages – The artifact represents an abstraction of agents’ environment, and the burden of interaction is moved from the agents to their environment – Interaction is mediated, and can thus be controlled (enforcement/enactment of organizational rules) • Issues – Complex implementation (in distributed environments) – How to integrate different artifacts and contexts ?
  • 46. Agent interaction Direct interaction Indirect interaction With a-priori acquaintance Agent discovery through middle agents Middle agents & acquaintance models Guided/mediated by artifacts Spatially founded interaction INTERACTION MODELS IN MAS: A TAXONOMY
  • 47. Spatially founded interaction • Artifact mediated interaction are a first step in agents’ environment modelling • Such artifacts represent very focused parts of the environment, and cannot consider the parts of agents’ context that does not pertain the specific artifact – They represent a single specific context of interaction • Other approaches bring the environment metaphor to a deeper level, providing spatially founded interaction mechanisms • Spatial features of the environment are explicitily considered by interaction mechanisms
  • 48. Ancestors of Spatial Interaction: CAs • A Cellular Automata (CA) is a set of homogeneous cells, evolving in discrete time steps • Cells form a regular n-dimensional lattice – Homogeneous neighborhood (e.g. Von Neumann, Moore) • Cells characterized by – A state, belonging to a finite set representing possible cell states – A transition rule, describing cell state dynamics • Cell  sort of reactive agent – Which cannot move in the environment – Can only interact with neighbouring cells according to precisely defined rules von Neumann Neighbourhood Moore Neighbourhood Extended Moore Neighbourhood
  • 49. Swarm (and the likes) agent environment • Swarm and many derived projects provide specific environments in which agents may be placed and interact • Regular lattices supporting diffusion of signals that are – Emitted by entities – Spread in the spatial structure – Affecting other entities – Evaporating over time • Diffusion strictly related to specific environmental structures
  • 50. Spatial structure Agents and behaviours At-a-distance interaction A coordination model for self-organizing agents [S. Bandini, S. Manzoni, C. Simone, Dealing with Space in Multi-Agent System: a model for Situated MAS, in Proc. of AAMAS 2002, ACM Press, New York, 2002] SCA (MMASS) – Formal and computational framework where to describe, represent and simulate complex systems according to a situated MAS approach
  • 51. Coordination as result of interactions Field-based interaction model - Indirect interaction model between agents - Intrinsically multicast - Agent interactions occur when agent states are “compatible”
  • 52. Interaction through Fields • Fields are generated by agents to interact at-a-distance and asynchronously • f = <Wf, Diffusionf, Comparef, Composef> – Wf: set of field values – Diffusionf: P X Wf X P Wf X…XWf field distribution function – Composef: Wf …XWf Wf field composition function – Comparef: Wf X Wf  {True, False} field comparison function
  • 53. Agents Perception T  < ∑T, PerceptionT, ActionT> Set of states that agents of type T can assume Set of allowed actions for agents of type T PerceptionT: ∑T [N X Wf1] …[N X Wf|F|] •PerceptionT(s) = (cT(s), tT(s)) •cT(s): coefficient applied to field values •tT(s): sensibility threshold to fields •An agent perceives a field fi when CompareT(ci T(s)…wfi,ti T(s)) is True
  • 54. Field based interaction: emission & perception • Fields are signals emitted by agents and diffused in the environment • Their intensity is possibly modulated in their diffusion • Other agents may perceive these signals according to their perceptive capability, state and the signal value they receive • Effect of perception defined by agent behavioural specification CompareT(f×c,t) = false CompareT(f×c,t) = true CompareT(f×c,t) = false emit(f)
  • 55. Agent Coordination Language: primitives action: emit(s,f,p) condit: state(s) effect: present(f, p) action: trigger(s,fi,s’) condit: state(s), perceive(fi) effect: state(s’)
  • 56. Subway station scenario • Various crowd behaviors can take place • Passengers' behaviors difficult to predict • Crowding dynamics emerges – Social interactions between passengers  social rules – Interactions between single passengers and the environment (signs, doors, constraints) action: transport(p,fi,q) condit: position(p), empty(q), near(p,q), perceive(fi) effect: position(q), empty(p)